#but honestly i kinda recommend reading that piece anyway if you haven't
fairyroses · 1 year
Um Hi, So I'm super late to the party when it comes to shipping Brainy and Kara but I really enjoyed your writing and was hoping you could recommend some stuff if you don't mind, please? Even the actual comics if you know which have them romantically involved? Again, really loved your works and hope to see more. Thank you. :)
Hi!! Welcome to the ship! And aw, thanks, I'm glad you liked my writing! I'm sorry there isn't more of it - I'm really bad at finishing things. 😩
But hmm, okay, Karadox recs. I have a few things in mind. This is going to get kinda long, so I'm just gonna put the rest under a cut, I think...
Okay! If you're looking for fics, @cyclone-rachel has written a lot of great stuff for Kara and Brainy (mostly the CW versions). I'm sure Rachel can recommend some more fic writers, too.
If you're looking for comics, I'd suggest Supergirl Annual #2 (2010) as a nice (mostly) one-off comic that focuses on the beginning of their relationship. Also Supergirl (2005) #52, which is technically part of a larger "Last Stand of New Krypton" arc, but I suppose it can be read on its own, and it has a lot of great Karadox stuff.
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There are also some comics that you might not expect to have good Karadox content in them that actually do, such as the Legion of Super-Heroes/Bugs Bunny Special (2017) and the "Sugar & Spike" story from Legends of Tomorrow (2016) #6. You can also read the "House of Kent" arc in Action Comics (2016) #1022-#1028 if you want, because Kara and Brainy are both featured in most of those issues. They don't interact as much as I personally would've liked, but they have some nice moments, and there was definitely some romantic setup happening towards the end.
Supergirl & the Legion of Super-Heroes (2006) is another option, but be warned that Kara and Brainy are NOT romantically involved in that version of the Legion (Brainy was paired up with Dream Girl's ghost instead... it was a whole thing) so their dynamic isn't as good as it normally is. But they do at least interact a lot.
Honestly, the majority of Kara and Brainy's comic romance took place before Crisis on Infinite Earths (meaning pre-1985), and I haven't actually read most of those older comics yet, just bits and pieces here and there. Someone like @supergirltastic would be a much better person to ask for those specific comic recommendations.
Oh! You should also DEFINITELY watch the new Legion of Super-Heroes animated movie if you haven't yet! It's basically Karadox: The Movie™ lol, it was a lot of fun and had fantastic writing for both of them. Unfortunately it's not on HBO Max yet though, so to watch it you'll either have to buy/rent it or, uh, y'know... 🏴‍☠️
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And make sure you watch the "Far From Home" episode of Justice League Unlimited (season 3, episode 10) too! It's basically a 20-minute speed-run of Kara and Brainy's relationship and it's veryyy cute. (It's also one of the only stories I can think of that gives them a happy ending.)
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Anyway, that's all I've got for now! I hope this was helpful!! I'm sure I'm forgetting some stuff, but in my defense it's almost 2 AM right now lol.
If anyone else has other Karadox things to rec, feel free to add on to this!
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galaxyseclipse · 21 days
1. (OTP means "one true paring". Essentially, what's your favorite ship)
6. (If it's ok!)
10. (Any splat character)
24. (Cap 3!)
alright, that's kinda what I figured otp meant, or at least something along those lines
1: OTP
Is this even a question? It is absolutely Agent 24. Maybe it's because I want a big, strong woman to pick me up and love me, but who can say
6: show us a bit of a wip! (if it's okay)
it is absolutely okay! I do that a lot anyway!
I'll make it a bigger one than normal too, just for this :3c
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this is from Smoke and Guns, that M4rie fic I keep referencing/telling myself to finish and then never doing that
this is from pretty early on and I wrote it a while back so it's kinda awkward
9: write a recommendation of someone else's fic you enjoyed!
hm... uh, the majority of what I read is smut, so I'm not super sure if I can share...
I'm joking(not about the smut part tho).
One that I read recently that made me smile was "one bad seed kills the garden" by CandyCoatedRocks. It's a pair that I personally don't see a lot: Agent/Captain 3 and Callie. Background Agent 24, hypnoshades trauma, ice cream, it's cute.
10: favorite piece of fanart of [any Splat character]?
this one's also hard, cause I see a lot that I really like...
*proceeds to scroll though likes and reblogs for ten minutes*
yeah I can't come up with anything specific lol
BUT, I have been enjoying @/potat0bag's Shivrye sea monster au art
and @/Kiora06's Deep Cut and No.6 series
13: character/ship you haven't written/drawn yet but want to
I have a feeling I'm gonna have to actually make some Pearlina eventually lmao. I'm not complaining, just pointing out the near-inevitable.
Also M4rie, I always say I need to do more with them, and then never do.
