#but IDK my parents only let me drive stick shifts
grey-lark · 1 year
So I’ve written the Beemer as a stick shift but TBH I have no fucking idea about how common automatics were in the 80s
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kat-luv-pt2 · 4 months
Driving Lessons part 2
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pairing: lando norris x fem!reader
plot: Your winter break is spent getting driving lessons from Lando.
notes: this literally wouldn't save for so long idk why 😭
previous part
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"You need to step on the clutch to change gears" Lando instructed you from where he sat in the passenger seat of the car, which was in the middle of the empty parking lot as to prevent any accidents from happening. You huffed as you did what he said, or more so tried to but failed, "I'm trying" you were genuinely trying but you felt like you just weren't cut out for driving as you failed time and time again. Lando stared at your failing attempts and sighed. He put his hand over yours and moved the gearstick with your hand, his hand felt smooth over yours. "Ohh that's how you do it" you spoke as if you had understood hlw to change gears and not been distracted by his hand over yours the whole time. Lando nodded in return as he focused on your hand shifting the gears more independently, it was delicate and smaller than his and he couldn't help but wonder how your hand would look wrapped around his di- , he cut his thoughts off quickly and tried to focus more on you actually trying to change gears correctly. "I don't understand how a girl at your age doesn't know how to drive a car" he muttered as he looked at how your other hand gripped the steering wheel. "It's just... I don't know, confusing?" Lando looked at you with a smile as you said what was probably the most you've said to him in years. "If I can do it, you can aswell, lets go onto a street so you can try on a straight road." Lando told you, your hands practically flying off the steering wheel. "No way you are getting me to drive on a street" it was only your first lesson and you only managed to change gears every other time. He just chuckled in reply, placing your hands back on the wheel. "You need to learn how to drive, pass that exam and stop annoying your parents" Lando placed his hand on one of yours, giving a gentle supportive squeeze. "I'm not annoying them, I never asked nor complained about not having a license, they just decided I need one" your hands were once again off the steering wheel, crossed over your chest. "Don't care. You're learning to drive. Even if I have to drag you into the car." "Well you're not getting me to drive down the actual street" you raised your hands defensively, Lando looked to the side, shaking his head and sighing, you were impossible to teach. "Fine, we can stick to the parking lot, but you're only making it more difficult for yourself" he said as you let his words enter one ear and come right out the other. "Don't care" you drank some water. Lando leaned back in the passenger seat. "You don't care?" He tilted his head to the side. "I thought you wanted to pass the exam to get your parents off your back?" "Like I'm even gonna drive a car once, no, if I get a license" you leaned against the window. "And why would you not drive a car?" "I live in London now, if I still lived here there might have been a slight point, but in London? Absolutely no reason." "How is there no reason?" Lando questioned, confused. "Uhh maybe the fact I don't want to live in traffic jams and spend all my money on paying the congestion charge?" Lando had no argument against that. "You staying in London permanently?" "Don't know yet."
"Exactly! You never know when you might need a license!" He tried to motivate you into putting a bit of extra effort for these lessons but was just met in response with a dirty look. He sighed. "You enjoying yourself here?" "No I'd rather be doing anything but this." "Im talking about being back home, not these lessons, I think it's pretty obvious you don't like the lessons" "Oh, well still no." You were practically backing yourself into the car door you were leaning against, the only way you could be even further back was if your atoms magically went through the door. It looked like you were trying to get out more and more at every word Lando said, at least to him it seemed that way. "Are you uncomfortable around me?" "No?" A confused look appeared on your face, wondering where he could've got that assumption from and you put your feet comfortably up on the seat. "Get your feet off the seat" Lando told you as his brow pinched together in annoyance, you clearly had no seriousness towards this. You moved your feet down off the seat and against the gearbox instead. "Can you stop acting so childish and atleast try to listen?" He asked, his patience wearing dangerously thin. Outraged at the accusation you argued back, "I am listening!" He looked at you in disbelief as his jaw hardened. "You're acting like an actual child." He stated and glanced at your feet which were resting against the gearbox. You let out a groan and moved your feet down, turning to look straight out the car. His eyes flickered across your face, it was useless trying to teach you today, he sighed.
"We're done for the day." "Oh." Your lips parted slightly with unexpectedness as you turned your head to look at him, Lando waited a bit for any sign of disagreement or refusal, but when it was clear that there was none, he unbuckled the seatbelt and opened the car door. You felt a sudden urge to prove yourself. "1st gear" you moved the gearstick to first gear and he turned his head to look back. "2nd gear" you went quietly through each gear without problems. It was clear that you didn't have any problem learning how to drive, just a lack of willingness. "Good job." Lando muttered, watching you return your feet back onto the seat as he sat back down, closing the door behind him. "I'm not stupid." "I never said you were" "You treat me like it." "I treat you like a child, because you act like one" you didn't have a response to that, because, quite frankly, he wasn't wrong. "Well you said that we'd continue our lesson tomorrow, so Im gonna go now." You stepped out the car, Lando was quite surprised that you'd avoided an argument and just taken what he said quietly without a fight. He stared at your back and how your hair fell on it as you left. "Yeah. See you tomorrow then..." Maybe it wasn't all gonna be that bad.
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bandgie · 9 months
Yandere!Innie x fem!reader
a/n: another psycho innie cuz I can't get enough of him!
synopsis: At first you just thought you had bad luck. The things you loved always seem to leave you, abandon you. It didn't matter how hard you tried or what you loved, it would always leave you. Unlike I.N, your childhood best friend, now lover, who stays by your side through it all. He's the only thing you can count on, even if he can be a little possessive.
warnings: 18+ MDNI, yandere behavior, manipulation, animal cruelty, PIV, no foreplay, blood play (sorry), Innie is toxic, slight over stimulation, praising, idk I think that's it
2.9k words
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The first thing to leave you was your cat. You were about 7 when you first got it, cute fluffy tail and giant whiskers you adored. I.N, your best friend in the 2nd grade, seemed to share the same sentiment. You both dotted on the cat with him going to your house nearly everyday to feed it. You both would pretend that you were the parents and the cat tat baby. It was all fine.
Until Innie began feeling like you loved it too much, more than you loved him. How you would pet it, coo at it, let it lay in your lap for hours at a time. It's not your fault though, it was that feline's fault for taking you away from him. I.N could never get mad at you, even if you ignored him. He would just have to get rid of the thing distracting you, and you would go back to loving him and only him.
It's how you found your kitten mangled in its own bones. You had screamed, wailed to your parents about your dead kitty. It was mauled, they told you. The next school day, you had told I.N about the tragedy. He consoled you, held you as you cried. It's in a better place now, he said in your ear.
Since then, you refrained from having pets. The pain of losing them was too much, and you don't think you could stand another heartbreak. Innie was there for you, always there for you. Didn't matter how late it was, if he had work to do, if he had to scream at his parents to drive him to your place, he was always there.
So it makes sense when you told him about the guy that asked you out once you got to middle school. I.N had told you not to date him, but you brushed it off. "You're too overprotective," you giggled. He laughed with you, but his smile didn't quite reach his eyes. The rest of the day, he was quiet. When you asked him what was wrong, he would say, "I'm just thinking."
The boy who confessed to you came back with a broken arm the next to school. Apparently, someone with a mask attacked him and threatened him. He didn't get into details, but he decided to withdraw his confession. You were bummed, but you understood his situation. You had Innie after all, you wouldn't be alone.
This bad luck persisted in high school. Friends didn't stick for too long, teachers seemed to give you the cold shoulder, almost all the boys avoided you at all costs.
"Am I that ugly?" You cried to I.N in your room. You both had been studying for your Econ final, but you ended up how lonely you felt all these years. Like always, he held you in his arms, wiped your tears, kissed the top of your head. "No, of course not," his voice was gentle. "I think you're the most beautiful person I've ever seen."
You dryly laughed as you wiped your tears. "You don't have to lie to me just to make me feel better." You expected him to laugh and agree with you, but his expression was serious. The air in the room shifted as he took your hands in his own. He spoke your name softly, lovingly. It made your breath hitch in your throat. "I would never lie to you. I...love you. I really do. I don't know if this is the right time or how to even say it, but...would you be my girlfriend?"
His timidness was obvious in how he rubbed his fingers over your hands. It wasn't often to see him like this, but it was cute whenever he did get all shy. Deep down, you knew he liked you. You knew from how he spoke to you, how he listened to all the things you wanted to say. You could even tell when he would get jealous when some boys would talk to you in P.E. It was cute, he is cute. And deep down, you've fallen for him too after so long.
You gripped his hands firmer for reassurance, "Of course, Innie. I think I've loved you for a long time now."
Years passed with you two together, now in college. Sure you may not have friends, yeah your coworkers eye you wearily, but you're happy. You're happy with I.N. You two are always around each other whether it be on dates, in the apartment, on campus. He would wait for you even if his class ended hours before yours. Love, you told yourself. He does it because he loves you.
It does come as a shock to you though when he seems upset at the thought of you adopting a cat. You assumed he would be happy for you for overcoming your fears, but his reaction was the opposite. "I just don't see why we need a pet," he argued. "Don't you remember what happened last time? I thought we agreed to stay away from animals."
You grimaced at the memory, but pressed on. "Yeah I know. But we were young. We just didn't know how to take care of it. Please Innie I just want something to keep me company." Your pleas don't stir him in the way you hope. "Keep you company?" He questions. "Am I not enough for you?" Uh-oh, that hadn't come out the way you had hoped.
"No! You are babe, you're more than enough. This is just for me for-"
"Great then," he cuts you off with a clipped tone. "You don't need a cat if you have me." You bite your tongue to keep from arguing with him. A part of you wants to believe that he's doing this for your own good. That he's just trying to protect you like he always does. Still, you leave the room with upset footsteps, ignoring how he calls out your name.
Maybe it wasn't the best choice to get a cat behind his back, but you don't regret it. Not as you hold the small kitten in your hands as you walk into your apartment. It meows and yawns even though it had slept the whole drive home. You kiss its pink nose and nuzzle it close to your face. "I'll take care of you."
You would've taken care of it, you would've had it live forever if it was up to you. You tried keeping it in the garage of your house, hidden from I.N eyes. He'll warm up to it, you think to yourself. You keep deluding yourself into thinking that I.N would be okay with sharing your love. Deep down, you knew. Deep down, deep into the creases of your mind, you knew he would do anything to you for himself.
So it's really no surprise when you come home from work early to find him putting the kitten in a plastic bag. It was already dead, limp body hangin off his slender fingers with wide, lifeless eyes. You had screamed, thrown your bag on the ground and ran to the kitten corpse. The look was I.N's face was pure shock, confusion, anger. Still, not a hint of remorse in his eyes.
"You're home early," he managed to speak as you cried. You just screamed at him, cursed at him. You didn't;r even need to ask what happened. Not with his bloody fingers and the small scratch marks on his wrist. There was a curse on you, and that curse was Yang Jeongin.
No apology, no soothing, no nothing. You had somewhat expected him to at least pretend to care, but he just gave you that blank stare when he's deep in thought. You cradled the small kitten in your hands, petting it as if it could respond. I.N's hands finally came to rest on your shoulder to steady himself. He looked pained, irritated, unsure.
You chocked back your sobs, "Why?" Yes, you knew Jeongin was possessive, you knew he could get a little too jealous a little too easily. You hated that you knew that, and you hated it even more when you ignored it. Now, you're paying the price for your ignorance. You just don't understand why he had to go to such lengths, such desperation.
He heavily sighed, hanging his head down. "Baby I...I just love you so much. It hurts, I can't even breathe. I want you to be happy, with me. Only me. I just need you, and I hate it when you don't need me. It makes me feel like you don't love me, that you wish I wasn't here."
You know he's doing this to manipulate you, to make you feel bad for him. Even still, you set the cat down and embrace him. It shocks you just how much he was shaking. From anger? Sadness? You'll never know. All you can do is comfort him, and find comfort in him. How he can be your salvation and your curse, not even God could understand.
"I do love you Innie," you speak through your tears. "I love you so much, in ways you'll never know. But you can't do this! This is enough. When we were younger I understand but now-"
He cuts you off with a kiss. It's powerful, controlling, harsh. You whimper from the force of it, pushing on his chest lightly to get him off. He breaks away for a moment to look you deep in the eyes. A shiver goes down your spine with how wide his pupils are. "Do you love me?"
I.N's hands grasp at your hips, keeping you close to him as he awaits your answer. You know you do, you both do. For some reason, his question weighs heavy on you. Like he's asking for more than just your love. With a shaky breath, you answer, "Yes."
He's back on you in a second. He backs you up until you hit the dinner table. I.N's hands are a little harsh on your hips, but you find solace in his touch. He's familiar, he's warn, he's love. He's love in the filthiest form, impure. His touch sends goosebumps in your skin, and you tug on his bottom lip in response.
Rather than sucking on your tongue like he usually does, his lips travel down your jawline, your neck, to your chest. Your hands grip his hair, tugging and pushing him closer. "I love you, I love you," it's a spell you can't stop chanting. A promise to him that you'll love him forever, no matter the cost.
I.N gathers you in his hands and sets you on the table. You immediately open your legs to give him room. He's moved up back to your neck. His bites hurt, and it leaves you whimpering. Hid bloody fingers unbuckle his belt, undoing his zipper. You hoist your long skirt over yourself, holding it towards your chest.
No prep, no stretching, no feeling on I.N's tongue on your pussy. The penetration is going to hurt, you can feel it already with how he frees himself from the hole in his boxers. You quiver in anticipation, feeling how he rubs the head of his cock on your clothed pussy. I.N would love to finger you, but the thought of infecting you with the cat blood quickly shuts down the idea.
"I need you baby," he whispers in your ear. You moan in response, "You already have me." He pulls away from the crook of your neck to look down at your pussy. He uses his pinky finger (the only one not bloody) and moved your panties to the side. It looks so small, so unprepared. "I'm gonna hurt you," he looks up at you unsurely.
It's cute how considerate he looks in front of you. Hair going in different angles, lips red from kissing, chest heaving. I.N had just killed your shortly beloved kitten, but he looks unbelievable lovely now. You must think there's something wrong with you because you still crave his cock slamming into your cunt.
"You already hurt me."
Your words have an immediate effect on him. It's obvious in how is caring expression turn dark. He turns his attention back onto your soon-to-be-broken pussy and grabs his cock with his free hand. I.N smears your arousal over your clit, watching how you shiver from the contact.
He angles downward and presses into your cunt. The first stretch make you squeal. You open your legs wider to accommodate to him. Rather than staying sitting up, you find yourself laying full down on the table. I.N continues to push in against your tight walls. Tears sting in your eyes, and upon the sight, Jeongin wipes your tears away. Some blood manages to smear on your cheek, and it makes him moan outloud.
"You're so beautiful," he says it like it's a fact. To him, it is. With you laying down, eyes red from crying, cheek smeared with blood, your thighs wide for his pleasure. You look perfect, you are perfect for him. No one can take that away from him, he'll kill them before they even have the thought.
His hands are under your knees when he full bottoms out. The pressure in your pussy in unbearable, but you can't stop moaning with being full of him. He thrusts slowly, letting you adjust to his girth. It doesn't matter what I.N has done, or what he will do. If there's one thing for certain, your Innie hates the thought of giving you pain.
You bring your legs backwards so your knees are up to your chest. In this way, I.N is able to deeply penetrate you. His strokes pick up pace, and have to cover your mouth with how loud you've become. His hands are on the back of your thighs, leaving bloody fingerprints. I.N can't help but paint a mental picture in his mind of you right now. You're covered in absolute filth, and you still look like a goddess.
