#but sometimes it’s just best to remember we don’t have all the cards yet
aimseytv · 10 months
one thing i’ve been thinking about recently is sometimes things are just out of our control. we can try to change, fix or fight these uncontrollable forces that are sent our way but sometimes we just physically cannot do anything - and that’s okay. it’s okay that somethings can’t be changed, or fixed, or fought, and that’s completely fine! not having all the necessary cards or puzzle pieces to help complete the puzzle just means you’ll find them later in life
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Hey angels! I’m still on break but I wanted to show you guys how powerful the law is, and how it’s in effect with everything even when we don’t notice!
Here’s everything I’ve manifested in this year alone !
🌸70,000$ in school scholarships. My tuition does not even cost that much so most of it will be coming back to my credit card shortly
🌸an older sister. I’m the oldest child in my household, and as any older sibling knows it’s so hard. You have to lead, yet have no one to look up to for advice yourself. Anyways my dad got in touch with his old wife, and my mom who was once reluctant to let my half siblings in my life, now encouraged it! My older half sister is literally just like me. We now FaceTime, she defends me when I’m scared, she buys me stuff all the time because she has hella money, and I go to her apartment for sleep overs. I am very lucky and happy to finally have the older sister I’ve always wanted.
🌸an old friendship! I remember in 2020 I was friends with this girl and we were both super depressed, had similar circumstances, and were into manifesting+astrology. I’m sure she’s one my twin flame, and the friendship ended over the dumbest thing ever. Anyways for a year I used dumb methods like the 333 method, sp methods to get her to text me, stuff like that. I ended up giving up but earlier this year I was thinking about her, yanno just wondering where she is. She sent me a heart felt apology the next day. I manifested her without even trying!
🌸All As in school without trying.
🌸losing weight the more I eat. Y’all I’m 5’5 and 112 pounds, yet I eat like an Olympic gold medalists. I don’t even eat healthy and knowing myself.. well that’s something that’s not going to change lol. Anytime I would eat a lot, I would just say the more I eat, the more I lose and the healthier I am…and I never gained a single pound. Only lost! Don’t worry I’m still healthy and my doctors say I’m in a healthy range still, so as long as that continues healthily I’m fine.
🌸my family winning the lottery through the void state. I won’t say specific numbers but it’s in the 7 figure range, and was my first void success! I’m going to keep manifesting and exploring the void to have more stuff in the future!
🌸(dumb) but clearing my name in the unique situation. i remember just affirming the truth always comes out and she got exposed a few hours later. aside from the hate from her anons, I left the situation unscathed for the most part 😮‍💨
🌸not having seasonal depression this year. I did not manifest my depression or anxiety away for personal reasons, before anyone starts! But due to the combination of manifesting and just having a better overall life, it honestly did not affect me much this year.
🌸getting results from subliminals without even listening to them. I left my subliminal era a couple of years ago, and I don’t really use them anymore. But sometimes I come across a really cool one with dope benefits, and I want to use it bc.. why not lol. But I don’t really like listening to them, so I just wrote down that I can listen to it once and after that my brain memorizes the sequence and it works it out repeatedly even when it’s not playing and I’ve definitely noticed results.
🌸manifesting my best friend’s cancer away! I already made a post about this, but this was my favorite manifestation of this year.
🌸every single one of my shifts
🌸so many free things!
🌸and so much more, but these are my favorites!
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intuitivesef · 1 year
Your love story described as a poem
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Pick a card reading
Don’t second guess yourself when choosing a card. Trust your intuition.
Take what resonates, leave what doesn’t.
Author’s note: I described it as a poem to enhance the beauty I felt throughout the reading. :) Also, added a channeled message and a quote from them because I felt like something was missing and I kept hearing love messages.
Moodboard: @hannamichelle-seraf
Dividers written by me
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Pile 1:
Love at first sight.
𓂋 ʚ♡ɞ
One look. One look was needed for me to find my true love. You were there doing your own thing, I felt a need to look at your direction, Realized the reason—I just found my fucking soulmate. I didn’t want to look that way, I wasn’t interested in love, I never gave a damn about it, But you changed my whole concept of it. Looks weren’t my thing, I never cared—it was all about the soul, But you, damn you, love. You changed everything for me, The way your body moved, the way you dress, It makes me lose my fucking mind, and I know you know it. You like teasing me all too well, damn you, You’re killing me, I love it.
Message from them:
Damn it, baby. I never cared about looks, I don’t care about it and I shouldn’t, but you did something to me. I’m not superficial or anything, but I love it when you dress up for me. Looking so hot and sexy, God. It kills me, it turns me on, it just... I can’t explain what you do to me.
A quote from them:
How can one be beautiful internally and externally? To think your looks wasn't the only attractive thing, to think I would learn to fall for someone's personality than looks, thanks so much baby doll face!
want to give me tips, thank me, pay me, etc for my channeled readings? -> $intuitivesef - thanks :)
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Pile 2:
Best friend
𓂋 ʚ♡ɞ
You wouldn’t think you’d fall for your best friend like that, Nah, I didn’t so either and yet here we are. Sometimes, I would catch myself daydreaming about you, Punching myself and getting frustrated because I didn’t want to lose you, I didn’t want to be forgotten, but at the same time, I wanted your love, But I couldn’t accept my feelings for you. Months after months, Came up with a plan to ask you out, Hoping you would accept it rather than reject my love for you, And you accepted it.. My eye couldn’t believe it. You probably thought something was off with me during the moment, But you didn’t understand how I felt, How I wanted to pick you up and kiss you, Where I wanted to scream so loud because you accepted my love, Where I wanted to cry so bad because you felt the same, The joy I felt when you accepted it broke me in the best possible way. Thank you for feeling the same way, You mean the world to me, You know that already, But saying it again to you is the best. I love you dearly and I will always do. Love you.
Message from them:
I’m so thankful you felt the same way as I did because I thought about you all the time. I daydream about you, dreamt of you, and I couldn’t stop. At first, I couldn’t accept what was happening because I’m not the type to fall for someone, but you were the exception. Your kind soul brought me to my knees and honestly, I’m glad it did. I got to learn how to love someone without getting hurt through the process. Commitments were never my thing, and you knew that, but I don’t know what happened. You’re the only person I wanted to commit to. I will always be loyal to you like you’re to me. Thank you for loving who I am and never judging me. Your acceptance brought me to tears.
A quote from them:
Thank you for being a blessing in disguise. Usually a disguise isn't a blessing and yet underneath that cold exterior of yours, there was a beautiful blessing. To think you hid behind a wall for your own reason and yet the person underneath was the most beautiful, the most extraordinary person I have ever met. To think you would hide that for your reasons.. well it's okay, I know the reason why now, but remember I will always love you no matter what.
want to give me tips, thank me, pay me, etc for my channeled readings? -> $intuitivesef - thanks :)
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Pile 3:
Meeting at the wrong time (heartbreak for both parties)
𓂋 ʚ♡ɞ
Time tests us both, We were broken at the same time, Shouldn’t we call that destiny? I don’t think so—why call it destiny when we were both sad when we met? I broke up with my lover—you dealt with your short coming, We were pulled together; two souls met a sad awakening. Drawing a card, roll the dice, that’s what we are. Just a gamble. That’s what I thought, I thought God was playing with me again, Playing with my heart and shit, I was wrong. Though, I dealt with pain from my last relationship, You came into my life and rocked my world. Made me lose focus on the goal, healing myself, but… I’m glad you did because I didn’t need to heal, I thought I did, but no. I was okay just the way I was because you fell for me too. They say I had a shitty heart, that I was worthless, and such, Yet you said the complete opposite, Sometimes I wonder why you love me, But then I read your little notes, And I see why. You have lit a fire in my soul, Something I didn’t think would come out, Something I was afraid to let out, Yet you made it come out within seconds, Not days, not months… Seconds. Thank you, my dear, my love, my sunshine, If God didn’t put me there, Made me have a breakup, I wouldn’t have gotten to marry you. I’ll say I do every single time.
Message from them:
You got me out of my shell and made me the person I am today. If it wasn’t for you, then, oh man, I don’t know who I would be, where I would be, or if I would be alive today. I was struggling with the breakup, the way they said stuff about me ate me alive. I’m a gentle soul, I know that today, but at that time, I had no idea what I did wrong. I know I didn’t do anything wrong and everything was leading me to you, but I think.. I’m kind of grateful for the breakup?? I guess it brought me an awakening of some sort because now I get to call you my wife/husband. How special is that? I get someone who gives me the love I deserve.. the love that saved my life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You don’t know how much you mean to me. ❤💙
A quote from them:
Are we just a gamble? To think I would find someone like you is truly a dream come true, to think someone would love someone as unlovable as me and show me I am worth fighting for…thank you so much baby, from the bottom of my heart.
want to give me tips, thank me, pay me, etc for my channeled readings? -> $intuitivesef - thanks :)
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Pile 4:
Childhood friends
𓂋 ʚ♡ɞ
Who would have thought my childhood friend would have become my lover? We were just two kids doing something stupid, Playing around the backyard, Enjoying our meals together without a care in the world, Everything stopped when I had to move. We said our goodbyes, wept our sorrows and moved on. Life had other plans for us. We meet at a party, You came up to me, Said I looked familiar with a faint smile, A smile so god damn gorgeous—I knew. Told you who I was, You had the brightest smile, We still had the chemistry from before, Got to talking again, Fell in love, Got married, Now have a kid.
Message from them:
I didn’t think I would ever get married because staying in a relationship wasn’t my thing, but here I am, a mother/father to our child. Crazy, right? But I’m glad because when I moved away, I thought about you every single day. I wasn’t interested in a relationship, I wanted you as kids and I wanted you during that party. And I got you, life gave me you and now you’re mine. I manifested it as a kid, manifested during my teen years, and adult years, and got what I wanted.. you and I’m so fucking happy and blessed. To see you during that moment, my heart sank. I couldn’t believe it and I didn’t want to believe it because how? For you to notice me when we didn’t see each other for a long time shocked me. It still shocks me when I wake up in the morning with you in my arms. Do you ever feel the same way? I always wonder, but I don’t ask. Why would I? I got the person of my dreams and I never want to change that. :)
A quote from them:
I knew the moment I saw you, it was you and I was right, I got my diamond that I wanted forever. I really did get you, I got what I wanted, I was so patient for you angel face, so patient and I got you, I am so fucking happy, oh my god, darling, my baby…Gosh fucking dang it… I cannot express how good it feels, I just cant- You need to understand how good it feels and I don't even curse, and yet here I am, for you, just because I finally got you. I got you for all for myself and I am so fucking happy.
want to give me tips, thank me, pay me, etc for my channeled readings? -> $intuitivesef - thanks :)
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everythingne · 3 months
Out Of The Woods, 6 (ls2)
Logan and Dhanishka finally have the necessary breakthrough, Olivia delivers some bad news that Dhanishka already has a backup plan for. Logan just has a really good time at the end.
warnings/notes: panic attack in the beginning, mentions of alcohol, i don’t really think much else? ok i KNOW viscaal is an actual dude but like. i forgot. so just imagine he has a brother or smthn idk. bit shorter but hey. this is for logan bc fuck williams man
(series masterlist) (ch 7)
I, despite my best efforts, cannot get a solid breath in. Someone's hands are on my face, trying to rouse me from whatever's got my eyes squeezed shut. I gasp again and they're brushing tears off of my cheeks. When I hold my breath, choking on an inhale, the voice is panicked, telling me to breathe. Then blowing a gust of air on my face.
Somehow the air is what snaps my eyes open.
"Christ, Isa." Logan's saying, holding a phone to his ear as he presses my hair down with one hand, "hey, hey, it's okay..."
"Lo-Logan?" I rasp and he nods, a tiny, worried smile crossing his face as he turns to the phone and speaks in a hushed tone.
"I've got her, thanks Anya. I'll text you when I get her in bed."
When he puts his phone down, he hands me a water bottle but holds the bottom of it as I take small slow sips and try not to burst into tears yet again. He doesn't say anything, not even when I lower my hand from where it's been resting over his thudding heart.
"You called my sister?" I ask and he pauses, before nodding.
"Yeah. I figured Anya would know how to help you out of a panic attack." He says and I nearly choke on my water.
"I had a panic attack?" I ask and he stills, before he is everything around me. His hands are gentle, tucking me against his chest, one hand carding through my hair as the other holds me tight.
“Oh, Isa—“ He murmurs into my hair. I whisper out confusion, I had a panic attack? I never have panic attacks? Is that why I blacked out? When did he get here?
“Oh, Isa, I’m so sorry they’ve turned you into me.” Logan presses his hands to either side of my face, lifting me back so I can look at him. I remember how a week ago I was afraid of loving him, how I was terrified I'd lose him, and yet here he was as stubborn and comforting as always. As he had been in China. As he had been in Miami. As he now was in Imola.
