#but maybe you like his sincere awkwardness hehe
merakiui · 10 months
azul has that single dad on vacation vibe nailed to a T in that new card and i’m going insane. i will be his wifey so he never again has to be a single dad on vacation
He's literally this:
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But it's okay because he makes it look so good. orz I will also be his wifey so that when he has his next vacation trip he won't be alone. <3 anything to make dilf Azul happy hehe!!! >:3c
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eggluverz · 8 months
hey~ fellow writer here!
Do you have some modern/college au Dan Heng x F! Reader head-canons? Your writing literally fixes my writer's block tysm!!!! Maybe once I get my life together we can be writing friends :)
dan heng college au headcanons
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PAIRING. dan heng x f!reader
GENRE. modern au, college au, fluff
SOF'S NOTE. HI HI FELLOW WRITER :3 ty for the req i hope u enjoy these random college hc's hehe + i hope u can get thru ur writers block soon 🥺 and we can be friends even if ur not in a writing phase rn !! i def don't mind, new friends are always welcome 🩵🩵
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dan heng seems quiet, but he is definitely not shy
he joins a few clubs that he has sincere interests in and attends the meetings pretty regularly 
he mets you in one of them 
you’re paired together for an awkward club bonding activity but somehow hit it off
from there you hang out on-campus together
study sessions in the library, late night fast food runs, early morning cafe meetings… you easily become a big part of his life and he enjoys every moment of it 
he is not much of a party person, but he will go with you if you ask
the frat bros try to get him to rush but he isn’t interested in joining (he has enough on his plate as is)
when he’s at a party with you, he holds your drink and watches over it when you go to the bathroom
if you ever look uncomfortable with a guy trying to dance with you, dan heng is there by your side in an instant
he has 100% had to pretend to be your boyfriend to get persistent men off your back
one night you ask “what if you really were my boyfriend?” 
dan heng wonders if you’re asking sincerely or as a joke, but you just smile and giggle instead of elaborating 
dan heng is a diligent student and enjoys his studies 
however he will get sidetracked during study sessions by going down random, semi-related rabbit holes instead of the actual topic at hand
dan heng is an avid proponent for office hours
he will go whenever he has questions or ideas 
he offers to go with you if you get too nervous to go alone
he walks you to the professor’s office and waits outside for you to finish, giving you a small pep talk and gentle squeeze on your arm to calm your nerves 
dan heng is supportive and sweet and everything you’d want in a bf :3
during stressful times when it feels like everything in the world has piled up (projects are due, exams are coming, group presentations are scheduled), he feels like he can come to you for comfort
you’re both drowning in work but at least it’s together <3 and you always remind him to take breaks when he needs
once, when he was really swamped with work and extracurriculars, he became too stressed and got sick 
you make him a care package with some medicine, cough drops, tissues, tea packets, honey, and a little teddy bear to keep him company
you come over to make him soup even though he says not to bc he doesn’t want to get you sick
you wear a mask and come over anyway, not wanting your best friend to be alone while he’s both stressed and sick
“don’t forget to take care of yourself,” you say worriedly, wiping the sweat of his forehead with a cool cloth and serving him some soup in bed (you’re in college so the soup is just chicken flavored ramen with egg added, but it’s the thought that counts)
dan heng realizes how grateful he is that he has you
in his sick and dazed stupor he says he wants to be your boyfriend and kisses your cheek
you ask if he really means it
dan heng’s eyes widen when he realizes what he just said but he didn’t take it back. he meant it, after all 
“yes, i mean it. will you be my girlfriend?”
you get so excited you nod and kiss him, forgetting he’s sick
you catch his cold the next day but easily decide it was worth it :3 
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qusok · 1 year
Jerin need more fics, so here I am. There's also a bit of Markate! Hehe.
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It was a long, horrible night. So much stress, fear, panic and no place to rest. But hopefully, soon this night, this dread, would come to an end. The crew members were already at their finish line, at least that's what they called it, right near the lighthouse. They spent so much time and energy and finally reached it. Well, not all of them yet. Kate was still out in the woods somewhere after she was separated from the other girls, but she would make it. She is tough, she is smart, she knew the plan.
Speaking of the plan, the lighthouse was right here, it just needed to be turned on.
"Hey! Are you coming?" Jamie distracted her friend, who was totally absorbed in his thoughts, with a few pats on his shoulder. Mark didn't even notice that the others had already found a way inside. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I just..." Mark didn't tear his eyes away from the woods, "I think maybe I should stay here to see Du'Met if he shows up? So we won't be caught off guard." Even though it sounded like a great and rational plan, Jamie knew it wasn't about Du'Met. Well, at least not completely about him. Obviously it was Kate, and Jamie couldn't blame her friend for that. She probably would have done the same if it was Erin.
"Okay, great idea. Maybe Charlie can stay with you? It would be safer together. Erin and I can turn on the lighthouse." There was no need to pressure Mark to tell the real reason. Well, of course Jamie would have teased him about it at any other moment, but definitely not today. She could do it later, if they get out of here alive. Jamie noticed Mark grinning a little at her last phrase, but decided not to ask because it might have been his turn to tease her if she did. Of course, Mark was happy for his friend getting together with a girl she had liked for so long.
"Yeah, good luck." Mark replied with the same grin, which was growing wider, subtly nudging Jamie with his elbow. Yeah, he probably implied a bit more than just the light.
The men stayed outside, and Jamie took Erin's hand to go to the entrance they found. This gesture was totally accidental, but no one complained, really. The path to the door was blocked by the fence. It was possible to get there, but it was just easier and faster to go through the hole Erin found.
Jamie went in first to make sure everything was safe. She wanted Erin to be okay. She needed it through the whole night, without exception.
After looking around a little, she gave Erin her hand so that she wouldn't fall. The landing was even softer, as Jamie literally caught the younger girl by her waist, making her blush and giggle. The moments when they were together (except for the moments of being immensely scared for each other's lives) during this night were like rays of light in the midst of impenetrable darkness. Everything would be so much worse without these glowing sparkles that they were for each other.
"Hey," Jamie broke the silence (that was always comfortable and never awkward) as they walked through the lighthouse, "I realized I never got to answer you," she continued after knowing that she had Erin's attention, "I think I do too. I think I love you too."
Jamie has never been the one to just open up like this, to be so sincere. That's why she couldn't look at Erin right now, but even without looking at her, the older girl knew that she was beaming like the most beautiful and warm sunshine in the world. Jamie would never regret saying that, ever.
"Or... something?" The older girl added with a chuckle, remembering Erin's confession so clearly, even after everything they had been through.
"I never thought there could be something good about this night," Erin sighed with a smile, taking Jamie's hand in hers again and intertwining their fingers.
After getting to the top of lighthouse, the girls were met by a console, which didn't seem particularly working. After trying to press the buttons, it became clear. No power. It had to be restored manually.
Erin followed Jamie outside to see where the power supply was. But, of course, they were separated from it by a huge gap with only narrow section of the floor. Jamie took a step towards this gap.
"Jamie, no." Erin grabbed the older girl's hand, preventing her from going any further, "You're not going through this."
"Well, then what should we do, genius?" Jamie raised an eyebrow. They had to launch the lighthouse, and there was no other way. However, Erin had other plans. She yanked Jamie back inside.
"Do you still have your screwdriver? We can just break the window and get out without falling and dying."
"God, Erin... You really are a genius," with Erin smiling at her, Jamie took her screwdriver (damn, she almost lost it earlier).
Fortunately, no one got hurt by the shreds when the window was crushed. After getting rid of the remaining glass parts on the window frame, Jamie crawled outside.
"See? Much safer," Erin was glad that after Jamie saved her so many times that night, she was able to really help her too. Of course, there was no competition or anything like that, she was just happy that her lover was safe. Well, at least safer than she could have been.
Turning the power on wasn't so safe though. The humid air electrified the top of the long-unused lighthouse. A small amount of electricity hit Jamie's hand directly, making her jump back. Erin's heart jumped, too. If not for the rickety fence, Jamie probably would have fallen. Erin couldn't help but got outside too to hold Jamie closer to her. She was so scared for the girl.
"Careful," the younger girl mumbled into Jamie's shoulder, while the latter patted her head and hugged her with her other arm.
"It's okay, I'm alive, we just have to go in and get this thing working." She didn't want Erin to be worried. They had already gone through a lot of horrible things, and now no one needed extra stress.
"Okay, there we go," Jamie pressed a button on the finally powered console, turning on the light. Soon it became impossible to look at it, so the girl turned away, covering Erin's eyes with her hands. There was something so soft and intimate about this gesture that made the younger girl smile widely. It almost felt like for a moment all the horrors could be forgotten, leaving Erin with only a feeling of joy and Jamie's warm hands. Erin couldn't help herself, so she pulled one of Jamie's hands away for a moment to find her face, and kissed her, bolder that the first time. Jamie was surprised, but definitely enjoyed the kiss. Well, it can hardly be called a kiss, because both of them were smiling too much.
At this moment, they knew. They have to get out of here. Together.
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entryn17 · 2 months
arevik!!! obsessed with the little guy. wet cat type design. is there anything you can tell us about him without tripping over unwanted spoilers 👀
hehe i'm glad you like him! he's been REALLY fun to write so far!
because there's two of these guys, i've been thinking about what they're going to call each other, since calling the other "arevik" would be awkward (it's weird referring to someone else with your own name but they also happen to literally be you. it makes them both a little uncomfortable)
while younger ari just doesn't address his older self by anything at all and just goes for "hey, you" (his older self makes him irrationally irritated and i'm sure it's for no deeper reason at all), older arevik has spent the last 15 years living with someone who a) annoys the shit out of him for fun and b) likes theatrics so he's prone to teasing his younger self. so he'd probably go for something like "karnoog" (lamb), "sirts" (heart), or "kyankus" (my life). the last one especially maybe because it's funny to him. they're armenian terms of endearment you direct at loved ones. though he pretends he mostly does it as a joke, i think throughout the story it becomes a bit more sincere
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shummashum · 4 months
Klaus Goldstein Ch6 [8~14]
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are you fucking kidding me I apologize, students sorry……..
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oh gosh the possibility of Serge appearing is increasing ah, have Klaus and Serge already met? so he was that distraught? well it's not a bad guess
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does Al know Taffy too? it's not easy to not know about that bipedalism plush though by the way, is Al aware of that incident 6 years ago related to Klaus-Randy-Serge one student being petrified is an incident that could have a significant impact anyway…?
Anyway, his soft voice and the sound of his approaching footsteps were painfully loud for Liz in this state.
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oh I know this
On that day, mankind received a grim reminder.
But contrary to her fears, he gently scooped her up in his arms, informing her the potion had temporarily turned her into a cat.
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I told you, this guy is also kinda weird I recognized his bizarre taste from the time he said that Illusion Station was cool while everyone else said it was gloomy and dismal
So she leaped down from his arms for a big cat adventure. Just because her body became a cat, did her mental age also become a cat?
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snap out of it man you wanna eat feedstuff for the rest of your life?
As she was walking through the courtyard…
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Klaus and Cae spotted
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oh? what's this conversation has there been any progress in the investigation? but why are you guys the only ones who know let me know too
Just then, Cae stopped his departure.
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heh… so he also noticed those two nocturnal idiots won't notice nor care at all though
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And well she happened to sit on his lap.
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maybe this is her chance to hear his inner thoughts this time, she'll be able to eavesdrop without being discovered well it feels like you're digging into the person's inner thoughts without their consent though~…
ahem mah! everyone has their own burden! besides I think he started life in rather easy mode? his family is somewhat high-class, his economic situation is decent, his appearance is good, and his skills are excellent …is he bragging or something
At that time, Al's voice was heard calling Liz's name from afar.
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erm well I don't think Al's backstory will be dealt with in any depth right now… they'll just create a temporary unstable atmosphere and then move on as if nothing happened I guess?
Anyway, when Al was trying to pick up her from Klaus…
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wellll… has the effect disappeared? but then, was there really a need for an antidote
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hehe… thigh… zettai ryouiki… hehe…
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by the way, it's the bridal carry pose again just like in Ch3… but now that I think about it, that pose is kinda awkward? now her abdomen is in the upper but if she was sitting on his lap while being a cat, she would've been sitting like Maxwell cat
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like this
uh… or not perhaps it would've looked weird if she had turned into a human in that exact posture
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okay I got it it looks definitely weird
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so there was no need to take an antidote but well she turned back into a human before she could do anything worthy as a cat. it feels kinda deflated~… we couldn't hear his inner thoughts (this might just be because I bought a normal item though), and becoming a cat didn't make much progress in the story or was this chapter created as a rest session for the next chapter
Anyway, when Klaus asked for an explanation of the situation, Liz started explaining why she turned into a cat and why she ended up sitting on his lap.
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this is not entirely her fault, this fuss wouldn't have existed if that plush hadn't suddenly popped out the mighty emperor is giving a lecture again
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Al… that guy keeps nagging
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what what? what's this sudden outburst no way turn on the blinker ;; what are you doing
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huh,,,,,,, what's wrong with that guy his apology doesn't sound like an apology at all, there's not a single sincerity in it
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Al… you should let it slide you said you've known him for a long time, you already know his personality is quite… one that you don't want to get close to, yeah? you should let it slide…… I'm sorry I can only tell you this, but… there's nothing else I can do
-Ch6 End-
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he's not here ! ! ! this goes against our deal Solmare
nah don't give up yet perhaps in Ch7!
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seelestia · 2 years
aww shucks :33 thank you dear author !! Maybe I am a writer after all, just maybe not a writer in my own standards hehehe
It's really interesting to see what you said as both a reader and a writer, it seems to me as a reader you value more characterization and how other writers would write to characters in their own perspectives based on the lore + the personalities of the character in game (I myself really like it when the writer has a firm grasp on the characterization of the character, and it's even better if they add something unconventional to them but still feels familiar and something the character would 100% do canonically)
BTW, I saw the tags and since you've asked so nicely ~
My favorite characters pretty much consist of the shorty squad; Venti, Scaramouche, and Aether
Venti is actually the reason why I got into the fandom as his character design really intrigued me (When i first saw him online I fr thought he was a girl and was like- Xiao's twin because of their color palettes being so similar awkward considering i later on start to ship xiaoven) and once I actually started doing research on his lore, I became even more interested ! He is now my favorite character lore wise :DD
Scaramouche, I'm not gonna lie the only reason I love Scara is because his design is really immaculate in my eyes (sadge that he's getting redesigned D'':) And just like Venti—I looked into his lore and became interested ! (then I heard his in game voices, for japanese and english, and boi I was whipped)
Aether is one of my favs because I find him really interesting, I really like reading other peoples headcanons for him, whether it be him using sign language to communicate because in game he doesn't talk as much, or when it's him being the more emotional twin of the two, I just love it all :D Lore wise, the fact that Aether may or may not be a deity, as well as Lumine, is really interesting— honestly tho, the entire lore surrounding the twins is really interesting, their reasonings for helping the abyss when they're the abyss twin, the way they say that the other twin should see the whole Teyvat before they can reunite once again- there's so much mystery and ANGST I love it :''D
I have a lot of other fav characters that I have just cuz I really resonate with them but these three shorties are the ones I usually gravitate to :P
Wow that was a long ramble, but since we're already here- how bout you my dear author? Any favorite characters based on lore, appearance, or personality? - Sincerely, angsty anon 👹✨
hehe, i'm proud of you, anon! i hope there will come a day where you'd deem yourself fit to be considered a writer in your standards,
mhm, each writer views characters through their own lens and that is something i find quite beautiful in a way <3 i'm not a picky reader because i've always loved all writers' interpretations even if they differ from mine — but i am picky as a writer because my works are how i share my interpretations and i really want to communicate them as best as i can ;( but i try not to push myself too hard, dw!
( spoilers about ei's second story quest and the backstory for kaeya and childe !! )
"add something unconventional to them but still feels familiar and something the character would 100% do canonically" THIS !! the exact ideology i strive for as a genshin writer 🙏 i love to write while considering how a chara's backgrounds/environments and habits could've possibly affected their reactions to certain things. it may seem like overly extensive efforts, but it's always been worth it to me! ;D (which is why i am selective when it comes to writing for unreleased characters, unless i've gathered enough info and observed them for a while like scaramouche and dainsleif.)
i love the way venti and scara attracted you with their designs first, then you searched up their lore and suddenly, it's too late to turn back fjwkkdksek and aether !! i really wish hoyoverse would give us more lore about the twins and canon traits that differentiate them instead of leaving them to seem like genderswapped versions of each other :( tho i remember during the 'we will be reunited' quest when they said each other's names regardless of the name we input as the player !!
