#bury your pain
notyourdad1 · 10 months
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Left to rot an empty soul inside a hollow hell
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smoked-away · 1 year
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No hope for better days
Death will be your only infinity
Misguided by a false light
Nothing will be waiting for you at the end of this life
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dinoserious · 10 months
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i know ive mostly been posting silly little baby pictures but this concept was conceived as a tragedy and if i think abt these two for too long i start getting weepy
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bonefall · 6 months
Does leopard still have 3 lives in her final battle? Or was that changed?
Yep. I think she drowned her once, then Leopardstar lunges up refreshed, and she gets the upper paw on Mistyfoot with 2 lives to go.
(MAYBE tw gore, but I really did try to be tasteful about a head being smashed on a rock.)
On her back, splashing and thrashing furiously against Leopardstar's claws dunking her head under, Mistyfoot glimpses a wave breaking just over the tip of a stone-blue rock. Her only chance.
With a surge of power, her claws sink into her leader's golden shoulder and they tumble and roll to the right. Before the tyrant even realizes what's happening, she's yanked up, and then whipped backwards with a wet CRUNCH
And then again
And again
And again, until Mistyfoot can't even make out what's left of her leader anymore. All she can see is that it's a red, brown, and yellow blur, because her eyes burning with salty tears and her whole body is trembling.
She drops the corpse onto the stone and it slides into the water, lifelessly. After a moment it spasms aimlessly one last time, like an insect does after its head is bitten off, unlike the deliberate, agonized throes of Tigerstar suffering through his doomed lives. And then it's still.
There's only the tranquil sound of bubbling water, and Mistyfoot's frenzied panting. Her pounding heart makes it hard to hear either.
The blood is carried off by the shallow water in scarlet swirls, but the lake runs pale red as if it's washing it away. Some were aware of this prophecy, but Mistyfoot was not.
It isn't closure to her, or a fulfillment of divine decree. It's just blood that should be on her paws, slicked away by the complicit river. She wished it could feel like it's over, but she's smart enough to know the truth. Has been through enough terrible events like this to understand what comes next.
Her body will move foward. Her mind will need to consider her deputy. Her paw will come down on code-defying cats like Blackclaw and Greenflower. But her heart will stay here, next to the remains of Leopardstar, the same way another piece of it remains at Stonefur's side across space and time.
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krembruleed · 2 months
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origami-teacup · 2 months
something something interplay of sex and violence etc etc
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everybodyloveshippos · 10 months
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But if you close your eyes Does it almost feel like nothing changed at all?
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glambots · 4 months
The popular Scenario/HC for most fics is that Sun and Moon are head-over-heels for an oblivious!Reader and/or Y/N and yes, yes, that's all well and good--
But personally I'm more a fan of the inverse. You are pining so fucking hard over these robots but also completely convinced that they could never love you back because they are, in fact, robots. (And even if they could love, why would they love you? Don't kid yourself.)
Much more deliciously painful! And yet, tragically rare.
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moonah-rose · 1 year
Ffff, can you imagine Vandermatthews going from subtext to text in the game, except this is how it plays out...
Dutch and Hosea: *in Hosea's room at Shady Belle*
Hosea: I'm tired of hiding how we really feel about each other. I want us to be a normal couple.
Dutch: Me too. Molly knows it's pretty much over between us. It's just what the gang are gonna think.
Hosea: They're not kids anymore, and I'm sure they'll understand, even if it's a bit of a shock.
Dutch: Might be a bit too much with everything else going on now. We'll just keep it to ourselves a little longer. Then, after the bank robbery, I promise we'll tell them. We can make it a big announcement, hehe, I can't wait to see the looks on their faces!
-meanwhile, outside the door-
Tilly: Can you hear what they're saying?
Arthur: Yeah, just about how they plan on telling us all they're a romantic couple after the bank job.
John: But...we've all known that for years?! They're not great at hiding it!
Arthur: Yeah but they don't know that we know! It wasn't our place to out them if they weren't ready!
Abigail: Oh I can't wait till they tell us now. We should all act so surprised, but then reveal we all knew and everything is normal.
Arthur: Ha, yeah, that will be hilarious! Can't wait to see the looks on their faces...
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koravelliumavast · 2 years
Lifehack! Don’t do this. Unless you want to cry
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paulinagilart · 2 years
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"family means nobody gets left behind...or forgotten" by far one of my most favorite, emotional sketches I've ever made
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deinonychian · 7 months
slug game made me cry 👍
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yiangchen · 8 months
i still think that the timing of this is wild. folklore, which includes songs like exile, my tears ricochet and hoax (but ESPECIALLY my tears ricochet) was released in july of 2020. then, that same year only weeks/a month later in september, bellarke's storyline is literally my tears ricochet. absolutely WILD.
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junkmailmusubi · 1 month
yeah i'm just as sad (and slightly in denial) as every other agent 4 fan, but i don't entirely mind the idea of parallel canon being a copy instead of directly being 4. i feel like there's still some good horror/angst potential there, y'know?