Both of your hands grip your breasts as you take him. You love the feeling of being under him, having him use you like nothing. Foreplay or no foreplay, I.N knows how to give you indescribable pleasure. The sounds your pussy and his dick make when meeting is pornographic. You could even hear the gentle scratching of the dinner table legs against the floor.
Jeongin doesn't hold back his praises from you. He's always ben vocal in bed, but he seems uncontrollable now. "My girl, fuck you're my girl. Pussy belongs to me, only me. Say-fuck!- say it." You don't know why he thinks you're able to speak. You're too busy being fucked to think properly. To get your attention, I.N uses one his hands to grip your chin. He forces eye contact, "Say it."
You babble nonsense for a moment before forcing your brain to think. "Yours! Jeongin I'm yours. Only you, only you!" Your hazy eyes focus on the smile that appears on his face. It makes your stomach warm with affection upon seeing it. Yeah, there's no doubt in your mind that I.N loves you. He just does it in a different way.
"Oh fuck baby," he groans. "I'm gonna cum, gonna make this little pussy so fucking wet." You can feel it too, your pending orgasm. You honestly don't know how you managed so long. He's cock has been stroking your insides in all the right ways. Stretching you out in delicious precision.
Your lower tummy heats up with pleasure, and your body shakes in anticipation. "I want it. I want it so bad," you whine. I.N's thrusts into you until his thighs clap against the back of yours. You feel him so deep, you think he's touching your heart literally and figuratively. Your walls squeeze around him a few times before you bursts. You series of whimpers and moans leave your lips as you cum.
Jeongin fucks you through it, eyes watching where your cream paints his dick. Your so tight, pulling him back in to the point where he feels like he no option but to cum in your womb. His hot cum spurts in you, leaving no room for escape. His tip kisses your cervix and you shriek at the penetration.
"Innie!" You cry out. "Too deep! I can't...I can't!"
He knows you can take it, that it hurts too good. He presses himself deeper into you, and you sob. It feels like fire, as if your body is overwhelmed with inhumane pleasure. You start shaking and twitching, a clear sign that he's pushing you beyond what you can handle.
Finally, he relents. His softening cock slips out of you and you whimper at the loss of contact. It's bliss to feel his arousal seeping out of you. It travels down your ass onto the table. I.N can't help but stare at your pussy, keeping your underwear moved to the side. "Such a good girl for me."
You're too busy catching your breath to care how his hands keep massaging your body. You think he's trying to soothe you, give you some aftercare, but you're wrong. He's trying to smear the dried blood on you, marking you. Your bruised neck and thighs are enough proof, but Jeongin can't help but use your body as a canvas.
"Such a pretty little thing," he coos. You smile lazily at him, trying to ignore the sudden possessive look in his eyes. "You're gonna stay with me right? You said that." His voice is sure, determined. It doesn't matter if you disagree with him, he's going to make you see how perfect you are for each other. All you do is nod and blink back your tears.
You're his, and he's yours. A curse you just can't find yourself to get rid of...not that you would if you could.
a/n: guys im so sorry. so much has been going on in my life its crrazzyyy I dont know how I'm keeping it together. is the ending rushed? perhaps... Should I have done a better job...perhaps. at least I did it please praise me
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penaltyboxboxbox · 9 months
i love a good tag game and am procrastinating at work so lets goooo thanks for the tag @fernandoalonzoo !!
Rules: color stuff that applies to you and then tag your friends
i'm over 5'5" // i wear glasses/contacts // i have blonde hair (not naturally i literally just went blonde lmao) // i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // i have one or more piercings // i have at least one tattoo // i have blue eyes // i have dyed or highlighted my hair // i have gotten plastic surgery // I have had braces // i sunburn easily // i have freckles // i paint my nails // i typically wear make-up // i don't often smile // i am pleased with how i look // i prefer nike to adidas // i wear baseball hats backwards.
Hobbies and talents:
i play a sport // i can play an instrument // i am artistic // i know more than one language // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition // i can cook or bake without a recipe // i know how to swim // i enjoy writing // i can do origami // i prefer movies to tv shows // i can execute a perfect somersault (this just made me realize i havent done a summersault in literally years idk anymore) // i enjoy singing // i could survive in the wild on my own // i have read a new book series this year // i enjoy spending time with friends // i travel during school or work breaks.
i am in a relationship // i have been single for over a year // i have a crush // i have a best friend i have known for ten years // my parents are together // i have dated my best friend // i am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // i have a long distance relationship // i am an only child // i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend // i met up with someone i have met online. (meeting my oomfs literally most life changing moments in history i hope to meet many more of you)
i have heard the ocean in a conch shell // i have watched the sun rise // i enjoy rainy days // i have slept under the stars // i meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // i enjoy the smell of the beach // i know what snow tastes like // i listen to music to fall asleep // i enjoy thunderstorms // i enjoy cloud watching // i have attended a bonfire // i pay close attention to colours // i find mystery in the ocean // i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favourite season.
i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // i am the mom friend (im actually the funny uncle friend) // i live by a certain quote // i like the smell of sharpies // i am involved in extracurricular activities // i enjoy mexican food // i can drive a stick-shift // i believe in true love // i make up scenarios to fall asleep // i sing in the shower // i wish i lived in a video game // i have a canopy above my bed // i am multiracial // i am a redhead // i own at least three dogs.
and if you actually read this consider yourself tagged by me 📸🫵 you yes you!
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xdominiklivakovicx · 10 months
Tagged by @lonely-salamander !
Rules: bold stuff that applies to you and then tag your friends
(I'll have to also color some because some people might not see bold parts)
i'm over 5'5" // i wear glasses/contacts // i have blonde hair // i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // i have one or more piercings // i have at least one tattoo // i have blue eyes // i have dyed or highlighted my hair // i have gotten plastic surgery //I have had braces // i sunburn easily // i have freckles // i paint my nails // i typically wear make-up // i don’t often smile // i am pleased with how i look // i prefer nike to adidas // i wear baseball hats backwards
Hobbies and talents:
i play a sport // i can play an instrument // i am artistic // i know more than one language // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition // i can cook or bake without a recipe // i know how to swim // i enjoy writing // i can do origami // i prefer movies to tv shows // i can execute a perfect somersault // i enjoy singing // i could survive in the wild on my own // i have read a new book series this year // i enjoy spending time with friends // i travel during school or work breaks // i can do a handstand
i am in a relationship // i have been single for over a year // i have a crush // i have a best friend i have known for ten years // my parents are together // i have dated my best friend // i am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // i have a long distance relationship // i am an only child // i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend // i met up with someone i have met online
i have heard the ocean in a conch shell // i have watched the sun rise // i enjoy rainy days // i have slept under the stars // i meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // i enjoy the smell of the beach // i know what snow tastes like // i listen to music to fall asleep // i enjoy thunderstorms // i enjoy cloud watching // i have attended a bonfire // i pay close attention to colours // i find mystery in the ocean // i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favourite season
i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // i am the mom friend // i live by a certain quote // i like the smell of sharpies // i am involved in extracurricular activities // i enjoy mexican food // i can drive a stick-shift // i believe in true love // i make up scenarios to fall asleep // i sing in the shower // i wish i lived in a video game // i have a canopy above my bed // i am multiracial // i am a redhead // i own at least three dogs
That's it!
I'm tagging @mcity-xe @calm-smol @longeyelashedtragedy @ysommer @crocvnts @arduango @gvardiol and idk who else to tag, if I forgot someone let me know!
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tsunderecookies · 3 years
Horny HC
Pairing: Bakugo x Reader, Midoriya x Reader, Todoroki x Reader, Shinso x Reader, Hawks x Reader
Warnings: nsfw subjects, choking, spanking, spitting, hair pulling, language as vulgar as my mind, degrading, daddy kink.
A/N: Count on me to make my first ever post spicy. All characters mentioned in this are aged up to 21+. I hope y'all enjoy reading this. (Also i made these headers myself - not the chibis - so sorry if they shit, I tried :)))
Requests are open. Please send lol, imma run out of ideas.
So for my first set of hc I took the 5 heroes I had the most ideas for but I’ll definitely do hc’s for the rest as well. Also i love the villians so lmk if you guys want me to do a part 2 of this for them or any of the other heroes!
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This man
He's gonna blow your back out. No cap.
I mean you see the way he treats his friends, you can't tell me he won't be daddy in bed.
Speaking of Daddy. Authority kink. It's either Sir, Daddy or Master. Katsuki has left the chat.
Bakugou is in charge, and you sure as fuck better know it. If not, he won't hesitate to remind you, teaching you a lesson you won't forget anytime soon.
100% brat tamer.
Bakugou loves putting you back in your place when you step out of line. He lives for the sound of your pleas and apologies as he reminds you of where you belong; on your knees right in front of him. ( that sounded so sexist pls don't come for me )
Punishments come in the form of spanking and edging for hours on end. He's not scared to manhandle you.
You gasp at the harsh feeling of your back slamming against the wall, the feeling of Bakugous hand slipping around your throat sending a wave of arousal straight to your core.
"What the fuck did you just say?"
"I said make me.... Daddy." A cheeky smile makes it onto your face as you repeat your words, but just as fast as it appeared it vanishes at the feeling of his hand tightening around your throat.
" Oh princess, you never learn do you?"
His favorite positions includes him hitting it from the back - he loves how he can just push your head into the mattress or lean his chest against your back to whisper dirty things in your ear. Not to mention the fact that he can grab your hair and pull your back flush against his chest as he tilts your head back so you can look at him while he rails you- and missionary with both your legs over his shoulders. He loves seeing the facial expressions you make while he presses his hand down onto your throat, his cock hitting places inside you you didn't know existed.
Definitely not afraid of quickies. He loves the adventure and danger that comes with the possibility of anyone being able to walk in on you at any possible moment.
Dirty talk: on fucking point.
" You like that baby? Yeah? You like it when daddy fucks you hard like this hmm? Tell me how much you love this. Tell me how much you like daddy pounding into you like this."
You know that kinda whiney type dirty talk tone? Like where their words are kinda dragged out and kinda high pitched? Yes. Yes.
Absolutely fucking loves when you can't speak. He loves how your words can barely slip out in between your moans and gasps, how absolutely dumb you are for his cock.
100% degrader.
Change my mind. You can't.
"That's right baby, yes - fuck. Take that cock. Take that fat cock like the slut you are."
"You like that you whore? You like it when daddy tells you how slutty you look all needy for his cock?"
This man is not afraid to mark you up. Good luck covering up those hickeys the next morning because its impossible. He wants everyone to know you belong to him, and you can bet your pretty ass that he has a shit eating grin on his face when someone notices them.
You can bet he has a shit eating grin on his face later when you try to confront him about it. He’ll also have some smart ass remark.
I can definitely see Bakugo having angry post argument sex. By the time he tosses you onto bed and crawls onto you the cause of the argument is long forgotten, the only thing going through his mind being how he's going to fuck the attitude out of you.
Absolutely loves it if you're loud. He wants everyone to know he's the one making you feel that good and that he's the only one who could make you scream like that.
" That's right princess, let the whole fucking city know who's making you feel this good!"
Definitely gonna have a ton of noise complaints, especially from your roommates if you have any. ( idk why but i picture katsuki sharing an apartment w kiri, sero and denki )
Bakugo isn't really a moan typpa guy, but god he will draw out the sexiest and unholiest groans and growls from the back of his throat.
I also feel like he's the type of guy that guides you through giving him head, telling you exactly how to suck his cock before he just grabs a fist full of your hair and ends up fucking your face.
We all know Bakugou is an overachiever, and this reflects during sex. He wants to make you cum as many times as possible using his tongue and fingers before he sticks his dick in you.
He isn't as romantic as Shoto with aftercare but he definitely takes care of you. He makes sure to go pee as well as make you go before turning on the shower for you both, adjusting the temperature to your liking.
He loves washing your hair for you in hopes that you'd do the same for him. He secretly loves the feeling of your fingertips massaging his scalp but would never admit it.
He's not super lovey dovey after, but he makes sure to let you know that you're appreciated.
"Love you, dumbass."
"Love you too, Katsuki."
All in all, you're in for a good dicking down.
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I feel like this boy pours so much passion into it.
Especially with his history with his parents. The lack of love during his childhood definitely shows during moments like these.
With him it's always making love, its never just fucking. Sex to him isn't just an activity to get off or procreate ( cough Endeavour cough) its a show of both your love for each other, a moment for your bodies to become one.
Your pleasure definitely comes first to him. He would want to get you off at least a couple of times before even thinking of himself.
Shoto also struggles with expressing his emotions so this is a way for him to show you how he feels physically rather that having to convey it verbally.
He's all about the physical contact.
He definitely holds your hands during and whispers sweet nothings in your ear.
His favourite position is missionary. He loves the closeness, how he can look into your eyes and feel your shaky breathing while he moves inside you.
It's either that or you on top with him sitting upright with your bodies pressed together. He loves how close he can hold you. His one hand intertwining with your hair as he presses your head closer to his, the other around your back, occasionally moving down to you hip to help you grind down onto him.
Loves the feeling of your chest against his as he slowly moves between your hips, head resting against your shoulder as his hot breath fans over your skin.
He presses a chaste kiss to your lips before resting his forehead against yours.
"I love you so much angel, you're so beautiful like this."
He's also the type to light candles and have rose petals everywhere on special occasions.
But just because he makes love to you, doesn't mean he can't rearrange your insides while doing so.
Just hot, sweaty, nasty, rough sex.
But with love <3
Even during the rougher moments he makes sure to show you how much he loves you and how much you mean to him.
He'd have his hand all tangled in your hair, some of the unholiest noises leaving his throat as he takes you from behind. His eyes not leaving yours in the mirror placed in front of you.
"Fuck. You feel so good baby - just like that, yeah - look at me princess."
He's very observant. He takes note of the things the drive you crazy so he can work your body even better next time.
Because sex is something more intimate for him I don't think he'd be into sex in public/semi public areas.
He doesn't want anyone else to see the gorgeous expressions on your face while you're at your most vulnerable, or the heavenly sounds that leave your soft lips for him.
I wouldn't go as far as to say he's possessive, but this is definitely something he views as for his eyes only.
He’s not a very big fan of quickies for the simple fact that he likes to take his time with your body and give you as much pleasure as possible rather than just get you both off. He’d much rather prefer waiting for you both to get home and properly take care of you.
Shoto isn't really vocal in bed, but his pleasure will still be conveyed through his shaky intake off breath and the ways his face scrunches up when you clench around him.
He definitely marks you.
Loves marking you as his on your most delicate and intimate parts, painting your chest and inner thighs as his.
He loves trailing his hand over them, rubbing soft circles on the hickeys with his thumb. To him this is proof of the beautiful moment you guys spent together.
The most passionate sex that you both have would definitely be when shoto comes back from a long business trip, his hand could never compare to your body. He definitely plans on making up for lost time, keeping you in his sheets for as long as possible.
And can i just say
The aftercare
Top tier.
He definitely runs you both a hot bath afterwards.
Candles, bubble bath and your favourite bath bomb. The works.
Definitely wants to carry you but won't do so if you feel uncomfortable about it.
He slips in behind you so you're sat between his thighs, his one hand interlacing with yours while the other softly caresses your stomach.
Sets up a little cuddle corner next to the fireplace so you guys can enjoy a movie before falling asleep in each others arms.
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Sweet baby boi.
One word: shy.
