#but this definitely cheered me up so thank you sososo much
likegoldintheair · 27 days
NEA (May I call you Nea?) I LOVE YOUR BLOG I LOVE YOUR POSTS YOU’RE VERY COOL! I’m sorry you’ve been feeling down lately and I’m sorry about the insomnia and I’m sorry all your posts don’t have four thousand notes (they do in my heart)
the way this made me both laugh and cry hahaha ash you're so sweet! i love your blog and your posts too! <3
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mikeyforreal · 1 year
Hi there, Mikey! I was wondering if you have some headcanons about Robin Buckley? Because I love Robin so much!
dating robin buckley head cannons !
a/n: thanks so much for requesting! here ya go :) also this is intended for afab
cw: fluff, robin being a little nerd
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you're always going to her band performances ✰
robin invites you to all of them, big and the little ones
the first time she did, she did it think you were gonna show 😭
but ofc you did !!! how could you miss something like that? it was so important to her and you knew it
as soon as she saw you on the bleachers, her face lit up and she couldn't stop smiling the whole time :)
to the point where the other trumpets thought there was something wrong lmao
and if you're on the cheer team or any sports teams it's even better because then you never miss them, even if robin forgets to tell you
different dates ✰
robin is a little clueless romantically, so she usually asks steve or nancy for their thoughts or ideas
usually nancy gives better ideas in the end
one of your favorite dates was when you two went to get ice cream and walked around hawkins together
speaking of ice cream !
i think she'd really like sherbet in a waffle cone because she swears they taste better
and she always has ice cream at her house
but anyway back to the dates
steve is always third wheeling when she needs a lift to get you or when you're going somewhere that's too far for walking
he swears he hates it but secretly it makes him super happy to see robin get so excited talking about you or seeing the two of you interact, even if its awkward (he's so sweet to both of you)
sleepovers !! it's easy and comforting for her to know that you're safe with her all night :)
some random head cannons ✰
say it with me now,
she loves loves loves taking pictures of/with you
if you're on the cheer team or sports team, she has a pic of you in your uniform in her wallet
she has tons of pictures of you everywhere; her room, in a little locket she wears 24/7, on the mirror of steven's cars passenger seat (it's officially her spot fight me)
she loves hugging you from behind :)
always wanting to hang out at your house or vice versa
she learned how to make mixtapes for you
robin is always picking up random rocks that remind her of you
she's always watching whatever movies you want to (and letting you rent them for free)
she def wants to teach you to play trumpet
always helping you with homework
basically whatever it is you need she'll do it, no questions asked
idk why but robin reminds me of the song josie by blink-182 😭 (go listen to it, it's a masterpiece)
i think her love language is quality time or touch
robin is definitely a fast talker, especially when she's excited or worked up
so sometimes you just gotta take her hands in yours and look her in the eyes and politely tell her to slow down
she nods, takes a few breaths and then tells you what happened
if you're on the cheer team, she thinks you look absolutely adorable and beautiful in your cute little skirt and zip up with your name embroidered in cursive
and if you play on a sports team she is in awe whenever she sees your absolutely KILLING IT on the field or court
sometimes she hugs a biiit too tight and you can't breathe but she doesn't mean to hurt you !!! she just loves being close to you and pour it out in her hugs
she loves holding hands ! and she loves kissing your hand, very gentlewoman of her 🧐
she literally loves you sososo much, regardless of any "flaws" or "imperfections"
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a/n: i had a lot of fun making this ! thanks again for the request :)
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freeuselandonorris · 7 months
hiiii i love your stuff SO so sososo much, sorry for just now accidentally unfollowing and refollowing instead of clicking the "ask" button I?? don't know?? what happened?? anyway!! 33, 39, and 43 if you want!! or any combination thereof :D
ahaha no worries, it happens!! and thank you 😘
33. Do you want to be published some day?
i already have! i’ve had some short stories published and a couple of poems. outside of fic i mostly write literary/contemporary fiction and cyberpunk/speculative fiction.
i would dearly love to have a novel published one day. i’ve been writing a cyberpunk novel about a tech start-up turned sex cult for a couple of years now which has been an exhausting but very fun process that has taught me a lot. whether it’ll ever see the light of day, who knows, but i’d like to hope so.
39. Share a snippet from a WIP
here’s the opening paragraphs of an appalling daniel/lando/oscar threesome i started after the daniel.jpg photos, which i am chipping away at slowly but greatly enjoying:
Vegas, baby. It’s a cesspit. A monument to money: spending it, losing it, making it back, and all the terrible and fun things you can buy with it. Sex, drugs, cocktails strong enough to strip the top layer of skin off your tongue. It’s tacky as all get-out, fake as hell. A pink plastic dildo compared to an honest-to-god flesh and blood fuck. Basically all of humanity’s worst impulses dialled up to 11 and squeezed into 350 square kay-ems. Daniel fucking loves it.
He finishes explaining all this to Lando with a bit of a flourish, and then zips up and goes to wash his hands.
and here’s a little snippet from the next chapter of that one from work can come over on monday night, a scene i wrote almost entirely because i was desperately entertained by the idea of george taking the register with a clipboard at GPDA meetings:
“Alright, Piastri,” he says when he sees Oscar, smiling and standing up to shake his hand. “Good work today. Those upgrades are looking sharp.”
“Yeah, cheers,” Oscar says, sliding into one of the chairs next to Albon, who’s nursing a hot drink in a paper cup and already looks bored. “Perfect way to celebrate, this is.”
Alex gives him a sidelong smile, while George frowns very slightly, eyebrows pinching together like he can’t figure out if Oscar’s joking or having a go.
“Definitely my ideal way to spend a Saturday night,” Alex agrees, taking another sip of whatever’s in his cup and wrinkling his nose. “Christ, can nobody in this place make a decent cup of tea?”
The room is slowly filling up, and George cranes his head to count off the numbers, ticking off names against a register on his clipboard. Oscar stifles a smile.
43. Do you take a sadistic joy in whumping your characters, or are you more the "If you hurt them I would kill everyone and then myself" kind of person?
it depends on your definition of hurt! i definitely take a sadistic joy in hurting them in a kinky way sometimes, but i’m no good at writing full-on angst or even really hurt/comfort. i do tend to put some struggles into my fics, especially the longer ones, because otherwise the plot can drag, but i don’t especially look forward to doing it other than in the sense that it’s a good writing exercise to imagine how the blorbos would react to emotionally tricky situations. this is especially fun with F1 drivers are they are generally emotionally stunted.
it also depends a lot on the character, because some of them (charles, george, jev) are very emotionally intense and prone to self-flagellation which means it’s both canon and satisfying to make them struggle, as in beautiful one day, perfect the next for instance. others, like daniel or oscar or max, are various flavours of repressed and/or not emotionally demonstrative and so it’s interesting for me to think about how they would react — both outwardly and inwardly — to difficult situations, like daniel’s veering between denialism and the odd flash of reluctant maturity in you know how sticky it gets, or oscar’s tendency to compartmentalise and make lando think he’s uninterested in ‘this one from work…’
thank you for askinggg ❤️
get to know your fic writer!
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twottie-m8 · 1 year
Hello! I’ve been trying to remember to send you a little message for weeks now, but I somehow keep forgetting. Today I went: now’s the time and I’m not doing anything else until I’m done! Anyhow, one of the main reasons I’ve been having such a hard time writing this, is that I’ve attempted to express my feelings for your art in words a couple times and they haven’t felt complete, somehow. 🤔 But now, I’ve decided this will have to be good enough!
