#bringing my iconic twitter thread to tumblr
Why High School Musical 2 and Revenge Of The Sith are almost the same film
Okay so we have the main character
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who is a part of a community
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But he's worried about his future e.g Anakin is worried about Padme dying, Troy is worried about going to college and knowing what to do with his life.
He has a best friend who's got his back
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and a love interest
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We then have a villain/girlboss
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who really admires the main character and will do anything to have them join them.
So Palpatine/Sharpay offers Anakin/ Troy what they want. Anakin wants Padme to be safe and rank of master. Troy wants a college scholarship.
Over time Anakin/Troy loses his morals and begins to enjoy this new power, driving him away from the Jedi/wildcats.
We see this with Anakin giving into the dark side, and Troy loving his italian shoes and new golf job and being rude when his friends are serving him food. Also ditching his friends to play basketball with the scholarship people.
There is also a side plot where Anakin gets false suspicions of Obi-Wan and Padme being a thing, and Troy gets sus about Ryan and Gabriella being a thing.
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Anyways now that palpatine/sharpay has Anakin/Troy, they no longer need their original partner/apprentice
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Obi-Wan/Chad confronts Anakin/ Troy and have a big falling out
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 And Padme/Gabriella are so heartbroken that they have a really dramatic goodbye scene.
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Padme dies/Gabriella leaves and everyone is mourning their leaving
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Palpatine/sharpay commits the worst offence. Palpatine executes order 66
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Sharpay makes the east high crew work during the talent show.
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The main difference is that Troy realises his errors and fixes everything, whilst Anakin continues on into the dark side.
Oh and that there’s no singing in Revenge of the sith but you CAN’T tell me that Anakin wasn’t singing Bet On It whilst he was alone on mustafar.
The end.
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jewish-vents · 2 months
first - i just want to say thank you for making this blog. it’s so important to know that we aren’t alone in the many things we’re experiencing and feeling right now, especially when so many of us have become painfully isolated as of late.
i apologize for how long this one is going to be.
i’ve been feeling so, so alone recently. my tumblr dash has been cut down to just a handful of jewish blogs that i can trust to be kind and understanding and nuanced, but it means that the majority of the content i see is about antisemitism and the war. after a while, it becomes draining to scroll through what feels like endless sadness. i turned to looking at fandom tags instead of following fandom blogs, but it makes me feel equally as insane to click on a blog about race cars and immediately see a post with 60k notes calling what’s happening in gaza “the new holocaust”. i started going back on twitter, but fan accounts on there too are only safe for a day or so before the account owner shares some awful antisemitic tweet from an account known to be an anti-jewish extremist. i went back on instagram briefly, but i was soon afraid to look at people’s stories for fear i’d see something terrible and lose yet another trusted person from my life.
in person, i have to walk by signs saying “zionism = genocide” and hastily scribbled palestinian flags with the colors in the wrong spot on my way to class every day. a wall across from my apartment says “BDS” in giant letters. i haven’t opened my curtains in months because of it. a “protest” of about 25 people stood in the center of campus and yelled and waved their fists in passing students’ faces, so jewish students didn’t go to class on any of the days they gathered. i only have one non jewish friend left at school - the rest abandoned me because i either called them out on antisemitic rhetoric or refused to go along with the idea that anyone, palestinian or israeli, muslim or jewish, is less than human. i had taken several of them along to our hillel’s seder in the past. i don’t know who i can safely go with this year. i have a few jewish friends, of course, but i love bringing goyische friends with little connection to judaism along to experience how joyful and loving jewish holidays can be.
it feels like there is no escape from this fucking war. it sickens me that it’s the only thing people pretend to care about - where is the attention for sudan, ukraine, armenia, uyghurs in china, syria, guyana? how is putting an emoji in your twitter bio or putting a translucent overlay of the palestinian flag on your tumblr icon any sort of real activism? how have we gone from “antisemitism is wrong” to “(((zionists))) control the world media”? it seems like the war is a fandom to these people. it seems like nobody cares enough to fully read and think critically about what they share, let alone do real research beyond looking at an infographic somebody shared on their instagram story. they’ll add on “don’t forget your click today!” to an unrelated twitter thread that went viral, flip the bird at the local starbucks, and put “won’t you free my palestine” on their instagram stories. they’ll anonymously tell a jew online to commit suicide. they’ll feel secure in the knowledge that they’re the perfect leftist, that this is somehow “good trouble”. all this praxis, and nothing to show for it but massive surges in hate crimes against jews. good job, guys! you singlehandedly saved every innocent person in gaza!
it’s isolating. it’s scary. jews can’t mourn. jews can’t be angry. jews can’t disagree. jews can’t suffer. jews can’t be whole, complex people with diverse beliefs and experiences. suffering is a game, and the goal is to hurt the most, scream the most, die the most, all to appease western leftists whose closest connection to war and violence was reading the hunger games in middle school.
i’m tired of it all. i want a peaceful and just resolution to the war. i want the mindless hatred everywhere to stop. i want to be able to scroll through social media and see nothing but fandom. i want to walk through campus with my magen david showing and all the friends i lost by my side on the way to the hillel seder. i want to open my curtains again. i know the experience of one diaspora jew is nothing compared to what people living in israel and palestine are currently going through, yet i still need this all to end. i don’t think any of us can go on like this, but we must, because we have. for thousands of years, we’ve gone on. that still doesn’t mean it has to be this hard all the time.
all i can think is “now we are slaves. next year may we be free.” now we are slaves to hatred and violence and suffering. next year may we all be free. next year may we all be in jerusalem.
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notjustanyboggs · 8 months
So NewFest is having their 35th Annual New York LGBTQ+ Film Festival, and since 2020 they've had streaming options. This has been absolutely wonderful, getting to see a wide range of queer films, both long and short. I previously posted Twitter threads as I watched shows each year, but Xitter sucks now, so doing it on Tumblr instead! Will update/reblog as I see more.
Big Boys - Jamie was excited to go camping with his cousin, but then she brings her boyfriend along and he finds himself with unexpected feelings. This was absolutely adorable, especially Jamie, the super awkward 14-year-old who I felt in my soul.
Shorts: Queer Teen Magic - One of my favorite things about NewFest are the short film collections, and this was a perfect pairing with the queer teen awakening of Big Boys. Though all of them but the documentary had a speculative twist, which was fun. THE PRINCE’S DILEMMA: A nice imitation and reflection on the limits of Disneyfied stories. MIKEY’S ARMY: Imaginary celebrity icons stepping in to help a queer teen take a nerve-wracking step. EVAN EVER AFTER: A documentary about a confident trans prom queen in Florida. SKY AND LUCIA: A queer girl finds herself disappearing - literally - in emotional situations. JAMIE’S POND: A queer kid finds belonging with a naiad. SHOOT YOUR SHOT: Two friends trying to tackle all their feels. HEX THE PATRIARCHY: Title says it all.
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arrogantsoap · 1 year
back on tumblr to possibly stir the pot on tumblr queen fandom idk
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(these are for context)
I was talking about it on twitter as you can see on the images above and decided to move it here because.
this is a huge rant, it might piss people off.
