#c: mishka
insurrection-if · 3 months
This will be hard to do I think :). Can you describe the romanceables' routes in a few words?
Ah, ‘a few words’?! ∑(; °Д°) My worst nightmare, haha!
Apologies for not cutting this all down further, and for the quality of what’s below, but I hope this is satisfactory! ദ്ദി(˶‾᷄ᗜ‾᷅˵ ᵕ) I tried to rush this to force the word count down as much as I could, but my poor wordy habits die hard (and not at all)!
Onto the main romances . . .
Akil: Forbidden. Challenged. A false betrayal to old ideals, corrupted loyalties. Learning to accept. Declaring his own path, following his heart before his mind. A tenuous tomorrow . . . unless he makes a better one for you both.
Kamiko: Fearful. Guarded. Bridging the divide, a new kind of strength. A new meaning for sacrifice. Quiet, devoted, a love built by trust. The shadow to your light.
Sigmund: Deceptively Slow, Suffocatingly Quick. Loyal, Sacrificial. Safer apart, but you're his. He wants you to be. Fears—and knows—he doesn’t deserve it.
Imka: Nervous. Startled. Helpless. Falling too quick, caring too much. Learning to be bold, to be herself. Learning to love herself like you do.
Elouan: Scarred. Wanting. Pleasant, but cold. Burning up within. Real love for the first time. Forgiving, or Forgetting.
Jae: Flighty. Teasing. Scared to Commit, Scared to be Yours. Looking past the present, washing down the past. She’ll be with you, sticking through hell and tomorrow. Bird without a cage.
Niccolò: Clumsy. Genuine. Flawed, imperfect, real. Peeling back the layers of the self, loving every bit. Facing eternity, immortality. And then, facing chaos before the end. What it means to be a human who loves.
Mutya: Grounding. Pinning. Unwinding, unraveling. Letting loose, standing firm. A pillar to lean on, one to support. Opening up to the vulnerability of love and hurt.
Fyodor: Star-Crossed. Soulmates, artificially made. Broken pieces forced together, ripped apart. Unstable. Glorified. Putting all his hopes in a dream, and learning to love the reality.
And for the others . . .
Dearil: Unwanted. Tearing up stitches, reclaiming what was lost and never his. Desperate to keep, bound to ruin.
Curadora: Wrong place, wrong time. Covert. Watched. Reunited, yet slipping from her grasp, pulled apart by the need for a new age and new people. Wait for her, please.
Retriever: Fast, messy, reigned back, and broken free. Hesitant on the outside, drowning within. Now or never, before the final piece of him meets the fall.
Lempo: Saccharine. Selfish. Unbound. Escaping the world, and oneself, together.
Bones: Regret. Recovery. Letting go. Pushing and pulling, the madness of love.
Mishka: Humanizing. Bitter. Eternal. First Love, Only Love. Doomed.
Thank you for this interesting ask! (´∀`)
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one-bunny-a-day · 1 year
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ladiemars · 1 year
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on a bad relationship with rebecca.
mishka jenkins, the wayhaven chronicles | otessa moshfegh, my year of rest and relaxation | gillian flynn, sharp objects | unknown | mishka jenkins, the wayhaven chronicles | @/honeytuesday | unknown | mishka jenkins, the wayhaven chronicles | lindsay c. gibson, adult children of emotionally immature parents | chen chen, poplar street | mishka jenkins, the wayhaven chronicles
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masonscig · 1 year
can i ask why people in the fandom seem to really dislike mishka? (censoring her name and such) this is not meant in an offensive way to you or to anyone else, i’m just new here and kind of confused. like did she do something legitimately wrong or are people just irked by the writing of the new book? hope you have a great day <3
OH yeah sorry i can definitely see how that's confusing to new people LMAO
so, it's a bit of both imo – i've been here since 2020, shortly after book 2 dropped, so my perspective is a lot different than newer fans
so, one of the reasons i censor her name, is because tumblr changed the search functions – used to be, when you looked up something, it was only things that were in that exact word order in a tag – so if you spelled t/w/c wrong in some way, it'd only show up results that were misspelled, if that makes sense
but now, it's like if you look up any word, random posts that mention it anywhere in the post will show up too – and i would rather not open myself up to the m*shka bootlickers bc i just do not have time for that LMFAO
i rarely maintag things these days because i just don't want to be perceived by so much of this fandom, but that's just a me thing
also, in terms of what she did "wrong"... on top of problematic stuff in text, there's a few things i can think of off the top of my head:
encouraging white/washed art by reblogging on to her dev blog while knowingly having the official skintone palette locked behind a paywall (patreon)
when called out for the above, they did vet their pieces i guess – by only reblogging black and white pieces, and art of detectives. then they stopped reblogging art completely
posting a white hand for a morgan instagram edit – and taking hours to delete the harassment in the replies, some of which being actually racist comments with slurs pointed at black people
in a q&a video, referred to m as an "attack dog", which was super insensitive, considering the consistent comparison of m to an animal across all platforms (text, tumblr posts, patreon content)
her treatment of f over the years, both in text and outside of it. her asks were a huge reason that the fandom has an infantilized view of f and they don't even consider them to be a love interest (much less one that gets physically intimate). they see them as a child. this bullet point is a massive one that would take too long to explain. i could probably write an essay on how problematic it is to immediately "other" your singular black character by literally making them an otherworldly alien, but i do not have the time
how she writes nb/trans characters. from what my friends have said who code dive, they get the same dialogue and variants that women do. obviously if you don't code dive or play with nb characters you probably wouldn't notice, but there are a good chunk of people in the fandom who play with nb oc's so... this is something that should be better, but it's not
to add to the above, she said she was getting sensitivity readers but... did they do anything? look at book 3 and tell me if they actually did anything (i have a feeling maybe those sensitivity readers were white queer people)
overall, it's very hard to explain and condense the fuckery my mutuals and i have seen both m*shka do over the years, and what her fans have let slide/incidents they've coddled her up during.