Izuku knows what sex is and what happens during this intimate act. He’s also watched porn a couple of times so he knows the basics behind it.
But that doesn’t stop him from shape shifting into a fucking tomato every time you start undressing in front of him.
When you both first started becoming intimate you definitely had to make all the first moves and initiate it all because he was too shy and nervous to do it himself.
Even if he was horny as can be and needed you more than anything he’d rather suffer in silence than tell you or ask you to help him out.
He’s definitely not afraid to ask you how to work your body right. Deku knows that not everyone's bodies work the same and that what might have felt good for someone else won’t exactly work for you. So he asks. He asks you how to work your body right and he’ll keep this in mind for future reference.
He marks you but not as much as the others. He’ll litter them on more intimate places both because he doesn’t want to embarrass or inconvenience you and because he’s the only other one he wants to be able to see em. He’ll also get really blushy when he spots them.
This man 100% has a praise kink. He loves knowing how good he’s making you feel and won’t hesitate to let you know as well.
No matter how many times you’ve been intimate before he’ll always tell you how beautiful you look, how much he loves you and how much he can’t wait to make you feel good.
As time goes by and you give him more praise he’ll become more confident intimately.
I can’t really see Izuku having any hard kinks for the simple fact that he doesn’t like the idea of hurting you in any way, especially intentionally.
Like if you were to ask him to choke you or something he’d do it beacause he wants to please you but it would still be the softest shit you have ever experienced. Like for example he’d have his hand around your throat but he wouldn't add any pressure and his hand would barely graze your ass when he attempts to spank you.
He would be down for quickies but he’d be a nervous wreck about em. He’d constantly worry about getting caught and won’t shut up so you’ll just have to make him ;)
“Zuku don’t worry we’ll be fine.“ Your lips mesh together as you pull him closer by his shirt, tugging at the hem to signal you want it off before moving down towards his belt.
“ But y/n - chan I just don’t want us to get caught...” A whine leaves his throat as you start palming him through his jeans before quickly pulling them along with his briefs down to his knees.
“You need to relax more baby.” You press a kiss next to his ear before sinking down to your knees. “In fact I know just how to help you do that.”
Before he could even think of a response his hand flew up to cover out the loud moan threatening to slip out of his ajar mouth as his head fell back.
He’s definitely loud during sex.
Without a doubt.
He lets out these whiny little moans and he definitely tries to hide em. They wouldn’t be especially high pitched but they’d still be higher than usual. Can definitely see him as the type to cover them up with his hand but when you let him know how much you love them he’ll blush a little but let em all out.
You’ve seen how attentive this man is right? How he takes every little piece of info he gets into account when he fills out his journal and comes up with plans?
Yeah your body has its own journal.
Joke lol, but Deku is very attentive and takes note of every reaction he gets out of your body with his touch. How your back arches when his fingers hit that spot inside of you. How your moans get louder when he angles his hips in a certain way. How goosebumps appear when he litters kisses down your neck.
Aftercare with him is the cutest thing ever.
Blushy boi again.
He holds you close to his naked body and pushes his head into the crook of your neck to hide his blush. He’ll thank you for not only sharing moments like these with him but also allowing him to be apart of your life.
Now and then you guys take a hot bath together afterwards but most of the time you fall asleep in each others arms, an occasional kiss being placed on your forehead with a word of comfort.
This man will just love on you so hard.
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The first thing that pops into my head when I think Shinso and sex is kitten.
He definitely calls you kitten in bed and he is daddy. period.
Like this man is rough. Without a doubt.
He’s the type that’s really fun to tease because you know he’ll punish you later. Especially if you do it while he’s at work.
A gasp leaves your lips when you feel a familiar pair of arms circle your waist, his warm body pinning you against the railing of the balcony.
"Surprised kitten? I thought you would've expected this, sending me those lewd photos while im at work. "
His hands move to grab onto your waist and push you further into the railing, yours grabbing onto it in turn.
His chest vibrates against your back as he chuckles, you can practically feel the smirk on his face.
"Yeah, you better fucking hold on to something."
I also feel like his pull out game is the best. He mostly enjoys cumming on either your chest or your lower back and face on special occasions.
He loves taking you from behind or on your side while lifting your one leg. He also loves sitting on the edge of the bed with you on top of him with your back facing him while he guides your hips up and down.
He loves these positions because it gives him the perfect angle to please and tease. He can easily reach around and play with your nipples but he can also tease you by just stilling inside of you when you least expect it.
It also gives him better access to the most sensitive parts of your neck so he can mark you up.
I feel like Shinso has a very high sex drive. Like i feel like he's down to go whenever wherever, which is why i think quickies with him is almost a daily occurrence. He loves the risk behind it and he definitely knows how finish you off within 5 minutes. 
He absolutely loves it when you're a brat so use this to your advantage because it will get you r a i l e d.
A loud groan escapes the back of Shinso's throat, his hand tangled in your hair while he rams into you from behind.
"Is this what you wanted baby? Huh? Me fucking the brat out of you?"
He is an absolute king with his hands and he knows it. He knows how to get you absolutely spent with just 2 fingers. 
Definitely jealous as fuck but he doesn't do anything about it until you're alone. He'll act normal up until you get home before pinning you against the wall and reminding you that he's the only man you should be giving attention to.
And oh my god this man can go all night long. He’ll pound you into the mattress until HE thinks you’ve had enough, sweat gleaming on both your bodies in the moonlight as he finally pulls out and pulls you close to him.
He’s definitely very adventurous. He’s not afraid to experiment at all.
I also feel like when he cums he cums A LOT. Like one of his favourite things ever would be you on you knees in front of him, his cock buried deep down your throat as you struggle to swallow everything he's giving you.
Sleepy sex is basically a morning ritual, his hips already rutting against your ass before you've even properly woken up. He loves the laziness of the whole ordeal as well as the closeness. Before you he'd just rub one out before falling back asleep, but now that you're here he can just indulge in you and then fall back asleep. Not that you mind.
Shinso doesn't leave hickeys intentionally. He just gets into it and does it without noticing it. Thinks it's hilarious as fuck when you struggle to hide them and definitely makes a comment about you knowing you enjoyed it so why complain now.
Definitely the type to wake you up and ask you to ride him at ungodly hours.
Member of the suck me off while I'm gaming club.
A little bonus: I can just see both of you going at it and he’s doing you good and then all of a sudden he just stops. Naturally you just assume he’s just trying to be a tease so you buck your hips up in attempt to get him to move inside of you and let out a whiny moan. Shinso would just kinda calmly look at you and go “ Baby... she’s on top of me.” and you’d be like huh???? tf he talking about, and just look up and see the cat you adopted together peeking at you over his shoulder. She lets out the cutest little meow and you both start giggling, taking a mental note to close the bedroom door before you get down in future.
After sex he’d take care of you. He’d clean you up and cuddle you really close. He’d run his fingers through your hair and massage your scalp for you. Will wake you up with breakfast in bed the next morning and a cup of coffee/tea.
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Hawks has a god complex in bed and you can't convince me otherwise.
He's the absolute king of oral. He isn't just gluttonous for food if you catch my drift. He knows how to use his tongue, and the way he uses it on your sex is enough to make you see stars.
"Oh god. Fuck, i-i need- oh my god. Keigo, I need mhmmnnmm" your hand runs through his golden locks as you press him closer to your core, hips bucking and thighs threatening to close around his head.
Keigos head peaks up from between your legs, his mouth glistening with your arousal as his hand picks up where his tongue left off. A cocky smile sneaks it's way on his face.
"That's right baby, tell god what you need."
Hawks loves taking you in missionary. Why you may ask. Because this gives you perfect access to his wings. Nothing gets him more riled up than the feeling of your fingers dancing over the base of his wings where they meet his skin. The feeling's enough to draw a growl from within his chest, his hips immediately picking up momentum as he pounds you deeper into the bed.
Just like Katsuki, Keigo isn't afraid to mahandle you.
He loves the sight of your fucked out face as he wraps his hand around you throat, incoherent mumbles the only thing leaving your swollen lips.
He fucks you stupid, tongue lolling out of your mouth and eyes rolling back into your head. The sight of this turns him on ten times more than he already was in the first place.
Keigo will also use his feathers on you 100%.
A small gasp leaves your lips at the feeling of something soft stimulating your sex. You lower your eyes, undeniably turned on by the sight of one of Keigos feathers matching the momentum of his thrusts as his hips slam into yours.
Your eyes travel back up to your lovers face, unable to hold back the moan that escapes your lips as he winks at you with a smirk and picks up his pace.
Undeniably into praise. He absolutely loves when you tell him how good he's making you feel and how he's the only one who possibly could make you feel this way. Definitely gets cocky about it.
Along with his love for praise he also has a love for degrading. He loves the way you instantly start moaning louder and tightening up when he starts calling you his little slut and cocksleeve, it's enough to make his dick twitch.
Definitely possessive and protective as hell over you. Being Keigos sidekick meant a lot of work related arguments about recklessness from both sides. These arguments often times lead to hate sex.
A harsh tug on your arm stops you dead in your tracks as you turn around to come face to face with your fiancee, the scowl on his face giving away exactly what he was feeling before he could even get a chance to open his mouth.
"What the fuck was that." His breath was hot as it fanned over your face, the smell of mint unmissable. "That, Keigo, was me doing my fucking job." "No y/n, that was you being careless! What the fuck were you thinking risking your life like that?!" " Last time i checked that was our job description! We're supposed to be risking our lives to save innocent people, or does that suddenly mean nothing to you anymore?" "I don't fucking care about them I care about you! I have half a mind to remove you from field work thanks to that little stunt!" " For fucks sake Keigo! What are you gonna do?! Tie me to a fucking desk?!"
Within two seconds your back was pressed against a wall, your fiancees hands slamming down next to your head as he moves his face dangerously close to yours.
" Tread lightly princess, or i just might."
Adding to the possessiveness, i feel like Keigo will be one jealous son of a bitch with no shame at all.
Like he'd take you out for dinner at some fancy restaurant to treat you, only to have your waiter start flirting with you. Keigos blood would start boiling, his jaw set as he'd glare at the man flirting with his mate.
As soon as the waiter leaves he'd make some snarky, passive aggressive comments about the scenario before dragging you into the bathroom mumbling " If he can't see who you belong to I guess I'll have to show him"
He'd then proceed to shamelessly pound the fuck out of you in the restaurant making sure everyone, especially that waiter, could hear every single sound the left your lips. He'd leave so many hickeys on your neck. He needs to mark what's his.
"You're mine. You understand me? You belong to me baby, you're all mine." His hand roughly grabs your face making you look him in the eyes. "Say it." He gets impatient, lifting his hand to lightly slap your face, the action drawing a moan from your lips. " I said fucking say it."
Total exhibitionist. You have definitely been pinned against the large windows in your apartment or even his agency, on full display to anyone walking by as he fucks you nice and hard.
I feel like aftercare with Keigo would be little things that don't necessarily classify as aftercare but comforts you both.
After pulling out of you Keigo would lay down next to you, his hands wrapping around your body to pull you closer as his heart hammers in his chest and he waits for his breathing to calm down a tad.
He'd then get up, tug on a pair of boxers and grab the box of cigarettes and lighter on his bedside table before heading out to the balcony.
You'd slip out of bed, putting on his shirt before joining him outside. Your arms would be wrapped around his waist while he smoked, both of you enjoying the slight late night breeze and the sound of the bustling city before heading inside to snuggle up and fall asleep together.
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kashimos-hajime · 4 years
homestretch of the hard times | g.t.
summary: the eve days of your potential death kinda spurns things to move forward: for takemura, it means confessions. for you, it means making exceptions. and drinks. ‘cause takemura’s the pickiest fucking eater you’ve ever met.
WARNINGS: small spoilers for act 1 of cyberpunk 2077 and references to non-spoiler texts between takemura and v, just fluff, small angst, swearing, idk what else is going on so if there are actual spoilers thats completely coincedental ndlnskfsldnf pairing: goro takemura x fem!street-kid!v word count: 2.6k
a/n: so cdpr did us dirty for not allowing us to romance him (to my knowledge) but he has my mind, heart and everything else so :) listened to the bones by maren morris w/ hozier
part of the tales of a two-bit thief series
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It starts with something straight out of a romance movie: A car crash, saving each other’s lives (well, him more than you) and “Wait, V, I need you.”
You don’t know how you got here, to be precise. There were a chain of events, some absolutely stand up fucking moments on your part, and just… fuckery. So much fuckery and life went to shit.
All you know is the ticking time bomb’s only ticking louder and at this point, the only thing that can silence it at all is the man beside you. Not even the meds Misty gave you can help you now. 
You’re sitting in his car because you called him and he had answered and now… now they’re on one of the off ramps looking over Night City like they own the fucking place.
Maybe you did, once. Ha, maybe back when everything seemed more job to job and not life to life. For a moment, maybe you were in the big leagues.
Takemura doesn’t say anything, even though you can tell he wants to. His hair still pulled into that man bun, collared shirt with not a single wrinkle in sight. Weird how he never looks out of place, not really. Not even with the car crash. Shit, he always looked good.
You think you’re actually gonna miss that. That one semblance of someone being put together that gave you the hope that maybe you could stick it too.
You think you’re gonna miss a lot of things about him—from his stupid complaints about the food here, to his stupid random philosophy texts in the day, to the fact that he eats the ramen you buy anyway without complaint, even though it’ll never compare to what he has in Japan.
The thought that counts.
They don’t even have the radio on, just the dim lights of the car, a window rolled down. You don’t smoke but you feel like you should be tapping a cig either way. You haven’t had the time to just fucking breathe—not with Silverhand breathing down your neck, corpo rats swarming you on all sides. 
Everyone wants a piece of you, it feels like. 
You look at Takemura.
Almost everyone.
“Thank you,” you tell him quietly, with difficulty. It’s hard to get through your words without thinking Silverhand’s behind your back, mocking you. You’re so fucking tired. “It hasn’t been easy.”
He doesn’t respond. He’s too busy looking at one of the cars nearly collide with a pedestrian. You could’ve laughed. You used to make fun of the shitty drivers in Night City, knowing full well you’re one of them.
You get chased by a couple of cops, rules start to bend.
You used to wonder why you never left.
Then, you actually left, and you realized that hell, you can take the person out of Night City—can’t take the Night City out of a person.
Atlanta fucking sucked, but maybe you should’ve stayed there.
But then, a tiny voice whispers as you look out the window to the fresh night wind. You never would’ve met him.
It’s funny, you think. To come back and get a brain tumour in the shape of a rocker who can’t fucking touch anyone who loves him, who he loved, only for you to fall in love with a corpo you can’t fucking touch at all because… because there is no time left. It just isn’t fair.
“I used to be a corpo kid,” you confess, looking at him with a wry smile again. That catches his attention. He looks at you with those eyes that scrutinize you, interrogate you, peel you apart to your bare essentials and you have to look away before you can’t control your face anymore. God fucking damn it. “Not when it mattered, obviously, but… I remember what it was like. Grew up hating every single on of them.”
“Your parents were Arasaka?”
“Mhm. Security division.” It’s like your eyes are magnetic to his because when you blink, you find yourself regarding him again. Your fingers play at your lips. “Counterintelligence. I was supposed to go into that, too. Big dreams.” 
“I see.”
“Yeah, then my parents were tried for treason and murdered, so I got thrown out. That’s it.” Your hand falls away. You pick at the chipped nail polish on your thumb. “Never told anyone that. ‘Cept…” Jackie. Well, he’s fucking dead, now. “‘Cept you, now, I guess. Guess some corpos aren’t so bad.”
