#but i'm thinking about vegeta and gohan's relationship
parkersgeorg · 1 year
Forgive me if this should have been a dm, but may I request that essay about Gohan and Vegeta’s relationship?
Consider Vegeta. He has always prided himself on being, even as a child, stronger than all adult Saiyans, and that without training under anyone. He was a prodigy! He was unrivalled! And then he meets Gohan who 1) is probably even younger than Vegeta was when he was declared the best 2) never had any training whatsoever either AND wasn't even born and raised in a warrior culture. When do they first meet? Oh, that would be when Gohan absolutely trounces Vegeta's ass at the tender age of four years old (or five years old according to some Western translations, or three years old according to Toriyama's original concept), eliciting in Vegeta the same response Gohan gets from just about anyone: disbelief. For all that Vegeta has become the archetype of the shonen rival who always comes second, we tend to forget that he did beat Goku the first time they met -- and he beat him by a lot. He was torturing him to death when Gohan and Krillin and Yajirobé intervened, and without them Goku would be fucking dead (again).
Vegeta has thus been rattled not just by Goku but also by Gohan, who displayed enormous amounts of raw power at a ridiculously young age. And for all of Vegeta's posturing and pride, he noticed. After he allies himself with Krillin and Gohan on Namek, he shouts at Frieza that they're worthy allies because they're constantly becoming stronger, "especially the young one [who has] powers he can't even dream of". Gohan looks noticeably struck by this comment -- in the middle of the chaos of Namek where everyone is five times his height and a million times his power, Vegeta's acknowledgment would in a weird way probably mean a lot to him, especially since The Prince Of All Saiyans wouldn't say that kind of thing lightly. Gohan remains terrified of Vegeta's immense power and ruthless violence; but he takes Vegeta's profession of alliance seriously and doesn't hesitate to dive into danger to drag Vegeta out of the way, a move which completely baffles and infuriates Vegeta -- it was probably the first time anyone ever saved his life in combat. Of course he shouts at Gohan for what he can only perceive as a humiliation. And yet later, against Frieza, Vegeta does exactly the same thing for him, for no clear reason other that he considers Gohan an ally worth preserving.
So from the beginning, despite Vegeta's pride on one hand and Gohan's fear on the other, there's a warriorlike respect between them, and they're changing each other. Vegeta loathes Goku and dreads Frieza, and despises just about anyone else he fights... but not Gohan. That doesn't mean he's nice to him; when Gohan adorably tries to thank him for his help post-Namek arc, Vegeta batting his hand away is basically the continuation of his confused anger at Gohan trying to save his life. He cannot see that extended hand as anything other than an insult to his strength. But with that move, Gohan is literally the only fighter who tries to... befriend Vegeta. All the other Z-fighters keep well away and Goku sort of lost interest the moment he heard of someone stronger. But Gohan takes the time to thank him and acknowledge that Vegeta went out of his (admittedly very narrow) way to help them. I like to think that his wounded surprise when Vegeta rejects him would quietly shock Vegeta in turn -- shit, that kid really was trying to make friends. So his mental Gohan file would boil down to 1) Incredibly strong and worthy ally 2) Too sweet for his own good.
During the Cell arc, Vegeta's posturing endangers everyone. Once again, Gohan's amazing untapped strength comes out in full force, and once again he risks his life to save Vegeta's. But instead of blowing up at him this time, Vegeta apologizes (which shocks everyone who hears it). Is it the only time we see Vegeta apologize onscreen? I think it is. And he calls himself dead weight! Calls himself a burden on Gohan! Even in the deepest depths of his self-hatred, he would have never said something like that to Goku. No one but Gohan could have ever elicited that from him; no one but Gohan was both strong enough to actually protect Vegeta, and sweet enough that not even Vegeta could resent him for it.
So the little seed of respect planted during the Namek arc has been quietly growing during the Cell arc, and we see hints of it during the Buu arc too -- when Gohan is presumed dead, Vegeta is straight-up distressed, basically saying that Gohan didn't deserve it, getting hit by the guilt of what he's done. Gohan was the only Z-fighter to acknowledge Vegeta's humanity, and in return Gohan is the only Z-fighter whose humanity Vegeta acknowledges.
And then Buu is defeated, Vegeta concludes his character arc, and has his last interaction with Gohan in DBZ: they meet before the final tournament and Vegeta coldly tells Gohan he clearly hasn't been training. And Gohan seems intimidated and embarrassed. It's clear that for all of Vegeta's repeated fuck-ups, Gohan has never stopped respecting him: in his mind, Vegeta is still that pillar of strength that almost annihilated them all that first time on Earth, and saved their asses multiple times on Namek when Goku was nowhere to be found. The fact that Gohan is so vulnerable to Vegeta's judgment harks back to that moment on Namek when Vegeta casually acknowledged how awesome Gohan's power could become. Gohan remembers that -- and now, having abandoned his training, he clearly feels that he's disappointed Vegeta.That he didn't live up to his hopes. And Vegeta, in turn, clearly tells him he expected better -- that he did have hopes of Gohan, and that Gohan is fully capable of (and therefore responsible for) upholding Saiyan pride.
This is when we leave canon and depart for the mad fevered realms of my brain. The Namek Chief and Old Kai both saw deep untapped potential in Gohan but could only attempt to bring it up to the surface through magic. Gohan is basically, repeatedly confirmed as the strongest DBZ character ever... if he could only manage to actually unlock that strength. But it's locked up tight.
I wonder if anyone could HELP WITH THAT.
Being drafted in a terrible war at an absurdly young age? Vegeta knows how that feels. Being hindered in your ability to get stronger because of psychological issues stemming from trauma and self-doubt? Vegeta also knows how that feels. Feeling like you can never unlock your abilities when you need them? Vegeta also knows how that feels! He can even relate to being disgusted with fighting -- he swore to renounce fighting after Goku's second death and essentially kept his word right up until Goku came back. Most importantly, Vegeta would be uniquely suited to recognize how both Piccolo and Goku's training approaches fucked up Gohan. Piccolo didn't reassure him enough, turning the fight into this terrifying non-negotiable obligation. Goku reassured him too much, basically taking the fight aspect entirely out of Gohan's training -- to the point that Gohan experienced the actual fighting as a betrayal when the time came to face Cell, and terrified himself when his Saiyan ferocity came out unbidden and uncontrollable.
As the only person alive to remember Saiyan culture, Vegeta could see that what Gohan's been missing is the sheer joy Saiyans are supposed to experience when fighting. And post-Buu arc, Vegeta has grown enough to acknowledge he can care for other people. He would allow himself to actually use everything he knows to further someone else's development. His skills as a prodigy, his understanding of Saiyan nature, his own exploration of trauma, his respect for Gohan and his faith in that famed potential -- all that could come out to play big time. He could help Gohan; he would help Gohan. And thus finally return the friendship Gohan dared to extend to him all those years ago. And when I think of how Gohan would react to that, I CRY.
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tobiasdrake · 25 days
Having talked a bit about both Chi-Chi/Goku and Bulma/Vegeta, I wanted to talk a bit more about Chi-Chi and Goku's relationship, and why it works for these particular characters.
As I talked about before, Goku is an aromantic character. He's also probably asexual or at least on the asexual spectrum. He's obviously not sex-repulsed as demonstrated by the existence of Gohan and Goten, but he's disinterested in the pursuit of romance or sexuality. Or any social endeavors, for that matter; Disappearing for years at a time while none of his friends get so much as a word from him was normal for Goku long before he ever even had a family.
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It's a practice he retained even after he "settled down" with Chi-Chi.
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"See ya later, Chi-Chi! I'm meeting up with all my old pals for the first time in five years."
This is just how Goku is. He doesn't have much of a social instinct at all. He has hyperfixations he wants to pursue, and he has varying degrees of "I do/do not like this person". but he isn't driven to socialize. The reason he's living with Chi-Chi is because he made a promise that he would live with Chi-Chi.
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Yamcha's explanation here is Goku's sole conception of romance. They have to live in the same house now because that's what Goku promised her. That is Goku's one and only wedding vow.
He. Uh. He's not even very good at honoring that much.
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Goku you literally only understand the barest possible minimum of what this social contract means and you're still failing at it. How do you even.
In any case, what makes Chi-Chi/Goku work is the innocence of it. Because Chi-Chi's comprehension of what they're actually doing here is as limited as Goku's is.
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That's it. That is Chi-Chi's comprehension of romance. She is backest of backwoods Alabama Royalty. In this scene, she was five seconds away from letting herself be manipulated into thinking that a man that did this a minute ago was secretly in love with her:
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See, it's okay 'cause he said "I love you" afterward so I guess this was all just a misunderstanding!
I'm not exaggerating when I say that Chi-Chi dodged a fucking bullet given the quality of relationship she could so easily have been suckered into. This girl was destined to be a domestic abuse victim.
...uh. Y'know.
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Apart from one of the grossest jokes Toriyama ever wrote, I mean.
Point is, Chi-Chi is in the same boat as Goku. For Goku, this all started over a misunderstanding. He didn't know what Chi-Chi was talking about when she said she wanted him to ask for her hand.
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For Chi-Chi, it's exactly the same. This all started over a misunderstanding. She didn't know that Goku just learned what girls are like three days ago and had a bad habit for a while of groping people to discern their genders.
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Both of these kids are naive, innocent morons.
This innocence, this total lack of comprehension for what they are actually doing for both parties, is what makes their oddball contractual dynamic come across as funny and inoffensive. They aren't in love with one another in a romantic sense; They're playing house on a large scale.
