intuitivesef · 1 year
Random things about your future spouse
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Pick a card reading
Don’t second guess yourself when choosing a card. Trust your intuition.
Take what resonates, leave what doesn’t.
Credit for dividers: me
Quotes by Morticia and Gomez Addams
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Pile 1:
☆ They’re interested in cars
☆ They like the ocean. They always go to beach so expect beach dates
☆ They have a sweet tooth
☆ They like basketball and they either use to still plays it
☆ Fashion style: streetwear
☆ Gifting, physical touch, and acts of service
☆ Favorite music genre: pop, hip hop and rap
☆ Lots of hugs especially from behind your backs
☆ Lots of make out sessions
☆ Cuddles are a must with them
☆ Hates fights and will try their best to avoid them even if it hurts them. They don’t want to see you hurting
☆ Age gap (2-5 years)
want to give me tips, thank me, pay me, etc for my channeled readings? -> $intuitivesef - thanks :)
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Pile 2:
☆ Fashion: Glam or cottagecore
☆ They like taking care of plants so expect a garden or a lot of plants in their home
☆ Picnic dates! Sunset dates. Lots of laid back dates
☆ Favorite number: 14
☆ Favorite colors: red, yellow, and orange
☆ They like sherbet ice cream
☆ They’re a great cook and will definitely cook for you
☆ Physical touch and acts of service
☆ Hate traditional roles
☆ Freedom is a must
☆ Twinflame
want to give me tips, thank me, pay me, etc for my channeled readings? -> $intuitivesef - thanks :)
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Pile 3:
☆ Wealthy
☆ Soulmate
☆ Favorite insect: butterfly
☆ Fashion: comfort but I also hear a hint of fancy/classy
☆ They like horror movies
☆ Hopeless romantic
☆ Acts of service, gifts, quality time, and words of affirmation
☆ Expect random romantic dances with them
☆ Their eyes are expressive
☆ A dancer
☆ Bookworm and a sucker for mystery or thriller
☆ Small age gap (1-3 years)
☆ Wine or champagne (it doesn’t have to mean they drink. It’s just something about those two)
want to give me tips, thank me, pay me, etc for my channeled readings? -> $intuitivesef - thanks :)
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sefinaa · 7 months
Who is your future best friend? + Animal representation
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YouTube | Masterlist
Tips | Paid Readings
Not a tarot card reading, only based on my intuition.
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Pile 1:
Golden retriever
This person embodies a golden retriever. They are a cheerful type of person, expect them to always be smiling. Not this type, “fake smiles.” This is sincere. I don’t see anything about them having a potential crush on you either, and they may be apart of the LGBQT+ community. They are harsh with people who are racist, against the community, prejudice, etc. You should expect them to fight for their rights, and I’m seeing “modern family” pop up in my head, so spirits tells me, this is their favorite show. They favor Mitchell, Jay and Phil..? (I have only seen one episode, but anyways these are their favorite).
Moving on, one thing I recommend to watch out for, is, they sometimes can be aggressive with you if you don’t agree with their decisions because they’re stubborn. Not aggressive as in hurting you, it’s.. passive aggressive. Sometimes snarky comments when agitated or mad. They will always feel calm when they hear a favorite song, have their favorite dessert or something small they enjoy. It is the little things that count for this person.
As for you, I don’t see much aggression when speaking to you, so it would seem that you calm this person down. I am getting that you are this person’s favorite. I am seeing them smiling a lot when you answer the text or when you initiate a call with them. Think of it like when your favorite ship sails, and you have this giggly or giddy type of feeling. I also see them being genuinely happy for you when you have an accomplishment done. There is just something so beautiful about this person. You can think of them as a shining star. You see stars at night when you need them the most, that is what the person will be for you.
This person will make you truly happy. They are like a happy pill. I hear that some of you are dealing with depression and anxiety. Sometimes you question whether or not you will find a friend who won’t treat you as something that you’re not. This person will treat you like you’re an angel. This person is going to light up your world so badly that when you think about this person and what they have done for you, you may cry about it. You’re definitely going to be very grateful for them and this will amplify so much beauty into your world.
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Pile 2:
A raven
Your future, best friend shares many characteristics of a raven. Not only are they the silent and calm type, They are also a strong type. I am seeing a beautiful adult raven flying in a slight clouded sky, its wings fluttering out and it’s not alone. There is a crow with them. The crow is the indication of you. I am sensing that you both will be together always. Do you know how birds flock together to migrate? That is what you and your future friend will be like.
You both will be each other’s companion, hardship and all. This person is very loyal to their friendships. I feel as they are more loyal to friendships than relationships. I am honestly picking up that they put their friendship over the relationships. Honestly, I don’t think that’s a good mentality, but my intuition says they have a good reason for it. “I have been hurt so many times for being a hopeless romantic, I tried to hard and never go there same energy. Please don’t define me as a player, I swear to you I am not, I just.. I just have friends who cherished me so much during it that now.. I’m beyond scared to be in a relationship and will always put my friendship first.”
My intuition tells me that they have struggled a lot mentally and physically and with this circumstance, they sort of developed having a raven as their protected animal spirit. Spirit tells me if you see a raven constantly then it is the sign for you that they are coming. I’m getting a cheerful feeling thinking about them, so there isn’t much to say. However, as mentioned, they do struggle with trust so please be gentle with your companion and show love and gratitude to them as they truly deserve it.
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Pile 3:
If you have seen the anime “komi can’t communicate” think of Kaede Otori. In a way, they have slight similarities. I would say this person does communicate slow, as in they are the type to listen then communicate. They think about it and when they do speak, it usually means much more. I believe the way they emphasize it, is what does it. Anyways, you will enjoy the conversations you have because they’re truthful and cannot lie well. You can pick it up hence a bad liar. A lot of deep conversations.
You will know who they are when you meet. Your intuition will go chaotic about it. Even if you don’t follow your intuition, you will know. I am seeing this scenery where it’s a bar, slightly darken, but the light bulbs are only noticeable on your future best friend. They’re talking to someone but that person is darken out within the booth. This is what I’m getting at, you will just know. “Who talks to someone they don’t know off with a deep conversation and pulls it off?”
