#but the libra came out to play and made it impossible to decide on what caps to use
hoffnungswolke · 1 year
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Rosaline Ward - 1x01 (screencap credit)
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njeancastro316 · 4 years
The Night we met
Ooops I did it again another little snippet. Not much sense but I wanted to give it a try .
Warnings: Nothing much swearing , fluffy and funny.
Bold italics mean my female reader’s thoughts .
Today I was inspired , felt the vibe , procrastinated a little bit but got it done, Im a libra ♎️ go figure🤪. Reblog, like , comment. 🤗😘
Remember english is not my first language yada yada yada.
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Elijah was playing the piano alongside the jazz band . He smiled , he really truly was happy when he was playing music. After the song was finished he went to the bar for a drink and in came a gorgeous woman dressed in green medical scrubs. She made a beeline to the bar and signaled the bar keep for a drink. She was petite , athletic ,equipped with the biggest pair of dark brown eyes and a smile that could brighten the darkest room.
“What will it be my dear” ? the bartender asked “Bourbon and make it a double please and thank you”. She spoke sweetly smilling at the bartender.
Elijah couldn’t resist talking to her . “Rough day I presume”? Y/N turned her head towards the very pleasant voice . Her ears felt hot and she thanked God that she decided to straighten her hair today before her was a man that she could’ve swore was made by the gods. ‘Lord Jesus help me’ she thought before speaking. “You have no idea”she downed her drink with one gulp hissing as the warm liquid burned her throat. “Oh dear , that bad huh”? He smirked .
She sighed as she spoke “Haven’t you ever thought about giving up on something? , Something that you wanted badly”?
“Once or twice I must admit”. He bit his lip as if deep in thought. “Thinking about quitting your job”? He questioned quickly dismissing the sadness that suddenly took hold of him.
‘Damn... he bit his lip and did his tongue just swirled around it?, Stop,Christ Y/N stop looking at him like that and answer’. “What makes you think that”? She clear her throat. She signaled the bartender for another drink.
“Well... one must conclude that by the way you are going through those” he gestured to her second bourbon “and they way you are dressed it must be job related am I correct?”
‘Well I’ll be damned am I projecting my misery that bad .FML’
She ran her finger through the rim of her now empty glass “You are right , I have thought about quitting, its just” .. she paused, “ I love my job , I would gladly do it again if I had the chance to choose but sometimes it’s very frustrating”.
“Then why haven’t you?, if I may ask”.Enticing a look from her big doe eyes.
“Because I love to help people and even though the system is broken , to me the very definition of broken suggests that something can be fixed , don’t you agree”?She spoke softly.
His eyes widen in surprise he nodded .
“Its my incurable disease” she face palmed herself. “People tell me I should just work ,do what I can and go home. You know be selfish and think only about me and I just can’t , its not in my system . Im the shoulder that everyone leans on but where’s my shoulder. I often have asked myself if there is something wrong with me” she lowered her eyes to the empty glass and ordered another.
Elijah was baffled to say the least this woman not only was beautiful but kind hearted and his mirror image in every way.
Her frustration and sadness was tangible and he suddenly felt the need to comfort her.
“There is nothing wrong with you , you are just doing what it is in your nature to do . You are a healer and I think that you are an exquisite rare find” he said making her gasp.
‘Thats the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me’
“Thank you” she whispered while tucking a lock of her hair behind her ear. Totally forgetting that they were beet red.
“Here you go dear”the bartender gave Y/N her drink and she down it quickly hissing again.
Elijah smiled again she was simply adorable blushing left and right “I think that’s enough for the night” he signaled the bartender to not serve her anymore making the old man smile.
“Yeah me too” she conceded , “Sir ... How much do I own you ”? 
“Nothing dear , its been taken care off” he winked at her.
“Did you do this” ? she asked Elijah.
“Maybe” he gave her another smile.
Could this man be more gorgeous ,how was this possible he seemed nice and into her but , that couldn’t be it now could it? He was well...he was freaking delicious and she was nowhere near his league. She grew impossibly nervous.
Elijah felt her sudden distress, “Are you alright” ? concern showing on his chiseled face. 
“Yes I can’t be here with you err I mean ,I need to go home” . Y/N went to get out of the stool when the drinks kicked in and she felt dizzy. She tripped on her own feet brazing herself for the embarrasment of the century but it never came . She was pulled impossibly close to his chest were she looked up at him . “Im sorry ... I’m a bit clumsy” he smelled so so good ‘was that cologne or did he smelled like that naturally’.
“May I escort you home?”He held onto her waist to steady her footing.
‘God yes , you may’
“Oh god no ... I mean its ok , I’m alright you dont have to” .She answered quickly cursing herself in her head .
‘Fuck I’m so retarded’
Elijah took her chin on his hand and lifted her face so he could look at her in the eye , “I insist, I want to make sure you make it home safely”his knuckles graced her cheek. She swooned.
‘ Yes .. baby take me home ... Oh god so much for alcohol encouragement’
“Thank you , really ,but its not necessary”. She suddenly felt like the room was small .
“It was a pleasure meeting you , thank you for the talk , for listening , for everything... uhhh yeah” blushed again .
‘You’re spiraling stupid , he’s way out of your league, walk away now and preserve your dignity’ She turned to walk away . When his voice stopped her again.
“Im Elijah by the way” he out stretched his hand for her to shake his. Once she did he took her hand and brushed his soft lips against her knuckles “Elijah Mikealson and the pleasure was all mine” he finished with a smirk.
“Holy fuck I’m never washing this hand again”
Completely speechless she nodded, turned and walked away from him towards her car the quickly .
I couldn’t think of a title 🤦‍♀️help me, please. (Goes to hide while people read)
@elejahfanfic @eternityunicorn @hellotvshowtrash @elijahs-wife @ronniemikaelson @svnkissedskies @elijahmikaelsontvd-blog @idkhaylijah @kaiiiiiiparkerismyhusband @soul-revoir
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Matchup ☀
Hey there darling! I’ve been reading through all your match ups and there are so amazing!! 😣💖😖 can please i request a match up for ikesen and ikevamp too?
I’m a female libra who’s 5'2, i’ve brown eyes and caramel brown hair, i’m singaporean and i really love food, especially sweets. I’m also a hopeless romantic and i really love shooting alot (I’m part of the air rifle club in school). I used to be pretty athletic, i still am, but to a lesser extend now, because i injured my left knee playing volleyball in the past. It’s on it’s road to recovery, hut it still hurts quite badly when i overexert myself. I can be really enthusiastic about stuff I’m really interested in, such as history (especially world war history), sciences and anime (I’m a closet nerd hehe) . I’m a Slytherin, and i can be really ambitious and competitive, especially for my grades as i’m in a pretty good school so everyone is smart too. This drive to be better than the rest of peers always leaves me really tired and stressed out, but i try to not be so competitive nowsadays. I’m quite an open book to all my close friends and i also tend to be really possessive and stubborn at times. I can be really awkward around people i don’t click with, but around people i click with, i can be pretty wild and will be able to hold conversations with. I tend to procrastinate a lot, and people say i look intimidating but i don’t feel like I’m intimidating . I can be really sensitive to other’s emotions and i tend to put others before me. My love languages are physical touch and quality time, and i can’t stand people who are attention seekers or just aim to be public nuisances as i feel that they’re just really irritating and it gets on my nerves as i have quite a few of these types of people in my class and it really does make learning less condusive. I listen to a lot of different genres of music, but i especially love j-pop, classics and pop. I can really insecure at times, because i always feel thatevery other girl out there is better than me and i’m just trash :(
Thank you darling! I really love your work so keep being amazing 🥰🤩
Hey there love! thank you so much for your kind words and the request! You are such a sweetie pie!<3 Sorry for making you wait soooooo long for your matchup lol I hope you enjoy and have a fantastic day today!
So I match you with……………….. Mitsuhide
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The first time Mitsuhide sees you, he is Hella intrigued by this little mouse with the most intimidating face. He can’t help but wonder what kind of other expressions that beautiful face of yours can make. He also can’t help but instantly be attracted to you. He could absolutely get lost in those beautiful brown eyes. Not just that, but he has never seen a woman so well built before, you definitely look like you can hold your own. The others might be a little suspicious of your athletic build, but not Mitsuhide; he is absolutely living for it. The first conversation between you two is basically him teasing you while twirling your silky soft hair between his fingers. He enjoys the witty, intellectual conversation between the two of you. He is also slightly shook by your vast knowledge of war and history—such a smart little mouse. Actually, the two of you seemed to click instantly, and you showed him your more wild, loud side. And much to your surprise, he invited you over for tea and chats every now and then which you really enjoyed. The two of you would just sip on tea and chat for hours.
You work like crazy. You are a VERY competitive person and this doesn’t just count for academics but everything that you are involved in. You want to give and do your best no matter what. This can-do attitude has earned you the trust and respect of the Oda forces. You like to make a competition out of everything you do. If one maid is known to clean the floor super fast and thoroughly, Challenge accepted. If there were a prize for best Chatelaine, you would most definitely win it! Although this doesn’t come without consequence as you were starting to overexert yourself. Mitsuhide was looking around for his little mouse. He wanted to chat with you and tease you as per usual before the war council. Finally, he had spotted you, he stood by the doorway for a few seconds and watched you work. You looked like you were in quite a bit of pain, not to mention the extremely stressed expression on your face. He sneaked up behind you unnoticed and gave you a little fight. You swear, this man will be the death of you. The two of you chated for a few minutes, and then you told him you had to get back to work.
After the evening war council, Mitsuhide visited you in your room. He was greeted by your forced smile and pained expression. He narrowed his eyes at you, saying, “You are in pain, little mouse.” Of course, you tried to deny it and offered tea as a distraction. He simply shook his head, picked you up on plonked you down on your futon. “Don’t try and lie to me, little one.” He bent down and caressed your face while tucking some stray hair behind your ear. His golden eyes peered into your as if coaxing out the answer. Finally, you signed and told him about your old injury and competitive nature. And how sometimes it puts a massive strain on your body’s physical and emotional state 
He simply gave you his trademark smirk and pulled some salve out of his sleeve. He had noticed your knee had been giving you some trouble as of late and decided to pester Ieyasu into making him some medicine for you. He then took your leg and started rubbing it in lol. This man has no boundaries, plus he was enjoying the blush spread across your face at his sudden contact. You were amazed it seemed to have taken away all the pain and discomfort. Mitsuhide then made the two of you some tea and gave you some herbs that would help with the pain if it ever got too much. You were genuinely touched by his kind gesture. Although it didn’t come without masses of teasing. 
