#cal the mabari
warpedlegacywrites · 5 months
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Chapter 10: An Unexpected Guest
Someone unexpected pays an unannounced visit to the Kirkwall estate.
A bright moon presides over the docks and dances over the water as a solitary figure, hood pulled low over his brow, disembarks from one of the newly arrived galleys. He breathes deeply of the air, the familiar aroma of brine and blood filling his nostrils, welcoming him back to the City of Chains. It is a fitting greeting.  The streets of Kirkwall are just as he remembers – and yet not. An indefinable change, like a mirage that dances out of sight when he turns his head. Perhaps he’s been away too long. Memory is a fluid, elusive thing – he knows that better than most. Yet it is memory that guides him from the docks down into the basin, where people know better than to ask questions. He buys a kebab and swiftly devours it, ravenous from his long journey. South for honour, then north again for his own sake – twice over the Waking Sea inside of a fortnight.  Part of him wants to rest in Darktown. Weariness is settling into his bones, and old aches are growing insistent. He isn’t as young as he once was, and has never been gentle on his body. Time is dragging him down. But he can’t rest yet.  He takes the tunnel to avoid the moonlit streets and begins his ascent in shadow and silence, feeling his way along walls of pitch black, following the glowing trail of lichen and wrinkling his nose at the foul chokedamp. It’s unlikely his presence will cause much of a stir nowadays, but he prefers no more surprises. And he’d rather avoid word of his arrival making its way to the Viscount’s Keep for as long as possible.  It’s a long way up to Hightown, even with this shortcut. The stone is hard on his bare feet, and dangerously slick in places. He’ll be glad for smooth, dry marble again. When he finally emerges into the familiar cellar some time later, he’s disturbed to see the layers of dust left behind have been thoroughly cleaned. Someone has been here. 
DAFF Tag List: @rakshadow, @rosella-writes, @effelants, @bluewren, @breninarthur, @ar-lath-ma-cully, @dreadfutures, @ir0n-angel, @inquisimer, @crackinglamb, @theluckywizard, @nirikeehan, @oxygenforthewicked, @exalted-dawn-drabbles, @melisusthewee, @blarrghe, @agentkatie, @delicatefade, @leggywillow, @about2dance
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warpedlegacy · 1 year
2023 Fluffuary Day 4: Make them laugh/being silly.
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bigfan-fanfic · 4 years
Tash Adaar 
Lumi the Mabari - given to him by Queen Anora, Lumi is a large mabari hound with a pure white coat and dark eyes. She is playful and excitable and fiercely protective of Tash. Prefers no kaddis. Harold the Fennec Fox - found in Haven after the Conclave. Tends to sleep across Tash’s horns or around his neck like a scarf. Lazy and timid. Tends to show up wherever he pleases. Beige, big ears. Ser Bearin the Bear - joined in the Hinterlands. Somehow Tash befriended him and the bear was impossible to chase off. Rather docile but still gruff, he obeys Tash without question and serves as his mount. Black fur painted with blue dye.
Mysen of Denerim
Barkspawn the Mabari - bonds with Mysen in the Brecilian Forest. Is suspected to be Fade-touched. Reddish fur and strangely blue eyes. Named by Alistair. Barkspawn is strangely long-lived and remains energetic and affectionate.
Morgan Walker
Princess the Mabari - the former mabari hound of Ser Bryce Cousland, bonded with Morgan and traveled with him ever since. She has a great affinity with Kieran and protects/nannies him. Is much happier to stay in one place with Cullen and Kieran than traveling around. Brown fur, with runic kaddis.
Calenhad the Mabari - the mabari hound Cullen adopts and brings with him to their eventual home. Princess and Calenhad have lots of puppies.
Cal Hawke
Conor the Mabari - Cal Hawke’s mabari, ruddy brown fur with swirling red kaddis. Funny and clever. 
Henry Lucas
Mew the Cat -  a black kitten adopted by Cole and Henry to rescue her from being attacked due to superstition. She likes to nap on Cole’s hat or in Henry’s arms.
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starions · 2 years
"what are you doing up? Come to bed" BARK BARK
"what are you doing up? Come to bed" for percistair!!
653 words
Percy could not remember the last time she slept peacefully through the night. Whether it was waking up for her guard rotation at camp, being rudely interrupted by unlucky bandits or wandering darkspawn, or nightmares that clawed into the depths of her brain, sleep was never granted to her.
Tonight, unfortunately, came the nightmares; nightmares of her failure, nightmares of the blight consuming her world and her being utterly incapable of stopping it, nightmares of death and carnage. Sleep did not come easy after dreams of such violence, and not even the warmth of her lover could lull her back into the Fade.
The cold camp air prickled her skin; despite one of Alistair shirts draped along her frame, the bitter air still managed to make her teeth chatter. Still, her mind raced, and she’d rather distract herself in the cold of the camp than be alone with her thoughts wrapped in Alistair’s arms. He looked so peaceful as he slept that waking him up to talk would be a selfish endeavor. Why should she disturb his sleep just because hers was?
Instead, Percy gaved across her camp, looking for anything to do to free her mind of the unpleasantness that stirred her from sleep. From here, she could see Sten with his back facing toward her, taking watch over camp. Cal was there to guard, too, but the Mabari was doing little to help snoring soundly on his back. Judging by the sky, the sun wouldn’t rise for a few more hours, and she wondered if she should relieve Sten of his guard duties and take over.
The sound of a tent flap opening made Percy turn her head, and her gaze softened as Alistair emerged from the tent, strawberry blonde hair mussed from sleep. He yawned as he approached her, gently pulling her in to embrace her.
“My love,” he said, nose pressing into her messy brown hair, “what are you doing up? Come back to bed.”
“Can’t sleep,” Percy said into his chest. She sighed, revelling in his arms. Her nerves seemed to dissipate instantly.
He hummed into her hair, not needing to ask about the nightmares. He knew all too well about what horrors minds can bring in sleep. “You should have woken me.”
“You looked so peaceful,” Percy lifted her head to gaze up at him and smiled. “Like a little baby.”
“Yes, just what a groan man wants to hear, that he looks like a baby when he sleeps,” Alistair said with a joking tone.
Percy’s smile broadened as Alistair kissed the top of her forehead. “It was a compliment.”
“Oh I’m sure,” Alistair said. His hand slid down her body and grasped her hand, gently leading her back to the tent. Suddenly, Percy would much rather be curled up in her bedroll than on impromptu guard duty.
As the two got settled into their furs, legs tangled together, Percy gripped tightly onto her lover, as if he’d slip away if they were apart.
Just as the Fade was about to take her, Alistair whispered in her ear: “You know, you can wake me at any time. I wouldn’t mind. In fact, I want you to.”
Alistair’s words warmed her heart, and she sighed. “I just—I don’t want you to feel like I am burdening you with my problems.”