sadly, she doesn't take hard stances on things. she just lets things happen and that just. doesn't bode well if your argument for all these mistakes is "ignorance". if she's getting 10k a month on patreon plus sales (not to mention the fact she's a grown ass woman), then... it's the bare minimum to ask for her to be mindful of her audience and to do better.
and also book 3 sucks xoxo
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meirimerens · 1 year
do you have any headcanons for pathologic characters having mental disorders and/or neurodivergency? from what i can tell from your ATA fanfic, Burakh probably has posttraumatic stress disorder. (as well as, well, Mishka being canonically stated to be autistic.) so what are your thoughts?
boy do i. throwing in other stuff that's not necessarily a mental health condition or neurodivergency but that i think affects them like brain-wise + for me to rember lol.
In general basically Most people in this town from an atmosphere of social misery have a little Something Something. most are grieving and some are Poorly Coping with a shit past, whether it is because of abandonment, loss, grief, so on and so forth. the plague adds More Grief and hands out PTSD like corn to the hens. some who have like. Syndromes that could be brought to a psychiatrist i can think of
Burakh: PTSD (war medic lore + The Plague Bro) + might lend him some Prolonged Grief Disorder if i feel like it
Dankovsky: i don't think how he is pre-Events comes from pathologies i think he's just a closeted gay male in academia, that plays a number with your mind (the self-aggrandizing and prideful behavior of being a know-it-all man in academia + the fear, restlessness and paranoia that comes with having to keep your homosexuality secret -> combo of evil). develops PTSD thorough the game, mostly becomes Twitchy, reckless behaviors, intrusive thoughts, and then it settles in post-events like nightmares flashbacks the usual
Rubin: PTSD (soldier/mercenary p1 lore) like shell-shock PTSD which in my mind's eye translates into obsessions/intrusive thoughts. he also has a lil Something Something from having had Not The Best parental figure and having to fight for recognition until he burned himself but i'm not sure what Diagnosis that is. it's just Shit's Fucked Diagnosis. self-esteem in the dumps.
Petr: i go back and forth between bipolar, bipolar schizophrenic, schizoaffective, like i haven't settled on something yet, but bipolar (or bipolar-like, like the "mood disorder" of schizoaffective) is a given (mixed episode in P1 and depressive episode in P2 if you care). obviously addiction. i go back and forth if i see the hallucinations/delusions he has as something from the bipolar disorder, from the addiction, from something else entirely... very hefty and powerful game so all if fair. + The Guilt. (might become paranoid from that)
Andrey: i don't know if i want him to Just Be Like This or for whatever his problem is to be pathological. someone infused in me an ADHD diagnosis for him and while i go back and forth he strikes me as the kind of guy who behaves better on Ritalin. but is it because of a neurodivergency or because he just loves drugs. much to think about. + The Guilt (might become paranoid from that too but ykno. "motor activity eliminates mental activity"...)