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spikybanana · 1 year
@wolfstarmicrofic - prompt: bond - hiiii im back on my bs masterpost
So they kissed. Or more accurately, Remus decided on a whim, when words failed him, to invoke the universal signal for human affection, emotional bond and devotion. That is, placing your lips over another’s lips slightly awkwardly, while resolutely denying that there was anything awkward about the situation. Oh what the hell. He was doing it wrong, wasn’t he?
Either way, Remus supposed a kiss meant something— changed something, that him and Sirius were now something to each other in a way they weren’t before. That’s how these things worked, right? However, Remus barely had time to figure out what exactly they were, because whatever it was, they were found out the very next morning. 
It was Marlene, who sat next to Sirius and across from Remus at the breakfast table. Apparently, she could tell by the way they were looking at each other. 
“So… you two,” Marlene gestured stoically between the two of them, “since when?”
Sirius practically jumped out of his seat. “What! You could tell?”
It was fair enough, Remus thought. Peronsally, he’d plead guilty to gawking at Sirius all morning, while he contemplated what in hell could have gotten him to have done such a thing as kiss his best friend. Was he now feeling something for Sirius, that he didn’t feel before? Did he uncover some previously unnoticed feelings through what he did, or did he feel different because of what he did?
Merlin’s bloody balls. 
Marlene seemed to be enjoying the whole thing, at least. She stared at both their tense expressions, chewed silently for three whole seconds before saying, simply, “Takes one to know one.” She winked, face remaining unperturbed. 
“Oh.” Remus said stupidly. He must have looked so surprised, Marlene began to grin.
Sirius’ eyes narrowed, however. “Okay…” he crossed his arms and stared back solidly at Marlene, before deciding, “it’s Dorcas, isn’t it?”
Marlene smirked and rolled her eyes. “Yeah, but don’t yell about it to just anyone.” Then she gestured back at the two of them, “still haven’t answered my question. Since when were you two a thing?”
“Oh, um. Last night, actually.” Remus said. 
“Since a while ago, if you asked me.” Sirius said, with that mischievous wink of his. And Remus felt his cheeks heat up. 
How dare he just throw out something like that, Remus thought. 
Marlene gave them a sweet smile then. “Nice. Well, congrats. I’m happy for you two.” 
For a moment, Remus thought back again to the joke of a kiss that turned this into a thing, and wondered could it possibly be just him who found it all impossibly bewildering. Was the meaning all perfectly clear to Sirius, or even Marlene? But then, he looked up, and was greeted with the full force of Sirius’ beaming expression. 
Never mind a kiss, he thought. This was it. This made all the sense in the world.
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Dick at Janet Drake's funeral
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Dick (internally): The cruel fates, the Greeks called them. The three sisters weaving the loom of life, spinning its golden threads into the years - cutting it whenever the whim took them. Stupid! But I guess we all need something to help us make sense of it all. We need to find meaning in the pain…patterns in the chaos. Tim needs it now, as I once did. As Bruce did before me. So why do we make our faces into masks? Why do we hide the pain we all feel? Tim: Thanks for coming, Dick. I know how busy - (They shake hands.) Dick: It was the least I could do, Tim. Believe me - I know what you're going through. If you need any help, any time - Tim (looking down): I appreciate that. But... I'll cope. (In the background, we see Tim shaking somebody else's hand.) Dick to Bruce: He's a brave kid. He's in control. Bruce: Yes. Dick: You know what comes next, don't you? - Batman 455 (Christmas Eve, the day before Tim officially becomes Robin)
#nothing will ever be as great as dick's long pained internal monologue about why they hide the pain they feel#followed by a ritualized exchange of condolences with tim#followed by the robin costume as the memorial through which to channel grief#because none of them know how to grieve in normal ways#how could you possibly grieve for your dead parents other than dressing up in a costume at night & punching people?? impossible#also earlier in this comic tim has a nightmare in which dick and bruce are wearing masks & he demands to see their real faces#and they take their masks off & beneath their masks are MORE MASKS#and they're burying his mother and he screams at them saying it has to mean something#and then he sees a doppelgänger of himself with no mask & he demands that it show him its true face#and doppelgänger!tim starts PEELING HIS FACE OFF and underneath is a monstrous face that looks like a cross btw clayface & the joker#and then we cut to tim screaming in his sleep#anyway one of the many great things about this comic from a dick-and-tim perspective is that tim's subconscious mind is obsessing about#trying to make sense of senseless violence & about people hiding their true selves under masks#which is exactly the SAME THING that dick is obsessing about consciously so do they ACT on these insights and stop doing the#thing where they hide their emotions???? of course not are you crazy#anyway i am FASCINATED by that handshake#this is obviously a pre-prodigal interaction they're not really close yet#consider how different this is from dick calling tim when jack drake gets murdered (and also the ways the problem is the same!!)#listen LISTEN they're both people who routinely hide behind metaphorical and literal masks & it's hard to let other people see#and their whole relationship is this back-and-forth btw the defensive masks & slowly trusting each other enough to take off the masks#did you know that in resurrection at the end of their fight tim literally TAKES OFF HIS MASK when he's surrendering#did you know that they spend their entire red robin 4 fight in masks & don't see each other's faces until tim passes out in red robin 12#and dick catches him and while falling tim's mask has begun to FALL OFF#dick & tim#dick grayson#tim drake#hoc scripsi
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