The corner of his mouth pinches up like he’s flattered and you can’t help the pleased warmth spreading through your chest. 
“Should I be honoured I am one of the few exceptions you have made?”
“Well, I don’t make exceptions often, so…” You grin slyly. He looks away just as you catch a flash of his smile growing. It’s a nice smile. You wish you saw it more often before the end of the road. Maybe it’s one of the regrets you have, too. “Yeah, maybe you should feel special.”
“C’mon, Takemura. Humour the walking dead, yeah?” You stretch against the leather of his car seat with a pleased sound. “I’m spending what time I have left with who I want to. Can’t ask for much better than that.” A quiet hangs in the air as you melt against the black leather and you look at Takemura who’s staring at the wheel with an intensity you don’t often see. It makes your gut squirm. 
“And I? I am one of those people?”
You lean on one hip and look at him, bending a knee and resting an ankle on your thigh. He looks at you with an uncertainty—an uncertainty you’re sure echoes in your eyes.
It was business, then it wasn’t. Maybe it never was.
“Yeah. You’re one of the few on the short list.”
“Exceptions again.”
You laugh. “Yeah. You’re an exception to most things, I think. Weird, that.”
“How so?”
“Ah, I don’t know. I’ve had family—still do, ones that matter, you know. Just… no one ever like you, Takemura. Drives me crazy.”
“The feeling is mutual. Your mocking brings you onto thin ice, V.” His fingers tap against the steering wheel. The engine’s off so it seems more fidgety than anything. Weird. You never noticed he fidgeted before. Maybe he’s nervous?
About what?
“I must ask you something.”
“If you have a future, what do you see for yourself?”
Your eyebrows shoot up. You frown and pick at your flecking nail polish even more, looking at your hand and focusing more on that so you don’t have to answer your question. His eyes burn into you and you swallow, trying not to act like you haven’t thought, in regret, at night, about a hundred million fucking times the possibilities they could’ve had together.
You’re not about to say all that.
Instead: “Settling down with the family. Mama Welles, people at the Coyote.” You blatantly don’t look at him when you add, “Others. This has been enough action for a lifetime.” You rest your hands on your lap and chance a glimpse at him. He’s looking away from you, out the window on his side, and you shift in your seat. “How about you? You must’ve… had dreams. Before all this shit went down. You make it out of here and then what?”
When he looks at you, your heart nearly cracks at the sadness in his eyes. He smiles, but there is no strength, and his eyes are darker than the night surrounding them.
“I would go to the countryside, just as I’ve always wanted. Leave this, all of this, behind. Rural Japan is beautiful, so a small town would suffice where everyone knows everyone. We do favours for one another. It is community. Nothing like here.” His lips pull into a tiny frown. “When I was a younger man, I wanted a daughter,” is all he says. “I believe I could have been a great father, so perhaps… perhaps one day.”
“A daughter? Not a son?” you ask curiously, and he almost chuckles. You can’t help the faint smile on your face. 
“If my daughter grew up anything like her mother,” he explains with a slight glance towards you, “I would have more hope than a son who was like me.”
You frown.  “You’re not a bad man, Takemura. Any son like you—with your code of honour, your shitty selfie skills—no one’s gotta a chance.”
He merely scoffs in response. Again, with the you mocking him. It’s a wonder he lets you.
“But really, that sounds… nice. A daughter, a wife.” You drum your fingers against your knee and his eyes dart to yours, click like they were always destined to meet, and your lips part. Words stall on your tongue and you want to speak but in the dim lights, you are lost in the darkness of his eyes. Something comes, something goes, and you barely croak out, “Whoever marries you will have to deal with so much of your shit that the kids have to turn out alright. The complaining, for one. Picky eater for another.”
This time, he does chuckle and you swallow a breath at the sound. “Dealing with it comes with practice, V.”
“Is that so?”
“Shouldn’t you know?”
“I—“ For once, no funny retort, no witty quip shoots out of your mouth, and you realize that there is an implication—an intricate dance where they’re struggling not to step on each other’s toes and nearly failing at every turn, yet somehow, it works because they’re dancing, and it’s quiet, and it’s… it’s peaceful.
Shit, you’re getting a load of this. When’d you become a poet?
“I guess I should know,” you finally say. “Never understood why I got so giddy whenever I saw your texts, you know, seein’ your name flash on my phone.” You laugh bitterly. “Guess I know why, now.” He’s silent and you don’t look at him. You look at the dashboard where you’ve kicked your feet up a dozen times, the glove compartment that still has your sunglasses inside.
“Thank you for everything. Shit’s a little… more bearable, I guess. When you’re around, that is.” The words come out stilted, awkward, but your heart is so heavy in your throat you feel like you’re going to choke. You look into your lap, your whole body incinerating under what you’re sure is the most judgemental glare of your life and you just hope to fucking God this man says something, does something.
Holy shit. You’re going to die of embarrassment. Didn’t even think that was possible.
Then, a loud sigh. A sigh you’ve heard often enough beside you right before a gunfight or when he has to eat the food you ordered for him or even the nights when they’re exhausted, bruised, and just plain tired right before going to sleep where they lay on the floor.
It’s exasperated, a how on earth did we get here, a very annoyed again, you’re so fucking stupid, and you’re still running through your list on what this particular sigh can mean before a hand gently takes hold of yours. Your eyes dart to his, blinking and he stares at you like you’ve just stabbed him. Your heart is fucking racing in your chest, pounding like thunder. His fingers fold over and you realize, as you interlace fingers, that his skin is burning at your touch. 
Or maybe, it’s the other way around.
They sit there in silence, not looking at one another, looking out windows, parts of the car, everything but each other, and when he squeezes your hand, you close your eyes and swallow your heart.
It’s over.
“V,” he murmurs, voice so deathly quiet and raspy in your ears that your gut clenches. You turn to watch him. “Tell me that you will not stop fighting.” You swallow your breath as his eyes flicker from your own to your parted lips. He inhales quietly and you swear you can feel his heartbeat pulsing in his fingers in your grip. “That this is not all for nothing.”
“It isn’t.“
“Then I was right.” His eyes flutter back to your gaze and he tilts his head. Wisps of fine hair escaping his manbun brush over his nose and you reach up on your own accord, swiping it behind your ear. You lean over the console, your elbow digging into the leather and, tentatively, you trail your fingers down his jaw, hold his face in your hand. “I am… what is that phrase you use so often?”
“Royally fucked?”
“We need to expand your vocabulary.” You smile nefariously as his other hand reaches for your chin. He pinches it lightly, thumb stretching up to brush over your lips and your face freezes at his touch. “But yes. Royally fucked. I wasn’t wrong when I said I needed you.”
“I think that meant a whole something else back then,” you whisper rawly and he smiles sombrely. His thumb leaves your mouth to brush your cheek, his eyes fixing on you as if he’s trying to memorize aspects of your face: the arch of your nose, the bow of your smile, the way your brow wrinkles. “Meant more business-like.”
“I did. And now, I believe the terms have changed.” He arches an eyebrow. “Are we at a mutual understanding, V?”
“Yes.” And I hate that we are. Your hand along his jaw lifts to wrap around his wrist. “Consider that feeling mutual, yeah? It goes both ways.”
“I will.” Another small smile graces his lips. It makes him look younger every time and you rub your thumb over the back of his hand. 
“Do you wanna grab something to eat before you drive me back home for some shuteye?”
“The choices here are atrocious, V.”
“Then, drinks,” you propose, letting go of his wrist. He lets go of your chin, and turning to face the front, you kick up your feet on his dash. He stares at you for a moment then sighs because there really isn’t anything he can do about it. Nor, do you think, he wants to. You squeeze his hand and send him a silly smile. “How about drinks? I wasn’t hungry anyway.”
“Are you paying?”
You eye him incredulously. “Who do you take me for? You?”
He snorts and the engine roars to life with a flick of his wrist. He grabs the wheel dominantly and you swallow at the way his fingers wrap around the handle. “The Afterlife, then?”
“Or, we could make it rustic.” You pull his hand into your lap playfully and run a thumb over his knuckles. His eyes flit over and you send him a smirk. “I know Mama Welles doesn’t like you, but the Coyote’s serving cheap. Happen to like me there.” He begins to pull out of their little overhang and he nudges their joined hands into your abdomen, silently telling you to buckle in. Rolling your eyes, you mumble out a ‘boomer’ underneath your breath before letting go of him and following orders.
He settles a hand on your thigh and squeezes. You hang an arm out the window. 
The wind’s running through the car, he has the radio on low, and they’re easing through onto the highway.
Your chest is lighter than a feather, mind’s quieter than a ghost.
You’ve seen scarier deaths, dealt a lot more. You know that silence is a bigger killer than most bullets.
But here you are now…
“I’m changing this,” Takemura says. “This music is terrible.”
…Shit, maybe life isn’t so bad, ending the way it is.
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quirklessidiot · 3 years
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title : cigarettes and parfaits [2] pairing : older!nanami kento x younger!reader [13 year age gap, ft toji fushiguro] Genre: romance, fluff, josei, mild angst, comedy, strangers to lovers au
Summary: you’re pretty sure you’d remember marrying a man 13 years older than you, right?
Warnings: alcohol, smoking, mild smut, y/n making stupid decisions, everyones a human-au so yeh non-canon stuff and everyone’s happy (periODT) Notes: tbh idk how marriage works in japan, all i know is that once you have both your signatures in the marriage registration certificate with one witness then you guys r married skdjssks anyways onto the story- also might i add this is happy story?? i promise yall, all youll see is cute stuff in this story bcos fuck angst (ok maybe lil angst since you know plot development) but i stand by that nanami kento deserves that trip to malaysia under the sun with his lover! before i forget to add, the age dynamics is that y/n is around 25 and nanami is 38. no power play and all that, just two healthy consenting adults! sorry for the early delete had some minor corrections :( 
Izakaya-informal japanese bar
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*13 hours earlier; a night before at some random Izakaya in Tokyo*
You sat in front of your phone and three bottles of saki, despite your friends advising you countless of times to lay off drinking too much, all sense and warnings are thrown off the window tonight.
You’re clearly far from sobriety as you recall the video chat with your otosan not looking too good and bright, “Why don’t you move back home? It’s not like the teaching job at tokyo is all that great! You’re alone there and your obachan and I don’t like that a lot…” your father’s words haunt you again and again.
Just what was wrong with living alone? And excuse your otosan but you definitely had a very good job at Tokyo High (It was a prestigious academy that paid well, best job out there that you still didn’t know how you landed). You mumbled a few curses underneath your breath, Oh, how much you love that oaf of a father and worrywart of a grandmother but could they lay off the idea of settling down? You were a responsible and good child who never had stepped a toe out of line. Wasn’t that enough already? You immediately downed the drink and let the saki burn your throat down.
“Oh ho, slow down there.” You hear someone say, “You’re all alone and it seems like you have no one to help you back home.”
It seemed like the men on the opposite side of the bar had noticed you.
“I can take myself home, thank you very much.” You mumbled, loud enough for them to hear. Unlike older men who liked to prey on you for your innocent stature. The men who sat across you in the Izakaya didn’t really exude that sort of energy (what can you say, you had a knack of experiencing that, unfortunately).
“Are you sure? We can ask the owner to call a cab for you. She’s a woman and she’s a friend of ours.” the other one in robes pipes in, wait, was that a Buddhist monk?
“No, I’m good. It’s just…” You paused before letting out a long sigh, “A bad time so I need to stick around for a bit.”
The white-haired stranger tilts his head just a bit, “Seems like you and a friend of mine are both going through some rough patches.” he replied, pointing towards his blonde company who you didn’t notice until now.
You wordlessly shifted your gaze towards the office worker next to the Buddhist monk, you hadn’t noticed the blonde man until now. It seemed like he was going through a rough time too since the pair was loud and boisterous enough to conceal his silent presence.
You notice how out of place he looks with his crisp and clean suit, hard gaze, and silence. It made you wonder what sort of man hangs out with two contrasting personalities, “You’re wondering if he’s our friend or our boss, aren’t ya?” the white-haired man asks.
You immediately turn red in embarrassment, were you that easy to read? You try to stutter out an apology but the monk waves it off, “It’s alright, we get it all the time. Contrary to popular belief, Kento is two years younger than us and is our junior from high school.” He smiles.
“Ah,” you nodded mutely, “Sorry. It definitely wouldn’t make sense to see a boss and his subordinates at an Izakaya.”
“Oh, Kento-chan doesn’t usually go out drinking but he couldn’t resist. After all, he’s a father with two very emotional teenage boys.” The white-haired man teased in a sing-song voice. It seemed like the three were close, with the way they were carelessly lounging around the stoic and kind-of scary man.
“I’m starting to wonder if he gets that teasing attitude from you.” The blonde man, seemingly out of his trance, called out his friend. Contrasting to his aloof features, he didn’t mask the annoyance in his tone.
“Oh, uh, do you need help?” you quietly asked, tilting your head to the side in wonder. The blonde man’s head snapped to your direction and quirked a brow.
“And you are?” he seemed to be calculating and observing you from head to toe. It suddenly made you a bit self-conscious because this older gentleman had no business being this good looking and scary at the same time.
“Oh, I’m Y/N by the way. I’m actually a high school teacher.” You introduced yourself sheepishly, “I’m always surrounded by angsty teenagers.”
His gaze narrowed just a bit, it seemed like he’ll be giving you the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he was a bit desperate since he was getting advice from a drunk stranger in an Izakaya out of all places, “So what seems to be the problem, Ojisan?”
He’s still quite hesitant so it’s his white haired friend who speaks out for him, “You see, Kento-chan here just moved last week because of a promotion from Kyoto.” he grins, telling the story for his friend, “His kids aren’t very keen with the moving, well one of them is outright showing it and the other one is well keeping it in since he’s just the sweeter one.”
The white-haired stranger keeps babbling on about how his friend had regretted taking the work promotion because it feels like he shouldn’t have done that. You peerlessly observe the older man’s reaction while his friend talks about his problems to you. He remains stoic.
It didn’t look like it but it seemed like this man had such a soft spot for his kids.
How nice, his wife must be proud of him.
“... and before I forget to add, Kento-chan is very much single.”
You almost choke on your saliva, this friend of his sure knew how to run his mouth. It suddenly dawns upon you why this man had been very worried, he was a single parent who only wanted what was best for his boys but he didn’t even know how he should proceed now.
“Um, ojisan?” You quietly call out, “I think you’re doing great.”
Silence lingered in the air for a bit, you cringed at your rather awkward and forward approach, “Excuse me?” the older blonde man asked, clearly dismayed by your response.
“It’s just…” you ears turn red, not from the alcohol but from embarrassment, “You wouldn’t have moved in the first place if the pay wasn’t better than your old job, right? Plus you’re alone and raising two kids. It definitely isn’t easy to provide for everything alone but I can see that you did some careful reevaluation on the whole thing. Obviously you can’t avoid the fact that they feel bad but you can sit them down and talk to them about how the whole thing was beneficial not just for you but for them too.”
You spoke way too quickly that you wondered if the man could understand you.
The blonde man holds his breath for a moment, “I know…” he mumbles, “I just don’t really know how to talk to them.”
“Well, maybe you could take them out?” You advised, “Spend a whole day with them for a while and just move around with them. Help them get acquainted around their new school or something!”
You watch him silently look at his glass and think it over. Man, if this guy wasn’t older, your obaasan would outright agree and tell you to go out with him since she was never fond of how men weren’t as calm or laid back as he was.
