#but specifically they spend a lot of time very carefully replacing the plating
shepscapades · 5 months
So, um, basing on what is the result of smashing an androids head open is in dbh, uhhhh. gg etho rest in peace :|
Yeah mans is not doing well. Etho needed a LOT of physical repairs after this incident, and that’s not even taking into account the programming/internal errors that caused it in the first place. Doc and Xisuma spend a LONG time trying to fix him before they eventually deem his programming unsalvageable and reset him.
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starlightrows · 3 years
The Lady’s Guards
Pairing: Boba Fett x reader
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: Mild blood and injury, some hurt/comfort, lots of domestic bliss and fluff, I really just like writing Boba with a feisty little wifey
Summary: Din brings Grogu to visit you and Boba on Tatooine, but you run into some trouble when you try to take him out for a day of shopping
AN: Lots of people really seemed to like my OC’s Tems and Rhys, so I wanted to write a little more with them! This can be read as a stand alone or a part 2 to The Lady of the House
You return to bed but find that you’re no longer tired enough to fall back to sleep. Instead you just enjoy the warmth of Boba’s skin and the gentle rise and fall of his chest as he breathes. When you can’t stand to lay still any longer you shift carefully out of his embrace and slip out of bed.
It’s not often you’re awake before him so you take advantage of this rarity. You put your robe back on, and sneak out of your chambers heading down to the kitchens. The maids are scurrying about preparing breakfast, and prepping for the larger more substantial meals later in the day.
“Good morning,” you call out softly from the top of the stairs. Everyone stops what they’re doing and turns quickly to address you. A small chorus of “my lady” and “good morning”’s greet you as you descend the stairs.
“I was hoping to help make breakfast and serve it to my husband in our chambers this morning if that’s alright,” you smile. You’re welcomed into the kitchens and allowed to help as one of the maids makes the batter for hot cakes. When the cakes have finished baking, you garnish the tray with fresh fruit, and fresh brewed caf.
Fearing for your ability to carry all of this food, you recruit one of the maids just to help you carry everything up to your chambers, and thank her for her excellent help before dismissing her and pushing through the doors.
Much to your delight Boba is still asleep when you come in. So you have time to set the table with the hot cakes and caf before climbing back onto the bed to kiss him awake. When he’s roused enough, he returns your kisses and mumbles out a good morning.
“Made you breakfast,” you nip at his cheek “and hot caf”
“Hmm, you made it?” He asks, sitting up a bit to glance over your shoulder at the table, laid out with breakfast as promised.
“Mhm, woke up a bit early, decided I wanted to spoil you my love,” you tug at his arm, pulling him with you to get out of bed. He indulges you, sitting at the table and accepting the plate full of hot cakes and more importantly the steaming up of caf.
Over breakfast you recount the events of last night, about the guards alerting you to the intrusion, the alarm on his ship, and Din hailing over the coms.
“Hmm, did he hail twice?” Boba asks draining his mug of caf
“No, just the one as far as I know” you reply, using your finger to collect a drop of sweet syrup from the hot cakes and licking it off.
“Then it’s not an emergency. Would you mind returning the com after we’re finished here? I’ll see to the intruder,” he places his plate back on the tray and reaches for the bowl of fruit. You’ve just about finished your breakfast and stack your plate as well.
“Of course darling,” you answer, kissing his head as you pass behind him to pick out something to wear for the day.
“Which guards should I see about the intruder?” He asks abandoning the fruit bowl in favor of following you to get himself ready as well.
“Oh, sorry my love, I’ve been sworn to secrecy on that matter,” you throw him a teasing look as you hold up one of your more comfortable day dresses, while he begins putting on his own robes for the day. You glance in the full length mirror, deciding that this was indeed what you wanted to wear today.
This pulls him up short, and he gives you a quizzical look. There are no secrets between the two of you, at least, not like this.
“Keeping secrets from the King of Tatootine my lady? That’s a dangerous game to play,” he’s only half dressed himself but he stops to watch you undress, and struggle with the front fastenings on your day dress.
“I’m well aware, my love but nevertheless, I gave them my word. Just go down to the dungeon and ask the guards on duty to see the one and only prisoner we currently have,” you walk towards him, and throw up your hands begging for his help to secure the ties. He didn’t expect you to hold firm on your secret, he honestly thought you’d been joking the first time.
He takes the ties and knots them properly with his surprisingly nimble fingers “Cyare, why can’t you tell me?”
“They asked me very specifically not to tell you,” you shrug. His hands still over your hips when he’s finished, holding you in place.
You laugh placing your hands over his and removing them gently, so he can get ready too “My darling, even your staff are intimidated by you. The pair of them were absolutely terrified you’d tear their limbs off and feed them to the rankor if you found out they entered our chambers,”
“I pay them to alert me to security breaches!” He grumbles pulling on his tunic, and beginning to secure his armor in place with your assistance.
“That’s what I told them. Promised them you wouldn’t be angry. They wouldn’t hear it, practically begged me on their knees to keep quiet about it,” you shake your head, securing his vambrace on.
“Better to be feared than loved,” he gripes, you lean up on your tiptoes and kiss his cheek.
“Hmmm... lucky you are both feared and loved,” you smile sweetly. He grins, catching your chin between his fingers and tilting your head to kiss your lips. Tasting the remains of the sweet syrup you’d spread over your hot cakes.
Later while Boba is seeing people on business, you take the time to sit down and hail Din over the coms. He answers after a minute or so of waiting and switches on the hologram function. A massive black eye comes into the viewfinder.
“Too close ad’ika,” Din pulls Grogu away from the camera, and places him in his lap as he sits down. Grogu waves, seeing your face on his end of the screen.
You wave back and smile brightly, “Hello my little green bean!” You coo
“Sorry about last night,” Din says sheepishly “Forgot about the daylight difference between Tatooine and Mandalore. I hope I didn’t wake you guys up or anything,”
You wave him off good naturedly. “Oh don’t worry about that. I was just worried something was wrong,” you say, lightly prompting him to explain the reason for his late night call.
“Nothing is wrong, really. I just have a couple things I need to talk to Fett about. And I was hoping to bring Grogu for a visit in a couple rotations,” he admits
“Absolutely! I’ll have to check with the big man, but I’m quite sure none of his appointments for the next couple days are urgent enough to take president over a visit from the Mand’alor,” you joke
“Well let me know if he says otherwise, but we’ll be there in two days time,” Din tells you, taking Grogu’s little hand and manually waving it at you.
“Will do. Bye baby! I’ll see you soon,” you give Grogu a little wave before shutting off the com.
Boba has no objection to Din and Grogu coming for a visit, and he delights in your enthusiasm to spend time (and spoil) your nephew. And in two days' time, they arrive on Tatooine as promised.
Immediately you confiscate Grogu from Din, and whisk him away to play and explore the palace, leaving Boba and Din to talk business and catch up.
The second day of their visit you ask Din if he would mind if you took Grogu out of the palace and down into the city for a day of shopping and fresh air. Din doesn’t seem to mind, trusting you wholeheartedly. But Boba insists you take guards for your safety as well as Grogu’s. It’s a small measure to ask and not an unfounded request given the type of people that still hang around Mos Eisley, so you accept his request.
“Why did it have to be us?” Tems moans as Rhys starts up the land speeder.
“You’re not even a little excited? The Lady chose us herself! That means she likes us!” Rhys says “Plus we get to drive the boss’s speeder. Tell me you aren’t at least a little excited about that,”
Tems actually is kind of excited, it’s a really nice speeder. But it does not outshine how nervous he is at the thought of being responsible for the safety of not only Boba Fett’s feisty, headstrong little queen, but also the son of The Mand’alor.
“We just have to be careful Rhys. The safety of the Lady and the child is way more important than a cool speeder,” Tems says sliding into the passenger seat. Rhys brings the speeder around to the front to the palace.
“I know that,” Rhys snips at him, coming to a stop at the palace door where you wait with Boba. Tems gets out of the speeder and holds the door open for you. You quickly press your forehead against Boba’s helmet and slide into the speeder, holding Grogu close in a wrapped silk scarf against your chest.
Tems gets back in the passenger seat, and the speeder pulls away from the palace. The trip down into the city doesn’t take very long, and thank goodness for that because Rhys is having a hard time holding his tongue. He wants to ask you a thousand questions. Instead he places all of his focus on driving carefully, listening to you softly speak to the child.
Upon arriving, Tems gets out and opens the door for you again. Tems and Rhys follow behind you at a respectful distance as you Grogu to various stalls and booths at the open air market. Making pleasant conversation with the merchants, buying Grogu snacks and little gifts he shows interest in, splurging on a few items for yourself as well.
As the afternoon goes on, Tems notices more eyes than usual trained on you as you walk from stall to stall. Eyes with ill intent. Something feels wrong, and it’s not just his anxiety. He nudges Rhys and gives him a look. He senses it too, all semblance of the distractible and energetic man he’s used to attempting to corral is gone. Replaced by a headset face, and a firm hand on his blaster.
“My lady,” Rhys addresses you directly. You’re in the middle chatting with a merchant over a purchase, you turn and smile at your guard.
“My lady, we need to-” he doesn’t have a chance to finish his statement. A shrill cry of a man jumping out from behind a booth wall brandishing a vibroblade towards you cuts him off. Rhys pushes you down, shielding your body with his. While Tems tackles the man to the ground.
You don’t see the exchange, Rhys makes sure of that. He drags you off the floor behind the counter with the shopkeeper, who is cowering in fear. Grogu is whimpering and clinging to the front of your tunic, you hold him securely and try to murmur comforting words to him. You take great care to cover his massive ears, the sounds of your assailant and bodyguard fighting one another fill the tiny stall.
Onlookers in the market either flee screaming, or crowd in to watch. Rhys placed himself between you and fighting. Finally the sounds of the fighting stop, there is nothing besides Grogu’s sobs and the heavy breathing of the victor of the fight.
Rhys gives your shoulder a gentle shake. You look up at him and find his face comforting but stern. “I’m sorry my lady, but we must get you back to the palace,” he takes your arm and pulls you off the ground “now”
Rhys draws his blaster keeping it ready in case it’s needed. You look to see Tems standing at the entrance to the merchant stall, splattered in blood and shouting for the crowd to get back.
“Watch your step, my lady,” Rhys says, tugging you away from the body of your would-be attacker. You draw Grogu in a little closer, and make a point to step around the body.
The pair of them hustle you out of the market, shouting for people to get out of the way and making a show aiming their blasters at anyone that dared get too close.
The speeder trip back to the palace does not take long, Tems looks back on you and asks if you’re injured. You shake your head, and continue trying to comfort Grogu, who’s no longer crying but whimpering pitifully and unwilling to be detached from you in any way.
When the speeder pulls up to the palace both guards disembark and escort you down into the throne room, regardless of whatever business is transpiring down there. The guards on duty seem to realize you will not be kept from the throne room when they see you dirtied and disheveled, escorted by equally disheveled and bloodied guards; they let you pass without question.
The throne room has more than a few guests discussing trade and wage with Boba and Din, with Fennec providing on site security. At the sound of your foot steps descending the stairs, Boba looks up and takes in your frightful appearance.
“Get out, all of you,” Boba’s voice is sharp and clear. The other occupants of the room seem to hesitate, also caught up in the shock of seeing the queen looking so battered.
“That wasn’t a suggestion, leave” Fennec bashes the hilt of her blaster into the duracreet, making a resounding noise that jolts Boba’s guests out of their stupor. They all scramble to disperse, exiting the throne room as quickly as possible.
You quickly move deeper into the throne room, and extend Grogu to Din who’s approaching you anxiously with Boba at his heels. Grogu goes to his fathers arms without complaint and seems to settle almost immediately once he’s placed against Din’s shoulder.
“Take care of your son,” Boba says as carefully as he can manage. Din only nods and disappears down another hallway leading to guest rooms. Boba’s hand jute out, grabbing your chin and tilting your face from side to side checking you for wounds physical or otherwise. Your hand closes over his wrist, and you give him a squeeze and a nod. “Come cyare,” he whispers to you, leading you away from the throne room.
Tems and Rhys have been standing at attention the entire duration of this exchange. When you and Boba leave, they relax slightly. Rhys is ready to bolt, Tems is ready to wretch. But Fennec keeps them rooted on the spot.
“He will be back,” she says “and he’s going to want answers that are clear and to the point. Do you understand?”
They nod.
In your chambers Boba rips off his helmet and frantically checks you again for injuries. Needing to see with his own eyes. You assure him up and down that you’re perfectly fine thanks to your guards.
“What happened cyare?” He asks, holding you close despite your dusty clothes tainting his clean ones. You recount the story to the best of your ability, but you admit he would probably get more useful information from your guards.
“They saved my life,” you say honestly “and Grogu’s too. They’re good men, and they deserve our gratitude,”
Boba draws you in closer still and rests his head on top of yours. He’s reluctant to even let you out of his embrace, but you pull away.
“Go speak to them my love. I’m safe in these walls. I promise you, I won’t leave our chambers until you come back,” you tell him, cradling his handsome face in your hands. It bothers him how unphased you seem to be, though he knows you rather well, and can recognize that this will be something you process and need help with later on.
Eventually Boba does leave you so you can run a bath and get yourself cleaned up, and he can go get the full story from your guards. Fennec has perched herself on a high stool that sits behind Boba’s throne. A vantage point for her to survey the room. Meanwhile Tems and Rhys have been wringing their hands and coming down from their adrenaline highs.
“We saved the lady,” Rhys mumbled under his breath, excited once more but teeming with nerves. This is worse than the other night, when your eyes pierced his soul and scared the daylight out of him.
“We almost got Lady and the Mand’alor’s son killed in one afternoon” Tems couldn’t help his pacing back and forth across the sandy floor. His clothes were hot and sticky covered in the blood of the man he had killed. And he would gladly do it again for the good queen.
Boba’s presence reappearing in the throne room reignited both Tems and Rhys anxiety and adrenaline responses. But they stood at attention and awaited their fate with knocking knees and chattering teeth.
Boba surveyed the two men. Both strong capable young men, though one had definitely worked here longer. Something seemed familiar about these two, something Boba couldn’t place, though he had a suspicion there was a reason his wife had chosen these two particular guards to escort her down to the market.
Boba sits heavily on his throne, clears his throat and beckons them forward.
“You’ve defended my palace, protected my beloved wife and nephew, and served me well. You both have my gratitude and my respect. Any reward you desire, name it and it’s yours” Boba says “All I ask of you now it the truth. Tell me what happened today,”
At first neither man speaks. Tems finally breaks the silence, but can not find it himself to look Boba in the eye.
“In the market today. I noticed a man following us. He went into a secluded market stall carrying wares the lady seemed interested in. He tried to attack the lady with a vibroblade. I killed this man,” Tems says “It’s been a long time since Tatooine was ruled by a fair and just hand, my Lord. I have lived here since the Hutts ruled the Dune Sea and promoted the slave trade. I am honored to serve you and your worthy cause my lord. I ask for no other reward”
Boba nods, and casts his gaze over to the younger man.
“If I may sir. I took your wife and nephew to safety while my partner dispatched the attacker. I would have willingly given my life to save theirs,” Rhys bows his head in respect, but looks up again to ask his favor “If you are willing to offer a reward for what happened today, I only have one request. I have a younger sister, Talece. She’s smart and responsible, but struggles to find work due to her inability to speak. I humbly ask for her to have a place in your palace. She can cook, clean, serve in whatever way you ask of her, my lord”
Tems shifts his eyes over to his friend. He didn’t know Rhys had a mute sister, or a sister at all. He’d have to ask about it later.
“I’m sure my wife can find use for another maid, bring her tomorrow. If the lady of the house has a need for her, then she is welcome to stay,” Boba nods. He looks back to Tems but addresses them both “Your service and dedication today will not be forgotten. But for now, you are both dismissed and relieved of your duties for the rest of today,”
Tems and Rhys bow low and thank Boba Fett for his generosity, before scurrying away to get clean and unwind from this whole ordeal.
Boba dismisses Fennec as well and tells her to cancel all of his remaining appointments for the rest of the day. He goes back to you in your chambers to find you clean, wrapped in a dressing gown and drying your hair while sitting on the bed.
He removes his armor at record breaking speed, and climbs onto the bed pulling you down with him regardless of your wet hair.
“I suspect I’ve discovered which of the guards came into our room the other night,” he says, stroking your arm. You nod, there’s no point in lying to him about it if he’s already figured it out.
“I like them,” you say “They’re good guards, and good men,”
“The younger one. He’s got a sister, asked me to give her a job,” he tells you
“And you’ve got a new handmaiden if you’d like. If not she can join the kitchen staff,” he continues stroking your arm. At this you pull away from him a bit and prop yourself up on his chest to stare down at him. Meeting his deliciously dark eyes.
“For all the fear you strike in the hearts of others, you do seem to have a tender heart underneath your glare and beskar,” you tease him, dropping your head down to kiss his lips
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galahadwilder · 3 years
Future Perfect
This is my @mlsecretsanta fic for @crispypata! Crispy asked for DJWifi and Bunnyx, so I delivered.
It’s been a long week, and Alya is grateful for some alone time. While it’s always nice to have the others around, there’s an unstated pleasure in being the only one of her friends awake this early. Nino and Marinette are always asleep until very shortly before class, and Adrien may be awake, but his driver won’t be here for at least another twenty minutes. That’s a precious twenty minutes away from her sisters, away from anybody else. A precious twenty minutes of quiet.
Normally she’d spend this time updating the Ladyblog, moderating comments, writing posts, but after last night’s battle she just… she needs some time. Time to herself.
She’s shaking, just a little. She’s not even touching her phone. For the first time in a while, she’s actually reading a physical comic book—specifically, The Mighty Majestia Issue #48. Her first comic. A gift from her father when she was a little girl. It used to make her feel better when things were going bad. She needs that, a little bit, today. The feel of the paper under her fingertips.
It wasn’t her first near-death experience—she’s had a lot of those since Hawkmoth appeared in Paris. But Ladybug almost hadn’t made it last night. Alya had gone running after the Akuma, like usual, and…
A body flops down next to her on the bench. The warmth and weight of it—she glances to the side, and meets the familiar warm eyes of Nino.
“You okay?” he asks, laying his hand on top of the comic. “You haven’t read this since before we met.”
Alya nods. “Last night was bad,” she says.
Nino nods. “Yeah,” he responds. “Yeah it was.”
He doesn’t say anything else.
Alya is rarely the most perceptive person—more passionate than perceptive, honestly, though not for lack of trying (she tries really hard, it’s just… hard to tell what other people aren’t saying sometimes)—but she cares, and Nino is at school forty minutes before he’s usually awake and he seems unusually tense. She closes her comic. “Babe?”
Nino sighs, looking down as he picks at a hangnail on his thumb. “I can’t keep watching you die, Als.”
Alya’s heart judders. “You’re not okay, then.”
He shakes his head. “I mean Rena Rouge is one thing. I know you can protect yourself, and Ladybug is right there if things go bad. But every time I see you chase after a giant baby with no protection but that sexy plaid shirt...”
“I have a responsibility, Nino!” she says.
“I know,” Nino says quietly. “I can’t really ask you to stop, either.”
Alya swallows. “Are you... breaking up with me?”
Nino looks at her for a moment, then snorts. “Hell no.” He reaches up to Alya’s cheek, brushing her hair away from her ear. “You ain’t getting away from me that easy, girl.”
Alya relaxes, leaning into his palm. “Attaboy,” she says.
Nino grimaces. “I might… need a day or two to process, though.” He swallows. “I’m sorry.”
Alya’s heart falls. “You’re sure.” It’s not a question—Nino doesn’t make decisions half-cocked the way she does. He thinks, and considers, and once his choice is made, he sticks to it. That surety—that stability—is one of the reasons she loves him. Even if right now it’s hurting her.
“I’m sure,” he says. “Just… I need a few days after. You know.” He hangs his head. “Seeing you die again.”
Oh, God, Alya wants to slap him. And maybe a year ago she would have. But today-Alya is not last-year-Alya, and, instead, she just drops her head a little. “It was a bad one, wasn’t it,” she says.
Alya trudges out of class, dragging her feet. It’s been a difficult day, to say the least, and Marinette—bless her—may be trying to help, but there’s not all that much to do.
“We could go to my place and stuff ourselves with Beignets,” Marinette offers, with her characteristic hyperenergetic movement. “I know you love the Majestia movie?”
Alya shakes her head. “I relax a bit better when I move,” she says. She looks at the basketball hoops. “Can you stick around for…” She catches a hint of green out of the corner of her eye—a familiar shade, one that she’s seen quite a lot. She blinks. “For a few…” She turns her head, and there—staring down at her from the roof of the school—is Carapace. “Uh.”
Marinette follows her gaze. “What are you—”
Carapace’s head jerks as he seems to realize that he’s been spotted, and he leaps down out of sight.
“What is he doing?” Alya murmurs.
Marinette’s iron fingers wrap around her bicep. “Alya,” she hisses, “that’s not Carapace.”
“What do you mean?” Alya says, turning her head, just in time to catch a glimpse of Nino—as Nino, not as Carapace—walking out of the locker room on the opposite side of the school from where Carapace disappeared. It’s too soon, too fast—there’s no way he could’ve come around the school that quickly.
“Excuse me,” she says, bolting towards her boyfriend. She grabs his arm and yanks him away from Adrien.
“Babe... what?” he says, looking at her like she just grew a second head.
“I just saw Carapace on the roof,” she hisses.
His eyes widen behind his glasses.
They didn’t really discuss it, at least not verbally, but they both pretty easily came to the decision that whoever this is, stealing their identities is not something this person gets to get away with. They don’t even talk it through before they’ve agreed to chase this imposter down.
“You’re sure he went this way?” Nino asks as they charge off down the street toward where Alya had last seen the false Carapace.
“Yes, I’m—!” Alya starts to snap, before she catches herself and—stopping her headlong charge by pressing a palm into a nearby wall—breathes in. “Sorry, sorry.” She glances at him. “Pretty sure, yeah.”
“God, I wish I had my shield,” Nino mutters. He grabs her hand and meets her eyes with his characteristic Nino Soft Look. “If this ends up being a bad one, please take cover?”
Alya grimaces. “The Akuma is using your face, Babe,” she says.
“Please.” His voice is calm and soft.
Alya thinks about how distraught he was this morning, how little she wants to do that to him again. “I’ll—I’ll try.”
Nino smiles. “That’s really all I can ask, isn’t it.”
Alya smiles, tugging him along. “You knew I was crazy when I asked you out,” she says, building carefully building back up to a run.
Nino snorts, vaulting over a street barrier. “That I did.”
It takes barely a minute before they reach the spot where the false Carapace must’ve gone, leaving them looking down wide avenues packed with people—none of whom are wearing a green hood.
“We lost him,” Nino says, puffing.
“I mean,” Alya gasps, “duh.” She leans onto her knees. “He’s got—powers, and we—we have, what—about eight—months of parkour training?”
A familiar whizz-crack comes from above, as a spotted red figure drops down in front of them. “Alya!” Ladybug says, glancing confusedly at Nino. “Did you see where Carapace went?”
“Nope,” Alya says. She leans in toward Ladybug, carefully eyeing the other people who are watching the exchange. “Definitely an Akuma, then?” she whispers, quietly enough that nobody else is alarmed.
“Maybe?” Ladybug whispers back. “Or a Sentimonster, or. Well. One other thing.”
Alya’s eyebrows narrow. “What other thing?”
Ladybug shakes her head. “Probably not important,” she says. She straightens and backs away, whipping her yo-yo in rapid circles. “Everyone stay calm and quietly evacuate the area,” she says in a clear, authoritative voice. “Calmly, please! Everything is under control.”
There’s a growing undercurrent of panic in the crowd at Ladybug’s words, but there’s a force behind her last sentence, a reassurance, that passes calm through the crowd like a ripple. Much to Alya’s surprise, there’s no stampede, no rush to flee. Everyone actually listens, beginning to carefully file away, emptying out the street.
“Any chance we could get our Miraculi?” Nino asks. “I don’t like this.”
Ladybug glances over her shoulder at him. “Not until Chat gets here,” she says. “I can’t just leave the Akuma without anyone containing it.”
A black blur drops out of the sky, rolling and springing to his feet next to Ladybug. “Good thing I’m here, then!” Chat says, leaning his elbow onto her shoulder.