"I can't do this Logan." I hiccup, letting him bring me into his arms once more, kisses trailing my forehead as he keeps me locked in tight, "I can't take another day of this comparing bullshit! They hate me, all of them in Ferrari. I don't even know if I still have Charles, and they keep pushing and pushing and I just wanna be good!"
"You are good. You are so good." He murmurs, "You're doing better than I did my first season. I had panic attacks almost every race, I still have them sometimes."
When I look at him in disbelief he sighs, "the difference between us is that you have Ferrari and I have Williams. Alex and I are actually cared for within Williams. They care about our health, our wellbeing. Ferrari always has and always will put you below Charles because he's the predestined or whatever. It's stupid. It's what drove Carlos out according to Oscar, who heard it from Lando so who knows--but my point still stands."
I sniffle, nodding, wiping at my face and huffing when I realize I had cried. Logan convinces me to swap seats with him, and he drives us back to the hotel. He follows the same procedures as he had with my migraine and we settle in to watch Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara-- one of my favorite Bollywood movies I'd forced him to watch with me before. Surprisingly, he remembers a lot of it and then embarrassedly admits,
"We watched it on your birthday every year, I kept up the tradition. Even though Dalton thought it was stupid I did that."
I can't help but kiss him then, fully of my own decision and his hands comes to my waist as he pulls me down to slot against him. I throw my right leg over when he bites my lip, groaning in the back of my throat. The Señorita scene is playing from his laptop, Hrithik Roshan is dancing his heart out, Logan's lips are soft against mine.
He pulls back.
"What are we doing?" He whispers, pausing Netflix by closing his laptop and leaving us in the soft ambient glow of Imola from the half curtained windows.
"What do you mean?" I say, because I know theres more weight behind his words. He just laughs when I press a kiss to his forehead, his arm secure around my waist like he never wants to let me go. I don't want him to.
"Do you love me?" Its so vulnerable it makes me stop and he brings his hand to my throat, but just to dance his finger tips along the side of my jaw until he takes my chin in his hand and pull me a bit closer.
"Because I've always loved you in the way soulmates love each other, but I think you love me like I'm just a casual fuck."
"If you always loved me like that why'd you break up with me?" I ask and Logan sighs, letting go of my chin to place his hand on one of my thighs, the right one I had thrown over his torso when the kisses got a bit more than playful.
Logan takes a long moment to answer, like he's picking each word with the upmost care, but he just says, "I was scared."
"Of you. Of racing. Of everything." He sighs and I go to slide off his lap when his fingers dig in, keeping me rooted in my seat. Just like earlier, when he was calming me in the car, just like when he had eased my migraine. He needed me.
I card my hands through his hair, being them to his shoulders and smooth the tenseness I can feel. He closes his eyes, leaning his head back as he just lets everything finally break and he hands my his heart once more.
This time, I cradle it to my chest, trying to heal it while his heart tries to smooth out the sharp edges of mine.
"I had been doing so well. I had everything in my finger tips, just within reach and then... fucking Trident rips it out from underneath my feet. I didn't know what to do, and as far as I was concerned, you were just as guilty as everyone else. I... I needed control."
I had been right when I guessed that?
"And control was breaking up with me because it was a decision you could make without having to consult anyone else?" I say and he nods.
"I regretted it every day after. There were so many times my mom had to stop Dalton from calling you or Anya." A light smile crosses his lips and I giggle, taking the hint of his slight pursed lips to press a gentle kiss to them.
"Anya was so mad at you when we broke up, she told me she was gonna go to BWT and cut your brakes." I murmur against his lips and he starts to laugh, his hands slide up to rest along my ribs as he smiles against my lips and innocent pecks.
"I wouldn't have been mad if she had. I beat myself up over it for weeks." Logan shrugged, "but uhm... I talked with Viscaal last week. He was at the race for some sponsorship thing and he stopped to congratulate me on my placement. I asked him of you were involved and he and I talked about the crash for a long time."
"And he convinced me you weren't."
The conversation hadn't been easy. Viscaal was sort of up in arms about the idea of even discussing it with Logan, but once let in on the PR nightmare the two were going through... he relented. But he wasn't easy on Logan, he hadn't been the whole time they stood in the blistering sun over the track.
"She literally was inconsolable, how do you think she had anything to do with it?" James Viscaal had said to Logan, eyes narrowing underneath his Formula E cap, "You seriously think Dubey had anything to do with it? She'd rather hurt herself than hurt you."
"I just... I can't shake the feeling--"
"Well you better figure out how, Sargeant, or you're gonna lose a perfectly good girl."
Logan sighs as he replays the conversation two or three times, then gnaws the inside of his lip before saying, "Sorry for saying that shit to you, about not trusting you... it was childish."
"I said stupid shit too, I'm sorry." I say and he presses a more firm kiss to my lips.
"Consider that an apology accepted." He says and I smile,
"Guess I'll have to keep apologizing--" I'm cut off when he sits up abruptly, pulling me to his chest just to lay me on my back under him as he cages me beneath him.
My phone vibrates. A few missed calls from Charles. I ignore him in favor of kissing my boyfriend.
I'll tell him I was sleeping.
Monaco is the race for publicity. Everyone knew Monaco, and if they didn't, they just didn't know it was called Monaco. I'm snuck into Williams the day before practice, when it's mostly just vendors setting up and some meetings happening in each paddock. I'm led by Logan to a back office, where I meet with two women, and JAmes Vowles.
Who... is sitting in on the PR meeting for some reason?
The woman who leads Logan's PR is named Astrid Marina, and while I fight to figure out while that name is familiar, Logan idly pokes at my leg. I look over to read what he's showing me and groan internally.
'Ferrari and Williams in talks over suing Sky News reporter Anthony Davis for blackmailing and harassment.'
"Too much is happening this season, I don't even wanna bother." I complain and Logan nods, coaxing me to rest against him as I yawn. It's been a long week of harrowing, exhausting training with Charles. Ferrari gives me no reprieve and as I work to show them I am a capable driver, they still beat me down. Still say Charles is better. It's grown to be annoying for both me and the Monegasque, and something we bond over now in the late hours between a bottle of wine.
"How has your season been with Ferrari so far, Dhanishka?" James asks and I give him a cordial answer that has him raising an eyebrow in question as he says, "Logan's told me otherwise."
I whack Logan's arm, making the Floridian laugh as he raises his hands in defense of his actions. Something in James' eyes tells me it’s alright to say, so I do.
"It's been a terrible time if I'm honest," I sigh, "Charles is praised, I'm ignored and blamed for every mistake, they barely talk to me on radios so I kinda have to figure it all out myself, I'm hardly given real strategy and kinda just make it up myself as I go."
"And with all of that you still place in the top ten every race, and have podiumed twice. That's an incredible feat, Miss Dubey, you should be very proud of yourself."
Somehow, James saying that to me makes it all click that, yeah, it was an incredible feat.
"Alright, Jasmine is here so lets get started." Astrid settles in her seat in front of us and Logan and I sit back up from our lazing positions as Jasmine--my PR manager of several years, takes her own seat next to Astrid. James leans back in his seat as well, taking on a more observing role to this. I wonder if its because he's worried about this, or if Olivia and Lando have told him to keep an eye on it. Not that they knew who Logan's manager was, as far as I was aware.
Jasmine shuffles her papers a bit before asking, "How are you both feeling? You're almost tied for points this season."
"Feeling pretty optimistic." Logan smiles softly in greeting to her, "The car has been preforming well and I've been doing better than where I started last year."
"I'd be a lot better is my damn car worked half the time." I mutter in complaint, making Logan laugh softly as he squeezes my knee.
"I'm glad you both are feeling better." Astrid smiles, "but lets not take up too much time here for small talk, you both have busy days tomorrow."
Yay. Qualifying.
"Dhanishka, social media is your forte here. Keep posting, keep promoting the relationship. You've been doing a fine job with that. Public appearances have been fine, though I've noticed a bit of tension? Is there anything we want to confirm or ask about..?"
"How long is this going on for?" Logan asks and I feel a weird pain settle in my chest. Why did he care?
"Uhm... well..." Jasmine hums, "I'd say you guys can decide when to call it off. Astrid wanted to make sure that, unlike with Lando and Olivia previously, you both have complete control of this situation."
"Oh, Dhanishka, work on befriending some of the WAGs. I know you and Olivia are decently close, but befriending the Lily's or even Carmen would be a good look." Astrid says and I nod, opening my phone to follow them on Instagram. I was already close with Lily Zneimer, she just needed to come to a race other than Australia.
"Logan, we need you to start posting Dhanishka as well." Astrid says and Jasmine nods softly, looking like she's a bit uncomfortable by how strict Astrid is being.
"Yeah, got it." Logan nods. Theres a few more formalities, some publicity things they want us to do and a joint 'couples trivia' gave they want us to play with a bunch of the drivers before the next race on the calendar.
We're dismissed with the promise of posting each other more on social media.
"Lets go to dinner tonight." He says, taking my hand in his and kissing the back of it. I smile and bump his shoulder with mine.
"Alright." I smile, its easy to be in love with Logan and he threads out fingers together and presses a soft kiss to the back of my hand.
Before I can leave though, James speaks, "Jasmine, Dhanishka, can we speak privately? I have Dhanishka's manager Lucille inside my office already.
And I nod, and follow James into his office after a quick goodbye kiss from Logan with his playful grin to match.
dhanishkadubey made a new post!
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liked by alexalbon, lilymhe, lilyzneimer, and 459k others...
dhanishkadubey: the muse and her artist 💙🩵
tagged: logansargeant
lilymhe: blue suits u sooo much wow
logansargeant: sei incredibilmente bella (i think.)
⤷ charlesleclerc: you think right?? wtf??
logansargeant: you in blue... woof or whatever. xx
anyadubey: blue has ALWAYS been ur color.
user2: dhanishka in blue?? williams dhanishka?? please james vowles.
williamsracing: wow. logan better know how to fight.
⤷ logansargeant: which intern is this i have WORDS.
⤷ williamsracing: LOL CATCH ME FIRST FLORIDA MAN !!!
landonorris: LOGAN TOOK THESE???
⤷ dhanishkadubey: hes an artist ✨
user3: oh to be someones muse...
I'm walking through the apartment building Lando had sent me the address for ages ago. Logan's hand is firmly tucked in mine as he idly talks about the desserts we'd brought for the little dinner we're all having tonight. Olivia had invited over quite a few people, her family (consisting of Oscar and Lily, Ophelia and her wife Rosalind, and Oaklynn), Lando's siblings, (sisters Cisca and Flo, brother Oliver with his wife Savannah and their daughters Mila and Athena), Max, Kelly, and Penelope, Alex and Lily, Charles, and me and Logan. It was some sort of dinner party, and due to Logan's training running a bit long we were late.
Which, wasn't surprising.
Olivia said they'd be out on the balcony, so we let ourselves into the spacious apartment. Logan helping me with my shoes while I joke about balancing the three plates, but Charles cursing in Italian sharply makes us both freeze.
"Relax." Olivia scolds, almost like a mother, "she's gonna be fine, I've been in talks with multiple teams and--"
"They're just dropping her?! For Lewis? She's been beating him every damn race save for Australia!" Charles all but roars and I can hear the balcony door slam. Logan tenses, his jaw setting firmly and he tries to coax me back outside but I'm stubborn, I won't move until I know whats wrong. But I have a gut feeling I already know.
"Charles, calm down," Olivia tries again and then there's an overlap of a few voices I can't fight through.
"It's nothing set in stone! Relax!" Max's voice chimes above everyone else's and the room quiets as a soft sigh escapes Logan's mouth. He draws his arm across my back and hushes me softly, pressing a kiss to my hairline.
"Checo's moving to Formula E. I'm taking his spot next season, or I'll go to RB if they choose to move Daniel instead." Alex says softly, "which means Red Bull is set for next season regardless. Mercedes is taking Carlos to race with George, so they're set as well."
"McLaren's got me and Lando, so they're set. Neither Haas or Aston Martin are gonna change." Oscar sighs, "safe bet that Alpine and Sauber will stay the same too."
Max asks, "Is Logan staying with Williams?"
"Can we stop talking about this, they'll be here soon. Dhanishka doesn't even know yet." Olivia complains, "I don't know why you're all so surprised when Ferrari's been treating her like shit! They could care less if she's dead or alive on that track as long as Charles comes out on top. Plus, the FIA is going to investigate them for malpractice."
"Oh, actually?" Lando hums and I hear Charles confirm, and I bury my head against Logan's chest where I can hear his heart pounding. I'm trying to fight back the sense of dread forming in my gut.
"I know Logan's been trying to get her to talk with James." Alex says softly, "As far as I'm aware, Williams is resigning him with the second seat open."
