#c: sigmund
insurrection-if · 3 months
This will be hard to do I think :). Can you describe the romanceables' routes in a few words?
Ah, ‘a few words’?! ∑(; °Д°) My worst nightmare, haha!
Apologies for not cutting this all down further, and for the quality of what’s below, but I hope this is satisfactory! ദ്ദി(˶‾᷄ᗜ‾᷅˵ ᵕ) I tried to rush this to force the word count down as much as I could, but my poor wordy habits die hard (and not at all)!
Onto the main romances . . .
Akil: Forbidden. Challenged. A false betrayal to old ideals, corrupted loyalties. Learning to accept. Declaring his own path, following his heart before his mind. A tenuous tomorrow . . . unless he makes a better one for you both.
Kamiko: Fearful. Guarded. Bridging the divide, a new kind of strength. A new meaning for sacrifice. Quiet, devoted, a love built by trust. The shadow to your light.
Sigmund: Deceptively Slow, Suffocatingly Quick. Loyal, Sacrificial. Safer apart, but you're his. He wants you to be. Fears—and knows—he doesn’t deserve it.
Imka: Nervous. Startled. Helpless. Falling too quick, caring too much. Learning to be bold, to be herself. Learning to love herself like you do.
Elouan: Scarred. Wanting. Pleasant, but cold. Burning up within. Real love for the first time. Forgiving, or Forgetting.
Jae: Flighty. Teasing. Scared to Commit, Scared to be Yours. Looking past the present, washing down the past. She’ll be with you, sticking through hell and tomorrow. Bird without a cage.
Niccolò: Clumsy. Genuine. Flawed, imperfect, real. Peeling back the layers of the self, loving every bit. Facing eternity, immortality. And then, facing chaos before the end. What it means to be a human who loves.
Mutya: Grounding. Pinning. Unwinding, unraveling. Letting loose, standing firm. A pillar to lean on, one to support. Opening up to the vulnerability of love and hurt.
Fyodor: Star-Crossed. Soulmates, artificially made. Broken pieces forced together, ripped apart. Unstable. Glorified. Putting all his hopes in a dream, and learning to love the reality.
And for the others . . .
Dearil: Unwanted. Tearing up stitches, reclaiming what was lost and never his. Desperate to keep, bound to ruin.
Curadora: Wrong place, wrong time. Covert. Watched. Reunited, yet slipping from her grasp, pulled apart by the need for a new age and new people. Wait for her, please.
Retriever: Fast, messy, reigned back, and broken free. Hesitant on the outside, drowning within. Now or never, before the final piece of him meets the fall.
Lempo: Saccharine. Selfish. Unbound. Escaping the world, and oneself, together.
Bones: Regret. Recovery. Letting go. Pushing and pulling, the madness of love.
Mishka: Humanizing. Bitter. Eternal. First Love, Only Love. Doomed.
Thank you for this interesting ask! (´∀`)
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jeannepompadour · 4 months
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"Dancing girl" by Sigmund Walter Hampel (1868-1949)
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squids-comics · 6 months
This Science Sunday will be a bit shorter, and will look at this series of panels here!
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Here, The Wizard is attempting to turn The Thing evil with Freudian Psychology! This is an outdated method of thinking and decision making that has a lot of prominence in pop culture because it was one of the first models proposed.
Freud's theory claims that we have three voices inside our head: the conscious ego, the unconscious superego, and the unconscious id. Freud speculated that the ego was comprised of all our thoughts and feelings, and was the decision maker of the brain. He also thought that, while we couldn't hear our superego or id, they would subtly influence our decision making in meaningful ways. He believed the superego compelled you to act selflessly and help people, while following laws and being a good person. The id on the other hand was compelled to seek reward. It would chase junk food and cocaine (which Freud did a lot of). These two voices would subtly nudge your ego towards certain decisions, like the trope of the angel and the devil on your shoulders.
This theory has never been proven, or even had supporting evidence shown, making me hesitant to call this a Science Sunday. Pseudoscience Sunday may be closer. No matter if you believe the theory or not, Stan Lee's understanding of it seems to be a little lacking, as as soon as The Thing has his id enlarged, he immediately tries to kill all his friends. This isn't the kind of instant gratification behaviour the id is known to seek. It also wouldn't make him any easier to control. It might actually make him harder to control, as he'd be more inclined to act in his own self interest.
