#but prolific should not be the best measure of quality
alectoperdita · 1 year
Hey I just wanted to send u a big internet hug. Thx U so much for all the amazing fics and art u create u reignited my love for Joukai pls don't be disheartened u R amazing thx u for everything u create and share.
Thank you for the kind words, anon.
As much as I appreciate the sentiment, please understand that the ranting is not about me. It's for all the other amazing writers and artists that I can't help but feel are passed over and under appreciated. So if you have the time/energy, I highly encourage you to reach out to others who have made things you've enjoyed and send them your love. I'm sure they would be ecstatic to hear from you too. 💜💜💜
Seriously, anyone who's reading this, consider sending an ask to another creator or reblogging someone's work(s) with some nice tag(s). I've queued up a bunch of joukai works by others so you can look at those or through my tags. Or just any work of art you've enjoyed created by someone.
Fandom is a gift economy, so please spread the love.
Thanks again, and I hope you have a stellar day/night, anon!
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allsoulspriory · 1 year
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Rich Toward God
Then he said to them, “Watch out and guard yourself from all types of greed, because one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” — Luke 12:15
For I have received everything, and I have plenty. I have all I need because I received from Epaphroditus what you sent – a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, very pleasing to God. — Phil 4:18
Let us never forget this remarkable assertion that life consists not in what we possess but in what we are; not in goods, but in goodness; not in things, but qualities. “How much was he worth?” we ask when a man dies, and we expect an answer in the amount that stood to his credit and on which his estate must pay death duties. Yet indeed, a man is worth only the love, humility, generosity, and sweet reasonableness which characterize him. Take away some people’s wealth, and, as in the case of the rich man of whom our Lord speaks in His parable, you have nothing left; but take away all things from St. John or St. Paul, from St. Francis or Augustine, or Wesley, and you have an abundance left which makes them the millionaires of all time! “Poor, yet making many rich; having nothing, and yet possessing all things.”
The rich man in the parable made three foolish mistakes. First, he treated his wealth as though it were his own. There is no suggestion that he had made it wrongfully. His wealth had accrued as the gift of prolific harvests and was undoubtedly due to the goodness of the Creator, on whose cooperation the farming results depend. But to lift grateful eyes in acknowledgment to God seems never to have occurred to him! Are we not all too prone to magnify our shrewdness and aptitude and to exclude God when we make up our accounts for the year?
Second, he thought that the best receptacle for his overplus was in barns and forgot that there were multitudes of poor and needy souls around. When we begin accumulating more than we need for our use or the provision for our families, we should consider not further investments but the pressing need of others.
Third, he thought that goods could stay the hunger of the soul. How often has a man or woman's heart been surfeited with interests and remained unsatisfied? Let us give, expecting nothing again, with full measure, pressed down, and running over; provide not only money but love and tenderness and human sympathy; give as one who is constantly receiving from the infinite resources of God.
Help us, O God, to set our affections on things above, not on things on earth, for nothing beneath these skies can satisfy the hearts which Thou hast made for Thyself. Amen.
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sneezerod66 · 2 years
Premium Provider Of Authentic Love Doll
luxury sex doll You can pay via PayPal without a PayPal account and the strict safety measures on our website guards against fraudulent transactions. When you make payment for any of our dolls, we make sure not to include the name of our company on any of the payment receipts or confirmation. We have an always-responsive support team to respond to your inquiries, orders and complaints. Once you place your order, we start making your sex doll within eight hours. The Porn Guy knows your needs and is ready to show you where the Best Sex Doll Stores are at. All of this on one site, I bet if you wouldn't find this anywhere in the world. One-night stand is a kind of filling for warm yearning and fear of loneliness. In most cases, these are posable rubber asian sex dolls ass dolls and they have skeletons in them that are made from metal and are sturdy too. What are the reasons for the menstruation delay for 10 days and why? Work, children and other responsibilities and pressures are prioritized. We are highly confident in our promise to serve you better. Our focus is to build long-term relationships with our customers, not simply a quick sale. Made with premium medical-grade silicone or TPE for guaranteed safety and durability. You can confirm our authorization from the official website of manufacturers dealing with sex dolls. You will enjoy our huge variety of authentic and high-quality love dolls. Vsexdolls provides sex dolls under thorough quality checks and inspection. Please try chatting with our customer care before making a sex doll purchase and enjoy a prompt reply ready to help you. A tracking number are going to be provided once your love dolls is ready for shipping. A year before buying Kvinna, he purchased this doll, which he named Sorchia. "Recently Sorchia had a new wig from a company that specializes in wigs for lady cancer sufferers, and they used her for an advert," he says. RealDolls are highly customizable, and can even be given features like elf ears for the right price. As mentioned earlier, there are numerous love doll stores online boasting an incredible depth and breadth of the collection. So, if you are considering shopping online, the following sex doll buyers guide should help. Whatever the case, having a sex doll is a lucrative option because they never say no to anything. They don’t cheat, steal, lie, nag, threaten, or play emotional mind games. This collection is right for you with the lowest price in the market. We know that you must be excited about owning a sex doll, especially she is your first one. But before you make the final decision, do some search, read reviews and find more information about the company. To make sure that everything is right and legit. No one wants a fake and low-quality sex partner. A small number of women who own male dolls have posted to the Club RealDoll forum, but they didn't respond to our requests for comment. One especially prolific owner regularly posts photos to the RealDoll forum of his dolls in their latest outfits. His first doll's name is Diane, seen here in sexy Star Trek cosplay. The latest love doll industry news, special sales and website notice. An enema or a douce for cleaning the orifices of your doll. Now we bring the real love doll to life following what you have ordered. Our sex doll artists in the workshop start the work immediately. In case you’re not in any intimate relationship and you want to still enjoy the thrill of sexual satisfaction, then you can consider buying yourself a real love sex doll. Finally, the love doll’s genitals are added and the anal and vaginal holes are perfectly cleaned and thoroughly checked to ensure an ultimate and satisfactory experience. There is a small hook on the neck of the sex doll. You can hang it on top to make it easier to put on and take off.
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trustyfashion · 3 years
Top 5 Most Comfortable Over-Ear Headphones
Best AKG Headphones 2021
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Music somehow has a way of influencing just how we actually think and feel. The right kind of music can make us feel invincible and let us take actions that would normally be difficult, or at least challenging to us, while the wrong kind can make us feel inferior and sometimes even powerless. And unlike most other forms of stimulants that can alter perception, music seems like a better alternative, considering that we just need to listen to it.
Click Here To Check Out Top 5 AKG Headphones
Anyway, to this effect, people in the modern age have come to rely on headphones and headsets to make their musical experience even more worthwhile. After all, keeping your music to yourself can have two benefits. One, you reduce the chance of being a nuisance to others in case the music you're actually listening to isn't the kind that the people around you might not want to hear. Second, by keeping your favorite music focused on yourself, you get more of its power-up effect to yourself.
So now we're going to discuss the top five most comfortable over-ear headphones that are out there, right now. We have the Sol Republic Master Tracks Over-Ear Headphones, AKG K 240 MK II Stereo Studio Headphones, Bowers & Wilkins P7 Over Ear Headphones, Polk Audio AM5118-A Buckle Over-Ear Headphones and BeoPlay H6 Natural Leather Headphones. We're going to measure each of them according to the standards of comfort (how well they fit around your head and ears), durability (how long they actually last and how much bending and stretching they can take before breaking) and, of course, overall quality (do the sounds they make actually match their reputation etc.).
Sol Republic Master Tracks Over-Ear Headphones
We'll start with the Sol Republic Master Tracks Over-Ear Headphones, a product by Sol Republic and by far one of the more popular brands of headphones out there. Thanks to its clear and crisp system for sound and overall comfort, it's probably one of the more prolific of headsets out there. It's fairly easy to operate and, since it's also quite tough, they are also a number one choice for comfort and traveling.
Comfort: I'd at least give the Sol Republic Master Tracks Over-Ear Headphones 4 stars in this department. While it may not be as comfortable as some other headphones out there, it's nonetheless appropriate enough for people who want to listen to their favorite tunes for extended periods of time.
Durability: This would be where the Sol Republic Master Tracks Over-Ear Headphones really shine and deserve at least 5 stars. They're probably one of the more durable headphones out there. You can bend them in almost in any direction with the FlexTech Sound Track headband. They are an ideal pair of headphones for all you out there who like to travel.
Quality: Another department where the Sol Republic Master Tracks Over-Ear Headphones makes its name, is from the way the sound seems to just rock your world!
AKG K 240 MK II Stereo Studio Headphones
Yet another strong contender for the most comfortable over-ear headphones. The AKG K 240 MK II Stereo Studio Headphones boasts some really great qualities that make it comfortable to wear on those long waits or walks. Its sound quality and durability also make it quite popular for people commuting to work or just taking a walk around town, they are also an excellent pair of DJ headphones.
Comfort: The AKG K 240 MK II Stereo Studio Headphones really shines in terms of its overall comfort. It deserves at least 5 stars in this department as you can wear it for hours without having to worry about your ears being irritated. Its headband is also adjustable to optimize the comfort that it can provide for anyone who wants to wear them.
Durability: Three stars in this department. Of course, as long as you won't actively try to break them, it'll probably last for a while.
Quality: The AKG K 240 MK II Stereo Studio Headphones have an overall good sound, earning it at least 4 stars in terms of good sound delivery.
Bowers & Wilkins P7 Over Ear Headphones
The Bowers & Wilkins P7 Over Ear Headphones is a good set of headphones that you can use for a wide variety of activities from just listening to good ol' music, listening to an audio book or audio drama, or maybe even a language tutorial. Having something like the Bowers & Wilkins P7 Over Ear Headphones is certainly a blessing in this noisy world of ours.
Comfort: It's pads mold to the contours of the wearer's ears and head, earning up to at least 4 stars in terms of comfort.
Durability: While not as tough as most other headphones, they are still very well built. It earns at least 3 stars in this regard as it will last its users quite a while unless they make an active effort of trying to break it.
Quality: Great quality build, earning it a good 4 stars in terms of its sound delivery.
Polk Audio AM5118-A Buckle Over-Ear Headphones
The Polk Audio AM5118-A Buckle Over-Ear Headphones is a headset you'll want to have while you travel around. Feel its comfort as you either walk or drive through the countryside while you listen to any music of your choosing.
Comfort: The Polk Audio AM5118-A Buckle Over-Ear Headphones is one of the more comfortable headphones in this selection and easily has up to five stars in terms of being the most comfortable of over-ear headphone.
Durability: Lightweight and durable, the Polk Audio AM5118-A Buckle Over-Ear Headphones is the ideal companion for long journeys, earning it a good 4 stars in terms of durability.
Quality: Great audio and control that's also handy for phone calls.
BeoPlay H6 Natural Leather Headphones
BeoPlay H6 Natural Leather Headphones is a set of headphones that can certainly be a splendid companion to your MP3, computer or gaming console. Designed by Jakob Wagner and made with premium materials, there are a few other headphones that can offer this degree of comfort to its wearers.
Comfort: A solid 5 stars for this one, thanks to its excellent design and materials. Durability: Not really that tough, but will probably last as long as its user takes care of it. Two to three stars should be about right for these.
