#but i don't actually interact with tf canon that often???
More SG! thoughts
Personally, for me, the most important part of an entertaining and interesting Shattered Glass narrative is that it’s not a direct reversal of canon- just an alternate path. By reducing it down to “good guys bad and bad guys good” you take all the nuance out of the actual conflict. and that's BORING. 
So, what I think you need to do is take the canon beginning, and then, from that, set up forks in the narrative where your characters make decisions that are still plausible choices for their original personalities, BUT lead them to completely different places. Like, instead of “HE'S EVIL NOW”, it’s “our canon character has inherent flaws and strengths in their personality. and while in this universe, those traits lead them to THIS side, it’s also those traits that in another universe, would have led them to the other side instead.” 
And obviously, where they end up at the end of their character arcs should be completely different from canon- otherwise it wouldn’t be shattered glass! But what’s important is that where they start from is exactly the same. 
Because, I think the whole point of a shattered glass AU shouldn’t just be a “what if” scenario. That’s wasted potential! What it should be is a reminder- that yes, these people are heros. But they are only on the good side because they CHOSE to be. Morality isn’t an inherent or hereditary trait- it's a disipline that you have to commit to every day. And our so-called “heros” could just have easily become villains if they wanted. It’s to remind us that anyone can be a good person- but just as easily, anyone can become a monster. 
(this was my biggest problem with the idw shattered glass series (the one that focused on starscream) the villians really just felt too one note. and that's kinda what inspired this rant. but anyways.) 
I think the best example of this would be Megatron and Optimus falling out.
In original canon, Optimus is fundamentally opposed to the Decepticon cause because he can’t support their methods. He believes that while their anti-functionalist ideology is correct, the lengths they are willing to go to achieve their worldview ultimately does more harm than good. 
However, that pisses Megatron off because he views it as Optimus choosing to support the autocratic dogma that is oppressing the people- choosing order over freedom (ironically). I think the core ideology of his (earlier) beliefs is that to achieve true equality, their society must be completely torn down and built anew. (Which I mean- fair.) So anyone who defends the good parts of their society is also allowing the bad parts to continue. 
For the Shattered Glass canon, this interpretation is what I would really focus on. The autobots being cold, and emotionless. They value rules over people. (lawful evil anyone?) I’m not sure if I would maintain functionalism underneath them- but I would definitely keep severe classism. In an autobot society, everything is buried under layers and layers of bureaucracy, in a way that keeps the poor poor, and the autobots in power. 
I think I’d also want to play into the matrix being a corrupting force, rather than a holy one. Religious indoctrination would be a big part of the autobot regime for sure- and that’s where I would see Optimus coming into complete control. Normally I don’t love evil artifacts (because I feel like they’re a copout for meaningful character development) but I think it’s the most plausible way Optimus could go from where he is at the start of canon to a full on dictator warlord. 
Meanwhile, Megatron continues his campaign of anti-functionalism. However, instead of turning to a more Machiavellian way of achieving victory, he believes that the only way to overcome oppression would be to protect the ones most affected by it. I think that “people don’t deserve what they can’t take by force” is a big part of canon Megatron’s ideology (rather, because the labor classes are physically more powerful than the upper class nobles, they deserve to be in control). However, in SG!, I think because Megatron knows what it’s like to be at the bottom of society, he would refuse to allow anyone else to be treated the same way (Tying into the “protect the weak” dogma of the canon autobots)
So. In summary. Seeing your favorite little guys all switched up is super fun. But LITERARY ANALYSIS is even MORE fun.
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susagnon · 2 months
Class 1-A band
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One last band reunion... before they're all shipped of to war.
I have wondered about this group’s dynamic:
Kaminari, Jirou, and Yaoyorozu first established a bond through surviving USJ together.
After that, Yaoyorozu and Jirou are often seen together, and the two of them might be each others closest friend in 1-A.
But Kaminari is probably the only one, who's friends with all of the band members:
I don't think I need to elaborate much on Kaminari and his electric bond with Jirou. Semi-canon shipping aside though, they're definitely friends.
Same with Bakugou. To him, Kaminari's probably the second real friend that he made in his life. (Or rather, Kaminari made himself Bakugou's second real friend.)