About your Dream’s Birthday Party comic, my goodness, there is so much sweetness and loveliness poured into it. It was an absolute pleasure to read and wait for, and, although you say the ending was somewhat predictable, I was FLOORED when Dream pulled the engagement ring out. I felt like sobbing in a most positive way. 🥹💕 Everything about it was so funny and charming! The characterisation, Hob’s inherent sillines, the splash of colours from Delirium’s wrapping, the FERRET CUDDLING INTO DREAM, DREAM’S LITTLE “Oh!”, HOB CATCHING DREAM MIDAIR—IT’S GOOD, IT’S SOSOSO GOOD. 😭
I am, especially, madly in love with your Hob and Dream dynamic. It’s, hands down, one of my favourites. Dream constantly feels like a princess whose knight in shining armour has finally showed up and carried her to her castle with love and strength. He is… so soft and touch starved, I adore him and his expressions… And Hob. He looks so ridiculously whipped for this beautiful creature, he’d do anything for him, and he is so funny and sweet and silly about it. He’s marvellous and they’re adorable together. 😭😭🫶
This got long, I hope you don’t mind! But yeah, I love your dreamling art and hope to talk to you again. Have a fantastic day! 🖤
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I have never in my life imagined that a spur-of-the-moment comic could touch so many folks' hearts it brings me so much joy to see yall find comfort and entertainment in something I made for shits n giggles off-handedly.
Each detail I established in the comic came to be like this: what's the next part? -> sketch it out thinking of the bigger image -> oh we need to fill in details -> monkey brain says "haha what if we did this" -> then I go "what IF we did?? What is stopping us"
At least for the comic, I had imagined it taking place in a time where dream finds himself happy and content; his family is as made up as they could be, he's got his shit together and an immortal lover so devoted he waited 133 years unsure if dream was ever going to show up in his life again. This had definitely taken a part into how i characterized them for the comic! Think of it as a happy ending au or something lol
(^Although I say this, the setting of the comic can very much be open to interpretation! I would hate to spoil anyone's fun 😊)
My dreamling dynamic I think stems from the fact that I have not read the comics and so I don't really have a complete grasp of how they're supposed to be. Going off of what I've gotten from the show and the fandom, I kinda just went with whatever characterizations I liked. Although I'm typically someone who likes to enjoy consuming content/stories/franchises by starting at the very beginning source material, this has felt quite freeing to essentially just play around with these characters like they're barbie dolls.
I really do feel how far I've come as an artist and storyteller seeing the little kiddie fan I used to be in the people that squeal and cheer for each updated part and/or post, and that now IM the person that kid me would've looked up to online... it just hits a deep part of my heart haha
Thank you so much for the ask! It really means a lot to me 💕
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whyse7vn · 10 months
im DYING after the latest update😭😭 my boy joon can never catch a break,, cant wait for the day he goes apeshit🕊🥀
also question!! since bts gc (presumably) follows the rl timeline, does the gc go on weverse or the blue bird n read what armys have talked abt too, like jks tiktok or that recent joon workout pic cuz if so..,, PHEWWW---that'd be rough ...
btw i love ur work, they cheer me up!! tysm💖💖
justice for joon tbh
and they DEFINITELY do like they KNOW what’s going on 110% always maybe i’ll write about that one day lmaooo
and thank you so much seeing u guys talk sososo nicely about my work always makes me feel so silly and happy so ty my love >.<
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chil2de · 3 years
Hi!! if possible can i please request yuuta having a girlfriend that’s his childhood friend? (So like instead of rika it’s y/n and she doesn’t die) that loves to dote on him cause that boy needs some love. Thank you!! <3
PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE THIS MADE ME SO SOFT!!!!! ohmygod!!!! growing up with yuuta would be THE best onshdhfsh thank you sososos much anon this was such a pleasure to write! i don’t know why but the “and she doesn’t die” had me screaming LMFAOOOO
enjoy! no warnings, just old fashioned cute fluff and heart wrenching moments! thank you for giving me the opportunity to write for the best boy mwaaah you deserve eternal happiness! hope no insects bite you during these warm months <3
“okkotsu!” you cried out, feminine and shrill voice ringing in the air. the cicadas chirped melodiously, calling out their delightful songs in the spring air.
the young boy staggered around, losing his balance from spinning too fast. his fragile hands reached out, pulling in small grabby motions towards your innocent and joyous face.
you were always so optimistic, even when you were younger. yuuta could only huff and wail as his caretaker hauled him away from the playground, gesturing it was time for him to come home. thick and messy tears spilled out the corners of his eyes which hadn’t yet endured countless sleep devoid nights.
he was so far away, but that was okay because you knew you’d see him the very next day.
“okkotsu! promise to play with me again tomorrow!” you cupped your hands, exclaiming as much as your little lungs could endure. yuuta could see the tears heavy in your gaze, but even then, you prevailed. you grinned, all for him.
ever since the very start. till ‘death do us apart.
“okkotsu! come oooon, don’t cry, okay? (y/n)’s got your back! see, see?! look! they don’t bite!” you braved a smirk on your features, beckoning the shy and introverted young man over. his face looked uncertain and his lips wobbled as though he could crack at any moment. he took a few cautious steps, maintaining his distance between you and the furry animal on the floor.
“r-really? it won’t bite?” he coughed, reaching his unstable fingertips out.
“eh?! that’s the first time you’ve spoken to me! your voice is so nice! it’s so cool! hey! can i hear it again? pleaaaase? i know you’re shy but i’d really like to hear it! hey, okkotsu, say my name? pretty please?”
“um- i, uh.. it’s okay.. you can call me yuuta.”
“yuuta! you’re going to be late for your first day of junior high! i totally told you to wake up on time too!” you stood with your hands rested firmly on your hips, face stern and tone impatient.
“sorry! sorry- it’s um, my hair. i don’t know how to style it.” he admitted, albeit sheepishly by trailing the last few words off into a murmur. you only gave him a sigh before kneeling down behind him, propping yourself up to take a look at his hair in the reflection of the mirror.
“how on earth are you so tall already? we eat the same food, you know. slouch over a little.” you pinched his cheeks before glossing over his hair.
when you ran your fingertips through his hair, you felt butterflies and anxiety rock your stomach.
that’s never been there before.
you’ve touched yuuta countless times, whether that was accidentally hitting him, holding his hand to cross the street…
so why was it different?
you could feel yuuta’s body tense up and run rigid underneath your touch.
that definitely wasn’t there before.
“relax. it’s me.” you cooed quietly, roughing up his hair into different styles.
“like this? looks like you just woke up, sorta, but i think it’s cute.”
yuuta’s heart rate skyrocketed through the roof and his breath hitched.
“cute?” he reiterated, chewing out the phrase like he’d never heard it before in his life.
“hm? yeah-“
you caught his gaze in the mirror, eyes half lidded and attention averted. the tips of his ears were tainted a deep red with small flicks of blush painting his cheeks.
“eh?! nononono- not like that i’m- i just think it suits you, you know? oh, crap, would you look at the time? okay we gotta go and leave!” you clambered out of his bedroom, thudding the door shut behind you.
yuuta only gawked at you with bewilderment, lips slightly parted and fingertips outstretched in his failed attempt to stop you.
he turned to himself in the mirror, studying his features before running one hand through his jet black locks.
“cute, huh?” he muttered, avoiding his own judgemental gaze.
the bittersweet part about growing up with a childhood friend is change.
for all the time that you’d spent with yuuta, you didn’t realise that your relationship with him was something to not take for granted.
especially with those around you who would kill for what you two have.
you’d always get mundane questions from high school girls who thought they could have a shot with him, “what’s his type?” “do you think he likes me?”
meanwhile you only played along with their charades, laughing inwardly when he was actually extremely introverted.
“so? what’s the deal with you and okkotsu-san? you guys dating?”
“no. we’re just friends.”
“seriously? you guys are always glued at the hip. you know he has a picture of you in his locker, right?”
“yeah? so do i. it doesn’t mean anything.”
“it’s kind of a shame, he’s such a nice young man.. gone to waste like that..”
“what’s gone to waste?” yuuta inquired with an indifferent tone, plopping down beside you with his bento box. the classmate sat opposite you only gave him a phony cheerful temperament, twirling her index finger around her hair.