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pranklinfierce · 4 months
It is the centennial of Woodrow Wilson's death day! ⚰️ 🎉
@anorexic-bitch-from-the-swamp @ruburnz you're my target audience
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asgoodeasgold · 8 months
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Sony Pictures Classics have released a 3rd onset still, of Anthony Hopkins as Sigmund Freud in Freud's Last Session.
Not long to wait now!
Reminder of key dates:
🔸️ World premiere at AFI Festival on 27 Oct followed by conversation with Director Matt Brown
🔸️ Opens on 22 Dec in NY & LA
🔸️ Wider theatrical release in Jan 24
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vinceaddams · 9 months
Early 18th (and late 17th) century fashions are so under-utilized in vampire media and I think it's a damn shame.
I don't actually think I've ever seen a single image of a vampire character in an early 18th century suit. Hardly any movies set in that era either, and hardly any historical costumers who do it. (Even my beloved gay pirate show set in 1717 takes nearly all of its 18th century looks from the second half of the century. Not enough appreciation for baroque fashion!!)
Yes I love late 18th century fashion as much as anyone, and 19th century formal suits are all very well and good, but if you want something that says old, dead, wealthy, and slightly dishevelled, then the 1690's-1730's are where it's at.
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(Retrato del Virrey Alencastre Noroña y Silva, Duque de Linares, ca. 1711-1723.)
There was so much dark velvet, and so many little metallic buttons & buttonholes. Blood red linings were VERY fashionable in this era, no matter what the colour of the rest of the suit was.
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(Johann Christoph Freiherr von Bartenstein by Martin van Meytens the Younger, 1730's.)
The slits on the front of the shirts are super low, they button only at the collar, and it's fashionable to leave most of the waistcoat unbuttoned so the shirt sticks out, as seen in the above portraits.
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(Portrait of Anne Louis Goislard de Montsabert, Comte de Richbourg-le-Toureil, 1734.)
Waistcoats are very long, coats are very full, and the cuffs are huge. But the sleeves are on the shorter side to show off more of that shirt, and the ruffles if it has them! Creepy undead hands with long nails would sit so nicely under those ruffles.
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(1720's-30's, LACMA)
Embroidery designs are huge and chunky and often full of metallic threads, and the brocade designs even bigger.
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(1730's, V&A, metal and silk embroidery on silk satin.)
Sometimes they did this fun thing where the coat would have contrasting cuffs made from the same fabric as the waistcoat.
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(Niklaus Sigmund Steiger by Johann Rudolf Huber, 1724.)
Tell me this look isn't positively made for vampires!
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(Portrait of Jean-Baptiste de Roll-Montpellier, 1713.)
(Yeah I am cherry-picking mostly red and black examples for this post, and there are plenty of non-vampire-y looking images from this time, but you get the idea!)
And the wrappers (at-home robes) were also cut very large, and, if you could afford it, made with incredible brocades.
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(Portrait of a nobleman by Giovanni Maria delle Piane, no date given but I'd guess maybe 1680's or 90's.)
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(Circle of Giovanni Maria delle Piane, no date given but I'd guess very late 17th or very early 18th century.)
Now that looks like a child who's been stuck at the same age for a hundred years if I ever saw one!
I don't know as much about the women's fashion from this era, but they had many equally large and elabourate things.
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(1730's, Museo del Traje.)
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(Don't believe The Met's shitty dating, this is a robe volante from probably the 1720's.)
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(Mantua, c. 1708, The Met. No idea why they had to be that specific when they get other things wrong by entire decades but ok.)
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(Portrait of Duchess Colavit Piccolomini, 1690's.)
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(Maria van Buttinga-van Berghuys by Hermannus Collenius, 1717.)
Sometimes they also had these cute little devil horn hair curls that came down on either side of the forehead.
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(Viago in drag Portrait of a lady, Italian School, c. 1690.)
Enough suave Victorian vampires, I want to see Baroque ones! With huge wigs and brocade coat cuffs so big they go past the elbow!
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ragazzoarcano · 8 months
“Sai perché le persone ci tengono tanto a ricevere un messaggio, o una chiamata, o un abbraccio, o un consiglio, un bacio? Perché prima di compiere un gesto c’ è il pensiero. Devi pensarci, per forza. Ed è questo che le persone vogliono: essere il pensiero che ha la smania di trasformarsi in un gesto.”