Idk, this is conspiracy theory but whatever, it's not like my opinion has any relevance. I saw a few comments on the thread of op's post mentioning how fucked up it is of roger and brian to contribute to borhap being the way it is (villainizing freddie for being gay basically). and like. idk. I've checked out of this fandom quite a while ago, so I'm not exactly keeping up with anything. but like it would be interesting to analyze them as a "friend group" again. because behind the scenes there might've been some fucked up homophobia going on, or some shit like that. like it definitely seems like the image they're trying to paint of themselves is only that clean to hide something else.
and now im going off my own tweet, like i see no reason for them to be so quiet/private about certain aspects of their lives (? idk how to explain this). like, you could argue that because they're still alive they still have an image to maintain of sorts. but idk. look at the beatles. everybody knew they were fucked up and now the remaining living ones just say yeah actually we were fucking insane. now queen seems a lil weird. they're a seventies rock band, im guessing everyone who knows anything about seventies rock bands will assume they were all fucking insane, but instead of ever elaborating on it (from what I can recall from more recent interviews I remember seeing/reading) they just don't really mention it??? like it's always about freddie, and how freddie was a tormented genius who fucked up his own life because he was crAazy guys!! idk. they (brian and roger more directly) never really let the people in their lives and their actual thoughts on things. they make sure to always mention freddie (because how could you not, really) but always say exactly the same things, i haven't seen an actual thoughtful retrospective by them. and it just feels like they're hiding shit, y'know? they seem very pr friendly.
and yeah maybe you could argue it's for privacy reasons. but they like talking about their past. just not about themselves and how they played a part in their past. borhap is the proof. they do like using queens image and !!to me!! it seems that it is solely for profit.
one of the great things about biographies and biopics and all that is the reflection about past events, revisiting events with a clearer understanding of context, being able to see clearly the different sides of the same story and all. but the remaining of queen seems to suffer from a chronic lack of self awareness when it comes to their own lives. and again !!!!to me!!!! that might be a sign that they weren't friends (with freddie) perse after all. mccartney can shit on lennon all he wants but he never diminished his importance or paint him in a bad light after his death for the sake of his own image, and that's a telltale sign of love and respect between the two of them.
and back to the homophobia bit, i don't think i explained it all that well. it's interesting how freddie was one of the biggest queer icons and impacted so many lives, but since his legacy was in the hands of the straight people around him it got all warped as soon as they had the opportunity. I could understand a biopic like borhap being made about him by some random director with loads of money to spend and no interest in queen/freddie besides the money their image could bring (think the movie yesterday). but it's completely different that roger and brian wanted the story to be told like that. that just shows that no matter how much they say they loved freddie (and who am i to say they didn't) they didn't bother to respect him.
idk. idk idk idk. this is just a convoluted way to say: queen's version of the story we've got so far seems iffy. i don't really trust it. but maybe im just misinformed. in that case just ignore what i said.
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ceylonolivetree · 25 days
There's something so strangely beautiful about platonic soulmates who express romance through their art. This duality, this ability to exist in two different worlds, one of romance in their performances and one of platonic friendship in their personal lives is such a beautiful paradox.
Before I found out about Tessa and Scott, the only pair I knew as a child growing in an Asian household was Kajol-Shah Rukh Khan. Plot twist! They weren't a romantic couple but were platonic partners. Here's a little bit about them before we dive into the fun thread (I don't know what they call 'threads' in Tumblr, I'm a twitter user trying to figure out Tumblr. lol)
Kajol and Shahrukh Khan, a pair synonymous with Bollywood royalty, first graced the silver screen together in 1993 with ‘Baazigar’. Over three decades (30 years), they have starred in seven films, each a testament to their electric chemistry and enduring appeal.
Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir, Canada’s cherished ice dancers, began their journey together when she was just seven and he was nine. For 22 years, they glided across the ice carving stories of passion, precision, and grace. Their performances, including two Olympic gold medals, have not only won them accolades but have also captured the essence of a partnership that is both powerful and poetic.
You find your platonic soulmate squishable!
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Dancing like, "I think I'm madly in love with you, I'll die for you" when they can't actually wait for it to end to laugh and say, ‘Isn’t it hilarious how everyone think we’re a couple?’
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When you know that you and your bestie became that power couple who took figure skating to new heights/single handedly introduced Bollywood to the world. Ufff... when you know you bring people to their feet by maximizing that joint slay!
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When you know that your nation literally calls you-all sweethearts and you had an entire nation believe that you are married when in reality she/he was your platonic bestie. Sorry hopeless romantics! I'm new to Scott and Tessa here because I'm not Canadian but trust me, every kid in the 2000s in South Asia grew up thinking that Kajol and Shah Rukh were married. It's so funny that even the costars (who are younger than them) of their last movie too thought that they were married when they were just children watching them on screen.
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You find joy in trying to make people uncomfortable and confuse them by telling them, "We're not a couple!" for the millionth time because people refuse to believe that you're not in love with him/her. It was probably exhausting for them to answer that question, but I think a part of them enjoyed the mystery that their relationship created in the minds of people.
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When you get a sweet little kiss from your bestie who is pretending to be your girlfriend.
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Let's be goofy!
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When you know that you still love him/her even after all those years and even though you don't perform together. Reunions are always sweet!
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You are so annoying, but I love you!
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For those who have no idea about Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol (especially if you aren't Asian), I would love to recommend 'My name is Khan' , Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, and of course the iconic Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge.
Bonus: For all the desi girls and boys who were fooled by them!
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tessavillaverde · 2 years
I’m Home
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Not me opening up a Tumblr blog since a literal decade ago. Being a marketer and talent manager, working in social media management and whatnot had me so jaded, I felt like my identity was slipping away. And here I see Tumblr, frozen in time in 2013 just like I foolishly left it for Facebook. For what? 26k followers that ended up hating me for being trans and keeping the 100 or so homies after I left in 2019 because of the privacy issues deteriorating my mental health to the point of manic depression and paranoia? Leaving Zuckerville for Twitter to fight fascist weebs with their crusade to make Vic Mignogna their cultural icon and cult leader felt like the right thing to do when I alienated my audience on FB in 2018.
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Not me regretting my social media journey thus far. Twitter has been nothing but pain and suffering and doing what I can to help others have less pain and suffer—even if it meant holding their abusers accountable, even if it meant deplatforming Nazis and pedophiles. I don’t regret the actions I took to carve up a place on the cesspit that is Twitter for queers, BIPOC, and neurodivergent people to call home within the VTuber Scene. This also means that my work there isn’t done. I’ll pay the corporate tax and see what happens.
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Not me realizing that I had to carve out a space for myself and others like me. The world ended in 2020 and I had already came out as trans, demiromantic, demisexual, and queer in 2018 (started HRT in 2020). It was at that time that I gave up my writing efforts to fully deep dive into VTubers, become one myself, and make a community of people and build a business from the ground up to ensure that the right people succeed with VTubing as a sustainable career. Fast forward to 2022 and a lot of controversies I found myself tangled up in and shitty people I helped cancel, and I end up having a healthy amount of clientele.
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Not me having to survive all these years. I moved out away from my abusive father after he pushed me into a fridge and had me unconscious on the ground because of the activist communities, mutual aid societies, and VTuber community that I loved so much. In hindsight, I moved out too soon with the wrong people even though I thought them to be friends when I was being used in my moments of desperation and my momentum died with the responsibilities I had to take on to maintain that household and do my best to stabilize. The events I had to endure in the 2020s year alone are more than many have in an entire lifetime and I’m tired.
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Not me now making a Tumblr blog since I’ve procrastinated on having a blog to begin with for my business, Project Evergreen. I now am safe and stable in a much better place. I am now at a point in my career after the tumultuous volatility that I had to face graduating in spring 2020 and never was able to land a job to the point where I can pay all of my bills, have a social life, pay down debt, and even invest money into my business and into my girlfriend/wifey’s VTubing career. I am fortunate to be here and to have the support of my community and clients who appreciate my expertise. I wouldn’t have this privilege without any of them.
