what-the-fuck-khr · 21 days
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justkhrstuff · 1 year
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cedefaci · 1 year
In which the CEDEF are all Enablers
Oregano advises stress relief through violence
“Compliments of the CEDEF?” Kyoko gave the glaive a few experimental swings. It was perfectly balanced and surprisingly maneuverable in the closed space.
Basil smiled. “Oregano selected the weapon, Lal designed the specifics, and Turmeric arranged the smithing. Master’s accounts paid for it, and now sessha delivers it.”
His smile was inscrutably bland. Suspiciously so.
“You know!” Kyoko pointed an accusing finger at Tsuna’s friend, “You know that I’m staying behind because I don’t want to be protected!”
Basil’s smile became, if possible, even more inscrutably bland. “The External Consultancy compensates for the Main Family’s blind spots. This shall be an educational experience.”
“For whom?” Kyoko narrowed her eyes.
“Victory to thee, Lady Kyoko.” Basil bowed deeply, hand over his heart.
“Very well.” Kyoko sighed, “Please convey my gratitude to the External Consultancy. Good luck to you as well.”
Even if she had worn Tsuna and niisan down into recognizing that she could fight as well as any of them, they would still spend more of their energy trying to keep her away from danger than defending themselves. Haru might have the patience to work around their attempts, but after years of diplomacy, Kyoko was done being circumspect.
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ketchup-chup · 7 months
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byakuwan · 1 year
someone targeting a made-up group of 5 characters to slander the hell out of and spread absurd but believable rumors. scapegoats for some unknown purpose.
they have to be the most bizarre people outside the immediate vongola umbrella. and they just kinda. become an actual group with their own weirdo dynamic. something something enstars five oddballs style.
my current roster: shimon: shitopi-chan kokuyo: fran giglio-nero: byakuran (ofc) longchamp: pantera arcobaleno: skull
i want to see shitopichan and pantera combine their fashion sense. i want to see byakuran teaching fran how to make wings big enough to fly. i want skull to be just generally skull and be bullied a little bit but maybe appreciated a little more too (in hilariously roundabout ways tho.)
skull-kun... if you were a stuntman, that means you won't die if i drop you from the top of the building, right? ♪
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unofficialdiluc · 1 year
Hello just wanted to say your tags on my "rushed" Diluc gave me so much serotonin I just wanted to thank you for that and hope your day/night is great
Hi hello! Happy to provide some seratonin, especially for - if I’m remembering your art right - someone who drew that hellishly complicated outfit traditionally and not digitally. Really well done, and best of luck with your next piece!
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esidwaya · 2 years
Droit des femmes : le livret CEDEF présenté
Droit des femmes : le livret CEDEF présenté
Le comité pour l’élimination de la discrimination à l’égard des femmes a présenté le livret CEDEF le 28 septembre 2022 à Ouagadougou La problématique des inégalités et disparités entre les hommes et les femmes perdure cependant, malgré les efforts faits par le gouvernement.  C’est pourquoi le comité pour l’élimination de la discrimination à l’égard des femmes (CEDEF) s’est engagé à défendre les…
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
Tsuna & Skull Road trip: the first clue the panicked assholes back home find is a blurry and shaky 15 secounds clip someone recorded there is a lot of red and yellow, people are screaming and Sull looks angery as he holds a gun at someone off screen. Tsuna is behind him, his eyes glowing faintly.
What is actually happening - Tsuna and Skull stop for the day to enjoy a fireworks festival and were mad when a group of locals insulted their travelling friend when they had turned down their paint gun challenge. Now they are ready to fuck up some bitches for their friend (not for themselves though)
It's been three weeks and there's been no sign of Tsuna anywhere.
They've torn Namimori apart, Itay is in a quiet but frantic sort of uproar, Nana thinks Tsuna's on a backpacking trip, the CEDEF and Varia have both been deployed, and Hibari seems to be one misstep away from challenging the actual celestial sun to a fight.
Reborn's torn between being impressed over the amount of chaos Tsuna has managed to cause and being ready to break his idiot student over his knee when he finally gets his hands on him again.
Especially if he's been kidnapped the way Gokudera's been screeching.
It's Spanner who finds the clip.
At first no one's sure what, exactly, it is they're seeing.
But then Reborn hears a familiar snarl, hears a familiar voice thick and heavy with an accent he'd only heard once years and years ago, and feels every single bit of himself go still even before the video finally stabilizes enough for them to get some kind of idea of what they're watching.
The bullet Reborn puts through Spanner's screen is basically a reflex.