The next day Nobunaga announced that you were to help Mitsuhide on a secret mission and that you were to depart immediately. You were shook at this sudden trip being sprung on you. You had no time to protest as before you knew it, your bags were packed by mother dearest, and you were sitting on a horse with Mitsuhide ready to go. Mitsuhide gently held you him his arms, and once the two of you had said your goodbyes to the Oda forces, Mitushide kicked the horse into a gentle gallop. He stopped every so often to let you stretch your legs and water the horse. This man was impossible; he legit refused to give you any details of the trip. All he would tell you that you were almost there. Even though you had no clue as to where you were going or what you were supposed to do, you enjoyed the trip. Mitsuhide made sure the horse was going at a comfortable pace, and he would ask you ever so often if you were doing okay. The trip itself with Mitsuhide was pleasant as the two of you joked and chatted the whole way there. You enjoyed this side of Mitsuhide. He didn’t have to wear his usual devious villain mask around you, which he appreciated.
“We have arrived, little one.” You were super confused about what kind of mission would take place at a hot spring. Mitsuhide just grinned at you and dragged you into the changing area. Once you were changed, you walked into the washroom to see Mitshide sitting on a stool waiting for you. In front of him was another stool, and beside him was an array of oils and hair care products. He urged you to sit in front of him, you eyed him with suspicion but did as he asked. He then proceeded to wet and wash your hair. And hells the way he massaged your scalp made you feel like you had died and gone to heaven. He then proceeded to rinse your hair and massage some oils into it. He then left you to finish washing up. Once you were done, you made your way to the hot springs and got in. As you eased yourself in the water, all the stress and exhaustion left your body. Nothing soothes the body quite like the soothing waters of the healing waters of the spring. Once you were done relaxing, you made your way back to your room. Once again, you were greeted by the sight of Mitsuhide sitting outside your shared balcony. He turned, smiled at you, and offered you a cup of sake. The two of you sat there and watched the moon until you couldn’t keep your eyes open anymore. Today had been the most relaxing day of your life. 
Mitsuhide was midway through a tease when he felt a sudden weight resting on his shoulder. He looked down to see the sweet little mouse sound asleep on his shoulder. “Such a naïve little mouse letting her guard down around such a dangerous kitsune. You truly are a silly creature.” He looked at your sleeping face wearing the softest expression, just when did he grow so attached to you. He carefully picked you up and carried you to your room. He then tucked you into your futon and gave your forehead a whisper of a kiss.
The next day you woke up at noon, you were feeling so relaxed. You couldn’t remember the last time you had slept in so late; you also couldn’t remember the last time you felt your leg feel so pain and discomfort free. Mitsuhide knocked on your door and came in bearing breakfast/lunch. He told you that once you were done eating and dressed that the two of you would make your way back to the palace. You gave Mitsuhide the biggest brightest smile when you realized that this supposed mission was just his way of getting you to relax and take a break. You made a mental note to thank Hideyoshi and Nobunaga as well. Despite what people say about this silver kitsune, he truly is a sweetie pie. After breakfast, you deadpan looked at him, walked over to him and gave him the biggest hug as a thank you for all that he has done. 
Cue error.mitsu.stopped.working.
The two of you made your way back chatting merrily when all of a sudden, some random assassin jumped out of nowhere and started attacking the two of you. You had found out that they were keen on killing Mitsuhide and kidnapping you to use later against Nobunaga. Mitsuhide drew his sword and took a stance ready to protect you. You spotted his rifle in the saddlebag. It took you a few minutes to figure out the exact mechanics of such an old rifle, but luckily your vast experience with guns helped you in that department. You took aim and fired a warning shot at one of the assassin’s feet. Mitsuhide looed back at you with the biggest shocked expression. You then stepped forward to stand beside him, spitting out your own threat to the assassins.
Of course, one of then just had to be a dumb ass and try something stupid. Before Mitsuhide could even move, you shot him in the leg, warning that the next shot would be between his eyes if he didn’t stay put. Mitsu managed to capture the assassins as you held them under gunpoint. The two of you made quite the team. On your way home, Mitsuhide couldn’t help but smile and tease the feisty mouse that saved his life, so to speak. He also couldn’t hold back his feeling for you any longers, so as you entered the town, he leaned down and whispered a confession of love in your ear. Your eyes went wide. Then you simply turned back to look at him wearing the most dazzling smile and kissed his nose. Once at the gates, your friends wondered why the two of you were wearing such big smiles.
Mitsuhide loved to take you with him on some of his missions. He was happy that he didn’t have to worry too much about you because of your excellent knowledge of guns. He would take you on those missions, which required him to dress up and perform. Once his performance was over, he would lead you to a fluffy blanket and picnic that he set up just for the two of you. Both of you would spend the rest of the day listening to various music performances. You loved this, of course, cause not only could you hear different music genres. But also the fact that it was the most peaceful, relaxed concert you had ever been to, no big crowds, no annoyingly loud people, no people trampling over your belongings and no screaming girls screeching in your ears. Just some good music and gentle cuddles.
Since being in a relationship with the sneaky snek, you have become very possessive over him. You will legit give all the women around you death glares, especially those who think they can steal your man during banquets. It gets especially annoying while you are chatting with your oda friends; they will try and swoop in and get his attention by pouring a drink for him. Luckily the only one who will ever capture his heart is you. He will see you feeling a bit jealous and will call you over, pull you into his lap, and give you the deepest, most passionate kiss in front of all them high court ladies. When he pulls away, he will tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear while proclaiming his undying love for you.
Luckily for you, Mitsu’s love language is also physical touch and quality time. He loves giving you little kisses all over your face. He loves to caress your face and hair. And boy does he love to have you snuggled up in his arms nuzzling into his neck. He will spend as much time as humanly possible with you showering you with his love. Loves giving you little touches and sweet caresses. When you are insecure, the kitsune will be especially soft and kind. He will pull you to sit in his lap, pull his fingers through your beautifully soft silky hair and whispers sweet nothing in your ears. There might be a few neck kisses and ear nibbles as well. Mitsuhide’s ultimate favorite is to just sit with you in his arms while he spends hours and hours playing with your hair and chatting about anything and everything.
Other potential matches……………Masamune 
Ikevamp matchup............................Napoleon  
I hope you enjoyed it, dear! And I hope you are staying safe and well @nxh-special-here-just-lia ! ^0^ Also sorry i didn't add an ikevamp description but i dont know the characters as well lol but i can do an ikevamp selfie matchup for you ^_^
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akatsuki-celeste · 5 years
See Me In Shadow
Commission for: @kingofthewilds Series: Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas Pairing: Libra Dohko/Bennu Kagaho Genre: Romance/Fluff Also posted on: AO3
He was playing with fire and he knew it.
There were so many things that could go wrong with this plan. A Spector could see him. More likely, a Saint could see him. And even though his Surplice was tucked away and he wore the casual clothing favored in the towns and villages that circled the base of the mountains that served as shield to Athena’s base, Bennu Kagaho was fairly positive that no one would believe him if he simply said that he was passing through. No one passed through Sanctuary.
He knew what would happen if he was caught. Not death – a Spector couldn’t die, it was contrary to the nature of their own power, but there were things that were worse than death. He didn’t know much about the young Athena, or about Sanctuary’s Grand Master, but he knew what Pandora and the Judges would do if they caught a Saint sneaking through their territory. Knew what the twins would do. It only made sense that the Goddess of War and her subordinates would be cut from a similar cloth. Gods existed on a different plane of morality, and as far as Kagaho was concerned, far above the mortal definition of right and wrong. And wasn’t it the same now for him, too?
The War hadn’t started yet, at least not officially. It was coming closer, steadily moving towards them like a relentless flow of lava. The pieces were all falling into place, but it was not quite…there yet. Pandora and the twins didn’t have what they wanted. Master Alone wasn’t ready, and until then the wheels of fate would not start turning. Secretly Kagaho was glad for that; he didn’t know what would happen once Master Alone ascended and became Hades in truth. Kagaho wasn’t a particular fan of the unknown, either when it came to himself or someone that he had taken under his wing.
The sound of footsteps and voices rose in the distance, directly in front of him, and Kagaho froze. When the footsteps stopped but the voices didn’t fade he nearly let out a curse, until it suddenly registered that he knew one of those voices. In fact, it was the voice that belonged to the entire reason Kagaho had decided to steal into Sanctuary right under the noses of every Bronze, Silver and Gold Saint that wandered its streets. After a debate with himself that lasted all of five seconds, he crept closer to the edge of the pillar that he had ducked behind and peered around the structure.
He hadn’t realized just how close he’d been to the base of the mountain that held the Twelve Zodiac Temples, but the first one stood before him, as easy to see in the evening light as it would have been midday. The temple itself held little interest for Kagaho, however – he didn’t even know, nor did he care, which one it was. His attention was drawn to the marble staircase that led up to the temple, and the two figures that stood on its steps.
The taller of the two he knew only by reputation and rumor, the golden armor he wore the true confirmation of his identity: Aries Shion, the first protector of Sanctuary’s legendary Gold Zodiac. The second figure wore not the Cloth of his identity nor the traditional Tang suit that he’d worn when Kagaho had first lain eyes on him but instead the standard tunic and trousers that most of Sanctuary seemed to favor. The tunic hugged his broad shoulders and chest tight, the lines of muscle definition showing clear through the fabric, the short sleeves baring muscular arms for all the world to see. If a muscle could be packed into that shorter stature it was; Dohko, Saint of Libra, had built deadly strength and power into every inch of his compact body, though his greatest weapon was the disarming smile and cheerful look in his eyes that could get an enemy to let down their guard with ease and then never know quite what it was that had hit them when the final blow struck them.
Kagaho was close enough that he could see them and hear the sound of their voices, but not make out the words that they were saying to each other. Shion’s hands moved as he spoke; Dohko’s responses seemed casual as far as his body language was concerned. Kagaho debated getting closer to try and make out the words, but it would have put him at risk of being seen – and wasn’t the Aries Saint also one of the Jamirans, which would make him both telepathic and telekinetic? After getting this far undetected, that was not a chance that Kagaho was willing to take.
Dohko reached out and placed a hand on the taller man’s shoulder, smiling at him, and Kagaho felt a sudden sharp twist in his gut at the clear familiarity between the two. Quickly he ducked back behind the pillar, pressing his back against it and returning to the shadows. So what if Dohko and Shion were familiar with each other? They were both Gold Saints, comrades-in-arms. It made sense – it just wasn’t a sensation that Kagaho himself was familiar with. There was no Spector that he could call to mind when he thought of the word comrade. While he did tend to gravitate towards looking after the younger Specters that were recruited to Hades’ cause, he still kept a distance between them, never quite letting them in. Letting them close.  Close enough… to hurt.
Kagaho closed his eyes, taking a deep breath and shoving back the thoughts attempted to surface, unbidden and unwanted, into the forefront of his mind. He was deep in the middle of enemy territory, he needed to keep his wits about him and he was seriously starting to wonder if this all hadn’t been a stupid idea from the very beginning. He should have said no when Dohko had made the suggestion. Should have, except that it was next to impossible to actually say no to him. Not when he flashed that smile, or his eyes looked so bright. That, really, was the most dangerous thing about Libra Dohko. He made Kagaho feel impulsive.
“So this is where you decided to hide,” a teasing, familiar and extremely close voice cut through Kagaho’s thoughts.