Logan's grip tightens when he realizes I've figured it out and I push past him to enter the main room of the Piastri-Norris apartment. The warm Monaco air feels unwelcome as it floats in from the open balcony door where I can see the kids are being preoccupied from the inside argument. But inside, all the drivers plus Olivia stare at me like I'm not supposed to be there. And then theres movement and--
"Dhaniska!" Olivia's voice chimes and the Aussie to wrap me up tight in her arms, "Oh, honey."
"They're dropping me?" I hate the way my voice sounds so broken and despite what I want, Olivia nods.
"Last week I got both Daniel's and Alex's data from last season to sift through to help the Red Bull team figure out which driver we want next season." She starts to explain, running her fingers through my hair, "I knew some big changes were happening when we also got files for Lewis and Fernando. But.. Lewis just announced he was racing with Ferrari next season, while Charles was here. No one knew except Lewis and Vasseur. I-I can try and get you with some other teams but--"
"Olivia, I love you truly, but that's not your job." I say softly, squeezing her forearms, "A-and besides, I... I might've made a contingency plan."
The whole room pauses.
"Huh?" Logan says, tightening his grip on my wrist and I laugh. It's so stupid, how he thought his and Alex's little plan to have me replace the latter Thai driver would've gone overlooked by James. Who bit down at the chance to have me.
James pulled me and Jasmine into his office, my manager Lucie already inside. When I give a confused look, both women are motioning for me to sit in the middle of three chairs. Lucie on my left, Jasmine on my right. When I do, James takes a seat at his desk and hands me a file in the beautiful William's blue. The logo stamped on front, with words written under that make my heart pause.
"Dhanishka." Lucie starts, placing a reassuring hand on my knee as she sets down an identical folder, "Ferrari isn't going to renew your contract next year. I've known since Miami. Lewis is coming to race for them instead, which I thought I'd be more surprised about, but it is close to his retirement I suppose."
"He did always say he'd retire in a Ferrari." James nods, and the conversation continues, still led by Lucie.
"So, I've been in talks with almost every team--thanks to Olivia, who has an almost... deus ex machina power within F1. She got me write up contracts from Mercedes, Alpine, RB, and Stake... but they've all backed out."
James, taking this as his cue, sits forward, "Williams is going to need a driver next year. Alex is moving to one of the Red Bull teams. We'll be resigning Logan."
"Me?" I ask, "you seriously want me? The girl who almost destroyed one of your drivers PR?"
"PR is repairable," James waves a hand, "Your skill on the track is something I can relate to a young Alonso or even someone like Senna or Vettel. It's talent like yours, Charles' and Max's we wont get again soon. To podium on your first race, to stay consistently in the top ten with no support? That's unheard of."
"Williams is offering a three year contract." Lucie says and I finally thumb open the folder and stare down at it. The weight of it all becomes real when I see it all printed out.
James stands to leave as he says, "I'll leave you to speak in private."
So I can’t hide my smile as I announce, "You are looking at the second seat for Williams in 2025!"
I don’t think in my time of knowing Logan had he ever hugged me as tight as this. I can’t help but laugh as his chest presses to my back, his lips finding my cheek and undoubtedly smudging my makeup. I can’t find it in me to care.
Alex decides to make a show of giving me his seat (which includes him physically handing me a chair) and when I turn to hug Olivia and Lando in celebration, Olivia whispers to me, “I knew you guys would figure it out.”
Charles just about squeezes the life out of me with his hug, thanking me for driving with him, and I thank him for teaching me. I know later on we’ll have a more in depth conversation but for now he allows me to celebrate with Logan’s arm tucked firmly around my waist.
Kelly ends up pouring us all shots to celebrate, and when I smidge my lipstick drinking various glasses of champagne and other drinks, Logan fishes my compact and my lipstick out of my purse.
It feels full circle to have him hold the mirror while I fix myself up.
logansargeant made a new post!
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liked by dhaniskadubey, oscarpiastri, alexalbon, and 345k others...
logansargeant: heres to second chances 💙
dhanishkadubey: AAAA MERI JAANNN <333
- logansargeant: MERI JAAN????
sebvettel: looking good rookies 👍🏻
user1: dhanishka in blue pls be a sign. pls.
dhanishkadubey: i am going to kiss u on the mouth
user2: the girlfriend effect on logans insta shut upp
oscarpiastri: loganishka since day 1
f1 made a new post!
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liked by anyadubey, charlesleclerc, danielricciardo, and 783k others…
f1: Admist the starting investigation into malpractice within Ferrari's team following @ dhanishkadubey ‘s treatment over the past few months, Dubey released a statement about leaving the team.
“Ferrari was a dream, but the reality of Ferrari is that we are not compatible. I will continue to give my best performance for the team, wish them the best of luck next season, and send my love to the tifosi. Thank you for welcoming me.” - Dubey via Twitter this morning.
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@chasing-liberosis @justsomejess @struggling-with-delia @daemyratwst
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adnrewminyard · 10 months
a few aftg reddit posts (inspired by @queer-lovebot) for the week leading up to the first chapter of tfc. i’m honestly obsessed with the idea of kevin posting in AITA and receiving unanimous YTA comments
u/throwaway76428 • 22h
Best excuses?
My (18M) high-school sports coach is starting to get suspicious. I’ve been squatting in abandoned houses for a while but he’s starting to ask questions about where my parents are. Sometimes I sleep in the locker rooms at the school but I thought he didn’t take too much notice. I’ve been telling him my parents are too ‘busy with work’ to meet him for a while now and it’s getting way too repetitive.
Last night at training he told me that it was really important that my parents showed up for our next game. I’m old enough that he shouldn’t be able to call Child Services but I’m worried he might try to get authorities involved. What are your guys’ best excuses to explain why your parents aren’t around?
⬆️ 12 ⬇️ 💬 5 📤 Share
u/bigtime-bowler • 8d
Foxes in for ANOTHER bad year
Look, I love this school as much as the next person but someone has got to say it. They seriously need to do something about the exy team. They’ve always been an embarrassment but since that famous guy came here last year it’s just been hell. The vandalism was one thing, but it just went WAY too far - I even got egged walking through campus on game nights last year.
I thought maybe they’d use some common sense and try to sort out their line up (maybe find some players that are actually good?) but I’ve just heard that the new striker recruit is already in hospital - the school year hasn’t even started yet! They don’t have enough players as it is and the ones they do have are freaks that get more red cards fighting eachother than they do fighting for possession of the ball.
Can they just cut the team’s funding? It probably just gets spent on bailing players out of jail anyway. Isn’t anyone else embarrassed to tell people that the Foxes are their school’s team?
-Yours sincerely, a fed UP sophomore.
⬆️4.6k ⬇️ 💬376 📤
u/Current-Dragonfly-3862 • 4d
AITA for knowing what’s best for my team?
I (20M) have transferred schools (due to personal reasons) recently and joined one of the sports teams. My previous school’s team, which I was a major player in, is the best performing school in the country, if not the world. I’ve been training and studying this sport for as long as I can remember, and I’ve been told my whole life that I am destined to go pro.
My new school’s team is arguably the worst team I have ever seen. A team of blind elementary school students would probably perform better. The players are antagonistic and don’t listen to authority or guidance, the coach recruits based on pity over talent, and the uniforms are horrendous.
I was brought in to the team to offer expertise and help them improve, but none of them can be bothered to put in the work to get any better. It’s like they don’t care, although most of them are relying on the athletic scholarship to keep them at university.
Recently, our new recruit for the upcoming year pulled out of their offer. I’ve been scouring recruitment footage and studying players from high school teams to try and find the best fit, someone who I can use to improve the team’s overall performance. After all my hard work, I finally found the perfect fit. He’s definitely an amateur, but from seeing how he plays I know I can make him one of the best in our district, if not more. The problem is, no one else is that convinced. I’ve put my foot down and demanded we recruit him, and everyone is making a fuss about how much of a “prima-donna” i am.
I know exactly what this team needs and how it can improve, and no one is taking me seriously. Everyone is annoyed with me but it’s too late, we’re flying out to recruit him next week.
None of these guys know anything about winning, and I’m the only one with the knowledge under my belt to actually get us a shot at making it this year.
Am I the asshole for wanting my team to be winners?
EDIT: It’s not narcissism, this team is a MESS. All I want to do is get some sense of teamwork, for them to actually CARE about winning. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to perform well?
⬆️ 15 ⬇️ 💬98 📤
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oraclekleo · 4 months
[Tarot Challenge] March Tarot Challenge
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Hello my dear followers, mutuals, soul family members and other tarot enthusiasts!
I would love to interact with you guys more in a more active way and what could be better than a challenge?
What is the Monthly Tarot Challenge?
Simply put - Each month I’ll come up with a prompt for a tarot reading to be done that month. I would like those of you who have a tarot deck of their own, regardless of your level of experience or skill, to reblog the Challenge post, adding the result of the prompted reading. Or you can make a separate post with appropriate tags and ideally tagging me so I can easily find it. This way we can all try out of the box types of readings, no prejudice, no judgement, just good fun and possibly insight and enlightenment. What do you think? Shall we go for it? Let’s start with the March Tarot Challenge!
March Tarot Prompt
Deck Interview!
What is your general vibe?
What kind of readings suit you best?
What do you think about me as a tarot reader?
How can we best collaborate?
Any message you have for me right now.
You might remember I did this exact interview with my Tarot of Casanova Deck.
Pick a deck of yours and ask it the questions above, pull the cards, record the outcome and share it with us here!
It doesn’t matter whether you interview a new deck or a deck you have been using for years.
It doesn’t matter whether you are an advanced tarot reader or you have just begun with cartomancy.
Few lines or keywords are enough as a result, though I hope you can write more as this is your personal conversation with your deck, possibly a tool you’re gonna be using for years to come.
And because my interview with Tarot of Casanova went so well, here is my entry for this month’s challenge.
The Slavic Legends Tarot
Deck Interview!
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What is your general vibe? - Ace of Pentacles
This deck is a seed of abundance and pleasure. It goes to the roots of a matter, making each reading blossoming with wisdom. It’s both vastly knowledgeable but also sort of humble and down-to-Earth. It might not use flashy imagery but its messages go deep and reveal the truth. This deck represents the beauty and genius of a common sense which might be sometimes neglected by tarot readers. The Slavic Legends Tarot has the potential to truly expand its significance and grow onto the tarot reader, aka me.
What kind of readings suit you best? - II The High Priestess, IX The Hermit
This deck loves any readings seeking wisdom and revealing what’s hidden. It’s likely to poke my subconscious mind, forgotten memories, even dreams. This deck can explain it all, bringing light of wisdom to the darkness, pulling the information needed from the bushes, guiding the way and installing clarite where chaos used to be. This deck loves meaningful readings, yet those with a direct impact on the querent's everyday life. It’s not a deck to predict the future, it’s a deck to help the querent create their future and build on wisdom and knowledge.
What do you think about me as a tarot reader? - 7 of Wands
The Slavic Legends Tarot deck sees me as a resilient tarot reader, the one who will often take more than enough onto themselves, trying to do all the work and becoming even more motivated by any kind of opposition. Hard-headed is the world. I don’t back up when the reading sounds unpleasant, I dig deep and carry the information with dignity and over the hills. Maybe my readings aren’t cute and pretty but they hit the right spots.
How can we best collaborate? - XVIII The Moon, XI The Justice
Aww the Moon lady has two dogs just like me! Haha, so sweet! Anyway, we already know each other for a while with this deck. We mostly work very intuitively. This is the deck I can understand very well even when it comes with no booklet. We have a certain mental connection. See the crescent moon glowing at the lady’s head? That’s the clarity of intention. Whatever I ask this deck, it comes with a clear information and message. I respect this deck greatly and it respects me in return, the balance is constantly present. As long as we can maintain a harmonious relationship, this deck is likely to bring plenty of wisdom and joy into my life.
Any message you have for me right now. - 2 of Wands
The vast horizons are awaiting me and my exploring. There’s still so much to learn and so much to experience. I should never stop wondering, craving, and being curious. Life can become an adventure, shall I decide to take the leap and start the journey. And I don’t need to be afraid as I’m going to be guided by a map and protected.
Thank you for participating in the challenge!!
I'm always grateful for any feedback.
Improve your karma by helping others!
Thank you for reading!
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Do you want to know who's your ideal lover type? A Good Boy, Brat, Sugar Daddy or Sir/Master? Check out my NEW QUIZ!
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randoauthor · 2 years
Love Letters to no one (B.B)
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Pairings: Rooster x Fem!Reader, Platonic!Maverick x Fem!Reader
Warnings: swearing, fluff, mentions of death
Word count: 1.1k words
Author’s Note: Hey! This idea has come to me here and there over time and I realized how much it plays on my life! I hope y’all enjoy!
