#c: fauve
radiokathryn-if · 7 months
How would the ROs react if in relationship stage MC accidentally introduced them as their husband/wife while talking to someone?
Nate, unsurprisingly, corrects you in the next breath. Not only is his image of being engaged to Eva in jeopardy with that statement but it makes your 'relationship' waaaaay too serious for him. He does it harshly too and if you take offence there will be an argument and shouting match subsequently.
The smile on Eva's face would start small and keep growing all day! She gets a warm feeling in her tummy and gazes at you softly, which does nothing to deter the other person from the truth. She takes it in her stride and goes with it, letting herself imagine that it was true, just for a moment──that the ring on her finger from Nate had actually been from you.
Mica doesn't react, in fact adds to your slip up casually. They step closer to you (if they weren't already right next to you) and take your hand in theirs. Or maybe they'd silently take the thing you were holding or slip your bag off your shoulder and over theirs. They give the other person a wide and kind smile and say nothing.
Detective Han freezes up, poor thing. Their face doesn't change but it looks like their chest has stopped moving, stopped breathing. And they have──they're holding their breath for your next words so that they don't have to stumble over theirs. They wait for you to correct yourself, slowly relaxing if you do. And if you don't you might have to get them out of there quickly or they might actually pass out. Intimidating my ass.
José will grin cheekily and wink at the other person. They'll very obviously over exaggerate the connection between the two of you, spinning a tall tale about your star crossed romance and how you gave up a life of money and stability just for them and their love. Will not let you live it down. If you actually get married they'll bring it up in their vows or the speeches.
Ji Han goes with it for your sake. He doesn't want to embarrass you if he doesn't have to. He introduces himself afterwards with a subtle nod to his new title and takes charge of the conversation to steer it elsewhere as soon as possible. Will use it against you when you least expect it. Whispers his new title in your ear during sex to catch you off guard during a climax kind of tease.
Fauve's eyes will go wide and she'll turn to stare at you in shock. She's actually speechless for once. The other person takes this shock and misreads it as you accidentally proposed right in front of them. They're cheering and drawing a crowd. Fauve is still staring at you, jaw hanging slightly as she tries to reboot her brain. Her heart leaps at the thought, and once it's registered she's all smirks and playful winks complaining about where her ring is. Get to it MC!
Jackson takes it in his stride. You'd have talked about marriage with him before, mainly what it was like for him and what he thought of it after going through a divorce. He settles on thinking that conversation was still fresh in your mind for some reason and that's why you introduced him as you did. He politely corrects you with a kind smile but his hand on your back as you walk away from the other person doesn't go unnoticed!
??? will straight up blush! They become a flustered mess making the two of you look like a freshly married couple who's still in the frustratingly adorable stage. They don't bring it up after you leave, or like ever again, but it's a staple memory in your relationship now.
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pagansphinx · 9 months
Kees van Dongen (French/Dutch, 1877-1968) expressionist painter and a prominent member of the Fauves.
"Painting is the most beautiful of lies." ~ Kees van Dongen
Note: All images are of works done with oil on canvas, unless otherwise noted.
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Self Portrait • 1895 • unknown location
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La Célèbre Fatima et sa troupe • c. 1912 • private collection
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Femme aux bas noirs (Woman with Black Stockings) • c. 1907 • private collection
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Lucie et son danseur (Lucie and her Dance Partner) • 1911 • Hermitage Museum - St. Petersburg, Russia
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Modjesko, chanteuse soprano • 1908 • MoMA, New York, N.Y.
Modjesko was a African American singer and drag performer whose performance in Paris influenced van Dongen to paint this portrait.
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Les lutteuses (Lutteuses du Tabarin) [Tabarin Wrestlers] • 1907–08 • Nouveau Musée National de Monaco
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Le Moulin de la Galette • 1906 • private collection
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The Sphinx • 1920 • Musée d'Art Moderne de Paris
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At the Racetrack • 1950s • Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, N.Y.
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La Violoniste • c. 1922 • Musée D'Art Moderne de Paris
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wyrddogs · 5 months
Congrats! The stars have aligned and you’re ready to get a third dog. However, due to circumstances outside of your control, you can’t get a dachshund of any type or a terv. If you don’t get another dog now, you will never be able to get another dog. What breed do you choose?
Hmmm... Next Dog needs to be a small dog because I don't want two young large energetic dogs at the same time.
My preferred size is between 8 and 15 pounds (3.6 to 6.8 kg), and I'd want a rabbit dog, so the russell terrier fits that description. I'd want the short-legged version because short legs bring me joy.
I'd get the terrier tenacity, and of course they have been used as hunting dogs, and I'd be able to do Terrier Things like den trials and earthwork, and of course ratting. And of course it would be mainly a sport dog, so I could do agility, nosework, racing, etc. and have a good partner.
My main thing is I do like the more measured working style you can get in dachshunds (like Kermit's), and terriers can be so gung-ho that sometimes they will keep digging at a hole even when the prey has long since left. It could come back! Any second now!!
I'd probably have to get a bitch, or find a softer male, because terrier tenacity + intact male + confidence + Kermit and Zaku's personalities, could be a difficult thing to juggle.
But this would probably be my first choice to branch out to.
(All images from Google)
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Next choice would probably be a working cocker spaniel (aka wocker). My friend has a young wocker and she is a DELIGHT. Adorable, spunky, energetic, loves to train, she's the whole package.
My two issues with wockers are a) health, because it ain't great, and b) size. They're bigger than I want. Oh, third issue-- c) spaniels in general tend to be a bit soft, and I like the more asshole dogs, hence my attraction to dachshunds and terriers.
I could still run rabbits with one of these dogs, and while I'd be out of terrier events, I could give gun dog field trials a shot. They sound really interesting, so it'd be fun to branch out to. And of course there are tons of wockers who compete in sports.
Either sex would probably integrate with my current pack just fine. I have a huge soft spot for these guys.
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If we really want to branch out, I'd look into the basset fauve de bretagne.