The first day they met, they made a contractual agreement off of mutual dumbassery. The second day they met, the got married to fulfill that contract. Now they're trying to do the things that Chi-Chi was socially conditioned to believe you're supposed to do when you're married. That is their entire relationship with one another.
There is an innocence to all of this that allows the aroace Son Goku to be in a hetero dynamic without his partner coming across as predatory.
This, incidentally, is also why it's for the best that nothing ever came of this:
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Yeah. Oh yeah. This. If it had been Bulma instead of Chi-Chi, this absolutely would have come across as predatory.
With Goku being aroace, there's essentially no possible way these two characters could get together romantically that wouldn't seem unbelievably manipulative on Bulma's part. Unlike Chi-Chi, she knows exactly what she's doing. She's super-intelligent, socially literate, and supremely amoral.
If these two got together, it would absolutely feel like she was taking advantage of Goku's naivety. That's why, though their relationship is arguably the strongest and the single-most important interpersonal relationship in the series:
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It vitally remains platonic to this day.
This is, itself, the beauty of Toriyama's character writing. His plots have varying degrees of jankiness to them, his "traditional values" and sometimes flagrant sexism bleeds through his work, and there are some really gross moments here and there. But one thing he grasps well is the unique dynamics of every interpersonal relationship.
At no point are these characters simply "A group of friends". Every relationship between two characters is unique, built upon their own personal identities and histories with one another. Tenshinhan's relationship with Goku is not the same as his relationship with Gohan, his relationship with Krillin, or his relationship with Vegeta.
And they often defy easy categorization into boxes like "The Lovers" and "The Pals" and "The Besties". Goku's relationship with Bulma or Vegeta or Chi-Chi is what it is, and it is nothing else, but what exactly it is isn't easily pinned down into a neat, digestible semblance of normalcy. It just. Is.
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strawberrycakelove · 1 month
I have the headcanon that among Saiyans, it is predominantly females who choose and pursue the male, and not males who choose and pursue females, and that some (perhaps many) female Saiyans are polyandrous. And that males are predominantly passive and simply wait to be chosen. Because when Bulma invited Vegeta to stay at her house, he just went (and never left LOL)
Because Vegeta at no point showed himself bothered or resentful with the fact that Bulma had a current relationship with Yamcha at the moment (which doesn't mean that I don't think they don't enter competitions to win and expel weaker competitors LOL, it wouldn't even be even inconsistent with the fact that they are a warrior race, fighting to be the favorite wouldn't even be strange).
And that when Bulma invited him to her house he took it as something else lol (not that I don't believe that this wasn't Bulma's intention, she even flirted with him, and not long after Trunks' existence was practically pre -determined with the appearance of Future Trunks LOL).
And I believe this because Goku was extremely passive when accepting/remaking ChiChi's marriage proposal (let's be honest, ChiChi was the one who practically proposed to Goku here, even as children she asked him to get married), and Goku never seemed bothered or resentful that he wasn't the one to make the choice, and she did it after a fight LOL.
And Gohan, even though he was a hybrid, practically followed the same path letting himself be chosen by Videl, Videl created a dispute with him, chased him, challenged him and fought with him, investigated his house, blackmailed him and forced him to teach her how to fly and participate in the martial arts tournament because she wanted a strong opponent to fight, perhaps for the Saiyan instincts (I'm not talking about standards as the Saiyans are practically extinct in the series) this is the height of the demonstration of se….. /romantic interest LOL (just like in many animal species where males fight/show off for females, but here Videl was the one who played this role, I also don't know if Gohan, being a hybrid, his Saiyan instincts mixed with humans didn't make a beauty of a mess LOL, it can be a little of both). And Gohan practically already considered himself Videl's boyfriend or partner when Goku tries to offer her to Old Kai (which reinforces my And again, Gohan never seemed resentful or bothered by it.
Not that I believe this is a rule, but it is the HC that was created in my mind LOL
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galexibrain · 16 days
I really, really do like the finale of the Buu Saga - the idea of everyone coming together and uniting their power to form a massive genkidama is fucking perfect. (Also the chapters on the Kaioshin World give us the most satisfying conclusion for Vegeta's entire character development as well as his complicated relationship with Goku.)
BUT I also like to think about other possible endings!
Obviously for one, Gohan actually stepping in as the hero as originally intended. Maybe with the boys as back-up but ultimately the one whos now Earth's strongest. (Narratively fantastic but I guess this'd be the one ending that doesn't bring back Vgeta & Goku and that'd make me too sad u.u)
Another one that's been cooking in my head is Vegeta admitting Goku as superior as he did in canon, which in turn "frees" him from his bitterness that's only been holding him back atp, and it unlocks SSJ3 for him. Bc he's still dead he can actually utilize the form unlike Goku who's burnt out too quickly, and Vegeta finally gets to off a major villain. (This is my favourite tbh. I'm a Vegeta simp I admit it okeeeeeeeeeh)
Another idea (which would be the most chaotic of all) is that Vegeta & Goku manage to free everyone that was absorbed, and the two, Gohan and the boys all beat Boo up together in some kind of mass brawl while Piccolo watches all "oh damn ... thank fuck the Saiyans are on our side".
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randomnameless · 4 months
The funimation localization talk reminds me whilst they seem to have gotten better lately, they did real terrible localization changes that fans entirely gave them a a pass on.
Like giving Vegeta a line about how his bad childhood made him a villain when he originally said nothing like that. They also altered lines in flashbacks about Vegeta's fathe to make him a hero when originally he was a powerhungry villain that only tried to overthrow fellow villain, Frieza, so as to replace him, raising the questions to english fans about why Vegeta's dad was in Hell.
Similarly Goku is given a Superman esque "I don't kill people" stance, even though he kills people all the time and the only reason he doesn't kill people like Vegeta in the Saiyan Saga, is because he loves fighting strong warriors and finds it a waste to kill them.
Or another time, Bulma and Chi-Chi were having a casual conversation in the Japanese version, which the english version turned to them wanting to trade husbands and referring to Krillin as a downgrade.
This again didn't make sense with the animation such as Krillin laughing when Chi-Chi insulted him in the dub or Chi-Chi's dislike of Vegeta+saiyan warrior culture in Japanese.
And to think (afaik?) that Funi's dub was the one who yeeted to Falconer OST to return to the original one ! - but they still had to bring some unecessary edits...
Goku not killing people? Seriously? I guess Tao Pai Pai survived, but at the time Goku threw him his bomb, I don't think he planned for him to survive - granted, DB and DBZ Goku are, at times, completely different characters...
tbf the "i don't kill people if they're strong so we can fight again" is utter nonsense, if Frieza being "supposedly" vaporise on Namek when he tried to backstab him is any indication - Vegeta might have gotten a pass because Goku didn't defeat him himself (it was a combined effort of Krilin, Gohan and gfdi Yajirobe) - but Goku at the end of the Namek Saga meant for Frieza to die (when Frieza pisses on his mercy and tries to kill him after using the "plz spare me plz" card once!).
Bulma trash talking Krilin is a normal staple in their relationship, but why adding Chi-Chi to the mix lol?
Anyways, I agree with you on one point, the Funi of 2020 isn't the Funi of the early 2000s and it's, imo, a step in the good direction, and while I confess I'm utterly biased because I grew up in the 4Kids era... the dubbing industry has made gigantic steps since that era - which makes nonsense like Pat's Fire Emblem TreeHouse look even more ridiculous and upsetting, given how this was released in 2019 and not in 1999.
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birdantlers · 2 years
10 for the ask game
10. The Dragon Ball series isn’t exactly known for being consistent with its story, its characters, and various other things. Which inconsistency irritates you the most?
Omg . This question.
Okay, there are a hundred million things I would change abt dragon ball if I could, but the thing that pisses me off the most is definitely inconsistency with Gohan's characterization. Namely,
[deep breath]
Gohan should have stayed/become the main character after Cell Saga what the hell.
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I'm really tired rn so I can't elaborate as much as I want to but holy shit Buu saga really dropped the ball on this and it's one of the reasons I don't like that arc much. For a while before I knew what the arc was actually about, I got duped into thinking it would be largely Gohan-centric. Focusing on his relationship with humanity and his peers when he attends school / his old trauma/fears/idk.. anything negative or introspective?? Resurfacing when his dad comes back and shit inevitably hits the fan again.
(mandatory "thank for for existing, the Red Boy fic" statement. Look it up it's great I got derailed while reading the last chapter and I feel bad abt not getting back to it yet h)
But instead..... No? Gohan frustratingly gets yanked off center stage halfway through Buu saga, thanks to Toriyama's unfortunate authorship situation at the time. And after that he just....... Stays there. In the wings of Goku and Vegeta's story instead of taking the mantle of MC. It's really disappointing to me, and it's one of the reasons I still haven't watched Super lmao.
Ik I talk about piccolo for 172783736 hours at a time but Gohan's character arc is really the one that carries Z for me up to Buu saga. I consider Cell saga to be an infinitely superior end to his character arc, and I think the way it sticks the landing there is another reason why Buu saga gets on my nerves so much.
I've talked abt this with friends, but current Gohan also feels largely void of the gamut of emotions he was shown to have while younger, and that bugs the hell out of me. Obviously he's matured, but the fear and insecurity and loss he struggled with pre-buu arc feels strangely muted. Like he isn't allowed to cry now that he's an adult or something (though Goku got hit with this same problem, sigh). This doesn't help his already bad sidelining.
In Buu saga and Super, his repeated cycle of "BAMF fight where he comes out on top as strongest Z fighter→ peacetime→ complacency and domestic life→ uh oh he's weak now→ gets admonished for it and wins the day again" could be SUCH a good foundation for a compelling character arc, but they just. Don't do it! So it comes off as redundant and uncharacteristically negligent on Gohan's part. For as much as I love it, Super Hero drops the ball with this too.