I cannot read much on this person, they’re a mystery. My mind is blank, completely blank. So I’d say they may also be perceptive of their surrounding and intelligent as well. I believe people always assume they have no intelligence, nothing around that sort because they way they communicate is one you don’t dare to find in this generation. Similar to a warrior princess. You also may blush when you first meet them. They have a soft tone and intellect like no other.
Now why sloth? My intuition tells me the reason for this is, “though sloths are known to be lazy and slow, that merely isn’t true. Think of the story with the hare and turtle. The turtle wins at the end, yes? The turtle is slow, I agree, but in this world patience is your best friend. This person is beyond patience and grateful thus creating a beautiful world for them. Your future best friend will teach you how to be patience and control your anger issues. Do you honestly think you can push this person away and get mad? No. They have seen this—this person is the reason why in the future, you learn to be better, to trust and know that someone gives a damn about you without you questioning it like always.”
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sefina2 · 6 months
18+ reading (LOVER)
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What are your lover’s kinks?
What is it about you that makes your lover crawl to you?
How will your lover give you oral?
What sexual fantasy does your lover imagine of you?
Your first time with your future spouse/current lover
What will aftercare be like with your lover?
What is it about you that makes your lover forget everyone else? + channeled song(s)
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mommyvirgo111 · 1 year
exchange reading rules
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hi yall! so as i grow and get reach more readers & spiritualists (which i am v grateful for btw. thank u to everyone reposting me and to aaliyah for encouraging me to do this) i have been having a few reach out to me for exchanges so lets set some boundaries and rules as well.
things i am comfortable doing & will do:
- love readings, general readings, career reading
- i also like to do fun questions abt travel, beauty, what people like abt you, etc.
things i am not comfortable with & will not do:
- health/ death/ pregnancy questions
- if i feel like ur being rude or if something is off, i won’t answer. pls be kind.
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that’s it all, thank u for ur time & understanding! also i work a full time job so i do take a while to respond, i promise im not ignoring u :)
p. s i will doing a pac: love edition and then a pac: what people think abt you tmrw just 4 fun. ok ok bye hope u love it <3
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ms-taurusvenus · 1 year
PSG is known to buy players for ridiculous amount of money in hopes to win the Champion League, and giving the players and their fans hopes that they will do so. From your intuitive perspective will their strategy work out? What is their deal? What is going on? Will Neymar, Messi and/or Mbappe lift the Champion League trophy for PSG?
I never knew thats the reason why they spend do much on players, all for the Champion League?! I always thought it was so they can have. a prestigious reputation. Maybe thats my intuition speaking.
The team has some very good players. Mbappe, Messi, Neymar, and others, just a few examples. This is subject to change, but for the time being, if they keep the players and are smart about formations and who plays during the game, their strategy will work. I imagine them experimenting or testing different formations with players and going through a trial and error phase. I doubt they'll take the risk during a game. During training, most likely. I see the coach/manager having players spend 30 minutes to an hour experimenting with different formations 2-3 days before a game, with someone taking notes on how it goes. I also see them interacting with players to find out what they know and think. It will all work out in the end. I see Mbappe working his ass off and constantly checking and see any new updates and decisions the manger/team have made. So yes, their strategy will work, for now. Unless they decide to change things.
They appear to have a goal in mind. Perhaps one of the best clubs in the world, if not the best. They want to gain weight and have children, and it is their ambition to join PSG and possibly establish a strong, prestigious reputation. Is it possible that in the future, they will prefer younger players? They want to have the hot new talent that everyone is talking about. If anyone wants that player, they'll have to pay a lot of money. They also appear to want more sponsors and money. This will be a long journey, and they may struggle to reach their goal, but it is possible if they play their cards correctly. (This may be what their deal is).
If the team plays their cards right then yes, they can and will win the Champions League. Also I keep seeing PSG being very cunning and sly. Perhaps looking or trying to overhear what managers are doing?
I hope this was helpful! Please let me know if you have any further questions. I have a feeling there are more layers to PSG's goals and intentions.
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truthinlifetarot · 7 months
Random Message
There is more than one rigid way of thinking of things. Keep your mind open. It will allow for new things to happen and prosper.
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Intuitive paths
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lovelyprimroses · 1 year
H-91 Ramadan
"Don’t get stuck in the dreaming stage, VISIONARY. Your greatest challenge—and true power—lies in learning to take consistent daily action to create the future you envision."
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rafaelllaaaa · 2 years
Started a daily prayer to remove anything in my life that does not carry or has the intent to love and live in honor the way I do 🙏🏽 keep the reveals going 💬
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intuitivesef · 1 year
A poem from your future spouse
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Pick a card reading
Don’t second guess yourself when choosing a card. Trust your intuition.
Take what resonates, leave what doesn’t.
Credit for dividers: @danowh0re
Moodboard: @hannamichelle-seraf
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Pile 1:
My love, The ocean waves flow in a calm manner, The breeze hits our faces with a refreshing mark. The blanket flees like a seagull, and our laugh echoes through the wind. Your cheesy remark makes me laugh, our food is now a mess, Yet we aren’t mad nor sad, we leave the area alone—find our way home, To see a beautiful sunset coming upon the shore. The fishes feel safe, the turtles aren’t sad and so are we. Come and find me, my dear, I am waiting patiently, I will wait till my death, For I am hopelessly in love with you, And will always be.
Channeled song:
Anastasia|Once Upon a December – Liz Callaway
want to give me tips, thank me, pay me, etc for my channeled readings? -> $intuitivesef - thanks :)
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Pile 2:
A wishing well is beneath us, Come and find it—wish for me as I wish for you, Seek beneath the unknown and look for a wishing well, My darling, let’s go on an adventure—allow us to be Alice in wonderland, Let’s become Coraline without the other mother, Seek a thrill with me. Let’s run down a hill and feel the cool breeze on our faces, Lay down on a flower field and look into each other’s eyes. You’re so beautiful, my heart beats faster every day, My heart cannot take the beauty I see within you. Red pinkish cheeks and a smile on my face with you. Cold hands, cold heart, the energy of the cold, But with you it all changes. You’re my sun, my warmth, my everything, I cannot imagine my life without you because, you, my angel, Are everything my heart desires and yet here we are. I’ve been so blessed to call you mine—I cannot imagine my life without you. I just cannot, I just never will. You are my everything.