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Not me writing into a void like old times. Therapeutic and serene is the eternal darkness of a blog when avoiding the overstimulating corporate hell. Twitter threads just didn’t cut it. I’ve always been a blogger my entire life even with forums. Seeing Discord have forum posting and Tumblr making a comeback brings tears to my eyes. In 27 long years of living, I can now rest my weary head and cry no more. I can escape into a corner of the internet that is advertised by users as literally being autistic, Dadaist, and just not taking Twitter bullshit that actively deteriorated my mental health. I’ve known Tumblr for some nonsense, but Twitter has been life altering for the good reasons I put above, but also has burned me the fuck out and made me jaded.
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Not me feeling like I can use this blog to post extended thoughts and detailed, nerdy marketing and branding jargon with a tinge of anti-capitalism when I make Twitter threads. Medium just never cut it and corporate work has me burned out on website building as a career (I mean, people compare Google to decaying shopping malls for a reason: marketers have ruined the search engine and Google’s greed followed suit). I don’t need to focus on SEO or rely on monetization. If I get tipped, cool. If I rank high consistently by pure gut instinct with my marketing expertise, then fine. But that’s not the point.
The point is, I’m home. It’s good to be back.
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soldofficial · 7 months
To celebrate hitting 10k subscribers for the first time on YouTube, I decided to update my social media banner. And it’s really interesting to see what has changed with my content since when I last updated it only 9 months ago.
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Here’s my 10k subscriber screenshot (which still has the old banner on it).
💚 At the time I didn’t know that Linktree had a logo, so I just made a “video player” icon for it. 😭
💜 Two spots below that I linked my Twitch, which as of the current date, I’ve phased out of my scheduling completely. The reason for that being that I just don’t really like the company that much anymore, and that I feel much better saying “Sold the YouTube Streamer” than “Sold the Twitch Streamer”. Crossing my fingers that I can actually hold a stream schedule so I can call myself that properly though.
🩵 Below that I had linked my Twitter account, which was a much more reasonable thing to do 9 months ago. I spent a long time wondering if I even wanted to link my X/Twitter on my banner considering it feels like a sudo-endorsement of the platform. Similarly to how I feel about Twitch, but probably worse. I don’t want to be an “X Creator”. I actually at one point while designing my new banner had taken it out and replaced it with my Threads link, but in the end I grudgingly decided to add it, just a few more rows down this time. I just have too many cool mutuals and creator friends active on there to abandon it now as much as I want to.
🖤 Then I originally had my TikTok linked, since I made that banner 9 months ago I’ve become much more welcoming of being a “TikToker”. Even back then it was my biggest platform, but I was really trying to downplay it. Now I’m a lot more excepting of that idea. Because of this, on the new version, TikTok is linked right under my YouTube as the third link and the second social on the banner. The new order across all the links is much more representative of the order I prioritize my content per platform in.
💙 Then I had the last part of my Discord Server’s link written. This was just kind of impractical. I still have big plans for the Discord Server in the future, but it’s just hard to put in a banner. So for now I’ve removed it completely.
🤍 And finally, the last thing I had linked was my Epic Games Support-a-Creator Code, at the time it was one of my only sources of revenue and I was also very proud of being an Epic Games Partner, so I can’t blame myself for putting it there. However recently, like last month recently, it has expired. I’ve made the descion to not renew it because I don’t really play any Epic Games games anymore, and it was bringing in near nothing amounts of money anyways.
🧡 So that’s everything that’s changed from what I used to do, so then what have I added? In recap I used to have my Linktree, YouTube, Twitch, Twitter, TikTok, Discord Server, and Epic Games Creator Code linked. First I’ve reduced the amount of links on there from 7 to 6 just for simplicity’s sake, and the new line-up looks like: Linktree, YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, X/Twitter, and Tumblr. This is much more showing of my current priorities as a creator (both in platform choice and order). The two new additions are of course Instagram and Tumblr. Originally I didn’t like Instagram that much, but I’ve had a fair amount of recent success on it and I like what it brings to the table. Then there’s Tumblr, I don’t post a whole lot here, but I would like to, for the opposite reason as why I left Twitch actually. I feel good about being a Tumblr user. “Sold has a Tumblr blog” just sounds so on-brand for me, so I’m very excited to see where this goes because I’m passionate about this platform.
Anyways here’s the final banner update.
Hopefully I can take X/Twitter off here eventually 🤮
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Also all the banners just say “Sold” now instead of the specific channel name, with luck it will make more people call me “Sold” instead of “SoldToGaming” or “SoldToTyping”, which would be good for branding consistency.
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91cmspoilers · 7 months
Get to know the admin!
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Name — Pie! Or Vital!
Pronouns — She/Her or They/Them
Preferred comms — Discord and Tumblr IM's.
Name of muse — Iz/uru Kamu/kura (slashes bc i dont want this to show up in the tag)
Experience in RP — Really depends I rped in gaiafourms as a kid but didn't get into seriously rping in 2012ish when I started high school. I've rped on Twitter, Instagram, and on Tumblr. But I mainly switch between Twitter and Tumblr. Also, considering bringing back my twt acc for Izzy.
Best experiences — I don't wanna narrow it down but every rpc community I've been in has an enjoyable experience.
Pet peeves / Dealbreakers — Not proper spacing. Not trimming posts. Extra large icons. I don't mind sprites-- Just don't clog up my dash tbh.
Muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ) — All are on the table! I'm a big Slice of Life Enjoyer! And I also like writing fighting threads (when plotted out with another mun. I also base my moves through dice roles haha). And AUs! I love aus.... If you've rped with me for a long time, I always have some sort of idol/band au for my muse. And I love crossovers and making AUs for them!
Plot or memes — Either are great! I work well with both.
Long or short replies — I range from one-liners (for like crack or silly stuff) to like a few short paragraphs. I'm not here to write an essay. Just give me enough to work with!
Best time to write — Whenever I have access to my computer. So basically after work or on my day off, depends on the vibe of the day.
Are you like your muse — Kinda? Boyfriend says I can be pretty blunt with a few logical stuff backed up with what I am saying. Other than that, I feel emotions lolol unlike Izzy here
Tagged by: No one! I just saw this on my dash and did it hehe
Tagging: Knock ur self out who ever wants to do this.
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d4rk---wat3r · 2 years
Ugh, so i deleted all of my other social media accounts. Twitter... she gone. IG, bye gurl TikTok– had to stop Social media is so good at randomly provoking extreme emotions in me. I go into a rage keyboard psychosis. Blind posting thoughts and feelings on certain topics. Anyway so I went on a whole rant on IG about Dazed Magazine cuz they posted some bogus shit. I will not even go into detail because it's irrelevant. But I posted it and it is not to say that I do not respect what Dazed has done for the magazine publishing industry at all. I just think that their digital writing can be lazy and is stale sometimes. However, I will say that visually and in the past the writing is what made Dazed the iconic publication we all know. All that I was trying to say is..... DO BETTER !! I had to delete though because this Balenciaga shit came out and the way that my head almost exploded. I could feel myself opening the IG app, furiously swiping left on the screen to the stories tab, hitting that create button, firing off onto the keyboard and getting a kick off the adrenaline pumping through my veins while I watch the letters get smaller and smaller against the diagonal rainbow background. I thought about the cigarette I would smoke afterwards and got so much pleasure. Decided against it though because it felt sick. Like, who gives af?? Literally no one. All I'm basically doing is free marketing at this point and that's kinda sad. Willing to do anything other than face my own problems smh lol. It was fun/funny though not gonna lie. But I've been informed that my sense of humor can be a lil "off-color" at times. Trying to understand how I feel about being perceived in that way. I think it could be nice to sit for a bit with the things that I am wanting to publish online and not bring my instant reactions to things to a public domain. However, I still have to stay true to myself. Thinking, thinking, reflecting, processing ,,,, u get it. I need to do like a digital detox, but I'm doing it by process of elimination. Trying to be on Tumblr more tho so we'll see how it goes. But y'a;ll I'm hanging on by a thread over here. The Internet is a hell of a drug and I am very much abusing it. The IG, Twitter, TikTok loop I was stuck in was so sinister. I had to go ahead and clock out
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dreamautonomy · 3 years
Thank you, thank you for the tag @fanarain. I took my time with this. I swear, I got to find a tag game to share with my followers and those I follow. @dreamautonomy needs more love and activity. 😭
I will answer questions about @dreamautonomy (my main that’s not officially a main) and @defectiveconantoy (my more popular Tumblr).