Part One: Lost Boys
Part two is out!
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He was four. He was a four-year-old boy and he had just lost his father. Hell, I wasn’t even around yet. It took my parents four more years to make a mistake and then BAM! there I was. Bradley loved most things in life. He loved his mother and looked at her like she had hung the moon and stars. He loved my dad, relying on him to be his uncle and best friend. He loved his dad, a man I never met but gosh, when you look into Bradley’s eyes you see him. You see Goose in the way he moves and talks and acts.
I think that is why dad was adamant about staying in his life. I think part of him thought that by keeping Bradley around he’d have Goose with him too. Honestly, I think he kept that thought process when Carole died too. Only by then, he had messed up so bad that Bradley wouldn’t talk to him anymore.
By the time Bradley was twelve my dad and I had already received word that his mom was sick. Of course, being eight you don’t really understand the concept of sick, and it would be only six years after Carole’s passing that my mom would pass too.
Bradley and I were inseparable, we did everything together. From my dad making us breakfast in the morning to his mom doing my hair before his senior prom. Our family dynamic worked for us though it may have appeared weird on the outside, inside it was perfect.
I don’t really know what went wrong between them. They were perfect until three days after Carole’s funeral.
“I can’t believe you” Bradley spat, fire in his eyes.
“Bradley please you wouldn’t understand” Dad took a step closer to the boy, he was shaking but I didn’t know if it was from anger or tears.
“This was my one wish, the one thing that made me closer to my dad!” He seemed upset but there wasn’t much prying I could do sitting on the bottom step of our staircase, peering in through the doorway. I wasn’t sure if they knew I was there.
“No it’s not Bradley, you are closer to your dad than you realize.” Dad’s posture seemed to soften as he placed a hand on Bradley’s shoulder. “You are so much like your dad already.” Bradley moved away from him, his stance defensive as he glanced over my dad’s shoulder at me.
“I can’t have this conversation here, not with Lemon here.” I smile, Bradley gave me the nickname Lemon when I was five, the sandy-haired eight-year-old told me I was like a lemon because I was sweet sometimes and I was sour sometimes. I don’t remember the last time someone called me by my actual name after that day. Dad gave me a sympathetic look as he shut the doors to his office.
After that Bradley left. I wasn’t sure where he was going because he didn’t make it into the naval academy as he had originally planned, but after that day he was just. 
His letters started to come weekly and by month one I have accumulated around ten letters from him, just talking about anything he wanted to talk about. How he missed me, he’d tell me he was safe but regardless of how many times I would as he would never give me an exact location.
By year two of Bradley leaving the letters stopped coming as frequently, maybe once or twice a month.
By year four I was lucky to enjoy getting one at all, his contact had become nonexistent, birthday cards never came, and letters were few and far between. The box I had remained relatively empty. He had gone from being my best friend to a stranger in a matter of four years. The pictures stayed like a time capsule, our last happy moments together hung up on my wall like a museum.
He didn’t show up to my mom's funeral. He knew it was happening. I sent him a letter, I told him that she had asked for him before she died. He didn’t seem to care though, if he had cared he would have shown up.
It’s been years at this point. I’m 34 now, and California is treating me well. I ended up at the naval academy right out of college, and then graduated top of my class at TOPGUN. I am one of the best female pilots there is. I take my last name seriously and while my father could have pulled some strings to get to where I am today, I can proudly state that I did this all on my own.
Lieutenant (y/n) “Lemon” Mitchell at your service.
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“Lemon your father is causing trouble again.” Sighing I began moving from my group of friends across the bar to my father, I notice he was keeping a conversation with a beautiful woman. Just as I was to approach I watched as she rang the bell.
“Sorry Maverick, but rules are rules.” My father chucked as the bar erupted into cheers and applause. “I guess this round is on me.” My father smiled before turning his gaze to me. “Penny, this is my daughter (y/n).” I smile softly, “everyone calls me Lemon.” Penny nodded in understanding before the bar began to flood with patrons all throwing random drinks on my dad's tab.
I stood off to the side and chuckled as his tab kept rising. Not noticing a man walking towards me.
“You’re new around here aren’t you? I think I’d remember a pretty little thing like yourself.” I glance up. A brown-haired book smirks down at me, an all-knowing gleam in his eye. “I’m Jake, callsign hangman if you are into that kind of stuff.”
Realizing now that I didn’t look like a navy aviator in my civilians I decided to play along.
“Woah, so that makes you like a pilot right?” I pretended to sound interested. His smile grows wider as he continues to talk my ear off about the job that we share, unaware of my status.
“I just realized gorgeous I never actually got your name.” Hangman grew quiet at the sudden realization. Letting out a soft laugh I go to share my identity.
Before I get the chance I’m stopped by a familiar voice.
“That would be Lieutenant Mitchell, callsign Lemon.”
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ryuichirou · 6 months
We gave you a break from my art but not from my replies lol
Anonymous asked:
Will you draw more Scott Pilgrim content?
Not in the nearest future. Like I wrote in the post itself: we haven’t watched the show yet; and probably won’t for quite some time (I’m positive it’s not something we’d be able to recover from to jump back into twst). But Wallace’s anime design is adorable, so I really wanted to draw him with Todd. We’ll definitely watch it though, and then I might spam more art with them... or keep it to myself.
Anonymous asked:
Out of curiosity, do you have like a genderbend tag or something to see all your works with the twisted boys as girls together 👀
I do! It’s not strictly about twst, but it’s the only thing I post nowadays, so it probably doesn’t matter: #genderswap
I do have quite a lot of drawings of twst boys as girlies, but we haven’t posted much of them… I hope we will one day. 💪😔
Anonymous asked:
Do you think that Fem!Jamil would have less complaints than Regular!Jamil about those times where Kalim tries to dress her up? My guess is that she would simply see it as Fem!Kalim wanting to "play dolls" and wouldn't really think much past that. Annoying, yes, but nothing more than a childish whim. Also, if this requests involve crossdressing, I imagine that her male counterpart would make more of a fuss about it than her.
(we talked about fem!KaliJami in our reply yesterday)
At first yeah, probably. She’s definitely more comfortable with it than the regular Jamil, because it’s easier for her to rationalize it in a non-romantic/non-sexual way. It really is as if Kalim just treats her like a pretty doll, and it’s nothing unusual: they used to play like this a lot when they were little. But when she’ll realise that whenever she’s dressed in pretty silks (and sometimes quite revealing ones), Kalim looks at her in an amazed but also clearly enamoured way. The moment Jamil realised that Kalim probably desires her, she’ll start treating these little dress up games differently.
Anonymous asked:
Ortho got a new card for new years. So picture him with Vil in his new years. Same goes with Rook in his new year. You know what? Have the three of them together in new years?
Ortho’s been getting so many new cards recently! He deserves all of them. The best boy lol Really liked the new year’s one!
Vil’s New Years outfit was so good that my heart actually stops whenever I remember him, and I’m super excited that he could be paired up with either Rook or Ortho now. Or both~
Anonymous asked:
Hey Ryu and katsu, did you guys read the translation for the previous jp event 'Playful Land'? I haven't seen you guys talk about it or mention it, so i'm curious to hear your thoughts and opinions on this event.
personally, i enjoyed most of the event  This is basically falling into the Black Butler territory lol (But i heard rumours that Yana wasn't involved in this event and a few previous ones apparently?).
Also, what do you guys think of the two new characters? Fellow and Gidel. I swear Gidel looks almost identical to cheka :'DD
Anon!! Sorry that it took so long to reply. We haven’t seen this event yet, so we edited out some of the parts of your ask to keep it spoiler-free; I don’t know when we’re going to finally watch it, but we’ll keep your ask in the askbox so we could share our thoughts when it happens. It might take quite a long time though, so I’m sorry.
I’ll reply to the rest of the things you’ve mentioned.
I’m not sure about the rumors, but I think Yana mentioned in her twi that she and her team was involved in the writing + design work for the event? But she has to do a lot of things these days, so I can’t say for sure.
The Black Butler vibes are very strong though, the whole circus/carnival theme is like a classic Yana setting, especially when it gets dark and traumatic lol Very excited to learn more once we watch it.
Fellow and Gidel look great!! Really love their design, their sprites are also great, Fellow especially has great expressions, and I really really love sleazy characters in general. Gidel has a lot of Cheka vibes lol but Cheka is more of a >:3 kid, and Gidel is more of a =w=, also I trust Gidel much much less. But in a good way, because once again, sleazy characters = good.
Anonymous asked:
So I've seen this hand held octopus citrus wringer, let's just say it looks like something else, so I'd like you to imagine Azul shoving a tiny octopus up Idia's ass
You mean… this one? Wow, it really looks like something else…
Poor Idia and his poor butt. Come on, Azul, it’s not an orange!!
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Anonymous asked:
Neige could be Cady, but in universe fans would probably say he's a good fit for Regina George bc of his beauty
Either way Janis cusses both of them out so Vil gets paid to insult Neige on-screen
Let’s be honest, his fans would be so scandalized by Cady-Neige turning into “the second Regina” during the course of the movie lol I don’t know why I keep picturing his fanbase as a 90% wholesome people but. Still, he would absolutely be celebrated for that role and for going outside of his unproblematic box.
But yeah, if Vil got to play Janis in this scenario he would probably enjoy his opportunity to vent lol
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yermes · 11 months
PAC: 🐓
Good morning to my whimsigothic sons, my jock daughters, and my “I dye my hair after every minor inconvenience”spawn 🩷 yesterday I made HOMEMADE BAGELS 🥯 because you know what sometimes its good to do something for yourself. Lets look at a more softer side of shadow work and lets see what we can do to add to our little treat lifestyle.
Pick a meme
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Pick a card
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Seven of swords 🪶
Lord of unstable effort, Netzach, Moon in Aquarius, 20°–30°, Angels Michael and Hahihel
You have been putting a GREAT DEAL OF EFFORT IN and its not in vain. If you stop the effort you will lose. You may be in a unstable and scary situation right now but you are on the cusp of fulfillment. Do the small things to stay motivated to keep yourself going. Aka indulge in the lil treat lifestyle if possible to keep that effort up.
Suggestion: to keep moral high in this fight buy a little treat
Ace of Wands 🪽
Fire, Kether through fire
This bitch right here is the very START of manifestation. You have a wish and you have will but you have yet to ACT. Don’t let your wishes go unfulfilled you are beautiful and deserving of good things you just need a little elbow grease behind it.
Suggestion: work on a plan to manifest and write in your magic journal
Ace of cups 🍸
Lord of the Root of the Powers of Waters, Kether
I think its a good time to exercise gratuity. Right now you kind of reached abundance of emotional fulfillment. You are beautiful, strong, and, kind. You should recognize the abundance manifesting in none physical ways. Having a sudden abundance of emotional fulfillment is great bc my ass doesn’t have a crumb of serotonin to spare.
Suggestion: write down or meditate on your gratitudes and do something with the things/ people that bring you this fulfillment
Prince of cups 🍾
21° libra to 20° scorpio, the air aspect in the waters of briah, Tiphareth
There is a big creative aspect in here. This guy works in silence like all the best occultists do. He is very artistic combining emotions and magic together. He creates not only in the physical but in the non-physical as well. However, I get you’re a diva and perfectionist who will stop at NOTHING to perfect your craft. However, take a step back and remember this is who you are. Its a process. You do not need to yeet people into the sun for getting in your way its all a process.
Suggestion: do some light meditation and do art for FUN outside of magic who knows it could inspire you.
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Fluffy cape 🧸
Inspired by this prompt by @thepenultimateword
“Welcome to Villain Con! Happy to see so many villainous faces this year! I hope my presentation does your future career at my company justice — Let’s begin.”
After the presentation and 10 minutes for questions and application forms, Villain was pleased to leave the conference room with a healthy stack of papers. 
This had been one of their best presentations yet! And the candidates all seemed so charming and sinister too!
Villain went back to their booth at the career fair and took out their lunch. There was still an hour to go till the convention ended, and they already had over forty applications. Would it be in poor taste to go through them right now? 
So they decided not to chance it. 
For lunch, they had gotten an apple, a few shawarmas, and some coconut biscuits. Their food proudly sported their organization's packaging, which hopefully would let potential candidates know that they provide free food to all employees.
They were halfway through when their peripheral vision spotted a figure of light blue stroll up toward them. 
“Hi. May I have an application form?”
Smile, Villain remembered. They looked up with their practiced nonthreatening soft smile, hand already reaching out for a form when they froze. 
It was a hero. Very clearly. Cape and all. 
Before they could blurt out “Scatter” for their fellow convention-goers, the do-gooder held up a special convention badge and a power-suppressing cuff.
“It’s okay! I have permission! See?”
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The badge said this hero had been vetted and had permissions to attend the convention due to their potential to join the dark side.