Anna: Girl's Scared Disorder. i'd say paranoia but is it paranoia if they're really after you... ykwim. Obdurate/insular paranoid, but is it truly pathological if walls having eyes is like not out of the reach of possibilities... etc
Katerina: canon addiction and what that brings. i think hers pushes her mostly to depressive episodes instead of aggressive/exteriorizing ones.
all of the orphans, by virtue of being orphans, have some kind of Issue, because not being socialized properly/cared for/living in social and psychological neglect like Does A Number on your brain regardless. most of them kids got that SLS (Shit Life Syndrome)
Mishka: her canon autism + methinks an attachment disorder because it fits with the timeline of her losing her parents around 3 of age. Prolonged Grief Disorder too perhaps? much to think about
Notkin: Tourette's, mostly motor tics. + a dys, i was shared the hc of dyslexia and i think i'll espouse it. i also think his family life was kinda shit + living in the streets is Actively Dangerous so like. (C)PTSD? i think it's The Least Of His Problems but it mostly makes him twitchy, doesn't dare get much sleep, needs to never have anyone or anything behind his back, stuff like that
Grace: some kind of FASD (fetal alcohol syndrome disorder) since her mother canonically drank while pregnant with her, i think hers mostly manifests as memory problems and learning/speech disabilities (also doesn't help that. orphan), poor reasoning and judgment skills & vision problems. all of those are also wrapped in the package of like. not having been properly socialized as a child
^ shit life syndromes
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brutgroup · 1 year
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Dear all, We are happy to announce that ”Socialist Modernism in the Former Eastern Bloc”, the fourth photo album/digital architectural guide of @_BA_CU ’s planned series, is available in 800 copies. Those who are interested in #SocialistModernism are able to order the book on 👉🏻 @fdestribute @FuDeshopAmazon 👈🏻distributor page, (Link in our profile👆🏻) ; link: http://fdestribute.com/fdshop/ or AMAZON: https://www.amazon.de/-/en/B-C-U-Association/dp/6069509714/ref=pd_sbs_2?pd_rd_w=VyBIv&pf_rd_p=c47a53d1-d94f-481c-a018-dcea8bd5c736&pf_rd_r=C569EW7NRVYV4Y9N7FPD&pd_rd_r=f77bdf56-066f-4a46-be20-fa5555662789&pd_rd_wg=EuTQY&pd_rd_i=6069509714&psc=1 by selecting the Photo album from among the books listed. (DHL Express Shipping worldwide) #SocialistModernism #_BA_ The photo album includes landmarks of socialist modernist architecture in the Former Eastern Bloc Countries – erected from 1955 to 1991. B.A.C.U. Association explains socialist modernist tendencies, it presents – in color photographs – a functional image of the buildings and their often original elements that synthesize local culture and traditions, while bringing you up to date with their current state of conservation. The 130 landmarks included in this volume have been organized by function, into six sections. The book contains the authors’ view on the Former Eastern Bloc Countries modernist architecture. Print run 800 Pages 194+ 1 Spread/ the Former Eastern Bloc Countries - SOC MOD Map English, French and Spanish Size 26×28.5 cm Weight 1.25 kg Designed and published by @_BA_CU Association CU - 10 pic Aul development, Almaty 2 pic: Experimental residential building in Bratislava, Slovakia, built between 1968-74 Architect Štefan Svetko with J. Hauskrecht 3 pic: Olympic mascot Mishka (1980) on an apartment block in Osh, Kyrgystan. 5 pic: Pantheon of the fallen in the fight against fascism and capitalism Burgas, Bulgaria Built in 1981. 10 pic: The Aul Residential Complex, Almaty, Kazakhstan Built in stages between 1986-2002 Architects: B. Voronin, L. Andreyeva et al. 1 pic: State Circus, Baku, Azerbaijan, Built in 1967 https://www.instagram.com/p/CmUAjIjsuN5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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latteandgames · 8 months
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Here is Mishka's looks! She is a celebrity singer!
She truly lives the celebrity lifestyle and is always fashionable! Paparazzi can't get enough of her!
Dress: MADLEN : Madlen Dollie Outfit Elegant woolen turtle-neck... (tumblr.com)
Hair: DAYLIFE SIMS — SABRINA HAIR SET - Met Party This set was an... (tumblr.com)
Nails: The Sims Resource - Long Almond Chrome Nails
Eyes: Mod The Sims - Whisper Eyes
Highlighter: The Sims Resource - Highlighter / Face Shine | N3
Earrings: Imincium earrings and choker at Jomsims Creations » Sims 4 Updates
Lips preset: Lip Preset 11 | Patreon
Lipstick: ✩ FEMALE NEW YEAR COLLECTION ✩ | Patreon
Boots: Glitter Angel | Patreon
Long Hair: • K O T C A T • (tumblr.com)
Swimsuit: PEACH | Angeline Swimsuit | Patreon
Eyeshadow: The Sims Resource - Pastel Eyeshadow N213
Eyeliner: VANILA : Legendary Liner Set (tumblr.com)
Eyelashes: 3D LASHES VER. 6 | Patreon
Brows: Cottagecore Living - A CC Pack by peachyfaerie | Patreon
Nose preset: the basics set ♥ | Patreon
Ring: The Sims Resource - Large Diamond Ring
I couldn't find the glasses :/
THANK YOU!! To all the amazing CC creators! You make it so much fun for us! 😊
She's already up in my gallery so you can add her to your city living and I hope you have lots of fun - please tag me if you do, I'd love to see it 😊
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potomacdebateacademy · 5 months
December '23 Tournament Results
As the year comes to a close, we had a busy December! Potomac Debate students attended 3 in-person tournaments at Ridge, George Mason University, and Princeton University. We also competed in 2 online tournaments at TOC Digital Series and UCLA. Last but not least, we hosted our very own Fall Championships Intramural with over 200 students in attendance! Without further ado, here are our impressive results:
December Fall Championships Intramural:
Impromptu Speaking
📣1st: Sneha P.