24: what is your favorite thing about [Captain 3]?
The "canon" version? Honestly, the ambiguity. They're a blank slate of a character for the player to put whatever they want on. There's a few pieces we get from what the other characters say/do around them, but we mostly just get to go wild with 'em.
Can confirm, very fun!
Of my own? uh... I kinda like how one day I just decided she likes cooking, like a lot. Don't really know why I gave her that trait, but it's one she has. It's an interesting little detail that has almost no relation to the rest of her character, she just likes cooking.
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cordeliawhohung · 6 months
could i ask how you find the inspiration and motivation and ability to write more than 2k~ per chapter/piece? i’ve never really been able to crack past that except for maybe twice and that was only to 5k and i’m so curious and in awe of writers who can do that consistently. i absolutely know it takes a lot of time and dedication but sometimes i worry that i’ll be boring with too much backstory or exposition or xyz but it’s like i want to share so much but then i try and get absolutely fuck all written ): thank you so much in advance for even reading this, i absolutely adore you and your writing. you make me want to be a better writer.
!!!! i am certainly the WORST person to ask this because you're about to get a whole twenty million paragraphs of shit that just probably doesn't make sense but i'm gonna do my best to answer!! <3 (also i'm going to use a lot of examples from soft spot ((because it's my baby)) so... beware if you haven't read that series there will be spoilers lmao)
first off! i'd like to make it clear that having chapters/works/pieces that are like 2k words is totally fine! your work doesn't at all have to be long to be "good." there are tons of works both irl and on tumblr that i read that hit that mark for chapters and honestly it works just as well, if not better, than a long 5-10k word chapter. (i'm pretty sure most publishers recommend keeping chapters between 3-5k words anyway but this is tumblr and we're lawless) ((if i ever get published my editors WILL hate me))
now, as for me personally, and i know this... probably isn't a good thing to do (lmao) but when i'm thinking of my stories in my head, i think of it like i'm watching a tv show. my chapters are episodes. which is why most of them are so fucking long. how does the episode start, what happens in between, how does it end? for example, let's take a look at blood soaked cotton. what all happens in that?
simon is at the bank
simon and spook talk
simon chills at his apartment for a bit
back at the bank (spook is injured) and they talk about her injuries
simon back at the apartment but no handkerchief ):
simon realizes spook is lying about how she got injured
spook invites simon to the bar
they kinda sorta talk at the bar
eric comes in and harasses spook
simon punches the fuck outta him
simon walks spook home and she patches him up
i wanna say that was about like 6k words long. someone could turn that into a tv show and that could honestly easily be like fucking a 30 min episode i crammed so much SHIT into that. i guess what i'm trying to say is that, if you're wanting a higher word count, you've got to have a lot planned. i'd recommend not trying to draw one scene out into 6k words. remember, this isn't an essay you're trying to meet word count on, you're writing for the sake of writing. so throw some stuff in. change up the scene and day and whatnot. helps keeps things feeling fresh and flowing (:
now, if you're worried about backstory/exposition, i GET you. i struggled with that for a long time. it's so easy to just start a story and just dump everything on your reader because you want them to know!!! everyone says "show don't tell" but holy fuck is that a lot harder than it sounds. honestly i still struggle with that a lot, which is why i try and limit myself to like, no more than 3 or 4 paragraphs of exposition at the beginning of my chapters, IF that.
now, as for actually incorporating it into your story, something that i'd recommend is not revealing everything all at once. when you walk into a room, you notice the big things right? the color of the walls, the furniture, is the window open, the scent. but you actually have to spend some more time in that room to find the slight crack in the wall, or notice there's a draft. make sure when you bring your readers into the room, they see things at the same pace. if that makes sense?
for example, in the first part of everything you touch, simon returns home to the apartment and of course things are different. i mention a little bit about the plane ride, then the cops being there, the markers, anything broken and the blood in the living room. these are very glaringly obvious things anyone would instantly recognize if their home was trashed, ya know? but then as the 141 are talking and planning and whatnot, little things get brought up over like 2k words worth of shit. kyle asking what the beads are on the floor, and boo dashing in at the last second with a broken paw. there's tons of dialogue throughout, and i think you just gotta find a way to weave them together so that it meshes well! that way you can share all the little details, but it's not all at the beginning. i think it's really easy to compartmentalize things so that dialogue is all together, and then back story is all together and separate them, when really that's not quite how things end up working irl. they coexist and weave together and it's how you form the whole picture!