AGREED. the fog surrounding khaenri'ah and the cataclysm is so full of mystery??? and the twin that ruled the abyss order was there to witness it while the other was asleep — but what exactly did they witness? once when going home was their only desire, what kind of horror could've happened that made them change their mind? THE LORE AND THE ANGST.
dw about rambling! i love them and i happen to be a chronic rambler myself too, hehe 🤝 oooo, my favorite characters lore-wise are kaeya, ei and childe! >:)
it's no secret that kaeya has always been a gold mine of mysteries. not just his origins stemming from the destroyed civilization of khaenri'ah and the way he was supposed to be a spy, but the fact that hoyoverse gave him a strained brotherhood with diluc added even more to his already jam-packed lore. and despite the laid-back way he carries himself, i noticed how he struggles with loneliness and reading his letters to diluc from the hidden strife event made me adore his character even more. i don't talk about my interest in kaeya often, but he is definitely my #1 favorite character lore-wise! sometimes, i wonder if he was a limited character and not a starter one, would people have viewed him differently?
ei's second story quest left a long-lasting impression on me even till this day and the loss she experienced after what happened to makoto and her friends :( i still think her first story quest should've been the second instead because it does shed some light on ei's personality (e.g. her unfamiliarity with social interactions since makoto has always been the one to handle that + the way she's behind on trends and even creations like a kamera because she's locked herself in the euthymia for so long), but it would've had a bigger impact and more depth as the epilogue instead of the introductory quest, imo!
on the other hand, childe is interesting to me because of the way he differs from his fellow harbingers, how he places such a strong belief in the tsaritsa, and how he is an oddball yet unapologetically himself. and as much as a morally grey of a character he is, ajax's love for his family makes him more realistic and that he retains a part of his old self even after falling into the abyss. one of the reasons i'm looking forward to snezhnaya is actually to see more of this stupid dumbo. (/lh)
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astraeden · 2 years
Notice was quick to reach the prince that a new student had joined the Blue Lions, and so he rushed to greet the arrival. A girl by the name of Lilith it seemed- all other information didn’t matter much to him. All that he paid attention to was that from now on, she’d be under his wing and therefore he had to make sure she knows she can count on him.
Yet he couldn’t stop himself from rubbing his eyes once- twice, when he spotted her in the distance. Was she hovering by any chance? 
It…didn’t matter. and he didn’t want to ask either in fear that maybe she’d feel offended by the question. Pretending that he saw nothing strange, Dimitri approached the girl with an easy smile. “Lilith, is it? My name is Dimitri, leader of the Blue Lions as well as one of your classmates.” A quick nod, graced by a warm grin. “If there is anything you need guidance or help with, please do feel free to come for me. I shall do my best to be of help.”
The prince gave her a good once over. Small frame, probably a magic user, but some things here and there were slightly odd- well, odd wasn’t the correct word. Intriguing. And the floating thing was one of them. She was, indeed, hovering.
“Uhm…pardon the…odd question. You are free to avoid it in case it causes you discomfort, but I have noticed that you seem to be able to…float? That is impressive, I assume you must be well acquainted with magic, then?” He tried to brush off the awkwardness of the question, but there was no easy way to ask someone if they were literally floating. “...Gah, ignore me. Well, welcome to the Blue Lions- and welcome to Fódlan as well.”
CLASS IS DISMISSED WITH A WAVE, and with it, lilith bows respectfully to the professor in hopes that the act is enough to express her gratitude for today’s lesson.  she had not been present for it, since it began before her arrival, but the releasing of students from the room is enough for her to feel grateful for the lesson.  to simply know that it had existed.  the uniform is light on her, quite tight on the cuffs of her jacket sleeves so she makes a mental reminder to adjust them later in the day.
the blue lions. a house of honor and chivalry, one of respectful members and those who wish only the best for their classmates.  it is a house that she expected to be put into; conditioned to a promise and vow, one that she would not break no matter the sacrifices she had to make.  the leader of this house, though, is a classmate that she has yet to meet and... oh?
lilith blinks in question, humming at the sound of her name on the leader’s tongue.  without much thought into the action, she adjusts to his height and raises the space between her feet and the ground.  just enough so they can speak face to face, at the proper level of regard.   “   thank you, sincerely, for the offer of assistance.   ”   lilith says, a small smile playing at the bow of her lips.   “   i understand that i am only a classmate to you but please remember that i, too, will assist you in any case if needed.   ”
(   normalcy is quite common here, very different of your home realm.   )   lilith is not surprised when dimitri’s gaze studies her once more.  neither is she surprised when he speaks up with a question instead of a welcome.  the predictability is enough to make her giggle softly, raising a hand to her lips to cover most of the laugh.  she waves her hand to gently dismiss his awkward attempt to push off the topic.
“   no, it’s fine!  hehe, it doesn’t cause me any discomfort, unless it makes you feel uncomfortable in any way then i can walk normally if you would like that?   ”   an arched eyebrow at the note of magic.   “   yes and no.  yes, i am floating, but no, it is not due to practiced magic.  it is simply an ability i transferred between forms.  quite different from magic utilized by mages, i presume?   ”   she remembers, vividly, that it had not taken much to float in her human form at first walking steps.  gravity divided between each form, unable to keep her down no matter certain attempts.
another laugh slips from her lips and lilith clasps her hands, bowing her head slightly in greeting.   “   anyway, thank you, again, for the welcome.  i hope that my presence here will aid the blue lions in any way or method.   ”
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trex98dreams · 2 years
Member: Kim Taehyung Genre: Angst / Slight Smut 💔 💋 Song Inspired: Snowman - Sia Summary: He was your everything, but he devoted himself to your sister. What happens when she left him when he no longer had his sight?
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Ever since you were little, you had always been fond of the snow. You prefer being in the cold, rather than staying inside during the festive season. That was one of the many reasons why you had more friend than your twin sister did.
Unlike you, Jisoo was the shy and preserved twin. You guys weren't identical, but it would probably be better if you were since everybody likes to compare the 2 of you. Her beauty surpasses yours and that become one of the reason you envied her. Everything about you guys were different, the only thing you guys share in common was your voice. Sometimes, even your parents were confused when talking to one of you on the phone.
Jisoo didn't mind leaving you all alone. She hates the snow, the cold and the winter. She said the cold made people sick, and whenever you suggest to build a snowman together, she would ignore you by playing with her barbie doll beside the fireplace where your father was reading. But Jisoo's indifference changed one day, all because of the rectangular smiled boy that captured your hearts.
That day was still fresh in your mind, like it had just happen yesterday. You guys were 9 when you first met him. You had ran out of the house after getting permission from your parents to play in the snow. That time, you didn't ask Jisoo to follow you, because you knew she'd never agree anyways.
You were happily rolling the snow, humming a song while making your own snowman and snow angel. At one point, when you pouted because the snowball was too heavy for you to lift it by yourself, you notice a boy around your age staring at you with a wide smile, his smile was so wide it made you uncomfortable. The awkward looking boy stare at you from the pavement of your house for a long time as if asking to be your play date.
You stopped rolling the snow and put your hand on your waist cutely. "What?"
Your question startled him. His immediate reaction was so cute it made you blush a little.
"Oh, nothing.. it's uh- your snowman is really pretty. I like to build snowmans too!"
The boy scratched the back of his head. "I was wondering.. maybe.. uh never mind.. nothing! I- I'm sorry!" he said in a hurry and turn his back ready to leave. You felt guilty for making him feel unwanted, so you yelled at him, "HEY COME BACK! LET'S BUILD THIS ONE TOGETHER!"
The boy's eyes shine like crazy. He let out a huge adorable smile, displaying his box shaped smile and ran towards you in his brown padding coat. You didn't know it at the time, but you will be entangled with this boy for the rest of your life.
He let out a foggy breath which made you giggle. He wears a gentle smile the whole time, a sign that made you warm up towards him. "I'm sorry if my tone earlier made you upset," you bit your lower lips, a habit you had whenever you felt apologetic. The boy's smile didn't falter.
"It's okay!! Really! I uh- My grandma told me you had just moved here. She says I should make you feel welcome and made friends with you. Besides.. I don't really have much friend in this neighborhood, hehe," he told you. You let out a small smile.
"Oh btw, my name is Kim Taehyung. I live over there," he adds, pointing to the small old house 3 blocks away from yours. Staring at this Taehyung boy who looks so sincere to be friends with you, you allow him to shake your hand. 
"My name is Lee Y/N. Nice to meet you Kim Taehyung! I hope we'll be good friends from now on!"
"Me too! I'll be your.. erm.. snowman! And you.. you.. you''ll be my snowoman!" his words were touching and it made your young heart melts.
That was the start. That was how you became friends with Kim Taehyung. The whole day, it was perfect. So perfect. You notice Jisoo glancing at you from the window on the fireplace, but she didn't step out, although you and Taehyung kept on waving for her to join. When Taehyung asked you about her, you told him that she was your twin sister which is shy and doesn't like the snow. So Taehyung never asked for more.
You were happy for the first few years, because at the time, there is only you and Taehyung in your small world. He cares for you, protected you and build snowmans with you every winter. You even went to his house if you bicker with Jisoo or your parents over the smallest things. Taehyung was your shoulder to cry on. You were closer to him than you did with your sister especially with how Jisoo was treating as you grew older.
When you reached 15 however, Jisoo suddenly went into you room, and asked you something about him which she never did all these years.
"Hey sis," she called you in her usual cold voice which she only uses on you. You turn to her, putting away the schoolwork you were doing. "Do you like Kim Taehyung?"
"What?" you answered, baffled. "Of course I like him, he's my best friend."
Jisoo let out a small smirk. "You know what I mean. You've been friends with him since forever. You never bother to invite me to hang out with the both of you. So I though I should just ask you away. Is it because you like him? Are you scared that he will like me more if I'm around?"
"What nonsense are you talking about? Of course not! And FYI, I DID invite you, on many occasions, but you keep on telling me you didn't like Taehyung because he's shabby and his family didn't make much. I swear Jisoo, Taehyung's heart will broke if he heard all of the things you said about him, but every time he asks me why you didn't want to spend time with us, I always cover up for you and told him you were busy with school. What are you going on actually?"
Her statement made your heart burst. You hated when she badmouthed Taehyung. Jisoo never cared about Taehyung. She always told you to stay away from him, that maybe he was just using you because you both came from a wealthy family but you knew he's not like that.
That was your 1st mistake of course, because Jisoo caught the way you were being so protective over him. And of all the people, your cruel twin sister was the 1st to knew that you were in love with Kim Taehyung.
"Jeez, okay Miss Protective, I get it. I was just checking. If that's the case, you didn't mind if somewhere in the future, we date right?"
You eyes widened. But you quickly blink back, trying to look unbothered because you knew she was just manipulating you.
"Yeah.. yeah sure, whatever," you answered. "But I warn you sis, don't go breaking his pure heart because when Taehyung loves, he loves hard and if you can't stand how much he loves you, just don't lie to him about it."
Jisoo left your room with a smirk. You wanted to continue your schoolwork, but your discussion with Jisoo bothers you.
After that conversation, Jisoo suddenly shows up and tag along when you spend time with Taehyung. She follows you 2 to the library, went to the food stall to eat tteobokki together (which btw, she hates because its oily) and even went to Taehyung's house to get to know his grandma. For some reason, you felt like Jisoo had an ill intention, but when you see how happy Taehyung looked like whenever she comes along, you couldn't bare to tell him to be careful of your sister's treatment.
After all these years?
Why would she suddenly took an interest in him?
What was the reason?
You endure it, year after year. Your eyes went sore with how clingy Jisoo was being with Taehyung, one which you knew wasn't her real expression. You try to not think about the possibility of them dating, and maybe you should tell him how you really feel but it was all too late.
On that winter, 3 years ago, while waiting on your front yard to make your traditional snowman and snowoman with Taehyung, you caught them walking side by side, holding hands and laughing.
Your heart try to ignore the possibility, try to ignore the sight which kills you but when both of them saw you waiting at the porch, they waved and Taehyung proudly announced, holding Jisoo's hand by the air, "Y/N! WE'RE DATING!! CONGRATULATIONS! YOU'RE THE 1ST TO KNOW!"
Your dreams, your reality.. shatters. You could almost see the grin in Jisoo's smile. But Taehyung was too happy. Too happy with the fact that he got himself a girlfriend, whose shy and timid in his eyes. Ever since then, you spend less and less of your time with him because all of the time he has now belongs to Jisoo.
Every winter, whenever you stare at little kids making snowman, your eyes got teary, because you had never though, the one person you love with your whole heart, will be with the one person you truly hate.
[You'd came back for the wedding right?]
You let out a soft chuckle. It's been a few years since you moved to Seoul. To heal yourself from the pain of heartbreak, you studied hard, maintaining a good result and after you graduated from college, you were offered a job in there. You had move 4 hours away from your hometown, just wishing you could get over Taehyung in the meantime.
People said, not in sight, not in mind.
Bullshit, that was definitely a lie.
Because your heart ache a million time worst when your parents called to announce Taehyung and Jisoo's wedding in a couple of months.
When you first received the news, you couldn't believe it, you though Jisoo was just using Taehyung to make you jealous or something. Turns out, maybe she did love him along the way and serious about him to the point of marriage. You cry the whole night after receiving the news. The next day when you go to work, your eyes were red. Your boss and colleague were worried about you that they advice you to take a day off but you refuse, knowing a day off will just be a day thinking about their wedding.
Now, 2 weeks before the wedding, Taehyung himself called you when you keep on making excuses to your parents.
When you move to Seoul, you try to cut off all contact with him, but at times when he had a disagreement with your sister, he would call you and you would listen to his frustrations. He was so hard to ignore, and you couldn't just disappear when he's dating and would be marrying your sister. He would officially be your family soon and you were going to meet him at some point. Up until today, you wonder, is Taehyung still clueless about your feelings? Why is he torturing you like this?
"Of course I would Tae. I just had a lot of things going on here in Seoul. Don't you worry! I promise I'd be back in time for your wedding! I'll even buy you a something expensive as a gift!" you try to fake a cheerful voice when you were really crying inside. Taehyung chuckle at the other end.
[It's not the gift that matters. It's your presence Y/N. Gosh, I miss you so much. I miss making snowmans with you. I wish I could have my best friend by my side at times like this. Unfortunately, she's too busy to be available for me now..]
His sulking made your heart soften. "I.. I miss you too Tae," you chocked out when you realized he still remembers about the snowmans.
"I'm sorry, I'm not a good friend am I? I promise.. I'll be there on your wedding. I wouldn't miss it for the world. Say.. have Jisoo picked out her wedding dress yet? You know how she and I didn't talk much so I only heard how fussy she is from mom," you add to lighten up the mood.
[She haven't. She says the wedding dresses in our town is too lame. So she went with her friends, Nancy and Yooa from school to Makpo. Says she wants to search for the best wedding dress there and spend some 'girl time' with them before we get married or something,] Taehyung's voice was sad.
You keep on listening to his rant. [Of course, I was worried at first, and wanted to come with her, I could have applied leave from my job for a few days but she kept on refusing me and told me to give her some freedom before marriage and stuff. So before that led to another disagreement, I just let her be. Maybe she's right. I am too strict about her freedom, heh.]
Your heart grew heavy. Taehyung was too sweet and kind. Jisoo could have bring him along or just said she wants to spend some time with her friends, but instead, she said those words as if Taehyung was controlling her life like some overprotective fiance.
You let out a soft sigh. "You're not too strict Tae. You love her. When you love someone, you care and worry for them. There's nothing wrong with that. You shouldn't let my sister's word get into your head, okay? Besides, you 2 are gonna get married for the rest of your life. You have every right to be worried. Now-]
"Ah! I'm sorry Y/N! I gotta go! Jisoo finally called! Bye! Don't forget to come home okay! I'll be really upset if you're not here! Bye!"
The line was cut off. Your bit your lips, trying to surpass the emotion. But your eyes didn't lie, and a tear fall from the corner of your eyes heavily.