Ladybug rolls her eyes. “Always so dramatic,” she says, turning to her partner. “Can you hold down the fort for a few while I grab backup?”
Chat eyes Alya and Nino. “So long as the Ladyblogger doesn’t get herself killed, yes.”
There’s still been no sighting of the fake Carapace by the time Ladybug returns carrying the bracelet and the necklace. Chat has been running across the rooftops, spying into alleyways, but hasn’t seen scale nor shell of him.
“Alya Césaire and Nino Lahiffe,” Ladybug intones, holding the two Miraculi aloft. “I’m trusting you with the Miraculous of the Fox and Turtle.” She purses her lip. “I’m going to ask you to switch, though. I don’t want us mixing up our Carapi.”
Alya grimaces, but Nino just nods. “Makes sense,” he says, taking the necklace and draping it around his neck. It sparks, and a tiny fox spirals out from it. “Trixx, Let’s Pounce!” Nino calls.
He flashes orange, sparks running across his whole body, and suddenly Nino is gone, replaced by an orange-clad superhero. He still has Carapace’s hood, peaked down over his forehead, with ears poking through holes in the top. Leggings are tucked into combat boots, black gloves cuffed over white-and-orange sleeves. He looks down at his arms, twisting his hands to look at both sides. “Hmm,” he says. “Pretty cool.”
“What should we call you?” Ladybug says.
Nino meets Alya’s eyes. “What about… Reynard?” he says.
“Reynard it is,” Ladybug says. She turns to Alya, handing her the jade bracelet. “You ready?”
“Always,” Alya says, sliding the bracelet onto her wrist. “Wayzz, Shell On!”
She feels her hair lift into a high ponytail as her glasses meld to her face into a domino mask. Unlike the Rena Rouge transformation, which slims her down, she feels herself bulking up. Armor plates slam into place around her chest, shoulders, and thighs. Everything feels heavier, but also stronger, more stable.
Reynard whistles. “Damn, babe,” he says. “Green looks good on you.”
Tortue Verte grins. “You expected anything else?” she ask. She absently lifts the shield. “Damn, this thing is heavy,” she says, looking at Reynard. “How do you even lift it?”
“Practice,” Reynard says, twirling the flute. “This is really light!”
“It’s basically bamboo,” Tortue replies, slinging the shield onto her back. “You ready?”
Reynard sheathes the flute on his own back. “Let’s take this guy down.”
Tortue Verte’s super jump is a lot like Rena Rouge’s—though, given the balance between her being slightly stronger with the Turtle and also being heavier, it’s a little weird to balance. She gets more distance but less height with each jump, and since her brain keeps expecting Rena’s jump arc, she keeps misjudging where she’s landing.
She lands hard on the side of her foot, twisting her ankle and stumbling shoulder-first into a chimney with a yelp. Her ankle is struck by stabbing pain, and she immediately collapses onto her side. She lies there on the roof, huffing, feeling desperate and foolish. This is not what she was hoping for.
She carefully drags herself up the chimney into a sitting position, carefully pulling the shield from her back and dialing Reynard.
“Hey babe,” he says, his orange-hooded face filling the screen. “You good?”
She shakes her head. “Landed bad,” she says. “I think I twisted my ankle.”
Reynard’s eyes widen behind his goggles. “Where are you?” he says. “I’ll be there in a—”
“Babe!” she interrupts. “Akuma. I’ll be fine up here.”
“Are you sure?”
She nods. “I’m sure,” she says. “Give that fake hell.” She hangs up, then collapses backward against the chimney with a gasp.
“Sorry I didn’t catch you,” a voice—a familiar one, but one she can’t quite place—says from behind her. “I think you’d have broken a few of my bones.”
She whips her head around to see a red-haired woman dressed in blue and white, bunny ears sprouting from her head, leaning on an umbrella as if it were a cane. Tortue tries to leap to her feet, shield up, but pain spikes through her ankle the second her foot meets shingle. “Augh!”
The woman immediately drops the umbrella, and her arms are around Tortue’s body. “Careful,” she says. “Don’t want to put too much weight on that.”
“Don’t touch me,” Tortue growls.
The woman laughs. “Relax, Foxy. I’m not an Akuma.”
Tortue blinks. Foxy? She’s wearing the Turtle, not the Fox, which means… “You—you know who I am.”
The woman smirks and throws up a peace sign. “The name’s Bunnyx,” she says. “Wielder of the Miraculous of Time, from ten years in the future.”
“Prove it,” Tortue says. “What’s Ladybug’s real name?”
Bunnyx snorts. “You’re not getting it that easily… Alya,” she says. “Also, Nino’s sort of downplaying how worried about you he is. You really should start being more careful before you give him a heart attack.”
Tortue stares at Bunnyx, then blinks. “...Okay, you’re for real,” she says. “What are you doing here? Are you warning us about something?”
Bunnyx shakes her head. “I brought Carapace and Rena back from my time for one reason,” she says. “Future Hawkmoth has discovered Ladybug’s identity, which has put her daughter in danger.”
“Daughter?” Tortue says.
Bunnyx continues as if she hasn’t heard. “Ladybug asked me to bring her back in time to protect her from Future Hawkmoth, but I needed backup just in case she followed us. You and your boyfriend were the obvious choice.”
“Where is she?” Tortue says, trying to work her way to her feet. She hisses as pain lances through her ankle again.
“Jeez, stay down, Tortue!” Bunnyx says, carefully easing her back into a sitting position. “You need to be careful. We need you for this one.”
“Don’t bother,” says a voice that sounds like Tortue’s own as an older, taller Rena Rouge lands in a crouch. “I had absolutely no self-preservation at that age.”
Carapace lands next to her, softer, gentler. “You nearly killed me like eight times,” he says, cradling a baby in his arms. He looks down at Tortue. “Hey, babe.”
Rena rolls her eyes, gently punching Carapace’s shoulder. “Don’t flirt with young me, you butt,” she says.
Tortue stares at the baby, wide-eyed. “Is that…” she murmurs.
Rena nods. “Our god-daughter,” she says.
Carapace smiles. “Do you want to hold her?”
“She’s… mine?” Ladybug says, gazing down into her daughter’s emerald-green eyes.
The baby laughs, reaching up toward her mother’s face and pressing her chubby palm into Ladybug’s cheek.
“Who’s the father?” Chat says to Bunnyx, hope shining in his eyes. (Tortue admits to herself that she’s just as interested in finding out.)
Bunnyx smirks. “Oh, Kitty Noir, you know I can’t tell you.”
Chat looks crestfallen. “Not even a hint?”
“She’s so small,” Ladybug whispers, pointing a finger at her daughter’s face. The baby laughs again, gripping her mother’s finger in between her hands.
“You said she’s my—our god-daughter?” Tortue says.
Rena laughs. “My boyfriend has spent more time pampering this little terror than he has me lately,” she says. She turns and pokes Reynard in the chest. “You’ve got some growing to do, babe.”
Carapace rolls his eyes. “Please don’t flirt with the babies, babe,” he says with a smirk.
The laughter that follows seems to come from everywhere and nowhere, and Tortue looks around, unsettled.
“...Wasn’t that funny,” Carapace mutters.
Bunnyx walks toward the edge of the roof, looking down. “Missing the point again, Shelly?” she says, pointing down. “It’s starting.”
“What is?” Chat says.
“ATTENTION PARIS!” a booming, feminine voice echoes deeply through the sky as if it’s rebounding off the very atmosphere, followed by a sudden eruption of Wagnerian opera. “YOU HAVE BEEN SELECTED TO JOIN THE RANKS OF ODIN’S MIGHTY WARRIORS IN VALHALLA!”
“Ah,” Chat says, nodding. “Akuma time.”
“Bad one,” Bunnyx agrees, nodding. “We picked today for a reason. Two illusionists needed at minimum.”
Tortue gingerly attempts to stand, only for the pain in her ankle to spike like a jagged piece of bone. “Ah!” she yelps, collapsing backward.
Immediately, two sets of hands are holding her up—Reynard’s and Carapace’s. “You okay?” Reynard says, his eyes soft and concerned.
Carapace swallows. “I’m sorry, babe, but I—” He glances at Rena. “We are going to need you to stay out of this fight. You’re injured.”
“I can help!” Tortue protests.
Carapace shakes his head. “I know how much it means to you to be out there with us, but A—um, sweetie, I need you alive, okay?” He smiles, glancing back at Ladybug. “Besides, um. Someone needs to keep the baby safe.”
Reynard raises an eyebrow. “You are a braver man than I,” he says.
Rena laughs. “Oh, it’s just ‘cause she’s a baby,” she says. “He knows I’d rip his throat out if he tried that.”
“You are also much less suicidally reckless than she is,” Carapace shoots back.
Rena shrugs. “Fair point.”
Ladybug approaches, carefully laying the baby into Tortue’s arms with a look of regret. “Stay safe, okay?” she says. She looks down and presses a kiss to her daughter’s forehead. “And keep her safe.”
Tortue swallows, overwhelmed by the—the everything. The trust Ladybug is showing her, the softness of the moment, the sadness in the child’s eyes as her mother goes back off to battle… it’s too much.
“I’ll do my best,” she croaks, trying not to tear up.
Carapace had carried her away from the battle. Vilekyrie controlled the sky, making it difficult to keep the baby out of her reach, but he’d found her a little out-of-the-way cubbyhole that nobody would come looking in during the attack. Or, well. Not a cubbyhole, really. More of a luxury suite at the Hotel Gran Paris.
“How did you know nobody would be here?” Tortue had asked him.
He’d only smiled in reply. “Spoilers,” he’d said. “Love you forever, but I gotta get back there.”
“Good luck!”
Now, about forty minutes into the battle, she can hear the clash of swords, the clanking of armor, the screaming of horses as they flew past her shaded window. She’d looked outside earlier, caught a glimpse of the copies of Vilekyrie flashing across the sky—copies of her that kept growing by the moment—and the marching of ghostly Viking soldiers on the ground: the Einherjar she’d selected from Paris’ citizens, transformed into undying warrior spirits. It doesn’t seem to be going well, but then, she doesn’t really have the best vantage point.
The baby is fussy, fussier than she was when Ladybug was around—Tortue can only guess that it’s because she wants her mother. The room has been stocked with formula and fresh diapers, and, thanks to her experience with the twins, Tortue has plenty of experience with taking care of a baby, but the girl just won’t settle down.
There’s a quiet footfall on the balcony—not a Vilekyrie, and the Einherjar can’t seem to climb. Tortue turns around to see the balcony door creek open, followed by a pair of large orange ears. “Hey. Mini-me,” Rena says. “You hanging in there?”
Tortue smiles, rocking the baby gently in her arms. “You didn’t tell me her name,” she says. “Feel weird just calling her ‘baby’.”
Rena ducks around the door, shutting it behind her, then bends down, cooing over the child’s delighted face. “HellooOOOooo!” She tickles the baby’s nose with her finger, and the girl laughs.
Rena looks back up at Tortue with a sheepish smile. “Sorry,” she says. “No names. Spoilers.”
Tortue rolls her eyes. “Am I always this aggravating?”
Rena gently wraps her arms underneath the baby’s back, lifting her from Tortue’s arms. “Pretty much!” She turns back to the baby and blows a raspberry.
“What’s up?” Tortue says. “Why aren’t you with the others?” As if to punctuate her point, an explosion sounds in the distance, and Tortue raises an eyebrow.
“Needed to talk to you,” Rena says, sitting down on the plush velvet bedspread across from her. “Also, I told them you were planning on running into the combat zone, so…”
“I was not!” Tortue yelps, leaping from her desk chair. The baby immediately squeals in distress.
Rena grins. “I know,” she says, gently tickling the child’s nose. “But they believed me when I said it, and by the time they figure it out…”
Tortue sighs. Gods, her older self is annoying. “What do you want, Alya?”
The animation in Rena’s face slackens, and she looks down at her own stomach. “I… want to show you something.” Keeping one hand under the baby, she reaches behind her and unslings the flute, opening the space within. “Take a look.”
Tortue reaches inside the extradimensional storage space inside Rena’s weapon, confused—and then her fingers close around something small, round, and metal, and she understands. “You’re going to propose,” she says, fishing the ring out of the flute. She stares at it, entranced.
“Yep,” Rena agrees with a nod, gently bouncing the baby. “Bought the ring last week.”
Tortue doesn’t even know what to say in this situation. Is it… weird to congratulate herself? Some situations, there aren’t just good responses for.
Rena sees her face and laughs. “Don’t look so shocked, Mini-me,” she says. She carefully rocks Ladybug’s baby, staring into her green eyes. “I mean, you always knew we were gonna do this eventually.”
“Yeah, but… kinda young?” Tortue says, handing the ring back to Rena.
“Ladybug’s younger.” Rena absently places the ring back inside her flute, still bouncing the baby in her other arm. “About a year younger than you, actually.”
Tortue blinks. She’s—well, she figured out a while back that Ladybug wasn’t actually 5,000 years old, but she’d always assumed she was, maybe, Anansi’s age? The thought that Ladybug is younger than she is... “Yikes.”
“Yikes is right,” Rena says. “And she has anxiety. So every time you go running face-first into danger like you’re never gonna die…”
“Is this a lecture?” Tortue says.
“Little bit,” Rena responds.
Oh, great. The last thing she needs right now is a lecture from herself of all people.
Rena rolls her eyes. “Listen, Kit, sometimes—sometimes Ladybug isn’t gonna be there. She doesn’t always show up, you know.”
Tortue narrows her eyebrows. “Yes she does?” That’s, like, the big consistency. Aside from that one time where the Akuma and the Sentimonster were in different cities, Ladybug has shown up for every single Akuma battle.
Rena shakes her head. “She has a life, Alya. And, well, sometimes she needs Chat to cover for her.” She looks toward the curtained window, toward the sounds of the battle still filtering in from outside. “And sometimes, Chat and Viperion get taken out early, and the only person who can use the Ladybug is you.”
A chill runs down Tortue’s entire body. The responsibility of using the Ladybug Miraculous—it’s terrifying. It hadn’t even occurred to her that it might pass down to her, that—oh, no. This is… this is what Ladybug feels all the time, isn’t it?
“Listen, however you feel about Nino now?” Rena says. “It’s nothing compared to what it’s going to be. He and I, we’d do anything for each other.” She breathes in, stroking the baby’s head. “Which means that, well, you and I need to stay alive.”
“The Miraculous Cure—”
Rena shakes her head. “It’s good, but it’s not… 100% reliable. Sometimes, Ladybug can’t be there.”
Tortue’s mouth opens, closes. Opens again. “Oh.”
Rena stands and places a hand on her younger self’s shoulder. “Alya, someday, you’re gonna get hurt. You’re gonna get hurt in a way that Ladybug can’t fix, and you’re going to wonder if you even deserve this Miraculous. If you even deserve Nino.” She looks down at the baby with naked fondness in her eyes. “I’m telling you now—you deserve way more than you realize. But if you want to make it to see our wedding...” She trails off.
Tortue waits for her to finish, but Rena doesn’t say anything else. The implications in Rena’s words are disconcerting, and Tortue asks the question that’s burning inside her chest. “Am I going to die?”
“Of course you are,” Rena replies. “You’re going to die a lot. But some of them are going to be harder to come back from, and Alya.” Rena’s eyes bore into hers. “You need to come back. Okay?”
“Okay,” Tortue whispers.
“Miraculous LADYBUG!” Ladybug calls from outside, and pink insects swarm across the room. There’s a brief moment of pain as Tortue’s ankle snaps back into place, immediately replaced by cool relief as the pressure vanishes.
Rena puts a finger to her lips. “Don’t tell Reynard, okay?” she says. “About the ring.”
Tortue mimes zipping her lip.
Rena nods. “Thanks,” she says. “Oh, and one more thing—you’re also gonna need to be more careful if you want to get into a good journalism school. Nobody wants to be the professor that killed the Ladyblogger.”
Tortue blinks. She… hadn’t even thought of that. “That makes sense, I think?” she says.
The balcony door creaks open and Carapace peeks through. “Hey, guys,” he says. “How’s everything going in here?”
“Really great!” Tortue says. She eyes her older self. Rena is fidgeting, looking away from her boyfriend’s face, and Tortue realizes—if she doesn’t make the push, Rena isn’t going to do it. “I think Rena has something to tell you.”
Rena glares at Tortue. “Betrayal!” she hisses.
Tortue laughs. “You’ll thank me later.”
Carapace glanced between them, confusion written across his face. “Um, what’s going on?”
Rena takes a deep breath, then carefully hands the baby to Tortue. “Hold her for a moment?”
“Of course.”
Rena looks at her boyfriend, then drops to one knee, fishing the ring out of her flute. “Nino Lahiffe. Will—will you, um…”
Carapace gasps and covers his mouth with both hands, his eyes shining wetly. “Alya?” he whispers.
Both of them sit in shocked silence, staring at each other, frozen, and after a moment, Tortue gets fed up. “Babe,” she says. “Say yes.”
Carapace glances at her, then back and his girlfriend... then lifts his fiancée bodily into the air in a crushing, spinning hug.
“Yes, yes, yes!” he crows in delight.
The portal closes, leaving just the four of them behind.
Ladybug huffs in relief. “You know, I love Bunnyx, but… every time I see her, it’s a brand new disaster.”
Chat looks at her in confusion. “Every? Isn’t this only the second time?”
Reynard sidles up to Tortue Verte. “So, how was meeting your future self?” he says, as Ladybug and Chat quietly discuss something else off to the side. “Mine was a lot more confident than I expected.”
Tortue snorts. “Kind of a butt,” she says. “But then again, that’s not much of a surprise, is it.”
Reynard coughs. “I invoke my right to not incriminate myself,” he says.
Tortue smacks his shoulder. “You’re such a dork.”
Reynard smiles. “Your dork.” He looks at where the portal vanished. “For quite a while, apparently.” He turns back to Tortue. “She tell you anything interesting?”
Tortue smiles, thinking about the proposal, about how happy she and her Nino were. About all the advice her future self gave. She has a lot of work to do.
“Sorry, babe,” she says. “Spoilers.”
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bvccy · 3 years
Tenderness and Ferocity | 4. The Third Night
Pairing: Winter Soldier!Bucky Barnes x Hydra!Reader Fic Synopsis: The Winter Soldier is starting to make stupid mistakes in the field, which is Bucky's way of trying to wrest back control and sabotage his handlers. Hydra brings a new doctor to figure out what's wrong with him and fix it. As she spends time with him, she becomes fond of the Winter Soldier, and he becomes fond of her. Bucky has other ideas. Or, a fic in which the Winter Soldier is the good guy and Bucky is actually the bad guy. Warnings for this chapter: light Smut Word count: 1984 Read on AO3: [link] [Previous Chapter] [Fic Masterlist] [Next Chapter]
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"This is a love that equals in its power the love of man for woman and reaches inwards as deeply. It is the love of a man or of a woman for their world. For the world of their centre where their lives burn genuinely and with a free flame." — Mervyn Peake
 "See you tomorrow, Eeli!"
"Night, Benji!"
"Good night!"
"Bye, Suzi!"
"Have a good night!"
She said her goodbyes to the evening staff, the duty officer, the cleaning lady, and made her way down the white corridor that led to the bus, which took all the day staff to their living quarters. She tried not to hurry too much, not to hold her purse too close, nor to smile too widely. She breathed a sigh of relief once she took her seat, her head leaning to cool against the window.
Although it was only evening, in the late winter it already looked like the dead of night, blackness stretching out forever starting fifteen feet from wherever you stood. The sparse trees looked like cardboard cut-outs under the stark nightlights, lifeless against a starless sky. There was a tranquillity in the effect: a feeling that, in a world where everything was fake, you too could be whatever you wanted.
The bus bumped along as usual, carrying its quiet cargo, but until she was off it she couldn't shake the nagging shame that was burning a hole in her purse. She surreptitiously squeezed it down, letting herself lean heavily against it while she looked out the window and tried not to think about getting shot.
The apartment complex was easily within driving distance but completely out of view of the Headquarters, even with the flat emptiness that lay between. It was built especially for the civilian workers, and named the Administrative, Medical, Economical, Research and Innovation Cadres Apartments. Or, as Hydra referred to it with great amusement, A.M.E.R.I.C.A..
Its outside inherited the bleakness that came with rushed work, cheap materials, and failed modernist concepts, but the inside had been renovated over the years into something that was at worst ergonomic, and at best managed to be cosy. It almost felt like home, and for a lot of the staff it had to be.
The ride squeaked to a halt, jolting its passengers awake. They waddled out in orderly fashion, saying their thank-yous to the driver, and their good-nights to each other as gradually they each went to their wing.
A few token trees, grown very tall over the decades, were spread around the park before the main entrance, their barren branches lit pale gold by the lamplights. The round fountain at the centre was finally unfrozen for the first time in months, its water sitting in a motionless reflection of the sable sky.
The night guardsman watched everyone amble in, nodding and smiling to whoever spared him a glance as he cradled a chipped mug of coffee in his chubby hands. She mouthed a "Hello" to him and kept on walking, her eyes going back down in what she knew was her usual 'tired' look and nobody spoke to her when they grouped up in the elevator, or when they spread out in their own directions, and then finally she was safely inside her little apartment — locked up and double-bolted.
She placed her purse very carefully on the hallway table. Put her coat up, tucked her shoes away, turned on the lights, turned on the heating, and went through the usual ritual of taking everything off and stuffing it in the laundry bin before taking a shower.
Dinner was, as usual, replaced by a cup of tea and biscuits in bed while her hair slowly dried, wrapped up in a thin old towel. She sipped her tea while scrolling through feeds of news articles, celebrity scandals, the occasional cat video, not really paying attention to anything. As soon as she could justify it to herself, she rolled out of bed and took her cup and plate to the kitchen. She brushed her teeth in a rush, brushed out her tangled hair, then finally approached the purse that was sitting innocuously in waiting.
It was stuffed full of notebooks, emergency cosmetics, obsolete post-its and little lozenge tins, so she had to dig a little until she found the one booklet where, as if by accident, a crisp white page had slipped in. There was hardly any way for someone to detect it, of course — "analog technology" is the safest way to smuggle information — but it didn't stop her from trembling all the way home.
She unfolded it, and smiled tenderly at the sight of the precisely drawn clock face. With the tip of a finger, she could just about feel the indent where the pen first went into the page, a phantom of the energy that passed through his arm for just one moment.
She put all her things away, turned off the lights, and crawled into bed with it. The lamp shining outside was enough for her to make out the page as it rested by her pillow. She had taken it without any particular idea of what to do with it, but she just knew she had to have it, had to have something from him.
The logical side knew that this was a normal emotional reaction for a woman, stuck somewhere without a palatable selection of men, however numerous. Her body recognised, before her head, that the Soldier would be quite a catch even if they weren't stuck in the middle of an industrialised nowhere, and in short order had reached the conclusions that he was: pretty nice, tempting, wasted on Hydra, stupidly beautiful, distractingly virile, before finally settling on him being utterly desirable.
Her head was still stuck at "wasted on Hydra".
But it would get there eventually. The more of him she brought out, the easier it was for her to see him as a person — and people can be admired, liked, and even wanted. For now, she would make do with this schoolyard token and allow herself to enjoy whatever she wanted in her mind.
She already couldn't remember what he felt like under her fingers, how exactly his voice sounded, even his face became blurred the longer she was away from him, but she could easily summon back the memory of what it felt like to be around him.
He was so pliant, especially that first day all strapped up and helpless. It was a heady combination — a dangerous killer rendered harmless. She liked dominance in the opposite sex, but there was just something about a big strong man being subdued like that while she had full control — made even more exciting, paradoxically, by his lack of interest in her.
She noticed him stare quite shamelessly, but blankly; that was just his programming assessing a threat, like all the other soldiers in the program... that's all it had to be. The Director's crass joke at her expense didn't make it any better, as if he wanted to remind her specifically that the Soldier didn't, and couldn't, find her nor any woman desirable.
Still, she could have done anything she wanted with him. The following days when he was free, he still obeyed her every word (mostly). But he also started speaking a little out of turn and telling tepid jokes; the progress, on a professional level, was considerable. When she had him eating out of her hand, it dawned on her how dangerously close she was to taking advantage of him — dangerous, of course, only if she got caught.