📣2nd: Hannah L.
Public Speaking
Junior Varsity:
📣1st: Jiah N.
📣2nd: David K. 
📣1st: Olivia H.
📣2nd: Shreya B.
Public Forum
Elementary School Novice:
  🏆Champion: Aalia K. & Ritishka K.
  ⭐ Finalist: Melissa S. & Jenna Y. 
Speaker Awards
📣1st: Ritishka K. 
📣2nd: Aalia K.
📣3rd: Naiya D.
Elementary School Open:
  🏆Champion: Jayden L. & Shreya R. 
  ⭐ Finalist: Ariyan P. & Lara V. 
Speaker Awards
📣1st: Lara V. 
📣2nd: Sian L. 
📣3rd: Mishka C.
Middle School Novice:
  🏆Champion: Avik D. & Pranav K. 
  ⭐ Finalist: Chloe D. & Julia G. 
  ⭐ Semifinalist: Sujeev K. & Rishabh V., Diya G. & Srinish P. 
Speaker Awards
📣1st: Sujeev K. 
📣2nd: Chloe D. 
📣3rd: VIhaan M. 
📣4th: Steven H.
📣5th: Srinish P. 
Middle School JV:
  🏆Champion: Cameron L. & Andrew N. 
  ⭐ Finalist: Lakshya P. & Ayaan K. 
  ⭐ Semifinalist: Rishaan G. & Sophia L., Arnav S. & Aru-Ai K. 
Speaker Awards
📣1st: Sriya I.
📣2nd: Gregory S.
📣3rd: Elaine Z. 
📣4th: Avika S.
📣5th: Jiyan B.
Middle School Intermediate:
  🏆Champion: Erin L. & Christian L.  
  ⭐ Finalist: Ava N. & Hetvik K. 
Speaker Awards
📣1st: Suhani V. 
📣2nd: Ava N. 
📣3rd: Saisahasra A., Rishaan K. 
Middle School Open: 
  🏆Champion: Abhay H. & Anthony L. 
  ⭐ Finalist: Kaylynn Y. & Rebecca L. 
Speaker Awards
📣1st: Lavinia U. 
📣2nd: Abhay H. 
📣3rd: Anthony L. 
High School Novice
  🏆Champion: Harshiv S. & Laura C. 
  ⭐ Finalist: Aanshi P. & Yiren J. 
Speaker Awards
📣1st: Laura C. 
📣2nd: Aanshi P. 
📣3rd: Ananya N. 
High School JV
  🏆Champion: Anirudh P. & Sanskriti N.
  ⭐ Finalist: Jessica G. & Wyatt N. 
Speaker Awards
📣1st: Jessica G. 
📣2nd: Wyatt N.
📣3rd: Anirudh P. 
High School Open 
  🏆Champion: Rohan R. & Raj A. 
  ⭐ Finalist: Mengtong X. & Joyce L. 
Speaker Awards
📣1st: Raj A.
📣2nd: Kelly J. 
📣3rd: Nehal T.
Ridge Debates:
High School Varsity:
   ⭐ Quarterfinalists: Ishan P. & Noor M., Aaron T. & Isabel T. (receiving TWO GOLD bids to TOC!)
   ⭐ Octafinalists: Christopher T. & Cynthea W. (receiving a SILVER bid to TOC!)
Speaker Awards
📣6th: Aaron T.
📣8th: Ishan P.
Princeton University:
High School Varsity: 
   ⭐ Double Octafinalists: Sherry L. & Leon W., Roselyn B. & Tiffany T., and Carson D. & Dillon M. (receiving THREE SILVER bids to TOC!)
George Mason University:
High School Varsity:
  ⭐ Quarterfinalists: Benjamin T. & Luke W., Zack L. & Hali D. (receiving TWO GOLD bids to TOC!)
  ⭐ Octafinalists: Ishan P. & Aaron T. (receiving a SILVER bid to TOC!)
  ⭐ Double Octafinalists: Cleo C. & Sahasra G., Alisha D. & Ethan M., Paul W. & Harrison W. 
  ⭐ Triple Octafinalist: Richard F & Sarina V. 
TOC Digital Speech & Debate #3:
Middle School Varsity::
  ⭐ Octafinalist: Aahana G. & Cady W.