1. Why did you choose your url? I came up with the name Dream Autonomy waaaaay back in 2008. At the time, I was inspired by Kazimierz Dąbrowski's theory of positive disintegration (TPD), where he explained that one must go through anxiety and psychological tension to achieve autonomy and true individuality. In my teens, I dreamt of independence and autonomy, to live on my own terms and break away from society’s rat race. I still do to this day.
For my DCMK stuff, I’ve considered the name Conanology, but someone on Twitter took it. I wanted something witty. Then, I stumbled upon that Reddit post with the counterfeit Conan and Ayumi action figures. They looked so ridiculous and badly made it’s almost a joke. The thread’s first comment: perfect as a funny username. Unfortunately, defectiveconan was already taken here, so I settled with defectiveconantoy (also nicknamed by me as DFCT - DeFective Conan Toy) instead.
2. Any side blogs? @relaxwithanime because there’s a lot of relaxing anime, and I want to showcase relaxing anime scenes. @sillydogpictures, which has no posts. I wanted to show pictures of dogs with intentionally or unintentionally silly faces. 🐶
3. How long have you been on tumblr? It’s complicated! I began lurking back in 2010 or 2011 but didn’t create an account until 2014 with the original dreamautonomy, now the defunct @olddreamautonomy. I never used it until mid or late 2020.
I made @defectiveconantoy back in October 2020 because I considered participating in the DCMK Secret Santa event. I eventually decided not to, as I was busy with school and coping with the pandemic. I didn’t need more deadlines then.
4. Do you have a queue tag? Nope! I should make one once I learn how.
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place? I planned to use @dreamautonomy as a creative blog for posting photography, graphic design, food and travel stuff, motivational stuff, and more. Never happened!
DFCT was made for Detective Conan and Magic Kaito fandom stuff, nothing else.
Stupid me made @defectiveconantoy a completely separate account, even after realizing minutes later that I could have made it a side blog. Oh well! I mostly use Tumblr for fandom stuff nowadays, so I deleted my old Dream account and made a new account as a side blog under @defectiveconantoy. Now, I no longer have to use different apps and browsers for both blogs. Life is good!
6 . Why did you choose your icon/pfp? For Dream, I chose Retsuko from Aggretsuko. That scene wonderfully represents the agony of one’s twenties: working miserable jobs, not being taken seriously, and wishing life was more fulfilling than the average adult life. There she is being “one of us” on a Sunday by lying in bed and scratching her butt. 😂
And for DFCT, how could I not post action Conan from The Fist of Blue Sapphire with the counterfeit action figure’s head replacing the original Conan’s head? 🤣
7. Why did you choose your header? For Dream, because Retsuko’s bouncing her little tail off. For DFCT, because Ran is precious in that scene, all soft and shy.
8. What's your post with the most notes? @defectiveconantoy’s set of GIFs from the Ferris Wheel scene in the Episode ONE special. And that’s my original post. I’ve reblogged even more popular stuff by others.
9. How many mutuals do you have? About a dozen.
10. How many followers do you have? @dreamautonomy: 9 (Most are p*rn bots I’ve reported for spam and blocked. Have no idea WTF I did to attract them.). @defectiveconantoy: 175!! 😁
11. How many people do you follow? 72!
12. Have you ever made a shitpost? I don’t know. I think I only post relevant memes.
Here am I typing this after spending years confusing shitposts with really funny, sometimes offensive memes. I’m still confused about the meaning of a shitpost. I’m not very trend or meme savvy.
13. How often do you use tumblr each day? About 10-20 times a day, usually through my phone app.
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog once? Over ten years ago on websites that Tumblr, Twitter, etc. long replaced in popularity. Even then, I’ve usually been a lurker for most of my life and rarely engaged in arguments or debates. Whenever I did, I regret it to this day. I looked stupid (everyone did, actually). What a waste of time!
I wish I hadn’t forgotten about Detective Conan back in 2004. The DCMK Tumblr fandom is chill and AWESOME! I wonder what the fandom was like back in the 2000s.
15. How do you feel about "you need to reblog this" posts? Ehh…it depends. If it’s something most or everyone agrees with, I might reblog it. I don’t know about you, but such posts often bring the rebel in me. If you say, “REBLOG IT,” I say, “Ehh! Nope.” 😋 Anyway, life is short. I’d rather stick to fandom and humor, things that unite people and make them smile.
16. Do you like tag games? Of course! That’s how I get to know everyone. I should initiate tag games and tag all of you.
17. Do you like ask games? YES! I should start ask games as well.
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is [tumblr] famous? We interrupt this program to give mad props to that nicely formatted Tumblr logo-fied text. 👌
Aaaanyway, I won’t name names. Some are Tumblr famous for different reasons, and that’s what matters. We all contribute different things while being under the same main fandom, ships, arcs, and adaptations aside.
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual? No! Why ruin this nice little Tumblr space for drama? It’s not worth having a crush on people you’ve never met face-to-face imo. I’m not repeating my teenage mistakes.
20. Tags: anyone happy to participate! 😁
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repost with the rules, answer the 11 random questions left for you, and leave 11 more for the people you tag
what’s your favorite headcanon about your muse? oh god...  i really love my synthesia one !  it’s not i can work easily into all threads so any chance i get to bring it up ... 10/10 time.
favorite book?  it’s hard to say... probably a tossup between perks of being a wallflower, wuthering heights, northanger abbey, asoue
what do you do when you need to reinvigorate your muse (ex. watch things, listen to music, etc)? i pull up my pinterest boards, spotify playlists, browse the tags, sometimes edit on photoshop!
what’s your computer background? it’s currently the galaxy image i use for my space multi @spacetrekked
if you got to meet your muse, what would you say to them? please, see a therapist, take a nap and eat something
if you use icons, how many do you have for your muse(s if you’re a multi)? uhhh i am between icons at the moment .... so of my new icons, i’ve only made 60
what is your least favorite food?  i’m allergic to seafood/shellfish and anything with mustard seed or powder in it --- so uhh... a lot of things.
what social medias does your character have? twitter, spotify, facebook (but not super active there anymore)
when did you make your blog? this specific account is almost a year old, this blog in general, i’ve have in some shape or another since 2017
would your muse like your personal music taste? he’d like some of it. we both listen to bits of everything so there’s gonna be some crossover
what’s something fun that you’ve done recently?  logged onto tumblr properly.... i’ve been doing school only since january !
tagged by: @sensesdialed
tagging: @experimcnts @soughtreasure @horrorstoried @wingedshield @loteriias @lorelaithesecond @statesangria @unecrth
my questions !
1. what are some ships you want to explore but havent had a chance to yet?
2. are you a pinterest nerd or a spotify playlist nerd?