2 days later, your boss coincidentally sent your team to Makpo for a meeting. You though about calling Jisoo since you knew she was here, but this is Jisoo you're talking about. You knew she wasn't the happiest sister in the world to see her twin sister which she despise from childhood tagging along to find bridal gown for her wedding to the man her sister used to love.
After the meeting ended, your decide to go out for a drink with your colleague to the nearest bar. You were happily eating out and chatting with your colleague there but you didn't drink much, knowing how you can't handle alcohol well and someone had to be sober when you colleagues isn't.
You were listening to one of your colleague's story when a sight of a woman in a revealing violet bodycon dress caught your eyes.
She looks so familiar from the side, her long silky hair was put to one side of her shoulder. You squint your eyes, scanning her deeply. She was laughing bashfully with a handsome man in front of her, and when they got up, you saw how she linked her arms to him. The man take out his wallet and make a payment while the woman cling onto him. They turn around to leave the restaurant when you gasps upon looking at her face.
You hid in between your colleague. She didn't notice you of course, busy making heart eyes with the handsome man in suit. You notice she was wearing the butterfly pin Taehyung gave her on her hair. It couldn't be a doppelganger. You took your belongings when you saw how the man open the door to his Porsche car for her, and she steps inside with a cheerful smile.
Your sister.
The bride to be.
"Miss Lee, where are you going?" one of your colleague asked you.
You bow at them. "Ah- I'm sorry guys! I had to leave first, I'm not feeling well. See you guy at the hotel okey?"
You dash out of the restaurant and stop a taxi in a hurry. You were desperate to follow them. It couldn't be what you're thinking isn't it? It couldn't be that Jisoo.. no, no, she loves Taehyung. She even agreed to marry him. She can't be, she can't be cheating. That's not possible. You try to ignore the possibility again. Jisoo isn't that kind of person. Not after years of relationship with Taehyung. Maybe that gentleman was just accompanying her. But if he did, then where is her friends, Nancy and Yooa?
Finally, the Porsche stops... in front of a luxury hotel. The handsome man got out of the car, went to the other side to open the door for your sister and hands his car key to the chauffeur. You sit in the taxi and watch them for a long time. You wanted to make sure that your suspicions weren't true, but just then, the happy couple in front of you kisses passionately. Jisoo had her arms wrapped around the handsome man's neck, while the man hold her waist tightly.
They giggle and disappear inside the hotel which left you outside, shock and tremble from learning the truth.
"Jisoo... sis... what have you done?" you cry to yourself.
Your own heart is trembling, how would Taehyung be when he finds out about this ugly truth?
"I'm telling you Taehyung, I saw it with my own eyes! I don't want you to get hurt! I don't want to lie to you! I would never joked with this kind of things!"
[Shut up Y/N! Jus- just shut up! My fiance can't be doing that! She's a shy and timid person! She didn't even knew people outside this town! How can you accuse her of cheating on me with some random guy in a Porsche far in Makpo?! Are you insane?!]
Taehyung never yelled at you. He had a good temper. Even when he's angry, he was always so calm and try to settle things with a right mind. You though he could take it. You though he could calmly accept the truth when you told him and ask Jisoo for the truth when she got back. But you never expected this outburst. You never expected he would flipped and drive all the way to Makpo just because he didn't believe you.
"Tae.. calm down please. You didn't need to come here. I can hear how angry you are. It's not good when you drive in such a mood. Please, just ask her when she gets back. I'll- I'll help you and go to the hotel. Please just be careful-"
[FUCK! HOW CAN I BE CALM WHEN YOU JUST TOLD ME MY FIANCE IS FUCKING ANOTHER GUY A WEEK BEFORE OUR WEDDING Y/N?!] he cuts your word with a curse. You felt like crying. This was a huge mistake. Telling him the truth was the wrong move. You felt guilty to keep it to yourself, that's why you told him but it seems that Taehyung.. he was blinded by rage at this point.
"Kim Taehyung, please, stop please. I can hear your tires screeching! Taehyung I just wanted you know the truth! Not being crazy by driving here to see for yourself!" you tremble on the phone but Taehyung couldn't hear you. Instead you heard him click his tongue.
[Crazy? You're the crazy one you know that?! Telling me all this when you knew I'm about to marry Jisoo in a few days. What was your intention huh Lee Y/N? You told me this without any ounce of evidence confidently, making me anxious each second! I won't be satisfied as long as I see it for myself! If my beloved fiance IS cheating, why didn't you take a photo of their alleged kiss? Why didn't you send me the picture?] he daunt you through the phone.
"It happened so fast, I didn't expect for it to be like this Tae! I was also in a shock! I saw the pin! The one you bought her with me! It can't be someone else! I-"
Taehyung chuckle at you pitifully. [I bet you're juts lying didn't you? I bet, you wanted to ruin our wedding, because you like me, correct?]
You stopped breathing when he said this. How did he knew you had a crush on him?
[Silence. I knew it. Jisoo was right. I can't believe you Y/N. Out of all the people, you would do this thing to me, you're so scheming,] he accuses you hurtfully. You didn't say anything, hearing his rage which made a tear starting to form on the corner of your eyes.
"Taehyung, you have every right to be angry, but I'm not lying. I would never hurt you. The one whose hurting you is-"
[Oh cut the crap Y/N! Jisoo used to cry and told me ever since you  guys were little, you had always looked down on her. She says you were always jealous of what she had and she told me that you started to liked me after she dated me. I'm sorry, but my heart chooses Jisoo. It would never be you! No matter how evil your intention is towards us!]
His angry confession made you cover your mouth. You can't let him hear your sobs. If he did, he would only add the pain by saying you were asking for sympathy. You calm yourself, taking a huge, deep breath. "Taehyung, I admit that I have liked you before. And I still do. But I would never lie to you with the intention of breaking your marriage. I know how much you loves Jisoo and I had accepted that fact. And what she told you was wrong. I liked you before she and you ever dated. We're friends Taehyung. Why would you believe her words but not mine..?"
Taehyung honked the car in front of him loudly. It was snowing hard, the snow flakes were raining uncontrollably, covering Taehyung's window shield. The lights were red but he didn't pay attention to it and was so engrossed and enraged with your conversation.
[I WOULD NEVER DOUBT HER Y/N! You told me she was wearing a bodycon dress, but the Jisoo we all knew is a shy girl who'd never reveal her skin to random guys she just met! She didn't even have a bodycon dress so obviously, you're lying to me! She can't be sleeping with someone else when she flinch at the slightest touch of my hand! Why are you like this Y/N? You wanted me to hate her didn't you? You-]
You sat on the rows of chair outside of his ward. You couldn't eat or think properly. You kept on crying and asking the doctors about Taehyung's condition every time they step out of his ward. You eyes were so puffy, you were a mess because this was all your fault.
Taehyung got into a car accident while talking to you. He was rushed to the hospital and you were still on the line when someone pick up his phone to inform you of his whereabouts and state. You quickly left Makpo and rushed home to Daegu anxiously after hearing the news.
You called your parents, his, and Jisoo to inform them of his condition. The only ones who didn't pick up was Jisoo. As you sat on the chairs, one by one, they came. Mrs. Kim was horribly crying and hugging her husband, while your parents hugged you because of the trauma. You told your parents about everything, but leave out the Jisoo cheating part as to not worry your parents.
You didn't leave the ward, even when Mrs. Kim told you its okay for you to go home, shower and eat before coming back. You couldn't bare it. You were still in a state of shock and repeatedly apologize, even kneeling to Taehyung's parents saying it was all your fault he got into a car accident.
"Sweetheart, no, no, it wasn't your fault. No, you need to rest, you're in shock, go home first, we'll look after our son. Come back when you've eaten something," Mrs. Kim hugs you gently. If she knew the truth, she would probably said the same thing about you.
You're nothing but a scheming woman.
Taehyung was in a coma for 3 days. The doctors have informed you that he was lucky that the accident wasn't severe and his organs were saved. But what's worst is Taehyung would probably be blind for the rest of his life. The shreds of broken glasses went into his eyes, injuring his corneas. You were horrified with the news.
You fell on the hospital floor helplessly after the doctors informed you of this. You couldn't help but sob, thinking of  how would Taehyung react once he wakes up to find that his whole world had turned dark.
"Why.. god.. why Tae? Why must he bear the punishment for my mistake..?" You cried your heart out as your parents and his cry as well.
You waited for Taehyung to wake up everyday while he lay there lifelessly with tubes attached to his body. His eyes were wrapped with a white bandage. Every time the nurses came into the room to change it, you would bravely asked them if you could do it instead. You would read stories for him, talk to him and apologize for everything and caress his hair gently. You were tired, but you wanted to be there for him when you wake up.
Suddenly, the door to his ward flung open.
"Taehyung..? Baby.. baby wake up..!" Jisoo's shrieks were heard throughout the room. You didn't say anything, standing up from the chair next to his bed and allowing Jisoo to kiss Taehyung's cold lips. Your heart hurts.
"Where were you?? Taehyung has been in the hospital for days! We have called you million of times but it went straight to your voicemail!" You couldn't help but feel angry.
Jisoo turn to you with tearful eyes, "My phone went missing Y/N!! Gosh! How are you so inconsiderate?! I got here right after searching for my bridal gown when I heard my fiance was in the hospital because of a car crash!! How do you think I would feel if you're at my place?!"
She hugs Taehyung's body and lay her head on his chest while you stood there looking at the fake affectionate act. You looked around and when you're sure your parents and Taehyung's was not here, you stare at her angrily.
"Me? Inconsiderate? I'm not the one cheating on my man a few days before my wedding with some Porsche guy," you said to her.
Jisoo's blood turn cold. "What the hell are you talking about?"
You wipe the tears in your eyes and chuckle.
"I saw you with that Porsche guy. In front of the luxury hotel in Makpo. I can't believe you did this to Tae sis. He loves you. He loves you with all he had. He worries about you and works hard to give you the life you wanted, the life he thinks you deserve. If you're going to cheat then why agree to be his wife?"
Your words made Jisoo's face flush with embarrassment and anger. "You knew nothing! You're just jealous because you couldn't have Taehyung and I could! How dare you accuse me, your own sister of such thing! You would do just anything to break us up didn't you? You evil-"
Just then, your parents and Taehyung's walked in. Jisoo stops what she was saying and turn to act to the shy and sad fiance once more. She went to hug Mrs. Kim and your parents, sobbing on their shoulder. You stare at Taehyung's figure and went to cover his chest with the blanket when suddenly, you saw his fingers twitch. You blink your eyes repeatedly, and when you're sure he's moving, you shouted for the doctors and nurses.
You waited outside the ward again, the ones whose allowed inside was only Taehyung's parents and Jisoo. Apparently, Taehyung has woken up, but after that, you couldn't see how he reacts when he realizes he is blind. You were so scared, you wanted to hug him, and tell him that it's okay, you'll be by his side. Your mom hugs you close, while your dad crosses his arms worriedly at their future son in law's condition.
The door to his ward were harshly open, revealing Jisoo with a panicked face.
"Mom! Dad! I can't! I can't! No! Tae can't be blind! My fiance can't be blind! NO!!" she crashed her body to your dad, seeming hard to accept Taehyung's fate. If Jisoo was like this, then how is Taehyung's reaction?
"I'm sorry sweetheart, I'm so so sorry. You're going to be okay. Taehyung is still alive, the wedding-"
"What wedding dad?!" Jisoo shouted in panic. "I can't marry someone blind! He's incapable of everything now that he lost his sight! Whose going to work to afford for the both of us?! I can't be the sole breadwinner for the 2 of us! And what if we had a child?! No, no, no, this can't be! I can't marry him dad! I can't marry Taehyung!"
Jisoo's words shocked you and your parents. Your mom look at her furiously. "That's not a nice thing to say Jisoo. Just because he had lost his sight, doesn't mean that you should leave him like that. And keep your voice down, Taehyung's parents is still inside. You should be the one who will be by his side right now. You're the one he needed most. What has gotten into you? You said you love Taehyung so much that if you don't marry him you'll go crazy. Why? Because he can no longer see now you're worried?"
Jisoo's face turn cold but it couldn't hide the panic. "I don't care! I take back all I said! I can't be with him! I'm sorry mom, I'm sorry dad! I can't! I just can't! This isn't the life I imagine for myself!"
You stare at her as she angrily steps away, trying to run away from the current situation. You stopped her by standing in front of her and begs.
"Sis please, Taehyung needs you right now. You can't leave like this. I know you're scared, I'm scared too. I'll help you in the future, you didn't need to worry about money, I'll support both of you. Just please sis, please get back inside and be there for him.. I beg of you."
"Aren't you an angel Y/N?" she stare at you disgustedly. "Taehyung is blind because of you! He told me earlier that he got into the car accident because of you! This is all your fault! It's your mess, now YOU fix it! I can't stand in the same place with you right now! Thanks! For destroying my happiness! If you care about him so much, you go and be there for him! I can't be here any longer, this is all too much for me!" she pushed you away harshly.
Your heart breaks when you listens to what Jisoo confesses. Taehyung still remembers everything before the car accident. You couldn't believe it. Now you knew, he holds a grudge against you for ruining his wedding and making him lose his sight.
You turn to your mom and dad who stares at you sadly. You pushed the door to his ward and saw him sitting on his bed, his lips pale, the look on his handsome face was melancholic and sad. You try to approach him as yourself when he heard your footsteps.
"Jisoo baby? Is it you?" he called out with a cracked voice. "I'm sorry.. I'm sorry, please don't leave me. This is all Y/N's fault! We could have been married yesterday if it wasn't because of her scheming lie! I'm sorry baby, although I'm like this now, I promise you I'll be better, I promise you that I will try to adapt with my condition now, just don't leave me baby, please!"
He though you were Jisoo, and it was your fault that he lost everything. You cried quietly when he said all this. Despite knowing he's blind, he still cares for your sister's future than his own. Taehyung's father let out a soft cough.
"Taehyung, son, that is not-"
His words were cut off when you went and hug Taehyung tightly. You held his head close to your chest and kiss his forehead, letting him snake his hands around you waist. You cried in pain when you feel the tears on his eyes that was wetting your shirt.
"It's okay Tae, I'm here. I'll always be here for you," you said, changing your tone slightly deeper to match Jisoo's. Everybody said, your voice and Jisoo's was the same. Could Taehyung recognize it? Waiting for the moment of truth, even Taehyung's parents were all sweaty.
Taehyung didn't say anything for a while, searching for your face with his fingers.
"Thank you baby, thank you for not leaving me, I love you Jisoo. I love you so much" he mutters, hugging you tighter.
The start of another lie.
Another big lie where all the people in the town and your parents conceal from only Taehyung. They would call you Jisoo when he's around, because whenever he hears your name, he will go into tantrum, throwing away everything he can reach in his blindness. You didn't like seeing him got injured, because once he threw a glass bottle which injured his palms, and another time he kicks the chair and made his ankle twist.
You knew, it wasn't just because he's angry with you, he was angry because he couldn't do anything without your help. You quit your job in Seoul, and took a job in your parent's supermarket near the house Taehyung and Jisoo was supposed to live together after their marriage. Feeling guilty about everything that happened, you swear that you will do all you can to ease Taehyung's hardship and live as Lee Jisoo for his sake.
You manage everything about him. You ask permission from his parents to take care of him in the house he bough for Jisoo and they let you. Since then, you have been living together with Taehyung as her, to let him know that Jisoo still loves him because she was all he wanted. Despite this, you still sleeps on separate rooms as to respect your boundaries. After all, he still believe that he's engaged to your sister.
You bathed him, prepare him his food, helped him dressed up and take him walk outside the park on your days off with a white cane on his hand. But every time someone wants to greet both of you, you will quietly put a finger on your lips and mouthed to them to call you Jisoo.
This was all you could do. If living as Jisoo is the only thing that can lift up Taehyung's spirit to accept his fate, then you'd do it to ease the guilt inside you.
"That's not it Tae, that's the kitchen," you teach him today, looking at him form the hallway of the house. Everyday, after you finish work, you will take your time to teach him the location of the house. How many steps to go to the kitchen, living room, and bedroom so it would be easier for him when you went to work.
"Oh, I'm sorry baby. I though it's the washroom. I'm so stupid aren't I? You teach me this everyday yet I still can't remember the steps," he remarks. You stare at him sadly.