“oh! okkotsu-senpai! we were just talking about you! how was your da-“
“please leave.”
you could only gape at him in your peripherals, sputtering on your sandwich as you watched the life drain from your classmate at his monotony. yuuta didn’t spare you or the girl a glance as he worked to unpack his lunch, hell the guy even murmured a small itadakimasu as if nothing happened.
“wh- okkotsu senpai?”
“listen.” he let out a deep sigh before proceeding.
“whatever shot you thought you had with me? it’s gone out the window. don’t disrespect (y/n) in front of me like that again.”
“you’re making us uncomfortable, so get up and go.” he motioned with his chopsticks, giving her a dead gaze towards another table.
the girl scoffed, mouth hung wide open as she picked up her bag and stormed out of sight.
whilst your face was as blank as a stone, internally, you were only screaming in the depths of piping hot hell visible from the sun itself.
baby girl? that was when you noticed how fucking fine of a man yuuta grew up to be.
“that was seriously nerve wracking.. my stomach hurts so bad right now” yuuta coughed through a bite of his sandwich, refusing to meet your gaze.
you slapped his back, because, holy shit??? awe painted your face like you just witnessed your own child talking or walking for the first time.
“what the shit? yuuta? are you kidding?”
“oh, huh? did i overdo it or something?“
“no?! are you kidding? that was fucking awesome! i swear! this is why i love you-“
uh oh.
oh no.
yuuta let out a shrill squeak unbeknownst to any human being able to produce such a volume. it was a cross between a floorboard creaking, a mouse sniffing and him choking on his food. the poor boy had to excuse himself to the bathroom, hacking and sniffling in an ugly fit of coughs from the food that got caught in his windpipe.
your blood rushed to your head, veins lit ablaze, bones rattling as you could hear the chatter pound and drill into your skull, scoring you deep and down into your bones.
“did she just say she loves him?”
“i totally knew they were going out!”
“i can’t believe it…”
“do you think he’ll reject her?”
it replayed over, and over, and over. what a fucking fool you felt. did he even feel the same?
that’s why i love you.
i love you.
i love you.
a blob of black clouded your vision and you could hear the glass breaking.
yuuta sat himself back down, excusing himself.
you could hear nothing but the tune of his heartbeat. or was it yours? it sounded too heavy to belong in either of your bodies.
his voice came as a wobble because of his anxiety, but this was the one thing in his life he’d be absolutely certain of.
“that’s okay. i love you too.”
“yuuta? you okay? you’ve been spacing out for at least five minutes. something on your mind?” you lightly shake your boyfriend, grip reassuring but firm. it takes a couple of seconds for his gaze to gloss over as he returns back to reality.
“sorry. was just thinking about our childhood, that’s all.” his voice comes out deep and masculine. it doesn’t have that tremor as it used to before, like he’d break down at any minute.
you can say with absolute certainty as you stare up your entire 5’10 boyfriend that he’s matured well.
his hand snakes around to your waist, pulling you into him for comfort.
some ways better than others, you suppose.
��can we stay home today?” he hums, resting his chin on top of your head,
“same as ever, yuuta, aren’t you? it’s fine, i’ll tell nobara my period’s making me act up. she’ll understand-“
“hm? you’re not due for another week though, right?”
you crease your eyebrows as you type out an apology to nobara for cancelling plans, glancing up at yuuta curiously.
“how the heck do you know that?”
“i’m not supposed to? i’d always count your cycle so i wouldn’t irritate you on the wrong day. besides, don’t you think it was too convenient for you to always find snacks in your locker when it rolled around?”
“those snacks were you?! oh my god! i was trying to figure that out for forever!”
“i know. i remember you ranting to me about it.”
“you just sat there?! yuuta! you’re so cheeky sometimes, i swear!”
“only for you.” he chimes, peppering a soft kiss onto your head. you smile against him, though unfortunately pry out of his familiar and welcoming touch.
“i’m gonna step out for a second tho, ‘kay? i think that’s itadori at the door with my chocolate and painkillers” you snort, giving yuuta a bold wink as you put on your best act, keeling over and clutching at your abdomen as though you’re on death’s door.
“you’re awful.” yuuta chuckles, slumping down onto the sofa to hear the events unfold right in front of him.
you clear your throat and slouch your shoulders as you pry the apartment door open.
“(y/n)-senpai! i came as fast as i could and i brought you some of your favourite sna- oh, okkotsu-senpai! hello!”
“hi there.” he leans his head back, giving itadori a small wave.
“i won’t interrupt you guys so get well soon! and fast! cause i wanna hang out with you! bye!”
you cradle the necessities itadori brought whilst gleaming at yuuta with a wicked grin plastered on your face from ear to ear.
“you want anything?” you cock an eyebrow, showing him the arrangement of snacks.
it’s not the answer you were expecting, but it definitely wasn’t unwelcome. it made you feel warm inside, like eating warm and soothing soup on a cold winter’s day. this, for you, was okkotsu yuuta at his best, stripped clean and vulnerable.
you’re the only one who he can relax around, act like the world is carefree. like he’s young again, prancing around in that dingy colourful playground he met you at.
“i want you to kiss me.”
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tomorrowxforever · 4 years
hey denden 🥺🥺💖 i hope you’re feeling much better now even though i’m really late !! Just know that i love you sososo much 💕💘💖💝💗💓💞💨(sending all hearts over) and that everything will be okay in the end !! I hope my short words made you smile a little hehe ~~
Hello my love😊 Your words definitely made me smile! And I am feeling a lot better now, thank you. I just got back from a trip to Seattle for my birthday, and spending some time away definitely helped me cheer up. Staying up until three in the morning watching horror movies with my friends definitely helped too😅
I love you so so so much too💘💞💖💝💗 I really hope we can talk more and become good friends in the future!!😊
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sergeanttpoliteness · 5 years
➹embroidered hearts➹(ps4 peter parker x reader)
Requested by anon➝  hi! idk if you’re taking requests right now, but if you are, do you think you could write something for ps4 peter parker? maybe like a friends to lovers thing. thanks!
You just... really liked to disappear, huh? To vanish, slip from his fingers. Except that this time Peter found you, caught you before you left once again, which may have just been exactly what you needed.
word count: 2.7k
a/n: holy wowowow, this isn’t a false alarm, y’all-- i actually posted! i’m sososo happy i finally did, and i’m really sorry about how long it took me to do so. school drained all my motivation but exams just finished this friday so i decided to get this done once and for all. i’m shocked that i finally liked something i wrote this month, it’s progress (’: anyway, here’s something for 1 pretty boy whom i love very much, i hope the nonnie who requested it likes it! (: also i had a terrible allergy while editing this so if there are any mistakes pls know that it’s hard to write while sneezing every five seconds. hope this week is great for you bc u deserve it, ok, ily that’s it adios (last thing lol, expect some noir stuff next and that beter sequel eye emoji)
Twenty minutes. Twenty minutes since you told him you were going to the bathroom with a wavering smile, and you were nowhere to be seen. Peter set his empty glass of water on the table for the third time— God, he experienced a déjà vu that left him stumped and everything, and as he watched the crystal liquid stream from the pitcher, he could also sense his bladder protesting against all the suffering he kept putting it through. Nonetheless, he simply thanked the waiter for the refill, or else he was sure that if he didn’t continue drowning himself, the disquiet abounding in his system as a result of your unknown whereabouts would strangle him with its unnerving claws. Perhaps the entrance dish bombarded your stomach (if so, then he hoped you were alright), or the toilet devoured you and swallowed you down the drain. Two-year-old him never trusted the porcelain seat, after all (it... was an actual fear of his, actually). However, past all those justifications and silly fears, he knew something wasn’t right, for there existed no chance you’d simply vanish just like that after the anxiety for tonight nearly eroding you alive, and you wouldn’t surrender an opportunity for a promotion... right?