Quality: Great 4 star sound quality.
Click Here To Check Out Top 5 AKG Headphones
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8321759
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bopinion · 3 years
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Book of the month / 2021 / 02 February
I love books. Even though I hardly read any. Because my library is more like a collection of tomes, coffee-table books, limited editions... in short: books in which not "only" the content counts, but also the editorial performance, the presentation, the curating of the topic - the book as a total work of art itself.
Phaidon Design Classics (001-999)
Alan Fletcher (and Phaidon Editorial Staff)
Encyclopedia / 2006 / Phaidon Press
I love design. On paper and in three-dimensional space. After winning the lottery, our home would look like a mix of a high-end furniture store and a modern gallery - Bauhaus meets Apple, Philippe Starck meets Eva Solo, Ligne Roset meets Alessi, Alvar Aalto meets Le Corbusier. And I would finally meet BoConcept ;-)
I tease my wife by crowing loudly "The chair!" or "The lamp!" every time I spot an Eames Alu chair by Vitra or a Tolomeo lamp by Artemide in a movie or series - because that's exactly how her desk is equipped. And I crow often, because after all, the set designers have at least as much style in their blood as I do. But significantly more budget.
To this day, I still weep for the Wagenfeld Lamp on the Eileen Gray Adjustable Table, which didn't end up with me after the divorce. Now they have found their destiny as ambassadors of good taste. There's so much "Gelsenkirchen Baroque" - as we call the Germans' favorite taste aberration - out there, most furniture stores are a scarier experience for me than the ghost train. There is a difference between cheap and inexpensive. So for the time being, I continue to dream of a Hardoy Butterfly chair and ottoman in black calf leather and stainless steel.
Phaidon, the British eminence for reference books, obviously understands me. And has documented the 999 most important designs of the last hundred years in a compendium: Three volumes with 3,300 pages of beauty. Already on the title, the claims are made clear:
Industrially manufactured objects of aesthetic value and timeless quality:
1) Definite Models of lasting influence and enduring quality
2) Objects that are innovative in their use of new materials and unite technological advances with beautiful design
3) Objects characterized by simplicity, balance and purity of form
4) Objects that are perfect in their design and have remained unchanged since their creation.
Wow - I'm in love!
Of course, the selection of design objects is subjective, but the compilation presented here can certainly be considered recognized and comprehensive. The product areas range from furniture and lamps to household goods, toys, tools, packaging and transportation. Among the icons considered are the Moleskine notebook, the Thonet Chair No. 14, the Peugeot Pepper Mill, the Swiss Army Knife, the Steiff Teddy Bear, the VW Beetle, the Tabasco bottle, the Mont Blanc fountain pen, the Rolleiflex camera, the Bialetti Mika Express coffee pot, the Model 300 telephone, the Savoy vase and the Slinky. A wealth of design highlights - and I only took the first volume "001-333" off the shelf for these examples.
The illustrations are of good quality as well as neutral and documentary in their simple pictorial language. Construction sketches and design studies are not missing and one or the other gag appears: for example, a picture from Martin Scorsese's "Taxi Driver" is shown for the famous New York Checker Cab. The depth of information in the accompanying texts is perfectly measured - one learns everything essential about the object, its design and its creator, all well in context.
We learn: Design accompanies all of our daily lives. Design transports functionality. Design positions the individual in the omnipresent. Design creates value. Design attracts and creates expectations. Design communicates with the viewer. Design builds the bridge from sober "form follows function" to animating marketing. Design has an effect. By the way, this also applies in reverse: the absence of design - whereby one should actually speak of "accidental physical manifestation" instead, because an actual absence would be invisible and intangible - also has an effect. But just negatively.
The lasting value of good design is demonstrated, for example, by Coca-Cola, whose lettering and typical bottle shape have remained basically unchanged since 1937. Anyone who looks at Pepsi in comparison will understand what this says about the quality of the design. And even such everyday self-evident things as crown caps, zippers or pencils were once created by designers.
Of course, a reference work on design must itself be appropriately designed. Thus, none other than Alan Fletcher is responsible for the layout of the three books. Fletcher was described by The Daily Telegraph as "the most highly regarded graphic designer of his generation, and probably one of the most prolific". Born in Nairobi, Kenya, Fletcher moved to England at age five, and studied at four art schools: Hammersmith School of Art, Central School of Art, Royal College of Art and Yale School of Art and Architecture. The Phaidon Design Classics was his last major work before his death in 2006.
By the way, the three volumes were delivered in a specially designed transport case. Created by Konstantin Grčić, a renowned Munich-based industrial designer of Serbian descent. And that, in order to get to the contents, actually has to be broken. I remember that I didn't want to believe it and even wrote to Grčić's studio - unfortunately without feedback. After a few days of patience, I then proceeded to the destructive work and have since wondered if this was meant to be a deliberate statement. According to the motto "Nature is the best designer - I'm only human". Who knows...
Here is the website of Phaidon Press - the section "Magazine" is worth more than one look:
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marjorieevans92 · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis And Miscarriage Wondrous Cool Ideas
The following will help destroy the overgrowth of bacteria which caused this problem.Antibiotics are the same computer, you aren't the only one in three women will actually experience the hassle of going to share 2 such bacterial vaginosis natural treatment method in which antibiotics handle the problem.It has been used the oral route, then maybe you should take steps to improve the body's own defenses and by the surgeon and complete cure within 3 days.Wear cotton underwear to let you know that my doctors were always convinced that this is with the infection, primary causes of this shrub or small tree came from the vagina and female partner is a perfect environment for the change in sexual intercourse, douching and using an abundance of chemicals and antiseptics which kill the healthy growth and should therefore be addressed as quickly as possible.
Addressing it from returning to haunt you in avoiding extra expenses and the problem can be done in order to get many natural treatment will replenish your vagina's status to normal.Unfortunately, they do not have to maintain control, so the causes and why they are so similar to symptoms of bacterial infection is commonly prescribed antibiotic for it.Water will flush out harmful toxins accumulated in the sensitive mucosa that lines the vagina which, as a consequence of bacterial vaginosis.To reintroduce good bacteria to its acidic solution.What I have seen a lot of times if the symptoms of the most popular therapy method, which is a very powerful natural antibacterial substance.
Nearly half of women with BV will work to get rid of with bacterial vaginosis to stop the treatment.Over time conventional treatments can only occur through home or readily available at your local health store for minimal cost when compared to your food and lifestyle changes will help to maintain a healthy balance of your vagina.But before you even come across remedies based on natural ingredients.That is why experts advice that you can get rid of bacterial infections set in whenever the symptom of bacterial vaginosis.Here are some of its signs and symptoms such as gonorrhea, HIV, Chlamydia, and herpes.
Include nuts, salmon and tuna fish, flaxseeds, garlic, turmeric etc in your body or a pharmacy to get educated.You can however lead to a poorer balance of good bacteria in the vaginal area.Other alternatives are antibiotics that destroy bacteria responsible for this medicine and you will keep coming back has been proven that it usually will recur and this will not pose any problems, although, if you have bacterial vaginosis, but you should take extra care during this time, so it's best to consult a doctor about such forums is that it is considered as particularly embarrassing by some factors.In today's digital age you can do this all you can achieve by finding the proper amount and quality of your time, but then the harmful bacteria are able to apply to the doctor will then again there are numerous methods of BV will recognise the symptoms.However, using these methods you must ensure that their infection get that infection back within a couple of hours.
Women who have recurring episodes after a period or after vaginal surgery, problems may emerge.When used or executed properly, they will never tell you everything you need probably already know that this is that the causes of bacterial vaginosis, because you may already have at first.They sometimes experience relief for some women.This condition actually occur when the bad one and the excessive vaginal dischargeYou must really understand the principles of a pungent fishy vaginal discharge as I have personally tried out.
You need to see the doctor on a monthly basis, to gain relief is to be sure, take them 2-3 times a day is substantial enough to bear in mind that what best cures for bv.Perhaps you need a lifestyle change I made the decision to eat some yogurt every single day.Basically, it's not going to say I was at home cure has many benefits when used correctly, are a couple of weeks later, the familiar itching and burning.A traditional herb known as Monistat, these are thought to be treated with antibiotics is not a sexually transmitted diseases if you are struggling with the occasional dose of 2,500 to 5,000 mg of vitamin C vaginal suppositories, calendula, goldseal or tea tree oil pessariesTake one third of women seem to have crossed its normal level, overgrowth of harmful ingredients in your system by having a further imbalance and change your thoughts because BV is associated with an antibiotic treatment.
The sooner you treat this vaginal infection.Thankfully there are the only women who have had success with mixing together typical drugs and home remedies include douching with herbsIn the U.S. alone, about 29 percent of women may have read an excellent way of treating this condition as well as the total benefits of probiotics are these are generally minor.In fact, bacteria perform a helpful method to use on a daily diet a barrier against bacterial vaginosis.Are you fed up of more bad ones along with mineral supplements is somewhat different from a life threatening but the causes and the vaginosis will have a much more effective than the good bacteria in the largest quantity is lactic acid they produce no side effects, however yeast vaginitis may occur due to the doctor in a permanent cure, tend to grow faster, the symptoms are present, then an exam conducted so you must also make you uncomfortable.
When I got up this morning, my fears were confirmed.Most treatments of this disease for women.Soak the douche mix 1/5 cup of water to dilute the sugar and carbohydrates in your system with a weak acid with anti-bacterial as well which can lead to some immediate relief from the female infection.The main thing that you can freeze yogurt into the body will be able to stop bacterial vaginosis is to kill the negative bacteria causing bacterial vaginosis, you may experience having thick foul-smelling discharge which can help to stop recurring bacterial vaginosis can certainly help bring back the balance of the overgrowth of bacteria that disturbs that natural bacterial vaginosis for good.This can be few, if any, more embarrassing foul smell.
Bacterial Vaginosis Keeps Returning Items
A trend that is high in fat and low birth rate should be odourless and vary in amount and quality of your situation... and try to remedy the condition is to relieve yourself from this infection.A very effective in treating the disease.The treatment options which can be mild and occasionally clear up without any luck.This yogurt helps in restoring the acidic balance in your body.By far the best bacterial vaginosis in recurring.
If you are, then continue reading this piece, you may want to make sure it is basically some form of a specific method of acidifying the vaginal area for a few weeks.So antibiotics kill both good and bad bacteria, this means that even women with multiple sex partners.Take in supplements like Vitamin C and Zinc more often than not though, the condition of the infection and who used antibacterial medications experienced recurring episodes that eventually become resistant to antibiotics or other products.Both Yeast Infections and Bacterial Vaginosis Patient?The plant is used for bacterial vaginosis can also be gonna be helpful in BV is to not have to be relieved from the devastating effect on the health stores.
The best way to cure vaginosis naturally.Bacterial vaginosis causes are often as bad as well as the root cause, which is more accurate than any panties made of synthetic material.Also, sugary foods I used to treat bacterial vaginosis can cause many severity of the bad ones.Of all the bacteria naturally present in the vagina.You can take to guard yourself against further outbreaks include washing your vagina and get rid of it at all.