“That sounds plausible. Thank you, Y/N-san.” his voice turned a bit softer and you feel your stomach turn just a little queasy by his tone. God, was the alcohol this bad?
“Well, would ya look at that.” the white-haired man grins, placing his drink up as if he was signaling everyone to cheers with him, “I told you drinking at an Izakaya would solve all your problems. For that, we should drink here again next week!”
The man glared at him yet again, “No. I should be heading home now. I can’t be anymore away from S-”
“Ah, ah. You promised that you’d stay until 2 am.” The white-haired man hushed, “Or I’ll be pestering you for a whole month.”
You could definitely tell that a vein popped on his forehead and his blood pressure was shooting up. Man, you were really starting to doubt that white-haired man was older than everyone in this room. He sure had the mental age of an elementary student.
“You also said I could leave after five drinks.”
“That’s only your second.”
“Satoru…” the Buddhist monk dangerously hovers over his white-haired friend. Wow, middle-age men sure were amusing, “You don’t even drink that well and he has to drive home…”
“Tit for tat, I’ll hire one of my personnel to drive you home after five drinks and I’ll leave you alone for a wee-”
“Please just leave me alone for my whole life.” the blonde man deadpanned.
Unlike you, he wasn't such a bad drinker. Four bottles for him and one more drink for you later, you're both kind of woozy and you had gotten on even friendlier terms with the three men who you now know as Geto-ojisan, Gojo-ojisan, and finally, Nanami-ojisan. Nanami was well into his late thirties while Geto and Gojo were in their forties.
If you were sober, you wouldn’t be making friends with older men. With stories of how easily young people are taken advantage of in the big city, you’d swerve away from them. Luckily, it seemed like they were a good trio and not once did they invite you to sit on their table so you had some good distance between you four and so far, they hadn’t tried anything funny or uncomfortable.
Geto is currently a lawyer, Gojo’s apparently some swanky businessman of god knows what        you heard jewelry or something      and Nanami was an accountant. A job that he described was ‘dead-end’ and ‘fucking boring’.
“...What happened to your wife, Nanami-ojisan?” you ask, the alcohol slowly shedding your shyness away.
“I told ya, Y/N-chan. He never was married. The way he got the kids was just complicated!” Gojo Satoru frowns, splaying his long limbs in the air, for a man so enthusiastic with drinking, he sure got drunk pretty quickly.
“Really? Didn’t you have a hard time? Wow…” you whistled, “I have such high…” you raised your hand as high as you could, “...respects for like, single parents!”
“See? See? But he can’t get a partner because of that Y/N-chan.” Gojo pouts, “...We’ve been setting him up on dates and such but he keeps bailing on them!”
“I have kids.” Nanami deadpans, narrowing his eyes.
“What my friends are trying to say, Kento has a number of opportunities to bring a partner into his life but he likes to use the boys and his work as an excuse.” Geto surmised, it seemed like the lawyer was also starting to feel the effects of the alcohol since he had become more talkative.
“He’s good-looking, right Y/N-chan? If he probably didn’t act like some fossil from the Triassic period, he wouldn’t have a problem sometimes about the boys having a mother figure!” Gojo rants, making Nanami flick his forehead.
“Idiot, must you tell this stranger all my problems?” Nanami harshly interjected.
“Well, you do know that to actually get a partner, you must get out there, right ojisan?” you try to calm him down, you didn’t want a bar fight to erupt.
“I know.” he rolls his eyes, “But the kids-”
“I know.” You try to smile, “You aren’t very interested in bringing just anyone in your life, right? The boys need a permanent figure and you think dating around is going to help.”
“Holy shit, Y/N-chan.” Gojo exclaims, “I thought you were a teacher? How come you know all this shit?”
“It’s basic, Gojo-san.” you smile, ready to take another swig of your saki, “You should take into consideration that Nanami-san isn’t just anyone who’d settle for less. He needs stability since he’s technically a parent.”
“That makes you a perfect pair, don’t you think?” Geto nonchalantly replies, “I mean, you need a stable man in your life who has all of it figured out and wouldn’t hold you back at all while Kento here needs a person who could not only be a good parent but also be as understanding.”
“That’s…” you chuckle, he technically was right, “That’s definitely odd how all our problems will be solved if we both just went out together.”
“... looks young enough to be my child.” Nanami rejoined, “why would Y/N-san like-”
“I mean, you’re good looking.” you shrug, rather shamelessly, “I wouldn’t mind going out with you. Heck, I wouldn’t mind if I married you.”
Gojo spits out the saki he was drinking all over the table and that makes you cringe in disgust, “As long as he doesn’t get invited to the wedding. I’d marry you. If you’d like we could even get married right here, right now.” you proudly proclaim.
The blonde man is thrown off by your statement yet he’s too drunk to even sip in the seriousness of your words, “Well as much as I agree on not inviting Gojo to my wedding, I don’t know-” he tries to explain.
“You know what, isn’t Geto-san a lawyer? He could have it notarized and all that right now then we could get married. I’ll be a great mom and help you out then you could help me get my family off my back. You scratch my back, I scratch yours!”
Geto is definitely in shock, how odd was it that he even had a marriage registration certificate in his briefcase back in the car too?
You both could just sign it and Satoru could sign it as your witness and he could have it officially notarized since he had his seal back there too.
“So, Nanami-san, what do you say? Wanna marry me?”
Oh god, were you shameless.
Who in the right mind would marry a stranger, one who was thirteen years older and a father?
One thing was for sure, your friends were right. You definitely needed to stay away from alcohol.
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; @coldbookworm  ; @frankenstein852  ;  @neavil  ; @shephard17895  @kristineyoshaii ; @airybnb ; @okachansenpai ; @amortentiaxo ; @rinvtaro ; @franko-pop ; @kozutenshi ; @kaldoesthings ; @moonlitdabi ; @chococroissant​ ; @bleepop​ ; ​
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writing-good-vibes · 2 years
I saw the DVD commentary ask, and i'd like to ask about this part from the "we’re on a road to nowhere, would you like to come along" fic. Something about it just really hurts (in a good way). How Bo sometimes does stick up for his brother in such a major way. idk. This part in particular had me in all sorts of feels:
"Their parents wouldn’t let him anywhere near their car, wouldn’t let him take drivers ed classes at school, told him it was too dangerous for him to drive when he was half blind. That, of course, was probably true, but it didn’t stop Bo driving them far enough from the house that they could practice unseen.
“A man needs to know how to get around on his own,” Bo insisted, hopping out of the truck when they were far enough away from the house. He walked around to the passengers side and opened the door, shooing Vince across to the drivers seat.
Tentatively, Vincent moved over, keeping his hands away from anything that seemed important.
Bo jumped back in the truck, with Vincent eyeing him warily.
Are you sure about this? Vincent asks. As much as he resented his parents not allowing him to learn like Bo did, there was a deep worry in his chest that perhaps they were right, and they’d be proven right by him totalling Bo’s truck in an irrigation ditch.
“You ain’t backing out of this one, Vince. You gotta learn, can’t have you bein’ the only kid at school who can’t drive, even the goddamn Johnson boy takes driver ed and he’s been in junior year as long as Ah’ve known him,” he says firmly. He doesn’t wait for Vincent’s response before beginning to explain which peddle was which and pointing out the blinker and gear shift and parking brake."
thank you for sending an ask !! gives me the perfect reason to talk about my favourites and i will never turn that down. and this did turn into a long one below the cut.
just for context, i talk about this a lot but i find it so interesting so it's happening again: bo needs vincent more than vincent needs bo.
bo can be an asshole. he can be selfish and mean and controlling. he's like this because i honestly think he's scared to be on his own and he needs vincent to stay with him, no matter what. their conversation in the movie is very much bo on the defensive, he's scared and hurt and he lashes out because he doesn't know what else to do. and tbh, he knows vincent can take it.
in we're on the road to nowhere, they're relaxed. they're still kids, 17 years old and they're probably each others best friend. they grew up in an environment that was hostile at worst, tense at best and despite the competition that was fostered between them by trudy's favouritism, their behaviour in the movie makes me think they were still very much in a " us vs. everyone else" mindset.
bo, i think, doesn't have very good social skills, but he is very good at pretending he does, based on his environment ( @/aggravatetheaxe has talked about bo masking by mirroring the people around him, which i totally agree with). other people know how to drive, bo knows how to drive, so vincent needs to know how to drive. bo wants to be able to do what everyone else does (to an extent, that is how he survives out in the world, by copying) so it only makes sense that vincent be able to do the same. bo has a lot of guilt, he disappoints his parents enough but by 17 i think he's happy to disappoint them a bit more if it means helping vince.
fic commentary:
okay so like i said, bo and vincent very much think of the world as an "us vs. them" situation. they stick together no matter what. breaking the rules to teach vince how to drive is the least of their worries
i dont think bo is super comfortable driving either but he makes do because now he has his permit he's taken over driving him and vincent to school and tbh just keeping them out of the house for as long as possible every day
vincent is pissed at his parents because he's 17 and can't drive but he also doesnt want to go against what they've said necessarily. he survives by being trudy's favourite, he isnt totally up for doing something which could compromise that.
apparently, if someone is born with monocular vision (vision in only one eye) they adapt very well, and their depth perception, although not as good as someone with full vision, isn't too badly compromised because they've never known anything else.
legally, vincent would still be allowed to drive if he passes all the examinations
but i have a feeling the sinclairs wouldnt want anything to happen to him, so deprive him of it in "best interest"
even as adults i genuinely believe bo and vincent see the other as their best friend
i find it very interesting to think about who bo and vincent were before what we see in the movie. at this point in my hc timeline, they're still just kids and they talk and act like 17 year olds.
bo cares for vincent in the best way he can, by trying to provide him with the things you "need" to pass through society without incident. he really does. i think because he sees it as though they are one person who is split in two, he got the looks and vincent got the brains, they had an equal distribution attributes between them
bo feels a sense of responsibility towards vincent, even if he doesnt often manage to fulfil the caretaker role
when he does though, it is with mundane or even trivial things because its easier than doing grand gestures
he has the pretence of not wanting vincent to "look stupid" so he has to learn to drive, but i think it kind of symbolises more to bo than that. if vincent can drive, he's self sufficient (obviously it takes more than that but when you're 17, all you want to do is drive far away) and they can dream about moving far away from ambrose. though bo never brings this up.
by this point they are becoming more independent anyway so i think they both like having time away from the house to just like, be normal
when its just the two of them they dont feel the pressure of living up to other peoples expectations and tbh they're the only people they fully let themselves be natural around
i wish i'd developed this scene a little more just because i am bad at dialogue and i feel i gloss over scenes to quickly because i cant find the right dialogue.
thank you again for sending an ask, i genuinely love talking about their dynamic because their are so many facets to explore and so many angles to come at it from. i do go a bit soft on it usually, but i do in my heart believe that they have an understanding, even if they never talk about it out loud. thanks again for being interested enough in my work, knowing that it hits even a little bit hard ?? i will pass away now (positive) 💖
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timextoxhajima · 4 years
Member: juyeon bec idk
Genre: fluff and lots of uwu because i’m feeling it :<
Category: Playlist Feels One Shot
Word Count: 1.7k
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“time will be frozen for us”
most people associate something with someone. 
be it the watch your father gave you, or the stuffed plushie that your mother used to play with you before you fell asleep. 
yours was the sound of the door clicking open, even when it’s past midnight. 
usually you would’ve rolled yourself out of bed and ran for the door like you had five seconds left to live, but the ache in your back and the mild headache throbbing inside your skull was making the regular chore too much of a hassle.
“i’m back-- oh?”
you take a deep breath, legs warm under the blanket and the night light of your room painting the walls an amber yellow. the shuffling of his feet against the floor tells you he was walking towards the bedroom where you were stuck to your bed, and you look up at him, one arm under the pillow.
he looks down at you, his blank expression quickly replaced with worry and concern when he realises you wouldn’t be in bed on any other normal day, especially not when he’s returned from his busy schedule.
“are you... okay? i was expecting you to jump on me or something when i walked through the door,” he doesn’t bother to put his bag down, his free hand dropping his keys on the nightstand next to the bed near to you. 
the feverish sensation washes through you with each small breath you took as he presses his palm onto your forehead, and flips it over to press the back of his hand.
“aw... no,” he kneels down next to you and lays his head on the mattress, pulling your hand into his. “are you aching anywhere or is it just fever?”
“my back’s aching and my head’s going to kill me if it doesn’t go away soon, otherwise i’m fine.”
juyeon pouts and trails his eyes from your face to your fingers, playing with the edge of your nails while you let your fever runs its course.
“okay, well...” he pulls away, and him taking his warmth with him makes you feel slightly empty. “i’m gonna go make you some tea before i hop into the shower and--”
“noooo juyeon,” the whine was so annoyingly apparent, you couldn’t stop the laugh that ran up your throat as you reached out and grabbed his wrist.
juyeon smiles and chuckles at your whining, thumb reaching down and brushing your forehead. “no tea? what is it you need then?”
you gulp and start to press and play with the veins and knuckles on his hand. “i want to go out and see some stars.”
his face brightens, but dims back into confusion and disapproval, despite the smile never once leaving his lips. “stars? it’s one in the night, sweet pea. and on top of that, you have a fever.”
“what if i said i knew stars would make me feel better?” your other hand finds his wrist and you gently tug on it, your neck slowly aching from the need to look up at him even though you were lying down. he scans you from head to toe, and he watches you with skepticism while you fiddle with his hand.
“pleeeeaaaassseeeeeeee?” pulling up his palm to your face to let him hold your cheek, the pout on your lips only making you wonder if it was the fever talking. 
you see a flash flit across his pupils, and he sighs in defeat, his heart completely giving into what you wanted instead of what you needed.
“yay,” you giggle and use his arm as a support to sit yourself up. 
“but we are coming back once your ache starts to worsen and if you sneeze -- just once -- and we’ll come back immediately, okay?” he helps you off the bed and he hands you one of his sweaters to pull over your already thick, baggy shirt. “you’re lucky my schedule tomorrow isn’t in the morning.”
you bare your teeth in mischief with a smile, and the sight of him wrapping his fingers around the car and house keys makes you feel instantaneously better.
the pick-up truck was given to you by your father, and that was the thing you associated him with. he’d always wanted to get you a nicer, newer car, but all the memories you had with your parents in that old vehicle was just priceless. 
you were lucky your boyfriend knew how to work his way around cars, else your father would’ve sent the pick-up truck to be dismantled. 
juyeon throws some pillows and blankets into the backseat of the truck while you get in the passenger’s seat, and it wasn’t a surprise to see him climbing onto the cargo bed and spraying some disinfectant on it.
the drive to the field nearby was nothing short of juyeon telling you how his day went; and you couldn’t help but laugh at eric falling off the chair during the vlive they did in the evening. 
the boys weren’t the only ones who actively teased him about it. 
it wasn’t long before the pick up truck rumbled it’s way through the tall grass of the field and away from the trees that lined the roads. you were short of sticking your entire head out the window like a dog, the cold, midnight wind brushing past your skin and leaving light, delicate kisses. naturally craning your head to look upwards, you immediately start to gape and wander at the beauty of the little markings the heavens provided you. 
once in the middle of the field, juyeon pulls the car into parking and turns off the engine. you walk round the car and open the backseat to take some of the pillows while he took the blankets, and the both of you throw it into the cargo bed. he picks you up and you crawl under the blankets, eyes starting to glue themselves to the breathtaking view of the sky. 
the entire vehicle jerks when juyeon hops in on his own, and he crawls under the blanket with you, arm sliding under your neck and around your shoulders to hold you close to him. 
your right ear presses against the left side of his chest, and his slow heartbeat becomes music to your ears, alongside the peaceful chirping of crickets in the grass all around you. 
juyeon had brought you out to stargaze on your first date, in this very spot, with this very pick-up truck, and it’s been your favourite place to heal since then. you don’t remember a time coming here without juyeon either.
the scent of grass and dew filled your nostrils and the gentle breeze was making it all the more easier to breathe. you would’ve caught a cold if you were alone, but the blankets coupled with the warmth you were feeding off juyeon was enough to make you forget about your fever. 