"No, why would you say that? You're doing great Tae. And I love spending time with you, you don't need to worry about anything okay? I will be by your side if you want anything. You might think you haven't improve but I can see with my own eyes that you improve a lot day by day," you compliment him.
Taehyung smiles widely, the smile you've been craving and missing for for years. "I'm so thankful to have you by my side. Thank you baby, for accepting me even I'm like this. I don't know what I'll do without you. I'd probably rather die if you ever leave me like this."
Your hearts soars when he said this. But you knew he wasn't talking to Y/N. He was talking to Jisoo.
You smile to yourself pitifully when Taehyung continues. "I was so scared at first. I was so scared when I wake to find that everything was dark. I though I'm dreaming, I can't even differentiate dreams and reality anymore when I'm like this. But every time I hear you soothing voice and feel your hands on mine, it comforts me to know that you still love me despite me turning blind. I'm sorry, I'm sorry I can't be the man you deserve Jisoo. I'm not good enough-"
"Oh yes, yes you are. You're more than enough Tae. Don't say that, don't say things like this in the future anymore. It hurts me. If I'm being honest.. I'm the one who doesn't deserve you," you confesses, referring to Jisoo. Taehyung held the wall and walked towards your voice. He reached for you and try to search for your face when he felt your cheeks went wet.
"Baby were you crying? I'm sorry, I'm sorry. You must be sad for me hmm? I'm sorry, I won't say such thing in the future again. I love you, I love you so much," he said, kissing your hair and hugs you tighter. You embraced his warmth and hugged him back.
It has been 6 months since you lived as Lee Jisoo.
One night after dinner, Taehyung had asked you some weird questions.
"Have.. Y/N ever called you or visits me when I'm in the hospital?"
His question shocked you. He never mentions your name. The 1st few months were hard on him, so you never bring up your own name to avoid his rage.
"Uh.. no. She visits once I guess, and- uh.. she told me she felt guilty for she was the reason why you got into the car accident. I try to persuade for her to stay, but she moved away and cut off all contact with all of us. She kept saying that she's sorry and she apologize for all the things she have done.. she though you hated her."
You lied. Taehyung was quiet for a long time before exhaling a heavy breath.
"I didn't hate her. I just.. I just couldn't forgive her for now. True, it's because of our argument but.. I don't blame her 100% for the car accident. She was my friend before, I just.. I just couldn't accept that she accuses you of cheating on me days before our wedding. She never called me herself to apologize, or even visits me after I was discharged. She even dare to cut off all contact with her own family, what a coward," he said which pains you.
Taehyung, could you see my heart bleeds when you said that?
You went silent. Taehyung notice this and reach for your finger, "I'm sorry baby. She's you sister, I shouldn't say such things about her. I'm sorry if it hurts your feelings," he told you with a gentle voice. "It's okay. I understand your anger Tae."
Your hands were cold when Taehyung held it. He try to warm it with his by rubbing it between his palms. "Your hands are so cold, it's past winter baby. It's cold like the snowman me and Y/N used to build. Are you okay? Wanna have some wine before we go to bed?"
"It's okay Tae. I'm.. I'm okay. I don't drink wine, I prefer hot cocoa when I feel cold anyways," you pretend with a happy voice.
You weren't ok. As long as he haven't forgive you, you could never be okay.
Your parents had tried to reach Jisoo everyday, but she disappears without a trace. You knew this was hard on her, but it was hard on Taehyung too. You tried calling, tried to look for her because Taehyung was anxious about the wedding, wanting to redo the whole thing asap.
You can't lie about a wedding. You can't marry Taehyung as Jisoo. That is just too much. Taehyung never said this, but you knew he was weird out by the fact that you hate skinships with him. You avoid his kisses and his touch. You never held hands with him unless when you two walk out to go somewhere. Yet, he never questions you why the once clingy Jisoo feels so distant now.
It made him overthink as he was left in the house alone everyday. And a few weeks after that, when you got out of work, you couldn't find him anywhere in the house. It made you panicked and you begin to ran around the house, looking for him as you were afraid something awful had befall him. You were about to cry and shout out when you saw him kneeling on the backyard, his hands and shirt were messed up with mud, his white cane beside him laying on the grass.
You quickly ran towards him. "Tae! What were you doing?! Oh my god! What happen?! You scared me to death! I though something had happened to you while I was at work! Thank god you're alright!" you cried as you cling onto his shirt and held him on your arms.
Taehyung didn't say anything, his blind eyes were looking forward but it was teary. "You're worried.. finally. I though you didn't love me anymore baby.. you never wanted to be close to me. You never kiss me once after I turn liked this.. you still cares.. thank goodness.." he mutters softly. So that was the reason. This was what he had been thinking.
Without further thinking, you cupped his cheeks with your palms and lands a passionate kiss on his lips. Taehyung was surprised, but he had missed Jisoo's kiss so much. He tearfully kisses you back and cried as you didn't let go.
Taehyung caresses your wet lips longingly, and you deepen the loving kiss you had for him until you realize that you are kissing him as Y/N, not as Jisoo. The kiss was full of longing and was going heated, so you let your guards down and told him, "Take me Taehyung. I'm all yours. This is my prove that I'm still in love with you. I love you Taehyung. I always have, and I always will."
Upon hearing this, Taehyung kisses you harder. You led him back into the house without stop kissing each other. His hands roams over your body, while your hands was on the back of his head. As he reached for your shirt, he ask you for confirmation, "Are you sure about his baby? You sure you wanted to do this with me before our wedding?"
You shush him with a kiss. "I do. I'm all yours Taehyung. I wanted you to be my first, and my forever."
Taehyung peppered you neck with kisses as soon as you finish saying this.
"I love you Jisoo. I love you so much."
You felt disgusted with yourself. You had just slept with your sister's fiance. You couldn't believe what you had done. You were just the same as Jisoo. You were also an adulterer. Things have gotten out of control. You had to do something before it gets worst. Before the wedding next month, Taehyung needs to be with the real Jisoo.
You stare at the ceiling after your intense love making with Taehyung. Part of you were happy that you had lost your virginity to him and him to you, but you knew you were only hurting yourself by deciding to care for him.
"Baby? What were you thinking? Did you regret it?" Taehyung said, his deep voice rumbling on his chest as your listens along with the sound of his heartbeat. You let out a sad smile, one which he cannot see. "No, of course not. I love you so much Taehyung, you've made me so happy lately."
He let out a soft chuckle and kisses your hair while caressing it with his long fingers. "You made me happy too. Happier than I ever did before I lost my sight. One day, if I'm lucky enough to get a pair of new eyes, I will make love to you and look into your beautiful eyes every night," he told you sincerely. You wanted to cry but you blink back the tears that's threatening to fall. You held his face and kisses his cheeks softly.
"You had made me the happiest person in the world Tae, thank you. I love you so, so much," you told him sincerely, as Lee Y/N, not Lee Jisoo. Taehyung holds you close, and you nuzzle your head on his naked chest happily.
"Taehyung, I'm just wondering.. you didn't have to answer this if it makes you unhappy, but.. do your forgive her..?"
Taehyung's furrow his eyebrows confusedly while playing with your hair, "Who baby?"
You gulped before answering, "Urm.. my sister.. Y/N."
You can feel that he is contemplating for a second. "I wouldn't say I forgive her truly, but I'll try to bare with her, since she's your sister," he answered. "Just because of that? Not because she's your former friend?" you tilt your head. Taehyung stops playing with your hair.
"I mean.. I do miss her, but.. I can't believe that she accused you of cheating. I know she likes me, but that doesn't mean that she could do that to you. The fact that she accuse you of such thing hurts more than me losing my sight. But.. it's been a few months since then. I think.. I think I'm ready to forgive her. Besides, you must wanted her to be at our wedding, right?"
What Taehyung says played in your mind the whole night. He was hugging you in his sleep, but you weren't sleepy, instead you think of ways to get him what he wishes for. He had forgiven you even when you lied saying you haven't visited him after he had turned blind. What upsets you is that he was so in love with Jisoo. You knew you should just bury this secret with your townspeople till the day you died.
You look at him for a long time, tears after tears rolling out of your eyes and you finally came up with a decision that you believe will make him happy.
Taehyung was so happy when he received the news.
He was going to get a pair of new eyes!
The doctors said that it was a secret, but he would like to meet the deceased's family's who is willing to donor their child's eyes so he could see again. He was so happy the whole day. During lunch, he couldn't stop talking to you about how excited he was for the operation. Strangely you were quiet and only reply with a few words but Taehyung hadn't notice this. You told him that the wedding should be done after his operations so they could look into each other's eyes during the reading of their vows so Taehyung agreed.
"I mean what I said that night baby. After my operation, I'm finally able to look into your beautiful eyes again. Wait for me, ok?" he held you cold hands and sips the hot coco you made for him tonight. Tomorrow, it will be his operation day. You stare at him and kisses his lips warmly, but the kiss feels strange tonight, as if you were saying goodbye.
"I will Tae. I will wait for you. I hope it'll turn well for you. All I wish if for your happiness."
Taehyung let out his boxy smile. He reached for your hands and you both went to bed together for the last time.
When morning came, you bring him to the hospital and guide him to the operation room. Taehyung can feel the changing of his attire, and the smell of medical instruments around the room. He was terrified but he was also excited because less than a few hours, he would see the world just like before. He was chatting so happily with you, while you listens attentively to every word he said.
"Your hands are cold again, we'd get hot coco after this, how's that??" Taehyung quipped. You held his face lovingly and let out a sad smile.
"Sure Tae. Sure.. we'll get hot coco, and made snowmans and walk to parks after your operation," you tried to cover the sadness in your voice. Taehyung smiled.
The doctors finally called for his name and he let go of your cold hands who was unable to let him go. You stare as he was pushed by the medical team into the room. You turn around when suddenly, your parents walked in, beside them.. Jisoo.
You haven't seen her for months. And she came just in time for the wedding. Your parents hugged you tightly, kissing you tearfully and asking you whether you're sure this is what you're going to do. Jisoo didn't say anything, she didn't even looked at you properly before you approach her who looks like fine wine even months after her disappearance.
"Sis, please. He had gotten his eyes. Please look after him yeah? He loves you so much. I'm only doing it because of how much he loves you, and now I'm undoing my mistake. It's your turn now. Don't waste the love he harbors for you anymore. You got what you wish for," you told her.
Jisoo stare at you with hatred from your head to your toe. "I know, I know. Mom and Dad had nagged me about it billions of times. Hey sis, were you expecting him to forgive you when you did this? Why are you such an idiot for him?"
You shook your head. "I didn't expect anything, he had forgiven me and told me that himself. That was enough for me to make this decision alone."
Your parents strongly disagree with your decision but they couldn't stop you either. As for Jisoo, she rolled her eyes and look away, not even thanking you for what you were willing to sacrifice. The doctors called for your name, and you change your attire to the hospital gown. You look at your parents and your sister one last time, before turning around to be admitted into the ward.
The wedding between Taehyung and Jisoo went smoothly the next month. Everybody was happy for both Taehyung and Jisoo. People all over the town was invited, but the only person Taehyung cares about was Jisoo. She looks so dazzling today. Her sparkly white wedding dress had made him the happiest man alive. Lee Jisoo is finally Kim Taehyung's wife.
But Taehyung knew something was off.
Your parents were giving him apologetic looks and left early, not even bidding their daughter goodbye for their honeymoon. He was also upset that you didn't attend their wedding. Although he was angry, he wanted you to be here on his happy days. At least for your sister, but alas you were nowhere in sight.
"Fuck~ right there daddy," Jisoo moans. Taehyung slams his hips harder, searching for the spark in Jisoo's eyes but she was closing hers.
"I love you so much baby.. you're so beautiful and now you're my wife," he told her as he kissed her neck, biting and sucking on the skin. Jisoo spread her legs wider, she was a little wild tonight which confuses Taehyung because the 1st time they made love, she wasn't like this.
"Ah! Harder Taebaby, knock me up tonight! Fill me with your babies, you'd like that don't ya? OoO yeah, yeah, you're so big daddy! Give me all of you tonight, made love to your wife!" She dirty talks in his ears, hands roaming around his back.
Taehyung plunge himself inside her, but still, he wanted her to open her eyes. "Open your eyes baby, let me look into yours as we came, remember what I promise you?"
Of course she didn't. Because it wasn't her he had made the promised too. They were both sweating, and Jisoo obligingly open hers as she realize Taehyung was referring to his promise to you. Jisoo felt awkward and bothered as he looks into Taehyung's eyes.
She quickly look away. Taehyung pulled her chin when he realize somethings wrong. He stopped thrusting and peck her lips. "Are you okay baby? Does it hurt? I'm sorry, I'll stop if you want me too."
"No, no! Ah-  I just.. I was just embarrassed that you're looking at me like that daddy, please don't stop, it's too good to stop now, I need to cum, and I need you inside me~ please," she pulls him closer again.
Taehyung didn't refute.
He start thrusting once again, and they made love the whole night. Though he realize something's wrong, Taehyung tried to ignored it, thinking it was just his mind playing with him.
Jisoo's behavior confuses Taehyung as days passed by.
Whenever he wanted to ask her about you, she would quickly avoid the subject and talk about things that interest her. When he asked if he should go visit your parents, she told them that they're busy, and were travelling and all sorts of things. Jisoo's care and affection towards him before was only during their love making and under the bed sheet. Taehyung felt as if she was a different person before and after he was blind.
She smells different too. Before she smells like vanilla but now, she smells like expensive victoria secret's perfume. When Taehyung wanted to go to the park with her, she would refuse, saying she hates the air quality there. She even asked if its possible for them to move away from this town. Said she was getting bored of the dull life here. She rarely cooks or button his shirts anymore. She didn't held him by the cheeks softly and instead, it was just rough fucking during their intercourse.
Taehyung hates to admit it, but Jisoo no longer feels like home. Maybe it was just him, maybe Jisoo's right. They should moved out of this town and live elsewhere.
To please his wife, Taehyung decides to buy a house in Gwangju. Maybe his relationship with Jisoo will grew stronger without the familiar people around them. One day, he went to the park where he and Jisoo used to go everyday while he was blind. He sits on one of the bench alone, wearing a hoodie and stare off at the lake.
He was amused with the view until a moment later, he heard a conversation between a new couple who had just moved here.
"You know, I feel a bit weird too honey. The girl who cares for the Kim's blind son before had a slightly different face during the wedding. I though my eyes were deceiving me but I'm sure it wasn't the bride who had taken care of the Kim's son all those months ago. I heard that the bride had a twin sister. Maybe she was the one taking care of him, don't you think?" The woman's voice wonders.
Her husband looked around. "Let's just mind our own business. We just moved here, we didn't know anything."
"I know.. but the girl before was so kind and polite, she feed our dog everyday when she got off work. She always greets us with a smile. But if she were the same girl who married the Kim's son, why did she no longer greet us now? She looks so snobby and antisocial too," the woman adds furiously. Her husband let put a huge sigh.
"Oh come on. You and your gossips. Let's go, we shouldn't get involve with this townspeople's secrets."
The couple walked out of the park, leaving Taehyung who had his eyes widened to himself. What are they talking about? The townspeople's secret? What secret? And were they talking about Jisoo.. and you?
Taehyung needed answer. So it wasn't just him. It's not just his feelings.
Taehyung waited at the dining table after he got out of his parent's house to confront them. Taehyung's mind was everywhere, he needed confirmation from Jisoo herself. Even when his parents revealed the truth, he couldn't believe it.
It can't be you.. it can't be you whose taking care of him before! It can't be you he made love to! It can't be you who showers with words of comfort and promises! He's not an idiot! How could he not tell the difference between you and Jisoo?!
A clacking sound of heels on the floor shook him away from his thoughts.
"Daddy.. you're home early. Oh, you were waiting for me the whole day didn't you? Come on, let's get to bed, I'll be your obedient wife tonight," Jisoo said, slurring out sexy words to seduce her husband.
Taehyung didn't move. Tonight, he wants the truth. Jisoo went to the cupboard to take out a few glass of wine for her and Taehyung. She look through the cupboards and the fridge, but she couldn't find what she was looking for.
"Darling, don't you have some wine saved up here somewhere? Urgh, this is so frustrating and I'm cold!" She complains.
Taehyung's face were grim. "I though you hated wine, since you prefer hot coco when you're cold. Besides, you were the one arranging everything in this house before, shouldn't you be the knowing where you put out everything?"
