#bug attempts meta
babytrapperdiaz · 1 year
eddie; smushed by a couch and a fridge. stuck in a confined space. virtually alone. metaphor on metaphor on metaphor on metaphor
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sayruq · 1 month
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Dear Mark Zuckerberg and Leadership, This letter is a follow-up to the letter that was circulated internally on Dec 19, 2023 and deleted and dismissed due to our Community Engagement Expectations (CEE) on what can be discussed internally. Hence, we are sharing our concerns externally. We, Meta employees, wish to express our disappointment and astonishment at the lack of acknowledgement and care the leaders of this company have shown toward the Palestinian community and its allies. In private conversations, we hear from our Palestinian colleagues about family members they have lost in Gaza and family they are working tirelessly to find safety for. However, any open support for our Palestinian colleagues or the millions facing a humanitarian crisis in Palestine is met with internal censorship of employee concerns, biased leadership statements showing one-sided support, and external censorship that is raising public alarm and distrust of our platforms. Internally, we have called out the months of silencing within our workplace forums. While we loudly display “Your voice is valued”, CEE is used as a guise to delete dissenting opinions and silence employees that may simply be seeking solace from their coworkers or raising awareness about building safer products. While in other companies, employees within Employee Resource Groups (ERG) are allowed to connect and speak freely with each other, ERG’s such as Muslims@ and Palestinians@ have faced so much censorship that an employee proposed just deleting the ERG altogether instead of giving the illusion that we can freely build community at Meta. CEE claims to reduce disruptions in our workplace, yet censorship from CEE has caused many of us at Meta to feel disrupted, unheard, and unsafe to the point that several of our Metamates have decided to resign. In the words of our former colleague, any mention of Palestine is taken down - Even when the post was from a colleague expressing their grief. Even when the post was to celebrate the UN International day of support to the Palestinian people. Even when the post is a link to a fundraiser to help the Gazans. Even when asking questions about product bugs that affect Palestinian voices.
One of the original core values of Facebook was to “Be Open” and our current values claim that “We create a culture where we are straightforward and willing to have hard conversations with each other.” Employees have always been first responders to surface issues raised externally to those internally with the power and knowledge to fix them. However when over 450 colleagues came together to sign a letter similar to this one in December, CEE was used to delete the letter and restrict one of the writers from their work devices for over two months while the workplace, product, and policy concerns brought forth were completely ignored. Employees have attempted to raise product concerns related to the conflict only to have their posts and comments censored or dismissed throughout internal channels. Most recently, questions about investigative reports indicating the possibility of governments, ISPs, and coordinated bad actors using Whatsapp data for military targeting have been met with dismissive and insufficient responses or outright deleted throughout internal forums. Meta leaders have posted numerous strong statements of support for our Israeli colleagues along with condemnation of the attack on Israel on October 7th that took the lives of ~1,200 civilians, both on internal and external platforms. Mark stated on his public Facebook - “The terrorist attacks by Hamas are pure evil. There is never any justification for carrying out acts of terrorism against innocent people. The widespread suffering that has resulted is devastating. My focus remains on the safety of our employees and their families in Israel and the region.”
However, bias and inequity is painfully apparent when those same leaders do not similarly share support for our Palestinian colleagues and allies nor condemnation of the attacks on Palestine, which have now taken ~35,000 civilian lives and created a humanitarian crisis of displacement and starvation for ~2 million Palestinians. This has created a hostile and unsafe work environment for hundreds of our Palestinian, Arab, Muslim, anti-Zionist Jew, and anti-genocide colleagues at the company, who have felt consistently alienated and uncomfortable at work. Many have tried to articulate this through posts on Workplace only to be censored, rebuffed, and/or penalized. Feedback shared directly with leadership on Workplace Chat has been met with dismissiveness. Bias and inequity for the human rights and humanitarian crisis in Gaza is also apparent when compared to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, after which there was an outpouring of leadership support on all fronts, including additional resourcing and investment through various social impact initiatives. The lights in the Dublin office were even painted with the colors of the Ukraine flag. Leadership must do better to achieve true equity and inclusion. Externally, when it comes to Palestine, the dismissive tone and lack of investment by Meta is not new and the company has consistently failed to thoroughly take action on years of evidence of suppression of Palestinian voices on our platforms worldwide. In 2024 the company is still slowly addressing the findings of an independent audit influenced by Human Rights Watch’s (HRW) 2021 letter to Meta on the Palestinian conflict 3 years ago. In the wake of October 7th, Meta has ignored reasonable requests for transparency on our content policies from Senator Elizabeth Warren and other lawmakers around the globe. Numerous civil rights organizations, some of whom are Meta partners, have been met with dismissal on the censorship concerns brought forth - leading to external petitions such as one against Meta’s proposed policy of treating “Zionist” as a proxy for "Jewish”, which collected over 52,000 signatures. While Meta denies any Palestinian censorship or bias to the public, internally groups of employee volunteers have found numerous product and policy issues with disparate impacts to Palestinian, Muslim, and Arab communities since October 7th. The few improvements that have been made were achieved only by appealing to isolated product teams, with minimal senior leadership support or resources. Furthermore, in the wake of global criticism of censorship and moderation, leading into the biggest year for democracy in history, Meta has updated its policy to no longer recommend ‘political content’ by default across Instagram and Threads without clear guidelines of how this would impact content originating from global conflict zones. Meta has continued to fail the Palestinian community through its policies and lack of investment.
“Meta.Metamate.Me.” We believe we are all Meta and are committed to respectfully working together to address the issues internally and externally, while holding firmly to the demands we have been echoing for months: We demand an end to censorship - stop deleting employee’s words internally in order to foster an inclusive environment where all communities feel seen, heard, and safe We demand acknowledgment - share internal acknowledgments of support for Palestinian colleagues and acknowledge the lives lost in the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza to recognize our shared humanity We demand transparency and accountability - allocate dedicated resources to investigate issues of censorship and biases on our platforms and openly disclose findings to build trust among employees and the public We implore you to end the silence - issue a public statement urging for an immediate, permanent ceasefire in Gaza As tech workers, we have a tremendous privilege to work on products that serve the world, and with that comes tremendous responsibility. We have been proud to work at Meta – and want to continue believing in its mission to give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together.
If you're a current or former Meta worker please sign the letter here
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alienzil · 7 months
Okay so I saw this post and you know the types of fics where adult Danny moves to Gotham and winds up emotionally adopting one or more of bat kids or accidentally coparenting with Bruce (with or without a relationship between them)? I had the thought, what if Danny parented the bat kids but he started doing it out of spite?
Like, Danny moves to Gotham and runs into Batman and Robin one night while out for a late night flight and drops down to the rooftop to say hi.
Bruce sees this 5'6" twink that looks like a stiff breeze could knock him over and is so obviously new in town and thinks Gotham is going to eat him alive, he needs to leave before he gets killed.
Batman: Looming menacingly and in his deepest scariest Batman voice, "Leave. Metas aren't allowed in Gotham."
Danny: Offend! Excuse?! Who does this guy think he is?! 😡 Danny was trying to be polite here! "First of all, I'm not a meta. Second of all, rude much?!"
Batman: Does scariest bat glare. "Leave." Swoops off into the night.
Robin (Damian): "My father is correct. You should leave the city for your own safety."
Danny sees this tiny vigilante child with fierce expression and a sword and is just like awww, so cute! 😍 Then he noticed Robin had a small cut on his arm and his inner gremlin activates. If the rude flying furry can't take care of his own kid properly, Danny will do it better!
He bandages up Damian's arm, gives him a cookie and teaches him a neat sword trick before sending him on his way with a hug telling him he needs his sleep.
Danny goes out of his way to run into the bat kids and be the absolute best dad.
He takes Nightwing flying and throws him in the air so Nightwing can do all the fanciest acrobatic tricks.
He tracks down Red Hood and starts a book club with him (Danny may or may not have used his connection with Ghost Writer to get ahold of some rare books).
He eats waffles with Spoiler and trys out weird topping combinations that make them both make faces and laugh.
He makes new gadgets for Red Robin but carefully breaks them just a little bit and takes them to the teen so they can fix them together (it's enrichment!). He always insists RR keep them as a reward.
He follows Signal around during the day invisibly, making faces and doing tricks only Signal can see (he made him laugh in front of the police at a crime scene twice!).
All of the kids get his attention and love and Danny smugly thinks how Batman must be absolutely seething about his kids bonding with Danny and Batman missing out on all of it.
Danny started it out of spite but he does wind up genuinely loving the bat kids.
Batman definetly hates it when the kids are bonding with Danny and is extremely jealous (sulky Batman brooding in his cave about it).
Bruce's repeated attempts to intimidate Danny into leaving Gotham don't work and him telling his kids to stay away from Danny had zero effect (the terrible children don't listen to him at all).
So Bruce starts spending more time with the kids to compete against Danny. The bat kids love it and (little gremlins that they are) use the two of them against each other constantly.
Bruce:"Sorry Tim, I can't make it to your photography exhibit this weekend, there's a meeting with the Justice League."
Tim:"Oh that's fine... I'll just ask Danny to come." 😏
Bruce: Narrows his eyes and grits his teeth, "Actually, the Justice League needs to have contingencies in place to manage without my input. This would be a good time to test their capabilities. I'll skip the meeting and come to your exhibit."
With both of them competing to spend more time with the kids it leads to the two of them spending time with each other to be around the kids more.
After Damian catches a terrible flu bug, Danny spends an entire weekend at the manor babying him. This is when Bruce finds out Danny has known their secret identities for months and tries to get mad about it but Alfred puts his foot down, raises a judgmental eyebrow in Bruce's direction that puts a stop to that nonsense and sets up Danny with his own room in the family wing.
Eventually, Danny gets to the point where he spends most of his nights at the manor and he and Bruce consult each other on all major household decisions.
The whole family is at the manor one morning including Danny. Bruce has a meeting at WE and he and Danny are absently discussing their plans for the day at the breakfast table.
Bruce: " The meeting should take most of the morning and then I have paperwork this afternoon and a scheduled walk through on one of the new engineering projects. I probably won't be done by the time school let's out. Can you pick up Damian today?"
