#c: Ellery
void-botanist · 5 months
I would love to know about the elbas sitcom AU (<- big sitcom enjoyer)
Tbh it wouldn't be that different from their actual lives, lol, just played up for comedy. Also this was such a fun response to write that I did not stop myself and I just kept inventing stuff.
A lot of these characters are discussed in this powerpoint post.
Some recurring bits:
No one can remember Casper's name even when he's standing in front of them, except Nidilaenn (his kid) and Vinnek. They all call him Pa (which they do IRL) or some random name ("he has a John face"). Regardless of whether he's there or not everyone is always talking about his whirlwind romance that took him out to the Vale and left them with one less prankster. You know he always returns for the solstice episode.
People go "where's Nidilaenn" and then we immediately cut to Nid in their boat. The funny part is where the boat is this time.
"El this might be easier if you don't get so frustrated" [Ellery turns back toward the camera with the nastiest look on his face] "I'm not frustrated"
There's always a new random nonroot staying at the Yellow House to witness the shenanigans and mostly laugh them off as "wow this island is weird haha"
The nonroot is also always shocked when they find out that they were not wrong, Madge is in fact twice her husband Rigo's age, and those ages are 120 and ~60.
Madge and Rigo are only on the island half the time. The other half they're traveling the mainland and getting called back to Elbas for increasingly ridiculous reasons. While they're away someone else has to care for the lighthouse (which is why IRL they don't actually travel that much).
Herric is always meddling in something. Frequently it has a butterfly effect, where they do something tiny like borrow Milo's butter and by the middle of the episode the island is in shambles.
Herric and Urielte are the "they should just be together" couple of the series, and to be honest they don't disagree (like if they just said "nah we're friends" people would drop it but they've never said that). However they do keep coming up with increasingly silly excuses for why they won't (the real reason is Herric doesn't want to have another breakup and Urielte just doesn't give a shit about formalities).
When someone needs information, Vinnek always has a book on that. Unless it's about legal histories or contract law, in which case Milo has a book on that.
Ysa sets the mood perfectly as a bartender but never serves alcohol. Thon keeps coming up with increasingly complex names for thons juice cocktails.
While working at the docks or the lighthouse Rigo has seen sea monsters of all kinds and just shrugs it off and goes back to his book.
Madge has a bike. The island is small. She tends to ride down the lighthouse hill into town but sometimes she rides into the sea instead (Rigo: [looks up] Madge: [rides right off the end of the dock] Rigo: [goes back to his book, then does a double take]).
This would make more sense in an anime but I thought it so I'm going to say it: sometimes Nid and El grab hands and go "because the power of friendship" with the dramatic eye shine and everything.
There are as many explanations as to why Rae is missing a leg as there are islanders. Even she doesn't give the same answer every time, but she always mentions the ankle bracelet she lost.
Some episode concepts:
Some nonroot comes to stay at the Yellow House and Tirias starts spending all her time with them. Ysa and Amadjes are like "you should branch out" and Tirias is like "noooo" and all bashful about it, because the reason she's hanging around them is because they understand her obsession with an extremely niche media property that no one else gets.
A nonroot can't tell the difference between Amadjes and their cousins Amelie, Aloysius, and Asteras and convinces them all to make increasingly strange fashion choices. For some reason their dad Emil was off-island when this happens and upon his return he can't tell them apart because of the fashion.
Milo's parents Marietta and Tem come to visit and it's a series of humorously awkward interactions between Milo & Herric and Marietta & Tem, to the point that Herric will say something like "what the fuck" to Marietta (their kid) and then immediately turn to Tem and say "I find this somewhat confusing". When Milo mentions Tem to the Council they all offer their own advice: Ellery talks about not getting frustrated, Nid wants to formulate a strategy based on who swept who off their feet, Patience suggests getting kombucha-drunk with them, Tirias says to look for their passion. Somehow all of these become relevant over the course of their relationship-building.
Someone discovers that "the reason" Herric and Urielte won't officially get together is because they don't want to move into each other's houses. So they orchestrate moving one to the other, then vice versa, then into a separate third house, and it all goes really badly and they have to be moved back.
After the previous episode, Herric's ex-wife and estranged son return to demand something from them, probably money- and/or goods-related. Herric ends up moving in and/or getting the equivalent of a Vegas marriage with Urielte to fend her off. Everyone is disappointed when they ultimately undo it all.
Binna's launch is approaching and Milo is just trying to enjoy spending time with her but everywhere he goes are just silly reminders that she's leaving ("that weirdly suggestive calendar has a rocket in it!").
Patience's teenage grandkids come to visit and everyone is super impressed by them because uep twins are rare. They use this to their advantage. Everyone also wonders whether Patience knows what's going on, because of course they pull the most nonsense when she's not around, but she knows exactly and she thinks it's incredibly funny to play the doddering old lady.
Rae gets into a dispute with the owner of the Evly radio station she runs a weekly music show on. Madge (her sister) and Tirias (who regularly plays on the show and also has technical knowledge) decide to team up and start an Elbas radio station. This turns out to be a lot harder than they expect. It would be fun if they managed it though because then we could have a radio station set.
The port authority of Port Danziger, which is several hundred miles away on the mainland, approaches the Council and suggests they pay for docking rights even though that doesn't make any logistical sense. Nidilaenn sets out to discover whether it really is that far to sail (answer: yes) and encounters a variety of nonsense situations on the way.