“if you’re uncomfortable or you feel your fever getting worse, we’re going home, alright?”
he whispers into your hair and pecks you on the crown of your head, his free arm reaching behind his head to prop it up atop the pillow. your left hand circles around his stomach, and your legs start to tangle with each other’s under the blanket. 
“i could totally sleep right now,” you smile into the material of his hoodie, and you snuggle into his comfort as if you weren’t already glued to him like tape. 
“it’ll be really funny if we both fall asleep here and we’ll get cooked by the morning sun when we wake up tomorrow.”
you laugh at his comment, and your eyes automatically open again to revel in the gorgeous sight of faraway planets and stars. 
you stay quiet against him for how long, you weren’t sure. time always seemed to fly past like it was nothing when you were with him. though it made you sad sometimes, to know that every second couldn’t be pulled into eternity, but you also knew that juyeon must’ve been someone special for you to feel so happy with, you couldn’t feel the effects of time. 
his gentle fiddling with your hair and circling on your shoulder drives you further into bliss, the scent of him starting to mix with the calming dewy scent of nature. 
if only this really could be your eternity. the things you’d do to drag this moment out forever. 
time did it’s job and continued running relentlessly, and juyeon squeezes your shoulder to tell you that it was now three, and you needed to get home to rest up properly.
you were reluctant at first, but wherever juyeon was, it would be home to you.
juyeon lets you shower first, so by the time he was in bed with you, your spirit was already half gone into the wonderland of dreams and cotton candy.
instinctively, you lay your head on his chest again, palm flat right next to your nose and his arm absorbs the warmth of your neck, fingers resting on the skin of your shoulder. 
“are you feeling better though? after seeing the stars?” his voice rumbles through his chest, and you grin to yourself upon knowing that you heard it through his skin. 
“i don’t need to see stars to feel better, i just had to find an excuse so the both of us won’t pass out so early.”
you feel him shift his head and a small laugh exposes itself as little bursts of air into the crown of your head.
“aw,” he cooes, kissing you on the forehead. “i’m sorry i’ve been so busy these few weeks. my schedule will definitely lighten up in a month or so, so please bear with me, would you?” 
you hear the apologetic tone in his voice, and it breaks you a little. angling your head upwards, you push yourself up with enough effort to peck him on the lips for comfort.
“i’ll wait for you no matter how long it takes,” you return to your previous position and snuggle even harder if it was possible. “even if it takes a million years.”
his left hand finds the one that was on his chest and he interlocks his fingers between yours, the sensation drilling warmth and bliss throughout your entire nervous system.
“if that’s your way of saying ‘i love you’, then i love you too.”
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trikxx · 3 years
I try to put a lil something before the chapter cause thats what I usually do but I can think if anything😀 on to the story.
Songs for this chapter ⬇️
•shame by summer walker
•if you let me by sinead harlett
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Armoni's pov
I got up early cause I didn't want y/n to kill Shinsou for letting me drive. I have my permit and all but I still have to take my drivers test... again. Y/n doesn't trust me with the car but shes gonna have to give in soonnn.
I go into the living room and they not there anymore
So I go to Shinsou's room to get him. "SURPISE SHAW.." He wasn't in there. The last place he could be thats inside the house is y/n's room. 'God please let me going here and know that nothing happened last night even though I want a niece not yettt' I think in my head while putting my hands together.
I slowly opened the door. 'please please pleaseee' I slowly open my eyes and they are fully clothed and only facing each other "THANK THE GODS!" I accidentally yell out waking up Shinsou.
"Wtffff Armoni."
"Damn, what happened to hey, hello, good morning." I say. "Waiting in living room ill be ready in a little bit.
Shinsou's pov
I slowly slip out of y/n's bed and go to my own room and hop in the shower, brush my teeth, fix my hair and get dressed. After I finished I grabbed my keys and put on my shoes. "Lets go." I say to Armoni
"I would have let you drive y/n's truck but you know how she is." I say "Yea i know" Armoni said adjusting the seat. "Check it out so I have a automatic so you dont have to worry about all that fancy stick shift shit you thought was finna happen when you got in. Nope." I explained to Armoni everything he needed to know. "No music til you drive a mile" I say. Armoni pulled out the parking spot and out he garage and started driving.
"Damn you actually drive good." I say to Armoni. "I know its just my sister." We started driving toward y/n's parents house to take Armoni home and so I could make it back home so me and y/n could go to Sero's shop.
~Time skip~
Y/n's pov
I wake up and get in the shower not really acknowledging the fact that Shinsou and Armoni were gone out the house. The quiet was nice. I stepped and wrapped a towel around my body and staring to brush my teeth. I heard the front door open. I walk out my bathroom into my room to peek out the door.
"Oh your woke now?." Shinsou says. I tolled my eyes and  closed my door back to get dressed.
Your outfit
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I did my hair the same way I did it last night then grabbed my wallet and keys and walked out the room "We taking your car?" I ask Shinsou. "Yea." He responds. I out on my shoes and we walk out the door.
~Time skip~
We pulled up to a tattoo shop that had a sign that said '4RT' "You ready?" Shinsou said. "Wait they open?" I say. The shop looked like no one was there even though there was four cars outside besides ours.
"Naw they not open." Shinsou said side eyeing me. I rolled my eyes and got out the and Shinsou did the same.
We entered the shop and heard low music playing. "Yoooo Shinsou!" I heard Sero yell from down the hallway. "Is that the beautiful y/n?" Denki said following behind Sero. Shinsou side eyes Denki and Denki puts his hands up like this '✋🏽😐🤚🏽'
"What tats do yall want?" Sero asks. "Ima get this." Shinsou says showing Sero the picture.
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(This is the only one I could find that I liked Pinterest did me wrong yall ✋🏽🥲 ill edit it if i find sum different;-;)
"Still a minimalist I see." Sero says joking around. "And you?" Sero resumes pointing to me. "Oh I was thinking something like this."
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"Thats niceee." Sero says. "Ok I'll do y/n and you can get Shinsou." Sero says to Denki. Denki nods and leads Shinsou to his area and I got Sero's. "This your first tat or nah?" He asks. "Nah." I says showing him the dragon tattoo behind my ear that goes on to my shoulder. "Thats dope as fuck." Sero says starting the sketch for your tattoo.
(Idk how this works🧍🏽‍♀️)
~Time skip~
Third pov
Sero finished the sketch and started apply the stencil (yall know the little thing they put on the you before they actually tattoo..yea that.)
Sero turned on some music (the song at the top played first) and started tattooing. At first it hurt but soon you got use to it. "You ok?" Sero asked. "Yea." You say looking back at you phone.
~Time skip~
You here the door of the shop open. You saw a pink haired girl rush passed the room you and Sero were in. Eventually peeking her head in ti the room "Im here Sero they kept me late at the mall my bad... Y/N?!"
"Heyyoo." You say smiling at her. "We have to talk after your done ok?" She says. You nod your head at her and she skipped away. You lay your head back vibing to the music trying to ignore the pain.
"Ok Cool Kami.." Shinsou says walking into the room. "Y/n... holy shit." You look up at Shinsou then look down at the tattoo and back at Shinsou "what." You ask. "I should have let you pick my tattoo."
You raise your eyebrows and formed an straight like with your lips then nodded your head up and down slowly. "Im gonna wait in the lobby ok?" Shinsou says "ok." You say. Shinsou walks out the room and you look back down at you phone.
Shinsou's pov
I walk into the lobby and sit close to ok the desk and talk to Mina and Denki. "And bro she was like..." Denki was saying then pointed to where he was looking at.
'Woah' I see a girl come through the door." Hey! Welcome to Art. How may I accommodate you today." Mina days with a smile. "Hiii I had made an appointment." The girl says. "What was the name?" "Camie." She says.
"Alright, you can sit over there..." Mina said pointing over by me. "and Denki will be with you in a moment." Mina finishes. "Hey hottie whats your name." The girl says to me. "Shinsou. And yours?" I say looking at her.
"My names Camie." She says. "Hold on." She says getting up. She comes back with paper and a pen. "Camie?" Denki says to her. "Here." She whispers to me and hands me a piece of paper then follows Denki. I looked her up and down looking at her outfit. She winked at me before disappearing into the hallway. 'Damnnnnnn'
Camie's outfit
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"Finally out that fucking chair got damn." Y/n says stretching while walking into the lobby.
"Thats one hell of a grin Toshi." Y/n says making the "😏" face. "Hush and let me see." I say.
Y/n's pov
I show Shinsou my tattoo. "Im just fye like that." Sero says. I chuckle and start walking to pay. But Shinsou stops me "I'll pay." He says. "But.." "unt uhn." I roll my eyes and step back.
"Alright I'll see you guys." Shinsou says walk towards the door. "Byeeee" I say going after him. "Wait!" I go back in the shop. "Heres my number Mina facetime, text, call, or what ever. And we can talk." I say writing it down. "Ok! Bye Y/n!" I wave at her walking out the door and running ti the car.
"Alright I'm ready."
~time skip~
We get back to the apartment and I flop down on my bed. "Sooo tireddd." I say. I pick up my computer and check how many orders we had 'its not that bad' i think to myself closing my computer and putting it back on my nightstand.
I walk out my room to go mess with Shinsou but when I got closer to his room he was... giggling? I held in my laughter and knocked on his door. "Yo Toshi you hungry?" I say through the door. "Yea hold on." He responds back.
20 minutes later
Shinsou's pov
"Ok what did yo..." I say. 'This mf really fell alseep in 20 minutes' I think to myself. I pick y/n up and put her in her bed.
I walk into the kitchen and ordered y/n's f/f for her and something for me.
Camie🤍: Hey Hitoshi🤗.
Hitoshi☄️: Hey👋🏽.
Camie🤍: i wanted to know if you wanted to hang out tonight and get to know each other?
Hitoshi☄️: im cool with that but where.
Camie🤍: your place?
Hitoshi☄️: I would sag yea but we would just be in my room. I have a roommate and they get kinda rowdy.
Camie🤍: Its ok. What ever you want babes😁.
Hitoshi☄️: cool.
Hitoshi ☄️: Also eat before you come over i only provide snacks.
Camie🤍:LOL. Ok☺️.
|your food for HITOSHI has been delivered|
I go out the door to get the food and come straight back to the apartment. I look through and make sure everything is there. Then I put y/n's food in the refrigerator/on the counter(depends on what you picked).
~time skip~
Camie🤍: should i park on the street?
Hitoshi ☄️: yea.
I walk downstairs to let Camie in. "Hey handsome." She said and kissed me on the cheek. We went back to the apartment and into my room. "I'll be back." I say walking out the room. "Hey Shinsou." Y/n says waving at me while walking out her room.
"Hey, Your foods in the fridge." I say. "Thank you." She says hugging me then warming up her food and going back to her room. I cut off the lights in the living room and a leave the one above the sink on. Then I go back to my room with Camie.
Y/n's pov
I go back to my room and watch tv and start packing orders. Sometimes I do orders by myself just for some me time (play if you let me by sinead harnett).
Unknown: Y/n please I miss you so much please. Im sorry I didn't mean for it to happen please just take me back ill do better please. I still love you.
Y/n: If this is who I think it is No. cause you know what you did and it really doesn't make sense that you cant get that shit into your head stop contacting me. Im not taking you back even if its the end of the world.
Unknown: please y/n
*this number you are contacting has blocked you*
I finished eating and went to throw my stuff away. I got in the shower did my skincare and brushed my teeth. 'I should just chill out in my room.' I think ti myself while getting out the shower and drying off.
I put on some spandex shorts and a hoodie. The pull out my sketchbook to make more designs.
I've been sketching for about a hour so i go to see if Shinsou wanted to watch a movie but as I got closer to the door i hear moans getting louder. 'No, he did not.' I thought to myself. I go to the living room and just turn on the tv and watch a movie alone in the dark.
About an hour late I hear him coming out the room. "That was sooo nice." I hear a girl say. She come out of the hallway where Shinsou's room is. "Who are you?" She says.
"I'm y/n." I say. "Shinsou there's a girl out here. Maybe your roommate has her over." She says.
'Is she-' "wait whats your name?" I ask her
"Camie." She says "oh, do you know Todoroki?" I say "yes i know him." She says kind of with a attitude. "Ohhh I remember youu. Aren't you his ex." She said.
"Alright are you... hey y/n." Shinsou said. "Really Hitoshi." I say getting up. "Of all the people in the world HER." I say. "What are you talking about y/n."
"You know what im talking about Hitoshi. Or do you not remember why your own best friend broke up with her boyfriend." I say. Shinsou looked like his heart dropped to his ass.
𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤
"Hey y/n its gonna be ok forget about him."Shinsou says. "Im gonna call Ace to come and get you."
Ace: Hello?
Shinsou: Hey Ace i need you to come to Y/n's house right now.
Shinsou looks at the code book you gave him for emergencies like this.
"Code...uhhh pink no wait its a purple"
Ace: Im on my way right now.
Y/n's pov
"Two years down the fucking drain for what!" i yell as Ace comforted me. "N/n you have to calm down a little." Ace says. i layed in my bed under my cover with my music blasting. My parents were on a business trip and my brother was at our Aunts house.
Me, Ace, and Shinsou heard someone knock on the door so I go to open it. "Y/n i'm sorry! It all happened so fast and I was drunk." Todoroki says. "DRUNK MY ASS SHOTO! YOU NEW WHAT THE FUCK YOU WERE DOING AND IT WASN'T A ACCIDENT." I say yelling. "Hey Y/n I got this go chill out." Shinsou says pulling me back.
I step back and then I look at his car and she was in there. I push both boys out the way and walk to the car. I snatched the door open and pulled her out the car. "SO YOU FUCKING LOVE ME RIGHT?! YOU WANT ME BACK HUH?! BULLSHIT SHOTO GET YOUR SHIT AND GO. IM DONE. AND AS FAR AS I KNOW ONCE YOU OUT YOU DICK IN HER WE WERE DONE SO GET YOUR SHIT AND LEAVE."
Todoroki grabbed Camie from you and got her back in the car. "Im sorry ill leave.".
𝐄𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤
"Damn i did it again." Camie says with a smirk on her face. "Maybe its just not meant to b..." I cut her off by gabbing her hair and slamming her on the couch.
"Say some slick shit again Camie. I fucking dare you. I will do something I didn't get to do then. Cause i dont give a fuck now. Ima let you go this is what you do to avoid getting your ass beat. Get your bag, keys, and shoes and get the fuck out this house and never come back." I say. She nods and I let her go.
Camie runs and gets her stuff and leaves the apartment. "Wtf Y/n." Shinsou says. "You know she was just gonna be a hit and kick anyway so im saving her the heartbreak." I say walking to my room. "Thats not the point y/n you didn't have to do that."