3. name your longest running muse!
4. whats one character you wish you could go back to, and one you never wanna write again?
5. what’s one headcanon you’ve written or thought of that you’d like to revisit and change?
6. lets get messy - what’s your favourite thing that everyone else in your fandom hates?
7. does anyone in your offline life know about your blog(s)? why or why not?
8. if your muse ran a youtube channel, what kind of youtuber would they be?
9. red licorice or black licorice?
10. what lowkey road trip / activity do you want to do this year?
11. if you could have anything to eat or drink right now, what would it be?
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def-march · 4 years
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A little update for you guys, since ya’ll deserve it after literal months of radio silence and me only really being on twitter and discord since like, March, really.
Since covid started, almost all my motivation was shot point blank and I could hardly bring myself to write or RP, and I just ended up forcing myself to write, which lowered the quality tremendously and I just,,, stopped looking at tumblr all together because of how overwhelmed I was. I lost my job, my dad’s heart issues were getting worse, and I genuinely don’t remember anything from March until I got my job back (which was in June, iirc, I don’t actually know).
Went back to my job after restrictions lifted, which took a huge toll on my mental health because it’s just,, such a toxic work environment, my dad got open heart surgery done in August, which is the same month I started developing hallucinations for no particular reason. They just,, appeared and have been progressively getting worse since.
In October I got fired because the owner just,, didn’t like me anymore and someone left a THREE star review that singled me out and told a bunch of lies which was enough justification to chop me off, so to speak. I have a new job, thats better and not retail so that’s an automatic upgrade.
Since October I’ve been trying to get an appointment with my old therapist but I’ve had to cancel and switch things around, and she told me the wrong information to find a psychiatrist so I wasted time getting pulled in every which direction until I found myself a family doctor (who i do not like,) but I need a doc to get me a referral so I can be diagnosed with ANYTHING. My depression has been so very, very bad, to the point here I stopped drawing all together for a concerning amount of time (which, if you know me, is not a good thing.)
My mom packed up and left in the middle of the night basically sometime during the summer and I’ve also been reliving a lot of related trauma thanks to that. My dad’s having complications with his heart because he doesn’t listen to the doctors and I’m honestly here, trying to just survive so I can hopefully go to college next year. It’s just been,, really hard for me and idk is thats an excuse or w/e.
I’ve genuinely felt the happiest I’ve been in a very long time because of the twewy announcement and want to get back to writing 777 and the rest of def maerch because they’re so important to me.
However, before I get back to writing I want to rehaul this blog a fair amount before i DO get back to writing. I think the layout will remain the same, but images and pages will be updated and a proper bio for 777 and the crew will be written. I’ll be sitting down and applying his psd to the icons, as well as updating older icons that no longer match my art style-- It’s going to be a lot of work and time before I’m writing again and because of this, I think it’s better that any threads I had are dropped. if you want to continue any, let me know PLEASE.
After I’m finished with 777′s blog, I’m going to also work on a Sho blog because I’ve been wanting to play around with his muse for a while now and what’s a better time to do that than with the neo announcement?
If you ever want to talk, for any reason, I genuinely don’t bite!! -- the fastest way to reach me is through discord (WhateverTrash#1450), or twitter (outofyourvector)
But yeah, it’s been. A lot, and a time, so if you read through this, thank you for caring, it means more than you think.
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2019 Megaman Valentine’s Day Contest Rules Post
It’s year number 12 of lovey dovey-buku contest art, and I’m back at it again. No secret categories, no surprise themes. These are just the two options you all voted on the most, this time around. Let’s do it!
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Two categories, in which you are allowed to submit one entry for each category, if you would like. If you place in one category, you will be automatically disqualified from the other, for reasons of fairness, and to give other people a chance to win a prize.
CATEGORY 1:  The Way To A Mega Man’s Heart Is Through His Stomach (Talent)
Content Requirements:
        * A pinup category focusing on Mega Man characters who are cooking, baking, eating, feeding their partner, lounging on or around supersized pieces of food,  or creatively wearing clothing that appears to be made out of aesthetically appealing food products. Basically, some sort of delectable food must be drawn along with at least one character.
        * As this is the talent category, judging will be based primarily on the overall composition of your piece and your artistic skills. How well can you bring delicious, appetizing food to life, along with your delicious, appetizing character(s)?
Who says robots can’t enjoy food? Certainly not Fully Charged Guts Man. XD
A popular proverb has long held that one can often fall deeper in love due to their partner preparing their favorite food or sharing a romantic meal with one another. There have been many instances of Mega Man characters who would likely operate in a similar fashion, due to their love for their fave dishes. Netto has his insatiable craving for curry, while his papa Yuuichirou’s palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy, as he holds his fork waiting for mama’s spaghetti. Megaman Volnutt wants his sweets so badly, he’d kick a vending machine to pieces to get them, or bug the lady at Jetlag Bakery for those yummy confectioneries. Kelvin Stelar went a more healthy route and loved carrots as much as his wife’s homemade carrot gratin. And don’t forget the delicious cake waiting for Ashe or Grey in the fridge of Hunter’s Camp 4.
So, your task for this category is to draw the Mega Man character(s) of your choice tempting their Valentine with some delicious food. Some sweets for their sweetie, if you will. But the character you draw can be pretty tempting themselves, to go along with their treats. Create a tastefully seductive combo meal that will leave our mouths watering for more!
Now remember, as much as some of you out there might have first thoughts to draw some melons, bananas and glazed honey buns, this category is not meant to get explicit. No frontal nudity is allowed. So please follow tumblr brand censorship guidelines™ when creating your art, or it will be flagged, hidden from the public and not included in the competition. ;p
CATEGORY 2: Princess Sigmia Returns (Humor)
Content Requirements:
           * A Megaman character who takes the primary form of another, opposite gender Megaman character due to a magical crown/mystery tank/navigator’s headset/biometal/battle chip/etc. This character is looking for love this Valentine’s Day. How they attempt to obtain a date/partner is up to you.
           * As this is the humor category, judging will be based primarily on how funny your piece is. Consideration will also be given to a lesser degree on your creativity in combining your characters into a hybrid, and your overall design for them. But the point of this category is to make us laugh!
Following 2018’s hottest videogame art trend, that of the genderbent transformation of Bowser and crew into Princess Peach-looking alternate forms of themselves, it’s time to continue that spin with more Mega Man characters.
Looking to clean up real nice in the ultimate battle body for a night of love and romance, Princess Sigmia is ready to hit the club/restaurant/park/etc., and this time she’s brought friends.
Your goal for this category is to create the funniest romantic scenario this hybrid character can get into on Valentine’s Day. What made them use this magical, transformative item? What are the reactions of other characters to this newly made up character, who resembles someone they thought they knew? Let your imagination run wild, and draw most hilarious creation you can come up with!
There are no restrictions on what characters you merge, and no, you don’t have to stick with my combination of Sigma and Alia. You can base your transformations off of heroes or villains, minor enemies or main characters. It just has to follow the similar format of gaining the appearance of a familiar character of the opposite gender, while still retaining some characteristics of the original character. So, whether you create Mistress Ashebert, Mega Man VolBonne, Rainbow Cieldevil, Prince Praika, or Crimson Akane, the combinations are all up to you!
It’s the usual, ‘get-what-you want’ option, for the top 3 artists in each category. As always, if you prefer a cash prize through Paypal, and just need the money, that’s typically the easiest and quickest option to get your reward.