The Bennu jumped, automatically moving away from the pillar and assuming a defensive stance, but fortunately managing to restrain himself from actually throwing a strike. For his part, Dohko just leaned against that same pillar, arms crossed over his chest and an impish grin on his face.
“You… don’t do that!” Kagaho hissed, mindful of the volume of his voice and giving a furtive look around. Where had the Aries Saint gone?
Dohko’s grin only grew. “If you’re looking for Shion, he went back into his Temple, and he’s not going- to come out for the rest of the evening unless another Gold Saint decides he’s going to wander off for a stroll. Which isn’t too likely, considering half of us aren’t even here right now.”
Kagaho scowled, crossing his arms over his chest. “That isn’t something you should be disclosing to the enemy,” he pointed out.
“Well, then it’s a good thing I’m not talking to an enemy right now, isn’t it?” Dohko’s voice pitched a little lower, giving it a deeper cadence, and Kagaho felt a shiver go down his spine at the sound – and at the fact that Dohko was right. Kagaho could have overheard the precise strategy with which Athena intended to win the Holy War, and he knew he wouldn’t have spoken a word. Not to Pandora, not to the twins…not even to Master Alone, as long as he was safe.
“Yes,” Kagaho quietly replied, meeting Dohko’s gaze steadily, finding himself nearly blinded by the brightness of Dohko’s eyes.
“Well, now that that’s established,” Dohko said, clearly pleased with Kagaho’s response, “let’s go. I don’t want to waste any more time, and the longer we linger the higher the chance that Shion might stick his head out in curiosity. He takes his role as guardian of the gate a little too seriously sometimes, I think.” He stepped forward and caught up Kagaho’s wrist, tugging him along – not onto the main street, but further from the pillar and the shadow of the mountain, keeping to the side paths that Kagaho hadn’t even noticed were there.
“Where are we going?” Kagaho asked as he followed behind, letting Dohko take the lead; after all, he was obviously more familiar with their surroundings. “The village?”
“Rodorio? Nah, we’re too likely to run into someone who might recognize you,” Dohko replied with a shake of his head. “Most of the guards have the day or night off, and if they don’t feel like trekking to the city, that’s the next best place to relax.”
Kagaho narrowed his eyes in sudden suspicion. “Half the Saints aren’t here and the guards have an off day? Did you plan this?”
Dohko looked over his shoulder at him. “What – did I plan to invite you into Sanctuary at a point where I knew the odds would be good you wouldn’t get caught? Of course I did. I’d be stupid to invite you when we were at full capacity. You’re good, Kagaho, but you’d never make it past the first gates. Now be quiet and come on. We’re running a skeleton crew right now, but there are still people here.”
Kagaho lapsed into silence, not because Dohko had commanded it but because Dohko was right. Getting to this point hadn’t been without a couple of close calls with patrols, and if Dohko was telling him they still needed to be cautious, then cautious he would be. He was a Specter, a shadow; when he wanted to, he could move without even a hint of sound.
After a few moments, Dohko gave a quiet chuckle of amusement. “All right. Maybe you would have made it past the front gates, after all.”
Kagaho wasn’t certain how long they’d been walking for, but not once did he voice any protest in following Dohko’s lead. He never had, which was probably how he’d found himself in this situation to begin with -if situation was the correct word to be used when it came to carrying on a relationship with the Libra Saint behind the backs of Specters and Saints alike.
He...wasn’t sure if there actually was a word that could describe that.
At last Dohko stopped and released Kagaho’s wrist, leaving the other feeling the loss of the warmth of his hand. “Here we are,” Dohko declared. “No one should have any reason to trouble us here.”
‘Here’, it turned out, was a small plateau, one of that overlooked a good portion of the mountain range that hid Sanctuary, though the domain of Athena itself was to their backs. Kagaho could just make out the lights of Rodorio at the foot of the mountains, and even further out in the distance, the glow of the nearest city. The passage of time was a startling thing to him at times - as a Specter he held immortality in his hands, and yet he scarcely took note of the world around him. When he did, it was always with a jolt at how quickly the world could change.
Kagaho turned to look at Dohko. “Why here?” he questioned. When Dohko had suggested the date, Kagaho had imagined the two of them going down to the village, or perhaps to a city where they were less likely to be known. Although he supposed that if either had been Dohko’s intention then there would have been no reason for Kagaho to attempt to sneak into Sanctuary itself. Still – this hadn’t been what he’d expected.
Dohko had settled himself down on the ground, having brushed aside any rocks or sticks that might have made sitting uncomfortable - though there was nothing that could really be done for the dust and the dirt. There was another cleared spot beside him; Kagaho took the hint, walking over and settling himself down beside Dohko. He was as aware of Dohko’s proximity even sitting side by side, without touching, as he had been when Dohko had grabbed his wrist; this level of hyper fixation on the presence of another person could not be considered healthy, and yet at the same time Kagaho had never felt more at ease. Besides, it was really Dohko to blame – it was his presence, after all.
“They’re beautiful, aren’t they?” Dohko murmured, and for a moment Kagaho was confused; it wasn’t an answer to his question, and he wasn’t sure what Dohko was referring to. The village? The distant lights of the city? The emptiness of the mountains? He glanced over at him, and saw that Dohko was leaning back on his arms, and his head was tilted back with his gaze focused on the sky.
He looked up and found that, in the course of their walking, the sky had shifted from its twilight shades into full night, a blanket of blackness dotted by a sea of stars. It was a clear night, not one cloud obscuring the view. Stars. Of course it would be stars that would capture Dohko’s attention. Kagaho had nothing against the night and the shadow, but he was a servant of the Underworld. The stars held no real significance to him. Was this why Dohko had brought him here?
“This is one of the best places in Sanctuary to see them from,” Dohko continued despite Kagaho’s silence, still gazing up at the stars. “It doesn’t compare to the view from Star Hill, or so I’m told – only the Grand Master is allowed up there. Still, it’s a good one. And this is a good night for them. I wanted to bring you here – to share this you.”
Kagaho shifted in his seat uncertainly. Okay, so it seemed like this was the reason Dohko had been so eager to get him to Sanctuary. Eager enough to risk his life, though? To look at some stars? “I’m…not really one for stargazing,” he said hesitatingly, looking over at the other warrior. To him, Dohko’s eyes and smile were a lot more captivating than some sparkling lights out in a universe that he couldn’t touch.
Dohko softly chuckled. “No, I guess you wouldn’t be, would you?” he asked. “Specters aren’t tied to the stars the way we Saints are, are they? You have Cosmo like we do, and you burn it like we do, but you draw it from a different source.”
Kagaho nodded. “Our Cosmo draws from Hades and the Underworld,” he replied. “Or so I’ve always been told. To be honest I’ve never given much thought to it. From the moment I became a Specter, the power has simply been there. I only have to reach out and grasp it, and it does what I ask. I’ve never needed more than that.”
Dohko gave a nod, but his expression was one that Kagaho couldn’t quite read. He’d learned that Dohko, for all of his quick wit and easygoing mannerisms, could keep a thought to himself for as long as he needed to, and the other man was always thinking. He turned his face back to the night sky, then reached out and pointed. “There,” he said.
“There,” Dohko repeated, and then began to trace lines in the air. Kagaho had to shift closer to him to see the pattern the way that Dohko saw it, but he still frowned in puzzlement. It was a small constellation in comparison to some, made up of only six stars, and Dohko’s tracing of it had those stars split into two shapes that connected on a single, middle start point.
“It has a lot of names and features in a lot of mythologies,” Dohko continued conversationally. “The Vermillion Bird. Suzaku. Phoenicids. The Phoenix. It’s not much to look at, constellation-wise. You have to kind of tilt your head and squint to see the tail, and for the life of me I’ve never figured out where its wings are supposed to be. Shion gives me grief about that sometimes. He says I’m too literal when it comes to the constellations. I just wonder how someone can look at some of these shapes and come up with the image that they do. I mean, take Libra for instance. It’s just a triangle with two lines hanging down from it. Who am I to argue, though? Our Cloths predate some of the modern names for the constellations that they derive their power from, so maybe the stars themselves spoke what their names were. Who am I to argue with stars and gods?”
“And is there a Phoenix Saint?” Kagaho asked, curious despite himself.
“There must have been one at some point,” Dohko replied, “but no one can remember the Cloth showed itself. There always seems to be a few Saints missing with each Holy War, one or two Cloths that never wake up… some people say that’s why the Holy Wars continue. That if the time ever came when all eighty-eight Saints of Athena awoke, everything would change.”  
He lapsed into silence, his brow furrowed slightly, as if troubled by the words that he’d just spoken. Then he leaned back, all the way back, until he was stretched out on the ground with his arms pillowing his head. Kagaho could not recall ever seeing Dohko so solemn before.
“What are you thinking?” Kagaho asked.
Dohko sighed, a heavy sound that made Kagaho imagine a true weight sitting upon the other warrior’s shoulders. “That this won’t last,” Dohko finally replied. “That these stolen moments we take cannot hold up under the pressure of fate and destiny. We serve different gods, gods at war with each other. We’re on opposite sides of the same battle, Kagaho. We could end up fighting each other. We could –“
He stopped short as Kagaho leaned over, brushing his lips softly against Dohko’s. Dohko immediately closed his eyes and returned the kiss, reaching up with one hand to cup the back of Kagaho’s head, sliding his fingers into Kagaho’s hair. He didn’t pull him down, didn’t try to intensify the kiss. It was slow, lazy, and very real.
When Kagaho started to pull back Dohko’s grip abruptly grew firmer, fingers curling around and gripping the other’s hair as he now seized control of the kiss. A shiver ran down Kagaho’s spine as he felt the tip of Dohko’s tongue brush against his lower lip; he parted his lips in response, acquiescing to the Libra Saint’s silent request and allowing the kiss to deepen. Dohko made a sound of contentment against Kagaho’s mouth and relaxed his grip, his hand shifting down to the back of the Bennu’s neck.
The shiver melted into undeniable warmth, Kagaho allowing himself to relax against Dohko, still supporting himself with one hand but moving the other to rest on Dohko’s bicep. He could feel the heat of Dohko’s skin despite the chill of the evening, and when he curled his fingers as though to tighten his grip, the firmness of muscle reminded him that at any time Dohko could probably shove him off, push him away – and that he didn’t. If anything, Dohko was doing his damnedest to do just the opposite, a fact with was a marvel in and of itself to Kagaho. Dohko probably could have had anyone, winning them over with a smile and a laugh, but for some reason the Libra Saint had chosen him - chosen him before Kagaho had even realized what was happening.
With no impending obligations and the blanket of night wrapped around them, neither warrior was in any hurry to track the passage of time. How long they lay there, kisses alternating from soft and languid to intense and fierce at random intervals, Kagaho couldn’t really say. He only knew for certain that, at this precise moment, there was nowhere else he’d rather be.
Eventually the kisses slowed to a point where they were merely brushing lips against each other’s, both in a state of docile contentment, Kagaho’s forehead resting against Dohko’s with his eyes closed. Finally, he opened them, and when he started to pull back Dohko moved his hand to allow him to do so. Kagaho didn’t pull back too far, however; still above Dohko, he looked down at him with dark, serious eyes.  