I'm just gonna port my messages from discord and let y'all glean the gist
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Basically Gohan feels kinda McGuffin-ized at this point and it makes me sad. He literally had a CELL clone in front of him and had no visible reaction or even an acknowledgement. He's verbally passionate about things like the saiyaman gig or entomology or his family, but the plot and writing don't allow him to actually struggle with the obligation his power gives him.
Like. He might on the surface, sure, but ultimately he just rolls over whenever someone goads him into fighting again (I have seen that part(s) of super don't @ me). I just can't help but see wasted potential and a character with somewhat weak writing. It really is like they just don't know what to do with him now. And that's a real shame because he still is my 1st/2nd favorite character and I am still interested in his arc. Way more so than Goku or Vegeta's. I just wish they would DO something with it 😭
Anyway. Can you believe this isn't even all my thoughts on the matter hdhdhdkdjdj
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emperorsfoot · 1 year
Dragon Ball GT fic I will never write
Someone went through my blog today and reblogged a bunch of my old Dragon Ball posts and its got me remembering that I once had an idea to do a long fic series taking place after Dragon Ball GT.
That's right, GT. I didn't like the series, but I did really like parts of it.
Does anyone remember the ending?
Not the 100 years flash forward with Goku Jr. and Vegeta Jr. that was the "epilogue". I mean the Ending, when Goku got on Shenlong's back and they disappeared and the Dragon Balls disappeared with them.
Goku's wish was to bring everyone who died back to life; and that's exactly what happened: everyone who died as a result of the evil dragons came back to life (plus Kuririn who was killed by Super 17).
The people came back to life, but the cities weren't rebuilt, the land wasn't repaired. All the people who just came back to life didn't have homes to live in, the livestock that died wasn't revived, the farmlands weren't repaired.
How did Goku expect the people he just brought back to life to survive?
Goku doesn't have to think about that because Goku vanished with the dragon.
Its everyone else who has to deal with it.
Bulma, Gohan, 18, Kuririn, Yamcha, Vegeta, Trunks, Goten, Pan, Roshi, etc. (I'm not gonna list everyone). They're the ones who now have to figure out how to house, feed, and provide healthcare for the population Goku just revived.
(My favorite scene) Remember Vegeta's very well done trauma scene during the final battle? When he was -literally- crying over watching his second home being destroyed. Earth will still need champions and Goku just went poof.
But Goku never taught anyone the Kaio Ken and Genki Dama, the two moves that consistently save the Earth every time, or the Instant Transmission which is arguably Goku's most useful technique. How is anyone supposed to defend the Earth when they no longer have their champion or the means for a new champion to rise to the occasion?
Anyway, my fic idea:
The first part was going to be a "team building" fic of Vegeta going around collecting all the next gen characters
(he tried really hard to get Gohan but Gohan insists that he could do more to help in his capacity as a scholar/doctor/scientist/whatever Chi-chi made him major in, and rebuilt Earth's infrastructure.)
Marron volunteers but she's fully human and isn't the reincarnation of any kind of powerful djinn like Uub, so Vegeta turns her away (and maybe he calls her useless).
So, Gohan and Bulma was working on rebuilding Earth, Vegeta is being a tyrannical task master trying to train most of the kids, and Marron goes to Master Roshi and convinces him to train her in the Kame Style exactly how he trained Goku. Marron wears the turtle shell, she delivers milk, (I forget what else Roshi had them do in Dragon Ball, but Marron does it).
Bulma and Gohan are making great progress rebuilding society. Marron is advancing quickly in her Kame training and is confident and happy. Meanwhile, all the other kids are miserable under Vegeta's strict drills.
Some character development and plot happens, but basically, they realize that they need a "Kuririn" in their group.
They need a human who may or may not be very useful in the actual battles, but never the less never gives up, has a healthy relationship with fear and understands mortality, and is still willing to sacrifice themself if it means saving others.
Marron, even though she was rejected from being a member of their champion group still continued to train independently from them. She'll never be as powerful as the Saiyans or Uub, but its not about power for her, its about doing what she can. She understands her own mortality and has a healthy relationship with fear, but still wants to help in whatever capacity she can.
Marron is their Kuririn.
Vegeta doesn't fully get this concept even if he recognizes that its necessary. He's also too proud to admit that the team might benefit from having Marron after he rejected her the first time.
Trunks is the one goes to Kame House and invites Marron to join the team.
That was gonna be the end of part 1.
Part 2 was gonna be centered around the techniques that Goku never taught to anyone else even though he had plenty of opportunity to teach them to Gohan in the Room of Spirit and Time in Z, or Trunks and Pan during GT.
Vegeta has Bulma build another space ship and sends the kids on a mission to the same planet Goku crashed on after the destruction of Namek to learn the Instant Transmission technique from the original people who taught it to Goku in the first place.
While they're off planet, Vegeta tries to work with the remaining Z Senshi to try and engineer their own version of the Ginki Dama. They all have experience lending their power to Goku to form it, Vegeta was almost killed by it, and Kuririn has actually held and thrown it before. They all have first hand experience (albeit from different angles) with the technique. Vegeta's hope is to have a workable version of it ready to teach to the kids by the time they get back.
(also, there was gonna be a TruMar subplot)
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Bulma rambling
Not sure if any of this is coherent cus it's totally stream-of-consciousness, but let's go.
Disclaimer again that it's been a long time since I've watched anything but the earliest DB/DBZ episodes and movies, so my memory of the anime-only "filler" scenes is vague at best, but...
Thinkin' 'bout Bulma's relationships with the other cast members and why things didn't work out with Yamcha, and how their relationship pretty immediately went from hormonal teens obsessed with how cute the other is -> Bulma constantly being cranky and frustrated with Yamcha and accusing him of having a roving eye while he meekly sits there and takes it.
(Sidebar: Again I don't remember "filler" very well but I'm pretty sure the most Yamcha ever actually does before Cell Saga is blush at the sight of a cute girl, while Bulma has a TON of screentime drooling over or openly flirting with cute guys. And then there are scenes where it's clearly wild speculation on Bulma's part, like in Tree of Might she hears Yamcha say he bought a fancy new car and IMMEDIATELY accuses him of doing it to impress other girls, while I think his dialogue with Puar earlier actually indicated that he was trying to impress HER. So while Future Trunks says Yamcha was unfaithful and that's why they stopped dating, he would have heard that from Bulma, so I don't consider that necessarily "the truth." :'D Yamcha seems to be an honorable and honest guy, so I find it just as likely that he was completely faithful but Bulma was obsessively jealous and/or always looking for a fight, or that Yamcha dated other women during periods where he and Bulma were broken up and she considered THAT to be "cheating.")
ANYHOW. Watching Namek Saga has me enjoying her dynamic with Krillin and going "well why didn't THAT ever happen?" (The real answer being, Toriyama or his editor wanted a new Saiyan baby and Bulma/Vegeta was the only possible pairing that involved existing and young/unmarried characters...) And it made me realize that basically every person Bulma spends time with is a complete pushover who lets her do whatever she wants. Yamcha tries to apologize or explain himself, but he generally tends to stay quiet and not fight back. He, Krillin, and Gohan are generally too polite or scared to speak up or push back when she gets bossy or rude, and Goku tends to either obey or outright ignore her rather than get into a fight. Her parents are completely easygoing and let her do whatever she wants. The only one who ever gives her a hard time is Oolong, and even then she can easily bully him into doing whatever she wants, just with a lot more yelling and insults.
On top of that, thinking about how she put up with all the hardship of going on the initial Dragon Ball quest despite her constant griping about how she hates camping and being in danger, and how she's always willing to join in on an adventure and run towards the big battle to try and help. And how she's constantly drooling over or trying to flirt with guys who are trying to kill her XD AND how she cuts school during the Red Ribbon Saga because it's "boring," and how the Jaco manga retconned/clarified that she had already graduated college before that point, so either she was going to grad school or was in high school as a social activity (or to hang out with, or keep an eye on, Yamcha).
...Anyhow, putting all those things together, it feels like what Bulma wanted all along was someone who'd push back, maybe to push her life in different unexpected directions, or some kind of challenge to keep her from getting bored. Someone who wouldn't just roll over if she started bossing him around, even though she also clearly gets frustrated when other people don't do what she wants. (And that's totally realistic! People are made up of contradictions, and what you want doesn't always match how you feel when you actually get it!)
It's been forever since I've seen past Namek but I feel like she really mellowed out after she had Trunks? So maybe raising a child was enough of a challenge for her that she was satisfied focusing on that, instead of obsessively trying to make a relationship work with Vegeta like she obsessively kept trying with Yamcha. So maybe their romance evolved more naturally, as a sidebar to both of them focusing separately on raising their son (Bulma as a caretaker, Vegeta as a combat instructor).
So Vegeta ultimately ended up being kinda perfect for her as someone stubborn and cranky who'd fight back but still be tsundere enough to let her have her way or dom him some of the time, both of them slowly learning to compromise together instead of one person running the show all the time.