He scanned the party room, through the many dresses and tuxedos either standing by still or swaying together, awkwardness raining over and staining his skin when he recalled he was the last remaining person in the table after everyone else retired to chat with other fancy people. He surely didn’t fit in that category, neither was he acquainted with anyone — he wasn’t even invited, for crying out loud, rather you were the reason for his attendance; still, you weren’t there. He considered possibly checking the bathroom to make sure you seriously hadn’t died, because you weren’t answering any of his calls and... oh, no.
Your boss walked on stage and tapped the microphone, a muffled thud reverberating through the speakers. “Good evening, everyone! I’m glad the night’s been such a lovely one, I hope you’re all having a great time.” The man — Peter couldn’t remember his name, honestly — spoke, a charismatic grin that paraded his astonishing dental care on his face. Though no alluring smile impeded Peter from panicking further or his limbs from driving him out of his chair and into the tight space in between a cluster of intimidating guests, looking identical to a little kid who couldn’t find his parents at the supermarket.
“Where are you, Y/N?” He muttered to himself, a question he’d reiterated in his head far too often for the past seven months. A haze of amazement and disbelief encompassed his brain when you called him to ask to come as his date— all he could do was blink, his throat clogged up and his heart so unbelieving as if you died and had risen from your tomb, but you might as well have and he wouldn’t have even known, because it’s what it seemed following such a tediously long time of dead silence, of not seeing that lopsided grin of yours, of nothing. It should’ve pushed him away, if anything, although how could it? How could his stunned little heart let you go after you’d embroidered yourself into it, sewn the threads, a perennial string that led back to you, the first day you met? And yet you still gripped it closely, unwilling to detach as he desperately dialed your number again, his stomach diving faster down to the Earth’s core whilst your boss’ speech went on and a high-pitched beep rang in his ear. ‘The person you have called is unavailable right now...’ Not a good sign. No, most definitely not.
“However, I’d like to invite on stage a person who we appreciate greatly in the company,” ‘The person you have called is un—’ Peter hung up, over that goddamn message that always appears to torment him, and grimaced as your boss studied the crowd with proud eyes. “Please, a big round of applause for Y/N Y/L/N!”
The room exploded with sophisticated cheering, but it declined gracelessly, the clapping stuttering, fully ceasing when the moments dragged on and no one entered the spotlight. The leader squinted, visibly distressed, brows perplexed as he leaned closer to the lady beside him. “Y/N... did make it tonight, correct?” He whispered too loudly, gossip escalating in the audience. Peter bit his lip, stepping back closer to the exit door until a rough hand clutched his sleeve. 
“Hey, you’re Y/L/N’s boyfriend, right?” An older man with fuming blue eyes and a bald spot questioned, spit flying but thankfully not anywhere near Peter who sputtered, chest warming up when his tongue failed him, became tangled in his mouth.
“Wha... n-no, we’re just friends—”
 “I don’t care. Listen, if that idiot is not here right now then I’m gonna be in deep shit.”
Peter’s brows furrowed with anger, “Hey, shut up, man— Y/N’s not an idiot.” He snapped, but the guy barely flinched and rolled his eyes as he let go of the taller young man. 
“Just do something!” He hissed, equally as bitter and prodding his chest before disappearing into the crowd.
Peter opened the double doors and sped down the hallway straight to the bathrooms with a sour mood; however, before he knocked, a figure outside the window captivated him and calmed his hammering heartbeat. It... couldn’t be you. Why would you be out there? He surveyed the area, and when he saw no sign of another person or any security cameras, he unfastened the window’s lock and slid it open.
Could he have gone outside like a normal human being? Yeah, sure, except that— first — where’s the fun in that, and second, he didn’t want to walk all the way to the other side of the building— it was an emergency, or at least that’s the excuse he’d use if anyone caught him as he landed softly on the grass. It was indeed you, he realized, sat on a bench, observing nothing in particular unless the building under construction across the street held any trace of beauty in your eyes. He stopped a few feet away from you, mouth twitching. “Is this seat taken?”
You almost jumped into space and out of orbit, your neck whipping around, large frightened eyes gradually lightening when they took him in. There it was. That lopsided grin, unchanging from when you were a sophomore in college apart from the darker under eye circles. And there was his own shy smile, too, accompanied by the blush that stained his face, like red wine spilled over a tablecloth. “Yes, actually, by my imaginary friend Pedro.” You patted the area beside you, on the supposed Pedro’s knee, and he sneaked his hands inside his blazer’s pockets, feigning disapproval.
“You exchanged me for a Pedro?”
“He’s a nice guy.” You giggled as he sat down next to you, your stare fixed on your lap. “Let me guess: I messed up the night and that’s why you’re looking for me.” You said, playfulness faltering and insecurity peeking its head in, and he noticed how it sculpted your expression and body language with its discouragement. 
“Not exactly, no. I was still going to look for you, but a jerk who called you an idiot really needed me to do so.” He grumbled, irritation returning as a combo along with remembrance of the incident. You didn’t reach, though; you solely raised your eyebrows, unruffled, your friend more afflicted albeit he wasn’t the one who was called an idiot. 
“A short guy that kinda looks like an odd mix between John Stamos and Danny Devito?” You queried. Peter rebuilt the man’s appearance in his head, and you had to laugh at his raw shock when he recognized the accuracy of your comparison. He... really did look like that, seriously, it’s the most bizarre combination you could think of. “Yeah, that’s Jonathan. We’re not exactly best pals.”
“I kinda figured that out, Stavito didn’t look so happy.” A smile flourished on his countenance as quickly as a match is set alight after you cackled, your hand flying up to your mouth to mute your laughter.
“Stavito? Man, now he’s gonna hate me even more because I’m never gonna stop using that one.” You shook your head, rubbing your crinkled eyes. He hummed, loosening his tie, wearing a crooked grin that you fathomed meant incoming pain for you—
“He’s gonna stab-ito you!”
Jesus Christ. You let out a drawn-out breath and picked up your legs, expression similar to a parent seeing their kid’s report card. “I hate you. This friendship’s on hold until further notice.”
“It was a great pun!”
“Was not.” You objected, although both of your bodies shook with hilarity. He looked at you, the moon painting silver strokes on your tranquil frame, the delight in him for just being by your side too much that his stare lingered; though not for long, for your attention strayed up to him and his eyes immediately shifted down to his hands, his leg restless, bustling.
“Why are you out here? We could’ve left if that’s what you wanted.” He said, brows knitted. You changed to a cross-legged position, rolling your lips.
“I originally was just going to take a five-minute stroll, but once I sat down here, I just couldn’t go back inside.” You confessed, shrugging. Gloom reemerged, drooping the corners of your lips, striking a spike of ice in your gut— the frost trickled up and down your body, goosebumps of sorrow growing over your skin. “I’m sorry I’m such a terrible friend. Jonathan’s right: I am an idiot.” You whispered.
He held in his breath, blank on what to say. “Why would you think that?”
You snorted, expression unamused. “They’re facts, Pete. Good friends don’t just… fall off the face of Earth without a warning.”
“I’m… sure you had your reasons.”
“They weren’t good reasons, though. I should’ve at least told you something. But I bet it was nice to get a break from me, huh?” You joked, hurt and self-doubt seeping through your voice.
He frowned, immediately denying with his head. “Why would I want to get a break from you? Y/N, we don’t even get to see each other that much. If anything, I…” He halted, gulping. “I-I want to see you more.” He admitted quietly.
Your bewilderment was dim but still present as you ran your hand up and down your arm. “You’re dumb. You could spend your time with people who are actually great but you want to spend it with me.”
“Yeah, well, if I am dumb so what? I still wouldn’t change my mind.” He argued, a line in between his brows. You sighed, sliding down the metal seat, your eyes shut as you tilted your head back. 
“Peter, stop, you don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I do, though. I mean, yeah, it… it hurt a bit,” Peter raised one shoulder, aware that it hurt more than just ‘a bit’. “I thought you decided to break contact, but it’s okay, really.”