A new arrival asks about Rae's leg. She says it was a sea monster. We then discover that the sea monsters only Rigo seems to notice are in fact real, but don't really hang around the island because there's not much meat there. The new arrival does not succeed in locating Rae's fabled ankle bracelet.
Following the previous episode, a human sneaks meat onto the island, which causes a massive uptick in sea monster activity. Something something an entire suitcase getting dramatically thrown into the ocean. NO MEAT ALLOWED goes unexplained into the visitor rules and the mainland press has a field day with it.
Casper returns for the solstice episode without his wife (the one who swept him off his feet and caused him to move away). He says it's because he wanted to spend time with Nid, but Nid becomes increasingly suspicious that something is off. They get sent on a wild goose chase wondering if Casper ever even got married only to discover that their stepmom was late because she was bringing a surprise for them.
Vinnek gets haunted by the ghost of Fira past, and while the moral of the episode is that they have to remember the good times they had with Fira and stop getting on the network to listlessly search for Fira, there's a lot of snarky humor on the way. Depending on when this takes place, there will also be the ghost of Casper past (not intentionally a reference lol the importance is that Casper was and is a good friend of Vinnek's who also left the island) and potentially the ghost of Dez past (another friend who left).
A paranormal investigator shows up and insists the lighthouse is haunted. Everyone says no, the lighthouse is not haunted. Eventually the investigator turns out to be right, though the spirits haunting the lighthouse are just chilling and that's why no one thought it was haunted.
Rae, Tirias, and Ysa team up to turn the pub into a club for Jes's birthday, with the heavy bass he so loves (he's deaf). Unfortunately they instead succeed at blowing out Ysa's custom skylight and invoking the ire of Ellery, one of the few people on the island who has ever been to a club. In the course of putting in a new skylight they hatch a better plan: a sort of silent disco-esque setup where they will not shatter the skylight a second time.
For some reason Haskell has to leave the island for a bit and asks Nid and El, who have been considering having kids for a while, if they would watch Lacey. I feel like everything that happens after that is just par for the course for having a 4 year old around but still it seems like even Nid will have changed their mind about kids. When Haskell gets back and is like "haha hope that didn't put you off of sprouting" the two of them are like "nah. we'll survive it with the power of friendship" with the whole solidarity clasp and everything. Then the shine fades and they say, "in five more years maybe".
Tirias becomes obsessed with a wedding shoot he found on the network and starts bothering Ysa and Jes about it. They misunderstand and think what he wants is to get married when in actuality he just wants to have an event for wearing a princess dress. By the time they get on the same page Ysa and Tirias are practically standing at the altar (I don't actually know how Elbas weddings work but you get the idea). But in the end Tirias gets what he wants and they don't actually get married...probably.
I think there should be a season devoted to Dez being there too, with episodes such as:
The rootspace episode, where Dez figures out how to decode the chemical messages of rootspace and becomes obsessed with sharing rootspace with people ("for the love of god Dez PLEASE use your words I'm tired").
The radio show episode, where Dez becomes the synth.
The toilet humor episode, where Dez discovers that one of Elbas's imports is literal shit, which goes into the dirt beds they root into at night. Have I mentioned Dez doesn't really get toilet humor? Uep and neriem, however, do on some level, even though that's not how their digestive systems work.
The laugh scale episode, where Dez notices that making serious Milo laugh is a particular point of pride among the Council. The Council in turn notices that Dez has never once laughed and try to figure out what would make him do so. 50/50 chance they either realize he can't/doesn't laugh OR some random apparently nonhumorous thing happens at the end of the episode and Dez snickers, which is enough of a laugh to celebrate.
The prank episode, where Dez takes the role of the answering machine that has a bunch of snippets of someone's voice to remix except he has extensive recordings of most islanders, which makes it extra fun. He starts pranking people with Nid but as people discover the prank they join in, and after a few days everyone on the island is in on the prank and there's no one left to bother. But then Casper shows up.
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accustiv · 8 months
@audaciiae (cont.)
my eyes flicked from the scene unfolding in the open before us, and traced over conall’s face as he laughed. it would be naive to say that i wasn’t afraid of him - anyone would be - but to admit that out loud somehow felt worse than anything else i could do, so instead, i took a long draught of warm, half stagnant beer, and let my gaze return to the rowdy men who were all too willing to try and prove how tough they were.
“ now why would they leave their valuables somewhere safe? ” i asked, irony heavy in my voice. “ surely they’ll be absolutely fine, after all - why would anyone rob them here? ” eyes drifted back to conall’s face, a glittering, sharp smirk on my lips, “ don’t you know they’re all the toughest men in here? ” it was practically a playground - drunken men, desperate to brush of the stifling confines of their regular lives, pockets full of silver and valuables, so dizzied by their own egos that danger never occurred to them… i was having fun, and i knew ellery was too.
i leaned towards him, my voice dipping lower although i suspected he wasn’t too bothered about being overheard. “ wager i can take more than you can. ” i offered, knowing it was a stupid fucking bet, knowing i should just shut up and let him get on with whatever was going on in his mind. but threatening as ellery was, unkillable and vicious, there had to be a sense of humour underneath the violence, and i was determined to uncover it, whether it killed me or not. “ no weapons, just what we can take from pockets. ”
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chapterchapterbook · 2 years
Currently Reading (8/16)
My fall semester starts next week, so my list of currently reading will probably narrow down quite a bit as I have less free time to flip between books.