Tokoyami and Kaminari apparently got closer to each other through the band. Tokoyami's thoughts during Kaminari's big (that should've could've been more elaborated on) badass scene during the Gunga Mountain raid, outright stated, that he views the latter as a very good friend.
In one of my previous posts, I headcanon that Kaminari is one of Class Mom's favourite children. Canonically, Kaminari and Yaoyorozu are actually depicted as laughing with each other in the background more than a few times. I find KamiMomo to be an underrated background friendship, as I can see them being good for each other: Both are sensitive souls and often try to encourage others. Kaminari was also the one, who immediately interupted Yaoyorozu, when she attempted to give 1-A and 1-B the "you are not obligated to fight against a lethal opponent with me" - speech. He instead assured Yaoyorozu that she would not face off against Gigantomachia alone.
The rest of them? Aren't really close to each other.
Let's move from the most easy-going to the most difficult 1-A band member. In contrast to Kaminari, I feel like Jirou, Yaoyorozu, and Tokoyami would have a more “normal” reaction to the snappy Pomeranian:
As in, backing away and leaving it tf alone.
Because most people can't/ don't want to put up with unwarranted anger and disrespect repeatedly – understandable, especially if there's little to no positive feedback ever.
After the cultural festival arc, Bakugou and Jirou were put into the same team during the joint training arc. In which they were not shown to interact in any manner, that could be interpreted as significant to the relationship between them. No, I don’t count Bakugou saving Jirou by stepping on her, as a sign for a budding friendship.
I headcanon that Bakugou feels slightly uneasy around Yaoyorozu, ever since her assessment of him at the start of the school year. I don’t think that he held a grudge against her for that. But Bakugou is a very proud individual, even after his extensive character development. Having someone - especially someone who’s not a senior but a peer – rip apart that superior self-image he had of himself with such laser-sharp accuracy and soberness, seemed to have been… kinda traumatic to Bakugou and his gargantuan ego. I feel like he would subconsciously avoid being alone with Yaoyorozu. As in, if they happen to find themselves alone with each other in the common areas of their dorms, he will try to leave quickly.
Beyond each other's battle prowess, I don’t see Bakugou and Tokoyami having much respect left for each other. Or to put it more mildly: Neither of them has patience for the other's antics.
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Tokoyami is not amused. Funnily enough, in the gag comics, Dark Shadow - in the form of a little girl - made a ranking list of who/what she likes the most: Apparently, Bakugou ranks third, just behind Tokoyami himself, and Todoroki.
In short: Kaminari gels with everyone. Bakugou gels with no one... except those, who just blend out the majority of his verbal abuse.
No surprises here.
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What about TokoJirou?
These two don't interact a whole lot, but the drama CDs gave us Tokoyami accompanying Jirou to a haunted house alone (Kaminari chickened out). It includes Jirou asking to hold onto the hem of Tokoyami's uniform and him reassuring her fears. (It's all very cute, go look it up on yt!)
Main media-wise, Tokoyami and Jirou had a moment of joint badassery during the final war. From that sole interaction, I’d say his dramatics and her snark go well with each other - be it directed towards each other, or united against the big bad.
Aside from that, we haven’t gotten much of Tokoyami and Jirou together, unfortunately. However, I believe they get along well. Based on the drama CD, it could even be inferred that they are friends, and most of their friendship just never made it on-screen.
What about TokoMomo?
We know that Yaoyorozu's self-confidence took a critical hit, after she lost against Tokoyami in the sports fest at lightening speed. She seemed to have been very shocked about how the match play out. We could assume, that she had been relatively self-confident previously. But we actually don't know, if it used to be more stable. And while Yaoyorozu's match with Todoroki against Aizawa gave her back some self-confidence; from then on, we're privy to more of her thoughts - most of them centered around self-doubt.
So either she'd never encountered a roadblock before losing against Tokoyami, and their match was to her, what her own assessment of Bakugou was to the latter. Or, Yaoyorozu has always been prone to second-guess herself a lot after encountering setbacks.
While he probably didn't pay half as much mind to his quick victory against Yaoyorozu as she did, we know that Tokoyami can be quite observant. I would have find his thoughts about their match, as well as the resulting consequences for Yaoyorozu's self-confidence, interesting.
How would these two interact, if they were to be alone with each other? How could they become closer friends?