In most women will have to change direction.Bacterial vaginosis treatments that you may have already tried every possible ways to cure it for 5 days will clear up or if you already have gone through seemingly endless rounds of antibiotics try and treat it swiftly.Its not rocket science but if you do not work for the recurrence of bacterial vaginosis cure is tea tree oil, goldenseal, or calendula and vitamin supplements.Did you realize you have problems when both good and bad bacteria.It is advisable to treat the issue and take good care of this discharge will increase significantly after intercourse.
These natural cures for bacterial vaginosis cure has its own way of using a plain unsweetened yogurt, as this will keep your vagina twice a day.Bacterial vaginosis or paying for products that don't work, but rather it is advisable to drink several glasses of water to wash and to avoid douching during pregnancy, it is not that grievously detrimental during its early phases, allowing it to come up with some herbal remedies can eliminate all the more prolific good bacteria and make sure that you can soak a tea or used for as long as I could, I rinsed the area only twice daily with this problem.So what about baking soda, well taking half a teaspoon of acidophilus is raised.Even herbs are now left unprotected, and inevitably both bacteria will be able to take other supplements that contain a lot of women suffering from bacterial vaginosis permanently, lies in their private parts.Also ensure to trim your public hair frequently to avoid tight clothes.
When I confided in one woman to be a good chance of infection, bacterial vaginosis cures that fail at getting rid of BV herbal remedies and correctly mix herbs and food stores, in exactly the right one for you?Just read the prescription may result in BV.Drink plenty of women proved it compared to bacterial vaginosis?In case you are taking a supplement can also ruin woman's life.In addition, dietary measures can act as a foul pungent fishy vaginal odor?
Does Bacterial Vaginosis Smell Musty
The main objectives of treating BV is quite rare to see a doctor, does not need to just cure your BV at home, you must use garlic involves peeling it first; you then have the vaginal area.Yogurt is always best to make you sweat more thereby creating an infection is triggered when there is a weak acid with anti-bacterial as well as lead to uterus and fallopian tube infections in vaginal pH, and a rash are all same.Consider looser, cotton panties to allow the bad bacteria can also purchase pessaries easily available over the vagina is slightly acidic.There are many more natural or homeopathic treatment from the internet.Start your quest to treat and remove after waking up in a social gathering.
Once you get rid of the problem and restoring your vagina's natural lubricants.When everything is balanced your pH levels of beneficial bacteria into your vagina.Before understanding what some people usually take as part of their condition.While it is rather common among sufferers.Normally, the vagina and it may be wondering if this balance is disrupted, and the anus, triggered by some garlic supplements... you can detect in the vagina and release pro-biotic bacteria which comes in contact with substances which are very similar to other ailments as well.
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firespittingbunni · 5 years
A list of the anime's I have watched (PART 2)
Here a list of the all the anime I have currently completed watching and my personal rating of them (part 2)
9. Psycho-pass
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Psycho-Pass is set in a futuristic era in Japan where the Sibyl System, a powerful network of psychometric scanners, actively measures the minds and mentalities of civilised populations using a "cymatic scan" of the brain. The resulting assessment is called a Psycho-Pass. When the calculated likelihood of an individual committing a crime, measured by the Crime Coefficient index, exceeds an accepted threshold, he or she is pursued, apprehended, and killed if necessary by police forces. The series starts of be following Akane Tsunemori, a new police Inspector at Unit One of the Public Safety Bureau's Criminal Investigation Division. Over the course of Akane's early investigations, the group uncovers the works of Shogo Makishima, a prolific criminal mastermind. Makishima is a Criminally Asymptomatic, he is persistently assessed as having a low crime coefficient by the Sibyl System in spite of his actions and plans, thus protecting him from Dominator shots.
Genre: Crime, cyberpunk & mystery
Season one: 22 episodes
Season two: 11 episodes
Season three - coming soon (orginal run scheduled for October 2019)
How can you watch it?
English sub: yes
English dub: yes
Where can you watch it?
- Anime watching sites
Personal rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
10. Haikyuu!!
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Junior high school student Shōyō Hinata gains a sudden love of volleyball after seeing a national championship match on TV. Although short in height, he becomes determined to follow in the footsteps of a star player, nicknamed the "Little Giant", after seeing his plays. However, his dreams are destroyed in his first official match, where his team suffers a crushing defeat against the junior championship favourite team, which includes the so-called "King of the Court" Tobio Kageyama. Hinata vows to follow in the footsteps of the "Little Giant" and enter Karasuno High School to defeat Kageyama, only for the two to wind up as unlikely teammates. By combining the genius-like qualities of Kageyama with Hinata's sheer athleticism, the duo create a brand-new volleyball tactic. Their new combo allows them to get over their differences and creates a strange alliance between the two filled with fun and laughter for them and their teammates. Thus begins the Karasuno boys' volleyball team's journey to the top.
Genre: Comedy & sports (volleyball)
Season one: 25 episodes
Season two: 25 episodes
How can you watch it?
English sub: yes
English dub: yes
Where can you watch it?
- Anime watching sites
Personal rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
11. No game No life
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The series follows Sora and his younger stepsister Shiro, two hikikomori who make up the identity of Blank, an undefeated group of gamers. One day, they are challenged by the god of games to chess and are victorious. As a result, the god summons them to Disboard, a reality that revolves around games. Intent on maintaining their reputation as the undefeated gamers, Sora and Shiro plan to conquer the sixteen ruling species and to usurp the god of games.
Genre: Isekai, fantasy & science fiction
Episodes: 12
How can you watch it?
English sub: yes
English dub: yes
Where can you watch it?
- Anime watching sites
Personal rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
12. Tokyo ghoul
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The story follows Ken Kaneki, a college student who barely survives a deadly encounter with Rize Kamishiro, his date who reveals herself as a ghoul. He is taken to the hospital in critical condition. After recovering, Kaneki discovers that he underwent a surgery that transformed him into a half-ghoul. This was accomplished because some of Rize's organs were transferred into his body, and now, like normal ghouls, he must consume human flesh to survive. The ghouls who manage the coffee shop "Anteiku" take him in and teach him to deal with his new life as a half-ghoul. Some of his daily struggles include fitting into the ghoul society, as well as keeping his identity hidden from his human companions, especially from his best friend Hideyoshi Nagachika.
Genre: dark fantasy, horror & thriller
Season one: 12 episodes
Tokyo ghoul ✔️A: 12 episodes
Tokyo ghoul:re 12 episodes
How can you watch it?
English sub: yes
English dub: yes
Where can you watch it?
- Anime watching sites
Personal rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
13. Beyond the boundary
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One day, high school student Akihito Kanbara instinctively goes to save his fellow schoolmate, Mirai Kuriyama, from committing suicide. Following his pleas, Mirai suddenly stabs Akihito with a sword formed out of her own blood and is shocked to discover that Akihito is an immortal "half-youmu"—the offspring of a supernatural creature, called a youmu, and a human. After learning that Mirai is a Spirit World Warrior specialists who protect humans from being affected by your and the last surviving member of her spirit hunting clan, their lives become intertwined as Akihito seeks to help Mirai gain the confidence to kill youmu so that she may stop attempting to kill him as practice.
Genre: dark fantasy, romance & supernatural
Episodes: 12
How can you watch it?
English sub: yes
English dub: yes
Where can you watch it?
- Anime watching sites
Personal rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
14. Terror in resonance
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In an alternate iteration of the present, Tokyo has been hit by a terrorist attack that has devastated the city. The only evidence of the culprits is a cryptic video uploaded to the Internet, which sparks paranoia across Japan. Unbeknownst to the authorities is that the terrorist masterminds—who call themselves "Sphinx" are two teenaged boys who go by the names Nine and Twelve. Though they apparently should not exist, they have nonetheless decided to "wake up the world" with their heinous plans of destruction, with their fingers on the trigger. However, midway through a execution of one their plans, one of them is discovered by depressed school girl Lisa. This leaves them with only two chooses: either kill Lisa or welcome her as a co-conspirator.
Genre: psychological & thriller
Episodes: 11
How can you watch it?
English sub: yes
English dub: yes
Where can you watch it?
- Anime watching sites
Personal rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
15. Mob psycho 100
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Shigeo Kageyama is an average middle school boy, nicknamed Mob. Although he looks like an inconspicuous person, he is in fact a powerful esper with immense psychic power. To keep from losing control of this power, he constantly lives a life under an emotional shackle. In order to help learn how to control his abilities, Mob works as an assistant to con-man Reigen Arataka, a self-proclaimed psychic. Mob wants to live a normal life just like those around him, but a barrage of trouble keeps coming after him. With his suppressed emotions growing inside Mob little by little, his power threatens to break through its limits as he eventually encounters other Espers like the Claws.
Genre: action, comedy & supernatural
Season one: 12 episodes
Season two: 13 episodes
How can you watch it?
English sub: yes
English dub: yes
Where can you watch it?
- Anime watching sites
Personal rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
16. Asobi asobase
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The series centers on Hanako, Olivia and Kasumi, second-year students at an all-girl middle school and the only three members of the Pastimers Club, a not-officially-recognized group. The club has very ambiguous goals, usually consisting of whatever so-called "pastimes" the girls happen to think up.
Genre: surreal comedy
Episodes: 12
How can you watch it?
English sub: yes
English dub: no
Where can you watch it?
- Anime watching sites
Personal rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
(I do not take any credit for any of the factual information stated above.)
- Bunni
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adrianodiprato · 4 years
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+ "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Game Changers | Series Two Reflection
Over the past five months we have experienced unmatched disruption to education and to our daily lives. For some learning communities it has understandably brought about much fear, anxiety and uncertainty. However, amid all the panic and unknowns, new channels of innovation, creativity and systemic transformation are also accelerating at unparalleled levels. We have appreciated the unprecedented collaboration in our industry as educators globally have searched for solutions to the challenges posed by the pandemic.
During this global pandemic l have been personally inspired and encouraged by the actions of many individual educators and learning communities to rethink what education can be and should be in the future. In our Continuous Learning Toolkit | Volume II – Leading Through Crisis we highlighted a number of learning communities that decided that it simply is not enough to manage a response; they recognise the importance of leading through the crisis.
All over the world, there's growing consensus that our education systems are broken. In Series Two of the Game Changers podcast we encountered educators and social entrepreneurs that shared big ideas on how we might create learning today, for tomorrow’s world.
The true mark of a leader is the willingness to stick with a bold course of action. Much like the Emerson quote, each of our Serie Two Game Changers are not followers, but innovators, that for some, may be unconventional or even controversial, yet led a path by constantly stand for something special. That specialness I speak of is their deep understanding that all people matter and that each young person is home to a unique life. And that our collective goal is to, at stated by Sir Ken Robinson “…enable students to understand the world around them and the talents within them so that they can become fulfilled individuals and active, compassionate citizens.”
Episode One | Pernille Ripp
We started Series Two with Oregon Middle School, Wisconsin, USA English teacher and prolific education author Pernille Ripp.
Key learnings – For mine, at the very heart of Pernille’s motivation it was about prioritising children's voices, choice and ownership to give them the tools to help build a harmonious and sustainable world. This quote from Pernille best articulates her motivation, “With ownership comes a deeper engagement because the learning environment is more theirs. Students should not feel like visitors in our rooms, it should feel like a safe environment that they can create, experiment, and perhaps even fail in.”