Fortunately she’d had the sense to ask for no surveillance, and had nurtured a reputation of being professional to a fault, unmoved by the raw masculinity of the Winter Soldier recruits that her other colleagues openly gushed over, and generally impervious to male charm — mainly to make it easier to turn down flirtations from the desperate men stuck there. "Don't bother with her. I already tried. You don't stand a chance."
She understood their loneliness, even sympathised with them, but she couldn't take the chance of opening herself to someone only to be used up, as it happened to so many others stuck there; especially not when none of them made her feel anything. Her Soldier though, he made her feel something...
He was more than just another big, dangerous man. In their efforts, Hydra had made him into an ideal. Unfortunately, they also misunderstood the nature of what they made. They thought they were creating a weapon — they did — but Hydra treated the masculinity inherent in her Soldier as just an excuse for brutality, deprecating what he really was and could be. Masculinity was about control and power — to be unleashed when necessary and otherwise reined in, a pack of wild dogs left unfed by their master and held back, held back, held back, to be all the more vicious when finally released.
By misusing her Soldier, they misused that which they channelled through him; the source of that ideal inherent to all men but which favoured so few; which expressed itself through tenderness, and ferocity.
Hydra unwittingly created a weakness, a crack for her to crawl into and bring out that which lay, waiting, underneath the mind. They had no patience for these abstractions, no way to deal with them, and so instead they brought him down and kept him there, ready to use when the brutality was needed.
She closed her eyes and tried to bring back the frissons she felt at the sound of his voice, rough and hanging heavy but so velvety sweet still, the shape of his body silhouetted in the shadows, his artist's-fingers resting obediently on the table, and that surprising mix of chocolate brown hair and grey eyes...
Maybe next time she could have him write something, she could analyse his handwriting; he should definitely still know how... Would he write in cursive or print? Would his letters be thin and sharp, or sensuously curved? Would they be large and take up a lot of space, or small and unassuming like he seemed to be sometimes...
She buried her nose in the pillow, feeling only her own perfume — would he like it? what would it smell like after he spent the night? — and wrapped a leg around the bulky duvet that wasn't nearly big enough to pretend...
Her fingers touched the page again as she squeezed her legs together, her other hand caressing her neck in lighter and lighter touches until she could almost imagine it being his breath, fanning over her skin from above.
She let go of the paper and turned on her back, shivering and sighing, and slipped her hand underneath, down the centre of her chest, stopping just at her lower stomach and pressed down — the way she thought he would if he caught her, if he wanted to hold her still. She bit her lip and teased her throat, content now that her imagination found what it wanted.
Maybe, he wouldn't catch her... Maybe he would break free and come to her, find her in bed, hold her against him, try to seduce her into running away with him. To make it more fun, she'd struggle. She allowed herself a half-bitten moan as she instinctively throbbed at the idea, and pressed harder, canting her hips more and more to an imaginary rhythm that he set.
The thought of his heavy shape pressing her down, his penetrating eyes above her, his uncertain smile, hopeful, desirous, and just that singular pressure... the feeling of being wanted, of being held, in the place where she most wanted him — not even between her legs, but deep, deep in her womb — was more dizzying than any sticky thing she had ever done on her own because she actually wanted him.
She let her imagination exhaust itself while in parallel her mind searched for ways he could break out, of how they could escape together — the mad dream of running away.
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Hi. I was wondering if you could maybe do a Diego Hargreeves/Reader one using BH from the 100 Ways to Say I Love You or Kiss #V. I mean if you're not too busy. Sorry, I know you probably have better requests but there's not a lot of Diego ones that are sweet and I feel like you're really good at sweet.
A/N: Alright, you asked for cute, so I tried to keep cute, as fluffy and fun as I could while also applying generous steam. Also, look Letters! Hope you enjoy Word Count: 1769 Rating: M - sexual situations 
“Please just come unlock the door for me, I know you have a master key and can,” you begged Al, struggling to balance the boxes and bags in your grasp.
“No. I’m not Hargreeves’ minder and it’s not my job to let his girlfriend in just because she doesn’t rate a key,” the old man snapped.
“I mean, in my defense, you told Diego he wasn’t allowed to make a copy of the key and give it to me.”
“I don’t know you, so I don’t want you having a key to anywhere in my gym! It’s a boiler room not an apartment. Nice, pretty thing like you shouldn’t be bothering with him while he lives there anyway.”
You managed a shrug around your packages. “If you won’t let me in, can I decorate out here?”
You rolled your eyes before fixing the gym owner with your best puppy-dog pout. “If you didn’t at least sort of like Diego, you would have kicked him out ages ago. So I know you’ll understand when I say that I really, really want to do something nice for him this year.”
“I’m not helping you with this nonsense.”
As he turned to walk away, you blurted out in desperation, “I’ll give you twenty bucks.”
That seemed to catch his attention and he turned back to you. “Why didn’t you start there, girl?”
Several hours later, you stepped back to admire your handiwork. It wasn’t perfect, the banner over the sink hung just slightly askew for example, but you had to give it to yourself, you had done a pretty good job.
With a slight smirk, you placed the two paper conical hats on the little folding table, the finishing touch, and sat on the bed to wait for your boyfriend to return home.
You were just about dozing off when you heard the doorknob rattle and braced yourself. You were fairly certain that he wouldn’t enter expecting danger, but with his penchant for throwing knives, you could never be too careful.
“Hi hon,” you said, once you were sure you weren’t about to be skewered.
“Y/N,” he started before smirking, “hey.”
“How was your day?” you tried to be as nonchalant as possible, even though if you were standing you would be bouncing on the balls of your feet in excited anticipation.
“You know, same old same old,” he shrugged as he started removing the leather harness he always wore out.
You moved to his side, kissing him on the cheek, your hands deftly replacing his own to undo the buckles on the straps.
“Really?” you asked. “There was nothing special about today?”
His eyes flickered to yours as he caught your tone. You watched the quick flash of panic as he considered that he might have forgotten something important, like an anniversary, before he registered that you were still smiling adoringly at him. Only then, did he actually look around the room, searching for some clue for what was going on. His mouth fell open in shock and he stared, dumbfounded.
“What’s…all this?” he asked after a moment, stunned expression still in place as he gestured to the signs you had carefully taped to the walls.
“Well, if you looked a calendar, you’d know today is October 1st…”
“Uh-huh…” he nodded, eyes now falling on the table and the party hats sitting there.
“Which means today is…?”
“Y/N, what are you getting at?” he asked, facing you with a completely puzzled expression.
You rolled your eyes. “It’s your birthday, Diego. So I wanted to do something for you. I know it’s not much, but Al vetoed throwing you a party in the main room. Said something about it being a serious business, not a Chuck E. Cheese.”
“Y/N. This is your idea of ‘not much?’ There are balloons…” his voice was incredulous and for a moment you worried that he was annoyed.
“I…it’s just…I know your father was never big on parties…or fun…or joy…when you were growing up, so I wanted to do something nice for you. I thought, for once, you should have a proper birthday.”
You could see him melt at your words, offering you a soft smile. “It’s perfect, Baby. I…can’t believe you went through all this effort just for me.”
“Of course I did, I love you Diego.”
He grinned even wider at that, pulling you in for a kiss which warmed you to the core and made you very tempted to suggest skipping the dinner and cake that you had worked so hard to procure. After you reluctantly separated, you guided him over to the table and set a plate of take-out lasagna in front of him as if it was a five-star dinner at the most exclusive club in the world. The two of you ate in companionable quiet, one hand laced together over the tabletop the entire time. Even if you were in a dingy boiler-room, everything about the moment was perfect.
“There is one more thing…” you smirked as you set about cleaning up from both dinner and the chocolate cake that had followed. “Your birthday present.”
“You didn’t have to get me anything, Y/N. Not after all this.”
“Well I did anyway. But you’ll have to unwrap it.”
You returned his puzzled look with a temptingly raised eyebrow. His eyes trailed down over you slowly before flicking back to the look on your face.
“I think that can be arranged,” he said, stepping closer and placing his hands on your shoulders.
“I thought as much,” you replied. You itched to start planting kisses over every inch of him, but you wanted to let him have total control, do whatever he wanted tonight, so you stood as still as you could.
Slowly his hands trailed down your arms, ghosting over your flesh before he twined his fingers with yours.
“I might be the luckiest man in the world.”
He pulled you in close by your joined hands causing you to almost stumble into him as he kissed you, but quickly, you took control, impatient with his gentle touches. Tugging teasingly on his lower lip, you coaxed his mouth to part for you and allow you to explore every inch of his mouth, as if you didn’t know everything about him. Fingers still interlocked, you began luring him toward the small bed in the corner, step by faltering step.
You hadn’t gotten far when he pulled you up short with a growl, releasing your hands in order to tangle one of his in your hair, tugging lightly and drawing out a moan. With the other, he began to caress your side, running his fingers up and down, sliding increasingly lower past your hip until he reached the hemline of your dress. Bunching the fabric in his fingers, he gathered it and slowly pulled it off of you, hot skin brushing against yours as he exposed you and the royal blue lace lingerie you had bought specifically for the occasion. He pulled back to get a better look at you and groaned, the sound sending a thrill up your spine and drawing out even more of your desire.
“Do you have any idea the things I want to do to you, Y/N?” he asked, trailing kisses along your collarbone and down the slope of your breast.
He began moving again, backing you toward the bed as he continued to tease, using the hand still tangled in your tresses to angle your head and expose even more skin to him. You moved as he directed, a marionette for him, stumbling and shuffling in a passion-drunk haze.
“I have a few guesses,” you said breathlessly, one of your hands carding through his short, spiked hair and the other clinging desperately to his shoulder.
Truth be told, you weren’t sure what all he’d want to do with or to you, but you trusted him and surrendered to him completely, especially tonight. Anything he wanted, if it was within your power, would be his as far as you were concerned.
Your knees hit the edge of the bedframe and the pair of you fell back. You sighed in relief at not having to try to support yourself on jelly-like legs as he hovered over you.
“God, baby, you look so good like that,” he groaned.
Suddenly, there was a rapid knocking on his door.
“Diego,” the voice on the other side, one you recognized as his brother Klaus, whined through the thick panel. “It’s urgent.”
He sighed. “We could just ignore him. He’ll go away.”
“Or you can just acknowledge and get rid of him. I think knowing he’s hovering outside the door might…kill the mood a bit?”
Before he could respond, the man in question burst through the door in a fabulous flail of limbs and fur trim, landing face first.
“Oh! The door was unlocked!” he cried as he climbed gracelessly to his feet.
His eyes fell on you and Diego, lingering for longer than made either of you comfortable on your half-clothed form below his brother.
“You should hang up a sock or something at least,” Klaus teased.
Diego grunted in frustration, shaking his head and rolling his body to block Klaus’s view of you. “What do you want?”
“Well it’s our collective birthday. And during my third…fifth?...drink I found myself thinking, do I really want to spend today alone? No. I want to celebrate with someone important to me. And who could be more important to share today with than my beloved brother?”
Diego rolled his eyes as Klaus continued to ramble, either too high to realize just how much he was interrupting, or just not caring. The curly-haired man flopped sideways into the threadbare chair in one corner.
“So anyway, happy birthday, bro,” he drawled, kicking his legs about until he positioned himself in a way that he thought was comfortable, sprawled out and clearly determined to stay.
You sighed and reached down to the floor, digging out your dress from where it had somehow ended up, under the bed. Tugging it over your shoulders, you asked, a little sharply, “Do you want some cake, Klaus?”
He grinned and clapped his hands, “Oh I would love some. That is so sweet of you, Y/N.”
“No, babe, don’t. If you feed him he’s never going to leave,” Diego complained.
“I’m not going to be rude. It is his birthday too after all.”
You leaned in to whisper into Diego’s ear, nipping teasingly on the lobe as you did, “besides, it’s not like your present is going anywhere. It’s yours, any time any place.”
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pupilsandink · 4 years
Easy Renovations for Your House
Remodeling must be an enjoyable and interesting process. The secret is to prepare the project out ahead of time, employ the ideal individuals, set aside the suitable amount of time, and plan for hold-ups. Try not to make the completion date accompany your birthday or anniversary. Start prior to that date, if you're planning a unique party, and even then, have an alternate area in mind.Don't enforce an amount of time on yourself or your professional that will produce stress. At the same time, get a clear understanding of for how long the task will probably take, and when it will start. If it's a 3 month job and the work will not start until November, your home will not be prepared for a new year's party, unless you're celebrating Chinese New Year ... This is a remarkably common issue - how much time the property owner believes a job will take and that real work time needed.Have a clear idea of what you want prior to your contractor comes over. You don't have to sketch out the changes, however you need to be able to inform him or her what modifications you would like to see. Attempt not to fall into this trap, or to believe that any changes you make when the job has started will not impact the rate or the amount of time of a task.If you're really stuck trying to figure out how to improve an area in your house, think about hiring a designer. They can work within your budget plan, but if your spending plan is tight, it's most likely better to invest the consultation fee on new drapes or a toilet ... If decision making is a problem location for you, and you're able to relinquish control, then a designer might be the clear solution.Is a fast repair available?If you aren't dealing with structural changes or a total remodeling, then consider a coat of paint, new floor covering, new baseboards, and/or new window treatments. You might want to up-date your bathroom or kitchen area with brand-new flooring. A great throw rug can alter the appearance of a room and include new life to an old carpet.Sometimes a simple change like up-dating your hardware is all that is needed. You may be able to paint your kitchen cabinetry if you don't desire to change it. They will supply you with a computer printout of what your finished kitchen area will look like.If you have an old brick fireplace that you don't care for any longer, or want to give it a fresh look, consider painting it. This is not a criminal activity ... Painted brick looks fantastic!You can likewise put a marble tile (slate works well, too) around the fireplace. Utilize the right tile adhesive (ask at the shop) and pick a nice grout.While you're looking at the fireplace mantels, check out the cool 'fireplace over mantels’-- they're beautiful! You can have mirror custom cut to fit in the center and make your house look magnificent, beloved!Altering the lighting can produce an entire brand-new look in your house. Changing the light switches and switch plates can make a big distinction, too.Doors have a substantial impact on how a home looks. You can get the glass with many various appearances if privacy is an issue. If your spending plan will enable, consider changing all the doors to the brand-new white colonial design - that looks great in simply about every home.Changing your front door can give the house a real increase and most likely add a bit of safety, too, because many of the new doors are made of steel. If you are attempting to make the job as easy as possible, think about utilizing rosettes for the corners, then all the cuts will be straight ones.Altering out the garage doors in an older house to update the exterior look of your house is an excellent idea. Changing out the garage doors can create an unbelievable brand-new look for your house.Did you know that you can paint your devices? It works, too. You can hire a painting service to do this if you're worried about the result. If you are getting new kitchen area cabinets, you can buy matching covers for the home appliances. Ask at the cabinet place for details to see if that is practical in your kitchen. Sometimes your best bet is just to bite the bullet and buy brand-new devices.If you have a little area with a closet (front entry, bedroom), think about altering the routine doors to mirrored doors. That opens a space and supplies more light, quickly.You can make them out of crown molding if you like the wooden appearance, or you can develop them out of plywood, cover with cotton batting, then material to suit your room, and staple them at the back. The relatively brand-new wrought iron curtain rods with all the cool attachments are truly appealing, too. Tie-backs can make a real difference, too, so have a wee appearance at them.Furniture plays a crucial function in the appearance of your home. There are some gorgeous slipcovers offered if you don't wish to replace your additional comfy things! You could attempt your hand at reupholstering your furnishings. It's not as hard as it looks, but it does take time and ability, however if you're a prepared individual and strategy it carefully, it ought to work out all right. Get a staple gun to make the task a little much easier.Maybe you remain in the market for a brand-new headboard? You can make your own out of a good door, with an even pattern, some good crown molding, and some legs. You can acquire these at any lumber shop. Turn it on its' side to develop the appearance you're after.If you 'd like a softer headboard, attempt covering a sheet of plywood with a fair little bit of padding, then cover with product and staple. If it's huge enough, you might have the ability to simply sit it behind the head of the bed, or you can attach it to the frame.Release your old notions about painting wood furniture - it can really bring it into today’s standards. If you are painting a hutch, keep in mind to paint the interior to keep it looking light. Including additional lighting is easy with the new 'stick on lights' offered at regular retail outlets. Smear Vaseline on the windows of the system prior to you paint it to make tidy up faster and much easier.You can change the hardware, too, or paint that, also. If you want to be adventurous, you could tile the top of your cabinets and end tables with a good marble or ceramic tile.New bedding can really alter the feel of a bedroom. If you do not currently have bed skirts, try adding these. An easy and affordable way to develop you own bed skirt is to take a flat sheet that is a size larger than your bed. Position it thoroughly on the bed to reach the floor around the bed, then make pleats at the corners. You can pin it, or just arrange the leading bed mattress over the sheet to hold it in place. Try adding a duvet cover over an old comforter for a various look. You can get matching pillowcases, too, that'll really complete the look.Speaking of tiling, if your kitchen area countertop has seen better days, you may wish to consider tiling it. This is a surprisingly affordable venture, particularly if you can do it yourself. Lots of arborite countertops have a little 'lip' at the outer edge, which you will probably have to plane down to create a smooth and square surface in preparation for the tile. You can also eliminate the old countertop and change it with 3/4 plywood (have it specifically cut to fit), then tile on that. There are so many lovely tiles to pick from, that the possibilities are unlimited. Look at all the various sizes of tile, too. Individuals frequently consider the tiny tiles, or the 4" tiles, for a countertop, however you can go much larger. There is a special grout to use for counter tops, so be sure to tell your seller what your job is. Utilizing a thin grout line will make a genuine distinction.Lots of people have effectively painted their tile. The bathtub can be painted, too - there's a service that specializes in this, so inspect your local documents. Changing the countertop, sink, toilet, tub, or fixtures will truly enhance the appearance of the bathroom.Shelving can make a tremendous difference in the feel of you home if space is a concern. Examine your closets to see if there's an area at the really leading where a shelf could be included. That's normally wasted space, and you might save your 'opposite season' clothing up there. Can you construct racks into your pantry to make more space for canned items? Stackable baskets and boxes are useful for saving all the extra little things that trigger mess around your house. There are great deals of shelving 'sets' on the market, now. They are typically less pricey than purchasing all the products to build your own racks, so inspect these out.A basic method to change the look and feel of your home is to reorganize the furnishings. Sounds painfully simple, but it can breathe new life into a room.Significant renovationsIf you race through a job, you'll have lots and lots of time afterward to look at all the errors. If you have the walls and the floors on the very same list, do the walls first - it'll be less demanding when the paint splashes!If it's a substantial remodeling job, think about how you will cope with all the mess. Do you have an alternate place where you can live during the renovations? How about a little location of your home that you can keep as a sanctuary? Give this some major thought prior to you start. It can be unexpected how tough life can be during a reno project. If you happen to have a home trailer, this is most likely a good time to 'camp out', if only for a little break from the turmoil.
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callsignbaphomet · 5 years
Quick Tips for New Players pt. 2
You can roll through roars. Each monster type has different timing and will require a bit of practice to get it right but once you do it'll make fights a cakewalk.
To be fair you actually CAN roll through some lesser attacks but it takes practice to get the frames right. No, this isn't like Dark Souls where rolling through everything makes you invulnerable. Take some time to see which attacks you can safely roll through.
Every monster attack is heavily telegraphed and if you pay attention you can completely avoid all their attacks. For example right before Rathian does her air flip to hit you with her tail she will crouch lower, her roar will be a guttural growl and then she'll jump.
Every monster except for Bazelguese and Deviljho (correct if wrong) sticks to a certain path and area. As you get familiarized with the game you'll learn where they hang out and which camps to spawn in.
Gunlance users and HBG users. For the love of all that is sane please be considerate of your partners! When a Gunlance user uses Wyvern's Fire or an HBG user fires cluster bombs it sends your partner's flying. Not only will it prevent someone from attacking a monster and doing more damage to it it will also stagger a player and will prevent them from evading an attack and that could cause them to cart. The fault is all yours. So be mindful of cluster bombs and Wyvern's Fire. Don't be that person that spams that shit without regard.
Flashpods are only effective three times during the fight on tempered monsters. It's best to save them for when the monster is limping away to its nest where things can get super risky and hectic. Looking at you, Kushala.
Make use of the training room. It's fantastic! Spend some time labbing a weapon and get a feel for it. Also any items you use there will not be consumed so go ahead and test out a build and use some demon juice or powder or what have you to see how much damage you're doing.
Every weapon is capable of inflicting status effects (poison, paralysis, sleep, blast) it's just that some have an easier time doing it and with more consistency. For ranged weapons the best option is the Light Bowgun. For bladed weapons it's the Dual Blades. But even the painfully slow Great Sword can inflict ailments.
Speaking of ailments. Every time you poison, sleep, paralyze or add blast to a monster its resistances to that ailment go up. It doesn't mean you won't be able to do it again, it just means each time it gets a status effect it'll take more hits than the last time to get the effect. There are ways to make it easier like charms or decorations or you can eat for Felyne Specialist at the canteen.
Speaking of the canteen, if you scroll all the way to page 4 you'll have 6 slots to make your own menu. This allows you to save menus that have Food Skills you wanna make use of during a quest. Oh and FYI the "daily" skills ain't daily. They change every time you spawn back into Astera. I have no idea why they chose daily.
You can cancel any healing or buffing in case you need to get the fuck outta dodge or avoid an attack. Just roll. If you do it early enough the item won't be consumed.
When you heal using a potion or mega potion your character wipes their mouth. You can cancel that animation by rolling as soon as your health bar has recovered. Ain't much but it sure as shit could save your ass.
Lance users please stop "running over" your partners when y'all are attacking a monster. See #5 for reasons why you should cut that shit out. Now!
Low Rank and early High Rank players should definitely take advantage of festivals. Not only because of the events but because during festivals, up in the Gathering Hub, the canteen will have a special platter which is guaranteed to give you more health and stamina. You can only get it up at the Gathering Hub.
Do not throw away, sell or trade decorations when you start out in High Rank. Every decoration is useful and you never know how you'll change your playstyle in the future. Some of these are extremely hard to come by so keep them. Once you've established yourself a little better and are holding about 500 Palico Rally decos then you can trade them.
Hold off on trading Gleaming Stones at the smelder. I highly suggest you augment your armor first. I know it's tempting but these are a bit of a pain to come across and you REALLY will need augmented armors for end game and especially for when Iceborne drops.
Augmentation is unlocked the very second you get you hands on a Hero Streamstone or a Sullied Streamstone. Just do some tempered investigations, either threat level 2 or 3. Chances of getting one or the other are strictly RNG based. There is no way to know if you'll get it. Just keep at it and eventually one will drop.
The Siege of Kulve Taroth is super fun and can be done as soon as you're done with the main storyline. Not only do you get some really neat weapons but you can also make KT's Alpha, Beta and Gamma armors (I suggest the Beta and Gamma). Once you crafted the armor you want I suggest selling all of her materials for Zenny (the game's currency). You always end up with a bunch of materials and they sell for high easily netting you over a million. Just don't sell her gems.
With the exception of KT you should never sell any monster materials especially hard to come by pieces like tails and gems and plates. You never know which weapon or charm or armor piece you may need in the future.
If you wanna join a quest I highly advice you avoid any that have been ongoing for more than 8 minutes. Once the quest hits 10 minutes and you join you won't get any rewards. Unless you don't care for getting rewards, in that case join whenever the heck you want.
Deviation is the recoil or kick from each trigger pull. Recoil allows you to move as you shoot. All rapid fire ammo (the ammo with a white arrow pointing up) benefits from this. 3 Recoil Suppressor mods are mandatory for rapid fire ammo. You only really wanna do this for LBG. No matter how high the Deviation is it's super quick to adjust to and frankly after a few quests you won't even notice it. The wording in this game can be frustratingly confusing.
Insect Glaive users should also upgrade their kinsects along with the Glaive. Make sure you pair up the right kinsect with the right Glaive for maximum efficiency. Imma save you a lot of time and headaches. Grancathar III, Whispervesp III, and Pseudocath III are the best ones. All the others really suck. The kinsect from the Final Fantasy questline is absolute shit until you upgrade it.