I know almost nothing about them other than I've seen one in person and it was adorable. It's a long-bodied, short-legged hound, of course I like it. It was also in an ex-pen filled with dachshunds so clearly there is some overlap here.
Main issues are a) I know very little about them so I'd have to do a fuckton of research, b) wirehair, which automatically disqualifies them, and c) much, much larger than I want in a small dog.
But I could rabbit with it, and could enter it in hunt trials and possibly basset field trials. It would be hell on wheels with nosework; I'm not sure how it would be in agility or racing, outside of a training challenge.
Also, look at it. Adorable!
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So I haven't found a small breed that checks all my boxes in the way that dachshunds do, so branching out would mean I need to compromise on something. Russell terriers fit my desires the best, so that would be my first pick if I decided to leave dachshunds for whatever reason.
Thanks for asking!
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blatantlyhidden · 10 months
these are for youuu 💖
1. Futureproof - Nothing But Thieves
2. Heaven Help Us - My Chemical Romance
3. 4.000 ÎLES - Fauves
4. I Believe - Ghost
5. Gamma - Fewjar
hope you like them c:
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philippebresson · 7 months
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Angot, Breillat, et moi, et moi...
Christine Angot a le mérite de savoir d'où elle parle, et c'est ce qui fait pour moi sa qualité.
Je ne sais pas ce que Catherine Breillat dit sur son film "L'été dernier", et à la limite je m'en fiche. C'est son film qui m'a parlé. Ému. Touché. Dérangé. Bouleversé.
Je suis sans doute l'un des "esthètes" que pointe du doigt C. Angot dans sa "critique" du fim. Oui, sans aucun doute. Et je l'assume.
C. Angot m'intéresse et me touche, mais peut-être parfois mélange-t-elle différentes choses, différents "plans", différents sujets ; le film de C. Breillat n'est pas un film à thèse sur l'inceste, loin de là, pas plus que "Théorème" de Pasolini n'en est un, même si toute la famille - italienne et bourgeoise - finit par coucher avec le même homme (climat incestuel plutôt qu'inceste dans le théorème de P.).
Le film de Breillat ne nous dit pas que c'est bien ou beau de coucher avec son jeune beau-fils. Il montre les choses telles qu'elles sont dans cette histoire-là, dans cette famille-là, la vérité complexe de ces personnages-là, de cette fiction-là. Sans jugement sur l'un ou l'autre des personnages, sans encouragement à les imiter non plus, sous prétexte que l'image serait belle, que la lumière serait belle, car en effet elle irradie !
"Familia Grande" (cité par Angot) parlait de "l'affaire Kouchner" ; il s'agit d'un récit autobiographique avec des personnes impliquées (qui ne sont pas des personnages de fiction), des plaignants, un ou des accusés, des complices.
Je ne crois pas que le scénario de C. Breillat et Pascal Bonitzer ("L'été dernier" est un remake du film danois "Dronningen" réalisé par May el-Toukhy en 2019 et jamais sorti en France), repose sur le témoignage intime d'un homme incesté durant son adolescence. Nous ne sommes pas non plus dans la transposition d'un fait divers à l'écran. Pas plus, dans un autre registre, que pour Médée, Œdipe, Antigone (Antigone n'est pas incestueuse, mais elle est le fruit d'un inceste), ou Phèdre (qui avoue à sa nourrice son amour coupable pour Hippolyte, son beau-fils, fils de Thésée).
D'une certaine manière, le plaidoyer de C. Angot me rappelle la fameuse polémique autour du film de Cyril Collard "Les nuits fauves" ; à l'époque certains lui reprochaient de montrer un personnage qui, se sachant séropo, couchait avec une jeune fille qu'il aimait, sans préservatif et sans qu'elle soit informée de sa séropositivité. Mais depuis quand un film de fiction devrait-il assumer le rôle d'une campagne de prévention ou de sensibilisation ?
Quand Almodovar réalise avec "Parle avec elle" l'un de ses longs-métrages les plus aboutis - Eros et Thanatos dans une chambre d'hôpital, le tout filmé par un cinéaste qui touche avec ce film à la perfection absolue -, je ne me demande pas si cet homme a raison d'avoir une relation sexuelle avec une femme qui est dans le coma. Ça me dérange certes, mais je ne suis ni cet homme, ni cette femme, ni l'un des membres du personnel hospitalier. C'est la vérité de cette histoire et de ces personnages qui m'intéresse.
Connaissant (comme nous tous) son histoire personnelle, je peux comprendre le malaise de C. Angot face au film de C. Breillat ; et son point de vue, sa prise de position, m'intéressent. Elle pique l'esthète en moi à un endroit où, volontiers funambule sur le fil qui relie fond et forme, je pourrais parfois me sentir en déséquilibre. Mais encore une fois, je n'attends pas d'une oeuvre artistique qu'elle s'autocensure dans son propos, dans son processus de création, et quel que soit le sujet dont elle se fait, in fine, l'objet (filmique ici).
Est-ce que la relation du personnage de Léa Drucker avec son jeune beau-fils de dix-sept ans dans "L'été dernier" de Catherine Breillat banalise le climat incestuel, la relation incestueuse ? Je ne le crois pas. Elle nous montre au contraire que le crime (presque) parfait se passe sous nos yeux, dans la chambre d'à côté, et que la vie est ainsi faite qu'elle mérite, en dehors des salles de cinéma j'entends, que nous lui accordions la plus grande vigilance.
Philippe Bresson
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abdulhamadsingh · 5 months
Why Medvedev always says the most aggressive words
Many have wondered what made former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, known as a "liberal", into the most ardent supporter of the special invasion. The change is multifaceted, but as Russia's independent media tracked investigations in recent months, Dmitry Medvedev's son Ilya Medvedev and Russian billionaire Martin Gregorich The Fauve family's entanglements and their failed investments in business ventures may offer a different angle to this turn. Again - the personal life of a statesman is far more exciting than the stage play. In the following articles you will see:
Medvedev's son's secret business
who pays for it all
Why is the former president talking nonsense?