Channeled song:
Love Story — Indila
want to give me tips, thank me, pay me, etc for my channeled readings? -> $intuitivesef - thanks :)
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Pile 3:
Beauty and Beast will never compare to the way I fell in love with you, Your soul caught my eyes instantly, You do not know the feelings I felt the moment I laid eyes on you, You walked, I looked, I knew. My mind told me to come after you and yet I did not, For I am a coward, but you appeared in my life again, And again, and again… That was my sign to race after you, I’m so thankful I did, Listening to my heart was the best thing I did, I get to hold you in my arms and cuddle you until you fall asleep, Singing to you, laughing with you is better than a fairytale, Love is like a fairytale, but this is not a tale, This is a tale of perfection—sweet, beautiful, perfection. Your eyes sparkle when we dance under the moonlight, Seeing a galaxy in your eyes, Looking under the stars is not a comparison, The way you look at me is something I cannot stop thinking of. You’re always on my mind, I wouldn’t change it for a thing. You’re my star, my rose, my everything, Je t’aime beaucoup. (I love you very much)
Channeled song:
Beauty and the Beast — Ariana Grande and John Legend
want to give me tips, thank me, pay me, etc for my channeled readings? -> $intuitivesef - thanks :)
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Pile 4:
Loving you was the hardest, I could not do it, I didn’t want to do it, But I did. It was the greatest feeling known to man. You’re my shining knight in armor, The one thing I was missing, The one thing I yearn for, Yet was afraid of. For you, I’m so ever thankful, You do not know the love and compassion you have shown me. My best friend, my love, my princess/prince. Thank you for showing me to be vulnerable, Showing me the beauty of falling in love, I would do this journey over again, Till my breath stops. You’re the wish, I didn’t know I needed. You’re the love I didn’t know I deserved. You’re the adventure I yearned for. You’re the blessing I thought didn’t exist. You’re the reason why I cry happy tears, The reason why I feel safe, The reason why I’m not paranoid anymore, The reason I feel special every day, The reason I’m excited to go home, You are my home. I am so lucky. Very, Very lucky.
Channeled songs:
Best friend – Jason Chen DON’T WANNA FALL – Stevie Hoang
want to give me tips, thank me, pay me, etc for my channeled readings? -> $intuitivesef - thanks :)
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sefinaa · 7 months
Is your crush your future love? + Advice
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YouTube | Masterlist
Tips | Paid Readings
Not a tarot card reading, only based on my intuition.
Author’s note,
This isn’t based on your celebrity crush, this reading is based on the person you know or see and cannot speak to.
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Pile 1:
The person you are crushing on, is not your future, they would not be classified as your lover either. There is just a toxic feeling that I feel, however, it’s not associate with you, but it may be associated with the person you’re crushing on or something around their for family. I also hear a third party. This third party I believe is apart of the family.
Your crush also has very odd qualities, not quirky qualities that is, “Oh wow or you’re so cute.” These qualities are more like.. ⚠️. (That is the emoji I was channeling). I’m sure they are a nice person in your eyes and you may be the type of person to say, “you don’t know them, they’re so kind,” however there’s something really weird about your crush and it’s truly bothering me because it’s something like.. you need to leave type of energy. (It is also slightly freaky and I say this because I’m literally getting anxiety).
You need to be careful with this person and leave. They are also feeding off from your energy—similar to an energy, sucking vampire. It is something you don’t want to associate yourself with because your energy is very important and that is how you function as a person, so if you are having a hard time trying to leave because you cannot, and you still have a desire for this person then I recommend you to at least try to distance yourself from the person. So you can think for yourself and understand why you have this obsession on the wrong person or this crush on this person who isn’t good for you.
Also, I feel like you are having a breakthrough with something. It is definitely towards self improvement. I believe this crush is, in a way for you to be, I don’t want to say different, but similar to that. I’m picking up that you even know that this person may or not be a red flag, but overall, I’m seeing and feeling you want to move away from that type of person and surround yourself with good energy and positive vibes.
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Pile 2:
Why are you crushing on someone who is already in a relationship? Honey, you need to pick better choices and not fall for someone who’s currently in a loving relationship. I understand the situation can happen inadvertently, but spirits tells me that you already know that they are in that relationship. I hear that you know both of them and there is jealousy lingering on. That jealousy is stem on you. You have a lot of envious energy.
I recommend you start to learn how to love yourself properly, instead of focusing on the negativity and trying to be a home wrecker. Because the person you’re crushing on, is very loyal as well, and it is really not fair to all three of you. Not only are you hurting them, but the reality is, you’re truly hurting yourself. This could be a form of self sabotage, being a narcissist, or you believe that you deserve to be with that person, and whoever is in your way, “screw them I get whatever I want.” That’s not a good mentality.
I see an image of a cat stuck on a tree branch, scared to jump down because no one is there, until after awhile, someone comes with delicacy and helps. The cat is your inner child, and the person helping is you, your higher self. Your inner child is hurting awfully because of yourself, of the way you are treating the situation and yourself. Heal yourself, show love to yourself, be kind to yourself!! and things will change in your favor and you will not have that same toxic mentality.
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Pile 3:
Maybe. This wary on you.
