#but I really do encourage reading a trusted source on them first and making your ownopinion from there
glazesunflower · 9 months
may i ask for some dating headcannons with focalors the hydro archon? :3
Dating Furina/Focalors Headcanons
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Characters: Furina/Focalors x GN!Reader.
Warnings: None that apply!
Notes: I was waiting to play the first Fontaine Archon Quest to get a grasp of her character before writing this. I have to say, I absolutely love this gremlin and bratty Archon. I hope you have as much fun reading this as I had writing it. (The last ones are my favorite <3)
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Furina is flamboyant, imprudent and she lives for the thrill of the drama and the validation of those around her, so you’ll have to be very understanding and patient with her and the fair amount of mishaps that she will surely cause. So be prepared!
She doesn’t really voice it, she’s too proud for that, but she absolutely loves the way you’ve become her anchor, helping to balance out her impulsive nature with your calm and understanding demeanor. When she's on the brink of making a hasty decision, you're there to gently guide her, reminding her to consider all perspectives and consequences before acting. And she takes your advice to heart, be proud of that!
She struggles internally a lot with the pressure of her public image. Of course, she doesn’t say this directly to you, but you can see how it affects her, and so you write for her heartfelt letters whenever she's facing a tough situation. She doesn’t really make much of a fuss about them, but internally your words of encouragement and reminders of her strengths become her source of comfort, and she rereads them many more times than she’s willing to admit. She even has a special box where she keeps them all. But don’t ask her about it!
But it’s not all sappy stuff, your relationship with her is very adventurous and fun! Furina absolutely loves a good thrill and an outstanding performance in everything she does, so you’re of course expected to tag along in all of her endeavors. Whether it's exploring a new case that’s just taken place, trying out quirky local restaurants, or taking impromptu road trips through Fontaine, you both find joy in the thrill of the new things you try together!
Furina absolutely thrives on positive attention and affirmation. She is always very touched by your heartfelt compliments and words of encouragement (she probably won’t say it, mind you, but she would engrave your words in her mind to always come back to them). Express your admiration for her skills, charisma, and unique qualities and Furina will glow, feeling appreciated and loved. Keep them coming, she can’t get enough!
After some time of her being with you, Furina will slowly (and I mean, very slowly) feel comfortable enough with letting her guard down around you. And that is no easy feat! She’s constantly thinking that she will be judged by whatever she says wrong, so you should feel immensely lucky that she’s willing to trust you with her innermost turmoils! (Her words.) In time, you create a safe space where she can express her insecurities without fear of judgment, because you’re kind like that and you love her. You encourage Furina to have a ton of heartfelt conversations, and slowly you help her understand that she doesn't have to be perfect to be loved. It’s still a work in progress, but she’ll get there.
Furina is a sucker for gifts. After all, what better way for others to express their admiration for her, right? But the ones she loves the most are yours, of course. The gifts and tokens of your affection hold special meanings, since you picked them out knowing she’d like them. Like a charm to remind her of her resilience or a piece of art that reflects her flamboyant personality and you thought, “Oh, this reminds me of her!”. Keep doing that. She can’t get enough of it.
Knowing how much she loves and treasures positive attention, you organize surprise events or gatherings to celebrate Furina’s accomplishments, no matter how small they are. She doesn’t make a big deal out of it (She deserves all the praise and attention, after all!), but you see the brightest smile dancing on her lips the whole day, and that’s how you see how much she values these moments. These thoughtful gestures show Furina that you genuinely appreciate her efforts and want to support her in all aspects of her life. She will try even harder this time, if only for you to praise her more.
Your relationship with her is also full of laughter. You tease each other constantly, at all times, sharing inside jokes, and find humor in the quirks of everyday life together. Furina knows you have an ability to make her smile even in challenging times and she silently appreciates you so much for her. Still, you tease her too much. And she is the embodiment of the divine, she can’t have you teasing her in public!
With the passing of the time by your side (and I mean, at a very slow pace!), Furina starts to overcome her need for constant validation from others. She slowly becomes more confident in her abilities in the court and outside of it, and she learns to embrace her imperfections (her impulsivity, childlike temper, the constant bravado and drama, the list goes on!), understanding that you love her for who she truly is. Really, how could you not? She’s impressive and heavenly! It’s only natural you’re head over heels and completely in love with her! (She’s working on her arrogance, too).
Furina loves the spotlight more than anything else in the world (well, she only likes you more, and that’s saying something!), so sometimes you plan extravagant date nights that cater to her love for the spotlight. Whether it's a private outdoor performance under the stars or a playful evening of reenacting dramatic scenes from her favorite plays, you keep the excitement alive for her. And she thrives in every minute of it.
When it comes to physical touch, Furina is by far not used to it at the very beginning, so she’s fairly unsure when it comes to it. But she’s quick to realize that your gentle pats on her back, walking around with linked arms, or even a reassuring touch on her shoulder during moments of stress in the courtroom make her feel so much better instantly! Is this some kind of heavenly magic? 
Furina quickly starts to associate your touch with positive emotions. Holding hands with you during a thrilling adventure or wrapping an arm around your waist while watching a dramatic play becomes something she really, really likes doing. 
And when you introduce cuddling to her, Furina finds a whole new world to explore and enjoy. Whether it's lounging on your couch or stargazing, Furina wants to be in your arms at all times, if she has any say in the matter! Let her nuzzle into your neck and stay there for a while, she feels the safest she’s ever felt.
Furina enjoys your touch very much. She does not enjoy, however, how you playfully tease her with light touches, tickles, and gentle bumps! She’s the embodiment of justice, you can’t just have her wiggling and choking on laughter beneath you, how unsightly! (She absolutely loves it).
Furina has associated your touch with comfort and safety, so don’t be surprised when she comes to you after an especially hard day. Yes, she messed up in the courtroom today, but you’ll let her rest against you, won’t you? Your hugs and embraces become her safe haven. Sometimes she will open up and admit what happened that day. Others, she simply wants to enjoy your arms holding her tight in silence. In either case, she deeply appreciates you being there for her. She won’t voice it, of course, but you’ll know in the way she presses her forehead closer to you and the angle of your neck.
She also finds that physical touch is very useful! She starts using her own touch on you as a way to express her emotions. A soft kiss on your cheek in the morning, a warm hug after a long day, or even a surprise tackle or an affectionate nudge as you tease each other becomes her way of saying "I care about you" without needing dramatic and flamboyant words. How practical! She will keep showering you with her divine affection for many more years to come!
Having Furina as a significant other is no easy feat, it takes a lot of courage, determination, and most of all, a big amount of patience and understanding. Still, she is the most vibrant and colorful part of your life, so you wouldn’t have it any other way. With her, you become her partner in both the thrilling moments and the challenges of her life. Your love and support help her navigate her insecurities and embrace her true self, helping to nurture a romance that's passionate and tender and all the beautiful things in between.
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If you enjoyed this, please consider liking or reblogging it <3!
You can check more of my writing on (this link!). Thank you!
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anthracite-writes · 7 months
Heyyy :) I was just wondering on expanding a bit on the Popular MC thing 👀 I was mainly wondering how the brother would react to MC who was finally burnt out socializing with all the demons wanting their attention and the boys just find MC in their room wanting alone time with each of the brothers 🥺
Obey Me! Brothers X Popular Socially Burnt Out! GN! MC
[Separate] Demon brothers x gn! reader || SFW || TW//CW: LOTTA angst <3, self-isolation, all time low/at the point of being unable to take care of oneself, hints at eating disorders (anorexia) in Beel's part. A//N: for context - check out this imagine :) - Summary: You've already reached the bottom of your social battery from your popularity and this doesn't go unnoticed by the demon brothers. After days of shutting yourself in your room and avoiding everyone and everything, you finally go to them - seeking comfort from your burn out.
Also, apologies for getting this out hella late - I haven't check out my inbox since the last request I've put up. If you did put in a request, I'm working on them - school just got me swamped out of my mind.
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Would notice immediately notice your personality and normal behaviour is off
Will notice that you're setting yourself aside from students in RAD, eating alone both at home and RAD, locking yourself in your room once you get back to HoL and staying in there for hours on end.
Would catch you when you're out late in the night when you think everyone was asleep.
Brings you meals when you don't join them for meal times in the House of Lamentation.
Doesn't question why you're acting this way. He already knows, [he's got a sixth sense when it comes to you - source? Trust me on this]
Keeps his bedroom and study doors open for you, just in case if you want to talk to him
He's not the type to force you to talk to him about you're social exhaustion, he'll wait for you to talk about it to him on your own time.
Would welcome you with open arms into his bedroom/study whenever you need someone - doesn't matter what time it is, he would keep you company.
More often than not, he would stop by your room on his rounds to make sure everyone is where they're supposed to be that they're no where else - making sure you're asleep and all and that you're not up late and whatnot.
