#but that could just be a very enthusiastic fire elementalist
rizardofether · 3 months
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I drew the two main GW2 guys. A commander and his dragon. I have never managed a full body drawing of Prim so far actually. I think I only sketched a full body for them once. But here they finally are!
I still can't believe I originally made Prim as a joke of Primordus as an asura, but then proceeded to write actual lore for them and eventually even decided that they should date my main commander (and the only one at the time) Rhixak.
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ortilimew · 1 year
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It took me long enough. But you know what it's time for? KLIVIA THREAD.
Klivia is probably the favorite of my main 4 characters. She's extremely weird, clingy, annoying, probably autistic coded, and very traumatized.
But also adorable, caring, and probably one of my most powerful characters.
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She's Nath's little sister, and therefore a Rathis. She's also a lightning affinity invokist. Invokists being manipulators of inorganic energy (think: Elementalist) lightning affinity meaning she specializes in lightning! This is a rare affinity seeing as technology has progressed more magically than scientifically on Ethyrsa so there's very little understanding of electricity and how it works. And understanding something is the most important thing for manipulating it as a dynamist.
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The fact lightning is not used for technology makes it seem very destructive in the eyes of most Ethyrsians. It'd create forest fires, crumble buildings, things teams of dynamists would take to clean up. All of which could be created by just one. The crack of thunder and the lightning that precedes it is a death knell on Ethyrsa. An omen of ruin.
Then there's the fact they tend to be the 'weirdest' dynamists for managing to wrap their heads around things few other Ethyrsians understand, they're either very respected, or very feared.
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Throw all that on top of the fact she's a Rathis, a species that very rarely got the education needed to contact and manipulate the dynam, Klivia is a rarity indeed. Many on Ethyrsa wouldn't even believe Rathis Dynamists exist, more or less an invokist with lightning affinity.
She would've been quite the prize for Bella to capture and 'tame' (i.e. enslave) for more reasons than I want to get into here. But let's say her time in one of Bella's prisons is the main source of her trauma and an unbelievable amount of mental health issues. Most of her friends/found family are supportive. But it's as hard on them as it is her.
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Despite all that, she's an amazing and caring friend. Always wants to help. Constantly wanting to make and invent things that would help more. She'd do anything to keep the people around her from being hurt. She doesn't people for anything, and is always thinking outside the box. Sometimes so far that she forgets the box is there.
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"Barely contained energy" is a good description. Enthusiastic about everything she does, sometimes electrically so. But also jumps from thing to thing, project to project, emotion to emotion, without any holding back.
But yeah, that's Klivia. Credit to twitter @cparrisart for the character sheet. Expect to see lots of drawings of her, she's my comfort character and loves playing dress up~
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kadeu · 3 years
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Another beautiful day in Kadeu! Yes, the temperatures are spiking at 113 across the city at noonday but the sky is beautiful the flowers are everywhere! Rejoice anyway folks! Temperatures have been rising steadily but can that really take from the beauty of our fair city? No it can’t. Have people been passing out from overexertion in the heat? Yes but who wants to work hard in this heat anyway?
And it surely does not stop the rising fashion trends in Diamonds. Taking on Ace Miranda’s iconic eyepatch, the Diamond mood makers have been seen sporting eyepatches covered in pastel furs, gems and crystals. This reporter acquired one silk patch but after almost walking into traffic, has chosen to admire from afar. 
The heat has returned the need for Water Elementalists, though some, salty over Diamond taxes, refuse to be, as one yelled at this poor reporter, “used like an animal for coppers”. I suppose they want to pad their pockets fat off of the vulnerabilities of others, again. Maybe they should hop over to Hearts. That sounds like a very Heart thing to do. 
Fortunes are forever growing in Hearts with its businesses booming. The fresh designers and happening places remove any question of what to do in the borough. The highranked elite have been spotted celebrating the birthday of one reclusive Facecard within the clans. It was a who’s who event with the extended floral trains of exclusive courtesans bouncing from the Koi to Aka Ayao’s. It was invite-only and the mean shifters at the door couldn’t be be bribed with gold to let us in for a peak but we watched them leave with one thing in common: The gems on their bodies were otherworldly. 
Makes me wonder if I could get an eyepatch in the style . . .
Meanwhile, the heat is making the Clubs delirious and prone to more to violent releases of energy. Luckily, before the heat brings forth combustion, the construction directed by Ace Shah Mallick has been completed and details are now being shared. A headquarters for Club hunters, dubbed the Hunter’s Lair has been erected to house, recruit and offer relief for hunters within the faction. We expect more details from the Ace and his council closer to the grand opening.
Hope they keep it down though. We think noise may violate the 11pm shutdown curfew over in Spades. Never has a ship ran so uniform and efficiently. It’s frightening. Their  water elementalists, limited though they may be, seem to be doing a much more enthusiastic job of helping their faction out, though. Then again, they’re all kind of a big conscripted militarized family, now aren’t they? Whose gonna demand more pay from their boss-landlord-military superior? This reporter certainly wouldn’t.