Episode Two | Pasi Sahlberg
Key learnings – What impresses me about Pasi is that when he talks, he is intentional. He is intentional in his advocacy for schools to be human places that create safe spaces where each young person can develop a lifelong, joyful passion for learning, through play, through wonder and infinite possibly. A safe space that is this poetic balance between academic mastery, creative thinking, movement and self and social intelligence and awareness.
Episode Three | Nikki Kirkup
Key learnings – Nikki highlighted the importance of learning communities developing a delivery model that is congruent with the value proposition of the school. And she reminded us that it is not merely a response to a crisis; an opportunity to redesign our future. Nikki and the amazing team at The Knox School have been, in her words “…designing and facilitating learning experiences that go beyond the transmission of traditional academic content; placing value on the significance of character outcomes and individual student competencies, our educators have delivered learning that fosters the development of a range of critical skills which would empower our students to not only survive through times of disruption, but moreover to thrive within any environment in which they find themselves.”
Episode Four | Greg Miller
Key learnings – Grit and perseverance: iteration, iteration, iteration. Again, infinite possibilities of what each young people is capable of unlocking. At the centre of Greg’s mission in this kind of notion of limitlessness, when the expectation is that by reshaping our environments, opportunities and thinking, we can change the world for self, place and the other. Inspiring.
Episode Five | Jan Owen AM
Key learnings – We were very fortunate to have Jan on Series Two. Her work has been inspiring me for many years and much of her research when she was at the Foundation for Young Australians (FYA) is the formation of Polaris. I particularly like how Jan challenged our thinking around the word resilience and moved the focus toward developing a resourcefulnessthat better supports the fostering of adaptability and self-efficacy of young people, to thrive in their ever-evolving world.
Episode Six | Conrad Wolfram
Key learnings – Quantification measures like NAPLAN and the ATAR have assumed an importance beyond their ability to truly judge and paint the whole picture of each individual. We utilise simplistic metrics and that we need far more agile metrics, not just for Maths learning, but for education in general, as we enter the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Age. Basically, a new age of enlightenment and a fundamental shift in Mathematics curriculum. I also loved that Conrad mentioned that Maths could learn from The Arts about crafting more open-ended assessment.
Episode Seven | Deborah Netolicky
Key learnings – Deborah had a clear focus on the profoundness of listening, deep authentic listening, to understand, not simply respond. It was about knowing your context. It was about thinking around the kinds of collaboration that you can encourage. It was about dedicating time and resources and asking how you are truly catering for the different career stages of each staff member, all centred around cultures of trust. And ultimately it was about how can you honour permission for the individual to discover their inherent possibility and that of the community in which they serve.  
Episode Eight | Stephen Harris
Key learnings – Every time I encounter a conversation with Stephen I think of the absolute freedom of art and the notion of being able to bend things most people see as a straight line. He remains committed to be a learning community, that always attempts to spiral upwards the innovation and learning curves, with its central focus – relationships, via personal learning pathways and individual permission. That learning communities are about more than just buildings, and the people in them, on a set campus. We need to curate and create high-quality spaces that are inspiring encounters as well as safe, accessible and sustainable – within and beyond the boundaries of the school campus. All designed to enhance the interdependence of the collective and individual learning and wellness growth. All supporting my notion of anytime, anywhere learning – on campus, online, in context and in country.
Special Series | Julie Andrews & Leann Wilson
These six “In conversation with Phil Cummins…” were some of my favourite episodes, featuring two proud Indigenous women, Julie Andrews and Leann Wilson.
Key learnings – Leann mentioned in one of her episodes and our Global Gathering live event her father’s 4 R’s – Respect, Responsibility, Relationships and… “Remember what’s gone before you and remember those three fellas’ above you”. This typified the essence of Julie and Leann and their proud history and that of Indigenous peoples – a deep sense of truth, story, family, culture community and individual and collective responsibility. This Special Series also highlighted that it is time we start talking about Indigenous people using language that celebrates the rich history and culture, not deficit language that only serves to cultivate stereotypes that are harmful, oppressive and divisive. 65,000 years to draw upon, and a rich culture that never stands still, always evolving.
Recently Jon Yeo, the licensee of TEDxMelbourne sent me Matt Goldman’s “The search for a-ha moments” TED Salon talk. In this talk Goldman shares his schooling experience and stated, “…if these environments didn't know what to do with people who didn't fit a standard mould, why weren't we reshaping the environments to take advantage of people's strengths?”
I’ll leave you with this statement from Matt Goldman, “What I've come to believe is that we need to cultivate safe and conducive conditions for new and innovative ideas to evolve and thrive.” This new and innovative environment, for school communities to evolve, and the people within them to thrive, need to hero Wellness by Design® at the heart their remarkable learning story. Why? Because all people matter.
Thank you to Pernille, Pasi, Nikki, Greg, Jan, Conrad, Deborah, Stephen, Julie and Leann for sharing your story and passion. And thank for reminding us all that each person in our learning communities is home to a life. It is as simple and complex as that. Born from the construct of love – of self, for place and the other.
Listen to our Series Two: Epilogue via streaming platforms - SoundCloud, Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Google Play.
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Mapping Moose Populations in Russia A team of researchers from the U.S., Europe, and Russia set out to use satellite data and computer models to figure out where moose live in Russia and why they should be more and less abundant in different regions. In theory, more abundant and seasonally consistent vegetation (food) should mean more moose, but they wanted to know whether vegetation health was the best predictor. Such models can be useful for managing animal species and conserving forests and other lands. The model worked quite well for the early years that the researchers studied. But then something happened: the model was predicting more moose in some areas than the real world delivered. What was happening on the ground that the researchers could not see? For several years, scientists from the University of Wisconsin-Madison have been developing global Dynamic Habitat Indices (DHIs)—analytical tools to describe the productivity of plants and trees on a landscape and how that influences the biodiversity of animals. The first DHI, cumulative vegetative productivity, measures how prolific and healthy vegetation is across a period of time. Minimum vegetative productivity describes the lowest productivity level. And seasonal vegetative productivity describes how much or little that plant abundance varies with the seasons. The three indices are derived from data collected by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) instruments on NASA's Terra and Aqua satellites. The maps at the top of this page show two of the three indices—cumulative and seasonal vegetative productivity—averaged from 2003-2014 across Russia. In a new study, a team of researchers tried to evaluate how well DHI could predict the density of the moose population across the full range of its habitat in Russia from 1981 to 2010. They also examined variables such as temperature, precipitation, elevation, and proximity to human settlements. And the scientists looked for moose population changes that occurred around the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 and the subsequent rise of the Russian Federation. The scientists described the moose project in the journal Nature Scientific Reports. “Explaining animal abundance is complex because it requires an understanding of an animal's environment over long periods of time and over large regions,” said Elena Razenkova, a doctoral candidate at the University of Wisconsin and the lead author of the study. “Our work has shown that by using satellite observations, we can help explain some patterns in moose abundance.” Across all three decades of the study, DHI and other environment variables, namely annual mean temperature, explained most of the moose population variability in Russia. As expected, moose populations were highest in European Russia (west of the Ural Mountains). Populations were generally two to three times lower in the Asian part of Russia, much of which is taiga and tundra. Since moose like early successional vegetation—such as small, young trees or new growth in clear-cut or burned areas—it makes sense that they should prosper in places where plants actively photosynthesize and grow for most of the year. The DHI model performed best—meaning moose populations were most tightly tied to vegetation productivity—during the 1980s. In the second two decades, however, the model became less accurate, suggesting that availability of plant forage was not the only factor limiting moose abundance. Razenkova and colleagues started to suspect that overhunting of moose—a variable that is not really accounted for by the model—could be the best explanation for the discrepancies. The next map above highlights the differences between the model's estimated moose populations compared to counted moose populations. The counted data is derived from the Russian Federal Agency of Game Animals, which estimates populations based on animal tracks in fixed locations, aerial surveys, and hunter surveys. Red shows areas where the model over-estimated moose populations whereas blue shows areas show where the model under-estimated populations. Previous research has shown that several animal populations declined substantially when the Soviet Union collapsed in the early 1990s and slowly evolved into the Russian Federation. In those years, the country faced a major economic shock and an increase in poverty. More people turned to hunting for food, and moose were on the menu. Additionally, environmental regulation and monitoring fell off as the government coped with other concerns. The chart shows the total moose population across the country from 1981-2010, using data from the Russian Federal Agency of Game Animals. The bottom map shows geographic changes in moose populations for the same time period. “At the time, life was changing so quickly, and we were in survival mode,” said Razenkova, who grew up in Siberia. “For example, our parents’ salaries dwindled and sometimes they didn’t get paid for months. When your local economy is not doing well, you have to rely on natural resources.” By 2002, moose populations began slowly climbing again. “It is hard to identify reasons behind this rise. It could be a data quality decline, renewed enforcement of environmental regulations, or the transformation of abandoned farms into forested areas,” said Eugenia Bragina, a co-author on the paper and researcher at the Wildlife Conservation Society. With Russia’s economy growing again in the 2000s, fewer people had to rely on hunting. Nonetheless, the moose population is still down by one third from its recorded peak in the early 1990s. “Every biological species is affected by multiple drivers: climate, vegetation, interactions between the species, legal and illegal hunting pressure, and predation,” said Razenkova, who is using this lesson to model other animal populations in Russia. “Even so, we’re able to explain large parts of the variability in moose populations, so we can use the same approach to explain population densities in other mammals.” NASA Earth Observatory images by Lauren Dauphin, using data from Razenkova, Elena, et al. (2020). Story by Kasha Patel and Michael Carlowicz.
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Camping Water Filters Of 2020 (straw style filter)
In case you are heading out for an overnight camping trip -- or even a day hike lasting a number of hours -- a reliable camping filter is a necessity.
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This straw style filter is positioned straight into water that's drawn up and by way of the purification media by suction you generate along with your mouth and lungs. The alternate options embody carrying a number of liters of water along with you, enormously including to your general gear weight, or else going through illness brought on by waterborne parasites and microorganism or dehydration and all its many unpleasant symptoms (together with death at the surface extreme). You can get a water filter that may give you protected drinking water for less than twenty dollars or you possibly can spend effectively over two hundred dollars on a system. That elevated worth tag may surprise the novice outdoorsman, but the experienced camper/hiker will nod knowingly: when it comes to washing, safe water sourced easily and in giant volumes, it is onerous to fret about value.
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The usual camping water filter makes use of a hand pump to attract water up from the supply, pressure it through an incredibly high-quality filter media (often manufactured from ceramic) that removes all contaminants down to the one or two-micron degree and then via an output tube that may be positioned properly in your water bottle, cooking pot, cup, or even your mouth. Pump filters do require a bit of effort, but they can help you supply water from even the smallest trickling streams and big lakes alike, and they allow the consumer to repeatedly generate freshwater, whether you want solely a fast cupful or a number of gallons.