Shinsou said
"THEN WHATS THE POINT HITOSHI?!" I say. "THE POINT IS THAT YOU BROUGHT UP STUFF FROM A LONG TIME AGO." Shinsou argues back. "you know i tried to ignore the fact that you brought the girl that he cheated on me with." I say calmly. "but dont argue back. i dont want to waste your breath on this. and just to tell you ill leave for the night to give you some time to yourself." I say walking away to my room.
When I get into my room I feel and tear come down my face as i get out some overnight clothes. I text Mina to see if she was free.
Y/n🤍🌸: Hey Mina are you free to night
Mina🥀: Sorry babes im out with my boyfriend
I sighed and texted Sero
Y/n🤍🌸: Yoo Sero
Sero🤠: wsp y/n
Y/n🤍🌸: Can I crash at your place tonight? Me and Hitoshi kinda got into a fight.
Sero🤠: Sure, im still at the shop so you can come here til i close up
Y/n🤍🌸: alright cool.
I finished packing my bag and slip on some grey sweats and went to the door. As i was putting on my shoes Shinsou came out to the door. "You don't have to leave Y/n." He says. "Well if you dont want me to leave for then ill be leaving for myself. Ok? Cool." I says as I grab my keys off the rack and walk out the door.
👀 dont hurt me ya’ll please dont😬
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pogueshomecoming · 4 years
secret girlfriend - kiara carrera
requested? yes:  noticed you didn’t have anything for kie and the idea just popped into my head but maybe like she meets a girl (another kook? Idk) and starts hanging out with the boys less and they get suspicious so they follow her and see her with the other girl but kie never told them she’s queer so they’re surprised but are obviously super supportive and don’t care. this is my first time ever requesting so not sure if I’m doing this right but do whatever you’d like with it :) (you did great! haha no right or wrong way to request. thank you for sending it in💕) 
fill out this survey to join my taglist, here’s my masterlist, and requests are open.
warnings: I’ve never written for a girl before nor have I been with a girl but... we’ll see how this goes. i decided to make this more from the pogues pov until the end it kind of switches cause i suck lol. FLUFF AT THE END. it’s cute in my opinion. 
word count: 2.1k
“John B, can you drop me off first this time? I’m going to be late for my shift at the wreck.” Kiara checks her phone, pretending to look at the time.
“But we pass Pope’s place first... Why would we turn around and go back?” JJ scrunches his face in confusion, and Kie rolls her eyes, stomping her feet a little bit to get her point across. 
“Fuck off, JJ, I didn’t ask you. JB? Come on, I can’t be late again.” Kiara whines. 
“Sure, we could even come with you. Hang around out back so you can sneak us some food?” 
Panic rises in Kie as she quickly shakes her head. “My dad will be there all shift, so that won’t happen. You guys can’t hang around like that when he’s there.” 
She’s quick to defend, but none of them seem to notice. “Okay fine, but tell Mr. C that we said hi, maybe eventually he’ll like us if you keep doing that,” JJ interjects again, and Kie chuckles. 
“Yeah, maybe.” 
It’s only a few moments later that John B is pulling up to a dock. Kie jumps when she’s close enough. “Thanks. Love you guys! See ya.”
A chorus of, “Love you too” s ring out behind her as she runs away. 
“Was that weird to anyone else?” Pope asks as they pull away, turning back towards Heywards. 
“Nah. I think she mentioned the other day about someone quitting, so she’s covering shifts until they find someone else.” John B speaks without taking his eyes off of the water in front of him.
“Sweet, I’m going to apply,” JJ smirks, and Pope can’t help but shake his head. 
“You do that.” 
“Kie just texted that she’s not coming.” John B says as he exits the chateau. The four of them were supposed to go drive around the island, get up to some real Pogue mischief. 
“What? Did she say why?” JJ sits up in the hammock, causing it to wobble, and Pope almost falls out of the other side. 
“They’re painting the new wreck sign or something like that. Guess they haven’t hired anyone yet.” JB shrugs and shoves his phone into his back pocket. 
“Well, driving around doing nothing doesn’t sound like fun when there’s no anyone there to stop us from doing dumb shit.” JJ sighs.
“Hey, I’m pretty good at that.” Pope is offended but laughs it off. 
“We could go fishing? Kie hates fishing.” John B looks at the two of them, waiting for confirmation. 
“Alright, fine. Let’s go fishing.” 
“So you’re telling me that there’s a whole part of the island with teenagers looking for a job, and Mr. C hasn’t hired anyone in two weeks?” Pope thinks out loud. JJ and John B are pulling a net in, but Pope is lying on his back at the from of the boat. 
“What are you talking about? And why?” JJ groans, giving one final pull to get the fish on to the deck. 
“Kie keeps telling us she’s filling in momentarily. Do you guys really think it’d be that hard to find someone to work? Mr. C could replace anyone at any time.” Pope sits up to find John B and JJ both looking at him. 
“So, what are you getting at? That Kie is lying to us?” John B asks, his head tilting to the side ever so slightly. 
“Obviously, I don’t know for sure, but it seems like it.” 
It’s silent for a few moments.
“Wait, Pope is right. She’s been dipping out early or not showing up at all, and her excuse is always the wreck. Why don’t we go see if she’s there now?” 
“Good idea.” JB drops the net in his hand and resumes his spot behind the wheel. 
JJ and Pope are holding on to dock posts, waiting as John B goes inside to find Kie. He’s not gone for very long before they see him jogging back to the boat. 
“She’s not there. Mr. C was, though. Said he thought she was with us. I covered for her, but now we know.” John B shrugs as he steps onto the boat, pushing off with one leg. 
“Kie never lies to us. She’s gotta be macking someone she doesn’t want us to know about. Right? Any other ideas?” JJ looks to Pope and JB individually, but they both shake their heads.
“Ugh, what if it’s a kook. Surely she wouldn’t date Topper, right? Or Rafe? I guess Kelce is a possibility. In that case, she can keep sneaking around.” Pope groans and makes a gagging motion with his finger. 
“Oh my god, wait. That’s perfect, Pope. We’ve got to catch her in the act. The pogues haven’t had a Sunset Saturday to Sunday Sunrise hang out in a while. Let’s have one, invite her, and when she makes an excuse or straight up leaves, we’ll follow.” John B smiles proudly, and surprisingly, Pope and JJ praise him for his idea. 
“And if she doesn’t leave?” Pope asks. 
“We’ll do it again next weekend.” 
Sunset Saturday to Sunday Sunrise used to be a Pogue tradition. They usually happened during the school year. It gave them all time to hang out and be with each other after long weeks of learning. As summer started creeping up, they got less and less because their time spent together got higher and higher. 
When Kiara agreed and told them she’d be there, they all got even more excited to bring the tradition back. 
The four brought out every blanket and pillow in John B’s house to make their beds on the grass outside. Pope and JJ always combined and shared. It gave them more blankets, therefore, more comfort. They were always very proud of their result. 
As the sun went down, everyone shared a high and low from the week. JJ’s was something stupid like the actual high he got from a new strain of weed he tried. John B talked about waves he’d surfed at the beginning of the week. Pope said he liked sharing a makeshift bed with JJ, and everyone laughed. Kie said her high was finally finding time to hang out with her boys. They all side-eyed each other behind her back.
Their plan was to fall asleep, which isn’t supposed to happen on a night like this. The point is to stay up and watch the sunrise, but only a few hours in, each boy was performing their best fake snore. Kiara groaned, “Seriously? Have you guys gotten so old that you can’t even stay awake all night?”
Instead of getting up like they expected her to, Kie laid down. She snuggled into her blankets and followed them in falling asleep. 
Sunday Sunrise came soon enough, waking them all up with blinding golden light casting over the water. Each one moaned and groaned, sitting up to stretch out their backs and legs after sleeping on the ground. 
“Guess traditions change after a while.” John B laughs, and so do the others. 
“It was still fun.” Kie smiles back at him, and he nods. 
Then the four of them set up Kie’s phone on a timer and pose multiple times with the vibrant colored sky in the background. Most of them are too dark to see their faces as a result of the backlight, but no one complained. Laughter was shared, and that was all they needed. 
Until Kie picked up her phone, read a text message, and made an excuse to leave. Pope, John B, and JJ all exchanged looks as they hopped into the van to follow. 
The van is pretty easy to spot, so they had to be cautious of the distance they left between each other. Kie led them back to Figure 8, and when she passed her house, all three got more nervous. They parked the van at the edge of the neighborhood and began walking. It was 7am, no one would be awake this early on a Sunday. 
“Wait, guys, there’s her car.” Pope sticks his head out around a corner and then brings it back. 
John B leans so he can see around, JJ over him, and Pope over him. They watch as Kie gets out of her car. 
“That house was for sale a few weeks ago, do you think her parents bought it? Or some family members?” JJ contemplates.
“How do you know it was for sale?” John B asks, keeping his eyes on Kiara. She’s fixing her clothes, smoothing them out, straightening her shirt, and making small adjustments. 
“I look at listings sometimes when I’m at the hotel. Why not?” 
The front door to the house opens, revealing you. “Wait guys, shut up.”
All three of them focus on you as you smile big and welcome Kiara into your arms. 
“Bro does Kie have a sister or cousin we don’t know about? Damn.” JJ marvels at you.
Then, as you start to pull away from the hug, Kie presses her lips to yours. The boys can hear your collective giggles from here.
“Not her sister or cousin, JJ.” Pope clicks his tongue and stands up straight. 
“Damn it, I’m starting to think my type is girls who like girls.” JJ groans and also stands up straight. He’s not wrong. Recently, he’s been rejected by three girls because they weren’t straight. 
John B is still watching the two of you. Mostly because it’s cute, and JB likes seeing Kie happy. 
While John B is preoccupied, JJ and Pope had started messing around. Pushing and shoving each other playfully, whispering insults at each other as jokes. JB doesn’t know how it started, but he does know it ended with them knocking over a line of trashcans. John B straightens immediately, and the three boys freeze. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?” John B pinches the bridge of his nose while he whisper yells at them. 
“What the hell was that?” They hear your voice instead of Kiara’s because Kie saw John B’s head snap out of view at the last second. 
“Let’s go see.” Kie pulls you towards the corner of the house, already pissed off at the boys. The three of them nearly jump out of their skin when she rounds the corner, pulling you by your hand. 
“It’s just my dumbass friends. What the fuck, boys?” 
“JJ is the one that pushed me into the trash can.” Pope blabs. 
“Hey! You pushed me first, I wa-”
“Dude, it doesn’t matter, you gave away our cover.” 
The three of them start bickering, and Kie looks at you with an eye roll. 
“Excuse me? Remember me? Can you tell me what you’re doing here?” Kiara waves her hand, and you can’t help but laugh behind her. 
Pope and JJ immediately look at John B, since this was his plan, after all. JB doesn’t catch on until way after he’s supposed to. “Fine, I guess I’ll tell her.”
“Basically, Pope said you’d been acting weird, and there was no way that your dad hadn’t hired someone at the wreck, which meant you were lying about where you were going. And-”
“Wow, thank you for putting the blame on me.” Pope flashes a frown. 
John B ignores him. “And we missed you. You know? You were cutting out on our plans early or not showing up, and it wasn’t as fun with you not around. So we thought you were dating one of the Kooks we hate... and that led to us following you over here.”
“And did you find what you’re looking for?” She crosses her arms over her chest. 
“Why didn’t you tell us, Kie?” John B looks up at her, a serious expression on his face. John B had always confided in Kie when he thought it was something JJ or Pope wouldn’t care about. 
“I don’t know, I didn’t know what you’d say if you knew I liked girls. Like I know you guys are always there for me bu-”
“No, not that part. Why didn’t you tell us that you found someone and you’re happy? That’s all we want for you, Kie.” John B stands up, and the other two follow him. Your heart is about to melt from the sweetness of their friendship. 
“He’s right.” Pope nods. Kiara looks at JJ last.
“Yeah, he’s right. I mean, I’ve had a crush on you since I met you, but I’m not hurt or anything.” JJ teases, shrugging his shoulders with a pouty face. “I’m kidding Kie, we’ll support you in anything you do.”
Kiara has tears in her eyes as she reaches forward to pull them into a group hug. “I love you guys.” 
She pushes them off of her gently and turns halfway, so she’s kind of facing you at the same time as them. The smile on her face is one of the biggest you’ve ever seen as she tugs on your arm to step closer.
“Oh, and this is Y/N, my secret but not so secret anymore, girlfriend.”
thank you for reading! please leave feedback and reblog if you liked it. 
kiara carrera taglist: @jjfuckr​
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admdmrtn · 3 years
bold tyme game tag 🤩 thank you @silverletters KDJDJDKD idk how you pronounce my url actually i usually spell it out like a clown
rules: bolden those that apply to you i italicised too just because
tagging: let’s go let’s geddit @crackerdumortain @masonscig @masonsfangs @agentsunshine @echohauville @bravomckenzie @lilas @veeples
I’m over 5’5” (discrimination..) // I wear glasses or contacts (do blue light glasses count lmao i guess not) // I have blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo // I have blue eyes // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails  // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how i look // I prefer nike to adidas // i wear baseball hats backward
hobbies and talents
I play a sport (used to be in softball, was recently into golf before covid hit) // I can play an instrument  (da bass)// I am artistic (subjective!!! but i’d like to think so) // I know more than one language (english, malay, cantonese, korean) // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition  // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami (ye i can do paper boats easy 😌) // I prefer movies to t.v shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own  // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during school or work breaks  // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year  // I have a crush // I have a best friend i have known for ten years  // my parents are together // I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // I have a long-distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone i have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sunrise  // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars (and am craving to do it again) // I meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colors // I find mystery in the deep ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favourite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle  (the number of times i almost missed my stop from sleeping on the bus... also i can sleep about anywhere, even while standing so go figure) // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote (ye :/ leave or be left.. it explains a lot about me tbh) // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy mexican food // I can drive a stick-shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game (maybe not a video game.. but a fictional world yes) // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial (half malay half chinese full asian baybee) // I am a redhead // I own at least one dog // I have a cat
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purplesurveys · 3 years
Have you ever been cheated on?  Nope.
Whose car were you last in?  Other than my own? Hans’s, but that was over two months ago. 
Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?  How timely is this, Andi literally randomly asked me how I feel about septum piercings this afternoon haha. Anyway, I have no problem with it on other people but I personally wouldn’t pick my nose as a spot for piercings.
Have your parents ever smoked pot?  I don’t know, they may have but there’s a big chance they haven’t. They don’t really share much about their youth so I would never know.
Do you tend to make relationships complicated?  That’s definitely not me.
Are you good at giving directions?  Not at all; if anyone asks me directly I usually immediately refer them to whoever I’m with at the time. Or I tell them to check Waze.
Would your mom care if she found condoms in your room?  She would and she’d definitely be pissed about it. Not that I have to worry about this ever happening, though.
Did you speak to your father today?  Yessssssss, I literally just caught a glimpse of him like two minutes ago.
Did you kiss someone before you were sixteen?  No, I was 16 turning 17 when I had my first.
Could you go a day without eating?  Yeah, but I wouldn’t feel well by the end of it. I’ve formed a habit of skipping breakfast and lunch on weekdays now, and I always feel like complete shit once I clock out. Considering I only eat dinner these days, I guess I can say I do regularly go entire days without eating.
Are your nails always painted? I never paint them/have them painted.
Have you ever met any bands/band members before?  Just local ones.
What color is your hair?  Black.
Your best friend needed somewhere to stay, could they live with you? Yes.
Have you danced in the rain?  Maybe? I don’t know. Doesn’t sound like something I would do, though.