In July 2020, a $100 million luxury yacht was sailing in the waters of the Mediterranean against the backdrop of the world being ravaged by the pandemic. The wave of unemployment across Russia does not seem to have affected the two young men standing on the deck blowing air - Ilya Medvedev, son of Dmitry Medvedev, former Russian President and Deputy Chairman of the Security Council, and former Energy Minister , Mario Gregorich, son of billionaire Martin Gregorich. The duo, who have known each other since their school days, are enjoying a life at sea away from difficult times, but they don't look carefree.
What is bothering the young children of these powerful parents? The yachts they step on underfoot can help us see all of this. The yacht called "Universe" was built in 2018 by the Dutch Damen Yachting Company. Although the real identity of its owner is not known after layers of packaging, it is easy to find out who the money was sent to. It came from Russia, and when the war broke out and Western governments began to seize the assets of Russian authorities and rich people, it was immediately transferred from the Italian port of Imperia to Russia's Sochi. The previous preliminary investigation believed that the yacht belonged to Martin Gregorich and his wife, but as the investigation progressed, its real owner slowly surfaced - Medvedev. There is an office dedicated to the former president on the yacht, which can maintain secret contact with the Kremlin at any time, and special naval vessels will also be escorted when sailing in Russian territorial waters.
What is the relationship between the Medvedev family and Gregorich? In fact, the little Medvedev is the "apprentice" of the Gregorich couple, or an "investment in the second half of the family's life". They hope that by cultivating the little Medvedev, they will be firmly tied to his father - When you look back at the "accidental deaths" of the rich in Russia, there must be such an urgent need for exchange of interests. So the same principle applies to other assets of the Gregorich family — perhaps with the names of the former president and his son written on it.
"He's trying to work on private business projects, including the digital economy. Well, it's something that's very popular with young people right now. And he's doing it himself and doing it happily. So far, I haven't seen how much he's achieved there. success, but I hope everything will continue." This is Medvedev's answer in the 2020 interview with "What Ilya is doing now". And just a year ago, a completely different story, starring Gregorich, unfolded in Moscow.
"There were times when I sat at the same table with Ilya Dmitrievic (Medvedev). We negotiated with him about investments and current affairs," recalls IT businessman Konstantin Heiter Say. Hite is the chief designer of electronic price labeling systems for the retail industry, and in 2017 he founded the Compo IT business company with a partner. In the first few years, the company was booming and attracted many investors. In 2018, VEB planned to inject 200 million rubles to assist Compo IT in expanding its overseas business, but a change occurred soon - VEB suddenly withdrew from the negotiation process, and a new investor appeared.
“We were carried away by the wave of startups in the US and Russia until Ilya Dmitrievich Medvedev was referred to us directly as a potential investor. According to him, it was arranged like this: with May Dvedev negotiated with and on his behalf was the eldest of Martin Gregorich's sons, Stephen, who now controls most of the family business. In terms of meetings, Martin Gregorich His youngest son, Mario, also joined the investor ranks. Ilya was blunt about being educated by the Gregorich family, and Stephen taught Ilya how to be a respected venture capitalist.”
In 2018 Compo IT entered into an investment agreement with Aykominvest, a company wholly owned by Stephen Gregorich, with a total investment of more than $4 million. But when it comes to this agreement, Haite's face can't hide the gloom: "I was clearly told that the real investor is Ilya Medvedev, and I need to assist him to complete the task," said Haite here. He sighed, "The only reason I would agree to this investment is that at the time I thought they were not thugs in the Security Service, but liberals who supported European integration." $4 million for a large multinational corporation It may not be a large amount, but neither Medvedev nor his son could legally own the money - Medvedev Jr. had just graduated from academy at the time, and his father's total property publicity from 2010 to the present was less than 100. Ten thousand U.S. dollars.
The Gregorich family's "education" goes far beyond choosing the right investment target. At the end of 2018, a company called "NPO Compo" was launched in the Moscow region, the owner of which is still Stephen Gregorich, a full shareholder of Aykominvest. At the same moment, the Compo IT owned by Hight had just started construction of a new factory to produce electronic price tags, and he himself was summoned to Moscow and told "that he is no longer needed for this business."
"(They said) 'You know, Constantine, we don't usually do that, but we do like this business, so we decided to buy this company from you.' This is what they said in October 2018. The choice that month gave me." Heit recalled the conversation, with Stephen and Mario Gregorich and Ilya Medvedev sitting at the table in front of him. Since they didn't make an offer, Hite decided to delay the decision, but in 2019 they said to Hite: "If we value your shares at 0 rubles, what can you do? You have the right to disagree. , but our NPO Compo has been listed and is going to take your engineers along with you, and after we stop financing Compo IT, you will definitely not be able to pay the corresponding salary. So now there are only two options left, or just say yes On our terms, get out with 10% of your income, or wait for your company to go bankrupt on its own!"
Under various pressures, Hite gave up his company in 2019, and then fled Russia - after losing its value, personal safety became a new bargaining chip. But that doesn't mean that Gregorich and Medvedev can celebrate their victory: at the end of 2021, NPO Compo's losses amount to 161 million rubles. Although Medvedev Jr. still controls the company, the subsequent operating conditions are far worse than before the acquisition.
Compo IT isn't Medvedev Jr's only investment target, but it's easy to find out how much the Gregorich family spent on Medvedev Jr. Because a careful study of the investment direction of Gregorich's family business will reveal that they are fond of more conservative resource industries, shipbuilding or real estate, and the only exception is the IT industry on the educational route of Jr. Medvedev. Stephen Gregorich also invested about $2 million in Diginavis, the company of former communications minister Nikolai Nikiforov, who was the leader of Jr. Medvedev, but whose IT business was not well run— — Most of the company's projects are at a loss by 2022. But the Gregorich family's most interesting IT-related investment was not made in Russia at all, and it deserves a separate mention.