During the festival, Tokoyami called Yaoyorozu "Yaomomo", using the affectionate nickname given to her by their classmates. Albeit not close, this might suggest a warm relationship between them.
Tangent: In contrast, Tokoyami still uses "Asui" instead of "Tsu-chan", despite Asui calling him "Tokoyami-chan". On the other hand, "Yaomomo" doesn't sound as intimate as "Tsu-chan". Thus Tokoyami might feel more comfortable using one nickname, but not the other.
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arceespinkgun · 1 year
Jazz is much more interesting and multifaceted than people give him credit for. And it's super disappointing to see how the fandom interacts with him, especially as a black-coded character. The sheer amount of casual racism and fetishization is distressing, especially because it's mainly dispersed by his so-called "fans"
Jazz's interpersonal relationships are very fascinating and could be an important part of his character. However people seem to be unable to properly handle or understand that aspect of him; both official creators and fans. While I don't claim I know the character better than anyone else, I also don't think it's that hard NOT to write anti-black content and fetishize the character
An opinion I have which could almost be called controversial, is that I don't think Jazz and Prowl should get along at all. I would like them to be dysfunctional, I love them as worsties. I don't want them to have a bonding moment where they suddenly understand each other and work in tandem harmonically. I want them to retain that conflict of clashing ideologies and methods. I want them to agree to disagree, rather than meet each other halfway
I really feel this—at this point, I've seen most of the media Jazz appears in, and there's so much to his character that just doesn't seem to be engaged with at all. For example, how social is Jazz really? This is the guy who just stood in a field and let snow completely cover him in one episode of the Sunbow cartoon... and he often comes across as isolated from the people around him. How much of this is because he won't open up, and how much of it is because he is just a very independent person? Could he be a secret introvert? How deep are his friendships with others when many of them seem to amount to "the person Jazz hangs out with" and there are often fewer interactions between him and his friends than you'd think? These are just a few fascinating questions about the character that people rarely ask.
The rest of my response got really long so I'm putting it under a cut:
While I'm Asian and not Black (and I don't want to speak over the voices of Black fans) the racist, anti-Black tropes found in a lot of fandom writing about Jazz truly do seem like they could be so easily avoided. Basically every single one of them involves interpreting the character in the exact opposite way that multiple different series portray him! One example is how many people write him as being lazy/trying to get out of work constantly—no version of Jazz has EVER been portrayed this way in ANY series, so wouldn't it be so easy to just not?! I'm 90% certain that this is due to a mix of people's racist biases showing through in their fanwork, and also the uncritical replication of other people's racist fanwork without actually stopping to look at who this character really is (also largely caused by racist biases).
I'm not letting racist tropes in actual TF series off the hook, but I'd really wish that as transformative media the creations of fandom would be attempting to address and improve these issues instead of making them 10,000x worse by adding racist tropes that weren't even present in canon. For example, how is the Sunbow cartoon—the show so racist it had fucking Carbomya in it—one of the best portrayals of Jazz there is? I feel sad that the continuities most often discussed are some of the ones that serve the character the worst, actually. Like basically nobody's going to talk about how Jazz bravely fought Galvatron one-on-one in the Marvel comics or anything.
When it comes to Jazz and Prowl—I have very mixed feelings. I took no issue with them being longtime friends in some earlier media like the Marvel UK comics run or the Dreamwave comics, and I felt like it made a lot of sense with how they're characterized. But it doesn't seem like people examined or explored it. Instead, what's popular is layer upon layer of racist tropes (and other gross, strangely essentialist ones—why are fanfic writers so weird about characters from Praxus?) and in later canon media (with IDW2 being the worst in its messaging), Prowl has been so linked to police brutality and more issues than I can even go into here that it feels deeply inappropriate for these characters to be friends now. Because of these issues, I even feel uncomfortable having acknowledged that they were friends in any media, and while normally I'd analyze this dynamic in more detail or show excerpts that highlight it, I don't feel like I can because I can't trust people to not be gross in response.