Danny: "That shouldn't be a problem. Would you mind swinging by the bookstore on the way home and getting my preorder? Jay and I just finished rereading the first book and we were wanting to start the second tonight before you all go on patrol. I'd rather not try to make it to the bookstore in school rush hour traffic"
Bruce: "Sure."
Stephanie watches Danny reach out and absently straighten Bruce's tie as they both get up to leave. Bruce grabs Danny's coffee thermos and hands it to him while they walk out the door.
Stephanie: "Sooo, bets on how long until they realize they're basically married?"
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bbcphile · 8 months
It’s interesting that Di Feisheng has a reputation in fandom for being incredibly straightforward, aboveboard, and against lying/manipulating others/acting out a role (unlike Li Lianhua) when he actually spends more time withholding information, keeping his agenda hidden, and playing a role to get what he wants than he does being straightforward and direct. 
Here’s a list of things Di Feisheng has lied about/misrepresented:
Pretending to care about the jinyuan alliance (he says the only people who know he set it up to reach the top of the jianghu are the 3 kings)
Disguising his identity for the Yipin tomb (by pretending to be a child)
Disguising his identity to Fang Duobing when traveling with Li Lianhua (he pretends to be a-Fei the former nanhai sect disciple because Li Lianhua tells him to)
Threatening to kill Qiao Wanmian (as part of a threat to make Li Xiangyi agree to fight him; we know he doesn’t kill women, so this is absolutely an empty threat)
Claiming to heal Qiao Wanmian (Li Lianhua did it and he is covering for him)
Pretending to not be mad at Jiao Liqiao for poisoning Qiao Wanmian
Pretending to forget the time between his seclusion ending and waking up after wuxin huai is cured
Pretending to reciprocate Jiao Liqiao’s affections (once his wuxin huai is cured)
Pretending to support Shan Gudao (he was always planning on betraying him once he got rid of the mind control bugs)
And here are lies by omission/information he withholds from people (especially Li Lianhua):
That “Shan Gudao” was dead before the 3 kings met him for their battle 
That he ordered his body be taken away to be examined by a coroner because he thought it was suspicious
That someone had framed the jinyuan alliance for Shan Gudao’s death (he keeps these first 3 a secret from Li Lianhua until the spiritual snake cave, and even then, Li Lianhua doesn’t believe him until after the opal skull case a few episodes later)
That Fang Duobing was Shan Gudao’s son (he only tells Li Lianhua this after all his other attempts to convince Li Lianhua to want to live have failed)
That he wanted to break into the 188 prison to rescue his subordinate who was framed for killing Shan Gudao to provide Li Lianhua with evidence that the jinyuan alliance wasn’t responsible 
That he’s working with Shan Gudao to get the mind control bug (and then the wangchuan flower) to free himself and the other Di prisoners
There are also plenty of times he does less-than-aboveboard things:
He spies/eavesdrops on people by hiding his qi all the time
Even though he promised to keep Li Lianhua’s identity a secret, he still tries to manipulate things behind the scenes to unmask him (eg. Shoving him into the fight to hold his old sword and then flicking a coin at the sword once it’s unsheathed, either to shatter it because he knows it’s fake or to trick Li Lianhua into wielding the blade and giving away his identity)
So, basically, he has a habit of hiding his true motivations from people, of letting Li Lianhua/Xiangyi think the worst of him and his motivations because he wants to gather evidence/solve the problem before sharing intel, of saying whatever threat he thinks will motivate Li Lianhua to live and not give up (especially after the truth fails), of embracing his reputation as a villain to protect Li Lianhua (even if the “protection” is from Li Lianhua’s own people who want to know he is alive), and of scheming to gather the info he needs to protect himself and Li Lianhua.
(Given these patterns, I think it’s also likely that Di Feisheng was lying about planning to force Li Lianhua to eat the yin leaves of the Wangchuan flower that would give him strength for a fight and then kill him, but that’s a meta for another day; I’m sticking to facts here rather than theories.)
Di Feisheng obviously doesn’t like lying or withholding information—just look at his face at the manor with all the lotuses when Fang Duobing is asking him how he knows so much about the Jinyuan alliance to see how viscerally uncomfortable it makes him! But he will absolutely do it, especially if he knows someone is lying to him and it is a way to level the playing field, and most of the time, his poker face is so flawless that you probably won’t even realize he was lying until later when you have more facts to put together. (Which means that his visible discomfort at Fang Duobing’s questions was a choice! Was it to try to convince Li Lianhua to tell the truth? To encourage Fang Duobing to think about it more and arrive at the truth on his own? So many options!)
So, yes, Di Feisheng believes strongly in having fair fights (as opposed to the abusive fights from his childhood), in not poisoning people, in not killing women, in not betraying people, and in being honest and direct when possible. But if his safety or Li Lianhua’s well-being is at risk (even if the latter is because of Li Lianhua’s own actions), he will absolutely lie, manipulate, and withhold info, or lean into the role of villain to ensure a better outcome. And he does it with a skill and commitment to the deception that Li Lianhua usually doesn't muster.
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icedragonlizard · 8 months
What if any of Kirby's friends were to catch him being really sad or even crying?
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These are my headcanons for how Kirby's friends would try to comfort him or cheer him up whenever they catch him crying, or just being really sad in general.
A really sad Kirby is not something that anyone wants to see!
King Dedede would give Kirby big comforting bear-hugs while also listening to him ventilate on why he's crying. He'd also try to say some funny things in an attempt to improve Kirby's mood. Maybe even offer him a little hammer to go bash objects for kicks and giggles.
Meta Knight would want to know the reason why Kirby is crying, and if it's someone who caused it, then he'll beat them up. He'd attempt to give advice and comfort Kirby, even if he's not exactly the best at that, but he'd do his best to make sure his little buddy feels better.
Bandana Waddle Dee would pat Kirby's shoulder a bunch as well as offering a hug to try to comfort him. He'd also ask him if he'd like to play a fun game together to make the rest of the day better.
The animal friends would all be very concerned if they caught Kirby really feeling down and would want to know why he's upset. Rick, Nago, and ChuChu would all give him hugs, with Nago being a literal cuddle-bug! Coo may potentially also give a hug, but would usually carry him in the air to give him some good breeze. Kine would tell him jokes and maybe also give him a ride inside his mouth while he swims through a pond or something. Pitch would also tell him jokes, and perhaps ask Kirby if he wants to play around.
Gooey would ask Kirby if he'd like something to eat, and may also let Kirby hug him to give him some comfort. He would likely also ask if he'd like to play. He may even offer to sleep with Kirby inside his house for the night to help improve the rest of his day.
Marx is the reason why Kirby is crying. Marx needs to get his butt kicked! LOL.... just kidding. In all seriousness, while Marx is generally not good at comforting people, I think he'd try to cheer Kirby up by saying funny stuff, or making funny faces. He may also take him out to go have some fun.
Adeleine would ask Kirby if he'd like to draw with her to help get his mind off of things! If he doesn't want to draw, then she'd offer to let him watch her, and she'll be willing to paint anything he'd want her to paint. She may also summon food through art to cheer him up, too.
Ribbon would be very worried to see Kirby upset. She'd give him a hug. She'd take him to go find his very favorite food to help improve his mood. She would also tell him that tomorrow will be better.
Shadow Kirby would give his pink counterpart some pats on the shoulder and tell him funny things to help cheer him up. He'd also offer to go find food together.
Dark Meta Knight would let Kirby temporarily use his sword to play around with for a bit until he begins to feel better.
Daroach would offer to take Kirby to go "shopping" (stealing). He'd also perform some magic tricks for him as a way to make him see cool things to help get his mind off of things. He may also tell jokes!
Magolor would offer to take Kirby to Merry Magoland and rig the games to help him win the biggest prizes. Before Magoland opened, he would take Kirby on a quick ride to the Lor Starcutter to help cheer him up. He'd also tell him jokes and do his best to make him laugh.
Taranza would give Kirby a big hug. He'd ask him if he'd like to do a quiet activity such as gardening. He could also try to make cool things out of his magic to give Kirby some super cool stuff to look at to help cheer him up.
Susie would take Kirby out to get some ice cream somewhere, and they'd both eat ice cream together. She'd also give him a robotic toy or an electronic to play around with. If he feels especially down, she might also decide to sing him a soothing lullaby!
The Mage Sisters would all give Kirby head-pats and maybe even let him use their weapons for a bit to destroy things for fun. They may also put up a 'show' for him where they all coordinate in doing visually cool things with their weapons.
Elfilin would give Kirby a hug and ask if he'd like to play around. If he's in Popstar and catches Kirby sad there, he'd offer to open up a portal to visit Waddle Dee Town again for Kirby to have fun there.
That's basically how I headcanon Kirby's friends cheering him up if they catch him in a sad mood, whether it's him crying or just being very sad in general. Some of them may not be good at comforting but one simply does not like to watch precious Kirby be so sad. They'd try to help even if it may be awkward.
Thanks for reading if you've made it this far!
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ladyofthenoodle · 10 months
What do you mean Snake Noir was Cat Noir’s mental health peak?
ok so this question is in response to some tags i left a while ago and i’ve been putting off answering it so sorry it’s so late!!! part of the reason i put it off is i can’t remember whose meta i read originally discussing chat noir’s season 3 development and how snake noir represented him growing from his struggles and insecurities earlier in the season. so sorry to uncredited person that made me think about this initially and whose points i’m about to attempt to summarize.
in season 3, we start to see a greater imbalance between ladybug and chat noir‘s partnership. ladybug isn’t guardian yet, but she’s the one handing out the miraculous and allowed to work closely with fu. even as early as season 2, with syren, we see this affecting him and him becoming more unsure of his place on the team. then, in season 3, two more things happen to really exacerbate this: desperada and reflekdoll. in reflekdoll, he isn’t able to be mister bug without lady noire’s help, while she mostly does fine with his miraculous. in desperada, he fails to use the snake miraculous and hears ladybug say she doesn’t need chat noir. so he’s at a pretty low point.
but then, things start to get a little better. adrien gets his bro team up episode. he tries to move on romantically. he’s not basing his whole self worth on ladybug so much anymore. honestly i need to do a rewatch of season 3 to properly explain this because a lot of this development is subtle but it’s there. things are looking up!
and then, in the finale, ladybug needs him. she’s a mess.
and he gets it together. he picks up all her slack in that battle and he gets his second chance with the snake and he absolutely rocks it once he combines it with the cat! and it’s very symbolic that this battle he does so well in is while he’s wielding a miraculous he failed with before. and honestly after the season 3 finale, he rocks it every time he combines miraculous and he rocks the kwami swap too, so that level up in skill lasts… but as we all know, season 4 pretty much cratered his emotional health. hence snake noir being the peak 😭 shoutout to bunny noir and passion era mister bug though!