— Sigmund Freud
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huariqueje · 2 months
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Summer evening  -   Sigmund Sinding , c. 1901.
Norwegian, 1875-1936
Oil on plate , 90.5 x 115 cm
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natalieironside · 5 months
Sigmund Freud, as the first true psychoanalyst, demonstrates to us that the best thing about being the first true whatever-it-is is you can just make up a bunch of fantastical counterfactual bullshit and ppl will buy it b/c who are they gonna listen to
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insurrection-if · 4 months
With Mockingbird (I want to say mockingjay really bad, thanks Hunger Games) gift being so centered around biting and consumption, could it be easy to imagine some mcs have more mouthy behaviors? Like Mc has a subconscious/nervous tic to lightly bite at their own hand or bite at their close friends and families.
How the ros react to seeing it happen? And would they have a particular reaction to Mc lightly biting them casually in romantic relationships (never enough to draw blood)?
。゚ ( ゚^∀^゚)゚。 I can deeply relate to the tendency for biting and mouthy behaviors as a means of comfort . . . just not when it comes to biting other people, haha! Goodness, I bit and chewed on everything as a kid! Thankfully, I’ve settled down to only biting my nails and having a horrible relationship with gum, haha! (Seriously, give me a single piece of gum and I won’t be able to eat or speak the whole next day due to the soreness of my jaw.)
But yes, I imagine that mouthy and biting behaviors are super fitting for some MCs—I really love the thought of it! ( ´∀`)b
Biting Themself: His first instinct would be to chide against such behavior, thinking it unsanitary, unsafe, and simply a poor habit for self-conduct. He might try to catch Mockingbird's hand before it can reach their waiting teeth and open lips, careful to not hurt them as he does so, and guide it to rest within his own upon a table or their lap. If they had a penchant for biting their hair, he might form a (mindless) habit of brushing it behind their ear / shoulders so it may be out of reach from their mouth.
Akil would also likely gift Mockingbird gloves of some kind in order to prevent the skin of their hands from taking much damage or stress from this habit.
Biting Him: The beginnings of soft curses die out on his lips whenever he feels your teeth capture his skin, his instinctual resistance eased into a tired sigh when your bites prove to be curious and light. He prefers to have your bites on his hands when they are protected by gloves, and those that wander closer to his shoulders and neck are better received once the day is done.
If you must bite him to soothe yourself, unable to control this habit by sheer will, he would request you do so solely in private.
Biting Themself: From anyone else, she would assume it to be yet another eccentricity among the odd company she holds. She resists lifting a brow towards this unsanitary habit, and the fixation of her gaze as you engage in this behavior carries a soft layer of concern. It seems to be harmless physically and mentally. You seem to take comfort and satisfaction in those unconscious bites. She tells herself it is cuter than it is disconcerting, but these internal words don't always ring true.
If anyone else had anything to say about this habit, whether it be teasing or shaming, she would not think before rising to your defense.
Biting Her: It does not make sense to her. Your gift, strange and ever-changing as it is, has always longed for the bloody connection to your fellow Gifted alone. In the beginning, she had assumed your habit to be a manifestation of its insatiability . . . of the natural predator's instinct that laid behind the odd and alluring surface you presented.
But she is no Gifted. And yet, even still, it seems you are still drawn to nip and tug at her exposed skin with a gentleness both thoughtless and dangerous from a mouth so ravenous.
It used to frighten her. Beneath the false serenity she tried to wear when she first started to lose her heart to you, there had been a cold dread that weighed in her stomach whenever your teeth casually grazed and caressed her. Self-discipline had kept her still. A longing for trust, unquestionable and true, kept her vague horror contained to a stoic tension easily misread as shyness.
In time, in a process as gradual as it was subconscious, that fear had been lost. Instead, it has been replaced by the presence of the faintest blush as she "tolerates" the strange habit, only pushing you away with a light hand whenever a professional air needs to be kept.
Biting Themself: Once he recognizes this to be a common nervous tic, he will be vigilant in keeping an eye out for it.
He will ask if something is on their mind, if something is troubling them. If there is a burden they are keeping to themself, mulling over and coping with through this behavior, he would want the weight of it to be shared with him.
As he tries to coax them to speak on whatever matter might be worrying them, direct yet patient in his approach, he too would reach out his hand for Mockingbird to take hold, either so he can examine the extent of irritation that may have been caused to their skin or simply to hold their hand as a means of support / keeping it from their nervous bites.