"Oh? [Y/N]... you're still awake..." He says, noticing you're awake in your bed. Lucifer makes his way towards your bed and sit on the edge beside you. The demon pulls you into his arms, holding you close to his body, his hand on the back of your head and the other on your back. All Lucifer wants you to know is that he's here for you. "All this attention must be be tiring..." he would coos in a soft tone. "From now on... if you need someone to be with you, it should be me... only, me."
Wouldn't notice till later.
He's still a bit pouty about all the attention that you're getting that
When he notices you've become withdrawn in school, often opting to be alone - that's when he gets worried about your well being.
Sure, he's greedy for your attention but it's important to him that his human is okay.
He is your first pact, remember?
When your alone, he'd often go join you.
He doesn't care if you don't want to talk - he just want to keep you company [Though he would point out some random stuff in your surroundings to try to make you laugh.]
Probably would start getting a bit childish and pouty when he sees your not reacting to anything he's saying.
He really just want to see you smile again - that's all he wants at this point.
Would be the type to try to encourage you to talk about your feelings.
Willing to help you in anyway he can.
If you do tell him what's going on with you and the whole point of being burned out, he starts to tone down his urges to try to get you out.
Cuddle time? anytime, anywhere. Even if you don't ask for it.
Bro's slinking into your bed for cuddles.
He doesn't want you to feel alone during your down time.
Holds you close from behind, spooning you as he talks about whatever to fill the silence.
"Y/N... I know... you don't have to take in everyone's attention..." He mumbles against your head as you two lay in his bed cuddling. "Who needs randos being around you all the time, trying to impress you?" Mammon chuckles, giving you a little squeeze. He gently runs his fingers through your hair, playing with it. "I can give you all the attention you'd ever need, and I know for a fact you won't get fed up like you did with them. They drain you, I on the other hand - oh, I'll make sure you never get like this again." "Just keep you're eyes on me from now on, 'kay? And I'll give you all my attention."
Wouldn't notice at all, he's shut into his room - remember?
But when he notices you've been even more hauled up in you bedroom than him.
Starts worrying even he notices you're not even showing up to any of the classes.
You're not supposed to be the shut-in, that's his job!
You're supposed to be his Player 2 in school, his emotional support.
Starts blowing up your text messages till you respond.
When you do respond and explain to him what's been going on with you, he gets it right away.
He knows how it feels, socializing is overwhelming for him so he can't even imagine what it feels like being in the spotlight
Would set up a private chatroom for the two of you to interact one on one while you recharge your social batteries so you don't feel overwhelmed with fact to face interaction.
Would have movie nights over calls, talks to you over chats and VCs, etc etc.
Love seeing you become more lively over the chats and VCs .
Makes sure to drop off food at your room when he's out of his room - he knows what it's like to forget to eat or drink, and doesn't want your state to worsen physically with malnourishment.
Lets you vent out your frustrations and all - you've done it so much for him, it's time for him to be a good bestie.
Often would try to relate to you by bringing up his experience without trying to make it all about him.
Just tries his best to comfort you even though he's not the best [gold star for Levi for trying]
"I'm glad you told me, Y/N... I was getting a bit worried you've forgotten about me and I'm back to level zero friend-wise. That it was just Henry and I again..." The demon rambled, earning a soft laugh on your end of the voice call and Leviathan responding with his usual whines when he feels flusted. "But anyway... I'm glad we cleared up the misunderstanding between us. I'm just surprised is all, you of all people getting burnt out? I though I was the one with poor social skills and a shut in." "But seriously... I understand how you feel. And... um.. erm..." His voice trails off as he mumbles under his breath. "...and I'm happy I get to help you this time... you've done a lot and I want to do the same for you..."
He has a keen eye, he will notice in a heartbeat.
When you start excusing yourself and walking back to the HoL alone, that's when he decides to take things into his own hands.
VERY confrontational - won't hesitate to even break down your door if you decide to shut yourself in for a couple hours.
Is passively aggressively trying to get you to tell him what's the matter and why you're acting in such a way that is the polar opposite of how you act usually.
Once he figures out that you're burned out - he gets right into action trying to make you feel better.
You're the only person who he can tolerate, but he will not tolerate this burnout slump.
Is more calm in his methods of trying to help you recharge from said burnout slump.
Would often drag you out of the house to go cat watching with him, thinking it would have the same effect on you as on him when he's stressed and whatnot.
Once he connects the dots that maybe his methods aren't working seeing you aren't improving, he's trying other methods he read about.
Would bring you tea and books he thinks you'll enjoy.
Let's you snuggle up with him under the covers as he reads to you.
Stays with you when you eventually fall asleep, hugging you as he rubs your back or strokes your hair to comfort you - letting you know he's still there as your rest.
Satan looks over at you from the pages of the book he was reading too you, seeing you've fallen asleep against him. He lets out a soft sigh and puts aside the book before laying you down on the bed in a more comfortable position, laying down next to you as watching you sleep. "You must be tired, Y/N..." he muttered softly to himself, reaching out and gently stroking your hair in a caring manner. He scoots closer to you as he pulls the covers over the two of you, tucking you two in before wrapping his arms around you in your slumber - pressing you against his body to insure you feel his warmth. "Rest easy, Y/N... I'm not leaving..."
Notice but brushes it off at first but starts worrying when he notices you're refusing his invites out.
When you completely start acting out of it (not even wanting to go out with him and him alone), he's gonna lose it.
He does care for you, and WILL go full on panic mode.
He's checking your temperature, begging you to go see a doctor to check if it was some kind of illness.
Worse case, his mind would wander off to the thought that you're finally sick of him and being around him all the time.
Just sit him down before he starts making up fake scenarios where you ended your friendship with him and explain your social burnout
"...Ohhhhhh - then why didn't you start off with that, hon? You got me all worked up for nothing. Come, you need some R & R. Just the two of us, 'kay?"
Two of you have a complete spa and self-care day, and boy does Asmo go all out.
Face masks, skin care, long soaking in the bath with the best of the best products, doing each other's nails, online shopping sprees etc. etc.
Would give you the juiciest of drama while you are social checked out to cheer you up.
If that isn't your cup of tea, he's more than happy to listen to you with your problems.
Tell him your troubles and he'll try his best to comfort you.
Very handsy and touchy-feely when comforting you - ie. cuddles, caresses, holding your hand, etc.
"Oh, babes... you should of told me you were getting overwhelmed with all the popularity you've been getting you burned out." Asmo cooed as he places a hand on your cheek. "Gems like yourself need time away from people to let yourself shine once more to their fullest potential... Don't be so hard on yourself okay? You just need to tell me these things." "And you wanna know why?" He says with a cheeky grin, booping your nose in a playful manner, "Because you are my favourite person besides myself, and like myself - I'd drop everything to make sure my gem is okay before anything else. I'll reject clubbing invites and such, just to know you're going to be okay., Y/N"
Notices when you started to skip meals to go be alone in your room
Starts getting worried when you either miss meals or offering your portion of your meals
Food is his way to comfort you during your burnout.
When you haul yourself up in your room, he'd often leave your comfort snacks.
If you two bump into each other in the kitchen, he's going to offer to cook for you - especially if you haven't ate anything in the hours.
Will fight tooth and nail not to eat what he's cooking up for you.
Will encourage you to eat, even if it's a couple bites.
After you eat, he'll do the dishes real quick and walk you back to your room so you can rest.
Stays by your bedside while you rest, holding your hand as if you're gonna just disappear again if you let go.
I got a feeling he's good a reading you and how you're feeling.
He already knows without you saying a word. And he'll stay by your side till you're back to your usual self.
"Y/N... I know you're not feeling like yourself and that's okay... you don't have to talk about it with me if you want but I'm here for you of course. I want you to know that" Beel says quietly as he watches you try to rest in your bed, giving your hand a slight squeeze. "Just make sure you eat. It's not good you've been forgetting to give yourself nourishments. I understand your tired and not feeling well, but do understand it's not healthy that your accedentally missing meals." He said, guiding your hand up to his cheek. "And I'll be sure of it. I'll take care of you, I promise you that Y/N"
Wouldn't notice at all. He's asleep 99.9% of the time - canon.
But once he notices you're no longer showing up to any of his napping places to take a break from people after school.
Would sleepy wander around the HoL till he found you hiding in your room as you recharge from your burnout.
Crawls into your bed and just snuggles with you.
He can feel your tired, and not the usual tired - so he's happy to make sure you get the rest you need.
Often leaves and comes back with more pillows and blankets to make sure your comfortable and all.
Not much talking would happen. He just wants you to rest and only rest.
Keeps everything the same, not wanting to change anything that may stress you even more than you are now in your burnout state.
"Y/N, just stay here with me..." Belphie spoken in his groany voice, evident he's just woken up. The young demon squeezed you slightly as he pulled you closer, putting his leg over you to keep you down on the matrass them. "It's important you rest. You need it to function." He murmurs into the crook of your neck. "Being so popular must be draining... so just rest."
