#but I’ll deliver nonetheless
books-and-dragons · 8 months
waterstones special edition of the chalice and the gods i love you
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theostrophywife · 6 months
Hiii!!! Can I ask for a fluffy and a little bit suggestive imagine with az where his mate neglects his kisses for a whole day or however long you want and just make him grovel for a bit ???
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pairing: azriel x reader.
song inspiration: kisses by will joseph cook.
author’s note: baby boy azriel is back. please have some soft fluff to make up for the shadowsinger’s absence 💋
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The first time it happened, Azriel chalked it up to coincidence.
You were so frazzled that morning, frantically running around shoving your salves and potions into your bag while simultaneously pulling your healer robes on that you’d rushed past your mate in a dark blur. The door creaked open as you muttered something about an early delivery of triplets.
“Forgetting something, love?”
Realization flooded your features as you whirled around to face your mate. “Of course!”
Azriel grinned as you marched back into the kitchen. He tilted his head up, fully prepared for his goodbye kiss until you reached over and grabbed his coffee mug instead. The shadowsinger watched in confusion as you downed the entire thing within seconds.
“Thanks, babe!”
As swift as the wind, you were out the door once more, leaving your very confused mate staring at his now empty drink.
The second time it happened, Azriel started to fret.
After a brief meeting with Rhys, he headed into the city to drop by your clinic. With the delivery of triplets, Azriel figured that you’d probably had a rough morning. A problem easily fixed with your favorite comfort food: chocolate chip cookies.
You smiled when the bell chimed to announce your mate’s arrival. The grin on your face grew even wider when you caught a whiff of the sweet, sugary aroma of your favorite cookies from the bakery down the street.
The shadowsinger smiled, setting the brown paper bag down on the counter. “How did the delivery go, my love?”
“I’m glad to report that all three babies are happy and healthy,” you replied, digging through the bag and getting your greedy hands on the soft, gooey cookie. “As happy as I am about the successful delivery, I’m absolutely drained. Not to mention starving. Thank you for bringing the cookies, Az.”
“Anything for my mate.”
You beamed, splitting the chocolate chip cookie in half. “Wanna share?”
Azriel nodded, chuckling as you fed him a chunk. He did the same, staring at you with a lovestruck expression as he wiped the crumbs off of your face. The shadowsinger brushed your bottom lip, leaning in to give you a proper kiss.
The two of you broke apart as a loud clang sounded from the back of the clinic. Madja hustled to the front, barely acknowledging Azriel with a nod before tugging at your elbow.
“They’re hanging upside down and crying from the ceiling,” the older healer said. “This is the last time I deliver a set of batlings. Triplets, nonetheless. Mother save us all.”
“Sorry, Az. Duty calls. I’ll see you at home, my love.”
You smiled apologetically, inching closer towards the shadowsinger before an ear splitting wail nearly punctured your ear drums. Even Azriel’s shadows shied behind his shoulders.
“Wish us luck.”
With that, you were gone. Leaving Azriel pouting as he departed the clinic as kissless as this morning.
The shadowsinger brooded as he counted down the hours until you were home. Lack of affection was seriously impairing his ability to work. It had been a few hours since he’d sat down in his office to sort through reports and yet he couldn’t remember a damned thing that he’d read.
Azriel perked up when his shadows alerted him of movement in the front yard. He immediately raced down the stairs, past the kitchen and living room, feeling as giddy as a school girl as he opened the door. Instead of finding his mate, Azriel found his friends standing at his doorstep. He sighed, recalling that tonight was game night.
Cassian chuckled. “Don’t you look ecstatic to see us, brother.”
Nesta peered behind her husband, determination woven into her sharp features as she lugged a chess set under one arm. “Where’s Y/N? Your mate owes me a rematch.”
Azriel sighed. “She’s not home yet. Her and Madja delivered triplets and they’ve had their hands full all day.”
Rhys raised a brow, resting an arm around Feyre’s shoulder. “So that’s why you’ve been wearing that kicked puppy look all day. What’s the matter, Az? Missing your mate?”
Feyre elbowed Rhys. “Don’t mind him. I think it’s sweet that you and Y/N never really left the honeymoon phase.”
"I doubt their neighbors would call their honeymoon phase sweet," Mor added with a chuckle. "Our lovely friends are heathens, but also sickeningly adorable."
“You’re only saying that because you haven’t walked in on them breeding like bunnies in the bathroom at Rita’s,” Amren said, wrinkling her nose in disgust.
“Speak for yourself, Tiny Ancient One. You and Varian aren’t any better.”
Amren merely rolled her eyes at Cassian before marching into the living room. The rest followed suit, making themselves comfortable in Azriel’s home. Normally the shadowsinger loved hosting his friends, but all he really wanted tonight was to be alone with his mate.
Unfortunately for Azriel, it didn't look like his wish would be granted any time soon. The shadowsinger watched helplessly as his brothers ransacked the kitchen for wine. Cassian somehow managed to wrangle a tray full of cheese, meat, and crackers. Rhysand munched on the leftover cookies, frowning when crumbs spilled over the front of his doublet.
Azriel breathed a sigh of relief when his shadows alerted him of your presence. He shouldered past his friends, making a beeline for the door. The tension left his body the second he saw you climbing up the steps. Despite your busy day, you couldn't help but smile when you spotted your mate.
The shadowsinger looked a bit disheveled, his dark hair sweeping over those familiar hazel eyes. He had changed out of his leathers and into a baby blue sweater that you gifted to him last Winter Solstice paired with comfortable looking grey sweats that hung dangerously low, giving you a peek of the hard muscles and happy trail hidden underneath.
Gods, Azriel was beautiful.
"Hi, baby. How was your day?"
"Not as eventful as yours, love." Azriel cringed as the sounds of Casssian and Rhysand's hoots filtered though your home. "Our friends are here."
You chuckled. "You don't seem that excited about it."
"I was hoping to get you all to myself tonight."
"You get that every night, Az."
Azriel pouted. "Yes, but I missed you today."
You stood on your tiptoes, pulling him down by the front of his sweater. "Is that so?"
"Mhm," he hummed, placing a large hand on your hip. "You haven't kissed me all day. You owe me at least a hundred by now."
"A hundred?" you teased, smiling up at him. "Seems a little excessive, Az."
"I think it's only fair. I couldn't focus all day. I blame lack of kisses."
"Is that your professional diagnosis, shadowsinger?" Azriel nodded seriously, making you chuckle. "Well, in that case. C'mere, pretty boy."
Azriel's breath hitched as you brought him down to you, your noses brushing, lips firmly pressed against his cheek. You took his face into your hands and peppered kisses all over his face. Kissing his cheeks, his nose, his jaw, practically covering him in your signature red lipstick. Your mate beamed, relishing in your affection.
"For the grand finale," you teased, brushing your thumb over his bottom lip.
Your heart raced as you pressed your lips against his, giggling as Azriel brought you closer, circling his arms around your waist and lifting you up to his chest. He deepened the kiss, not caring that your friends were inside, not caring that your neighbors were milling about. All he knew what that there was nothing in this world that felt as good as your lips against his.
You smiled into the kiss, pecking his lips over and over again. Azriel grinned, his mood instantly brightening. "Only ninety nine more to go," he declared.
Wrapping your legs around his waist, you kissed the tip of his nose, leaving a bright red mark in your wake. "I'll give you infinite kisses, my love. Until you grow tired of me."
"I could never," Azriel replied, leaning in for a not so innocent kiss. "I crave you too much."
"I crave you too, Azriel. I always crave you." You sighed in satisfaction. "Do you think it would be awfully rude of me to ask our friends to leave?"
"Not at all," Azriel said, squeezing your bum. "Everyone! Out!"
You laughed as your friends filtered through the door. Nesta waved her chess set around, grumbling about your rematch. Cassian and Rhysand wore matching smirks while Feyre winked behind her shoulder. Mor shook her head, claiming a bottle of expensive wine as her payment. Amren took the bottle from the blonde and took a swig, completely unbothered.
You giggled, turning over to your mate. He was covered in red lipstick. As you tried to brush your marks away, Azriel caught your wrist.
"Don't. I like when you leave your mark on me. Shows everyone that I'm yours and yours alone."
"Oh?" You asked in a seductive voice, kissing right underneath his jawline. "Let me leave some more then, pretty boy."
"I won't say no to that, my love."
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A Village Raising (2) | Yandere Platonic Twisted Wonderland
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Yuuka silently cooed at the sight of precious little (Y/n) sleepily clutching at a sleeping Grim. She no doubt hit the jackpot. Having such an adorable little sibling gifted to her by the mysterious summoning of the mirror. It was a nightmarish thought: that you’d one day return to someone who couldn’t love you like she did. But it was soothed by the reminder that more than likely those at Night Raven would never allow for that to happen. 
“Mmm Yuu? Mmm C’mere.” 
“Yes baby? You ready to wake up, maybe help me cook?”
“Mmmm today I-mmm g’to work…don’t I?”
“Ahhh, yeah.”
She sighed as she recalled the way you came to a revelation, of course spurred by Grim’s whining, that you needed to work to get more tuna. She wasn’t even sure you understood the topic of currency but nonetheless you wouldn’t stop yapping about it to her and Yuuken. 
“Can-I get ready for work?” Your little voice spoke so clearly, having fully-woken up at the excitement from the thought. She couldn’t bring herslef to relay the hard truth about the workforce. Surely Azul wouldn’t torture a little angel such as yourself! 
“Yes of course baby!” 
Sending a groggy Grim to pester her fellow prefect Yuuka busied herself with helping you into the mini uniform Jade delivered not long after her baby’s declaration. How he knew your measurements she wasn’t sure but then again why ask when all he’d do is smile cryptically. 
“Already into the workforce I can’t believe how old I’ve gotten.” 
Yukken mockingly held his face in his hands as he pretended to cry as you carefully finished descending the stairs with your back turned to him, slowly making your way down the steps. With both your feet safely on the ground you waddled over to the ‘crying’ giant. 
“Ken-Ken is okay! I’ll be back after a hardsday work.”
Patting his pant leg, you waited until he bent down to your level. Giving a firm hug with your little body, he sent a worried look over your shoulder. Yuuka could only huff out her nose in stifled worry. She wasn’t trying to ignore her worry of letting you out of their watchful eyes. Pulling out her phone she sucked her teeth as the clock ticked closer to the designated time. Time for her final instructions before sending you into a battlefield.
“Alright (Y/n) now listen to me, you can’t sign or write anything while you’re there okay?”
“(Y/n) are you listening to me.”
You continued to fiddle with the locks of your backpack briefcase before turning to the crouched Yuuka. 
You kissed her cheek and in a voice imitating a character from your tv-shows you said,”Don’t worry Honey. I’ll be home soon, take care of the kids for me.”
The knock on the Ramshackle door had you skipping in its direction. Already beaten by Yuuken who opened the door to none other than the tweels. 
“Good morning, Prefect.”
“Hiya shrimpies! Where’s the little business eel!”
“Here I am!” You squealed, running past Yuuken’s legs to be scooped into Floyd’s awaiting arms. Immediately abandoning your working persona you enjoyed the way Floyd playfully pretended to chomp at your cheeks.
“Remember, (Y/n)! No signing anything!” 
“Weee-ah okay!” 
You spoke breathlessly as the eel mer caught you from your descent from the sky, shouting from over his shoulder as he was already trotting away. Yuuka sighed again, turning her gaze to Jade who happily accepted the little bento box Yuuken had made.
“Back by sundown.”
“Yes, yes it will be before nightfall. Otherwise the doting parents will stay awake and worried until then.”
“I jest I jest. We’ll see you later.”
With that the vice-warden went on his way catching up to the waiting Floyd before traveling over to the school’s hall.
“We’re back!” 
“Hi hi, Azul!”
The dorm leader couldn’t help but genuinely smile as he saw you in your mini-Monstro-uniform. 
“Morning (Y/n), ready start your first day of work?”
“Then follow me, to the kitchen.” 
You did just that skipping beside Jade who stopped at the kitchen. 
“This where we make all the drinks and food for everyone. And your job is to take whatever we make to the customers.”
“How about we practice, okay (Y/n)?”
“Yes, yes!” 
In no time at all you were handed a smaller tray and told to not spill as a plastic cup of water was placed on its center. Azul went to the far end of the kitchen along with Floyd who anxiously awaited your wobbly and shaky journey. Jade originally planned to only keep his hand on your back from where he was originally standing but he decided to follow along as he watched the water jiggle dangerously in the glass.
“It’s alright I’m right here. Take your time.”
“This is really h’rd.”
“It’s okay you’re doing great.” Azul chimed in, eagerly awaiting you to reach his side. Both Floyd and Azul anxiously leaning in tandem as you tilted dangerously to one side. The dorm leader did his best to keep his mouth shut as he quantified more than 50% of the water on the checkered floor or coagulating at the bottom of the tray. 
“How’d I do Mis’er Bossman?”
Smiling up at him with sparkling (y/e/c) eyes–only one decision was clear. 
“You did perfect. We are happy to have you work with us at Monstro Lounge.”
He’d have to remember to account for the smaller amount of the drink.
“Yay! Hear that Floyd, I’m hired!”
“YES, I knew you could do it-mini eel! Now I can give you the little apron!”
Or maybe he’d just upsell it anyway.
“Jade, do I get to cut my hair too!”
“Sorry (Y/n), I’m sure all three of the prefects would have my head then.”
“But I do have a hat you can wear.”
“Yay! Gimme gimme.”
“What in the Seven’s is everyone getting so worked up about?”
Ace groaned and sucked his teeth as if Deuce was the stupidest man on the planet. His friend was already frowning at the action but still waited nonetheless. Ace began to smirk as he casually followed the crowd. 
“Pft you don’t know? There’s a special event going on in the Monstro Lounge. With a special edition menu too.”
Deuce gawked as he tensed up. “Then we’ve got to get going! By the time we arrive…”
He trailed off as Ace continued to smirk while shaking his head. 
“I had an inside scoop and got us reservations ahead of time.”
“Whoa, that’s real nice of you Ace.”
“Yeah yeah you just got  to pay for whatever I get!”
“And that’s the Ace I know.”
The two Heartslabyul first years took their time to the mirror hall. Avoiding the crowd fighting to become a line, Ace flashed an email on his phone to the intimidating guards of Monstro Lounge, where they directed the duo into a specially gated section.Sitting in the booth Deuce couldn’t help the pit that formed in his stomach; as if reminding him of his past servitude. He shook the feeling off, sending a questioning look towards his friend, who was busy browsing the menu.
“I’m curious, Ace. How did you afford this?”
Ace faked offense,”What?! You think I can’t get on the list?”
“Not without us, you couldn’t.” 
Hearing that familiar country twang, Deuce turned to see the short Pomefiore student: Epel. Sporting a prideful smirk on his face he motioned for Deuce to scooch away to make room for him. Behind him was Jack from Savvannaclaw who was a mix of embarrassment and determination. 
“Epel? Jack?”
“Of course this guy didn’t have the energy to wait to get on the waiting list.”
Jack scoffed, “He’s lucky he asked those of us with healthy morning routines.”
“Your morning routine’s start before the sun is out! I No way was I ruining my sleep for that.”
Sooner than they could think they had begun joking and laughing per their usual hangouts. It almost let Deuce forget why they had gotten the reservation. 
“Oh, you don’ know do you? Check it.”
Epel handed the menu to Deuce.
“Uhm a Aqua Smoothie a special delivery? A clam cake for special delivery? What is this special delivery that’s bringing up the price?”
Epel and Ace just continued to snicker and laugh at him before arguing about what to order. Which left Jack to sigh and explain.
“For one day only the Monstro Lounge has a very…special employee working. Everyone’s been very excited to cheer them on.”
“Special employee? But who would all the school want to cheer on? 
In that moment whispered praise and excited voices start to get louder as the sound of clicking loafers were heard. 
In an Octavinelle uniform and a tray small enough for them to hold little (Y/n) hurriedly walking by with a beautifully decorated dessert. The group of four, as well as everyone in the special section quickly pulled out their phones. 
“Here’s your scrone, mister!”
“T-t-thank you (Y/n).”
Sooner than everyone would like the little one hobbled back into the kitchen. The crowd collectively awwed before the excited chatter began to start back up again. With a renewed sense of vigor Deuce picked up the menu.
“What should we get? Should we stay away from drinks? I wouldn’t want them to spill.”
The sound made him jump as he and his friends looked up at the intimidating faces who so aggressively delivered some waters.
“I assure you our employee is more than capable.”
“Yeah Mackarel. So is your school going to order or would you rather be on the menus yourselves?”
Yuuka shook the sleep that plagued her face as she recognized the creaking of the Ramshackle gate. Leaving her other prefects behind, she nearly trampled Grim on the way to the door.
“Finally! The sun’s nearly finished setting!”
She eagerly took the backpack and sleeping child as Jade smiled coyly. 
“I did say before nightfall, did I not?”
She scoffed, turning back into the living room where she passed off the backpack to Yuu heading up the stairs. 
Yuuken sighed, “Sorry about Yuuka. She’s been anxious all day.”
“I understand the feeling but you shouldn’t worry they had a fun day, a full meal, and lots of work experience.”
Yuuken chuckled. “I bet.”
Jade’s polite smile stretched a bit as though he remembered something, calling Floyd he snatched a container from his brothers clutches. Turning back to Yuuken he delivered the tupperware to him. 
“Of course (Y/n) couldn’t finish our larger portion sizes so I figured I’d package the rest for you all.”
“Oh wow thanks Jade. Ah but this container I’ll empty it now so you can take it back-”
“No need! Whenever you're done just have you and (Y/n) bring it over.Maybe then I can convince Azul to maybe give out a discount.”
“Thanks Jade.”
“No problem.” “Ughghgh can we go now!? It already sucks we’re not sleeping over.”
Jade smile returned to his polite one as he sent a piercing side-eye towards his brother. 
“Well we all have responsibilities to put to bed. I’ll see you at the next club meeting.”
“Yeah, see ya then.”
Yuuken watched as the Leech brother’s left with a glaring tension between the two. The prefect could only guess as to what the annoyance was about. With a shrug he closed the door storing the food away. 
He could only guess what tales you’d have to tell when you woke the next day. It’s only a shame he couldn’t be there himself. Even though Yuu assured him they’d get photos he wondered who’d they entrusted with the task.
The student stood rigid in the heart of the Monstro Lounge, unbothered by the emptiness and the unusually alone dormleader waiting there.
“We here to collect our prize.” 
Silver’s monotone voice filled the space. Azul smiled presenting the box filled with horribly shaped pastries,“It’s always a pleasure doing business with Diasomnia.” 
Lilia opened the box, smiling happily as he approved of the contents. 
“It’s a shame you’re not willing to send the pictures you took of them while baking these. It would have made Malleus so very happy to see their smiling face.”
Azul’s smile twitched. “Well as I’m sure you know, some things are just invaluable.”
Lilia matched his crooked grin with one of his own. “Oh do I know it.”
“Hey Tsunotarou, want to look at the pictures Ace got for me?”
Green eyes lit up with anticipation as though a chest full of treasure had been found. 
“I would love to.”
Yuu smiled flipping through the various polaroids of the little server. 
Unexpectedly Malleus spoke up, “These memories are very precious.”
Yuu didn’t look up from the photos. 
“It’s a shame that they don’t last forever.”
Yuu shrugged. “Yeah but that’s what makes them so special right?”
Malleus tilted his head. “Wouldn’t they be more special if they lasted longer?”
Yuu giggled leaning against his shoulder. 
“I’ll let you keep this one if you want it.”
“I would love that.”
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xuchiya · 4 months
you right [p.seonghwa]
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₊˚.༄ || filth valentines m.list || hongjoong || seonghwa || yunho || yeosang || san || mingi || wooyoung || jongho || ₊˚.༄
[mention: age gap and cheating]
₊˚.༄ I got a man, but I want you And it's just nerves, it's just dick making me think 'bout someone new ₊˚.༄
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park seonghwa. the man that your mom kept mentioning about, the "young and handsome" man that everyone fawns— the company crush. He was every woman asked for and God must have heard those prayers and gave only one, you shake your head in disbelief telling her about, "we come from different generations mom, so we have different ideals." she just looks you in the eyes with, “i’ll get the last laugh.”
but that's where you're wrong. so wrong
one sunny afternoon when your mom called you to deliver her some packed lunch since she does not feel like eating at the cafeteria; you were just cleaning the house so you being the nicest daughter— cooked and delivered to her. 