as for the inspiration/motivation/ability to write chapters as long as i do: autism. i'm only half joking. i hyperfixate on what i want to show my readers and i do not stop writing until i get to the end of the episode. i honestly try so hard to make my chapters shorter, but i literally cannot. idk if it's a gift or a curse. there's a few parts i've written that could have easily been split up more, but i just wanted to show everything that i had planned out. if i show everything i wanted to for my "episode" and it's 4k words then it stays that way. i don't try and write more or add something. if it's 10k words then it stays that way too. i don't know how else to explain it i know it's such a weird thought process i'm sorry ;-;
i think something that also sorta ups my word count is that i am a... very emotional writer. i have not been very secretive about using soft spot specifically as a trauma fic haha. while i am happy and appreciate that some people enjoy my work, or even find comfort in it, a lot of what i put in there is just me coping with a lot of personal shit, and so when i'm writing i put a lot of effort into the emotions. like i'll write a line or two of dialogue and there will be a paragraph or two just explaining how the character felt about it. or i'm turning the exposition into terrible foreshadowing or something like that. honestly, i think there's tons of writers out there who could take my work, say the same shit, and have half the word count just by taking all the extra fancy feely words out haha. (one day i will look at my dialogue to exposition ratio and SOB)
all in all, word count doesn't really matter. i think it's really easy to get lost in the "but it's only Xk words!" or compare yourself to another writer who writes more words/longer works, but that has no bearing on the story at all! never once have i heard anyone complain about a story being too short. i'm thinking like ray bradbury's short stories or something like that. short works that people RAVE about. i have, however, heard people complain about books being too long! (think the stand by stephen king ((fucking 500k words)) or les mis which is reaching close to 550k lmao) and you know what? all of these books are still popular. even the ones people bitch about for being too xyz, because it's not really the length they care about, it's the content.
write until you feel like it's finished. that's honestly the best advice i could give, because it's honestly exactly what i do. be it 2k words, or 10k; don't try to morph your beautiful words and your story around silly numbers, trying to confine them into chapters. shape your chapters around your words instead. because i promise you, your readers probably don't care all that much about word count anyway if they're too busy enjoying the story (:
i hoped this helped, if even a little! thank you so much for your kind words, and i wish you luck on your writing! <3
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i am an unapologetically Pro Abortion On Demand At Any Time No Questions Asked and i think i am open enough about this that so is anyone following me so this is preaching to the choir. and i feel weird about it in some ways anyway because, again: the question of abortion is you trust women & others who are pregnant to make choices about their bodies or their lives, or you don't. period. end of story. don't care why, don't care about context, don't care about anything except: do you want to be pregnant anymore? no? okay, you deserve an abortion. but. even so. even with all that. i do still keep seeing takes on the internet (my first mistake) that make me want to print out copies of this interview with a woman who had an abortion at 32 weeks on every wall in the fucking country. i want everyone who feels the need ever but especially at this moment in time to proclaim that they're pro-choice but only up to X amount of time to read it and understand exactly what fucking cruelty they're supporting.
and i also want to point out that this woman was a woman carrying a wanted child, living in blue state new york, who found herself, against all her expectations, flying on a plane to fucking colorado and traveling back a day and a half later, because the alternative was spending another month pregnant and having a C-section to watch her child either be stillborn or choke to death in front of her right after being born. that's what people are endorsing when they endorse late-term abortion bans, and it is your first day on planet earth if you think that there is any degree of codifying medical exemptions that is going to prevent situations like this from occurring. and if your first response to that is to think about how lucky she was to be able to actually do that instead of how horrific it is that she had to deal with that in an already traumatic moment of her life, something important inside you has been badly broken and you need to reflect on how to fix it.
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woodsinfusedcorpse · 2 years
List of shounen anime with well written female characters!
Cause sometimes it's annoying to watch girls constantly being sidelined or just so not written as an actual person
First 3 are the best written:
-Jujutsu Kaisen (I'd say this has the best written female characters you could find, they're amazing and well rounded and actually have different opinions and struggles and don't only revolve around men 10/10)
-The Promised Neverlands (I've only seen the first season but may read more, do not watch season 2, and Emma is amazing and also the main character which is fucking awesome)
-Chainsaw Man ( to put it simply: women are written as integral characters, written as people with their own wants and desires and fears, are entirely as important as male characters, closest to 1:1 ratio gender rep I've ever seen, uniforms are not gender based, girls can look and have cool moments. Honestly I would put this as first but I know a lot of people are uncomfortable with Denji and his obsession with sex or the Fandom. I don't want to go on to long about this or spoil things so I'll just say it's important to read between the lines and pay attention to small details, things are not face value in this.)