I am sensing your crush is a long distance type of situation. A majority of you feel as if you were to be in the relationship with this person it may not work out. And the rest of you, you feel as if you were to be in this relationship, how do you know if they’re loyal to you? How do you know that they truly love you for you? Each party has many questions and some of you are obsessing over it. Stop obsessing over it—the more you obsess over it, the worse it gets, and you will get stuck in a rabbit hole. You are stuck in this rabbit hole and you are watching YouTube videos associated with this. Some of you are constantly reading pick a card reading on Tumblr, Instagram, or TikTok spiritual readings that come on your feed. A majority of you are starting to believe every single one of them because of this crush. But the ones on TikTok and Instagram are telling you something different than the one on Tumblr. And because you keep reading them, you’re feeding your mind and your obsessive thoughts useless information when you are supposed to ask yourself these questions.
The main thing that you must stop, is constantly feeding your obsession with things that do not benefit you. You are entertaining your anxiety. Our anxiety is a killer when it comes to these type of situations because you do not know how the other person necessarily reacts than in person, and you also don’t know if they are being there, authentic self as well.
My advice is something that you do not want to hear. I advise you to completely distance yourself from these type of videos and readings as much as you can. The next thing I recommend is, meditating. I want you to understand your thoughts, let it flow to your brain and then let it go. Don’t entertain them, they don’t deserve it, but you deserve a free and calm mind. The third advice, my intuition says to take a long nice shower. It does not matter if you want to make it warm, cold or hot, but I recommend a cold shower because it will calm your nerves. Another piece of advice is to delete those saved videos and readings that you have about them. Delete them now. And don’t self sabotage yourself when you are in the middle of the process of removing these thoughts because these obsessions may be the reason why the relationship does not work out if you do further the situation.
Does the person have a crush on you? Absolutely. Will it be loyal? Yes to an extent. What do I mean by an extent? They will be loyal to you only if you are loyal to them. Will it be a loving relationship? Only if you remove these thoughts! This all depends on you!!
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Pile 4:
Yup. Lucky pile :)
Your crush will be your future, and if you wanted to get married to them, expect a beautiful marriage. This person, their energy is so beautiful. I can feel the sense of wanting to run on a field filled with high grass, running with whom I desire, both of us laughing. The wind is breezing and the sun is a beautiful fiery color that shines on us. A picnic is near us and behind a big tree symbolizing our love. This description is what I feel about your crush.
I cannot channel much about your crush because the imagery I describe and channeled for you is the gist of your life with them. It’s a healthy and fulfilling relationship, you both won’t have that much fights, I’d say it is barely, more so silly fights. Like fighting during playing uno or who washes the dishes. This is definitely a calm relationship, you both will feel satisfied together and will experience many things you thought were not possible.
Although, I have one advice for you. Do not, I repeat, do not assume they will cheat on you. Because I hear some of you had an ex who cheated on you and now you have these negative thoughts clawing at you. Remove them at once, this person is so loyal. They are the reassurance type as well, they will be with you in sickness and in health. That’s the beautiful energy I’m feeling.
For those who don’t have these thoughts, then I recommend you to enjoy and let loose in this relationship. A majority of you are tense, and most likely are clenching your jaw. Stop. Let loose with them, they make you happy, let it be. No one is trying to hurt you in this relationship. You will be okay.
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sefina2 · 7 months
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Who is your future best friend? + Animal representation
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dondeeee911 · 1 month
What makes you different from anyone they've met?
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It's just the little things about you 😚
1> White rose 2> Pink rose 3> Red rose
Pile 1
  There is this enigma about you. They don’t get this feeling about many people, but you possess this otherworldly philosophy about life. Picking up on intuitive hunches and using them daily is your thing. You could say or do things that are uncommon to your person or known to be unconventional to others. They sometimes feel like you’re not from this realm; a deep inner knowing that you exist from another timeline. you may shy away from attention because of your peculiar ways and they like that about you. 
Pile 2
   In their eyes, you are the most selfless person they have ever met. You are always thinking about being of service to others to your detriment. They admire your heart, and how you seem to find the most thoughtful ways to make someone feel acknowledged and cared for. Your person could have grown up in a rough environment where they experienced greed and destructiveness. An angel you are!  you bring peace and abundance to every dark corner in their life and the lives of others.
Pile 3
  You are such a daring individual, you are not scared to try anything! Your curiosity and thrill-seeking personality are what stand out to your person. They see you as someone with a bigger-than-life personality and they might not be used to that, your person is more on the reserved side and likes to play things safe. You could be into different food, people, hobbies, and places. You take your person out of their comfort zone.
Copyright © 2024 dondeeee911. All rights reserved.