   “F-fuck josh!” your eyes rolled at the back of your head, biting your lip as your boyfriend ram his hips on your pussy. His hands held on your shoulders, slamming you back on his dick— hitting that spot until your eyes fade white as you cum on his softening dick as he spurt his cum inside your walls. He grinds his hips chasing the ecstasy as he humps like a rabbit, clinging on your torso groaning and moaning.
   “Your pussy so good.” he mumbles before pulling out, slapping your ass. You rolled your eyes, pulling up your panty and shorts, knowing him; after a quick fuck, he’ll be on his way out. 
   “I’ll pick you up later?” you feel an irritation bubble on your throat. You nodded, “yeah …” being oblivious to your reaction, he leaned in and kissed your lips before going out of your apartment. You sigh, shivering when you feel his cum flowing out of your hole, “I told him to pull out …”
After cleaning up, you dress up in a thin cloth sundress (not too thin to have your garments see through it) you arrive at your mom’s workplace with the neat and fresh cooked lunch pack. You were slightly regretting wearing the old sundress  but now, oh you praised and wish that this sundress can go any see through.
park seonghwa.
now you understand why your mom keeps on gushing about him. He is INDEED young and handsome for a 36 year old. he was in a conversation with two of his friends, who happened to be one of them, your senior and closest friend at your old school, jung wooyoung. 
  Noticing your presence by the door, seonghwa raised his hand with a small smile on his lips, “come in!” your throat constricts from breathing as you slowly approach the man, his aura radiates heaven; innocence and kindness. The way his clothes clinging to his body, showcasing his built lean body.
  “ohh~ isn’t my favourite junior?” wooyoung jokes, opening his arms. You scoff nonetheless hugging him; wooyoung was a great senior towards you when finishing your years in highschool whilst him being an intern at a company he is now currently working at.
  “Hello wooyoung-ssi .” you smile at him, having your hand running down his back in a comfortable manner. If wooyoung gonna be honest, he had never expected you to have such a (more) glow up that had him smirking then side-eyeing his older friend— who in the moment of ogling you right now. Hand holding the one cup of coffee he was finishing then the other inside his trouser pockets; which wooyung noticed that it moved closer to his crotch, gripping something– hard. 
  Wooyoung knows and he’ll do it (even though knowing you had a dickhead boyfriend and such huge age gap but who rejects the drill if you know) so he clears his throat, “hey peach–”
  As if the nickname knock out some senses to seonghwa who caught himself spacing out when he observe the way you walk, your hips swaying and highlighting the flesh underneath the dress— that thin dress that you were wearing right now had him, gripping his hard erected dick in his pocket (which he knew wooyoung had now notice with the playful smirk on his lips).
  “Peach?” seonghwa mumbles. Your cheeks were suddenly powdered in red hue as you remember why wooyoung calls you that, you waved off the question trying your best to lure out from the question but wooyoung grabs your shoulder, placing you beside him as he diligently explains to seonghwa.
  “Oh curious eh? Well here, my dear hyung, she hit puberty in such young age that had everyone drooling as she turn around—”
 “Oh dear, there you are!” when God has mercy, he has and lots of them when he saw you slowly melting under seonghwa’s eyes, you were wishing above to save you as the thought of back in 9th grade had every boys in school glancing not only your swelled uniform because of your bulging boobs and your skirt that was clinging tightly on your widen hips.
 You ranted on wooyoung about the issue yet his answer, “well it’s true and your hips do resemble that fruit emoji— Hey! I should call you that from now on!” 
 Your mom walks towards you, handing over her packed lunch. Your mom smiles, pinching your cheeks before turning to seonghwa, her eyes sparkling, “oh seonghwa-ssi, this is my daughter.” you nodded your head in acknowledgement still feeling that awkwardness on your cheeks.
   Seonghwa licks his lips, smiling at your mom then back to you, hand from his pocket reaching out to take your hand. The softness and the size difference had him gripping the cup of coffee on his other hand, wooyoung noticing.
     “Nice to meet you, doll.” his lips brush gently on the back of your hand, not once did his eye contact falter and had your knees weak for an entire second.Wooyoung had thousands of lightbulbs popping up in his head; the moment he saw your stiff body and seonghwa hardened gaze.
   As the days passed by, Wooyoung had finalised his plan. 
Hey hyung! Doors pass is 1028… still in the showers, make yourself at home.
 Seonghwa sighs, one arm full of snacks and a chicken bucket on the other as per wooyung requested. Wooyoung had suggested that they (the other boys) have a movie night with the other boys in Woo's apartment. As he reaches the door of wooyoung’s apartment, he inputs the pass before he hears the soft ring of the doors opening, he slips out of his shoes and towards the quiet living room.
His light footstep met the countertop and placed the items before taking a good look of the apartment.
  Seonghwa felt sketchy as he took in the clean and organised living room hence the soft smell of the humidifier at the corner; which did not make sense until he saw a light reflecting from the small hallway, his eyebrow hunching together, “woo?”
  He called yet no one answered, his feet decided on their own as they took him to the last door on the left, the door ajar; small glimpse of the purple hue room with—. His eyes widened, jolted in surprise when he saw you. You were on your bed, on your stomach, hoodie on yet no pants; you were in front of your full length mirror, taking pictures. Your ass–those asses were a wish to dive into along with the flesh of your thighs.
  Now he understands why wooyoung calls you peach. Those thighs were enough to choke and he will thank you for that or even watch how your ass jiggles when you walk out after delivering the packed lunch for your mom and how that dress hug your shape so much that it emphasises your figure, your mounty chest, another thing to dive into. Or how every night he wishes to have his dick in between them—
 “Seonghwa-ssi?” he was pulled out of your thoughts when he saw your figure in front of him, his heart soaring to the roof when you tilt your head to the side, confused. He cleared his throat, “H-Hi.”
  you push the door slightly open, “what are you doing here? How did you get in my apartment?”
 His mouth opened to explain until he realised at the last minute. The “passcode”, clean apartment, the humidifier and the quietness. Seonghwa groans, “wooyoung …”  This whole thing could eat him alive until he dies but that moment dissipates when he hears you chuckle, “so wooyoung was behind this? As expected.”
  Seonghwa raised an eyebrow, “Expected?” you shrug, looking at him, “When he sees something, he’ll do it.” That made him even more confused. “What did he do?”
  He was oblivious of your smirk on your lips, “this.” you slowly sunk down on the floor, aligning with his pressing prominent dick inside his jeans. Your hands run down his thighs, brushing on his dick which made him hiss, a groan leaving his lips.
 “So you were part of this?” again, you shrug, looking up at him, “maybe … maybe not.” you leaned towards his dick, leaving kiss on them before looking back up, a sudden boost of confidence surge on your brain down to your lips, “before you go might as well fuck me now.”
  That it all took for seonghwa to have back up on your feet, carrying you towards your bed then tossing you on top of your sheets. A squeal left your lips; excitement running inside your veins as you watch seonghwa’s eyes dart on your half exposed body, legs vaguely open for him to see your arousal seeping through your panty. You spread your legs for him, fingers circling your clothed pussy, biting your lip seductively “seonghwa~”
  Seonghwa is a composed man yet when he sees you, they don’t matter and loses control. Just like how he had himself in between your legs, panty ripped from your body and lapping his hot tongue flat on your wet pussy. Your legs were thrown over his shoulders, devouring you like his favorite meal.
  He had you moaning loudly, thrashing on your bed as his tongue cat-lick your bud several times hitting those nerves of pleasure, “f-fuck seonghwa!” your hand grip his hair moving your hips to fuck your pussy on his tongue, grinding them. Your whimper-cries echoed your room, manicured hands were gripping tightly on the sheets, arch back as seonghwa had plunged his tongue on your hole, running those long tongue for a good use then pulling away gathering his saliva then spitting them on your trembling wet pussy.
   The action had your head swirling in thoughts, biting your bottom lip suppressing a smile on your lips, “that’s so good hwa~”
 Seonghwa notice you were nearing your climax when he pulled away, the coil faded leaving you pouting but he chuckles darkly, gripping the back of his shirt before throwing them off across your room as he diligently remove his pants, teasing you as you bit your lip observing his lean body, slim waist yet those hard cock says otherwise. It was bigger than you imagine, quite veiny and enough to send you to heaven to hell then back to earth. Your mouth watered at the size, your pussy aching to be dick down.
   Seonghwa leaned down to smash his lips on you, moving them messily on your lips, pulling you by the waist as he humps his clothed dick on your exposed cunt. Your hand found its way again on his hair, as you moved your hips also.
  “Do you want this dick so bad?” you nodded like a bobblehead, thoughts of being dicked down by seonghwa as you rushed to remove your hoodie to show him your bare chest. You squish your arms to stress out the flesh, giving them a little shake. Seonghwa licks his lips, scoffing, “stay like that for me doll.” you listen and watch him undo his pants, jerking his cosmic dick.
  You know what he wants; hands each on your boobs pushing them in the middle as he fucks himself in between your chest. Seonghwa was beyond the clouds as the flesh of your chest touched his sensitive tip then his whole shaft, it was long. Long enough to have your mouth meeting his tip each time it comes back up, moistening them.
  “Fuck doll this tits are made for me aren’t they?” you look up at him, eyes gleaming in overwhelming with emotions and pleasure, “yes yes fuck your dick on it, hwa~” seonghwa’s lips curled up, pulling off his dick between your breast before gripping your ja in his hand.
  He tilt them to the side, observing your soon-to-be fucked up face, your heart were racing in anticipation. This is a whole new other level, new experience of being fuck by someone older and probably had much exploration in sex, “open for me, doll.” you obeyed, your pussy clenching on nothing yet another set of arousal leak out when seonghwa spit at your mouth. 
  You swallow them, the trail going down your throat then sending another arousal out of your pussy, he was so experienced on this one and you're down to get your pussy wreck. 
  Seonghwa laid you down on your back, hands running down your body, giving your tits a nice squeeze, a tweak on each of your hardened nipples then pulling them. You were squirming on time he circled his thumb on the. He moved between your legs, releasing his aching cock out of his boxers. 
  Seonghwa gathered a mouthful then spitting on his dick, giving a couple strokes before slapping his dick on your pussy. He eye your twitching body, body on fire as the tension gets thicker and thicker yet deep down he knows your loyalty was being tested.
   He had heard about a week ago about wooyung and his despise on your significant other who just comes for a quick fuck and out he goes. Been 3 months doing it while you never did anything to stop the whole thing so seonghwa tried his best not to involve himself in the drama. Sooner or later those words came back to him when he kept seeing you in the office to pick your mom up after a long day of work.
   Seonghwa fathoms the amount of weight of euphoria whenever his eyes travels.
 “Spread those legs for me, doll.” you grip the back of your thighs as Seonghwa sheathed himself on your cunt. Your eyes rolled at the back of your head, a squeal like smile left your lips as your walls were being stretch out on the girth of his cock.
  “Fu-fuck doll you’re so tight …” When he fully bottom down, he adjust his knees and place his hands on each side of your waist, lips near your ears,”i’ll fuck you better than your boyfriend.”
  His hips pull out an inch before hammering himself back down, immediately pounding your cervix. Your mouth gape, no sounds immits as the overwhelming pleasure had you speechless, the sounds of the nasty skin slapping had you unfolding your legs further.
  “The moment I gave this pussy a nice full of my load, you belong to me now.” You nodded like crazy, tears running down your cheeks; seonghwa coo mockingly, “does your boyfriend fuck you like this? Make you cry being fuck so good?”
  You were so out of your mind, hands gripping his biceps tightly creating a crescent shape on them. Small sounds of curse freed out those sinful lips, “h-harder hwa~” but seonghwa wasn’t having it, he halted his actions then gripping your jaw rather harshly making you look at him.
  His face dark in pleasure and dominance, “i ask you and you answer?” you nodded, your eyes going dopey habitually biting your lip as, “yes yes, your dick so good i want you to cum inside and have your babies.”
  Seonghwa’s dick twitch inside as the mention of impregnating you, creampie you with loads after loads of his cum seeing that bulge on your stomach just sent his head circling with lots of euphoric sensation.
  “Is that so? Then take it.” The grip on your jaw moved down to your neck, squeezing them as his hips repeatedly pounding back to your pussy. You were on cloud 9 that you did not hear your phone ringing; your boyfriend calling you.
  Seonghwa saw it and smirk, removing his grip on your neck towards your phone. He press the green button.
“Hey babe—”
 His voice a little deep and rough, “sorry she’s busy …”
 There was silence before your boyfriend spoke.
“busy?! W-who are you and what are you doing with my girlfriend?! Yah!”
  “Yeah she’s busy .. busy getting fuck up by me. I’m rearranging her guts right now that’s what I’m doing. She looks so pretty under me, you know?” Seonghwa runs his hand on your chest then slapping your tits making you moan loudly, hearing those made your boyfriend panic and ranging.
 “W-what?! Stop this right—”
 “Shut up. I’m busy fucking her, so don’t contact her again. She’s mine now.” Seonghwa ended the call, tossing your phone to side before diving his head on your neck, his tip hammering your cervix deliciously before he felt the familiar coil on his stomach, his broken groans sent shiver down your spine, “i’m gonna cum doll and i don’t want to see any of it going to waste, got it?”
 You moan, gripping your tits, “yes yes yes pelase I’m gonna cum too.” he pulled out only the tip left inside before slamming back inside, his cum spurting on your velvet walls. Your eyes rolling back once again, long string of  fuck creaming his cock, “that’s my doll. Good girl.”
  When he had loaded himself and you were milking him dry, he pulled out not long plunging his fingers, “I hope you’re up for another round .. I’m gonna make you squirt so bad.” even with the ring of your arousal and cum on his dick, it had not yet softened and wanted to go for another said round.
   You smirk, laying down on your stomach, propped up on your elbows; looking over your shoulders as you joggle your ass, “then fuck me more, show to my boyfriend how you’re fucking me good hwa~”
   Seonghwa smirks, loving your confidence, “of course doll.” And there goes round two.
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mapofthesea · 1 year
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producers!yoonmin x assistant!reader, fem!reader, bi!yoonmin
genre: smut with some plot, slight fluff
summary: There’s no telling just how long you'd been stuck in the windowless studio, and you’re just about ready to walk out and forfeit your paycheck for the week, until your bosses strike up an interesting bargain
warnings: swearing, slight arguing/playful name calling, mentions of alcohol consumption but no one is drunk, dom!yoonmin x sub!reader, unprotected sex (don’t do it), they're kind of in a situationship, thigh riding, oral (f receiving), oral (m receiving), masturbation, hair pulling, degradation, praise, spanking, choking, penetrative sex, some mxm, cum eating, big dick behavior and practice from both of them, hinting at feelings
a/n: this is mature content so if you are under 18 years old or uncomfortable with this, please do not go below the cut! I also do not proofread of edit my work so there may be some typos, but I hope you enjoy nonetheless!
When you’d first been hired, the request came through your temp agency, and you knew nothing other than the address before you showed up. By then you were no stranger to the life of an assistant; you had fallen into the line of work after failing to find a job in your field. The first few temp jobs were exactly what you expected. Fielding phone calls and delivering coffee to big wigs in uncomfortable, cheap dress clothes became your new normal for several months, so when you arrived at the gray office building you figured you knew what you were in for. 
Yoongi and Jimin proved to be nothing like your previous employers, and their charmingly personable attitudes made them unbelievably easy to work for. At the end of your week as their temp, you had pouted and delayed your departure by attempting to tidy up their shared studio. 
“You’re not a maid, you don’t have to do that.” Yoongi cooly remarked. Even with his ears sticking out endearingly from the sides of his beanie, his dark gaze made you freeze. 
“I-I know, I just- sorry.” You withered under his attention, shifting from foot to foot as you waited for the anxiety to pass. “I’ll go. Bye Yoongi, it’s been super nice working for you guys.” 
You kicked yourself as the wave of disappointment saturated your words. Yoongi hadn’t done anything wrong, and there was no reason to unload your sadness on him. 
“What? I thought they told you?” Yoongi chirped. “We hired you. I expect you to be back tomorrow.” An unbidden smile cracked your face and you couldn't help but notice Yoongi had mirrored it. 
“Oh, oh! Um, see you tomorrow then.” Your heart thumped embarrassingly fast as you skittered out of the office, only seeing the email full of praise from them once you were tucked into the comfort of your bed.
“Remember when you used to be nice to me?” You hiss at the man who had just fully sat on your shins, uncaring that you squirm under him. Jimin rolls his eyes at your remark and stays where he is until you snake your legs out from under him. 
“I am nice to you. I pay you.” Jimin coos and pulls your legs into his lap, his familiar touch skittering over your bare calves. After being their one and only assistant for a year and half, your working hours have become more muddled. Business often mixed with friendship, and the lines of professionalism had officially blurred to a proportion you never expected. 
“We also buy you food,” Yoongi cooly adds, plopping himself in the chair across from the two of you and sweeping his hand toward the boxes of empty takeout that dotted the coffee table. A microphone and mixing board live among the mess. You sigh listlessly. They had been working on this new song for hours, tossing ideas back and forth, and although they all sounded wonderful to you, neither of them were happy with anything. 
“Can I go home?” You drawl, feeling the strain of laying on the couch in the way your neck cricks and radiates a sharp headache. You subconsciously rub your fingers into the tightness at the base of your neck. 
“No,” Jimin answers immediately. You sit up straight on the couch and rip your legs from his lap. 
“Why?” It comes out whiny but you’re too tired to care, still rubbing at the knot in your neck. “Yoongi?” For a second you have hope he’ll let you go but he shakes his head, dark wavy strands slipping over his eyes. 
“Sorry, need you here.”
You sputter, disbelief making your eyes go wide. “Okay...can I at least go get you some coffee? More food? Or something?” Sitting in the darkened studio for so long with no definable task was making you feel a bit stir crazy. You had cycled through all of the games on your phone and been scolded for spending too much time on TikTok. Even the book you kept stashed in the bottom of your tote bag was only able to occupy you for so long. 
Yoongi shrugs, half of a grin on his lips. “Dunno. You have an untrained ear, slightly less bias, maybe you’ll add something to the process...” he trails, sinfully pink tongue slipping out between his lips. “You’ve also got potential as a muse.” 
God. It’s painfully cliche but it makes your heart stop and your thighs clench. Suddenly you feel too hot in your shorts and sweatshirt. Jimin tuts. 
“Potential.” He makes a half hearted jab, knowing all three of you are lingering on the same string of memories from just a couple of weeks before. You push the thoughts away and find a spot back on the couch, suddenly conscious of how close you sit to Jimin on the small couch.
He shuffles just close enough that your knees touch in a reassuring way that sends cascading warmth down your spine. Your face is surely flushed but you do your best to pretend you’re unfazed, picking at the skin around your cuticles as Yoongi fiddles with the soundboard.
“Again.” Jimin’s foot taps into the plush carpet in time to the music, and you know you’re in for a long night.
The track runs on a seemingly unending loop, only punctuated by your bosses bickering about technical intricacies and which word choices would serve the song better.
Yoongi fiddles with a new beat and you whine, sagging into Jimin’s side. He welcomes you into him and the intoxicating scent of his cologne has your eyes fluttering. His jaw ticks and you have to bite back the groan of desire as you watch his muscles clench and unclench as he concentrates, fingertips tapping the new rhythm in time against the top of your thigh.
For a moment you wish you were drinking; dumbly wanting to feign needing help opening the soju bottle just to hear Jimin’s little coos of how delicate you are, to have Yoongi gently take back your hair to see your flushed face when he thinks you’ve had too much to drink. Your saliva suddenly feels too thick and your head spins with the barrage of lustful thought. Jimin’s hand feels as hot as lava on your thigh and the sight of Yoongi’s finger circling one of the little knobs with deft precision makes your stomach tumble. 