If you're looking to hunt a specific monster with other players just hit Join a Quest, Respond to SOS and scroll down to Target and choose the monster you need. Some are easier to get than others but keep trying.
If you're going to join Low Rank quests don't be that asshole that never actually helps and just wants to show off. Actually help the host. Debuffing yourself is stupid as fuck.
It may feel a little intimidating at first but the hud has all the information you need. Pay close attention to it especially during a quest.
When you hover over a quest all the information about it is laid out right in front of you. It will tell you the time limit, reward, small monsters in the area, will say if it's a slaying, hunting or capturing quest so be sure to read everything carefully so you're prepared.
As you hunt monsters your Hunter's Notes get updated. Check back every once in a while to see what new info it has to offer.
Yeah, the game autosaves frequently but it's never a bad thing to manually save. I've had the game freeze and crash on me while I tried to join a game.
I highly suggest you get very well acquainted with the dive dodge. It will save your life! Remember, it can be done while running AWAY from a monster but it has to be within reach.
Some attacks will knock you down and if you don't press any buttons you'll just lay there for a few seconds. This can be super useful to avoid a fast follow up attack as NOTHING will touch you while you lay there. As you get familiar with the monsters and their attacks you'll learn when to get up and run and when to just lay there for a few seconds longer so that the attack completely whiffs.
HBG users, yeah you can put shield mods. In fact, it's kind of a really good idea to do so because putting away that weapon is painfully slow. However, you only really need just 1. Literally 1 is enough.
There can only be three monsters per map. Every time one leaves the area it's replaced by another. Do keep an eye on this HR as the missing monster can be replaced by Deviljho or Bazelguese.
Adamant Pills cure Guard Down.
Demon Powder, Might Seed, Adamant Seed and Hardshell Powder last for 3 minutes. Adamant Pill and Might Pill last for 20 seconds. Armorskin, Mega Armorskin, Mega Demondrug and Demondrug last until quest completed or you faint. Dash Juice lasts for 4 minutes. Also Might and Adamant Seeds, Adamant and Might Pills cancel each other out so you can only consume one or the other, can't eat both a seed and a pill.
Your buffs and debuffs show up next to your name on the screen. You can tell when a buff is about to go out when it starts rapidly blinking. Same for the powered up Kinsects. When they're about to go out they'll blink rapidly.
When you mount a monster quickly avert your eyes to the top right corner of the screen the game itself will tell you when to brace, attack or move. Don't look at anything else! Eventually you'll learn when to do what but it's just safer to watch the commands.
Your character doesn't level up in the traditional sense, your gear does. A level 29 could have far better gear and builds than a level 49. Don't let the Hunter Rank fool you.
Kelbi horns are fantastic items to have. Find a Kelbi with big horns and smack it in the face with a blunt attack, for example the shield of the Sword and Shield, to make the horns fall off.
Wanna talk to one person in particular in the session. Press options, triangle, hover over their name, click on chat, open the chat option and type.
Listen, no Elder Dragon in MHW (pre Iceborne) is weak to the dragon element. None. Taking a weapon with dragon element into an ED fight is just going to prolong the fight. You can get the Elder Seal effect by the dragon pods that they drop themselves. If you have the space for it the Elderseal decoration can up the effect of these pods. Dragon element weapons against Elder Dragons = horrible idea.
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY @notveryglittery (ok it’s not your birthday yet but in my timezone it almost is sooooo) have the fluffiest fluff i’ve ever written in my dang life
Summary: It’s Roman and Patton’s one-year anniversary, and they have Plans ™.  Specifically, Patton plans to give his boyfriend a kiss for every day they’ve been together.  Extreme fluff ensues.
Warnings: one (1) very mild accidental injury
Pairing: Royality
Words: ~3.7k
When Roman woke up, cozy in bed with his boyfriend, he couldn’t immediately place what was different.  Everything seemed to be normal: messy nest of blankets and pillows, check; limbs tangled together like the mess of string in their sewing box, check; Patton’s hair tickling his face, check.  But there was… something, a feeling, buzzing in the air and making him a little less reluctant to get out of bed than usual.  He raised his head slightly and saw Patton was already awake, his phone wedged between their bodies as he watched muted cat videos while waiting for Roman to wake up- he never wanted to miss out on even a second of sleepy morning cuddles!
“Good morning, fearless knight,” Patton murmured to him in a tone laced with affection.  He assumed that was in reference to the small spider he’d dispatched yesterday.  “I was going to have breakfast ready, but you were sleeping on my arm and I didn’t want to wake you up…”
Ah, so that was why the pillow seemed warmer and, dare he say, nicer-smelling than usual.  Roman turned his head and nuzzled into the crook of Patton’s elbow just as Patton latched onto his shirt and pulled himself closer to Roman’s chest.  They sighed happily at the exact same time, then burst into giggles.  It took a few minutes to pull themselves together and sit up.
“I don’t know why,” Roman said breathlessly, “I’m always so- so giddy around you.”
Patton blushed and buried his face in Roman’s shoulder, clinging to the front of his shirt to show that any attempt to move away would not be appreciated.  Roman wrapped his arms around him and shifted them sideways into the pile of pillows and scattered stuffed animals they slept with, and then they were lying down again, no closer to being out of bed than when they’d started.  Roman would have been very happy to stay like that for, oh, a few hours, but Patton seemed to have other ideas.
“You know, we do have to get up at some point, love.”
“If you insist.”  He didn’t move.
“Ro, sweetie, c’mon.”  Patton wriggled out of his arms, cooing and cupping Roman’s face in his hands when he whined.  “I know, honey, I don’t wanna stop cuddling either, but I’m hungry, Roman.  You can drag me back into Fluff Mountain after we eat, okay?”
Roman scrunched his face up.  “Fiiine.”
Patton beamed at him- more than enough reward for getting up in itself- and kissed him softly before sliding off the bed.  “One,” he sang as he very nearly skipped out of the room, and Roman finally remembered what day it was.  Their one-year anniversary, to be celebrated with a day spent at home together and a game Patton had suggested: he wanted to give Roman 365 kisses, one for each day they’d been together.
It was a good twenty minutes before Roman got himself out of bed, somewhat dressed and into the kitchen, and even then he stopped dead in the doorway.  Patton was stood at the counter mixing something in a bowl, half-turned away, and his face and hair were dappled with the sun that filtered through the blinds and it made him positively glow, like how honey looks when you hold it up in the light, and in Roman’s opinion that was just unfair.  As if he weren’t stunning enough already.  Roman shook himself from his daze and came up behind Patton to wrap his arms around his shoulders, burying his face in the soft brown curls still messy from sleep.  Patton smiled and paused his stirring to pat Roman’s hands that were now crossed over his chest.
Roman adjusted position, resting his head on Patton’s shoulder for a better view.  “And to what manner of delightful surprise are you treating me this morning, my darling? Other than yourself, of course,” he added, pressing his lips to Patton’s cheek.
“Waffles!” Patton chirped.  “With fruit and whipped cream and chocolate chips and everything.”  He turned his head and caught Roman before he moved away.  “Two.”
“Um… Patton, dearest… you are going to let me be the one to cook them this time, right?”
“I guess.” He pouted slightly.  “You cause one little fire and suddenly nobody trusts you with the waffle iron anymore…”
“Oh, no, don’t give me that sad look, please- I just don’t want to flood the kitchen putting it out again and have to spend our anniversary cleaning that up, alright?”
“It would dampen the mood a little,” Patton reluctantly agreed. Roman gave him a fond sigh for his trouble.  “I know, I’ll let you cook them and not complain if you give me another kiss.”
“Of course.”  They turned to face each other properly for this one, and it was a good one.  It took a few seconds after they parted before Patton came back to reality and his eyes fluttered open.  He smiled, his voice still a bit breathy.
Patton didn’t complain about not getting to use the waffle iron, even though he really wanted to, but he did insist on stealing more kisses the entire time.  They were forced to stop after the eighth when Roman very slightly burned his hand while distracted.  Kiss number nine went on the afflicted finger, along with a bandaid, to make it all better.  Then Patton busied himself until the waffles were done by flitting around the kitchen, pulling out everything he could find that could possibly be considered as a topping and arranging the lot in the middle of their kitchen table, working around the vase of flowers that was already serving as a centerpiece.
“Breakfast is served!” Roman announced, setting down two plates with a flourish, each holding a tall stack of waffles.  “Of course, you deserve most of the credit, my dear.”
“Aww, no I don’t,” Patton argued, pulling him down for number ten.  “You did half of the work.”
Roman turned it into eleven through fourteen.  “I beg to differ.  You made all the batter-”
“I just used the mix in the cabinet, you know-”
“And you got us out of bed in time to actually count this as breakfast,” he finished, cutting off any further protest with a fifteenth kiss.
“Fine, fine.”  Patton giggled.  “No more waffling about this, let’s sit down and eat already!”
It wasn’t quite as simple as just sitting down and eating, of course- all that stuff was laid out on the table for a reason, they couldn’t exactly not use it!  Roman was taking an artistic approach, carefully drizzling chocolate syrup over strawberries that were set in his whipped cream just so, while Patton simply grabbed anything that looked good and added a liberal amount to the growing pile on his plate, the waffles themselves having long since disappeared.
“That’s… certainly impressive,” Roman managed, watching him dump half a container of sprinkles on top of the whole mess. “Even more impressive if you’re actually able to eat it all.”
Patton looked at it and shrugged.  “I will eventually.”
In any case, he certainly wasn’t going to finish it in one go, especially not with so many interruptions.  He was barely making a dent at this rate; he hadn’t even reached the waffles yet.  “Twenty-three,” he mumbled, and all Roman could think was that he tasted like pure sugar right now.  Not that he minded.
Cleaning up together brought them to an even thirty, and then Roman was finally, finally able to carry out his plan of getting Patton back in bed and cuddling him. Neither of them wanted to move after that breakfast, so it was a good thing they weren’t planning to get up any time soon.  Three kisses stolen while Roman got his laptop out and started a movie, and another two as they were getting comfortable.  They both knew they wouldn’t actually pay it much attention, but it was nice to have something in the background- it wasn’t bad or anything, but no movie could possibly compete when they could be looking at each other. During the opening credits Patton trailed even more kisses up Roman’s neck and along his jawline, finally reaching his lips at forty-five.  He pulled back for a second to catch his breath and they leaned their foreheads together, both smiling like there was nothing else in the world.
“So, are you liking my idea?”  Forty-six.
“Like it?”  Forty-seven. “I couldn’t possibly think of a better way to celebrate this occasion.”  Forty-eight.  “It’s perfect, sunshine.  Just like you.”
Patton laughed and blushed.  “Aww…”
Forty-nine.  “Oh my goodness you’re even cuter now.”  Fifty. “This is absolutely illegal-” fifty-one- “I’m calling the police.”
Patton ducked his head against Roman’s shoulder, smiling, and when he looked up again there was a mischievous gleam in his eyes and Roman knew he was in trouble.
“Well, I guess you would know, wouldn’t you?”
“What exactly-” fifty-two, surprising Roman midsentence- “is that supposed to mean?”  He could already feel his face getting warm, but tried to keep his composure.
“Just that you must be an expert, you know, since you’re so gosh-darn cute yourself!”  Patton held Roman’s face in his hands.  Fifty-four, fifty-five, fifty-six, fifty-seven, scattered all over his love’s face as if to match the freckles on his own.  Fifty-eight, fifty-nine, sixty.
“Pat, you can’t do that,” Roman practically whined as his blush deepened.  He was smooth as anything on the other side of this interaction, but when the tables were turned he was a flustered mess.
“Shh, you perfect and beautiful angel, you’ve been complimenting me all morning, it’s my turn now.”  He put a finger over Roman’s lips to keep him from saying any more, then replaced it with his own.  “Sixty-one,” he added under his breath.
“You’re still keeping track?”
“I’m very determined.  Don’t change the subject, let it happen.”  Sixty-two, right on the tip of Roman’s nose.
“Fine…”  Roman couldn’t stop the grin that spread across his face as Patton started up again.
“You have the prettiest eyes ever.”
“Your hair is really soft and I wanna play with it every time I look at you.”
“You’re strong enough to pick me up, which is always great, but also soft enough to be comfortable leaning on.  Like right now.”
“You try so hard and care so much about everything you do and when I see you get passionate about something, it makes me fall in love all over again.”
“Also, you come up with really fun date ideas.”
“I love you.”
Sixty-eight.  Patton pulled away a little and admired his work.  Roman was smiling at him helplessly, half attempting to hide under a pillow.  Patton took both his hands and laced their fingers together.
“One more thing… you’re even cuter when you get all embarrassed.”  Sixty-nine, seventy, and then Roman started laughing and then they were both laughing and so in love and the next thing either of them knew they were at eighty-three.  They never did end up learning what the movie was about.
By the time the movie they weren’t watching ended, sometime in the early afternoon, they were over a third of the way to their goal.  A hundred and sixty-four kisses down, 201 to go. They might have stayed right where they were until they were finished, if not for the doorbell ringing at about two-thirty.  Even Patton grumbled at having to get up this time, but it wouldn’t be very nice to invite their friends over and then not let them in, and they had indeed asked Logan and Virgil to come over and join them for a picnic lunch today.  So instead of staying in bed and texting them to go away like they both sort of wanted to do, Patton went to greet them while Roman got their things together.
“Hey, guys!”
“I take it you… lost track of time a bit?” Logan asked, indicating Patton’s still-uncombed hair and Roman knocking things over in the kitchen trying to get everything ready.  Patton laughed sheepishly.
“You could say that…”
“Should I even ask?”  Virgil raised an eyebrow and smirked at Patton’s blush, snickering when Logan gave him a look.  “Oh yeah. Happy anniversary, or whatever.” He held out a small gift bag.
“Oh!  Aww, you didn’t have to get us anything!”
He shifted, embarrassed.  “Don’t get excited, it’s just a gift card.”
“We thought you might like to go out to dinner,” Logan added.
“That’s probably for the best,” Patton admitted, wincing as he looked over his shoulder at the current state of the kitchen.  “Why don’t you come in and sit down while we finish getting ready?”  He ushered the two inside, giving them both hugs, and ran off to make himself presentable enough to leave the house.  Of course, this involved going past Roman, so naturally he got sidetracked for another five kisses or so, but eventually he did manage to brush his hair. Eventually.
Logan went to help Roman in the kitchen, while Virgil waited to catch Patton as soon as he came back and distracted him with conversation to keep him out of the kitchen.  Y’know, so anything could actually get done. After a good fifteen minutes of patiently allowing Patton to gush at him about the unbearably cute things that had happened earlier, Virgil was rather relieved when they were finally ready to go. That relief was short-lived, however, as soon as he realised that now he was going to be trapped in a car with the lovesick idiots until they reached their picnic spot. At least he was in front with Logan so they could make disgusted faces at each other when necessary.
Twenty minutes later, they were at the park.  It was a popular destination on such a lovely summer day, but they managed to find a place to set up that wasn’t too close to anyone else.  They spread their blanket out in a field of grass and wildflowers and started getting the food out.  Although Roman had wanted to make something big and impressive, there hadn’t exactly been time for anything fancier than sandwiches, but he and Patton weren’t all that hungry anyway after the waffles earlier.  …Which seemed to be a good thing, considering how distracted they currently were.
“Oh my god, are you two ever going to leave each other alone long enough to eat?”
“Wanna get to two hundred,” Patton explained- or rather, mumbled indistinctly, since he was in fact kissing Roman at that very moment. They both almost fell over when Logan and Virgil grabbed their shirts and pulled them apart.
“It can wait. Please.”
After that, the four of them could at least interact like human beings for a while.  It was nice, just talking with their friends, but Patton and Roman were on a mission today and as soon as the conversation died down, they slipped away to a more secluded spot, AKA the other side of a tree five feet away.  It wasn’t for privacy so much as to stop Virgil making gagging noises at them.  As soon as they were out of sight, Logan muttered something about “worse than teenagers,” and didn’t give them long to themselves before announcing they needed to be getting home soon.  The two mostly behaved themselves on the way back, so they were almost sure Virgil was joking when he swore he and Logan were never giving them a ride anywhere again.
“We should probably apologize to them for being so distracted,” Patton giggled, pulling Roman down onto the couch with him.
“Mhm.”  Two hundred and three.  “…Later.”
Determined though they were, even the world’s sappiest couple had to slow down at some point.  They spent a few hours doing things like playing the board game Life, except with both of them in the same car, because that way nobody would lose and also duh, and then eventually went out to use the restaurant gift card from Logan and Virgil.  They had to keep it toned down there, too, because it was a slightly fancy restaurant and there were limits on acceptable PDA before people starting giving them looks.  When they got home, they were still about a hundred kisses away from their goal.
“What now?”  Roman yawned involuntarily.  “I’m going to need a lot of beauty sleep after today.”
“First of all, you’re always beautiful, so jot that down.” #270 was pressed softly just below Roman’s ear.
He returned it.  “Of course the only memes you know are the wholesome versions.”
“Memes?” Patton asked innocently, going for his nose this time. “I’m just telling the truth.”
Roman made a vague noise of protest- muffled for, well, obvious reasons- and then remembered something.  “I have a confession to make, sweetheart.”
“Mm, what is it?”  Patton couldn’t possibly imagine it being anything bad, so his soft smile never faltered as he continued his important work.
He held up a flash drive, stepping back for a moment so Patton would actually notice it.  “I planned something for today, too.”
They returned to the bedroom where Roman’s laptop was, and Patton had to wonder why he hadn’t just had whatever it was on there in the first place.
“You might have seen it, love,” he pointed out.  “You do borrow it sometimes.”
Patton nodded sheepishly.  “When I can’t find mine.”
“I still don’t understand how you managed to lose it in the laundry that time.  It’s not as if it could have been in your pocket.”  He wrapped an arm around Patton and kissed his shoulder, where his shirt had slipped a little.  “You needn’t worry, though; I would buy you a thousand replacements if I had to.”
“You’d run out of money.”
“Then I would steal you a new laptop.”
“Please don’t do crimes for me, Ro.”
“If you insist.”  He kissed Patton again to distract him while he finished setting up- bringing them to two hundred eighty-five- and when he pulled back, gently turned the other’s head to face the screen.  “Here- look at this.”
Patton gasped at the sight of the two of them, only a little younger and a lot more oblivious.  “Is that- this is from before we were even dating, isn’t it?”
“Yes.”  Roman wasn’t even watching the screen; Patton’s reactions were much more captivating.  “I had Logan and Virgil help me put this together… that’s why we took so long in the kitchen earlier, Logan and I had to make sure it was ready. It’s all the videos we’ve taken of our relationship, between the four of us.  I… might’ve had to steal your phone at some point to get yours, but… I thought it would be nice.  Like a timeline of us.”
“I don’t mind,” Patton breathed.  He was tearing up as he watched Roman’s younger self blush to death the first time Patton got the courage to return his flirting, recorded by a mercilessly teasing Virgil, neither of them having any idea they’d end up here.  “I- I love it…”
Roman wrapped an arm around him, pulling him against his side, and kissed Patton’s cheek so tenderly it should’ve counted as at least three.  “Keep watching.”
Patton was full-on crying by the time the clip of them actually getting together came up.  Roman paused the video to help him collect himself.  “Oh, darling, I didn’t mean to make you cry…”
“It’s okay,” Patton sniffed, smiling.  “It’s a good cry.  I just- love you so much…”
Three hundred.  “I love you so much, too.  Want to keep watching?”
He nodded.
The video of their first date had been taken by Patton himself.  They’d been friends for ages, and yet they were so awkward here, stumbling over their words only to make eye contact and burst into flustered giggles.  Their first kiss wasn’t exactly recorded, because Patton had dropped his phone with a squeak when Roman leaned forward and initiated it.
“We were such a mess,” Patton sighed.
“…We were even more of a mess than we are now.”
“Okay, that’s fair.”
They kept watching.  Nearly every moment of the compilation was unbearably sappy, and they were both tearing up again by the end, thinking about how far they’d come. The last clip faded to black, and then… something Patton certainly didn’t remember being there for.
Roman was sitting on Virgil’s couch, looking questioningly past the camera.  Virgil’s voice was heard in the background: “Yes, I’m recording, start talking already!”
“Alright, alright,” Roman muttered.  He took a breath and turned his gaze back to the camera. His current self squeezed Patton’s hand.
“Patton… well, first of all, happy anniversary.  I mean, assuming you don’t somehow break up with me between now and next week- not that you would, I mean, who would ever break up with me-”
“You’re rambling,” Virgil said from offscreen.
“Right.  Sorry. I just… I don’t even know how to tell you how happy it makes me to wake up to you every morning.  I- I’m so lucky to have met you, you’re the most wonderful person I’ve ever known, and- god, I’m forgetting the whole speech…”  He paused a moment to collect himself.  “My point is… I don’t want to live without you, Patton, ever.  I want to wake up with you every morning.  So… turn around?”
He turned, breathless, and found Roman holding a ring.
“Patton, darling, love of my life… will you marry me?”
Patton fell against him, crying and giggling helplessly. “Yes, yes, yes, yes,” he chanted, “yes, Ro, honey, of course I will.”
“Oh,” Roman breathed, smile spreading across his face.. “Thank goodness.  Er… why are you laughing?”
“It’s just-” Patton broke down in laughter again and dug through his pockets to present Roman with his own tiny box.  “I- I was going to wait until we were done with the kisses…”
Roman couldn’t help laughing now, too, it was all so ridiculous and perfect and he was just so happy.
“I had my own little speech and everything…”
“Well, I’d hate to deprive my fiance of anything he should want to do!” Roman exclaimed. “How about we finish those up now, and you can have a turn proposing?”
“Sounds good,” Patton managed between giggles, and they set out to do just that.
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klguest-blog · 5 years
Hello everyone, what’s up? Many people are showing their interest in remove background . Are you also one of them? If you are, then most welcome to our site. Today we are going to know about Background Remove Service in details.
What is background removal service ? Why people are using this in many fields? Who should utilize this service? Even who should not use background remove technique? What benefit you can afford by taking this service?
You can get all of your answers here.
You can also learn the easiest way to remove background in Photoshop and GIMP.
Hence, let’s start without spending any more time.
What is Background Remove What is Remove Background? Allow me to inform you the definition first. In simple words, removing background is the procedure to erase, replace or change the background. Actually, it is a primary image editing service. We provide both transparent background service & white background service.
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This service is done by creating an outline or closed vector path close near by the object. Then you can erase the object, replace the object and place it to any object that you expect. This procedure also called as ‘Deep etching’ or ‘Closed vector path’ too. The fact is it is involved with the separate of specific parts of an Image. That stays inside the outline of its original background.
Why we need to remove background?
When you are reading this article, this question can float outin your mind. So, I want to start by giving this answer. Let me explain briefly.
Most of us don’t have any clear idea about background remove. Before you use any technique, you should know about its advantages and disadvantages.Also one should have proper information about the technique that he is using. Is there any disadvantage available?
You should know all of the above mentioned fact. So, let’s know these facts about removing the background from a photo.
The most useful advantage that you get from remove background image is ‘Focus’. Yes, you have read it right. Removing the background of an image is so much important in order to get audience focus.
It is very essential in business field. Your customer should keep all their focus in your listed product. Background can be the resistance at this point. Let me make the fact more clear.
Don’t showcase your product with an ordinary background. Otherwise, viewer’s concentration can be distracted into your background.
Who knows they might feel disturbed and skip your product?I hope you can feel the importance.
So, removing the background is a mandatory thing to our photo. Then you can display your product on your desired background.
We honestly believe that our Background remove service will help your to increase your reach. Meanwhile, you are going to generate a lot of sales. Because, when you will get more reach, that means you are getting more viewers.
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When you have the trick to grab their focus that means you are going to get more sales of your product.
Once you are able to grab the attention of the viewers, just see how your sales increase. It is a very effective and useful technique. This is the proven technique of increasing sales. That’s why it has high demand in Image Altering field.
Types of Background Removal Services At this stage, you have known about the definition of background remove and the importance of it. Now you need to know about the category of removing background. Then it will be easier for you to choose which types of remove background service you should use.
According to the process and difficulties level ClippingUSA has classified the images into four main categories.
Let know about them specifically.
Basic type
This is the easiest way to remove the background. For doing this kind of stuff one needs to make the path selection rightly. The image that is containing a single solid object, the process of removing this kind of background is called as basic background remove.