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that-fanperson-meg · 7 months
It is with great joy that I can finally reveal my brand new Kirby OC, Lady Solana- or as her friends will call her Sol!
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Lore and Doodle under cut! :]
Sol hails from a long line of Halcandrian fire mages and at the start of the First Dark War (basically the first time that the GSA fought Nightmare) she joined the cause and quickly rose through the ranks. Shen then joined a special team tasked with finding the Star Rod, where she met Lady Garlude, Jerca, Meta Knight, and most importantly Nicova.
She became quick friends with Nicova and over time their relationship blossomed into something…not fit for a war.
Though during one battle, in an attempt to save Nicova from an attack, Sol was gravely injured. Believing that he’d lost her to the butterflies, Nicova left the GSA and settled down on a quiet planet
However when Sol was finally back to her normal self -albeit with more scars than she remembered, a whole five years after the war ended in a stalemate- and found that Nicova had gone, she vowed to find him once again. After fifteen years of searching, she found her way to Planet Popstar and met her first real lead on where Nicova was- his student and nephew.
Additional info! Sol is based off of the Sand Cat :]
Her name means ‘Sun’
She and Nicova had pet names for each other: Sol would call Nick ‘Set ectra’ (literally ‘My Bug’ in Floralian) and Nicova would call Sol ‘Ji felinis’ (‘My cat’ in Halcandrian)
After meeting TK, I like to think that Sol would become a sort of cool aunt figure and offer to teach him how to better control their powers because of them being so similar (fire and light) !
Nicova made her cape :]
Sol is Demisexual!
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myconetted · 1 year
more tumblr meta in response to @alliered's post here
be warned: i am inarticulate yet verbose
on volunteer work
Tumblr has around 200 full-time employees. As of 2019, it looks like it had 16 million monthly active users. Two hundred people is just not a lot of people to run a social media site, which has to follow regulatory requirements and do moderation and all that shit. Volunteer work is going to happen and you can't really get around it. That's how scrappy teams operate.
Is tumblr chaotic? Yes. Could it stand to be more organized? ...Maybe? I remember the glassdoor reviews saying it was total cowboy culture and you were mostly left to your own devices. @jv (who works at tumblr) has also commented in late 2022 that tumblr is still very decentralized and you're encouraged to ask forgiveness rather than permission.
I don't work at tumblr so I have no idea how much of a problem this is, but it's worth remembering the point I made earlier: you can reduce chaos and thrash by adding process at the cost of making everything slightly slower. For tumblr specifically, since it's a remote team distributed across timezones, requiring people to come to meetings to make decisions can make things a lot slower because there will only be a few hours in the day that everyone can attend a meeting and limited overlapping waking hours. You're in the US and you wanted to ask your manage in the UK about whether you need to work on X or Y? Hopefully you asked in the morning, because your 2pm is their 10pm!
When you have a small enough team where everyone is very senior, it can actually be a huge productivity boost to do things in a pretty ad-hoc way. I personally have witnessed the transition from a ~70 person org to a 150-200 person org, and at 70 people we didn't need internal newsletters or super-fancy ticketing systems or dedicated project managers. Everyone knows everyone and can just ping each other directly. At 150-200 people, that starts to break down, and you get into situations where two teams might be working on very similar things without knowing.
Maybe that's something tumblr could do better, but it's also the type of thing that requires a shitload of concerted effort to get right: the worst thing you could do is introduce a bunch of middle management who end up wasting more time than they save because they don't have enough background information or technical expertise.
new features
also for bug fixing and new features.... the thing is that many users speak more on NOT wanting so much time spent on what seem like weightless updates when we want more focus in issues that have existed for weeks, months, and even years.
I think this point is really important for understanding a lot of the recent changes around tumblr that have occurred basically ever since it got acquired by automattic. Here's the bottom line: tumblr is not profitable and never has been. That means everything tumblr has been doing until now is not enough.
Tumblr needs more users and it needs to get more money from those users, or it dies. That's it.
The easiest and most reliable way to make money is to serve ads, serve a ton of them, and let advertisers pay more to target specific user demographics with their ads. In 2022, 90% of twitter's revenue was from ads. But tumblr's owners and staff don't want to do that, so they're exploring other options.
Which is why you've been seeing new features you didn't ask for: tumblr needs users, tumblr needs money; if the current features aren't cutting it, then they need to find some new features that will. Some features like the "live" thing are an attempt to get more users and/or engagement, to lure people in from other platforms like tiktok and instagram who are into that kind of thing. Other features, like the checkmarks and badges and merch, are more directly about getting money.
You may not like non-chronological timelines, but users coming from other platforms haven't had to curate their own feeds for like a decade now and just have no idea how to do that--tumblr offers recommendation-based feeds because it's empirically successful and helps you retain users. So you can see they're trying a lot of different things right now.
You might be wondering why this has only started happening within the last two or so years even though automattic acquired tumblr in late 2019. If public statements are worth anything, it's because they spent the first couple years rebuilding a shitload of backend infrastructure, probably paying down a ridiculous amount of technical debt, in order to make the platform stable and flexible enough for staff to work on a bunch of new features at once without worrying about extreme jank or bringing the whole platform down because someone removed a load-bearing print statement.
spam bots
Matt, CEO of automattic and the guy who's currently running tumblr as his highest priority, said last year that tumblr would need 2 million users to buy ad-free browsing in order to offset tumblr's running costs. At $40/yr, that's $80m annually to keep the lights on for tumblr.
EDIT: Here's a post from another staff member who breaks this down in a lot more detail and explains the motivation for the Live feature.
Fighting spam is just a notoriously difficult problem that no one has solved. The current situation mainly boils down to: get rid of all the spambots, or avoid accidentally banning real users. Pick one. That's it! To put this into perspective, neither Facebook nor Twitter have figured it out either. And they're both huge compared to tumblr, not just in terms of headcount but also in terms of the engineers they attract: we're talking about the combined efforts of hundreds of smart engineers who have tons of resources to tackle this problem. They haven't figured it out. In 2019 when tumblr was acquired by automattic, it had a total of 200 employees, whereas twitter had 4,900 and facebook/meta had 45,000. All things considered, I think tumblr's doing a pretty good job both in their automatic detection and their reporting system.
This is also one of those areas where people will be very tight-lipped about the specific things they're doing to fight spam, and for good reason. Fighting spam is a constant battle where each side is updating their strategies and trying new things. I don't know if you've noticed, but these spambots come in waves (at least that's how I've experienced it). The influx of spambots come in, tumblr figures out how to prevent and ban them, the spammers figure something else out, a new wave comes in, rinse and repeat. Making public posts about how the spambot detection works is a great way to tell spammers how to evade detection.
would finding a way to make the sign up process more difficult for spam bots be able to clear up resources elsewhere?
Yes, making sign-ups harder can make it more difficult for spammers to make accounts. But it also makes it harder for people to sign up. And again, tumblr can't really afford to add friction to the sign-up flow, because friction means losing potential users, and tumblr needs users. Also you would be surprised how easily spammers are able to circumvent these kinds of things so you end up in a state where you have fewer user sign-ups but the bots are still everywhere.
user feedback (tickets)
I mostly ran out of energy at this point but with respect to whether or not staff knows about things users want and how they're keeping track: that's what the ticketing system is for! That's why cyle keeps telling people to make tickets! The support tickets are how tumblr staff keep track of problems users are having and feature requests. Those tickets are connected to a ticket tracker where they can keep track of spikes in user requests and bugs and spam bots. I know it sounds stupid and it sounds like they're just telling you to put your suggestions directly into the trash, but that's actually the for-real tracking system they use for monitoring bugs and feedback. Everything else, like the various official and personal blogs, are because they're passionate about making some of this stuff visible to users.
So yeah they could maybe make portions of their internal tracker more public so users can see what tumblr is prioritizing, but that introduces its own problems, up to and including making the tracker less useful to staff. (I don't know if you've ever seen the chromium tracker. It's a nightmare.)
anyways tldr:
money hard without ads
tumbler need money and probably has to get this money without a significant headcount increase (not sure how much runway automattic has, but it's probably less than in 2019 because of the pandemic and the econony and all)
maybe tumblr could benefit from more internal process and organization but it's really hard to say as an outsider
otherwise i think it's kinda hard to ask staff to do more than what they're already doing cause they're doing a lot rn
don't let that stop you from giving them feedback, because even when you feel like all your feedback is going into a black hole whenever you open a support ticket, that's actually how they track these things. nothing screams user feedback like 300 new tickets in the queue about the same thing and they actually have to close those things out
i really didn't appreciate that last bullet point until i started working at a company with a product. users would ping individual engineers about things being busted and it's always like DUDE you're supposed to email support so it actually gets seen!! otherwise it's just hanging around in someone's inbox!