Jisoo giggles, "Hated? Babe you're funny!"
"Wine is the life! How could I hate wine, you're so funny tonight Darling. And fyi, I don't know ok? This house is huge, how would I remember everything I put here and there-"
Taehyung let out a soft chuckle. "You can't remember huh? Ok. Tell me something Jisoo, that night I took your virginity away, what did I promise you?"
Jisoo though that Taehyung was just playing, so she massage his shoulder gently. "Hmmm.. Darling, why are you so uptight tonight? Come on, let's go to bed, I can't wait to make love with my husband.."
To this, Taehyung turned serious.
"I'll ask you one more time Lee Jisoo. What did I promise you, the 1st time I made love to you before my surgery a few months ago?"
Jisoo gulped. Taehyung never raises his voice towards her. He was always a soft, obedient husband who listens to her every command. Staring at his eyes right now, Jisoo trembles. She tries to remember what details you told her about Taehyung's likes and dislikes but she had forgotten all those when she married him.
"I.. I don't remember.. Ah! I got it! You promised me you'll love me even after I die..?"
It was a long pause after that. Taehyung raked his hair in frustration and laughed sinisterly. "I can't believe it Jisoo.. hahah.. You're not her."
Jisoo looked at Taehyung who was now half crying and half laughing. "All these while.. it was her? She was taking care of me all these while? You're her sister for goodness's sake! You were my fiance! I chose you!"
Jisoo wanted to deny the truth, but Taehyung stopped her.
"I ask my parents, I ask everybody, but I couldn't believe it, everybody in this town deceives me. They said it was what Y/N wanted. She replace you because she knew I was having a hard time accepting the fact that I'm blind. My parents told me everything, from the moment you disappear after learning the truth, to Y/N who pretends to be you for the sake of my life. How could you Jisoo?? How could you do this to me?!"
Jisoo grit her teeth in anger. "What? So now you resent me for knowing the truth?! Don't forget that you blamed her for getting into the accident Taehyung! You blamed her for losing your sight! You're such a hypocrite Taehyung! What, now you had fucked me as your wife, you regret that it wasn't my sister that's under you?!"
Taehyung felt like he wanted to choke her to death. "You weren't a virgin the night we consummate our marriage. Which means you lied to me. Which means.. Y/N was right before. You WERE cheating on me, weren't you?"
Jisoo avoid his gaze. "What do you know? Maybe I found someone while I was away-"
"No, no you didn't. Whatever you say right now is just more lies to me. I just can't look at your face right now. I just can't believe I called you wife. It shouldn't be you, it should have been Y/N. God I'm such an idiot," he told her regretfully. Jisoo was scared of what she heard, she reached for his arms and took a deep breath, revealing-
"Taehyung I'm pregnant."
Taehyung blink his eyes. No, this isn't the time for her lies, this must be another way for Jisoo to-
"This is the sonogram photos of our baby. I was going to tell you I went to the clinics earlier and surprised you, but I never though that this day to come sooner," she stops him, putting the baby's photo on the dining table.
Taehyung scans it and look at the photos tearfully. It showed that the embryo was 4 weeks old. He was going to be a dad.. he's going to be a father soon! But his happy tears turned sad, as he realized that the woman he wanted to bear his child with was not you!
Taehyung loves kid. No matter how fucked up this situation are, he was firm with the decision in his mind he made earlier today. If Jisoo though their baby is going to held him down, she's wrong.
"I'll be responsible since I am still your lawfully legal husband and the baby's father. I'm going to be there for every checkup, every morning sickness and everything regarding the baby's health. I'll take care of the baby and share custody with you but after you gave birth, Lee Jisoo, I'm going to divorce you."
Jisoo begin to throw things to him. She was so angry that even with the baby inside of her, Taehyung was still going to let her go and chase after you. She begin to ramble more nonsense as Taehyung avoid the things she was throwing at him.
Taehyung held her arms, not wanting her to injured herself. After all, she is still his wife. He used to loved her and she is pregnant with his child. Taehyung knew, upsetting a baby mama can led to harmful consequences.
Taehyung couldn't process what she was saying. So all this time, she pretended to love him because she wants to make you jealous? Things were too complicated between the 3 of you. No, it was his fault. At first it was just you and him, but his attraction for your sister's beauty beats everything. Taehyung realize it was not only his eyes who went blind, but his heart as well.
"I know she had a thing for you since you were kids. I grew up having to be compared to her because she was smarter, she was more helpful, she was more kind and what do I have? Just beauty! Guess what, with this beauty, I could posses you, the one thing she loves more than herself! Serves her right!" She laugh hysterically, confessing her true nature.
Taehyung's eyes were wet with tears. He was so confused, so guilty of everything be ever said and made you do. He was so angry with Jisoo. He was determined to make it right.
When she wants to throw things again, he stopped her. "Stop it, stop it Jisoo! Look at me! Look into my eyes!" Taehyung said but he earned a smirk from her instead.
"Your eyes? Heh," she adds.
"That's not yours! Even the eyes you had now, was hers! That annoying fakely innocent eyes everybody falls for! What a pretentious bitch! What? You don't know? HAHAHA! You Kim Taehyung, can see the world again, can marry me, can have a child of your own and get a job like normal human again, all because of my sister's stupid sacrifice!"
Taehyung's blood ran cold.
"You must wonder why I avoid looking into your eyes when we fucked didn't you? Because, I know it was hers! I was there when she stupidly sign the form to donor her eyes to you! To give what? Oh I remember! To fix the mistake she made and redeem herself, so you can have a happy life! I see that now she've made a wrong decision, because you're neither happy nor satisfied, even when you accomplished your dream of marrying me!"
Taehyung falls to the floor, horrified with the new truth. His parents didn't tell him this.
You donor your eyes to him?
Was that why your parents were giving him and Jisoo looks during his wedding?
"You.. I can't believe you.. you're so cruel Jisoo! A lying heart of a snake woman! Where is she?! Where is Y/N?!" Taehyung yelled but Jisoo slammed the front door, not before she replied, "she's dead to me."
"Thank you so much sir," you said as you got out of the train, someone's hand guides you to the tactile edge.
This was your daily life since you've donor your eyes to Taehyung.
You and your parents had moved to Osaka, far from the town and country you were naturally from. You had begged you parents to just let you live with a maid or something but pitying you for your condition and being unable to see your sister happily marrying the man you love made them think that you needed them more. Your parents took you and left without telling the townspeople where they were going, and begs your sister to keep your location a secret. Your dad took a job offer there and your mom opened a bakery downside your new home.
You may not see the world, but you were grateful that you can still use your sense of smell and touch. A lot of people around you tend to help you when you're in need. Plus, Taehyung was happy on the other side of the world, it was enough for you.
It was snowing today, you can feel the snowflakes on your fingers. The snow made happy, however, today has been strange.
When you try to tag your card on the train, someone had payed for you. When you went to the florist to buy some flowers for your mom, the florist informed you that someone had also payed for it. The trains feels so empty, usually you feel the pushing of someone's shoulder on your body but that was not the case today.
You walk to the park with your white cane, smelling the flowers in your hand. You were careful with your steps, afraid that you might slips on the snow. You took a seat at bench in front of the clear koi pond you mom told you whenever she brings you there. You inhale a deep breath, and smiled happily although you couldn't see anything.
You were wrapping the thick jacket around you when you heard a shuffle beside you and move a little to make space. The person sitting next to you didn't say anything, but their scent was so familiar.
You had been smelling this scent the whole day. When you were in the flower shop, the train, the walkways, the udon restaurant. It's like someone had been following you.
You took a deep breath, and recall to whom this scent belongs to.
"Taehyung?" You called out softly.
"Is that.. you?"
The man next to you cried the moment you called out his name.
His sobs, his sniffles.. you knew it was him. "It's you isn't it? I- I recognize your scent.."
You feel your cold hands were wrapped around a large warm one. The person beside you lay his head on your lap, sobbing harder as he heard you calling his name.
"Y/N.. you recognize my scent.. but I can't even differentiate you and your sister even after months!" He finally voiced out after following you and crying for the whole day at your misfortune.
"Why?! Why did you have to fall for me? Why haven't you ever tell me? Why did you donor your eyes to me? I'm not happy Y/N! Because my happiness, it lies with you! I wish I never got this eyes! With or without them, my eyes could never tell who truly loves me!" He confesses with a cry, staring into your face with the eyes you gave him.
"Tae..How did you find me here, no wait- does Jisoo know that you're here? Last I heard you two are having going to have a baby.. congratulations.. you had always love kids.." you smile, hoping that Taehyung could see it.
His heart breaks and he sobs harder, covering his mouth with the back of his hand.
"It's okay Tae. I wanted to give you a second chance. I destroyed it the 1st time, it was my fault. I was happy, because at least you have forgiven me," you told him. His heart bleeds as he realize the only thing he care about was his happiness.
"It doesn't matter anymore. It should be you Y/N. You should be the mother to my child, you would have been an amazing mother if it wasn't for my recklessness. Oh god Y/N.. why? Why did you give me your sight if it is only used for crying just like it used to?" His voice cracked little by little, heart torn to pieces.
When he found you, he followed you around Osaka to see what you have been up to. He was sad to see that the once cheerful and beautiful girl was walking alone in a dark world, giving all her world to him. He didn't let go of your hands. The hands that have been warming up his dark nights, caress him him on his back, button his shirt, feed him and held his teary cheeks when he loose all hope.
"How is Jisoo? How far is she? Are you having a boy.. or a girl?" You ask, pretending to crack a smile.
Taehyung frustratedly stare at you. "I'm going to have a girl. But Jisoo and I.. we're not together anymore. We have mutually agreed to file for a divorce, and our divorce will be finalized after the baby was born," he told you, holding your hands tightly.
"What? I don't understand, you love her Tae. Why so sudden? Don't tell me you're here because I donor my eyes-"
"How long are you going to lie to me Y/N?" He ask you desperately. "Do you think I haven't find out everything by now? I'm here.. because I realize, I have hurt my snowoman, year after year and broke her heart and haven been so ungrateful for what she did for me! I'm here.. because I miss your warmth, your gentleness, your loving embrace and your care.."
He cries on your shoulder, taking you in his embrace. "All these years.. I have hurt you so much haven't I? I was blind even before I literally am. I *sobs* I'm sorry Y/N. If I could turn back time or give you back your eyes, take it! I would exchange the whole world for you but please don't leave me again.. please.. don't leave me Y/N. You were my home, my home for all seasons. I'm your snowman, and you were my only snowoman."
He cried and cried on your shoulder, you can feel the tears wetting your jacket. You love Taehyung, and no matter the circumstances, he was always your snowman. The hot coco, the stolen kisses, the conversation you had on the parks way back then played on both of your mind.
You haven't even made a decision yet because everything was so messy right now. Everything was happening so fast. Jisoo's pregnant. Taehyung's begging you not to leave him. They had a baby on the way as well as a divorce, and your parents would definitely not approve of you marrying your once brother in-law.
One things for sure is, you are definitely going to invite him to do snowmans with you after this, because even in the dark of your world, Taehyung had bring a light to guide you out of it.
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frogtanii · 3 years
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that’s all daichi felt as he stumbled from yachi’s office after he finished his interview, the dim light coming from the sunset washing the hallway in a layer of color.
he wasn’t sure what to expect at first when he’d been called in, the previous members downright refusing to share what they’d discussed, but he had heard whispers that whatever you talked about was... bad.
you’d disappeared into your room after your interview, refusing to let anyone but atsumu in and even then, atsumu came out of his time with you looking worse for wear. neither of you joined the rather tense game night and it was clear the others were worried, but daichi just couldn’t understand why.
why were all the other house members (besides osamu) suddenly so invested in you and your well-being? contrary to popular belief, daichi was not dumb — he knew this was a long time coming, more of the people who he thought were his friends abandoning him to join you.
well maybe not just you, but they seemed to spend an awful lot of time and energy on the woman who’d destroyed meiko’s life. he just couldn’t make sense of it.
he was even more thrown when sugawara, his best friend, joined the trend and stopped talking to him, supporting you to the fullest and avoiding him at every turn. it felt wrong, somehow, that koushi was no longer by his side but he didn’t know what to do about it.
they clearly had a difference in beliefs — sugawara was hard pressed to believe that meiko was some kind of horrible person and daichi... well daichi loved her. he knew he did.
these thoughts overwhelmed him to the point where he was unable to sleep, tossing and turning while his mind raced to unravel the mystery of what was going on in the house.
“fuck,” daichi sighed as he glanced over at his alarm clock with bleary eyes. it read 2:57a and he let out a loud groan. there was no way he’d be able to sleep like this. he wracked his brain for something, anything, to help and he came up with a memory of akaashi telling him that a warm mug of chamomile would send anyone right to sleep.
letting out another sigh, daichi stood to his feet and trudged out of his room and towards the kitchen, ready to finally get some aid but as he approached, the sound of soft voices hit his ears.
on the couch sat you and koushi; you were wearing an oversized shirt (that must have belonged to bokuto) and colorful pajama pants (his guess was that they were kenma’s) and koushi was wearing old sweats and a hoodie. he looked shaken up about something, his eyes rimmed red as he muttered something to you, whatever was said prompting you to reach out and pull him into a hug.
daichi felt like he was intruding and severely out of place, his mind screaming at him to just turn around and go back to his room but he knew if he did, he’d never sleep, his mind full of even more questions than he had before.
so instead, he chose to clear his throat loudly as he walked further into the room, the sound frightening the both of you and causing you to let go of one another.
you shot daichi an uneasy, tired smile as you stood, before patting koushi on the shoulder and leaving the room. sugawara watched you go the entire time with metaphorical stars in his eyes and his heart on his sleeve. daichi repressed the urge to roll his eyes, instead turning toward the kitchen to prepare himself some tea.
to his surprise, sugawara didn’t leave the room. he actually made his way to the kitchen and sat at the counter, watching daichi fill up the kettle and place it on the stove.
the silence wasn’t awkward or oppressive but it was heavy, the unasked questions hanging over them in the air. it was daichi who chose to break it.
“so, what was that about?” he winced at the state of his voice, cracky and weak but he powered through, chancing a glance at his old friend.
sugawara looked tired but also defeated, like he was simultaneously expecting that question and wishing that it hadn’t been asked. “i was apologizing.”
daichi knew he was staring incredulously now but he couldn’t help it. suga was apologizing? for what? what could he possibly apologize for? when he voiced this, koushi scoffed and turned away.
“are you kidding? we have so much to apologize for. we all treated her like shit.”
“but doesn’t she deserve that? she hurt meiko deeply!”
“nobody deserves what we did! nobody! god, daichi, yn has done so much for me and—“
“like what, hm? what exactly has she done for you?”
“i... i can’t tell you that.”
“can’t or won’t?”
the room fell into silence, a stark contrast to the shouting that had been taking place just moments before. both men were warring with themselves and suga was the one to give in.
“meiko assaulted me, okay? is that what you wanted to hear?” koushi’s voice sounded so weak, so broken, and daichi saw red.
“...what?” the words were uttered low and disbelieving as daichi clenched his hands into fists to keep them from quivering with rage.
suga ran a hand through his sliver locks before shaking his head. “i really don’t want to talk about this with you, daichi.”
“but you’ll talk about it with her.”
“fuck off, that’s not fair and you know it,” koushi spat, pushing himself to his feet as he was readying himself to leave. he looked so hurt that daichi couldn’t stop himself from grabbing his arm gently.
“i know... i’m sorry,” he spoke quietly, his brown eyes shining with unshed tears and sincerity. he just wanted suga to open up to him, for them to go back to the way they used to be but he was different now. they both were.
koushi shook his head softly and gingerly removed himself from daichi’s hold. “i’m not the one you should be apologizing to,” he whispered before turning and disappearing into the darkness of the hallway.
daichi was alone. again. he sniffed and wiped his eyes to get rid of any residual tears as he moved back to the kitchen to finish making his tea. not that it would do him any good—the information he was just given would definitely keep him up until morning.
he was having a difficult time processing what had just occurred and yet, he knew he was in the wrong on multiple occasions. he’d abandoned his best friend in his time of need and sided with his attacker. daichi couldn’t even claim that he was suga’s friend anymore with what he’d done. no, he’d earn back his place. he just needed to figure out how to make things right.
whatever it takes.