“We’re not at war yet,” Kagaho said, his voice low, his tone serious. “We’re not at war tonight. Let’s not think about the future right now – or the past. Let’s just think about right now.”
He pulled back fully, settling back into his spot and looking up at the stars. “We’re outside of Sanctuary, right?”
Dohko pushed himself up on his arms, looking at Kagaho. “Yes,” he said slowly, drawing out the word. “Why?”
Kagaho pushed himself to his feet and walked closer to the edge of the plateau, looking out at the distant city lights again. Soon the candles in the windows would begin to go out, and the world would be plunged into darkness and shadow again. Not that it mattered. Darkness and shadow was where Kagaho thrived.
He knelt down, acutely aware of Dohko’s gaze on him, and placed his hand on the solid ground. It lit up around him, a circle of darkness, and when he rose and stepped back to open his eyes it was in time to witness his sleeping Surplice rise up from the depths, answering his summons. Just as swiftly he called it to his body, felt the familiar weight settling in around him as it enveloped him, the weight that vanished the moment the last piece was in place and he could extend his wings to their fullest. The Surplice was an extension of himself, of his being - it was always there. He merely needed to reach out and call for it.
As the image of the summoning circle vanished from the ground, Kagaho turned around to find Dohko sitting up and watching intently. He smiled at the mix of apprehension and curiosity in Dohko’s eyes – he clearly had not been expecting this, and the thought that he had actually managed to surprise Dohko amused Kagaho to no end. It was usually the other way around.
“You brought me out here to see the stars,” Kagaho said in answer to Dohko’s obvious but unspoken question. “I figure that the least I can do is take you closer to them.” He held out his hand, holding his breath as he waited to see what Dohko would do.
Of course, what Dohko did was immediately break out into that brilliant grin that made Kagaho’s heart flutter in strange and peculiar ways, scrambling to his feet and hurriedly taking Kagaho’s proffered hand. “Why Kagaho,” Dohko teased, “are you planning to sweep me off my feet?”
Kagaho could not refrain from rolling his eyes as he tugged Dohko closer, stealing another quick kiss and then letting the shorter man wrap his arms around his neck. He held him securely, and Dohko tucked his head into the crook of Kagaho’s neck, seemingly not bothered by the potential discomfort of the sharper bits of armor.
“You know,” Dohko murmured, “there’s another name that Phoenix is known by sometimes, depending on which mythology you follow.”
As Kagaho launched himself into the air, his laughter was stolen away by the rush of the wind around him – stolen for all, that is, except for the one in his arms.
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Happy Birthday - [Part 2] - (Deladore) - Black_Magic
Author’s Note: To the anon that requested a part 2. Hope it’s as good as the first part. The second part to the fic I submitted for the rare pair fic challenge.
From that point forward, Ben and Danny were together and happy. They took everything slow and discussed anything and everything. They almost looked like the model couple that everybody aspires to be. Yes, they do have perfect moments, fights, and disagreements like every couple, but they manage to work everything out. They know when to let each other cool off, talk, and when to apologize. That’s why Ben and Danny are near perfect.
Taking things slow was also a good relationship decision. Ben and Danny were in no hurry to take every next step in their relationship. They were content enough with what they currently had at the time. What Danny loved the most were the moments he had alone with Ben. Specifically, the quiet ones. He enjoys cuddling with Ben in his own bed with music softly playing in the background. All he needs is to be cuddled up to the other boy, under a blanket, and resting with his eyes closed as Ben rubs small circles into his back. Of course, they were still eighteen and new to the relationship. Neither required much attention.
At nineteen, the tensions started building up. Kisses were lingering more and more. Making out got more heated. It was filled with more touching, more intensity, and a hunger that never seemed to be fully satisfied. Each of them were clingier than usual, and the neck kissing started. They never took it further than that, though. Not until Halloween. That night, they had gone to a party. Alcohol got involved and they ended up heading back to Ben’s place earlier than intended. Danny had been flirting with Ben nonstop. Even going as far as getting touchy. Finally, after a year’s worth of build up, Ben and Danny shared their first time together. They made sure there was full consent and protection used.
It was the best experience Ben and Danny had ever shared. It was a night full of love, passion, and exploring one another in a whole new way. Afterwards came the wonderful silence. Danny and Ben curled up in bed while holding each other close. They shared endless amounts of I love you’s, while they stared into each other’s eyes. Ben couldn’t stop smiling as he combed his fingers through Danny’s hair. “I love you, Ben.” The smaller boy said in a low voice, almost whispering.
“I love you too, Danny.” Ben brought him in a gentle kiss before they settled in for bed.
When Ben turned twenty, he was out on a date with Danny when he voiced a thought that had been plaguing his mind for weeks. “Hey, Danny. I need to ask you something.”
“What’s up? Ask away, babe.” Even without his emotion sensing power, Danny could tell it was a serious question. It was written all over his face.
An important decision was about to happen. A test to see if a couple is ready to be with each other. It was none other than the question that meant a lot to Ben. “Do you want to move in with me?”
Danny felt his heart skip a beat. He was so touched and flattered that their relationship had made it to this milestone. Of course it would work out wonderfully. They are soulmates. It’s impossible to screw anything up majorly. He nodded his head for a yes, but he realized Ben would rather hear a confirmation of his consent. “Yes! Yes, I’ll move in with you.” Ben let out a sigh of relief before receiving a kiss from Danny.
Within a few weeks, Danny had been moved in with Ben. It felt great to finally be able to see each other all of the time. It was already possible, but now Danny could wake up beside Ben and have all they own in one house together.
They could have finished within a week, but they got……distracted by each other.
When they were twenty-two, Ben and Danny decided to get a few pets. Over the course of the year, they adopted two cats, a pitbull terrier, and a boxer. Each were from the animal shelter and in serious need of adoption. The orange tabby was the runt of her litter. Ben named her Nala after the character from The Lion King. The black tabby was named because of the designs on his fur. The bright lines on his dark fur reminded Danny of a book his mother read once. He was thereby named Dante after Dante’s Inferno. The pitbull had a lot of energy, but at the end of the day, she was a big cuddle buddy. Freyja was already named by her previous owners. The boxer was full of energy. He loved to run around all day and play. Danny named him Raiden, after the Mortal Kombat character. Since Raiden was the god of thunder, could use lightning, and the dog was fast, Danny thought it would fit.
The only bad thing about having all of those pets, would be the crowded bed. Ben had to make sure the ceiling fan was on every night because they would all be hot from the shared body heat. Sometimes Danny would kick the dogs out and make them sleep on the couch so they would have enough room to cuddle.
It was Danny’s twenty-fourth birthday when Ben proposed to him. Ben had invited some friends and family from each of their lives for a surprise. He had been planning this for awhile.
Danny had come home to his fur babies greeting him, as per usual after another long day at work. Usually Ben would be there too, but he wasn’t. Danny knew this was unusual and walked around the house to find him. He felt worried not being able to find his boyfriend, but stopped in his tracks when he was in front of the back door. He felt a huge wave of excitement from the other side of the door. Confused, he opened it to see everyone outside. “Surprise!” They all shouted.
He grinned, seeing everyone there. “Oh my God! It’s a fucking party!” Everyone laughed at Danny’s statement.
Bonnie approached her smiling child and hugged him after kissing him on the cheek. “Happy Birthday, Danny.”
“Thanks mom, love you.” Danny appreciated his mom coming to celebrate his birthday. He hasn’t seen her in a few months. They do talk everyday, so it kind of makes up for lost time.
Danny’s smile grew as Ben walked forward with a smirk. “Happy Birthday, babe.” Ben pecked him on the lips and brought him to the center of the yard. They danced to songs they loved and knew by heart.
Then, the moment happened that Ben has been waiting all day for. Love Story by Taylor Swift came on. “Ben, it’s our song! We gotta sing it!” He pointed to the microphones.
Ben nodded and went over to the Karaoke set up. All went well, then the certain lines came up that Ben was prepared for. The proposal part of the song came on. What Danny didn’t know, is Ben was going to switch up Juliet with his name instead you truly propose.
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said.
Ben copied the song and knelt down on one knee. He pulled out the ring. “Marry me, Danny, you’ll never have to be alone. I live you and that’s all I really know. We’ll talk to you’re mom, go pick out a white suite. It’s a love story, baby just say yeah.”
Danny teared up and gasped, covering his mouth. Everyone was cheering. The ring was a plain gold band. It had the sign of libra carved into the metal. Danny yelled a yes at the top of his lungs. Ben put the ring on his fiancee’s finger before standing up. He ignored the deafening cheers as he kissed Danny.
Ben hurried around the house making sure everything is ready for tomorrow. He wanted the next best day of his life to be as close to perfect as he can get it. Danny noticed and grabbed Ben’s arm to stop him. “Baby, you’ve been checking everything for the past week. You don’t need to worry. Everything will be perfect tomorrow.” Danny wrapped his arms around his future husband to calm him down. Ben was sending off waves of worry, anxiousness, and over all every other emotion to describe a bridezilla.
“I know, but I can’t help it.” He was already calmer because he leaned into Danny’s embrace. Danny knew this, so he kissed Ben before any other complaints or protests would come out. “Hey, I’ve been thinking we should break out our vows right now and say them to each other.” He said to distract Ben.
“Why on earth would we do that?” Ben felt confused.
“Our vows are meant to be promises to each other. Why should everyone else hear them while we choke up and can barely talk? We should do it. Just think about it this way. If we say our vows now, the service will also go quicker. It’s a personal thing that doesn’t have to be said in front of everybody.” Danny thought it was a good idea. Eventually, Ben gave in.
That lead to them sitting on their bed with a paper in each of their hands. Dante was curled up in Ben’s lap. Nala was purring as she slept on Danny’s pillow. Freyja and Raiden were beside them, watching with interest as their dads looked upon one another. “I’ll go first.” Ben offered. Danny nodded and leaned forward, resting his face in his hands like was about to find out about some juicy gossip. “The moment we met, I felt as if you were my chosen partner. You always made me smile and I looked forward to seeing you everyday. When I found out we were meant to be, and I saw our matching marks, I felt like the world stopped spinning. Everything felt balanced, and ultimately, correct. I love you, forever and for always. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you as husbands.”
Danny wiped away a stray tear from Ben’s cheek. Then he wiped his own before starting his speech. “I figured you would have the better vows, and I debated not writing much. I didn’t know what to say. So, after having an awesome dream that involved us with our fur babies and real children, I got inspired. I knew for years I loved you, and I was afraid it was wrong. I didn’t know if it was false or if you and I were soulmates. You know my mom though, the mind reader. She convinced me to let myself love you, and she was right to. After this long, I realized I would love to be your husband and adopt some kids. We already saved four lives, why not more?” Danny stopped for a soft laugh with Ben. “So, anyways, let’s get on with it and tie the knot before we go crazy. We’re already crazy, but you know what I mean.”
The next day, Ben and Danny got married in the backyard. They were still viewed as a little young to get married. Although, it felt so right.