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bestworstcase · 6 months
Wait could you go more into Salem being glinda? (<- person who is bad at allegories but loves your metas)
step one is to clear out everything you’ve ever read about rwby’s ozian allusion from your brain because this fandom keeps trying to make it about the wizard of oz and it’s… nnnot about the wizard of oz. the book we’re going to be talking about as the primary text of reference is the second oz book, ‘the marvelous land of oz,’ which is about what happens after dorothy and the wizard go home.
the reason nobody can figure out who rwby’s “dorothy” is is… there is no dorothy. she’s in kansas and not really relevant to this story except insofar as her journey through oz resulted in the wizard’s departure and the end of the wicked witches of the east and west. she’s The Backstory. and—actually as i write this there, um, there IS a dorothy and now i have to go stare at a wall for a little while. 
we’ll get there.
at the end of the first oz book, ‘the wonderful wizard of oz,’ the wizard leaves and glinda, the good witch of the south, tells dorothy how to return home to kansas with the glass slippers (which fall off her feet and are lost forever whilst carrying dorothy home)
(the classic film makes something of a mess by combining glinda and the good witch of the north into a composite character, creating the problem of why glinda would not simply tell dorothy how to use the slippers right away. in the book, the good witch of the north sends dorothy to the wizard, who is secretly a fraud, and after he inadvertently leaves dorothy behind she is advised to travel south to consult with glinda instead.)
now, the wizard was the ruler of oz, so his departure created a political problem that he attempted to solve by appointing the scarecrow to rule in his absence. that choice is what ‘marvelous land’ is chiefly about because, you see, before the wizard came along, oz was ruled by a king named pastoria, who had an infant daughter named ozma. then the wizard deposed pastoria, and princess ozma disappeared.
the book’s protagonist is a boy named tippetarius (tip) who’s been raised all his life by the bad witch mombi. tip is in fact ozma, stolen by mombi and transformed into a boy to secure the wizard on the throne of oz. he has no idea; he just knows that mombi isn’t very nice to him and he wants to leave. 
when he runs away, he takes with him jack pumpkinhead—a fellow tip made by carving a jack-o-lantern head for a wooden man, animated by mombi’s magic. their relationship is quasi-parental (jack calls tip “father” but tip is, you know, a boy and not especially fatherly). they’re joined by a living saw horse en route to the emerald city. the trio is briefly separated, with jack and the horse rushing ahead and being received by the scarecrow while tip is waylaid and meets general jinjur, who is leading an army of revolt to the emerald city to overthrow the scarecrow.
that happens. jinjur wins more or less by default because the soldier with green whiskers, who guards the emerald city’s gate, is too cowardly to fight them and simply lets them into the city. the scarecrow flees, along with tip, the sawhorse, and jack. this motley crew heads west to winkie country, once the domain of the wicked witch of the west, now ruled by nick chopper—the tin man. en route to winkie country, the scarecrow mentions to jack that pumpkins rot and jack spends the remainder of the story in a state of ever-present existential dread over his imminent decay. 
anyway, nick accompanies them back to the emerald city, along with the woggle-bug—a very large, knowledgeable bug whom none of them like particularly and whose backstory involves transformation by a professor, an incident about which the woggle-bug has ambivalent feelings—whom they meet along the way. they’re hindered by various illusory traps mombi throws at them because she’s trying to get tip back under control.
reclaiming the emerald city from jinjur does not Go Well. they’re forced to flee again, briefly end up stranded in an inhospitable place on the far side of the desert and attacked by birds. the woggle bug saves them by using a silver wishing pill to repair their means of transportation so that they can reach glinda’s home, in southern quadling country. 
they want glinda to help them restore the scarecrow to the throne of oz. glinda has other plans, because she’s spent all this time trying to find ozma and set right the wizard’s various injustices. she’s narrowed it down to mombi as the culprit, and upon learning that the witch has hidden herself in the emerald city, she… um, immediately lays siege to the emerald city to “starve it into submission” and flush mombi out, then chases her to the impassable desert at the edge of oz, ties a rope around her neck to silence her magical powers, and bodily drags her back to the emerald city to account for her wrongdoing on pain of death:
Glinda had been carefully considering what to do, and now she turned to Mombi and said: "You will gain nothing, I assure you, by thus defying us. For I am determined to learn the truth about the girl Ozma, and unless you tell me all that you know, I will certainly put you to death." "Oh, no! Don't do that!" exclaimed the Tin Woodman. "It would be an awful thing to kill anyone—even old Mombi!" "But it is merely a threat," returned Glinda. "I shall not put Mombi to death, because she will prefer to tell me the truth." "Oh, I see!" said the Tin Man, much relieved. "Suppose I tell you all that you wish to know,". said Mombi, speaking so suddenly that she startled them all. "What will you do with me then?" "In that case," replied Glinda, "I shall merely ask you to drink a powerful draught which will cause you to forget all the magic you have ever learned." "Then I would become a helpless old woman!" "But you would be alive," suggested the Pumpkinhead, consolingly. […] "You may make your choice," Glinda said to old Mombi, "between death if you remain silent, and the loss of your magical powers if you tell me the truth. But I think you will prefer to live." Mombi cast an uneasy glance at the Sorceress, and saw that she was in earnest, and not to be trifled with.
thus mombi is forced to tell the truth, remove the curse she placed on tippetarius (turning him back into ozma), and take glinda’s potion to strip all of her magical power away. 
folds hands. 
here are some facts about glinda:
she rules over quadling country—in the oz books, the cardinal kingdoms are all color-coded; northern gillikin country is purple, eastern munchkinland is blue, western winkie country is yellow, and quadling country? red. (glynda goodwitch’s purple is the first hint that she is not glinda, but rather the good witch of the north who believes in the wizard’s power. her absolute faith in ozpin is the second hint.)
glinda is, despite her youthful appearance, implied to be thousands of years old, and by any measure the most powerful sorceress in all of oz. 
in demeanor, she is always calm and collected and resolutely truthful; so great is her dedication to the truth that she has no power over mombi’s magical deception and illusions, hence the need to force mombi to undo her own curse. she always knows when she’s lied to, but she can be fooled (fleetingly) by powerful illusions. and she can be utterly ruthless in pursuit of what she believes is right for oz. 
she, as noted in the last post, is responsible for freeing the flying monkeys from their enslavement by the golden cap. 
the allusions rwby is making to ‘marvelous land’ are really very straightforward—much like cinder and cinderella or salem and maiden-in-tower stories. it is impossible to read the book with rwby in mind and not see the connections:
the god of light is mombi.
ozma is ozma; as ozpin, he has become the wizard (complicit in his own cursed imprisonment), and within oscar he’s tippetarius (a boy who’s lost his true self).
oscar is jack pumpkinhead, ozma’s heir (thus, symbolically, his “son”), brought to life at least symbolically by light’s power (he’s in the story at all because he’s ozma’s vessel), and preoccupied with existential dread inspired by the looming immediacy of his spiritual death.
qrow is the scarecrow, left to carry the symbol of ozpin’s authority in ozpin’s absence and forced to flee beacon, the “emerald city,” by
summer rose, who is general jinjur, holding beacon academy while she searches for the crown. (jinjur spends a considerable portion of the story trying to get the royal crown.)
lionheart is the soldier with green whiskers: not the fearful but truly courageous lion, but the cowardly old soldier who all but hands jinjur the keys to the city in his terror. 
ironwood is the tin man, ruling over a land once subjugated by the wizard’s bitter enemy (pre-war, fascist mantle) now remade into a shining and prosperous kingdom under the command of the wizard’s ally (atlas)—and it is he who gives sanctuary to the scarecrow and tip’s party after the emerald city falls, and he who leads the failed first attempt to take the city back by force. 
vacuo is the nest of jackdaws where the party ends up stranded, far from oz—they cross a desert to get there and i suspect the point of theodore is to signal that vacuo isn’t “in” oz but rather standing in for the deserts and the lands beyond. because dorothy is in kansas, you see. (he’s not the Real Dorothy, though, we’ll get there momentarily).
the woggle-bug is raven, the maiden of knowledge who knows the secret that will bridge the impassable divide between vacuo and salem; her knowledge of what summer did is the silver wishing pill which, incidentally, poisons tip when he tries to use it. 
and salem is, of course, glinda: ancient and aloof and coldly ruthless in her pursuit of the truth, searching for ozma (<- note the congruence here with rapunzel searching for her prince in the wasteland!) and ready to GO TO WAR to bring the god of light to account for what he’s done. i really must emphasize the GOING TO WAR bit: the glinda of the books is not the soft, mistily benevolent lady the classic film makes of her. she has an extremely well-disciplined standing army which she marches on the emerald city with the explicit intention of delivering a siege to “starve it into submission.” mombi looks this woman in the eye, sees death staring back at her, and surrenders with a whimper. glinda is ruthless.
so it isn’t even “glinda would go to war if she thought it necessary” it’s that glinda does in fact go to war and rwby is, with salem, taking glinda’s decision to go to war to achieve her ends very seriously and putting that in a context where salem isn’t revered as a protector and loved by all. the only difference between salem and glinda is that glinda is beloved by the people of oz!
but i also promised you dorothy. so:
allow me to direct your attention back to what glinda does to mombi after ozma’s curse is lifted. mombi is made to drink a potion that causes her to forget all the magic she’s ever learned, leaving her to live as an ordinary old woman—but she is not left alone to suffer afterwards, because ozma makes arrangements to provide for her indefinitely.
this is, of course, what’s in store for the god of light. he’s going to ascend—that’s obvious—and the fairytale ‘the two brothers’ hints quite strongly that he’ll come back as a man (i’d wager a faunus specifically), leaving his power and memories of divinity behind and given a peaceful life in return. mombi’s resolution in ‘marvelous land’ offers a direct 1:1 comparison to ascension. 
but what about the god of darkness?
he’s– he’s dorothy.
dorothy doesn’t appear in ‘marvelous land’ and she has no presence in the book whatsoever except as one of the two characters whose departure at the end of the last book created the circumstances that allow this story to occur: it is dorothy’s adventure that convinces the wizard to leave oz, and then she leaves too. the wizard—through mombi, the real power behind his throne—retains his influence and authority over the land of oz until she is forced to undo her wrongs, but dorothy is simply… gone. she went home, she’s remembered fondly by her friends, she has nothing whatsoever to do with this story, and the silver shoes that bore her home at the end of the last book fell from her feet and were lost forever. 