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℗ poker face
whatever it takes
series masterlist
an - daichi arc start! skdjjd anw this chapter is a lil wack??? but i hope it at least gets the point across lmfaoo oh n daisuga are working out their issues! s not as cut n dry as the other friendships were but i think this way adds more ~flavor~ hehe don’t forget to feed me!! <:333
taglist - if your name is in bold, i cannot tag you
@boosyboo9206 • @geektastic84 • @elianetsantana • @trashy-simp • @infinitebells • @6mattsun9 • @suhkusa • @katsulovee • @kotarosbabygirl • @fucktheworlddude • @insomniacwreck • @calumsfringe • @saltylettuce • @chai-blu • @al3x1ss • @hawksyoongi • @syndellwins • @jooleuuh • @loubells • @kissungjae • @liberhoe • @tetsurocore • @animeoverdosee • @duhsies • @saikishairclip • @afire24 • @premiyagi • @kit-kat428 • @doctorspencereid • @daphnxy • @kyomihann • @maer-333 • @sinoflust19 • @peteunderoos • @peachiikichu • @iidanotlida • @yongboxerrr • @kac-chowsballs • @tanakaslastbraincell • @memorableminds • @risjime • @starry-magicshop • @sugavwara • @smuttyanimeslut • @kiwibirbs-library • @haijkk • @airybnb • @crybabygumi • @iwaisa • @decaffinatedtealover • @notameera • @kawaii-angelanne • @rintarovibes • @urlocalsimp
the rest of the tags will be in the replies!!
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merlinssassybeard · 2 years
I really love your works! You are such an amazing writer hehe
Are your requests open? If it is, can I request Gojo domming his submissive trophy wife?
It’s okay if you can’t!
Have a nice day and take care of yourself.
Hiii I'm glad you liked my work!. ily anon you made my day💕 And yes, requests are ALWAYS open!!!
I'm sincerely sorry anon i don't think i could write smut, I've realised that I'm really bad at smut so i chose to stick to what i think I'm good at(?)i.e, Angst.
Anon 👉👈 i hope you like this👉👈 im really a bad writer im sworyy
Important note:- all my ex Gojos are totally unrelated to each other. Just random scenarios, UNLESS MENTIONED
This is a total random thing that was going in my mind after watching the jjk0 movie
Tags:- angst
Series masterlist // Main masterlist
Ex husband Gojo
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The day was good and the sun was up after a week of dark clouds. You had a day off so you thought of going out shopping with your almost one year old baby.
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"ah! You like this, honey? But its black! How about a pink honey? Or yellow? Green would do too you know!" You were cooing to your daughter when you asked her which dress you should take for her, to which she randomly pointed to a goth black frock. The staff just stared at you out of awkwardness.
You ended up by buying two green, one blue and two red dresses for your daughter along with butterfly wings for kids and a crown because it would be her birthday soon as well. Whereas, you bought a crystal slip dress to attend Christmas party in a club with your new boyfriend.
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As you were walking on the pavement, with your daughter in one arm and bags in the other, you happened to pass through a Chanel store, of who's dress caught your eye. You quickly stopped on your path and looked at the price tag and quickly opened your phone to check your current bank balance, "well, fuck i guess. Oh shit! Eeek! I shouldn't say these words i front of you honey! Mama is sorry!".
Satoru had spoiled you so much that you remember your days when you'd just march in a Gucci store and buy not one but four to five dresses along with handbags and shoes and whatnot. Although, now your balance wasn't enough to afford a Chanel dress as well as all the expenses including rent, so you ended up dropping the idea. "Guess i should've taken the money don't you think honey? Maybe i should've....", refering to the divorce settlement money that Gojo had offered which you gracefully rejected due to your pride of being one of the four rare special grades, and especially a woman special grade.
Just as you started walking you felt a sudden jolt in your body of a high cursed energy around you. 'Satoru? No! Isn't he at the schoo- Is this- No way!' you thought to yourself as you tried stay composed to the figure behind as your daughter started giggling.
"wow! She seems to pick pretty quick huh. Never thought Satoru would have kids!" The figure behind you spoke in amazement, "I'm still angry though you know, that you didn't invite me on your wedding! YN senpai~"
"well if it isn't Suguru Geto. Satoru and you are both same afterall! Always love to surprise people huh." You replied, still wondering as to why is HE here and why YOU of all people.
"how about we go to a cafe, Suguru? You surely wouldn't turn down a coffee with your senpai now?" You suggested as you continued walking while Suguru joined you to your right, "of course not yn senpai"
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You both now sat at a local cafe, with the window side. You ordered a tea while Geto chose to pass.
"..and just why are you here? You know I'm long outta the Jujutsu Society, so NO i don't have any secret information if that's what you're looking for" you grumbled annoyed as you took a sip of your tea.
"..ah! I noticed you're not wearing your ring, is it normal? Are you and Satoru fighting?" The long haired man seated across you asked.
"no, we're not fighting. He divorced me" you replied with a deadpan face. The reaction of the man seated opposite you made you more annoyed as he started laughing, "well that was expected of Satoru!" He continued, "i was also curious senpai! How did his family agreed to have him married to an older woman?"
"Suguru, I'm only a year older so stop beating around the bush." You rubbed your forehead, "Spit it out already. What're you here for?"
Suguru squinted his eyes and looked at you and then gave a smile. "I trust you Yn san that is why I'm going to tell you about this." he took a breath before speaking again, "I'm organizing a party soon. I'm looking for more people to invite. I need someone like you, your technique is incredible." Your brows furrowed as you tried to contemplate the word party before he finished, "Would you like to join?"
Oh no. OH NO! Is he onto something? But why? No! More like Why YOU?
You took a deep breath and placed your chin on your palm, "you know who you're talking to, right?" With your free hand you toyed with the pepper on the table, "I could rat out on you. I might tell Satoru. Do you really trust me that much?"
"I know you wouldn't. Afterall we share the same hate towards the monkeys. Isn't thats why you left the Jujutsu world before brutally murdering a group of those filthy monkeys? Do you still regret it senpai?" Suguru replied with a grin creeping up his face.
You looked at him with eyes slight wider than before then squinting, "that wasn't the reason i left Suguru. It was more of a.... Lets say health issue..? And no, i never regret my actions."
"come to the point will you Suguru? I'm tired" you were clearly annoyed by his talks. Suguru noticed your annoyance, "alright then, i guess i should stop playing around as well." He crossed his hands and spoke, "i want you to join me yn. Come with me and we'll change the world once and for all." His words gave you chills, "don't you want to create a safe place for your daughter? Think about her. What if one day something happens to her while exorcising a curse that came from a monkey! What will you do?"
You glanced at him before leaning back on the seat and then nodding your head slightly, "you know Suguru, you shouldn't really try so hard. I reject your invitation." You scratched your head, "can't afford to be a curse user you know, now that I have a kid... And besides, Satoru would kill me!" You chuckled. "But.... i might've joined you, you know. Only if this little dumpling wouldn't have been here, i might have..."
Suguru looked at you with disappointment in his eyes, "hmmm..... I understand. Its alright. I will be waiting for you, in case your mind changes."
You simply hummed along as you placed the money and tip with the bill and picked up your daughter in your arms. You stood up to leave before you heard Suguru mumble, for the last time, ever.
"i will wait for you yn san. When you'll come to me, i shall disclose my plan further..."
You murmured back, audible enough for the man to hear, "i won't tell Satoru. But i know he would've been very disappointed in you Suguru..."
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"did you knew? YN?", "Did you knew about this? About Suguru?"
You could sense the rage in his voice. No. Its not rage. Its pain, its disappointment. No. Its both.
"i......i.... I did but i didn't knew it would be this serious. I'm sorry, Toru. I'm sorry"
"do you know what you have done YN? What am i supposed to do now that you're a curse user!?"
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To be continued~
If y'll want👉👈
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duffslut · 2 years
Surprise party
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Modern Izzy Stradlin x Reader
My Masterlist.
Word Count: 780
Requested by @rocknrollsoul76 oneshot about Izzy since his birthday is tmr! I was thinking the concept could be his girlfriend throws him a surprise party, after his party Izzy thanks his girl for throwing him an awesome party… maybe throw in some smut too at the end hehe..
Warnings: Fluff!
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You were undecided again. Standing at the bakery counter trying to decide what would be best. The black cake would be Izzy's favorite, with just plain candles in the middle shaped like the age he was making, you were sure he would love it. But on the other hand, it wasn't such a pretty cake, and probably some celebrities would show up by surprise at Izzy's party, since he was well known for his musical direction. You jumped with fright and came out of your thoughts when your phone rang inside your bag, Steven from Izzy's old band was helping you with some preparations for Izzy's surprise party.
You helped Steven choose the color of the balloons and took the opportunity to ask him about his indecision about the cake, but the matter lasted even longer, the point was to end up in the surprise party group, several different cake recommendations, some not so bad, but others you just knew Izzy would hate.
You decided on the cake covered in icing with black dye, the candles came in the same bag when the attendant gave you the cake.
- Black? - the young girl wearing the bakery uniform asked. - Not a very common choice.
You bit your lips and forced the most friendly smile you could.
- My husband loves black. - You said calmly, still keeping a smile on your lips.
She shrugged.
- May I ask what his name is?
Your smile increased.
- Of course! His name is Izzy Stradlin. - You gave her the money and turned towards the exit door. - It was a pleasure.
You smiled as you left the store and rushed back to your car, driving a little faster than you should to your house, where some people were already organizing the final touches.
Your husband Izzy had left just after lunch, after you managed to convince him to spend the afternoon with some of his colleagues.
You smiled to see so many of Izzy's friends attend, some he hadn't even seen since his young years.
- He's gonna fucking love that! - Axl said, his voice thick but with a tone of amusement.
He was referring to the cake you had just placed on the table, next to some small candies also black, but with the difference of having tiny drawings of white guitars on top.
- I know he will! - You said, after making sure everything was going well.
You ran to the bathroom, took a quick hot shower, Izzy's scent invaded your room when you used his perfume after putting on your clothes.
When you came down the house was silent, crowded with loved ones by you and Izzy, the lights were on and there was a mutual sigh as you heard Izzy's car pull up in front of the gate.
- Love? - Izzy called out as soon as he opened the door, probably finding it strange that the lights were all off.
When the whole crowd shouted in celebration of him and the lights were turned on, his gaze went straight to yours, staring at you for a few seconds that seemed eternal but unfortunately ended just as his lips formed into a small but sincere smile and his gaze went to all his friends and family who were waiting for him.
There was no alcohol. You were too old to know that you shouldn't risk so much anymore, the greetings were melancholy and long, Izzy hugged everyone who was present, you could see he was extremely grateful, but his shy way still made him a little awkward, you chuckled softly as he approached you.
- I can't believe you did this. - he looked at the cake and the decorations on the table a few meters from where you were. - A black cake?
His hands held your waist, and you felt exactly the same as when it first touched you. You closed your eyes enveloping him in a hug.
- Happy birthday, Izzy Stradlin.
He kissed your neck softly, and for a few seconds, when his warm breath hit your skin, you forgot you weren't alone.
- I need to see if you can still take it. - You whispered in his ear, and soon after, you broke away from his arms, going to talk to some relatives you hadn't seen in a while.
- Hey babe can you help me with something... really quickly? - his voice was gentle but you could feel the ulterior motive in his tone.
- Sure! I really need to check something. - you said, following Izzy through the crowd and holding back the smile that kept forming on your lips.
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merakiui · 7 months
Mera Mera Mera! Thoughts on twst boys if you tell them "no more sex" after an argument. Pretty please! 🥺🙏 💙 (You characterize them so well, I'm certain you can bless us with knowledge)
>:D I may have a few thoughts on the reactions!!! I shall bless you with said thoughts (i.e. twst cast being petty and silly).
Riddle - he's perfectly silent when he tears out the page in his life planner titled "dick appointments" and rips it in half in front of you. "Would you look at that? It appears my schedule's become open." He proceeds to fill the time slots with academics and club activities. Your "no more sex" rule goes both ways, but if you find yourself unable to bear it he might consider penciling you into his schedule. ...if it ever frees up, that is. :)
Trey - "Yeaaah, I had that coming," he admits with a sheepish chuckle. Trey very rarely argues with you. Ever. So maybe it was one-sided, but he still goes along with it to keep you happy and to end the argument as quickly as possible. He'll smooth things over by baking you your favorite sweet. He can be patient and wait if you're still stubbornly insisting on no more sex, but that doesn't mean he won't tease you often.
Cater - "Cowabummer." Yes, that's all he says. Yes, he gives you the sad thumbs-down and everything. Cater cannot be /srs for this one because if he's /srs you'll see the /srs sides of him that he'd rather hide behind a /j personality. (He later makes it up to you by apologizing and taking you into town to your favorite places. <3 you end up fucking in the changing stall in one of the clothing stores hehe.)
Ace - he rolls his eyes and laughs. "I never even wanted to fuck you anyways. You're, like, super mid." (He's lying. Please don't ban him from having sex with you. </3 This is how he's apologizing later.
Deuce - he's genuinely devastated. Nooo, what do you mean "no more sex"? D: that's not even the worst of it, though. Deuce is just sad that the both of you argued and that he said some things he's not very proud of. He was really mean and so were you. What were you even arguing about in the first place? Deuce's heart aches knowing you're so upset at him, so he does everything he can to make it up to you. It's fine if you don't want sex anymore; he just wants you to be happy.
Leona - he highly doubts you're serious. "Sure, okay. We'll see about that one," he tells you with a lazy half-smirk. "Good luck with that, herbivore." (he's so hot when you wake up next to him in the mornings and he has that rough morning voice...... you end up fucking the following day, too weak to his charms to keep up with your no sex promise. Leona teases you for that.)
Ruggie - "I'll live," he says with a shrug. Sure, it sucks that you no longer want to fuck and it also sucks that the two of you even argued in the first place, but he'll live. You and Ruggie are distant for all of one day before coming back together to sincerely apologize. He's a little awkward with his apology, but it does indeed come from the heart. Perhaps there's some makeup sex that follows...
Jack - another one who is more upset over the actual argument than your admission of no more sex. Jack feels so bad. :( his ears are flattened on his head and his tail is drooped; he's just so sad that he argued with you and made you angry. He was out of line and shouldn't have let his emotions get the best of him. If no more sex is what you truly want, he'll abide by that.
Azul - "Angelfish, I understand you're upset, but do you truly mean that?" You do, and you storm out of his VIP room and ghost him for the rest of the day. Azul goes through the five stages of grief within the span of a few hours. T_T he's a wreck, not only because you said no more sex but because you argued and you're angry with him and you probably hate him now and what if you break up and you never want to see him again and and and and and !!!!!!!! Sad tako hours.
Jade - he smiles patiently. "If you say so." (his compliance is too obedient; don't let him fool you. He's going to spike your drink with an aphrodisiac and then when you come to him begging for release he'll deny you in the same way you denied him.)
Floyd - "Shrimpy, c'mon, ya can't be serious." You turn away from him with a huff, arms folded over your chest. "S'not funny, Shrimpy..." He pouts at you, brows knitted in annoyance. You look him dead in the eyes and snap back with, "Good. Cuz I'm not joking, Floyd." (Floyd's in a foul mood for the rest of the day; no one dares go near him. His aura is too threatening...)
Kalim - if it's your first argument with him, he's genuinely compelled to throw a party celebrating it LOL. Kalim means well with it, too, which makes it arguably worse. ^^;;; but he is indeed very sad that things got to this point and that you were so angry with him that you even said no more sex! He sulks sadly. :( will a parade make you feel better? Or do you want more renovations done to Ramshackle? Do you want gemstones? Just tell him how he can make it up to you and he'll do it! He's so very sorry! >_<
Jamil - he rolls his eyes, shooting you an unamused look. "Very mature of you, (Name)." Jamil isn't going to entertain the argument anymore. If you want to talk things over, you can do that after you and he have cooled off. Although if he's truly intent on getting your forgiveness and nullifying your no sex rule right away, a little hypnosis might do the trick...
Vil - he gives you a critical look. "What does sex have anything to do with this?" If you're going to argue with Vil, argue about the subject matter and don't bring unrelated topics into it! >:( arguments with Vil always make you feel so bad because essentially he tells you to do better and think about your conduct. Of course he also reflects on how he acted and what even led up to the argument in the first place. Even his apology, though heartfelt and authentic, is so perfect.