Though, I'd always considered Goku/Bulma a NOTP for me, but thinking about it in these terms, that might have wound up working too: Goku obeying her some of the time because his Grandpa taught him to be polite to girls, but also going off and doing his own thing sometimes because he's ultimately as self-centered as she is. I'm feeling like it would have made things VERY weird within their friend group, though :'D Particularly Yamcha feeling he was thrown over for a younger man and that Goku "betrayed" him by "taking his girl." But at least being with Bulma would've forced Goku to spend more time with his friends during the series XD instead of repeatedly abandoning them for years at a time
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dragonballwish · 2 years
Sorry I wasn't trying to be hurtful, i'm kind of new to this series and mostly know it from memes and stuff I see online and Krillin is usually presented as a joke character. Like people say even his wife doesn't even like him (though I think the overrepresentation of her cheating on him is super weird) so I was just wondering why some people seem to see it so differently.
<3 I’m happy to answer anything you’re curious about haha even if it’s insensitive or potentially drama-inducing, and sorry I thought you low key just didn’t like krillin sjjdjff I’ll defend him until I die
I can guarantee anyone who talks like that is either projecting, haven’t seen the entire show (a LOT of db fans haven’t even seen the whole first half (og db)), or both.
18 LOVES Krillin, first of all. Everyone just thinks she’s hot (she is) and thinks krillin isn’t (they’re wrong he’s so scrimbly <333) and so they’d rather have her cuck krillin with master roshi than to be her true canon self in their relationship- which is actually the most wholesome ship in the canon series!! Like Fr !!!! They are the perfect couple in every way !!!! And they love each other !!! And krillin is not happy being cucked !!!!!!!! And 18 would NEVER !!!!!!!
Krillin being presented as a joke character technically isn’t wrong— Toriyama is pretty much first and foremost a gag-manga creator and so every character has really goofy traits. A lot of haters or just kinda db-fights-only stans tend to hyper focus only on the fights and serious traits— which is why a lot of people who haven’t really gotten into db only really know Goku as a fighting guy when he’s actually a goofball ?
Also like. Krillin doesn’t have a nose I feel like that makes people go ???? But it’s literally just a gag Toriyama made him win fights with lack of sense of smell—
Krillin gets the opposite representation obvi— a lot of people don’t really see him as that strong (which is wrong) and since he’s not as strong as goku and vegeta and other non-human characters, he tends to be sidelined while also still getting opportunity for commentary. Sometimes it’s that krillin is there to fight as first line of defense before goku comes and demolishes an opponent, or other variations of whatever, sometimes it’s that krillin is part of the main plot line but the final villain of the arc is defeated by— yep. Goku. Not that I’m complaining haha
I think because a lot of people haven’t seen krillin as a kid and haven’t experienced just how much growth he’s had from little bastard teen to a guy that is just so thankful to be alive and wants to protect those around him, they tend to oversimplify him to the traits that are shown in Z which is pretty solid in sidelining all the characters that were given way more spotlight in og db. I’m rambling so much oh god
Ignoring all that growth tends to only show traits that are surface-level in my opinion ? Like if you saw krillin hesitating to put his life on the line in Namek saga and thought “a coward?” It’s more along the lines of “this is my last chance at life and oh my god I’m the last line of defense for five year old gohan (my best friend’s toddler son) and bulma (one of my first friends)”. That kinda thing. That was just me saying stuff but literally connotation for all the characters changes when you’ve seen them from the beginning and it also adds kinda a connection with them like I watched this guy from adolescence I love him like my own son. (Low key that’s a lot of gohan stans I am convinced but you didn’t hear it from me)
For a show about aliens, krillin is definitely the most relatable and most human (even without the nose).
Anyways. If you haven’t already,, go watch og db and experience !!! Or read the manga (which cuts out a lot of filler. All of filler. The fights also feel better paced. And the paneling is iconic Fr) and just bask in the glory that is bastard og characters !! Every character feels so different when you see them from the beginning and understand their growth. Almost every sidelined character in Z was once the biggest opponent Goku had ever faced LOL
Anyways this got long sorry for rambling
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distructodicks · 2 years
trumar ? >:)
oh lord buckle up 🙏
I absolutely LOVE these two they are my absolute favorites and here is why: lets start with the aesthetic portion of the ship the two are basically a pastel blend of some of the cutest colors (baby blue/pink/lavender) it makes for a pretty color combo haha
that aside there is the actual ship itself—now there is a lot of avenues to Marron because she is so underdeveloped in her later years you can really steer her in any direction. But that's a whole other can of worms that I can get into in terms of headcanons for her
I mainly ship Post GT Trunks and GT Marron, why? Trunks is a very flawed individual, quite honestly I wouldn't be surprised if he was overwhelmed with life period— he is the president of a major corporation at age TWENTY FOUR and just has *so much* on his plate. He acts confident in his abilities to handle it all but we saw in GT how easily he can crack under pressure, he is constantly in a status of meeting expectations and high demands from both Vegeta and Bulma (not sure if you watched dbssh yet — but they touch on the subject of Gohan and next gen needing to step up when Goku and Geets are away..and thats part of the stress I imagine he has)
Marron on the other hand is kind of a refuge from the craziness, and that's how the dynamic works. I believe she carries herself with 18s no nonsense way of thinking and Krillin's positivity and upbeat nature. on top of all that, she knows literally everything that's happened to him since he was a kid because she had to live through it too... I mean having to cope with everything that happened in the Buu saga and for most people not to remember must be frustrating, All of the next generation felt in some capacity that sense of despair and in that sense they can bond over that.
edit: somehow this portion got deleted but I'm just adding it back in — Marron, I think just kind of has a disillusionment of what/who Trunks really is as a person because he's always Carried himself like a confident guy...so to have that part open up is what makes her see that other side (or, also how I like to dub the sensitive 'future trunks' that is deep in there)
on top of just the fact that I also don't believe that trunks and Marron grew up as close to each other as Goten and Marron did — so that familal bond kind of isn't there. I imagine 18 and Krillin almost like aunt and uncle to the Son family... meanwhile I have a fumny little hc about Vegeta and 18 having beef 🤣
The ship is also kind of ironic in some ways, when we think about Future Trunks...and just how his actions lead to the fact that Marron could even exist in the first place.
I truly believe it's almost like "I finally *see* you," kind of relationship where they pine for each other very slowly and unconsciously throughout their adulthood until they fall for each other 💞
omg okay, I went off on a really long ramble. I am so sorry but you can tell I have a lot of love for this ship
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sweetescapeartist · 2 years
Has anyone who seems to fetishize the idea of 18 and Krillin being into "cucking" ever considered that it might be 18 who's actually down to watch? Some women are into that, you know. Who's to say 18 doesn't get off on watching Krillin make other women utterly fall for him too and then enjoy playing alpha female in establishing a pecking order?
Well... I'm one of the few that kinda does the "cuckqueen" thing, but there aren't many ppl who do the same. The word "queen" even has a positive connotation behind it while the word "cuck" is negative. So, a cuckqueen is viewed as positive. And my honest thoughts about doing such are kinda complicated.
I definitely prefer K18 all the way, but there is some benefit to portraying 18 as a cuckqueen. Due to how many view dominance, a guy fooling around is more positive than a woman fooling around. This is why so many Krillin haters in the fandom mischaracterize him & falsely portray 18 with other guys. And because many view dominance as such, I portray Krillin in said dominant way; 18 is the alpha female who women want to be, & Krillin is the alpha male who women want. Using that kind of strategy can & will change the negative perspective that fans have of Krillin that are built on lies.
But one important thing I try to do is make sure these characters are not written too OOC. The way I do it is to take what actually happens in the series & how the characters act, then make stories where Krillin attracts different women. Example; 18 knows she's the best, so she lets say Bulma or Chi-Chi get with Krillin to let him (& them) know that nobody can put it down on Krillin like she can. The "pecking order" as you put it.
Also, the way I depict 18 at times is that she is head-over-heels for Krillin only (which the series proves to be true) while also being attracted to women. This way it can be K18 x a female character. So, it's not necessarily 18 being a cuckqueen, but that both Krillin AND 18 smash the women of DB. Both attracted to women & way more attracted to each other.
But that's not popular because of lies spread in the fandom. But there are waaaay too many scenarios in DB that set Krillin up for getting the ladies. Like the wives of Goku & Vegeta upset with how obsessive they are with training and often being gone, Gohan having his nose in his books way more than necessary, ect. Meanwhile, Krillin ks far more romantic & has a balanced lifestyle. Krillin also keeps 18 well pleased and she's still head-over-heels for him after all these yrs to the point that she still blushed from thinking about him & puts hearts in his cappuccinos. Even defeating a love-powered opponent with the power of love that she had for Krillin. Other characters don't have that kind of relationship.
Anyway... That's enough of me going on and on.
18 being a cuckqueen isn't damaging to her & is positive for Krillin.
K18 inviting women for some sexy fun is positive for both of them.
K18 alone is the best positive, but that alone won't change the false perception of that to a positive quickly. Outwr forces are constantly attempting to lie about the relationship despite what the series actually reveals.
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feminariden · 2 years
2, 12, 14 and 24!!♡
Ok time to answer these! 24 was also asked by @hanaflowersofficial so i'm answering for both of you here, and thanks for asking i really appreciate it
2) Who is your favorite character?
It's an hard choice cuz DB has a lot of charas i like in the same way, but on of all there are Gohan or Goten
Gohan is THE DB boy of the century, he's cool, made of projectium, a bug nerd, the second coming, exploding with potential on every possible field, my own brother, has 364729 unresolved issues, lacks drip when left unsupervised and has the most insane coming-of-age story i have ever seen in my life
Goten is not nearly as good a character ofc, but I still love this goofy little dude and his way to look up to Gohan and Trunks, i also think he a pretty unique character as the only Son member who is not completely clueless on social interaction, and ofc his relationship with Goku has a lot of potential still, there are a lot of pretty interesting stories you can see with Goten imo
12) How long have you been watching the Dragon Ball series?
