homestuck-hell · 8 months
Ligeia Meseli, Thief of Breath, Prospit
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Their cute looks are deceiving
Tattletale for the church/empire
They will climb the ranks into power
Land of Cattails and Sirens
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tentativeauthor · 1 year
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Tiny transparent Purple signs! Click for better quality
Feel free to download and use, credit preferred but not required.
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The Extended Zodiac as Moodboards: Caprius Thief with green, friendship, freedom, and fresh air
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Ofylua Hibeka
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bird-of-the-day · 2 years
BOTD: Diederik Cuckoo
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^Image credit: Derek Keats
Diederik Cuckoo (Chrysococcyx caprius)
Formerly known as the Dideric Cuckoo or Didiric Cuckoo, the Diederik Cuckoo is a brood parasite like other cuckoos, laying a single egg mainly in the nests of birds of the weaver family. It gets its name from its call.
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birdblues · 1 year
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Diederik Cuckoo
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herpsandbirds · 7 months
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Diederik Cuckoo (Chrysococcyx caprius), family Cuculidae, found throughout much of Africa and the Middle East
Photo: @rockjumper_birding_tours
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alonglistofbirds · 1 month
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[2959/11080] Diederik cuckoo - Chrysococcyx caprius
Order: Cuculiformes (cuckoos) Family: Cuculidae
Photo credit: Sreenivasan Tp via Macaulay Library
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earthanthem · 1 year
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(via Birds of the World: Dideric cuckoo)
Photo by Adam Riley (Stellenbosch Birds) : Chrysococcyx caprius
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ausgoth · 3 months
doing something only i care about (classpecting btvs characters)
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starting with buffy as LECER, sign of the loyalist a bloodbound prospit dreamer, with the class of rogue more characters under the cut
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faith very easily slipped in to SCORCER, sign of the champion another bloodbound prospit dreamer, but sporting the thief class
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willow is AQUAPIA, sign of the eccentric. derse dreamer and lightbound. witch or seer seems obvious for a class but i am more inclined to assign her the page what is with the light aspect and dangerous lesbians.
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xander is CANO, sign of the translucent. a derse dreamer and heartbound. his class is the knight, something im sure he would be very happy to hear.
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cordelia is CAPRIUS, sign of the climber. a prospit dreaming breathbound. her class is the maid.
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oz is TAURITTANIUS, sign of the utopian. a voidbound prospit dreamer. it was really hard to come up with a class for oz. something something void aspect. i am leaning towards heir but on the off chance anyone else reads this i am welcome to suggestions.
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tara is VIRSCES, sign of the roborant. lifebound and a derse dreamer. her class is the witch. not just because shes a witch though i assure you. i suppose she is a witch witch.
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anya is SAGIBORN, sign of the rampant. ragebound derse dreamer. shes super chill and normal idk what you mean by rage. her class is the sylph!
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giles is TAURPIA, sign of the aesthete. lightbound derse dreamer. his class is the mage.
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dawn is LERIES, sign of the tenacious. she is a timebound derse dreamer and her class is the prince. heir could also work however, i just think that a destruction class is appropriate for her.
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angel is VIRMINI, sign of the abiding. a doombound derse dreamer. i believe angel would be a witch.
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spike is AQUALO, sign of the puppeteer. heartbound and (finally) another prospit dreamer. spike is a tough one. i am tossing up between prince and thief here but i think prince is gonna come out on top.
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drusilla is PITTANIUS, sign of the quixotic. a voidbound prospit dreamer. i think the seer class is pretty obvious and thematically appropriate here.
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en8y · 2 months
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[IMAGE ID: three rectangular flags with six evenly-sized horizontal stripes each. the first flag's colors, from top to bottom, are as follows: bright purple, dark purple, dark maroon, medium red, golden yellow, and bright yellow. the second flag's colors, from top to bottom, are as follows: bright purple, dark purple, black, dark green, golden yellow, and bright yellow. the third flag's colors, from top to bottom, are as follows: bright purple, dark purple, medium cool blue, bright blue, golden yellow, and bright yellow. END ID.]
capricerextendiac: a gender related to being a capricer from the extended zodiac; a gender related to being a purpleblood, bloodbound, and a prospit dreamer.
capriminoextendiac: a gender related to being a caprimino from the extended zodiac; a gender related to being a purpleblood, doombound, and a prospit dreamer.
capriusextendiac: a gender related to being a caprius from the extended zodiac; a gender related to being a purpleblood, breathbound, and a prospit dreamer.
based on @neopronouns' classpect + hemospectrum flags!
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian @drowntowns @electrosaccharine @honey-makes-mogai
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homestuck-hell · 2 years
Jingel Merrie, Knight of Breath, Prospit
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You’ll be able to find them easily
*Jingles gleefully across the floor*
Very acrobatic
Land of Bells and Whistles
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proton-wobbler · 1 year
Diederik Cuckoo (Chrysococcyx caprius)
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"cuckoos get a bad rep which is fairly understandable given their status as brood parasites but i think these guys are really cool! they also eat caterpillars that are poisonous to most other species apparently."
This guy was gonna be in the bracket, ngl. I love cuckoos A Lot and I had never seen one that was so pretty!
As a brood parasite, the cuckoo female typically lays a single egg in her host nest. The main host groups are weavers and Euplectes bishops.
Cuckoos as a whole are often heavily insectivorous, and prefer to eat large caterpillars. Because of this they can be great forms of natural pest control for the environment.
Just remember, animals dont have morals the way humans do and do not need to justify their existance. Theyre just trying to make it in the world too!
Image Source: eBird (male - Kevin Vande Vusse); (juvenile - Lynne Hertzog)
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theextendedzodiacas · 2 years
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The Extended Zodiac as Moodboards: 254/288 Caprius
Sign of the Climber; (Capricorn/Prospit/Breath)
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Oevand Uvikta
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gmanwhore · 2 months
Every signs meaning
Random = Gemittarius, sign of the sapient
Dareal = Leiborn, sign of the paradox
Gimeur = Liga, sign of the dogged
Graape = Caprius, sign of the climber
Louvre = Pilo, sign of the spirited
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