But like normal, I will be flexible and work with the winners to purchase Megaman-related prizes, if there’s something you’ve really had your eye on and would like ordered. Be it a Roll Caskett 4-inch Nel, Fully Charged figures, artbook re-releases, Mastermix issues, or some other trinket. If I can find it within your prize price range and order it to be shipped straight to you, I will do all I can to make it happen!
The winners for both the Talent and Humor categories will receive the following:
          *1st Place: $100 USD or an item(s) up to that value.
          *2nd Place: $50 USD or an item(s) up to that value.
          *3rd Place: $25 USD or an item(s) up to that value.
Since they have gone pretty well in the past, I once again will be offering participation prizes. Some might say a few of these are quite X-cellent prizes, in honor of X’s 25th anniversary this year. In order to be eligible for the participation prizes, all you need to do is enter a pic for either the Talent or Humor Category!
Like previous years, if there is a prize here you are NOT interested in, please note that when you send in your submission(s) to me. Otherwise, you will be automatically entered in the raffle for a chance at each of these items.
If you draw a pic for both the Humor and the Talent Categories, you can double your chances to win! (Odds of course, depending on how many others enter and also draw two pics.) You will be able to add your name into the drawing a second time for just 1 of these prizes.
Raffle Prize #1 – Rockman 8 Anime Cel (with Genga)
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Name a more iconic Duo. I’ll wait. This cel of Duo is a tight headshot from the midgame cutscene. After waking up, Duo sees the vial of Evil Energy by Doctor Light’s computer, crushes it, and proceeds to say “HE STILL LIVES!” before screaming in this frame and blasting off through the ceiling of Light Labs.
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This is almost quite certainly your last chance to win a Rockman 8 cel from me, so best of luck to all who want to take it home!
Thanks to a generous donation from @silentally, there are also 3 other pairs of raffle prizes (*pictures to be edited in and added soon):
Raffle Prize #2 – Set of Mega Man X Official Complete Works Artbook and a beaded Zero keychain
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Raffle Prize #3 – Set of a framed 3D sprite art piece of X’s iconic Vile battle, as Zero comes to the rescue, and a handmade Zero plush
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Raffle Prize #4 – Set of Tamashii Buddies Zero figure and a Zero emblem wristband
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When you submit, I would prefer you to include the following information in this format, along with your entry:
•   (Your name/preferred alias) – As much as I usually know who you are, there’s always someone new or somebody who has a different preference from what their email name says.
•   (Category this entry is for) – You can either say 1 or 2, or Talent/Humor
•   (Participation Prize Eligibility) – Just write “All” if you are interested in the chance to win anything. Write: “Exclude from # __” if you do not have interest in winning a particular participation prize.
In the event you are submitting your second entry, please specify which prize # you would like your bonus chance in the raffle to be put towards.
Only submit your own work, as usual. Any character, major or minor, from any series is allowed. Pairing characters from different series is totally allowed. Same-gender pairings are completely fine. OCs are allowed, as long as your art contains at least one canon Megaman character.
As always, participants are allowed to submit from all over the world. It’s easier for me to get prizes to US entrants, because international shipping is complicated and pricey, but I’ll do what I can for you guys who aren’t in the States.
Paypal is still the preferred method for cash prize payouts. Please have a valid account to receive your winnings.
Youngin's, get your parents permission before entering.
Entries do not need to be colored, but it is preferred. The more effort put into things as always, the better chance you have!
Entries can either be e-mailed to me at rock2125[at]hotmail[dot]com, or you can just PM/note me a link to your pic.
DO NOT post your pics in this journal, your dA galleries, Twitter, tumblr blogs, other sites, etc. until the contest is over. This is the fairest way for competitive reasons. I prefer to keep them all secret until the deadline has passed.
I'll edit a confirmed entry list in this thread when I receive them. So you won't be in the dark about whether or not I've received your entry.
The deadline for this contest will be Tuesday, February 12th, 2019 by 11:59PM CST. *EXTENDED!* New deadline is Wednesday, February 27th, 2019. This gives you a little more than 5 weeks to finish your entry!
As usual, If you don't plan to enter, but would like to help me judge, please let me know through DM or mention so here. Never hurts to have extra opinions on all the entries.
Bug me with questions if you have any. Please join in, and good luck to everyone who enters!
Cat. 1 (Talent) - @prar-draws, @larytello, @drewblossom, @bracedshark, subzeroiceskater, @irischroma, @papillonthepirate, SockMonkii
Cat. 2 (Humor) - @drewblossom (x2), @bracedshark, subzeroiceskater, 
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criimsoncloud · 5 years
🌸 🌹 🌲🌼
ask me lots of mun stuff with flowers || ( accepting !! )
🌸 = my roleplay petpeeve
It’s pretty much known how much reblogging my RP threads / posts and how much it just pisses me the fuck off when people cannot fucking read the “DO NOT REBLOG” at the bottom, so other than this, I won’t touch it.
Here’s something different that I get a little pissed about too - this one is more specific to tumblr RPs, and specifically tumblr blogs.
When I click on your blog, and your links are super hard to friggen find– I honestly hate themes that have links scattered all over the character / background art and I end up literally having to guess what your ‘rules’ page is labelled under because fuck it I have NO patience to wave my mouse around your page. Honestly - I get headaches if I have to hunt your links down, and it does actually make me want to RP with a person less. I get it, it’s aesthetics, but URG. It’s not accessible, and I have to strain to guess what looks like could be a possible link or not.
If you’re gonna do something like that… please, have a mobile navigation. 
If you follow me, and I don’t follow back, it could be because I don’t see us interacting. It could be that I don’t want to interact with your character for personal reasons. It could also be because I could not find your rules page and just left.
( This really just boils down to aesthetics vs content, really. I don’t care if you don’t format your rps, I don’t care if you use icons or not. I don’t care if you have a pretty blog or not. What I care for is if I can read your stuff, if I can check your rules, and if I like how you write. )
🌹 = my opinion on your character
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But in truth, I hope they bring back Mundus in any future games; I personally love villain characters, and I would love to see a return of him in the future as more than just ‘the background evil dude who’s currently stuck in a crab pot can demon time out that Dante stuck him in. I want to witness his absolute evil in full, HD glory–
🌲 = if I ship our characters together
… listen. Listen, Roxas, and listen closely.
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Don’t you dare jokeship with me, even as an anon.
it becomes a real ship now and it is now the ship that I’m becoming known for on twitter.
I thought I’d build up my reputation as a DanV artist – and now look at what sort of content I’m doing now.
🌼 = a song I identify with your character
Devil in a Midnight Mass by Billy Talent - specifically in regards to Mundus and V–
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asexualzoro · 6 years
so you want to make a twitter (part 2)
i’ve seen a few guides on twitter for new twitter users, which is nice, but something about having the posts being things you had to finds on twitter--a new site for the people who needed those guides--seemed unhelpful to me. so, i figured id make a small series of guides of my own here for anyone considering a move (or just making an account) who dont know how
this is a series of posts, since im going to be sort of detailed, so feel free to use just the pieces you need. ill tag them all “lews twitter tutorials” so you can find them on my blog
this is written under the assumption that youve read part 1 of this mini guide series, and dont know anything about twitter or any other social media site but tumblr
ill put it under a cut to save your space, but here’s the most important feature of twitter: tweeting!
so, tweeting. this is something you obviously have to know how to do.  this is how to make a tweet, differences between tumblr and twitter, and how to interact with a tweet
so, making one! when you make a new tweet on mobile, the screen looks like this
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(the icons are p much the same whether you use mobile or desktop, so it doesnt matter which i use)
first, the tweet itself! tweets can only be up to 280 characters, and cant be edited once you post them. theres no feature to bold, italicize, underline, or add linked text in twitter, so its not as good as tumblr for stuff like that, unfortunately. 
here’s what the icons at the bottom do, from left to right
- pictures! this is sort of straightforward: it lets you add pictures. a tweet can only contain either 4 pictures, 1 gif, or 1 video. you cant have a gif and a picture, or a picture and a video. 
a note for artists! twitter is known to compress image quality when images are uploaded, BUT there is a workaround! if you have even one single transparent pixel, your image wont be compressed. 
a note for everyone! you can enable image transcription captions in settings (Settings > Accessibility > compose image descriptions). this allows you to type a short image description to any image you post, if you choose to. it’s a feature i recommend you have on and try to use for your followers who might have worse vision!