“I-are you guys hot?” Your voice is raspy as you spring up from the couch, resisting the urge to fan yourself with your hands. Embarrassingly, they both shake their heads and you catch sight of the thermostat set clearly to cool. Yoongi chuckles as he seems to look inside of your head at the neurons connecting as a flush of embarrassment crosses your face. 
“I’ll be right back,” the words are barely out before you leave the room, slipping into the hallway and all but sprinting to the bathroom. Your body feels both too hot and too cold at the same time, and under the harsh overhead light of the bathroom the dark circles under your eyes are prominent, your baby hairs sticking up in wild directions from your scalp. You bend over the sink, gripping onto the cold porcelain. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” Your words echo into the bowl of the sink but you can’t bring yourself to be embarrassed about the potential of either of them hearing you over their music. You stand, glaring at the image of yourself in the mirror for a few seconds before you decide you have probably been hiding in here for a suspicious amount of time. Determined to find a way for them to let you go home, you barrel out of the bathroom and back into the hallway. 
“Hi,” Yoongi’s voice startles you, and his presence in the cramped space is even more alarming. In all the time you've known him, he's never been one to completely abandon his post while in the thick of the production process. 
“...Hi? Are you guys done?” A kernel of hope lights in your chest. If they’re done, you can make your escape to home and deal with the heavy pull of arousal in you core by yourself. Yoongi shakes his head no and raises his hands above him, stretching his arms and allowing your eyes to feast on a strip of creamy skin above his waistband. Your face reheats, tongue darting out to lick your chapped lips. He looks divine. 
Yoongi’s eyes follow your own, and a beautiful little smirk sprouts on his face. “Just came to use the bathroom.” His voice rumbles the same way it did when he dropped you off at your doorstep a few weeks ago with a sinful kiss and your knees quiver.
You nod stupidly, tripping over your own feet as you side step the door to allow him passage. He dips his head in a subtle nod and as he approaches and you can smell the musk of his cologne. Despite the step you took away he makes an effort to brush by you, one of his strong hands clasping gently around your own. You hadn’t even realized you were holding your breath until he leaned in close enough that you could pick out his individual eyelashes. His thumb presses into the back of your hand, a firm reminder of the reality of the situation as his words slip into the air between you. 
“We’re both willing to take a break, if you could think of something else more...interesting to occupy us.” His canines sparkle in the light of the hall and you have the overcoming desire to feel them scrape against your neck. 
“B-both of you?” The question all but jumps from your mouth, a product of your disbelief of the last night they had made you feel this way, which you were still partly convinced was just a delusion of your drunkenness. Yoongi nods, strands of hair obscuring his heavy stare. 
“Yes.” He’s gone in a flash, the bathroom door shutting behind him. The thud reverberates through your body and you stand stunned in the hallway, body buzzing with anticipation. Jimin is waiting just beyond the wall, and the image of his legs spread wide on the couch just waiting for you and Yoongi to return springs into your mind. Desire drives your feet and before you know it you’re back in the dimly lit studio, palms sweating when you finally see him again. 
“You’re back.” His voice is cool and level, gaze fixed on you as you approached him. Suddenly emblazoned by the knowledge Yoongi had given you, you nod and edge closer to the couch. 
“Heard you’re looking to take a break?” Jimin’s eyes cloud with the realization of your words, seeing through the facade of your question easily. He swipes his plush bottom lip with his thumb and hums in affirmation. “If you’re willing to provide one?” His voice is thick with lust, sending butterflies through your stomach.
The subtle tilt of his head is all it takes for you to advance toward him, plopping yourself easily onto his thigh, facing the mess of the coffee table. His hands are immediately on your hips; fingers digging into the flesh with an addicting pinch of pain. Your hips rut at the contact, pushing into the muscle of his leg. The pressure sends a spike of arousal down your spine that makes you moan and Jimin responds by curling his fingers under the waistband of your shorts. His fingertips feel like ice against your hot skin, and he uses the shock to gain control of your hips. 
There’s no use putting up a fight once he has you, manually rocking your core against his leg. Even though you can’t see him, you can hear his little pants of appreciation as your head rolls back against your shoulders. The fabric of your underwear is slick and pulling right against your clit, the layers of friction making you feel like you’re going crazy. Your nails dig into Jimin’s arms, enjoying the feeling of his muscles moving. 
The door swings open and even though you know it’s Yoongi you gasp, whipping your head toward him. Your face flushes at being caught but Yoongi simply appraises you, eyes roving over your heaving chest and Jimin’s grip on your hips. The weight of Yoongi’s stare only makes you wetter, slicking the crotch of your cotton shorts a darker shade. Jimin chuckles and moves faster, allowing a consistent grind of pressure against your clit that makes tears edge your eyelids. 
You gasp, arms flailing outward hopelessly. In your scramble your arms clash into Yoongi’s form, scrabbling to hook into the fabric of his hoodie as your clit throbs and your climax approaches. Yoongi’s hands encircle your face, gathering your hair into a makeshift ponytail and stooping down until you can feel his breath against your cheeks. 
“Pretty girl,” he flutters his thumb against your lashes until you open your eyes. “There you are.” His feline gaze turns your brain to liquid, enjoying the attention from Yoongi while Jimin gives you the release you’ve been waiting for. 
“P-please,” you struggle around the words, and don't have the energy to articulate your needs, but Jimin holds your hips still and bounces his leg, baring your pussy down against him directly. Unable to squirm away from the pleasure, a moan rips from your throat into Yoongi’s chest as you come, pitching forward as the pleasure curls your toes. Despite your exhaustion you continue to cant your hips against Jimin’s leg after you come until Yoongi tuts and pulls you up slightly, depriving you of the surface. 
“Look at the fucking mess you made of my pants, baby.” Jimin growls. Your face flushes in embarrassment but you can’t deny that the sight only turns you on more. Knowing that you were the one responsible for the mess on his sweatpants and the subsequent bulge makes your mouth water. On unstable legs you pull from Yoongi’s embrace and lean down over Jimin, giving your other boss a prime view of your ass in the ridden-up shorts doing little to preserve your modesty. His hands are on you immediately, tugging down the fabric of your shorts and panties as soon as you nod your approval. 
“Can I kiss you?” You relish the way Jimin’s cheeks sport a pretty blush at your question as he nods. A warm fuzzy feeling spreads through your chest as you connect your lips with his own, gently coaxing out the demon of a man you know lives inside- the one who pushed his cock down your throat in the backseat of his car the last time you went out together.  Yoongi’s deft fingers part your folds and you moan into the kiss which only spurs Jimin on. His tongue finds a home in the depths of your mouth at the same time that Yoongi spreads your asscheeks with his hands, humming at the sight of your bared pussy. He pauses all movements, making you twirl your hips impatiently, before releasing a glob of spit that runs hot over your pussy. You shiver, keening at the embarrassingly attractive action. He wastes no time running his fingers between your lips, circling your clit with your combined wetness until your knees go weak. Jimin bites your lip and disconnects the two of you, staring sinfully at the trail of saliva that connects you. 
“Yoongi gonna make you cum again?” The question is rhetoric, but you still nod furiously at the idea. Yoongi laughs heartily, clearly amused by the desperation. 
“Gonna do more than make you cum, baby.” Your head swivels back to catch a look at him sinking onto his knees, easily pushing the coffee table back so he has ample room to work. Your pussy flutters at the idea of him eating you out, a dream that had been plaguing you since you first heard him craft some of his most infamous lyrics. 
You're so enamored at the glassy look in his eyes that you almost miss Jimin asking to shed your sweatshirt. The fabric comes off easily, goosebumps arriving as the garment leaves you. Jimin groans as he’s presented with your tits, hanging perfectly in front of his face as you're bent over for Yoongi. 
Jimin captures one of your nipples in his mouth, tugging at the nub like a man starved. Yoongi dives into your pussy, licking a broad stripe all the way through your folds. His tongue splits your lips and explores every possible inch. 
“Oh god,” the sensation of them both working on you makes you feel lightheaded, in total disbelief of the way the night has gone. “F-feel so good.” You mewl as Yoongi licks tight circles around your clit, Jimin’s teeth scraping against the sensitive skin at the curve of your breast as his hand engulfs the other, pulling and pinching in all the right places. 
“I- can’t fucking, oh my god-” no words seem to do justice to the feeling of pure arousal slipping through you, and the lewd sounds of being devoured sends your mind into a perfectly numb lull. Jimin and Yoongi are everything, everywhere, moving in a sinful tandem of lips and teeth that you don’t think you will ever recover from. The bubbling heat in your stomach rises, aided by the slurps of Yoongi absolutely devouring you, his nose digging into you as he pushes his tongue as deep as possible into your hole. You can only imagine how wet his face will be when he pulls away; chin, cheeks and lips stained with the evidence of your arousal. 
Your legs wobble, knees shaking from the effort of keeping your body upright as your orgasm barrels toward you. Jimin scrapes the top row of his teeth across your nipple as you come, body trapped between two sources of unending pleasure. The short break between orgasms has made you dizzy, keening as Yoongi devours every drop you give him. Over sensitivity rushes in, and the men work faster than your blissed out brain can comprehend.
Once the ringing in your head stops, you can feel the delicate press of Yoongi’s lips against the backs of your thighs: Jimin’s cool fingertips soothing down the bites he created on your chest.
“Come on, pretty. Such a good girl. Come lay down.” Jimin’s hands pull you gently, easily back onto the couch where you had spent countless hours before. The cool leather feels amazing against your heated skin and you quickly resign yourself to pressing the entire front of your body into it, head propped on Jimin’s thigh. This close, there was no mistaking the heavy bulge in the front of his pants. Your fingers twitch, inching toward him.
Yoongi’s dark chuckle makes you pause, peering up to see him standing over you, a satisfied smirk on his face. Just as you’d imagined his chin is covered in a gleam that could only come from being buried deep in your pussy. Your hips twitch against the couch.
“You wanna suck Jimin’s cock? Will you let me sit and watch you make him come?” You nod dumbly against Jimin’s leg, not daring to take your eyes off of Yoongi as he maneuvers himself back into his trusty chair. He sits and makes no secret of palming at himself through his shorts as your mouth waters.
“Please?” You ask, as if they would ever be able to deny you anything. You can feel the sweat drying onto your body, and the heat reigniting in your stomach makes you restless. Wiggling your fingers playfully toward his cock, you fix Jimin with your best pleading stare.
“You know this cock belongs to you, baby. Take it.” Heat flushes your cheeks as you scramble for his waistband. Suddenly seized with an insatiable hunger to have your mouth filled to the brim. Jimin lifts his hips in aid, exposing inches of flawless skin before his cock springs to life, unbidden by any clothing. He takes the break to pull off his top, balling it up and throwing it directly into Yoongi’s face. The older man grumbles in good nature and swats the shirt away. Your hips push against the couch cushion as you reach for him, the weight and warmth of his impressive cock making your head spin. Jimin moans at your touch, encouraging you to pump your hand over him slowly.
He intakes a ragged breath as you speed up, impatient with yourself. “C’mon baby, take it.” He grinds out the words and you shiver, shuffling forward until you can comfortably lower your head over him, wrapping your lips around the tip. It had been only a few weeks since the last time you gave him head, but that didn’t make his length any easier to adjust to. Your eyes water at the intrusion as you push further down, wiggling your tongue against the underside. Jimin’s thighs twitch under your ministrations.
“You’re so fucking good at that, Y/N.”
Emboldened, you push more of him down your throat until you’re fighting against a gag, spit dripping down to the base of his cock. Unable to go further, your hand occupies the rest, pumping in time with the movement of your head. The mess of praise and the burn of Yoongi’s eyes on your body makes you moan around him.
Jimin’s hips immediately jump, pushing further into your mouth. Your eyes widen and tears push forward as Jimin takes full advantage of your mouth, your nails scrabbling at his thighs as you try to clear your mind.
“Shhh, baby. Look so pretty drooling and dumb on my cock. Our girl is so good, isn’t she Yoongi?” Jimin’s voice shakes, a giveaway of his impending orgasm.
“The best girl,” Yoongi’s voice is clipped, and even though your eyes are blurred with tears you’re sure he’s working his hand over his own cock. You moan again, using the vibration to your advantage as Jimin grips your hair, holding you in place.
Your lungs constrict as his whines reach a peak, cock twitching incessantly until he’s coming. You swallow with every spurt he gives you, the bitterness easy to dismiss in the heat of the moment. Jimin’s grip loosens just as the last ropes of his cum shoot out, streaking across your chin and lips. He grins, satisfied at the mess and your performance. His now free hand takes a handful of your ass, pinching it and landing a slap against the flesh.
“Open?” He asks almost sheepishly. You obey easily, putty in his hands as he inspects your mouth to be sure you swallowed everything he gave you. He hums happily at the sight, gathering up the stray bits of cum on your face with his thumb before pushing it into your mouth. You suck the pad of his thumb clean, eyes heavy with lust as you swirl your tongue around it. Jimin growls, ripping the appendage out to slap your ass a few times in quick succession.
The pain makes your spine curve with pleasure and you almost can’t believe how wet you are again, but Jimin’s fingers quickly dip into your pussy, cooing when he feels your slick coating his fingers. Your own mouth parts in a frustrated groan, annoyingly aware of how achingly empty you are.
“Please fuck me.” Your voice is raw and shaky, and you worry that maybe their inaction means they couldn’t hear you. Jimin’s hand stays steady against the swell of your ass while you wiggle your hips in frustration. Impatient tears well in your eyes as you watch Yoongi slowly remove his hand from his cock; the tip an angry red from all the time he spent playing with it while you sucked Jimin’s cock. It feels like years pass before he even gets up from the chair.
“You wanna get fucked?” His deep voice makes your heart do cartwheels in your stomach. Yoongi’s hand caresses the nape of your neck, lightly combing through the mussed strands there. You nod vigorously, attempting to sit up so that you can convey your need to him even more.
“Please Yoongi, please I’ll do-“ a sharp tug on your hair makes your brain short circuit, words dying in your mouth. Your breathing turns shallow, anticipatory when he uses his primal grip on you to pull your body upwards until you’re sitting up on the couch. From here you are afforded the full view of them both. Jimin’s chest is still heaving from coming, his body covered in a sheen of sweat that only makes his appear more surreal in the dim studio lights. Yoongi had shed both his shirt and bottoms, presumably while you were busy with Jimin. His cock bobs against his stomach, gleaming with precum as he moves. Your heart jumps at the proximity of Yoongi’s body, the way you can see the veins in the arm that holds your hair flex as he pulls your scalp harder. You keen, hips pushing against the air at the sprouting pain. Yoongi laughs, licking at his gleaming canines you want to feel buried deep in your shoulder blade.
His grip holds you still, obedient as your eyes dart wildly between them, hungry to see what their next move will be.
“Such a patient girl for us, right Yoongi?” Jimin’s velvet voice makes you want to cry out and beg for release again, but you bite your tongue so you don’t miss what he says.
“Hmm, very patient.” Yoongi appraises you, sitting at attention, nipples pebbled with your arousal. “Although I think she could stand to wait a bit longer.” Your eyes widen, surprised and momentarily terrified they were going to leave you in the dust.
“No no no no, please don’t!” You can’t stop the tinge of anxiety that spikes through you, the sudden concern that they no longer wanted you if they had each other. Not to mention the burning desire that you knew you wouldn’t be able to quell even with your most favorite vibrator. Hot tears let loose down your cheeks, dripping off of your chin in mere seconds.
“Hey, baby, stop,” Yoongi’s hand releases your hair to tap at your cheek, light enough that you blink through your tears to focus on him. He smiles in the sweet gentle way you’ve come to know means he’s sincere. You can feel Jimin’s calloused fingers brushing gently over your shoulders, curling into the tensed muscles as you ground yourself.
“Do we need to stop?” All of the air in the room gets sucked out with his words, all three of you frozen in time.
“No, no,” You puff out. “Don’t wanna stop.” You grasp his arm, fingernails digging into his milky flesh. “I j-just feel so empty.”
His cat like grin returns at your words, your tears receding into glossy begging eyes. “Oh, baby, you’ll be full of cock in no time. Can you sit pretty for just a few more moments?”
Curious as to why you need to wait, you watch Yoongi intently, but are somehow still shocked when he catches Jimin’s plush lips in an earnest kiss. The younger man sighs contentedly, wrapping his arms around Yoongi’s frame. The way their lips move together is mesmerizing, and you faintly remember watching them kiss once before, when you were admittedly drunk and thought maybe you were mistaking the passion between them.
Now you knew for sure what you were seeing, and that it was making fresh waves of arousal drip down your thigh. Jimin reaches for Yoongi’s cock, stroking him with playfully light touches you know are meant to drive him crazy. You can see everything from your seat on the couch, and their symphony of moans sends your hand right between your thighs. You rub your clit in time with Jimin’s tugs, making sure to keep the touch just as feather light as it seems to be for Yoongi.
As sensitive as you are, even the simple touch is making your mind go hazy, losing yourself in the moment and the feeling of your own hand. You moan, pressing down into the pressure of your hand: embarrassing close to coming again just from watching your bosses make out.
“I thought I asked you to sit pretty?” Yoongi’s voice is clipped and breathy at having just pulled Jimin’s hand off of him, but it still startles you enough that you rip your hand away feeling like you had been caught.
“I-I’m sorry, it was just,” you stumble on the words, face flushed as you decide on how much you should admit. Jimin raises an inquisitive eyebrow, his cock fluttering back to life.
Your blush deepens but you nod, hair falling into your face. Yoongi seems less amused at your disobedience, but the dark look on his face only makes you want him inside of you more. You bite back the whimper growing in your throat and still, waiting for instruction.
Yoongi’s steps forward, easily crowding your vision until he’s all you can see. One hand grips your throat, lightly at first, then increasingly hard as he sees the delight in your eyes. The press of his hand over your throat is intoxicating, just the perfect amount of pressure that has your mouth hanging open absentmindedly. You feel good, knowing that you he was going to take care of you. Jimin’s deep groan at the sight reminds you that he’s there just moments before Yoongi breaks your distance and captures your lips in a kiss.
It’s nothing as gentle and sweet as the few you’d shared before. His teeth are immediately nipping into your bottom lip, tongue surging forward into your mouth without abandon. Spit slicks down your chin and over your cheeks and you moan at the feeling, Yoongi practically swallowing you up like you’re the last person on earth. Through it all he keeps control of you by the hand on your neck, only letting up when you’re gasping for air.
You feel oddly vacant without his hand on your throat, but you have a feeling it won’t be the end of your experience with it.
“Such a pretty, desperate little thing. Can’t wait to fill you up, fuck.” Yoongi’s eyes flutter at the thought and before you know it he’s moving you, pressing the length of your body down against the couch. You’re acutely aware that Jimin must have moved to the chair to make room for you, but all thoughts get wiped from your head as Yoongi looms over you.
Your legs part, unashamed for him to see just how wet you are. He grins, kneeling between them and fisting himself a few times.
“Please fuck me, Yoongi, wanna feel you inside.” The stream of consciousness barrels out of you, followed by a string of curses as he obeys and pushes the head of his cock into you. The stretch is intense despite your extreme arousal, but the loving hands caressing your stomach help morph the feeling into pure pleasure. When the clouds of pain start to clear you moan, high and loud, latching onto the cushions under you.
“You look so good split open on my cock.” Yoongi works his hips into a smooth rhythm immediately, eyes honed in on the sight of your pussy swallowing him up. The press of him inside of you is serendipitous, the perfect angle means he’s nudging against your gspot with every single push.
“Prettiest fucking girl, look at you taking cock so well again.” Jimin is suddenly beside you, hands groping your tits again. You keen, overwhelmed with the sensations as white hot pleasure burns through you. Yoongi speeds up, bracing his foot for more leverage on the perfect angle as he pounds into you.
“So f-full,” you gasp out, tears of pleasure running into your hairline. Your clit throbs for attention, the final thing you need to fall headfirst into that wonderful pleasure. You gasp and writhe, pushing your hips upward to meet his thrusts.