"In January 2018, Stephen Gregorich arrived with a delegation, and I showed him the Menlo Park facility," recalls Pavel Cherkashin, a Russian businessman who has long lived in California's Silicon Valley. I am looking for my partner, Magomed Musaev." The Gregorich family was very interested in entering Silicon Valley and improving the business starting point for Medvedev, but due to the lack of IT-related experience, they finally entered the Own business - real estate. Musaev has prepared a nice project for them called 80 Willow Street, an office building at the intersection of Menlo Park and Palo Alto in the heart of Silicon Valley, by Stephen Gregorich in 2018 The house was purchased for $72 million in the spring. Although Musayev declined to comment on this, the Gregorich family financial report stated that the entire project was counted on Medvedev's head. In fact, the Gregorich family is not interested in the IT industry or even the investment prospects in the United States. Their main focus is still at home. In the resource industry, such large-scale investments are all for the small Medvedev.
But all of this, all this costly, has come to an end because of the sanctions that come with this war. Medvedev Jr. drove off his yacht, but he couldn't take away the many investments he spent in the United States. After being on the sanctions list in April this year, he had to leave it all back to Russia with unwillingness and chagrin, which also deeply hurt former President Dmitry Medvedev. Perhaps that's enough to explain his transformation from a "liberal" to an ardent supporter of the war with Ukraine and confrontation with the West -- even more ardent than Vladimir Putin himself. Some people see the move as "some kind of agreement with Putin", others call it "Medvedev fooled", but people also say it's just Medvedev trying to reassure Putin's succession in this way position. Nonetheless, even from purely anthropological considerations, it is interesting to observe the behavior of the Vice-President of the Security Council.
On the 19th day after the war, Dmitry Medvedev opened a telegram channel, where he wrote about the "crazy Russophobia of the West," "the scumbags of Kyiv," and his sympathy for these "weirds." fetuses" hatred. Interestingly, he proposed that the EU should completely deny visas to Russians (which is why he was recently opposed by the Russians), claiming that no one would in turn "obstruct special military operations". He also preached nuclear war everywhere, claiming that if the West did not stop supplying weapons, it would face a "burning earth".
[It is worth mentioning that in August, Medvedev's VK account (Russian social platform) published a message containing “proclaimed that Russia will rule Ukraine, restore the borders of the Soviet era, and even have no end”, and bluntly claimed Nonsense like "Kazakhstan is also a former Russian territory" can only be announced that the account has been hacked and hastily]
At this moment when everything has not been settled, Ilgo Medvedev's IT entrepreneurial history has sunk along with his father's expectations and the interests of the Gregorich family. Everyone is disappointed, maybe this can explain their hysteria. The old Medvedev found a new job for the young Medvedev, and obtained the identity of a party member in the United Russia Party. Now he will focus on supporting Russian small and medium-sized enterprises. This war has not yet reached the moment to destroy Russia, but it has already shattered the "better future" envisioned by the former president and his party.
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ao3feed-damenlaurent · 6 months
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/prYWJKd by J0305 Laurent rencontre un tigre ainsi qu’une femme vaskienne près du palais. Peu après, les akielonniens viennent à Vère pour signer un traité de paix… ou pour déclencher la guerre. Le jeune homme aura un beaucoup plus grand rôle à jouer que ce qu’il croyait concernant le sort des deux nations. Et le prince Damen pourrait bien s’avérer être un allié. ⚠️Le rape/non-con ne concerne pas Damen avec Laurent⚠️ Words: 1086, Chapters: 1/6, Language: Français Fandoms: Captive Prince - C. S. Pacat Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage Categories: M/M Characters: Laurent (Captive Prince), Damen (Captive Prince), Auguste (Captive Prince), Regent (Captive Prince), Aleron (Captive Prince), The Empress of Vask, Original Animal Character(s), Tiger Relationships: Damen/Laurent (Captive Prince), Auguste & Laurent (Captive Prince) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, POV Laurent (Captive Prince), Child Abuse, Underage Rape/Non-con, Slow Burn, Eventual Romance, Angst, Friendship, Friends to Lovers read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/prYWJKd
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christophe76460 · 8 months
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Et voici que surgit une deuxième bête, ressemblant à un ours : elle était dressée sur un côté et tenait dans sa gueule trois côtes entre les dents. J’entendis qu’on lui disait : « Debout, mange beaucoup de chair ! » (Daniel 7:5).
L’ours est un animal très puissant à cause de sa taille (1Samuel 17:34), mais aussi très lent comparé à un lion avec des ailes. Il représente l’Empire des Mèdes et des Perses qui devint plus étendu que celui de Babylone mais son armée innombrable était bien moins agile que celle des Chaldéens.
En l’an 480 av. J.-C., dix ans après la défaite de Darius contre les Grecs à Marathon, le roi perse Xerxès 1er (486-465) veut laver l’affront qu’a subi son prédécesseur. Il attaque la Grèce avec plusieurs centaines de milliers d’hommes et une armada de navires (400). Il réussit à grand-peine et grâce à une trahison à vaincre les Grecs sur terre (à Thermopyles) et il incendie Athènes, mais plus de la moitié de sa flotte est détruite (à Salamine par Thémistocle ; 481). Et l’année suivante, il est battu par les Grecs (par Pausanias près de Platée). Ce n’était pas encore la fin du grand Empire perse, mais un observateur attentif aurait déjà pu discerner des signes avant-coureurs qui désignaient le prochain empire.
L’ours est l’équivalent de la poitrine et des bras en argent de la statue du rêve de Nabuchodonosor. Il apparaît dressé sur un côté ce qui signifie que l’un des deux alliés aura la prépondérance sur l’autre.
Depuis le fondateur de la dynastie mède (Déjocès), ses rois (jusqu’à Astyage) régnaient d’abord sur les Mèdes puis sur les Perses. Mais après la venue de Cyrus, cet équilibre fut inversé et la Perse domina les Mèdes ce qui apparaît dans la vision de Daniel avec l’ours plus élevé d’un côté.