-Full Metal Achemist Brotherhood (tbh I've only seen FMA but I hear FMAB is a lot better and also has a lot more characters so hell yeah more cool girls. Negative is they don't really take center stage but they're still amazing)
-Attack On Titan (Mikasa is pretty average but all the other girls are top tier. I'm not counting Hange as they are gender nonspecific in the manga but Hange also rocks)
-One Piece (this may come as a surprise considering how their bodies are later drawn and same face syndrome but Nami and Robin are amazing, I loved Perona and Iiii haven't gotten passed the clown laboratory place but hopefully the women that show up later are just as awesome)
- Gintama (this is a weird anime and you probably need to have watched a bit of shounen already to get at least a bit of their references but anyways a significant amount of the woman and girls are amazing and just as weird and gross as the dudes in an unsexy lighting. Also they're cool)
Hunter x Hunter (Once again girls are not in a main focus but they're pretty great when they show up! Plus they have a transgirl who's amazing!)
Soul Eater (This one is a split, I don't have any problem with any of the girl characters but some just aren't their enough for me to consider them well written. but the ones thst are are fantastic. I believe Maka and Soul mainly share the main character role so another female lead kinda)
-Dr. Stone (the author seems to like women in general and includes them a lot but they definetly feel less important to the story and don't often push the story forward on their own. Have yet to see a women have an interest in science,which the series revolves around, but maybe there is later? Also only skimpy girl outfits and the girls have a faker looking eye style making them seem kinda less human? I doubt that was the intention but it's a little jarring)
-Demon Slayer (Most of the girls seem pretty great but I'm not counting the main girl Nezuko. She's really got no personality other then loving her brother and humans and kill demon.) UPDATE: girl characters are underutilized and often stuck with feminine rolls which the anime doesn't challenge. I like a lot of them in theory more then in practice and wouldn't recommend this to someone for fem representation but I wouldn't diswayed them from watching it either
-Claymore (I don't know if the anime is any good but the manga is great and also has a main girl character! And I love a lot of them but I also haven't read this in probably 7 years)
-Bleach (this is low for a reason, some of the girls are very well written, some almost were but them bombed and some just arent)
-D. Gray Man (I think I remember them being surprisingly good. I'd put this higher on the list but I don't fully trust my memory)
-Jojos Bizare Adventures (I have never watched this, I really don't know but I've heard about them being great and based of their designs alone I'd agree)
It is super okay not to want to watch/read any of the above for whatever reason, these are just suggestions
On another note hear are ones to avoid if you specifically want to see well written female characters
Naruto/Boruto (they're so badly written... and always pushed to the back... and mainly are healers... and fuck Boruto for what it makes most of them become. Fun series but ugh)
Death Note (I love Misa and that one FBI agent but the fact I don't remember her name is pretty telling. This one's more on here because it feels like the writer actively hates women. I mean it works since Light is a piece of shit and him being a misogynist really works but it can be annoying to watch sometimes. I love this show and hate it <3)
-Fairy Tail (constantly sexualizing every girl character and they're pretty bland writing wise. If you don't mind that then watch it if it sounds appealing)
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Oh Disneyland Paris sounds fun yeah! Were you and your roommate already close then? I went to Walt Disney's world with my aunt and cousin when I was like 11 but it would've been way more fun if I could've taken my best friend with me for sure. Maybe we can go to the one in Paris now that she lives just 3h away from me! Oh I see, sounds like LA was really fun for you yeah! your roommate didn't mind third wheeling tho? Hahaha
Yeah Canada is beautiful but what I liked about it the most was the massive improvement in quality of life I had compared to where I was living before and just being able to be who I am and people accepting me for it. Not being worried about violence 24/7 felt pretty fucking great too. So yeah I highly recommend living there if you ever get a chance. But I am loving Portugal so far, people are a bit more judgemental here tho but I like that it's easier to travel to a lot of countries I've always wanted to go to. Everywhere you go there are pros and cons tho so sorting out priorities is key. But Toronto is my favourite of all the places I've been, before living there for a year I had already been two times!
Jesus 50 states, sometimes I forget how big the US is. And you can totally do it if you plan it out! After watching Bly Manor tho I really want to go to Vermont especially during autumn season looks really pretty! There's this fic I love (only the sun by prestonarchives) where Dani and Jamie go on a road trip from Vermont to Maine and I did their entire journey on Google maps street view bc I was so obsessed with this one chapter fanfic I had to immerse myself entirety in it hahaha. So now I want to go there irl. Here's the link if you haven't read it before!
Omg I totally remember reading that on CBML and being a bit confused bc I was like why would she think you can't see the moon from the great wall of China HAHAHA but I thought it was really funny and endearing yeah it's even funnier now that I know you said it irl haha.
Oh so ENFP-T means extraverted, intuitive, feeling and prospecting personality with a bit of turbulence. Which just means you're curious, perceptive, enthusiastic, an excellent communicator, festive and good-natured. On the other hand you can be disorganized, unfucosed, a people pleaser, overcommitted, too optimistic and restless.