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The Club by Ellery Lloyd - I never get to recent purchases this quickly! But it helps when the person you bought it with also wants to read it so my goal is to get it to her sooner rather than later. Mom, don't get any ideas!
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Scarlet Odyssey (Scarlet Odyssey, #1) by C.T. Rwizi - Still plugging away. I'm about a quarter of the way and am definitely intrigued to keep going.
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The Doll Factory by Elizabeth Macneal - I'm pretty sure I removed this from my Goodreads TBR shelf but here we are... I'm not sure how I feel about this but it's available on Scribd as an audiobook. So meh.
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The Poisoned City: Flint's Water and the American Urban Tragedy by Anna Clark - Made a little bit of progress this week. I think I have a hundred pages left not including the notes and citations?
Recently Finished
Race Against Time: A Reporter Reopens the Unsolved Murder Cases of the Civil Rights Era by Jerry Mitchell - 5 stars! I would highly recommend picking this one up. Now, to pass this along to my mom for her to read.
Invasion of the Body Snatchers by Jack Finney - 4 stars! This one was fine. I'm glad I read it as a science fiction and horror classic. But it left me wanting more
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kvetchlandia · 1 month
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Uncredited Photographer Poet Delmore Schwartz, Ellery St, Cambridge, MA c.1940
Calmly we walk through this April’s day,   
Metropolitan poetry here and there,   
In the park sit pauper and rentier,   
The screaming children, the motor-car   
Fugitive about us, running away,   
Between the worker and the millionaire   
Number provides all distances,   
It is Nineteen Thirty-Seven now,   
Many great dears are taken away,   
What will become of you and me
(This is the school in which we learn ...)   
Besides the photo and the memory?
(... that time is the fire in which we burn.)
(This is the school in which we learn ...)   
What is the self amid this blaze?
What am I now that I was then
Which I shall suffer and act again,
The theodicy I wrote in my high school days   
Restored all life from infancy,
The children shouting are bright as they run   
(This is the school in which they learn ...)   
Ravished entirely in their passing play!
(... that time is the fire in which they burn.)
Avid its rush, that reeling blaze!
Where is my father and Eleanor?
Not where are they now, dead seven years,   
But what they were then?
                                     No more? No more?
From Nineteen-Fourteen to the present day,   
Bert Spira and Rhoda consume, consume
Not where they are now (where are they now?)   
But what they were then, both beautiful;
Each minute bursts in the burning room,   
The great globe reels in the solar fire,   
Spinning the trivial and unique away.
(How all things flash! How all things flare!)   
What am I now that I was then?   
May memory restore again and again   
The smallest color of the smallest day:   
Time is the school in which we learn,   
Time is the fire in which we burn.
-- Delmore Schwartz, "Calmly We Walk through This April’s Day" 1937
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leonawriter · 11 days
Poor Shinichi he just wanted his detective friends to be friends too. He’s seeing a friend be rude to an other one because Heiji was in guard/attack dog mode for him . And it just gets worse from there.
Yeah D:
Like... I wonder if he even sees this happening, having had all his various experiences, and he's just a bit. "O-oh. Oh..."
Because looking at his expressions?
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He's playing up the "little kid" vibe here, but he's not unhappy.
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I could read this as "Can't we just get along? Can we? We have SO much in common."
And honestly, Shinichi would have a lot to talk about with Hakuba! They're both huge Holmes dorks!
Compared to how Hattori got Holmes facts wrong when he went to a Holmes Otaku retreat to find Shinichi there, and garnered the ire of many present when he said Ellery Queen was his favourite detective over Holmes.
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Here he is being kind of "what the fresh hell is going on. How do I react to this. Hattori you absolute walnut."
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By the end, he's just watching on in... well. I'm sure this couldn't have been comfortable for him? And then Hakuba cedes his position to him and I'm sure Shinichi'd have to know that's an odd thing for a 16-17 year old detective with pride to do.
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If anything, this seems to be the only time he reacts to Hakuba with anything other than "can we stop fighting and let me make friends" and it's because Hakuba seems to be treating him like the little kid he appears to be, and- something to do with calling Shinichi "Mister." I don't know if that's a translation thing or not, though.
But yeah, Shinichi just... he sure was along for the ride here. :c
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storyofmychoices · 11 months
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Shadows and Deceptions: A Royal Murder Mystery (Masterlist)
In the heart of Cordonia's grand ballroom, an eclectic cast of characters gathers, their lives interwoven as a result of a shocking turn of events. Trystan Thorne, the exiled prince with a taste for mystery, Olivia Nevrakis, the snarky Duchess skilled with daggers, Tyril Starfury, the noble elf Lord a defender of the realm, Amalas, the enigmatic spy queen, and Prince Hamid, the charming and formal imperial prince. Amidst the grand party of the birth of King Liam's third heir, Princess Ariana, the joyous celebration is broken by a piercing scream, a dead body, and a room full of royal suspects.