Le livre de Daniel fait une distinction entre les rois Darius et Cyrus mais il considère que Babylone fut sous la tutelle d’une seule monarchie, celle jointe des Mèdes et des Perses (comparez Daniel 5:28; 11:1-2). D’ailleurs plus loin ces deux peuples sont représentés par un seul animal, le bélier à deux cornes (Daniel 8:20).
Tout ça pour dire qu’il n’est pas possible de scinder les Mèdes et les Perses comme le font certains commentateurs d’obédience libérale et de les considérer à part dans la prophétie de Daniel. Que ce soit la poitrine et les bras en argent de la statue de Nabuchodonosor, ou l’ours dans la vision de Daniel, ces deux images représentent les Mèdes et les Perses ensemble. Ces observations sont un peu barbantes mais elles permettent aussi d’interpréter correctement les Écritures.
Les trois côtes dans la gueule de l’ours sont une image des vastes conquêtes de l’Empire médo-perse dans trois directions : l’ouest, le nord et le sud (comparez Daniel 8:4). L’ordre qui est donné à l’animal de se lever ne veut pas dire qu’il était couché puisqu’il vient tout juste de sortir de la mer. Cette apostrophe veut dire : Vas-y, en avant ! Et Mange beaucoup de chair exprime l’avidité avec laquelle cet empire s’est emparé des richesses des peuples conquis. L’ordre signifie donc : Accomplis ton rôle dans l’histoire et que rien ne t’arrête !
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Après cela, je continuai à regarder et je vis un autre animal qui ressemblait à un léopard, avec quatre ailes d’oiseaux sur le dos et quatre têtes. Le pouvoir lui fut donné (Daniel 7:6).
Ce fauve correspond à la partie de la statue de Nabuchodonosor qui est le ventre et les hanches en bronze, et représente la Grèce. Le léopard est un animal particulièrement agile (comparez Habakuk 1:8) qui peut faire soudainement de très grands bonds. Si en plus on lui ajoute quatre ailes, ce monstre va se déplacer à une vitesse vertigineuse sans toucher terre.
Et effectivement, en l’espace de quatre ans environ (334-330), Alexandre le Grand (356-323) a conquis la totalité de l’Empire perse dont Babylone et l’Égypte où il fonde Alexandrie. Ensuite il alla jusqu’aux Indes, mais l’épuisement de ses troupes l’a obligé à revenir en Perse. En l’espace de huit ans, son armée aura parcouru 18 000 km. Alexandre le Grand échange alors son rôle de conquérant pour celui d’administrateur et tente d’imposer son hégémonie. Il réorganise son empire et accorde les mêmes droits aux Perses qu’aux Macédoniens, sa patrie. Il crée une monnaie unique et impose le grec comme langue internationale. Mais il décède subitement à Babylone à l’âge de 33 ans à la veille de nouvelles conquêtes. Les 70 villes qu’il aura fondées pendant son règne répandront la culture grecque en Méditerranée orientale et en Perse.
Alexandre avait instauré un culte impérial qui servira plus tard de modèle aux Césars romains. Après sa mort, ses quatre généraux (les diadoques) se partagent le gâteau, c’est-à-dire son empire, prennent le titre de roi, et établissent quatre royaumes (la Thrace et l’Asie Mineure ; la Macédoine et la Grèce ; la Syrie, la Babylonie et la Perse ; l’Égypte, la Palestine et l’Arabie) qui sont représentés par les quatre têtes du léopard. Deux d’entre eux, l’Égypte et la Syrie, seront constamment en guerre, chacun cherchant à annexer l’autre et à contrôler la Palestine.
Dans le chapitre suivant, il sera question d’un autre monstre, un bouc (Daniel 8:8) avec une corne qui se brise et qui est remplacée par quatre autres qui représentent aussi les quatre généraux d’Alexandre le Grand, lui-même étant la première corne, celle qui se brise.
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essayly · 1 year
questions want to be answered
questions want to be answered
1. The Fauves, led by Matisse, made __________ the most important feature of their canvases. A. line B. composition C. texture D. color 2. The exterior of Falling Water (Figure 32.23) suggests that the construction method includes A. Roman arch. B. cantilever. C. gothic arch. D. moorish arch. 3. Einstein’s theory of relativity asserted that A. in studying subatomic particles, time and space were…
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ifeomaart · 2 years
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HenriMatisseSelfportraits Henri Émile Benoît Matisse (French: [ɑ̃ʁi emil bənwa matis]; 31 December 1869 – 3 November 1954) was a French visual artist, known for both his use of colour and his fluid and original draughtsmanship. He was a draughtsman, printmaker, and sculptor, but is known primarily as a painter.[1] Matisse is commonly regarded, along with Pablo Picasso, as one of the artists who best helped to define the revolutionary developments in the visual arts throughout the opening decades of the twentieth century, responsible for significant developments in painting and sculpture.[2][3][4][5] Born Henri Émile Benoît Matisse 31 December 1869 Le Cateau-Cambrésis, France Died3 November 1954 (aged 84) Nice, France EducationAcadémie Julian, William-Adolphe Bouguereau, Gustave MoreauKnown for Painting printmaking sculpture drawing collage Notable workWoman with a Hat (1905) The Joy of Life (1906) Nu bleu (1907) La Danse (1909) L'Atelier Rouge (1911)MovementFauvism, Modernism, Post-ImpressionismSpouse Amélie Noellie Parayre ​(m. 1898; div. 1939)​ Children3Patron(s)Sergei Shchukin, Gertrude Stein,  Etta Cone, Claribel Cone, Sarah Stein, Albert C. Barnes The intense colourism of the works he painted between 1900 and 1905 brought him notoriety as one of the Fauves (French for "wild beasts"). Many of his finest works were created in the decade or so after 1906, when he developed a rigorous style that emphasised flattened forms and decorative pattern. In 1917, he relocated to a suburb of Nice on the French Riviera, and the more relaxed style of his work during the 1920s gained him critical acclaim as an upholder of the classical tradition in French painting.[6] After 1930, he adopted a bolder simplification of form. When ill health in his final years prevented him from painting, he created an important body of work in the medium of cut paper collage. His mastery of the expressive language of colour and drawing, displayed in a body of work spanning. @ifyorjiekwe @benconnors @overtonmichaela @rosie_ridgway @richardjphoenix @heartnsoulart @heartnsouleye @heartnsoulpics https://www.instagram.com/p/Cja5Q6wDGrj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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radiokathryn-if · 5 months
Hola amigo (amiga). It’s me again. I’m in class, slaving away my life and with my newfound brain juices, I decided to spend it on something worthwhile like expanding your own brain juices.