Speaker Awards (Middle School)
📣7th: Cady W.
High School Novice:
  🏆Champion: Kaylynn Y. & Ava Y.
  ⭐ Quarterfinalist: Samarth S. & Kathy F.
  ⭐ Octafinalist: Karthik U. & Anish K.
Speaker Awards
📣2nd: Ava Y. 
📣7th: Pia P.
0 notes
socmod · 1 year
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Dear all, We are happy to announce that ”Socialist Modernism in the Former Eastern Bloc”/ SPECIAL 2020 EDITION, the fourth photo album/digital architectural guide of @_BA_CU ’s planned series, will be available in 800 copies starting the 13th of November. The photo album includes landmarks of socialist modernist architecture in the Former Eastern Bloc Countries – erected from 1955 to 1991. B.A.C.U. Association explains socialist modernist tendencies, it presents – in color photographs – a functional image of the buildings and their often original elements that synthesize local culture and traditions, while bringing you up to date with their current state of conservation. The 130 landmarks included in this volume have been organized by function, into six sections. The book contains the authors’ view on the Former Eastern Bloc Countries modernist architecture. Print run 800 Pages 194+ 1 Spread/ the Former Eastern Bloc Countries - SOC MOD Map English, French and Spanish Size 26×28.5 cm Weight 1.25 kg Designed and published by @_BA_CU Association Those who are interested in #SocialistModernism are able to order the book on 👉🏻 @fdestribute @FuDeshopAmazon 👈🏻distributor page, (Link in our profile👆🏻) ; link: http://fdestribute.com/fdshop/ or AMAZON: https://www.amazon.de/-/en/B-C-U-Association/dp/6069509714/ref=pd_sbs_2?pd_rd_w=VyBIv&pf_rd_p=c47a53d1-d94f-481c-a018-dcea8bd5c736&pf_rd_r=C569EW7NRVYV4Y9N7FPD&pd_rd_r=f77bdf56-066f-4a46-be20-fa5555662789&pd_rd_wg=EuTQY&pd_rd_i=6069509714&psc=1 by selecting the Photo album from among the books listed. (DHL Express Shipping worldwide) #SocialistModernism #_BA_CU - 10 pic The monument to Yu.Gagarin Moscow. Russia. 3 pic: Experimental residential building in Bratislava, Slovakia, built between 1968-74 Architect Štefan Svetko with J. Hauskrecht 1 pic: Olympic mascot Mishka (1980) on an apartment block in Osh, Kyrgystan. 5 pic: Pantheon of the fallen in the fight against fascism and capitalism Burgas, Bulgaria Built in 1981. 7 pic: The Aul Residential Complex, Almaty, Kazakhstan Built in stages between 1986-2002 Architects: B. Voronin, L. Andreyeva et al. 2 pic: State Circus, Baku, Azerbaijan, Built in 1967 https://www.instagram.com/p/CLb-7TBMdxI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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insurrection-if · 6 months
Sorry if this has been asked before (Tumblr search is a pain) but is Mutya Filipino? She has like the most Filipino name I have ever heard 😁
Aha, yep! ( ´ ∀ `)ノ
The Philippines is where Mutya was born (? - unverified to her knowledge) and raised.
Her (adoptive) father, Bato, was quite proud of himself after he decided on that name for her. You'd have to really press him to admit he spent a long time stewing over it, enough to have left her nameless for some time before the name Mutya finally came to him.
Also, just to tag on, I'll list out where each RO was raised and their parents' regional backgrounds:
Akil: Born in Egypt, raised there until early adolescence. Akil partook in international travel as a child, though rarely for vacation purposes. His main residence in the present is in the state of New York. It is his least favorite location for a home so far. Both his parents are native to Egypt.
Kamiko: Born and raised in Japan. Her first time outside the country was for work-related reasons. Her main residence in the present is the state of New York, a place made tolerable to her only in thanks to the presence of some loved ones. Both her parents are native to Japan.
Sigmund: Born and raised in Germany, though international travel was a rather frequent luxury afforded to him. Anything outside continental Europe declined drastically after the loss of his mother and his taste for travel vanished with her. He immigrated to the United States in his early twenties. His father is native to Germany whereas his mother was born and raised in Argentina.
Imka: Born and raised in the United States, second-generation on her father's side and third generation on her mother's. She never left the country until her abduction at the hands of her father. Her father was a Dutch immigrant, and her mother has ancestry from India, though she has been cut off from all familial ties there and in the United States.
Elouan: Born and raised in France. He rarely ever set foot outside continental Europe unless out of absolute necessity, though never very far from the continent still. His mother was born and raised in France; his father is entirely unknown to him.
Jae: Born and raised in Brazil. She had a few outings outside the country in adulthood and did not enjoy those experiences. Her parents and grandparents were all from Brazil.