I also remember the whiplash between IDW's Spotlight: Jazz (very underrated story by the way) in which Prowl is maybe the kindest anybody has ever been to Jazz, versus a couple years later, Prowl thinking it's a good idea to POINT A GUN TO JAZZ'S HEAD to get his attention. It's bad enough that the character the Autobot logo is depicting is horribly stained in this way—very disturbing—but I feel even worse knowing that something that was once nice for Jazz has been so ruined in both canon and fandom. I think this situation is beyond the scope of fans to tackle and that TF just needs to get its shit together regarding social issues. That being said, I feel like this makes it even more important that fans stop replicating racist tropes in their fanwork, since that's making the situation even worse.
TL;DR Jazz is great and if I see one more fic in which Prowl stops Jazz for speeding I'm going to explode
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thelordofgifs · 1 year
Caught up with tfs a few days ago… Just wanted to say that I absolutely love it, especially how you've depicted certain dynamics (Maedhros and Maglor. They're such complex characters and it's thrilling to see them interact) Can't wait for part 20!
Also, if you don't mind, there's a couple questions for you:
I remember a note of yours saying you were thinking about killing Maglor in the very first chapter of the fic… Do you have any idea of what turn things would have taken if you had done that?
(I hope this isn't too technical) What's your approach in writing? Do you start off with certain scenes already in mind or do you just ask yourself what would the characters do in certain situations?
P.S. Maglor, could you please focus on STAYING ALIVE for once?
This is such a lovely ask, thank you! I sat on it until after I’d got part 20 out so that I could answer it without worrying about spoilers (re Maglor in particular), but it’s been brightening my ask box since you sent it in! I’m so glad you enjoy tfs, and the Maedhros and Maglor dynamic in particular – I love the two of them to PIECES and I want everyone reading to end up as feral about them as I am.
So: killing Maglor! I very much did not want to do that, as this entire second arc has shown pretty conclusively. To be honest I think the fic would have been almost unrecognisable if Maglor had died. He’s one of the two main characters (there are lots of major characters, but Maglor is a main character), he’s appeared in literally every single part, and his arc is one that ties strongly with several of the fic’s important themes. On a practical level, if Carcharoth had killed Maglor, there would have been no particular incentive to bring Maedhros to Menegroth, and so Beren, Lúthien and Thingol would have had a lot less divergence from their canon paths. And the way I see Maedhros is that grief tends to make him completely shut down, so we wouldn’t even have had a feral chaos agent to cause trouble. Although perhaps Curufin, backed up by Celegorm, would have taken the opportunity to pull off a coup in Himring even sooner. But also I wouldn’t have got to write Maglor meeting Lúthien so this would not be as much fun :(
My approach in writing! Kind of a mixture of the two, really. Writing canon-divergence AU actually requires you to be in almost constant conversation with canon, I think. Especially in the first few parts of tfs I spent a lot of time asking myself, Okay, so how would [insert character] react to this situation, based on what they do in canon? As I got more into the swing of the story, and more settled in my characterisations, I defaulted a bit to my more usual process, which is very much “have cool scenes in head and figure out how to get there”. The stabbing (my beloved!!) is a good example of this. I’d set things up in parts 11 and 12 so that Maedhros was obviously in an Extremely Bad Headspace and would not react at all well to Fingon and Maglor’s return. He could try to kill Maglor, actually, I mused to myself. And as I thought through the scene I decided that I liked the image a lot and would now have to quickly contrive a reason for Fingon to not be there so that it could happen. But for the most part I do try to let characterisation inform the plot – less putting little guys into situations than trying to work out which situations the little guys would get themselves into, which I think tends to produce a more plausible plot than the “the image in my head is cool” method. And of course I love writing dialogue and many of the best scenes in the fic are conversational ones: for those I usually have an idea of what plot significance the conversation needs to have, and what sort of dynamic between the characters I’m trying to illuminate, but often when they get talking I lose control of them a little and have to wrestle them back into line! Which is both fun and frustrating. Sometimes characters come up with really cool lines completely out of nowhere (I am VERY pleased with “The iniquity is not written on your bones” like where did that come from), but sometimes they’ve been in my head for ages and I am absolutely dying to work them into a conversation (“Ask me to stay and I’ll stay” !!). So a mixture, again.
Thank you so much for the lovely ask!! ❤️
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line-of-fire · 8 months
Thinking about Pixie's team with the Green Berets, aka one of the major 'shared canon events' across most AUs/timelines TF-Patriot.