The ROs decided to play Monopoly (because that’s where brain power works more effectively). Who loves it, who hates it, how do they play, and who ultimately wins against one another? Also, have a good day (or night depending on when this is.)
Hello friend! Just for you and your slaving brain power, I shall gift you with a little bonus!──long answer! +I just finished cooking(&eating) supper so it has indeed been a good night lmao, I hope you have one too! ++I may have way too much fun trivia about monopoly just rattling around in my head, so I apologise if I start rambling! +++also! I'm acting as if they're all playing together... which would never happen but is still fun to think about!
Which little mascot token thing do they choose/get/fight for/end up with?──in 1972 there was only: the shoe, the hat, the dog, the iron, the car and the boat... so I've added more such as the thimble, the lantern (retired in 1950) and the rocking horse (retired 1950)
NATE──is picky and also very narcissistic, he has to pick first and he always gets the dog (a yorkshire terrier!) because it's "objectively the best one" no one really objects because they don't want to deal with his whining.
EVA──she always gets the lantern. when she's not at the table to claim it first, it's gets set aside for her. unlike with Nate, everyone else lets her have it because she simply asks nicely. Eva just thinks it's pretty─she calls it her good luck charm! (she has a nice winning streak!)
MICA──does not care for their token at all, and is usually the last to gain it, often getting the one no one went for or wanted... which mostly ends up being the iron... Mica thinks it's rad though so they don't mind!
DETECTIVE HAN──doesn't really play board games and is subsequently a bit slow to the battle royale of the token picking... they end up with the shoe because it's only of the only two left and they'd rather not pick the iron...
JOSÉ──they're not going down without a fight! they are pretty competitive, especially when it comes to board or card games─curtesy of their many siblings─and they will bargain for the token of their choosing... which is the the thimble... but they usually lose out to Ji Han, in which they fight Fauve for the boat!
JI HAN──he wins the thimble from José but he only goes for the thimble if the the plane is gone and considering its the one token lost to the void, well...
FAUVE──she watches José and Ji Han fight it out for the thimble with glee and then when José sets their sights on her and the boat its quickly wiped away... she knows when to take her losses and resigns the boat to them after she can feel a ten minute debate forming, leaving her with the car!
JACKSON──used to picking last when playing board games, though most times Cilly just gives him a token she seems fit... he'd end up with the hat (a top hat!) because even though he doesn't particularly care, he's still quicker than Mica or Detective Han to scoop up one of his favourites!
???──they like most of the tokens and are usually the first to pick, in actuality, they're the one who set aside the lantern for Eva and make the dog easy to see for Nate to claim 'first' after which they swoop in and collect the rocking horse! much like Eva, the token is a bit of a good luck charm for them─the only time they've ever gone bankrupt was when they were playing with the boat instead!
actual game play! who loves it, who hates it, who's winner and who's a sore sore loser baby?
Nate says he likes monopoly but he is quick to change his mind as soon as he loses his money... honestly, if he didn't fixate on the money side of things and strategise like i know he can he'd probably give Eva, ??? and Ji Han a run for their money! (sore sore loser, losing loser baby, sore loser baby)
Like most things outside of her personal life, Eva stays winning. She loves strategy games and she's very good at interpersonal tactics (and she doesn't get greedy or blind sided by fake money.) She's on a winning streak... but there are a couple that give her a run for her money! (somehow she always manages to get one or both dark blue's on her first circle of the board...)
The ever unbothered Mica could honestly care less about monopoly──that is to say that they get surprisingly intense around two thirds in! Something about monopoly specifically ignites the competitive fire under them. They're strangely protective of the train stations and the utilities. They always somehow end up going bankrupt though, and sell out to Eva or Ji Han (or ???) depending on who can give them the most appealing sales pitch... Mica just likes hearing what they'll come up with!
Detective Han is a baby at playing board games... that aren't chess or checkers that is. The first time they play they're too caught up in the rules to realise all the spaces are slowly being taken up. The next time they buy every space they land on and were the first to go bankrupt so quickly in a while! They're a bit of a rules lawyer but have since mellowed out to enjoying the game without getting worked up about losing.
José is competitive and they love a classic board game. Playing with their siblings, they're known to be one of the winners more often than not... playing with the other ROs? That's a whole different ball park─a whole different weight category! Especially with brilliant players like Eva, Ji Han and ??? (when they're in the mood to win)! José can admit when they're out of their depth but that doesn't mean they aren't going to go down without a fight. They're the most... involved player, often propositioning places or money with literally anyone if they can see it coming out advantageous for them. (Not many of their propositions are accepted, though some are for the sheer audacity and the entertainment value they bring!)
As opposed to his older sibling, Ji Han is actully quite well versed in the ways of the game... Given that he's only played it while half drunk in university halls at 3 in the morning while they wait out for a 5am lecture... playing it with the rest of the ROs is only a little different. (that and he plays with a clear mind and thus remembers the rules and can get into the manipulation tactics!) He's won almost as many times as Eva has, and it's usually the two of them as the final two! He's a gracious loser, even if he's a bit of a show off winner (that's mainly spurned on by Eva's taunting and the final overcoming of her as an opponent.)
Fauve has a competitive streak in her, but it's mainly for bragging rights. She actively tries hard to beat at the very least José and then sets her sights on Ji Han. (The sexual tension between them when she does is quite, palpable... if the teasing barbs and lingering looks are anything to go by) She has yet to win over Eva though and is hedging her bets on a team up with The Trio as a means to an end. (She loves the bragging rights... is winning bragging rights over Eva in monopoly of all things super important? Yes. She already reigns supreme in Uno, this is the next step in her bragging rights empire!! She's up for the challenge!)