Niccolo: Born in Italy, though claiming he was 'raised' there is a shaky description of things. In his years as a vagabond, he tried to make annual visits to Italy and Greece, and his sentimental reasons for this can be traced back to the fact that his father was from Italy and his father’s partner was from Greece.
Mutya: Born(?) and raised in the Philippines. She left her country for the first time in her late teens / early young adulthood alongside her older batch of siblings. She dutifully visited her home country whenever a family reunion was necessitated around an important event (milestones, holidays, ceremonies, etc.) Her adoptive parents are both native to the Philippines.
Fyodor: Born and raised in Russia. At the very start of the story, he has yet to set foot outside the country for the first time. His parents are both from Russia, and that is where his mother still remains.
Curadora: Born and raised in the United States, second-generation. She traveled out of the country now and then when her mother could afford it in childhood, always for personal matters. She has, however, become quite the international traveler in adulthood. Her mother was born in Mexico and her father (absent from her life, to her knowledge) is from the United States.
Dearil: Born and raised in an isolated, undisclosed cult commune that did not adhere to any national identity. Residents were a conglomerate of different origins and (former) nationalities all huddled outside any government's eye. His mother was Vietnamese whereas his father originally came from Poland. Dearil, however, would emphasize that their parental ties to him are largely limited to his conception alone.
Lempo: Born in Iceland (the native home of her biological mother) yet raised in Finland. She eagerly left the nation the moment she reached adulthood but later returned and settled back there to establish her (now disbanded) commune. Her foster / adoptive fathers are from Finland.
Retriever: Born and raised in the United States, third generation. Retriever and his family traveled to Europe on an annual basis throughout his childhood for visits to distant family. He keeps a present fondness for European holidays as a result of this. Distant branches of his family can still be traced by him in Switzerland.
Bones: Born and raised in the United States, second-generation on his mother's side. He first set foot outside the United States at age eighteen and never intended to look back. Not until shortly before Mockingbird's induction into the HAWKS. His mother was born and raised in Sweden whereas his father was born and raised in the United States.
Mishka: Born and (by their definition of their experiences) raised in Russia, though they traversed through many nations in their earliest years. Their memories of that time are fickle to them. Their parentage is entirely unknown to them.
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bitd · 2 years
i need to continue thinking about valhalla but this has actual graphic discussion of c/sa so i'm putting it under a cut
the vibeke thing is so funny like. traumadumping on the cute girl you just met because you're fucking insane at breakfast being SOMETHING aside. i have always read that as vibs is projecting her own Really Bad Shit onto angela because of the way that scene goes ("yep she taught me how to look through other people's eyes. i did that in this memory. new memory i'm going to discuss, right after that, in which it is 100% me watching that happen to someone else." + another comment she makes which is a bit more graphic but sends it home more) and likee. on one hand. obviously she's lying or in denial. but imagine the world if she actually believes it happened to angela. veikko boring into her brain in book 2 seeing that memory going O_O and immediately deciding to say nothing is objectively really fucking funny. they're best friends they're worst enemies. iirc he also snipes at her about mishka at some point like ohhh.
i do think given that the point that violet stops what she's doing is when vibs says she's worse than her dad is really. a lot too. like. gd. vibeke: you are worse than someone who at the very least has shown open and flagrant disregard of my consent (i forgor if that gets discussed). violet: yep i am LOL! vibeke: you're worse than my dad (advancing the tenseness of the scene, acknowledging previous stakes) violet: wow her dad never traumatized her. that's what i'm doing like oh babygirl youre so fucking stupid.
v team is all so traumatized i </3 what is going on. veikko's normal swag (guy who gets filled with a fear hormone and immediately starts having a panic attack about his parents/under the sea). i like them all so much. whatever literally the only book in theworld if you care
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we-killed-parker · 6 years
The one where your soulmate’s ghost haunts you when they die. NovaHD
Alternate version of this prompt for @ryanthemadbitch cause they suggested an alternative I hadn’t even considered when I wrote the original and I love me some angst, so this is a thing. It’s similar situation to the other, just reversed and an added element.
Shattering glass and crunching metal were the last thing Aleks heard. It was instant, he didn't feel anything, but he opened his eyes and found himself standing in the kitchen of his and James’ apartment. His heart felt like it exploded into shrapnel as he knew without a doubt that he was dead.
Music blared through the kitchen and James was singing along as he put away dishes, stepping over Ein stretched out in the middle of the floor. It was a moment that Aleks rarely saw, sometimes he would hear James singing from the other room, but if James knew Aleks was there, he would stop, his face flushing.
“I didn't know you were home yet.”
“I like your singing, you don't have to stop.”
“My singing is shit, no one wants to hear that.”