The now two husbands spent the rest of the evening picking at food, sharing endless amount of kisses, shoving cake in their faces, and dancing the night away. Specifically if any Lady Gaga or Shakira song came on. Mainly because Danny wanted to sing and dance on Ben to see how much he can work him up. Although Danny forgot about that when fun dance songs came on. The electric slide, cupid shuffle, Cotton Eye Joe, and Soldier Boy.
Although Ben didn’t mind, he did enjoy the slow dances where he could hold Danny close and whisper sweet nothings into his ear. “I love you so much, babe."
Danny softly smiled. His head was rested on Ben’s shoulder as they slowly swayed to the beat of the music. "I know you do. I love you too, Ben.” He lifted his head to look at his husband. “Happy late birthday, baby.” Danny kissed Ben lovingly.
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pushspacetocontinue · 5 years
Russell Trinity Verse Profile
I’ve been meaning to get this written down for quite a while. Now I finally got it together and did it. 
Warning for mentions for experimentation and child abuse below.
Trinity is my own verse, for the Urban Fantasy novel I am writing of the same name (it’s a working title, but still.)
Name: Russell Tolbert 
Nickname: Russell Sprout, Russ, Catmoth 
Age: 26 
Birthday: 9th October 1993 (Star sign: Libra) 
Gender: Cis Male (he/him/his pronouns) 
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual.
Species: Altehuman  (basically my term for a human with supernatural powers) 
Abilities: He is a therianthrope. However, while most therianthropes are able to shift into one particular animal form, he is able to shift into two primary forms, making him a ‘Dual-Thrope’ which is rare but not impossible. He can turn into a cheetah or a Luna Moth at will, and then back into a human from either (or into the other animal if he needs to). Along with this, he has enhanced senses, speed and agility, as well a good jumping ability even as a human. He has had this skill from birth. 
He can also sense anomalies (e.g. vampires, werewolves, spirits etc.) and has a compulsion to follow them until he finds the source. He feels it as a pulling in his chest. This was from his previous scientist ‘boss’s’ experiments on him. 
He also has the ability to know what he’s seeing just by looking at them. For example, if he looks at a vampire, the word ‘vampire’ will literally flash and echo through his mind. Again, this was from the experiments. 
He also seems to have a higher durability and pain tolerance. He once leapt out of a building and came out of that with bruises and being knocked unconscious. He doesn’t know if this was from the experiments or whether he had it since birth and it was only ‘enhanced’ by the experiments.
Ethnicity: White
Current Residence: Nomadic in nature. However, he has a home in the city of Steren Wheel.
Former Residence: Boston, Massachusetts 
Nationality: French-American (French Father, American Mother).
Mother: Cassandra Anderson (now deceased). She was a nasty old crone to him and the rest of his brothers while he was growing up. She was especially so to him when she found out that he was essentially a ‘monster’ in her eyes. When he was an adult, she made plans with a scientist who was looking for someone ‘like him’ and essentially sold him off after he was tricked into believing he was simply taking on a job that would take him far from home (and therefore away from her). 
Father: Currently unknown. Was only told that he has the surname ‘Tolbert’ and changed it to that as a ‘fuck you’ to his mother.
Siblings: He has seven older brothers in total. Lewis (deceased), Martin (still living at their now-dead mother’s house but planning to move), Truman (living in California), Simon (lives as a hermit in an apartment of his own), Bradley (actually living a fairly normal life with his wife, three daughters and his son), David (trying to get his life back on track) and Travis (currently in prison, but has promised to get his shit together once he gets out.) - He wants to get back in contact with them, but is afraid to. 
Height: 5'6" 
Weight: Fluctuates between 110 and 115lbs 
Body Type: Thin but athletic. 
Hair: Dirty-blonde, kept in an undercut with volume and fluff at the top.
Eyes: Blue
Languages: English, French, and American Sign Language (ASL). Knows a little German because of his old neighbour Freyde as well. 
Distinguishing features: He has vitiligo, and the patterning on his skin seems to resemble the marks of a cheetah. The most notable of that are the ones on his eyes. 
A water colour tattoo of a Luna moth on his back. A sleeve tattoo of a nebula on his left arm. Scar tissue on his right arm, shoulder and part of his chest because of a car accident. Deep scratch marks (from fingernails) on his left shoulder. A couple of cigarette burns behind his right ear (hidden by his hair). A small birthmark on his abdomen that he shares with his father. Needle marks on his neck, behind his ears, and his scalp. 
A few burn marks from an electric shock on his hip, overlapping with one another. 
He stammers and has a awkward chuckle that comes out whenever he’s particularly uncomfortable about something. He also has insomnia. However, he has a concern over taking pills for it and so hasn’t tried to yet. 
Far-sighted so he wears glasses to read, play games, and other close-up tasks, 
Hobbies and Interests: Parkour and running, reading, space, videogames, mythology, steampunk, vaporwave, and drumming. 
Occupation: He often usually just helps people out for a bit of money. He also offers information on things he’s seen and knows about. He’s also affiliated with the work of Pano, a company decided to investigating paranormal events and improvising the relationship between humans and supernatural beings. 
Personality: Quiet and rather shy. He’s a bit of a doormat and finds it hard to speak up about a lot of things. But he’s also very kind and helpful whenever he can be, and has a lot of empathy and compassion for other people. 
However, this sadly can lead him into getting mixed up with the wrong kind of people. He also has some basic fighting ability and will fight dirty if he has to, as much as he would rather not. He’s incredibly loyal to any friends he makes as well, willing to put himself between them and any danger that might come their way, even at a risk to his own life. He also has a slight temper, particularly when frustrated or when he’s allowed negative feelings to build up inside for too long. He does his best to keep that reined in. 
He has some hope for the future after his escape from his old boss (and said old boss’s arrest when Pano found out about him..)
Basic Backstory: He didn’t have the best childhood due to his mother being the awful woman that she was. She would act manipulative, lock her sons outside as a punishment, become violent, physically, verbally, and emotionally lashing out at them and other horrible things. She also treated Russell like he was a freak once she found out about his abilities, holding it over his head and threatening to tell everyone about it.
He left home at seventeen. He saw a job applicant in a scientist’s lab, just as a helper. It was also several hundred miles away from home, so he saw it as a benefit for getting away from his mother as well. He applied, packed his bags, and left. However, he didn’t realise that his mother had set it up along with his boss, who wanted someone ‘like him’. She got a large sum of money for essentially selling him off. He didn’t find this out until later though. 
He was subjected to invasive and painful experiments, along with conditioning from his boss. Said boss pretended to treat and see him as a friend, and told him that it would be fir the greater good in the long run, so he tried to trust him. The experiments gave him the ability to sense, track, hunt, and then fight whoever he found. His boss wanted the perfect hunter so he could catch, study, and then possibly send these other subjects to other people for large sums of money. As such, he is no stranger to the supernatural, which roam semi-freely in his world, and isn’t very surprised whenever he meets them. 
Russell also learned how to use his speed and agility in a fight, and how to implement basic first aid. But it did little to make him feel better. Three years later, after he found out that it had been a set up, he eventually ran away and his boss was arrested by Pano. However, they were quick to catch up to him as well. About a couple of months later, they captured him by force but much to his shock, they offered him a job, and protection. Their reason for capturing him was because he wasn’t about to trust anything they had to say, and he wouldn’t believe them if they said it first. 
So now he’s living his own life as he goes, travelling wherever and whenever. As far as he’s hoping, things are looking up for him, but he’ll just have to see how things go.
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hallcweentcwn · 4 years
Tumblr media
ᴏᴜʀ ᴍᴀɴ, ᴊᴀᴄᴋ, ɪꜱ ᴋɪɴɢ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴜᴍᴘᴋɪɴ ᴘᴀᴛᴄʜ -                                                  ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴏɴᴇ ʜᴀɪʟ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴜᴍᴘᴋɪɴ ᴋɪɴɢ!
✦ — [ penn badgley. twenty six. he/him. the nightmare before christmas ] JACK SCELETUS-KING was just spotted coming out from THE LOCAL COSTUME SHOP, with MITSKI, CARRY ME OUT; playing as a constant tune inside their head, it might as well be their song. easily noticed by their IMPRESSIVE SHAKESPEARE COLLECTION, ALL-BLACK ENSEMBLE, AND THE CHRISTMAS BELL-ESQUE JINGLE OF HIS ASSISTENCE DOG – ZERO’S - COLLAR. JACK SKELLINGTON is not one to be forgotten.
back to basics;
name: jack anthony sceletus-king
name significance/meaning: ‘god is gracious’, named after the classic jack-o-lantern
gender: cis male, he/him pronouns
age: twenty six
sexuality: bisexual
birthday: october 1st
zodiac sign: libra
place of birth: salem, massachusetts
ethnicity: caucasian 
everything up to now;
Jack is very passionate about Halloween, and even more so about Christmas. He was raised the only child of two lesbian mothers - that the local children 100% believe are witches – who earned a living by running an all-year-round Spirit Halloween-esque store that sold everything spooky and bloody 365 days a year. Jack was raised on horror movies, but not as a means to scare him, as a source of comfort. The monsters under his bed growing up weren’t to be feared, by encouraged. There was something always protecting him while he slept, how cool was that?!
Every Halloween was an occasion. The house was always decked out in the scariest decorations they could get their hands on and Jack always had the creepiest costume out of all the kids at school. His teachers had given their fair share of concerned eyebrow raises at his more…graphic costumes, but it never waivered Jack. He loved getting to dress up and eat candy until he got sick. October was the best time of the year as far as Jack was concerned.
Christmas wasn’t really a thing until Jack started middle school. Sure, his moms put up a Christmas tree and gave him a couple of cool toys each December, but it wasn’t a whole event like it was for other kids. That was until he was dragged along with his cousins to a Winter Wonderland experience at the local mall. There was something about the lights and the fake snow and the glitter of the baubles and overall warmth that drew Jack in. Christmas was almost as beautiful as Halloween, just in a different way.
His love of both holidays clashed to nearly comedic effect most of the time. A Christmas wreath covered in cob-webs, a glass of Eggnog served in a black and orange mug. But Jack loved that even more. He had always been a ‘why not both?’ type of guy, why should he have to chose between the warm toned reds and oranges of fall and the cool air and glistening snow of winter? Jack’s indecisive nature, however, did make things a struggle when high school came to a close. He settled on earning a degree in Literature at Sherwood University. He did love Shakespeare. 
After a few long nights with little sleep, Jack had a seizure in the middle of class one day during his freshman year of college. After a few days of testing and a few more seizures, Jack was diagnosed with epilepsy. A few months later, in order to help make things at school less of a stress, he got Zero; a small, white poodle who served as his seizure alert dog. As the years have passed, the two are almost never seen apart. Zero is a big fan of attempting to dig through people’s bags during classes in search for snacks but the bell on his firetruck-red collar more often than not gives him away.
As his time as a Literature student came to a close, Jack still wasn’t satisfied. He never was. So he decided he’d stick around a little longer and test the waters, studying the aptly fitting mortuary sciences and minoring in theatre so he could put that Shakespearean knowledge to good use!