“Give yourself some love, it’s not okay that I hurt you like that.” You momentarily put your hand on his, repentance etched on your features. “You didn’t deserve that.”
“We’re talking again, though, that’s all that matters.” He brushed you off, raising up to his feet. The guilt still held you, played with you like a doll, but the reassuring quirk of the corner of his mouth somewhat relieved it. “We should go back inside, don’t want you catching a cold or Stavito getting fired.”
“He’s not gonna get fired, he’s just way too over dramatic.” You grunted, showing your clear distaste for the John Stamos and Danny Devito love child. Peter lent out his hand but you blinked at it, chuckling uncomfortably. “Don’t you rather stay out a bit more? The sky looks great tonight— I can see a few more stars than usual.” You pointed at the dark blanket of nebulae and astral bodies. He glanced up, close to dropping to the ground to inspect the night sky until he heard the stifled music from the party.
“We can stargaze once the event’s over.” He promised, gesturing with his head to the building. It was then when he distinguished the dread in your eyes.
“...Are you sure you don’t want to do it now? What if it gets too cloudy?”
He narrowed his eyes. “Is everything alright? Why don’t you want to go back in there?”
You tried to utter another excuse, but you couldn’t. The ire at yourself made your hands tremble, set your mouth in a hard line as you were incapable of looking right at him, the humiliation far too much.
“I hate my job.”
Peter sat back down, staring at you, his expression sad. “You know, I spent the entirety of high school and started college with this idea of what I wanted my future to be like. But now that I did it, now that I’m actually there, I’m so… bored with everything. I don’t know what to do. Like, what am I supposed to do now? Go to work and what else? Because if that’s all there is to my life, I don’t know why I should even bother with it.”
“Don’t say that.”
“Peter what am I doing?” You scoffed, scowling. “Look at me: what the hell am I bringing to the world? You’ve got FEAST, and just got that job with Otto Octavius— you’re… so amazing and will do so many great things. The world needs you. I need you. We all do.” You mumbled, voice breaking.
His sight gravitated down to your lonely hand that rested so near to his, that had the string running from his heart encircled around its ring finger, beckoning him closer. His fingers reached out slowly, hesitantly, with great fear. But he wound up grazing your hand, and then he fully wrapped his own around it— around the artist that sewed a handiwork of untouchable adoration into him. “But what if I...” He began, struggling to come clean. “What if I...” He saw your anticipating gaze.
“I need you, too.” He whispered.
Your view averted down to your linked hands and then up at the boy unknowing that he, just like you had to him, had tailored a piece of himself in you long ago. You hugged him. Crumbled, snuggled deep into him, allowing yourself to accept that hand reaching out to you, to surrender to comfort. He hugged you back with as much gentleness and warmth, his chin on top of your head. “You should give yourself some love, too.” He murmured and you let out air through your nose, agreeing with him. “You’ll find your way because you’re incredible, alright? I just wish you could see that.”
Seven months weren’t eons, Peter acknowledged, but perhaps they could be; perhaps they were enough to view everything differently, past that veil that cloaked his eyes, past the doubt and uncertainty, because there was something distinctive in your familiar smile when you pulled away. Something unusual as you sat straight, your eyes drifting sideways to him. “I guess we can help each other with that self-love thing.” You suggested.
He got the hint in your voice, and all of a sudden, he figured out what that something was; but he didn’t want to accept the truth that crashed against him when he realized that it wasn’t new. No, it’d been there all along.
He could try to believe.
“Maybe we could, uh, we could go out for dinner some… some time. Get started with some good food, y’know…” His tone was quiet and he couldn’t have resembled better a nervous teenage boy asking his crush to dance on prom night as he wrinkled his nose in embarrassment.
You faked a cynical expression, despite already knowing the answer in your soul. “Some time?”
“Or never, if that’s what you prefer.” He laughed tensely, his eyes growing wide when he turned his head and cursed at himself internally. You smiled to yourself, moving a strand of hair out of your face.
“How about tonight?”
“Tonight? Like…” He checked his wristband, only to remember it wasn’t a watch. “...tonight? What about the event—”
“Forget the event,” You stood up, and now you were the one stretching out your hand to him. “C’mon, let’s look for some restaurants because why not, am I right?”
Peter clutched your hand, the contentment a welcomed compensation for all those months of not seeing you.
“Yeah, why not?”
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franeridart · 7 years
hey I hope you're happy (since you obviously deserve it)
!!!!!!!!!! Thank you??? I hope you’re happy too, anon!!!
Anon said:Wow Tetsutetsu and Kaminari like a couple? Really? Ok, that is interesting, but I don’t know if it is possible. Why do you put them together?
I mean, it’s a crack ship, being possible isn’t really its point haha they’re not supposed to make much sense, as far as canon goes? If I remember right they do come from the same prefecture, so maybe they knew of each other/ knew each other before UA, but as far as I’m concerned my interest in the ship comes from the quirk compatibility, really. It’s nothing I put much thought into, and I do have many ships for both of them I like better, but the idea of the two of them together is fun so why not
Anon said:The kamitetsu was really cute!!! It was also really super cute when two people spoke at the same time/had the same thought you mixed their colors!!! That was honestly a very nice touch and cute! I love your art it makes me so happy!
AHHHHH THANK YOU!!!!!! And I’m glad you liked that, for a while I thought mixing the colors like that was gonna make it confusing hahaha
Anon said:Just stopped by to say your artwork makes me so incredibly happy, and always improves my day!! I hope you have a great rest of the year because you deserve it!! Thank you for everything you do!
Sob thank you so much for taking the time to send this message!!!!! Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!
Anon said:I’m sorry for clogging your inbox with this (you don’t have to write back), but wanted to say I hope you feel better real soon and also to say thank you (so very much!!) for sharing your art. Selfish of me to say so, but it really really has cheered me up after a bad day. Lots of love to you!
I’m!!!! So happy I could help you feel better, anon!!!!! I hope your day is going 100x better, right now!!!! And thank you for the well wishes ;u;
Anon said:have you thought about this or what do you think about it?: Tokoyami / Mina ?
Never thought about it before, actually :O but why not? I’m not sure they’d work as far as personalities go, but they’re definitely aesthetically pleasing next to each other! Their designs work well together haha
Anon said:*Climbs out of the chimney, covered in soot and very disgruntled* I’ll have you know, good sire. *Tips hat.* That I just read the entirety of the Dgray man because of your laven art. And I- *Dabs at eyes, voice cracking* -am having more feelings than I ever wanted.
AAAHHHHHH I’M SORRY FOR THE UNWANTED FEELS but I’m??? so glad you decided to check the manga out????????????? I hope you liked it oh g o d that manga is my life !!!
Anon said:This isn’t like a “secret request for a drawing” but don’t you think there needs to be a hug between Deku and All Might somewhere in the manga?!? I mean c'mon, Deku cries at the drop of a hat, someone give the boy a hug! Plus, I feel like All Might is a kind of father figure for Deku!! Sorry, I just needed to get that out XD. Love your artwork though!! My heart skips a beat at the sight of it. And my love for Baku and Kiri has been extended.
We actually had one tho!
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an heartbreaking moment I 100% understand why you’d remove from your memory tbh, I cried, I’m still crying
Anon said:OOF i love your OCs..
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Anon said:Heyyy I just wanted to say that I love your art with all my heart and the cat person/dog person one was so lovely.. I’m weak to kiribaku with animals.
So am I anon aaahhhhh !!!!!!!!! and thank you so so so so so much!!!!
Anon said:Just curious… do you have a personal favorite of your own art that you’ve posted?
Hmmmm not really, but if I had to pick one it’d be this one (which… does say something about my process and how to make it better……..) (a something I’m willingly ignoring) anyway usually what I’m the most satisfied with is the last thing I’ve posted haha
Anon said:Your art style brings out Kirishima’s adorableness even more. Holy heck I love how cute he is when you draw him. (And Bakugou and the rest of the kids too!)