He stood frozen in the doorway of the kitchen. This wasn’t what he expected the afterlife to be like. He had never believed in anything in particular, but this… this hadn’t even been on the list of possibilities.
He turned as a soft thump of a slobber covered tennis ball and a quiet yip sounded behind him. Mishka looked up at him expectantly.
“You can see me, girl?” He asked. She tilted her head at him in response, glancing down at the ball and then back to him, waiting for him to throw it.
He gasped and flinched away as James stepped through him. It wasn’t painful, more unexpected than anything, but James flinched too. Aleks could see his skin prickle into goose bumps and he shivered.
“What the hell, we got a draft or something?” He mused to himself as he glanced back before bending to pick up Mishka’s ball. “Hey doggo, where’s Aleks, huh? He should be home soon.” He said and tossed the ball down the hallway for Mishka to scamper after.
James went about his evening, eventually shutting off the music and booting up a video game in the living room. Aleks had only been supposed to be gone for an hour, but it was already past that.
Aleks stayed rooted to the spot he originally found himself in. Mishka flopped onto the floor at his feet, huffing in frustration that he wouldn’t pet her. He didn’t try out of fear of causing her any discomfort the way James had experienced when he walked through Aleks.
James kept checking his phone, growing more irritated by the minute that Aleks hadn’t returned home. His phone stayed stubbornly silent.
A couple hours had passed when a knock sounded on the door and the dogs exploded into excitement.
“Alright, you two, chill out, Jesus christ,” James said, stepping high to get over the bundles of fur crowding his feet.
Aleks knew what was coming. He wished he could stop James from opening the door, wished he could protect James from the heartbreak he was about to experience. But it was too late. The door was open and James was hesitantly greeting two blue-clad police officers.
Aleks didn’t even listen to the conversation, waiting for the click of the door as the officers left. He only moved when he heard a heavy thud as James collapsed against the door and slid to the floor.
He wished he hadn't died so quickly. He wished he had felt any sort of pain for it as punishment, he didn't deserve to be so pain free while James suffered so much.
Ein and Mishka looked expectantly between the two of them, glancing from Aleks to the pile that was James in front of the door. Aleks finally moved to sit on the floor next to him, leaving a bit of space between them. He whistled and gently pat the air above James’ lap, inviting Ein to climb onto him. She did so enthusiastically and James immediately held her close and buried his face in her fur. Mishka slotted herself in between them, pulling her paw back as it slipped into the cold space Aleks’ leg occupied.
There was nothing he could do but watch as James fell apart beside him. Without a physical body he couldn’t even cry as the emotions welled up inside him with no outlet.
He crumbled even more as James let out a choked sob, hugging Ein even tighter. Aleks slumped and banged his head against the wall.
If hell was watching the love of your life suffer alone, he was in it.
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alteredphoenix · 3 years
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Pictured here, colorized, December 12, 2020:
The Father, the Son, and the Unholy Spirit.
Oh, and his blood elf master slash personal contractor slash kind-of-a-friend-but-he-isn’t-Jhazkrit-swears-on-it.
Suffer well.
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haledamage · 4 years
"I just really miss talking to you" for Kira
(what’s that? you said you want some soft Kira/Mason? don’t mind if I do :3 mild spoilers for Mason’s route in Book 2)
Mason couldn’t fight the smirk that spread across his face when he walked into the living room of the warehouse to find Kira on the sofa. He paused in the doorway and took a moment to look her over.
She was wearing a t-shirt for a band he’d never heard of and a pair of deliciously snug pajama bottoms - still all in black, but much more casual than what she normally wore. A pair of delicate, oval glasses rested on her nose, the gold frames of them turning her light brown eyes a honey colour.
She had a book in her lap, but she slammed it shut as he watched, one hand coming up to pinch the bridge of her nose hard enough that her knuckles turned white. He was surprised she didn’t leave bruises.
He flopped down on the couch next to her, and he didn’t miss the way she flinched at the sudden motion.
"I didn’t know you wore glasses," he said as a greeting.
"I don’t, if I can help it." Kira dropped her hand to her lap and looked up at him, eyes bleary with pain. "But today’s shaping up to be a bad headache day, and the contacts make it worse. If I were in my apartment, I’d skip them completely and just spend the day in soft focus."
"You get these headaches a lot?" Mason didn't notice the concern in his voice, but she did, and it drew a smile from her in spite of the pounding in her head.
"No. Two or three a month, is all. I’ve got medicine for it, but it…" she shrugged, "it doesn’t always work."
"You want me to leave you alone?" he asked when she rubbed her hand over her face again, squinting in the dim lamps as if they were as bright as the sun outside.
"No. You don’t…" she paused to find the right words, then just echoed his statement from weeks ago back to him. "You don’t invade my space like others do. Why’re you here?"