- gif keyboard! this image is a search for reaction gifs, basically. i almost never use it bc i can usually never find the specific gif im looking for...
- polls! tis is a feature i like about twitter! it allows you to conduct anonymous polls with up to four options. you can set a time limit and leave it up to allow people to respond. settle arguments between you and your friends or get opinions!
you cant post an image and a poll in the same tweet, so if you want opinions on something in an image, just have the poll be a reply to your tweet
- location! you can add your current location to any tweet. ive had this disabled for so long i genuinely dont know like... anything about this.
listen, im trying my best
- the little circle at the bottom which is grey with a dot of blue is the character counter. the circle is grey when empty, and gets bluer as you tweet. it wont count out how many characters you have left until youre within 20 of being full, in which case itll let you know so you dont go over the limit. 
- finally, theres the + icon, which is for making threads. it lets you edit multiple tweets at once, connected in a string. threads are helpful for a lot of reasons!
if you have information to share, then put it together in a thread! if one tweet in a thread is retweeted, it’s marked as being part of a thread. this will encourage readers to look at the rest!
if you like to livetweet series, put it in a thread! this allows you to keep all your livetweets in one place, and also allows people following you to mute the thread if they arent interested
- i also know on mobile if you close out with the X, you can save a tweet to drafts to edit and post later. i dont know if you can do this on desktop because i never use desktop, and when i have, i couldnt ever find the drafts thing. i know if you delete the app, all your drafts are deleted, too
WELL, now that youve got the basics on a tweet....
interacting with the tweets of others
okay, heres a bit on what buttons do what, and some Twitter Manners
here’s our sample tweet, posted. this isnt how it appears on the timeline, but how it appears once you click it, so i can show the full range of things you can do with a tweet.
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you can see the tweet, who posted it, and the date/time, and other stuff
- profile. top left. if you click the icon/display name/handle of the op, you can go to their profile!
- menu. see the little arrow in the top right corner? thats a menu. 
on your own tweet, you can delete the tweet here, pin it to your profile, or mute it. muting a tweet means you no longer get notifications when someone interacts with it
on someone else’s tweet, you can follow or unfollow the op of the tweet, mute the op, block the op, or report the tweet
in the bottom row....
- theres tweet activity. it only shows up on your own tweet, and lets you see how many people have seen your tweet.
- below this would tell you how many likes and retweets your tweet got, but no one liked or retweeted my wonderful tweet for some strange reason, so i cant show you
worth noting, if your account is on private, you wont show up in the notifications of people who arent following you
now for the buttons
- the speech bubble is replies! that lets you repy to the tweet
worth saying, if you reply to a retweet or conversation, its important to be sure to un-@ the people who you arent talking to. when you reply to someone, at the top of the reply it will list everyone youre replying to. click the little names and unclick the check boxes by the names of those not involved, and youre good to go! not doing this is considered rude/annoying
- next, retweeting! retweeting is sort of like reblogging. you retweet another tweet so it shows up on your own account. you can retweet without comment, which brings the tweet as is, or with comment, which allows you to add your own sort of caption. the op of the tweet will nto be notified for any replies, likes, or retweets on a comment retweet
a note! people often do retweets with comments on stuff like news stories to add their own commentary/jokes
another note! DO NOT do this to art by artists, even if youre doing it to be nice! a lot of artists, especially international artists, find this incredibly rude, as it takes away attention and retweets from the art itself. if you want to share art, just retweet. if you want to say something nice, just tell them in replies!
its not uncommon for people to retweet something without comment, then make a tweet of their own to comment on them.these tweets generally start with LRT (last retweet)
- likes are pretty simple. you press the like button and you like the post. one thing thats different from tumblr to twitter, though, is twitter has a feature that shows your likes (and that you liked them) to your followers (if they havent disabled it). 
- the share button allows you to share tweets! you can DM them to your friends, bookmark them (this is good for articles and such), or copy the link to share elsewhere.
and... that concludes tweeting!
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rironomind · 6 years
GS Artists Rec List
I told @the-nysh I would do this so I did. I’m just here to shamelessly promote my favs.  If you want to binge on art, trawl Pixiv and bookmarks. If you want daily art, follow the artists’ Twitter, or @GSnightfight. 
Sidenote: It is strange to know that some of the raunchiest stuff come from mums. 
(Artists under the cut!)
Kinako [Pixiv] [Twitter]- Protec. Their comic strips are so cute and good. Like this one here and an ongoing one on Twitter. I don’t really understand it but it seems like Genos drank a memory loss chemical to forget about how he couldn’t really love Saitama but then ended up in a relationship with him anyway? He calls just calls Saitama “Saitama”, it’s very bittersweet because he regrets drinking it. (Full thread here)
Yutani [Pixiv] - They do doujins, including one where Genos turns into a white wolf and one where Saitama gets double-teamed by devil!Genos and bunny!Genos.
Lisa [Pixiv] [Twitter] - Have I mentioned lately how much I love Lisa? I’ve been following her ever since she did “The person who makes you happy/Happy people” (Part 1/Part 2). She just did an omegaverse doujin too. Her style is a bit anatomically questionable but they look soft and blushy and muscley and romantic so I’m into it. She’s also done a couple of fake movie posters that’s also very tender. ^3^ (Also, nice try Lisa, I know you draw gratuitous bottom!Genos porn on a separate Twitter account.)
Nano [Pixiv] [Twitter] [Tumblr] - Soft, round egg. They did a doujin where Saitama gets fucked while wearing a dress as well as this really nice sfw doujin about Genos realising he likes Saitama. And who could forget this iconic fake twitter video. (Also they’re on tumblr! Please show them more love)
Polon [Pixiv] [Twitter] - Soft watercolour style, lithe muscley egg illustrations in sexy (and funny) poses and outfits. Loads of lovely short R18 comics. One of my favs is in here where Saitama’s cum is turned into Cookies and Cream flavour by a monster and this one where Saitama gets a bad fan letter and needs some TLC. They also have cat!sensei and dog!Genos versions which are super cute. Cat!Sensei is very chubby (it’s in their icon!).
Oikkodeth [Pixiv] [Twitter] - Yall better recognise. Mainly R18 doujins and puts out one every event (that’s like 5 times a year or more). They’ve covered the whole range: hanahaki, Little Red Riding Hood, human torso!Genos and more. Anatomy is a bit stiff but they’re so proficient.
Mido [Pixiv] [Twitter] - Korean but translates her comics to Japanese. Expressive, cute, clean comic style.
Akiyama [Pixiv] [Twitter] - Yall better fucking R E C O G N I S E. They, along with asamizu and a few others, have been posting since 2013. They churn out doujins like a machine and even has their own category in the doujin store, their books took up half a shelf. Consistently cute, punchy dialogue and doesn’t deal with drama. But you don’t need me to tell you. (Look at this though!!)