Alistair slinked his hand in between the two to lift her head up. “You will never ever burden me, Persephone. I mean it. Don’t feel like you need to hide anything from me, please.” He pressed a kiss to her lips. “I love you, my sweet girl.”
She didn’t know it until then, but those were words she desperately needed to hear. Percy nodded, tears threatening to spill over, and buried her head in his shoulder. “I love you too,” she said, before closing her eyes. Soon, sleep took her, and all was peaceful in this warm embrace.
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teknicianwrites · 3 years
Kissing a scar that they got from something traumatic for f!Hawke and Merrill?
Thank you for the lovely prompt! This definitely got away from me, but I think I like it anyway.
Meredith gave Marinda a last long look before nodding. "I trust we understand each other, Champion." She turned away, calling out to gather the mages and Templars she'd brought and headed back to the Gallows.
Carver glanced back at her and she gave him a sheepish shrug. He rolled his eyes and fell in line with the rest of his Order.
She took a moment to breathe in the cool night air of Hightown, but the normal comforting scent of night-blooming flowers was covered by blood and smoke.
Andraste give me strength.
Cheering erupted as Marinda gingerly walked back into the main hall of the Viscount's keep. Nobles rushed to her side to express their gratitude, touching her, crowding her, blocking her view as she tried to find her lovers in the crowd.
She forced a smile to her face and nodded at whatever Lady de Cerrac said. "If that's the best the Qunari have it's a wonder they're still causing trouble in the north," she replied, with no idea whether it was relevant to the topic. It probably was. If not to de Cerrac then to someone talking at her. The Arishok's body still lay on the ground where he'd fallen, and even the aristocracy of Hightown didn't have that short of an attention span.
Tittering laughter followed her words so it must have been the right thing to say, except it quickly became the wrong thing to say as a strong hand gave her an approving slap on the back. It took every ounce of willpower she had to grin through the fire that lanced through her abdomen for it. The owner of the offending hand grinned back at her underneath a disheveled mustache. "Too right, Champion, too right you are!"
Maker, she had to get out of here. She couldn't pass out in front of everyone, not after the Knight-Commander had given her that title.
She could have cried with relief when Aveline pushed her way through the throng, Merrill trailing close behind and Varric's voice ringing out, "Alright everyone, I know she's impressive but I do believe our Champion has earned her beauty sleep."
Despite the murmurs of disappointment, the crowd parted for the Guard Captain as she led Marinda out into the night. Merrill came to her side, and Marinda clutched at her hand for support.
"Where's Bela?" she asked softly, still forcing herself to walk with an event gait while within sight of the dispersing nobility.
"She skulked away in the commotion," Aveline said, voice hard with disapproval.
Merrill tucked herself closer, pulling Marinda's hand to drape her arm over her shoulder, and Marinda leaned into it gratefully. Her warm body shared much-needed heat after Marinda's recent blood loss."I think the crowd made her nervous. She'll be back. She always comes back."
Aveline shot her a skeptical look, but upon looking over Marinda's increasingly failing attempts to hide her pain, kept her thoughts to herself.
"What did the Knight-Commander want, Chuckles?" Varric asked as they walked through an empty side-street on the way back to her home.
"Oh, you know, the normal things." Marinda attempted a half shrug and choked back a whimper for how it made agony shoot down her side. "The duties of a Champion, my responsibility to the city, she'll throw me in the Gallows if I don't toe the line. All the standard formalities."
Merrill's eyes widened as she turned to her, and Marinda stumbled. "She wouldn't. You saved the city! You can't lock someone up after they saved the city!"
In the privacy of the alley she allowed herself a small groan from the sudden change in angle. Merrill bit her lip apologetically and returned her position at Marinda's side. "She didn't say those exact words, but it was heavily implied."
Aveline frowned. "It may have been bravado, Hawke. She named you Champion herself. Hauling you in now would be a tough sell."
"Red's right," Varric agreed, then hummed thoughtfully. "Still, it wouldn't hurt to ingratiate yourself with the hoity-toity in the coming months." Marinda groaned at the thought and Varric shrugged. "I'm just saying. You get into some weird shit with some weird people. Hightown having your back would be a good position to be in."
"I just saved all their lives! Isn't that enough?" Marinda whined, because if she was whining in annoyance then she wasn't whining in pain.
"With these people? Start going to the dinner parties, Chuckles. Trust me on this."
They reached the front door of her estate and she slumped in defeat. Merrill unlocked it for her and helped her through the threshold. She was immediately greeted by a cold mabari nose against her palm..
"Hey, Cal. It's fine. I'm fine." She gave him a reassuring scratch behind the ear.
Cal whined his disagreement and licked blood from her hand.
"Meserre!" Bodhan peeked his head out from the basement. "You're alright! Is the trouble over?"
"Yes, Bodhan. Everything's fine." Her gut was screaming at her to lie down and she was cold and lightheaded from blood loss, but she was breathing and the house was still standing. That counted as fine, right? "Do we have any elfroot?"
His eyes darted over her bloody and battered form. "I believe so, meserre. Is there anything else you need? Food? A hot bath?"
A hot bath sounded lovely, but she was afraid she would black out and drown in it. Not a very Championly way to die. "Maybe some broth? And water?" She knew she desperately needed fluids.
"Of course, meserre. Orana's down the stairs keeping the boy calm. I'll have her whip something up for you right and proper."
"Thank you."
Merrill scurried off after him, saying she was going to get some bandages, and Marinda was suddenly faced with the prospect of getting to her room.
All she wanted to do was pass out in her bed, but the stairs down from the Viscount's Keep had been bad enough. Stairs going up? She stared at the climb in despair.
Aveline must have seen her face. She held out her hand and, when Marinda moved to take it, gently scooped her up into her arms. Marinda hissed as her middle was jostled, and Maker, if she had the blood for it she would be blushing in humiliation at finding herself in a bridal carry.
"Aveline-" she tried to protest, and Aveline cut her off with a stern glare.
"No, Hawke. Hush. I've got you."
Varric's amused face quickly fell when she didn't put up any more fight. "I'm going to see if I can find Blondie for you."
Marinda shook her head. "He's probably healing people the Qunari hurt. Don't pull him away from that, I'll be fine."
He gave her a dubious look. "All the same. I'll let him know you're hurt and ask him to check on you when he gets a chance."
She was too tired to keep arguing and let herself slump into Aveline's hold.
Aveline carefully carried her upstairs and carefully deposited her on her bed. Cal immediately hopped up to her side, snuffling his concern at her neck.
"No, buddy," she murmured. He whined, but she knew he would get in the way of getting her armor off. "Foot of the bed," she offered in compromise, and he whined again but obeyed.
Merrill came through the door, balancing bandages, rags, a bowl, a cup, and a pitcher in her arms. She must have had Bodahn pile it onto her; there was no way she could have stacked it herself. "I've got everything. Well, not everything, Orana's working on the broth, but everything else. There's elfroot under here somewhere, if I can… oh…" She seemed to realize her predicament. Her arms were so full she had no way to put anything down without dropping it all, and the sloshing from the pitcher told Marinda it was already full.