I was 12 when I first saw the Android saga, so almost 10 years? Dang it's been a lot of time 🤔
Ngl initially i avoided it bc it was show all the annoying boys in my class loved, so I considered it some "violent trash" until discovered the italian theme song for Z (an absolute BANGER) and watched some ep just to listen to it lol, and I quickly became obsessed with the show bc "wow this violent trash is actually super entertaning??"
14) Do you own any merch?
When I was a little kid, years before i actually watched the show, i was given a pair of super smelly DBZ cards that i trew away cuz I couldn't stand even holding them, and that's it lol
I'm not really the type to collect any anime, but if i ever find a really good toy of Goku, or even Vegeta or whatever, i will buy it
24) If you could write your own episode, what would it be about? 
The day Goten decided to cut his hair, iirc it was because he didn't wanted to be mistaked for his dsd anymore, but anyway I think this fact is full of potential for an interesting story and development for Goten and Goku too for a number of reasons
Regardless of the ep being a light-hearted comedic one or an dramatic introspection-based one i just want to see father/son moments and that sweet Son family lore
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yeowangies · 11 months
which saiyans would be into a threesome with you & another girl?
I think only Raditz would be completely thrilled about it lmao I just don't know why, I don't think he's jealous (or that jealous) so if you suggest it, he's gonna be like YEAH.
I also think Turles would like it, but just because I don't think he would ever have 'a relationship' so, it'd be just a threesome and it'd be fun lmao
I'm on the fence about Goku and Vegeta. Goku might do it if you ask him, but I don't know how into it he might be? But he wants to try everything so, he might do it. But Vegeta........ mmmh I don't know. I don't know lmao, I don't see him agreeing to this.
I also think Gohan would be cool with trying that, and he's gonna like it more than he would admit lmao
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manygalaxiesinone · 1 year
If Goku and Adell Swapped places (Quick Q&A)
((I have recently been asked a few interesting questions regarding this little swap I came up with so I figured, why not share my thoughts about these with the rest of you? I'm not going to reveal all of my cards just yet, but hopefully this would clue you in on what I have in mind for this overall. I do encourage you to take what I say on a few of these with a grain of salt though. You'll understand in a bit.
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Why did I replace the Saiyan Saga with the Crusher Corp saga? Well quite frankly I can't really think of a good way of bringing the saiyan saga into this timeline, mainly because it kicked off because Raditz was looking for Goku...who is not on this planet. And I didn't really feel like changing the origin of their characters. Considering how similar they are, if I did then there probably wouldn't be much of a difference in the swap anyway. Who's to say that Adell's personality won't immediately turn into Goku after hitting his head as a kid? And honestly, Goku probably would've been more serious after so many Ls before Disgaea 2, but then he wouldn't really be Goku. As I said before, if one's starting their story off in the prelude then I have to give the other the same treatment. As for why the Crusher Corp specifically, it just seemed the most fitting to fill in the gap, especially how potentially connected Turles and Shoumei would be. I really liked MasakoX's take on his Turle's turning good story where he explains Turles's origin and how he became a space pirate. While I didn't copy it note for note, I did use it as a source of inspiration. In case if you're wondering how things WOULD go if I kept the saiyan arc then well, long story short, Raditz would be dead the moment he even attempts to lay a finger on Gohan because neither Shoumei or Adell would let him get away with that, Vegeta and Nappa would investigate because of Adell's strong power, and Adell would kill the both of them. Why would he do that when he let Piccolo live? Well yeah, Adell can speak the language of fists pretty well and can tell what a person is all about through fighting, but at that early on in Dragonball Z, Adell wouldn't be able to sense ANY good from either Nappa or Vegeta, especially not Vegeta. Turles is only alive because he's Shoumei's brother. Those 3 wouldn't be so lucky.
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2. How different would Adell's relationship with Chi Chi REALLY be if they got together? As I said before, I personally believe that they would actually have a healthy relationship, at least healthier than the current one she has with Goku. They would actually agree on a few things like not wanting Gohan to get involved with dealing dangerous bad guys. Remember, Adell constantly refused to take Hanako with him despite her constant begging in the original Disgaea 2, only changing his mind during an emergency and he didn't have time to argue. He would no doubt treat Gohan the same way. In fact, he's already doing that in this swap. There are only 2 things I could possibly see them having issues with. First off, as I said before, he would want Gohan to be more well balanced instead of keeping his eyes in the books 24/7 and would want to start training him at some point. Chi Chi would probably be at least a little upset about this, but when she understands that this would overall be better for Gohan in the long run, she would hopefully understand. The second and more jarring issue now that I think about it would be their lifestyle. As I said, Adell would have no problem getting a job, he doesn't need Chi Chi to tell him to do that...however it DOES become more of an issue when you remember that Adell would likely become a famous actor. At least in terms of early on in Z. Not only would they not have the same type of house as in the original because Adell can't do farm work to save his life, but Chi Chi discarded her status as the princess of a fire mountain in order to live a more normal life. That's not going to happen being married to a movie star. They're going to be surrounded by paparazzi and stalkers left and right regardless of how discrete they want their home to appear. Shoumei would have no problem with this. I can see her toying with some of them or charging some cash for some juicy shots of the family. Same for Bulma, she's practically living this type of life already, but Chi Chi on the other hand would likely let her hidden rage get the better of her, stressing her out. I'm just now remembering that the fact that Adell's role as Prism Black in the prism rangers only supports the idea of him being an actor. XD
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3. In terms of power, how would the dragonball cast scale up to Disgaea? This is why I should take what I say with a grain of salt because honestly I'm not the best person to rely on for info when it comes to power scaling. I do try my best, but I can be wrong at the end of the day. The reason why I said mid class demons are high star busters is mainly because that's what Etna said in the beginning of Disgaea D2. May not be the best source, but Disgaea is a pretty wacky series so I'll role with it. After all, there are some skills in the game like "Big Bang" which literally destroys a universe in a single punch. Well that's the case for the later iterations of that skill. As for where the dragon team in the swap story stand now, most of the cast would be considered low tier demons in terms of power. Piccolo would be an upper low tier as he's capable of easily destroying a moon on his own at this point. The only character I would consider be mid tier right now would be Cooler. That being said, there are more than one way to win fights than just powerful blows. Now if you're talking about main dragonball proper as how it is now, I would say that Goku, Vegeta, and Frieza would easily be put in upper overlord tier level. They still might not be able to defeat someone like Beerus, but they can certainly give casual demons a run for their money. Hell, the original movie version of Broly would probably be considered a low demon lord tier character in Disgaea as he can destroy an entire galaxy on his own and not just the stars.
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Finally, am I going to include all of the movie villains in this story? Simply put, no. Turles and Cooler are the only ones I actually had planned to have an actual part in this story. That might change later on, but I currently don't have anything in mind for Slug or Bojack. I might do something for Android 13 and Janemba at some point, but I make no guarantees. And to quote MasakoX "There is no Garlic Jr. saga. Moving on.".))
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carnal-lnstinct · 2 years
Heya my friendo. I can't help myself. I'm thirsty for Goku ss4. Remember that one particular tiktok post "I'll let you have sex with me".... That's the one. What do you think? Can I have a oneshot based on that?
Love your works❤️
I'm not good on requests, sorry if I messed 😅
this should have been the easiest and quickest fic to write, all the parts were there but nope, goku muse had to run wild and do whatever he wanted now it’s days later and 5k words long. but it was worth it for you friendo! hope you enjoy that I made it extra special for our beautiful furry himbo♥ 
Pairing: Goku (SS4) x Female Reader ( Requested by @blue-wristbands​ ) Insp. Word Count: 5,600 Rating: Mature / 18+. Minors DNI Warning: ( canon divergent: end of z - end of gt timeline, established relationship, reader is mother of Gohan and Goten,  implied RadChi, domestic fluff, explicit language, play wrestling, birthday sex, rough oral - male receiving, oral - female receiving ) A/N: Happy Birthday Goku! (4/16).
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original image posted by megaman2
Goku's training with Vegeta in the hyperbolic time chamber helped to blossom the Super Saiyan 4 form, even awakening a new height of awareness within himself that came with fulfilling true control of his inner Great Ape power. Bridging the gap between the primal inner beast and the revered Super Saiyan of legend, and bringing in an era of peace for the world they live with its unmatched strength.
While the thought of one day wielding this form to its true potential excited him, Goku honestly relished these peaceful times more which allows him the opportunity to become accustomed to this ascended nature before running wild, a chance he rarely gets since obtaining Super Saiyan 3. Rest was just as important in training, however. He almost felt out of place being home so much and sitting still for so long, but being with you and your family together does well to change his mind. He is once again able to enjoy his simple pleasures and just be a father, a grandfather, and a husband. The latter most of all.
Above all that he enjoyed in this restful period was this acquired fixation on you, perhaps guided by his new perceptive saiyan ability and frankly the way you welcomed him home when he returned from his training as a Super Saiyan 4. Your reunion evoked pleasure so raw it made his blood run hot and put all his prior years of making love to you to shame. 
You have been apart before, longer than a day or even a whole year, but he can't quite put a reason behind this desire to indulge your body beyond simply loving you as he always had from a new perspective. Even tempted by the modest of actions on your part following your encounter. Goku just found himself genuinely drawn to you more than ever. His affection for you had become noticeably more frequent, not that you complained about your husband being so attentive towards you. It was quite the selfish act on his part, the saiyan trying to hold onto the lucid memory of being wrapped around you with gentle touches to your cheek and brushes of his tail at your waist. Longing for the shrouded side of you reserved only for him and now his awakened state. He lingers on the taste of your kiss that made his heart start to race where he felt the most relaxed under your hands. The aroma of your skin, in your aura, compelling him to leave no space in between you. Until he could only utter your name. Beseeching you for the hot pleasure spilling over from his body and fogging his mind to the world, leaving you as the clearest visage he could fathom.