When you said something naughty when you were little, did your parents wash out your tongue with soap?  Nope. I never liked getting in trouble, even as a kid, so I stayed out of it.
What do you think of spanking little children when they do something wrong? Okay or not?  That’s a common practice where I live, at least it was during my time. My mom didn’t believe in spanking her kids, which I’ll always be thankful for; but the cousins I lived with didn’t have the same fate so I regularly had to watch them get spanked - with sticks, slippers, belts, etc basically anything that was within reach. I think today’s generation of parents are different; I hope they are.
Who was the last male you hung out with?  Gab, Kyelle, Al, and Hans.
Who is your favorite person to text?  I don’t text anymore, but I do chat with Angela on Messenger everyday.
Who did you last take a picture with?  Does an online photo count? We had an event held through Zoom last Wednesday and we had a photo op by the end of it.
What’s your favorite brand of jeans? I don’t have any. I just wear whichever pair I’d feel good and confident wearing.
Which show is better: Spongebob or The Fairly Odd Parents?  Nooooooooo you’re making me pick between my two absolute favorites. I might have to go with Spongebob, but it barely barely barely won. Fairly OddParents is great too, at least until they added the baby fairy.
Has anyone ever told you that you looked like someone else?  Many times. Idk if I’m happy about it because something tells me it just means I have quite the common face. Idk. I don’t think too much about it and as long as I’m compared to someone I personally find pretty, it’s fine lol.
Do you enjoy the sound of crickets at night and birds in the morning?  Not so much. I find them too loud, especially the crickets.
Who is the most overrated singer?  Taylor Swift.
What is your favourite planet?  I don’t have one, but let’s go with Saturn.
Do you have any pets that you had since you were born?  Wow no. 23 years is a very long time.
Do you own anything that you had when you were a baby?  Yep, my mom kept all our umbilical cord stumps. It’s in our baby albums.
Do you enjoy Mario games?  Very much so. It’s the only franchise I can play HAHAHA
What’s your favorite online game?  I don’t play online games.
Have you ever been hit with a ball in gym class?  I probably have been.
Do you ever turn your cell phone off?  I used to sometimes shut it off whenever I’d fight with my ex and I didn’t want to deal with the world for a while. Now with the toxicity out of my life I never turn it off lol.
Who was last to cook for you?  My mom made pasta for dinner tonight. Then after that I asked her to make me coffee mixed with Milo.
Do you check your texts right away when you receive them?  Depends on who texts. I get anxious when it’s media texting, so I tend to ignore those for a few hours unless they ask something urgent. If it’s someone from my inner circle, like a friend or one of my parents, I would check and reply immediately, or at least as soon as I see the text.
Who is your most trusted person?  Mmm, probably Angela. I literally reached out last night to ask her to log on to my Facebook so she can unfriend Gab and her family on my behalf. I don’t think I would’ve asked that from anyone else.
How late did you stay up last night?  A little earlier than my usual, around midnight or so. I knew my load was going to be packed today since my manager had filed a leave which meant I had to cover for her tasks as well, so I wanted to get enough rest so that I didn’t wake up sleepy and cranky.
When/where are you most likely to sing?  As long as I’m alone, I’ll sing. I like to do it, just not in front of other people.
Would you ever wish to explore a cave?  That would be soooooooo nice. It’s been a while since I’ve been in a cave. :(
You see the person you fell hardest for. What do you do?  I imagine giving her an awkward smile and probably being the first to approach. Then I would ask how she’s been. I’m in a place in my life where I’m sure I’ll be able to do that.
Have you been/are you depressed?  I’ve been there many times.
Are your pop-ups blocked on your computer? Yes.
Have you ever ridden in a car with someone who was high?  No. I would hate to be in that situation.
Who is the best hugger you know?  Laurice.
Have you ever had to be put to sleep for an operation?  Nopes.
Does anybody have any proof of stupid things you have done?  I know Angela has a few. Gabie took a few as well; whether she still has them or not I’m not updated on anymore, nor do I care.
Why did you text the last person in your inbox?  I was just reminding Angela there was a BTS video coming out tonight.
Have you ever been able to do a split?  No but I’ve attemped to do it many times.
Did you ever date the last person you kissed?  Yes.
Are you intimidated by the last person you know talked badly about you?  I never keep track of things like that. I know it would bring nothing but unnecessary stress, so I never snoop or ask around to check if anyone’s been talking not-so-nicely about me behind my back.
Have you ever cried in school?  Maybe only about once or twice in the 18 years I was in school. I absolutely hate crying in front of people, and I mainly do it when I’m alone. I don’t think I’ve even ever cried in front of Angela; that’s how much I hate it.
Last person of the opposite sex you screamed at?  I don’t remember ever screaming at a guy.
Do you have any weird sleep habits?  I...wouldn’t know, since I’m asleep when I do them. I always sleep alone too, so no one would be able to tell me how I sleep. All I know is I’m not much of a mover and I usually wake up in the same position (or almost the same position) I fell asleep in.
Do you consider yourself an emotional person?  Yes, I’m sensitive in every sense of the word.
When was the last time you had a headache?  Last Wednesday when not eating for the entire day finally hit me like a truck by the end of my shift. :/
When was the last time you encountered a puppy? Cooper circa September.
Is there anything that happened a long time ago that you still laugh about?  Yes, many instances.
Do you ever try to interpret your dreams?  No, I don’t think anything of them beyond “just weird scenarios of people I know doing weird things.”
What was the last thing you bought impulsively?  Three orders of sushi, 24 pieces in total.
How do you feel about singing songs out loud in front of other people? No amount of money would make me do it.
When was the last time you were feeling really, really nervous?  This afternoon when a supplier we’re currently working with asked to call. Normally my manager would be the one mainly in touch with people like them, but since she was out today I was next in line.
If you’re no longer in school, what is something you miss about it? If you’re still in school, what’s something you think you’re going to miss about it? I miss seeing my friends everyday and being able to hang out after our classes, even if it just means sitting at a table doing nothing together.
Do you use your turn signals when you’re driving?  Excessively. I use it even in the subdivision lmao, or on one-way roads.
How exactly are you feeling right now?  Content. It’s a little hot and mosquitoes keep flying around me, but I’m not letting these affect my mood. Just focusing on the fact that it’s a Friday night and I can let go of work for a couple of days.
Have you ever had to board up your windows because of a hurricane?  Never happened before. I just close up my windows completely so that they don’t slam if ever the wind gets too strong.
Do you tell anyone to chew with their mouths closed?  I don’t recall ever feeling the need to do this. The sound doesn’t bother me much anyway; definitely not as much as it annoys most people.
Have you ever ordered pizza and sent it to someone else’s house?  Yup I did that for Angela and Kata recently, for my birthday, along with truffle mac and cheese. Basically my favorite orders from Mama Lou’s, haha.
What was the first thing you drank when you woke up this morning? I believe it was water.
Do you think stretch marks from having a baby are ugly or badges of honor?  Ugh this question is so outdated I don’t even want to take the time to answer it.
Ever done a keg stand?  No.
Who is the last person you lent money to?  I don’t lend my money.
Do you share clothing with anyone?  Mmm, sometimes. It’s usually me borrowing clothes from my sister, though.
Have you ever visited anyone in a rehab?  Nope.
Was the last thing you drank a Coke or Pepsi product?  No, it was just water. I’d never be caught craving for soda.
Honestly, do you think that you’re going to be an overprotective parent? No. I experienced having strict parents, so I know it’s not something I would want to pass on to my kids. I want my kids to be able to go out with friends and attend parties and get tattoos (when they’re older) and express their identity without being scared of me.
What was the last kind of chips you ate?  Piattos cheddar chips.
What is one thing that you really wish you could understand, but don’t?  Investing and stocks.
What is the last thing you charged?  My laptop.
Have you ever held a snake?  Yes. I’m always the only one in the family willing to do things like this when we go on vacations haha.
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scoliotaku · 3 years
I’m bored soooo @medical-magpie let’s pretend you tagged me hahah^^
RULE: make a new post and bold everything that applies to you
I'm an I-need-to-pull-the-driver-seat-all-the-way-in kind of a person // i wear glasses or contacts  // i have blonde hair // i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // i have one or more piercings  // i have at least one tattoo // i  have blue eyes // i have dyed or highlighted my hair // i have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // i sunburn easily // i have freckles // i paint my nails  // i wear makeup  // i don’t often smile  // i am pleased with how i look // i prefer nike to adidas // i wear baseball hats backward
Hobbies and Talents
i play a sport  // i can play an instrument // i am artistic // i know more than one language // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition  // i can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // i enjoy writing // i can do origami // i prefer movies to t.v shows  // i can execute a perfect somersault // i enjoy singing  // i could survive in the wild on my own // i have read a new book series this year // i enjoy spending time with friends // i travel during school or work breaks // i can do a handstand
i am in a relationship // i have been single for over a year  // i have a crush  // i have a best friend i have known for ten years // my parents are together // i have dated my best friend // i am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // i have a long-distance relationship  // i am an only child // i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend // i met up with someone i have met online
i have heard the ocean in a conch shell // i have watched the sunrise  // i enjoy rainy days // i have slept under the stars  // i meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // i enjoy the smell of the beach // i know what snow tastes like // i listen to music to fall asleep// i enjoy thunderstorms // i enjoy cloud watching // i have attended a bonfire // i pay close attention to colors // i find mystery in the ocean // i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favourite season
i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // i am the mom friend // i live by a certain quote // i like the smell of sharpies // i am involved in extracurricular activities // i enjoy mexican food // i can drive a stick-shift  // i believe in true love // i make up scenarios to fall asleep // i sing in the shower // i wish i lived in a video game // i have a canopy above my bed // i am multiracial // i am a redhead // i own at least one dog // i have a cat
Feel free to say I tagged you because idk who to tag right now!!
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lieberts · 3 years
tagged by @jidai​ and @zenien​ and @dicennio​​ to do these <3 not tagging anyone, but feel free to say i tagged you if you wanna do these
1. MUSIC TAG MEME Rules: Post your first twenty songs in a playlist on shuffle
can’t let you go by adam lambert oh god
the giant’s exit from the majora’s mask ost
sing for absolution by muse
all that we see by the black ryder
offering by black city lights
miss moneypenny by placebo
spusti svetlost na put by kralj čačka
dance of the knights by prokofiev
suspirium by thom yorke
the hills by the weeknd
i don’t like mondays by the boomtown rats
silence by azra
spirit of peace (part 3) by popol vuh
build that wall from the bastion ost
politik by coldplay
jenova from the ffvii ost
akira the wild from the devilman crybaby ost
jazzman by carole king
morning after by ariel pink & weyes blood
modern man by arcade fire
2. Rules: MAKE A NEW POST, bold what applies to you and tag whoever you want to get to know better.
APPEARANCE I’m an I-need-to-pull-the-driver-seat-all-the-way-in kind of a person // i wear glasses or contacts // i have blonde hair // i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing  // i have one or more piercings // i have at least one tattoo  // i have blue eyes // i have dyed or highlighted my hair // i have gotten plastic surgery // i have or had braces // i sunburn easily // i have freckles // i paint my nails // i wear makeup // i don’t often smile // i am pleased with how I look // I prefer nike to adidas // i wear baseball hats backward
HOBBIES & TALENTS i play a sport // i can play an instrument  // i am artistic (ehh??) // i know more than one language // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition // i can cook or bake without a recipe // i know how to swim // i enjoy writing // i can do origami // i prefer movies to tv shows // i can execute a perfect somersault // i enjoy singing // i could survive in the wild on my own // i have read a new book series this year // i enjoy spending time with friends // i travel during school or work breaks // i can do a handstand (kind of...... not for long tho)
RELATIONSHIPS i am in a relationship // i have a crush // i have a best friend i have known for ten years // my parents are together // i have dated my best friend // i am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // i have a long-distance relationship // i am an only child // i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend // i met up with someone i have met online
AESTHETIC i have heard the ocean in a conch shell // i have watched the sunrise // i enjoy rainy days // i have slept under the stars // i meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // i enjoy the smell of the beach // i know what snow tastes like // i listen to music to fall asleep // i enjoy thunderstorms // i enjoy cloud watching // i have attended a bonfire // i pay close attention to colors // i find mystery in the ocean // i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favourite season
MISC i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // i am the mom friend // i live by a certain quote // i like the smell of sharpies // i am involved in extracurricular activities // i enjoy mexican food // i can drive a stick-shift  // i believe in true love // i make up scenarios to fall asleep // i sing in the shower // i wish i lived in a video game // i have a canopy above my bed // i am multiracial // i am a redhead // i own at least one dog // i have a cat ---------
sage green or baby blue | moon or stars | paperback or hardback | piercings or tattoos (neither tbh) | drawing or writing | saturn or jupiter | line without a hook or mr. loverman | ancient greece or ancient egypt | prague or amsterdam | dark academia or light academia | indie aesthetic or cottagecore | stargazing or late night drives | strawberries or watermelons (these are hard wtf both??) | rings or necklaces | extrovert or introvert | dragons or griffins | ocean or mountain | silver or gold | dawn or dusk | creative or free spirit | early bird or night owl | cook or bake | dagger or sword ---------
indoor plants or gardens // cloud-watching or star-gazing // water or fire // paperback or hardcover // running or hiking // sleeping with socks or without socks // fruit or vegetables // hanging plants or succulents // dark wood or light wood // handwritten or typed // instagram or pinterest (both suck and are full of reposts but instagram is seriously bad) // braids or pigtails // books or movies // oceans or meadows // forests or fields // sweet or salty // ice cream or chocolate // hoodies or sweaters // long hair or short hair // piercings or tattoos // summer or winter // boots or sneakers // cars or motorcycles // curls or straight hair // castles or cottages // sunny days or storms // reptiles or birds // disney or nickelodeon // strawberries or watermelon // essays or posters // phones or laptops // glass or stone // dark or light // photos or paintings // circuses or theaters // reading or writing // dogs or cats // poetry or novels // monsters or ghosts // thrift shops or libraries // fiction or non-fiction
5. Post one picture from my camera roll (no new downloads) to sum up my personality!
Tumblr media
6. 30 QUESTIONS TAG GAME RULES: Answer 30 questions and tag others
Name/Nickname: jeja, jeca, j, lena Gender: female Star Sign: aries Height: in a surprising turn of events im 167cm not 165 as i initially thought <3 Time: 10:30am Birthday: april 10 Favorite Bands: arcade fire, muse, placebo Favorite Solo Artists: hozier, chelsea wolfe, idk Song stuck in my head: vive la fete by noir desir Last Movie: interview with the vampire Last Show: i have no idea i havent finished a tv show in ages tbh When did I create this blog: i think january 2011? jesus What do I post: anime, art, video games Last thing googled: vive la fete by noir desir to see if i spelled it correctly Other blogs: wessobrunn but its inactive Do I get asks: i get bullied by sen a lot Why I chose my url: because i love the liebert twins from naoki urasawas monster<333 Following: 147 Followers: nah Average hours of sleep: like 7-8 hours? Instruments: none What am I wearing: beige sweatpants and a black hoodie fashion icon jelena Dream job: i dont dream of labor Dream trip: japan, asia in general, central europe Favorite food: too many im not a picky eater Nationality: montenegrin (derogatory) Favorite song: BRUH i dont have one fav song there are too many Last book read: mađarska rečenica by andrej nikolaidis  Top three fictional universes I’d like to live in: i think it says a lot about the kind of content i consume when i cant think of a single one that would actually be enjoyable to live in...........
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