“If you don’t stop that I’m gonna come right inside of you.” The words are a warning but your pussy immediately reacts by gripping his cock tighter. A broken moan spills from his mouth and he growls.
“Wan’ it.” The words come out soft, strangled by the loud squelching of your pussy, but Jimin is close enough to hear. He turns toward you, smiling with the intensity of a million suns.
“You want him to come inside of you? Fill that pussy up and make you ours?” Jimin is sure to speak loud enough that Yoongi will hear, but the man drilling into you looks pointedly only at your face, awaiting his confirmation. You look between them both, shivering with need.
“Yes, wanna have Yoongi come in me,” you lick your lips, “please, and,” You pause as Yoongi swipes his finger across your clit after hearing your affirmation. The last bits of your sanity are about to be washed away with your orgasm, but you breathe through it.
“W-wait!” You yell, Yoongi stilling as well as he can so close to his orgasm.
“Want Jimin too.” You gasp, barely trusting your words. The man grins, placing a kiss on the swell of your breast.
“Of course, baby, I’m so fucking hard right now I can’t imagine not coming all over these pretty tits.”
Tears of frustration brim again, hormones going crazy.
“No, in me.” You whine, petulant at the idea of him not coming inside you tonight. Both of their eyes widen, staring at you like you had just unlocked the secret to eternal life. Yoongi’s thrusts return with vengeance, finger circling your clit deftly.
“Can’t get enough of it, huh? Such a little slut that just one man coming in you isn’t enough?” You nod as his cock twitches, moments away from your own blinding orgasm. Jimin’s lips are devouring your neck, seemingly emblazoned by your admission. It only takes a few more swipes of Yoongi’s nimble fingers before you come, back arching off of the couch like a woman possessed.
The sounds and curses that leave you are barely human and essentially decipherable as your body warms under the glow of an intense orgasm. When Yoongi finally comes, your pussy gripping him tightly so he doesn’t leave, he continues strumming at your clit until your nerves feel set on fire.
“Good girl, taking all my fucking come.” Yoongi praises you as he finally pulls out, watching his come slip out with him before he retreats to stand beside you. Your head is still in the clouds, mind numb from absolute pleasure as Yoongi pats your thighs so he can get out from between them.
Jimin brushes the sweat slicked strands of hair off of your forehead, leaning close enough to him that you can see his individual eyelashes.
“Still got it in you? Want another load?” Your stomach flips, pussy clenching at the idea and you nod so hard it makes your neck hurt. Yoongi shuffles up until he’s next to your head, obviously sleepy as he plops down onto the floor with a lazy grin. He kisses your cheek playfully as Jimin moves.
He wastes no time in assuming the same position Yoongi had just left. Pliant and fucked out, you give him an exhausted smile as you watch him line up and push into your entrance.
“Still so fucking tight even though you just got railed. So willing to have two cocks back to back.” Jimin’s voice burns through you, low and sexy in a way you rarely get to enjoy. His eyes twinkle as you nod, gasping at the length of his cock. He begins his onslaught even faster than Yoongi had, pushing through your walls with a blindingly perfect rhythm.
“F-Fuck me so well,” you slur, grasping for his arms as he drills into you. Jimin is gasping, clearly close to his own end as you start to feel the hazy warmth of an orgasm come on. Yoongi kisses you even more as your moans heighten, sure not to cover your mouth so that they get to hear every sound you can give them. “You’re gonna look so pretty full of me and Jimin’s come, so fucked out and dripping.”
Even without any attention to your clit his words have you just seconds away from coming, and you warn Jimin of this.
“Already gonna come without me even having to touch your little clit? So fucking wet and desperate that just my cock will do it?” Your head spins, eyes tipping back into your head. His hips stutter, faltering for just a second as your knees lock, pushing his cock even further into you until you’re coming. Your eyes squeeze shut as you scream your throat raw calling his name and begging for his come.
You can’t stop the tears that spill out of you even after you feel him empty into you, the weight of his body pressing into your own as he makes sure not to waste a drop. You pant together, chests rising and falling in time. The way your skin sticks together doesn’t even bother you right now, but Jimin moves just slightly and the cool air rushes in.
You mumble, still working on feeling like a human again.
“What’s that?” It’s Yoongi, who’s still sitting by your side, laying his head against Jimin’s toned bicep.
“Cold.” You try, voice absolutely wrecked. You poke at Jimin’s side. “Heavy, too. Move.” You wiggle beneath him and he sits up, giggling at your sudden attitude. He’s still lodged inside of you, his and Yoongi’s come slowly leaking out of you and onto the couch, but this somehow feels just as normal as your usual day at work. Another chill passes through your body and Yoongi tuts, striding order to the thermometer. You and Jimin both watch his naked form as he goes, cranking the number up so that the room gets hotter.
“Told you we keep it too cold in here,” he mutters to Jimin, who shrugs and looks down at the mess between your legs. You flush.
“Sorry about the couch.” Jimin laughs as he pulls out, clearly still a little aroused at the sight of come pouring out of you.
“Fuck the couch. It’s your spot anyway.” His fingers dance over your pussy and you whine, shaking your head and clamping your thighs shut.
“Too sensitive.” It’s simple, and he nods easily, slipping off of the couch. You lose sight of him for a second before he’s back, slipping your sweatshirt back over your head. The warmth instantly cures you, putting a satisfied smile on your face. Yoongi reappears from what you assume to be the bathroom with a damp towel, silently asking your permission before gently cleaning you up.
Your legs twitch and you have to physically bite back a moan when he runs the fabric over your clit, but you’re happy to be cleaned and have him help you into your shorts. He hands the towel off to Jimin as you sit up, pointedly looking away from the mess on the couch.
“Shit, forgot about that!” Yoongi springs forward, shirt halfway on. He leans over the coffee table and flicks off a switch, the recording equipment going dead. His face blanches as he looks over at you.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N, I didn’t turn it off before we…” his hands wave uselessly in front of him. Jimin, at least dressed, looks equally mortified.
“We can delete it all! I promise, we won’t even listen to it again! I’ll do it right-“
Your laugh bubbles out of you and stops them both in their places.
“I don’t care, guys.” Their faces twist in confusion. Surely you wouldn’t want them to keep it? “You were stuck on the song anyway. Use it as the backtrack or something.” You shrug, taking supreme delight in the surprise on their faces.
“You’re so fucking hot.” Jimin groans, appreciative, and you glow under their eyes. He immediately dashes over to the computer, locating and examining the file. Yoongi finishes redressing and even wipes off the couch before bundling you into his chair with him. His hands comb through your matted hair and examine the marks on your neck until he deems you to be okay.
“Thanks for the song inspiration.” He chuckles, mouth tucked against the nape of your neck.
“Happy to help. Let me know the next time you need some new ideas.” Despite your sleepiness the idea makes you squirm, to which Yoongi groans.
“I have a feeling we’ll be needing lots of new ideas. For a very long time.” Maybe you’re crazy, or cock hungry, but you swear you feel him twitch against your ass. “But for now you should probably go home.” You both watch Jimin as he fiddles with some instrumentals, layering them over the peaky audio the three of you recorded on the desktop before popping on his headphones.
Yoongi sighs. “You’re sleepy, and if you stay here any longer while we mix this you’re definitely not gonna be walking tomorrow.”
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ellieslovr · 3 months
A Visit To Mr.Miller’s House
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CW: age gap, daddy kink, dirty talk, creampie, unprotected sex, mentions of pregnancy. This is a dbf joel miller fic. Reader has no physical description, Joel is able to pick them up. Joel Miller x F! Reader. wc:3,071
A/N:wow, it only took me a month to upload this time! Look at that. Anyways, this is my first Joel fic, so let’s see how it goes. Enjoy! I have many more ideas for him.
Summary: After your dad asks you to go pick up something from Joel’s house, you get a lot more than you bargained for.
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You really hadn’t been thinking when you’d borrowed one of your best friend’s shirts. You’d had an impromptu sleepover, leaving you without a shirt to wear to bed. She dug through her drawers and tossed one towards you, laughing.
You scan the text on the front. “I LOVE DILFS” it read. You glanced up at her. “Seriously?” You said.
She just laughed. “You’re just wearing it to sleep, you’ll be fine.” You just roll your eyes and slump onto the bed next to her, nestling under the covers.
You’re awoken the next morning by your phone repeatedly ringing, and you yawn as you reach for it.
Seeing that it’s your dad, you groan and hit accept. “Are you just waking up?” He asks. Hello to you too, you thought.
“Yeah, I spent the night at a friends.” You reply. “Oh, well I have a favor to ask.” He said, and you could hear a shuffling noise in the background. “What’s that noise?” You ask him.
“I’m working on repairing this old car, but I need one of the parts for tomorrow.” He told you.
Before you could respond, he continued. “Since I wasn’t gonna be home when it got delivered, I had it sent to Miller’s house. Think you could go pick it up? I won’t be home till late, so you can just leave it on the table.” You groan internally. Of course he’d have it delivered there.
Your dad and Mr.Miller, or Joel as he’d insist you call him, were lifelong friends. They’d known each other since high school, and still hung out from time to time. It’s not that you didn’t like Joel, in fact it was the complete opposite. You liked him too much.
As a kid, you’d always seen him as a sort of uncle figure, but that changed as you got older. Now, you couldn’t be around him without being reduced to a blushing and stuttering mess.
You snap out of your thoughts and realize your dad is still waiting on a response. “Yeah, I’ll grab it. I’m leaving here in a few minutes.” You say.
“Thanks sweetheart, I’ll see you later tonight. Bye.” With that, he hangs up the phone. You turn around and see your friend grinning at you.
“What?” You ask. She smirks. “You have to go to Joel’s house~” She sings. You toss one of her pillows at her. “Shut up.” She laughs and throws it back at you, and you place it down onto the bed.
You finish packing your stuff, and your friend walks you outside to your car. You wave her goodbye and she wishes you luck with a wink, which you scoff at.
The drive back home is about twenty minutes, so you decide to take the longer route. The less time you have to see Joel, the better. You pull up to your house, and exit the car.
Once you’ve put all your stuff away, you pull a jacket on and head over to Joel’s house. It’s winter time in Texas and although it wasn’t freezing, it was still pretty cold. You walk up the front porch steps, and ring the doorbell. You wait a minute or so, and there’s no answer.
As soon as you lift your fist to knock, the door swings open. Joel peers down at you, dressed in a stained white muscle shirt and a pair of gym shorts. He must’ve been working out.
You swallow hard, trying to remember what it is you’re here for. “Oh, it’s you. Hey kiddo, c’mon in.” Joel says, ushering you inside. You smile at him.
“Thank you, Mr.Miller.” He shuts the door. “Call me Joel, sweetheart.” He tells you. You know the name doesn’t hold any weight behind it, but it still gives you butterflies nonetheless.
“You caught me right in the middle of my workout.” He says, using a towel to wipe the sweat off his face. You try to not let your eyes wander to the droplets rolling down his neck, no doubt cascading down his abs.
Joel doesn’t seem to notice that you’re distracted, and carries on. “How about you take your coat off and stay a while?” He asks.
Your heart skips a beat. “Actually, my dad just wanted me to pick something up.” You told him. His face dropped slightly. “Oh, right.” He replied, gesturing to the package sitting on his table.
“I could stay for a little though, I’ve got nothing to do today.” You told him, mentally cursing yourself for being unable to say no to him.
He brightened up. “Atta girl, I’ll grab you a beer.” On his way to the fridge, he stopped. “You’re old enough to drink right?” He asked.
You stifle a laugh. “I’m 24 Joel, yes.” You reply. He just chuckles and rummages around the fridge, pulling out two cans. He sits at a comfortable distance from you on the couch, and cracks his open.
You inadvertently watch the way his muscles ripple as he lifts the can to his mouth and takes a sip. He groans and places it down on the table.
“So, how’ve things been? Staying out of trouble?” He asks. You shrug your coat off, nodding.
“For the most part, yeah.” Joel’s eyes “accidentally” flick down to your chest as you do so, and his breath catches in his throat. He’s blushing. “Interesting shirt you got there.” He says.
You give him a confused glance, and then look down. “Oh, shit. This is my friend's shirt, I completely forgot I borrowed it from her.”
Joel’s grip on the can tightens, the metal bending under his grasp, his veins popping out slightly. “So that’s what you’re into these days?” He asks. “Dilfs?”
You laugh. “I’m surprised you even know what that means.” You reply. Joel smiles, some of the awkwardness dissipating. “Hey, I’ve been around. I’m not that old.” He teases. You watch as he leans back against the couch. “Your dads been good?” He asks.
You nod your head. “Yeah, he won’t be home until late because he’s working on something.” You tell him. You don’t miss the way Joel’s gaze darkens at your words.
“Yeah?” He says. He’s staring at you now. You shift a little under his gaze, big doe eyes staring up at him.
“Mhm. Might be out all night.” You murmur. He’s so close now. You can feel his breath fanning across your cheek. “Tell me to stop.”
He whispers it almost pleadingly, hand coming up to cup your cheek. Part of him knows this is wrong, that your dad will kill him if he finds out. The other part of him doesn’t care though, he just needs you so bad.
You lean into his touch. “Don’t stop.” You tell him. Joel curses under his breath and then he’s kissing you, his lips warm and slightly chapped.
You moan into his mouth and he loses control, wrapping his arms around your waist. When you pull away to breathe, he starts to kiss your neck. “Joel..” You mewl, moving to tug his shirt off. He complies, helping you pull it off.
You drag your nails up and down his bare skin, and he shivers. “Take me to your bed?” You ask. He nods and scoops you into his arms, heading towards his bedroom. He kicks the door open and places you gently on the bed, before shutting the door.
He immediately begins to remove your shirt, dropping it to the ground. He kisses down your chest, pulling a hardened nipple into his mouth. You arch your back, whimpering softly. Joel nearly growls at your reaction, and moves to pinch the other between his fingers.
You’re squirming underneath his ministrations, and he decides to take pity on you. He helps you shuffle your jeans off, leaving you in just your underwear.
Your arousal is evident through the fabric, a wet patch staining it. Joel groans low in his throat, dragging a single finger up your slit. You buck your hips into his touch, a soft whine leaving your throat. “Joel..” You mumble.
He leans in and kisses you to distract you, while he slips his fingers into your panties. He quickly finds your clit, brushing his thumb across it.
Your breath hitched. He slides them off with ease, adding them to the growing pile of clothes on the floor. Something about him being fully clothed while you were naked sent a rush of arousal through you.
Joel stands and pulls his tank top up over his head, wiping the sweat off his face with it. You catch a glimpse of his chiseled abs and the happy trail leading down his pelvis. He notices you staring and slips his gym shorts off.
Your eyes drop down to his bulge. He’s huge, bigger than any guy you’d ever been with, and he wasn’t even fully naked yet. You wait with baited breath as he slowly pulls his boxers down, revealing his hard cock. Jesus Christ.
He takes it between his hands, stroking it gently. “Open.” He tells you. You comply, letting your mouth drop open. He guides himself into your mouth, and you close your lips around him. He groans. “Fuck, you have no idea how long I’ve wanted this.”
He barely gives you time to adjust and he starts rocking his hips back and forth, his cock hitting the back of your throat. The sounds he’s pulling from you are obscene, wet and messy. You swipe your tongue across his tip, and he curses under his breath.
“I gotta pull out baby, m’ not gonna last long.” He tells you. You let your jaw go slack, and he pulls out. He begins to dig through his drawers, and you peer over at him.
“What’re you doing?” You ask. He grabs a box. “Condom.” He replies, pulling one of its package. You chew your bottom lip. “I’m clean.” Joel sighs.
“That ain’t my concern, sweetheart. I don’t need to be knockin’ you up, your daddy would kill me.” You pout. “I’ll go get a plan B after.” He groans. “You’re a stubborn one, ain’t you?” He asks.
“I mean, we don’t have to if you’re not comfortable with it.” You told him. He shakes his head. “That’s not it, I just didn’t want you to feel like you have to.” He said. You smile.
“What a gentleman.” You tease. He grins bashfully, looking down. “Yeah, you know me. So what’ll it be?” Your cheeks flush. “We don’t need it.” You tell him. He nods.
“Sounds good to me.” He tosses it to the side, and positions himself between your spread legs. He drags himself slowly up and down your slick folds, groaning quietly.
“Joel, please.” You urge him. He shakes his head. “No baby, you gotta beg me. C’mon, use that pretty mouth.”
“Please fuck me Joel, I need it.” You plead with him, looking up at him through your lashes. He gives in, and pushes into you agonizingly slow. Despite not being a virgin, it still stung a bit because of his size.
Once he was all the way in, he kissed your forehead. “Stay still baby. Get used to it.” He tells you. You do as he says, and a few minutes pass. You wiggle your hips, and a jolt of pleasure shoots up your spine. “You ready?” Joel asks. You nod.
He lifts one of your legs over his shoulders, and repeats the process with the other. Your body is pressed against him now, his skin flush against yours. He slowly starts to fuck you, reveling in how tight you are around him. “You’re so fucking pretty..” Joel murmurs against your lips.
You let yourself melt into his touch, knowing he’ll take care of you. His cock drags up and down your walls, lighting a fire in your belly. Joel grunts.
“Fuck, look at you. All spread open for me.” You whimper and lean up to kiss him, which he happily obliges. He gives you a hard thrust, and you moan into his mouth.
“Fuck, you feel that in your tummy, princess? You feel how deep I am?” You nod, not trusting yourself to speak. “Feels so good, Joel.” You tell him. He smirks. “That’s not my name baby.”
You wrack your brain, trying to think of what he means. Then, it hits you. “Daddy?” You say.
His smirk widens, and you feel his cock throb. “There you go.” He replied. You look up at him.
“Didn’t think you were that much of a pervert.” You tease. He raises an eyebrow. “The way you’re squeezin’ around my cock says otherwise, baby.” He tells you.
He hikes your legs up onto his shoulders, pushing deeper into you. “Oh, fuck-“ He grunts, muscles straining. You watched his arms flex as he held you in place, thrusting in and out of you.
“Christ, you’re tight. Them college boys ain’t doing it for ya, huh?” He asks with a smirk. You moan, rocking your hips to meet his thrusts. “No daddy.” You reply, reaching between your legs to find your clit.
“You let them fuck you like this, baby? You let them fill you up?” He asks you, a possessive edge to his tone. You whimper.
“No daddy, just you.” You reply. He laughs, reaching down to cup your cheek. “That’s right baby, this is my pussy from now on. Understand, sweetheart?”
You’re so cockdrunk now, that all you can do is nod dumbly as he continues to thrust into you. He just grins and slips his thumb into your mouth.
“Atta girl, just needed to be taken care of, huh?” He murmurs, pushing it deeper into your mouth. “Yes daddy.” You sigh contentedly as he continues at a steady pace.
You wrap your arms around him and pull him closer, dragging your manicured nails down his back. You wince, hoping you hadn’t scratched him too hard.
He groans and speeds up, the tip of him pressing right against your cervix. He has you in a mating press now, thrusting wildly. “I’m getting close sweetheart, you sure you don’t want me to pull out?” He asks you.
You lock your legs around his waist, your pussy gripping him tighter. “No. Want you to cum inside daddy, want you to fill me up.” You tell him, dragging your nails down his bicep.
He curses under his breath and spills inside you, muttering obscenities. You climax shortly after him, and slump down further into the bed. You both bask in the afterglow of your orgasms, while Joel presses gentle kisses all over your face. You sigh happily and look over at him.
“You’ve been real pent up huh?” You ask with a smirk. He playfully shoves you. “Shut up, I usually last longer than that.” He replies.
You chuckle. “I’ll have to put that to the test next time.” He raises an eyebrow. “There’s gonna be a next time?” You blush.
“Well, I just figured maybe-“ He cuts you off with a laugh. “I’m just teasing, baby. Listen, how about I take you out to dinner? You free Sunday?” He asks. You nod.
“Yeah, I’m free.” He grins. “Good. C’mon, I’ll help you into the bath and then we can order take out. That alright with you?”