Each section begins with a quote that provides some insight into the story. Most are by famous fictional detectives. Each post includes two sections (ie: I & II, III & IV, etc)
I. Every man at the bottom of his heart believes that he is a born detective. (John Buchan)
II. Have patience and endure; this unhappiness will one day be beneficial. (Ellery Queen)
III. From now on, it is our task to suspect each and every one amongst us. (Justice Wargrave)
IV. Truth arises from the seemingly irrelevant. (C. Auguste Dupin)
V. --- In the Ballroom with the Dagger? (Clue inspired)
VI. Put two and two together... sometimes the answer's four... and sometimes it's twenty-two. (Nick Charles)
VII. When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. (Sherlock Holmes)
VIII. It is not the past that matters, but the future. (Poirot)
Series Information:
Books: The Royal Romance Series, Crimes of Passion, Desire & Decorum, Blades of Light and Shadow
Characters: Trystan Thorne (M, race not mentioned), Marguerite Thorne, Olivia Nevrakis, Queen Amalas, Maxwell Beaumont, Daniel, King Liam, Tyril Starfury, Nia Ellarious, Prince Hamid
Pairings: Olivia Nevrakis x Queen Amalas ; M!Trystan Thorne x (no gender given) MC (mentioned) ; King Liam x Riley (mentioned)
Total Word Count: 6,600
Rating/Warnings: Teen, mentions of blood, stab wound, knives/daggers (no graphic descriptions)
Series Video Edit
The loveliest and talented @secretaryunpaid created little mini videos/gifs for each section and edited them together into what would be an amazing commercial for this series. Check it out:
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darthmol · 1 year
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Base game modern farmhouse!! You can check out the floor plan and additional pictures on my insta : dvrthmol
Origin ID: dvrthmol
Download: on the gallery or https://simfileshare.net/download/3646635/
TOU: Please do not re-upload my content (Gallery, external download, etc). This includes edits, renos, furnishing, etc.
**Please make sure you have moveobjects on (ctrl + C, type in testingcheats true then click enter, type in bb.moveobjects on then click enter)**
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lgchyoseop · 10 months
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hello everyone and happy fourth year anniversary to lgc! hyoseop was my third time joining, and i'm so glad to have stayed ~~~ as a small gift (who took way longer than intended) i've gathered 92 quotes, and let a generator choose a quote for every muse! it took a while to find all these quotes, so i'd love for you to check out what quote your muse got! it's under the cut below :3
( btw you can use ctrl+f to search for your muse(s)'s name)
ahn jaehwa “Take chances, make mistakes. That’s how you grow. Pain nourishes your courage. You have to fail in order to practice being brave” - Mary Tyler Moore
ahn jaesun “Never give up on a dream just because of the time it’ll take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway” - Earl Nightingale 
ahn nari “Success is a journey, not a destination” - Ben Sweetland
ahn yein “Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced” - Soren Kirkegaard 
ayutthaya maya “The sea is dangerous and its storms terrible, but these obstacles have never been sufficient reason to remain ashore” - Ferdinand Magellan
baek byeongkwan “Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict” - William Ellery Channing
baek seona “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great” - Zig Ziglar
cha hyoseop “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door” - Milton Berne
cha sori “You have not failed until you quit trying” - Gordon B. Hinckley 
chen mailyn “When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it” - Henry Ford
cho minkyu “Sometimes good things fall apart, so better things can fall together” - Marylin Monroe
choi kai “Dreams do not have an expiration date, you can always keep trying” - Unknown
choi kyungsoo “Aim for the moon. If you miss, you may hit a star” - W. Clement Stone
gong hyejoo “Fairytales are more than true: not because they tell us dragons exist, but because they tell us dragons can be beaten” - Neil Gaiman
han brooke “Success only comes to those who dare attempt” - Mallika Tripathi
han hyunhee “The elevator to success if out of order. You’ll have to use the stairs… one step at a time” - Joe Girard
han jisoo “Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do” - John Wooden
han keeho “Do not fear mistakes, there are none” - Miles Davis
han noeul “I will either find a way or make one” - Hannibal
han rowon “Success is falling nine times and getting up ten” - Jon Bovi Jovi
hou minghao “Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward” - C. S. Lewis
im yunseo “I’d rather attempt something great and fail than to attempt nothing and succeed” - Robert H. Schuller
jeon haru “You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water” - Rabindranath Tagore
jo daeul “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10.000 ways that won’t work” - Thomas A. Edison
kang maximilian “Failure is not the opposite of success; it’s part of success” - Arianna Huffington
kang minjun “Don’t let life discourage you; everyone who got where they are, had to begin where they were” - Richard L. Evans
kang yoojoon “If you can believe it, the mind can achieve it” - Ronnie Lott
kim alex “Failure is a detour, not a dead-end-street” - Zig Ziglar
kim cherry “It is best to act with confidence, no matter how little right you have to it” - Lillian Hellman
kim jinhyuk “In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can” - Nikos Kazantzakis
kim jinseo “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent” - Elearnor Roosevelt 
kim jinyoung “Focus on the step in front of you, not the whole staircase” - Unknown
kim nayoung “I wasn’t afraid to fail. Something good always comes out of failure” - Anne Baxter
kim seyoon “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’” - Audrey Hepburn
kim yujin “If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain” - Dolly Parton
kuramoto misaki “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds that you plant” - Robert L. Stevenson
kurosawa akio “There’s a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in” - Leonard Cohen