Rook - "Mon amour, lovely trickster whom I adore most, oh, how you wound me!" He's so dramatic about it, but then he also wholeheartedly means it when he says and acts like that. "Shall we share a kiss of forgiveness and allow water to flow freely under the bridge once more?" He is truly sorry, but then he's sneaky when he's slipping his tongue into your mouth as if he's trying to drag your apology out of your throat and taste it in his mouth.
Epel - "Consarn it!" He's huffy, glaring at you with his cheeks puffed out. "If yer gonna throw a hissy fit and say no more in-out, in-out, then don't come crawlin' to me when yer feelin' it!" Of course he then storms off and is promptly scolded by Vil for such atrocious behavior. Epel realizes he was wrong for getting so worked up and he'll later apologize to you. You apologize as well, but for the rest of the week there will be no more sex. Epel thinks that's fair. He sort of deserved that one. T_T
Idia - "Wutever. I don't need 3D to be happy." He rolls his eyes and the argument ends there. (Idia later spends an entire week locked away in his room building a (Name) sex doll to make up for the lack of your touch.)
Malleus - poor Hornton... :( he sulks in the darkness of his room and no one knows the reason for why he's so upset. Sebek is distraught; whoever dared to put waka-sama in this sad mood will pay!!!!!! Telling Malleus no more sex makes him think you don't want him anymore and that you essentially are breaking up (which is not the case). Diasomnia feels the gloomy atmosphere for days to come. It's Lilia who finally manages to convince Malleus to come out of his room and go to you for a chat to resolve things.
Lilia - "Oh dear. That's rather unfortunate." Even though he says this, he doesn't seem very affected or surprised or even remotely upset. But then Lilia's been through countless arguments, some far more severe than the one he just had with you, so he knows how to navigate these sorts of things. He's very mature about it and respects your no more sex rule. In fact, he's going to keep track of how many days you go with no sex before you inevitably forgo this rule for sloppy, heartfelt makeup sex with him, which he'll gladly indulge in.
Silver - it's probably impossible to argue with Silver. He's just so sweet. How could you ever get into any sort of argument with him? But if you did find yourself at a disagreement, he'd do whatever he could to resolve it and make you feel better. If no more sex is what makes you happy, then there will be no more sex.
Sebek - "SO BE IT, HUMAN. I DO NOT REQUIRE YOUR TOUCH OR INTIMACY TO SURVIVE, NOR DO I WANT IT." He's so LOUD. The entire hall ends up learning more than they'd ever want to about your and Sebek's argument. ;;;; he rants about you and your audacity to Silver (who's half-asleep), and so it's obvious he's affected. Sebek refuses to apologize because he's stubborn, but he realizes he misses you quite a lot. :( no one point that out, though, or else he'll yell at them that that's not true whatsoever!!!!
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chilumi-shipper · 3 years
Ready to Hold On
Xiao x Adeptus!Fem!Reader x Zhongli
Summary: Why not both? Love works in strange ways, and fate has given you a choice. Let it be known that your choice is not to choose, but to love them both. You had a realization when you hear from Xiao that Zhongli apparently had excused himself from your "hangout", you wishes that you could be with both Zhongli and Xiao at that moment.
(Alternative Ending to Ready to Let Go, I suggest you read it first. This version is where you start a polyamory relationship with both of them.)
"He said he needed to do some extra work because of all the mora he's been spending." Xiao explained as he watch you mold the cookie dough to little spheres before placing them neatly on the tray.
You two were so close to each other, exactly how you wanted it to be. Somehow, you felt as though, you feel something missing. Despite your close proximity with Xiao, him standing right next to you as you create your first every batch of cookies, encouraging you when you say they're probably not gonna be that good, you kind of miss a certain someone who would say very long, unnecessary details about the very origin of cookies, giving you some baking advice so you don't accidentally make a stomach destroyer cookie batch.
Perhaps it was the lingering feeling of golden orbs (aside from Xiao's) that would watch your every move with care, just to make sure nothing is a miss. Maybe it was the feeling of a strong chest behind you or a constant hand of reassurance resting upon your shoulder.
"Y/N..." The soft voice of Xiao calls for you, you looked at him questioningly, stopping what you were doing. "I--" His face seem to turn bashful as he looks down, ears starting to turn pink.
You smiled a bit, feeling giddy as the Yaksha looks for the right words to say. Your eyes gleam as you stare at him expectantly, this was the time you were waiting for!
"You like me?!" In your excitement, you accidentally blurted out your thoughts before he could even finish his sentence.
He looked at you, a bit surprised, not expecting that you would blurt something like that out. And yet, you looked equally surprised yourself, covering your mouth with your wrist, since your hands had been handling the cookie dough.
'Ahhhh!!!' You cursed yourself with every bad word you know, screaming internally as you turn your back onto him. 'You're so fricking stupid, Y/N! Why the heck would you say that?! You piece of-'
Even if he did like you back, that's still so awkward!
"I'm sorry..." You whispered, feeling your legs weaken with embarrassment. You heard him sigh from behind you before chuckling.
You felt his hands gently grasping your shoulders, slowly turning you around to face him.
"Was I as obvious as you?" The cat-eyed boy spared a teasing remark, just for you. You can't help but feel shocked, Zhongli said you were obvious too! But Xiao, who doesn't interact with humans to even know how others react when having a crush, is saying that your feelings were pretty obvious? You gotta be real transparent for that one.
You felt your face heat up at what he said, but still, the comment made you laugh. "You're unpredictable, but I like that about you." You finally looked at his golden eyes, and they were filled with happiness, because of you. He is happy because of you.
You scoot yourself closer, now just inches apart from a sweet first kiss. "I like you, Y/N." He finally said it, the words you would imagine him say whenever you're lost in your wondering thoughts, but now, it's actually real. "Is this okay?" You nodded slowly, still starstruck as he gently holds your chin with his gloved fingers.
Xiao tried to initiate slowly, but you smashed your lips against his immediately, stumbling both you back a little, but his other hand slid around your waist, whilst you wrapped your arms around his neck. You felt his smile as you kissed him, which he returned with equal passion.
You slowly pulled way from him, opening your eyes before smiling, "That means, I like you too."
"You're one piece of work." Xiao stated as you retract your arms, ready to go back to baking. "It makes me understand why I'm not the only one who likes you." You freezed at his words, looking back at him like he's grown another head.
"Morax, he's quite fond of you too, butterfly."
Butterfly, you almost melt at that. Wait, that's not the point, the Zhongli "Morax"? Fond of you too?
Your now lover (hehe, lover) chuckles, although it does not contain any malice or jealousy, unlike how you'd imagine a person to react when they find out another person likes their lover.
"You mean like, friends fondness, right?"
"No." The Yaksha shakes his head.
"How would you know that...?" You quietly asked, still having doubts about what you said. Xiao slides your loose hair behind your ear before cupping your face.
"He acts the same way I do around you." But in your eyes, that still wasn't proof that Zhongli likes likes you. Besides, aren't you only supposed to have one love interest?
"But maybe that's just how he normally is. Why are you so sure?" You questioned him even more.
"Do you feel like you really want him to be here with us right now?" Xiao asked you instead, it's like he was reading your mind or something, you did kind of wish he was here.
You just nodded, not trusting your voice anymore. You looked down to your hands, wiping them clean with a towel.
"You miss him when he's not around, trust him the most, you feel comfortable around him..." You nodded at his words again, not sure where he's getting at. "Then you like him too." You're eyes widen at Xiao's words, your mouth dropping in shock.
"...Xiao, I like you." You explained to him, yet the lingering feeling that maybe he was right started embedding itself within you. He just sighs, before gently holding your hands.
"You can--" He can't help but look down and shake his head. "I can't believe I'm actually the one doing all the talking." You giggled at his little comment, although the feeling of confliction didn't seize.
"Zhongli confessed to me last night, all about how he felt about you. Why he's not actually here today." Xiao finally said, gently caressing your hand with his thumb. "But I forced him to come today." You were a little surprised, Xiao, who would stop at nothing to serve the Geo Archon, actually went against the Archon's wishes. However, you're even more surprised that the mentioned man walked into the Wangshu Inn kitchen, and you already know that he's heard everything.
"Mr. Zhongli!" You try to act normal, but being bombarded with your own conflicting feelings were talking a toll on you. "Uhm..."
Xiao let go of your hands as the older man stood in front of both of you.
"Do you like me, Y/N?" Zhongli asks, despite his sincere smile, you felt the nervousness that courses within him, the same nervousness flowing within you.
You think about this really hard. You've had feelings for Xiao for a very long time, but through all that time, maybe there was another love that sprout without your notice, because you always believed that you could only love one. Both of them have been there your entire immortal life, all of you working side by side to make sure that each of you and Liyue is safe from harm. In all your years of pining, you realized, you crave for both of them when they're not with you, the moment doesn't seem as special without both of them, they're the most important people in your life.
You could never choose one over the other.
Looking up at another pair of golden orbs, you slowly nodded, grabbing one hand of each of your most beloved people in the entire universe.
"I think... I know that I love both of you so much." You smiled as you took both their hands close to your chest.
Zhongli then proceeded to kiss you too, a quick sweet kiss on the lips.
You jumped, "Oh, I forgot about my cookies." Letting go of both their hands, you go back to tending to your treats. "I hope my two favorite people can help taste test after I'm done."
"Of course."
"I'll try it."
You let out a cheerful chuckle, this was probably the most confusing but happiest day of your eternal life.
Requested by: @amethystrain77
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nanamishair · 3 years
girl. u better post that headcanon youve been talking about its basically rotting in your drafts
okay bitch
jjk men professing their love
this is purely my opinion of how i think they’d tell their liking to s/o!
characters: gojo satoru, nanami kento, itadori yuuji, fushiguro megumi, inumaki toge
warnings: these are just some cringe and cliche stuff, really just trying to clear my drafts hehe, also i have side comments and those maybe annoying im sorry ;-;, grammar errors and typos!
Gojo Satoru
We all know this man is confident so he’ll probably confidently and straightforwardly say to you he likes you
But one problem is you only took it as a way for his flirting
He thought that was easy but boy, he did not expect you won’t sincerely believe him
Now he keeps on thinking about how he’ll tell you he likes you without you thinking it was purely for flirting purposes
You both were just chilling peacefully somewhere and he just looks at you and admires you as you stared happily at your students
“Hey, I know I have said I like you. But I’m just going to say it again, I like you. For real.”
And finally, you did not take it as his way of flirting. Red cheeks covered your and Gojo’s cheeks
he’s hopeful you’d reciprocate his feelings but who wouldn’t be right >.> he’s just relieved that you finally felt sincere of his confession
He’s nervous on what you’ll reply but he’ll accept whatever you’ll finally say to his confession
Nanami Kento
First of all, I honestly think he won’t tell you he likes you because we all know this man wants to protect the people around him ;-;
But okay let’s say this man finally took the courage and chance to confess to you
I always think that he’ll confess at night, or some time when you both will part ways already like when he has brought you at the bus stop or your apartment
You know, that way after he confesses and he gets a reply from you (or not, he’ll probably give you time to think about it) he can already go home or sleep
“I have thought about this so much y/n and I really wanted to tell you that I like you so much.”
He’d be cool with whatever you’d reply him!
You like him back? He’ll be relieved and happy about it
You don’t feel the same? He’ll still feel the same and would just maintain the friendship you both have
Itadori Yuuji
I think Yuuji is the type to not know he likes you until someone teases him for that
He’ll spend more time with you to confirm that he likes you, he doesn’t want to confess to you just because his friends tease him UwU
But okay, Yuuji is a sweet boy and I headcanon that he’ll buy flowers or chocolates to give you on the day he’ll confess
I don’t know why but I think he’s actually chill about confessing!
Like he’ll give you the chocolate and confess
“You know, I really enjoy being with you. I thought about it and I do confirm that I like you.”
He flashes that signature smile of him ;’)
Both of your cheeks be on the red hue and he’s just there standing, waiting for your reply
Just like Nanami, he’d be completely fine with whatever you’d reply to his confession hihi
If you do reject him and he notices you feel kind of awkward with him, he’ll try to get you at ease coz he still wants you by his side even as his friend only UwU
Fushiguro Megumi
This guy keeps on stealing glances at you as if he’d be able to tell you he likes you in that way
He’s encouraged by Yuuji and teased by Gojo (Gojo would probably ask Megumi if he wants to set you up with him somewhere but megumi just screams no)
I do feel like he’ll just say it on the spot when he feels like it is the best time for both of you, something like a very chill day
But the words just won’t come out, his mouth be opening and closing like 0.0 0o0 0.0 0o0
You’d notice this and ask him if he was fine, and instead of answering your question, he’d confess
“I like you y/n. a lot.”
Okay he’d curse mentally because that wasn’t what he imagined he’d tell you, he was hoping he could also tell you about your smiles and laughs that makes his heart go fast (not to mention that he stuttered just from that short sentence)
Anyway, what’s done is done that’s what he tells himself after confessing to you, now he’s just waiting for what you’d reply
He’s fine with whatever you’ll reply too! (but i feel like he’ll cry at his room when you reject him ;-; )
Inumaki Toge
Cutie boy be stressed how to tell you he likes you because of his cursed speech
But he decides on a handwritten letter and maybe he’d give you your favorite rice ball (im a sucker for handwritten letters and rice balls)
He wasted a lot of paper coz he wants it perfect because its the best way he could relay his feelings to you UwU
He’ll give the letter to you on a day he’s sure you’re in a great mood
His hand is shaking while handing you the letter and the rice ball, he’s trying to stop the shaking but it makes his hand shake more (protect him please)
He looks at you nervously as he watches you read his short letter
“Hello! I don’t how many papers I have wasted already just to write you this. but here it goes. Y/n, I like you so much. My heart flutters whenever I see you, no enough rice balls can express how much i like you. Hope this letter and rice ball finds a way into your heart.”
He’s cheesy but that’s what makes it so cute and special please UwU
He also wrote in the letter a specially made ingredient for you which is equivalent to i like you, so he can verbally tell you too that he likes you and maybe later on, the ingredient will also be equivalent to i love you if things go well! 🥺 (protect!!!)
This boy is so hopeful that you’d reciprocate his feelings (you do not have an option to reject him period jk)
He’s happy and will hug you immediately when you reciprocate his feelings
But if you do reject him, he’ll force an eye smile and go straight to panda and cry (i said u dont have an option to reject him¡!¡ jk)
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ellitx · 3 years
Stay With Me | Venti x Reader
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anon asked: you said venti fluff but it is partly an angst. i really love the whole idea of mortal x immortal SO reader and venti are having a discussion about their future and how venti will cope with a loss of another important person and reader soothes him? 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
 word count: 1.2k
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            Your soft voice echoed in his ears as he hummed on your shoulder to let you know he’s listening. Both of you were currently in Windrise enjoying the breeze brushed against your skin. It was indeed peaceful as there were no disturbances coming to ruin it. 
         It was fortunate that there were no signs of hilichurls or slimes lurking in this area. Only the sight of butterflies and cranes idling around greeted you.
            But it made you wonder what’s the sudden call for you. You noticed he’s been more clingy than ever, abruptly hugging you from behind when you went here and then attacking your face with loving kisses as he pulled you down to sit on his lap.
            Now here you are, shaking from the embarrassment that he’s nibbling the tip of your ear. You felt his teeth grazed on your skin making you shiver as you closed your eyes shut and gently pushed him to give space between the two of you. 
            Your breathing was quivering at his enticing love for you. He has never done that to you before so it was a shock and startling to see him give you this kind of affection. You already know how flushed your face was just by observing his attentive gaze on you. He didn’t point it out though. He just only smiled and said,
            “You’re so cute.”
            Your blush seared through your cheeks and for a minute you thought your face was on fire. You suddenly felt awkward, demure, and coy; even going as far as attempting to hide your rosy features behind your fingers.
            Your head quirked when you felt his hand touching your back as he dragged you to him once more. He took your hand and brought it to his lips, giving each tip of your fingers a kiss and now moving to your knuckles doing the same.
            The kisses were soft yet had a hint of sensuality on it. Maybe it was just your mind tricking you? Or perhaps it was the heat of the sun? You don’t even know because of your head going blank precipitously at his closeness.