You nod and lift your arms up, causing him to chuckle. “You wanna be carried, princess?” He asked, gathering you into his arms.
You slump against him, exhausted. He holds you with one arm as he turns on the water and warms it up, letting the tub fill.
He gradually adds bubbles, to which you raise an eyebrow. “You take bubble baths?” You ask him. He chuckles sheepishly, hand coming to scratch his cheek.
“They say it’s supposed to help relax you.” He replies. You shrug, sinking down into the water. “I’m not complaining.” The scent of lavender hits your nose as Joel climbs into the tub with you.
He looks a bit funny, hunched over and hugging his knees to make room for himself. He grabs a bottle of flowery shampoo, and you smirk.
“You got a lot of ladies showering here, Miller?” He rolls his eyes and uncaps the bottle. “It’s for when Sarah visits. Now do you want me to wash your hair or not?”
You respond by leaning your head back, dipping your hair into the water. Joel smiles at that and begins rubbing the shampoo into his hands.
He massages it through your scalp and you close your eyes, sighing in contentment. He finishes up with the shampoo and cups the water in his hands, washing it out.
He repeats the process with the conditioner, and starts washing his own hair. Once he’s finished, he turns the water off and stands up, pulling you with him. He grabs two fluffy towels from the closet, and wraps one around you.
“You good with Chinese food?” He asks, ruffling his hair with the towel. You nod. “Yeah, get beef lo mein too.” You tell him. He laughs, shooting you a glance.
“Demanding.” He teases. You roll your eyes, crossing the room and letting the towel drop. Joel falls silent, his eyes dropping down to admire your body.
“What were you saying?” You ask with a smirk. He blushes. “The beef one you said?” He asks. You nod, moving to tug his towel off. He bites his lip.
“I’m not sure I have another one in me, sweetheart.” He tells you. You hum. “I know. Just wanted to take a look.” He laughs and exits the bathroom, dropping the towels into a laundry basket.
When he gets to his room, he dresses in a pair of boxer shorts and an old t shirt. When he hands you one of his shirts, you pull it on over your head and smile at him. “It’s big on you, but you look good in my clothes.” He tells you.
You grin. “Not the only thing that’s big.” You tell him, leaning into him. He rolls his eyes. “Oh, and I’m a pervert?” He asks jokingly. You don’t respond, instead opting to pull him into a kiss.
Joel kisses you back, his tongue sliding across your bottom lip. Your stomach growling is what forces you two apart, and you blush.
“You gonna order that food?” You ask him. He grins and wraps an arm around you, leading you to sit down on the couch.
“Sure thing sweetheart.”
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etherealyoungk · 1 year
bf!seventeen scenarios
you stirred in bed as you felt the pain become more and you curled up, closing your eyes as the cramps took over your body. you somehow managed to reach over the mingyu’s arm trying to shake him awake. “gyu”, you call out and he stirs awake beside you. he manages to turn on the bedside light and sees your teary eyes, sitting up immediately. you don’t have to tell him because he already knows. he’ll gently rub your back as he tells you that he was going to get you a hot water bottle. he’ll be back soon and the heat and warmth help. mingyu would gently scoop you in his arms as you rested your head on his chest and he’d rub gentle circles on your lower back to help ease the pain. “thanks”, you tell him softly and he hums in response. you’d fall asleep in his warmth and embrace and he’d not move, letting you sleep. he’d honestly hate seeing you in pain and would be glad you were feeling a bit better.
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“baby i need your help”, seungcheol calls out for you as he appears in the room. “what’s wrong?”, you ask. “i need help with my tie”, he says. “but i don’t know how to”. “i’ll teach you hm i just can’t seem to get it right today”, he explains. little did you know this was a lie and he just wanted you to do it for him because he’s a big baby and just wanted to sneak in those extra few minutes with you before leaving for the event. he tells you step by step as you furrow your brows in concentration as you try to follow him. “like this?”, you ask, not looking up, and you’re completely oblivious to the way seungcheol is looking at you with the most whipped smile. “yeah and just pull it now”, he says and you do. it looked proper and you pull it and adjust the tie on him, looking at him. “there, is that okay?”, you ask and he nods “perfect”, he says as you straighten his blazer. you’re about to step back but he doesn’t let you go, bringing his arms around your waist. “aren’t you forgetting something?”, he prompts. “um no?”, tell and he proceeds to pout his lips, asking for a kiss. “really cheol”, you say, rolling your eyes but you give him a kiss nonetheless. and now seungcheol would always ask you to do his tie for him.
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dokyeom singing you to sleep if you had trouble falling asleep. he’d hold you in his arms as he caressed your hair and softly sang to you. he’d sometimes send you voicemails of him singing so you could listen to them if he wasn’t able to be with you at that moment.
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late-night calls with wonwoo who would be there to comfort you if you were having a hard time sleeping or having a bit too much anxiety. he'd distract you by telling you about his day and anything fun and interesting that's happened and you'd listen, the distracting helping. listening to his voice always brought you comfort and make you feel safe.
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late-night period cravings with chan and that's how he was now driving you to the nearest mcdonalds drive through. he'd be more than happy to drive you and even offer to get it delivered but you wanted to go out, sick of being in bed all day. he'll know your order by heart and watch as you eat, content. and he'd just be happy because you were happy. he loved seeing you smile and he loved the way your laugh sounded in his ears. and of course, you steal a few bites of chan's burger because somehow what he orders was always good.
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anthurak · 2 months
Takeaways from the Volume 9 Epilogue:
One thing I really like about Oscar’s ‘If there was anything I wish I could borrow from you…’ monologue is that it laid out/confirmed something I’ve always felt was a major aspect of Oscar’s dynamic with Ruby that I nonetheless feel a lot of the fandom has missed: That Oscar very much sees Ruby as a mentor and an example to follow, and how their dynamic is specifically a foil to what we saw between Ruby and Ozpin. That Ruby acts as a mentor and example to Oscar in the same way Ozpin was to Ruby, and that Ruby is a far BETTER mentor and example to Oscar than Ozpin ever was to her. Which, as an aside, is a dynamic I can’t help but feel a lot of people have been misinterpreting as ‘ship-teasing’ and is one of the main reasons I’ve simply never been able to see Oscar as any kind of viable love-interest to Ruby. Frankly the dynamic of ‘Ruby is the mentor and example to Oscar that Ozpin couldn’t be for her’ is simply so much more INTERESTING than any kind of romance could ever hope to be.
Even in animatic form, Winter basically going overdrive on the maiden powers was a sight to behold. And her own monologue had all the self-deprecation we were expecting. Our girl is clearly holding on by a thread and it’s going to be REAL interesting seeing how she reacts and adjusts to her sister not actually being dead. As in, I can imagine a situation where Winter tries to throw herself into a heroic sacrifice with the belief that Weiss would make a better Maiden than her.
Also, Winter’s monologue giving major focus to how Penny is super-super-dead-dead-and-definitely-not-coming-back-for-really-realsies, as she is talking to the sister who she ALSO believes is DEFINITELY also dead? Specifically with the words that Penny is gone, when Penny’s last words to her were that she’d be ‘part of you’?
Yeah, there is no way in hell we’ve seen the last of Penny XD
The CROWN. Like it was only a few shots, but as someone who read the CFVY Books (which you totally should if you haven’t, they’re great), holy shit I was NOT expecting them to pop up here.
I mean, in hindsight it makes perfect sense that they’d be involved in Volume 10. They’re basically Vacuo’s equivalent to Vale’s criminal element and the White Fang splinter faction as Salem’s co-opted insurgency group, with Jax and Gillian joining Roman, Adam and Jacques as the latest of Salem’s unwitting patsies. It’s definitely going to be real interesting seeing the crew deal with them. Like it’s really fun to imagine Team RWBY in particular being kind of exasperated at seeing Jax’s probably doing a whole ‘With Salem’s help I shall be King!’ shtick after everything they’ve seen with Roman, Adam and Jacques.
Oh and if you don’t know, Jax has a mind-control semblance, so him trying to use that on Yang could actually lead to a sneaky callback to the Justice League crossover, ie; Yang doing a ‘Yeah, I’m not doing THAT shit again.’ XD
Qrow’s whole vibe through this is fascinating. Like his section may have been the one we already saw, but after seeing the abject depression and growing despair of all the other characters, Qrow actually being OPTIMISTIC hit so much harder.
Raven showing up at the end is… interesting.
I’ll admit that ever since we saw that specific clip a few months back, I’ve been rather conflicts about Raven showing up to deliver RWBY+J to Vacuo, particularly after Ruby’s tree vision. Like for one it felt a bit random and unnecessary. The tree already deposited the Ever After team outside of Vacuo so they didn’t exactly need help getting there. Not to mention that it kind of clotheslines the story-thread set up by Ruby’s vision; that she now has a reason to track Raven down to get the ANSWERS to what happened to Summer. Finally, it’s just kind of… random? Like where did Raven even come from to get the team?
But now having seen the clip with its intended context, I’m definitely more on board with it. Particularly hearing from Kerry and Eddy that the original ending for the penultimate episode had RWBY+J going through the portal to arrive at their memorial stone, and met by a ‘Mysterious Figure’, ie; Raven. Here it feels like were getting more set up to get answers later as to what Raven was doing at the memorial.
And really, now that I’ve thought about it more, this method kind of puts the thread of Ruby going to Raven for answers even MORE into focus. Like the story reintroduces Raven in the present right after Ruby got a vision basically saying ‘hey, Raven is important’. And now going into Volume 10, we’re pretty much perfectly positioned for Ruby to pull Raven aside for those all-important ‘Why were you fucking my mom? What happened to my mom?’ questions.
Finally… yeah that ending hit me a LOT harder than I was expecting. Like that ending was HOPE in its purest form and it was honestly beautiful to see. Particularly right now with the future of the show seeming so uncertain. I’ve personally been optimistic about RWBY’s future (in a manner not unlike Qrow’s vibes I suppose lol), but damn the hopefulness of that ending hit especially hard, and was something I’ll admit I needed. And I imagine the rest of us could use as well.
We'll be getting Volume 10. And 11, and 12, and however many more it takes to finish this story. At this point, I have no doubt of that.
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bakugoushotwife · 8 months
kinktober day nineteen: hate sex
>>> i’m really taking some liberties with this prompt LMFAOOOOO listen. y’all should just be thanking me this wasn’t a gojo kinktober. leave me be. also this is the first piece since my laptop kicked the bucket so PLEASE ignore the UGLY formatting i will fix it as soon as i get a new laptop.
>>> starring: satoru gojo x curvy!f!reader >>> cw: ghostie gojo jdjdfkgk, bestie nanami, uhh spankings, choking, doggy, prone bone, cream pie, pet names (sweetheart) and mean names (dickhead, asshole) >>> wc: 4.5k >>> event masterlist
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everything was perfect. he was a great partner despite all the people that warned you that the special grade sorcerer was incapable of it. he was wonderful and sweet and considerate, even. he brought you lunch at work and took you on wonderfully lavish dates. he texted you constantly and showered you with gifts. you had only been together for a few months, though almost a year of history had led you here. you were happy, proving everyone who doubted your relationship wrong. until you realized that they were only trying to keep you from this reality.
“i love you, you know.” you told him, swinging your intertwined hands between you as he walked you home. this was a truth you’ve known since the relationship was too fresh to say such things, but a truth nonetheless. he hid it well in the moment, but that was the death sentence to a man like satoru gojo. he knew it was only a matter of time—yet his heart stopped in his chest, turning to steel before falling out of his ass. but he made sure his smile never faltered.
“oh yeah? i’ll add you to the list.” he chuckled, poking your side to make you laugh at the stupid taunt. it worked well enough, you didn’t seem to catch on to his avoidance. you didn’t chastise him for not saying it back, at least.
he walked you to your front door like normal. he gave you a goodbye and goodnight kiss like normal, he even smiled so genuinely and told you he’d call you in the morning—just like normal.
but when morning came, his call didn’t. no big deal, you thought, he’s a very busy man. once he gets some free time, he’ll call. but hours pass, and you don’t get so much as a text to apologize or let you know he was going to be late. you keep staring at his contact, debating whether or not you should bother or not for an hour or so. but a text couldn’t be too distracting, so you type something up.
‘good morning! or afternoon now, lol–i missed ur call, i hope ur having a good day!! call me when you can xx’
it doesn’t deliver. you furrow your brows and try it again, but it still doesn’t go through. you move to a different area of your house, thinking it was spotty reception in your bedroom. you try to send the text again—but it still doesn’t send. you try to call, your heart now pounding in your ears. something must have malfunctioned, right? after all your years as friends and these brief months exploring more—he wouldn’t just block you, right?
the phone call doesn’t ring, just an automated voice telling you that that the call couldn’t be completed as dialed. he blocked you. without so much as a hint to why. everything was perfect last night, he was all smiles and laughter, what could have changed? you want to call the only mutual connection you have—ieiri shoko—but decide it’s best not to involve her in the matter between two of her friends. it’s not tasteful and if there’s any chance of this being a misunderstanding, then taking it to your friends is the last thing you want to do. you could maybe ask nanami for advice at work in the morning—you wouldn’t go so far as to call them friends, but he’s how you met the strongest man alive. so he has to have some tips! yes, you’ll talk to nanami about it first thing tomorrow.
talk his ear off about it is more apt if you ask the grade one who merely dabbles in business work. he tried to be polite and listen to the tale—but your first mistake was in dealing with gojo in the first place. there was no advice in the world to fix that amount of stupid, especially if you were looking to get him back. but nanami catches the issue as soon as you recount the tale of your last conversation with the special grade.
“you told him that you love him?” he clarified with a raised brow. based on the judgment that flashes in his eyes, you know that was the wrong move. you huff in frustration.
“you introduced me to him—why would you set me up like this nanakun??” you pout, angrily folding your arms over one another. it’s a shitty attempt to take the heat off yourself, and nanami can appreciate it.
“hardly. he shoved his way in my office and you happened to be in there already.” he rolls his eyes. trust him, he did not want to see more of gojo—and dating his workplace’s secretary only meant that the annoying presence followed him even here. “i strongly advised against it. i knew we would end up here.”
you shoot him a glance, but his unamused face remains unchanging. you ignored everyone’s warnings, choosing the results he was giving you as reason enough for them to be wrong. did he enjoy leading you on and wasting his time? what was the game in all this?
“you shouldn’t have gone after him at all. but you definitely shouldn’t have told him you love him first.” nanami nearly seemed horrified. or what you imagined he would look like when horrified, eyes slightly widened and jaw dropped partially.
you bite the inside of your cheek. you didn’t think it would be that big of a deal. maybe it’s because you knew how you felt for so long. maybe it was just because satoru put you at ease—none of the reasons matter now.
“it’s hard for him to do serious. love is as serious as it gets.” nanami sighs wistfully. you were a nice girl who didn’t deserve to be another name on the list of hearts broken by satoru gojo. for your own good, you should forget all about him and sorcerers as a whole. you would be much better off. but something about that look on your face paired with the fact that he knows satoru has never been happier in his miserable existence makes nanami sigh. “he’s just afraid of committing. the only person he ever loved just up and left him one day. so just…try to let him go. let him come back if he wants—if you want. maybe then he’ll be ready.”
your heart warms at your friend’s words. it was clear he couldn’t care less if things worked out or not, but he wanted you to feel better. you smile softly at his words, “thank you nanakun, i’ll try to…let him go.”
you think you did a pretty good job of that. as time went on, you think you even managed to convince yourself you didn’t want him back at all. if he could just flake out on you—look you in the face and lie—you didn’t want him. no matter how sexy and sweet and strong he was, trust is the most important thing. you keep your head down and work hard, catching up with nanami and learning any updates on your sorcerer that way.
apparently he was casually dating around, but nothing nearly as serious as you. he made sure of that. he hadn’t heard an ‘i love you’ in years, and while he may have thought it at different times throughout the past couple of dates you’ve been on, he hadn’t said it. even thinking it was bad enough. that meant you held an unimaginable and concerning amount of power over him. that meant you could crush his soul into a million pieces. that meant you could ruin him—and he can’t go through that again. the possibility of handing himself over to deep and passionate love was beautiful in theory but terrifying in practice, and the thought of giving in just to lose a second time were odds he just wasn’t willing to gamble with.
so he did it first. if he broke your heart you couldn’t break his.
so why does he feel so bad? so empty? every pretty girl he carted around after that was a weak competitor. they were nice enough, but so shallow and boring—they treated him like everyone else. you were special. you treated him like a person. someone with feelings and dreams and regrets. you asked him questions. real questions that made him think about real answers, nothing surface level like his favorite color or movie. you wanted to know him. and he let you learn just some of his darkest days and you told him you love him anyway. and he ran away from you. goddamn. he’s his own worst enemy.
he shows up with flowers one day, six weeks after you’ve broken up—or he dumped you. it was a normal day until then, but it certainly wouldn’t be after. it was laughably large bouquet, it almost looked like he was struggling to hold it all. your eyes must look like two full moons based off of his amused yet apologetic smile. you have to make yourself stop your smile before it spreads.
“hi…” he said nervously, shifting his weight foot to foot. he messed up—how could he make up for it? “i was wondering—“
“leave.” your shaky voice manages to croak out, quickly looking down at your paperwork. you had to avoid his stare, surely he would figure you all out if he looked deep enough. nanami said to make him work for it.
“flowers aren’t your thing, huh?” he seems undeterred—in fact, he seems emboldened by your reaction. “that’s fine. i’ll leave them here…” he styles them on your desk, sweeping your stapler and pencil sharpener and organizers to the side to accommodate the large vase. you watch him carelessly move things about, forcing you to accept his gift.
“you’re annoying.” you groan, though the flowers are gorgeous. they’re the same kinds you pointed to when you went on a nature walk one time—something he swore he was going to hate but ended up being one of his favorite outings with you. you seemed to have that effect on him.
“i know! one of my better qualities, i think.” he hums happily, chlorinated pools of crystal blue stare at you over the lenses of his casual sunglasses. he traded in the blindfold in hopes of winning you back—he wasn’t above playing dirty, even if he was the reason he had to play at all.
“as opposed to? ghosting?” you raise your brow. he sighs. he doesn’t know what he expected. he knew you wouldn’t fall right back into his arms, but that biting look in your eye makes him wonder if he’s messed things up beyond repair. either way, he won’t go down without a fight.
“yes—that’s one of the bad ones.” he scrunches his nose in distaste. he bends at the waist to lean his elbows on your desk, propping his face up in his hands. “look sweetheart—“
you scoff, leaning back in your office chair with something akin to amusement. you fold your arms over your chest and arch your brow, and even though you are absolutely pissed, you still manage to make his heart skip a beat. “don’t call me that, you fucked me up. or does that it make you happier?”
“you think i’m bringing you flowers for my health or something? i’m trying to apologize!” he whines, tugging a lone flower out of the bouquet and extending it toward you. “i’m an asshole, i know, and i don’t deserve to call you sweetheart—“
“i don’t accept.” you tilt your nose in the air. he swears he can see the hint of a smirk on your lips, and he sighs. you hold the power yet again, but this time he’s going to allow it.
“what can i do to make it up to you? it was a mistake..i see that now.” he frowns, looking down at the pale pink petals brushing against his fingers.
“mm, yeah? i’m sure fucking a bunch of other women helped clear that up.” you look at the flower in his hand too, examining the brightness, the absolute perfection of the petals. it almost withers with the man holding it.
“wh-what?” he blinked rapidly. he hadn’t had sex with anyone—god no, he can’t do fleeting connections, and in his heart of hearts he knew that none of them would fill the void you left behind. but your jealousy…now that he could use. “aw, baby, just say you missed me. i could clear up some things for you too.”
you snarl at the insinuation, even more annoyed that he didn’t deny romping around with other women after dropping you like it was nothing.
“i’m sure you wish you could, baby, but i’m not sloppy seconds.” you take the flower and snap the stem, tossing it on your desk without second thought. he pouts at the gesture, deciding that words were no use on you, he hums. he knows how to handle this.