Around him the room erupts into chaos even as Reborn finds his attention caught on the look of absolutely arctic rage that's settled across Hibari's normally blank face.
Reborn knows exactly how he feels.
Luckily for Reborn and not so luckily for his wayward little idiots, Reborn was gifted with two hands.
One for both of their necks.
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rooigseix · 21 days
Gonna throw myself into another Iemitsu and Tsuna's relationship post because the sudden raise of people acknowledging this is more complicate than bashing fics.
One thing I believe is that if, by some chance like reincarnation fanfic, Tsuna wants to be a mafia (or well involve with the mafia) from young age, then Iemitsu would be a good dad to Tsuna. Iemitsu is capable of being a good dad/master to Basil, this is obvious, but the thing is Basil from the start is a fighter/mafia already and Tsuna is, yes, a civilian at first. (Not to mention Tsuna is still heavily rejecting mafia at the end of manga)
I don't know how Iemitsu ends up as mafia, high position one even. I just can see in the manga how Tsuna and Iemitsu interact is mostly through a mafia event first and foremost - Ring Battle, Representative Battle. I see Iemitsu makes a deal with Mukuro so Tsuna has a complete set to compete in the Ring Battle. I see the way he tries to tell something to his son is literally through fist in the Rainbow war, so yeah I see Iemitsu doesn't know how to interact with his civilian son in a normal loving way of parent. His love language with civilians, both his son and wife, is to leave them completely in the dark about himself and mafia because that would keep them safe.
But turn the matter around, as mostly Tsuna and Iemitsu interact through mafia events, I see that if Tsuna follows the mafia path, Iemitsu would be openly supportive and engaged in Tsuna's life than what happened in canon. To be honest Iemitsu may be still clumsy at conversation and throws fist to tranfer his idea, that I can't deny because I don't have a full grasp over Iemitsu's characteristic as mafia. But Iemitsu's want of Nana and Tsuna being safe is real, look at how he literally throwing himself in front of Vindice to protect Nana. If Tsuna by any chance involving with the mafia from young age, I hence see Iemitsu teaching his son how to fight and engaged in his son's life more so his now-mafia son can survive in his world.
But well since the beginning the dad and the son belongs to different world, they have no same ground to bonding as dad and son. So yeah.
A little bonus: even if Tsuna, as a teenager in manga, grows up and finally agrees to be the next mafia boss of Vongola, I still see Iemitsu being more engaged in his son's life in that situation. Meaning Tsuna doesn't have to want to be mafia at young age for dad-son relationship being closer. Of any chance, as long as Tsuna is in the mafia, Iemitsu would be more close to his son.
Well I say this because look at how Tsuna in the Future Arc, an adult Tsuna in the mafia world, completely hides his plan away from his loved one (mind you, this included Future Gokudera and Lal, debatably all other guardians except Hibari) to have chance winning against Byakuran and thus protecting his loved one. This screams Iemitsu so much, and so just personal opinion but I see in this Future arc, Tsuna-mafia-boss and Iemitsu had talked and bonded enough for Tsuna to understand his dad's method of staying silent, and then using a nearly almost same one as his way of protecting his family.
(My headcanon is at the beginning of Tsuna's mafia reign, Iemitsu is still Cedef boss and supports his son with all his might like how he supports Tsuna in the Ring Battle. I like Basil being Cedef boss one day but I see that come later in Tsuna's reign, when Basil has more experience. For the start of Neo Vongola, Iemitsu is still there for his Neo Vongola Primo son.
And logically Tsuna as mafia boss would not chase Iemitsu away even when they are not talking it out, like Iemitsu is a strong, experienced mafia who truly wants to protect Tsuna hence would be loyal too. Like no boss gonna fire (or pull the string to get rid off) someone such competent like that? It would be such a waste.)
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Gonna describe some WIPs I’ve had since last fall. Why? Because at least one person out there will be excited for them and that’ll peer pressure me into actually finishing them this time.
So all of these are Varia based ships and such with fall themed activities.
Apple Picking - Dino/Squalo/Xanxus - The morning after an intimate night with each other, Xanxus decides he wants something with fresh apples. So the three go on an impromptu trip to an apple orchard. Cute date shenanigans, Dino’s clumsiness, and hair pulling ensues.
Rainy Fall Movie Night - Lussuria/Moretti - (Looking up Italy’s weather in the fall, it’s more of the northern half that gets colder and rainy. And logically the Varia and CEDEF are located in the southern half, but it’s fine. I’ll come up with a good excuse. Also here’s Moretti’s wiki page in case you don’t remember him) Lussuria’s planned date night is ruined by bad weather, but his boyfriend is quick to help solve their problem by suggesting a night of movie watching and comfort food.