I wonder what Jamies and Danis mbti are as well as their zodiac signs 🤔 I think Jamie might be an ISTP-A bc she's definitely an introvert, very practical, stubborn, assertive, layed back and energetic at the same time. And Dani is either an ENFP-T like you or an ESFJ-T with the whole selfless thing going on.
AE already made it canon that Jamie's an aries (and it makes sense) but I can't figure Dani out. I've thought about her being a leo ♌ bc she's generous, passionate, warm-harted and dominant in her own way and THE HAIR haha. But she's got some pisces ♓ vibes going on too...idk. aaand I'm back at it again with the astrology signs haha.
To be fair your recent drunken exp it was dark and at least you didn't think the road sign was a bear or something (don't know what kind of wild animals you've got over there) that you wrestled with and ended up in a ditch and your best friend let you believe that happened for 3 years up until recently haha. 😂 but yeah some things happen for a reason, having life threatening health issues doesn't sound great tho, but I guess it's a good thing it stops you from drinking too much and making dumb decisions. And hey maybe I secretly want that to happen again idk maybe moving countries is not exciting enough, I have to go out and make a complete drunken fool out of myself in a completely foreign place hahaha. I guess that did kinda happen last month when my best friend came to visit me from Spain and we got drunk on wine, I got lost on the way back home and it was way past curfew. 🤔 shit I'm 29 will I ever learn...
Episode 9 is 😢😍🥰😰😭🤬☠️ just the worst roller-coaster I didn't even know I was on. Haha I was more pissed off than heartbroken the first time I watched it ngl.
Well then maybe the way you do accents is friendly and funny so people can't really get mad at you haha. Like Dani! Oh so that's called a Geordie accent! I see, it's really really cool. AE said Jamie is from Lancashire but that's a whole county isn't it? Idk if there's a specific accent to this region. Knowing you speak kinda like Jamie is something else tho, I think if anyone who spoke like her ever talked to me irl I wouldn't be able to pay attention to what they were saying 😂 just the accent haha.
Oh so you already have 4k something words for it nice. I'm kinda starting to feel an obsession with this medieval AU growing in me, I made a Pinterest board just for it ngl hahaha but I'm still resisting creating anything for it, I did a face study yesterday for Dani and Jamie to see if I finally pick up the idea and just do it but my brain was still like "I don't want to do this rn" and was just being a little bitch about it so I'll just let it cook for longer see if we can reach an agreement eventually (if ever) haha.
Glad to hear you had a good weekend! Even if it left you feeling exhausted in the end. And yeah it makes sense for you to say you don't have favourites haha! Have a great week Colour, take care! 👋✨
Yeah me and my roommate have been friends since we were like 14 so when we went to Disney Land we asked if we could be roomed together because we've been best friends for that long now... been best friends since school and now we live together. She's seen me at my best, my worst, has seen me in all my stages in life and has been there for a lot of the rough stuff I've been through and I've been there for all the stuff she's been through!! Nah she didn't mind at all we had some moments where me and my ex would just go and be a couple and have dates but my ex didn't want me travelling that far alone so invited my roommate too because she didn't like the thought of me flying 11hours alone or being in airports alone so my roommate came with me and we had a great time Awwh good I'm glad it was such a nice place and that you didn't worry about violence all the time but I'm so sorry you ever had to worry about that anyway that can't be easy. I would honestly love to live in Canada I really hope I get chance one day... I'm glad you're loving Portugal but sorry people are judgemental there but I am glad it's easy for you to travel around to other places... oh yeah every place has it's pros and cons I mean England has some pros but it sure has a lot of cons too so I know all about that Yeah America is SO big but I do want to get around all 50 states at some point and I am stubborn enough and determined enough to make it happen eventually even if I don't get around them all until I'm like 70 I'll make it happen haha!! No I haven't read that fic but it sounds amazing so I'll definitely check it out thank you for sending me the link Yeah... that really happened to me and it was just a dumb moment where I had this momentary lapse of knowledge in my brain and now I look back at that question and I'm just like... "you idiot" and this is why people are shocked when I get questions in quizzes right because I have said some really dumb stuff but I'm glad people found it funny and endearing... and I'm glad it makes it better to know I really said that haha Oooo I didn't know that, I like that and I think it's definitely fitting for me!! I think from what you've said about what ENFP-T means Dani could easily be that too and I don't know anything about the other one but I will take your word for it matching Dani because you know way more about this stuff than I do. I have no idea for Jamie though. And with zodiac signs I love that Amelia looked at Jamie and thought she was an Aries, as for Dani I have NO idea what her zodiac would be... in CBML she's a Leo but in MoU with what I have planned for her birthday she'd be a virgo but I don't know anything about zodiacs... all I know is all the pieces I've ever met have been the opposite of what Dani is so maybe that has something to do with their whole charts but I know a lot of other people always make her a Pieces and I trust what other people