“no, but you are more delicious the second time.” he sings, and you get up from your desk in frustration. he was so irritating. did he think that he could just disappear on you like that and you’d just forgive him like nothing? you huff up at him, gathering all your stuff and shoving it into your office bag. nanami watches from the stairs—and he’s proud that you’re making gojo work for it, at least.
you stomp out of the office building with all the theatrics at your disposal, and it only makes satoru smirk as he walks after you. god you want him so bad, he thinks. he catches the office door before you can slam it closed behind you, sliding his palm across the wooden panels with a suave coolness. it’s like he has the situation completely under control, strolling leisurely after the little lady stomping and yelling at him over her shoulder. he knows he fucked up, and if you wanted to blast him through the city on your route home, then he’d smile and walk dumbly after you.
your heart was racing. he was still following you—and you knew if he cornered you alone, there would be no denying him. your brain was fighting hard enough to deny him back in the office already. your blood is boiling. why do you want him back so bad? he left you—is sleeping with other women, even, and you're letting him tail you to your house. you shut the door on him, but he just teleports into your living room anyways. you give him a look—not sure what else to say. ordering him out would be futile—as you didn’t want him to and he clearly wouldn’t obey.
he’s smug, sitting on your couch with one long leg crossed over the other one, his arm stretched across the back of the couch like he’s just waiting to put it around you. he stares at you knowingly, but that smirk is driving you insane.
“stop looking at me like that—and get out of my house.” you try meekly, at least you could say you could. your eyes narrow at his unmoving form and he can’t help but chuckle a little bit.
“you’re trying so hard to be mad at me, sweetheart.” he hums, arching a brow in amusement. he bats those long white eyelashes at you like he’s just ready for you to admit the truth and come crumble in his lap.
“i’m pissed, not trying that hard at all.” you scoff and shake your head, tossing your bag on the floor so that you may properly cross your arms at him. “you lied to my face, ghosted me, and now you’re acting like i’m being ridiculous for not accepting your flowers and taking you back?”
he shakes his head, a little nonchalant frown on his face. “you aren’t ridiculous for that—“ he stands and makes his way to you, not even bothering to hide the way he eyes you up and down. “you’re ridiculous for pretending you don’t want to. i could make this allll better if you’d just let me, sweetheart.”
his breath is as icy as his eyes when he leans down, brow arched like he’s asking a question. he is, you realize, he wants to know if you’ll let him.
“i never really slept with anyone, sweetheart. promise. was just trying to get you off my mind. didn’t work—made everything worse, actually. i got what i deserved.” he sighs softly, noting the hesitation on your face but the want in your eyes. he reaches a tentative hand to your face, giving you a soft smile when you let him touch you. “i’m sorry…you’re all i can think about. i just got nervous—i’m so stupid. beyond stupid—“
you smash your lips onto his to keep him from yapping. all he had to do was apologize. really apologize and mean it—but you would still punish him for walking away. you would make sure he could never do it again, lest he’ll never be able to get you out of his head even in death.
his hands grab at your dress, pulling you against his body in one fluid motion. the kiss changes moods entirely. the room feels like it’s buzzing now, his passion felt through the way he moves. he slides over your ass, kneading and fisting the fat with a groan into your mouth. you step into him, backing him to the couch. he grins against your lips like always—his kiss was warm and apologetic, lips hurriedly slotting over yours in an effort to make up for his transgressions.
he falls into a seat, pulling you into his lap with him. he sees your plan, and won’t go down without a fight. he promised to straighten you out after all. but letting you think you’re in charge was adorable, so he didn’t mind to indulge in it. you push his chest back with your own, grabbing his chin in your hand roughly. his back hits the couch and he can’t hold back his little giggle as his hands follow the paths of your body, though a satisfied hum follows at the feeling.
“you are sorry—a sorry piece of shit.” you huff, repeatedly kissing him over and over with all the anger you’ve been pinning up for the past few weeks without him. he grunts lowly, opening his mouth to invite you deeper. you take his willingness as a gift, plunging your tongue in his mouth and making sure yours stays in control. he tastes like honey and cinnamon, and it was a taste you missed more than you let yourself believe.
“pieces of shit must be your type though.” he sasses, standing up with you on his lap. he knows where your room is based on his extensive stays over, it’s nearly muscle memory for him to kick your door open with the point of his shoe, smiling up at you like no time had passed —like no bad blood had resulted from it. he throws you down like you weigh nothing, though he takes a seat on the side. upon hearing you gasp at his words, he scoffs and shakes his head. “don’t even think about it. i’ll fuck it out of you anyway.”
you can’t deny the way your body tingles and warms at his command. he’s usually soft and sweet, just rough enough to satisfy any cravings of yours—but he never struck obedience into your soul. your mouth closes, and he chuckles a little bit at your change. “that’s better. now if you wanna keep poppin’ off with attitude, i’ll get nasty instead of the sweet apology i planned for you.”
you roll your eyes, he was testing it. “don’t tempt me—“ you huff, a little annoyed at how easily your body gives up. you didn’t want to give him the ego boost of obedience, so you give him the attitude requested. “you messed up—i’ll talk to you however I want—“
he sighs and tugs at you, pulling your body at will. he splays you across his lap—long legs hanging over the edge of your bed. your dress is shoved up over your ass, and the tiny string of your thong is drawn back and snapped against the flesh. it makes you squeal a little in surprise, but you would be lying to say you didn’t want more.
“oh i’m a piece of shit, who are these for, nyeh?” he flicks your panties again, the sensation a small pleasurable sting.
“you dumped me—they’re for whoever i want.” you huff at him, even if his jealousy makes your heart warm. he slaps the fat of your ass lightly, humming at the way you jolt.
“yeah?” he smacks your other side, “i didn’t fuck anybody though. knew i needed you.” he spanks the same spot, the sting intensifies so wonderfully and makes your head spin. you can’t help the little moans that leave you with every slap.
“didn’t fuck anybody either, dickhead.” you pant, tossing him a glare over your shoulder. his free hand comes to grab your throat, sinewy warm and soft fingers wrap around your column with a tight grip—though not enough to restrict any airflow, of course. his cock stabs into your side at the sight. he grins brightly, almost sadistic in nature.
“you’re silly.” he hums, squeezing your throat until your eyes cross a little. he hums at you, the vision enough to make him painfully hard, but he always knows when to let up. he slaps your ass in conjunction with his little squeeze. he knows how to keep your eyes on him— repeatedly shaking his head, like he disapproves of you. “so pretty though. but mouthy.” he tsks, giving you a punishing spank to your tender skin. he hums pleasantly at the way your skin breaks a little, his red handprints making their way to the surface. “can’t even accept an apology. what do you want me to do, sweetheart?”
you can’t deny the wetness pooling in that skimpy thong. the stinging through your ass only makes your brain fog worsen, need was the only thing on your mind. he was so strong and sexy, and he was trying to make it up to you. you suppose you could…hear him out. that didn’t mean you were back together.
“fuck me—i’ll make my decision based on your performance.” you purr in his lap, wiggling your branded ass. he groans, you’re going to tease when you look like this? he woulda proposed if you asked him to if it meant you were all his again. commitment didn’t scare him so much anymore. you were as angry as ever and you still smiled when you saw him. you still let him follow you back home to plead his case. even if you didn’t have much a choice, you hardly even put up a fight. and he knew what that meant: you weren’t nearly as angry as you were trying to be.
“oh i’ll fuck you, sweetheart. let’s see if you can take it.” he hums so innocently, scooting you off his lap and onto all fours. he slides your thong to the side, laughing giddily at the sight of your soaking cunt. you definitely weren’t as mad as you were trying to be. “god look at this ocean—i almost feel bad for ya. trying to be such a meanie t’me when i’m the only one that can make it better.”
he wrestles with his pants, pushing them to his knees with haste. precious time was ticking, and stripping completely was a waste of it. he nearly sighs in relief when he frees himself, pumping his length fluidly. you whine at the time it’s taking him to fuck you, wiggling your cute rear and huffing.
“takin’ too long—“ you can’t finish your sentence before you cry out, his cock splitting you open just as you asked for. your walls felt like coming home, and every squeeze you give him was like a warm hug. he can’t believe he denied himself this for weeks just because you said something he’d been dying to hear from someone who meant it his entire life.
“better?” he asks, using your plush hips as his handlebars. this was why you would never be able to move on from him no matter the advice and warnings and every sign in the world telling you ‘no satoru gojo!’ he was just too good, he knew you all too well and your body craved and needed him like water. he fit in your cunt like he was built to, every pump of his cock left you gripping the sheets in an effort to hold yourself up, which you can only do for a few more seconds. “what, too hard? i thought you wanted to be fucked, little one?”
you’re stuck in a silent scream, unable to answer him. you feel like you can feel him in your lungs, his hips absolutely bullying yours. he admires your deep arch even though you’ve fallen forward, your ass rippling into his pubic hair so perfectly he had to reward you with some grunts and groans of his own. he lays over your back, cooing his praises in your ear.
“there she goes, now she’s taking good dick. can’t believe you almost wasted a thong like this— good thing i stay around, yeah?” he shoves your forward just a bit, off his cock and face first into your pillows. you whine at the loss, but he flattens your legs and sits on top of them—squeezing his cock between your thighs and ass, guiding his dick back in. you mewl at the new sensation. how could he possibly be deeper? “awww, that’s a good girl. letting me fuck ya like i hate ya when i’m just trying to prove that i love you too.”
you clench when he says it, moans intensifying as he uses you in this new position. he smirks, you’re adorable. laying there screaming for him with a gorgeously painted ass and a perfect body taking all the force behind his thrusts. “you still love me, sweetheart?”
you nod eagerly, your moans borderline animalistic. “yes—fuck, yes i do, i love you satoru!” you feel him so deeply in your stomach that you can’t keep holding back. it felt like a rubber band snapped as you squeeze around him and cover him with your essence. he keeps going, eyes trained on your recoil and the white ring you left at the base of his cock. your confirmation only drives him crazier, your limp body beneath him taking his increased pace like a champ—little overstimulated moans the only sound he can hear.
“gonna cum in this pretty pussy to show you how much i love you.” he groans, picking your body up in one strong arm to hold you down on his cock. you feel the rush of heat and shudder, the fact he was willing to deal with the consequences of cumming inside alone made you want more of him—until he couldn’t cum anymore. he holds you up, luckily enough— you wouldn’t be able to do it yourself—and places soft kisses to your neck. he hums, enjoying the taste of your skin slightly sweaty and warm from his love. he stays inside you, he can’t bring himself to move just yet, but he sighs in content.
“so…we back together?”
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emmyrosee · 2 years
Omg the katsuki fic was so cuteeee. I was literally melting 🫠. Can you delivered another one please 🙏🏽
i literally can’t believe that y’all like my soft bakubabe like I was scared af-
There’s a belief that Bakugou Katsuki doesn’t snuggle.
It’s a lie, bold face lie, and you know first hand that if anyone could be a fly on the wall to see just how affectionate and snuggly he could be, you know their jaws would slack. For now, they laugh dead in your face when you insinuate that Katsuki give you any affection.
But that’s alright; it’s how Katsuki wants the illusion to be portrayed, and to be frank, you have no shame in admitting the situational pleasure you get from knowing you’re the only one who gets to see him like that.
Especially after a long day, when he’s exceptionally pliant. You couldn’t imagine sharing such a sweet sight with anyone else.
“I’m home,” Katsuki calls, and you know the tv is loud enough to find you, so you smile and let him come to you as he always will. You’re just so comfy, surely he’ll understand.
He goes silent in your kitchen, and you cock a brow.
Okay. Maybe he won’t.
“I said I’m home!”
“Babe I’m in the bedroom!” You laugh, tossing your phone to the side. “God, you will live if you come to find me for once.”
“I could be killed in this very hallway,” he grumbles from said hallway, wasting no time in slipping off his shirt and tossing it on the floor the minute he crosses the threshold into your room. “High bounty got this pretty head.” The minute his currant eyes lock onto yours, you watch his shoulders visibly relax, the furrow in his brows softening. You give him a smile, and he huffs know acknowledgement.
“Hey baby,” you smile, patting the bed next to you for him to come next to you. He grunts softly in acknowledgment, striding to the bed before positively plopping down next to you. You snort and wrap a loving arm around him, immediately feeling him loosen up from your touch alone. “How was your day?”
“Long,” he grumbles. “Jus’ wanted to come home to you.”
You bite back the adoring ‘awww’ that wants to bubble from your throat, instead letting him get comfy against the mattress and settled against you. “I’m glad you’re home now, Katsuki.”
He hums in agreement before he gently starts to nudge you away, but it doesn’t faze you much. You know he likes to find his own comfort against you, where and how close he’d like you, and all you can do is let yourself be malleable to his hearts content.
And content, he seems. As he starts to lay down in your lap, there’s a small, happy smile settled on his cheeks with each movement against you and the blankets, one you only get to see on rare occasions like this, when he’s got nothing on his mind but your love and your love alone.
“Is it possible you’re not mad at anything right now?” You snort, watching him settle between your legs. Despite your teasing, your hands find their way into his hair, smoothing the fluffy locks and scratching lovingly behind his ear. Goosebumps raise over his skin at the contact, and he rests his head on your thigh.
“Dunno,” he mumbles against your skin. “Weather’s pretty shitty. My nail broke earlier. There’s plenty to still be pissed about.”
“Right yes- how dare I assume the big, bad, Bakugou Katsuki is any form of relaxed?”
“How dare you indeed.” He wraps his arms around your waist and noses at the softness of your belly, doing anything and everything in his power to be as close as possible to you. “But it’s okay, I’ll still keep you.” You offer him a snort and he smiles softly, his grip not loosening as you settle back against the mattress some more. A hand cups his warm cheek, and he angles his jaw into your touch.
How cute.
“Since when are you so sweet?” You coo adoringly, nuzzling your nose into the fluff of his hair, thumb stroking over the swell of his cheek.
He cocks a brow at you, but smirks nonetheless, “I’m always sweet.”
“Oh, you so are not!” You laugh, fingers carding through his blonde locks lovingly, and if he had an argument against it, it dies on his tongue the minute your hand is in his scalp. Whether intentional or not, you’re good at the game you play to make him be quiet. “Don’t even try it, you brat.”
“I’m your brat though,” he hums, shifting to lay against your chest; he hums in satisfaction as he melts like butter against you, finally content in his position. He noses at your collarbone and takes selfish inhales of your scent, his eyes closing and you can only watch fondly as he clearly makes no intentions of moving again now that he’s burrowed against you to his desire. “Don’t you dare get up- we’re comfy.”
“We are,” you agree, planting some small kisses to his hairline to make him loosen up even more. “My bratty snuggle bug…”
“If I wasn’t so comfortable, I’d go puke at that.”
“You love your pet names and you know it.”
He nuzzled his face into the curvature of your warm neck even more, “whatever. Don’t make it weird.”
“Sure, baby.”
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icysinner · 6 months
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𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡: eren is a better gift giver than you thought he was.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: not much, tooth rotting fluff.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.093k
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secret santa was arguably the only thing that made christmas as a college student exciting. everyone knows that as you grow older, christmas gets less and less interesting, but with the right group of friends, it has the potential to be just as fun as when you lived at home with your parents and siblings. sasha always organized the secret santa event, just because she took every holiday seriously as if her friends were her children.
just eren’s luck, the one year he gets to be your secret santa is the year that up until christmas, your friendship was becoming a lot more than just friends, meaning he had to put together a gift that meant a lot, he had no choice, you meant a lot. “connie, i’m fucked.” eren complained as he paced back and forth in their shared dorm room. “you stressin’ over nothing, she already likes you, she’s gonna like whatever you get her as long as you put some thought into it.” connie replied, not looking up from his phone as he offered eren the advice.
while connie was right, eren wanted this gift to be more than just a friendly gift exchange, he wanted it to mean something more than just that. “that’s the problem, i have no thought.” eren said, his tone completely serious, making connie laugh at him. “okay, that’s fair. ask mikasa to help you, she’s a girl, she knows what girls like. plus she’s close to y/n, you’re like a close second to mikasa on her list.” connie’s suggestion showed just how little “thought” eren had, because he didn’t even think about asking mikasa, and that was your best friend.
౨ৎ⋆ ˚ ❆。⋆⁺₊❅.
“so, are you asking her to be your girlfriend with this gift or is that coming later?” mikasa asked, being sure to throw in the whole girlfriend thing. to be fair, you and eren have been dancing around adding the title to whatever the two of you have going on. “i think i wanna ask, but i don’t know how to pair a gift with something like that.” eren said, mikasa was more surprised at the amount of time he was really putting into this, she’d never seen him think this hard before. (and they have an english lecture together, so trust her.) “i think that she’ll like whatever you get her. she likes a bunch of shit, pick one thing and do it.”
obviously eren had thought of that, but that was basic, and you have everything you like already. “okay, here’s an idea. make her a basket.” mikasa suggested, making what seemed like a lightbulb go off in eren’s mind. “actually… i like that idea.” eren said, a million ideas running through his mind at once. if you liked so many things, getting you all of them at once was obviously the best idea. oddly enough, eren trusted himself enough to make it completely on his own, it wouldn’t feel genuine if he didn’t, he thought.
౨ৎ⋆ ˚ ❆。⋆⁺₊❅.
everyone was assigned a secret santa on december eighteenth, which gave them a full week to decide, put together and deliver a gift. eren spent the entire week buying separate things from a million different stores for this one basket. he only asked for help when he needed an opinion on a color or which gift cards he should put in the basket. he’d completed this elaborate gift, and now he had to shake off all his nervousness in order to actually give you the gift.
not shit
don’t go anywhere or do anything i’ll be there in like 5 minutes
i’m nervous omg why u so cryptic for???
obviously, eren was your secret santa, but that’s not why you were so nervous. if it was just a regular gift, why would he calculate everything so well? nonetheless, you were excited for whatever it was. you lived in a single dorm, but it was across campus from your friend group, which was the only downside it really had. after all of his perfectionist behavior, shifting the basket around a million times to make sure you could see everything he put in it perfectly before you took it out, he arrived at your door.
it took some building up for him to actually knock, and once he did, all of the nervousness he had multiplied yours tenfold. you nearly shot up from your seat to go answer the door, opening it to a smiling eren, holding a basket in one arm and a heart shaped box with flowers in the other. your eyes widened as your face grew into a smile. “eren, no way.” is all you managed to get out of your mouth as you stared at him in adoration and disbelief. “you’re not gonna be able to look at all of the stuff if you don’t let me in.” his words made you snap out of this trance you were in as you stepped out of the way to let him in.
eren took a couple steps forward and set the basket and flowers down on the counter, but he kept the box behind him. “look at what’s in there first.” he directed, because he knew you well enough to know that your curiosity would make you want to know what’s so special that he’s hiding it. you pulled all of the stuff out of the basket one by one, looking like a little kid under the christmas tree again. “eren, how much did you spend on all this stuff?” you asked, your eyes widening with every object you pulled out of the basket. “you worried about the wrong thing, that doesn’t matter. you like it, right?” eren asked, to which you responded with a nod. “then that’s all that matters.”
“i need to get a vase, i wanna keep these.” you said to yourself as you sat them up next to the basket to make space for the last thing eren was hiding from you. the small comment made eren smile to himself as he held out the box to you. you looked down at it, reading the red cursive letters written on the dessert. “yes, duh!” you exclaimed in excitement, taking the box from his hands and wrapping him in a hug. “i don’t even wanna eat it, i just wanna save it forever.” you said, making eren laugh at you. “you say that now, but i know you well enough to know you’ll definitely eat it.”
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kirameliaoustern · 4 months
Boston Chris - part two
Summary: After Chris and Y/n broke up she is miserable, she didn’t wanted to face reality, a reality without Chris. When she finally gets better is when Chris slowly starts to realise his mistake… will they make up or leave their romance in the past?
Read to find out
Angst & fluff
Not prof read!
[Part one below]
The day after Thanksgiving
Walking down the stairs after seeing their car gone y/n wanted to break down and cry but weirdly she couldn’t.
She just felt empty.