kwon baekhyun “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again” W. E. Hickson
kwon hyuntae “Trust yourself, you know more than you think you do” - Benjamin Spock
kwon sena “Your life is a journey, not a race” - Unknown 
lai wenjun “Define success on your own terms, achieve it by your own rules, and build a life you’re proud to live” - Anne Sweeney
lee hanbyul “A journey, no matter how long, still begins with the first step” - Lao Tzu
lee hyunsoo “I have never tried that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that” - Pipi Longstocking
lee jiho “If you fell down yesterday, stand up today” - H. G. Wells
lee minji “The secret of getting ahead is getting started” - Mark Twain
lee yejin “I hold it true, what’er befall, I feel it, when I sorrow most. Tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all” - Alfred, Lord Tennyson
lee yushin “Time you enjoyed wasting, was not wasted” - John Lennon
lim sanghyun “Make failure your teacher, not your undertaker” - Zig Ziglar
liu yuxi “Failure is success if we learn from it” - Malcolm Forbes
min hanbin “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great” - Zig Ziglar
min soyoun “You’ve got to follow that dream, wherever that dream may lead” - Elvis Presley
moon hayoung “Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great” - John D. Rockefeller
moon jiah “We may encounter many defeats, but we must not be defeated” - Maya Angelou
moon jino “Being lost is not bad, as it is what happens before you find your way” - Unknown
moon somin “Follow your dreams, they show which way to go” - Unknown
noh areum “Rise above the storm and you will find the sunshine” - Mario Fernández
oh eunhye “Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck” - Dalai Lama
okada mayumi “Even if you fall on your face, you’re still moving forward” - Victor Kiam
paeng jinae “Just because everything is different, doesn’t mean anything has changed” - Irene Peter
pak jihan “Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better. Don’t wish for less problems, wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenge, wish for more wisdom” - Jim Rohn
park jaekyung “We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or we can rejoice because thorn bushes have roses” - Abraham Lincoln
park jungmo “A person who never made a mistake, never tried anything new” - Albert Einstein
park seojin “If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results” - Jack Dixon
park taeha “Life isn’t about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself” - George Bernard Shaw
pongsak tee “Some people want it to happen, some wish it to happen, be someone who makes it happen” - Michael Jordan
sato minami “Turn your wounds into wisdom” - Oprah Winfrey
seo minseo “Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going” - Sam Levenson
seo nina “A failure is not always a mistake, it may simple be the best one can do under the circumstances. The real mistake is to stop trying” - B. F. Skinner
seo yura “Tomorrow is a mystery, yesterday is history, and today is a gift, that’s why they call it present” - Kung Fu Panda
seong byungho “It is better to look ahead and prepare than look back and regret” - Jackie Joyner-Kersee
shin jieun “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you don’t stop” - Confucius
shin minhyuk “You have not failed, until you make failing stop you” - Unknown
somsri sofia “I love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars” - Og Mandino
son eunho “The only time you should ever look back, is to see how far you’ve come” - BTS
son haeun “Don’t be pushed by your problems, be led by your dreams” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
son nabi “The only thing that doesn’t change in life, is that thing changes” - South Park
su parker “Be not afraid of storms because you are learning how to sail your ship” - Louisa May Alcott
takanashi asami “You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step” - Martin Luther King Jr.
watanabe miyu “I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination” - Jimmy Dean
won yeonwoo “You learn more from failure than success. Don’t let it stop you. Failure builds character”  - Unknown
xue yichen “Doubts kill more dreams than failure ever will” - Unknown
xue yiran “Success is a state of mind. If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success” - Joyce Brothers
yamashita ichika “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” - Wayne Gretzky
yang aera “I can accept failure, everybody fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying” - Michael Jordan
yang aeri “To lose is still to learn” - Unknown
yoo daeho “Even if tomorrow the world would go into pieces, I would still plant my apple tree” - Martin Luther 
yoo haemin “In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear for failure” - Bill Cosby 
yoon minjae “Don’t let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning” - Robert Kiyosaki
yu milan “One that want the fruit, must climb the tree” - Thomas Fuller
zheng amelia “Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start” - Nido R Quebin zheng leo “You can’t connect the dots looking forward. You can only connect them looking backwards, so you have to trust that they will somehow connect in your future” - Steve Jobs
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notasfilosoficas · 8 months
“Las cosas no cambian; cambiamos”
Henry David Thoreau
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Fue un escritor, poeta y filósofo estadounidense nacido en Concord Massachusetts en julio de 1817, de tendencia trascendentalista y de origen puritano, considerado uno de los padres fundadores de la literatura estadounidense y conceptualizador de las prácticas de desobediencia civil.
Nació en el seno de una modesta familia de Nueva Inglaterra, su padre era un fabricante de lápices, y su abuelo materno dirigió cuando era estudiante una de las primeras protestas estudiantiles registradas en las colonias americanas.
Henry era el tercero de cuatro hermanos y su casa ha sido restaurada por una organización sin fines de lucro y está abierta al público.
Estudió en el Harvard College entre 1833 y 1887, vivió en Hollis Hall y tomó cursos de retórica, clásicos, filosofía, matemáticas y ciencias.