+ cheerful, ambitious, good-natured
- headstrong, impulsive, naïve
Jack is a textbook case of never judging a book by it’s cover. While almost always decked out in all-black and walking down the halls with his brow furrowed & muttering to himself about something seemingly deep and meaningful ('seemingly' being the key word), Jack is one of the biggest optimists he knows. He loves listening to people talk about their day and showing random acts of kindness to brighten his friends’ days whenever he can. He gets overly excited quickly and once he has his mind set on something, it’s almost impossible to slow his roll. Despite that, when Jack gets mad, he gets mad. He has no patience for bullies and people who try to make other people feel small and he’s not scared to show it.
Jack had been stuck in a rut in terms of what he wanted his future to look like for the longest time, and once he was in his finally year of majoring in literature, Jack decided that just didn’t fit the future he saw for himself, and headed back to school to study the much more suitable subject of mortuary sciences with a minor in theatre.
Jack is very passionate about his studies and is always attempting to boost morale amongst his fellow students by organizing study groups and movie nights as often as he can. He is currently housed in Thoresby Hall
 wanted connections;
 ( PENN BADGLEY ) our JACK SCELETUS-KING is looking for SALLY FINKLESTEIN to fulfill their BEST FRIEND/POTENTIONAL LOVE INTEREST. They would be 21-28 and would most likely look like VICTORIA PEDRETTI, ADRIA ARJONA, PATTI HARRISON / UTP. You DO NOT have to contact the player. @hallcweentcwn. Description: Sally has been most egregiously friend-zoned by Jack’s oblivious ass but he’s slowly starting to piece together his feelings for her may be a little more than just friendship.
( PENN BADGLEY ) our JACK SCELETUS-KING is looking for UTP to fulfill their ENEMY. They would be 21-28 and would most likely look like UTP. You DO NOT have to contact the player. @hallcweentcwn. Description: Jack’s oblivious nature has gotten him into plenty of trouble before and not all of his (or maybe any) attempts at party planning go to plan. Whether he accidently made someone’s kid sister cry because he overdid it with his Halloween costume during Trick-or-Treating or gifted someone jewelry made out of human teeth, they don’t seem to find Jack as endearing as he would like. 
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psychicguild · 7 years
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November: Beware and Be Aware of What is Yet to Come
As the stars and planets make their cosmic waves in space, take a glimpse of how they will affect your respective star signs with the following predictions:
Red hot passionate Mars will make its way through your sign this month leaving you with a tidal wave, which you need to control if it will have a strong or soft landing. And since you are naturally calm, it’s safe to say that it’s going to be peaceful touchdown.
Mars, the ruler of your opposite sign Aries, is known for being direct, honest and painfully truthful in his dealings with others. And if you’ve been holding something in for way too long, it could all come bursting out this month that will surprise many because they didn’t expect it from you.
Take note of these important dates – November 9, 11 and 21 – your best astrological days this month when you can plan to carry out any negotiations. The Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and your ruler Venus will all pass through your solar 2nd house of money and finances this month, all of them wearing intense Scorpio, the sign of secrets and intensity. While this could mean you’re in for some money-oriented disputes or arguments over possessions, you might not want to get too caught up in these games as they could get ugly really quickly.
The Birthday Boys and Girls! Your Full Moon in the relationship zone of November 4 is accompanied by three planets with interesting takes on relationships. So your mission now is to think outside the box with regard to all of your relationships. Keep in mind that not because other people handles similar situations a certain way, it means that it’s the proper approach that would work for you as well.
Meanwhile, the giver of opportunities Jupiter, spends his first full month in your birth sign this month. So it’s the best time to weigh things around you and determine who and what exactly would offer up insights into your life. Make the wise decision in your dealings as Jupiter is only with you for one year and he will be gone right before you know it.
The Sun and Mercury spending time in Sagittarius this month hits home in your 2nd house of self-esteem and self-worth and with Jupiter the planet of good luck in your sign it wouldn’t be a bad time to pick up a lottery ticket around November 11, 17 or 25. Good luck!
It’s your birthday so it’s your time to shine! You also get an extra perk of mixing work and play towards mid-month without compromising any of which. Plus your creative juices take its height this month and you may want to consider a good idea of turning a hobby into part time business.
A pack of intense Scorpio planets – including your own ruler Jupiter – will turn your attention towards shared resources this month Sagittarius. As the Full Moon rises on November 4, you may need to make a major decision about a joint financial matter. If you don’t get satisfying responses from your colleagues, you might as well consult trusted professional.
Super conservative Saturn in your sign will get into an easy trine with rebellious Uranus in Aries, your happiness zone mid-month, which will make it easy to blend the experiences from your past with your hopes for the future. Deciding where to aim your energies is very important this month and for the next year, too.
Mercury and Saturn come together in your sign on November 28 – a pair that was tailor made for making tough choices with an eye toward permanence and announcing your decisions with confidence. If you’ve been mulling over a career change, you need to mull it over a little bit more Sagittarius.
Mark your calendar as Venus and Jupiter get together on 13th of November. They are expected to create the possibility for great wealth – which is truly a music to your ears! You are one sign that understands the need to ‘go for it’ when there’s a chance to make good money so understand what these planets are telling you and if your gut tells you to invest on any level – don’t hesitate, go for it!
Goats, be prepared for a testy workweek on the 3rd week of November as the universe will see how you handle stress and pressure. Your real mission is to stay put and not stalk off anywhere until plan B is ready to be deployed.
The New Moon on November 18 is in intense and determined Scorpio, your 11th house of hopes, wishes and friendship, urging you to accept yourself as you truly are – warts and all. A cosmic wake-up call which might be difficult to swallow but it is necessary.
A sky full of playful, curious fire and air planets will see to it that you’re anything but lying around bored this month Aquarius. Which as we know, like your fellow air sign Gemini, is the worst thing imaginable…boredom! There will be a lot happening work wise too with Jupiter the planet of opportunity and abundance spending his first full month in your 10th house of career and reputation this month. If you’re not happy with the work you’re doing, your boss or your co-workers, this is the time to start putting out feelers for a new job.
The Full Moon on November 4 will stir things up in your 4th house of home and family which could bring about a disruption in your domestic routine. Fortunately, you are intuitive in this and if your flat mate suddenly ups and leaves, you’ll be prepared.
A Full Moon in earthy, grounded Taurus arrives November 4, training her spotlight on your conversations, thoughts and communications zone. Now, you’re probably an ultra-sensitive and highly psychic soul, but any decisions to be made now will also require a strong dose of reality.
Hard work is on your plate this month and the only way to get ahead with the Sun and Mercury in your solar 10th house of career and climbing the corporate ladder zone. If you’ve been waiting for the right time to say something uncomfortable or unpleasant, the time has come, it is now or never. Mercury and Saturn will get together once again November 28, a team that’s all about relaying just the facts in the most practical way possible. You have been worrying about saying this for some time but it has to be said and there’s no other way to slice it Pisces.
Dearest Aries – you won’t be sitting at home or looking for things to happen this month. As long as you have one or two friends by your side, this is a very social month for you indeed. Your ruler Mars is currently on a journey through your opposite sign of Libra, your 7th house of relationships, demanding fire and passion from all of your relationships. November is a great month for making new friends and acquaintances so let’s get that friendly mood working.
The Full Moon in Taurus and the New Moon in Scorpio will also trigger your solar money houses this month. Whether you are talking about money with a financial adviser or your life partner, it’s important that you work things carefully and thoroughly. Moons make things more emotional and the last thing you need to do is mix money and emotions. Specially, with the holidays fast approaching – money and savings are more important than ever.
Three planets will make their presence known in sexy Scorpio this month. Your one on one relationship zone so socially inclined that is set to be a great month for you. Whether it’s from your co-workers, friends and or family, you’ll get a lot of invites thick and fast. While you often tend to be more of a housecat than an outgoing person, it’s vital that you do go out and accept as many invites as you possibly can bulls.
Mercury the communicator will dash off into funny, friendly Sagittarius November 5 urging you to pull out all the stops and have more fun than usual. You might find that you’re surrounded by more kindred spirits that could help you venture out this month. Make sure to take a time off and read my LOVESCOPES single as this is a very auspicious time for you.
If you have money matters to get sorted this is the time to do so – especially if they involve tons of paperwork – it’s time to get the wheels in motion sooner than later bulls. The New Moon on the 18th activates your solar 7th house of relationships Taurus, which will urge you to either take a relationship further, let it go completely or let it rest somewhere between. It’s time to make a decision- it’s been coming for some time and you’ve known it. Make it as easy on yourself and on others as possible without too much drama bulls.
A rather testy pack of planetary energies will come together mid-November making this a prime time to either get things to go your way or not. Don’t do anything you don’t want to do and don’t allow someone to talk you into or out of something – that’s your department!
Financial issues that came up last month could arise again this month Gemini’s and this time it will be impossible to ignore them. A New Moon in intense, determined Scorpio will make it impossible to forget about it all too. Do yourself a favour and tackle this thing head on. It could be the only way your brain will give you any peace.
If you’re celebrating Thanksgiving, it could be quite the time for you Gemini’s. The emotional Moon in Aquarius will be on duty in your long distance zone so for those of you missing someone overseas or far away, it will hurt more than usual this month. Make sure you read my November LOVESCOPES to find out exactly how much you will miss someone this month – holidays or not.
Right up until the 7th of November, Venus the lover will be on duty in your solar 4th house of home and family affairs.  On November 3, someone might even ask you for money – a loan or just a straight out financial gift. Give what you can and if you can’t give much, don’t beat yourself up about it.
The New Moon on November 18 will set up shop in your solar 5th house of romance, playtime and self-fulfillment, urging you to find a new way to have fun and express yourself. You might even meet some new friends – people unlike your other friends who don’t have judgements about you and who don’t play by the rules you are used to playing by. Quite an education for you Cancers and very enlightening.
Mercury, the planet of excitement and flirtation, dashes off into Sagittarius early November, which is your 5th house of romance and fun. Make sure you read the LOVESCOPES to find out what that all means for you Leos. Needless to say, November looks like being a very social month for you indeed.
Money is a tricky subject this month and one you might not necessarily want to discuss with too many other people.
Getting the things you want will be easier this month with serious Saturn in sassy Sagittarius getting into an easy going trine with startling Uranus in Aries mid-month. You won’t even have to work too hard to get whatever it is you want either. Never forget to give thanks to the Lord for all the blessings he has showered upon you.
As the holidays approach, November is one of those months when all sales happen in shopping malls and even online, and they are very inviting Virgos! So here’s a tip for you – try your best to control your spending and think twice or thrice before buying something. Ask yourself if you really it or maybe not.
These 2 cosmic heavy hitters, Saturn and Uranus, are capable of conjuring up all kinds of magic – like bringing old and young together for warm and wonderful family gatherings. The word family has a wide reach nowadays and could also pertain to a friend you’ve had for years, people you work with, etc.