THANK YOU!!!!!! I think it might be because I find him so incredibly cute, so I try to portray just how cute I think he is the most hahaha I’m glad I’m managing that well enough!!!!
Anon said: Hello~ Sending some love because you deserve it! I was having a shitty day (as always for me these days) and saw your Baku and Kiri cat & dog art and instantly felt a little better. My heart always feels lifted, and a smile replaces my tears, when I see your beautiful art! Even the kinda sad ones. If my heart hurts a bit from the sad arts, at least it’s because of the love expressed in the piece, and not heartache from personal things. Thank you, as always, for sharing your work.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you for the kind words oh my god!!!!!! ;O;
Anon said:i just want to tell you i’m now 10000 times gayer than i was before i’m blushing so much at your latest bakushima art… it’s sososo Good, i love you
:O thank you!!!!! I love you lots too!!!!
Anon said: I see you ship Bakugo and Kiri together. Why do you ship them? Just wondering cause i love hearing why people ship certain people. P.S: i soooooooo ship them as well.
God, that’s one hard question to answer easily - I somewhat talked about it here? tho it was more specifically about why chapter 90 kills me haha but yeah to sum it up I’d say that my favorite ship for Kirishima is Bakugou because I think he’s the one that understands Kirishima best, the one that’s been there the most for him when Kirishima needed it, the one that always knows what to say to him and the one Kirishima holds onto when he needs strength, he’s the one that’s shown the most concern for Kirishima and the only one that’s actively done something to make him feel better when Kirishima needed it. He’s the one Kirishima gravitates towards the most and the one Kirishima shows most sides of himself to, too. And my favorite ship for Bakugou is Kirishima because Kirishima’s the only one that actually tries to see behind Bakugou’s anger, the one that since the start looked at him rage and saw a teen in pain, the only one that actually knows how to talk to him and the only one that doesn’t even need to try, he’s just naturally Bakugou’s perfect match in personality. He’s the one that likes Bakugou as he is, for what he is, not part of him but all of him, completely. He’s the one that’d risk his life for Bakugou no questions asked, and he’s the one Bakugou’s the most willing to spend time with, the one Bakugou talks to and shares with and accepts help from. 
I like the relationship they share with each other the most out of every other relationship they have with other characters because they’re comfortable with one another and care for one another in an active way, do everything they can to make sure the other is happy and safe. Because they’re each other’s strength and greatest ally and best friend. I like that they’re aware of each other, that they know each other, that they like each other - not in a subtext kind of way, but in an obvious, on screen, there-was-a-chapter-in-which-that-was-actually-spelled-out way. I like how Kirisihima always knows what’s up with Bakugou, and I like how he’s the proxy to go to when people don’t know where Bakugou is, and I like that he always knows. I like that it’s implied they spend a lot of time alone together. I like that Kirishima said that Bakugou has a broken way of talking, but he isn’t a bad guy and he can’t say he dislikes how Bakugou tends to make enemies left and right, and I like that Bakugou took his hand and smiled at him. I like that Bakugou never yells at him and always calls him by name and never ignores him, and I like that Kirishima calls him out on his rudeness but still likes him and supports him and follows him. I like their relationship the most because it’s the most important relationship for either of them, because it’s healthy and equal and happy, and I ship it because seeing it as romantic from where they stand now, to me, isn’t a huge step at all
And I like this ship above any other ship, even above the ships with other characters that share similar relationships as far as support and love goes, because they’re fun, and rowdy, and bright and loud and dynamic, and I have fun thinking about them interacting more than I have fun thinking about anyone else. And because they’re separately my favorite characters, and I think together they’d be the happiest they could ever manage, and I really, really want that for both them. To be happy with the person that understands them the most and loves and supports them the most, and with whom they can be the most comfortable and open and at peace. I think they could be home to each other, really. They’re a pretty obvious ship, to me haha
Anon said:My dude! Have you seen the trailer for the new Guillermo del Toro movie? Shape of water? It has some similarities to your shark kiri au!
I’ve read some things, yeah :O hadn’t really linked it to the AU tho, that’s an interesting observation !!!!
Anon said:the RR on baku’s wristband is for Red Riot, i assume? :)
YESSSS I tend to dress Bakugou in Red Riot merch a lot hahaha
Anon said:FRAN oml those bakugous??? Are amazing???? I love love love the lines so much they look so good and clean and sharp and I don’t have words but they’re just so so good the poses are amazing and ahhhhhh you did??? So good?? I feel like you’re constantly improving so much it’s amazing ahhhhhh I’m so in love w ur style I !!! Hope ur having a lovely day!!! Bless you
THANK!!!! YOU!!!! SO MUCH!!!!!!! Holy shit I’m crying !!!!!!! g o ds o
Anon said:Hi! I’m new to the BNHA fandom, and really love your art! I’m just starting to get into BakuShima and TodoDeku too, but just a couple days ago I read you say that MomoJirou are also pretty obvious about their gayness, including one time you saying you’re completely sure Kirishima and Jirou have a crush on those two canonically and, could I ask you to explain this to me? I’m all about it, this is not a complain! I just want to know more about them, thank you!
I wouldn’t say they’re canonically into them, but I do feel like, if I were to point someone they might be romantically into, that’s who I’d point to hahaha but yeah Jirou and Momo! They haven’t appeared much in canon so after all there isn’t too much behind the ship, more for shortage of scenes than anything else, but Jirou tends to blush a lot around Momo, she’s really protective of Momo, she’s pointed out how cute Momo is on more than one occasion, and their friendship is seriously cute - they’re always together? And when they’re not Jirou gravitates towards Momo a lot, you see her in the background waving at Momo or walking towards Momo really really often - of course all of these things can (and most probably are) just proofs of their being best friends! But it’s a good relationship I love a lot, which is why I ship it~
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chase-stephens · 4 years
Backyard - Chanel
Chase: Chase ran over to Chanel after she yelled out after Wren and Valerie, "What's going on?" said Chase coming up to Chanel moments after the fight. "What do you need from me babe?" he asked.
Chanel: "Next practice I'm gonna whoop her fucking ass cause I couldn't finish doing it now." Chanel yelled out, not caring if Valerie or Wren could hear her at this point. "I feel great. Let's get fucked up." she told Chase as the adrenaline was still pumping.
Chase: "Anything you want" said Chase running over to grab a bottle of tequila, some salt, and some lime juice. He put them on the patio table, "So tell me what happened with wannabe captain" Chase said pouring them two shots. Chase knew this had to be good, if it was Valerie ... it had to be.
Chanel: Chanel smiled as Chase prepared the drinks. She grabbed the glass and clinked hers against his. "She's so easy to mess with." she said before downing the shot. "The other night I may or may not have sent some hot pictures of me in my cheer uniform to Wren. He didn't really react, which was expected, but I just kept on pushing her until she snapped." she started to explain.
Chase: "Oh so you are trying to get at Wren, I thought Griffin was the new target" said Chase laughing before he took the shot. "How bad did you get her? I saw the tail end of a fight" he said.
Chanel: "I just wanted to mess with him. There's no way Wren's gonna cheat, he's too sweet." Chanel shook her head. "You know how I get with taken guys. It's just sooo much fun, especially if the taken guy is Valerie's boyfriend." she said with a small smirk. "Griffin is always a fun target. Maybe I'll see him later tonight." she said excitedly. Chanel thought about how getting at Griffin could potentially cause more problems for her and Gabrielle, and it made her want Griffin even more. She just couldn't tell Chase that. "I punched her right in the face pretty hard. I think I got her good, for now."
Chase: "Yeah no way Wren would cheat" said Chase with a shrug, hoping that would give her incentive to keep going after him instead of Griffin. "Maybe, I heard the girl he likes was with someone else, so he's a pretty easy target" said Chase accidentally spilling the truth. He didn't know why he gave her excuses to go after essentially his brother.