Jackson is an easygoing run of the mill average player. He's used to going easy at these kinds of games since most of his experience playing them is with his daughter and her friends... That being said, Jackson is an excellent banker! He's very strict about the money, especially after they found out that Nate was sneaking money when he would designate himself as banker! He bankrupts quite early, but his heart nor his pride is hurt by it, he takes losing like a winner!
Secret mastermind, ???. They're actively the best at playing the game however, they don't have the competitive flare or heart to actively secure more than third place. However, when ??? is in a competitive mood, or a mischievous mood (or just wanting to impress a certain MC or Eva) then all the cards are down and all the bets are off!
bonus round! common team ups!
Eva and ??? are unstoppable when they're both playing together and playing to win! Not that a team up trio of Ji Han, Fauve and José won't give them a run for their money. Nate refuses to team up with any of them, not like they're dropping everything to offer. Mica is a lone island of overconfidence and chilled cockyness... (MC over their shoulder like an angel(or devil) during a poker game...) In a shocking turn of events, Detective Han and Jackson team up as Rules Lawyer and Banker after they declare bankruptcy and are kind of terrorfying to defy... which leads to people trying to loophole their way through the game and providing many moments of laughter inducing entertainment!
lmao i started this at like 8pm... it's taken me like 8 hours to finish and if that doesn't tell you what my mental states been like then idk what will
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enkeynetwork · 2 years
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outzenortiz12 · 2 years
Hermès Purses For Every Budget
Comes with strap (with its own dust c... Hermès rare mini Evelyne shoulder bag in brown felt, brown swift leather-based with palladium hardware. Shoulder drop, 22"L. Comes with unique duster, box... Now they're the ultimate status image. Shown here in the house’s signature Fauve colour, the Birkin 3-in-1 can be used as a clutch, a tote or combined to resemble the original design. I’ve read many instances that folks have been rejected once whereas making an attempt to get a Birkin bag and have merely given up. The Micro Mini Kelly could be just 15 centimetres in width, nevertheless it packs maximum punch in phrases of desirability. As the primary market has trended towards the smallest iterations of collectible fashions, the public sale market has adopted go well with. The Micro Mini Kelly has been discontinued for more than a decade and is subsequently extremely coveted at public sale. wikipedia handbags The authentic shoulder strap on this piece is a welcome addition. phoenet.tw hermes replica But you probably can't simply walk into Hermès and get one. The firm justifies the worth of the Birkin bag compared to other baggage due to the diploma of expertise concerned. The Birkin bag may be distinguished from the similar Hermès Kelly bag by the number of its handles. The single-handle handbag is the Kelly, but the Birkin has two handles. Birkin baggage are sold in a range of sizes. Each one may be made to order with completely different customer-chosen hides, colour, and hardware fixtures. We will do our greatest to meet your request. How can a practical bag be made even more functional? By adding 5 outer pockets, of course! Today, handbag lovers are savvier and have a wider range of purchasing choices. Nevertheless, basic baggage still rule. Mightychic presents a assured authentic Hermes Calvi Verso card holder in Rose Texas with Quebracho interior. Chevre leather accentuates this beautiful color. Epsom leather with pall... In 1984, the English actress Jane Birkin hopped on an Air France flight from Paris to London. As she hurried down the aisle, the contents of her handbag spilled to the floor. It grew to become essentially the most coveted of Hermès’s purses, with yearslong wait lists and limited editions in quite a few colorways and skins. Mightychic provides a guaranteed genuine Hermes Evelyne PM featured in iconic Gold. Rich with gold hardware. Fabulous shoulder or crossbody bag with roomy int... Pairs properly with black and other colours. This authentic Hermès Red Negonda Leather Garden Party GM Tote is in pristine condition. Perfectly scaled for on an everyday basis, the Garden Party easily carries every thing in excessive style. Hermes Birkin 30cm Gris Perle Togo Bag Gold Hardware Pearl Gray Y Stamp, 2020 Just purchased from Hermes store; bag bears new interior 2020 Y Stamp.
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parsons44corcoran · 2 years
Hermès Handbags For Every Budget
Comes with strap (with its own mud c... Hermès uncommon mini Evelyne shoulder bag in brown felt, brown swift leather with palladium hardware. Shoulder drop, 22"L. Comes with original duster, box... Now they're the ultimate status symbol. Shown right here within the house’s signature Fauve shade, the Birkin 3-in-1 can be used as a clutch, a tote or combined to resemble the original design. I’ve learn many occasions that people have been rejected as quickly as while making an attempt to get a Birkin bag and have simply given up. The Micro Mini Kelly may be just 15 centimetres in width, however it packs most punch when it comes to desirability. As the first market has trended in path of the smallest iterations of collectible fashions, the auction market has adopted swimsuit. The Micro Mini Kelly has been discontinued for greater than a decade and is subsequently extremely coveted at auction. The authentic shoulder strap on this piece is a welcome addition. But you can't simply walk into Hermès and get one. The company justifies the worth of the Birkin bag in comparison with other baggage because of the diploma of craftsmanship involved. The Birkin bag could additionally be distinguished from the same Hermès Kelly bag by the number of its handles. The single-handle handbag is the Kelly, but the Birkin has two handles. Birkin bags are bought in a spread of sizes. Each one may be made to order with totally different customer-chosen hides, colour, and hardware fixtures. We will do our best to fulfill your request. How can a practical bag be made much more functional? By adding 5 outer pockets, of course! Today, purse lovers are savvier and have a wider range of shopping choices. Nevertheless, traditional luggage nonetheless rule. Mightychic provides a assured genuine Hermes Calvi Verso card holder in Rose Texas with Quebracho inside. Chevre leather accentuates this gorgeous color. Epsom leather with pall... In 1984, the English actress Jane Birkin hopped on an Air France flight from Paris to London. As she hurried down the aisle, the contents of her purse spilled to the ground. wikipedia handbags It turned probably the most coveted of Hermès’s purses, with yearslong wait lists and limited editions in quite a few colorways and skins. Mightychic provides a guaranteed genuine Hermes Evelyne PM featured in iconic Gold. https://phoenet.tw/replicas-hermes-bags.html Rich with gold hardware. Fabulous shoulder or crossbody bag with roomy int... Pairs properly with black and other colours. This genuine Hermès Red Negonda Leather Garden Party GM Tote is in pristine condition. Perfectly scaled for on an everyday basis, the Garden Party simply carries every thing in excessive fashion. Hermes Birkin 30cm Gris Perle Togo Bag Gold Hardware Pearl Gray Y Stamp, 2020 Just bought from Hermes retailer; bag bears new interior 2020 Y Stamp.