Aveline came to her rescue, setting the pitcher on the nightstand and helping her unload the rest onto the bed.
"Thank you Aveline! I didn't think that through. I should have let Bodhan help me but poor Sandal was so scared I couldn't bear to pull him away with Orana needing to cook," she rambled anxiously.
"It's fine, Merrill." Aveline gave Marinda a long look. "You'll really be alright? You're not trying to joke away internal bleeding?"
Marinda huffed a soft laugh she immediately regretted. "Everything hurts, but I'm not going to die. I may not have my own ride-along passenger like Anders, but I'm still a healer. I'm not losing any blood. Just need time to make some more."
"I'm trusting you on this, Hawke. You'd better be alive tomorrow," was the stern reply.
Marinda gave a weak smile. "Champion's honor." She gave a weak salute. Did Champions salute? She didn't know. She should have asked Meredith for a handbook. "Go. I know you need to check on your men and get the city to stop being on fire." Marinda watched Aveline's face meander between exasperation and amusement, before finally making the unexpected journey to sincere.
"Thank you. You saved a lot of lives tonight. Even if Hightown forgets that in a month, I won't." Aveline gave her hand a squeeze and looked to Merrill. "Take care of her."
"I will," she promised.
Aveline gave them both a nod and left, pulling the door closed behind her.
Merrill hovered at her side. "Ma vhenan, what do you need?"
"Water. Please."
Merrill helped her drink, then gave her some elfroot to help with the pain. Marinda chewed on it, ignoring the bitter taste as Merrill carefully helped her out of her ruined armor. Her lover was gentle, but everything hurt and Merrill apologized for every wince and gasp.
"Creators…" Merrill stared at the fresh scar on her stomach.
"Fuck," Marinda agreed, looking down at herself.
She'd known it was bad. The Arishok had run her completely through and pinned her to the wall of the Keep. But even with dried blood obscuring it, Marinda felt light-headed to see just how much of her torso had been rent apart.
Merrill took an unsteady breath and dipped a clean rag into the bowl of water, gently washing the blood away to reveal the full extent of the scar. Her hand shook as she wet the rag again, moving to clean a smaller wound at Marinda's shoulder.
Marinda tore her gaze from the scar and looked at Merrill's face to find her eyes welling with tears. Marinda gently caught her wrist and pulled the cloth away, setting it aside and entwining their fingers with her other hand.
"I'm ok, Merrill. I'll be ok."
Merrill tightened her grip like her hand was a lifeline. "You almost died."
The Arishok whirled on her, and she ducked away from his axe and stumbled against the wall.
She should have been watching the sword.
"I'm alive. I'm here."
"You almost died. You were on the ground and you weren't moving and there was so much blood… Creators, there was so much blood."
Agony liked fire burned in her gut, clear through her back. She heard metal scrape against stone as she looked down at the weapon piercing her torso.
"I'm here."
"You were already so hurt and then-"
Her vision blurred as she looked up at his snear.
"Your role is realized."
"You shouldn't have done it. I didn't teach you just to watch it kill you. You almost died-"
This was how she was going to die. She stared into his eyes and distantly heard someone scream her name. She turned toward the sound and saw Bela, restrained by two Qunari, frantically trying to break free.
"I couldn't let him take her."
She was dying, but she wasn't dead yet. And she wouldn't let him have her.
"I know. I know, ma vhenan. But I thought I lost you. I thought I killed you."
With a cry of rage and pain, she ripped the power of her own lifeblood from her wound, and boiled his blood in his veins.
"You saved me."
"Merrill no, there's too many people-"
Marinda turned Merrill's hands over and pushed back her sleeves, and traced the fresh scars from where she had used her own blood to keep Marinda's in her body.
"I can only slow the bleeding, I can't close the wound. Heal yourself, vhenan."
"That was so dangerous, love. All of the nobility could have seen."
Merrill laughed through her sobs. "You started it. You lost so much blood they would have thought it was yours."
"I can't lose you. Heal yourself or I'll bleed myself dry, I won't watch you die-"
Marinda kissed her left wrist, then her right, feeling each scar beneath her lips that had saved her life.
"I can't."
"You can."
She kissed them again, and a third time for good measure, and it wasn't until she tasted saltwater that she realized she was crying.
Merrill's gaze was resolute. Marinda had no mana left, and she couldn't use her own blood to stop the bleeding. Merrill was offering her own.
Her throat was closing up, but she made herself speak. "I can't lose you either, love. You're my heart too. You and Bela."
As Varric and Bela distracted the crowd and Aveline used her own body to shield them from sight, Marinda tentatively reached for the pull of Merrill's heart. It wasn't Marinda's blood and she couldn't call on Joy this way, but she was still a healer. Ignoring the pains that weren't threatening her life, she mended back arteries and organs and flesh. She was used to the warmth of Joy, or the soothing cool of creationism, or even the steady burn of Justice, but this felt raw. Primal.
Merrill took a hand back to cup Marinda's cheek. "We're quite the pair, aren't we?"
With careful attention to Merrill's pulse, she healed as much and as quickly as she dared, increasingly aware she was twice a maleficar in the Viscount's throne room. She didn't think she'd have the strength to run.
Marinda smiled and pulled her close. "Absolute disasters."
Confident that if she died tonight it wouldn't be from this wound, she made a last small pull on Merrill and sealed the bleeding at her wrists.
They both cried, delayed terror finally safe to be expressed, and then they kept crying, in relief and disbelief that they had survived and were free.
When they finally calmed, Marinda kissed her, tasting salt and lyrium and blood.
"I love you, Merrill."
"I love you too."
Merrill finished cleaning her and carefully wrapped the cuts and scrapes that hadn't been healed. Orana came by with the broth, and Merrill helped her drink it. She gave her more elfroot to chew as she changed out of her own bloodied clothes, and poured her some more water to wash away the taste.
She helped Marinda lie down and kissed her brow. "Sleep, vhenan. I'm sure Anders will be by tomorrow, and you'll want to be rested for that. If Varric told him what happened we're probably in for a scolding."
Marinda chuckled and closed her eyes. Merrill put out the lights and snuggled into her shoulder, and Cal crawled along the bed to curl up at her other side.
She was alive. Kirkwall was still standing. She was its Champion, whatever that meant. Merrill was with her, and though she didn't know where Isabela had gone, she knew she was free.
Marinda slept.