say about zodiacs more than what I know about them because I really know NOTHING about them haha Nah I knew it was a road sign because of how heavy and hard it was- nah we have no bears where I live... I don't think we have many dangerous animals where I live... got a couple of badgers that can be pretty aggressive but that's about it we don't have much that is scary here or at least not in the little part of England I live. Having life threatening health issues has been hard and since having my spleen removed in January (that was the surgery I needed to try and fix the issue I had) things are even harder now because I have to take antibiotics for the rest of my life to stop me getting any infections because if I ever get a chest infection now or a really bad cold it can be really dangerous but I take it all in my stride and not drinking is just a way to make sure the antibiotics actually work properly and to make sure nothing happens to me... and like you said, means I don't do anything dumb too... haha drunken stories are the best I have been lost a few times when I've been drunk... and I don't think you do learn, I have siblings that are
like 40 and still do dumb shit... I know at 27 I am still doing dumb shit too I don't think I'll ever learn haha 😂 Its such an emotional roller coaster and honestly I was just devastated the first time I watched it... no TV show or movie has ever made me cry the way Bly Manor did when I first saw it and it still makes me cry now. I can cry just thinking about that last episode. I definitely mean it in a friendly way so I hope it comes across like that. Yeah the accent in Billy Elliot is a Geordie accent and its my favourite accent there are other accents around the north that are called different things. Yeah Lancashire is a county and again in Lancashire there are loads of different accents I can't really pinpoint Jamie's down to a city I just know it's Northern. I'm from Yorkshire but don't have a strong Yorkshire accent I just have a Northern accent, like people never believe I'm from the place I'm from because I don't sound like I am but you can definitely tell I'm northern... honestly there are so many accents in England... you can drive for two hours in any direction in England and the accent will change like two times at least it's insane... see a lot of people say that but I am not a HUGE fan of the northern accent and I think it's because I grew up there. I much prefer Dani's accent to Jamie's but like I said to me, Jamie just talks normal there is no accent really haha Yeah 4k words for it but it's all jumbled up it's not like a chronological story yet it's just all over the place haha but I hope I can get it all structured properly soon!! Awwh good I'm glad you're already interested in this medieval AU!! That makes sense you're resisting creating for it but I think it's so cool you did a face study for Dani and Jamie even if you didn't wanna finish it I think letting things cook for a while is always a good idea if you're not in the right headspace right away I had such a good weekend but I am so tired and today I had a busy day too celebrating my roommate's boyfriend's birthday so I've had so many days that have been so busy and right now I am just really to sleep haha!! Yeah definitely don't have favourites but I have spent more time with one of my nieces than the others simply because I always look after her if her mum and dad are working and I'm not... like until I start this new job I am looking after her for an hour every day after school while she waits for her mum and dad to finish work but I don't have favourites haha!! Thank you so much I hope you had a great weekend and that you have a great week too!!
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muggle-writes · 5 years
Rules: Answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people who you want to get to know better.
tagged by @elizabethsyson
Nickname: Muggle is my nickname, but when I went by Muggle in person for more than a month at a time, it naturally got abbreviated, usually to Mugz
Zodiac: Aquarius
Last movie I saw: into the spiderverse (same answer as last time. I don't watch that many movies tbh except around Christmas. unless YouTube counts in which case... music of some sort? idk links for the next answer)
Favorite musician: changes by the day. I've kinda been in an acapella and/or folk music mood recently so the Maccabeats and Peter Hollens are in my YouTube and Spotify history a lot recently. also I'm eternally in awe of Forte Handbell Quartet (eta a longer video; i recommend skipping to the techno piece or the Jurassic Park theme)
Last thing I googled: "vine why are you buying clothes at the soup store" (my wife hasn't seen it; also i can't find the vine because apparently it's a much bigger meme than I realized). before that it was "chgrp not root" because work and group permissions are useful when they work
Song stuck in my head: well for most of the day when I haven't been actively listening to something, it's been the Pokemon RSE route-walking music. (but that somehow happens frequently when I'm in the no-music-no-internet room at work, as I was for most of the day, and I don't know how I accidentally trained my brain to make that connection). right now, surprisingly, I don't have any background music playing in my head. I think it's because the humidifier provides just enough white noise that my brain doesn't feel the need to provide its own
Other blogs: my main is @muggle-the-hat and I'm a mod on @why-do-neurotypicals but we've gotten one ask ever so that blog has been dormant for a while. I have a bunch of other sideblogs, but they're all small and I use different screen names on each of them (enby life: no idea which name suits me best so I may as well try them out) so i feel like it would just confuse things to link them.