The Failed Dates of the Prince - Leaves, Pumpkin Picking, Coffee Date - Bel/Tsuna, Bel/Yamamoto, Bel/Gokudera - This one is titled!! This will be three chapters long. Bel invites Tsuna out on a date first and it’s quickly ruined in typical Tsuna’s daily life fashion. Next, going out to a pumpkin orchard with Yamamoto goes awry and he ends up soaked, with busted gourds, and losing his phone. In frustration once in his hotel room, he asks his last resort out to coffee in the morning with his back up phone. Hayato assumed it was Tsuna or someone else he knows and agrees. Despite the misunderstanding, things go surprisingly well.
Camping and Mulled Wine - Xanxus/Squalo and Levi - Levi invites his dearest boss to go camping! Ends up awkwardly third wheeling with Xanxus and Squalo. The trio end up making mulled wine over the campfire.
Trick or Treating - Fran/Lambo - As teenagers, Fran convinces Lambo they should skip a boring Vongola party to go trick or treating. They’re not the most successful, but they still have fun.
Mid-Autumn Festival/Moon Festival - Fon/Viper(Mammon) - Invited over by their worst enemy and boyfriend, Mammon spends the Mid-Autumn festival with Fon, I-Pin, and (briefly) Hibari. They don’t want to admit how much fun they had.
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ciaossu-imagines · 2 months
*takes a deep breath*
I usually do not talk about my khr selfinsert/oc but honestly i AM very interested about your thoughts if i just let you lose, so.
"Rena Paolina" (birthname: Alyona Ivanovna Tsareyev), about the age of Tsuna and his guardians is a young woman with a hand for childcare and a trained theater teacher. She was partially scouted by the Vongola to be part of a mafia centric daycare, for the offspring of the Vongola families memebers (There is also another reason why they keep a close eye on her). She has a knack foe identifying what kids need and how to get them to behave, which was especially helpful with the still young Lambo. She is not a fighter (or so she claims) and she completely focuses on her work at the daycare and her small theater group.
Her origin are only known to CEDEF, Reborn and Dino as Dino was the first person she met when she came to italy. She gets along well with Tsunayoshi and his guardians tho she only really seems to bicker and butt heads with Gokudera. With everyone else she seems to find ways to be on good terms with them.
She is a very righteous person and can be hotheaded when it concerns topics that hit close to home. Then she usually becomes short sighted and so heated she ends up running herself into a corner. Even tho she repeatedly says that children scare her and that she isnt very good at caring for them there have not been many kids who ever disliked her. She openly speaks her mind and opinion even to people that have a standing above her, tho she does adjust her way of speaking to not be too disrespectful. She has a passion for theater and really blooms in theater related projects, happily teaching others about it and helping them discover themselves through the magic of theater. However she does shy away from ever getting too much into public spaces for some reason.
This reason being that she is terrified of someone possibly figuring out where she comes from.
"Rena" is actually the only child of the Leonov families boss Ivan Anatolyevich Tsareyev, a mafia family that is notorious for their incredibly conservative ways. Originally her family was banished, as her father was usurped by his own right hand man and had to flee the country. However as Rena became a teenager her father traveled alone back to his home and through gruesome circumstances he managed to take back leadership, making sure to rule through fear. He wanted ro take his wife and daughter back home, however Rena was very against this new life and she ran away from home finding her way to italy where she begged to be taken in. Reborn decided that considering her age and inexperience with anything related ro the underworld she could be allowed to work for the vongoa tho under strict supervision. Should her family ever become an issue in politics she would make a fine hostage.
But even in her youth as her family was banished she had a boy by her side, about the same age as her by the name of Dimitri. While everyone went against her father, only his bodyguard stood with him and followed her family. It was his son that was early on tasked with protecting Rena even as a civilian and when she decided to run away he saw it as his duty to protect her by allowing her to escape. With the years passing she managed to truly prove herself in her craft and became a valued and beloved caretaker even if there are always the entitled parents that try to make her life a living hell.
Bulletpoint trivia
* Lambo adores her as she manages to thread the needle between pulling him back in reins and engaging in his antics.
* in her fifth year at the vongola she had proven herself enough to turn her small theater group into an actual ensemble, even being provided a small theater where they can properly perform even if only for a small audience.