            Ah, his eyes were so beautiful. You could feel already getting lost in those deep aqua-colored eyes of his. It’s like the colors of the sea, so clean and bright that you could watch and admire it endlessly.
            “[Name]?” He called out to you, snapping you out from your trance. You then blinked several times before letting your optics met with his.
            “Sorry, was it too much for you?” His dark eyebrows crinkled together as he asked. You averted your stare from him and shook your head slowly, biting your lip from timidity that he caught you staring.
              He sighed in relief and laid his head on your shoulder, fiddling with the light teal feather accessory on your hair he gave to you. You peered at him and watched his fingers play with your [hair color] tresses in between his thumb and index finger. 
            Your mouth parted and hesitantly inquired, “It’s bothering you again, is it?” Venti’s digits halted before nodding slowly as his response. You carefully turned around and threw your arms over his shoulders, bringing him close to you, and kissed his head.
            He took in your sweet scent when he shut his eyes and hugged you tighter. Your hand reached to his head to put down his beret on the soft grass, and dug your fingers through it, making his tense shoulder relax and enjoy the feeling of your fingers running on his scalp.
            You slide your finger over his cheek and brought your lips on it to kiss him. His face softened and smiled before placing his hands gently on the sides of your face as he brushed his lips with yours.
            He ran his fingertips over your forearm, leaving a trail of goosebumps. Your heart fluttered like a hummingbird at his sincere but hasty kisses making you knot your fingers in his dark locks and melt against his body.
            Venti parted from you and inched closer, feeling his hands encircling with yours. You looked up at him and his eyes were already glued to yours. You took notice of the lonely and needy look he had on him.
            You caressed his cheek and stroked down his back in comfort.
            “I’m still here.” You softly mumbled on his lips.
            “I know. I… I’m just scared.” His hold on your hip had more pressure than before. He eyed your hair accessory again and reminded himself you’re not leaving. Your touches helped him forgot the sorrowful pain in his heart and just lose himself to you.
            “You won’t leave me, right?”
            “Of course not. I’ll always be with you, Venti.” You gave him a short peck on his cheek and grasp his hand firmly but tenderly. He hummed at your words and carefully pushed you down on the soft grass as he rested his body on top of yours. 
            He intertwined your legs together as he laid his head on your chest, listening to the calming beat of your heart. He noticed your hair ornament glowed for a second, making his lips tugged upwards. 
         You won't certainly leave him, right? Even if the lifespan of a mortal being is so short compared to his, he wished so badly to let you live longer and be with you forever. He traced the lines of the soft feather and watched it faintly glow when it made contact with his finger. 
            You arched an eyebrow at him, wondering what he was doing. You were curious about it. It was a gift from him after all, and there were many surprises he did with that accessory just by the slightest of his touch.  Maybe he was just restoring the anemo powers within it? Whatever it was, you let him do as he pleased. 
            You felt a strange yet soothing aura within you and didn’t notice how Venti had already buried his face on your neck until he started peppering it with soft kisses. A small giggle slipped from your lips at the ticklish sensation and placed your hand on his shoulder and squeezed.
            He expected you to pull him away but much to his surprise, you only brought him closer and played with his hair.
            He was tempted to mark you, needless to say. But he refrained himself from doing so considering the fact both of you were outside and he doesn’t want you to pass out from his shameless acts.
            He placed his hands between your head trapping you as his small frame hovered over you. You owlishly blinked at him and nervously gulped. You don’t know what’s going on, but it sure did make you jittery and timid because of his intense look he had on you.
            Your willingness to be vulnerable indeed won his heart, but he won’t entirely dominate you. It’s contrasting against his belief in freedom, though it made his heart tugged of how you’re so willing towards him.
            He loves you so much he can’t bring himself to the thought of losing you. He remembered your many acts of thoughtfulness that made him fell head over heels for you. He looked adoringly at you and brought his face close, bringing in another kiss; getting rid of the sad thoughts, and just enjoyed the accompany of your presence.
            He’ll be willing to spend his life with you eternally if there are no other choices but this.
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 i think my writing went too far from the context given by the anon... i-i'm sorry
 ​​​​​​​ive made an alternative angst ending for this hehe
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candychronicles · 3 years
yes sir // i. midoriya
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A/N: my take on the bnharem workplace au collab! this is pretty much porn with plot, there’s no real interesting background. i just wanted to write sexy times with midoriya hehe
CHARACTER PAIRING: Izuku Midoriya x F!Reader
WARNINGS: an obnoxious amount of pet names, soft-ish dom, dubcon maybe?? if you squint??, power dynamics, possessive izuku
SYNOPSIS: an infatuation with one of your bosses turns into something much more interesting. 
Click here to go to work on admiring all the other pieces!
work was never fun but when you directly responded to three equally attractive ceos, it tended to make things easier. despite them all being incredibly attractive, you found yourself particularly drawn to one man in specific: Izuku Midoriya.
he was the face of the operation, the one who greeted the media with a smile and ran lectures, pep talks and gatherings with the employees. not only did he have the charm, but he was smart and analytical, something that came in handy when dealing with other businesses and creating interpersonal relationships. he strived to make everyone feel like they belonged and that’s why you never put any thought into the bright smiles and big waves he gave you as he passed your office every morning.
Bakugou was who you usually worked under, the man being brash and loud but incredibly intelligent and covering a lot of ground when it came to running the company, especially when it came to logistics and timelines. you weren’t his secretary and yet often found yourself in his office helping whenever he called. you would say it was annoying except it meant that he favored you and you often got added perks because of that, like a flexible work schedule and unlimited premium coffee from his personal stash. 
Todoroki was a man who you seldom interacted with but had nothing but pleasant things to say. he was cold and standoffish at first but as you chatted he became more relaxed and willing to talk. he handled a lot of the behind the scenes, keeping up with IT and using his connections from his wealthy family to bring in new business. nonetheless, he was a pleasant man and tried to interact in his own odd way at any appropriate chance he got.
you never realized you had any special treatment outside from your own boss but it became more apparent over the months that they had all taken a liking to you in some form or another. you became absolutely ecstatic when you learned you had a chance with Midoriya, an awkward and yet sincere drunken love confession thrown dramatically your way outside of a business gathering. since he wasn’t technically your personal boss and you harbored a secret crush on him, it was all too easy, with the alcohol flowing through your veins, to say yes to a date with him.
despite his inebriated state the night before, he stayed true to his word and took you to a relaxed and private restaurant, one that you were sure wasn’t cheap as there wasn’t even prices on the menu. he told you to not worry about it and just enjoy the night and enjoy you did. after some awkward laughs here and there, you really got to know him and what he was like: funny, charming, truthful, determined, emotional, raw and bursting with the desire to be understood the way he understood other people. 
you took his truth and ran with it, confiding in him about anything you could think of that was appropriate for a first date and then some, over time learning all there was to know about one another. you spent many a night laid on his chest, confessing your hopes and dreams, listening to his own and promising each other that you would both work towards your desires as hard as possible. 
things outside of the bedroom, however, stayed incredibly private. you understood that he was a shy man by nature and was nervous that your position would be undermined or belittled by the other employees if they found out that you two were together but as time went on, you grew more and more frustrated about him keeping you a secret. all of his reasons, he claimed, were to protect you but you didn’t care and if he didn’t tell you the honest truth soon, you were going to burst.
it only took a few more weeks before things took an interesting turn. you had yet another argument with Midoriya, begging and pleading with him to not hide you anymore, to wear you on his arm with pride and shower you with even the tiniest of affection, but he was not budging, claiming he didn’t want you to get hurt and sad over the other employees judging you despite him not being your actual boss. when you confirmed to Midoriya that this wasn’t a real relationship and cut things off, you were intrigued to find Todoroki at your office door with a bouquet of flowers asking you on a date.
whether it was out of spite or a sheer desire to be seen and acknowledged, you accepted without any hesitation, donning your best dress and heels for the icy man. he took you to a much fancier and flashy restaurant than Midoriya did, flaunting his wealth without a care in the world. you tried some of the finest wines and foods, enjoying the live music and chatting casually with Todoroki. outside of his awkward demeanor, it was a good first date and you had fun, certainly appreciating all that he did for you, but you realized it didn’t matter because you were still head over heels in love with the green haired guy with the golden heart. every little thing Todoroki did, you caught yourself comparing and contrasting with what Midoriya would’ve done and with a sad smile, told him you had fun but that you were going through some personal problems and needed some time before trying anything else. he was nothing but a gentleman and insisted that it was okay but despite his words, you still felt a pang in your heart, guilty for leading him on in the first place.
work the next day was rather uneventful, time spent chipping away at paperwork and organizing events for the next day, Bakugou sliding into your office with an unusually sad look on his face as he handed you your favorite coffee and slid back out, not acknowledging you otherwise. you hummed appreciatively nonetheless, savoring every sip like it was your last. just as you were walking out the door, the last person in your department to stay behind, you got a text from Midoriya asking you to meet in his office to discuss something.
you swallowed thickly, knowing there may be another argument approaching and hoping your heart could handle the pain. with a soft knock to the large wooden doors, you stood, waiting for him to invite you in. 
the door creaked ominously open before you were yanked into the room, wood slamming heavily back into place as he crashed his lips against your own without any warning, harsh and fierce and nothing like he had ever been before. 
you tried to create some space, some sort of distance between you two in order to process the situation but he was relentless, attacking you with such fervor that you had no choice but to follow along, desperate to know what he was thinking.
you didn’t have to wait long before he slowed down, pressing his forehead against your own, breath fanning against your face as he collected his thoughts.
“you went on a date with Todoroki,” he stated simply, eyes shut as he focused on you, your body movements, the way your heart leapt into your throat and your pulse point jumped at the comment. 
“i did,” you replied, squinting your own eyes at him as best as you could in your position, trying to figure out what his next move was.
“why would you do that?” he questioned, hurt laced in his voice.
you contemplated for a few moments on what to say, finally deciding on the truth: “i was hurt and thought that maybe i could get over you by going out with him but i couldn’t. i just wanted someone to show me off for once, not be ashamed to be seen with me.”
“sweetheart,” he sighed into your mouth, lips ghosting over your own. “i was just trying to protect you from the judgement you’d get being with me, but if you’re that insistent in being shown off, then let me show you off.”
one gentle kiss after another was placed on your face, from your temple to your nose to your cheeks to finally your lips, sealing them with yet another searing kiss. you whined into his mouth, enamored by the taste of coffee and mint on his tongue. he pinched your ass and smiled when you squealed, taking advantage of the sound to pick you up against the door, hiking your skirt up to your waist and pressing one experimental finger to your clothed slit, noticing each and every breathy moan that left your body.
“let me take these off, yeah?” he asked, not waiting for a response before he not so delicately ripped your panties off your body, assuring you he’d get you a new pair after you protested against his actions. 
he walked casually over to the desk, setting you down and spreading your knees apart as he kneeled, face cooing over your cunt. you tried to squeeze your knees together in embarrassment but he only pulled them open again, tsking as he brought his thumb pad up to your clit, rubbing delicate circles around the bud as he watched your mouth open into an o.
he continued to rub in circles, changing the pace and pressure as he analyzed your every move, watching to see what made you feel the best. when he was satisfied with the pace, he brought his other hand up to delicately insert a finger into your dripping hole, curling to try to find the place that made you see stars behind your eyelids. it only took a few moments before he hit the spot, your head fallen back and toes curling in pleasure. 
“look at me and nowhere else or i won’t let you cum. do you understand?” he asked, forcefully grabbing your chin.
“y-yes sir.”
he nodded, satisfied with the eye contact before resuming his movement, eyes boring into your own as he watched you struggle to breathe and watch him back, his cock straining in his pants as he watched your eyes water, tears spilling over your cheeks as he brought you so incredibly close to your orgasm.
“sir, please let me cum. p-please, i don’t think i can hold on any longer,” you finally begged, giving into what you knew he secretly wanted.
“my sweet angel wants to cum? i guess she’s been such a good girl that i’ll have to indulge her,” he cooed, picking up the pace and inserting another finger, making it just enough to have you unravel in seconds. 
your head remained still, eyes locked on his own, but your body shook from the mere exhaustion you felt as you forced yourself to not throw your head back in pure ecstasy. he helped you ride your orgasm out with steady thrusts, his long, scarred fingers hitting all the right ridges. 
“look at you being just a doll,” he murmured, opening your mouth to stick his dripping fingers in, pressing down harshly on your tongue, smiling when you gagged. 
“i think my sweetheart deserves a bit of a reward for being such a good girl, hmm? what do you think?” he asked, removing his fingers from your mouth to allow you to speak.
“please sir, please, i need,” you stopped, hiccuping, not realising you were crying as you begged for him.
“you need what angel? c’mon, use your words.”
“i need your cock, please, i need you inside of me. i’ll be good, i’ll be so good, i promise. just please fuck me.”
before you had a chance to realize what was going on, he pulled you off the desk, flipping you around so that your ass was on full display. he gave it one appreciative slap before his belt was being unbuckled, his pants falling to the floor as he pulled out his cock, aching to be buried inside your wet cunt.
“relax for me sweetheart. i’ll take care of you.”
the tip had you instantly pressing yourself into the desk, but as he continued to push into to you, you relished in the way he stretched you out, making you feel so full and warm.
“more, m’need more, please,” you begged, squirming around as you tried to fill yourself up with as much of him as you could.
he obliged without hesitation, sheathing himself fully into you, eyes rolling back into his head as he felt you squeeze around him, pulling him impossibly closer. he placed his hands against your hips to steady himself, pinching the flesh and breathing deeply through his nostrils as he attempted to control himself but once you started begging again, hands gripping the other edge of the deck as you attempted to ground yourself, he lost all control.
“don’t say you didn’t ask for his angel.”
his hips snapped out before surging forward, thrusting hard and deep, his tip kissing your cervix and fingers bruising into your flesh. you cried out, not sure what you were feeling but incredibly happy anyways. his cock pounded in and out of your squelching cunt, your cream dripping down your thighs and his. you felt every little vein, the curve of his shaft, how he fit into you so perfectly, how he was made for you. your vision went white and you held onto the desk for dear life as your legs gave out from under you, your cunt clenching aggressively around his cock as you came.
“i’ve got you, just relax.”
your body went limp as he leaned over you, propping you up against the desk as he continued to thrust into you, moving smoothly as your liquids pooled around his pelvis. your hands kept gripping the desk for dear life as you tried to catch your breath but with every snap of his hips, every nip to your shoulder, every searing hickey left on your neck, had your head reeling and the coil in your stomach building once again.
“‘Zuku, i don’t know how much longer i can hold out. m’gonna cum again,” you whined, breathing heavily as you tried to prolong it for as long as possible.
“c’mon sweetheart, you can do it one more time, just cum for me, it’s okay. i’ve got you.”
it only took three forceful swirls of his fingers on your aching clit to have you squirting all over his cock, your cum gushing everywhere as you arched your back and dug your nails into the glass of the desk. as you squeezed around him, you felt Midoriya cum, burying himself deep inside your pussy, head coming down to rest on your shoulders.
without saying anything, he pulled out gently, wincing as he saw the disheveled state you were in. he helped you sit back on the desk, pulling out some napkins to clean you and then himself up, offering you some water and helping to pour it in your mouth, wiping away your mascara stained cheeks.
“are you okay?” he asked once you had settled down a bit, pulling down your skirt and shakily standing on two legs.
“what are we Midoriya?” you replied, not wanting to let the post sex haze ruin what you had orignially come for.
he sighed, walking over to you and holding your hands in his own, bringing them up to kiss them before responding, “i wanted to protect you but i see how selfish that is now considering the fact that you didn’t care. i’m sorry i didn’t listen but i won’t hide from you anymore and i won’t hide you from the public, no matter what.”
you nodded at his response, eager to be with him again and not be held in the shadows. 
“but in order to do that, i have got to put a few mutual friends in place.”
quizzically, you watched as he sat down in his computer, motioning for you to sit in his lap. he tapped away at a few folders, watching in confusion and then embarrassment as he pulled up a video, one of the encounter you just had. 
“i’m sending this to Bakugou and Todoroki. they always talk about how they could fuck you better, how they could make you scream louder, make you listen, make you theirs. this will prove otherwise. you want me to show you off, have you be mine unconditionally? well you’ve got it babe, loud and clear. you’re mind, understood? and nobody will get in the way of that, not even them.”
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