"That's… I didn't know they gave cards like that… Or they vetted… or that they let heroes in at all…" 
"Yeah," Hero gave a nervous laugh. "Had to go through a super long process…" 
Villain nodded weakly.
"And costly too." That seemed to be a rough point for Hero. 
All Villain could say was "Oof."
"Haha, yeahhh…"
Awkward silence.
"Well!" Hero began, in their Hero voice they used for civilians. “May I have an application, Mx Villain?”
“Um… are you really looking to join the dark side?”
“Yup! Didn't pay for this convention badge for nothing!”
“Why? Why the change of heart?” Villain was unsure but handed them one of the forms anyway.
“Oh, you know. The usual.” They filled it out on the table, and Villain couldn’t help but notice the way they dotted some of the i's with hearts, or that sometimes they ended their sentences with smiley faces, or — OKAY, THAT WAS ENOUGH PRYING!
Villain let the applicant, because that’s what they were right now, fill out their form in privacy while they sat down and finished their lunch. 
“HERO?” said someone and everyone’s head turned first at the speaker and then at where they were staring.
“IT’S OKAY, EVERYONE! I HAVE A BADGE, SEE?” But it didn’t matter because a million smoke bombs burst from all directions till only Hero, Villain and Other Villain (the speaker) were left.
Hero sighed.
“I cannot afford the convention fine for this,” they mumbled.
“HERO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?” Other Villain had taken out their weapons but were holding them loosely, like they were holding a piece of paper and not deadly apparatus. 
“Hi, Other Villain. I was applying for a henchman job. What about you?”
“I’m leaving the hero business. See?” They held out their badge that had failed to pacify the convention-goers, something they had been clearly threatened against.
“And you didn't tell me? I thought we were nemeses!”
“We are! Er, at least, we were? I honestly haven’t told anyone I’m leaving the biz, it’s not personal, believe me.”
“It just… it’s fine. Never mind, it’s fine. I don’t care.” They… sniffled?
“Don’t be like that, Other Villain!" Hero went up and put an arm around them. "I didn’t mean it! I just didn’t want anyone to find out till everything was set in stone, y’know?”
“Fine, fine, whatever. I don’t care.”
"Other Villain, I didn't mean it like that." But they weren't listening. They had started walking away, head down and wiping at their face.
"Sorry, Villain. Duty calls. Let me know if there's anything more you need for my application, yeah?"
Hero then ran after their ex-nemesis, ready to wrap them in their cape made of soft fluffy faux fur just for this purpose.
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... Fin? 💼🧸
Tried to be gender neutral but had to work with what Canva gave me :/
Yes, Hero's cape is soft and fluffy and made with actual pillow covers!
Yes, the ending is rushed on purpose. Not feeling most of my snippets so just gonna post them to clear them out. So the endings will be rushed, like this one. (sometimes you just gotta stop being a perfectionist so you can move to other things, y'know?)
I also realized while working on this that I've never actually been to a career fair :/ idk what happens there, I just guessed here, no research :/
Writing journey:
Turns out I like the vibe of and prompts of fluffy oblivious x smitten, but turning it into a two-way relationship is just not my thing. Not even a qpp. Just can't do relationships lol. My characters are gonna be oblivious x smitten or smitten x not smitten for life.
For this, I tried to go for an actual beginning, middle, end, but I had more fun with the convention card and now want to tangent from the fluffy prompt into more world of heroes and villains intricacies, like more documents and domestic interactions, and more into the reason why Hero has decided to give up heroics (idk why yet lol, I think I had a reason but forgot). It's just more interesting to me to write something plot-y or ridiculous or dramatic with a side of crushing, than trying to write 2 characters' journey to a romantic relationship. Just not me.
Shout out to @just-a-space-rabbit for the idea of Other Villain's reaction.
And to @world-of-fire-and-flight @tratieisdabest @eahravinqueen @just-a-space-rabbit because I was excited and proud of the card and showed it to them :D I showed it to more people coz I just love it so much!!!!! 🤩🥰💞💞💞
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prolix-yuy · 2 years
I'm curious about how Frankie brought up his child/children/ex with Ms. Jackson?
(Just how many mini Moraleses are running around is up for debate, of course. I think there are at least two because of the way he says, "I got the NEW baby now." It doesn't sound like it's his first to me.)
Ooooh, very interesting because I am establishing Triple Frontier as canon in this AU, but I haven’t really gotten into that one line yet. Frankie is a very sweet boy in my AU, but he is human, and he has his own troubles and mistakes. To ignore them would be doing his character a disservice, so yes, let’s talk about Frankie’s past relationship.
Pairing: Francisco “Catfish" Morales x F!Reader "Ms Jackson", Francisco “Catfish" Morales x OFC "Caroline"
Summary: An envelope holds the key to Frankie Morales’ past, and he's been dreading the conversation he has to have about it.
Word Count: 4.3k
Warnings: M, past Sex Worker!Frankie, allusions to sexual acts, descriptions of male and female bodies, descriptions of sex work (not explicit), unplanned pregnancy, drug use, PTSD, semi-toxic relationship, angst, people are complicated and hurt each other even with the best intentions. While this story is not explicit, my blog and the content shared on it is 18+ MINORS DNI.
Note: I honestly debated whether I wanted to go down this path, but this ask really helped solidify Frankie’s history. He’s benefited a lot from things like therapy and having a support system in the other TF boys, but there was a time when he was unmoored and struggling.
Before we begin, everyone take a deep breath and remember how happy Frankie and Ms J are now. Sometimes we have to push through a little pain for some healing on the other side.
Takes place after Easy Like Any Morning and about 8 months into Frankie and Ms Jackson’s relationship.
Cross-posted on AO3
Sex Worker!Frankie AU Masterlist
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It was an unassuming envelope, the kind that probably held a greeting card. You don’t normally pick up Frankie’s mail but it was lying on a shelf under his apartment complex’s mailboxes, blatantly addressed to Francisco Morales. Thinking little of it, you pick it up and bring it in with you as you walk through the front door.
“Hey babe,” Frankie says, dotting a quick kiss on your lips as you shrug off your purse. You hold out the envelope as you slip off your shoes.
“What’s this?” he asks, which you answer with a shrug.
“Was sitting on the mailbox shelf when I got in,” you reply. Something smells like roasted peppers and sausage, your stomach grumbling.
In the moment between when you hand Frankie the letter and when you finish hanging up your belongings, his whole demeanor changes. His face drops to a stony expression, eyes boring a hole into the white envelope, leaning more heavily against the hallway wall. It makes a cold pit form in your stomach.
“What’s wrong?” you ask, but your voice bodily snaps Frankie out of whatever mood he tumbled into. He tosses the letter onto the hall table with his other mail.
“Nothing. Dinner’s almost ready,” he says, too quick and too dismissively. You follow his retreating back to his small kitchen, itching to ask him for some explanation but deciding to wait it out. Frankie tended towards openness with you, and pushing him in the moment would only succeed in making him sink deeper into himself. All of your hardest conversations required Frankie to come to you first, but he rarely kept you waiting long.
After a quiet dinner, you mostly carrying the conversation, Frankie sets you up with the TV and asks you to find something to watch. His footsteps heading back to the hall worry you, but you try to give him the space he needs to process whatever that envelope holds.
It takes him four excruciating minutes to come back, the digital numbers on the cable box ticking down. You turn to him, about to say you found something that looked good, but your words die on your tongue at the look Frankie gives you. It’s dread and anxiety and nervousness cutting harsh creases into his beautiful face that has you tossing the remote aside and holding your hands out to him. His face crumples as he sits down heavily beside you. You move to take his hands and feel the envelope clutched in one, now ripped open. The card inside is edged in princess pink.
“I…” he starts, and you swallow hard at his hesitation. Whatever is in that envelope involves you in some way, and waves of fight or flight response ratchet up your heartbeat.
Is this where it all ends? Does the clock finally strike midnight and you turn back to a sullen divorcee, alone and heartsick again?
“Fuck,” Frankie swears, dropping the envelope in his lap and gathering up your hands. “I’m sorry, I’m scaring you. I’m sorry,” he pleads, and you realize you’ve been holding your breath since he sat down. You let air rush in, focus on his thumbs circling the backs of your palms.
“Yeah, you’re scaring me. What’s going on?” you manage to get out with some strength behind the words. He steels himself before dropping your hands and sliding the card out of the envelope. It’s a child’s birthday invitation, bright and cheery, dated a month from now. The confusion must be written loudly on your face, because Frankie places the invite into your hands.
Please join us for Rosalie’s 2nd birthday party!
“There’s something I need to tell you.”
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Frankie met Caroline in the way he met most people outside of work those days - passing glances at his dealer’s house. She was pretty, engaging, loud and fun. He often caught her talking with a bunch of other regulars in the back room, eyes shining with the line she’d just snorted. Her hands always spoke with her, accentuating and punctuating her sentences. Frankie couldn’t help but stare, drawn to the life that spilled from every pore of her being. She felt so opposite to him, always drawn in and quiet.
The first time they touched was electric. She passed him in the hallway, one going in, one going out, and her hand skimmed over his shoulder. It made Frankie’s heart pound, more intoxicating than the powder tucked into his jacket.
The next time they met, Frankie plucked up enough courage to introduce himself. She was waiting in front of the house, eyes darting around nervously as he approached.
“Uh, hey,” he said, hands in his pockets and shoulders hunched. She looked him up and down quickly, ready to bolt.
“Hey yourself,” she answered, but instead of hostility he caught notes of amusement. It made him just a little bit bolder.
“Seen you around a few times. I’m Frankie,” he offered, considering putting his hand out to shake but deciding against it. She gave him a smile, snarky as she licked over one incisor.
“Frankie. That’s cute. I don’t think I’ve known a Frankie since I was a kid,” she said, a nervous laugh popping out of his mouth.
“Francisco,” he added, making her nod along with something like understanding.
“Caroline,” she offers. “Nice to meet you.”
They stood in the baking sun for a few minutes longer, Caroline sweeping her gaze over Frankie as he tried not to obviously do the same. She finally tapped at her pocket with a knowing look.
“I’ve got something to share if you’re up for it, Francisco,” she said. Her tone was laced with more offerings than that, and if Frankie hadn’t have done a quick bump to get up the courage to talk to her he might have seen the problems here. But she was sexy and forward, and he was craving something his lizard brain believed only she can offer.
“Where do you want to go?”
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Coke and Caroline were a match made in heaven. Whether they both did a line and waited for Frankie’s cock to get impossibly hard, or she showed up at his doorstep high and needy, they found comfort in the other’s body. She was plush and giving and wet and seemed to be horny for him all the time. In return the coke made him go forever, almost to the point where cumming would be more painful than just letting the high knock him out.
They didn’t share much past their scores, some pizza and electrolytes. She worked in a warehouse, liked reality tv, and only ever called him Francisco. He told her he worked as a private helicopter pilot. Which was…mostly true. He did work part time at a small hanger, but he hadn’t been flying much in recent years. Younger hotshots were hungrier for it than him, and he hated the droning conversations broadcast through headsets. Most days he just babysat the front desk and waited for a call from Pope. The itching in his fingers to be back up in the air…well, he started attributing that to the coke instead.
He didn’t tell her what else he did for work. She never gave him an indication that she’d shame him, or drop him because of it, but it was easier for the secret to just live between the other boys and him. Their meetups were erratic anyway; if he was already spent, he’d take his time making her cum with his fingers and tongue until his cock finally twitched back to life. If it was taking too long, half a crushed up Viagra normally did the trick. Those weeks were a blur of naked skin, the buzz up his spine, and blissful thoughtlessness. It felt like a dream as he fucked and snorted and ignored all of the problems knocking at his door.
It was when the tests skittered across her kitchen counter, positive on all three, that Frankie finally crashed back to reality.
“You’re pregnant?” he sputtered, unable to tear his eyes from the sticks littering the table. Caroline stood with her arms crossed, unable to stop shifting from side to side.
“Not like we paid a lot of attention to where you were cumming, Francisco,” she spat back, and the venom in her tone sobered Frankie up faster than he thought possible.
“Hey,” he said softly, putting his hands on her shoulders. Tears were threatening to fall, her mouth screwing up to choke back a sob. “Hey, I’m sorry. It’s gonna be okay,” he soothed, wrapping her in his embrace as she sobbed into his chest.
“I can’t do this,” she cried over and over, words tearing into Frankie worse than if she was clawing him in anger.
“You’re not alone,” he finally said, pulling back to hold her face. Her face was blotchy and red, tears streaking down as he cupped her cheek. “I’m here. I’ll be here for you, for the baby. I promise.” He tried to warm her with a smile, stroking away tears. “If this is what’s happening, I’m going to do it right, with you.” Caroline broke out into more tears then, but grateful ones.