En 1835 tomó una licencia para impartir cátedra en la escuela de Canton Massachusetts renunciando al negarse a aplicar el castigo corporal, abriendo entonces junto con su hermano John la Concord Academy una escuela de gramática en Concord, en donde introdujeron una enseñanza aplicando varios conceptos progresistas, que incluían caminatas por la naturaleza y visitas a tiendas y negocios locales.
En 1842 el hermano de Henry muere al cortarse mientras se afeitaba, cerrando la academia.
Conoció a Ralph Waldo Emerson a través de un amigo mutuo, el cual tomó interés personal  incluso paternalista por Henry, presentando al joven Henry a un círculo de escritores y pensadores locales, incluidos el ministro estadounidense de la iglesia unitaria de Boston William Ellery Channing, a la periodista y activista por los derechos de la mujer Margaret Fuller y al famoso novelista y cuentista Nathaniel Hawthorne padre del que fuera un prolífico escritor Julian Hawthorne.
En 1845 se estableció en una pequeña cabaña construida por él mismo cerca de los pantanos de Walden con la idea de simplificar su vida y dedicar su tiempo a la escritura y a observar la naturaleza.
Thoreau se negó a pagar impuestos que le imponía el gobierno como protesta contra la esclavitud en las Américas razón por la cual fue puesto en prisión. Por este episodio fue que Thoreau escribió “Desobediencia civil”, escrito en 1849, en donde describe la doctrina de la resistencia pacífica que habría de influir más tarde en destacados activistas como Martin Luther King.
En 1854, viviendo en casa de Emerson, publicó “Walden o Vida en el bosque”, en donde narraba los 2 años y dos meses que había pasado en solitario en Walden Pond, teniendo como compañía exclusivamente a la naturaleza, utilizando el paso de las cuatro estaciones para simbolizar el desarrollo humano. Aunque tuvo pocos admiradores, los críticos posteriores han considerado esta obra como un clásico estadounidense, que explora la simplicidad natural, la belleza y la armonía, como modelo para las condiciones sociales y culturales justas.
En 1851, Thoreau se sintió cada día mas interesado por la naturaleza, los viajes de exploración y la botánica. Fue un admirador del naturalista William Bartram y del naturalista y científico Charles Darwin, lo que lo llevó al final de sus días a realizar escritos sobre historia natural y científicos sobre la regeneración de los bosques después del fuego o la destrucción humana.
Fue un entusiasta de los viajes y de los relatos sobre excursiones a tierras inexploradas, tales como David Livingston, Fernando de Magallanes, James Cook entre otros.
Al final de su vida contrajo tuberculosis en 1835 y en 1860 después de una excursión enfermó de bronquitis, pasando y corrigiendo sus trabajos inéditos. Sus amigos estaban fascinados por su tranquila aceptación a la muerte.
Cuando su tía Luisa le preguntó ya en sus últimas semanas de vida si estaba en paz con Dios, Thoreau respondió: “No sabía que nos hubiésemos peleado”. 
Thoreau murió en mayo de 1862 a la edad de 44 años, “Ahora viene una buena navegación”, como una de sus últimas palabras.
Thoreau es considerado como uno de los escritores estadounidenses mas importantes, tanto por la claridad moderna de su estilo en prosa como por sus opiniones sobre naturaleza y política.
Fuente: Wikipedia y biografiasyvidas.com
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cheshirelibrary · 2 years
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8 Twisty Books Perfect for ‘Luckiest Girl Alive’ Fans
[via BookBub Blog]
If you’re excited about the Netflix film adaptation of Jessica Knoll’s New York Times bestseller Luckiest Girl Alive, you’ll want to check out this list of twisty psychological thrillers.
The Family Game by Catherine Steadman
The Golden Couple by Sarah Pekkanen and Greer Hendricks
Good Rich People by Eliza Jane Brazier
Cherish Farrah by Bethany C. Morrow
The It Girl by Ruth Ware
The Club by Ellery Lloyd
The Vicious Circle by Katherine St. John
One of the Girls by Lucy Clarke
Click through to see more titles.
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mrprettywhenhecries · 10 months
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— W I N • L E W I S —
full name: Winrey Jane Lewis
fandom: Stranger Things
face claim: Kailee Morgue
gender: cis-female
sexuality: bisexual
pronouns: she/her
age: 18
zodiac: libra
family: David (father), Ellery (mother, deceased)
birthplace: Chicago, IL
job: student, musician
phobias: being replaced, rejection, small spaces, death
guilty pleasures: sleeping in, not wearing pants around her house/stealing Billy’s shirts, orange juice straight from the carton, chocolate cake, the occasional joint, semi-public sex
hobbies: music/playing guitar, horror films, going for drives, swimming
morality alignment: chaotic good
sins: lust / greed / gluttony / sloth / pride / envy / wrath
virtues: chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness / patience / justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert / extrovert
organized / disorganized
close minded / open minded
calm *mostly* / anxious
disagreeable / agreeable*mostly*
cautious / reckless
patient / impatient
outspoken / reserved
leader / follower
empathetic / unempathetic
optimistic / pessimistic
traditional / modern
hard working / lazy
otp: Win/Billy
ot3: n/a
brotp: Win & Steve, Win & Max
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void-botanist · 5 months
Happy STS! If your characters went out to karaoke, which song would they belt out at the top of their lungs?