The anchor points and curves that are used for this kind of operation are really low. Generally, egg, ball, plate, book, clock mobile etc. are the object of basic background remove.
Let’s jump to another one.
Medium type
This is a bit difficult from the previews category. That’s why CLIPPING USA has classified it as Medium Remove Background. There are more holes and curves used in that. The targeted object is little bit tricky to trace. But our professional expert team does it with perfection.
Our graphics designers zoom in the photo and make the selection task very carefully. They are very alert to the number of anchor point. CUSA indicate the fixed transparent holes even in electronic parts, shoes or bracelets. These objects are also the ideal example of Medium Background Removal.
Now guys we should move to the next category.
Complex type
So, now we are going to learn about complex background remove. This is more difficult from the upper two. This type of Photoshop background remove process will introduce you with the combination of various vector paths. You will find lots of complex shape and design in this type of remove background from image category.
One needs to work a well amount of time to do this process brilliantly. Because, you can’t expect that this kinds of object is going to be solid. Lots of edges will be available for you to make your life tougher. You need to deal with these edges at your level best.
The overall performance should be cool, accurate and smooth. Awell number of paths and anchor points are available, when it is about advance background remove.
Multiple Paths:
This is the last category of background remove. ClippingUSA has named it as Multiple Paths. This is also popular as the name of ‘Color path’. This technique proves to be very effective for color correction too.This is a popular process for separating specific parts from different objects.
This procedure is equally effective for both comprehensive and special objects. One can change the shade of a specific portion with this image altering technique. The assortment of a specific portion inside an image also comes with this. That allows the image to provide an additional color effect.
It will not be any mistake if someone called it as ‘Compound Path’ because it add various colors or paths in an individual object in order to perform the color correction. At the same time, background drop out is also a part of it.
Can you use this technique for any kinds of photo?
Many people question about it. Can they use background remove service for any kinds of photo? Do you have the same question? Proceed with me to get the proper explanation.
Though it is an effective technique but this is not universal. You can’t use it everywhere. Allow me to show you specifically.
When you should not use this technique?
As I mentioned above, one also ought to know that when background remove is not suggested. Yes, there are some cases where you should not remove the background. Permit me to describe it briefly.
In case, the image contains lots of cracks and camber and clearness similar to burn, mirror, illumination, textiles and blurrier boundaries approximate to tresses, hair or ornament, background remove can prove to be not much accuracy for this scenario.
At this point, a question can come to your mind. If you want to edit your pictures which technique should you apply in this case? That is very good question. Image editing is needed anyway for the professional use of image.
Which technique is the best one to apply in these cases? For theses tricky situation it is better to apply Image masking service. It is such excellent image editing services that can works where remove background or clipping path service fails.
If you are willing for that service, you don’t need to look anywhere else CLIPPINGUSA is well expert in this field too. You can turn you photo into white background, cute backgrounds or photo background whatever you want. With this process you can bring a fresh look to your image for any kinds of complex to complex object.
Biajid Except these background remove service can be used almost everywhere in commercial field.
Remove background in Photoshop background remove service As I promise above, now I will give you a basic touch up about how to remove background.
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There is numerous ways to remove background in Photoshop. I will explain here the easiest one. Variety of removing background actually depends on it selection process. The ultimate goal is similar though. Delete the background make the image more accurate, high definition and interesting to see. Permit me to start the procedure.
Right at the beginning you need to open the image in Photoshop that you want to work on.
Then go to the select option and choose the color range from its menu. You will notice an option called fizziness there. All you have to do is change its value according to its picture shades and condition. Basically, by reducing it one can fix the fizziness.
Do know when it will be in perfect shape? At the time when there is no shadow type thing around your object, you can press the Enter button.
Try to keep this value among 70 to 90.
Don’t hesitate to increase or decrease the value if you found that the picture is not enough accurate.
Next to this, you again need to go to the same option “Select” followed by inverse. Or you use the shortcut CTRL+ I.
After you make the inverts selection go to the select option once again followed by refine edges. A new pop up window will appear. Go to its “New layer” option and press ok.
That is the end of this procedure. This is simple and also very effective. There is any easy way than this. One can also apply other selection process such as Photoshop magic wand tool or quick selection pen tool. But I will never suggest anyone to use magic wand.
It will not give you the accurate result at the same time; it can ruin all of your business. So, don’t even think about it.
There is another option too. It’s called quick selection tool. This is also a nice way to move forward. For your further knowledge, I want to make a point clear here. It is always better to remove the background manually.
If you want to remove the background properly, don’t take any kinds of help from any software. Count some of your times but ensure that you had done quality work. Do you want to save your work and maintain the excellence? Then Request for a quote right now.
If you are a beginner and just started learning about image altering, you should not use your picture for commercial purpose at the primary stage. Before you start using your edited image for commercial purpose, you need to earn some experience.
Cause, at the primary level it is tough to edit photo perfectly. That’s why it is better to take remove background service.
Remove Background in Gimp As Photoshop is a paid and heavy tool, a few people ask for alternative. Gimp is a perfect replacement for them. Gimp can’t provide enough accurate result like Adobe Photoshop. But as free software, it deserves some appreciation.
Allow me to show you how to remove background in GIMP.
To download It click here on download
The main concept is almost similar like the Photoshop.
Let’s learn it step by step in the easiest way.
At first, open the image in Gimp that you are going to edit. Then right button on the layer and go to add alpha channel.
Then create a duplicate layer, from the layer button. You will find this option right on the layer menu.
After this, you have to go to color and choose desaturate followed by luminosity. Then you will find your picture has turned into desaturated. Then go to color option and choose brightness-contrast from the menu.
Reduce the brightness from there and make your object visible clearly in dark. Then choose the pencil brush from the left side. There will be several options at the right side. Choose a hard brush from there.
Are you thinking about brush size? It actually depends on the object. Choose it according to your object.
By using the brush carefully, make your object totally dark. When you make it right, make the remaining background pure white that you want to remove.
While working on the object you have to may find it hard, working on all area with the similar size brush. Don’t hesitate to change the brush size, according to the object’s portion.
Work on small to small area. Your object should look pure black and your background should look pure white. No other things should be visible without object and background.
After the primary task of darkening the object, go back to the color option once again. Then choose invert option. After inverting the picture, copy it from the Edit option. Then turn off the visibility.
Then go back to your main layer and choose add layer mask. There will be several option choose the first option named white full opacity. After adding a new layer and paste the previous copied layer here and see the magic. Your background has been removed. Isn’t it great?
Now export it and save to your device. But don’t save it in jpeg file. Save it as Png.
When you are going to use your photo for commercial purpose, it’s better to performed by professionals. ClippingUSA can be the best choice.
remove background service remove background service Our working Process
You should know it properly how we perform the task of remove background from image. Let’s know about it.
We have a team of professional photo editor. They are vastly experienced when it is about image editing. They are trained and with their lots of working yearsthey have gathered a lot of experience.
They have an excellent knowledge on Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator though. They perform most of their work with Photoshop when it is about raster graphics. For vector graphics we use Adobe Illustrator.
For removing background we never use any kinds of automated technique. We never use or encourage anyone to use Photoshop magic wand tool. It cannot ensure the appropriate quality. As we are always very dedicated to offer hundred percent qualities, we do the selection process of object manually by our professional team.
There are some Robotic applications for background remover. They can’t provide accurate result for separating the pixels from the background. Among the various selection tools of Photoshop, pen tool is the best option there to select anything. There are options for adjusting brush size and texture. So, anyone can do the selection of any object easily.
CUSA also use the pen tool for the selection. Hence, you can feel totally relax that you are going to get the best quality service of remove background from image. Are you thinking about the anchor point? I want to make a focus on this point. For creating the most perfect selection line our graphics designer zoom it to 300 percentages! Can you feel the accuracy?
Our motive is simple as well as our thinking. We want offer our client the best shape. When we complete the section of the subject by Photoshop pen tool, we remove the background to make it white background image. You can select any color that you wish. Moreover, you don’t need to think much about the file type. We can transport with the separated background stratum in accordance with your desire. We can supply TIFF, PSD or any other format that you expect.
I want to inform you one surprising and interesting fact that will make you happy. We have unlimited revision option.
When we deliver you the edited image, you can ask for revision. That means you only need to pay for those image that can feel you happy. From elsewhere you can get these kinds of advantage?
I think it is only ClippingUSA that can offer you so many benefits in a low price.
Uses of Background Remove Service Remove background of an image is massively popular now days. It is using in different types field for different criteria. Permit me to describe this shortly:
Separating and modifying the background image To make sure the clearness of the background Customizing an individual portion Make a change in the shape of the subject For designing the catalog by masking out the hinterland. For adding clipping path effect in the image in order to make color correction of an image. For creating and adding text to the image For wrapping the image to add some special effects. This is used as a fundamental technique for other image editing services. To perform other critical image altering system one must have to perform this technique before.
Who should use the Background Remove service?
It is really tough to describe the uses criteria of Background removing in a few words. ClippingUSA is offering Remove background service to lots of specific clients and company with fame. Especially, we are offering our service to photographer, fashion photographer, Mode, Advertiser, Magazine Publisher, or web development, Printing productions and E-commerce business.
Generally, these people always want their supply in quick time. They have to remove, replace or correct their image. We offer all the things as their expectation. The thing is these companies don’t have enough time to edit their image by themselves. It’s better for them to take image editing service from professionals.
Background Remove For E-commerce Business
For E-commerce business it is very essential to remove photo from background. That can help someone in numerous ways. For amazon and eBay it’s the primary rules to present product on a white background. It can give an ordinary image a professional look.
One can also remove the unwanted particles and background from his product photo. Products look so appealing, when someone use a white background for his photo. One can easily grab customer attention with this technique.
Our professional group also enhances the quality of the image. So, you are getting double benefits. We made other correction too to look the image realistic and accurate. So, one don’t need to think about the quality.
Background Remove for Jewelry business
This is another field where background removal service is getting more and more popular. Are you a jewelry business owner? You must need to read this section. In jewelry business presentation is a crucial thing. Hence, You need to give your hundred percent to look an image perfect.
Now, I want to ask something. How you use to showcase your jewelry photo? Are you using mannequin or ordinary background to showcase your photo?This is not the right option to approach at all.
You can increase your sells incredibly by applying background removing technique. You should not make any single mistake for displaying your photos. Do you know what the best option to choose? You should present your jewelry on a white background. In this way, one can optimize his pictures as per your requirements. You can make your picture more meaningful with is procedure.
Background Remove for Magazine Publisher
For the magazine publisher it is a mandatory task to remove the background. When you capture a photo of model they are not always in the right shape. That becomes a big problem sometimes. With our background remove service it is not a problem anymore. One can make white background pic or transparent background whatever you choose. You have the full permission to decide your background image.
Even one can try for Black background images. Are you looking for background remove for the front page image for your magazine? Then, you ought to take our service. We are sufficient enough to provide high quality front page image for magazine.
In the front page of a magazine, this is so much crucial to place a handy photo. Front page should be well enough to grab the attention. One also needs to add text or style in the image. That is why changing the background is a mandatory thing for your photo. By removing your background one can make it appealing and interesting.
Image Editing for Amazon Product
Amazon has set specific requirement and criteria for uploading photo. If you are connected with amazon, you have to edit lots of image for uploading them in amazon. You can get editing service for your amazon product photo from us.
ClippingUSA is the perfect place to choose for amazon image editing. We are professional in editing image for Amazon. We have lots of clients from amazon. They are producing more and more sales day by day with our service. Therefore, you can also take this great opportunity to edit your photos by our professionals.
Myth about Background Removal Service
Some people think that it is an expensive service to take. That’s not right at all. ClippingUSA is providing high quality background removal service at an affordable cost.
Some also think that it is an online based service, so if I don’t like their work what will happen? For those ClippingUSA is available. You don’t need to pay single money before delivery. Moreover, we have monthly payment system too. We also provide unlimited revision to our client. So, you are only paying for that image that is sufficient enough to satisfy you.
There are some people who are confused about their privacy. We are 100% loyal to our client. Your image is always secured. We provide you our edited image with your original image. There is no 3rd party that can access your image. So, you can feel 100% secured when you are uploading your picture to ClippingUSA.
Price for Background Remove
Perhaps, price is the most important fact when it is about any business deal. You should know the price of our background remove service. As I have said before we charge a very little. One just needs to count one dollarper image.
Yes, we charge only one dollar per image. You can earn a lifetime success in your business by one time investment. What a great deal it is!
It is tough to find anything better than this deal.
If you want to remove background from complex photo, you need to count $3.75 only for each image.
When it is about medium type background remove, the price become cheaper. One needs to count only $1.75 per image.
So, we are obviously affordable. Why should you late? Let’s Request for a quote right now.
Why you should try CLIPPINGUSA ?
According to some research, appealing design is able to help someone to grow their business. ClippingUSA can help you at this point for giving your image a dazzling look. We always keep this in our mind.
As a result, our team never does any kind compromise with the image quality. You can judge us with a free trial right now. We are always at the top of the mountain, when it is about reliable and dedicated service partner. We always uphold the privacy of our customer.
Therefore, you should make a judgment about our standard by getting our 100% free trial service. You can submit two pictures at a time for free trial for delete background or other type of photo editing service like image manipulation, color correction, photo restoration etc.
We are always ready 24 hours in a day and 7 days in a week. Basically, we answer back any quote within one hour.  We can deliver 100 or more background remove image for a small amount. So, we prefer you to send us quote. For any kinds of information feel free to contact us.
We are the safe, reliable and dedicated suppliers of your confidential images to satisfy you with an unbeatable quality and price.
Our working Period:
Our head office is situated at Silver Spring, Maryland in USA. Our production office is situated at Uttara, Dhaka in Bangladesh. Our service is delivered in all over the world. To match with your comfortable time from any parts of the world, we are working for 24 hours in a day.
Do you thinking about our off day? To give you the best experience we are always open. Yes, we are available in 7 days in week. You can contact us anytime. We have three shift working system. Each shift consists of 8 hours. That’s how we are maintaining 24 hours customer support.
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artphotography-etc · 5 years
Hello everyone, what’s up? Many people are showing their interest in remove background . Are you also one of them? If you are, then most welcome to our site. Today we are going to know about Background Remove Service in details.
What is background removal service ? Why people are using this in many fields? Who should utilize this service? Even who should not use background remove technique? What benefit you can afford by taking this service?
You can get all of your answers here.
You can also learn the easiest way to remove background in Photoshop and GIMP.
Hence, let’s start without spending any more time.
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What is Remove Background? Allow me to inform you the definition first. In simple words, removing background is the procedure to erase, replace or change the background. Actually, it is a primary image editing service. We provide both transparent background service & white background service.
This service is done by creating an outline or closed vector path close near by the object. Then you can erase the object, replace the object and place it to any object that you expect. This procedure also called as ‘Deep etching’ or ‘Closed vector path’ too. The fact is it is involved with the separate of specific parts of an Image. That stays inside the outline of its original background.
Why we need to remove background?
When you are reading this article, this question can float outin your mind. So, I want to start by giving this answer. Let me explain briefly.
Most of us don’t have any clear idea about background remove. Before you use any technique, you should know about its advantages and disadvantages.Also one should have proper information about the technique that he is using. Is there any disadvantage available?
You should know all of the above mentioned fact. So, let’s know these facts about removing the background from a photo.
The most useful advantage that you get from remove background image is ‘Focus’. Yes, you have read it right. Removing the background of an image is so much important in order to get audience focus.
It is very essential in business field. Your customer should keep all their focus in your listed product. Background can be the resistance at this point. Let me make the fact more clear.
Don’t showcase your product with an ordinary background. Otherwise, viewer’s concentration can be distracted into your background.
Who knows they might feel disturbed and skip your product?I hope you can feel the importance.
So, removing the background is a mandatory thing to our photo. Then you can display your product on your desired background.
We honestly believe that our Background remove service will help your to increase your reach. Meanwhile, you are going to generate a lot of sales. Because, when you will get more reach, that means you are getting more viewers.
When you have the trick to grab their focus that means you are going to get more sales of your product.
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Once you are able to grab the attention of the viewers, just see how your sales increase. It is a very effective and useful technique. This is the proven technique of increasing sales. That’s why it has high demand in Image Altering field.
Types of Background Removal Services At this stage, you have known about the definition of background remove and the importance of it. Now you need to know about the category of removing background. Then it will be easier for you to choose which types of remove background service you should use.
According to the process and difficulties level ClippingUSA has classified the images into four main categories.
Let know about them specifically.
Basic type
This is the easiest way to remove the background. For doing this kind of stuff one needs to make the path selection rightly. The image that is containing a single solid object, the process of removing this kind of background is called as basic background remove.
The anchor points and curves that are used for this kind of operation are really low. Generally, egg, ball, plate, book, clock mobile etc. are the object of basic background remove.
Let’s jump to another one.
Medium type
This is a bit difficult from the previews category. That’s why CLIPPING USA has classified it as Medium Remove Background. There are more holes and curves used in that. The targeted object is little bit tricky to trace. But our professional expert team does it with perfection.
Our graphics designers zoom in the photo and make the selection task very carefully. They are very alert to the number of anchor point. CUSA indicate the fixed transparent holes even in electronic parts, shoes or bracelets. These objects are also the ideal example of Medium Background Removal.
Now guys we should move to the next category.
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Complex type
So, now we are going to learn about complex background remove. This is more difficult from the upper two. This type of Photoshop background remove process will introduce you with the combination of various vector paths. You will find lots of complex shape and design in this type of remove background from image category.
One needs to work a well amount of time to do this process brilliantly. Because, you can’t expect that this kinds of object is going to be solid. Lots of edges will be available for you to make your life tougher. You need to deal with these edges at your level best.
The overall performance should be cool, accurate and smooth. Awell number of paths and anchor points are available, when it is about advance background remove.
Multiple Paths:
This is the last category of background remove. ClippingUSA has named it as Multiple Paths. This is also popular as the name of ‘Color path’. This technique proves to be very effective for color correction too.This is a popular process for separating specific parts from different objects.
This procedure is equally effective for both comprehensive and special objects. One can change the shade of a specific portion with this image altering technique. The assortment of a specific portion inside an image also comes with this. That allows the image to provide an additional color effect.
It will not be any mistake if someone called it as ‘Compound Path’ because it add various colors or paths in an individual object in order to perform the color correction. At the same time, background drop out is also a part of it.
Can you use this technique for any kinds of photo?
Many people question about it. Can they use background remove service for any kinds of photo? Do you have the same question? Proceed with me to get the proper explanation.
Though it is an effective technique but this is not universal. You can’t use it everywhere. Allow me to show you specifically.
When you should not use this technique?
As I mentioned above, one also ought to know that when background remove is not suggested. Yes, there are some cases where you should not remove the background. Permit me to describe it briefly.
In case, the image contains lots of cracks and camber and clearness similar to burn, mirror, illumination, textiles and blurrier boundaries approximate to tresses, hair or ornament, background remove can prove to be not much accuracy for this scenario.
At this point, a question can come to your mind. If you want to edit your pictures which technique should you apply in this case? That is very good question. Image editing is needed anyway for the professional use of image.
Which technique is the best one to apply in these cases? For theses tricky situation it is better to apply Image masking service. It is such excellent image editing services that can works where remove background or clipping path service fails.
If you are willing for that service, you don’t need to look anywhere else CLIPPINGUSA is well expert in this field too. You can turn you photo into white background, cute backgrounds or photo background whatever you want. With this process you can bring a fresh look to your image for any kinds of complex to complex object.
Biajid Except these background remove service can be used almost everywhere in commercial field.
Remove background in Photoshop background remove service background remove service As I promise above, now I will give you a basic touch up about how to remove background.
There is numerous ways to remove background in Photoshop. I will explain here the easiest one. Variety of removing background actually depends on it selection process. The ultimate goal is similar though. Delete the background make the image more accurate, high definition and interesting to see. Permit me to start the procedure.
Right at the beginning you need to open the image in Photoshop that you want to work on.
Then go to the select option and choose the color range from its menu. You will notice an option called fizziness there. All you have to do is change its value according to its picture shades and condition. Basically, by reducing it one can fix the fizziness.
Do know when it will be in perfect shape? At the time when there is no shadow type thing around your object, you can press the Enter button.
Try to keep this value among 70 to 90.
Don’t hesitate to increase or decrease the value if you found that the picture is not enough accurate.
Next to this, you again need to go to the same option “Select” followed by inverse. Or you use the shortcut CTRL+ I.
After you make the inverts selection go to the select option once again followed by refine edges. A new pop up window will appear. Go to its “New layer” option and press ok.
That is the end of this procedure. This is simple and also very effective. There is any easy way than this. One can also apply other selection process such as Photoshop magic wand tool or quick selection pen tool. But I will never suggest anyone to use magic wand.
It will not give you the accurate result at the same time; it can ruin all of your business. So, don’t even think about it.
There is another option too. It’s called quick selection tool. This is also a nice way to move forward. For your further knowledge, I want to make a point clear here. It is always better to remove the background manually.
If you want to remove the background properly, don’t take any kinds of help from any software. Count some of your times but ensure that you had done quality work. Do you want to save your work and maintain the excellence? Then Request for a quote right now.
If you are a beginner and just started learning about image altering, you should not use your picture for commercial purpose at the primary stage. Before you start using your edited image for commercial purpose, you need to earn some experience.
Cause, at the primary level it is tough to edit photo perfectly. That’s why it is better to take remove background service.
Remove Background in Gimp As Photoshop is a paid and heavy tool, a few people ask for alternative. Gimp is a perfect replacement for them. Gimp can’t provide enough accurate result like Adobe Photoshop. But as free software, it deserves some appreciation.
Allow me to show you how to remove background in GIMP.
To download It click here on download
The main concept is almost similar like the Photoshop.
Let’s learn it step by step in the easiest way.
At first, open the image in Gimp that you are going to edit. Then right button on the layer and go to add alpha channel.
Then create a duplicate layer, from the layer button. You will find this option right on the layer menu.
After this, you have to go to color and choose desaturate followed by luminosity. Then you will find your picture has turned into desaturated. Then go to color option and choose brightness-contrast from the menu.
Reduce the brightness from there and make your object visible clearly in dark. Then choose the pencil brush from the left side. There will be several options at the right side. Choose a hard brush from there.
Are you thinking about brush size? It actually depends on the object. Choose it according to your object.
By using the brush carefully, make your object totally dark. When you make it right, make the remaining background pure white that you want to remove.
While working on the object you have to may find it hard, working on all area with the similar size brush. Don’t hesitate to change the brush size, according to the object’s portion.
Work on small to small area. Your object should look pure black and your background should look pure white. No other things should be visible without object and background.
After the primary task of darkening the object, go back to the color option once again. Then choose invert option. After inverting the picture, copy it from the Edit option. Then turn off the visibility.
Then go back to your main layer and choose add layer mask. There will be several option choose the first option named white full opacity. After adding a new layer and paste the previous copied layer here and see the magic. Your background has been removed. Isn’t it great?
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Now export it and save to your device. But don’t save it in jpeg file. Save it as Png.
When you are going to use your photo for commercial purpose, it’s better to performed by professionals. ClippingUSA can be the best choice.
remove background service remove background service Our working Process
You should know it properly how we perform the task of remove background from image. Let’s know about it.
We have a team of professional photo editor. They are vastly experienced when it is about image editing. They are trained and with their lots of working yearsthey have gathered a lot of experience.
They have an excellent knowledge on Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator though. They perform most of their work with Photoshop when it is about raster graphics. For vector graphics we use Adobe Illustrator.
For removing background we never use any kinds of automated technique. We never use or encourage anyone to use Photoshop magic wand tool. It cannot ensure the appropriate quality. As we are always very dedicated to offer hundred percent qualities, we do the selection process of object manually by our professional team.
There are some Robotic applications for background remover. They can’t provide accurate result for separating the pixels from the background. Among the various selection tools of Photoshop, pen tool is the best option there to select anything. There are options for adjusting brush size and texture. So, anyone can do the selection of any object easily.
CUSA also use the pen tool for the selection. Hence, you can feel totally relax that you are going to get the best quality service of remove background from image. Are you thinking about the anchor point? I want to make a focus on this point. For creating the most perfect selection line our graphics designer zoom it to 300 percentages! Can you feel the accuracy?