Chris was so long a part of her life. Going to high school - Chris was there, her parents divorce - Chris was there, finishing school - Chris was there, starting her career - Chris was there, losing friends - Chris was there.
He was the only constant in her life. To what should she hold in to now?
Sitting down with her fluffy blanket around her and the bowl of cereals, she pulls her phone out and goes straight to tiktok.
That was a mistake. Chris edits were everywhere.
There was and edit that said ‚I miss Boston Chris‘ a slideshow with photos of Chris from 2020 to 2022 and photos from 2022 to 2024.
Yeah she missed Boston Chris to.
Her Boston Chris.
Even his fans noticed how he changed, it wasn’t a negative change but a change nonetheless.
That’s just life right? People grow up and change. She just never thought her and Chris would become one of those people, who grow up and grow apart.
Closing tiktok she unfollowed Chris on every platform. If she wanted to move on, she couldn’t stand seeing his face everywhere and how easy it is for him to just go on with life without her while she is barely holding on without him.
She noticed that he hadn’t deleted their pictures yet, she deleted theirs of them on her account.
Chris was her first love she can’t imagine ever loving someone that way again.
She got up back in her bed and stayed there for the next few days, her phone shut off.
4 days after the break up
She turned her phone on for the first time since the day after thanksgiving.
A few of her friends messaged her asking what happened but one message stuck out the most.
Vinnie Hacker: hey are u alright with all those things going on?
Delivered 3 days ago
Vinnie Hacker: hey snoopy let me know that you’re alive, getting worried
Delivered: 1 hours ago
Y/n smiled at that. Her and Vinnie texted a few times after they met at the party in April, not a lot maybe a handful of times.
They met once so she could give him his jacket back and he invited her to eat ice cream because he insisted that this Ice cream shop in LA was the best one in the world.
Y/n couldn’t say no to free ice cream, obviously.
As they were there y/n took 5 scrapes of the so called “snoopy spoon” sort. Y/n said it was the best one and Vinnie laughed at how excited she was for the ice cream so he began to call er snoopy.
It helped y/n to take her mind off things. It was 2 days after Chris and her had this big fight after the party, her last day in LA.
Chris said he didn’t had time to drive her to the airport so she had to ask Vinnie even tho she barely knew him at the time. He was the only other person she knew in LA.
Vinnie saw the faded hand print on y/n’s wrist. He didn’t comment on it and for that she was thankful. After that day Vinnie checked in on her every now and then.
He didn’t had any Intentions behind this. She was his friend and he was simply just worried.
That’s it right?
Y/n: I’m feeling weird but I’ll survive I guess.
Y/n: thanks for asking tho :)
Delivered: now
His messages were different from the others, they all wanted to know WHAT had happened and HOW.
Vinnie just wanted to know HOW she is doing. He didn’t care what everyone else said.
Vinnie Hacker: I’m in Boston next week. Wanna go for a little ice cream snoops?
Vinnie Hacker: it’s one me ;)
Y/n: yeah sure, ring me up when you’re here
The triplets were back in LA since a few days.
Chris felt weird seeing all the media having an opinions on HIS relationship, well his ex relationship.
It left a bitter taste on his tongue, he didn’t know why.
He felt sad seeing that she deleted all their photos together and unfollowed him as if she was wanted to erase him from her life like he was nothing more than a stranger to her all this time. Like they didn’t had existed.
Chris didn’t wanted to delete their pictures on his account. It was proof that they DID happened. There was a time were they were real.
The boy was happy in these pictures, in those times. He wanted to keep them and reminisce them, appreciate them.
So he didn’t delete them. He didn’t unfollow her. He wanted to keep track on her. Seeing if she would be okay.
She was still important to him.
A week later
It was around 6 pm and Y/n and Vinnie were walking along the beach with their ice cream in hand, the sun is slowly setting, casting an comfortable orange around them.
“You would be fine living like that?” Y/n asked him curiously.
Vinnie just told her that he would like to live in a small house in the mountains and his beloved ones.
“Why do you sound so surprised?” He asked in return looking down at her with a smile on his lips.
“It’s just I would never expect a guy like you to have this as his dream life”
“A guy like me?” He lets out a chuckle “okay what do you thought would it be according to ‘a guy like me’ ?
“Probably living in a big fancy house, partying everyday and living his best life with his friends and hundred of girls” Y/n finishes as she puts a spoon of ice cream into her mouth a smile also gracing her lips.
At that the boy let’s out a loud laugh almost dubling over.
“What” he spits out still trying to calm down
“If you think like that then you have the wrong image of me snoops” he said smiling.
“Okay you know I just thought-“ the girl was cut off as a group of girls around their age startet to surround them and asking Vinod for pictures.
Her smile fell. She knew what was coming. Had all this with Chris.
Chris and Y/n were holding hands walking around the mall as girls came up to them and wanted Chris attention.
Chris let go off Y/n’s hands and began to fully concentrate on the beautiful girls.
She didn’t had any issues with Chris interacting with his friends, not at all she just didn’t liked how Chris just put her aside and ignored her as soon as he got attention from someone else.
As if she wasn’t important
It never was like that
It didn’t help that girls looked her up and down as if she wasn’t worth his time
Chris noticed this but acted like he didn’t
“Sorry Baby I just talk with them for a few minutes you can’t wait over there” he apologizes, pushing her away as if he was embarrassed of her
“It’s okay”
She sat down on a bench aside as Chris was swarmed with girls
It also didn’t help that the girls were super skinny and super beautiful.
Y/n wasn’t over weight but it still made her a little insecure.
She sat there for 30 minutes, alone.
This wasn’t the first and wouldn’t be the last time this would have happened
End of flashback
“Hey can we take a picture?” One of the girls says.
He turns to y/n “is it okay for you?” He asks
“Yeah of course.” She was dreading the wait ahead of her.
“Sure we can” Vinnie said to the girls.
What Y/n didn’t expected was that he included her in the picture and the conversations.
He didn’t wanted her to feel left out.
The interaction only lasted for about five minutes because Vinny cut them off.
“Hey guys so I would really love talking more with you but we kinda have plans so..” he trails off pointing between him and Y/n.
She felt important, she liked that.
A smile began to form on her lips.
After that day Y/n and Vinnie began to spend more time together.
Vinnie started become some what of a best friend to her.
February 2024
“What’s got you in a sour mood?” Nick asked Chris as he had an attitude the whole day and well the last few days.
“Nothing” his brother answered with an annoying voice.
“No nicks right, you’ve been in a mood since days now Chris, what’s up?” Matt chimes in.
“Oh my god it’s nothing guys, get off my back.” Now he really was annoyed at them.
He opens his phone and his brothers saw Y/n instagram story was opened. Chris must have gone through it before they came to him.
He quickly closes instagram and opens tiktok.
But it’s too late now Nick and Matt saw it. In y/n story was a photo posted if Vinnie as they were in Boston in the Ice cream shop.
In the picture Vinnie said in front of y/n with a big smile on his lips as he scraped all the ice cream from the bowl.
The caption was:
he ate all my snoopy ice cream guess he has to buy me twice as much the next time 🤧
Next time
They will met again. This bothered Chris even tho he would never admit it.
Not to mention it was the ice cream shop y/n and Chris used to walk to on late summer evenings back when they were together.
The shop was only a twenty minute walk away from their street and both of them always appreciated the time together. It was one of the few times they were alone.
He noticed they spend a lot of time together after he and Y/n broke things off.
He saw her on his and him on hers story at least three times a week.
He hated it.
His brothers ,of course, saw the story’s too because they also followed them on instagram and instantly knew Chris was in a bad mood because of this.
“It this because of Y/n and Vinnie?” Nick asks slowly with hesitation in his voice.
The brothers knew that Y/n was still as sensitive subject for the boy.
Chris didn’t say anything but shut his of and ran his hands over his face.
“Bro if you want to get over her you have to stop stalking her alright.”
“I still keep track on her because I wanted to make sure that she would be okay not to watch her fall in love with another dude.” Chris says.
“What did you expect? That she would come running after you after you treated her like that?” Nick said.
“I just never imagined her with another guy.” Chris admits in a sad voice.
“After all the shit you pulled I’m surprised she didn’t dumbed your earlier.” Nick scoffs
“Hey it wasn’t that bad alright” Chris said defensively.
“We heard all those screaming Chris.” Matt adds to the conversation.
“I broke things off with her because I saw what it did to her and I couldn’t stand her getting hurt because of me.” Said the boy
“Why did you waited so long if you knew what it did to her?”
“Because I didn’t wanted to lose her. She’s was always there for me I thought I couldn’t live without her. It was selfish but knowing that she was in was still mine gave me security even tho our relationship wasn’t good at those times.” Chris admits.
“And you couldn’t just I don’t know talk to her?” Nick explains sarcastic.
“It wasn’t that easy. There were so many times I wanted to but there was already this… wall between us that I hoped it would just solve themselves.” Chris began.
“These months we barely talked I was scared that when we finally talked, she would tell me she wants to break up with me. I ignored her because I didn’t wanted to face the truth that I was losing her.” He finishes.
“Were you still in with her when you broke up with her?” Matt again.
“It doesn’t matter she’s clearly doing fine with Vinnie.” Chris said Vinnies name with disgust in his voice.
“Chris do you regret breaking up with Y/n?” Matt asked again.
Chris stood up from the couch and made his way outside.
“Where are you going?” Nick yells after him.
“Need to clear my head.” Chris response going for a walk.
March 2024
5 months after the break up.
“Wow you finally took down the pictures.” Vinnie commented as he came into Y/n room and saw all her photos with Chris were taken down.
“Yeah it feels like it was time.” She responds.
“I’m glad you did.” He smiled as he flopped down beside her in her bed. “Proud of ya snoops” he finished ruffling her hair.
She lets out a giggle at his actions.
“Sooo what are we doing now?” He asks.
Y/n gives him the look.
Thirty minutes later Vinnie and Y/n both had a cup full of ice cream and were walking back to her house.
“We really need to find something else to snack, I’m gonna gain a lot of weight when we eat Ice cream every time I see you.” Y/n said with a Chuckle leaving her lips.
“You’re gonna be beautiful either way.” Vinnie let out.
Y/n blushed slightly. It has been so long since someone had called her beautiful. It didn’t just came from anyone, it came from Vinnie Hacker.
“Ice cream is our thing y/n. We can’t change that.” Vinnie jokes as he bumbs his shoulder with hers.
“When you say so I guess I can’t do anything about it.” The girl plays along while rolling her eyes.
Vinnie chuckles as that.
They chatted for a while til they got to her house.
“You know I’ll always enjoy our ice cream stops.” Y/n said friendly.
“I’ll enjoy spending my time with you no matter what we’re doing. But I’ll admit it’s cute how you always got ice cream on your nose while you lick your cup clean.” The boys responds.
Y/n gets a warm feeling inside her at his words.
“I have Ice cream in my nose?!” She exclaims.
“Yeah.” He whispers as he watches her trying to rub the ice cream off of her nose with a smile on his lips.
She doesn’t notice the way he looks at her.
“Is it gone?” She asks looking up at him. She notices now how tall he is in comparison to her.
“Almost.” He says quietly while walking closer to her.
She notices how close he is as he’s lifting his hand to hold her cheek while taking his pointer finger to wipe the ice cream away.
He’s still holding her cheek as takes his finger in his mouth to lick the ice cream away.
“No it’s gone.” He whispers looking deep into her eyes.
His smile slowly falls as he begins to lean closer to her.
She also leans in and closes her eyes.
She feels her lips touch his and it feels different.
As he begins to move his lips against hers she starts to move hers to.
It feels so good to know someone wants to kiss her so much she feels it in his body language.
She steps closer, her hands move from his waist ob his stomach, over his chest and cups his cheeks. All while never parting her lips from his.
His arms move to grip her hips and pull her closer to him.
His lips are soft, softer than Chris’s. Chris lips were soft but always a little chapped not like - wait
Why is she thinking about Chris now?
She hasn’t thought about Chris in so long. Of his lips in so long.
It’s the first time she is kissing someone other than Chris.
Chris was her first kiss. Her first everything.
Now he isn’t the only boy she has kissed.
She realizes her lips have stopped moving a few second ago.
Probably as she realizes she was thinking of Chris.
Vinnie begans to pull away as he notices her lips won’t start moving again.
So they just stand there now looking at each other.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” Vinnie apologizes quickly as panic begins to set in thinking he has done something wrong and ruined his chances with her.
“No no please you didn’t.” She pull his arms back around her. “I was just in my head for a moment.” She admits.
“If you’re not ready and still need time to -“ he starts but she cut him off. “No Vinnie, I enjoyed this really. It’s just you’re the first boy since.. you know. But I want to do this with you. I think I’m ready now.”
“Yeah?” He asks shyly.
“Yeah.” She reassures.
“Good cause I really like you.” He admits letting out a little breathless laugh.
She smiles up at him and pecks his lips.
“Good night Vinnie.”
“Night snoops”
April 2024
6 months after the break up.
The triplets arrived at their hotel an hour ago.
They were guests at the Ellen show today but Chris seems down.
Nick and Madi were out to get Starbucks across the street so Matt took the opportunity to talk with Chris.
“Hey man what’s up?” The boy begins as he sat down beside his brother.
Chris just looks at him and shakes his head. He knew what he was going to say.
“Save it matt”
“Talk to me”
“Why not, I could help you.”
“Chris come on.”
“…. I just uhm… lately I’ve been thinking about y/n… a lot”
“Okay and what about it?”
“I just wish.. really wish that I could call her right now and tell her all of this to hear her reaction.” He lets out a chuckle as he remembers all the time she was more excited than him about his news.
“She was the type of person who was more happy about your accomplishments than you. That was one of the many reasons I loved her.” He smiles at their memory of her as he tells Matt all of this.
“She was the first person I wanted to tell or see when I had good news. Wether it was a win at lacrosse practise, a good grade a new song I learned at the guitar as I was still playing.” He stops and his smile falls. “ I don’t have that anymore. I can’t just call her and tell her this but I want to so… ugh… so god damn bad.”
“I miss talking to her.” Chris continues. “She understood me. It becomes clear now how much I need this, her, y/n”
“There are so many things I want to tell her, tell her that we made it that the things we dreamed of became true. Did you know there was this one time in summer we were walking home this ice cream shop and jokes about us being on the Ellen show? And today we just were and I can’t share that with her.” He finishes.
Matt stays silent for a bit. He knew how much his brother has loved that girl.
“Chris.. uhm I don’t know how to tell you this but when you broke things off with y/n I knew you would regret that. I mean yeah we were suddenly known that you probably thought you wanted more but in the end you only ever wanted her u just lost focus on it for a while.” Matt said.
“And what do I do now?” He asks his brother, looking up at him with tears in his eyes.
“I don’t know.”
“Fantastic” Chris lets out a sarcastic laugh.
“Look were back home in Boston next month how about you just try to apologize?” Matt tries.
“After half a year?”
“Better late than never.” Matt puts a hand on his shoulder and gives him a smile that Chris returns.
He will try.
May 2024
“Vinnie stop” y/n is laughing really hard as he tickles her.
“No, say it.” He smiles down at her.
“Never” she says between laughs.
“You wanted it this way.”
He starts tickling her side now.
“Alright alright I’ll eat it. You’re better at valorant than me.”
Vinnie stops tickling her, turns her around in the bed and hovers above her.
“See it wasn’t that hard.” He says with as teasing smile as he looks down at her.
“Mhm” y/n lets out, pulling at his necklace that dingles in front of her face.
Vinnie gets the hint and leans his head down to capture her lips with his.
Their tongues melt and y/n starts to smile as she feels his hand at her sides again m.
As Vinnie feels her smile against his lips he can’t help it but smile to.
He pull away and start to nuzzle his nose against hers.
“You’re smell so good” he sighs against her.
Vinnie knew he was deeply in love with her. Hell he probably fell in love with her after their talk that night at the party.
He just hopes she feels the same. Sometimes he worries she might just is with him as a distraction from Chris.
Last week he asked to be her boyfriend and she agrees. He really hopes she means this serious as it’s serious to him.
A little while later they are ready to go out on a date. He will took her to this new fancy restaurant at the end of the city.
As y/n put her jacket on Vinnie came down the stairs.
“Are you ready beautiful” he says leaning down to kiss her neck as he opens the door.
“I’m am my handsome boyfriend.” He chuckles at that, leaning down to kiss her as he walks backwards out the door, lips still locked with hers, pulling her with him by her jacket.
As they were outside he finally pulls away. She smiles up at him as he lets go of her and opens his car door for her.
Right as she was about to go in she meets a pair of blue eyes. The blue eyes that she would recognize anywhere.
Even tho everything about him has changed, he got a new a hair cut a new style his eyes a still the same ones she fell in love with so long ago.
Chris stand there with an devastating look on his face. He looks like he’s about to cry.
The triplets just got out of the car. They come probably from the airport to visit their family.
Great timing y/n thought.
“Y/n” Vinnie says pulling her out of her staring/ trance contest with Chris.
She turns around and looks at him.
She gets in the car and Vinnie closes her door.
She didn’t see the lion Vinnie and Chris gave each other as Vinnie gets in the driver side and drives off towards the restaurant.
Y/n tries not to think about Chris and enjoys her time with Vinnie but Chris is still in the back of her mind.
3 hours later
Vinnie stops his car in front of y/n house and turns his head towards her.
“I had fun today” he says.
“Me too.” She responds and she means it.
He leans in and kisses her passionately.
As he pulls away they look deep in each other eyes.
“I love you” Vinnie says suddenly.
This is the first time either of them has said the L word.
Y/n’s eyes widen.
“You don’t have to say it back I just wanted you to know it.” Vinnie says quickly in a soft voice.
Y/n kisses him again, gives him a smile and gets out of the car.
“Good night Vinnie” she says
“Dream of me snoopy.” He says with a smile.
“Always.” Her smile is so big.
She watches his car drive off and as she can’t see it anymore she turns around and starts walking towards her front door.
“You’re moved on.” Her smiles drops as she hears his voice.
The voice she hadn’t heard in six months.
The girls stand still. She doesn’t want to turn around and face him.
“I knew you would be okay.” He continues as he steps closer now crossing the road.
“Did you?” Y/n asks still not turning around.
“Of course I did. I always knew you deserved better than what I gave you. That’s why I let you go.”
“Stop it.” Her was is calm and soft. No anger. She was never the type to hold grudges against people. She turns around. “I never wanted you let me go.”
“I had too. I saw what I did to you.”
“When you knew what you did to me all those months why didn’t you stop? Why didn’t you talked to me?” She isn’t mad just curious.
“I don’t know.” She closes her eyes at his answer. “But I know that I regret everyday how I treated you. And I know that I’m so incredibly sorry.” She turns around and starts making her way to her door. She knows this isn’t nice but she couldn’t hear him talking anymore.
But he wasn’t finished. “And most importantly I know that I miss you more than anything.” She stops again and turns around to face him as she hears how desperate his voice has gotten.
“I miss taking to you, I muss telling you what’s going on in my life and I miss hearing what’s going on in yours. I muss hearing your laugh and kissing you, holding and.. and,” he stops for a short moment to take in a deep breath and calm his nerves. “ I miss being with you y/n.” He finishes his speech.
Y/n stays silent as they both just look at each other in the dark night.
The only lights are the moon and the street lamps a little away.
They never thought they would find themselves in this situation.
“Do you miss me?” He asks stepping closer to her.
“Chris..” she turns her head away
“Answer me please.” He sounds so desperate as he grabs her hand.
“Don’t you remember us? How good we were? Why are you wasting you’re time with him?”
She pulls away suddenly as she hears his words.
What they were.
The were he was talking about didn’t exist anymore and it never could. They were different people now.
She remembers all the times she felt not important to him. She never felt that way with Vinnie. And hearing how he talked about him made her angry for the first time that night.
Vinnie was the person who was there for her after he left.
He helped her repairing the things he broke.
If anything she was wasting her time waiting for him to show her love again.
“The us youre talking about does not exist anymore.” She said calmy looking into his eyes. “And my time with Vinnie is anything but a waste.” She turns around, for the last time she hopes.