If Mockingbird is not troubled by anything, simply having fallen into the act by absent-minded habit, he would be relieved to hear that is the case. Still, he would consider this a sign to perhaps distract Mockingbird with some shared company or activity in order to pull them out from whatever daze or mood urged them to bite themself in the first place.
Biting Him: He hates how much he enjoys this.
He hates how easily his smiles come as your teeth gnaw and cling to him without hesitation or thought. How laughter threatens to seep past his lips as you nip with the odd and dangerous cuteness of a pet.
It stirs something within him to know you are so comfortable with him, bearing trust in him to not hurt or reject you as you soothe yourself with these soft bites. Even when his pulse seems to spike when your teeth meet his skin, burning with a worry and excitement you must practically taste, he cannot help but enjoy the moment that would seem so strange to another's eyes.
He cares little for who sees this little quirk of yours. Whether your bites stay fixated on his hands or stray upwards to nip at his neck, it would be a rare occurrence for him to ever fully deny you this small habit of comfort.
Biting Themself: She would notably worry, from acquaintanceship to the crushing stage, over Mockingbird potentially hurting themself with such a habit. Then again, she possesses her own nervous tics that some of the others have occasionally tried to dissuade, and she knows how hard it is to quell something so ingrained and comforting.
If she saw them particularly distressed / antsy / rough in their habit, she would shyly request to hold their hand in hers. Her touch would hover lightly above the stressed skin, trying to observe potential irritation or scratches caused by the pressure of your teeth. If there is need to tend to it, she will. If not, then she will hesitate a moment before asking if there's anything she can do to distract Mockingbird, hoping to occupy them from the mindless habit as best she can.
Biting Her: Sometimes, a tickled yelp escapes her. Other times, a flustered gasp slips past her lips. But when it comes to her most common reaction of all, rarely does she manage to voice the shock of her scattered thoughts through more than a squeak.
Her face burns with the intensity of embarrassment and desire all at once, the simple habit to you feeling far too intimate for any returned casual indifference. Your lips graze and tease her. Your teeth stir her heart with an equal sense of fear and excitement. To know you are drawn to her like this, feel comfortable with her like this . . . it's enough to make her a little dizzy.
She feels all the more like a foolish, lovesick pup to be so flustered by what is little more than a thoughtless habit to you.
Biting Themself: "You should not be so cruel to yourself, dear."
There is no seriousness to his tone, the words given with a smile more polite than it is genuine. "You are the most enchanting creature I have ever seen. To sully yourself with the stress of your teeth, marring your skin like this again and again . . . I fear you might not understand just what kind of perfection you are tearing at with those little bites.”
Instinctively, his own hands tug at the ends of his gloves, his own tic of comfort at the thought of any ruin you might cause to your skin. Yet his smile remains, as empty a gesture as it is.
He will not force an end to the habit, but he would not wish to encourage it either. A tense smile, a polite one depending on his mind and mood, would be all he gives before diverting his gaze from your little habit.
He would, however, insist that you clean your hands / skin before and after indulging in this quirk of yours. He will assist in cleaning your hands himself if need be to ensure that you do.
Biting Him: If deeper into your relationship, the pressure of your teeth, light though it may be, pleases him all the same.
Never will he let your little bites mindlessly nip and graze the bare skin of his hands—the aching memories of their scars too sensitive even for the sweet toying of your harmless habit—but, with gloves adorned, they are yours for the taking.
Sometimes he will pretend to pay it no mind, casually continuing conversations with another as you capture his hand between your teeth. Sometimes he will offer the odd compliment to the brilliance of your teeth, the light brush of your lips, or the skill of your bites that satisfy you without any true harm to himself.
It calls to mind the lost companionship of his precious little birds, the occasional nip and grip of their beaks as they climbed and sought to share their affection with him.
It is no wonder then that he takes much more to calling you pet once this habit has fully revealed itself in time, though he does not take conscious notice of the newfound fondness he has for this endearment towards you.
Biting Themself: Once, she would have laughed at the sight. Like an itchy dog, you nibble and capture your own skin between your teeth without care or concern for whoever might see this odd habit at play. How could she not consider a quirk like this to be so humorous a thing to see?
Friendship makes her question her laughter. Love, slow as it might be, makes her laughter cease, replaced by a fond smile and fierce resistance to any who may make a comment in judgement.