Chanel: "I mean, I know he won't. But is it bad to say that I don't wanna stop?" Chanel asked, biting down on her bottom lip. She raised a brow after hearing that the girl Griffin liked was seeing someone else. "Oh yeah? I have to find him tonight!" she said, clapping excitedly. "You're the best! Thanks for telling me, bitch!" she said with a bright smile.
Chase: "You really going to do that to Wren?" asked Chase, "Like I know Val is the enemy but isn't he the ... dating kind of person?" he questioned. "Yeah you're welcome, I'm just great" said Chase realizing he really had indeed fucked up.
Chanel: "How mad could he really get at me?" she asked with an innocent smile. It wasn't fair for her to treat such a close friend like that, but there was still a part of her that was mad he was dating Valerie to begin with. After their conversation at his party, she thought they were on the same page, but clearly it was all a lie. Maybe even all the nice things Wren said about Chanel was a lie too. "I promise I won't corrupt him. I just wanna have a little fun." she referred back to Griffin, hugging Chase.
Chase: “I mean what if he stops being friends with you because she makes him?” asked Chase just out of concern, he didn’t want to see her get hurt playing these games with someone who was good for her. “Okay, but be careful. He’s sensitive” Chase replied
Chanel: Chanel stared at Chase for a moment before shaking her head, "There's no way he'd let that happen. He told me he still wanted me in his life." she let out a laugh. Chanel never thought about how her actions can lead to certain consequences until it was too late, and this was one of those moments. All she cared about was what she wanted to do, and what she wanted to do was mess with Valerie. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt him. Promise!" she smiled big at her friend.
Chase: “Be careful, but also shots?” He said pouring them each another shot. “But please actually do be careful with Wren and Griffin” he added. He took the shot and drank a little bit of lime juice.
Chanel: Chanel nodded her head and took the shot. "I get it. What's up with you?" she asked, furrowing her brows at him with a smile on her face. "Where's my Chase that loves to get messy? Who loves all the drama?" she asked, the drinks starting to get to her.
Chase: "I just had sex with Gabrielle" said Chase, "so you could say things are going pretty good for me" he added. "Babe, I do love the drama, I'm just worried about you not having your support system besides me" said Chase, "But I'm 100% behind you on being messy, you're my favorite" he replied.
Chanel: Chanel opened her arms wide to hug Chase, "Yay! Good for you, you deserve it!" she said happily. Her smiled faded when he mentioned her not having her support system. "I'm fine, I don't need anyone." she said, sort of raising her voice. "I mean, you know I love you sososo much. But I'm totally fine." she told him. "Aww you're my favorite too."
Chase: "Oh you need me" said Chase giving her a nudge, "Like I need you bitch, you're my soulmate" he added. "Do whatever you want, I've got your back"
Chanel: Chanel couldn't help but let out a laugh, "You don't need me." she shook her head and looked at him with a more sad smile. "You'd probably do a lot better without me." she said, slurring her words.
Chase: "Babe don't talk like that" said Chase kind of hurt by the claim, "You make my life great and interesting" he said shaking his head at her, he put his hand out to touch her arm, "You're the best of the best"
Chanel: "I definitely do make it interesting." Chanel nodded, thinking of all the problems she's caused Chase recently. "I am the best." she placed her hands on her hips as if she were proud. "But I'm like, also the worst. Does that make sense?"
Chase: "You're the best worst person ever, I'm the second best worst person ever. I'm just not nearly as good at it" said Chase, he couldn't tell if she was being genuine or not. Most of the time you couldn't with Chanel.
Chanel: Chanel walked into this party already in a bad mood. She was feeling especially lonely tonight but the alcohol in her system may have been making it worse. "Right." she said with a sad smile. Chase said it himself, she was the best at being the worst. No one was as terrible as she was. If she was sober, she may have realized that he didn't mean it that way, but she was getting in her head about it. "I think I need some time alone. I think I need to get another drink." she nodded her head. "You should be with your girlfriend right now, not me. Have fun. Again." she whispered and winked at her friend.
Chase: "Yeah sure, um text me tomorrow" said Chase as she left, he was worried about her but he knew that he would only make it worse by continuing their talk.
0 notes
houseofkooks · 7 years
first of all the pre-concert period was a shitshow ok bt SO WORTH IT FASTFORWARD OK SO
ok when we first sat down it was just like so overwhelming and beautiful to see so many people who love bts sitting together in the same space
spring day mv was playing and everyone was singing along and it was so beautiful
and then the intro started to play and it was just the boys and honestly i don’t really remember what it’s about now i just know i teared up rly bad because i was sosososoososso EMO. like thankful i think? to be able to stand there and to be able to actually see the boys up close
lke i was just so overwhelmed fjljalgkjLKJDFKA and then they came out like they actually appeared behind the screen and then omg all hell broke loose like ya girl and everyone else did not understand the meaning of chill and self control ok. NOT TODAY was first and it was so fucking lit and my first impression was that omg. THEY WERE! CLOSE!!!!!!!
SO CLOSE I COULD SEE JUNGKOOK’S THIGH MUSCLES AND I WAS LIKE OMGOGOGOGOGMOG like i felt bad for always keepign my eyes of jungkook but i just can’t NOT. pretty sure i screamed JUNGKOOOOK JUNGKOOKIEEEEEE like 5293509159 times today
but then it’s good because they also did solo songs that allowed me to really appreciate each member!!!!!!!
begin was first and lemme tell u ya girl almost lost it like legit screamed my fucking throat out “JUNGKOOK!!!!!! JUNGKOOOOOOOK MY BABYYYYY MY BAAAAABY” and he’s just so good like he was SOOO GOOD like his dancing was amazing and likeit started with him spinning on the circle and im so glad i got to watch it live because you could really feel the emotion in his voice like this song is emotional and about how he loves his hyungs so much but in the fancams, you could really just see how good the dancing is. BUT LIVE!!!!! HE IS SUCH AN EMOTIONAL SINGER I LOVE HIM SO MUCH and he did the dance so well and he’s just so perfect and beautiful and wonderful in every way
lie was next and omgOMGOMGO ok jimin killed it like he really really did. like it was just so amazing the dancing the singing. lik the dance is just good already but it was so good with the whole stage and the whole choreo and also THE BLINDFOLD!!!!!!! HE PUT ON THE BLINDFOLD like thats jst such good art directing? choreo? idk it’s just like IMPACT ok it was so great
i dont rly remember who’s next
i think they did group songs and then it was yoongi’s?
