zahra-hydris · 27 days
I got my little black cat paw badge and now I can rest 😌
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mannyblacque · 2 years
🎵 "Casecation, all I ever wanted. Casecation, had to get away" 🎵
Brooklyn Nine Nine, season 6 episode 12
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dailyjakeamy · 3 months
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Brooklyn Nine Nine (2013-2021) Casecation (S06E12)
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usersitcom · 1 year
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BROOKLYN NINE-NINE 6.12 — “Casecation”
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impossiblyizzy · 10 months
shocked and appalled that Kayvan’s favourite episode is Freddie. that’s like if Andy Samberg was like yeah my favourite episode’s Casecation
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lanwangjiwashere · 1 year
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Top 5 songs on repeat tagged by @casecous
I've been emo and missing Lun ge.... that's it
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I was listening to Taylor Swift's The One, and the idea is that "I love my partner, but a part of me (or all of me) wishes I had ended up with someone else."
Do you think Jake or Amy feel that way about anyone?
I really don't think so!
I think they did have a bit of fear when they were both cops, and it was more about the stress of the job and that affected them a lot.
For a few days after the casecation, Amy had resentment that she hasn't discussed the very key core value of if they wanted kids or not. But even then she didn't really think she wished she'd ended up with someone else. She was just pissed at herself for not taking that into account before investing so much into the relationship.
But after a few more weeks and a couple months of couples theraphy, they realized that they just gotta keep working at it.
For Jake, he doesn't really belive in soul mate's or anything, but if they'd broken up, he would have just let himself go and become the lone wolf whiskey drinking cop who slept around, kind of like his dad.
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tyrewear · 2 months
fucked up a question AND just watched casecation. worst day of my life
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news-paw-haiti-509 · 3 months
Lynchage du CASEC de la 10e section à Carrefour : Un Acte de Violence Inacceptable
C’est avec une grande consternation que nous rapportons les événements tragiques survenus ce lundi 12 février 2024 à Carrefour, où le CASEC de la 10e section, Jean Michel, a été lynché par la population. Les informations indiquent que Jean Michel a été tué à la suite d’accusations le liant à des bandits armés qui sévissent dans la commune. La situation sécuritaire à Carrefour est devenue…
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kennak · 5 months
[EU]SCCS パブリックコメント募集のための予備的意見 Preliminary Opinions open for comments https://health.ec.europa.eu/scientific-committees/scientific-committee-consumer-safety-sccs/sccs-opinions_en 二酸化チタンについての科学的助言 Scientific Advice on Titanium dioxide (TiO2) (CAS/EC numbers 13463-67-7/236-675-5, 1317-70-0/215-280- 1, 1317-80-2/215-282-2) 5 December 2023 https://health.ec.europa.eu/publications/scientific-advice-titanium-dioxide-tio2-casec-numbers-13463-67-7236-675-5-1317-70-0215-280-1-1317-80_en コメント締め切り2024年2月6日 EFSAの意見を考慮した上で、経口化粧品製品中、吸入及び経皮暴露の二酸化チタンの安全性について 色素やナノ、コーティングの有無など二酸化チタンのグレードが多様なため、仕様・規格が重要
2023-12-06 - 食品安全情報blog2
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curswine · 5 months
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I just watched Brooklyn Nine-Nine 6x12 "Casecation"
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milkhoney531 · 8 months
You have no idea how thoroughly my sleep deprived noggin had me convinced I'd lost something on my freshly cleaned and made bed.
Brain: you lost something, you didn't see it, you didn't feel it, you know exactly what it looks and feels like.
Me, tired on maybevan hour of sleep: I dont see it, I'll try ag as in later.
(An hour later maybe)
Brain: you lost it, you don't remember what it is or what it looks like, but you know if you grabbed it you'd know what it was
Me: tearing my bed apart looking, what even us it, are you sure?
Brain: very
Me: I'm tired, I'll search later
(Minutes later)
Brain: look for it, you lost it, you need to grab it
Me: I think you're lying. I have all my things. I see all my things.
Brain: but this thing is missing
Me: oh yeah, what is it?
Brain: a black plastic thing with tiny lightbulb maybe? Same size as your purple earbuds casec as and feels exactly like it.
Me: you lying whore you want the earbuds! I moved them one night to a safer place and you run amok!
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impossiblyizzy · 1 year
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feeisamarshmallow · 1 year
man i have *such* mixed feelings about casecation
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