(she does eventually make it back to oz, in a roundabout way, by accident. but for rwby’s purposes, and within the context of ‘marvelous land’ taken in isolation, dorothy is Gone Forever.)
afterans refer to the tree as home; they think of ascension as returning home to rest and find renewal after a long journey through the world outside. at the end of her journey through oz, she asks glinda to send her home, and glinda tells her:
“The Silver Shoes," said the Good Witch, "have wonderful powers. And one of the most curious things about them is that they can carry you to any place in the world in three steps, and each step will be made in the wink of an eye. All you have to do is to knock the heels together three times and command the shoes to carry you wherever you wish to go.”
and, as i noted, the shoes carry her home but are lost in the process, never to be found again. 
glinda teaches dorothy how to go home. likewise, salem is a repetition of jabber—the argument between the brothers comes full circle—and through this experience dark realizes that he needs to “go home,” i.e. ascend. he’s been trapped in this same disagreement for thousands of years and nothing has changed; nothing will change unless he tries something new. he shatters the moon on his way out and, unlike his brother, there’s nothing to suggest he’s still present in this world or relevant to this story as anything but backstory… because he ascended and became something new.
(the spirits in the relics.)
(which in terms of the ozian narrative, represent the golden cap, which glinda receives from dorothy before she gives it to the king of the flying monkeys to set them all free, so the symbolic through line between dark-as-dorothy becoming the spirits-as-flying-monkeys through his and their relation to salem is relatively straightforward.)
anyway, behold.
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babytrapperdiaz · 1 year
we talk a lot about the symbolism of the repetitive traumas the other characters have gone through, eg. chim being impaled/having his heart stopped, buck needing to save/be saved by loved ones, eddie effectively being cornered/trapped in confined spaces (sometimes by a helicopter, sometimes by being shot at).
but we should definitely further discuss how bobby repeatedly falls victim to structural oversight/damages. eg. how his family died, the owners of the rehab center committing arson and blaming him for it, the snipper who targeted firefighters because of how he interpreted his treatment by the lafd (and committed arson to lure them out), being trapped in the rubble at the call center, and now presumably being seriously hurt in this literal structural collapse. like tell us more about how this public servant in a leadership position is repeatedly falling victim to what is basically systemic shortcomings in the community. like please. i'd very much like to know more about that.
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loopy777 · 7 months
Spoiler Thoughts & Reactions: Azula in the Spirit Temple
This is the stuff I had to leave out of my other post because it's spoilery, mostly concerned with Azula's character arc. It seems the fandom is having mixed reactions to this, but I think it moves Azula forward in a big way as a character, even though very little changes about her general situation.
The thing I'm most struck by is that this thing has the exact same character arc as the 2-chapter vision question I sent Zuko on in Traitor's Face, complete with the protagonist seemingly rejecting redemption at the climax by attacking the spirit in what is actually a symbolically self-destructive reaction to becoming consciously aware of the abusive they experienced from Ozai- an awareness that may lead to better choices in the future.
I love that Azula actually talks about Ozai here, and the flashback to her discovering her Firebending is perfectly illustrative of her dynamic with her parents. During her spirit visions, Azula claims to no longer support Ozai because he failed and lost his Firebending, which seems to be a change from how she was still taking his orders in 'The Search.' After 'Smoke & Shadow' was loudly silent on the matter, we see that she's truly taken a step forward in her characterization and is no longer consciously trying to win his approval. I had suspected as much, considering her obsession with Zuko, but it's good to see it given confirmation and focus.
At the start of this story, Azula is definitely diminished, though, running around the fringes of the Fire Nation committing petty acts of sabotage, no longer attempting any grand plans to manipulate Zuko but rather just generally antagonizing him. This is a change from her professed mission in S&S to supposedly make him a better Fire Lord by teaching him the power of fear over love.
My own speculations are that that she either wasn't serious about her true motivations in S&S (which I think would be a retcon), she's now lashing out at him in revenge for his rejection of the lesson, or she's just taunting him with her own continued survival and freedom in order to show him that his belief in love can't accomplish everything.
Getting back to Ozai, I was stunned to find that this comic actually has her admitting that her father abused her and she feared him. That is a huge step forward for her, acknowledging the part he played in her troubles. And yet, at the story's climax, when she goes to attack the spirit who has been troubling her and giving her visions, she proclaims herself the daughter of Ozai (not Ursa, unlike Zuko at the climax of 'Zuko Alone,' despite Azula also admitting some real truths about her mother), gives him the title of the Phoenix King, and uses it as proof of her claim to the Fire Nation throne. That seems to be a huge reversal from the earlier acknowledgements, and she explicitly frames it as a rejection of the possibility of redemption- a rejection even of the need.
This would seem to be a rather meta sign of what we should expect next for Azula, that there will be no Redemption Arc and she will remain a villain. But I'm not so sure.
Because Azula is not being honest.
The spirit, after it takes its final monstrous bug-like form, describes itself as a mirror of Azula's inner-self, a monster just like her, and the consequence of rejecting redemption. Azula attempts to destroy it with her lightning, a symbolic act of self-destruction. She seems to once again be embracing Ozai's worldview that human connections are a weakness. And the symbolic self-destruction seems to indicate that this will not end well for her.
But I would say that the final pages are not definitive about what is next for her.
For one thing, the spirit is not destroyed. When Azula continues her journey through the forest where she found the spirit temple, the first panel puts an insect of the same type and color as the spirit's final form in the foreground. So she's mistaken about that, and if we continue to say that it's a symbol of her inner-self, she didn't succeed in destroying it.
When she finds the Fire Warriors -- who she initially said she would hurt for leaving her to go rescue a captured member she had given up on -- she observes their close friendship and chooses to walk away. She covers this by saying, out loud to no one, that they are unworthy of her leadership. Who is she trying to convince? This directly parallels the feelings about Ty Lee and Mai that were explored in her visions. So clearly she's in denial about what she's feeling, attempting to talk herself into a more palatable justification, and has grown from wanting to hurt the Fire Warriors for their disobedience and having what she wants.
Then, interestingly, as Azula walks away, she says she'll find a new place to rule and new followers, and that she always does. This is despite her earlier talk about being the rightful heir to the throne.
I've long said that the dumbest, least interesting way to use Azula in any AtLA sequels (including fanfic) is to have her trying to usurp the title of Fire Lord from Zuko. It plays into the rivalry taught to them by the way Ozai played them against each other, but in the context of the setting, it's a fool's errand. Even if the Fire Nation accepted her, the rest of the world wouldn't, not if she's going to antagonize them. Restarting the war is a no-go, as the Fire Nation has lost its colonies and captured territory in the Earth Kingdom, and now it no longer has a military or technology advantage. I can't buy that someone as smart as Azula would want to put herself into an career dead-end like that.
But it seems, thanks to those final pages, this comic has advanced Azula enough that even though she wants the throne, she recognizes that it offers her nothing in either real power or personal satisfaction. If she really is looking for somewhere else to rule, she's no longer interested in fighting with Zuko over a token that their father had dangled over them all their lives. She doesn't even care what Zuko does with it.
(That's not to say she won't fight with Zuko over other things! Which I would be fine with.)
And she's off to find something worth fighting over, even though she's still very flawed and in denial about a lot of it.
So I think this comic opens up a lot of possibilities for Azula. Maybe she'll continue being a villain, but for smart stakes. Maybe she'll eventually work her way to a true redemption. (I especially like that the dialogue ties redemption with apologies; it's not enough to stop being bad, a true redemption requires acknowledging past wrongs and attempting to make up for them.) Or maybe the continuing AtLA story will do what I like to play with when I write Azula:
Just find a way for her to achieve peace with herself.
Anyway, the more I think on this comic, the more I like it. I'll be crushed when the animated Aang movie makes her a generic villain again. XD
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adam-sadmon · 7 months
So to supplement by last post wherein I made an Armored Core AC based around Makoto (and might do some more for the Thieves) it's alternatively funny to instead imagine AC's not built by design aesthetics or combat styles/characteristics of the Thieves but literally made BY the Thieves, so here's how I imagine each Thief would build their AC if sat down in front of Armored Core 6:
Ryuji: Easy. Tank legs, dual miniguns and dual missile launchers on the shoulders. He hasn't optimised it whatsoever and with a build like that honestly he doesn't need to, he's Tokyo drifting at mach 10 turning the atmosphere into 90% lead. He will absolutely drive Futaba insane over how stupid his build is and how terrifyingly effective it is, especially when he turns her fully optimised meta build into a tin can.
Futaba: Futaba is a Gamer TM, and a toxic meta-slave at that, so she's running dual Zimmermans and Songbirds, at least when she's playing online. She likes to challenge herself in the campaign (which she's played though about 10 times now) and loves to flex on the rest of the Thieves in the Arena, usually by only equipping a single bazooka and turning on manual aiming to practise her Quake/TF2 rockets. OH, and she has in fact bugged Yusuke into making some waifu decals for her which she stickerbombs her AC with.
Yusuke: At first Yusuke was literally just using the first AC you play as during the first mission of the game since he spent a 100% of his time creating decals and re-colouring his AC, until eventually he started changing the AC parts to compliment his decals and aesthetic, and finally he actually went into the test range to fight... So he could spend 110% of his time in photo mode.
Makoto: Makoto, much to the fear and surprise of Futaba, is ruthlessly efficient when it comes to her AC build and approaches weapon and part stats the way she would an exam, going out of her way to build an energy-weapon based medium-weight AC, having ran the numbers on the various energy generators and the sheer DPS on quad-pulse guns, and much to her surprise has even beat Futaba on multiple occasions, even against her meta-slave build. Though nobody knows and she wouldn't hasten to tell anybody Makoto has secretly spent an inordinate amount of time away from studying to make Buchimaru decals for when she plays alone in the campaign.
Ann: Having little frame of reference as far as mecha go Ann failed upwards, instead trying to emulate herself in the metaverse by running with dual Ludlow SMG's and even adding the whip-like plasma thrower to her build and, inspired by the sleek femme-fatale villainesses of her childhood shows, built herself especially light with reverse-joint legs, not for the added jump distance or decrease in weight but because they look like high heels. She has accidentally outed Makoto's dark secret by telling Mako-Chan that she and her should hang out and make some more Buchi emblems and makes Futaba question her existence when she victory dances after turning her AC into Swiss cheese.