“Fuck, Francisco, I’m scared,” she said, and he smoothed her hair and stroked her back.
“Me too.” He pulled her back into his chest, nose pressed against her ear as her tears calmed down to hiccups and shaky breaths.
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Caroline quit cold turkey, endured the withdrawal and the stress of detox. She threw out everything she had, stopped talking to the friends she made through her dealers, and started reading about prenatal care and scheduling doctors appointments. It impressed the hell out of Frankie, watching her take to this mission of being the best possible mother she could be. Instead of their usual conversations about who’s ordering food or when to go score their next hit, Caroline was showing Frankie baby registries and birth plans, talking about car seats and neighborhoods and everything made Frankie’s head spin. He tried to nod through, take notes, be present and supportive, but he was beginning to realize the inevitable.
He was going to fuck this up.
At first he was just afraid of detoxing, something Caroline made him promise to do before the baby was born. After watching a month of her mood changing, becoming more anxious and paranoid, bad dreams making her thrash in the night, Frankie wasn’t sure if he could endure it. His dreams already scared him enough, but without the wall of numbness to keep the terrors away he wasn’t sure he could be of any help to her or the baby.
That’s when the lying began. The sneaking out to his dealer, the subtle hits after listening to her read through long lists of the best foods to eat or best sleeping positions. Instead of growing closer to her, to his future child, he was drifting away as silently as possible. He didn’t want to, kept trying to force himself to man up, but the chasm continued to grow.
Maybe if they had been friends before, Frankie could have found more common ground between them. If they had gone on dates, or talked about their families, met their friends, maybe it wouldn’t feel like they were two strangers handcuffed together. All Frankie ever wanted to do was get high and fuck and forget with her. But she was a full person, one he never took the time to know beyond his needs and was forever tied to now. The sickly voice in his head chastised him about it now, how selfish he was, how he got himself so far into this mess. As she took to motherhood splendidly, he dreaded what kind of a father he’d be.
It came to a head when Frankie was careless after a client. She’d shared some of her own stash with him, and it was stronger than he was used to. She loved it, enjoying his raging libido for well past their hour and tipping him generously. He’d strolled out feeling like a fucking god, still vibrating and full of pent-up energy. He shouldn’t have gone to see Caroline.
She knew right away, could see it in his eyes and the speed of his hands. He tried to kiss her, make her feel as good as he was feeling, and she shoved him off.
“Are you fucking serious, Francisco? You told me you were done, that you would be done for us!” she shouted, so loud it made his head feel split open.
“It was nothing, honey, just a little…” he tried to say, but his fumbling words only made it worse. Her shouting blended into a cacophony of anger and mistrust, further exacerbated when she stepped into his space again.
“Were you…” she says, quieter and with incredulous awe in her voice. “Were you with someone?” Even with Frankie’s brain running at lightspeed he couldn’t come up with an excuse fast enough. Caroline’s eyes widened, and the hurt within them haunted Frankie long after.
“Were you fucking some other woman?” she demanded, her voice rising again. “After you swore to me you were all in?” Her voice got warbly and the good feeling he’d been swimming in morphed into anger in Frankie’s chest. It barreled over his common sense.
“It’s not like you even fucking touch me. I was going to give it all up, but it didn’t even seem like you cared if I was here. Never letting me say shit to you. I tried to tell you I loved you and you threw it back at me, said it was just because you were pregnant. How am I supposed to not feel hurt by that?” The words burned as they spilled, pain washing over pain as they both gave in to the repressed emotions they’d been covering with false smiles.
“Why the fuck would I want you to say you loved me if you didn’t?”
“I’m supposed to, you’re carrying my baby. I wanted to say it and you kept throwing it back in my face.”
“What kind of antiquated bullshit is that?”
“You don’t think I cared about you when we were together?”
“Beyond a place to stick your dick when you got high, no.”
“That’s a lie and you know it.”
“No, it’s not, because I barely know you. We fucked around and got in trouble and I should have just told you I’d handle it myself.”
“After you cried to me that you couldn’t do this? How many times do I have to tell you that I want to be here for you and the baby?”
“Telling me you want to help and actually doing what I need you to do are two very different things.”
“I’m trying, I’m just as fucking scared as you are about this!”
“But I’m not snorting my fears, like I asked you not to. You’re just escaping, Francisco, like you want to escape everything in your depressing fucking life.”
“Don’t you dare do that, don’t you throw that shit into my face. I didn’t run away from this.”
“Looks that way to me.”
“I’ve been doing everything I can. I want to give you and the baby everything.”
“Oh yes, all that love you keep talking about. Be really fucking honest with me, Francisco. Do you actually care about me, even just as the mother of your child?”
“What the fuck are you trying to do with this now?”
“It’s a simple fucking question. Do you even like me? Do you even want to be around me?”
“Jesus fuck, no! Is that what you want to hear? No!”
The silence that follows that word cleaves the connection between them. It’s as sharp and final as a bullet to the brain.
“Get out,” is all she manages. He doesn’t try to apologize, or stay. She was right. He was best at escaping.
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The next day Frankie called and left a long message for her. He apologized as best as he could and told her that he’ll be there for her as much as she wants him, but he’ll stay away if that’s her preference. She didn't return his call.
The days blurred together for a time after that. A revolving door of scores, clients, fuzzy days spent in the hanger disappearing into himself.
Santi was the first to put his foot down.
“I can’t have you high with clients, Frankie, it’s fucking dangerous for everyone, including me. You get clean or you’re done.”
“Then I’m done,” Frankie spat back, and the pain in Santi’s eyes at this revelation, that wallowing in misery was the preferred choice, made him stalk out of Frankie’s apartment.
The license suspension came soon after. Another pilot caught him rubbing some powder on his gums to get through the day, and the drug test was unavoidable. He stood stoically at his supervisor’s desk as they rattled off the terms of the suspension, the noise barely reaching his ears. Thankfully he was still feeling pleasantly numb, letting the succession of punches he’d been taking roll off his shoulders.
But the wave always crashes. As he was driving home a notification pinged. A sonogram in an email. The text was simple.
It’s a girl.
Santi got called to drag him out of a bar that night. He’d drunk himself blackout, and spilled his feelings, then his guts into Santi’s guest bathroom.
“I’m sorry, Frankie,” Santi said, a firm hand on his shoulder as Frankie heaved into the toilet again. “You shouldn’t have gone through all of that alone.”
“I deserved it,” is all Frankie could manage.
“No, you didn’t.”
It’s what he needed to finally go to a NA meeting.
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Frankie threw himself into distractions away from his narrowing thoughts as Caroline’s due date approached. A question hung in the air, making him pull her contact up in his phone over and over.
Do you want me there?
The subtext was clear.
I want to be there.
The call came early in the morning, voice laced with pain.
“Frankie, please come.”
He didn’t take a full breath until he was by her side again.
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She let him stay through it all. The pain, the hours of waiting, the birth itself. They talked, more than they had in months, and some of the heartache he’d been feeling lifted. He was clean, finally. He had a baby girl. Caroline wasn’t looking at him like he was a pile of shit. Maybe things could turn back around.
Holding little Rosalie in his arms, it felt possible. Maybe not perfect, but it was what he could have.
Then Santi came to him with a proposition.
“I don’t know, man. I’ve got the new baby now. And my lady isn’t into me doing this kind of shit,” he’d said to Santi. He didn’t want to do it, too many problems and too low in his life. Caroline was an easy excuse, a redirect to politely decline. She wasn’t his girl anymore, most likely never would be, but Santi had to understand what that meant. A life that he’d promised to the mother of his littlest lady. But Santi knew what made Frankie tick. Not just the money, but the purpose and the familiarity of a past life they’d all bled through before. And with that knowledge Santi spoke the words that made Frankie agree.
And Colombia happened.
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Frankie’s lips finally stop moving after what feels like an eternity. You’d listened silently to the slow and painful unraveling of his history. It’s a raw, open wound he needs you to look at because he’s been hiding it for too long.
“The relapse made me realize I wasn’t ready to be a good father to Rosalie.” His voice is hoarse from emotion and speaking for so long. You want to get him a drink of water, let him rest, but he’s trying to show you the ugliest part of himself. You have to let him shed it all first.
“It lasted about two weeks while I was still in Colombia. No one knew where I was, or what I was doing. She told me she thought I was dead, and that for a little while she was…relieved.” You tighten your fingers around Frankie’s, showing him without words that life without him would only be crueler.
“She was upset about the relapse, angry at the silence, but eventually she understood. About Tom. And we talked for a long time after that. She left the door open, but with the understanding that I had to be clean to be around Rosalie. And I worked really hard for that. I thought I’d get to the point where I’d feel okay and then I’d just…be her dad.” Frankie’s face flits away from yours, not for the first time tonight. “But the longer I stayed away, the more I came to think that it was better that I did. Caroline’s got a new boyfriend, a good guy. He’s…really great with Rosalie, from the pictures I’ve seen. She’s…really happy.”
Tears are flowing now, and you have to actively stop yourself from crashing into Frankie’s arms. He’s trying to get to a place, to a moment where he can let you in, and you need to be patient. Your hands stroke along his knuckles, trying to bring him back to you.
“It’s her second birthday. I went to her first, and I thought it might kill me, seeing her. But somehow she knew me. Not that I was her dad, but that I wasn’t just some guy. She fell asleep in my arms and I told Caroline I was happy for her. I’m still not a large part of Rosalie’s life, but she’s a part of me, and I’m going to be there for her always.”
Frankie looks back at you, wiping his face roughly. It’s finally your turn. You pause to organize the swirling thoughts in your head and choose the most important words first.
“It’s okay that you didn’t tell me,” you start, and the immediate wave of relief on Frankie’s face belies how difficult of a revelation this was, and how much fear he held going into it. “Am I surprised? Sure, this is a lot. But I’m not mad, or upset. I don’t feel lied to, or tricked or anything like that. This is a part of your life that you weren’t ready to share with me, and it’s complicated. I understand.” Frankie nods briefly, making you shuffle closer to him on the couch. He leans his larger bulk against you, pressing his forehead against your temple.
“Did you tell me because you want to go to her birthday?” you say, trying to draw out the last few worries from Frankie’s mind.
“Yeah, definitely,” he breathes out.
“Were you afraid I’d be upset about you going?” you ask. Frankie pulls back, searching your face.
“Not upset. I, um…I thought about asking you to come. With me. And I knew I had to tell you if you came. It wouldn’t be fair not to. And all that was just…a lot.”
Your brain short circuits for a moment at this confession.
“You want me to…meet your daughter?” you ask. The panic flashes across Frankie’s face again.
“Shit, I literally just dumped this on you, you don’t have to decide that now. And you don’t have to come. It’s not…I’m not going to be getting more involved. Caroline and I decided on that. Jacob’s her dad to her. I’m not getting…joint custody or anything. I just…fuck. I’m fucking this up.” Frankie starts to get up but you pull him back down to you. His eyes are wide and plaintive.
“It’s okay,” you say, even if it all feels exactly not that. But it will be. “I’m okay. It’s an adjustment, but I’m still here Frankie. I’m still with you.” It’s garbled, what you’re trying to convey, but Frankie does seem to understand it. He pulls you into his arms, draping your legs across his lap as he breathes you in. “I’m not going anywhere.”
“I’m sorry for waiting so long,” he murmurs into your shoulder. You stroke at his hair, dragging your nails across his scalp.
“I get it. I promise,” you say. You let him calm in your arms, your breathing in tandem. Frankie tucks you under his chin and against his chest.
“Thank you for telling me,” you say, placing a soft kiss on his collarbone. He squeezes you a little tighter.
“Thank you for understanding,” he replies, “And for not running for the hills. I really…man, I really fucked that up. Jesus Christ,” he sighs, and you giggle against him for a moment.
“You always keep it interesting, Frankie,” you joke, and a little bit of levity eases the tension.
“And…” you say, Frankie humming to continue, “Tentatively…tentatively…if you asked me to go with you, I’d be okay with that. If it’s okay with her mom, of course.” Frankie’s body goes still under you, and you have to twist up to look at him. His eyes are shining with tears, and gratitude, and so much care. He looks down at you and you’re swallowed up in him.
“I have never loved anyone as much as I love you,” he says, his voice tight. His mouth both crashes and melds into yours, deep passionate kisses that have him laying you out on your back as he seeks refuge in your lips. You return his devotion as he wraps himself around you. Your mouths slow, bodies settling deeper as exhaustion pulls you under.
You wake the next morning still tangled together on the couch, covered in creases and dried drool and tangled hair. Frankie lifts his head up from your neck and groans as his back pops repeatedly. You stroke your fingers through his messy curls as he hazily looks down at you.
“There you are,” you say, and Frankie’s face melts into adoration.