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desafinado · 1 year
♡‧₊˚ little things they do that make you smile
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a source of small but certain happiness can sustain you a lifetime
°。⋆ fluff, a bit ooc alhaitham, like one swear word, just a tiny bit suggestive?
°。⋆ alhaitham, kaeya, kaveh, xiao x reader (wc: 626)
note: i'm trying something a bit shorter, so that i can post at least once a week!! i already have some papers due as well as an…interesting… group mate (i hate real men sigh) so there's that :’)
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alhaitham ♡
leaving notes for you in the books he reads; ever since he noticed you borrowing books from his collection, he started leaving little annotations here and there. whether it be a book about the ecological history of avidya forest or the subtle art of not giving a fuck, you can bet he’s leaving a little message for you, words of encouragement (“this is where it gets interesting, i promise.”) and passive aggressive critiques on the text (“ngl, this part reads like a drunken rant”). you can imagine his face, his voice, and his gaze as you read, so it's only given that you let out the most giggly smile. he even knows when a chapter or two can be exceptionally boring for you, so he'll write a proposition on the top of the page. “hmm, why don’t you come into my room and i could read it to you instead?”
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kaeya ♡
greeting you by hugging you from the back; he was never one to shy away from pda, so he never really cared about the stares he’d get from abruptly hugging you from behind. it came about when he had gone through a particularly tiring mission; he had missed you so dearly that the moment he saw you at the kitchen making some dinner, he clung onto you tightly. it took you by surprise the first few times, of course, he did when you’d least expect him, but you quickly grew to love it, getting familiar with his touch, his soft breathing tickling your neck. you’d be at the market talking to some vendors when you suddenly feel a warmth around your waist. it was definitely a welcomed warmth, and you’d often greet him back with a kiss on the forehead. fighting a smile against his warm embrace is like denying yourself entry to heaven; he’s always right there for you, and you only need to let him in.
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kaveh ♡
massaging your shoulders after a long day; he’s had his fair share of stupidly stressful days, but he’d take the hit for you any day if he could. the next best thing he can offer is a massage with some sweet smelling essential oils. you don’t even need to say a thing; the moment you enter with that hunched over posture, darkened eyes, and breathless voice, he knows what must be done. you don’t want to trouble him, that’s the last thing you’d want to do, but he practically nags you until you give in; he’s a romantic, can you blame him? he’s dedicated to seeing you happy, no matter what it takes, and how right he was, because within a minute you’ll be sighing in pure bliss; he can’t help but chuckle as you surrender to his affections. nowadays, it’s almost instantaneous how you fall into his arms, trusting him with your body. 
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xiao ♡
lying down next to you, doing absolutely nothing but enjoying your company. it’s rare for you to have moments like these, moments where he’s not brooding over his past sins or in pain for them; in these moments, he only cares about the both of you and the future you might have tomorrow. he’ll caress your cheek mumbling something about how he can’t believe how unreal you look or simply close his eyes and hold your hand, squeezing it gently. it’s especially endearing when he seems to fall asleep, his faint snoring is the only thing to be heard. he looks so peaceful like this, you can’t restrain the audible “aw” that comes out of your lips. after staring at his carefree state for a few more minutes, you get into your own comfortable position (usually cuddling him, burying your face into his chest) and fall asleep next to him.
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requests are open!! please do not repost on other sites.
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penguicorns-are-cool · 8 months
Not so friendly reminder that antisemites have historically used antizionism as a cover for their antisemitism. a LOT of antizionists are antisemites and antizionist rhetoric has always been influenced by antisemites.
This is why on college campuses with dedicated antizionist groups there's higher rates of antisemitism and shit like this happens. Like antisemitism has been actively rising in general all over but it's been really bad on college campuses and campus Hillels do so much to combat that antisemitism.
If you are someone who even interacts with antizionism please please please be aware of the antisemitic history of antizionism. Please go out of your way to do some research about what zionism is, it's history, the history of antizionism, and general dogwhistles. Even if you don't mean to be antisemitic and think you're not being antisemitic, just do a little bit of research. I'll even provide some links to make it a bit easier.
This is very simplified but it's the first one I could find without antisemitic dogwhistles in it. I do encourage you to do more research after reading this if you can, but this will give you a good overview of what Zionism is
This one is a simple way to figure out if someone is giving legitimate criticism of Israel or is being antisemitic (it can be hard to tell the difference sometimes)
How modern antizionism tends to mirror the Soviet anti-zionist campaign that was used to further oppress Jews in the Soviet Union while dismissing claims of antisemitism
The American Jewish Committee (AJC) glossary of antisemitic dog whistles and explanations of why they're antisemitic
Also, if you're up for it, here's a link to "Der Judenstaat," the book by Theodore Herzl (the person whose credited as the founder of zionism as we know it today) in which he outlines the what and why of zionism. It's also really not so hard to read it's translated into pretty common language and while it looks really long, the actual book is only the bottom half of the page and it's really well organized so you can skim through it easily.
Also, here is a collection of sources about pre-state Israel cause I've seen so much misinformation about it. Just go onto this site explore it pick whatever sources you want
also @rootsmetals on Instagram makes a lot of very good infographics that are really well sourced. If you don't feel like you can trust her just go into the comments of any of her posts to find the sources
Please, do not write any notes if you're not responding to a source here that you have read. You don't have to read all of them, but please don't speak on topics you don't really know about. Israel and Palestine includes at least two groups of people who have had a LOT of misinformation spread about them.
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tarot-and-stuff · 1 year
Pick A Star Card Tarot Reading
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Readings are under the read more.  Video version is linked as source.
Had to make collage of the cards cause I forgot to take a pic of them all together when I had them out.
Pile 1/Rider-Waite - *Hopes*
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The first card to come out was the 5 of Pentacles reversed.  This card is associated with letting go of a fear of loss.  Basically, you’re wanting to leave behind times where you’ve had to be concerned about money and potentially losing things that you need and/or value.
The second card to come out was the Queen of Wands.  This card is associated with confidence, as well as being bold and assertive.  Basically, I feel like this is how you want to be and that these are traits you may need to embrace.
The third card to come out was The High Priestess.  This card is strongly associated with trusting your intuition.  Basically, I feel like you want to trust yourself and your instincts more than you have in the past.
Overall, this pile seems to want to work on themselves and becoming more confident in themselves.
The first oracle card to come out was Expectation - Expect The Best.  Basically, try to hope for the best rather than falling back into old pessimistic thoughts that may be linked to the 5 of Pentacles that you’ve gone through in the past.
The second oracle card to come out was North Node - Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone.  Basically, I feel like this is encouraging you to embrace those Queen of Wands traits and step out of your comfort zone, which will likely help you to grow.  Definitely not an easy thing to do though.
The third oracle card to come out was Free Yourself - It’s Time To Take Back Control Of Your Life.  While this card came from the love deck, I feel like this applies more so just as a general message.  Basically, free yourself from where you’ve been and the concerns you’ve carried.  The fence on this card made me think of the 8 of Swords and more of a mental prison rather than a physical one.  Love-wise, this could be advising you to stay away from people that want to take away your freedom/sense of self.
Pile 2/Teddy *Hopes*
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The first thing I noticed about this pile was that all of the tarot cards were Cups.  This suggests emotions are a major part of this pile, which the oracle cards went on to support.
The first card to come out was the 4 of Cups.  This card is associated with being kinda meh.  Not much exciting going on, but nothing really bad either.  The bear lurking behind the tree holding a cup stuck out to me quite a bit, since it made me think of the Knight of Cups and Page of Cups.  This made me think that some of you are wanting someone to offer you something that changes up the norm for you.  This doesn’t necessarily have to be romance-related, but I feel like it is for the majority of you.
The second card to come out was the 9 of Cups.  This card is associated with emotional fulfillment.  You’re happy without having to rely on others to make you happy.  Their may be a bit of loneliness here though, since this bear is alone compared to the 10 of Cups which generally shows a family.  
The third card to come out was the Ace of Cups.  This card is associated with a new emotional beginning.  This cup would also fit with that 9 of Cups to make the 10 of Cups.  I do feel like this does suggest that many of you are hoping for a worthwhile relationship opportunity to come your way.
The first oracle card to come out was Friendship - Care Is There.  Basically, just a reminder that there are people around you that do care about you, especially if you may be feeling lonely or a bit hollow.
The second oracle card to come out was New Moon In Aquarius - Bring Love Into The Situation.  This card can suggest trying a gentler approach to things.  I feel for the majority of you though that this card is simply supporting the fact that many of you are desiring love at this time.
The third oracle card to come out was Attraction - You Attract Romantic Love By Enjoying This Moment Fully.  Basically, I feel like this encourages you to embrace your happiness, which will likely bring you closer to attracting a partner that you desire.