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astrologylunadream · 22 hours
What They're Missing With You! 💅🎀✨️ (Pick a card/Tarot love reading)
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Hii it's Lunadream💋💋💋 We're gonna see exactly what that person on your mind is missing out on with you!😎💖 Let me hype you all up right now🙌 hope you find your message🎀
(Some piles may contain 18+⚠️)
Notice: Only take what resonates because the most important thing is your own judgement!♡ If anything doesn't resonate, don't worry! It's not your message right now <3 (Entertainment purpose only. All rights reserved)
Now, shall we begin~? ^w^ Think of the person on your mind, and pick whichever pile that fits the energy you're feeling~😘💖
Pile 1💥
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Pile 2🛍
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Pile 3💄
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Pile 4💸
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Take your time and choose carefully with the heart~♡
On to the readings —> 💕
Pile 1💥
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Sign energy: Shoulders, Leader, Ring, Drive, Year, Sagittarius, Neptune, South node, 6th house, Uranus,👠📞📆🧚‍♂️
🎀Your person's energy: Wow this is some off the wall energy for your person, there is a LOT going on for you both right now.😵‍💫 Could be a connection that is very confusing, unusual or seemingly unstable! This is someone you're not quite sure about, like they're giving mixed signals. They have a lot of green flags yet also many red flags🤨🚩 Signs are Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo and Aquarius. There is some neptune or uranus aspecting their chart, may have neptune-uranus conjunct for some. This person is very driven by their work, they take a lot of weight on their shoulders that's what I'm hearing.🤯 They appear reliable and detail oriented to others. Time is very important to them, I think they tend to prioritize their work more than other things. But there is a spontaneous spark in this person, could be for better or for worse. Because I'm seeing, they give intense focus to their responsibilities, but they also fail to give their attention to the other things they don't realize will affect them. Like seriously this person is responsible with some things, and completely irresponsible with other things.😫✋️ 17 may be significant, also I'm hearing this person "calls the shots". They radiate energy of a leader in their environment, people may rely on this person a lot. There is a very busy vibe here, like this person is always making work for themselves somehow.💬🤳💼 They tend to hyperfocus and tendency to be perfectionist. They might be on their phone a lot, getting calls or always checking the time.⌚️👀 You may feel like this person is brushing you off in a way, not giving you time or overlooking you completely😭 They seem very unaware of you or the way this connection is going, because they're so absorbed in their own tasks. Some of my pile 1's are not in contact with them, contacting them may be difficult.📵😳 Yeah this person is just caught up with a lot, they may even have a lot of stress about everything. I'm hearing "tight schedule" and I feel like this person isn't able to fully listening to you right now, like anything you say just goes into one ear and out the other👂🙄🔇 Their energy is just so chaotic and disorganized but they think they can handle anything that gets thrown at them, which is admirable yet also very difficult to manage them😔
💋What they're missing with you: Heart, Endless, Perfect, 6th house, Skin, Cancer, Water, Scorpio, 6th house, 2nd house,🫱🍳🤫💛 Omg okay alright Pile 1 you are so perfect!!! It's in the cards lmao seriously you are beautiful like you are such perfection idk how else to describe it haha🙈💖 Also with the 6th house coming out twice which is virgo energy and that just screams PERFECTION!! Lol I love that because I said your person was a perfectionist and like, yeah, you're literally that. Mkay💋💞💅✨️ Your skin is so beautiful and it's like one of your best features, and like your person could be touching that beautiful amazing skin but nooo yeah THEYRE MISSING OUT📣🙌 Also my pile 1's you have the biggest heart, so sweet and gentle anyone would wish to feel your love❤️ When you get emotional and show that side of you, It's honestly so hot😭 Like your person has gotta know that, you are so cute and attractive. Also this is spicy like, they're totally missing out on your sensual side😉❤️‍🔥 Like you're a complete hottie for real please don't doubt that pile 1, you are hot, you are sensually attractive, you are gorgeous.✨️ Your body is perfect, that is what the cards are yelling in my face😂 Your person is missing out on your kind genuine love and magnetic beauty🌹💕 You may be good at cooking or your person is really missing out on you two cooking together like they WISH😩🙏 Honestly your person is missing out on devouring you like please this isn't a spicy pac but it's getting pretty spicy in here🥵 I love love love this pile's energy, because this is just letting pile 1 know they are so amazing. If that person is an ex or you two were intimate, they miss it so much with you. Like they can't get it out of their head obsessively and dwell about how they can't have that again.🙈🖤 You make others secretly obsessed and crave you. You're so pretty omg and you are like a ray of sunshine☀️ Some of my pile 1's have that chest your person wish they could have their hands all over tbh😏❤️‍🔥 Seriously, pile 1 you are so hot never forget it. Your person hates themselves for not realizing exactly HOW much of an sensual god/godess you are. Also you don't have to say anything at all and still be irresistible🔥 Everyone would want a piece of you, I think your person's got to know that~😉 Your person is missing out on that real true love they could experience with you, like you are the only one who is so loving and caring like they will never find that like they can in you. They won't find another sweet loving angel😇 with the body of a devil😈❤️‍🔥 hehe pile 1 you are so lucky, you have the ability to make others secretly fall for you. Your person would get SO jealous thinking of others getting to touch you and have you🫣❤️‍🔥 You are beauty in it's purest form, so lovely and charming. My pile 1's are intensely attractive and also your voice gives that person chills because yeah you are hot af💋
📞Messages from your person: Trust me, You make me jealous, I want to kiss you against the wall, You make me feel special, Believe in us, Don't underestimate me, Things aren't going well, It's a sign. Extra cards: Pessimist, Top, Honest, Energy, Ankles, Leo, Sun, Uranus, 11th house, Eros (Yeah your person has low self esteem because you turn them on so much😭 Because you're so hot and emotionally fulfilling. You seem so special to them, they know you shine pile 1🥺💖)
Thank you my pile 1's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!💌
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 1 with the boom! emoji~💥 Pile 1 you are gorgeous😍 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading👠💕✨️
Pile 2🩷
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Sign energy: Artist, True, Sunshine, Need, Competition, Earth, 7th house, Pluto, 11th house, 5th house,🛬🤪🔫🎱
🎀Your person's energy: Alright so for my pile 2's person, we have a very creative bright energy here. This person appears very kind, attractive and lovely, signs are Libra, Scorpio, Aquarius, Leo vibes, there may be specific 7th/5th/11th house placements, earth signs. There is charming energy to them. This person may be an extrovert/social butterfly type, outgoing and kind. I think this person has people pleasing tendencies, relationships with other people matter a lot to them. I am getting a sort of psychic vampire energy oml like, this person may feed off other people's positive energy👀🧠🔋 I don't think they necessarily steal others good energy but it's more like being around other people makes them feel better. They thrive on compliments I'm hearing. They have a strong need to connect with others in order to feel okay.💬🥲 It's possible that some of you are in the same friend group with this person or friends of friends situation for some. You may be jealous of who all they hang out with, because there is a little bit of envy in this pile for whatever reason. Maybe you feel like they're happy without you or having fun with other people.😢💔 For some of you this person's friends might be jealous or bad perception of you, omg I'm getting toxic friends for some in this pile. Your person is artistic and entertaining, they can be very funny sometimes😋💫 Some of you are obsessed with them, and want to date this person. Others may be jealous or slightly competitive with this person. I'm hearing "who does he/she think they are?" Lol like mean girls energy😝👑🎀✨️ Your person may have creative hobbies and many talents, I'm hearing they drive you crazy🫣 There is definitely some hate/love going on for some of my pile 2's. You may feel like they single you out low-key or might hate you secretly😭 There is a huge enemies or lovers vibe here, like "what do they think of me?? Do they want me gone or are they into me?" Kinda thing🫣‼️ I feel like this person has the sweetest smile but it's kinda off putting to my pile 2's. They are like a ray of sunshine but you're wondering why you're the only person getting sun burnt by them.😂 A lot of people like this person, maybe you hate that everyone loves them and wants to be around them 24/7🙄 Like they are everyones bestie/person and it kinda hurts!