A beautiful princess falls in love with a prince from another land, but an exiled ritualist who wants her for himself conjures up a spell to transform her into a swan- but only during day. Thus causing the princess to be assumed missing and the wedding to be called off. That is- until an evil copy of the princess reappears just before the prince is to pick a new bride. Forced to embark on a dangerous quest to reverse the magic, the princess must rely on her wit, wings, and some equally cursed new friends if she wants to stop the ritualist's evil plans in time.
Ace Moon Ara’s protégé from her inspiring Winged Theatrics stars as the villainous Dark Wizard and sly henchwoman Bridgette. Theatre darling Budrelda wows as the Prince’s mother Queen Uberta.
This is by far the best production of the year folks! Live animals and manabeasts, shifters transforming and the magical use of combined elemental skills, Ara’s hand is heavy at work guiding these young stars. Even with the heat, getting tickets to see this one will be hard, unless you own a box and has been to three showings already, we see you, your Lordship. Good luck folks and bless Osiris for this masterpiece!
Dragonfire Hotsprings shuts its doors! With decreased traffic and an increased number of guests having heatstroke, the Hotsprings has decided to close its doors until the weather cools off. The owner says they’re hopeful to reopen before October comes around but they’ll keep everyone updated on changes.
The Forge is seeing a record low for the number of blacksmiths at their fires. Where their work is normally out of the fire into the nice breeze, these days its more like out of the fire into a different humidor fire. 
Traffic to and from Umibe has become rather heavy. While the workers at Sencilo and the city itself seem to be pleased, Captain Tsai of the Driftwood Tavern seems fed-up with the increase in visitors, as do the sailors currently in port. The City of Umibe would also like to remind Kadeuians to pick up their trash should they rent camping spots on the city’s famous white sand beach.
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kerra-and-company · 3 years
17, 19 and/or 23 for the drabbles!
It's been a bit, but I had time to finish this today @i-mybrunettelady! :D I've got some final things to finish for this quarter and I have finals next week, but also got a fic done, so...here you go! I did 17, by the way: "This is going to hurt."
Warnings: semi-graphic discussion of injury, HoT spoilers
Awareness crept back in slowly, along with a persistent ringing noise that Cio could really do without.
She groaned, struggling to sit up, trying to remember where she was. Her eyelids were heavy, but she forced them open.
She blinked—once, twice, three times.
Ah, right.
The jungle. The fleet. The screams. The crash.
She had somehow ended up directly in the center of an impact crater, utterly alone. The hole was about twelve feet in diameter and three feet deep, and the dirt was blackened and scorching hot beneath Cio.
She dragged herself up, forcing herself to stand, and she approached the crater walls. They crumbled as she tried to find a proper foothold, slipping again and again. Her entire body ached, but, eventually, she clambered out.
The ground outside the crater was covered in scorch marks and shattered metal, shards poking up towards the smoky sky. The remainder of what had been Cio’s airship was precariously balanced in the branches above.
Several limp figures hung off the sides. More were scattered on the ground.
Cio clenched her jaw and stood.
I can’t be the only survivor. I can’t be.
She began to search.
Under a pile of wreckage, Ari jolted awake, banging her head on a metal beam. For a split second she was only conscious of the pain in her head, but then her leg began to throb. She looked down.
“Oh, by Smodur’s blasted behind, really?” she snarled at the iron stabbing through her thigh and pinning her to the ground. “REALLY? I survive being pulled out of the sky by a damn dragon and now my own airship’s trying to kill me?”
Carefully, she propped herself up, trying to get a better look at the injury. Luckily, the offending object was relatively thin. Unluckily, it also was very jagged and poking directly through the middle of her leg, and she’d probably injure herself more trying to pull it out.
If she even could pull it out, that is. She only had about a foot of empty space above her head, which wasn’t enough. She could try to blast the wreckage away, but she wasn’t sure how much of the airship was still there. It might be impossible to move, and even if it wasn’t, moving it could injure her further. She needed leverage and control and…help. She needed help.
If I shout, it might draw unwanted attention. But if no one finds me, I’ll definitely die.
Burn me. I’m giving it three minutes.
If no one finds me by then, I’ll scream and deal with the consequences. And if no one answers…well. Time for operation blast-the-metal.
Dead. Dead. Torn to pieces. Definitely dead.
Cio stumbled past body after body. Some of them she recognized, some of them she didn’t.
They’re not…did the entire fleet go down?
She glanced up at the sky, but all she could see was smoke and branches. She gritted her teeth, her chin falling to her chest. The brush at the tree line abruptly rustled, making her nails dig into her palms. Something was coming.
Okay, Ci. Think. She took a deep breath, reaching for her—
By the Alchemy. No pistol. No flamethrower. If I survive this, I’m inventing better belt clips.
And then it walked out of the trees.
It was almost a sylvari, and yet not. Taller even than Nisha, visage twisted but eyes glowing, the creature stared at her, its odd plant-daggers drawn. They reminded Cio just slightly of Marshal Trahearne’s sword. She snatched up a still-glowing piece of what used to be the fuselage, feeling it tear at her gloves.