Hoyu [Pixiv] [Twitter] - You guys remember the sausage pillow comic? Do you like spit, licking, kinks and softcore yandere Genos? You’re gonna love Hoyu. Also, she knows loads of people? I always see her in the comments on twitter. Very skinny boys and twisted love, a new and interesting sketchy style.
Akiko [Pixiv] [Twitter] - A very girly and attentive waifu top!Genos and a tired Saitama. Puts out a comic strip almost every day? #blessed. (Sensei, please be sweet to me!) Doesn’t do R18 very often.
Oishigeru [Pixiv] - Does only doujins, maybe twice a year? Most, if not all are R18 and Saitama always looks vaguely worried. i like Even If mostly because it’s the only one I read all the way through and it’s about insecurities of a relationship. There was another doujin about Genos/Two Saitamas. Does introspective egg very well so I’m immediately biased. Doesn’t post art on twitter so I’m not including it.
Emochikaoya [Pixiv] [Twitter] - Yall already know I’m a massive fan of Kaoya’s work. Kinkwise, if you think of it, she’s probably drawn it. Super efficient, churns out minicomics once a week in between drawing her original comic (can’t stop the thirst, guys). I’m trying to get her to do more coloured illustrations so if you guys want to stroke her ego, I’ll pass it on. My favourite doujin of hers is ‘Who’ and it has hands-down The Best Egg Lecture. Probably one of the few artists who bother to translate to English (you’re welcome). I have a million things to say about her but it would turn into an essay so I’ll stop.
Minerux [Pixiv] [Twitter] - A member of the @GSNightFight challenge on Twitter. Uncertain and worried egg and supportive and very attentive borg. Check out “Curiousity” and “Red String” and a personal fav “Hold on”.
Dokimaru [Pixiv] [Twitter] - Her neko sensei is probably the most iconic. He has a sweatshirt with like 6 nipples? Iconic. they drew a hot springs doujin where Genos turned basically his whole body into a vibe and Saitama caused him to short circuit and blow out every fuse in the ryokan. They set off the fire sprinklers. This one ficart where Saitama gets double-teamed by two Genoses knocked me flat.
Mat [Pixiv] [Twitter] - Mat?? Is so?? Good?? Ever think about how a look can break your heart? Egg is always tired and Genos is worried. Contact is very sweet and makes your heart twinge, and there’s another one they just released about Saitama being cursed with handcuffed hands
Hebitoriasu [Pixiv] [Twitter] - I’m not a big fan of the shading but I can see improvement. Mostly R18 doujins but they’re cute.
Tori/Saboten [Pixiv] [Twitter] - They have two major AUs - fem!Saitama (Nyotama) and Sabo-sensei - and they’re both amazing. Very good readability, very funny comics. If you’re not a fan of fem!Saitama, they have dedicated groups of art for nyotama. Of course my fav of their works is the one with all of Saitama and Genos’ dating problems and the one where Saitama is “Weak to ikemen (handsome guys)”.
Asamizu [Pixiv] - What kind of useless list would this be without Asamizu? Yeah they had their own category too on the doujin shelf. Very nice graphics, and they discuss relationship topics in a candid manner. Been drawing these boys for over 4 years! Mostly doujins. I also have to plug their game (visual novel) about Saitama endlessly repeating a week to try to get Genos to stop asking him out, it will probably last 10 hours. God they do love to ramble.
Toufumaru [Pixiv] - I’ll admit, I’m not a big fan of their recent work (sailor uniform sensei and sensei who wants to be held) but I really like Blue in Blue and Mellow Yellow which talk about Saitama’s non-existent emotions.
Nemunoki [Pixiv] [Twitter] - Mainly R18 doujins. They’ve explored all manner of sexual situations and kinks. Outdoor sex, electricity, double penetration, tentacles, you name it. It’s all amazing. The perspective does throw me off though.
Untara [Pixiv] - Into switch but really likes bottom!Genos anyway. What can I say? Kinky, but hot.
Satoku [Pixiv] [Twitter] - Melancholy egg! Attentive Genos! Does mostly short comics but they’re so cute. Martyr Saitama is my jam!
Kamikoawakakyouko [Pixiv] [Twitter] - Interesting concepts. Recently released a comic that I consider to be the pinnacle of the OPM fandom because it’s Saitama having to consider the environmental/global impact of his strength and how that boils down to affect his everyday life.
Matabi [Pixiv] - Pretty much only doujins. Sensei has moobs and the boys are squishy and blushy. Also does quite a bit of rimming.
Sototuka [Pixiv] [Twitter] - Mostly R18 illustrations with some nice shading but questionable garments. She drew this doujin with futa!Sensei and double-dick Genos. 
Hara Hara [Pixiv] - Saitama is the manic pixie dream girl you guys never thought would exist. Fashion model ingenue. Werk it, sensei. Permanent come hither. Seeing Saitama in dresses brings me life (even if he is super skinny).
Raoki [Pixiv] - Mainly R18 illustrations. I remembered she did sounding with Pocky.
Gmeko [Pixiv] - C U T E. Round and pastels. Soft with lots of TLC. Did a “(I’ll find you) Before the stars do” comic and a hair washing comic.
NICE BOON [Pixiv] - Korean who takes no shit. Fantastic fashion. Little to no BL but the concepts are all on pointe. Existential egg. Eggistential. Locked twitter.
Silver_mssk [Pixiv]  [Twitter] - locked account but if you managed to add her…really, really good eggistential portraits in a variety of scenes. Hilarious comics and a stone face Genos and flailing egg. Also lots of Mobuncle/Saitama scenarios? Which…tbh same.
Foo2333 [Twitter] - What if Saitama took part in enjo kosai (paid dating)? Bottom!Saitama, a soft and sexy egg desired by all. Listen, I don’t make the rules. 
Skaky21 [Pixiv] [Twitter] - Mostly out of the fandom but dips in sometimes. Very polished shiny style. Not my cup of tea but it’s cute.
1200年丸 [Pixiv] [Twitter] - Now mostly BNHA but does OPM sometimes. Mostly SFW. This comic is cute.
ICHIKAZU [Pixiv] [Twitter] - Curly haired boyish Genos! Everyone’s crazy about her Apocaplyse!AU but I prefer her newest doujin where Saitama wins a camera and Genos uses it to take lots of pictures of his sensei.
Kaji Oyaji [Pixiv] [Twitter] - Wowowow so cute and pastel? Is everyone an angel? Am I dead? Soft and sweet. Saitama is like a fairy and Genos is in love. Imagine the embodiment of Spring.
Ginsky [Pixiv] - Chinese. They’ve moved on but boy those were some bright colours and expressive faces.
Tutu_en_f [Pixiv] [Twitter] - Soft romantic sketches. Feel very french but I’m only saying that because she is literally in France now.
COCONUT [Pixiv] - Korean. Fashionable (you see a trend?) Saigenos sketches. Young boyish Genos, manly egg.
Obachan [Pixiv] [Twitter] - Chibi comics. Still active and cute af.
Shiwasu [Pixiv] [Twitter] - Woah this egg is too cute for this world. Does short comics, draws sex but not especially ero. I like this one which is about Genos becoming able to read Saitama’s mind, first kiss (self explanatory) and Saitama losing his strength (R18).
Nyuton [Pixiv] [Twitter] - Active on Twitter. Posts a lot of speed-colouring videos. Nice sketchy feeling but with colour. Likes to borrow concepts from music videos.
Mochi [Pixiv] - Crudely-drawn gag comics with a humour on par with ONE’s. Please, they’re so good. This one opens up with both of them wearing The Dress.
Shout out to starjr_major who is currently in Golden Kamui hell but used to draw some really amazingly cute Saitama.
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