Brutally honest Mercury and Saturn get together in your 4th house of home and family on November 28 and this duo needs to be handled with care. Hold your tongue if you feel the anger or resentment start to rise Virgos.
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hermemo-blog · 5 years
Is this evolutionary for me?
It’s a question I have recently realised I have been asking myself for a long time. Where will this next shift take me? How am I meant to trust that I am making the right decision? Does it feel right? Do you trust that feeling in the pit of your stomach? If the answer is yes, just leap darling. 
The past two years have been an absolute whirlwind. As a result this may be a long one, (it’s really just for me to get it all out). Let’s begin with a little background. December 2015, I was 20, and it was the first time I had felt an internal pull or what I now recognise as a direct message from my soul. Oh, and It wasn’t just a small message. I was screaming internally. I wasn’t happy, in fact I was miserable, my anxiety was winning and I was stuck in a repetitive pattern of self doubt and self hate. Growth wasn’t even an option, something had to change.
I now know that the universe was well aware of how i was feeling, I was asking for a sign, for change. Then one of my biggest dreams came true. Triggering a shift in me that I wouldn’t come to fully recognise until almost two years later. What I did see was a level of happiness and freedom that I hadn’t encountered before, and once I had tasted it, I knew that’s the feeling I needed to live in everyday. So, subconsciously, I set out to create it. 
I found the courage to end my, (toxic) five year high school relationship and within a few months, I had landed a new job. In a new city, whilst still completing my degree, with a brand new relationship. I was very suddenly watching the town I grew up in disappear in the rear view window of my also newly purchased car. To say I was leaping was an understatement, it scared the life out of me.
My new job, I thought it was my dream job. Which, looking back now, for that period in my life, it was. I stepped into a BIG company, that I knew would set me up for success in my career. Being the stubborn person I am, I couldn’t wait until I had a degree, I had to work straight away. Boy, I was thrown into the deep end. This little creative Libra was suddenly running marketing campaigns with targets that had a few too many zeros on the end. I discovered what it was like to drink three coffee’s a day, with minimal to no food, (because you don’t have time to eat). I became a yes woman, and as a result ended up doing two roles instead of one, (go figure!..). I had to drop out of multiple uni subjects (hello extra debt), and i was gaining weight quickly due to stress.  Everyone close to me didn’t quite get it, and it’s impossible to explain. The pace, expectations and level that you have to operate in, is not sustainable. I slowly began to watch people I had grown to love at work move on to other opportunities. Something in me knew that it wasn’t really making sense, BUT I had to make the most of my opportunity and get as much experience as I could. I had made the big move, I couldn’t just quit. I constantly told myself that this crazy culture was benefiting me somehow...
The right people will come into your life exactly when you need them to, trust the universe.
Just over a year in, I was still working two roles, our team was dwindling and I was in the midst of deciding if I should stick it out to two years, or quit right then and there. I was fighting to be paid fairly and i was wearing thin. When hired a new team member. Things didn’t stop, if anything they got more intense and more stressful, but I had a partner in crime. A #WORKWIFE and she taught me so much about trusting yourself, your gut and your intuition. To stand your ground, and to stick up for yourself. She’s a no bull shit kind of girl that’s not afraid to speak her mind, and little did she know, it was all this Libra needed. (Not to mention she is also a Swiftie and we struggle to find an interest we don’t have in common). Honestly, I would not have gotten through that second year without her by my side. 
It’s okay to step away, to find yourself.
You will be happy to know that I am writing this from my house surrounded by boxes, yep I’m moving back home. I have a new shift, a new role and it couldn’t feel more right. When I first moved I was running away from a toxic relationship which haunted every place i visited. I knew i needed to re-group, focus on me, build a life for me, so that I could come back stronger than before. It’s okay to say no, for you. It’s okay to decline an invitation, for you. It’s okay to disappear for a while, for you.
Never give your entire self over to a business/brand that isn’t yours
As said by the incredible Alison Rice, no matter how beautiful, how much love or how much respect you have for a brand/business. You cannot in any circumstance give your entire self to them. What would happen if you placed your wellbeing at the same level as your career? Balance is key.
I was always the lovely, ever smiling, bubbly, humble, yes woman. Darling, some people are just not.good.people. They will manipulate, they will use and they will take advantage of you, over and over again. It’s hard to recognise these kinds of people at first, (It’s okay, I didn't). They hide behind a facade of compliments and lies that they use to build you up and trust them. They will act like they know everything about you and how you operate, and they aren’t scared to tell you this until you believe that they know you better than you know yourself. They will act as a guardian, a mother bird, who will always protect you. They won't. They spend their days playing their little game, perched upon their tilted stage. They will burn you at any chance they have, if it will benefit them. Do not trust these people.
But guess what? It’s okay to underline their name, you don’t have to play their game. Because you are smarter than they are. They can’t handle honesty, it’s a foreign concept to them. So darling, go around them. Strike them from behind, when they are least expecting it. You’re a snake darling, you only strike when you (or people you care about) get stepped on. It’s terrifying, but you will have the last say.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m still that girl. Im still the romantic, humble and positive human that I was. I’ve just added back in my layer of self respect, self worth and trust in myself. 
Don’t regret it, every event is a lesson if you will let it be.
I have learnt so much about myself over the past two years. I trust myself and my intuition more than ever. My anxiety does not rule me or my decisions anymore. I’ve embarked upon the journey towards sitting in my true self and I can’t wait to see where this next shift takes me.
Love, Memo 
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strayraccoon · 7 years
End of Unchanging Days pt.4
part 1 [link] part 2 [link] part 3 [link] part 4 [link]
Last part of this fic. I might write more crossovers in the future. If you’re curious, be sure to try playing Fallen London or Sunless Sea ^^
Tight alleyways of the Fifth City was something you're familiar with. It's a good method of travel when one wishes not to mingle with overzealous fans or annoying personae. Wet cobblestone under your feet, occasional crates and makeshift furniture used by homeless individuals, mixture of ammonia and coppery odor which would render one's nose numb, bloodshot gazes from individuals spending their idle days within maze-like alleyways. Should one walk about carelessly, they'll fall victim to a bucket of waste thrown out from nearby window.
'SHIIIIIT!!!!' Zapp exclaimed a second after a bucketful of human waste thrown onto him.
'Yeeesh…' Leonardo added as he pinched his nose and made some distance between him and the unfortunate man.
'Ewww!' Chain performed the same action with Leonardo, only more liberal with expressing her disgust. 'Now you're double dirty, stupid monkey'
Zed simply inclined his head and said 'Oh, I can fix that quickly' before forming a huge ball of water above his hands and submerged Zapp into it. He then absentmindedly made Zapp roll around inside the water ball before releasing him. The unfortunate man plopped onto wet cobblestone face down. Zed beamed in glee as he explained, 'Once I saw human using water in a box to wash their clothes, interesting contraption indeed. There's even wringer on it too'
Zapp quickly rose and choked Zed angrily, 'You idioooot! I'm not some dirty clothes!'
'Knock it off kiddo' K.K interjected, she didn't relent her gaze the moment Zapp glared at her. It was obvious who won in the staring contest. She looked at you before expertly changing the topic, 'We're close to the Black Horse. At this time he should be inside. How do you want to approach this?'
You looked at Leo putting an effort to separate Zapp and Zed for a second, then replied, 'Quiet, if possible. But, that's pretty much impossible is it?'
'No, Pearce would be in the gambling den at this time. He has a clay man with him too. So direct approach would be suicidal' Chain pondered as she leaned her back against alleyway wall. Yard siren blaring throughout the city. Despite so, she made an effort to remain calm.
'If direct and quiet don't work, we'll just have to make it a blast' Leo said confidently, grinning widely yet there's a hint of nervousness behind his cheerful nature.
Leo's plan included Zapp, Zed, and himself playing decoy at the Black Horse gambling den, mingling with the guests for a while before throwing select insult words at Pearce, deliberately starting a fight inside the gambling den. The fraud writer himself was not a problem, but his escort might. Both Zapp and Zed are confident in taking him on, though the latter worries about the den's security interference.  Leo, who was supposed to be a lookout, was accidentally involved in the fistfight. He caught a couple of fist into his face but retaliated using whatever power his unique eye granted him. Several people were instantly stunned or imbalanced. That's when both Zapp and Zed mop the floor with them.
Pearce himself was hiding behind the den's bar, constantly barking order at his clay man. Other patrons of the gambling den simply cheered on the fistfight. Several guardsmen threw themselves at the trio, but sheer number couldn't even the odds. In fact, a couple of supporting shots from a Hawkeye added the trio's odd. There were electrical current running through each shot which added to the absurdity of the fight.
You and Chain sighed at the same time, witnessing the absurd scene. Nevertheless, with everyone's attention was aimed at commotion down in gambling parlor, the two of you managed to reach Pearce's apartment on the upper floors. There were a small number of guards which Chain incapacitated quickly and effectively. In fact, none of them realized it until too late. Chain wasn't keen in having you following her, but an alleyway is far more dangerous compared to a gambling parlor.
'Oh, wow, are you sure I'll fit in your group?'
'That's for Mister Klaus and Starphase to decide. But, there are a lot of us who don't actually fight' Chain answered as she dug her arm into a man's chest, incapacitating him effortlessly.
You entered Pearce's room, it is amusingly similar with yours. Small modest apartment room with papers and books strewn about its wooden floor. Inkwell and fountain pen on similarly modest wooden worktable. The only difference was the waft of cheap perfume and smoke instead of old books. Which is considerably makes sense, since Pearce is living inside a gambling den instead of bookstore. Nevertheless, you weren't expecting to find your unknown rival room to be so modest.
'You looked like you're taken aback, poeta' Chain called you back into reality.
'That name is going to stick, isn't it' you sighed, and continued 'Yes, I expected his room to be more…grandiose? Filled with velvet and Turkish carpet, perhaps. A hookah on the corner of the room. High quality furniture, bed with post and curtain. Cheap musk, maybe, and select alcohols he snitch from the bar downstairs'
'Then this makes this a case of simple jealousy. Not a conspiracy. Pretty boring, isn't it? Chain added, crossing her arms idly. 'Why bedpost though?'
'Uhm…there's a lot of things you can do at a bedpost. ' You answered vaguely, in endeavor not to divulge too much in front of polite company.
'Oh my. You have questionable tastes'
"Sue me. Let's just plant the…hold on' you were about to suggest for Chain to start planting 'evidence' inside Pearce room when you saw a couple of books under his bed. You reached towards it and dusted it. There were trace of golden letters on the front and the side of the hardcover. You skimmed the book for a minute. The content made you grin. 'We probably don't need our own 'evidence''
'Why? What's that book? Is he a revolutionary member after all?'
'No, it's a romance book' you grinned at Chain, and she made a small 'o' with her mouth before she started giggling.
It is a known fact that romance literature is banned in the Fifth City, any possession of such contraband would be enough to send someone to Tomb-Colony. Or at least heavy fine from the Yard with right connection and amount of money. Unfortunately for Darcy Pearce, a constable raid on the gambling den uncovered his contraband possession. As he has neither connection not monetary advantage, he was shipped off to Tomb Colony and his charges against a certain poet was waved off as mere literary jealousy.