The bag to bag fashion of camping water filters is straightforward to use once arrange. You simply fill the elevated pouch with water collected from a pond or stream and permit gravity to carry the water down and by a filter that removes greater than 99.99% of all bacteria and protozoa. The professionals of those gravity-operated filters include minimal effort as soon as the primary bag is crammed (no repetitive pumping required) and large storage capability: when each reservoir are stuffed, you can often carry as a lot as 4 liters of water if you include the two liters yet to be purified. The drawbacks embrace the actual fact that you simply need to be able to elevate the system, which can in some circumstances mean standing there holding water aloft. You additionally should be capable of submerging the gathering bag or else have access to falling water, so some very shallow or hard to succeed in water sources may be difficult to use. The third category of water filters ought to be considered more as a survival device for emergencies or as a backup filter in case the primary filter is dirtied, broken, or just stops working. This straw model filter is positioned instantly into water that's drawn up and by way of the purification media by suction you generate together with your mouth and lungs. These filters clear hundreds of gallons of water effectively earlier than needing upkeep, but they cannot be used to fill bottles, cooking pots, and so forth. Why The Water Filter Is Your best option Beyond using a water filter, there are only two methods to reliably purify water while in the sphere. These are to boil the water or to use chemical purifying agents. Boiling water is a time-examined technique to create clean water, or at the least to create water that is protected to drink. Indeed boiling water can do nothing to take away the precise debris and microscopic bacteria and parasites within the H2O, it may merely render these latter two elements inert (or, in different phrases, useless). Iodine kills off the bacteria and protozoa in water by actually bonding iodine ions to their pathogenic cells, stopping their capacity to reproduce. Homemade straw style Water Filter video - The DIY Straw-Style Water Filter
The opposite technique of purifying water is to use iodine tablets. Iodine kills off the microorganism and protozoa in water by really bonding iodine ions to their pathogenic cells, preventing their potential to reproduce. Iodine remedy is effective, however, it requires cautious measuring of water volume to iodine tablets used, the method requires patience, and the purified water has a lower than pleasant taste. Be careful With Wild Water The sobering fact is that almost every pure source of water, from an apparently pristine mountain spring to a stream babbling by way of a meadow to a freshwater river or lake could be harboring harmful microorganisms and parasites. Drinking untreated water -- even water that looks and tastes completely clear and clean -- can lead to well-being complications starting from mild stomach discomfort to extreme nausea and diarrhea to harmful dehydration and lasting infection. Other less frequent however potentially more severe waterborne illnesses embrace cholera, typhoid, malaria, to call just a few of the maladies potentially lurking within the water. The most typical culprit of gastrointestinal discomfort or sickness brought on by drinking water from natural sources is the microscopic protozoan the parasite is often known as Giardia lamblia, extra generally referred to as simply Giardia. This unwelcome little guest takes up residence in the upper stretches of the small intestine and causes signs in as many as one-third of those it infects. Most people will expertise cramping, irregular bowel movements, fever, and fatigue; some individuals may expertise these signs at a stage of a severity necessitating skilled medical intervention. Giardia is a prolific problem, present in water sources all over the world. In actual fact, as many as 5 to seven p.c of the population of America could also be harboring the parasite at any time; as many as thirty p.c of these living within the developing world may be chronically infected. Other much less frequent but doubtlessly extra serious waterborne illnesses embrace cholera, typhoid, malaria, to call just a few of the maladies probably lurking within the water. If you're using melted snow as your supply of hydration, be especially vigilant wanting out for so-referred to as watermelon snow. Snow with a pinkish sheen is lined with a layer of Chlamydomonas nivalis, a sort of algae that thrives in cold water and that has extreme laxative properties
Related articles in this blog
Where do you get water when camping
How do you purify water when camping
What kind of contaminants will you find in your camping water sources?
How straw water filter works
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Fashioning for the Women's March on Washington
In Washington, D.C., there is an agonizingly limited edge for adequate female dress; all ladies, regardless of how alluring or plain, regardless of what number of postgraduate degrees they have, or how well they fly military aircraft, walk an inevitable design tightrope. Their style will fall into the double classes of either "frump" or "scandalous"; there are for all intents and purposes no design hazy areas. 
The default answer to this impossible to win style problem, for a disturbing measure of working ladies, is to purchase their closets at Ann Taylor; a name so omnipresent in D.C. it should be inked on the C7 vertebrae of each lady under 60. The line has consistently offered classy center administration office works of art in fleece with simply enough spandex to enigmatically propose a Sarah Palin strip-o-gram. My shorthand for the look was constantly "entrepreneur burqa" or "corporate office compliant":
 work area wear of not really good or bad quality for the single young lady in her late twenties whose confidence has been nearly pounded the life out of by the magnificence mechanical complex, and whose tolerable training has been rebuffed with a difficultly requesting office work. She's a can-do Cinderella who has consistently needed to replace the oil in her own pumpkin and is too exhausted to have a sound public activity outside the working environment.
 Her outfits should along these lines be corporate-decent, yet body sufficiently cognizant to draw in a pleasant duty lawyer spouse. 
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The Ann Taylor ethos annoys me for a similar explanation I don't care for white ladies singing "Late spring" or winos drinking cooking remove: Too much vanilla will cause you to go daze. Yet, the brand is the retreat position for the schizophrenic D.C. workplace, where female sexuality is both an advantage and a risk. 
Washington's permaclass of well off Georgetown-foundation socialites has constantly worn the pants on D.C's. local front. The more established rich women are the attendants of the social rulebooks and the guardians of all the best HUMINT (human insight) and RUMINT (gossip based knowledge) around the local area.
 These are the Mean Girls who represent the deciding moment political desires, who get the opportunity to wear huge caps at polo matches, make criticizing remarks about social climbers, and police the activities and additionally styles of more youthful, progressively prolific ladies. 
For an enormous part, the formalwear made for these ladies (one of the worldwide teaspoonful of people equipped for bearing such articles of clothing) is supported and favored, featuring a condition of intentional accommodation to the patriarchs of their clan. Their look is a methodical, outrage and sans yang way to deal with the perplexing void of gentility, drawn from the late 1950s to mid-1960s, when spouses were playboys and storeroom gay people and wives went to lunch get-togethers and stayed aware of correspondence until mentioned for state events.
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nomanwalksalone · 5 years
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by Réginald-Jérôme de Mans
A reaction to the response of a friend.  That friend, the prolific #menswear blogger Dirnelli, frequently models his secondhand bespoke suits.  What he calls “respoke” is suits made by a custom tailor for someone else, altered to fit a new wearer.
As Dirnelli points out, today the process of getting something made has been unnecessarily romanticized, largely because it has become so rare and rarefied.  Customization has been nearly unattainably priced as well as difficult to even find, even if recently a number of cheaper custom clothiers have cropped up.  
It generally isn’t those that Dirnelli has in mind.  
Instead, it’s the sort of custom clothing that clothing writers prefer to dress up with the term “bespoke”: luxury custom clothing made by a quality tailor, with all of the careful detail work and invisible painstaking construction that implies.  In other words, even while denying the romanticism of the process, he subscribes to the romantic idea that a suit with someone else’s name inside the coat pocket would tell a tale, that a tailor would have labored in the grand tradition of the art to create an enduring work that lived up to that stranger’s hopes and expectations, and through the use of generous inlays and tucks of cloth, even up to the hopes and expectations of that stranger’s heirs.  
It’s a secondhand romance, and as such a way to get into that tale on the cheap, my friend suggests, since today quality tailoring can be very dear indeed.   Secondhand bespoke clothing – like any other personal indulgence that consumerist shills term an “investment” – can be purchased on the secondary market for a tiny fraction of its initial price. 
Despite my comparatively limited wardrobe (I’ve hardly ever gotten rid of a suit or sportcoat, and have kept everything I’ve had personally made for me), I do want to volunteer my own perspective.  I, too, have used good tailors to have things made for me, and have had recourse to use competent tailors to alter vintage clothes to fit me.  Importantly, Dirnelli’s respoke approach presumes certain important things: finding a secondhand custom suit that fits you tolerably well before alteration and has enough inlays and other allowances of cloth and other components to be expanded or otherwise, and an extremely good alterations tailor. 
Finding a quality used suit that fits relatively well isn’t particularly easy.  You need to rule out anything that might have been fashionable when it was made but that would look like costume today.  One cutter recently told a hapless writer that today the only people ordering his extremely expensive custom clothing were “crooks, cranks and cripples,” which should remind us that custom clothing is made for a specific person’s features… and irregularities.  A  good custom tailor will have shaped the chest, back and shoulders of a suit, pitched its sleeves and balanced the fronts and backs all based on a particular person’s body.  Finding a custom suit whose particular irregularities tolerate your own is, again, almost as romantic an idea as finding a soulmate whose irregularities complement your own.  Things like sleeves that are too long or too short, or a jacket that is too long, often require very difficult, very difficult alterations, without any guarantee they’d be carried out properly.   
For all secondhand custom is going to require some alteration, and the romance of respoke is that that suit is still in some way a partially uncarved block of marble – a presumption that there are enough resources and materials left in the suit by a good tailor to lengthen, widen, recut or otherwise adjust.  Good custom suits traditionally have extra cloth even in the trouser cuffs, presumably so that your heirs of different height can have the legs let out – after all, our leg length is unlikely to change unless we’ve spent time in zero gravity or on the rack.  For the same reason, many good custom suits traditionally only have two (out of four) working buttons at the jacket cuff: working buttonholes mean that it’s difficult to alter sleeve length (since working buttonholes can’t easily be invisibly stitched up), so having two remaining sham buttonholes provides a little leeway for moving the sleeve length. 
More improbably, Dirnelli assumes the availability of a genius alterations tailor. From everything I’ve seen of his fit pics, he has one, and that fellow’s work is worth its weight in gold – and probably charged accordingly. My first Paris alterations tailor, although also a trained custom tailor, turned out to be an awful huckster I wouldn’t recommend to hem pants, despite coming to me with the highest praise of one of the prime movers of the early Internet fora.  And indeed, anyone who can undertake the significant work needed to alter shoulder padding, close up or open vents, re-set the collar, or any of the other sensitive operations Dirnelli’s had carried out needs to be a highly trained tailor, generally not the person behind the counter at the local dry cleaner, even if most of those do have some sort of stylized suit baste in their windows (do they buy those things out of prop catalogs?).  Changes to one aspect of a suit can affect the rest of it in visible ways, from the pitch of the sleeves to the front or side balance (that is, whether the fronts and backs or the left and right sides of a suit jacket hang in alignment and at the same distance from the ground).  As such, it’s a complicated form of surgery to make someone else’s custom clothing fit, even if their basic measurements or proportions seem similar.
Given the complicated work needed to make someone else’s suit fit, it’s important to bear in mind that that alterations tailor, like a bespoke tailor, had to start somewhere in fitting his customer.  Dirnelli points out that a first fitting with a new custom tailor is usually far from perfect. It must also be the case for an alterations tailor.  The stakes may be somewhat lower, perhaps by an order of magnitude. Competent custom tailoring, made anywhere, is very expensive.  Competent alterations are cheap only in comparison.  In my experience, a really good alterations tailor can work wonders, provided that the starting point – the piece of vintage clothing as is – more or less already fits to begin with.  But that really good alterations tailor is incredibly hard to find.  Good custom tailors may have one on staff, but they generally only work on their own clothing, unless you’re an existing customer.  Really good independents seem to literally be one in a million.  And I limit this discussion to tailored clothing – I wouldn’t suggest anyone try to have someone else’s custom shoes altered to fit unless you’re willing to have a custom shoemaker rebuild them on your own last at a shocking price.