"Clearly because I just really miss talking to you, sweetheart." It was obviously supposed to be sarcasm, but didn’t have any bite to it. Maybe he meant it. Stranger things had happened.
“Don’t think I’ll be much use at conversation today.” A faint blush spread across her cheeks and she added in a mumble, “Or at any of the other things we could do instead.”
He chuckled quietly, the sound of it easing a little of the ache in her skull. "Wouldn’t be any fun if you can’t enjoy it."
His arm slipped over her shoulders and he gave her a little tug toward him. An invitation. She took it and leaned back against him, half laying on him with her head tilted back on his shoulder. His arm dropped down to her waist instead and she rested a hand on his thigh and for a while they just stayed like that, the only sound in the room the ticking of the clock and their mingled breathing.
“Still hurt?”
“Yes,” Kira admitted in a whisper. “But it’s… better, when you’re here.”
Mason was beginning to know the feeling. He didn't dwell on what that might mean. "Stay as long as you like."
Nate ducked his head through the living room doorway. It looked empty, but he could hear two familiar heartbeats faintly over the carriage clock over the fireplace. "Mason?"
There was no answer.
No answer.
Reluctantly, he stepped further into the room. He couldn’t hear any of the noises he would expect if they were… in the middle of something, but that didn’t necessarily mean they weren’t. He braced himself just in case, then stepped around the edge of the couch.
Mason lay sprawled out across the length of the sofa, head on the armrest and ankles crossed, and tucked cosily between his body and the back of the couch was Kira. Her head was on Mason’s chest, gold-rimmed glasses askew, a knot of pain between her eyebrows that faded just a little with every passing second. Her hand was pressed over Mason’s heart and his covered it as if to keep it in place; his other hand rested low enough on her hip to make Nate purse his lips disapprovingly.
They were both deep asleep.
Nate bit his lip to stifle a chuckle at the surprising situation he’d stumbled into. It was heartwarming to know that despite their efforts to the contrary, there was more to Kira and Mason’s relationship (he could call it that in his mind, no matter how much they’d deny that’s what it was if they were awake) than just sex.
He carefully eased Kira’s glasses off, folded them, and set them on the coffee table, then grabbed a throw blanket from the back of one of the chairs and draped it over the sleeping couple.
Then he crept back out of the room and eased the door shut behind him.
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pearlcscent · 4 years
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brutgroup · 2 years
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Dear all, We are happy to announce that ”Socialist Modernism in the Former Eastern Bloc”, the fourth photo album/digital architectural guide of @_BA_CU ’s planned series, is available in 800 copies. Those who are interested in #SocialistModernism are able to order the book on 👉🏻 @fdestribute @FuDeshopAmazon 👈🏻distributor page, (Link in our profile👆🏻) ; link: http://fdestribute.com/fdshop/ or AMAZON: https://www.amazon.de/-/en/B-C-U-Association/dp/6069509714/ref=pd_sbs_2?pd_rd_w=VyBIv&pf_rd_p=c47a53d1-d94f-481c-a018-dcea8bd5c736&pf_rd_r=C569EW7NRVYV4Y9N7FPD&pd_rd_r=f77bdf56-066f-4a46-be20-fa5555662789&pd_rd_wg=EuTQY&pd_rd_i=6069509714&psc=1 by selecting the Photo album from among the books listed. (DHL Express Shipping worldwide) #SocialistModernism #_BA_ The photo album includes landmarks of socialist modernist architecture in the Former Eastern Bloc Countries – erected from 1955 to 1991. B.A.C.U. Association explains socialist modernist tendencies, it presents – in color photographs – a functional image of the buildings and their often original elements that synthesize local culture and traditions, while bringing you up to date with their current state of conservation. The 130 landmarks included in this volume have been organized by function, into six sections. The book contains the authors’ view on the Former Eastern Bloc Countries modernist architecture. Print run 800 Pages 194+ 1 Spread/ the Former Eastern Bloc Countries - SOC MOD Map English, French and Spanish Size 26×28.5 cm Weight 1.25 kg Designed and published by @_BA_CU Association CU - 10 pic Aul development, Almaty 2 pic: Experimental residential building in Bratislava, Slovakia, built between 1968-74 Architect Štefan Svetko with J. Hauskrecht 3 pic: Olympic mascot Mishka (1980) on an apartment block in Osh, Kyrgystan. 5 pic: Pantheon of the fallen in the fight against fascism and capitalism Burgas, Bulgaria Built in 1981. 10 pic: The Aul Residential Complex, Almaty, Kazakhstan Built in stages between 1986-2002 Architects: B. Voronin, L. Andreyeva et al. 1 pic: State Circus, Baku, Azerbaijan, Built in 1967 https://www.instagram.com/p/ClfAHHCo_hr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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