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jewish-gay-elves · 4 years
the worst way to get kicked out of your home, watch your parents die, and be forced on the run: a primer by stephan cousland
“so alistair doesn’t get to see much of stephan while they’re there and only like two days after they leave highever with ser gilmore do they hear news that later on the night they left Arl Howe attacked highever with his men and everyone is presumed dead inside and Alistair is just distraught wants to turn around check on the couslands and then tell maric what happened but duncan refuses, says they have a job to do” - my notes on this au
Words: 1310, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of the a tale of too many wardens because i want everyone to be happy and heres how
Fandoms: Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age (Video Games) Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: None Characters: Fergus Cousland, Stephan Cousland, Alistair (Dragon Age), Duncan (Dragon Age), Male Cousland, Oren Cousland, Bryce Cousland, Rendon Howe, Ser Gilmore (Dragon Age), Dog (Dragon Age) Relationships: None Additional Tags: more from yours truly because as always, fuck david gaider, this is the bit where castle cousland gets attacked, so just the couland origin, bits of more like, still diverging from canon tho, this is the saddest its gotten so far
“Prince Alistair? What are you doing here?” a voice asks, interrupting the conversation. The prince, the warden, the arl, and the teyrn all turn to look at who had just entered.
“Pup! I’ve raised you with better manners than that, C’mere. Ser Duncan of the Grey Wardens, I’d like you to meet my son, Stephan Cousland. And your highness, Rendon, I know you three have already met,” Teyrn Cousland says kindly, integrating his son to the conversation before Alistair can stupidly ask what Stephan’s doing here like his gut wanted him to. Of course Stephan would be here, this is his home!
“An honor to meet you Grey Warden, apologies for my outburst. I was caught off guard,” Stephan says, looking bashful, shaking Duncan’s hand.
“Not a problem, I know our arrival surprised your father as well,” Duncan says, alluding to the fact that the runners only left Denerim mere moments before Alistair and Duncan did.
“Boys, it’s been so long since you’ve seen each other, why don’t you two go catch up? I know the Warden and our Prince aren’t going to be here very long, you should make the most of your time here. Pup, show him around a bit won’t you?” the teyrn suggests to them. However, with a quick shake of his head, Alistair interjects.
“I’m sorry Teyrn, but we come on very important business and I have instructions to meet with you and your heirs to brief you on the situation and what the King asks you do,” he says, his normally cheerful face becoming more stern and serious.
“Of course, my apologies Your Highness,” Teyrn Cousland says, “Then why don’t we move into a somewhat more quiet place? Pup, run and fetch your brother will you?” the teyrn asks. With a nod, Stephan bows to the Prince and Warden before turning and leaving for the Cousland family’s private rooms. Alistair watched him walk away, before realizing he had almost been left behind by the older men and turned to follow.
~ “Wait, is that smoke coming out of Castle Cousland?” Ser Gilmore asked, praying that his eyes were deceiving him as he looked back in the direction that the three men had traveled from. Hours had passed since their departure from Castle Cousland and their meeting with the the Teryn in his office about the oncoming threat of darkspawn, and they were beginning to set down for camp. At Ser Gilmore’s words however, Alistair froze and turned back to look. To his horror, Ser Gilmore was in fact correct in his assumption.
“We have to go back, now!” Alistair ordered, Ser Gilmore scrambling to follow his lead and prepare his horse. Duncan however, hadn’t yet moved from his spot. Alistair rushed to start preparing his horse as well, however an arm snatched his as he was trying to tie his sack back on the horse.
“Prince Alistair, control yourself.” Duncan commanded, his voice not going any louder than as if he were talking to them about the weather. The steel undertone carried the order far better than volume would, making Alistair stop in his tracks and Ser Gilmore look confusedly between the two men. Duncan just released the prince and turned to watch the castle burn in the distance.
“I fear that Arl Howe has been planning to usurp the Couslands for some time, with the Darkspawn returning to Ferelden he must have seen this as his chance.” Duncan explained.
“Arl Howe? You must be lying, he and Teryn Cousland have been close friends and allies for as long as I’ve been in service of the Couslands! What could he possibly have to gain by it? Amaranthine is just as powerful as Highever, if not more!” Ser Gilmore exclaimed.
“Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts... perhaps the fear of a loss of power. A desperate gamble to claim the title of Teyrn perhaps.” Duncan said.
“This prattle means nothing! The citizens of Highever are suffering as we speak! We must turn around-” Alistair exclaimed only to be cut off by Duncan grabbing him again as a large crashing noise in the woods began to get closer and closer to their camp. The three men began to draw their swords when suddenly a very large mabari bounded out of the woods towards them. Neither Alistair or Duncan recognized the beast but Ser Gilmore lowered his weapon in confusion.
“Calenhad? This is Lord Stephan’s mabari, what in Maker’s creation is he doing all the way out here?” he said. As he spoke, the mabari noticed Ser Gilmore amongst the group and began barking loudly and happily. Ser Gilmore and Alistair began trying to shush the pup in order to not attract attention however, more movement in the woods began heading their way.
“Cal?! Where are you boy?” came from the woods, Ser Gilmore snapping up straight at his recognition of the voice.
“Lord Stephan! He found myself, the Grey Warden, and the Prince! Are you injured at all milord?” Ser Gilmore shouted back. Within moments, Stephan Cousland himself emerged from the brush with his nephew, Oren, on his back, the both of them in their night clothes, Stephan’s longsword barely tied on correctly. Following behind them was Fergus in a similar state, but with his sword drawn. Stephan set Oren down next to Cal, where he then sat and held both the dog and his nephew, hiding his face from the other men, making barely a noise. Fergus put his sword back in its sheath and turned to face the three men, his face grimy with sweat and ash. His eyes were wet with unshed tears, small cuts bleeding through his night clothes.
“As I’m sure you saw, Castle Cousland was attacked tonight. Arl Howe’s men led the attack, when I was supposed to lead my men to Ostagar. I hadn’t left yet, and managed to find my brother and my son. My mother and father died to buy us time to escape through the old secret passages. As I have nothing left to offer but my life, Grey Warden, I beg that you protect my only remaining family, and in return I shall offer myself to your services and become a Grey Warden if you desire,” Fergus said, trying to remain as composed as possible. Stephan’s head shot up at his brother’s offer ready to interrupt, however, Duncan was far too quick.
“I accept your offer, Fergus Cousland,” he said, to rising protests.
“Brother, you cannot be serious! You have to become Teryn!”
“Duncan! Are you telling me that we would seriously turn them away if Fergus hadn’t offered himself? Maker’s breath you can’t be that cold hearted!”
“Quiet! I made my decision Stephan, I need you to take care of Oren and survive so that our family will have a chance to get to Denerim and reclaim our home! Now accept my choice and remember what Mother and Father did so that we could survive!” Fergus fought back. “I have to protect you two,” he said, his voice losing all bite. The other voices quieted at his outburst, the only sound being Oren’s quiet sobs into Stephan’s chest. Stephan just turned his head towards his nephew holding the boy tight to his chest. Alistair and Ser Gilmore were shocked into silence while Duncan just nodded his approval.