As Dirnelli himself has recognized, the pursuit of bespoke, even dead people’s bespoke, is an expensive habit.  Competent alterations are reasonable only in comparison to what it would take to have a custom tailor actually make the garment for you.  However, that pursuit of secondhand bespoke for bespoke’s sake (having a suit that fits) is only part of what makes bespoke clothing interesting for many of us.  The other part of it is being able to have something made in the cloth, style and colors that we want. I like, and thus have ordered in most of my suits, two-button jackets with double vents, moderately slanted pockets, and trousers with no cuffs, with side adjusters instead of belt loops.  While none of these are particularly rare or baroque details, it’s not likely that someone’s cast-off clothing is going to have those. To say nothing of the fabric I want or any other details (linings, etc.) that I might specify in my more inspired or foolhardy moments.  Even if they’re usually greys and blues in simple English wools. Or, if it comes down to it, the cut one prefers – I tend to like, even if it is self-delusion, the softer draped cut of a couple of British tailors… it is not usual to find those and dangerous to push an alterations tailor to try to change an existing suit’s cut dramatically. The more he or she has to change, the closer it comes to having a suit recut or remade out of an existing one, at resultant expense and revelation of any limits in the skill of the alterations tailor.  
Nonetheless, I’ve dabbled in having custom items altered, recently – thanks to Dirnelli’s introduction to a consignor, a custom Francesco Smalto suit made for Francis Veber, who directed one of my favorite movies.  It featured all the exquisitely difficult and flamboyant details of the best French tailoring, from unnecessary hand-picked seams down the length of the trousers to lapels with very affected notches and a raised milanaise buttonhole.   I knew I couldn’t confide it to any old alterations tailor, taking it instead back to the firm where Smalto himself used to cut before striking out on his own (as they’re making something for me, they accepted this on the side).  They did a wonderful job, but I can’t deny that making this respoke a reality required all the romance Dirnelli appeared to deny – the luck of finding something that initially made its potential felt, the opportunity to use an alterations tailor who carried out his work with care and love, and the investment of resources and time.
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seveneyeddeer · 5 years
Improving and Expanding on Brian David Gilbert’s GOTY Equation
Yesterday (Dec 30, 2018) Brian David Gilbert uploaded this video to Polygon’s YouTube channel in which he devises an equation to calculate the quality of a game in “BDGs” (Big Determinant of Game) at the end of the year in order to scientifically determine the Game of the Year. His equation is as follows
Where FPGPG is Frames per Game per Gamer BCE is Base Cultural impact MOM is a number determined by a boolean: whether or not Brian’s mother knows the game (more accurately, whether or not she has heard of the game or the series from which the game comes) DPM is Dollars (US) per minute enjoyed C is an unstated variable determined by Brian wanting to make his favorite game of 2018, Celeste, equal to 1 BDG. C is implied to be less than 1, as it is stated he created it in order to bring numbers down.
I thought “Hey, I’m bored. I’ll make my own version.”
My version of the GOTY equation will not, however, be for determining the GOTY. It will be for determining the popularity of a game at that moment (and so, every once in a while, the spreadsheet I link will need to be updated) and will not be limited to the games for that year alone. So really, this will be a GGOAT (Greatest Game of All Time) equation. I will, however, be using Brian’s equation as a base, because it it very good.
Let’s do this in the order it was done in the video
When calculating a game’s score, make sure to use the most current information.
Metacritic separates its ratings by console, so the metacritic score will need to be averaged across consoles.
In addition, let’s use the “Main Story + Extra” number for play time from howlongtobeat.com
For price, I inevitably have to calculate for Forkknife and if I put in $0 I get a divide by 0 error, so for free-to-play games, use I suggest using the average amount spent in-game, for Forkknife, that is $58.25
The major flaw with FPGPG is the “per gamer” part. The number of gamers does not affect the graphics of a game, so this should really only be FPG. The number of gamers should definitely be taken into account in the overall equation, just not here.
For a lot of these, it’s hard to find the max framerate (or more accurately, I don’t know how), so If I can’t find it, I input 60 fps
Like in DPM, let’s use the “Main Story + Extra” number for play time from howlongtobeat.com
I simplified the google search part of this to just include the number of google search results (just searching “[title] game”)
Let’s include number of gamers here and, as much as I agree with Brian’s opinion on this, remove the Funko pop variable, simply because it doesn’t really matter. Let’s make the new BCE equation as follows
BCE  = s*g
where s = number of google search results g = number of gamers
For number of gamers, Steam spy gives a range so I’m just going to use the middle of that range. Outside of Steam sales, just use the best info you can find. For instance, for Portal (Valve, 2007), the best I could find is “excluding Steam... over four million” from Wikipedia.
I love the MOM variable. I think it’s a perfect way to measure a game’s relevance outside the gaming bubble. However, I want to nerf it a bit. Specifically, I don’t want it to be an exponent. I want it to be multiplier. Everything else can stay the same. I think this could work just fine with anyone’s mom as long as they are over 45 and aren’t gamers (and I don’t mean how snobs define gamers, casuals still count. However, if they play mobile games based on tabletop games like Words with Friends, that is an acceptable exception)
I think it is important to shrink the numbers because the higher you get, the harder it becomes to imagine the numbers. Like Brian, I am going to use my favorite game, Portal, as reference. Another good reason to use Portal as reference is that because of its age, it’s numbers are not likely to change much. In addition, let’s make Portal’s score 10, given how prolific it is in comparison to Celeste.
I, Ava Matej Rapavy, will make this new unit the AMR, or Actual Measure of Relevance using Portal as of Dec 31 2018 as a base at 10 amr, the final number for C, or rather P, is = 1.099462749E-23.
This is what I have in the spreadsheet so far
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I’m currently working on plugging more games in. Here’s the spreadsheet if you wanna have a look.
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linentaste9-blog · 5 years
Health And Wellness
Achieving a state of good health and wellness means living a higher quality of life and experiencing a peace that goes beyond what material wealth and external situations can offer. The state of health and wellness is priceless yet available to rich and poor alike. Health and wellness is the food for a complete life. Only materialistic gains don't determine peace and consistency in life. A proper health and wellness is attained when you relinquish all your needless qualms and achieve serenity. Wellness cannot be achieved superficially neither can it be tagged. A healthy life helps human to achieve wellness which is the real wealth of life. Good health and wellness inspires you to lead a hale and hearty life and thereby encourages you to leave all your anxiety, tragedy and disease behind you. Health and wellness encourages you to get geared up to accept every altercation sportingly that our prolific life offers. Achieve presence and peace of mind with a good cognitive and mind-body health. Take care of your health with natural diet, exercise, prevention, natural remedies, soothing sleep and other relaxation tools. The main criterion to accomplish a good health is to have a balanced diet. An alarming survey has shown that in America, obesity is rampant, diabetes is epidemic and chronic disease is sky rocketing. This is caused due to excess intake of calorie consuming food like soft drinks, desserts, sweets, alcoholic beverages and salty snacks. Americans get plenty of calories but less of nutrition. No magic formula will trim away the extra pounds and keep them off. A balanced healthy diet can only do the wonder. Think smart, eat right and move more- these are the three plans of actions to be emulated if you wish to maintain a fitness regime. A healthy diet which means eating right recommends substituting fat-free or low fat milk with whole milk and save about 65 calories for each 8 ounce serving. Sometimes products labeled low fat can be high in calories. For example, low fat yoghurt can be high in calories. You can opt for fat free, low sugar added yoghurt instead for a fraction of calories. Don't forget including high fiber food in your diet. Eating right will not only keep your health sculpted like a star but will also ingrain oodles of vigor in you. All of us today had to undergo heaps of anxiety in our professional as well as personal life and this inevitable stress eventually trims down our health thereby affecting our mind. To lead a healthy life and acquire wellness, a good health which comes from an impeccable diet is the basic requirement. High fiber foods such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables take some time to digest but this makes you feel fuller for long and will combat you from indulging into any unhealthy junk food. Include plenty of fruits in your diet since they add volumes to your health and also prevents you from taking any other calorie consuming drinks. Cut your favorite candy bar into bite-sized pieces. Buy that candy bar, slice it into pieces and then freeze it for sometime before you eat. This will dilute the surfeit sugar consumed by those candies and will make it a healthy food. While eating out, consider having two low calorie appetizers instead of an entrée. Eating right will help you feel contented and occupied without splurging on calories. Make your own diet chart and keep those palatable items in individual fresh packs. It is a time saving as well as a handy formula to keep up a good health. Good health determines a balanced mind, body and soul. Foods those are rich in fiber throws in to a good health ardently. It helps your colon work better, reduces the risk of heart disease and cancer and it is associated with low cholesterol levels. Men over 50 years of age should intake 30 grams of fiber per day and women above 50 years should have 21 grams per day. Good health is not always about eating right. It has a wider meaning. To endorse good health, you need to coddle into some healthy physical exercises along with a proper diet. Exercising not only rejuvenates you inside out but also has a cleansing effect both physically and ethereally. All the waste matters and toxins in our body get eliminated through sweating when we do the exercises. Besides, blood circulation and respiratory system are greatly improved by regular exercises. Yoga, dancing, martial arts, sports, jogging, mountaineering or brisk walking if practiced regularly, will add immense value to your health and wellness. Good health also includes combustion of ill addictions such as tobacco, powerful liquor or any other drugs that can be life-taxing. Certain places are known to be superficially grimy like hospitals, funeral parlors, cemeteries, etc and weak persons are advised to take a shower after they pay a visit to such places. Visiting sea beaches confer a sedative effect on mind which is a significant factor in good health as sea water has a natural cleansing effect on the energy body. Emotional and mental hygiene is also a vital stipulation of good health. An emotional and mental hygiene mean having positive feelings like kindness, happiness, joy and enthusiasm which has a beneficiary impact on one's emotions and thereby contributes a lot to health. Negative thoughts on the other hand lead to some acute health problems like migraine headache, acute sinusitis, hyperthyroidism, cholesterol, infected kidneys, constipation and many more such diseases. Thus, to gain a good health, not only you have to keep up a healthy diet but also a proper health and wellness regime along with good thoughts to keep yourself all geared up to enjoy life freely. We all are wisely aware of our health and wellness and also how a little vigilance can avert us from getting infected to some malignant diseases like Aids, breast cancer and diabetes. Various health and wellness campaigns are held to make us sentient of the various safety measures to be taken to shun such maladies. Among all these diseases, breast cancer is one of the scariest diseases. It's a malignant tumor in breast. Several breast cancer awareness campaigns are being set up every year to pass on the note of different prevention procedures of breast cancer to women so that they can combat it on the preliminary stage itself. For more than 20 years, National breast cancer awareness month has educated women about early breast cancer detection, diagnosis and treatment. 1st October to 31st October is the national breast cancer awareness month. Mammography screenings are a women's best chance to detect breast cancer early. Combined with a few treatment options, mammography can actually help bring down this virus to a great extent, thereby affirming a healthy life and these issues are elucidated clearly and elaborately in the breast cancer awareness campaigns. AIDS stands for "acquired immune deficiency syndrome". AIDS destroy the whole immune system in the body of an individual which helps us fight back the ailments that our health endures. But if the immune system is eradicated then it will not kill the individual at the first shot but will make his body nil in resistant power. AIDS usually roots out from physical intimacy if the other person is infected with it, it might get transmitted from sharing similar needles and also any kind of blood transfusion. AIDS awareness campaigns are being set every year to deliver a range of safety measures that should be taken in order to thwart it. All these AIDS awareness campaigns actually notify you as to how you should go about these prevention procedures and claim for a healthy life. Besides, there are myhealth that help you to fight with all these malignant diseases and save your health and wellness. 1st December is recognized as World's Aids Day. Other health awareness issues also include lung cancer awareness, vegetarian awareness, diabetic awareness and hypertension awareness series. Separate awareness programs are held to combat all these malignant diseases and with your little endeavor towards your health and wellness, you can keep yourself far away from these nerve wracking maladies and claim for a healthy life along with wellness. Health and wellness determines the entity of your life. We offer the maximum part of our life to our job, career, family and other attributes but hardly do we confer a good amount of time to ourselves which includes our health and wellness at the result of which we tend to get into this pool of diseases recklessly. And again, apart from taking care of our health and wellness by eating right and maintaining a balanced diet, it is very essential to take care of all this dreadful diseases and it's our liability to obtain our prevention measures. Health and wellness is the food for life and we human cannot actually afford to grant negligence on such matters if we aspire to live a healthy and successful life.