She is not one to force change upon you. If this brings you comfort, then she will stand by and allow you this little, if strange, respite from whatever might trouble your mind. Yes, she will do her part in cleaning yours hands from any stray stains of your spit or kissing your irritated skin so it might feel a little better after such thoughtless kneading beneath teeth, but she will not think to chastise you for this.
Cope as you wish, so long as it allows you to feel better in the end.
It also helps that you are too cute to chastise when you bite at yourself like this.
Biting Her: She bites down her grin, excitement and pleasure bubbling as she all but fawns over the light grasp of your teeth.
Yes, she cannot help how this excites her. To be caught in the grip of those teeth usually made so pretty with blood, knowing that no true harm will come to her when she so clearly lays claim to your heart . . . Her excitement is one rooted in her sudden awareness towards how lovely a beast you can be, yet you willingly—perhaps unconsciously—tame yourself to bite her only in a manner so indulgently harmless.
There is something quite attractive in knowing that, hypothetically, at any moment, your ambition, your craving, or your cruel desires could tear through the skin and steal her blood for your own sole gain. Yet you do not.
All you seek instead . . . is comfort. How cute a sentiment.
It makes her love you all the more.
"Please", she'd drawl through smirking lips, "I know you can bite harder than that."
Perhaps the challenge is genuine. An invitation to let yourself loose with her, free from fear of hurting her. Or perhaps it is little more than a harmless tease, a joke more so for herself than for you.
However she means it, you are never left to question the fact that she is ultimately pleased to be held and used by your teeth.
Biting Themself: He cannot help but be humored by the sight of your bites and nibbles. You resemble more a small critter of the forest, wild and free, than an imprisoned and blood-drawn Gifted whenever he catches you in this act.
"You must taste so sweet," he hums with a smile as he studies the faint trails of marks left upon your hand, barely perceptible to the natural eye, "I wish I could have a taste of my own as well."
At odd hours of the day, he reminisces upon this habit of yours. Theorizes on whether it is another clue towards the secret of your blood, the veiled and suppressed essence of your gift's purpose.
He imagines what it must be like to have a tongue that tastes, to have teeth that in some sense or another feel, and how it might be if he were the one to bite gently at you as you do to yourself.
He adores it, of course, for it is another curiosity for him to examine, unfold, and, ultimately, love as another eccentricity of yours.
Biting Him: “Does it not hurt?”
It is not a question asked with concern or reprimand. His tone is light, curious, and the intense focus of his gaze upon your lips and teeth (bared to his sight now and then) speaks instead of his unquenchable fascination for you and all that you do.
He knows that he lacks the softness of a human touch. He cannot offer a hand that is anything but cold, anything but tough and false. And he marvels at how you do not mind; you do not care. Your teeth persist, almost as if they were determined to mark or draw something from him. Sometimes light and slow in their touch with mindful caution, other times firm and possessive with distracted abandon.
It delights him. Amuses him. Never will he deny the grasp and touch of your teeth. It is a curious, beloved, habit and he would never wish to deprive you of it.
Biting Themself: "Don’t.”
The command comes out more bluntly than she would have liked. She frowns, recollects her thoughts, and tries again.
“Please . . . don’t.”
Eloquent as ever, her frown twists into something a little more bitter as she internally scolds herself. She sighs through her nose and tries yet again.
“I don’t want you to hurt yourself,” she begins with as much softness as she can force herself to muster when worry forces her to tense, “Your body is a temple, mahal. Biting at it, stressing it, hurting it without a thought . . . I’d rather we find better ways for you to reassure yourself. Healthier habits of control.”
She remembers her old habits. Rooting herself in the present with pain: self-inflicted bruises and aches meant to empty her from any and all thoughts. She had been little more than a child, as you must have been when this habit first began. And though she herself has not managed to fully erase those old reliances that promised her more long-term harm than short-term relief, she has come much farther than she once ever thought possible for herself.
As small a thing as your bites may be, she does not wish to encourage their frequency, much less your reliance on them. Especially with someone like Uriel across enemy lines, who can excite your emotions in the worst of ways, urging your methods of coping to manifest in as ugly and brutal a manner as possible . . . No, she would rather caution against the possibility of something like this ever becoming a source of true, self-inflicted harm upon yourself.
Biting Her: “Fuc—!"
Her curse is cut off by a hiss, the moment of shock quickly easing once she realizes it is only you. A grunt, perhaps a groan, rumbles into a relenting sigh as she forces herself to relax beneath the sudden hold of your teeth.