“We’ll be heading to the Circle, there’s a small town just on the edge of Lake Calenhad, we can get you two equipped and armed there. Until then, we’ll have to share the horses and blankets which won’t be an issue,” Duncan began, finally turning to face the three remaining Couslands.
“I promise you that the Teryn and Teryna’s sacrifice won’t have been in vain. You three standing here is proof of that.” At his words, all Fergus could do was fall to his knees, beginning to sob.
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Confession: I'm curious to know what everyone else named their mabari(s)! My Cousland's mabari is named Calenhad, Cal for short, because King Calenhad was her hero growing up.
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hungee-boy · 5 years
so heres some bioware choices that automatically make you an asshole
giving fenris to danarius
having alistair executed
giving isabela to the arishok
being mean to cole
not treating the mabari at ostagar
siding with miranda
not giving food to the prisoner at ostagar
eating the sacred ashes
not pushing niftu cal over
not accusing the citadel shop keeper of classism 
being mean to kelly
refusing to do ANY loyalty mission
bringing thane to pragia
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haloneshiral · 6 years
OC Interview Meme
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1. What is your name?
“Warden-Commander Van.”
2. What is your real name?
She inhales deeply. “Warden-Commander Vanadis Cousland... —Theirin.”
3. Do you know why you were called that?
“I wish I knew. Maker knows where my biological parents picked that one up. Mother and Father didn’t know either. It’s an odd name. Strikes me as Avvar or Alamarri or something. “
4. Are you single or taken?
“Very married.” She fishes out the pendant of her necklace, hidden under her collar, revealing her wedding band. “I’d rather not lose it while fighting.“
5. Have any abilities or powers?
She tucks the ring back, chain and all. “Whatever being a Grey Warden entails.”
6. Stop being a Mary Sue.
“I don’t understand. Is this an Orlesian insult of some sort?”
7. What’s your eye color?
“Light blue. Goes surprisingly well with the uniform.”
8. How about your hair color?
“Some sort of straw or muddy blonde. Alistair likened it to the color of wheat once, but we were walking past a wheat field...”“
9. Have you any family members?
“I’d lost my family, and my birth family years prior to that, but I still have my brother Fergus.”
10. Oh? What about pets?
“I have a very old mabari back home named Cal. After King Calenhad. He was a family pet. Funny to reunite him, so to speak, with the Theirin name.”
11. That’s cool I guess, now tell me about something you don’t like.
“The Blight. Darkspawn. Long, draping ball gowns.“
12. Do you have any hobbies/activities you like doing?
“I used to sneak off a lot in my youth in Highever. I may have done the same in Denerim.“
13. Ever hurt anyone before?
14. Ever… killed anyone before?
“Yes. When my hand is forced, I do not hesitate.“
15. What kind of animal are you?
“A towering, charging nuggalope.“ She finally cracks a smile.
16. Name your worst habits.
“The delivery of my sarcasm, I’m told, makes it difficult to tell what I mean.“
17. Do you look up to anyone at all?
“Mother was a fiercely admirable woman until the end. I had no idea she could wield a sword.“
18. Gay, straight, or bisexual?
“It’s less ‘this or that or all of it’ for me, and more... the excitement?“
19. Do you go to school?
“I was under the tutelage of several instructors in Highever. It was a terribly dull time, but... I am grateful for it now.”
20. Do you ever want to marry and have kids one day?
“Maybe when I’ve finished my duties. One or two. If... still possible.”
21. Do you have any fanboys/fangirls?
“I do not get recognized often, as decorated as I am with whatever titles Ferelden can come up with. It’s only when I mention my name that people start to have some inkling. They usually thank me, or bow, depending on which title they’re more focused on.” 
“Even then, it’s a rare thing as I prefer being called Van, over, say, Queen Vanadis Theirin.” She wrinkles her nose.
22. What are you most afraid of?
23. What do you usually wear?
She gestures to the standard issue Warden uniform she’s wearing.
24. Do you love someone?
“My husband, our friends, my brother. The thought of seeing all their faces again keeps me going.”
25. When was the last time you wet yourself?
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
26. Well, it’s not over yet!
“The sun’s barely up. We still have some time before I ride west.”
27. What class are you? (High class, middle class, low class)
“I’d always been a noble. Though, I’d... climbed the ranks, so to speak. I was born to a bann, an old friend of the Couslands. When my widower birth father had passed, they took me in.”
28. How many friends do you have?
“I have more than a few, within the Warden ranks, in court. But my truest friends were from the Fifth Blight.”
29. What are your thoughts on pie?
“Shepherd’s pie. Always.“
30. Favourite drink?
“I enjoy some mead every now and then.“
31. What’s your favourite place?
“Denerim. Alistair’s there.”
32. Are you interested in someone?
“I sure hope so. I’ve said my vows as Ferelden watched.“
33. What’s your bra cup size and/or how big is your willy?
“Remind me, what sort of interview was this again?“
34. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean?
“A lake. Oceans are unpredictable.“
35. What’s your type?
“A Fereldan Grey Warden with a crown.“
36. Any fetishes?
She squints.
37. Seme or uke? Top or Bottom? Dominant or Submissive?
Her fingers drum rhythmically on the hilt of the sheathed dagger at her hip.
38. Camping or indoors?
She isn’t stopping.
39. Are you wanting the interview to end?
“It was over a while ago.”
40. Now it’s over!
She’s already left the table.
Tagged by @whereismywarden a long time ago thank you!! Tagging: @plisuu @shepavellan @fourletterepithet @taetelli @a-tear-in-the-veil @mightofthedalish @drellvhen @bitchesofostwick
If you guys have done this one feel free to tag me on the old post!
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animatedpileofbones · 5 years
DA q's!! 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 14, 17, 25, 33, 34, 37, 40, 42, 47, 51, 52, 60, 63, 66, 77, 78, 79, 98, and 99~! (◠‿◠✿)
eli i love you man here we go, this is long sorry but i have a Lot To Say! i literally wrote like 1500 words for these so it’s under a readmore.
1 how did you get into dragon age
i was on tumblr when inquisition came out and a lot of my friends and mutuals at the time suddenly became dragon age blogs for a while (some still are, howdy!) yEARS later i found origins on discount at gamestop and decided to check it out and whoops now i’m a fucking mess forever :)
4 about my warden(s)
My first, and most recently rehashed* warden was Gwinek, she was a casteless dwarf rogue, dual wielder. I didn’t know there were specific temperaments in this game like in 2 but I play her as gruff but fiercely loyal. She would do almost anything for her friends and sister, but is very naive in matters of magic. She romanced Leliana.
*rehashed because I came to the series completely blind, and as such made some not so great choices the first time around.