Pile 3/Nightmare Before Christmas *Healing*
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The first card to come out was the 5 of Presents reversed, which is basically the 5 of Pentacles in this deck.  This card is associated with letting go of a fear of loss.  Basically, you’re wanting to leave behind times where you’ve had to be concerned about potentially losing things that you need and/or value.  In this case, I think it’s more of situations rather than money that you’re changing your mindset about.
The second card to come out was the 3 of Needles, which is basically the 3 of Swords in this deck.  This card is associated with many negative emotions, including hurt, pain, sadness, and anger.  I feel like these are the emotions that you are experiencing and processing at this time.  While this isn’t a great place to be, it does seem like you are trying to address them rather than shove them down and trying to ignore them.
The third card to come out was the Knight of Needles, which is basically the Knight of Swords in this deck.  This card is associated with taking action on ideas.  Basically, I feel like this is you trying to avoid dwelling on the pain and negatives to try to move forward.  This doesn’t necessarily mean fully committing to any of these pursuits just yet, but testing the waters of possibilities.
The first oracle card to come out was Pounce - Decide To Act.  I feel like this goes with that Knight of Needles and taking action.  The cat on this card looks like a kitten to me rather than a full-grown cat which made me think of baby steps.  Again, just taking small steps of progress even if you feel like you should be doing more.
The second oracle card to come out was New Moon In Leo - Confidence Is Your Key To Success.  Basically, just believe in yourself and your ability to succeed.
The third oracle card to come out was True Love - This Is A Romance Of A Lifetime.  This had actually come out reversed, which made me feel like some of you had what you thought was a ‘true love’ not work out which is what has caused this 3 of Needles.  Others of you, I feel like this is the type of love that you are hoping for.
Pile 4/Chubby Bun *Healing*
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The first card to come out was the 8 of Pentacles reversed.  This has to do with changing things up.  
The second card to come out was the Knight of Pentacles.  This has to deal with focusing on the details and being very thorough.  This isn’t a very fast-paced card and doesn’t rush things.
The third card to come out was the Hanged Bunny reversed, which is basically the Hanged Man in this deck.  This card is associated with having gotten stuck in how you’ve viewed a situation.  There may be a stubbornness with this card that contributed to this stuckness.  I do feel like this is what you’re healing from and why those other two card are what you’re doing to get unstuck.
The first oracle card to come out was Instigator - Gotta Start Something.  I get more of the gotta start something aspect of this more than the instigator aspect of this card.  Basically like an antsy feeling that pushes you to need to change that perspective that you had gotten stuck in.
The second oracle card to come out was Blue Moon - Believe In The Impossible.  Basically, believe that the impossible is possible for you.  I feel like this is believing that things can be better or change by these changes and steps that you are making.
The third oracle card to come out was Reconciliation - Someone From Your Past Is Returning To Your Life.  While this is a love card, I do feel like it could be outside of love too and just a general making amends with someone.  This card had also come out reversed, which may suggest that some of you had issues with a reconciliation attempt, possibly due to being unable to look at it another way.  That isn’t necessarily a bad thing though since some reconciliations aren’t for the best.
Pile 5/Disney Villains *Hopes*
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The first card to come out was the 10 of Cups.  This card is associated with happy and healthy connections in your life.  Many versions of this card display a family on them, which suggests that many of you may desire a family of some sorts.  
The second card to come out was the Ace of Cups.  This card is associated with new emotional beginnings.  Basically, I feel like you want a new emotional offer with the potential to grow into that 10 of Cups.  This may be a new close friendship or romantic relationship.  
The third card to come out was the Knight of Wands reversed.  This card was odd to see with these cards to me.  Reversed, this knight isn’t the greatest to see in a love-type read like this.  This is someone that can be non-committal and kind of flaky.  Possibly like a player type of person or something like that.  There are two main ways that I could see this applying.  The first being that this is the type of person you usually are attracted to (or someone in particular that you’re attracted to) and you hope that they’ll change or have it in them to offer what you want.  The other is that this is you and you’ve generally been disinterested in serious relationships and settling down, but have begun changing that mindset a bit.  I feel like it is the latter option for most of you.
The first oracle card to come out was Curiosity - Worth The Risk.  Basically, something that you’re curious about is worth the risk.  This also is what leads me to believe that the Knight of Wands reversed from before generally represents you with a relationship being what you’re curious about.
The second oracle card to come out was Full Moon In Aries - A Fiery Climax Approaches!  This does suggest that something will come to an end soon for you.
The third oracle card to come out was Love Yourself First - Your Self-Respect Makes You More Romantically Attractive.  Basically, value yourself and know your worth.  This may involve not going for the typical reversed Knight of Wands type if that is who you generally go for.  
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petitelepus · 2 months
hey!! can i request a demon slayer sfw human matchup? :)
she/her, leo, asexual, 166cm, i have (a bit longer than) shoulder-length dyed ginger hair, brown eyes, and i'm very skinny except for my chubby thighs (that are some of my biggest insecurities </3). i care a lot about my appearance, so i (try to) always wear classy clothes and makeup.
i appear as a cold, quiet, rational, and confident person. people say i have a resting bitch face and a look that says "i'm the best" which leads some to think i'm pretty enough to be like a model or smth, and that makes me really happy. also, i'm very introverted, and i really hate being like this lol. i try to be funny and sarcastic.
on the inside, i don't exactly feel so confident, i'm a person with lots of insecurities, very anxious, kinda depressed about everything, and i'm very sensitive about what people think of me. i try my best not to show it, and i'm pretty good at it. i don't want people to think i'm all of these things since it makes me feel weak.
i dedicate myself a lot to what i do, but i usually feel invisible and like a disappointment.
i try to shut off my emotions and distract myself with other stuff (such as writing texts/poems about what i'm feeling, sometimes it can get deep but no one will read them anyway) as much as possible, so sometimes i might seem like an angry person and i distance people without even noticing, it makes me sad, since i appreciate so so soo much every relationship i have, even if i don't show it.
i'm sorry if this is too much and i hope this is good 🥹 have a good day!! 💕💕
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I match you with adult Tanjiro Kamado!
People are right when they think that you could be a model, you're that pretty. That, and based on your classy clothes and makeup, people assume you must be from a wealthy or high-class family.
Surely a beauty like you has a lot of suitors, but Tanjiro stands out when he isn't actively trying to hit on you. Go away Zenitsu.
To Tanjiro, this poor country pumpkin you're gorgeous, the real epitome of a proper high-class lady who should be treated with utmost respect.
You may appear cold and hard to approach, but that has never stopped Tanjiro from trying to befriend someone. Also, Nezuko likes you so you must truly be a nice person deep inside.
It takes a second, but Tanjiro soon realizes that your cold attitude might just be your introverted nature trying to protect you. You might taken aback when he tells you that it's good to look out for yourself, but you shouldn't completely isolate yourself from other people and even more from friends.
Feeling like you can trust him, you try to be more talkative and crack a joke or two and he is absolutely joyous when he sees you trying to talk to him like that.
It wasn't love at first glance like some may think, and it took a small moment and some talking for Tanjiro to fall for you.
Somehow this young man can see your insecurities, anxiety, and sadness and despite not completely understanding the reason you have them, he wants to be there for you and support and encourage you.
He hates seeing you feel bad about yourself and when he has your attention, he gives you a huge smile and starts making huge hand gestures as he tells you loudly how creative you are for writing poems, how nice you are despite appearing a little scary and how you aren't a disappointment but a huge source of joy.
Tanjiro will ask for you to share some of your deeper poems with him so that he can really understand how you feel and how he could make you feel better, but if you don't want to share then that's okay also because he is still there for you.
Tanjiro won't give you a chance to try and distance yourself from him, his sister, or friends.
He likes you so much that he will declare that he loves you and he wants to take away your sorrow and replace sad memories with happy ones with him, Nezuko, and even Zenitsu and Inosuke in your life.
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ivorydragoness44 · 1 year
Padmé Amidala x Reader: A Friend
Word Count: 572 Warnings: Angst, discussing family drama/incident, and Anakin may or may not be hiding under the desk the entire time. Summary: The Reader needs to talk to someone about something that upset them, so they go to their friend, Padmé.