“Hey babe,” he croaks out, “Right where you left me.” You kiss the man you love so dearly, baggage and all.
“Right where you belong.”
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The story continues in Flight Plan
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yuikomorii · 2 years
I agree there are darker games than DL but Yui compared to those heroines is nothing if we’re going to look at it from not a subjective point of view.
I’ve played a bunch of otome games too and although I like Diabolik Lovers and your blog, I really can’t view Yui as a good heroine. People compliment her mental strength but little do they know all heroines share that trait, it’s a must in an otome games. The fact that she survived was not because she is “mentally strong” but because of plot armour. I’m pretty sure there were a few times when she wanted to k*ll herself but didn’t because the vampire she chose saved her.
Besides, this is a very popular opinion as far as I’ve seen in this fandom, but she’s respectfully an idiot. I was expecting her to be smarter than in the anime but she’s even more stupid in the game. I’ll give her credit in the manga though, they really did her justice here. There is a thin line between naivety and lacking brain cells, but Yui crossed that line already. She seems someone thoughtful in her monologues but then she opens that mouth and says or does such bullshit that makes me be scream. If the brothers were as villainous as they are said to be, I bet they would have wrecked her long before.
I remember that time when Rejet confirmed none of the Diaboys r*ped her in HDB because they pulled the dub-con card and made Little Miss Church girl like having sex in her monologues instead of hating it because wtf they were literally assaulting her but she was happy!? I don’t get why they’d make her act this way but r*pe is presented in most otome games and there are truly heroines who are disgusted by it, who I find way more relatable than her.
Feel free to delete or ignore this ask if you want, I just wanted to tell you my opinion. It’s probs not important at all but I just felt like taking this off my chest.
// But I've never claimed that Yui is the best heroine or anything like that. She's middle-tier because such a heroine won't appeal to everyone, which is understandable given that DL isn't your typical otome game. I agree that they are all mentally strong, particularly Haruka from Moshikami, who is literally the queen of this.
It’s true that if the Diaboys really existed, they would have slayed her the moment she said or did something wrong because vampires are monsters; they have no mercy for humans, who are merely prey in their eyes. Yet, it's just an otome game, they can't just kill her off because the story can't continue without a heroine.
Alright, let me tell you why Yui is stupid sometimes. Basically everyone is aware of that, Rejet intentionally writes her lacking brain cells from time to time, but let me explain why:
According to Japanese otome game polls, players don’t like when the heroine is better than them. While they do like a heroine with her own design and background, they don’t want her to be smarter, more skilled, cooler or more interesting than them.
I remember these Japanese fans on Twitter discussing about heroines, and one of them said, "Yui-chan is a little foolish, but she's so cute!" and someone else responded, "True, she's so kind too!" As you can see, Japanese players don't mind if Yui is dumber than them; they acknowledge it, but they focus on her positive traits more. Japan has never had a problem with “stupidity” in media, characters who are occasionally dummies but also sympathetic or emotional supports are frequently fan favorites.
Yui, in my opinion, is not that stupid; in fact, none of the DL characters can be called that. I'd rather call her dense and slow-minded because she acts before thinking and doesn't always consider the consequences. Still, because we all come from different countries and have met different types of people, we can’t perceive stupidity identically.
I know Rejet confirmed that they didn’t rap€ her in HDB in one of the cg books, but as you stated, that’s because of dub-con.
Fyi, dub-con(dubious consent) is part of Japanese pop culture and is considered something very attractive there. It basically means a fictional situation in which the consent is not clear, the character can cry and scream but they admit liking it in their thoughts. The situation may not be real-world levels of consenting, but the victim is not perceiving themselves as a victim because they desire the sex act, which is indeed true in Yui’s case.
You can notice that in Kanato’s HDB lake sex scene, Yui says in her monologue that what he’s doing to her is not undesirable. Another scene is in Ayato's HDB route, where Yui clearly states that Ayato's genuine smile and his "You're mine" declaration go straight to her heart, essentially giving her a hint that he likes her back.
Yui's dream was to become a nun, but the moment she has sex, she abruptly changes her mind and genuinely enjoys it, so I can't get her carnal desire. I know some faithful heroines too but yeah, they disliked the thought of losing their virginity, and the love interests were really manipulative there too. If she hadn't been a church girl, I wouldn't have had anything against it, but I must confess that they made her far too horny for someone with a religious background and I'm not sure how I feel about it. Sure, hormones are typical at that age, and it can be amusing seeing her act like that, but literally getting sexually-frustrated because your vampire lover doesn’t screw you or suck your blood anymore is already way over the top. But whatever, she’s just like that in the bad endings. I mean, she still gets horny but at least not that bad. xD
I guess these are some of the reasons why DL shouldn’t be localized; it presents themes Westerns will find unsettling, while the Japanese audience will consider those hot. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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So I’ve watched a good chunk of seasons 3 and 4 of Laramie as well as a few from season 1 and I am now gonna make it all yall’s problem and bless you with my commentary and clips from each episode, enjoy I guess 😂
Without further ado, S1.EP1 Stage Stop
Not the outlaw being upset they spelled his name wrong in the newspaper 😂
Jess’s introduction to Laramie was absolutely terrible, poor guy just got shot at. Absolutely love how he just ignored the lawman when he was told to stop though, a very Jess thing to do 🤣
Jess and Slim’s first meeting is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. Let’s take a look at it, shall we?
I mean the first shot alone where they show the sign “Sherman Ranch, No Trespassing” and then cut to Jess just lounging around like he owns the place 😂 
And the dialogue:
Slim: What’re you doing here?
Jess: Gettin’ a crick in my back!
Plus this gem:
Jess: I had 3 or 4 swallows out of your private stream. My horse helped himself too, so you just figure out what I owe you, and I’ll be on my way. Oh, and uh, I looked at a bird flying over. Will there be a charge for that?
Look Jess I love you so much but who gave you the right to be so freaking sassy 😂 (we adore him for it though) but Slim had valid concerns, I see both sides of the situation here. I mean Jess, you should’ve read the sign, and I can see why Slim is wary of strangers, but I too would be ticked off if someone just showed up and was holding me at gunpoint
Not Jess just sending Slim flying 😂 boy don’t mess around
Overall I think this first meeting went really well you guys
Andy is so flipping adorable and I would die for him, the way he just gets along so well with Jess right off the bat 😭 10x funnier that he’s Slim’s brother though 🤣
Look at the racoon! And the way Andy washed his food for him 🥺 it's so cute how this little gesture shows how much he knows about animals and how much he cares for them
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When Jess dozed off and Andy came in and startled him and he just whipped around with his gun and when he realized it was Andy and he was so apologetic 😭 but just gets me thinking about Jess being a loner and a drifter and being so used to looking out for himself yet still being so compassionate to this kid he just met. He’s so good with kids and I think it’s just darling seeing him interact with Andy and later on Mike.
Ugh I’m having so many Thoughts on Jess’s childhood, of course they are of the angsty variety, all prompted by these lines of dialogue (putting them in different colors so it's easier to differentiate between them):
Andy: Jess, how old were you when you first went out on your own?
Jess: Can’t hardly remember when I wasn’t on my own, like Jeremiah here and Sam. Only I didn’t find a soft touch like you. Maybe I didn’t want one. 
Andy: Do you like it better alone?
Jess: It just worked out that way.
Andy: Don’t you get lonely sometimes?
Jess: You get used to it.
As if these lines weren't heart breaking enough, Jess's tone of voice and facial expressions just really added to it. Yes there will be fics in the future no I do not need more wips
Jess had a fractured skull you say?? *adds to list of details to keep in mind for later*
Look at them playing cards together <3 yes I totally get that Andy's complete and total willingness to trust anyone who comes along is a bit concerning but it's also so sweet and I just love how he interacts with Jess
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The way Andy was just working up the courage to ask Jess to take him with him and Jess being so gentle and telling him maybe when he’s older their relationship is everything you guys 😭
I know at times Slim seems a little harsh on Andy but he really just wants the best for him and it’s sweet. 
Love how Jonesy just deescalates the situation so smoothly and just calmly drags Slim away 😂
I’ve noticed that Jess gets called saddle tramp an awful lot so I’m starting a running count, we are currently at 1
Jonesy saying Slim is just a kid is just… it’s kinda funny but at the same time - how do I want to explain this? - like Slim is out here saying Andy needs to get things figured out, needs to become a better judge of character, and then Jonesy is just like “you’re figuring things out too pally. you’re responsible for your kid brother now and you still got some things to learn” You can see that Jonesy knows Slim really well and I love their dynamic
Jess was so ready to end Slim right then and there 😂 what can I say, I like my men violent 🤣 seriously tho the fact that Jess and Slim were just constantly beating each other up throughout this entire episode before they decided to try running a ranch together is the funniest thing
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Everything about Bud Carlin irritates me, the way he speaks, the way he moves, his whole demeanor, I just hate it 😂
When Carlin’s asking about how long it takes the stage to get there once it’s in sight and Jonesy’s just out here throwing in a bunch of random circumstances to avoid answering 🤣 and then Carlin gets so irritated that he decides to ask Jess instead lol but Andy just immediately telling him what he wants to know so Jess doesn’t get hurt 😭 bless his little heart AND JONESY REACHING HIS ARM OUT TO GRAB THE GUY WHEN HE WENT TO PUNCH JESS Jonesy's a real one
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When Jess and Andy are out in the barn shoeing the horse and Andy tries to grab a rifle and Jess stops him cuz he didn’t want him to get hurt 😭
Oh when Carlin makes Jess punch Slim in the face… like we know they were about to go at it when he walked in but now Jess is like no way, the friendship is progressing you guys, and poor Slim was just like "do it", somebody get this poor man some ice and an ibuprofen
But as soon as Carlin makes Jess hit Slim that third time he turned on Carlin so fast
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Andy’s voice was almost breaking when he saw Slim laying on the ground and he was trying to wake him up and it almost broke me 😭
The way they all go to check on Slim as soon as the guy leaves the room 🥺
Andy was just begging Jess to go with Slim so that he’d have some help and Jess wouldn’t go and then Andy has tears in his eyes and says “No wonder you travel alone, who’d wanna team up with a saddle tramp like you?” nooooooo 😭 I really act like I’ve never seen this episode before also Jess saddle tramp count is now at 2
They really just threw that guy out of the stagecoach, that wasn’t very nice
JESS CAME BACK yes I already knew this would happen, hush your timing is impeccable pally
Look at these idiots (affectionate) 😂
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Alright I'm gonna write out this scene for you because Reasons (once again in color so it's easier to differentiate):
Pete: I’m hurt bad, Jess. Don’t shoot.
Jess: I was hurt bad too. And it wasn’t just the money Pete.
Pete: I didn’t take it Jess. I swear I didn’t
*Pete proceeds to grab for his gun and Jess shoots him again, sending him flying off the cliff*
So satisfying yall also that dialogue though, I sense another fic in the future
Not the fanning of the guns, ugh I hate when they do that and Jess does it all the time
I love how Jess just puts his gun away and lets Slim deal with Carlin on his own, the way he just saunters over while they’re fist fighting and the way they replay the bit Carlin pulled on them when he made Jess hit Slim, sheer perfection 🤣
Aw Andy was so excited to see Jess and Slim back safely 🥺
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Friendship has been established pallies, that is what we call ✨character development✨
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Also if you haven’t noticed I’m a tad bit obsessed with Jess ok maybe more than a tad so here’s some bonus gifs of him being sassy 😂❤️
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pinksirensong · 2 years
Chapter Three
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Orpheus remembered his father well enough to know that he was a jealous man, he couldn’t stand even knowing someone was looking at what was his. With his mother, Calliope, being a muse was a huge problem because often the people she inspired became infatuated with her and then the King of Nightmares would show his true colors. When Y/N saw who he truly was she would leave him and everything would go back to normal.
“Hey, milady, I need a huge favor!” Orpheus kissed Y/N’s cheek when he entered their apartment.
“Oh, no.” she crossed her arms and looked disapprovingly towards him. “The last time you said that I had to bail you out of jail.”
“That’s what friends are for, right? Anyway, that’s not it. You’re cheering tonight, right?” because her family left her to fend for herself, Y/N could only stay at college with a scholarship and the cheer squad provided her that. It was cheering for the basketball team but also some cheer competition, so far they were the second best team.
“Yeah, at the game. Why?”
“I need to go to New York tonight to get something, but you know I’m a terrible driver, especially at night so...”
“After the game could you go with me? You drive me there, I get it and we come back. Easy and fast.” Easy? Yes, but faster? If his plan worked it would be slow as a worm. New York was less than two hours from New Haven, but he could make it more just enough so she wouldn’t sleep early and that would definitely get Morpheus' attention. It would be the spark.
“Well, I kind of had plans with Daniel after.” even better, but he had to use all his cards right.