Finally getting to this one! My mind remains full of Elbas Island so if we pretended that they know Earth music:
Milo: the idea of him doing Barbie Girl with Binna, where he is Barbie and Binna is Ken is just too funny to not be the answer.
Nidilaenn: Major Tom (Coming Home).
Ellery: Poor Unfortunate Souls. He wants to be dramatic about it and he wants you to understand how dramatic he's being about it.
Patience: Hollaback Girl. You know Mel is singing backup.
Mel: Last Dance by Donna Summer.
Tirias: she literally cannot sing so she would either put on a song everyone knows (All Star) and let them sing it while she hams it up or announce that this is a rendition of John Cage's 4'33". These two things get different responses from the audience but they are functionally the same thing.
Ysa: Friends in Low Places by Garth Brooks.
Rae: Any Way You Want It by Journey.
Madge: Sucker by Jonas Brothers.
Rigo: Break My Heart by Dua Lipa.
Haskell: no, I don't do karaoke, no...well, I guess... Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.
Lacey: the most heartfelt rendition of Mary Had A Little Lamb you've ever heard.
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viscountessevie · 10 months
ARC/Reviews Masterlist
Reviews can also be found on my StoryGraph
COMING SOON: Unladylike Rules of Attractions by Amita Murray In the highly anticipated sequel for Unladylike Lessons, comes Anya Marleigh's book! Anya is Lila Marleigh's second sister and the musically inclined heroine of this book. She is a court singer and sitar player in Queen Charlotte's royal court. Anya soon comes into a large inheritance which has her involved with the executor of her new fortune, Lord Damian Ashton. Lord Ashton's banter with her is the least of her problems when she becomes embroiled in a murder case.
2023 ARCs
Unladylike Lessons in Love by Amita Murray Release Date: 30th May 2023 A realistic historical women's fiction centred on a really cool Indian heroine who runs a gambling hall. The book gives a deep dive into the working class and immigrants of the Regency era with a side of romance
Clytemnestra's Bind by Susan C. Wilson Release Date: 15th June 2023 A Greek Tragedy in every sense of the word that will have you sobbing - a prequel to Clytemnestra's story in the Trojan War.
A Most Agreeable Murder by Julia Seales Release Date: 27th June 2023 A murder mystery set in the Regency era that's a parody of itself and the Austen-universe, so much so that you can match each character to their Austen counterpart. It has a side of romance with a dashing Indian detective.
An Upper West Side Story by Rachel Cullen Release Date: 6th July 2023 A modern chick-lit/coming of age for 20-somethings set in 2004 and follows a group of four neighbours whose lives intersect together in various ways.
I Do, I Don't by Joy Argento Release Date: 11th July 2023 A contemporary sapphic romance novel about a reality show producer and her programmer for the show who unexpectedly has to step in as a lead.
The Wrong Family by Ellery Kane Release Date: 30th August 2023 A mystery novel a 30-something orphan woman gets involved with a rich family in Lake Tahoe after trying to find her father. Things start to go awry as soon as she arrives and the family's fingers start pointing to her.
Roomates by Ola Tundun Release Date: 20th September 2023 A debut novel about a roommates to lovers pairing with a seemingly perfect girl whose life is really a mess and a playboy who has to change his ways when the perfect girl comes crashing into his apartment with an offer he can't refuse.
Hunt on Dark Water by Katee Robert Release Date: 7th November 2023 A contemporary romance novel set in the fantasy world of Threshold. Tensions rise between a witch named Evelyn and sea Captain Bowen as they journey across realms and find out secrets that have them questioning everything.
2024 ARCs
The Boyfriend Subscription by Steven Salvatore Release Date: 26th March 2024 A contemporary queer retelling of Pretty Woman involving Cole Vivien, the CEO of their version of OnlyFans and Teddy Hughes, a botanist who has lost both his husband and his business. The two meet on a fateful night in New York and come up with a proposition to be a faux couple to satisfy what they each need.
Paused: The Dark Olympus by Katee Robert [Edited: 28th Dec 2023 - Paused indefinitely for the time being]
Stone Heart - Medusa/Calypso Neon Gods - Persephone/Hades Electric Idol - Psyche/Eros Wicked Beauty - Helen/Patroclus/Achilles Radiant Sin - Cassandra/Apollo
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pulpsandcomics2 · 2 years
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Spicy-Adventure Stories      July 1935     cover by H. J. Ward
Hell’s Island by Ellery Calder
Spawn of Hate by Arthur Wallace
Daughter of the Damned by Robert Leslie Bellem
Pirate Gold by Atwater Culpepper
Princess of Peril by Jerome Perry
Congo Lorolei by C. Samuel Campbell
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v-arbellanaris · 1 year
okay, i do still kinda like ellery for m!hawke??? my other option is damon, for leandra's grandfather (TECHNICALLY. she has a cousin, who is named damion, who is revka's sibling? but im hc that damion was named for aristide and fausten's father, damon, who is leandra's grandfather) (and for the sake of following on from B and C for bethy and carver?) for my f!hawke, i KIND of like saoirse or blair... but maybe amalia? "mal" for short? DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY THOUGHTS? please save me?
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deuteriumuniverse · 2 years
Gosho's Detective Picture Book Reviews
My review of detectives (and detective novels) based on Gosho's Detective Picture Book (also called Gosho's Mystery Library) are as below, to be completed not in the near future.