Following: blogs matching all the themes of my sideblogs, (including this one, which is writeblr), korean langblr, jumblr, assorted fandom blogs, authors of my more favorite fanfictions (some overlap with other categories), and irl friends and acquaintances (including one fandom blog turned irl friend)
Do I get asks: on my main if at all, which isn't really surprising because i have hundreds of followers there and maybe 60 followers combined among the rest. but I get asks far less often than I reblog ask memes so... I'm always happy to get more. I do get tagged in ask games more on this one, but writeblr is actually vaguely organized about tag lists so that makes sense. also I used to get tagged a bunch on my main and I rarely could find the posts again to follow up when I had time to answer.
What I’m Wearing: pajamas. staying warm and cozy
Lucky number: I don't remember what I said last time, but I like a lot of numbers. 64 is a good number. recently I've been debugging software in which 0x3E is my lucky status number and 0x0E taunts me. (um, decimal 62 and 14). Also my other favorite number i can't share until it's no longer the combination to the lock to the Secret Room. (or realistically never because opsec and i shouldn't make public the types of parents we use for that combination lock), honestly I aim to be like.... ah, I'm sure the anecdote involves G.H. Hardy but i don't remember on which side. anyway one mathematician remarked to another about how the id number of the taxi he rode in was sadly uninteresting, and the one I aspire to be like, argued "what are you talking about, this number is interesting because ______" and I'd like to be able to do that for any arbitrary number thrown at me. (hi yes math is good, history is hard, math history is interesting yet i still forget the people even if i remember the math. except when things are named after people, but that tends to be, like, Euler and LaGrange and other people who did lots of cool science things so i remember the methods and the names of the methods separately which never helps)
Amount of sleep: ....depression both screws with my sleep schedule and means I always feel like I need more sleep except when I wake up at 5pm and feel like I've wasted the day. so yeah. I can never get enough sleep
Favorite food: yes (why do I have to pick a favorite?) uh, chocolate in most forms, many other sweet things, red meats (especially if served with potatoes), curry (especially if it has "too much" ginger), fresh-baked bread, chai the way my favorite local Indian restaurant makes it (spicier with just a little bit of sweet, which is the opposite of what i can get from the mocha machine at work which is wayyy sweet with a hint of spice but that inferior chai is still superior to coffee so i drink too much of it). also vegetables which I really don't eat enough of: sauteed zucchini and onions, roasted broccoli
Dream trip: dreaming requires creativity and tbh I funnel that mostly into my writing instead. I wouldn't mind going back to Korea for another visit though
Dream job: my current job is pretty good when I feel productive and when my debugging tools actually produce data maybe??? (they were not being helpful today. but i still mostly like my job.) dream job is probably this but with seniority and confidence and double the salary (while living in a similar area of the country; I wouldn't want to double my salary by moving to work for Google in California and having less available after rent than I do now)
Describe yourself as aesthetic things:
the smell of old books
the first glow of sunrise (the sunrise painting the mountains pink and gold)
a rainbow in the spray from a waterfall
the flicker of distant lightning (watching a thunderstorm fade into the distance)
this picture
Tumblr media
Random fact: about me or about the world?
how about a combination answer: when we got our new handbell music this season, we only looked at half the pieces our first rehearsal and afterwards I tried to look up one of the pieces we hadn't gotten to on YouTube because it's got a weird time signature and I wanted to get a feel for how fast it would go and how strict the counting is...... except it turns out we're the first group to ever play the piece. it was commissioned recently but seeing my conductor's name on the page didn't tell me how new it was because he's super prolific. (the fact that it was on printer paper without the publisher's graphics should have been a giveaway but it's only the second time I've been among the first to play one of his pieces so I think I can be excused for not realizing)
Languages: mostly just English, but I took Spanish for years, so I can hold simple conversations in it. I can almost read sound out Hebrew fast enough to keep up in services, and I know some random Hebrew vocab but comparatively no grammar. and I took Korean in college, enough that I can recognize sentence structure but I can really only speak tourist-Korean, though I can sound anything out (if it's typed. handwriting is hit or miss.) in both Hebrew and Korean (and Spanish tbh but i don't often listen to Spanish music) I'm very proud when I can separate the words enough, listening to a song, to translate them without looking up the lyrics. also I tried to learn Japanese from Duolingo when it was new, but I still hadn't gotten the kana straight when it started progressing to kanji so that was a rough time and I went back to Hebrew.
tbh I "dabble" in "language learning" which really means I start a million courses on Duo and stick with none of them. with the notable exception of French, which I acknowledge is super common and probably a good idea to learn but the spelling and pronunciation seem so arbitrary I'm scared to look close enough to learn it properly, and I've never particularly considered starting the Duolingo course for French
I think I lost a few questions, because that's only 18 answers. whoops.
um... who to tag
@abluescarfonwaston if school hasn't drowned you in work yet and @copperscales I'm interested in both of your choices for lucky numbers especially.