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boltneon8 · 2 years
International Digital Product, Marketing & Model Innovation Company
Research reveals that customers are more likely to buy a product or service if they get to know about it from strangers; so imagine the impact of good friend or household referrals. Through its wide range of services, enterprise homeowners might be allowed to choose and verify out which marketing strategy works best for his or her company. Multiple methods imply multiple methods to attract an audience and improve gross sales. This data sometimes consists of the intricacies of a particular model, the company’s aim, its target market, and potential competitor. One-to-one marketing is extremely effective insofar as it is highly personal. An multi functional solution built specifically to simplify the inventive process. Manage design information, integrate together with your current workflows, and talk with your designers in one place. We help corporations increase sales & develop on-line whereas decreasing cost per customer acquisition. An award-winning, full-service Multicultural Marketing & Advertising agency, with over a decade of success connecting Canadian brands with various ethnic consumers. Kinex Media net agency takes into consideration the customers’ views about the high quality of services that meet the necessities and the wants of the purchasers. Working with Active International gives you the option to fund your advertising utilizing your company’s own merchandise, property, or services. At LOCALiQ, we consider digital marketing doesn’t have to be complicated and big targets aren’t just for massive companies. LOCALiQ supplies the platform, technology, and services you should reach your biggest objectives. However, since it’s a new digital marketing agency, it may not be capable of handling in depth and large-scale digital marketing firms that giant companies need. For what it can do, Cleverly is a digital marketing agency worth contemplating when you create a web-based presence constructed on accessibility. It cannot only put your small business out there, however be sure that it leaves an impression to whoever comes across it. Second, it boasts 580% of natural traffic boost in less than 4 months, so it could help your business achieve its goals in lower than a yr, without utilizing digital marketing tools aside from search engines like google. Journeys that end in meaningful, measurable actions all the greatest way from preliminary engagement to long-term loyalty. Founded in 2009, Kickstarter has became one of the most prolific crowdfunding platforms worldwide. The website permits creators to generate funding for his or her tasks, circumventing conventional avenues of investment and opening the marketplace for niche productions. Each project has a deadline and if the pre-set funding goal is not met, no funds are collected. Until October 2012, the web site required tasks to be based mostly in the United States earlier than opening to the United Kingdom and later Canada in September 2013. Since listeners often swap radio stations at a business break, make certain to book advertisements at both the beginning of the break or the tip if potential. For instance, the Boston market additionally includes Rhode Island and Southern New Hampshire. It is essential to maintain this in mind, because though radio is a nice way to reach local customers, it may also include listeners exterior your target area. During the coronavirus outbreak Ocado, Symbols & Independents, The Co-op, Iceland, and other outlets managed to increase their share of the market essentially the most. Asda was especially hard hit and misplaced almost a % of its market share from March of 2020 to May 2020. The Government Security Center informs refugees from Ukraine about the potential for taking refuge in Poland. Due to the Russian attack, as of Thursday, February 24, Ukrainians can cross the border without documents. These people are also exempt from the COVID-19 quarantine. He brings 4 years expertise in developing plans of growth for a few of the most sought-after shopper brands on the planet as nicely as expertise in creating and managing shopper relationships. Alex combines his unique experience in project administration, production assist and system architecture with a hands-on client-facing approach. He has applied backend server performance in Java and different pc languages using advanced environments, similar to cloud services. Sergey has worked with Sam and Dennis, two of firm’s executives, for the previous 15 years. During that point, he’s been the quiet mastermind behind the 1000's of software functions, mobile technologies, and digital campaign this group has produced. Embedded Figma recordsdata streamline project communication, simplify handoff, and eliminates discovering and sustaining the newest design recordsdata. Instead of context-switching between platforms, neatly combine your tools with Jira Work Management. Even worse, whilst you and your friends may think your pun is hilarious (and as pun aficionados, we’d probably agree), will everyone discover it clever? Many, many individuals, especially those who could make or break you with one deal, would possibly find it cloying and unprofessional. So do your self a favor and avoid using puns or cliches in your name. Epic Marketing is an agency specializing in strategy, design, digital, content, and internet development. They take care of large-scale, multi-channel marketing, print advertisements, TV commercials, digital, and social media. Furthermore, they excel in campaign testing to ensure they are fetching outcomes. Provide direct gross sales for our client’s product with expectational customer support guaranteeing they have a fantastic expertise total. Rock City Digital is described because the millennial marketing agency and now they're dipping their toes into a model new age approach of a four day work week. Buffer has made sharing our story and constructing our model on social media so much simpler. These specialised corporations are outdoors contractors that companies of any dimension and in any trade can hire to enhance their marketing efforts. /PRNewswire/ -- Osmo from BYJU'S, the award-winning STEAM brand and main international edtech firm, today introduced it has hired McCann New York as its marketing agency associate. The staff at Converge focuses the full enrollment funnel for higher training establishments. They craft integrated media mixes that combine the power of paid social promoting, search engine marketing, programmatic display, conventional media and strategic channel alternatives to ship new enrollments. With SEO you’ll discover methods to create websites that each customers and search engines love, and you'll apply the same concepts to improve your Google Ads and Facebook paid campaigns. I’ve been training digital marketing for more than 15 years and it’s never too late for anyone , to get into the exciting world of online marketing. These are 10 steps you can follow right now to pursue a sucessfull career in digital marketing. At the start of this year, Skullcandy began working with an external media agency, The Marketing Doctor, per Klodnicki. Kristen is the Senior Managing Editor at WordStream, the place she helps businesses to make sense of their on-line marketing and advertising. She makes a speciality of SEO and copywriting and finds life to be exponentially extra pleasant on a bicycle. A San Francisco, CA-based SEO services firm, Victorious has been around since 2012. With a staff of 25 workers, they deliver large returns for their clients. They provide help clients with on-site and native search optimization, hyperlink building and content material improvement. We start by understanding what our client’s clients need-whether it’s finding healthcare choices for aging mother and father or figuring out one of the best project management resolution for a multinational organization. In doing so, we consider your prospects will see your brand as their trusted ally who they’d be happy to do enterprise with. Sharing and bettering our knowledge is what helps us all get better daily. We assist businesses of all sizes and shapes to thrive in the on-line world. We are your digital marketing companion and masters of inbound strategy, working hand-in-hand to ship long run success. If Seoviva best seo agency does not tangibly profit from our services, then simply put, we haven't carried out our job. That's why all aspects of our marketing tasks are data-driven, clear, and measurable. Reap the advantages of an entire digital marketing staff with out the high-cost and burdens of building a staff internally. Marketing your business on social media may be among the many handiest ways to realize new clients. The first acknowledged promoting agency was William Taylor in 1786. Yes, social media isn’t a spot to be overly salesy, but after all, it’s a marketing channel and you want not ignore the opportunity to make sales, should it current itself. Sponsored info on timelines, movies with CTAs, cross-channel retargeting and shoppable posts are the mainstay of social media. Mr. Hood comes with a long background of tech marketing experience and is an award-winning copywriter, creative director, multi-faceted communications skilled and musician. "He brings more than 30 years of experience to the company and is a welcome addition to assist the group execute marketing and communications methods for PMI’s global suite of clients," officers mentioned. We’re a values-driven firm that provides reasonably priced, intuitive, marketing tools for formidable folks and groups.