Haru: As bloodthirsty in AC6 as she is in the Metaverse Haru gets noticeably too into Arena fights especially when landing a fully revved chainsaw or by going wide eyed and shallow-breathed when flying 300 metres up in the air on hovering tetrapod legs while raining down 40 missiles at once, usually on Ryuji who can't reach her with his stubby little tank legs and who refuses to change his AC. She's attempted to make a lighter weight, more aesthetically pleasing and eloquent AC's but says fuck it when she realises she can't equip the chainsaw without being overburdened.
Morgana: Morgana doesn't have thumbs, however when hanging around Futaba he backseats and has gotten her to make a gentlemanly, lightweight AC with quad-handguns painted all black and white to emulate his stylish masculinity, which he then got to see melted by Sulla. He hasn't even got to Balteus yet.
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dailycass-cain · 9 months
How I Came to Appreciate Batgirl: Redemption Road More...
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Once upon a time, I wasn't really fond of this story. I hated and loathed it. Since 2020 however, I gained a greater appreciation for the mini-series. Now it isn't on the top tier of Cassandra Cain stories, but I don't see it lower tier list anymore.
Well, I'm going to tell you, and maybe you'll appreciate this story too.
I fully confess this story more as a "Schrödinger's Cassandra Cain" story. There is a lot of bad in it, and yet there is a lot of good in it. First off, the one element I do enjoy is the art by Jim Calafiore.
There's a grit Calafiore brings to this story. It helps balance the good and the bad. The good is that he draws a very scary Cass. That and I do enjoy the opening homage to a certain two-clawed Wolverine in the opening spread:
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Now for the very title of the series, you can interpret "redemption road" as two-fold: in writer Adam Beechen redeeming not only Cassandra in the eyes of the Bat-Family but redeeming himself with readers for well turning her heel back in Robin #150 and "Titans East" (Teen Titans #42-47). Cause let's face it-- it was not a good story by any means and did neither Cass or Beechen any further favors (but I digress, Geoff Johns, plotted that all out and there are "reasons" for Slade getting away free).
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You have those factors and this little tale. So at Wizardworld Chicago 2008 I attended a panel where the infamous Dan DiDio revealed that Beechen bugged him for pitches and the one of approved was this mini.
He also revealed Beechen was the only one pitching stories on Cass (which was a half-lie, if you've seen my "Lost Tales of Cass" post, you know Chuck Dixon had a fill-in issue of Detective Comics ready to go telling how Cass/Bruce mended).
Course, by this time period Dixon was exiting Robin and Batman & the Outsiders so, yeah it was a "half-truth".
That made me angry back then, but now I see the why, and I'm okay with it. In his original ways of writing Cass, Beechen's attempts were-- not good. This was his chance to show readers he had really looked into the character's history and fix these issues that he himself put in.
Think about it we came from this in Robin #152:
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To this. Beechen calling out the grand problem within the Bat-books (even now it seems). Cass is important in the Bat-Family, SO TREAT HER AS SUCH. Which he does by having Alfred (of course) pointing these things out.
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But Alfred isn't the only one being meta in this story. I didn't even realize it, until 2020, but there is one other character playing a meta part in this comic, Nightwing.
If there's one HUGE gripe with this particular volume it is the relationship of Cass/Dick in it. We went to them being brother/sister.. to well. We have Dick literally acting like a dick to her.
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Then it hit me.
Who was writing Nightwing at the time period? Peter Tomasi. Who treated the character of Cassandra like what Alfred says? Then suddenly Dick's characterization here began making sense much more sense (when you have this going right after this series as if that writer was flipping off Beechen) in Tomasi's final page of Nightwing:
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Cass was supposedly living in the Manor at this time (per this story). Funny how she was "forgotten" in Nightwing. I guess Tomasi was REALLY spiteful because he revisited this subplot during the New 52 Batman & Robin too with Bruce even twisting the knife further:
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Though for Beechen's purposes he revisits on WHY Cassandra should be a key member of the Bat-Family. Not only that, but Cass goes thru a journey that explores the limits of the Bat-Family's underlying culture of vengeance. And she reaches a natural conclusion to this (more on that later).
So let's get to the real bad. No not the 90s designed goons of David Cain or Deathstroke. No not the David Cain characterization. I'm talking about #1's wall of text that would make even Brian Michael Bendis blush.
This is only one page of it in the issue. We got TWO.
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Until this issue, we never really got a "defined" timeline of Cass's EVIL period. We just figured OYL, Supergirl #14, Robin #161-162, and Titans East was how it happened. Turns out we were WRONG. Did we really need to see these pages of text? Not really.
In all honesty, I think a simpler solution would have been just tiny panels of Cass seeing the various people she killed when drugged up. At the very least, it would put faces on those Cass was forced to do. You could feel her rage on why she's hunting Slade/David Cain then.
Plus it feels like we're missing something as Tim was basically like Dick in Titans East. But now he's changed. Why? There could have been panels of Tim showing care for Cass in this. Instead, he just feels muted throughout this mini.
The first issue ends with Cass confronting another mystery lady murdering some of Slade/David Cain's assassins. And again, a problem I have with this mini.
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These "children of Cain" feel so nameless save for Marque, who is the opposite of Cass. She embraces the violence that she was taught and is David Cain's own Frankenstein Monster. Throughout the mini she just comes off as superfluous and edgy. Really edgy...
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I really think Beechen missed a prime chance here in having Cass trying to save someone like herself. Someone unlike Cass, didn't realize life as much as she did. That finally, Cain cracked the code (with help from the Slade juice). And Cass could try to redeem her.
So this whole theme of redemption could be all over the place then. Marque throughout this just feels, meh. Speaking of meh say hello to meaningless male love interest #3 for Cass.
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This subplot just feels pretty meh. I get the why Beechen tried it. The writer from Batman: City of Light attempted this. Dylan Horrocks with Black Wind during his run on Vol. 1, and Andersen Gabrych attempted this in his run with Zero (and let's face it we only remember his name because he died).
The whole love subplot just feels so unnecessary here. Again we could have more stuff with Tim helping her. Something. Instead, we get someone we care little about. Because A.) we've seen it before and are so over it.
B.) Compare it with Shadow of the Batgirl which did this right. It balanced everything by showing Cass being the focus here (you know the actual main character), and less on the intended male love interest (until later when she gets to know him, Erik, more as the reader does too)
Which leads to this positive in #2. In one page we are given Babs realizing what Cass has been up too and is all for her going on this quest (probably knowing where this will end). Which is again, a good contrast to where Babs and Cass are here. Babs knows Cass needs this.
Bruce doesn't. Dick SOOOOO doesn't. But Babs fully understands. And I do love me some Babs being a good mentor.
Another positive in this issue does is laying the groundwork on how David Cain/Deathstroke forged this partnership when Cass/Marque visit a former colleague of both men.
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That these two knowing one another was hinted at in Batgirl Vol. 1 by Kelley Puckett himself when Cain told Bruce in #5 of a job that was beneath him, Slade, and Lawton's talents. So in that regard, that's a nice callback.
Speaking of callbacks, you can't have Cass hunting Slade and not have run into Ravager (who was also actively hunting her father too during this time period of DC). And here the two's interaction is hit or miss.
Rose equally has a grudge against Slade for pulling the same stuff that he did to Cass. So they can easily relate to the other. Also, you have a built-in Rose going to more extremes than Cass (thanks to Sean McKeever's underrated Teen Titans run character arc involving her).
This is why Marque again comes off as the third wheel in all of this. If you're reading DC Comics at the time (or even now). You want the Cass/Rose interactions here. You don't care about the gritty edgy third person who's ruining the antics between the other two.
Like literally, the tension between Cass/Rose should be all that you need. There's history between them both. There are similar goals each wants. But it comes off as meh throughout this due to Marque. I mean look at this panel below and tell me who sticks out as the sore thumb?
Cause then you have panel later on in the book that makes you want to fist pump with these two now that are Marqueless. Who doesn't want to read THAT?!
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Look, the idea of Marque is intriguing but there should have been a clear subject spawned from Deathstroke/David Cain's alliance. An assassin. A roadblock. A hurdle. Not nameless ninja assassins with badly designed outfits.
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If this was just Marque fighting Rose/Cass then at least the fight could have meant more meaning. A face to go along with someone who's being down there as Rose/Cass got away from their murderdads.
Because there's no weight to any of these fights which should have more impact. Instead, they come off as weightless. And more blood spilled by Marque because the EDGE MUST FLOW!
But if #3 has another problem is Dick really being a bastard. Seriously, WHAT THE HELL DICK?! But then again, I get it now on why Dick is acting as such. Just that this bad characterization does come at the expense of Nightwing. Like WOW.
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So here I am bashing the heck out of this third issue, with very little good finding in it. Well, there is one other additional good. That's the opening page/panel when Cass is out (due to Rose from last issue).
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Where does this love of Cass/Shiva together come from? This comic! Beechen of all writers laid the seed that Bryan Edward Hill in Batman & the Outsiders and Michael Conrad & Becky Cloonan on Batgirls would use. The hidden desire Cass has: she wants Shiva to be a mother to her. Yes, Barbara is a good mother too (and dammit where is she in this panel above?!)
Regardless, Beechen does understand a want Cass has that James Tynion opened (and failed at) while Hill fleshed out WAAAAAAY more. So much more that now this has to be the standard of their relationship now. Literally, this is just gold between the two of them now.
But if you want to know where this hunger for Cass/Shiva to have an actual daughter/mother relationship came? You can thank Adam Beechen for that!
#4 finally has the long-awaited fight between Cass and Slade with it well being quite lackluster thanks in due part to Marque and the nameless daughters of Cain.
But I do confess there are a few dialogue pieces in #4 I do enjoy. Like Slade twisting the mental knife to get the better of Cass here.
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We get no cathartic scenes for either Rose or Cass here (everyone seems to get robbed of having them with Slade at this time period in DC). Just a rushed end to a rushed subplot.