In turn, the unfortunate poet received a pardon from the Duchess directly, as well as an invitation to perform in one of her salon. The event of at the night of incident was recreated inside a novel, which involved a Master of Criminal World whisking away the poet and a series of action packed scenes in a magical way. Obviously, the readers enjoyed the added flair from the writer's part and waved it off as a mere story. While in fact it's not in the slightest.
'So there you have it' Steven said in satisfied voice, closing his filer and putting it on nearby desk.
You were sitting on a sofa inside Libra's headquarters main room, serving both as office room, meeting area, and lounge for the member. The floor was a black and white checkered akin to chess board. Huge windows were behind executive director's desk. Various potted plants were placed strategically which enhanced the room's atmosphere. Unlike the Royal Bethlehem which boast luxury, this office room felt like home and more comfortable.
The trio sat beside you, each of them had bandages on various part of their body. The fight from the other night left some wounds on them. Despite so, they were smiling. You remembered Klaus was fussing over the three when they returned with wounds all over their body, especially towards Leo who is not used to fighting. You found it funny for such a composed gentleman to lose his composure due to his subordinate's condition.
K.K and Chain came out of the fight unscathed, with their respective ability not requiring them to confronting their enemies upfront. Chain did snitch one of the books from Pearce collection for 'research purposes'. Steven and Klaus had minor injury which took less time to recover compared to the trio.'
Steven giggled as he lifted your novel, 'Master of Criminal World, is it? You do have amazing imagination'
'Hey, who doesn't want to be whisked away like that?' you replied, grinning. Despite your recent literary success, you decided to stay in the bookstore. The melancholic owner did worry about your sudden disappearance and constables barging in all of sudden, screaming accusation about your allegiance to the revolutionary party. He was relieved when you returned almost unscathed, grossly sobbing on your good suit.
'Oh, my. That would be a dream' K.K added, 'But I already have hubby and children…*sigh*'
The supposedly 'Master of Criminal World' scratched his neck shyly, before declaring, 'Operation success, I suppose. One last thing is presenting our poeta to the Duchess. I'll be escorting you for the salon'
'Hitting the high society, eh? Good luck with that, poeta' Zapp said casually as he leaned his head against the sofa. 'I ain't interested'
'Well, you have none of their refined manner, monkey' Chain muttered under her breath.
'Say that again! She-dog!' Zapp caught her mockery.
'Not again, you two!' Leo snapped, avoiding just in time before Chain landed her heels on Zapp's face once again. Zed dragged you out of the way quickly as Zapp lost his balance and dropped on the sofa where you and Leo had sit seconds before. It would have been a domino of human should the two of you remained there.
'If you need better outfit, I can give some suggestion. Our poeta here does need a new one. Can't go to the Shuttered Palace without proper attire after all' K.K suggested, completely ignoring the youngsters breaking into a fight.
'Ohohoho, I can arrange that with young master's permission' Gilbert suggested as he handed you a cup of warm tea. The aroma was similar to your savior the night you escaped the bookstore.
'Please do, Gilbert'
'Once you're ready, master Poeta, I'll need to measure you' said Gilbert. You can tell from his eyes that he's smiling beneath the bandages. He then proceeded to prepare more tea expertly for everyone in the room.
'I knew it's going to stick' you groaned as every Libra members present had already calling you poeta as a nickname.
'Ahahaha' Steven laughed, definitely not apologetic as he's the one who accidentally nicknamed you. 'Speaking of which, you don't have to worry about our Pearce ever again. We made sure he's not coming back to Fallen London ever again'
All's well that ends well, you thought. Then you caught Klaus looked at your way, you swore you saw a hint of admiration in his gaze. Whatever it was, it was gone in a second. He approached you and once again extended his hand towards you. A similar scene played out, only the word was different and you couldn't be more confident of your answer.
'Welcome to Libra' Klaus said as he shook your hand firmly.
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High Horoscopes | Jan. 5, 2017
The HIGH TIMES weekly astrological forecast, complete with strain recommendations!
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In the last coughing sputters of 2016 we lost Carrie Fisher. She might have played Leia but IRL she was a true modern-day princess: a strong-minded, independent, take no bullshit, intelligent, witty, creative woman with a wicked sense of humor.  What she dished out is exactly what the cosmos want you to serve in 2017: irreverent, self-effacing, take no prisoners, laugh it all off marvelousness. And some creative hairstyling, of course: don’t diss the side buns. Strain recommendation: Harlequin
Before 2016 could slink away into the darkness from which it came, it took with it George Michael. His life’s struggle to reveal to the world his true self empowered his fans to do the same. He encouraged us all to be free and to have faith in ourselves. You can borrow his leather jacket and jukebox and pantheon of ’90s super models if you must, or you can just be loud and proud, but your task in 2017 is to speak up for all the parts of you that have hidden in the shadows out of fear. Sing out, baby. Strain recommendation: Cherry Bomb
At the end of this past year we lost the magical Debbie Reynolds. Her career was as long as it was diverse: a triple threat and an absolute joy to watch. She will also be remembered for dying a day after her beloved daughter, Carrie Fisher. Their relationship was difficult and fraught with the highs and lows that accompany addiction, mental illness, hard-won reconciliations and the showbiz child/parent dynamic. They ran life’s gauntlet side by side, and together they moved on to the next great challenge. This commitment to making their family functional is what you will be embodying in 2017. Either by working out your own kinks or by being a wonderful example to those around you, family togetherness is your key word. Strain recommendation: Snoop’s Dream
Losing Leonard Cohen in 2016 came as a real blow to lovers and poets across the globe, not to mention Buddhists, Montrealers, and musicians who all held him in a dear place in their hearts. 2017 is calling upon you to summon your inner romantic artist, to speak your truth and craft it until it is specifically yours and universally relatable. You will be unafraid of rejection and vulnerability, and when you connect to your spiritual power you will be able to harness the strength it gives you to bring a deep comfort to others. Put your heart out there for the world to embrace! Strain recommendation: Bio-Jesus
So much of 2016 was dominated by the US election that you wouldn’t be wrong to think of Trump as the face of the year. And what a year, and face, it is. Now, as the US braces itself for a 2017 under his rule, we are all left to wonder who will step forward as the face of 2017. Will it be an anti-Donald figure, a humanitarian Mandela type, a Bernie-esque politician, or a celebrity protester à la Mark Ruffalo? Or perhaps it will be a Trumpy ally, like a Putin or a Bannon? I mention this because the cosmos are calling for a political Leo this year. That part of you that speaks your mind and holds fast to your beliefs will be called upon. It is now that you must decide what kind of leader you want to be and whom you will support in the year to come. A great divide has formed, and no fence sitters are allowed anymore. Strain recommendation: Sour Jack
So Brexit was a shocker. The world was left gobsmacked when the impossible happened. England voted to leave the EU and no one seemed more surprised than the British people themselves. A huge amount of exit voters said after voting day that they had changed their minds and wanted a revote. The ugly truth couldn’t be avoided, however; their beds had been made. As 2017 sweeps in, you must think of  those Brits who recanted and what they learned the hard way; listen to no rhetoric, take no action without contemplation, and weigh all possibilities carefully. It’s a precarious time for you, and while risks need to be taken, you must tread softly and with purpose. Each step you take this year will leave an indelible footprint. Strain recommendation: Red Haze
There is a dog in my family that I find looks naked when he isn’t wearing his collar. He reminds me of you in 2017. When you allow yourself to be the real you it will come off as incredibly vulnerable, beautiful (even if slightly inappropriate) and uncommon. No matter how frighteningly nude you feel, you must continue in this vein, unabashedly in your birthday suit for the whole world to see. You are a bastion in these times of obfuscation and double speak: someone willing to be unadorned, raw and sometimes even a bit ugly. The cosmos applaud you and recommend a healthy diet of compassion for those who can’t handle your truth. Shine on! Strain recommendation: Silver Surfer
When you come across tough times in 2017, it will suck just as hard as it has in previous years, but there will be a slight difference… you will see the pain, even feel it, but it won’t damage you. You have lived through irreparably harmful events in your life, and have learnt from them. Finally, this year, your past pains have formed a shield that lives between the core of you and your experiences. This wonderful distance will help you on your path towards mindfulness, allowing you to keep that vulnerable part of you protected yet not blocked off. It’s an exciting time ahead for your personal growth. May you find joy in the self-awareness. Strain recommendation: Citrix
Remember the Zika virus? Like the bird flu and H1N1 it came in like a horrifying nightmare and went out faster than a B-lister on the reality show circuit.  In 2017, we’ll encounter a few more apocalyptic style news pieces that’ll scare the bejeezus out of everybody, but you’ve learnt by now how that little boy likes to cry wolf for the attention. You’ve got a grip on this year coming, you’re ready for it and heck, you might even have a little fun along the way. Take this newfound bravado and let it lead you to adventures that build your self-esteem. Stack it on top of each new accomplishment and by this time next year you’ll be flabbergasted by the advancements you’ve made. Make the space and it will be filled. Strain recommendation: Banana Diesel
Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee – sadly 2016 took down Ali. Cassius Clay, aka the great and beautiful boxer Muhammad, was an inspiring speaker, a strong activist and one hell of a fighter. When he lost his words and full control of his body due to Parkinson’s, it was particularly poignant as he had been naturally so graceful and eloquent. In honor of his spirit, I challenge you to activate your muscles and your words toward serving your causes: be they political, spiritual, personal or communal. Approach this year to come with a bit of his style and you should sail through like Ali’s The Rumble in the Jungle. Strain recommendation: Galactic Jack
When people talk about their physical body as if it is separate from their mind, their spiritual self or their emotions, I hear them saying they need to learn how to ingrate their many compartments into one self, to take a holistic approach to their life. Lately you have been focusing so much on your physical doings you have left the rest of you in the dusty dry haze of a Sunday afternoon, eating rusks and watching old home videos. Your arid neural pathways, the desert that is your emotional center and the tumbleweed blowing through your spiritual realm are signs that you need to drink a big glass of rehydrating reincorporation. I suggest cleaning out your bits in a heavy rain, bathing in the light of the moon and crying some tears over nothing but spilt water until all the barriers have been lifted and the river flows freely again. Strain recommendation: Blue Boy
Remember when Ryan Lochte lied to everyone about being held up at gunpoint in Brazil after the Olympics? What a strange moment in sports history that was. From all accounts, he and his team were caught being dumbasses at a Rio gas station and instead of ‘fessing up they turned it into an international incident by fabricating some ridiculous story. This is a great lesson for you in 2017. Sometimes Pisceans can stretch the truth a little, maybe decorate reality with their own brand of historical revision… but this year must bring an end to that silliness. You must get in the habit of talking straight before you get caught with your pants down. This year Pinocchio needs to go into retirement before he ends up toothpicks. Strain recommendation: Voodoo
from Medical Marijuana News http://ift.tt/2je6o8Z via https://www.potbox.com/
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