But at that time, he recalls, you both had to force it down and quickly hide it away.
Goku could feel his Great Ape power heating in his veins with anticipation, hiding his incomplete satisfaction in the decorum of your youngest son’s presence when he finally came home, Goten awed by the new powerful form of his father. Goku could mask his frustration, but you couldn’t. Not after he undone your composure to bare impulse and left his heat inside you. Despite your best efforts, your face was flushed and body engulfed in the same crimson aura as your husband to the trained eye. Goten was many things, but he wasn’t a fool. The entire living room smelled of his dad’s trained form and it was all over you, too. The young adult didn’t have to know what the aura meant to guess what went on before he got home, just relieved that his parents were able to make themselves decent before he came in. Shocked you guys even still do that. 
But Goku’s anticipation for you continued, the red saiyan’s hidden frustrations growing further impatient into the night having to wait to have you again. Waiting until the darkest period of night rolled around, waiting for your son to put his phone down long enough to fill his room with snores of a deep slumber. 
 And it felt endless, the pleasure you and Goku drew out from each other once again. There was so much of his beastly scent wrapped up around you still, and leftovers of his powerful ki absorbed in you. Your initial taste and recovery from his invasive, primal ki was for not as it found you again. Wearing his very desires like a veil. How could one tell where you ended and he began when you were tangled around each other throughout the night like that? You were exhausted by the time the sun rose. An understatement really, you exerted yourself with energy you didn’t know you had to keep up with him. But while the lustful energy did fade, it felt like days before his scent dispersed. A long bath and heavily scented soaps and oils could remove him from your skin, but he could still pick up his scent on you coming through much more than any of your perfumes.
Once it wanes and your natural scent starts to pierce through, however, Goku came to learn that's when he has to have you the most. Not even his base form could keep away the urge to “fix” your scent again. Despite not being transformed into a super saiyan 4 at all now, Goku could feel inklings of that whispering need filling his senses again and it truthfully lead to the affectionate gestures he was displaying with you now. Behind his bright eyes, there was a restlessness in the form of a beast climbing its way to the surface, seeking you to pacify it. When it did take hold, when he slowly slipped into its call, he became acutely aware of your presence around him more than ever.
Even now, when you believe you have him caught off guard and quietly prowling on your toes toward him. He feels your energy, his nostrils flare at your scent, and the tip of his tail coils with contentment and alertness. But he plays along, today was a special occasion and he knew whatever you were bringing his way was going to work in his favor. You were alone again. He surrenders to your "surprise attack" as the oblivious prey when you dive into his back and wrap your arms around him to drag him from the bed. It was an ungraceful tumble taking the blankets with you, but you both shared a cheery laugh where you fell onto the floor. You roughly messed his wild hair and sit upon his partially covered torso pinning one of his hands down.
"What's this? You're getting a little past your prime, ‘old man!’ If I can take you down that easy, this house is going to have a new martial arts champion."
"Yeah right. More like the champion of cheap shots!" The Saiyan sparks another laugh, taking your wrist in his free hand in spite of your playful swatting as he shook his other arm free from you.
It's then you find yourself at a true disadvantage when the long tail whipped around one of your wrists and held it back, allowing Goku enough time to adjust himself beneath you and lead with a pounce of his own. With his arm around your waist to carry you, you are rolled over and quickly find yourself on your back beneath him. Your legs are all tangled with his and both your hands are fighting for control with your fingers now interlocked with his. Furthering your downfall was just your inability to stop from laughing at each other. By no means would a saiyan be struggling against a human, there was just so much fun in your lively efforts he had to give you a chance for your best. Testing your vigor was necessary.
"That all ya got?"
"As if I'd show you all my tricks!" You taunted, sliding your legs free and throwing yourself up, using your momentum to roll him back over, however finding yourself right back on your back. Both your hands are pinned flat against the ground and your legs helplessly spread on each side of his body with his weight bearing down on you. Goku lets out a smug snort as he smirks knowingly at you, taunting you with his tail swaying back and forth above you both. You attempt to push back again but your strongest effort got you nowhere, not even a wiggle. With a sigh and a conceding, softer laugh you roll your eyes at him.
“Fine. I’ll let you win this time since it’s your birthday.” You lift your head up enough to nuzzle your nose against his, wrapping your legs loosely around his hips. “I won’t go so easy on ya next time.”
Goku grins from your affection. “Suits me just fine. I’ll take you on any time.” His nostrils faintly flare and his hands squeeze yours slightly at the scent of you so close, your true scent filling his nose.
“Did you think about what you wanted?” Your voice reeled him back from his shift in focus and he blinks a few times thoughtfully.
You presented him with the task of thinking about what he’d like for his Birthday for a change and it has kept his thoughts preoccupied the last few days alongside those...urges. Hardly ever is the saiyan presented with a simple question about his own desires that couldn't immediately be solved by an equally simple answer, only this time you wouldn't take a "same ol, same ol'" as a satisfying response. If only you would just let him ask for a banquet of food or to allow him to go train in Other World and be done with it.
How could he decide anything with your scent still flooding his nose and your body embracing him right now, practically bound beneath him. Building up that primal energy throughout his body. His dark eyes pan your face, stopping on your lips. He does at least want those. One of your hands is released when he pulls it back to trace his thumb along your lower lip. Rather than answering you right away, Goku leans down and places a slow, tender kiss to your lips. Just enough to feel their warmth on his, not letting the contact linger too long as he lifts away with a deep inhale through his nose. He closes his eyes to let the sensation wash over him, looking down into yours when he reopens them.
Your eyes flutter back open, watching him for his next move. "...Is that all you want?" You softly encourage for more with a bite of your lip. You can’t help but notice the way the lump in his throat bobbed and how his lips parted slightly as if to speak only for wordless sighs to fall out instead. The way his hold was clinging to your pinned hand affirmed your suspicions.
You lean up slightly towards him, tilting your head to offer your lips again and Goku leans in to meet you with a hard kiss. His chest brushes down onto you and his hips press into you, each slight break in your kiss coming back deeper. Parting your mouth wider where your tongue touched his lip and you rolled your own body against him, tightening your legs around his waist. You felt so good to him, your tongue on his tasted even better than the last time. His entire body pulsed with energy, heating up over you and he suddenly snaps back from your kiss with a shudder of a breath. You look up in time to see the yellow color fill the irises of his eyes and the flash of red around his eyelids when another pulse waves across his form. Goku’s chest felt like it was expanding with each husky breath he gave over you. You’re right where he wants you to be, but no good would come from being overexcited about this. He attempted to pull himself back just enough to compose his control but your free hand strokes his cheek, stilling his breath as he looks down at you.
“Change.” You breathlessly coax him. “It’s okay... If you want to be in that form, I’ll let you have sex with me.” You end your words with another bite on your lip and a kittenish smile. You’re far from intimidated by that red-furred transformation despite the number it did on you, but it left quite the impression on your own temptation. Maybe you're more excited by the idea of your words than he was. The closeness you felt with him as a super saiyan 4 sort of refreshed your desires for him, reigniting that old spark that pulled you to him in the first place. And there was no denying how roguishly handsome he was in that form. 
Your pinned hand is then freed and Goku releases a calmed sigh, smirking at you. The bright yellow then sits in his eyes. The air itself felt like it was vibrating around you and his body between your legs grew warmer to the touch.
“Then...that’s what I’ll do.” Goku answers with a low, smooth voice, bracing his hands on each side of you. His body became engulfed in bright, golden light too intense to look directly at and you could feel him physically expand causing you to open your legs around him.
Once the energy dispersed from his body, you felt like you were pushed further against the floor from the release and the room itself rattled before falling still again. You look back up in awe, quickly taking in the familiar red fur and elongated hair hanging around his face. Goku’s returning smirk broke the grim expression in his features and you can hear the shift of his tone in the soft laugh he gives you.
“Hi stranger.” You flirted, your hands reaching out to smooth over his exposed chest into the fur of his shoulders while he leaned closer, pressing his long bangs against your forehead and nuzzling your nose again. He quickly captures your lips once more, his tongue prodding at them for access this time and wrapping with yours as he deepened the kiss. His soft growl vibrated against your mouth and his tail coils up your leg to encourage you to close them around him. It sent a ravening surge to your core, surrendering your body to his large arm cradling you up from the floor. Your arms wrap around his neck not wanting to give up the connection with his mouth just yet, but he took the time to remove you from the floor and lay you back on the bed beneath him.
A whine escapes you when he grinds his bulge between your legs, his hold on your body pulling you further into him to rub against your sensitive privates through the thin fabric of your lounge clothing. It made you pull your legs back further, opening your body to his rocking motion. You reach with needy hands for his back, smoothing your touch through the layer of red fur down to the dip in his back and pulled him forward into you, desiring more than the teasing friction. It didn’t take much longer for him to peel down your lower clothing from your hips, sitting up on his knees to pull them up and off your legs. Once freed, you scooted yourself back just enough to sit up as well and move his hair from his shoulders to kiss into his neck now, trailing down to his broad chest and wrapping one of your arms as far as you could around his back to hold onto him. Needing to stay close.