~~~~  ~~~~  ~~~~  ~~~~
 Storming through the halls of the Senate offices, you had hoped to feel different. The familiar wall decor and overall atmosphere did little to curb your less than ideal mood. Rather than venturing to your own office, your legs lead you elsewhere.  The entry door hardly slid open before you began speaking. “Senator Amidala, please tell me you’re in here.” Your eyes frantically swept through the room.  “I’m here,” she said, walking over from behind her desk. “Is something wrong?”  The genuine concern she held made a part of you want to cry. It made you glad that she was more than just a fellow senator. She was a friend.  “It’s a personal matter, is that all right? If you’re not busy, I mean.”  She reached out to grab your hands, giving them a reassuring squeeze. “I’m never too busy for you. Tell me what’s bothering you.”  “I had taken some time to see my family, and it was going well…until it took an unexpected turn. It felt…random, almost.”  Padmé nodded slowly, encouraging, and you continued.  “I’ll keep it brief. One family member, who I love dearly, began to play music and dance. All by themselves they did this without a care in the world. Even the other’s pet watched, nodding their head to the music, the energy. It was cute. Neither of us had seen that before and laughed.”  “That’s adorable,” she smiled.  “It was. But when they, not the pet, left the room with the music, my other older family member turned to me. They wanted me to dance, but I said ‘no’. Their demeanor completely changed, saying that they had seen me dance before with my friends—which was years ago and was a celebration. They said this as if delighted that they had caught me in a lie. They were trying to use that as incentive—leverage to make me dance. As if with their words, I had no choice. It was so strange. I didn’t—don’t like it.”  Padmé’s attentiveness and soft voice helped soothe you through your vent. “I’m sorry you had to go through that. I know you had been looking forward to visiting them.”  You shrugged, “There are worse things.” You eyed her knowingly. “I’ll spare you my attempt of teaching accountability. Of how I feel as though I am only a source of information or entertainment for them. I mean—I’m not a dancing kowakian monkey lizard or something!”  Hands releasing yours, Padmé brought you into a warm hug. “Telling people what they don’t want to hear can be difficult. But it’s because we care—you care. And your feelings and how you wish to be treated—respected, matter too.” She leaned out of your embrace and looked directly into your eyes. There was so much compassion and understanding in her gaze that you wondered if there was an unspoken story hiding in there. “Thank you for trusting me with something so personal.”  You shared a smile. “Thank you for listening. It’s been gnawing at me for a while now. And as a friend…you said that I can come to you for anything.”  “I did, didn’t I?” She laughed with you until a faint thud sounded over from her desk.  Curiously, you looked over. You swore you heard a quiet curse. “Padmé,” you eyed her now stoic face with eyes that did not match, “is someone hiding under your desk?”
~~~~  ~~~~  ~~~~  ~~~~
Thank you so much for reading! This was actually my first Padmé insert reader and really any sort of fanfic with her. I honestly don’t know why. Either way, I hope you enjoyed it and have a great Star Wars Day! May the 4th be with you.
Also! If you are interested, I do take writing commissions, starting at $3
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s-ccaam-era-crepe · 1 year
HI!! I'd love to hear about your podcast ocs :)
YAYY HII !!! (Everything is under the cut because I felt like i got a bit rambley <3)
okay well i've done simple breakdowns of some of them before but im in a talkative mood tonight so i'm probably going to repeat myself from prior posts and if information is different on the posts you can blame plot holes. ANyways!!
the podcast is my original podcast Brickwoods Amusment Park (BAP for short) where 5 teens who are invited to the park for a tour end up getting trapped by an eldritch god inside the park and some really horror-ish and creepy stuff happens to them while they try to get out
Now Meet the cast !!-
First Sophia Wynecross (tw cults for sophia's part)- (she/they + neos) they are a vlogger/streamer who was invited to create popularity for the park with their videos and she is the main source of audio for the first part of the podcast. Ve are very loud and exciting and passionate about their interests. Sophia also however, is the leader of a very big cult, one that happens to worship the god the kids are trapped by. This causes sophia to know a little bit more than the rest of the group while they try to get out, and also causes Sophia to make some questionable choices in the future.
Next, Blair Li-Ross !!- (they/them) Blair was invited to the park because their parents work for the park and they were encouraged (read: forced) to tag along to get out of the house. Blair is a stubborn and tough character that just wants to get out alive to make sure they can protect their younger sibling, so they are willing to fight to protect themselves over anyone or anything else.
Sunni Moore time!- (he/him) Sunni is a lovable smiley character that tries to be happy all the time for the sake of himself and others, however he's also very blunt and straightforward when it comes to their outcomes in the park. Sunni also has quite the dark secret that he hides because the majority of the people who knew he then no longer are around so why not create a totally different personality around people who didn't know him at the time of the Incident? (more about the incident here, and also a couple more character things :D)
Now David Garcia- (ae/he) David is sarcastic and funny but ae's also very shielded off ever since a traumatic Incident when ae was younger. Ae knew Sunni when the Incident happened and when ae finds out what really happend ae feels very vulnerable and hurt. David also trusts until that trust is broken and betrayal is almost impossible for you to come back in aer mind.
And finally Rebecca Blake!- (it/she) Rebecca is a worried and concerned person but when pushed will make risky choices to prove something. It is sometimes hot-headed and rude but will normally apologize later. She also is the most intrigued by how the park works, and although it would like to escape the park, she's very interested in knowing how everything happens within it. Especially the more creepy weird stuff, its a skeptic /hj
So anyways now that you know the cast :))
They all attempt to work together to get out of the park alive, however not all of them do make it out and the majority of them end up dying before escaping the park. The only one left being Rebecca, who decides that its up to her to dismantle the cult of the god who trapped them there so it doesn't happen again.
Anyways!! That was basic plot and character descriptions!! Please anyone ask more about particular characters or plot points, I love to chat about them <3
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authoraemoseley · 10 months
I am very curious to know your response too so I am going to ask you the same question back!
What do you enjoy most about the revision process? Are there some things you enjoy more than others? How does the revision process compare to the initial drafting process for you, do you prefer writing a first draft or would you rather skip to editing?
Thank you! A lovely set of questions!
So I'm going to answer all of these questions in a slightly disordered way but I trust that it'll make sense. If not, feel free to send me more asks for clarification!
When I write, I typically bang it all out in one or two goes (for shorter works), or over a week, or a month or so. My current WIP is an exception as I hand wrote it as a young teen, typed it up and completed it during NaNoWriMo in my late teens and as an adult I've been world building, rewriting, adding and now finally going back and writing the book as a whole.
There's a lot of different parts and elements from a lot of different places that are all making it into this cohesive "final" draft, but I really do enjoy it! I enjoy those rapids like flow of inspiration and getting in the zone, but I also really enjoy this process.
Typically the whole editing thing for me goes
Draft hand written or typed up
Type up draft (if hand written) or print the typed draft and then type it up again into a new document. This let's me re-read the story, flesh it out, and get a new perspective. This has been so tremendously helpful for me!
Take a break from it (no, seriously, step away from the computer, self!!). This break also typically involves rambling about it to someone or another (my close friends, my family, my cat, my dog), getting new ideas and jotting them down.
Go back and re-read, print out what's typed again (I use cheap paper and always front and back especially for the longer stories), take so many notes on it, then just kind of marinate in the story. This also involves a lot of talking to my cat, dog, parents (Bless them half the time they have no idea what I'm going on about but they give helpful advice and encouragement either way!), friends, and then I go back aaaand....
Type it all up again! By this point the story is looking pretty swell, and it's close to it's final draft, if it's not already at its final draft.
I really love all of it, especially the parts where I can just take notes on my story, write all sorts of odd things and just let inspiration come at me in a new way. I think that's my favorite part, seeing how I can build upon the ideas I already had, making them stronger and more detailed. While the grammar stuff always feels like a drag during the editing process, editing beyond that is a delight for me. I get a lot of inspiration for sequels or spin-offs or new ideas altogether.
I do sometimes skip to editing like with what I'm doing with HoM. Because the book is coming from so many sources that I've written over so many years (and I've been using this as my project for school), I'm going back and re-reading a lot. This is in part to remind me what I wrote, and to help me keep the flow of the story as I go into the next part. So I'll do tweaks here and there, add in more details, fix a run on sentence, but it's more light edits.
I do jump around a lot though when drafting. If there's a scene I wanna write, I'm gonna write it and trust that I can get myself to connect it later on. When I edit I tend to go straight through the whole thing.
Thanks again for the return ask!
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stinkyme · 8 months
Just that, I need to read something like that. Thank you for accepting the request.
Of course! The topic isn't really a full fic material, so I hope headcanons will suffice :) <3
CW/TW: SFW, gn!reader, sensitive and non-confrontational reader, headcanons, in and slightly out of character for Fyodor and Nikolai, if I forgot anything please let me know! :)
Them with a sensitive and non-confrontational s/o || Sigma, Nikolai & Fyodor x Reader (separately)
I will start with Sigma, and for him, I feel like it would take some adjusting. He is a mess of his own, but he is familiar with sensitivity unlike Nikolai and Fyodor. He would learn everything about you, just like he does for customers in his casino. From your triggers, what are you mostly sensitive about and why, also what would be the best way to deal with it :3
He is fairly confrontational, so I feel like he would encourage you to stand up for yourself more, however he wouldn't push it too far if he sees it's making you uncomfortable or sad. Although, he would definitely encourage you saying things to him that are related to your relationship and himself personally. Simply because he is fairly insecure and not so trusting of people, so he would expect you to meet half-way. For you to be more open towards him and for him to be more trusting and patient towards you.