It is almost embarrassing how quickly she gives into this habit of yours. She worries now and then that it is dangerous for her to encourage it at all, knowing what an effect the mere proximity and pulse of another Gifted’s blood can have over you.
And yet, you do not seem to share her reservations or troubles. You claim it is a form of comfort, and other times that this is little more than a thoughtless urge.
When it is only her that you pose to hurt—though she knows you never would, not with intention— then who is she to deny you your nature? Worry may pinch at her brows, sighs may slip past her lips, but never will her hand push you away. She loves you for all that you are, and the strange habit of bites like those from a playful—if poorly trained—pet becomes easier to accept as time passes by.
Biting Themself: It is an adorable sight whenever he catches you nibbling at your own skin, leaving lovely indentations from your perfect teeth onto your perfect hands. It is all lovely because it is all you.
Perhaps he will begin to call you his little rabbit. That is what your small bites call to mind as he observes them with apt attention.
If you are his, then he will not hesitate to take your marked hands to caress, to coat them with generous kisses, hoping for their redness / impressions ache to be soothed.
Biting Him: He cannot deny you; not in this, at least.
It is a harmless habit to him. Your teeth tickle. They offer to him smiles and laughter, an expression flushed with joy and love as he feels your lips, spit, teeth, and heat caress him in pursuit of your own satisfaction.
It is cute like a puppy that teethes. It gives you comfort, and thus it gives him purpose. And if this succeeds in allowing your own skin some rest from your little bites, he is all the happier to offer himself in their place.
Though, in the presence of a busy public, he may at first fluster as your teeth pull gently and mark him lightly—without thought or intention—as an act so intimate to him is openly displayed for all to see. Deeper in a relationship, he would be incapable of paying mind to the presence of any others as his attention is solely captured by the touch of your lips and teeth against his skin.
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talonabraxas · 5 months
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In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made." In the beginning was the Word: the Logos, the sound frequency (vibration). We know that speech means not just any kind of a vibration, but a vibration that carries information. Thus, I create like the Word. In the Hebrew language, the phrase translates more accurately as "it came to pass as it was spoken." A - B - R - A - C - A - D - A - B - R - A A - B - R - A - C - A - D - A - B - R A - B - R - A - C - A - D - A - B A - B - R - A - C - A - D - A A - B - R - A - C - A - D A - B - R - A - C - A A - B - R - A - C A - B - R - A A - B - R A - B A Abracadabra and the Gnostics: Abracadabra was used as a magical formula by the Gnostics of the sect of Basilides in invoking the aid of beneficent spirits against disease and misfortune. It is found on Abraxas stones, which were worn as amulets. Subsequently, its use spread beyond the Gnostics. “Words have a magical power. They can bring either the greatest happiness or deepest despair; they can transfer knowledge from teacher to student; words enable the orator to sway his audience and dictate its decisions. Words are capable of arousing the strongest emotions and prompting all men's actions.” --Sigmund Freud Art by Denis Forkas Kostromitin
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brocktonbay · 1 year
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Rose & Blake: The Mirror Phase; or, Hatred of the Self Through the Gendered Other
Pact, J.C. McCrae // Girl at Mirror, Norman Rockwell // "Origin of Love," Stephen Trask // Twin Peaks, "Beyond Life and Death" // Fight Club (1999) // The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999) // The "Uncanny," Sigmund Freud // Supernatural, "Skin" // The Doppelgänger: Double Visions in German Literature, Andrew J. Webber // Black Swan (2010) // Pact, J. C. McCrae // "Mirror," Sylvia Plath // Not to Be Reproduced, René Magritte // Pact, J.C. McCrae
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pranklinfierce · 5 months
I can't believe no one was willing to put this on
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time-lady-the-sage · 6 months
Obviously there's a lot we can talk about with this chapter, namely protective!Yor being mvp as per always, standing up for herself as well as others (I am a human being) twat coworker #2 got a little bit of dimension, it seems Barbara and Sigmund are going to be at least semi-regular characters, not everyone in the Lady Patriots Society is as nice as the moms from the volleyball team ect.
But this is the one that excites me
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Endo-sensei please, I beg of you don't take this away from me for another TEN months YEARS! Plan C or not I need to see Yor have REAL FRIENDS who LIKE AND SUPPORT HER
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