Our motive is simple as well as our thinking. We want offer our client the best shape. When we complete the section of the subject by Photoshop pen tool, we remove the background to make it white background image. You can select any color that you wish. Moreover, you don’t need to think much about the file type. We can transport with the separated background stratum in accordance with your desire. We can supply TIFF, PSD or any other format that you expect.
I want to inform you one surprising and interesting fact that will make you happy. We have unlimited revision option.
When we deliver you the edited image, you can ask for revision. That means you only need to pay for those image that can feel you happy. From elsewhere you can get these kinds of advantage?
I think it is only ClippingUSA that can offer you so many benefits in a low price.
Uses of Background Remove Service Remove background of an image is massively popular now days. It is using in different types field for different criteria. Permit me to describe this shortly:
Separating and modifying the background image To make sure the clearness of the background Customizing an individual portion Make a change in the shape of the subject For designing the catalog by masking out the hinterland. For adding clipping path effect in the image in order to make color correction of an image. For creating and adding text to the image For wrapping the image to add some special effects. This is used as a fundamental technique for other image editing services. To perform other critical image altering system one must have to perform this technique before.
Who should use the Background Remove service?
It is really tough to describe the uses criteria of Background removing in a few words. ClippingUSA is offering Remove background service to lots of specific clients and company with fame. Especially, we are offering our service to photographer, fashion photographer, Mode, Advertiser, Magazine Publisher, or web development, Printing productions and E-commerce business.
Generally, these people always want their supply in quick time. They have to remove, replace or correct their image. We offer all the things as their expectation. The thing is these companies don’t have enough time to edit their image by themselves. It’s better for them to take image editing service from professionals.
Background Remove For E-commerce Business
For E-commerce business it is very essential to remove photo from background. That can help someone in numerous ways. For amazon and eBay it’s the primary rules to present product on a white background. It can give an ordinary image a professional look.
One can also remove the unwanted particles and background from his product photo. Products look so appealing, when someone use a white background for his photo. One can easily grab customer attention with this technique.
Our professional group also enhances the quality of the image. So, you are getting double benefits. We made other correction too to look the image realistic and accurate. So, one don’t need to think about the quality.
Background Remove for Jewelry business
This is another field where background removal service is getting more and more popular. Are you a jewelry business owner? You must need to read this section. In jewelry business presentation is a crucial thing. Hence, You need to give your hundred percent to look an image perfect.
Now, I want to ask something. How you use to showcase your jewelry photo? Are you using mannequin or ordinary background to showcase your photo?This is not the right option to approach at all.
You can increase your sells incredibly by applying background removing technique. You should not make any single mistake for displaying your photos. Do you know what the best option to choose? You should present your jewelry on a white background. In this way, one can optimize his pictures as per your requirements. You can make your picture more meaningful with is procedure.
Background Remove for Magazine Publisher
For the magazine publisher it is a mandatory task to remove the background. When you capture a photo of model they are not always in the right shape. That becomes a big problem sometimes. With our background remove service it is not a problem anymore. One can make white background pic or transparent background whatever you choose. You have the full permission to decide your background image.
Even one can try for Black background images. Are you looking for background remove for the front page image for your magazine? Then, you ought to take our service. We are sufficient enough to provide high quality front page image for magazine.
In the front page of a magazine, this is so much crucial to place a handy photo. Front page should be well enough to grab the attention. One also needs to add text or style in the image. That is why changing the background is a mandatory thing for your photo. By removing your background one can make it appealing and interesting.
Image Editing for Amazon Product
Amazon has set specific requirement and criteria for uploading photo. If you are connected with amazon, you have to edit lots of image for uploading them in amazon. You can get editing service for your amazon product photo from us.
ClippingUSA is the perfect place to choose for amazon image editing. We are professional in editing image for Amazon. We have lots of clients from amazon. They are producing more and more sales day by day with our service. Therefore, you can also take this great opportunity to edit your photos by our professionals.
Myth about Background Removal Service
Some people think that it is an expensive service to take. That’s not right at all. ClippingUSA is providing high quality background removal service at an affordable cost.
Some also think that it is an online based service, so if I don’t like their work what will happen? For those ClippingUSA is available. You don’t need to pay single money before delivery. Moreover, we have monthly payment system too. We also provide unlimited revision to our client. So, you are only paying for that image that is sufficient enough to satisfy you.
There are some people who are confused about their privacy. We are 100% loyal to our client. Your image is always secured. We provide you our edited image with your original image. There is no 3rd party that can access your image. So, you can feel 100% secured when you are uploading your picture to ClippingUSA.
Price for Background Remove
Perhaps, price is the most important fact when it is about any business deal. You should know the price of our background remove service. As I have said before we charge a very little. One just needs to count one dollarper image.
Yes, we charge only one dollar per image. You can earn a lifetime success in your business by one time investment. What a great deal it is!
It is tough to find anything better than this deal.
If you want to remove background from complex photo, you need to count $3.75 only for each image.
When it is about medium type background remove, the price become cheaper. One needs to count only $1.75 per image.
So, we are obviously affordable. Why should you late? Let’s Request for a quote right now.
Why you should try CLIPPINGUSA ?
According to some research, appealing design is able to help someone to grow their business. ClippingUSA can help you at this point for giving your image a dazzling look. We always keep this in our mind.
As a result, our team never does any kind compromise with the image quality. You can judge us with a free trial right now. We are always at the top of the mountain, when it is about reliable and dedicated service partner. We always uphold the privacy of our customer.
Therefore, you should make a judgment about our standard by getting our 100% free trial service. You can submit two pictures at a time for free trial for delete background or other type of photo editing service like image manipulation, color correction, photo restoration etc.
We are always ready 24 hours in a day and 7 days in a week. Basically, we answer back any quote within one hour.  We can deliver 100 or more background remove image for a small amount. So, we prefer you to send us quote. For any kinds of information feel free to contact us.
We are the safe, reliable and dedicated suppliers of your confidential images to satisfy you with an unbeatable quality and price.
Our working Period:
Our head office is situated at Silver Spring, Maryland in USA. Our production office is situated at Uttara, Dhaka in Bangladesh. Our service is delivered in all over the world. To match with your comfortable time from any parts of the world, we are working for 24 hours in a day.
Do you thinking about our off day? To give you the best experience we are always open. Yes, we are available in 7 days in week. You can contact us anytime. We have three shift working system. Each shift consists of 8 hours. That’s how we are maintaining 24 hours customer support.
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Wizard Week: Practicing Magic
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image credit: Ruiheng Liu
Unique Spellbooks
Just because the Players Handbook says you need a spellbook doesn't mean you can't get creative! Here are some unique ideas for you to use as your wizard's spellbook. Bulkier collections might require you to either buy a vehicle to carry them or summon them from an extradimensional space. Campaigns with a hub area like a town or stronghold could have a permanent location for a particularly large spellbook.
These are just of few ideas. For more ideas, think of anything that you could collect or craft as a hobby and imagine that each object holds a spell of some sort.
Artwork: This sounds a bit more like a bard but imagine a wizard that fills the halls of their Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion with detailed paintings depicting each spell either directly or abstractly. To prepare their spells, they walk through and peruse their mansion, reading the magic of each painting. For a more mobile spellbook, you could instead have a sketchbook or a carriage full of canvases with an easel attachment.
Brewing/Mixology: You prepare spells as mixed drinks (or potions, if you're boring) and drink them when you wish to cast the spell. The only downsides are that you must carry your liquor cabinet with you and you get wasted if you don't pace your spellcasting carefully.
Bones: For the edgy necromancer, you carve or paint bones with your spells. Bonus points for animating it as a skeleton so you have a walking spellbook. Just be careful you don't lose it.
Candles: You create candles that have your spell colored or carved into the wax. Perhaps the candles' colors have a special significance like a red candle is a fire spell and a green one is poison. You might need to use the Fabricate spell to make candles from a block of wax or else carry a mound of wax and candlemaking supplies with you (some way to melt the wax, a rack to dry the candles on, carving tools, dyes, etc.). You prepare spells by burning them and inhaling their scented magical vapors. You could carry them on your carriage lighting the way or in a permanent location on candelabras or a votive rack.
Cooking: Magical meal-prepping. You spend your spell preparation time cooking and baking up foods each with a unique spell enchanting it. Of course, this requires having an entire kitchen's worth of ingredients with you. One could make an argument that the Prestidigitation spell can replace most kitchen tools and a fire can be built at any old campsite.
Crystals: You grow or collect crystals that resonate with each of your spells. To prepare spells, you spend time meditating with your chosen crystals and allow their magic to infuse your body.
Illuminated Manuscript: For flair, you add illuminations to your spellbook that illustrate the margins and perhaps hint at what the spell does. The figures and objects in the illustrations move, making repeated actions.
Jewelry: You create jewelry enchanted with your spells and wear the ones that you prepare for that day. This can be very creative ranging from rings of power like the Mandarin to points of a crown to a Pandora bracelet of the wizarding world. Not to mention jewelry is easy to carry on your person or in a jewelry box or chest.
Medals: You emboss your spells on small gold/silver plates, perhaps with gem embellishments, and wear the spells you have prepared as jewelry on your body.
Outfits: You sew each spell into a specific garment; the larger or more elaborate the garment, the more powerful the spell. You prepare your spells as easy as getting dressed in the morning. The only problem is your outfits can sometimes get a little... eccentric, sometimes wearing socks on your hands or multiple hats and belts so you can get certain spell prepared. You will also need to carry your wardrobe with you somehow.
Plants: You enchant potted plants or plants in a garden with your magic. The leaves and flowers become patterned with runes and symbols. You prepare your spells by tending to the plants' needs of water, food, pruning, and the like.
Rune Stones: You carve your spells as complex runes on small stones or talismans. You could keep the stones in a satchel or pouch. In a more permanent location, you could have them be stones in your fish tank or arrange them in your garden or some other safe location.
Scrolls: Instead of a book you have a whole bunch of scrolls with you, one for each spell. This can take the form of a backpack-scrollrack, a carriage, a bunch of scroll cases hanging from cord off your belt and back, or an extradimensional scroll rack only you can access.
Sheet Music: Perhaps as a wizard you study the power of music that bards use and create more specific spells in a similar manner. Instead of using your ear or "feeling" the music, you have to write it down in the form of sheet music which you read and play to prepare your spells.
Shrunken Heads: For the eccentric necromancer, you have a collection of shrunken heads that hold your spells. You unsew their mouths to allow them to whisper their spell's secrets into your ear as you prepare spells.
Stone/Clay Tablets: You carve your spell into stone or clay tablets. This presents a similar problem like the scrolls in that they are not only unwieldy but also heavy. You will likely need a horse-drawn vehicle or extradimensional space or else a more permanent place to store your spell tablets.
Stories/Poems: Again more like a bard but each spell in your spellbook could take a more narrative format like a story or poem which you read or recite to cast or prepare the spell.
Tattoos: You tattoo your body with your spells. When you prepare certain spells, you trace the patterns on your body and cause the prepared ones to glow slightly.
Tarot Cards: You have a set of illustrated cards that you use to hold your spells. For added flavor, the spells you "choose" are the ones you randomly pulled from the deck in-game. Or, for added fun, you can actually prepare your spells at random by assigning them to certain cards. Hopefully you don't ever know more than 78 spells or however many there are in your deck. Perhaps you can count their facing (rightside-up or upside-down)
Vials of Memories: Once you learn a spell, you save space inside your head by extracting the memories in liquid form, drinking them when you wish to prepare the spell (much like the Pensieve from Harry Potter)
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image credit: Sam Wood
Ways to Practice your Magic
For unique manifestations of your magic, you can refer to one of my most popular articles about narration of spell combat by following this link. Here, I provide some further, more creative alternatives for wizards of certain specialty schools
You could use runes or symbols to create your spells.
You could enchant objects with your prepared abjuration spells and activate them when the time comes (usually a brooch, bracer, shield, helm, or cloak).
You could use historically magical minerals as components in your protective magic like salt, iron, gold, or silver.
You could create glowing objects to represent your shields or temporary hit points, like summoning glowing bones that spin around you or sigils of Boccob or your own personal seal.
When you dispel or counter magic, a magic animal avatar could emerge from you to rip apart the target spell's aura.
You could summon conjured objects by extracting the materials for it from the surrounding environment like in Fullmetal Alchemist. Summoned creatures might even work this way, being unable to physically manifest in this dimension but instead creating an avatar.
Objects you create might be made from specific materials that you are good at manipulating. For instance, a wizard considering themselves an ice mage might create a table made from ice (textured to add friction), instead of wood.
You could involve a lot of symbols in your conjuring spells like in a magic circle. The object rises from the symbols drawn on the floor or on prepared pages.
You materialize objects from coalesced smoke that you cast from your fingertips.
Objects you create are summoned ectoplasm from the Ethereal Plane that take on real form once in the Material Plane.
Objects you summon rise from shadows and always have a darker tint than similar objects. The objects are created with matter from the Shadowfell.
There are so many ways to practice divination. Follow this link to Wikipedia for ideas. I have listed my favorites below.
Aruspicina: Observation of sacrificial rites.
Auramancy: Observation of auras.
Capnomancy: Observation of smoke.
Cartomancy: Observation of cards like tarot cards.
Ceromancy: Observation of wax dripped into water.
Cleromancy: Observation of cast objects (casting bones, dice, beans, runestones, etc.)
Cryptomancy: Observation of omens.
Dririmancy: Observation of dripping blood.
Entomomancy: Observation of insects movements and behaviors.
Lithomancy: Observation of stones or gems.
Necromancy: Speaking with the dead. (I think this one might be taken, however)
Oneiromancy: Observation of dreams.
Scrying: Gazing in a crystal, pool, mirror, or other reflective surface.
Tyromancy: Observation of cheese (you can't make this stuff up)
You could manipulate auras of the charmed creatures.
You could cloud a creature's mind with false visions or senses to guide their behaviors.
You could have a potion or poison be inhaled by the target to make them susceptible to suggestion.
You could have a dangling amulet hypnotize your target.
You could give the target an object cursed with the enchantment magic.
Creatures enchanted by you could have some sort of visual cue to the enchantment magic. This could range from subtle, like a small symbol appearing on their shoulder blade, to extreme, like Crown of Madness making an iron crown appear on the creature's head. Alternatively, glowing chains or puppet strings or a glowing orb before their eyes.
You could create a controlled portal to an elemental plane to draw elemental energy from.
You could invoke Archomentals of the spell's element to cast the spell, almost like a cleric or warlock.
Fire/Lightning: Imix, Zaaman Rul, Chlimbia
Cold/Water: Olhydra, Ben-hadar, Cryonax
Wind/Thunder: Yan-C-Bin, Chan
Earth: Ogremoch, Entemoch, Sunnis
Acid: Bwimb
You could call an element by calling on its true name, sort of like magic in the Eragon book series.
You could manipulate chemicals scientifically to create the evoked effect
Fire: Pretty much any flammable liquid or gas like concentrated hydrogen peroxide.
Cold: Cryogenic liquid (hypercooled gas) such as liquid nitrogen.
Lightning: Inducing a spontaneous redox reaction to produce a current. For this explanation you might need a conductive material focus for such a spell.
Acid: Perchloric acid is one of the strongest acids around, as is hydroiodic acid, hydrobromic acid, hydrochloric acid, and sulfuric acid.
Poison: Many chemicals can be considered poisonous, including chlorine gas, strychnine, cyanide, batrachotoxin
You could burn off energy from your soul to create the energy for your spells, knowing full well that it will eventually burn out. You could also channel energy from some other finite source.
You could summon short-lived elementals to cast your elemental spells.
Your energy could take the shape of a symbol or animal as it flies toward the target.
Your illusions could be you bending light
Your illusions could be you creating a mental image in the minds of those who can witness it; a collective delusion.
You could summon a swarm of harmless insects that take the form of the illusion.
Your illusions could be carefully shaped elemental energies like fire, water, sand, pebbles, etc.
Your illusions could come from a set of cards with images on them which you produce whenever you create the pictured illusion. Useful if you don't stray too often with your illusions. You could also use tiny charms/jewels, figurines, or pictures in a sketchbook.
You could subconsciously pull the imagery for your illusions from your, your allies, or your enemies' dreams or fears.
Your illusions could be composed of ectoplasm and exist on the Ethereal Plane but only visually on the Material Plane.
Your undead creations could come from weird science like Frankenstein's monster, using science and surgery to channel negative energy or lightning damage through flesh. You might have a variety of devices for your spells.
Your undead you create could require a complex ritual of mummification. It doesn't create an actual mummy but it preserves the corpse and perhaps reduces the smell from embalming chemicals. You use chemicals to cause necrotic damage in opponents.
You could create undead by trapping souls or demons inside the corpses. These souls are used to make necrotic attacks.
You could cover a corpse to be animated with glowing runes, each reanimating a specific part of the creature like a specific knuckle or joint. These symbols are key to your control over organic material and negative energy.
Your necromancy could come from a form of nature magic using fungi and plants to reanimate corpses. Your necrotic damage is dealt by natural poisons, venoms, and toxins.
You could need to scribe symbols on the target of your transmutation target in order to affect them.
Your transmutation magic could be a form of necromancy by bending the flesh of a creature to polymorph them. Shrinking a creature might cause skin and flesh to slough off while growing a creature might require some sort of sacrifice or else cause uneven cancerous growth.
Your transmutation magic could be more abstract. Instead of literally polymorphing a creature, you cause a magical aura of what they would polymorph into to surround them and augment their abilities. This would make stealth with your magic impossible, however.
When you polymorph a creature or object, elements (usually stone or mud) from your surroundings could cover the target to alter it. You could also have vines wrap around them, creating a sort of mech-suit for them to pilot.
You could maybe specialize in a certain material, so your transmutation spells always work but transform the target into that material. Maybe you can only transmute things into cheese so when you polymorph the barbarian into a black dragon, they gain black waxy scales, a cheesy interior, and breath acidic molten cheese.
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theonyxpath · 6 years
A preview of Hunter 2e from Monica:
Hunter: The Vigil 2nd Edition has been in development for a while and there’s a few reasons for that. The game is designed to stand alone as its own corebook, and this approach is something I have to be conscious of with respect to rules and referenced material. It also, however, has a lot of callbacks to what the first edition of Hunter is all about: fighting monsters in your own backyard. To that end, once I finish tidying up the rules, I’ll be applying a lot of my own research to spruce up the Slasher Chronicle, make sure the compacts/conspiracies are well-covered, and then jam-pack the chapters with flavorful story seeds by replacing some generic terms like “monster” with actual threats so the game is fun to read and to play. I’m also working on a new preview for you, and I think you’re really going to dig it.
Remember that the setting conceit for HTV 2E is: “There are more monsters than ever before.” To hunt them, you’ll need more tools — and it’s my job as developer to provide them for you. While it’s true that hunters fight monsters, they also spend a lot of time investigating, identifying, and tracking them, too. To that end, my team and I thought about the “where” in monster hunting. This preview is a sneak peek from our Mysterious Places chapter. This sample reflects my first pass at development, and may be spruced up further following my second pass and a round with our glorious (and talented) editors. It will be tied to the Storyteller chapter and the list of Tilts and Conditions in the Appendices. And, you’ll also be getting samples of each mysterious place in the chapter that offers you ready-to-play locations for your chronicle, too.
Classifying Places
Hunters track down monsters in rat-infested sewers, creepy attics, gnarled oak trees. Sometimes, they get a lead. A neighbor points to the oldest house on the block or the local rickety bridge just beyond the cemetery. Sometimes, however, hunters can’t catch a break. Maybe their nervous informant is missing. Maybe that slimy trail of footprints they were following disappeared. Or worse: they’ve discovered there’s more than one monster on the loose.
When hunters reach a dead end (or don’t know where to begin), the cell should be reminded that the hunt isn’t always about shooting or trapping monsters. It’s also about tracking monsters down to find out where they devour victims, lick their wounds, and sleep — in a monster’s own backyard.
Nests are homes and lairs a monster claims. They are usually secluded, defensible places — a dank cave, an abandoned factory, a crashed train — where a monster feels safe. No matter how you look at it, Nests are very, very dangerous and hunters should be wary of rushing in to fight a monster on their own turf.
Places that are Tainted are just…wrong. Whether they’re twisted, cursed, or corrupted, simply being present in a Tainted place is a health hazard. Sometimes, a hunter might experience strange, supernatural-like effects. A trapped hunter is convinced the exit is right in front of them — only they’ve been locked up in a room with no doors or windows for several hours. A victim believes the hunter is the true monster, and rushes to attack them instead of the beast lurking in the corner. If Nests are dangerous, Tainted places can be downright terrifying because an invisible, accursed force permeates each one. Entering a Tainted place is always risky; being trapped in one can invite additional trouble on top of dealing with the monster that haunts it.
Perhaps the strangest areas of all are Sentient. Unlike Nests or Tainted places, areas that are Sentient can be classified as monsters themselves. In game terms, a monster is an antagonist that possesses Dread Powers — and Sentient places definitely do. A Sentient place can think and reason, feel and hate, plan and attack. Some can communicate, move or alter their dimensions, ooze blood, or even ignite fires. Though they are supernatural, not every Sentient place specifically targets mortals. A Sentient house, for example, could trap monsters and hunters alike. Unfortunately, since a Sentient place can simply seem like it’s Tainted, many hunters do not know what — or who — they are dealing with until they’re trapped inside.
For these reasons and more, whether a hunter is investigating a Nest, Tainted place, or an area that’s Sentient, they should learn their surroundings are just as crucial to a successful hunt as dealing with a threat.
For the Stortyeller: What’s in a Term?
The terms in this chapter are defined for the Storyteller’s use. Hunters will use their own definitions to describe what they “think” they know, either through the lens of their experience or by relying upon a common lexicon used by their cell, Compact, or Conspiracy. If a player gets a term “wrong” during the course of the chronicle, that usage has no bearing on whether or not their instincts are correct. As such, the Storyteller is encouraged to give players the reins to investigate locations without getting caught up in terminology. Don’t be afraid to use a cell’s lack of knowledge to facilitate the needs of the story, either, by leveraging misdirection and the occasional red herring.
[[end sidebar]]
Even monsters need familiar places they can call “home”. A pack of dog-sized creatures covered with rusting metal plates hides between piles of crushed cars in a junkyard. The old woman’s house, abandoned since she died, is a Nest for a group of things that only look like the cats she used to care for. Some Nests might even be called a “haunt” or a “resting place” by the ghosts who lurk there Whatever you call it, whatever form it takes, a Nest is the lair or refugee of a monster.
Nests are suited to the creatures living in them and hostile to any hunters who dare to enter. Investigating a Nest can be as dangerous as tracking down a feral animal, because the monster’s home is their turf and they chose it for a reason. Hunter approaching a Nest should proceed with the utmost caution and come prepared.
Using Nests
Nests exist to facilitate a confrontation with a monster. Storytellers might use a Nest to narrate the satisfying climax of a chronicle or highlight how a cell is in over their heads and needs to regroup. In either case, dealing with a monster on its home turf should reflect a dramatic scene filled with heightened tension.
Depending upon how the Nest is physically structured, it can also be used for chilling investigation scenes. A labyrinthine network of caves or sewers is a great backdrop for a slow and steady pursuit of a monster’s trail. In this case, the Nest itself can be a source of clues to not only track down the monster, but identify it. Sprawling Nests are also, however, a terrible gamble: what do hunters stand to gain by investigating a Nest? What happens if and when the monster returns unexpectedly?
The kind of lair a monster chooses should reflect its personality and nature. A Nest might reveal a monster’s weakness; if it’s light-sensitive, the area might be pitch black. If it can be weaked by fire, it might choose a swamp as its home. Savvy hunters will also notice Nests can provide hints about a monster’s capabilities. A cell might assume a monster acts solely on instinct, but then discovers a collection of stolen photographs hung carefully inside its cellar. Some monsters might even lead hunters to a false or fake Nest to protect their true home which, in turn, delays a cell’s ability to rescue victims.
No matter how a Nest is introduced, a monster’s lair is more than just a place; it’s a characterization of an antagonist the hunters are forced to deal with.