I think he would find your sensitivity endearing and unusual, given that he was/is mostly surrounded by people who are nothing like that. That's why I feel like, in the beginning, he would be quite surprised and curious about you, but overly cautious.
However, once he sees and realizes that your sensitivity is genuine, he would definitely soften up towards you a lot.
As I mentioned in the beginning, he would learn everything he possibly can to try and prevent anything that may make you cry, and try his best to never be the source of it. When it comes to confronting him, as I mentioned - he would encourage it, but if it's too much for you, he would explain to you that confrontation isn't necessarily a bad thing. If that doesn't help, he would do his best to treat you with patience and read through your micro-expressions and hints in order to resolve whatever might be on your mind. Patiently, slowly and respectfully.
He would always try his best to cheer you up, to comfort you, make sure you know that your sensitivity isn't bad in his eyes, and give you absolutely anything you may need <3
He would also confront people for you sometimes, he may be anxious little guy, but when he cares about something or someone - he is ready to do anything, no questions asked
He is...a bit more intense about it. I feel like he would offer you to reach his idea of freedom alongside him, unsurprisingly.
However, at first, he would find your sensitivity a bit less than intriguing, but a bit more than just interesting.
I don't think he would take you seriously at first.
He would definitely tease you a little bit, but he wouldn't hurt you on purpose. I feel like once you actually cry in front of him, he will definitely just stand there, unsure of what to do and how to handle a situation. He would still not take you seriously, simply because he doesn't understand what is such a big deal.
He has seen many humans and squeezed out plenty of, quite unsettling and heavy emotions, however your state would be considered mild for him. That's why he would be unsure how to react to it. It's simply not intriguing enough for him to push more, but it's also not considered nothing. It leaves him quite confused. Which is probably why, at first, as I mentioned before, he would offer you to reach freedom of that with him.
However, assuming that he got attached to you, and that you mean something to him - he will find it oddly endearing. He doesn't want you to change, but he is always curious to know what made you cry and what makes you sensitive. It's like a new favorite thing of his, slightly in a twisted/sadistic way, but mostly pure curiosity about it.
He is okay with the fact you don't confront people, but he will teach you a couple of ways how to deal with the people who annoy/hurt you. Mostly how to mess with them or how to do the least so it doesn't overwhelm you, but big enough of a thing for them to leave you alone or apologize. At first he might even take the lead himself, and giggle to you as to what he did to them...even though, his ways aren't the most peaceful ones :3
Lastly, he will always try to make you laugh or surprise you when you are feeling down or when you are crying, he isn't the best at comforting in conventional ways, but he will do his best in departments he is more capable at. When it comes to confronting him, Nikolai encourages that because he finds it fun. I feel like he would literally tell you what to tell him, make a whole script just so he could see how do you act when you are annoyed with him.
He is a freak, it turns him on, but he will do his best to not repeat any actions that heavily influence your mood and deeply tackle your sensitivity.
...Well. Realistically, he finds sensitivity mildly annoying at first. However, he also knows it's easy to manipulate a person who is quite sensitive, so in his own way - he finds that easy to deal with depending on what he needs.
He knows exactly what to say to calm you down, and knows exactly what to say to influence your sensitivity. So, in his own mind, it's easy to navigate and toy with you. And he would take advantage of that.
He doesn't mind people who are non-confrontational, because they are obedient and acting just like he needs them to act which is absolutely splendid for him. He couldn't ask for more.
However, if we assume he genuinely cares about you, he would encourage you to work on your sensitivity. Simply because he thinks that going into the world with your heart open to it is foolish. He thinks it's too vulnerable, it would be easy to hurt you and that's something you shouldn't allow because people will take advantage of that.
On the other hand, he also finds your sensitivity endearing in his own way. As foolish as he may think it is, he also finds it oddly interesting to witness because Fyodor himself is anything, but a sensitive man. So, to have someone sensitive close to him, it's an interesting experience.
But, we can't deny that he knows exactly how to deal with it, he understands you better than anyone else. He knows what's going on even before you say something. So, you can't really hide anything from him, which he, deeply enjoys.
He would have his own way of comforting you, as I mentioned - he knows exactly what to say to make you feel better, he knows exactly what you need. Sometimes, he may add a few light scoldings in between - how you can't go into the world with your heart on the sleeve. But, he wants you to keep your heart on the sleeve for him. He also likes the fact you are non-confrontational at the times, but he prefers independent people.
So, he would encourage you to say something, even though he knows what's wrong. Eventually, he will stop initiating the conversation and push you, in his own tricky ways, to tell him what's wrong. I think he would find mild enjoyment in "molding" you into a more independent person who will only be vulnerable for him :3
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alyszaen · 1 year
I'm in a sappy mood so excuse me for this, but I need to get this out.
I know it hasn't been long since I've started becoming an active writer, but I just really need to tell you guys how much my moots mean to me. So I decided to tell everyone my favourite thing about you guys. Yes this will be cringy and sappy and lovey-dovey and you will enjoy every second of it.
Also no I didn't put y'all in a particular order here stfu I love all of you
@chiskz The way we vibe about our ideas is incredible. I don't think I've ever agreed with every single idea anyone has had the way I have with you. We just ping-pong our way into our scenarios and I wouldn't change a thing. Chichi is our real child which I will protect with my life. Earlier today I saw an encouraging message from you reminding me to breathe, because you knew I would have a rough day. I couldn't stop thinking about it all day, knowing there was someone there who cared enough to remind me of that.
@pettypuppy-jonghyun I have never been judged for being married to Han Jisung as I have by you. You are a menace to society. Actually evil for first spamming me with attractive pictures to make me thirsty, only to then make memes out of me being thirsty. Actually evil. The way you remember the little things, like Yoshi, makes me feel so warm inside. The voice messages you just sent to me were so perfectly cut towards me that just shows me how real you are and how much you care. Also your car rides are the most dramatic thing I ever got to experience. I know Hyunjin would be proud of you.
@longingpurity You immediately write every single little thing I request to make me feel better. The way you ask me for advice and trust me so much on it makes it feel so genuine. I love how easy it is to just write in capslock forever about the most mundane things with you. I see a message from you every single morning and it makes me smile so much to know there is someone thinking about me.
@wanna-live-yn-life I am actually offended at how funny you are. Our dms are always a pure comedy show and anyone reading them would be convinced that we are stupid and that you are obsessed with Enhypen. If there is anyone that can get me to start stanning Enhypen it is you. You're my child and I will protect you with my life. Funniest damn idiot honestly.
@minnnie-binnie Our conversations are 90% life updates because we cannot seem to be awake at the same time ever. You are actually such a chill person? Like, I just know whenever I see a message from you I will get the most calm and relaxed conversation about mundane things. It's worth a lot to be able to talk about small and basic things without it being awkward. Also if I ever need a boquet I'll remember to ask you for help.
@minvho Bro you sat through me singing half of Skz songs - and badly. I do not speak korean and I did my best to prove that to you. You are my biggest delulu supporter. You genuinely convinced me that I could pull Han Jisung and made me at least 40% more annoying about it. I shall wait for your karaoke. I know you will slay and I will laugh at you the entire time.
@sensitiveandhungry You are my No#1 source of fic recommendations. If I need anything new I just check what you reblogged today. Actual Queen of reblogging. With you I can fangirl about fangirling. Like? I know this sounds weird? But just being happy about being happy, you know?
@skz-jisoo My fellow german stay. You have no idea how many german skz tiktok links are coming your way. I still do not know how we share every single childhood experience, down to the danger noodles? I am almost convinced that we were in the same kindergarten at this point. There is no way it can be this similar fr. We are bonded by sneks.
Again you idiots there is no order to this, I know at least one of y'all fuckers thought so for a second. I will actually call pre-debut han on you if you doubt my love for you again.
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can i ask a sex advice question please?
how do i uh.... how do i douche properly..? and how do i make sure that it's like..... clean and safe. before i do anything ?
ty <3
Hi there, standard disclaimer: talking about sex is not shameful or embarrassing in any way, but I am going to put my answer under a read more to allow everyone to curate the content they wish to see.
The first thing that I want to emphasize is that douching (either vaginal or anal) is not a prerequisite for any kind of penetration. I think that a lot of people get it in their heads that they need to douche in order for things to be "clean" but the reality is that you can 1) clean up without douching, and 2) real life sex can sometimes get a little messy no matter what.
You don't clarify which kind of douching you're asking about, so I'm going to cover both. Let's start with vaginal douching:
Say it with me, folks! Vaginal douching can actually do more harm than good. It can upset the natural pH of your vagina, leading to bacterial imbalance, subsequent infections, and discomfort (source 1) (source 2) (source 3). Please trust your vagina to clean itself. If you are experiencing odor or unusual discharge, please seek the assistance of a medical professional.