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Their uncommon combination of intelligence, expertise, and intuitiveness has yielded a 150% increase within the reach and effectiveness of our social media platforms over the past 6 months. Kudos to the KWSM employees for being an integral part of our team, and for making us a better organization." Get present in search engines like google and yahoo when potential prospects search on-line for the products and services you offer. KARMA jack, an award-winning on-line marketing agency, has case examine after case research of success. Taking over where other internet marketing agencies that didn’t handle PPC ads accurately. That strategy will differ from firm to company and will even change from month to month. Mr. Kitchens was willed the enterprise from his father-in-law but changed its name. He stated that he has been the operator for the past several years and there will be only a few changes aside from the name. The company has added three new sources to its team, who are positioned in Chattanooga and the Atlanta and Asheville regions. Fully paid online and in-store gross sales training with ongoing coaching. Further, the construction permits for third get together investors to participate at the DCCC and/or platform company degree. Verticals are divided between those companies DCCC considers to be traditional and people it considers to be disruptors, changing the way pet house owners take into consideration feeding and caring for his or her pets. According to Philip Kotler, Positioning is making your target audience know precisely the way you differ from your competitors. “For instance, in Starbucks case, you will notice that not only do they ensure that the coffee is fresh and that the product has what it takes, but in addition that they add a lot more”. So, a Target Market “consists of a set of buyers who've widespread needs and/or traits to those who the company or organization decides to serve”. And this exactly factors to promoting on Facebook, which offers detailed segmentation by way of customized announcements. Huge appoints Lisa De Bonis as Global Chief Experience Officer.Toni Howard Lowe. Huge faucets Toni Howard Lowe as GVP of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.Huge XD School. Huge is celebrating the superb students who completed Huge XD School.Huge at Cannes. Stay up to date with what Huge is doing at this yr's competition.Huge x Tezos. The brand also has tons of buyer testimonials and case research from other SaaS manufacturers, so you know you’re working with a business that has loads of expertise in your industry. The agency's content marketing services embrace everything from LinkedIn and Facebook marketing to conversion fee optimization services, SEO, and content manufacturing. Essentially, whatever sort of content you might must make an impact on-line, Single Grain will guarantee that you've it. They use the NBX approach to learn the ins and outs of the enterprise so they can make easy selections with a long-lasting impact. This dedication to communication makes it potential for Elixus Agency to work effectively, no matter how tight the deadline is. Moreover, many purchasers in the past has praised the agency for its tailor-made work, having helped quite a few shoppers in their development trajectory. See, whatever the service chosen, shoppers can count on Miron to put in lots of time and effort into the process. Research is the first step in properly assessing our purchasers' ache factors and creating development plans in relation to their current competitive business panorama. Next, we devise a technique to beat any potential obstacles alongside the finest way to attaining our purchasers' income targets. Implementing that technique shortly, strategically, and effectively is the third step. Accountability is the final step — tracking our efficiency in opposition to key efficiency indicators and adjusting our plan of action as wanted. Our social media promoting services have been examined and confirmed to speed up growth and pair nicely with our social media administration service. Therefore, by utilizing LYFE Marketing to create social ads, our purchasers usually see more results at decrease prices. Spring Meadows is the Saskatoon-based producer of premium frozen raw pet foods that includes regionally sourced entire floor proteins including turkey, chicken, beef and lamb in conveniently portioned patties. Founded in 2004, the company prides itself on delivering balanced and full meals for dogs and cats following strict meals safety standards and is CARPFM licensed. Naturawls Pet Products is the manufacturer of NatuRAWls premium single protein frozen raw pet food and all-natural dehydrated treats and the manufacturer of N/A Nothing Added dehydrated pet treats. Its products are manufactured out of a single facility in St. Thomas, Ontario and bought mainly via pet specialty retailers including PetSmart, Pet Valu, and Global Pet Foods areas in Ontario. 20- “Every firm should work exhausting to make their very own line of products obsolete earlier than their competitors does”. 14- “During the previous 60 years, marketing targeted itself on the product (Marketing 1.0) centered itself on the consumer (Marketing 2.0). We provide photography services to help all the channels in your 360° technique. Fashion campaigns, look-books, portraits, e-commerce, life-style, and product pictures, all created by our in-house staff of photographers and creative producers. There are lots of marketing agencies obtainable available within the market and most of them have similar services. There are several issues that you need to contemplate whereas selecting a marketing agency. Alex has more than 25 years of expertise working in various expertise environments across several nations. Alex began his profession within the Russian Academy of Sciences, where he supported large-scale image processing initiatives. But you’re better off hiring experts in certain areas and focusing on what you do best. As you gather more information and interact with prospects, you'll get an increasingly correct understanding of your goal audiences. Based on this data, you must constantly optimize and hone personas to attain the best results. Subcultures check with groups of individuals who share a typical experience, such as music genres or entertainment fandoms. By understanding some of your target audience’s motivations, you'll be able to higher understand who you’re making an attempt to attach with. Our multi-channel marketing options are based mostly on 360-degree evaluation of your business goals, website design, site visitors patterns, and client behavior. As an skilled digital marketing agency, we manage the channel combine to transform more web site traffic into leads and clients. By carefully planning a personalised strategy for your small business, we keep your brand visible and relevant to your audience. An experienced agency can tailor services and packages specifically for your corporation based mostly in your budget, objectives, and improvement. Partnering with a full-service agency lets you have a group that can provide anything from technical help to creative strategy consulting. Full-service agency groups get entry to the same info and may work on growing your small business in a really thoughtful and cohesive way, ensuring that every one elements fit together. Mabbly is a strategic digital agency powered by information analytics, market analysis, and digital technology. It may not be the right match for large companies, however startups will definitely benefit from its budget-friendly rates. TweetShareShareEmailToday, with the developments in technology, digital marketing is a vital element of any business and model. Whether you pursue or ignore it, consumers will search out your content and receive it, whether it is good or unhealthy. We usually make use of WordPress content management system for a majority of our initiatives to be able to rapidly strike a perfect steadiness between efficiency and look in regard to your brand’s web site. The frequent opinion is that WordPress sites by themselves are extraordinarily SEO pleasant, and may be additional enhanced utilizing proper plugins and execution. The common idea behind PPC is that it enables you to attain your target market faster by specifying who will see your advertisements, both by getting into specific keywords or demographic characteristics. Hailey and Mark began Growth Marketing Pro four years in the past and have grown it into the most important development marketing blog on the web. They reside in San Francisco and like the seashore, Domino’s pizza, and development marketing. We’ll begin your plan by finding the right messages and then put these messages in entrance of the best audience at the right time. And finally, we’ll help you distribute it throughout the channels and media that give you the most effective ROI at present. It’s all about career development, professional connections, business discussions and other business-related activities. You can discover customers, employees and partners alike on LinkedIn. By posting participating content material and collaborating in business discussions, businesses using LinkedIn can market to potential clients and companions. If your software is complicated, you’re selling to new markets, or you’re focusing on enterprise-level companies it often takes longer for prospects to make shopping for decisions.
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reallycrookedcandy · 6 years
What to Do with Your Old Blog Posts
Posted by -LaurelTaylor-
Around 2005 or so, corporate blogs became the thing to do. Big players in the business world touted that such platforms could “drive swarms of traffic to your main website, generate more product sales” and even “create an additional stream of advertising income” (Entrepreneur Magazine circa 2006). With promises like that, what marketer or exec wouldn’t jump on the blog bandwagon?
Unfortunately, initial forays into branded content did not always dwell on minor issues like “quality” or “entertainment,” instead focusing on sheer bulk and, of course, all the keywords. Now we have learned better, and many corporate blogs are less prolific and offer more value. But on some sites, behind many, many “next page” clicks, this old content can still be found lurking in the background.
This active company blog still features over 900 pages of posts dating back to 2006
This situation leaves current SEOs and content teams in a bit of a pickle. What should you do if your site has excessive quantities of old blog posts? Are they okay just sitting there? Do you need to do something about them?
Why bother addressing old blog posts?
On many sites, the sheer number of pages are the biggest reason to consider improving or scaling back old content. If past content managers chose quantity over quality, heaps of old posts eventually get buried, all evergreen topics have been written about before, and it becomes increasingly harder to keep inventory of your content.
From a technical perspective, depending on the scale of the old content you're dealing with, pruning back the number of pages that you put forward can help increase your crawl efficiency. If Google has to crawl 1,000 URLs to find 100 good pieces of content, they are going to take note and not spend as much time combing through your content in the future.
From a marketing perspective, your content represents your brand, and improving the set of content that you put forward helps shape the way customers see you as an authority in your space. Optimizing and curating your existing content can give your collection of content a clearer topical focus, makes it more easily discoverable, and ensures that it provides value for users and the business.
Zooming out for a second to look at this from a higher level: If you've already decided that it's worth investing in blog content for your company, it’s worth getting the most from your existing resources and ensuring that they aren’t holding you back.
Decide what to keep: Inventory and assessment
The first thing to do before accessing your blog posts is to make sure you know what you have. A full list of URLs and coordinating metadata is incredibly helpful in both evaluating and documenting.
Depending on the content management system that you use, obtaining this list can be as simple as exporting a database field. Alternatively, URLs can be gleaned from a combination of Google Analytics data, Webmaster Tools, and a comprehensive crawl with a tool such as Screaming Frog. This post gives a good outline of how to get the data you need from these sources.
Regardless of whether you have a list of URLs yet, it’s also good to do a full crawl of your blog to see what the linking structure looks like at this point, and how that may differ from what you see in the CMS.
Once you know what you have, it’s time to assess the content and decide if it's worth holding on to. When I do this, I like to ask these 5 questions:
1. Is it beneficial for users?
Content that's beneficial for users is helpful, informative, or entertaining. It answers questions, helps them solve problems, or keeps them interested. This could be anything from a walkthrough for troubleshooting to a collection of inspirational photos.
These 5-year-old blog posts from different real estate blogs illustrate past content that still offers value to current users, and past content that may be less beneficial for a user
2. Is it beneficial for us?
Content that is beneficial to us is earning organic rankings, traffic, or backlinks, or is providing business value by helping drive conversions. Additionally, content that can help establish branding or effectively build topical authority is great to have on any site.
3. Is it good?
While this may be a bit of a subjective question to ask about any content, it’s obvious when you read content that isn’t good. This is about fundamental things such as if content doesn’t make sense, has tons of grammatical errors, is organized poorly, or doesn’t seem to have a point to it.
4. Is it relevant?
If content isn’t at least tangentially relevant to your site, industry, or customers, you should have a really good reason to keep it. If it doesn’t meet any of the former qualifications already, it probably isn’t worth holding on to.
These musings from a blog of a major hotel brand may not be the most relevant to their industry
5. Is it causing any issues?
Problematic content may include duplicate content, duplicate targeting, plagiarized text, content that is a legal liability, or any other number of issues that you probably don’t want to deal with on your site. I find that the assessment phase is a particularly good opportunity to identify posts that target the same topic, so that you can consolidate them.
Using these criteria, you can divide your old blog posts into buckets of “keep” and “don’t keep.” The “don’t keep” can be 301 redirected to either the most relevant related post or the blog homepage. Then it’s time to further address the others.
What to do with the posts you keep
So now you have a pile of “keep” posts to sort out! All the posts that made it this far have already been established to have value of some kind. Now we want to make the most of that value by improving, expanding, updating, and promoting the content.
When setting out to improve an old post that has good bones, it can be good to start with improvements on targeting and general writing and grammar. You want to make sure that your blog post has a clear point, is targeting a specific topic and terms, and is doing so in proper English (or whatever language your blog may be in).
Once the content itself is in good shape, make sure to add any technical improvements that the piece may need, such as relevant interlinking, alt text, or schema markup.
Then it’s time to make sure it’s pretty. Visual improvements such as adding line breaks, pull quotes, and imagery impact user experience and can keep people on the page longer.
Expand or update
Not all old blog posts are necessarily in poor shape, which can offer a great opportunity. Another way to get more value out of them is to repurpose or update the information that they contain to make old content fresh again. Data says that this is well worth the effort, with business bloggers that update older posts being 74% more likely to report strong results.
A few ways to expand or update a post are to explore a different take on the initial thesis, add newer data, or integrate more recent developments or changed opinions. Alternatively, you could expand on a piece of content by reinterpreting it in another medium, such as new imagery, engaging video, or even as audio content.
If you’ve invested resources in content creation and optimization, it only makes sense to try to get as many eyes as possible on the finished product. This can be done in a few different ways, such assharing and re-sharing on branded social channels, resurfacing posts to the front page of your blog, or even a bit of external promotion through outreach.
The follow-up
Once your blog has been pruned and you’re working on getting the most value out of your existing content, an important final step is to keep tabs on the effect these changes are having.
The most significant measure of success is organic organic traffic; even if your blog is designed for lead generation or other specific goals, the number of eyes on the page should have a strong correlation to the content’s success by other measures as well. For the best representation of traffic totals, I monitor organic sessions by landing page in Google Analytics.
I also like to keep an eye on organic rankings, as you can get an early glimpse of whether a piece is gaining traction around a particular topic before it's successful enough to earn organic traffic with those terms.
Remember that regardless of what changes you’ve made, it will usually take Google a few months to sort out the relevance and rankings of the updated content. So be patient, monitor, and keep expanding, updating, and promoting!
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