Again, this could have been the point where Cass was reaching to Marque and that could have been the point for Slade to decide, "WHELP TIME TO EXPLODE AND RUN!" Setting up the next issue. Instead, these nameless kids all die and we the reader feel nothing for them.
When in fact we should feel more. But so it is comics and we get the abrupt ending of the Cass/Rose union. Because this is all we get of Slade and her after this issue. Which is a pity.
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Again given how both have similarities with horrible fathers. There should be much pathos here between Cass/Rose. How Cass sees going down this path of vengeance can poison you still (as it is doing to Rose). With Marque being.. ugh.
If that wasn't enough we get again nameless male love interest and ugh. Yeah, I'm just not gonna post more of that. Other than Cass realizes just who Slade and her pop would target to announce their alliance but also hurt the heroes: Oracle.
Which makes complete sense. I just wish the comic did a better job with it like Bruce Wayne: Murderer did only now David Cain this time going after Barbara (as he went after Bruce in that event story). There's a lot of things this comic could have done better at.
#5 opens with Dick, Bruce, and Tim fighting Cass due to the former ratting out her plans to kill David Cain to the latter two. Still, it is kind of cathartic Dick getting punted.
I hate myself for enjoying that.
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If you're expecting any sort of closure between Dick/Cass here you aren't going to get any in this series. Dick continues to be a dick to Cassandra in Frank Tieri's fill-in arc of Batman & the Outsiders #13-14. After that, Dick FINALLY stops acting so OOC.
Here we go back into the positives of this series. I do enjoy Cass scoping the eventual scene of the crime out. She looks at the evidence she's got and with her skills predicts how and where her father will try to take the shot at Babs.
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These pages come to show that Cass indeed can be a fine detective on her own right (thanks to Babs, Bruce, and Tim teaching her). Knowing how and when the crime could occur before it even does with what she knows.
And so we get probably the second-best part of this series. These next two pages.
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I mean it's not Damion Scott, but Calafiore does have the nice little details here and there. Also nice of Beechen to use TWO homages of Cass here. From this set-up shot from Vol. 1 from above too…
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To Cain about to strike a Gordon down and once again, his daughter stops him from taking the killshot. There's a bit of poetry there.
So in some callbacks, the creative team does nail them. I have to confess other than Marque, #5 is probably the portion of the story where it actually gets good. Even if it does come at the small price of David Cain's characterization.
Look, yes David Cain is a monster, but there's a difference between monsters who aren't portrayed as human and the ones who are. Cain had a perfect balance of this in Vol. 1 The stuff in this volume (and until again Shadow of the Batgirl) David just is a complete monster.
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In that regard, the pathos of the villain just feels more hollow. If save Slade talked to him while in prison. Told him he could perfect and deliver that perfect child soldier. Bring a reason for his life again. I'd buy that more than what we got here in Vol. 2.
Why going into the final issue why I go into that mindset. It helps the reasons flow better for the character then what we actually got. And the ultimate fight between the two is handled well.
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I also love that both Babs/Bruce are doing crowd control here (both at this point knowing this is something Cass NEEDS). I love that Charlie sees what is going on and her first instinct is to help Cass.
It's a pity we never got more interactions between Charlie/Cass. If only there were some subplots that could have been dropped so we could have got that.
While we don't get the cathartic stuff with Slade we do get it with Cass going up against her father. Just unloading the life he never gave her with a fury.
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It's an almost Return of the Jedi moment of Vader/Luke's final duel with Cass just unleashing it all on her own father who cannot defend himself against the rage of his child. And much like Vader/Luke there's that moment when the later realized what will happen if he continues.
Like Luke, Cass has that realization too. That if she has her vengeance what will it solve? All this pain. All this suffering that's she has dealt with these last few months. Will killing him solve it? Of course, we know the answer cause it's Cass.
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No. Being a killer is not who she is. She is a hero. So she attempts to save her father, but well as we find out this is where Bruce and Tim were hiding. Waiting and watching to see if Cass would come to this realization.
And we come to the best moment of this comic where Bruce puts his batdad side full-on. I love that the focus is on Cass here. Hearing what Bruce is saying and you just see the raw emotion of her just cracking up wanting this so bad until...
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The hug from her true dad with a proud brother looking on. If only you know a stupid tie-in didn't have to ruin the good moment making any readers go, "What the hell is R.I.P.?!"
Like seriously, I'm surprised no one has photoshopped that R.I.P. out of the panel. If you take it out. Damn does this work more. But by putting it in there. "Oh yeah, Bruce is about to die. ...." And that emotion just leaves you to do this.
So if any of you great Photoshoppers out there can take that R.I.P. out? That'd be just great.
So Batgirl vol. 2 looking under this lens isn't the worst Cass story, nor does have enough good to be amazing to recommend. It's just there with both good and bad. It's average.
Hence it is Schrödinger's Cass. It is exactly this. But it was worth talking about. Because it is a period of Cass that should be talked of more. Because it does redeem Adam Beechen with the character.
Along with redeeming Cass with the Bat-Family. It's just a pity only Frank Tieri decided to follow on this and NO OTHER WRITER. Sadly not soon after we'd be getting the teases that Babs would be back as Batgirl from the Blackest Night mini caps at the end of BoP and Nightwing.
For certain folk at DC already made up their mind with the character, and she wouldn't be Batgirl or apart of the Bat-Family that much longer. I guess they assumed this Volume would be considered a "gift". That Cass got closure... Ugh.
If you want to know more about DC meddling. Then see here when I go more into detail on that.
That said, Batgirl Vol. 2 gets a lot of bad rap, but it isn't all bad. It's highly flawed, but there is some good in it. … And here's me going all RoTJ fully with it. 😋
With that, I'm gonna call it a night. Because tomorrow there are things I hope for tomorrow. REALLY AMAZING THINGS for us Cass fans tomorrow at long last.
But not freaking Batman/Catwoman: Gotham War. That can go to hell...
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bonefall · 1 year
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[ID: A grown version of Brushpaw from Warrior Cats. He is a ginger-and-white tabby cat with splotchy patches, a white butt, tail, paws, and 'bib'. He has yellow eyes with a distinct blob marking on his right side. He has a round notch in one ear.]
Because he's been coming up a lot lately, here he is! BB!Brushpaw is an ex-BloodClan cat who joins WindClan along with Snapper.
After the BloodClan Battle, Firestar opened up diplomatic negotiations in an attempt to see how much of Tigerstar's Impossible Deal the Clans could still honor. The answer was so simple as to be ridiculous; flowers, wood, novelty food. Things BloodClan can't get in the concrete alleys of Chelford. Leo and Snapper were only two of the traders who would regularly visit WindClan and ThunderClan.
Leo was head-over-paws for Onewhisker almost right away. He rarely went to ThunderClan, always trying to get chosen to go to the moor. He was so smitten, he never realized any of the red flags. Onewhisker wouldn't do public displays of affection, or tell his friends they were seeing each other, and when Leo floated the idea of joining the Clan... Onewhisker gave an affirmative, but not enthusiastic answer.
Tallstar decided to allow Leo and Snapper to join, but only if they went through apprenticeship as a formality. Onewhisker told Brushpaw that it's forbidden for warriors to be with apprentices, even if they are adults, and Brushpaw understood and respected that.
But it didn't get better.
Next, his ceremony was delayed over the destruction. His mentor, Mudclaw, even accused him of being a jinx and that he was bringing the humans to the moor. He went on the Great Journey forced to remain Brushpaw, Tallstar only having the strength to give Crowfeather his Honor Title and leaving him and Snappaw in the dust.
His scar is from fighting in the WindClan rebellion-- one of the rebels jumped on his back and tried to snap his neck. After the fight, Onestar gave the two their well-earned names; Brushblaze for the muirburn that Mudclaw sabotaged, and Snapstorm for the rain that put it out after.
When Onestar became leader, he changed, or... maybe it just revealed something that was always there, that Brushblaze didn't see. Either way, whatever they had was over.
Eventually, he became an ironic friend of Heathertail, helping her bring back tunneling. He died helping her and Breezepelt escape The Kin through a secret passage he constructed with Harespring, collapsing the tunnel so that they couldn't be followed.
Lots of info under the cut
Design & Meta Stuff
It bugs me how in Onestar's Concussion they copped out on the idea that Onewhisker was cheating on his lover with Smoke, by making it SUPER clear there was no overlap in the relationships. Soo instead yeah poor Brush was cheated on.
I feel like the fact that Canon!Brushpaw was a ginger tabby was supposed to invoke the image of Firestar, because the whole point is that "Firestar succeeded where Brushpaw failed" so like... I DESPERATELY tried to make sure Brushblaze is a ginger tabby who looks nothing like my Firestar lmao.
Total opposites, my Firestar is bright and skinny, Brush is dull and sturdy. Fire has no stripes and no white and Brush has stripes and white patches.
I gave him a spotty white tail for the irony of it looking like Darktail's but inverted.
I don't know if this makes sense but I tried to channel the energy of a gay dude who owns snakes.
Waaaaay smarter than you think, but can be a bit passionate and oblivious.
Prone to biting off more than he can chew and getting in situations above his head.
A yes-man, doesn't like saying no to people, especially when he feels like he can help.
Most ex-BloodClan cats look scary but are friendlier than they seem.
Surprises people with the way he casually remembers everything. Names, recipes, offhanded comments... say it once and it's in his head forever.
You really think that he's going to be a grump with that face, but it's far from the truth. He's tired, but super friendly.
Leo was a BloodClan Solver, a position that has to do with intellectual work.
Snapper was his assigned Problem, kind of like a BloodClan warrior.
His mother Bailey is actually one of the most respected Solvers in BloodClan. He didn't really like being in her shadow, though.
Looking back on it, Brushblaze is embarrassed about how quickly he was ready to commit to someone who, in hindsight, wasn't into it as much as he was.
They were dating but Onewhisker was... flaky. He didn't want to tell others about their relationship, never wanted public affection.
It was really obvious looking back on it that One was never brave enough to commit.
Snappaw and Brushpaw had to fight a lot of xenophobia to earn their place. Mudclaw's distrust of a cat he was supposed to train like an apprentice was a major factor in why Tallstar changed deputies so suddenly.