“He won’t mind you helping me just this one time. Please, Y/N! I’ve a pal that found my father’s watch and it’s the only thing I have left of him and I’m afraid that if not tonight he won’t save it for me.”
“Oh, Owen...” when Y/N hugged him he felt guilty about it, but he had to remind himself that it was for her own good. “I’m sorry. Of course I’ll help you, I’ll just text Hob to warn Daniel about tonight. You can always count on me!” his father didn’t like her enough to even learn how to use technology, she had to text his friend to get in contact with him. Yes, Orpheus was doing what was best for her...for them. Once Morpheus was out of the picture they would go back to their lives.
“I don’t even know how to thank you, really. It means so much to me that you will be by my side. You’re my family, Y/N.”
“And you’re mine, Owen.” she was his best friend and because of that strong friendship she would sacrifice anything for him.
It was strange every time something came up she had to call Hob to warn Daniel and he did the same. Sometimes it felt like she was surrounded by secrets and it was completely exhausting. After she informed Hob and asked him to pass on her message and apologize for not being able to see Daniel, also apologizing for bothering him, she went on with her pre-game routine. A long shower to relax the muscles and forget about all the troubles of college. God, she loved painting more than anything in this world, but sometimes it was just hard to sit and do it. There was also the Owen-Daniel issue, because she was pretty sure they disliked each other even if they never even met. She was too young and too broke to have so many problems.
Orpheus, as usual, didn't just wait until she was ready but also went to the game even if he hated it, he was her moral support at this time. His friend was very attractive, if he still wasn't in love with Eurydice and if she wasn't almost like a sister to him things could be different, but things were the way they were, but he couldn't understand why his father? So many others had persuaded a relationship with her, men and women, yet none would get close enough to her, it was like for Y/N anything romantic was out of the table…or so he thought.
The game was an easy win and the squad cheered amazingly well, Y/N rushed to find Owen at the parking lot. He had a Chevy Impala that was probably almost as old as them, but everytime Y/N suggested he find one less old he would say it was a classic. Surprisingly it worked as well as a new car, never once it let them down and she appreciated that a lot. Hopefully it would hold itself together on this trip.
"I brought snacks for us." he threw his keys at her and sat in the passenger space. "And some energetic drinks, it's late and you worked a lot today. So sorry for bringing you into this, I just…really need you right now." Y/N could understand him, it was too hard to be alone right now and he was her best friend in the whole world. She would be there for him always, no matter what happened.
"Don't worry about it, I'm always here for you!" soon they were already on the road, the radio loud enough so they could not only hear it but sing-along too.
Orpheus couldn't remember a time where he was as happy as this, Y/N had changed everything for him. After losing Eurydice it was like the world lost all colors, but she brought it back and he was happy again. His friends cared so much about him and because of all they lived together he owned her and their friendship this. Orpheus wished it wasn't his father who she was with or that he wasn't such a monster, maybe then he wouldn't have to do all of this, but he knew that the man who condemned a woman to Hell for simply defying him would never be good for his friend. Y/N was a free spirit, everyone wanted to be around her and be her friend and Orpheus wasn't her only male friend — but he was her only best friend. Morpheus would never allow it, he was too possessive to let anyone close to what was his.
"Please, apologize to Daniel on my behalf. I know you guys barely saw each other this week."
"I'm sure he will understand."
"Are you sure? Sometimes our friendship can be a little too much for other guys, I don't wanna hold you back or disturb your relationship."
"If he doesn't get it then that's on him. As I said before, you're my family and that's above any relationship. Someone who doesn't get it…well I can't be with that person." Y/N's former boyfriends didn't like the way she was closer to Owen, even if they treated each other like siblings, and some even accused her of cheating. The thing is that she could never be with someone that didn't trust her, because trust is as important as love when you're with someone. She loved Daniel and she trusted him, even knowing that he probably was hiding something from her. Sometimes we gotta have secrets to protect ourselves and with time they might come out, but lies are different.
Orpheus couldn't believe how well his plan was doing. Once they got there, just as he had adjusted with an acquaintance of his, Orpheus called his "pal" but unfortunately the watch was sold a few hours earlier by his roommate. Thankfully he was the son of a muse and tonight he was inspired, so almost as if he was acting on Broadway he gave a show. There were tears and stuffy nose, he barely formed a sentence right. It worried Y/N to a point where she took him to a 24 hour coffee shop to calm him down.
Many hours went by and neither noticed that the sun was coming up just like they didn't notice her phone blowing up with messages from Hob – probably because Orpheus put it on silent mode.
Many coffees and energetic drinks laters Y/N was too much awake for her own good. The journey back passed way faster than before, but as soon as they got home Y/N was too energized to sleep and for the first time in weeks she was inspired. She was sad and heartbroken for her best friend, and she just had to put it all out on a painting. Everything else would have to wait.
On the other side, Orpheus was over the moon for he knew that one thing Dream of the Endless didn't have was patience.
tag list: @jesllianaquilesrolon @reallystressedhoneybee @waitingformysandman @mypsychoticlove @mrdarcyifhewere21stcentury
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alyjojo · 1 year
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March 👵🏻 2023 Monthly - Taurus
Whole of your energy: Knight of Swords
I don’t usually remember the past month’s readings (I do dozens of them so…), but I do remember you had this card flipped last month, which that alone shows movement forward in the right direction. This is regarding communication you’re getting from someone in particular, that makes you very happy, it’s everything you’ve been manifesting and dreaming of. This can also be you sharing this news with others, which I don’t think you’re doing just yet, but you’re happy about it!
What’s going on in March:
Page of Cups:
This is good news you’ve been waiting for, it’s coming very quickly. This could be regarding career goals, travel, something you’ve been studying up on, learning about, or training for. There’s an internship vibe here, that’s for someone, possibly travel to a new location for work, school, or even visiting friends and planning a holiday of some kind. I do get more of a manifested work energy, or you’ve been putting work into it, so this can be a craft of some kind too. Or, some of you are very excited for upcoming graduations 🎉 There is a very young & excitable energy in all of this.
The Hermit:
For now, you’re keeping mum, because you don’t want to count your chickens before they hatch. You’re keeping very busy, probably continuing the work you’ve been putting into whatever you’re creating. It keeps you on your toes, and sometimes has been very difficult, but you’ve shown a lot of perseverance and are now eagerly awaiting your just desserts 🍨
8 Wands:
Communicating your news with other people is central to your plan, probably in order to plan in the first place. You’re needing to calm down and continue handling details, I get a sense of invitations being sent out and head counts needed. Some level of organization is involved. This can be for any number of things, and I think you’re being choosy about what you reveal to others because there’s some level of surprise involved too. Good surprise. You’re waiting patiently for your time to shine.
The Fool:
This is the leap into a new beginning you’re going to make, but again you’re holding off until you actually DO the thing to say anything about it, knowing that this is definitive and a big move forward for you. Final Sunset shows a period where you’re reflecting over how far you’ve come, how things may be changing moving forward. Geranium shows this new beginning being amazing for you. So there is a period of pause and reflection before you just jump in head first. You’re getting yourself ready along with everything else.
The Sun:
Happiness! Success! ☀️ Possible promotions, public attention, everything about this card is positive and indicates moving up in some way. You’re getting everything you wanted and it’s everything you’ve been hoping for and manifesting. You’re being rewarded for all of your hard work. March is an amazing month for you!
Signs you may be dealing with:
Aries, Pisces, Cancer, Aquarius, Leo & Sagittarius
Oracles: ✨
“Pencil it into your schedule.”
24 Ascension ⬆️
Some of those following a spiritual path have Ascension as the ultimate goal. However, Ascension, portrayed in art and literature as a great leap into instant nirvana, is actually a giant work of, well…art and fiction! Rather, Ascension is the process of conscious living. We are all souls in a human body who are living life on this earth in order to learn and grow at the soul’s level. That is being spiritual.
Whether you are conscious of it or not, you are walking toward ascension. Each experience, relationship, joy, obstacle, and creation, will bring you one step closer on the ladder to where we all end - with a greater awareness of ourselves than we started out with. This situation, at its best, is a rung on the ladder of your soul’s path toward ascension. The situation you are inquiring about is assisting you on this ladder. Work at the bigger picture and know you are bigger than any issues or problems you may have.
We enter into March as:
Final Sunset 🌅 :
“A life has come to its spectacular conclusion.”
This is a reminder to cherish all of the beauty in your life, including endings. Spirit embraces you and the loss you are aware of at this time. When we watch a day’s sunset, we can recognize the beauty of an ending. All things have a completion, even life. This is the end of a long journey. It is a time to reflect on your part of history, and discover what you value most. This could be a long emotional road ending, or simply a project at work that took a lot of effort and time. Too often we look to what is “next”, and miss the spectacular beauty of the finale. Do not fear the completion. Stay in the now, cry, laugh, reflect. Be with the fullness of your experience.
What is to be learned in March:
Geranium 🌺:
“This is another beginning.”
What appears to be an end may not be one after all. Often situations that generate our greatest fears turn into remarkable opportunities. It’s time to let go of the past, and trust that whatever is coming is better than what you’ve known to this point. You are ready to begin again. A new opportunity is coming from a place you don’t expect. There is a regeneration of some kind going on. Whatever you were pulled away from in the past was for the purpose of bringing you to a higher place. It’s time for whatever has been dormant to bloom again. Trust there is a higher plan. This is truly an exciting time.
Red may be a lucky color ❤️
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icouldntfindquiet · 8 months
Hi! I hope you had a good trip. I've always wanted to do a roadtrip but I haven't yet. How did you find it? Would you recommend? Any tips? 🩷
Hi, it was great. Thank you! I can’t take credit for driving as it was my cousin’s husband who drove and he’s a fantastic driver. 😁 I don’t have the details of your road trip so what I wrote is generalized and covers a lot that might not apply to you. Don’t let the essay I wrote scare you off!
If you’re driving, you’ll have to be quite comfortable and skilled, especially with a car you’re not used to if you’re renting. In Europe, roads are more compact than the US. They’ve got roundabouts (which we’re not used to) and you have to be comfortable with parallel parking, tight parking spots, narrow streets (road is too small for a two-way but is a two-way anyway), etc.
Having some sort of navigation or GPS is highly recommended as you’re driving on an unfamiliar road and this would require good cell service which can be difficult if you’re in a foreign country. But don’t follow the GPS blindly! Sometimes they’re not accurate. I remember the GPS telling my cousin’s husband to turn down a one-way street which would’ve ended badly but we saw the signs and told him not to enter. 😳
If you’re renting a car, just be aware of the rules of the country you’re driving in. You might need an international driving permit (depending on the country) and you’ll need car rental insurance too which might be provided by your credit card. Before leaving the car rental facility, take photos/videos of previous damage on the car bc some companies will say you scratched the car when you didn’t so it’s best to protect yourself! And this adds to the cost but if you’re visiting multiple countries, it’s best to let them know as they will tell you what to do when crossing the border. And tolls can be a thing too so ask about that. The guy at the car rental told us Slovenia needed an e-vignette (modern toll payment method) which we previously didn’t know about. The other countries (Croatia and Italy) had normal toll booths where you could pay with cash or card. Also think about where you’ll return the car. Are you driving it back or are you dropping it off at a different location? Let them know!
Be careful of what gas and grade your car takes! The car rental place will tell you this. Putting in the wrong gas can damage the car. You’ll have to fill up the tank before returning the car.
Road trips can be long. Even though Google Maps tells you it will take this long, add more time because of traffic and to account for taking wrong turns/exits. You might get bored and your butt and legs might get numb. 😆 Feel free to take breaks and walk around. Playing music in the car is always fun. Make sure you have drinks and snacks along the way. But also account for bathroom breaks! You can use the bathrooms at gas stations but sometimes they’re porta pottys and not very glamorous. Especially when it’s night out, you’ll have to bring a flashlight to use them. 😩 Also, sometimes gas stations aren’t around and the guys would have to pee in the woods. 😂 Just be aware of the need to go is what I’m saying!
Having a car is convenient but you also have to think of parking. If possible, stay in hotels or Airbnbs with parking provided. If not, be prepared to pay to park your car. Even driving to national parks or in the city, you’ll have to pay to park your car so you can walk around. Having cash/coins handy is nice for those things.
That’s all I can think of at the moment. If I’m missing something, let me know! Overall, road trips can be fun! You have more freedom and it’s more convenient. Please don’t let all this info scare you off! You’ll be fine. And let me know how your road trip goes! ☺️
P.S. I forgot to talk about automatic and manual cars. Manual cars are more prevalent in Europe so they’re cheaper to rent. You’ll have to check availability if you need an automatic. Also, during peak season (summer), you might have to book your car in advance because it would be awful planning a trip and realizing there’s no car available or that you have to pay steep prices.
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