“Archon?” the creature rumbled.
The voice was deep and almost unrecognizable. But it—he—had called her by her title.
No. Her mind flashed back to the young Priory engineer who’d accompanied them on the ship, her second for this assault. Relatively, very enthusiastic, too eager to please. Twin daggers in copper sheaths at his waist. “N-Niko?”
“Archon,” Niko said, sounding like he was choking. His voice rose in pitch, sounding almost doubled. “Help me.”
“Nik, what happened to you?”
“I listened,” he said, unsteady. The daggers twitched. Cio felt blood trickle down her arm as she gripped her makeshift weapon harder. “It told me to—”
He screamed, then, absolutely earsplittingly loud and clearly involuntary. He stood utterly frozen as he did it. Only his face—covered with thick bark, now—moved at all.
“What told you? What did you do?”
“The jungle dragon,” Niko’s dual voices hissed. He took a step forward. “All must—”
He froze again, shaking his head. “I—It told me to throw explosives at the other airships. And I did.” Pain. Utter, blinding pain in his voice. How old had he been when he joined the Pact? a detached portion of Cio wondered.
Niko moved forward again, and something crunched beneath his feet. “Can—help me, Archon, please. It won’t stop talking.”
Cio couldn’t move, couldn’t think, couldn’t speak. She wasn’t entirely certain she was breathing.
“HELP me,” he growled.
A drop of blood hit the ground.
And the wreckage to Cio’s right exploded in a flare of brilliant, earth-shattering blue.
Ari wasn’t entirely sure how she was standing. The pain had traveled somewhere far, far back in her mind, and she recognized that this was bad, but she could not be persuaded to give half a flying fuck.
The voices had dragged her back from the edge of consciousness, and she clung to it now as she called on her magic. The broken bar poked out of her leg, making her feel lopsided and off-balance.
I can’t believe I’m going to die for this pain-in-the-ass asura.
She threw an Aegis shield at the creature like a discus, and he stumbled backwards as it smacked him in the chest, snarling. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see the asura reaching out as if in a daze, a fragment of metal clattering to the ground.
“Quit it!” Ari growled, leaping in front of her. She barely managed to avoid falling, her leg threatening to give way beneath her, sparks dancing in her vision. She blinked them away. “He’s too dangerous. And you’re unarmed.”
“Submit to Mordremoth!” screamed the former sylvari, leaping forward.
Ari reached for her magic to form a barrier, like she’d done so many times before, and she—couldn’t. The magic wasn’t there; it wouldn’t come. It wasn’t enough. She was too exhausted, too injured, too much at the end of her rope. She opened her mouth to let out a final cry of defiance.
She felt a rush of air pass her side. A small body threw itself towards the attacker, clutching something tight. A flaming fuselage shard embedded itself in Niko’s chest.
His voice died, his daggers falling. He looked down and smiled, the unnatural glow fading from his eyes. “Thank you.”
He collapsed to the ground.
So did his killer.
“Hey!” Ari growled, stumbling as she tried very hard not to do the same. “Sparks, I know this is a shit time, but I need you alive to pull this out of my leg.”
The asura didn’t move, sitting there on her knees in front of the blaze.
“SPARKS!” Ari shouted, coughing roughly.
“By the alchemy, furball, can you not wait for a few seconds?” the asura said shakily, half sarcastic and half serious. But she stood and moved to Ari’s side, her face wet with tears. “You need to sit down.”
The two of them limped to the edge of the woods, and Ari leaned against a tree, fighting the part of her brain that said to let go.
“This is going to hurt, you know,” Sparks said, meeting her eyes.
“What else is new?” Ari replied. Once that would have come out flippant, but here and now it just came out flat.
“All right, then. Brace yourself. One, two—”
A few parrots flew from nearby branches, chirping.
Ari’s eyes threatened to slide shut.
“Hey, furball. Hey!” Sparks shouted. Distantly, Ari heard a sound like the release of steam, feeling the pressure of small hands on her injury. “Stay awake! You are not allowed to die on me!”
“Not…dying,” Ari muttered. “You…the wound…”
“Closed, not healed,” the asura said. “Can you take care of any of that?”
Once again, Ari reached for her magic, throwing small specks of magic in the right direction. She felt the tissue begin to knit together and let out a sigh of relief. It was just enough.
Well. Not dead yet. I’ll take that for today.
“Didn’t…think you were an elementalist, Sparks…”
“I’m not,” the asura said shortly. “I’m just good with fire.”
Ari huffed out a laugh. “Hey…Sparky’s good with fire. Who’da thought it…”
Her eyelids drooped.
“What did I say about falling asleep?” Sparks said, her voice sounding loud and distant all at once.
“Not dying,” Ari forced out. “Stable now. Just…need rest.”
“You better be telling me the truth, furball.”
“I am,” Ari whispered, letting the darkness take her away. “Promise.”
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