❤️ denote my personal favorites
Sherlock Holmes (Arthur Conan Doyle) ❤️
Kogoro Akechi (Edogawa Rampo)
Hercule Poirot (Agatha Christie) ❤️
Arsene Lupin (Maurice Leblanc)
Jules Maigret (Georges Simenon)
Kousuke Kindaichi (Seishi Yokomizo)
Lieutenant Columbo (Richard Levison and William Link)
Zenigata Heiji (Kodo Nomura)
Philip Marlowe (Raymond Chandler)
C. Auguste Dupin (Edgar Allan Poe)
Ellery Queen (Ellery Queen) ❤️
V.I. Warshawski (Sara Paretsky)
Father Brown (C.K. Chesterton)
Cordelia Gray (P.D. James) ❤️
Heizo Hasegawa (Shotaro Ikenami)
Mitsuhiko Asami (Yasuo Uchida)
Nero Wolfe (Rex Stout)
Shunsaku Kudo (Nobumitsu Kodaka)
Hannibal Lecter (Thomas Harris)
Miss Marple (Agatha Christie) ❤️
Sam Spade (Dashiell Hammett)
Shozo Totsugawa (Kyotaro Nishimura)
Ninzaburo Furuhata (Kouki Mitani)
Perry Mason (Erle Stanley Gardner)
Mikeneko Holmes (Jiro Akagawa)
Inspector Samejima (Arimasa Osawa)
James Bond (Ian Fleming)
Kyosuke Kamizu (Akimitsu Takagi)
Charlie Chan (Earl Derr Biggers)
John Thorndyke (Richard Austin Freeman)
Touyama Kin-san (Tatsurou Jinde)
Mike Hammer (Mickey Spillane)
Philo Vance (S.S. Van Dine)
Akakabu-kenji (Shunzo Waku)
Drury Lane (Ellery Queen)
Katherine Turner (Misa Yamamura)
Henry Jackson (Isaac Asimov)
Denshichi (Tatsurou Jinde)
Lew Archer (Ross Macdonald)
Kiyoshi Mitarai (Soji Shimada)
The Old Man in the Corner (Baroness Orczy)
Joseph Rouletabille (Gaston Leroux)
Hanshichi (Kido Okamoto) ❤️
Koichiro Munakata (Seiichi Morimura)
Eitaro Imanishi (Seicho Matsumoto)
Gideon Fell (John Dickson Carr)
Yuichiro Goda (Kaoru Takamura)
Ukyou Sugishita (Yasuhiro Koshimizu)
Steve Carella (Ed McBain)
Hideo Himura (Alice Arisugawa)
Riyako Asabuki (Shizuko Natsuki)
Robert Ironside (Collier Young)
Akihiko Chuzenji (Natsuhiko Kyogoku)
Kiyoshi Shimada (Yukito Ayatsuji)
The Continental Op (Dashiell Hammett) ❤️
Ningyo Sashichi (Seishi Yokomizo)
Joseph French (Freeman Wills Crofts)
Yoshibumi Takagi (Kenzo Kitakata)
Mom (James Yaffe)
Rintaro Norizuki (Rintaro Noziruki)
Koko (Lilian Jackson Braun)
Manabu Yukawa (Keigo Higashino) ❤️
Daisuke Kanbe (Yasutaka Tsutsui)
Inspector Zenigata (Monkey Punch)
Robert Langdon (Dan Brown)
Akojuro Senba (Juran Hisao)
Kanki Ibaragi (Futaro Yamada)
Bannai Tarao (Yoshitake Hisa)
Richard Cuff (Wilkie Collins)
Philip Trent (E.C. Bentley)
Gregory House (David Shore)
Yoshio Kuraishi (Hideo Yokoyama)
Adrian Monk (Andy Breckman and David Hoberman)
Inspector Onitsura (Tetsuya Ayukawa)
Enshi Shunotei (Kaoru Kitamura)
Lincoln Rhyme (Jeffery Deaver)
Kei Enomoto (Yusuke Kishi)
Keisuke Shiratori (Takeru Kaido)
Genya Tojo (Shinzo Mitsuda)
Shioriko Shinokawa (En Mikami)
Handyman of Susukino (Naomi Azuma)
Kageyama (Tokuya Higashigawa)
Hotaro Oreki (Honobu Yonezawa)
Lisbeth Salander (Stieg Larsson)
Lieutenant Fukuie (Takahiro Ookura)
Takeshi Yoshiki (Soji Shimada)
Jiro Egami (Alice Arisugawa)
Kyouko Okitegami (Nisio Isin)
Sakurako Kujou (Shiori Ota)
The Phantom Thief Detective Yamaneko (Manabu Kaminaga)
Riko Rinda (Keisuke Matsuoka)
Shinichiro Hanaoka (Koji Hayashi and Junpei Yamaoka)
Richard Castle (Andrew W. Warlowe)
Hiroto Miyama (Manabu Uda)
Yukimasa Yugami (Hideo Iura)
Mikoto Mitsumi (Akiko Nogi)
Keita Kurokochi (Takashi Nagasaki)
Totono Kuno (Yumi Tamura)
Maomao (Natsu Hyuga)
Sherlock Holmes (Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss) ❤️
Rohan Kishibe (Hirohiko Araki)
Seiko Fuji (Miko Yasu)
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