“Are you happy with him?” Chris got mad. He was and at himself that he had let her go and he couldn’t unmake that mistake now.
“Yes.” She says.
“Do you love him?”
That broke him. She loved someone.. that wasn’t him.
He wanted to break down and cry, beg on his knees for her forgiveness.
“Wonder how longer that lasts.” Instead he only made it worse.
“What.” She turns around.
“I mean you see how it was with us. What made you think it will be any different with him? He’s also an influencer”
“He isn’t you.”
That shut him up
“He makes time for me, he doesn’t makes me feel useless, he won’t leave me.”
“Yeah alright” he lets out a sarcastic laugh. “ I see you when you’re come clawing back to me after he leaves you.”
“Fuck you Chris.” She finally tunes around and gets inside her.
As she slams the door shut she leans against it and slides down.
She starts so cry again. Again because of Chris.
The next morning
Y/n woke up to a headache.
She felt like shit, she honestly just wanted Vinnie.
Ding dong
Could Vinnie read her mind?
She made her way downstairs to open the door.
On the other side of the door was the last person she wanted to see.
She bag an to close the door again.
“Wait” he calls out. “ I wanted to say sorry.”
“I have this feeling we were at this point before.” She responds.
“I wanted to say sorry for last night.”
She opens her door again.
“Come in”
“I over stepped. I should have never commented on your relationship with Vinnie.” It was hard for him to say what he’s about to say but it’s for y/n so he would do it. Because he would do anything for her.
“I’m happy if you’re happy. I really wanted to apologize last night but as I saw you with him.. y/n I just lost it. I never thought I would see you with another man.”
“It’s okay Chris” she tries.
“No it’s not. I admit I regret breaking up with you. But that was my mistake. I can’t blame you or him for that only myself. I mean I understand why he likes you.” Chris chuckles.
“You’re an amazing girl y/n i’m sorry if I ever made you feel like your weren’t.” She could see the honesty in his eyes.”if I’m completely honest I had hope that after our visit, we both Cousy start over -“
“Chris-“ she tries to cut him off.
“No let me finish. As I saw how he looks at you and how you look at him I knew that was it. I really wished we had a different ending. I mean for a very long time I thought I was going to marry you.” Letting out a soft laugh.
It was silent for a few seconds.
“I want to remember us as something I was happy about. I don’t want this us, the memory of us to be ruined. I want to remember the innocent us, the one who dreamed of the future and our biggest worriers were if we’re gonna have a ride to the arcade.” She said
They bitch chuckled at that.
“Chris I want to remember you as the boy I fell in love with in Highschool who would do everything to make sure I was happy. Not as someone who couldn’t care less if he saw me or no” the girl finishes.
“I know you didn’t mean too and I’m proud of everything you guys accomplished.”
“We were each others first loves. Let’s leave it at that.” She sends him a smile which he returns.
By now they were standing outside again.
“You will always mean something to me and you will always have a special place in my heart” he said to her
“You will always have a special place in my heart too.” She wispers in his ear as they hug each other.
As they pull sways she finishes with.”and you will always mean something to me too.”
After that Chris turns around and heads to his home.
“Say hi to Matt and Nick for me.” She yelled after him.
“Will do!”
As she turns back she sees Vinnie standing by her door. With flowers in his hands.
“You will always mean something to me?” Vinnie repeats her words as jealousy is written over his face.
“Vinnie let me-“ she starts
“Is this the reason you didn’t said that you love me back? Because of him?” He upset but more so sad.
“No Vinnie listen to me.”
He scoffs and gets in his car
She follows him and gets in the driver side.
“No stop, you listen to me now.” She said snatching the keys from his hands. “Me and Chris, we were together for over four years of course he still means something to me, he’ll probably always will have speical place in my heart but he is not the person I want to be with for the rest of my life anymore, thats you Vinnie. Because I love you.” The girl told him.
He leans over, cups her cheek and kisses her deep.
They both smile as he repeats “I love you, I love you, I love you.” Over and over again as he kisses over her cheek, nose, eyes, chin, neck. Everywhere he can reach.
“Say it again.” He says
“I love you”
“I love you Vinnie”
Thanksgiving 2024
This year Vinnie celebrated thanksgiving with the y/l/n and the Sturniolo’s. It was great that they were all together again.
The triplets told them about their upcoming tour and new 8 million merch they’re about to drop.
Y/n and Vinnie told about how they going to move in together in London.
Who would have thought that a year ago?
As y/n and Chris sat opposite each other and smiled at one another they knew, they were always going to be alright and they would be beside each other when they would need the other.
I guess who ever said ‘it all works out in the end’ was right.
But he could have warned us about the hard way there…
A/n: heyyy loves I hope you guys enjoyed part two and are okay with who became endgame. I was thinking about making Chris and y/n endgame but I really liked the relationship with Vinnie.
Okay and maybe I have a slight crush on Vinnie at the moment.
Anyways let me know if you liked this part and want me to write more fics about different celebrities.
Also sorry again for spelling mistakes like I said English isn’t my first language.
Til next time, xoxo
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of-many-fandomss · 1 year
Tangerine and Lemon with a partner who's in a relationship with Tangerine? Like basically what missions would be like a stuff
Just rewatched Bullet Train today and I’m obsessed, I need more request for it
“If you don’t shut the fuck up about those bloody trains, I’m gonna shoot you in the fucking face.” Tangerine repeated for the thousandth time, kicking a man that was running towards him square in the chest.
“I most definitely will not shut up about it!” Lemon grunted, punching a man hard enough to knock him out cold, making him fall harshly against a nearby wall.
“How about you both shut up or I’ll shoot you both in your fucking faces?” You snapped, roundhouse kicking a man in the jaw, watching him fall to the ground after a sickening crack.
“M’sorry, love,” Tangerine quickly apologized, rushing up behind you and planting a kiss in your hair before charging at another gang member and shooting him in the chest.
“Oi!” Lemon complained, deflecting some blows sent his way, “Why is it that you only ever listen to her and not your own brother?”
Tangerine shot him a deadly glare, “Because she has ten times the brains you’ll ever have and doesn’t ramble on about a fucking tank engine!”
You sighed at both the Englishmen, “I promise, Lemon, we can talk all about Thomas later, but we have to focus on the mission right now.”
“Ha!” The man cried joyfully as Tangerines mouth dropped open.
“You’re supposed to be on my side, darling! Not that pricks!” He whined like a child.
His brother stuck his tongue out at him in return mockingly as he easily sidestepped a punch to the face.
Lemon shrugged smugly, “Guess she just loves me more.”
“That’s not true!” He cried out, stomping his foot and turning towards you with a large pout, “Tell him it’s not true! Tell him you love me more because I’m your boyfriend and he’s not!”
“I… swear… to god,” You grunted in between each punch you delivered to a gang members face, “I feel more like both of your mother’s more than your girlfriend, Tangerine!”
“Just tell him that you love me more and we can get on with the mission!” Your boyfriend complained.
“I love you both evenly!” You yelled out in frustration, words that every mother tells her bickering children, “Now can we please get back to the mission?”
They both sulked silently, but got back to the task at hand nonetheless.
“She loves me more,” Tangerine whispered with a deadly glare to his brother as they drew closer.
“In your dreams,” He hissed back.
You pretended not to notice either of them, because you did in fact love them both. And as annoying as they were, you wouldn’t trade either of them for the world.
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1lenii · 11 months
FAOTP, FaceTime!
E42!Miles x F!Reader
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Basically what the title says
Falling asleep on the phone with Miles(works for both miles, I’m not picky 🥰
PLEASE TELL ME YA SEE WHAT I DID WITH THE PICTURE 🙏🏽 and maybe in the fic itself;)
I present the inspiration for this fic!!
Enjoy loves⭐️
“Cmon Ma, I promise it’ll be fun”
(Y/N) listens to Miles beg for the one chance opportunity as well as hearing the aggressive pressing of buttons on the controller he was holding.
Falling asleep on call.
(Y/N) isn’t opposed to the idea, if anything she’s all for it. Except for one factor.. Miles snores and more often then not when he’s over it disturbs (Y/N) beauty sleep.
Still considering the idea (Y/N) responds nonetheless
“Cause you snore.. like really loud”
“Nuh uh, do not”
“Do too, I’ll tell you what. You get what you want if we make a deal”
Miles eyes her through his screen skeptical. Now twisting his off his headset and untangling the wire from from one of his twin braids shaking it loose, taking the phone which was propped up on the console.
“‘Nd that would be?”
“Cant flake out on our study dates”
“Pero ma eso no—”
“No buts. We’ve been over this” (Y/N) cuts him off with a click of her tongue
“Fine princesa, You have a deal” he smirks at the screen already getting ready to head to his bed
(Y/N) doing the same.
(Y/N) was dosing off as Miles passionately expresses about his art, and graphite and how he almost got caught cause his dad wasn’t in duty, instead was at a trip with his mom to San Juan. (🇵🇷)
Miles noticed this
“Hey mami”
(Y/N) takes a few seconds to process with her tired mind and responds with a faint ‘mhm’
“You tired?”
“No no not At all keep going, I enjoy your rambling”
(Y/N) tries to open her eyes completely, even with her futile attempt they go back to the siren shape from when she tired. Miles took a quick screen shot, one where (Y/N) did not notice.
Miles stopped for second to take in the sight of his lover. Shoulder cover in a thick warm comforter, the squeezed peluche under her hold peaking out from between her phone and the herself. And the faint light of her skin glowing in oppose to the light the is emiting
Right when Miles is about to continue his story he hears soft snores. Softly smiling to himself as he watches you sleep.
(I would assume due to Spiderman/prowler duties he doesn’t get much sleep so he’s able to stay up late)
Miles enjoys the moment as an idea pops into his head. He slowly shuffles to grab his phone pressing the + volume and turn off button and starts spamming screenshots of (Y/N) sleeping face to later set as a his Lock Screen.
Sooner or later Miles dozes off muting himself for the upcoming alarm in the morning set for 8:00 am (hate the am like not even tryna quote hobie anymore in really hate waking up early)
Miles wakes up gets ready to head out, and do his Mile errands while also stopping by (Y/N) dorm delivering her groceries as she usually forgets leaving her to crash at his due to the lack of snacks and food.
He inserts the keycard to enter, now leaving the groceries on the counter as well as his phone and keys to find (Y/N) now exiting her room.
“Goodmorning princess”
“Morning” (Y/N) strutted over to the counter sliding Miles phone from it previous spout while Miles puts away the groceries he got earlier.
“Miles. Que diablo is this.”
“What? You want me to leave my girl starving?”
Miles looks over his shoulder knowing that’s not what his lover meant, just to see (Y/N) on his phone.
Opening the phone with her Face ID, she’s stares wide eyed at the phone, a picture taken back when she was barely awake last night
“Last time falling asleep on the phone with you Morales”
(Y/N) hops outta her seat at the counter heading back to her room, mumbling a bunch of i hate you’s and never again’a
Miles closes the cabinet laughing while trailing after his girlfriend
The phone all forgotten about.
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nyazhis-jsablr · 23 days
Battle of the Blixers - Finale Results
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“Welcome to the final post of the Battle of the Blixers! I’m your host Step, and it was a very fun and intense competition thus far!”
“It was very fun seeing every submission, as well as how the contest played out! I will definitely miss doing this.
“But that aside, the end is now upon us, and with that, let’s see who won this entire thing!”
“So first off, we have the placement points! These points will be awarded to the competitors based on their placement on the podium at the end of C5!”
“And here they are!”
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“Welp, it’s how it always was! Blixter & Eclipses in the top two, with everyone else fighting for 3rd, in this case, the other Blixter!” “In any case, let’s head to Category 2!”
“This is the prize for guessing the song correctly!”
“Blixer Eclipses got the song correctly, so he’s getting 3 extra points!”
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“Now, we have the audience vote! We already saw the outcome, with Blixter winning over the audience yet again! Let’s award everyone’s points now!”
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“Now for the jury vote! The way this works is that the jury lists the entries from 1-3, their least favorite being 1 and most favorite being 3. Afterwards, I tally up the results and get the final number!”
“Before I reveal the points though, here’s a statement from the one and only Blixer Kunzite! literally hes the only one that voted during the voting period”
JSABAddict’s submission:
“What a very interesting fight! Didn’t expect such a…brute, to have skillful moves like that. I’d say this one caught my eye, sad that they weren’t able to kill their opponent but, oh well! As for the ‘begging’, as you put it, poor reasons. I believe them when they said they joined for fun and thrill but, c’mon! What about the glory and respect you would get from winning!? Ah, apologies for the yelling. Now then, I’d say they’re in between, not the worst nor the best.”
Zim-card’s submission:
“Quite an interesting yet odd ending, in my own opinion..but nonetheless, I think they did well! But..a bit disappointed AGAIN by the fact that another square wasn’t at least damaged, MORE disappointed it ended off in good terms. The reasons for winning are well put, I have been watching from afar how they had been handling every challenge well— expect for the cooking one. I’d say this is also in between! I’ll..have to think how I’ll rank these..”
Starwlf’s submission:
“As for this one..I LOVE IT! The fact that you managed to actually defeat the player while also giving good reasons! The first time being apart of this to gain some sort of ego boost through this and showing your strength! Wonderful! Very solid reasons, along with skillful moves— other than the fact they did managed to get hurt in the face, but they proved themselves worthy, to me.”
“Well that’s that! Can’t believe nobody else was available during voting… anyways… Here’s the results!”
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“And now, here’s the competitor vote, where each of the competitors voted on each other!”
“Here’s what they each have to say!”
starwlf Blixter (told thru starwlf’s perspective):
My point goes to zim’s submission. Blixter enjoys watching a good fight. And man was it delivered. And seeing such a shift to a kinder tone gave him a reminder of his own loved one. A fight against a narrative is all too familiar for him.
Blixer Eclipses:
Probably starwlf (cause in the end zim's gonna win regardless so I figured to like. barely even it out, I dunno)
zim-card Blixter:
“I gotta send a vote to starwlf. I like his determination and confidence, I can understand his stance within this whole challenge as someone new to the ring. I also find it sweet that he's willing to split the prize when he wins... I'd do the same too, honestly. Sure, I'm off put at the successful murder so hm... ah, I can't exactly be the judge of morals when the challenge did ask for a duel. My vote still stands for the fella!”
“So we got 2 votes for starwlf’s Blixter, and a vote for zim’s Blixter! Let’s convert them to points!”
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“Now it’s MY turn to judge!”
“For starwlf’s Blixter, I love the intensity! And actually succeeding in defeating, good job!”
“For Blixer Eclipses, although not much hits were dealt, you put up a good fight with that amazing dodging skills! I also find it pretty funny that he kept dodging the blasts when it’s usually the other way around… heh.”
“For zim-card’s Blixter, the fight was pretty cool! But at the same time you somehow made up with your Cyan and uhhhhhhhh”
“sorry youre going below the others”
“Anyways, let’s get to the points I’m giving out!”
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“And the winner of the Battle of the Blixers is……”
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Total Points:
@zim-card : 30
@jsabaddict : 29
@starwlf : 27
“Congratulations for winning, now here are your prizes!”
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“Yeah, I figured that the runner-ups should receive consolation prizes, so me and Pulse just scrambled around the ‘tower’ and found these.”
“Anyways, that’s it!”
“Like I said, it was amazing holding this competition, and I hope me and everyone else had a fun time with it! Now we’re done, so so long! For the last time…
My name is Step, and this has been the Battle of the Blixers! Until then, see you!”
“So what now?”
“To be honest I have no clue. Probably gonna sleep and also watch these other universes I found. Speaking of, there’s this one cool universe I found, their Barracuda is a snake man who is extreme evil, and last I checked the you and me in it were working together!”
“Oh, and their Lycanthropy was my brother? I think? Was it blood or found? I don’t remember.”
“Speaking of, I gazed into the Black Room again. I think I saw someone, but it might’ve just been me. Looked a lot like your descriptions of th……..
The two continued their talk, which if I will fill this ending segment with, Tumblr might actually crash lmfao
Anyways, sorry the ending post took so long, i suddenly got a small internship somewhere so it was a bit busy
Other than that, fun contest, yeah? It was really fun hosting it for me!! But if it wasnt fun for any of the competitors, i am genuinely really sorry and i wanna make it up to you if i can
Idk if ill do another contest, but if i will then idk when lol
I have an idea for this tho, maybe a talk-show like thing where step interviews jsab fancharacters?
BotB is gonna be my main au now cuz i gotten extremely attached to the botb gang (which is canonically only step & pulse, but the others are gonna join in if i introduce them in botb lore lol)
Sorry H*I & main au, i dont wanna play with you anymore /ref
Anyways have a good day!!!! Nyazhi out!!!!
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nicromancytarot · 2 months
All I do on this app is complain.
Hello and welcome to part 2 of me possibly being scammed?? (I feel like this is deserved now, am I just really unlucky or something?)
16th of March @samisinsomniac messaged me for an exchange, I gave them their reading the next day 500 words as I mentioned I preferred, they responded with my reading the next day too, only with around 200 words, but I was thankful nonetheless!
I gave them a thank you, and some feedback on the reading, they also gave me a little bit of feedback for the one I gave to them.
On the 30th of March they messaged me again for some clarity on a situation through another exchange.
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I got to their’s as soon as I could (which was immediately since I wasn’t busy that day), they were busy, but that’s ok, they said they would give mine to me by 10pm Indian standard time. India is 5 hours ahead of me, as I am set in the UK.
I proceeded to give their reading to them, 500 words as before, not only did I not receive any thank you, I also didn’t receive feedback. If you’re a Tarot reader, you will understand how crucial feedback is for us to better our talent and improve our work, and they know this very well, as they even mentioned to me during our first exchange for me to let them know how it resonates, and leave some feedback in their ask box.
To make matters worse, they did not give me my reading by 10pm IST. (It’s getting realll)
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Here is their response to my reading, the blocked off part is me explaining the person’s feelings for them, I don’t want to put anyone’s personal information on blast, which is why that is covered.
They then said that they would send the reading to me that evening.
It was not delivered by that time either. DUH DUH DUH
I messaged them a tad worried, perhaps they’d been hit by a car and I was just being mad for no reason. They let me know that they had a medical issue, which made me feel evil for pacing my room in anticipation (I didn’t actually do that, only inside my mind palace)
Finally, I received my reading! It was… 200 words, but alas! At least I got it and everyone is alive.
Now the average person would take this as a lesson not to exchange again, just in case they get caught up with another medical issue you know, or maybe the reading is short. (Which ever one is worse. IM KIDDING)
They had a birthday! Turned 18, that’s great, I’m also 18, they messaged me about it, then asked me if I did 18+ readings.
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Sometimes I lack context clues, but personally I feel like my confusion here is pretty valid. Plus! Their profile said they don’t do 18+, I’m very valid in my confusion.
Anyways! They ask for my question, I give it, then they give me theirs, they ask if it’s ok, I let them know it is.
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But I was hungry and needed to shower, so I also let them know that.
They were doing my reading at 7:26pm, I got out my shower at 10:48pm…. somethings not adding up! So I sent a little message, letting them know about my recent scam, and how I did not want to get scammed again so they would have to send it first.
However, they have not responded, it’s been 3 days, since they apparently started my reading? Now I’m no Tarot Goddess, but I’m pretty sure you would be done with a reading by day 3.
Listen, I don’t wanna fight or argue, I’m just a little funny guy who does Tarot, no fight in me, you message me in caps and I think I’ll cry.
This is not to cause an argument, or to throw hands at anybody, I just don’t like being lied to or taking advantage of as a smaller Tarot reader.
It’s only been 3 days, I was planning on waiting longer to post this, however I feel like now is fine as I’ve clearly been lied to about when they started their reading, which I’m not sure if it was to receive theirs early from me, I got no clue dude, what I do know is I am really tired of people doing this to me, please stop, before I actually cast a spell for you to clip into the back rooms.
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Scammers: 2 Nicromancy: 0
Please stop scamming me, you’re embarrassing me in front of my spirit guides. 😔
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