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abbott88vad · 2 years
Hermès Purses For Each Price Range
Comes with strap (with its personal mud c... Hermès rare mini Evelyne shoulder bag in brown felt, brown swift leather with palladium hardware. Shoulder drop, 22"L. Comes with authentic duster, box... Now they're the last word status symbol. Shown right here in the house’s signature Fauve color, the Birkin 3-in-1 can be used as a clutch, a tote or combined to resemble the original design. I’ve learn many occasions that people have been rejected once while making an attempt to get a Birkin bag and have merely given up. The Micro Mini Kelly may be simply 15 centimetres in width, nevertheless it packs most punch in terms of desirability. As the first market has trended towards the smallest iterations of collectible models, the auction market has adopted suit. The Micro Mini Kelly has been discontinued for more than a decade and is therefore extraordinarily coveted at public sale. The original shoulder strap on this piece is a welcome addition. But you can't simply stroll into Hermès and get one. https://phoenet.tw/replicas-hermes-bags.html The firm justifies the worth of the Birkin bag in comparison with other luggage because of the diploma of craftsmanship involved. wikipedia handbags The Birkin bag may be distinguished from the same Hermès Kelly bag by the variety of its handles. The single-handle purse is the Kelly, but the Birkin has two handles. Birkin bags are bought in a variety of sizes. Each one may be made to order with different customer-chosen hides, color, and hardware fixtures. We will do our best to satisfy your request. How can a useful bag be made much more functional? By adding five outer pockets, of course! Today, purse lovers are savvier and have a wider vary of buying choices. Nevertheless, classic baggage still rule. Mightychic offers a guaranteed genuine Hermes Calvi Verso card holder in Rose Texas with Quebracho interior. Chevre leather accentuates this attractive colour. Epsom leather-based with pall... In 1984, the English actress Jane Birkin hopped on an Air France flight from Paris to London. As she hurried down the aisle, the contents of her purse spilled to the ground. It became probably the most coveted of Hermès’s handbags, with yearslong wait lists and restricted editions in quite a few colorways and skins. Mightychic provides a assured authentic Hermes Evelyne PM featured in iconic Gold. Rich with gold hardware. Fabulous shoulder or crossbody bag with roomy int... Pairs nicely with black and different colors. This genuine Hermès Red Negonda Leather Garden Party GM Tote is in pristine situation. Perfectly scaled for on an everyday basis, the Garden Party simply carries every thing in high type. Hermes Birkin 30cm Gris Perle Togo Bag Gold Hardware Pearl Gray Y Stamp, 2020 Just bought from Hermes store; bag bears new inside 2020 Y Stamp.
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bryant30sigmon · 2 years
Hermès Purses For Each Finances
Comes with strap (with its personal dust c... Hermès rare mini Evelyne shoulder bag in brown felt, brown swift leather with palladium hardware. Shoulder drop, 22"L. Comes with authentic duster, field... Now they're the final word status image. Shown right here within the house’s signature Fauve shade, the Birkin 3-in-1 can be used as a clutch, a tote or combined to resemble the unique design. I’ve read many instances that folks have been rejected as soon as whereas trying to get a Birkin bag and have simply given up. The Micro Mini Kelly may be simply 15 centimetres in width, but it packs most punch in relation to desirability. As the first market has trended in the course of the smallest iterations of collectible fashions, the auction market has adopted swimsuit. The Micro Mini Kelly has been discontinued for greater than a decade and is due to this fact extremely coveted at public sale. The original shoulder strap on this piece is a welcome addition. But you can't simply stroll into Hermès and get one. The company justifies the value of the Birkin bag compared to different baggage because of the degree of craftsmanship concerned. The Birkin bag may be distinguished from the similar Hermès Kelly bag by the variety of its handles. The single-handle purse is the Kelly, however the Birkin has two handles. Birkin bags are bought in a variety of sizes. Each one may be made to order with totally different customer-chosen hides, colour, and hardware fixtures. We will do our greatest to meet your request. How can a practical bag be made even more functional? By adding five outer pockets, of course! Today, handbag lovers are savvier and have a wider range of shopping options. Nevertheless, basic luggage still rule. Mightychic presents a guaranteed genuine Hermes Calvi Verso card holder in Rose Texas with Quebracho interior. Chevre leather accentuates this beautiful colour. Epsom leather-based with pall... In 1984, the English actress Jane Birkin hopped on an Air France flight from Paris to London. As she hurried down the aisle, the contents of her handbag spilled to the floor. It became the most coveted of Hermès’s handbags, with yearslong wait lists and restricted editions in numerous colorways and skins. wikipedia handbags Mightychic provides a guaranteed authentic Hermes Evelyne PM featured in iconic Gold. fake hermes bag Rich with gold hardware. Fabulous shoulder or crossbody bag with roomy int... Pairs well with black and different colors. This genuine Hermès Red Negonda Leather Garden Party GM Tote is in pristine condition. Perfectly scaled for on a regular basis, the Garden Party simply carries every thing in excessive type. Hermes Birkin 30cm Gris Perle Togo Bag Gold Hardware Pearl Gray Y Stamp, 2020 Just bought from Hermes store; bag bears new interior 2020 Y Stamp.
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