Your other hand smoothed into the softer fur around his abs to his lower stomach, dipping into the front of his boxers and palming down his erection, discerning the growth of his cock from transforming. You feel his chest vibrate with another soft growl, the saiyan’s yellow eyes tracking the movement of your hand. He uses his own hands to pull down his boxers realizing how tight they had become around him from becoming a Super Saiyan 4 and surprised they survived the transformation unlike his top. Goku let out a fragile sound when you clamped your mouth over one of his nipples, his cock throbbing in your hand from the sudden stimulation. It made you happy to know your sensitive Goku still existed in this beautiful, beastly form, looking up to find your cute, endearing man’s heated expression flushed out from the rough edges of his appearance. How it excited you to see his cheeks glow when you sucked on his large chest and rubbed his stiff cock until his wild head lulled back and the gravely moan left his throat.
You’re surprised he didn’t just pick you up and pound into you the way he had done before, but this was a much nicer sight. Even at his strongest, he was delicate to your lewd ministrations. You turn your mouth away from his chest and lower yourself to lick across the slit of his tip, really seeing the challenge of trying to fit him in your mouth when you held him around the base of his length and licked up to the underside of his bobbing crown. Goku sank further onto his knees, hunching over you slightly when you finally sucked in the head of his cock. You let him grind most of himself further into your mouth to test his girth against the stretch of your wet maw, his heavy voice carried on his breath in harsh pants before you grabbed onto him with both your hands now to still him as he drew closer to your throat. He doesn’t heed you at all, taking hold of your head and pushing you down his cock instead, pushing and humping into your face almost through the buffer of your hands around his pulsing length. Just as before, this new and wild nature of his had oddly bewitched you into enjoying the rough handling. He didn't even have to give his carnally charged ki to you this time. It was enough that he was being celebrated, that to you he was worth getting aroused for, alongside the saiyan being captivated by your teasing as you were of him simply being transformed.
The scent of your arousal reached his nose making him pause, looking down over you. His tail finds your body once more, slipping between your legs and prodding your exposed core. The tip wiggled against your delicate bud, your voice muffled around the girth of him sitting in your mouth. “You’re wet.” The beastly saiyan purred with a flash of his eyes. Goku released your head allowing you to pop his cock from your mouth with a harsh breath, and he stretched over on his side to pull your legs over him. He laid down on his back and positioned your hips over his face. With his thumbs, he spread your dribbling slit, taking in the sight of your exposed bloom and your sweet aroma. Pulling your hips back into his face, he used his tongue to lap the slick from you, feeling you arch in response.
Happy Birthday, indeed.
The thought of your fingers toying around here last time sent him into a frenzy over you. He’d only sampled your taste then, but now he gets to have it all and eagerly showed it. You’d manage to adjust yourself a little on top of him and muffled your rousing mewls on his cock again. The way he teased at your sensitive bud only to dip his tongue into your trembling depths made you writhe in his grasp. You struggled to keep up returning the favor rocking yourself back against his mouth to take your pleasure as Goku had pushed in and out of your mouth in return, filling your jaw with more than you could handle. You endure it briefly with your hands only to steady him, but recoiling from his hips with a hot gasp when you could no longer.
“Y-You’re making it very hard not to come yet.” You swallowed, licking your drool from your lips and soothing the rest around his cock with your hands in absence of your mouth. He answers you with a gruff sound and you feel two large fingers pierce your wet entrance, sending your hips into a tremble at the sudden stretch and making you bury your face in his furry stomach to mask your cry. You feel them press and curve to your walls without relent, trying to reach deeper. “G-..Goku I-!”
“I don’t want you to hold anything back from me.” His rough tone noted, demanded, pumping his fingers into the grip of your insides quicker, devoting his action to making you give into your orgasm. He ogled the way his fingers fit inside you, slipping out nice and shiny, then eagerly embraced when pressed back inside. He slowed down only to admire that before building his momentum back. With each motion he could feel your spasms growing, your nerves begging to be unraveled by his touch making his cock twitch in your unsteady grip. “C’mon, you’re almost there.” Goku amorously purred, picking up his pace again and fingers hitting just deep and fast enough to make you whine and suddenly clench your walls feverishly around them. Practically cumming on his demand. Your own fingers appeared between your legs to soothe your clit through it making him release his fingers from inside you. 
He wasted no time sucking them clean, eyes gleaming mischievously at the way your wet bloom continued to twitch above him. So beautiful, inside and out. He couldn’t resist spreading you again and lapping at your leaking hole, digging his tongue inside for the sweet nectar coating your fluttering walls with his sharp fangs pressed against your skin. He wanted all of it, he could easily make you cum again. But he wanted your tight hole snug around his cock more. Goku savors your flavor just a small moment longer before he moves your legs from around him.
Sitting up, the red saiyan turns you over to him and replaces your hands around his aching length with his own, his other arm encouraging you over into his lap. “You’re not playing very fair.” You pouted as you settled with your legs on each side of him, answered only by his smile and narrowed sensuous stare. You can only shake your head and grin in return. It was a special occasion after all, and what else was to be expected of this frisky nature of his. Becoming a Super Saiyan 4 has changed him in a way you couldn’t really complain about when he was so attentive of you. Giving him what he wanted was the least you could do.
You take Goku’s face in your hands and smooth your thumb to wipe the excess slick around his mouth, then licked at his lips before placing a firm kiss against them, humming delightfully at his returned affection. Your kiss becomes harsh, his fangs brushing across your lips when his tongue sought yours. He was idly pumping his own cock in anticipation of your warmth, adjusting you in his lap just enough that he could press his tip into you. “Slow.” You quickly instructed between your kiss, bracing your hands on his shoulders. “Slow.”
“Slow...” He confirmed back to you, sinking his excited cock into you with the light wiggle of your hips to aid him. Your kiss slacks off with winded breath to take in the sight of each other. The yellow of his eyes looked like they were glowing from your pussy wrapped around him, pushing yourself to take him as far as your body could allow. It is with that final, impatient jerk from his hips making you arch at your deepest part being reached that he is, for the most part, fully sheathed inside you. You grunted, pressing your forehead into his shoulder and embracing your arms around his large back. You attempted to find comfort and adjust in your fullness, but the way he now held your hips in hand left you with so little wiggle room for relief from his bigger size. 
“God, I am so happy you were born today.” You praised him for this body and what it did for you. He could feel all of your insides twitching around him, nestling him so blissfully it was making the concept of “go slow” seem impossible right now.
“I-I feel the same.” Goku groaned, his large chest suddenly heaving against you. “-But-..I can’t-” He choked out a moan, grabbing your ass with both his hands and thrusting his hips at you. “I-I need to move.” He presses himself flush against you, moving your hips into him and knocking the tip of his cock against your deepest parts, making your spine curve at the sudden assault at your depths. You craned your head back with a strangled moan, clinging to his back with the grip of your nails. It was a bit uncomfortable, being hit so deep, so roughly and fresh off your own orgasm but it didn’t last long. Goku lifts you enough that he could draw his length back further, the drag in his strokes longer. He felt you lose your tension in your hands and your body settling comfortably in the momentum of his thrusts as your breathless cries grew sweeter to his ears. “So good, so good.” He growled low into your exposed neck, hungrily planting kisses into your skin. Heat and pleasure had quickly kindled throughout your body and set Goku’s carnal hunger ablaze for you, provoking the beast rooted in his very being. “Don’t hold back, (y/n).” He urged you, uttered from him like a callous demand.
Even if you wanted to move your own hips, your body was all under his control. His strength guiding your hips into him, his thrusts slapping rough and wet against you, dialing your pleasure up and quickening you towards another orgasm. Quite literally, you were along for the ride as Goku pounded his hips to yours for his own orgasm. But he wanted yours, too. You could feel it coming, as sure as his hot kisses into the crook of your neck turned to nips from his sharp canines and his strokes grew deeper into your depths again. Reclining to lie back onto the bed with you, your arms snug between his body and the mattress beneath, all his movements are slowed for a moment. Goku delaying both your orgasms to relish your body wrapped around him and the tight way your insides flexed against him begging to be satisfied again.
You rest your head on his shoulder and readjust your legs on each side of him, sitting comfortably with his twitchy cock deep inside you. He honestly wouldn't mind this all day for his Birthday, where he could just lie around with you like this, hearing your breathless voice in his ears and lazing about the bed with his hard-on in you. You give him an impatient buck of your hips and his grip lightens from your ass, an arm wrapped your hips and the other around your shoulders. Allowing you to bounce your hips into his lap, finding a new delight from falling back into his thick length at this angle while he lovingly kissed your face. Once again beguiled by the scent of you in your aroused state with his tail stroking up and down your back.
Letting his head sink back into the mattress, Goku closes his eyes and braces his heels, the strength of his arms bearing you down against him as your whole body was suddenly rocked roughly against him by the brutal way he snapped his hips up into you. You lost all control of yourself, crying out when your orgasm washed over you, each shockwave of ecstasy gripping his length and snatching his orgasm from him with a deep groan from his throat. You’re not sure when his tail wrapped around your leg, but you could feel its tight squeeze as he emptied himself deep inside you, his hips were stilled, leaving your quivering cunt and restless hips to milk all the cum from his cock. Each breath you took was a weak, blissed-out sob filled with a slew of satisfied swears until you went limp on top of him. That fulfilled his ego, leaving him with a grin on his face.
Goku’s arms fell open on each side of him, the heavy rise and fall of his large chest lifting you softly. As his body grew calm, the golden light filled his body again and disappeared returning him to his base form. Allowing you to pull your arms from underneath him. His tail slacks off in its grip on your leg, but doesn’t completely let you go just yet.
“Ah... S-so we agree. We... can’t do it the normal way anymore.” You breathlessly declare with half-lidded eyes.