Now that we've gotten that out of the way, we can move on to anal douching. The anus and rectum are not the same as the colon. Fecal matter is stored in the colon, it passes through the anus and rectum. While not self cleaning to the same level as the vagina, the anus and rectum (outside of any GI tract issues) should be free of anything but trace amounts of feces.
Anal douching, while not as harmful as vaginal douching, does come with its own set of risks. Perforations/scratches from an enema nozzle can be painful, as well as increase the risk of acquiring an STI. Overzealous cleaning can result in the stripping of the rectum's protective layer of mucus.
Eating a high fiber diet (or even just fiber supplements) is a great way to encourage regular bowel movements that pass through the anus and rectum without leaving much behind. When we think of preparation for anal penetration, we generally think of the douching/enema and stretching, but a well balanced diet is just as important.
The decision to douche before anal penetration should be something that you undertake on your own, without pressure from a partner. Cleaning with your fingers and a very mild soap while in the shower is also perfectly adequate preparation, as is no cleaning. Listen to your body and let that dictate your needs. Scarlteen (a sexuality and gender inclusive sex education website) has a great post on whether or not you should douche before anal sex.
So let's say that you've read everything here and still feel like douching is the right choice for you. The San Fransisco Aids Foundation has a really good article about how to to douche safely. They cover everything that I would have, so I'll direct you to their Anal Douching Safety Tips.
Finally, I want to reiterate that there is a great deal of difference between real life sex and what we have been conditioned to expect sex to be like. Things that DO NOT count as realistic sex:
Fanfiction/written smut
Sex scenes in movies and tv shows
The vast majority of sex as depicted in popular media
It is 100% okay to drop that expectation of perfect cleanliness. Do the amount of cleaning that YOU want to do, and take measures to manage the rest of the mess. Condoms, dental dams, and gloves are great tools, and you should feel free to use them.
Stay safe and have fun,
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hiding1ntheforest · 11 months
Notes On Heathenism: Advice & Misconceptions
Today’s article will be much more casual. When I was first getting into Germanic paganism, I watched every single “advice for beginners” and “common misconceptions about paganism” YouTube video that I could find. I also scoured the internet for articles on this topic. I searched things such as “prayers to the gods” and “how to leave offerings for the gods.” This is something I’m sure many of us pagans have experienced, but looking back on what I’ve read and watched, I now disagree with a great deal of it. A lot of these articles and videos were created by neopagans. Now, many of you may be shocked to learn that I actually don’t hate neopagans. I am heavily reconstructionist, but I believe that people have the freedom to practice their faith in whatever way they want, and I honestly feel that a lot of reconstructionists have a superiority complex (don’t worry, I will elaborate on all of this in a separate article.) Despite this, I must admit that a lot of the poor advice and misinformation I’ve come across has been spread by neopagans. There is no issue with incorporating your own ideas, philosophy, practices, etc with pre-Christian religions, but it becomes an issue once you begin claiming fiction as fact. Anyhow, I’m writing this in hopes of providing actually useful advice from a restructionist perspective, as well as encourage others to be very cautious with what they read online.
1. Don’t Trust Anyone
This ties into the introduction of this article. Do not blindly trust scholars and academics, and certainly do not trust anyone claiming to be a pagan online. You shouldn’t even trust me. When I create these articles, my goal is to introduce different concepts that people can then research on their own. Please don’t rely on my articles or anyone else’s writings for all of your information. You need to read primary sources (well, as close as you can get to primary, considering the majority of literature on Germanic paganism has been written by Christians. When I refer to primary sources, I just mean works close to the pagan period) and interpret things for yourself. You can’t even fully trust the primary sources! A lot of them are subject to Christian distortions. Of course, if you are at all familiar with Christianity, you can somewhat sort out what has been Christianised and what hasn’t. Secondly, we have archaeological evidence that can be used to fill in some gaps and provide insight on pre-Christian society. Going back to what I said about not trusting scholars, they have the tendency to project rationalism onto everything, so to speak. They are often dogmatic, narrow minded, and too often try to insert some form of abrahamic thinking into paganism. It’s important to research things for yourself. Put down whatever contemporary work you just picked up from someone who self published on Amazon. I won’t completely reject these works, but in my opinion, they should be read AFTER you do your own research. After all, you are the most impressionable at the beginning of your journey.
2. Find What Works For You
There is not one way to worship the gods. Everyone’s practice and experience is going to be different, so you really need to take your time to experiment with different ways of worship and see what speaks to you. As a heavily reconstructionist practitioner, I’d like to let you know that a reconstructionist path is not for everyone, and that does not make your practice less valid (I hate using the word ‘valid’ and that type of language, but you get my point.) You should be prioritizing your relationship with the gods more than anything else. If you find that attempting to exactly recreate pre-Christian rites is too complicated or is preventing you from developing a connection with the divine and grow spiritually, then you should probably try something different. You should not feel confined when practicing your native faith. Paganism is the religion of nature; nature cannot be confined. It is fluid and uncontrolled. You are apart of nature and your faith centers it, so do not seek to control yourself and every aspect of your practice. Free yourself from the shackles of abrahamic thought and realize that change is necessary for spiritual growth. Letting go of some things is needed.
3. Don’t Get Discouraged
Early on, I made the mistake of attempting to meditate for an hour a day, leave an offering to every single god, and study some new concept everyday. This obviously leads to burn out and I became exhausted as well as disconnected to my faith. Although I was unsatisfied with what I was doing and found that my practice was unfulfilling, I was hesitant to change. You need to understand that any religious journey is not linear. You are going to have difficulties, there will be things you don’t understand, and you may need to endure some discomfort. However, it’s important to not let these challenges deter you. Paganism is the religion of strength, so learn from your experiences and appreciate the hardship. No goal has ever been achieved without struggle. The gods are not going to be angry with you for feeling confused or daunted, this is a Christian line of thought. We are humans, we are going to make mistakes even when it comes to our religious journeys; what is important is whether we allow these mistakes to define us and hinder us, or if we embrace them and learn.
4. Change Your Mindset
Stop searching for what offerings to leave to which gods and start getting creative. Searching things like this can be great inspiration, but do not follow them directly. Stop doing things because someone told you to. Get creative and start thinking for yourself. I think many pagans, especially those from a Christian upbringing, have a very black and white mindset. As in, “there is a right way to worship the gods and a wrong way, so I can only leave this type of offering and say this type of prayer because google told me to.” Again, paganism is not a dogmatic religion. There are no preachers, you don’t need to be told how to worship the gods. Take time to form your own experiences and do things your own way. Find what enhances your practice and what doesn’t, don’t just do something for the sake of doing it. When I first began worshipping the gods and other spirits, I felt incredibly silly. I would think things like “why am I sitting here talking to a rosebush and leaving this cool stone I found as an offering?” This is something you’ll likely relate to if you were raised Christian or in a non-religious household. You’re going to have to work hard to adopt a new mindset and forget your old way of doing things and any pre-conceived notions about religion. I spoke earlier about scholars projecting rationalism or abrahamic thinking onto everything, but I think we also do this too. Learn to open up your mind and approach all things with curiosity.
5. You Are Not Equal To The Gods
I’ve encountered many self proclaimed pagans online who have a very odd and transactional relationship with the gods. The gods are not obliged to you. Stop expecting for every single offering or other act of worship to be immediately reciprocated. Sure, you might get something in return, but the gods do not answer to you. I honestly have no idea where this type of attitude came from, but it is incorrect and disrespectful.
6. Venerate The Land Spirits
I think many have the tendency to neglect the land spirits. People often discuss leaving offerings for the gods, but I think we need to place more of an emphasis on leaving offerings to the land spirits and house spirits. In my opinion, we have more of a direct interaction with these spirits than the gods. The gods are obviously important, but the land and house spirits are more likely to have a direct impact on our daily lives. Plus, we know that land and house spirits were extremely important to our ancestors because it is a belief that has persisted even into modern times. These spirits are crucial to many different folk beliefs for good reason.
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landwriter · 1 year
🦅 and 🤗 for the fic asks?
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants? I usually have a sort of jot-note thing figured out but it often includes dialogue, specific descriptions and actions, etc, as much as plot stuff. Even when I'm pantsing something, if it starts getting long I'm gonna inevitably have THOUGHTS which is unfortunate because I have no MEMORY so the outline/notes are kinda an absolute necessity. When I write without I'm topping out at like, 1K, and frowning very hard while doing it hahaha
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started? Well, I'm new to fanfic writing myself - I finished my first fic in mid-October. So I can relate to the getting started part, but can't say if it's good advice or not lmao. What's really helped get my feet under me more so far is:
Read widely across genres - for me, the sound of language is so inspiring. Fuck with poetry. Crack some sci-fi. Listen to Beowulf being read. You will also be exposed to SO many cool craft-based bits and bobs - structures, mechanisms for suspense, character development, etc.