Excluding Pearson, who even back then was still just this somewhat detached commanding officer more than anything, it was a group of about five of them (admittedly subject to change as I further develop this part of her history) and they got pretty tight with one another.
Personally, I like to think the senior NCO/warrant officer back then was actually the same guy that encouraged her to go into special forces back when she was a self-destructive specialist, but i need to develop things more so and it isn't critically important anyways. Just a nice thought.
But anyways. That squad was the first time in years that Pixie was actually able to open up, actually forge a meaningful connection with others. She genuinely considered these people close friends as much as she could all things considered, actually felt safe enough to open up about certain things to them. I don't think they knew much about her personal life, but she spoke of her daughter and brother often enough for them to know she was fond of them, to understand that it impacted how she interacted with hostages and civilians in the field.
But despite all the good it did her.... She still agreed to leave for TF-Patriot, even if a few of those guys joined the task force with her. She still had that need to stay on that 'speeding train' and make herself useful in her mind, even if it killed her.
And it's sad, really. She had a good thing going for her back then, and accepting that transfer is honestly one of the very few things she seriously regrets, but wouldn't undo with the knowledge of how Pearson was as a commander once the ropes were loosened.
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decepti-thots · 3 years
How I feel about this character: right so this is my OTHER joint fave *points at icon*, and in this case across alllll TF media he is basically my #1 overall ngl, hahaha. I love him. IDW is also my favourite Rodimus! I LOVE HIM. I think probably the best way to explain my feelings on Rodimus is that when I think about "relating" to characters I tend to do so mostly through what a character's flaws are, and unfortunately *gestures to everything about this little asshole* I find him extremely relatable in that sense. But also as a main character he just brings a really amazing forward momentum to the narrative which works SO well, and I find so many of the points of his overall arc just hit *chef's kiss* just right . Love that boy.
All the people I ship with this character: this is another one where i'm just like. everyone lmao. my approach to shipping in case it wasn't obvious, outside specific OTPs, is often less "do i want these characters to Kiss TM" and more "what would the most interesting consequences of and/or justifications for these characters Kissing TM be?" so. yeah. obviously my OTP is rodimags though, and I also have huge huge soft spots for driftrod and rodimus/ratchet and the combination thereof.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Drift! That one's actually easy. I really like those two in all ways. They are extremely fun characters who bounce off each other in a lot of ways and they can carry off a lot of different tones to their interactions even within the same story.
My unpopular opinion about this character: ok so here's the thing, I have had multiple people get mad at me and/or vaguetweet me both because I like Rodimus so much, AND because they either think I don't like Rodimus or they think I like him The Wrong Way, lmao. Uhhh, I guess the degree to which I am engaged by his worse traits has rubbed enough people the wrong way I can just maybe diplomatically say I have a somewhat different perspective on the character, especially in early MTMTE, than many people, and that's fine because we all enjoy different things and have different priorities in our enjoyment of our favourite media? (idk man i don't want people coming to yell at me again because they are insistent i am being mean to their fave or something, who is also... my fave...)
One thing I wish would/had happened with this character in canon: straight up, I narratively do not think Rodimus' ending works in the context of his overall arc and I think the apparent original plan (damnit, I cannot remember where I originally heard this but I swear to god there was a source, IIRC) that he would die at the end of MTMTE fits better. I don't necessarily think him dying would have been the best fit, and it's not the ending I would have chosen, but his actual ending as it stands is extremely out of place to me in how it does not thematically tie into his overall arc and it continues to confuse me how that was intended to land. So.