Neutralizing a Nest
The easiest way to neutralize a Nest is to ensure the monster never returns to it. Some hunters might bulldoze a dilapidated mansion to the ground or call in a favor from the chief of police. Others might pursue a monster back to its Nest, trap it inside, and then start a fire. Keep in mind that, unlike other types of mysterious places, Nests are not usually supernatural in nature. Once the monster is destroyed or dealt with, technically the Nest is no longer a hunter’s problem. Sometimes, however, driving a monster out of its lair can cause unforeseen complications. A monster survived the attack and targets the cell’s homes. A collapsed cave forces monsters to the surface where they attack joggers more frequently. Or, perhaps, the hunters missed the obvious: more than one monster called that Nest “home”, and now they are pouring out of a burning skyscraper, howling for blood.
Neutralized, damaged, or destroyed Nests may still be unsafe after the monster has left. A cave on the verge of collapse or a dump site full of toxic chemicals are both extremely hazardous. And, if an emptied Nest is in great condition, it could attract other, new monsters to move right in. Hunters might solve the problem by using fire, explosives, or demolition equipment, but that kind of outright destruction has its own set of complications. Abandoned places are usually owned by someone who can be bribed, cajoled, or convinced to look the other way. These details might seem tedious, but dealing with “real world consequences” are part of what keeps a hunter grounded.
A Nest’s physical structure and layout aren’t always apparent at first glance. Exploring an unknown, mysterious place can be difficult because monsters use their surroundings to their advantage. Tilts and Conditions, defined on page XX, offer Storytellers tools to customize their scenes by tying the Nest to the players.
Most of the time, a Nest possesses Environmental Tilts to reflect its hazardous or dangerous attributes. Say the hunters have tracked a living doll back to the 13th floor of a condemned apartment building; the floor’s narrow hallways are cluttered with ripped sofas, rusted bedframes, and broken chairs. In this Nest, the doll can move freely and intuitively to stab victims between holes in the furniture. The hunters, unfortunately, caught in the doll’s trap have trouble maneuvering. In this example, a Storyteller might choose the Detritus and Tight Tilts to reflect the terrain.
Conditions are also a great tool for Storytellers to leverage provided they fit the scene. Picture a looming figure in a gas mask that takes up residence in a chemical factory. In this Nest, the Storyteller decides fumes inflict the Nauseated Condition on anyone who breathes the factory’s toxic air. Then, after intruders have been weakened (e.g. suffering from the Nauseated Condition), the monster lunges to attack.
Creating a Nest
Creating a Nest is a two-step process that can either occur before a chronicle begins or between sessions.
Step One: Develop a Concept
Who lives here? When creating a Nest, Storytellers should have a clear idea which monster will be occupying it. The Nest should either suit that monster in some way, or be intentionally devised to thwart the hunters and force them to rethink what they know. In many ways, the Nest is representative of the monster in your chronicle. Think about the tone and mood you’re trying to exude in your chronicle and, when appropriate, how the Nest offers hunters clues about their prey. Example: A man-eating crocodile slithers in a subway station that has been closed for maintenance. It has punctured sewage pipes with its sharp claws; the murky water covers the tunnel walls, masking the scent of blood, making clean-up crews nauseous.
What are the Nest’s physical traits? After deciding where the Nest will be, focus on the “what”. Flesh out details that offer hunters clues and warnings. Example: A shambling figure hides in a city park, where the thick trees and overgrown brush hides its every step. Broken twigs and branches reveal signs that something is hiding in the park, but it isn’t until a group of hunters discovers a set of muddy human-sized paw prints they realize they’ve got their hands full.
What is the site’s history? Nests represent physical locations in the real world and, as such, many of them possess a history. Details hunters uncover in the present can shed light into the past. Developing the Nest’s backstory is another way for hunters to investigate an area and lead them to a more successful confrontation with the monster. Example: A ghost haunts a convenience store. The land that store was built on, however, used to belong to a murdered family the ghost was sworn to protect in life.
Step Two: Assign Tilts and/or Conditions
Storytellers may, at their discretion, assign Tilts and Conditions to the Nest. It is strongly recommended that these rules are attached to the Nest before gameplay, and not during a tense scene. The Storyteller should consider:
Physical Attributes: What are the Nest’s physical, identifiable features? What effects might those have on hunters?
Circumstances Used: When using Tilts or Conditions, sketch a scene where they might be used. Is the entire Nest full of slime and rotting garbage? Or, have they hunters discovered a bloody pit filled with the bones of a monster’s victims?
Example: Megan is creating a Nest for a horror in her game, a slimy, amphibious humanoid creature. Its Nest is located in the water-logged tunnels of a storm sewer. She decides to give the Nest the Tight and Viscous Tilts, to represent the narrow passages and the thick, slippery muck filling most of the tunnels. She briefly considers also using the Filthy Tilt, but decides that keeping track of the potential for open wounds will slow down the scene too much when combined with the other Tilts.
There is no set number of Tilts or Conditions that should be applied to a Nest. Less, however, is usually more. To avoid overwhelming players, select one or two Conditions or Tilts to add some narrative heft to a scene. Often, a Nest’s terrain is best reflected by Tilts. The determination and usage of the rules in a session, however, are at the discretion of the Storyteller.
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overclicked · 7 years
Staring at the Sun
MicroWriMo 2017 Prompt: Compliment Fandom: Horizon Zero Dawn Pairing: Aloy x Vanasha  Words: 1499 ---
There had been no shortage of challenges in Aloy’s life, especially lately, what with her mysterious new ally Sylens, the fragile peace in Meridian and the looming threat of Hades.  Yet somehow none of that seemed to hold a candle to the decision facing her this morning.
“What about this one?” she asked, pointing to the stalker lens shimming on the sunlit rock.  The overridden Watcher companion she’d nicknamed “Blinky” stared at the lens for a moment before looking back at her, just as blank and silent as before.
“Yeah, you’re probably right.”  Aloy shifted to a sitting position, looking at the other two treasures on her short list.  The second was a bright bracelet, a trinket of the Old Ones that shone silver and gold.  Aloy picked it up, feeling the smooth metal between her fingers, contemplating the strange images on its face and wondering what they meant.
“I don’t know,” she sighed, setting the bracelet down.  “It’s not like she needs any of this, really.  But what do you get for someone so...so...”  Blinky tilted its head curiously, the front plates over his aperture shifting upwards into an oddly human expression.  “...resourceful?” Aloy offered, not wanting to say any of the first dozen words that came to mind.
She sighed again and leaned her head in her hands, feeling the heat radiating off her cheeks.  This was so ridiculous.  She had taken on leagues of Shadow Carja, toppled a corrupted Behemoth, and even challenged Erend to a drinking contest.  This was nothing.
And yet every time she tried to think about how to even approach this challenge, her mind became a great, useless soup full of fluttery thoughts and second guesses. It was beginning to feel more than a little hopeless.  
Just as she picked up the last trinket, Blinky’s light shifted from blue to yellow and the watcher perked up, scanning something over Aloy’s shoulder.  She’d been so lost in her deliberation she hadn’t heard anyone approaching.  She was close to Meridian, so bandits weren’t much of a worry, but her hand instinctively reached for her spear all the same.
Vanasha chuckled, stopping short and holding up her hands in a halfhearted gesture of surrender.  “Whoa there, little huntress. It’s just me.”
Aloy’s pulse only quickened.  Vanasha was dressed in yet another new outfit - how she made them seem so effortless, Aloy would never know - and it did an alarmingly good job of drawing attention to the woman’s well-toned midsection.
Scrambling awkwardly to her feet, Aloy remembered too late to try and laugh off her own reaction.  “Sorry.  I’m still getting used to having a safe place where I don’t have to be so...”  Vanasha smiled, and Aloy lost whatever words she’d carefully gathered to finish that sentence.  Instead she gestured vaguely at the spear, looking to Blinky as if the machine might somehow help her out.  It only tilted its head in puzzlement.
“I understand,” Vanasha said, circling around Aloy to greet Blinky, rubbing the underside of what passed for its chin.  Blinky chittered eagerly, its light blinking back to a soft blue again instantly.
Aloy’s mind seized the momentary distraction to draw her attention back to the row of prizes she had laid out specifically to pick the best one to give to Vanasha.  She hadn’t even gotten around to figuring out a pretense for the present yet, she certainly wasn’t ready to field any questions about the items if Vanasha happened to notice them.  And Vanasha noticed everything.
“So, uh, what are you doing here?” she asked, taking a broad step closer to the woman to plant herself squarely between Vanasha and the collection of shiny trinkets.
“Well,” Vanasha purred, still doting on the watcher, “I was going to see if you were up for lunch by the lake, but then a little birdie told me that some Shadow Carja scouts had been spotted sniffing around Brightmarket, so I thought I’d ask if you were up for joining me to investigate.”  She stood up to her full height and finally turned her attention to Aloy with a look that made the Nora realize just how closely they were now standing.  “And then maybe lunch after.”
She smiled again and all Aloy’s carefully crafted responses ran into one another in one great jumbled mess.  “Sounds fun,” she managed at last.
Vanasha narrowed her eyes, her smile no less bright as it shifted to the fox-like grin Aloy had come to associate with the spymaster picking up on the scent of secrets in her midst.  She glanced down at Aloy’s hands, where Aloy was terrified to realize she was still holding the shining ring she had been considering among the other trinkets.  Panicked, she immediately hid it behind her back.
Vanasha laughed, stepping even closer to try and peek over Aloy’s shoulder.    “What have you got there, little huntress?”
“Nothing!” Aloy stammered, twisting about to try and keep her hands hidden behind her back.  Vanasha was so close it was intoxicating, leaving Aloy caught between wanting to flee and wanting to rush headlong into the promise of danger.
“All right,” Vanasha conceded, leaning back and holding up her hands again in a sign of surrender.  “I won’t press.”  She glanced down to spy the other trinkets on the ground, and Aloy could see her instantly connecting the dots.  “A gift for that special someone?”
“Sort...sort of.”  Aloy felt the heat roaring to her cheeks.  No doubt by now her face matched her hair, something Vanasha had teased her about more than once.
“Need any advice?”
Aloy froze, meeting Vanasha’s eyes.  The panic and worry over her feelings being discovered was suddenly replaced with a mixture of curiosity and worry.  Vanasha’s voice had taken a sudden turn, its playful brightness tinged by something like loss.  Vanasha, for just a moment, sounded wounded.  Aloy just couldn’t put her finger on exactly why.
Grateful for the excuse, she finally revealed the ring in her hands.  It was marred and colored by years atop the ruins of the Old Ones, but the damage only lent an added beauty to what was once a simple silver ring.  
“I, uh,” she stammered, slowly finding new strength in Vanasha’s sudden lack of confidence.  “I know someone.  And she’s...amazing.  Clever.  Funny.  Beautiful, like...like nothing I’ve ever seen.”
“And you’ve seen a lot,” Vanasha mused, unable to take her eyes off the ring.  That sad tinge to her voice remained despite her efforts to hide it.  Suddenly Aloy felt much more like a hunter again.
“Yeah, but...nothing like her.  I wanted to get her something, something that showed her how amazing I thought she was.  But she’s already so resourceful.  What do you get for the woman who can get anything?”
Vanasha looked up suddenly, searching Aloy’s eyes for meaning her words had teased at.  “Well,” Vanasha said, her eyes not leaving the Nora’s, “if she can get anything, then you need to get her something...priceless.”  
She took a step closer, cupping her hand under Aloy’s and raising it up to examine the ring without taking it.  Her touch was rougher than Aloy had been expecting, and she seemed to be spending more time inspecting Aloy’s hands than the ring in question.  “Like what?” Aloy finally managed, her tongue tripping all over the words.
“Something...strong,” Vanasha replied, “colorful, perhaps a little sharp, and certainly one of a kind.  Something that makes the Sun a little jealous it’s so far away.  Something no one else can have.”  Her eyes met Aloy’s again as they drew even closer.  “Something like...you.”
“Like me?” Aloy repeated, her eyes darting to Vanasha’s lips for just a moment, feeling her own part in anticipation.
“Is that too much to give?” Vanasha asked, tracing her fingers along Aloy’s palm.
“For her?” Aloy answered, feeling draw into the kiss like she were falling off a high mountain.  “Nothing is too much.”
“Hey Vanasha!” Erend called, clanking his way down the hill from the bridge in his Oseram armor.  “We goin’ or what?”
Aloy and Vanasha sighed, letting go the breath they’d both been holding.  Vanasha turned to Erend with a look that stopped the man cold in his tracks.  Aloy just chuckled, reaching down to pick up her spear.  “Yeah,” she said.  “We’re coming.”
Vanasha sighed again, staring at their hands still interwoven around the ring.  Aloy smiled, leaning in to dart a quick kiss before the urge completely left her. The look of surprise on Vanasha’s face filled her with laughter as she started off after Erend with Blinky not far behind.  “Come on!” she called.  “I don’t want to be late for our lunch date!”
Vanasha reached up to touch her cheek, watching the little Nora practically skip her way toward the bridge.  Her smile returned in force as she hurried after her, the two of them turning it into a race on their way to Brightmarket, leaving a very confused Erend in the dust along the way.
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miniparts-blog · 5 years
Techniques for How To Buy The most beneficial Classic Car You Need to know
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You may really desire a pristine E-type Jaguar as well as Bentley but unless you are able to pay a handsome quantity, then you will not get what you look for or the car are going to be not up to damage. The many tips on getting a modern car do apply but must be taken even further when thinking about buying a classic car. Consequently, getting the main hindrance, the money, out in the way, what else dictates the classic car you may wish? Well, unfortunately, in a great deal of circumstances the heart rules your head and the practicalities of owning and building a classic car may alter from what you anticipate. We will face it, modern cars are incredibly reliable, they start virtually immediately, they are cozy, relatively economical, are rapid, handle well, the brakes are generally spot-on, they have wonderful heaters, CD players - I could go on and on extolling their virtues though the real topic is acquiring older, classic cars. I don't need to put you off, but running an old car, especially if you wish to try to use a vintage car as an every day car, is totally dissimilar to running a modern auto. Stay In Your Afford Your Classic Car Invest in! Establish a budget your current paycheck can live using. Classic car restoration look rates are high, along with, if you buy a new fixer-upper, can force that you quickly exceed your finances on outside labor. It makes poor financial sense to shell out more on your Classic Car restoration as opposed to vehicle is worth. Consider how you wish to use the vehicle. There may be do not need find a "show condition" vehicle if it's going to your everyday car. Pertaining to classic car competitions, be sure you buy something with "all initial parts, " and a "show car" must be in pristine condition on the inside and out. Carefully look at what year, model and body style you really need to own. If you know the model you would like, narrow it down to a couple of specific years of your model's production. Generally, convertibles will be more desirable than hard surfaces. Due Diligence... Do Your current Homework! Keep in mind that excellent does NOT necessarily mean the auto is in mint issue. IE A beat way up, rusted, 60s Cuda convertible will surely have a bad engine nevertheless be worth $600, 000! Know the classic you would like, and research what "problem areas" your vehicle may have and check if your problem has been settled. Just because a auto is rare, doesn't necessarily mean it's desirable or important. Interior and exterior coloring, drive train, options, and a lot of other factors all have a very large bearing on the significance of a Classic Auto. Thoroughly research the Net, price guides, car demonstrates and car clubs. Many cities have their unique small car shows and car clubs that could be both fun and helpful. Collectors and dealers whom show and sell their cars there wish to talk shop all morning. Talk to these basic cars experts, as all owners love to discuss their cars. They will happily show you all the positives and negatives of owning a basic. Lastly, don't forget the excellent, old Internet for wonderful resources for classic auto pricing and values similar to Big Fuel Garage's site!Dependent upon which model you could possibly go for, there will be the everyday driving experience. Not everyone will need what you buy or drive - a lot of people will view you using suspicion, as though you are a certain amount of an odd-ball. They will certainly cut you up, they will tailgate you and have no clue what you are driving all of which will not show you just about any courtesy. You may also need to get used to not having the capacity to use regular unleaded gasoline.  Should you loved this information and you would want to receive more information relating to Mini Body Panels kindly visit our page. Many British-built cars in the 60's, 70's s Documentation is vital to establish current price and to pass onto the next owner if/when you may sell your Classic Auto. Is the car registered to the present seller, or is not registered in any respect? DMV fees and penalties can be be extremely costly. Check to make certain all the numbers go with! IE Is the engine code befitting the engine currently inside car? The vehicle detection number is coded using engine size, transmission variety, body style, etc. Will be the engine and drive prepare original and intact as well as has it been revised? If the current engine is not one which came directly from your factory, it can devalue the auto. Get A Used Vehicle Report Online! What state has this specific car been registered throughout? This makes a big difference because, if the roadways were salted when the idea snowed, salt causes deterioration . and rust, which feeds metal like cancer. Naturally, whenever possible, it's always far better to buy cars from states which has a dry climate, which won't have a rust or deterioration . problem. Rust can always be repaired, but it have to be done by a specialized body man with oxidation repair experience. An Internet used vehicle history report for the car will assure you it will never be stolen and reveal what number of previous owners the auto had. You may have to switch your driving style to match the idiosyncrasies of selecting car and maybe need used to getting your hands dirty plus a bit of unreliability. It usually is worth investing some time on attending a vehicle repair course at any local college or understanding someone who is a mechanic or possibly a bit 'handy' with auto repairs. It can be quite best for join a car team and forum. Many invaluable tips and ideas can be purchased from these knowledgeable men and women. Look Before You Start! Take your job while Car Inspector seriously. Should you have a friend, have them feature you, as a second opinion is quite valuable. Always try to watch the car outdoors, throughout natural sunlight. Shadows can hide serious flaws systems and paint job. Start by systematically checking the car's system for obvious flaws. If you open the car entrance doors, check to see whenever they sag. Look carefully along each side for symptoms of damage. Check out the seam gaps relating to the doors and hood to make certain they are straight. IE Could you roll a marble along them smoothly? If you simply can't, the car has almost certainly had body damage along with been repaired. Pay close care about inside the door quickly pull area, down at the threshold sill plate, and the rear quarter panels for just about any signs of welding and also other repair work, to see if your car has been attached. Check underneath the car for rust and search inside the wheel wells. Inspect inside the start area, looking closely below the place that the rear window meets your package tray, as these are the commonest areas for rust. Expect somewhat rust on an elderly car, but complete sections involving floor boards or system panels welded in is never an excellent. Unless repaired by an experienced body man, odds are generally, it will probably oxidation again. All parts are certainly not Created Equal! Parts availability is important. Check websites and journals for parts sources for ones vehicle. Abundant reproduction goods, along with new as well as used original items, could make a car restoration project less difficult. Depending on the age and make of the car the price tag on repairs can vary drastically. The more common the auto, the better prices and availability you'll find for parts. Make a "parts checklist" for yourself before heading to view Classic Autos. IE Check that the engine will be the correct one. Check pertaining to leaks or stains via coolant and/or oil, donned belts and rusted battery pack trays. Check the trolley wheels and tires. Are the wheels original and they are they damaged? Are the tires bald or fresh? Check for the give up tire and jack - are they original? Beauty it isn't just skin deep! Check your car's Interior thoroughly way too. Are the seats along with upholstery original? Are the many original badges and emblems present and authentic? Original seats and emblems can be be extremely hard to replace in many of the older classic cars. Include the dash board and equipment intact, or has it been cut into on an aftermarket radio? Check the carpeting for water stains that could point to rusted out and about floor pans. Does your upholstery look intact? Really does the VIN plate search original or tampered using? Write down a report on all problems, so that one could research the cost involving fixing them later. Many owners spend their money on the serp, at the expense in the interior. Interior trim pieces are tough to discover, so you want one inside best condition possible. Try When you Buy! Set a date to watch your Classic Car at the two seller and your benefit. The trick is to watch the car quickly, yet without appearing way too eager (IE Am i allowed to come over right currently? )#) or too far down the road (because the car could possibly be sold by then). The initial step for every driver should be to "start your engines! " Most muscle cars need to stay warm, and are difficult to get started on when the engine can be cold. Open the engine, get in, pump the gas a couple of times and turn the essential. If the engine doesn't start in 5 seconds, turn the idea off, wait 10 additional seconds and try yet again. If it doesn't start by the 2nd or finally time... Houston, we find it difficult. If/when you get your engine running, how does the auto sound when you give it a somewhat gas? Does it rev smoothly and is also the power instant? What makes the car react if you apply the brake? Should it slow down smoothly? Emerge and check under the hood to view if the radiator supporter is spinning smoothly plus the belts aren't squealing. Make certain that the engine idles pretty evenly also. Now for the hind end. Check the exhaust being subtracted from the tail pipes. Cautious strange smells on the outside of the car? There should be no dark smoke released, which would indicate leaking oil inside engine or worse. Take the auto for a test drive of at the least 20 minutes, as most serious problems can become apparent by then. Look for a test drive course that permits both slow and rapid driving, stopping and quickly moving, straights and turns. Listen for virtually any noises, squeaks, clunks and all sounds. How does the auto feel going around sides and over bumps? Is it loose as well as does the suspension "groan" like it'll need some repairs? Does the auto drive in a direct line, or pull to a single side? Do you notice just about any strange odors inside the car if it's running? Do all the lining accessories work. After you take the auto back and turn off of the engine. Does it create any strange noises? Make sure you take nots, making a directory of all things you found, heard, smelled and felt through the car during your test drive! Now is the time for it to ask all your questions in the seller too. Inquire if there just about any spare parts or tools that is included in your Classic Car invest in. Most sellers have further parts they never got around to donning the car. Always request the owner include all the original car parts that they can took off to place on aftermarket parts. You may also need to get used to not having the capacity to use regular unleaded gasoline. Many British-built cars in the 60's, 70's & early 80's was required to run on leaded fuel (the little lead acts as a new lubricant) so now while using unavailability of leaded fuel an additive may have to be used, especially in case you drive a fair distance. The valve seats were created from a softer metal and deficiency of lead in the gasoline recedes the valve seats and an absence of compression results - possibly even I'm told! You can get some work done to switch the valve seats but this is expensive depending on selecting classic car. Buying a Classic Car is generally a large investment and must be treated as such. Get all the specifics concerning that particular car Before heading to view it and will also be much better off when negotiating the final cost. Be sure to purchase proper insurance and still have protected storage available. Collector Car insurance policy is the cheapest selection (see our article on Collector Car insurance policy). Once you own a vintage, you will enter an entirely new world full involving Classic Car lovers... delightful to. website
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“Better Hands” - Part 2
“Better Hands” - Part 2
Part 1 - Here   
My Masterlist - Here
Leonard “Bones” McCoy x Reader
Word Count: 3693
Key: Y/N = Your Name, L/N = Your Last Name, H/C = Your Hair Color, E/C = Your Eye Color
Warnings: Talk of Abuse, Mentions of Abusive Ex, Cursing, Talk of Injuries,
Summary: After being in an abusive relationship, you have been able to turn your life around thanks to the help of the team. But when you have to go back to your ex for some of your things, some shit goes down.
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Author’s Note: So this is my first Star Trek piece and I’m super fuckin nervous about it. I’m not a huge Trekkie, but I am a fan of the newer films. Those are what I base my fics off of unless stated otherwise. But yeah, I hope you enjoy!
If you would like to be tagged in any of my future pieces (All Works, Specific Fandoms, or Specific Multi-Parts), please let me know! And as always, feedback is greatly appreciated!
- DreaSaurusREX
Tags: @goodnightwife @theeactress @the-witching-hours12-3 @amyapathetic @pokeharvest @iwillstaywiththemforever 
His grip was tighter than you thought possible. The cuts were deep and your body screamed where he kept punching and kicking you. You couldn’t do anything. You were too weak to fight back or even try to call for help. But you tried.
You managed to get one little squeak out of your vocal chords before they were clamped shut by the same grip that had your arm moments earlier. You clawed and struggled to breathe as you looked at the face of your ex looming over you. Whatever he was saying was muffled as everything became darker and darker.
You shot up out of bed and reached for your throat before jolting from the pains of the real cuts and bruises that littered your body. It was just a nightmare. At least that beating was. You looked at your alarm clock and read 7AM, only 15 minutes before you had to really get up. But there was no point in trying to go back to sleep, so you got up and tried to get ready for the day.
You went into your bathroom and opened the medicine cabinet and searched for a specific medicine, one that would help ease the pain even a little bit. You found a generic pain killer and took two before going to the kitchen and putting a bagel in the toaster.