... wow I'm blanking on other mutuals I haven't tagged recently. as usual lmk if you'd like to be edited in, or just answer the questions and tag me back, that's great too.
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kopicetic · 6 years
Hi. As a fellow kings fan I'm kinda concerned. You shouldn't care about old news like the hawks. Will they even make the playoffs? Who the fuck knows. Anyways, I focus my hatred towards actual threats within our division. Didn't we just slip down to 4th today? Holy shit dude. Like fuck the ducks and the flames. And we seem to be ignoring the knights, a team which we haven't beaten since preseason who's probably gonna knock us out the first round. Actively seeking hostile fans is not recommended
First off, I'm not trying to come off like a hostile fan when responding to this, Anon, so I'm sorry if I do. There is actually only one team I actively hate, and my hatred of them doesn't even have anything to do with the Kings or the Wings, lmao. If you're a Bruins fan, you probably can guess.I like reading opposing team blogs after they lose to one of my teams. It's entertaining to me. So of course after the Wings shutout the Hawks in Chicago, that was something I was dying to read and it did not disappoint. Hawks and Wings is one of those rivalries you never hear about, which is weird because in my biased opinion, it's the one I grew up with and therefore is the best and most exciting to me. Tampa Bay always owns the Wings; a lot of Wings fans disagree, but to me that is not a rivalry. That is just TBL owning the fuck out of us. It's not fun to watch because you just get the feeling that it's in their heads. And if you believe NBC, Toronto and Detroit are big rivals. Or if you believe Wednesday Night Rivalry, it's Detroit and the Sabres lmao. (Whereas my born and raised in Detroit parents who snuck into games at Olympia and both reminisce about the "good old days" when only the Original Six existed, Toronto was never a rivalry, they hated the Hawks and they hated the Habs.)As far as being concerned about the Kings, yeah, I'm always concerned about their standings also but having dealt many years with another team that had a similar mindset of "you only have to make the playoffs, it doesn't matter how" I've accepted that the Kings don't necessarily seem to care about winning the League or their division, they just want to win enough to make the playoffs and THEN it's game on. Frustrating as a fan, yeah, it sure af is. I don't want to always assume that they're going to lose divisional games like against ANA and SJS and VGK but they never really worry so I'm not particularly worried either. Annoyed, yeah, lmao, I hate seeing them lose to the other Cali teams. But even when they reverse swept SJS they were #NotBothered, in all of their interviews and pressers they were pretty much just like "We just have to win one game and go from there," the only glory they really care about is Lord Stanley. That same year was when Kopi was nominated for the Selke and he was just like "Yeah that's cool I guess BUT we gotta win a playoff game. I mean thanks for noticing I'm a 200ft player but it's a team game." (Thank fuck for Williams pointing out Kopi was ALREADY a great player before Gabby because he was going to give an actual answer lbr.)I'm never worried about the will and the drive, if I worry about the Kings, it's in the sense of "Okay so they're missing a piece, they have the core but now they need a *blank*" (whether that's a puck carrying experienced dman or another scorer, that is up for you to decide, LA Kings Insider folks are all divided up on that issue) and that's something management has to deal with.Basically, it actually takes ten seconds of my life to hate on random teams. That's why all of my posts were tagged with "this post will self destruct" because I'm going to go through and delete them all after this response because I'm over it now lmao. I'm not spending massive amounts of energy focused on the Hawks and ignoring everything else, I promise. The 2013 playoffs were devastating as a Wings fan okay. The season, beating the Fucks when no one thought they would, being 3-1 against the Hawks, that horrible penalty shot that deflated them, yeah, honestly the worst hockey feeling I've had since they lost in the Finals to Pittsburgh. The post game interviews where Kronner was basically crying about the deflection goal was gut wrenching. So when Hawks fans bring that shit up, it stings. A lot. And then I get hella feely. Especially since we obviously disagree a lot on the various shenanigans.Yes. The Kings have dropped to fourth in the division and to the second wild card. Hypothetically, we should actually be more worried about Minnesota knocking them out of that second wild card spot, except Minny doesn't play any time soonish. That being said, Calgary will most likely not sustain. ANA has 2 less points but has also played two more games. I'm more curious to see how they come out, after dropping two important divisional match ups, against the Pens on the second half of a back-to-back. If they come out lacklustre then yeah, I'll join you in the worry club. That being said I feel like they always go through this weird slump where no one can score and no games are won, they did this last Winter Olympics too, and guess what they won THAT season. Pretty sure they're just in their yearly January weirdness lmao. The bye week also seemed to throw off a lot of teams.Anyway, this has turned into an actual fucking novel and I'm done trying to defend the fact that I can care about more than one thing at a time so I'm peacing out now. Again, I'm not trying to be a dbag here, hopefully I don't come off too much like one.
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