I also have an elven mage, named Lemmen, she was also a big helpy helperton but slow to trust. She romanced Alistair and I don’t like to think about that sacrifice. :’)
5 about my hawke(s)
My first Hawke was Marcel, a dual wielding rogue and I played him purple. He is big into his friends, obviously, but mostly just wants to be liked despite the fact that he is accidentally an asshole sometimes. He romanced Fenris. All my Hawkes romance Fenris. I love Fenris just so much and I keep telling myself one of these times I’m going to romance Isabela but then Fenris walks in all drama and vengeance and I’m just too gay to handle it. My latest Hawke was Lucien, a… purple dual-wielding rogue. He erred on the side of blue, though, whereas Marcel was vaguely red, so. Not Entirely the same but view my problem, especially going into...
6 about my inquisitor(s)
My first inquisitor was Vodahl Cadash, a… dwarven dual-wielding rogue. :) He was pretty anti-chantry but was also more invested in taking care of his crew than making enemies, preferring to let Josephine handle PR and just say what she told him to say while he supported his team as he saw fit. He lived for life on the road, mostly, an adventurer type, but whatever his inner circle needed, they got. He romanced The Iron Bull, because I’m a thirsty thirsty bitch. I rehashed the dwarven rogue in Heraht, this time romancing Dorian; Heraht was much more enamored with surface life, not necessarily Ferelden-style though. He was well manicured and a bit on the sarcastic side of charming. Right now i’m playing a human sword-and-shield warrior, Errol Travellyan, and he is accidentally just Dorian But From The Free Marches in personality. He can be easily frustrated, I play him fairly no nonsense at times but he’s trying to maintain his Approachable Facade. He’s…. also romancing Dorian OH NO
7 favorite origins backstory
Oooh this is tough because I love Leliana so much, and Alistair just makes me cry all the time I Love That Man, ooh this is tough but I think I have to say Morrigan. She is a story gift that keeps on giving, and I think this is because of what we learned in Inquisition. Without that info, I think… OH NO WAIT IT’S SHALE, HANDS DOWN IT’S SHALE
11 best hawke quote
it’s not specifically a quote but when you bring the viscount’s son back in act 1 and you can either keep your mouth shut about their disagreement or Well Actually yourself into that conversation, that’s my favorite.
14 favorite origins party combo
Before you get Shale, it’s Alistair, Leliana, and the dog. After Shale, it’s Shale, Leliana, and either Zevran or Alistair.
17 mabari name
In Origins, I named the mabari after a person from the backstory. For Gwinek it was Leske to keep her friend with her even now. For Lemmen it was Jowan, because at least the mabari would never let her down. In DA2, it was a family pet, so for Marcel it was named Champion, and for Lucien it was Handsome Cal, and you can envision all sorts of titles in there but I didn’t have enough characters. Lord Handsome Cal Esquire III (he was the first)
25 favorite inquisition place
It’s the Hissing Wastes for sure. It’s always dusk, it’s so vast and beautiful. I love just hanging out there.
33 favorite dragon age character overall
Hey Eli? I hate this question! I am doing my current playthrough solely for the benefit of Leliana this is true. But I have a horrible weakness for two (2) men, Fenris and The Iron Bull, I can’t choose between them, and also Varric, and, asdlfjasdf how could you do this to me? I also identify very heavily with Dorian, and, I’m going to just cry instead of answer this, how about that?
34 least favorite character
Oh it’s Anders no doubt, no question, I hate him. I hate him so much. Like don’t get me wrong, I am in full support of mages taking back their space in Thedas, I just. Have known guys like Anders and the way he hits on f!Hawke like immediately after his intro quest, y’know where we had to kill his boyfriend? felt so bad and just turned my mild irritation into full-on hate.
37 blood magic yes/no
40 moment/action i regret in game
Just like everything with the ending of Origins. I don’t prefer to do the ritual with Morrigan because I tend to play women which means I need to coerce Alistair into doing it and I did that for exactly two savestates (one being my Cousland because I wanted to see how that went and then the first time around with Gwinek) thinking “this is the best long term post-game choice! Neither of us have to die! And I’m not even making him be king!” despite it sitting bitterly in the back of my mind the rest of the series. then comes Inquisition and the full consequences of my actions hit me like a brick in the face and I eventually scrapped that playthrough and went back and didn’t be a shithead shitbag, replaying Gwinek entirely so that choice wouldn’t have even begun to make sense to her. I regret that so much.
42 who do i wish i could romance
47 best antagonist
Arl Rendon Howe from Origins, cos he was voiced by Tim Curry and that was just so sexy of a choice. In all seriousness though, Meredith from da2.
51 favorite warden/hawke/inq headcanon any/all
Lucien Hawke routinely had sleepovers at his estate in Hightown. He tried to a couple times while living with Gamlen, but everyone was too sad to indulge him.
Heraht nearly breaks up with Dorian on a near weekly basis whenever Dorian accidentally lumps him in with the Fereldens re: hygiene. Also, not a headcanon but just the way I played but the two of them absolutely had coordinating outfits at all times.
Gwinek shared tents with Wynne most nights, finding in Wynne the mother she wished she and Rica would have had.
Also with Gwinek, she may have helped her sister’s paramour become king but she doesn’t trust him half as far as she can throw him and comes down to Orzammar on the regs to make sure he’s treating Rica right, and he knows damn well that Gwinek put him into that throne and she Will take him back out of it, and he can’t do shit without risking absolute chaos. 
This is also a good time to mention my ot3s: Hawke/Fenris/Isabela, Heraht/Dorian/Bull
52 favorite npc headcanons
Fenris took to reading rather easier than Hawke would have guessed, only Hawke didn’t know just how well Fenris had taken to it until years into their relationship because Fenris thought the “lessons” were cute.
The Iron Bull introduced hot cocoa to Skyhold and literally changed so many lives in that moment; quartermaster Morris pulled so many strings to get marshmallows in, and when they arrived the first time the celebration was almost a riot.
60 who do i wish had been given more story
Weird to say for the woman who had her own Origins DLC and also was pivotal in Inquisition, but Morrigan. She’s just really interesting to me. Also, Warden Stroud. I think he was just there to be the Easy Low Stakes Choice to leave in the Fade honestly but I hated not having a reason to care about him. I didn't play any da2 dlc tho.
63 best story moment
This is tough? I enjoyed the landsmeet in origins. I think most of da2 was great story. Except Orsino obviously. I think I’m just going to point to all of da2. Yeah.
66 something i hate about any of the games
it can’t seem to decide how it feels about the qunari. also that there are characters that absolutely are not straight that the writers decided Actually, Despite Everything, They Are Straight Actually :’)
77 what moment/memory still gives me chills/feels
Definitely definitely Dorian’s confrontation with his dad. That was so well acted, I felt that pain and betrayal so viscerally. It hurts every time. As for a different brand of chills, y’know when if you seduce The Iron Bull and stuff finally starts happening there, and he lifts the inquisitory by the wrists in One Hand and remember I was playing a dwarf, oo golly that shit is All I Need In Life
78 what am i hoping for in da4
More magic and Old Gods and stuff! More Morrigan? Familiar faces!