💋What they're missing with you: Endurance, Devience, Enemy, Name, Scars, Mars, Capricorn, Vertex, 5th house, 2nd house,☯️🆚️🦉⛵️ Okay I can't seem to calm down with this pile LOL like my blood pressure is high for some reason, I think that's how some of you feel from this person😫🌋 Anyway this is interesting so enemy did come out which I think is significant here since it's kinda your part of the reading. OMG and the VS emoji, there is some tensionnn💢 Now seriously your person is missing out on my pile 2's hard passion right now, like you guys are on fire.🔥🥵 You've got some abilities that your person would beg for lmaooo like I mean 🔞... WOW okay it's not this type of pac but like for those of you who are into that, your person is honestly missing out on the best s❤️‍🔥x of their life that's what it's telling me.😭 Take what resonates! They're missing out on such a hot spicy romance with pile 2!!! You radiate passion and dominance in all the right ways that can turn anyone on instantly👌🫣 It's giving boss b*tch energy 100% your person is missing out on all the fun they could be having with you😈❤️‍🔥👅 Your deviant side is so attractive and irresistible! Your energy is giving a gorgeous hot villain that can make anyone fall on their knees for you pile 2😍 Just know that person would date you if they could get away with it😭 And it's your call, not theirs! You are in total control of your life and that is so hot!!💋❤️ Also any scars you have look GOOD on you pile 2, like you literally own them. Your body is magnetic, sensual and desirable, also your strength makes you incredibly attractive.👏 That person is missing out on ALL THAT pile 2! You make it look like they're lacking widsom from not noticing just how worth it you are.✨️ The cards are screaming out about how hot you are lmao. Your person is really missing out on your romantic attention, because that is limited they better know😘💅🌹 My pile 2's are so fierce and independent, your person is missing that with you!! If you are working you come off like a complete boss woman/man and like you could step on every little person beneath you. You got it together all while looking like a complete baddie🔥 Some of my pile 2's got that luxury vibe, like you are your own millionare😩💸💲✨️ You're expensive and they know it! They gotta be missing out on the greatest deal of their life if they can't be mature about you.🙌 My pile 2's are classy god/godesses worth billions!👑❤️
📞Messages from your person: You betrayed my trust, Over and over, Everyone wants you, You never learn, You're mine forever, I've heard about you, I know it's hard, I'm losing you (They it it!!! They know you aren't for free like they better work for it☝️😎❤️‍🔥 But they're kinda obsessed ngl) Extra cards: Screen, Enemy, Allow, Pretty, Offer, South node, Lilith, Aquarius, Uranus, Jupiter (OMG But like enemy came out again?!🤯 This is crazyy it's possible your person feels like they did you wrong in some way, maybe they feel like they solicited or allowed friends or other people to torment you or turn them against you. This could be because of your beauty, I think your person may want to offer you better opportunities or you will just get that yourself like the independent boss you are.👑 Pile 2 you are blessed!🙏✨️)
Thank you my pile 2's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!💌
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 2 with the shopping bags emoji~🛍 You are so sweet pile 2🩷 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading👠💕✨️
Pile 3💄
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Sign energy: Clue, Creativity, Mine, Clingy, Bite, 8th house, South node, Sun, 4th house, Uranus,🆕️🧜‍♀️🙆‍♀️💀
🎀Your person's energy: Ahh so this person is hot😳 Some of you are very emotionally attached to this person, like they are YOUR person and you feel that in your heart.🥺💓 This may be a new person or someone from your past, it honestly depends since both messages came out. Your person is very creative and somewhat eccentric, but they have great ideas!💡 You may feel a deep magnetic attraction to them, omg they pull you in like a siren😭🖤 There is a very mysterious energy to them, possible signs are Scorpio, Leo, Cancer and Aquarius. They may have Sun in 4th house, Uranus in 8th, or Scorpio/Pluto energy in 4th house for some. On the other side of this, some of my pile 3's could have neptunian influence.🔱💕 This person is just so magnetically attractive, their gaze is like a black hole that sucks you in🫣 It is hard to resist this person!! You might really miss this person if you two are apart. Now don't get me wrong, your person is very emotional too, they have deep feelings they keep inside😢🌧 For some of you this person may feel a little too intense, there are themes of possessiveness or over attachment from you or them in their energy. This may be a connection one or both of you are not willing to let go, or the relationship has changed in some way. This could be a phase that ended between you two, maybe you thought they were yours, like they belonged to you, but then came a tower moment. It feels like you two are heavily connected, like there is a psychological binding going on here🔗 Something interesting, their bites🫣 Idk if you've ever experienced it from them but that might be something they're really into if that resonates🦷💭 Yeah this person is very attractive like they come off intimate and deep to you. Also so so intimidating like they may scare you in some way, just by how their energy pulls you in😭 I think they are also quite a caring and protective individual. Might be great at guessing, that's something I heard. They are unique for sure, you may feel as if you can't find anyone like them🙏💘 There may be an unhealthy obsession or attachment to your person here, just be careful my lovely pile 3's. You could feel like you can't live without them, like they were your person.💔
💋What they're missing with you: Proper, Therapy, Friends, Learning, Stability, Sun, 8th house, Scorpio, Pluto, Lilith,🐉🪧🩷🧬 Okayyy so this is interesting, it's gonna weigh down on this person just how much they're missing from you😭💖 You are so lovely and charming, my pile 3's are such sweethearts! You seem so genuine and pure and honestly that drives your person crazy🤯💟🖤 You've got such a big heart and everyone knows it!🫵😍 I'm getting a gorgeous preppy vibe from this pile, like you just come off so cute and pretty. You are like free therapy, especially to your person.🫂💞 You are the object of their obsession I'm hearing, seriously they might not feel stable or okay without you. I feel like you just radiate an energy that makes any person fall deeply madly in love with you, pile 3.😌💕 Also your person may feel really jealous because of your relationship with your friends, those who can be closest to you. I think your person is a little envious of that, like I'm kind of picking up on them really wanting you for themselves like they're a little selfish about you because yeah they're pretty obsessive.😳 Honestly you have so much power to you pile 3 and they know this, you are so smart, sweet and classy. They are really missing out on the strong bond you share with your chosen loved ones, which you can be very selective of who you choose to let in which is so attractive.👏😭💞 Like just you sharing your energy with someone is worth so much, that is something your person can't obtain easily. You guys they are missing out on the most loving relationship they could be experiencing with someone!🎀🩷 You both have such a deep connection too and they won't find that in any other like they can with you.💋🔗 Here I'm seeing your person specifically, finds you very very hot🤒🔥 Like even if you act innocent they see you as something of their darkest fantasies. You just appear physically and sensually hot af to this person like what😂🥵 They're kinda missing out on the spicy romance or unforgettable intimacy they could experience with you because you're most likely their physical ideal❤️‍🔥 So like straight up, they're not gonna find anyone who can turn them on as much as you would be able to, pile 3.👏 You unleash their most hidden wild self unlike anyone else can, you may look really good in pink and I think they're missing out you cuz you shine so bright, your femininity is so magnetic and lovely🌟💕 You most likely leave a lasting impression on your person and it's gonna be really hard for them to resist or repress their intense desire for you.😩