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arceespinkgun · 10 months
I don't see many people point it out or people even being aware of it but Dreamwave contributed SIGNIFICANTLY to modern Transformers media! There is a high chance that something in any present TF media could be a subconscious callback to the Dreamwave Continuity, I think due to the objectively negative parts of it that it faded into obscurity so people don't often credit it as a forebearer when it has influenced canon and fanon a lot
I have also speculated due to what people generally bring up in regards to the Dreamwave Continuity that many haven't actually read it and it's more of a "word of mouth" situation (this has happened with the Marvel Comics and with even more recent comics like IDW1 and IDW2 where fans will heavily rely on incomplete testimonies of others or heavily caricatures of characters as a source of information)
Some plotlines featured in IDW1 were originally planned for the Dreamwave Continuity before they went ?bankrupt? (Don't quote me on the bankruptcy) such as Megatron: Origin, where the latter would have met and bonded with a character who would be a mentor to him. The story was edited to fit into the IDW1 continuity and the mentor character would later evolve to that of Terminus
This is absolutely true. A lot of characterization and worldbuilding was created for that continuity, like the creation of pre-Earth designs for characters who hadn't previously had any, and there are a lot of interesting character dynamics that could've been expanded upon in other media but never were. The Dreamwave comics are not very good, and they aren't fun like the Marvel comics are. I'm not as surprised by the lack of knowledge of the Dreamwave comics due to all of their issues, but I am really confused by the lack of discussion of IDW1, IDW2, and the Marvel comics... like I still think All Hail Megatron is pretty good and has some of the best Starscream and Megatron interactions, IDW2 had Lightbright and Lodestar, that really good Starscream Halloween comic, a more vibrant Cybertron, etc., and the Marvel comics have all the fun of the Sunbow cartoon with more consistency and characterization for characters who were much flatter in animation!
Oh Dreamwave Comics absolutely went bankrupt and more, look up Pat Lee for more information—like many comic startups around that time, it was grossly corrupt and didn't pay its artists or writers, exploiting their passion, and then it imploded.
Yes, that's right, ironically I thought the fact that it was originally planned for the Dreamwave comics was why so many of the characterization details of Megatron: Origin don't fit with late-phase IDW... only to find out that JRo took the concept of a mentor for Megatron and put him in his run of the comics, meaning he knew about the original plans. In fact, I think when concepts from Dreamwave and Marvel were attempted in IDW1, they weren't done very well. The Shockwave-Prowl tension in Dreamwave? One of the best parts of the continuity. In IDW1? I don't think it really works or means much given what archetypes those characters got turned into in that continuity and how far removed they are from their older selves. Thunderwing in the Marvel comics? Amazing idea for a character, I wish he had a more fleshed-out story! In IDW1? Whatever.
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decepti-thots · 3 years
Ultra Magnus for the meme?
How I feel about this character: Magnus is my joint fave character (not just in MTMTE, either- across most TF franchises), but IDW Mags is my favourite Mags especially. For like, a LOT of reasons, but especially because I relate to a lot of stuff that IDW puts him through in very specific ways, so. 🤷 (OCD having Magnus fanclub president right here!!!) I do actually think that after "season one" of MTMTE he's kind of not written consistently, however, which can give me a right headache sometimes. (To put it briefly, the more "in-focus" he is, the more he acts like Magnus is set up to be immediately post his arc on Luna-1, and the less in focus he is, the more he acts like none of that ever happened and he's been the same since issue #1, before we knew anything about him.) Anyway, I fucking love him, whatever, I'd die for that boy.
All the people I ship with this character: i am beginning to realize this is a bad meme question for me because i just, i will ship anything at least once, i literally go out of my way to try and create absolutely baffling pairings and try to Make Them Work. But if we're going with stuff I like really actively ship I guess Rodimus (anyone who has seen my blog knows this lmao), Rung (i will make this ship a thing if it fucking kills me), Nightbeat (DITTO), Rewind (everyone stares judgementally), idk Drift? ask me about my many mags ships i just love forcing him into awkward interactions its so FUN
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Ten! I wanted more Minimus and Ten actually!!! I wanted to SEE THEM interacting more, I love and am very soft for them.
My unpopular opinion about this character: uhhhh actually i'm not sure what IS popular/unpopular re: him because I think the strong opinions come out often more for characters people relate to directly, and I don't think Magnus is a character nearly as many people relate to as say, Rodimus or someone. I guess my main one is that I really do not vibe, at all, in any way, with Megatron/Magnus, which is like, THE main ship for his fandom. I actually specifically dislike a lot of the way their interactions shake out in canon narratively, even, for long complicated reasons I won't get into here. So. (No hate, just personal taste.)
One thing I wish would/had happened with this character in canon: i have said it before and i will say it again, going out of your way to connect the driving force of the CDRW conflict and a major series run-long subplot to a character who you make related to one of your primary characters and then never doing anything meaningful with that either plotwise or really even as relates to his arc is a really weird choice. i at LEAST want to know if this is something where something either got dropped or turned out not to fit like jro originally expected it to or something, it feels a really, really odd choice to me.
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