Be patient with your ideas* - I wait as long as possible before writing something because I want the idea to be as large and hungry and champing-at-the-bit as possible before I start making it real. It's also so much easier to make changes when you don't have stuff written already, and it feels better to stop and let things percolate when you're not already 3000 words deep (although that happens and it's okay too). The more I know an idea and what I want to do - even if it surprises me later - the more confident I feel during the process and frankly us brand new fic writers need every gram of it we can get!
Be patient with your writing too - you might be slow as fuck, dude. Slow as FUCK. That's okay. You'll speed up but only if you keep chipping away and engaging in the act of writing. I know. Brutal.
Follow your gut and your happiness! Do the weird stuff you've never seen. Do the self-indulgent stuff you've seen a thousand times before. Trust yourself. Honour your tastes and preferences above all else. Which leads to:
This might be a mildly hot take but you don't need fandom spaces or other fanfic to write, and you're more likely to develop a singular and interesting voice if you let your writing develop outside of them and be influenced by other sources too. It's appealing, when new to something, to try and embody Correct Form and Conventions. But I think you gotta know what you want from your story more than you know what people will expect from it. I would challenge you, no matter what you're writing, to try and put out of your head what fic is 'supposed' to look like or sound like - honestly, you've probably read enough that it will inform you regardless even if you're not trying consciously to embody it. So let go of the product and get neck-deep in the process. Get weird! Get sexy! Chase that idea down like the feral fucker you are! And fucken send it!!!
*for the research-inclined I will pointedly note you also have to know when it's time to START writing - this isn't a paper that needs cited sources (unless it is, then please send it to me, I'd like to read it) - it's a story WITH and BUILT UPON information. Push yourself out of the nest when you sense you're dawdling and give 'er. You can always fill in bits later! I promise!!
Lastly - you are NEVER TOO OLD / TOO LATE / TOO ______ to start writing. Never ever, I swear it. If you're thinking about it, do it. Don't wait for permission or encouragement or a sign from above. There's at least one story inside of you. And I want to read it!
(fanfic writer emoji ask)
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cytser · 7 months
i'm annoyed so you get a rin vent on a platform that doesn't have my face directly attached
i've seen so many posts both on twitter and tumblr recently guilting people for not posting about current events, and acting as if you're morally/ethically at fault if you're not actively posting about it. and i'm sorry, but are you hearing yourselves?
obviously, what is happening is extremely disturbing. there aren't words to describe the level of horror, so i'm not going to try to find them. i should think this goes without saying, but i'm going to say it just so we're clear that my post isn't coming from the angle of 'but who cares about what's happening?'
but you have absolutely no idea how people are impacted by what's happening. you have no idea what personal connection people may have. you have no idea the impact it may be having on their mental states, and when you act so dismissive and act like 'this is negatively impacting my mental health' is a privileged take, you show what you really think about mental health.
there are so many reasons why people may not feel able to talk about it! people may not be able to understand what's happening. people may have grown up in warzones. people may have delusions, obsessions, flashbacks, suicidal ideation triggered that they do not have a healthy way of managing.
and from a practical standpoint, what is the point in expecting everyone to burn themselves out? when people are burnt out, they lack an ability to critically examine what they're reading. with the amount of propaganda and mis/disinformation, it is extremely important right now for people to be taking time and care to consider what they're reading. insisting that people shout while burnt out just means that mis/disinformation is going to rule. who does that help?
'you're privileged to not be under threat of death!!' well, for a start you don't know everyone's personal situations. but beyond that, you guys know it isn't morally wrong to use one's privilege, right?
when this all started, it triggered my ocd so badly that for days straight i was compulsively checking the news and making myself more and more afraid and distressed. every person who i told, including my literal actual therapist, suggested i stop. so i did! and now i take my news from trusted friends (and a few select other reliable sources) and am trying very hard not to fall into another ocd spiral because with other things going on in my life as well i'm genuinely unsure if i'd survive
i'm glad if you've never reached a level of mental distress where you're concerned for your ability to keep yourself safe, but this is the reality that a lot of people are dealing with, and those people are also the one's most likely to think they're morally failing if they refuse to share every post they see
if you do have the energy to keep posting things, then obviously i encourage you to. but i also encourage you to be critical about what you share, to make sure you understand the history, to understand that everyone is spreading propaganda, and to seriously consider the bias held by the people who's voices you're sharing.
first- and second-person accounts are typically you're best bet, along with people who's jobs revolve around this (activists, journalists, politicians but be fucking careful there), as you can generally assume they know the history - but still be careful, make yourself aware of red flags, read the replies if you're worried because odds are someone will be providing more context there. sharing propaganda is not helpful, it just makes it harder for you to understand what's happening and how to help
part of why this is so difficult to talk about is because the levels of performative activism and just straight-up horrific things i've been seeing on my social media is way more than i've seen during other conflicts. it is very dificult to engage with without a good knowledge, and most people who are engaging do not have a good knowledge
i've had to unfollow so many people over the past couple of weeks because they've clearly been so poisoned from propaganda. it seems a lot of people care more about looking like 'good activists' than they do about actually being good activists
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sothischickshe · 2 years
3, 7, 14 for the happy asks!! 💕💕
3. Have you received any bookmark notes? Which is your favourite and why?
I have 🥰🥰🥰
So I think maybe the ones on the cr*ck fics are my faves bc they're sooo niche (though this might also be recency bias 🙈😜)
(As an aside, I've been getting some rude/passive aggressive ones, not sure if it’s troll behaviour or a result of ppl not realising these are public, but, while those def weren't my faves ha, I was kinda amused by how unbothered I was 😂)
7. What do you love most about being a fic writer for your fandom?
Mm, MOST is hard... maybe a tie btwn: i. how compelling AND frustrating the source material is (much to mine!!!) & ii. the company -- ive def found it v welcoming & indeed was inspired to write/share in part by authors’ notes encouraging ppl to do so <3
14. Share a snippet.
Ha okay:
Rosa’d always been fond of pinching -- at his cheeks; the insides of his elbows -- while telling him he was going wan. Else wasting away. Encouraging him outside: to sun, to run, to familial fun.
With one relative in particular.
Maybe she long possessed inklings. Or maybe she simply wanted them twined together. The way grandma got that far away expression talking about her own sister, it’d been obvious, even back into earliest days, that she could be gripped by that nameless hovering cloud rio'd eventually come to shorthand as grief, and--
His head shakes, as if from a loose vice.
Well, he always wanted her to be -- cheered.
So he went along with it. Those claims of hers to his and Nick’s similarities, surface and otherwise. Though maybe, he contends with a snort, some of those were actually wailing cries for ophthalmological help.
Cos there’s an ironic refrain slipping through memories, as if it's fluttering against pages of the books featuring there: what words she’d snap when catching him with a clunky flashlight under the covers past bedtime. 
Perhaps the line between hypocrisy and insight must always be a wobbly one.
It's not that they much shared tastes in the realm of reading. Oh, he'd tried at her mysteries, first petulantly powered by the decree they were maturer than he, but still mostly found those stories dull at best.
No, he was drawn to the ones with magic. And adventure! Where all wasn’t what it seemed, and simplest -- banal, everyday -- explanations could be countered, possibly overturned. Attracted to the notion that cheat codes of a more exciting (miraculous, even) life were scattered; ripened for the take. The memories make him squirm internally for how hopelessly cliché such a preference seems now, little beyond an innocent yearning for: better.
Believing, fingers crossed, that a person could step sideways, through some foggy firmament and just... Something. Twist all on its head, or at least unhaze one’s own to find the clarion truth of the world. He’d known, or no. That's over-strong. Had felt though, with desperate triumph, there was -- more.
Not solely in general; but for himself.
Once upon a ways back, widest-sensed, he’d kept a near-constant antenna out for clocks striking thirteen, for hidden passages, and the true shape to stuff in the shadows, cos -- cos he thought there’d be answers. 
And -- it was useful in its way, rio insists inward, jaw clicking.
That's what got him watching. For the weird. The underground. The -- portals, really.
Watching to wanting was barely a leap. Opportunity sung at a pitch his marrow vibrated to.
He found those routes hungered over then, ultimately. Might be now leaning onto a wooden surface with lightly aching shoulders, but he ain't stuck behind a desk, nor out continually backbreaking. Sure the course was twisted, via exuberant arrogance and with blind trust biting its lessons, but maybe, charitably... That is simply how it had to go.
Rio sighs and focuses hard on focusing, making an effort to preclude his reality from fracturing outward that way it’s liked to, circling on ancient recollections which untether further -- drowning him in past problems and neat notions which oughta be far journeyed beyond by now. His eyes fix on the dirty wooden frame as he attempts to prevent the further skirting of his thoughts, as well as sights.
Next those are skipping over the dusty mirror’s surface, flashes splintering in between each slow yet dartish blink.
Don't worry be happy
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