📞Messages from your person: It's hard to explain, I wish I could read your mind, I hate it when you cry, Don't look so down, I wanna make your wishes come true, You don't know how much it hurts, Your voice is so pretty, Forget it. (AHH this got so emotional pile 3 lol just like pouring their heart out but then it's like whateverrr It's weighing down on them😭💋💞) Extra cards: Connection, Roots, Sight, September, North node, 11th house, Air, Cancer, Fire, Sagittarius (This connection is heading in a new direction for sure, someone may be manifesting in this connection. There might be a meeting or closure in the future, traveling to a home country or hometown may be significant. September may be a significant month here, something hugely positive is manifesting for my pile 3's regarding this situation!!🙏💕 Stay strong and love yourself 🤗)
Thank you my pile 3's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!💌
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 3 with the lipstick emoji~💄 Love you pile 3 mwah💋 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading👠💕✨️
Pile 4💸
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Sign energy: Technology, Swim, Mutable, Grey, Relax, Neptune, Jupiter, 11th house, Capricorn, 9th house,🦥🗣⛩️⛲️
🎀Your person's energy: So this is someone that some of you are viewing online/through social media, this connection appears to be lacking much physical energy🔇😥 I think you guys are kind of unseen to your person, like they are not aware of your connection like you would want them to be. This person could be from a different country or they are at a distance from you guys right now.🌏💔 They have a very strong presence about them, some signs are Pisces, Sagittarius, Aquarius or Capricorn may be significant. Mutable signs too so like Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces are signs that may resonate. They may have Neptune in 9th house, Jupiter in Sagittarius or 9th/11th house, Capricorn could be over their 9th aswell so that is some possible placements for some.✨️ This person may have close friends that are mutable signs, they are easy-going and calm type of person. For some of my pile 4's this person may not know you exist or treating you that way I'm also hearing "silent treatment" for a select few of my pile 4's there may be some blocking going on aswell. They aren't paying attention to you like you are with them. Your person are very admirable and inspiring and you may really want to hold onto them.😫✊️ I'm hearing "they're a keeper" lol like spouse material! I think this person is blessed in many areas of their life, I'm also hearing "open doors" they may get a lot of opportunities.🚪😎💫 They might enjoy swimming or that is a hobby of theirs, also they probably look good in grey or gravitate to that color.🩶 Some of you might be manifesting this person! It feels like they are someone important, they could have a following on social media or have many online acquaintances.📱💬 I am getting a more mature and cultured vibe about your person.🍷🎓 They may have traveled the world at some point already or they have a bucket list, they're pretty laid back. May seem tired or lack emotion at times, likely they spend too much time on their phone/electronic devices. There is signs of gambling addiction for some in this pile, but your person could just be very lucky.🪙✨️ Overall they're pretty snazzy but I think they aren't very involved with my pile 4's all that much. There could be distance, or emotional blockage within this connection. It feels like your person doesn't show interest in you or that they appear like they are on a different level😫😢
💋What they're missing with you: Letter, Pain, Crown, Lost in translation, Drop, Mercury, Virgo, South node, 10th house, 12th house,🪰😟🟫🆙️ Yeah okay so first of all, pile 4 deserves to be given special treatment!👏👑💖 And your person is missing out of everything they could be offering you right now, like my pile 4's should be lavished and have all their dreams made into reality☝️🙄✨️ I think your person has caused you a lot of pain and you feel unheard or ignored. Just letting you know your person should be insecure not you my beautiful pile 4😭💞 You are royalty, you are a queen/king whatever you wanna be. You are perfect!👌 That person is gonna regret losing you or if they've already lost you, they're a speck just watching you slip away out of their reach lmao they're just so worried. I'm hearing that song by miley cyrus "fly on the wall" because it's THEM, the lyrics may resonate with you if you wanna look it up. Honestly you are jaw dropping gorgeous and you deserve respect and you get it👏🙌😍❤️ Your person is simply missing out on all the incredible conversations you could be having with them, and how intelligent and charming you are. They might really miss your helpful nature, like you just fix everything and make things better.🙏 You are the only person who can truly improve them I'm hearing. Your mind is so attractive and your person is missing out on being in it😘🤪💭 You may look really good in brown and like your person is missing out on just how good you look😫🫶 The cards are saying you are 🔛🔝 you are boss, you own your world. Also my pile 4's are so well put together and admirable! Like you should just look down on those who judge you, because they are beneath you and you know it!😘💅 You deserve appreciation and approval, congratulations on everything you've accomplished you are amazing. Your person is really missing out on how much work you put into yourself and them, they're missing how much effort you give that is unmatched by anyone they'll ever meet.💞 You are high quality pile 4, never forget it!🥰👑 Someone better meet your standards because you won't be settling for anything less. Your person is not even on your level, even if it seemed that way. You're in another league, I can see this person crawling back to you haha it's your choice pile 4 if you're open to giving them your time at all💅⏳️ You are LIMITED EDITION okay? Stand proud, my cards are saying you gotta regain your strength and confidence! Take back that independence and you don't "need" anyone because you are IT🏆
📞Messages from your person: It's obvious we're perfect for eachother, Let's talk more, Don't be so negative, It's true, Your standards are high, I found the one, As expected, Think of things that make you happy, We need boundaries. (Yeah I'm seeing that person actually deeply respects your standards and how you want to be treated✨️ And that is how we find the right person when we set clear intentions and they gotta step up to meet our needs or else so of course you deserve that pile 4!❤️‍🔥) Extra cards: Clothes, Entertainment, Queen of hearts, Bones, Above, Moon, Eros, Sagittarius, Saturn, 1st house (You are just so incredibly top tier, it's just confirming this now. You are a total boss pile 4, strong willed and inspiring!🙌🤗)
Thank you my pile 4's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!💌
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 4 with the cash emoji~💸 My pile 4's I love you👏 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading👠💕✨️
Wanna see more readings like this? Check out my tumblr for accurate readings for you!💗🌊🌸
Thanks for reading! \(*^w^)/💌 -Lunadream <3
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gazeofseer · 8 days
Soul Connection💙
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
'Love is too much glorified to ones dream
And quite petrified to savor it in life.........