79 what am i worried about for da4
Familiar faces! :’) Also just so heavyhanded “morally gray” issues that is actually just bad edgy writing. Worried we will be racelocked like in 2 :(
98 if i could be any non human da species which/why
Dwarf, because halflings don’t exist in thedas and dwarves are fairly industrious as a culture
99 where would i live
Despite what I just said, I would probably live somewhere in the Free Marches! Kirkwall ended up pretty fucked and I am absolutely biased because da2 was my favorite.
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nylazor · 6 years
Cal Amell interviewed by a noble right before the final battle.
Cal Amell
...Cal Amell?
I chose it myself, it sounded similar to my birth name but different enough to avoid confusion.
Taken I suppose
I’m a healing mage, i can do some elemental magic but mostly healing.
I... don’t know what you mean.
You tell me. *leans in and stares at them.
I consider Zevran the only family I have.
Yes! Barkspawn, he’s a mabari and I love him very much.
I don’t like pain i suppose.
I use to read a lot, haven't really since the blight.
Yes, bandits.
I don’t think so, Alistair usually has the final blow, but I suppose I helped.
I like wolves, shame they attack us sometimes, we have to put them down.
Cutting I suppose.
Templars. all of them, they're really amazing you know.
uh... gay, right? i mean..I i guess.
I was home schooled until i was 8, then i went to the Fereldan Circle.
No! I mean... it doesnt matter.
I don’t know what those are,
... Honestly? my mother.
Mage robes.
I... yes i guess so. I really like Zevran, so... I guess.
uh... is that really necessary? well i was 6 and my mother told me to sit still and i did, eventually i had to go so bad i wet myself.
I suppose i was born a noble, but i’m a mage, and more importantly a warden.
Uh... let me count. 4.
I really like sweets.
I don’t have a favourite place anymore.
Um yes? Zevran.
I don’t know, i didn’t exactly have time to measure it.
I don’t know, people who like me?
What’s that?
What are those?
No, I just wish you’d clarify terms.
tagging @ofmistandrain, @tracinyad, @rsuranas, @lord-of-thunders @cheddarflavoredjello  and anyone else who would like to do this for their characters?
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warpedlegacywrites · 4 months
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Chapter 12: The Wolf's Jaw Pendant
While Theresa and Cullen are out of town on secret Inquisition business, Rosalie has a most unexpected encounter.
[Rosalie] follows [Feynriel's] gaze to a nondescript elven woman, stout but tall – taller than most elves Rosie has seen. She bears no Dalish markings, but something undefinable in her demeanour tells Rosie that she’s no ordinary city elf, either.  Feynriel greets her in Elvish, sounding cautious. The woman responds in kind. Her tone is polite and calm, but whatever she’s said, he clearly doesn’t like it. His hand tightens around his staff, and the wisp at its apex begins to vibrate with the rising energy he’s gathering.  “State your business,” he orders in Common, sharp and brittle, more fearful than Rosie’s ever seen him.  Frantically, she tries to remember how to summon a barrier. It’s been so long since she’s practised anything but nature spells.  “There’s no need for that,” the stranger answers, also in Common, attention shifting to Rosalie with a smile that’s chillingly uncanny, as though the muscles aren’t quite sure how it’s done. “You’re frightening the poor girl.”  Feynriel doesn’t take his eyes off the stranger. “Don’t trust it, Roe.”  “Why not?” Rosie’s heart hammers in her throat, all attempts at a barrier forgotten in her mounting fear. Wait, “it”?  “That’s no elf,” he says. “It’s a spirit.” 
DAFF tag list: @rakshadow, @rosella-writes, @effelants, @bluewren, @breninarthur, @ar-lath-ma-cully, @dreadfutures, @ir0n-angel, @inquisimer, @crackinglamb, @theluckywizard, @nirikeehan, @oxygenforthewicked, @exalted-dawn-drabbles, @melisusthewee, @blarrghe, @agentkatie, @delicatefade, @leggywillow, @about2dance
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warpedlegacy · 1 year
Day 19 of Fluffuary: Taking a nap together.
Little Ellie is not tired! She’s not!
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bigfan-fanfic · 3 years
Oh wow... the final day of the celebration! Also it’s my birthday! @14daysdalovers celebration!
Prompt: Freebie Pairing: Mysen of Denerim/Alistair Theirin/Benny Cousland/Zevran Arainai Summary: Alistair and Mysen have collected many strays. What’s two more?
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It is a request this time. Alistair says it softly, watching tenderly as Benny kisses Zevran’s cheek. He needs the comfort, the feeling of being surrounded by old friends and love. Nearly being lost in the Fade will do that to a person.
Zevran and Benny glance at each other. Anything for you two. Zevran supplies them with vintage bottles from old Grey Warden flasks brought up (stolen) from Skyhold’s wine cellar and they all spend the evening in fond reminiscence and recollection. Benny’s head ends up in Mysen’s lap and Zevran chuckles as the scribe drunkenly runs his hand through the nobleman’s soft hair. Alistair’s head ends up on Mysen’s shoulder and Zevran is somehow curled up between the three of them, happily nested among all three. It feels safe. It feels right.
They wake up in nothing but their smallclothes, tangled up in each other, and there are nervous but happy grins as they tuck in to a massive breakfast, happy to have Adamant behind them, for now.
It is a hope, a wish, this time. Benny gives a little chuckle to hide his nervousness. He and Zevran talked all night, for many nights, about this, about what it would mean, and he was almost certain the other couple had done the same.
And miraculously, amazingly, the younger couple nods. Mysen offers them his services in magic to help Zevran provide the two largest men among them with the most amazing massages. Heat and cold are at Mysen’s command, and his spells send bursts of incredible smells from the lightly perfumed oils from the bottles in Zevran’s bag. Benny and Alistair giggle like children as they try to give the most exaggerated moans of delight. And then they are silenced by kisses from the two men giving out the sensations and they fall into bed together.
It is awkward and strange and exciting and wonderful but most of all it is loving, and once again they all curl up together, still all kisses and cuddles and holding hands. And their little world doesn’t feel crowded at all, it feels just right.
It is a confirmation this time. Zevran raises an eyebrow across the broad shoulder of Alistair, smirking at Benny. Benny nods enthusiastically, and Mysen hugs him. The place in Kirkwall is temporary - they’re all staying in two adjoining suites provided by the new Viscount - Varric seems to know exactly what’s going on but he and Cal don’t seem to be interested in it themselves, only hoping they are all happy.
Alistair and Mysen want them to join them in the city for good. To settle down. Truthfully Zevran has always hoped to settle in Antiva, but with the old Cousland holdings of his husband and the fact that the currents between Kirkwall and Antiva City have always been swift, it does not seem altogether impossible to summer in one city and spend the rest in another. But these are plans for the future.