the yoongi solo was soo. EMOTIONAL. I SWEAR OMG I LOVE THE ORCHESTRA AND THE FACT THAT HE WAS SITTING IN FRONT OF A PIANO SINGING HIS LOVE FOR PIANO AND MUSIC AND THE WHOLE PERFORMANCE. FDJSAKGJ;LAKJGLKAJ ; like honestly it’s oen of my favorite songs from the album because it’s so well written and he does it sosososososo well like the emotion is so palpable and raw even in the track, especially the last verse. so it was so good to just hear it live and it was just that much more stunning and impactful and just SUCH AN EXPERIENCE. i love the song so much
ok and then namjoon was next and his intro really fucked me up because it took me a lil bit to realize but it’s their “road” song with the heya heya and it’s mixed with whalien 52 for a little bit and idk why but it made me so emo. like the road song is about their hard journey and how they’ll work their hardest to try to reach the end of the road and i lovelovelove how namjoon used that in his intro because i think it’s so beautiful and sobering to know that the song means a lot to him? because thinking about it, he probably was under so much pressure not only for his own success but also for his teammates and it must’ve been hard on him as a young boy who’s really just been the “smart guy” who decided to follow his dream but then ended up having to be responsible for a whole group of boys who are like family to him, and their collective success. and i love that he included whalien 52 because he wrote it and it’s still to this date one of my favorite songs because it’s so cute but sad and real at the same time, which is kinda like namjoon’s embodiment? the song fits him so well like it’s just how he’s like the lonely whale that people don’t seem to understand because he’s on his own wavelength. i’ve always felt this vibe that ofc bangtan are all close but namjoon’s thoughts are so deep and abstract and mature sometimes that the rest of the boys don’t relate very well? like lol especially the maknae line BUT OK ANYWAY I DIGRESS. i really appreciated namjoon’s song because it was like a nice chill break which is what it was like in the album too. BUT MY FAVE PART OFC IS WHEN AT THE END HE KEEPS REPEATING “I WISH I COULD LOVE MYSELF” AND EVERYONE REPEATED TO HIM, “WE LOVE YOU” omg i’m getting emo just typign this out i really really wanna see how he reacted when he first heard it. omg ok anyway the end IT WS GREAT
taetae was next and omg his high notes were literally like wowowowowowoww like wow i’m so proud of him but TBH i couldn’t really hear bc the screams were unreal during his high notes BUT STILL HIS STAGE PRESENCE WAS GR8 and like idk it was just so good and he was so passionate and im so proud of him for all those high notes and also CAN WE JUST TALK ABOUT HOW. CUTE. HE IS. LIKE HE’S LITERALLY SOSOSOSOSOS HANDSOME LIKE HE’S SO BEAUTIFUL. ALSO HE KEPT COMING OVER TO OUR SIDE AND SMILING AT US AND I’M NOT SURE WHETHER HE SAW US BUT IT ALMOST LOOKED LIKE WE MADE EYE CONTACT?!?!?!?!?! IDK?!?!?!?!?! BUT OK ANYWAY IT WAS GR8 HE WAS SO GREAT 
OMG im falling asleep ok i’ll quickly write the rest
BUT OMG OK HOBI’S WAS SO GOOD. LITERALLY. MAMA WAS EASILY THE BEST PERFORMANCE OUT OF ALL THE SOLOS AND I’M NOT EVEN A HOBI STAN LIKE OMG?!?!?!!! it was just so energetic and upbeat and exciting at first but then there’s all these pictures of hobi from when he was little and they were the cuuuutest. but also!! then there’s this part where he pauses everything and it’s just him sing-rapping and it was just so EMOTIONAL AND TUGGED AT MY HEARTSTRINGS AND JUST SO POWERFUL AND MEANINGFUL like you could really tell he was singing with his whole heart for his mom and it was just the best THE BEST LEMME TELL U ok moving on im fallin asleep
JIN yes ok it was just good bc his song is good and i don’t really remember but i made sure to scream loud yes good ok moving on WAI TIT’S SO SHORT UGHHGHGHGH ok anyway not the point
THE POINT IS!!!!!!!!!
namjoon is the best i love him so much like during the ment he was talking aobut the rainbow army and then he said that he thinks music transcends anything like language and race and he said “i don’t care if you’re red or blue or orange (referring to the balloon colors” and i thought that was so clever because it was like a metaphor for real life races and i think it’s so fitting given the current political climate in the us and i’m so proud of him for bringing this up!!!!!! also the part where everyone sang together and they all thanked us and i was just like TTTTTTTTT bc I REALLY WANT TO THANK THEM because namjoon was like, as long as we love each other, you’ll never walk alone and YOU KNOW WHAT. IT’S TRUE. IT’S SOSOSOSOSO TRUE. at one of the concert i just looked at them and got emo because no matter what happens in life next, no matter how sad or angry or frustrated or disappointed or tired i get, they’ll always be there to cheer me up. i’m so happy that i foudn them and that i love them so much because it’s so nice to have them with me :) they always make me laugh and i respect them so much. what i confirmed today is that they really are so sososos hardworking and sososos talented and definitely deserving of all the love they receive. i’m so proud of where they are now. I REALLY AM. during 2,3 there was a video of just their growth from the beginning and it made me SO EMO OK. like i haven’t been a fan since the beginning and i wish i have but the fact that they made it from being a literal NUGU to being so so big that they filled up prudential center. they’re SO GOOD LIVE. aside from talent, they’ve also improved so much and that just shows how hard they work. i’m so appreciative of their hard work and the fact that they were able to make it this big because of their hardwork and talent. they really are an amazing group of individuals!!!!!! like such a wonderful group of boys that are incredibly talented but also have such big kind hearts and are so funny and entertaining but also relatable and down to earth and friendly and inspirational. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH FJDKLAJG;KJ!!!!!!!! so yes the whole time i was just marveling at the fact that they’re thanking us when I WANT TO THANK THEM SO MUCH. i know it sounds stupid but they really do encourage me and make life better for me fjsklajg I LOVE THEM. 
ok quick ranking after the show
1. jungkook bc how can i ever leave him i am already committed for life like i wanted him to f me in the closet after the concert ok. like i just love him so much there’s no contest 
2. namjoon still because he’s literally PERFECT so talented so deep so beautiful so smart so inspirational like he’d be the perfect boyfriend to talk to my worries with and he’s also really cute and funny and dorky and he just makes me laugh MY BABS
2.5. NOW --> hoseok HIS STAGE PRESENCE IS LITERALY NO. JOKE. he was sososos good during boy meets evil also and like he just COMMANDS THE STAGE and he enjoys it so much and i love him he’s so happy and so easily excitable and also such a sweetheart like there are videos of him picking up pokemon plushies on the stage and then he also noticed jre and pointed at him like he’s SO DOWN TO EARTH AND FRIENDLY AND RELATABLE AND JUST SUCH A CUTIE i luv him
3. FOR NOW --> JIMIN wow wat a surprise but he’s LITERALLY SO CUTE LIKE OK HE LITERALLY WALKED IN FRNT OF US?!??!! LIKE HE WAS SO CLOSE I COULD ALMOST TOUCH HIM!?!? AND HE WAS JUST SO CUTE!!! LIKE SO. CUTE. i’ve been reading posts about how he looks scary and intimidating like cold city man in “real life” BUT HE’S SO CUTE. HE’S SO CUDDLY AND SMILEY AND JUST SO CUTE LIKE HE RADIATES SOFTNESS nd he was so close to us and he waved at us and he’s so nice i luv him also ALSO his dancing is seriously so good like every time someone’s dance move catches my eye i’m like ooh who’s that and it would turn out to be jimin LIKE WOW FDJALKGJ; he really is so good at dancing
3.2. FOR NOW --> TAETAE!!!!!! HE’S SO CUTE HE’S SO CUTE HE LOOKED OVER TO US SO MANY TIMES TODAY AND HE’S JUST LITERAL FANSERVICE KING LIKE I DON’T REALLY WATCH HIS FANCAMS BUT HE’S LITERALLY always ALWAYS interacting with the audience and he’s so cute and he keeps winking or giving out hearts or just watching the audience and it’s just soft and nice and beautiful and it makes me feel important and loved and i love LOVE KTH HE’S SUCH A SOFT SMOL BALL like i love how he really does make an effort to make the fans feel loved and important <3 3 <3
4. yoongi!!!!!!!! yoongi is always good his performance is always ON FIYAHHHHHHH but i didn’t really get the chance to watch him closely LOLOL but i love him as always
5. mama jin my dearest oppa he’s so cute and has the cutest personality and is so funny so he really shines through in vlive or bombs or whatever and i always love him always but i think he gets shadowed over during concerts :(( bc he doesn’t have a lotta parts? and he doesn’t really have like the best stage presence (lolol i find it kinda funny that he frowns so much when he sings fjdkfljalkjg) BUT I REALLY DO LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM A LOT FJDKLAJ;GLK I LOVE ALL OF THEM
conclusion: i love bangtan so much i love every single one of them i am so thankful they are in my life and i can’t wait to continue stanning them forever because WE NEVER WALK ALONE and i can’t wait to see grow bigger and better so i can keep attending more and more concerts fjdksajglk I LOVE BTS BANGTAN SONYEONDAN I LOVE! KIM NAMJOON! KIM SEOKJIN! MIN YOONGI! JUNG HOSEOK! PARK JIMIN! KIM TAEHYUNG! JEON JUNGKOOK! BTS!!!!!!!!!!!!
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