Before you give up I want you to give in..
To your soul and find the other end of the
String that aches, arches, and embeds
you every night wondering
If there is no one for me what is this
love mourning for then..?'
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
Pick A Image
And let your heart guide you allow that feeling to stir out and take you in the message calling upon you ;
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Best Friends, Platonic, Caring, Values, Spouse, Wrong Place with the Right Person
Message : The soul of yours is on a journey, of self discovery be it understanding what you truly want and need as an soul through life of human, to knowing it later after many lessons down the line that makes you see all the wrong things first and then things awaits on you to be corrected,
The connection you have is a Platonic one in this lifetime above mentioned are the forms you might have already met them or they are quite close but there is a wall of strangeness in between or a veil of unknown who is yet to arrive they are important part of your journey this makes you sad to not love like others, settle like others, but you are not one of them right? You are here for different things..they would be one of your greatest chapters that makes you worth the go towards the next.
Even if there is a separation it will be quite endearing and worth it. Because they would still wish the best from afar for you.
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'Maybe love was about a moment of relief for the one who was on a quest of the living'
- S ✍🏽☘️
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
Karmic Bond, Purpose, Intent, Contract, Redemption, Salvation
Message : The dreams can weigh at times to, even if things seems enraging you hold it well behind a smile that a moment of ignorance and you would disappear amidst of the crowd to find your corner, comfort, of space where you shed all your emotions into a flow of thoughts that keeps you under greys before it rains.
There is a ache in your abdominal or chest, or a heavy guilt of feeling sorry towards something I am not able to see what exactly as I see you even feel hard to speak up like two Gulps down you take and sigh of eye rolls you go after doing any kinds of talk, your soul has a karmic bond it can be anyone in your family, but I see more in your social and friends group maybe even a colleague or romantic person, there is so much gloom, blues, and black here, a contract of hurt has begun that needs to be redeemed by the one who did to set the other person free with that state of feeling.
It will be really quite peaceful, refreshing yet painful as this heaviness will set both of your souls to move ahead in your life journey without holding anything back that can drown you at any time.
Timeline is near to 2-3 years it seems to be near the end by this year or next year's july.. monsoon is prominent and winter too.
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The beauty of life is, there can be an end to whatever happens within it, but beautiful things hurt too badly like love
- S ♥️
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
Twin flame, Reflection, Transcend, Frequency, Attune, Trance, Mirror
Message : The idea or myth has a say that karma mirrors when it comes to twin flame but the reality has always been different and distinctive, You imbibe each other's nature timely..if you drink coffee now they might be having tea..
But the very same evening there will be a swap and you would wonder why did chose this when I am a specific this person; is how mirroring situations occurs in between you and your twin flame, I see you don't like to be too stereotypically girl but you have your own way to carry femininity same goes for masculinity,
To find a balance between the frequency of your energy will bring the space of mirrors into existence your twin flame is also seeking you the dreams you had about someone's safe touch but you have never been touched a dagger slashing something into two, all this is a sign of confirmation.
You will meet them when everything is balanced and attuned like a manifestation this entirely depends on how is your energy, divine timing, purpose, frequency, and attuning of your souls.
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We exist under the same sky sharing the same breath, the day we will meet what exchanges is the trance of our being till date gets seen, heard and felt a dream come true.
- S🌊
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
Soulmates, Inner Knowing, Fidelity, Longing
Message : Everything speaks to you about love, hope and light no matter how much dark and cold things around may get there is warmth within, it is the longing towards your soulmate every songs remind you of the visions that you could possibly have with them not the delusions but the kisses on cheeks leaves a smile on your face by now for real as if you felt it happen for real but it is yet to.
I see you are quite pure at heart to see shades and imposters which makes you get influenced at a flinch but god's grace you deal with things very well that even through a mishap you come out like a boon.
It is a part and parcel of the growth towards enlightenment but just be cautious in case things can snap at you anytime even if you are ready for a war no need to invite one to prove everytime that you can do it. trust me this is from your soul mate you keep hurting yourself and they feel really helpless right now to not be able to help you through, so just let go of conflicts if it is around ignore..dodge deal it with grace or address it collectively instead of going and reacting rashly on your own.
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To look feel and experience one's soul all you need is love inside your heart's core to connect beyond all the veils of falls and lows, that elevates you heightens you through grounding your roots of existence deeply in each other's heart through foot imprints.
- S🩷
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*''*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
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