The present is kisses and affection, the sweetness that Benny and Zevran have only known from each other. The present is acceptance and fun, the acceptance Mysen and Alistair have only received from the other. It is breakfast in smallclothes with jokes and smiles, it is being accosted by far-too-excitable mabari hounds, it is love of a kind that always feels new.
It is an invitation this time. Mysen reaches out fondly, taking one of Zevran’s and Benny’s hands. Seeing his hands occupied, Alistair grins and kisses him. There are no enemies left to fight. No missions left to take them away from each other. They all stand close, embracing one another, foreheads pressed together, hands held, nuzzling, caressing, being with each other.
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ironbullsmissingeye · 6 years
★★★★★ for Kallak? :)
Thanks for asking!
★- He and Morrigan ended up together, he is Kieran’s dad and is a very good dad when he is around. He often tells people being a dad is the best thing he’s ever done.
★- He and Leliana were best friends and have regular contact, he often uses the code name “Cal” so no one will know the letters are from him.
★- He and Leliana have come up with codes for in their letters. Saying something such as “The weather here is very sunny” means “I am ok, do not worry” and so on.
★- He still has his Mabari, he called her Bear.
★- When he first learnt he was going to leave Orzammar he filled the pockets of his clothes with rocks so he wouldn’t fly away.
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shannaraisles · 7 years
All OC's: favourite and least favourite person and why?
There’s a lot of glancing back and forth around the table.
Doshiel: Lord Seeker Lucius is my least favorite person. He took an oath to protect and serve, and when the moment came to be tested, he turned his back on all those he had sworn to protect. He lead an entire order of good men and women to a slow, lingering death, for what? He got nothing out of it but his own destruction, and the revelations at his death almost destroyed someone who had become a very good friend to me.
Rory: I’d have thought you’d say Corypheus, or Solas.
Doshiel: Corypheus was a man reacting to a changed world around him, however corrupted he is. Solas is the same. They’re both wrong, but they did not act wholly beyond the bounds of their characters or surrender their ideals in order to survive what was coming. Not even Samson did that.
Rory: So ... who’s at the other end of that scale? Who’s your favourite person?
Doshiel: (shrugs) Josephine.
Rory: Because?
Doshiel: I think that’s self-evident. Stop badgering me for answers you already know. Give your own.
Rory: (laughs) Least favorite person? Mother Giselle. I know she has a lot of fine qualities, but she really rubs me up the wrong way. Petty, huh? Favorite person, who isn’t sharing my life and my bed? It’s a toss up between Dorian, Evy, and Varric. I have lots of favorite people around me, I don’t see why I should have to choose who is the most favoritest of them all.
Fabs: I have heard, mistress, that there is another side to you. Do the answers change when you see them from the barbarian lands?
Rory: (laughs) Little bit, yeah. Favorite person in that case is Ria, hands down, always. She’s my best friend, and to be honest, watching her browbeat Rylen into doing as he’s told is one of my favorite things ever. Least favorite there? I don’t really have enemies. I suppose those small-minded pricks in the village I used to live in will have to do. For obvious reasons.
Callum Hawke: Funny you should say Varric’s one of your favorite people. He’s definitely near the top of the list for me, too.
Rumor: What a surprise.
Callum Hawke: I thought I was talking now? Or did you want to?
Rumor: Oh, feel free. This should be good.
Callum Hawke: (sharing a grin with Rumor) All right. Yes, Varric’s in the top three of my favorite people. How could he not be? Without him, I wouldn’t have survived my second year in Kirkwall, let alone everything else that happened afterward. (glances at Rumor) What?
Rumor: Oh, nothing. Carry on.
Callum Hawke: Least favorite has a top three, too, but I’m going to go with Orsino.
Rory: (surprised) I ... was not expecting to hear that.
Callum Hawke: Why not? All right, Meredith was nuts, and Quentin killed my mother gruesomely, but you know what? Orsino knew all about it. He prodded Meredith at every opportunity, even though he knew she was insane by that point. He provided “materials” to the blood mage apostate that killed and brutalized my mother; he knew Quentin was in the city, he knew about the experiments he was doing, and he did nothing. And when it came down to a fight, he gave up and became all the proof Meredith needed that she was in the right. Helping that bastard was the biggest mistake of my life.
Rumor: Easy, Cal.
Callum Hawke: Sorry. Hate doesn’t really cover it, you know?
Rumor: All right, my turn. Least favorite? Reynard. (notes the blank faces around her, and smiles grimly) Let’s just say he ... made me what I am, and didn’t understand the word no, shall we? It’s not a pretty story. Favorite person outside this lummox here? (gestures to Hawke, who looks pleased and then slightly insulted) Isabela. She’s fun to be around. Do I need another reason?
Doshiel: This Reynard ... do you require assistance in dealing with him?
Callum Hawke: Only if you want to waste the next ten years searching through the sewers under Darktown for his dismembered corpse. I was just a little naffed off when I finally met the man.
Rumor: It took me a week to convince my mother Cal wasn’t a demon.
Doshiel: (very faintly smiling) I see. I find it strange we have not heard from the Hero of Ferelden, nor from the true princess. Have our answers in some way offended?
Iselan: (jerks her head up guiltily) What? No! I ... I don’t like talking about myself. I didn’t want to be a hero.
Rory: Who’s your best friend, Iselan? Favorite person?
Iselan: (bites her lip hard as she thinks) Um ... Leliana? Yes. Leliana. Oh, and Wynne. And Alistair. (sighs) Don’t make me choose. Because then there’s Zev, and Shale, and Morrigan, and Sten, and Oghren, and Greagoir.
Rory: Greagoir?
Iselan: My mabari. Well, I suppose I’m his human, really.
Rory: (grins) You named your mabari after the Knight-Commander of the Ferelden Circle?
Iselan: (shrugs) I thought it was funny at the time.
Rory: (laughing) Oh, it’s plenty funny. And least favorite person?
Iselan: Isolde Guerrin. She looked at me like I was dirt on the bottom of her shoe, even after I saved her son’s life. I’ve never disliked anyone the way I disliked her.
Fabs: You, too? (looks surprised) I thought it was just me. The woman has far too high an opinion of herself. She carries herself like a queen, and thinks she can give the king orders! Admittedly, he does most of what she tells him to do, but I am working on that.
Doshiel: And ... your favorite person, your highness?
Fabs: (smiles) Ciara of Amaranthine. She is a truly sweet girl, and ... and I think she is my only true friend in Ferelden at this time. Ladies of rank are difficult to trust when the prize is a king, but she does not seem to want the prize for herself so much as for her family. And she has a ridiculous laugh that I am certain she pulls out just to make us smile when things get a little tense in the ladies’ quarters.
Callum Hawke: Tense how?
Fabs: (smile deepens) Now why would I tell you that?
Huge thanks to @jayrose252, who spammed my inbox with ten of these while I was asleep last night! ~laughs~ I’ll spread them out over the day, but the [My OCs Meme] is always open if you want to hear something from the characters’ own mouths!
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