“Nuh-uh.” He agreed, opening his own eyes to the sight of the ceiling above.
"Well... You spoiled part of your gift, Birthday Boy." Your voice croaks with a light laugh, pulling yourself up on him enough to slide him out of you and look at his face. "I'm going to have to really get creative for you tonight." It already seemed far away to him with the sun still so bright outside. There would be plenty enough going on between now and then to keep him distracted for you. You see his eyes wander a little with thought, Goku then tilting his head to look at you and draws both his arms around you again.
"Well, I know what I want now." He inclined, making you tilt your own head to look at him suspiciously.
"Goku, if you say all you want for your birthday is me, I'm going to pop you." 
His chest bounced against yours as he laughed. "Nope. I already have you, I wouldn't let you off that easy, haha!" With a clearer mind, he figured out exactly what he wanted for his Birthday. "I just want to go out and spend time with you guys. Maybe...A barbeque party! Lots of food, with fishing and swimming and a big race." Goku looks back up in thought, beaming with renewed vigor and anticipation for what he had in mind for his Birthday. "It'll be fun, just me and you, Goten and Gohan, Videl, Pan. Raditz and Chi Chi, even Hercule and Majin Buu." He listed off your family, holding up his hands and lowering a finger with each name he spoke and giving you a more excited grin. It was a good place to start, and easy enough to handle. Simple, as he would like to have it with food and family but still a little humble for what he deserved.
"I think we can swing that.” You giggle, sliding up a little further so you could carefully sit down on top of him. “Call me crazy, but our family's a little bigger than just us, Goku. Don't you think Bulma would be offended if you didn't invite her and Vegeta with Trunks and Bulla? And of course Krillin, 17 & 18, and Marron have to join us too, no question." You nodded to him, folding your arms and running all the faces of your kinship through your mind with an excited grin as well. “We'd be crazy not to get Piccolo, Master Roshi's crew, Yamcha, Launch and Tien Shinhan. We don’t get to do this as often as I’d like, but you have a lot of people out there who are grateful you were born today. I'm sure they want to celebrate with you, too." You reach out a hand to boop your finger to the tip of his nose. "Just not more than me."
You see his eyes twinkle with delight at the idea. It had been a while since you'd seen all your friends together in one place for some fun. "I guess I didn't think about it like that. You're right! I guess if I'm going to spend my Birthday with my family we'll have to get everyone. Oh, we should get Dende and Uub too! It’s been a while since we all came together for something good for a change. Maybe even have a small tournament for fun, just for old time's sake! Really test everyone’s skill."
He's thinking bigger, and you like that. It's not a Goku party without a little bit of fighting, you suppose. It wouldn't exactly be a fair one if he and Vegeta decide to use their transformation. You lean back down over him and wrap your arms around his head to snuggle him. "I like that idea a lot. A fun little birthday tournament will go well with the new gi I asked Bulma to make for you, too." You nuzzled your face into his cheek, sweetly kissing at his face. "Happy Birthday, Goku. Thank you for being born today. You "Old Man", you." You teased.
"Old?" He repeated with a furrowed brow. You can't see the light offense in his features, but you do see the abrupt golden light take over him again and the warmth that came with it as he changed. You're then rolled abruptly onto your back with the wild, red saiyan pinning you down against the bed and a challenging smirk on his face. "I'll show you old man!"
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nimedhel09 · 2 years
Random Dragon Ball headcanons - Part 1 (out of many, I'm sure)
You knew this was coming at one point or another.
It was destined to happen with how much I love the franchise and how I've been talking about it lately on here.
You thought my Fairy Tail headcanons were a lot? Think again. It's nothing compared to what my mind has conjured for the DB franchise in the decades I've been a fan, lol.
Well, let's get ready!
Cha-la Head Cha-la starts playing
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- Saiyans have three sexes (they don't care about genders): male, female and intersex. The intersexed Saiyans can present either as male or female. Saiyans do not care about the sex of their members, but they do tend to honour and respect the females and intersexed Saiyans, since they're the ones who are able to bring new life to their proud race (and since giving birth is like a battle, and it's bloody and all, it shows that they are super tough).
- Female and intersex Saiyans make something like 35% of the population, which isn't enough to sustain it (it's a fact that any animal population usually has more females than males, makes it easier for it to stay steady and not disappear). So no females are used as infiltration babies when it becomes a thing.
- Saiyans aren't really monogamous. As in, in modern times (aka since they've been enslaved by the Cold empire), they rarely have exclusive relationships that are serious enough that they link themselves to another Saiyan for life - or more (OMG I have a whole thing about Saiyan mating habits that needs to be told at one point if I don't forget to do it).
- Goku is, actually, a member of the third sex. But he doesn't know it, since he thinks he's a normal male human until Raditz, and later does not question his biologic difference from humans outside of the Zenkai, need for battle, huge appetite, enhanced senses and instincts, lower fertility rate (another biological thing I need to touch on later), and all that surrounds the tail. Since he had the Talk with Bulma (super quickly and awkwardly), he always thought all males had both bits, but females only had the one bit downstairs. He never questions it since he never saw another male's full genitalia.
- The Saiyans, in their time under the Cold empire/PTO, used their language as ways to send crypted messages to one another. Since Cold and Frieza were both super arrogant and looked down upon the Saiyans, they never asked anyone to translate the messages in galactic common. It's how Vegeta, Raditz and Nappa got away with being utterly disrespectul at times towards Frieza and plotted their revenge.
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- Raditz is a worrywart. He also uses his head more than his pride can get in his way, which is one reason why he's kind of not seen in a kindly manner by Vegeta and Nappa. It's not very Saiyan-y, but it helped him survive until his unfortunate encounter on Earth.
- Piccolo knows the Namekian language, but a more ancient form, since it kind of evolved since Kami (the nameless Namekian, son of Katas) was sent to Earth when the cataclysm hit Namek. The slight difference in evolution does not impede him from understanding his fellow modern Namekians, though.
- Namekians have a huge capacity in telepathy. It's natural for them. But they mostly use the telepathy to communicate with people they are close to (hi Piccolo, Dende and Gohan, the cute dynamic trio).
- Saiyans also are capable of telepathy, more than most races, but they rarely use it. It was more in use before the civil war and destruction of Sadara.
- Saiyans aren't intrinsically bad. It's a consequence of their time on then-Plant, the war with the Tsufuls (need to touch on that later) and their slavery under the Colds. Before all that nonesense, they were an ok race, full of good and a bit of bad too (because no race is perfect).
- Gohan suffers from PTSD and that's canon.
- All the DBZ crew suffers from undealt-with trauma. Noone can change my mind.
- Goku is kind of demi-sexual and pan (if that's a thing, tell me if it's not, because I'm still learning). He loves all genders whatever their race, appearance, whatever, but he only loves Chichi? If that makes sense? (Though I have AU ideas where this is not the case huhuhu).
- Broly is not DUMB. I repeat, DBS Broly is NOT DUMB. He's just uneducated because of his upbringing. But he learns very fast. Because Saiyans are quite smart overall (smarter than most races we encounter in DBZ) and the big guy has a high potential. Although said potential is kind of hindered by his temper and instincts. He's working on them though.
- Also, all Brolys are LEGENDARY super saiyans. I don't care what DBS says.
- Vegeta is a genius when it comes to strategy. He's also very very smart. He helps Bulma come up with new inventions and helps her brainstorm when she's stuck.
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- The Saiyans have 3 legends when it comes to super Saiyans (also the name is a dumbed-down translation of the original Saiyago title): they have the golden-haired avenger that is full of righteous anger, the green-haired berserker born once a thousand years that destroys everything, even themselves, and the red-haired saiyan that can go toe to toe with the gods themselves and are exalted as lesser deities.
- Magic and ki are very different. Some races are more geared towards magic, and others towards ki control. Saiyans are more geared towards ki control, which comes as no surprise because magic is looked down upon in their society (when it comes to combat, because it has its uses for the working and religious classes, but it's barely used at the end of their existence as a race). Namekians are usually more in tune with magic than ki control, but the warrior class is the exception (Nail and Piccolo are both warrior class). The dragon clan (those who are able to produce dragon balls) are particularly gifted with magic and healing powers (Dende, Mori and Guru - Kami is from the dragon clan, but he was also originally from the warrior class, so don't know if he counts, lol).
- Namekians reproduce asexually, but they are hermaphrodites (it's canon, though, so is it really a headcanon?).
- Earthlings are particularly gifted at ki control. More so than Saiyans because their instincts don't impede their learning curve, although Saiyans are more gifted to natural ki control (as in, they learn super quick when they see something, but minute mastery isn't as easy since they're quite quick tempered and prideful).
- Bulma has the means to become queen of the universe. She has the power to destroy Frieza, no questions asked and have even the most powerful warriors at her feet thanks to her genius. The only reason she hasn't done that is because, even though she's arrogant and vain and quick-tempered, she also is KIND and does not think of such things. Vegeta knows it and it excites the heck out of him (and kind of terrifies him a little bit, lol). I will take no criticism on this headcanon, thank you very much.
- Super Saiyan 4 is the primal version of Super Saiyan. It's not in the legends anymore because it kind of fell from use because it's so hard to harness, thousands of years even before Sadala was destroyed. Usually, SS4 Saiyans have golden eyes and black (true black, bluish or even purplish) to brownish-red hair (this one is rarer). Vegeta is kind of an outlier with his blue eyes in that form.
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Ok, I'll stop here for now. I have way too many headcanons and I'll need some time to go through most of them, lol.
Hope you like them! And if you're a DB fan, please don't hesitate to leave your thoughts on this, and even your own headcanons!
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