Unknown to Brush, Onewhisker had already rejected an old lover, Smoke, when he found out she was pregnant and wanted to join the Clan. He couldn't handle the shame of telling Brush he had been cheating AND the idea of waltzing into camp with a brazen kittypet lover.
Brush did eventually move on, but it took a long time. Onestar had Heathertail via honor-siring, never getting back into a romantic relationship again.
After this, he's very grudging of Onestar. Obeys him as a leader, but clearly dislikes him as an authority figure and as a person.
One of Onestar's many regrets.
One day in the Po3 Era, he overheard Heatherpaw and Breezepaw scream for help and came running
They were digging a tunnel, and Harepaw got buried
He pulled him out, and the three of them begged him to not tell their parents
Heatherpaw: "If my dad finds out he'll want to use this to do something stupid"
Brushblaze: "well... can't argue with that."
But he made them promise that the next time they dig that far down, where they could get hurt by a cave-in, they would come get him.
He became something like a safety friend, helping them work out how to reinforce a tunnel, doing good estimates of how to dig from Point A to Point B.
Onestar, of course, did eventually find out about tunnels... from Sedgepaw, boasting about the naturally-occurring ones under the Lake. It sure did give the four of them a scare that he'd learned about their little resurrection of tunneling as a practice.
Brushblaze eventually found love again; ironically, it was with Whitetail!
They had two kittens; Galekit and Smokekit.
He found it REALLY weird though that Onestar was so... aggressive? About Smokekit
"you didn't have to do this," said Onestar, glaring at the baby.
Brushblaze blinked several times. "....have a child???"
He would learn the truth less than a month later, when Darktail brought The Kin to the lake
Breezepelt joined quickly, and Heathertail went with curiosity when it was revealed that Darktail was her half-brother.
Harespring, deputy at the time, knew that his childhood friends were in danger. Him, Brushblaze, Crowfeather, and a few others immediately started digging to help save their Clanmates
Brushblaze's final act was shoving The Kin escapees in the tunnel, lagging behind, and collapsing the tunnel on himself and their pursuers.
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visualtaehyun · 9 months
Hi ✨ chances are you're here because of one of my posts about language in Thai shows (mostly BL tbh). And since I kind of keep writing more of those, I thought I should do some better housekeeping and neatly collect them in a pinned post. So here ya go!
- all posts about language in Thai series: #local woman harps on about linguistics Thai QL fandom 101 & 102
- all other posts related to Thai language, shows or artists: #ql musings (meta, thoughts etc.) #bella and the blorbos (gifs, edits, memes, etc.)
- other language related posts: #thai | #linguistics
- specific shows and posts under the cut!
Be My Favorite ep. 10 - "We should stop using rude pronouns" ep. 11 - thoughts | the poem ep. 12 - thoughts and some translation notes
Hidden Agenda ep. 5 - food, tongue twister, misc. ep. 6 - the friendzone article, the meaning of sunflowers according to Zo, observations about boundary pushing misc. - ep. 6 cuddle and ep. 10 video call
Only Friends ep. 5 - SandRay and the word 'friend' OST MV "So What?" - on-screen subs translated ep. 12 - Big Bug and Little Rabbit
Naughty Babe ep. 2 - "What do I usually call you?" ep. 3 - How the main four speak with each other ep. 4 - "Ai...!" - "Hia." | names and pronouns between the two families | What's in a name? ep. 5 - Devotion ep. 8 - Yi's mom and sisters
Lucky My Love ep. 1 - Consulting the stars ep. 2 - care vs. care ep. 3 - subtitle addendum ep. 5 - misc.
Love Senior ep. 1 - Names, puns, and pronouns galore! ep. 2 - bits and bobs ep. 4 preview - Title drop! ...and SOTUS explained
Last Twilight ep. 5 - The phi-nong of it all | Of Partners and Pronouns ep. 1-6 - "You're good! - "I sure am~" parallel | Mork and August's changing language with each other | Evolution of MorkDay's language use ep. 7 - Bam bam in the ham ep. 8 - The Little Prince | The brothers, Day's anger, and Night & Mork ep. 9 - Rung the rainbow | Bam bam in the ham updated & in gif format | Different expressions for Sorry ep. 11 - Phi Night vs. Lung Night & Porjai vs. Poomjai ep. 12 - no explanations, just vibes (mostly Porjai and Night)
Dead Friend Forever ep. 1-8 - misc. translations and observations ep. 9 - more language notes ep. 11 - Tee's conscience vs. Non's fury, and more news headlines | Phee-New & Tee-White pronoun breakdown and New's disposition by the end of ep. 11
1000 Years Old ep. 1 - Title, pronouns, and WHOMST ep. 2 - Hashtags, ghost girl, and "allergic" ep. 3-5 - "You are mine", Pun does a pun, etc. ep. 6+9 - Puns, pronouns, and shenanigans
23.5 ep. 1 - Pronouns and puns ep. 2 - The Fixed Stars, haplessness, and more ep. 3 - Names, particles, aliens and ghosts, oh my! ep. 4 - Fortune favors the bold ep. 7 - Sass, banana ghost, and love advice ep. 9 - Girlfriend ep. 11 - 'Taking advantage', the Moon's post-it, and the Sun
We Are cheat sheet for characters, relationships, pronouns etc. with additions in reblogs: ep. 5 - Buffalo and 'feelings in my heart' ep. 6 - 'Khun meung khrap', hia gang, and the gc name ep. 7 - Unsubbed lines, 'thirak', and buffalo (again) ep. 9 - Tomato glasses, song reference, and 'taking advantage'
Love Sea intro trailer - pronouns & predictions ep. 1 - MAME novel easter eggs, raising a cat, and the handsome ghost
La Pluie - #bella watches la pluie Cutie Pie - #bella rewatches ning hia
ONE-OFFS Wedding Plan ep. 2 - Wa & Rine Wednesday Club - Wednesday's child is full of woe | Naming conventions of Tam's yadom Cooking Crush ep. 1 - Onion-or-kiss pun Pit Babe ep. 13 - CharlieBabe NC Only Boo! - pilot | official trailer
MISC. re: a BossNoeul clip - sugar daddy/DILF meme and song (ฟ้ารักพ่อ by Badmixy) re: a Last Twilight post - A clownery of typos and homonyms in romanization DMD Friendship the Reality - A pun explained (ft. FirstOne and Latte) re: a Pavel tweet - an attempt to explain and contextualize ผัว /pua/ and เมีย /mia/ re: We Are ep. 2 - Stir-fried water spinach aka Flying Morning Glory
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c0d33 · 9 months
Richard Lore
WARNING! This post contains spoilers for Outer Wilds: Echoes of the Eye!
If you have not yet completed this DLC (Or Outer Wilds for that fact), I would suggest not reading past the read more. What I talk about in here will spoil some of the largest parts of the DLC, and they're too good to not experience for yourself first.
Y'all gone? Alright, now let's get into this mess of a character.
Richard the Owlk
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(Art by @luckylazulii!)
Part 1: Origins
Richard's origins are probably not a conventional way for OCs to be made. Richard was spawned entirely as a joke from several VRChat sessions I had with some friends. In them, we would usually start in the Outer Wilds avatar world, and one of the avatars was a customizable Owlk! Naturally, I tried to make the silliest looking one possible, so I gave them no antlers (But I prefer just calling them bald). While I used this avatar, I jokingly called them Richard. Not only did this name stick for the character itself, but it also somehow got attached to me. So if you're wondering why I had that random name listed as one of the ones you can call me, that's why.
Part 2: The Lore
This is where it somehow gets sillier. I never intended for Richard to be a serious character, so naturally I just started making up whatever lore I wanted for him. So, here's what the initial lore was:
He's bald (As mentioned earlier)
He's a certified Fortnite gamer
He sleeps in doorways (The one on the top end of the stairs in the Party House in the Shrouded Woodlands is the main one he sleeps in)
He eats children
As you can see, not the most serious OC. But again, I hardly intended for them to be serious. It wasn't until they had been around for a while and I started getting art of them that more lore started developing. So, here's the Serious Lore™:
Richard was spawned through a bug in the simulation's code. Despite the Owlk's best attempts to fix the bug, he was never patched out and remained in the simulation indefinitely.
He didn't act like other Owlks. He would often be looming in the distance, watching. Waiting.
He wasn't very... friendly, so to say. Various reports were made and many stories were told about the various things he had done, but there were never any other witnesses for any one story.
By the time the events of the main game are taking place, there are no other Owlks left in the simulation except for Richard (And the Prisoner, but due to their current situation, Richard couldn't feasibly get rid of them).
And so far, that's the lore. There are some other meta things I could think of that would explain how they would work in the context of the game, but that doesn't necessarily apply to their lore.
Part 3: Personality
I've given a lot of thought about Richard's personality and how it would work with both sides of his lore, and I think I've worked something out.
Richard experiences what I would best describe as very extreme mood swings, due to how messy the bug that allowed him to exist was.
One is the very silly, very goofy Fornite-playing doorway-sleeping Owlk that most people (Aside from the other Owlks) know and love.
The other side is the side that the Owlks experienced, with the general creepiness and violent nature.
My best comparison would be to some kind of mental illness, but I'm very cautious and nervous about saying that since A.) I don't know nearly enough about mental illnesses to name any one that it could be similar to, B.) I don't want to offend anyone who may have the mental illness that I specifically name, and C.) I don't want this to vilify mental illness in any way, shape, or form.
I'm very aware of how bad mental illness representation in media can be, and the last thing I want would be to add to that pile of misrepresentation. I would greatly appreciate any feedback or advice about this, since I'm very worried about portraying something the wrong way.
Part 4: Conclusion
Well, that's the Richard lore! Thank you very much for reading!
Richard is still very much a character that's under development, as I'm still attempting to work out exactly how they act and behave. Any thoughts or comments are appreciated, and feel free to send me asks about them, be it questions or feedback!
(Entirely unrelated to Richard, but after writing this I'm realizing just how starved for lore my other two OCs are. Maybe I should get some for them too.)
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