“I guess I’ll be wearing long sleeves for awhile now.” You muttered to yourself as you found a suitable shirt to go along with some looser fitting pants and your boots. As you were finishing up lacing your boots, your communicator rang.
“(Y/L/N) speaking.”
“Mornin’, lass. You don’t have to come to the office first thing. I need you to get your tools and head to that troublesome pipe in the lower section. It’s goin’ haywire again. You know what to do.” You could hear him walking somewhere, probably another pipe. Usually went one went, another nearby would be next.
“Sounds good, Scotty. I’ll let you know when I finish up there. Stay safe.”
“You too, (Y/N).” And with that, your com clicked off. You gathered your tools in a bag, grabbed your bagel, and headed to the elevator to take you to the lower section. Hopefully the painkillers would kick in soon.
It turned out that it wasn’t the pipe that was messed up, but one of the scanners that was connected to it. You hated scanners. They were more complicated to fix than they should be, but you had to do it. You were on com with Scotty and told him the problem.
“Try your best to get it back up and running. I’ll head over and help. See you in a few.” Scotty was better at this than you, but you did have to at least try.
You knew that you needed to cut a section off and replace it, but in order to do so, you had to use a very sharp knife. Pulling it from your bag, you got to work. You were weaker today thanks to the various injuries on your torso and arms. You tried to put more force into the knife but ended up slipping, hitting your shoulder against the wall, and dropping the knife. You had hit your shoulder right on a bruise and a nasty cut. Just my fuckin luck.
The other tools fell to the floor as you somehow grabbed the knife from mid-air. You did however grab it by the blade side instead of the handle, which caused you to flinch and drop it again. You were leaning down to pick up your tools when you heard footsteps quickly coming down the hall and stopping in front of you. It was Scotty.
“(Y/N)! You okay, lassie?” You were going to respond when you saw his gaze go to your hand. You looked down and saw that you were bleeding, bad. The next thing you knew, you blacked out.
The sterile white walls reflected the overhead light and caused you to squint your eyes as you woke up. You groaned in pain as you tried to sit up. You were up on your elbows when a pair of familiar hands where on your shoulders, helping you slowly get into a seated position.
“Hey! Slowly, darlin’.” Your eyes adjusted to see the calming face of Leonard. Apparently Scotty had called for a med team to come and get you. “Didn’t know you were that queasy around blood, (Y/N).” He sort of joked as he handed you a cup of water.
“Yeah, I didn’t know either.” In all honesty, it was probably a mix of the pain from the injuries all over your body, the new one in your hand, and the sight of blood. Overstimulation.
“(Y/N), what the hell happened? Scotty said he didn’t see what happened, just the blood and you passing out.” You explain to him that you lost your grip on a piece of equipment, hit your shoulder really hard and dropped your knife tool. Not thinking too much, you reached to grab the falling knife and ended up grabbing it by the blade and sliced your hand open before dropping it again along with the rest of your tools.
“I didn’t know about your shoulder. Are you okay? Let me talk a look at it.” You flinched away from him when he reached out and almost touched you. You knew how bad the injuries from yesterday were, and you really didn’t want to worry him.
“It’s fine. I’m fine. It’s just a bruise probably. I really need to get back to work. Am I allowed to do that.”
“Yeah. I guess. Just be extra careful today. Don’t strain anything. If I hear from Scotty that you’re overworking yourself, I will personally walk my ass down there and make you clock out early.” You knew he was serious, so you just nodded and turned to leave.
He grabbed your uninjured hand and turned you to face him again. “Hey. I love you, darlin’. You know I’m just worried about you.”
He really was, and you knew that. You knew that he would never hurt you in any way. You nodded your head and pulled him down into a kiss. It wasn’t long, but it wasn’t short either. It was just enough of everything to be reassuring to both of you and make you both forget about the world for a moment. When you pulled away, you rested your forehead against his.
“I know you are just looking out for me. And you know how much I love and appreciate you for it. I will try my best to be safe.” He kissed you once more, this one a bit quicker than the last before letting you go.
As you were heading out, he called out to you. “(Y/N)! Dinner. 6 o’clock. My place.” You smiled a big, true smile, before nodding and heading back to work.
Later on, you finally finish work even though Scotty made it almost impossible for you to do anything. He was too worried about you injuring yourself more. You were more of his assistant that his equal after this injury. But you knew it was just temporary.
It was 5:30PM. Finally time to clock out. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t exhausted. You ended up overworking yourself a bit, like usual, but Scotty didn’t notice.
You had just enough time to head back to your room, drop off your stuff and change before meeting Leonard for dinner. So you said your goodbyes to Scotty and took the lift to your floor. Once there, you carefully stripped out of your uniform and put on a dress you had recently bought. It would me a nice surprise for Lee. You looked in the mirror and saw the nasty bruises that covered your upper arms. Sighing, you reached for a cardigan.
“I can at least push the sleeves up to my elbows and say these bruises are from work.” You thought out loud as you fixed yourself. You looked at your watch and saw it was 5:50. Time to head to Lee’s.
Dinner was fantastic, as usual. Not many people knew how great of a cook Leonard was. All they saw was a sarcastic asshole with a short fuse. But you knew him better than anyone.
The two of you talked about having you spend the night. And while you were worried about him seeing your injuries, you agreed. You could just wear one of his long sleeved shirts and your sweatpants that you left here. After your discussion, you got up and tried to help with the dishes afterwards but got a look from Leonard.
“(Y/N)? What are you doing? Go sit down and relax.” He had a smile on his face. He truly loved being with you alone and just living outside of the medbay.
“I am helping you with the dishes, even if all I can do is dry them.” You picked up a plate and tried to dry it when his hand found yours. You looked up and met his eyes.
“(Y/N). Go relax. Or am I gonna have to pick you up and make you go sit down?” The thought of him picking you up hurt. It would definitely push on all the wrong spots. So you gave in, but tried to be playful about it.
“Fine. I’m going to go shower then. I feel disgusting after work today.” He smiled in response and leaned down to kiss you. He put an arm around your waist and felt you tense up. He instantly pulled back and was worried.
“What happened? You okay?” He held onto the tops of your arms, getting another flinch out of you. He quickly pulled his hands off and got even more worried.
“I’m fine! Sorry. I just am really sore after today and yesterday. Lots of heavy lifting and muscle work. I guess my body isn’t used to it quite yet.” You put your hand on his cheek and kissed him once more. “I think a shower may help. Movie after I get out?”
He just nodded his head yes as he carefully looked over you, obviously still worried. You smiled at him and tried to give him a reassuring gaze before turning and heading to the shower. Time to tackle this obstacle.
You’re thankful that the water doesn’t hurt as bad as it did yesterday when the cuts were fresh. That being said, it still hurt like a bitch. You did your best to stay quiet, but when you moved your arm to try to rinse your hair, it must have reopened a wound. There was a sudden intense pain that shot through your entire arm and torso, causing you let out a sharp yelp. You covered your mouth, as if that was going to somehow erase the noise and prevent you from audibly crying cause of the continuing pain.
You knew the Lee most likely heard, and your thought was right. Within seconds of your yelp, there was a knock at the bathroom door.
“Darlin’? You okay? I heard something.” You had to try to steady your breathing enough to respond.
“Yeah. I’m fine. Just sore-” You were going to continue but stopped because your voice cracked. You knew what was going to happen next. Time for him to find out what’s actually going on.
As soon as Leonard heard your voice waiver, he opened the door. He hasn’t come in the shower yet, and can’t see you thanks to the opaque shower door. You’ve seen each other naked before, and you were comfortable around each other. You tried to talk again.
“Lee, I’m okay. I am. Just go back to whatever you were doing.” He knew something was wrong and he couldn’t let it pass by. You voice had cracked again and he could tell you weren’t okay, no matter how many times you said you were.
You heard him undressing and got so scared. What was he going to say about the cuts and bruises? He was going to get mad. Its Len we’re talking about, he has a short temper. Just breathe. Maybe he won’t be mad. But what if?
The shower door opened and closed quickly so the cold air wouldn’t get in. You prepared yourself for his shouting. But instead there was silence.
You were facing away from him, trying your hardest not to cry loudly. Because you were facing the other way, you didn’t see his face. It was one of pure worry and fear. He saw a massive series of bruised that trailed from your upper arms to your ribs and stomach. There were tiny cuts in various spots, but then there was one massive one trailing from your left shoulder, all the way down to the middle of your back. It needed the most attention out of all of the injuries.
He gently inspected the wounds. Once he finished looking at your back, he turned you around, looked over you for a few seconds, trying to see the severity of the cuts and bruising. You just cried. You lost it.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Lee. I just… I--” He gently pulled you into his arms and very lightly ran his fingertips up and down your back.
“Shhh. It’s alright, darlin’. You had your reasons. Just focus on breathing right now. We’ll get you patched up. You’re safe.”
It had to have been a good 20 minutes before you could stop crying. Leonard helped you get the last of the conditioner out of your hair, being gentler than you thought possible.
“I gotta clean out these cuts, okay? It’s gonna hurt a bit.” You just nodded your head up and down, too tired to talk any right now. He started to wash out the big cut down your spine.
To say it hurt, was an understatement. As soon as he touched the wound, you grabbed for his hand without thinking too much. He held your hand in one hand while he continued to clean all of your injuries. He felt you squeezing his hand and felt bad for having to make you hurt more than you already did.
“I know. I’m sorry, darlin’. I’m trying to be quick with this. You’re doing good.” You couldn’t help the tears that flowed out of your eyes. They were because of the pain, and Leonard knew that.
It took about 5 minutes of cleaning and re-inspecting until he turned off the water and grabbed your towel, helping you wrap in around yourself. Then he grabbed his own and went to go get your pajamas. He came back less than a minute later with a pair of his sweatpants and a long sleeve, saything that they were bigger and would be roomier. You gladly took them and had him help you get dressed.
He quickly put some sleep pants on before helping you into bed. He sat you down and kneeled in front of you and took your hands in his. He could feel you shaking and it broke his heart.
“I’m going to have to close that nasty one on your back. If I don’t, it’s going to keep ripping and get even worse. I know it’s gonna hurt, but I gotta do it, darlin’.” He looked at you with a protective gaze. You knew he was right.
“Okay.” You managed to say, even though it came out very hoarse and quiet. He gave your hands a squeeze and kissed your head as he went into the other room.
Leonard had a feeling he knew what caused these injuries. He knew it wasn’t work. Scotty would never put you in something intensely dangerous. He pulled out his comm and made sure he was out of earshot and even then whispered.
“James. I need you to look into Tim. I have a feeling he lashed out again.” his voice was protective and angry.
“How do you--” James tried to ask, but was cut off by Leonard’s anger.
“(Y/N) is with me, covered in not only bruises, but cuts too. One big enough that I now have to stitch her up. So go get your ass along with two security officers down to that room and bust his sorry ass. Make sure he is thankful that he’s dealing with you three and not me.” James had seen Leonard angry, but this is a new form of anger. He knew better than to mess with it.
“Alright. I will let you know when he’s taken care of.” Leonard didn’t say anything else, just hung up. He took a couple seconds to gather himself and grab the first aid kit before heading back to you.
You had somehow gotten yourself to lay on your side, knowing that your back would need to be exposed for him to work. He came up beside you and put a hand on your waist.
“I’m gonna need to you lay on your stomach. Can you do that?” You nodded your head and slowly shifted yourself and the pillows so you were comfortable but did what he needed. He pulled the shirt up and had you hold it so he could have a clear space. He kept you informed as to what he was doing and when. He knew that comforted you whenever you had to get any sort of medical exam done.
He finished stitching the cut on your back, but now needed to take care of the part that was on your shoulder. To do so, he had to help you sit up and take the shirt mostly off. Enough so he could get to the gash. Now that he was in front of you instead of behind, you decided to tell him what happened.
“Lee?” Your voice was a only a bit louder than a whisper.
“Mhmm?” He was in full doctor mode. Focused on properly stitching the last of the cut.
“None of these are from work.”
“Well I should hope not. If they were, Scotty would be in a coma right now.” He smiled to let you know he was joking, you gave a small smile in return but then faltered when you thought about what you were going to tell him. But before you could say much, he cut you off.
“I know these are from Tim.” You just looked at him in shock and confusion.
“How?” He sighed before talking while stitching.
“When we first met, it was right after one of his beatings. Scotty brought you in and I helped you heal from those. These are similar to the past ones, but with the addition of the cuts. The bruising is the same though. And the only person who would try to take you down like this is that fuckin asshat.”
You both just sat there in silence for a few moments. He finished stitching and was putting a sort of gel over the stitches that was supposed to help it heal faster. You decided to speak up.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I thought you would be upset.” Now it was his turn to be confused.
“I thought you would be upset that I wasn’t strong enough to handle him or that I didn’t tell you or James or even Scotty about going to face him. I thought I was strong enough but I was just stupid and I should have--” You couldn’t get anything else out because you were forced into a kiss. Leonard knew that this was one of the sure fire ways of getting you to stop talking. When he pulled away, he looked at you with nothing but love.
“(Y/N). I could never be upset at you. You are strong. Maybe not as physically strong as some people, but you have grown and gotten so much better since the moment I met you. Yes, I think you should have told one of us what was going on. But I also understand why you didn’t.” You started crying again. But this time, they were happy tears. You were so thankful to have someone like Leonard in your life. He was everything you dreamed of and more. He moved his hands to your cheeks and tried his best to wipe away the tears.
“Darlin’, why are you crying? You’re gonna make me cry.” This got a laugh out of you, and he chuckled too but you could see him actually getting a bit teary eyed.
“That would be a sight to see.” He looked down, but you brought his gaze back up and kissed him again. This time with more everything. You both got lost in your own world until you tried to lay down and pull him with you. This caused another sharp pain to rip through your body. He instantly got up and went to get some sort of injection.
“This’ll help.” It was supposed to be a pain killer mixed with a small sleep aid. “As much as I’d love to keep going, you need to rest and heal. I’ll be here with you though. Every step of the way.” He paused before adding something else. “And I want you to stay here until you get back to a normal working ability.” You smirked at him.
“Are you sure it’s to keep an eye on me or is it for personal benefits?” He settled in bed next to you and put his arm around you while you cuddled up next to him.
“Maybe a bit of both.” You felt his chuckle rumble through his chest as you playfully hit him. He just leaned down and kissed the top of your head.
“Get some rest, darlin’. You’re in better hands now.”
You settled yourself against his chest and felt the medicine kicking in as your eyes grew heavier and heavier. You were out within minutes, Leonard wasn’t too far from sleep himself. He took one more look at you, making sure your were comfortable before he kissed your forehead and relaxed.
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melodylandmouse · 7 years
Last week I think? Pom brought up that they had read something about lawyers jogging to help with anxiety and that they could see Benny doing that which I heckin’ LOVED the idea of, so I went out and read a thing about lawyers also meditating to help with stress, so all of that combined with the already existent headcanon of mine that Benny is made of pipe cleaners and duct tape (read: flimsy as all heck) resulted in me writing this little ditty.
Just a shortish one-shot that I’ve been calling “Benny Jogs to Taco Bell” even though a more accurate title would be something along the lines of:
“Benny Tries to Run from his Problems but is Harshly Reminded that he is his Own Problem Most of the Time (also Oliver is there)”
Contains fluff, doctors doing doctor things, and lots of robots being robotic. Rated PG-13 tops probably, fic below the cut, rip mobile users. 1800 words. Not the best thing I’ve ever written, but I still like it, so enjoy. I don’t think there’s any applicable trigger warnings since they’re all robots?
Of all the unusual sights in Toontown, a backstabber booking it around the courtyard of Lawbot Headquarters before a trial was not one of them.
“There he goes,” buzzed a Spin Doctor to a Big Wig, both Lawbots’ glares following the lesser cog as he jogged by the entryway. He very nearly tripped over an invading toon on his way by, but he was too busy and she too stunned for them to engage.
The Big Wig scoffed and shook his head. “This case will not even be a challenge. I almost pity that shopkeeper.”
“Agreed. The rabbit would have been better off being represented by a pile of scrap he picked up off the street,” the Doctor added, turning his nose up. As they continued on their way to the courtroom, their sneers nearly turned to cruel smiles.
Benedict heard none of this. His focus was inward even as he nearly ran over that cat by the entryway. He didn't think about his ill-fated defense, didn't think about that openly-mocking prosecutor, and certainly didn't think about what was going to happen to his defendant when he inevitably lost this case… He had already taken the time to hope that some toons would be in the jury, and now he had ten minutes of nothing but last minute preparations before he needed to be in court, unless he wanted to be late to being thirty minutes early for the trial.
He had tried taking these ten minutes to update his will and say some hopeless prayers in the past, and therefore knew firsthand that this was a better way to spend his limited time. He kept his eyes forward, watching the floor ahead of him to make sure he didn't trip or run over anything, holding his pace at a brisk jog. Any faster and he'd be putting unnecessary stress on his systems. Any slower, and he wouldn't need to concentrate on keeping said systems in check. This way, he could just feel his pistons pumping at a constant rate, just focus on getting his oil flowing to every limb, just listen over the mostly deadened noise of his engine to the dull whir of his fans and bellows working to keep his components cool and clear, and of course just plunk, CRASH!
Benny didn't even have time to register that something had happened before he was on the ground in a dazed heap. That hadn't felt very good...
He groaned and sat up easily enough… He hadn't detected anything wrong before he had gone down, so perhaps it had just been some imperfection on the completely smooth and level flooring that had made him slip up…? He started to get up slowly, and discovered the problem almost immediately when his left knee buckled under pressure. He was sure he could hear something grinding in there, and, even worse, something rattling around further down his leg whenever he moved it. He winced. ‘Scrap...’
Rather than trying that again, he deployed his propeller, the blades whirling above his head just quick enough to get him off the ground and upright. He cautiously lowered himself; he could still control that leg despite the knee being what he could only describe as dislocated, so maybe... Yes, it could still support his weight so long as he didn't put too much on it. The moment he tried to bend it to walk, however, he nearly ended up on the ground again.
After several minutes of cautious experimentation that left him gritting his teeth, Benny was finally heading towards the courtroom with a stiff limp. So long as he kept that leg locked straight, it would support him long enough to take quick steps. Sure that rattling sound was attracting some stares, but it wasn’t like that was particularly unusual. He was used to ignoring them, and so just kept his eyes ahead and flew over the stairs rather than climbing them. He’d just have to make sure he stood in one spot during the trial, and hope his rhetoric was strong enough to keep everyone’s attention on his defense...
He was about to duck hurriedly into the courtroom when someone seized him by the elbow on his injured side and started dragging him in the opposite direction. Benny yelped as his leg was knocked out of its locked position by the sudden movement, but the grip on his arm made sure he stayed upright. “What do you think you’re—” His indignant remark was abruptly cut off when he looked up and saw a familiar Spin Doctor glancing down at him.
“Silence. You have the time,” Oliver said firmly, guiding Benny around the corner to one of the marble benches lining the hallway. It was quieter over here without the noise of all those other Lawbots shuffling into the courtroom. The Spin Doctor set to work the moment the Backstabber was sitting, bending the malfunctioning leg experimentally.
The grinding and rattling still made Benny grimace. “How come you weren’t in the courtroom already?”
“I was coming to look for you. You were late,” Oliver explained. He already had Benny’s leg open, the small bolts that had been holding the exterior plates together each falling victim to a simple twirl of Oliver’s fingers.
Benny watched Oliver work with almost morbid fascination; his favorite Spin Doctor hadn’t wanted to be a mechanic at first, but that hadn’t stopped him from becoming so well practiced at his job that Benny couldn’t even feel him plucking bolts and poking around his internal structures. “Only relatively,” he said defensively, but it had little bite to it. “And now I suppose you know why.”
Oliver frowned, reaching down into his leg. “I’ve already called Jennifer.” He pulled out a particularly large screw from the bottom of Benny’s leg and showed it to him.
Benny groaned. “Oh no, that really wasn’t necessary!”
“This is a support screw, Benedict, an important one. If the other falls out, this joint is worthless,” Oliver growled, nudging Benny’s nearly useless leg for emphasis. Benny flinched, glancing stubbornly off to the side. “You insist on jogging even though you know your structure cannot safely handle the strain. I am finished waiting around for you to break down every time you take a case, so Jennifer is going to get you some better parts and you are going to sit still long enough for us to install them.”
“So that’s why you keep sitting in on all my clients’ trials.”
Oliver carefully replaced the fallen screw, spinning it back into place with a flick of his precise fingers. “It is one of the many reasons.”
Benny couldn’t help but smile. He glanced back over and saw Oliver looking up at him expectantly. He slowly bent his leg. Oliver studied the working parts carefully, then stood up straight and offered Benny his hand. Benny used it for leverage, and stretched his legs. Satisfied that he wouldn’t fall apart mid-trial, Oliver closed the plates over his leg again.
“Thank you.”
“Just take things slow until I can get a better look.”
“I’ll do my best,” Benny promised with a small chuckle.
The pair headed back towards the trial, Benny’s hand on Oliver’s shoulder.
“Are you sure this is an ‘improvement’?”
It was the most skeptical expression both Oliver and the Micromanager standing next to him had ever seen on a Backstabber who happened to be doing lunges in circles around them.
“Beggars can’t be choosers, Ben,” replied Jennifer, the Micromanager. “Sellbot parts are the easiest to get even without considering that any other make would have to be imported.”
“They will do,” Oliver added firmly.
Benny stood up straight and looked distastefully down at his legs. They looked exactly the same on the outside, but inside they were all but entirely different. Oliver, with Jennifer’s assistance, had spent several hours working on fitting the barely compatible legs of a Two-Face chassis into Benny’s frame without damaging any parts. It was fortunate that Oliver had been up to the challenge, or else the upgrade may not have worked; although they were the correct size, fitting all of Benny’s modified parts in and around them in a way that wouldn’t cause any problems in the foreseeable future had caused some anticipated difficulty. Oliver was rather proud of his work, and knew that Benny really did appreciate the effort, so he didn’t mind quite as much when the Backstabber had scowled at the concept of having Sellbot insignias engraved into almost every part of his lower chassis.
“I believe you,” Benny said, raising his hands in surrender. “I’m just saying that I’m pretty sure that going from high quality Lawbot engineering to this is more of a downgrade in general.”
Oliver and Jennifer exchanged a look, but neither was about to remind him that he hadn’t been built with quite the same integrity as other Lawbots.
“I’ll admit it, I do not disagree with you there,” Jennifer said instead, pulling a pair of sunglasses from a pocket inside her suit. “But considering that you can jog to your heart’s content now, I wouldn’t look a gift horse in the gags on this one. Take care, Ben, Oliver.”
“Take care,” Oliver replied as she took her leave. Benny just hummed, lost in thought. Oliver gave him a look. “What is it?”
Benny looked over at him, thinking about the new parts. And more specifically, how Jennifer had probably gotten her hands on them... None of them was overly troubled when it came to finances, but brand new Sellbot replacement parts, especially chassis components, were not cheap. She certainly had not resorted to petty theft to get them for him, at least not in the traditional sense, but that wasn’t reassuring. He had seen the alternatives land many cogs and toons alike in much deeper trouble than simple crime would have. “Nothing you need to worry about,” Benny said with a reassuring smile.
Oliver knew that look all too well. That affectionate sort of smile that he had seen older toons give their younger counterparts... He found it endearing and patronizing in equal measure. He frowned and shook his head. “As if I wasn’t the one just looking after you.”
Benny actually laughed aloud at that. “You can’t blame me for that! You obviously worry enough as it is. Like I’m going to intentionally bother you with any of my problems.”
“Do you have any more problems for me to be bothered by?” Oliver asked immediately, seeming to think that if he squinted hard enough at Benedict’s face that he’d be able to read his mind.
“Oh, let me get out my list,” Benny snickered, clapping him on the shoulder.
Oliver might’ve scoffed at that, but it came out as more of a snort. “Point taken.”
“Good. Now off you get, I’ve got things to do.”
Oliver raised an eyebrow. “Since when?”
Benny just smiled and jogged off into the distance. Oliver rolled his eyes and nearly groaned aloud. Of course he was going to break in his new joints.
And if that ended up being literal again, so help him...
Thanks for reading! <3
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