* Reborn always kept one step in the suspicion territory but after seeing how skilled she is at actually taking care of mafia children he realized that she was a valuable asset to the family.
* While on official documents she is listed as having a storm flame she actually posesses a sky flame.
* she is not a fighter. She can protect herself when it comes down to it but she is definitely more a civi than a fleshed out mafiosi.
* Dima keeps an eye on her from afar. He never dared to actually meet her, but ever so often he makes a trip to italy to watch over her for a day before he returns to other duties. Rena has never noticed this.
* The reason Rena is quite close with the tenth family (or the neo vongola family) is not just their similar age, but also that she was one of the first introduced into the circle as soon as the mafia business really started. She took care of a lot of mundane tasks and took care of Lambo first and foremost.
* She actually kind of enjoys her back and forth with Gokudera tho she isnt sure if he sees it the same way.
* On the outside Rena seems to most like she has everything figured out and knows what she is doing. However in that case she is the true embodiment of "fake it till you make it". She is WAY more anxious than people believe her to be.
So I guess i am not asking for anything specific, i mean you know i ship with dera, but I wanted to just give you an opportunity to give me your opinion? Ideas? Critique??? I dont really know myself.
It is up to you. I just value your opinion in general.
(Also wanted to ask: even if the event ends, can i send you my varia boys profiles once they are done?)
@eternitas I dug this up in the queue before work today, just as I know you've been waiting for it ans it keeps getting sent down in wach new reshuffle! First off, let me just say that I am deeply honored that you feel comfortable sharing your self-insert/OC with me. I know that takes a lot of bravery to do, as these sorts of characters become very meaningful and dear to our hearts. I’m not entirely sure what to really give you back though! Because this reply is published publicly on the blog, I am going to ask if you’re okay with other readers commenting on the beautiful Rena and, if you are, I ask my gorgeous constant readers – do any of you lovelies want to comment or ask questions about the character, other than the ones I will be asking? (Though a reminder that all comments and questions must be respectful, anything that I feel is mean-spirited will not be shared and might earn you a block from the blog because again – sharing these types of characters takes a lot of courage). What I ended up giving you was just my thoughts, sometimes an occasional comment that I had while reading through the description of Rena, but mostly questions on her though because I am always very curious about characters! Oh, so many questions! I hope the questions will make sense and that none of it will come off as rude or nosey!! Even the critiques are more meant as…okay, that’s an interesting writing choice. This is how I always thought about the character/process, so I’m just really interested in why you think this thing instead – because, as a reminder, mine is not the only right way to see things and by asking questions and hearing other people’s views, I get to learn new things and see characters and situations in lights that I might never have considered! (Also, please, please, even if there is no event going on, please feel free to send me profiles for the Varia boys, and please know, to my lovely other readers, that I am always interested in hearing about people’s self-inserts or original characters 😊)
How is Rena pronounced? Like Ray-nah or like Ree-na?
Where Rena has a birthname and a new chosen name, how did she settle on the name Rena Paolina? What drew her to that first and last name? Is there any significance behind it?
Where she does have the birthname and then her new identity, did she legally change her name? Most Mafia families would work with forged documents and would be able to spot fake documents, even well-made ones if the family is experienced enough, so I feel she’d be living dangerously relying on just forged documents. Did she go through something like what Reborn went through after becoming cursed, where he went to some sort of specialist, referred to him through Shamal (or maybe even Shamal himself, who knows) and got her old identity completely erased and a new one constructed for her by the best of the best to avoid any danger?
If Rena is around Tsuna’s age, did she temporarily go on the leave from the Vongola after high school to get her theatre degree? If so, who took over childcare while she was gone? Was her absence really noticed? How much contact did she keep in with her friends, if the theatre school she went to wasn’t in Japan? Did they come to visit her often and if so, who showed the most interest in what she was learning about? (Do you see any of the Guardians or Tsuna’s other family members as being really interested in the theatre and acting?)
Why was she scouted for the Vongola? I can see them keeping an eye on her for potential threats and having the attitude of keeping your enemies closer, but why in particular was she scouted for the position she was scouted for? Why would they entrust her with the next generation of the Vongola if there was that fear about her family? Had she proven herself to them in some way? Was she supervised while in the daycare for the first several years until she had shown her loyalty? Or was it that Tsuna and Timoteo's hyper intuition saw through all and knew Rena had a heart of gold and would never hurt any of them or the Vongola itself?
Lambo would obviously give Rena a run for her money and probably tire her out but what about the other children? How does she get along with I-Pin, who is just as energetic but less rambunctious and trouble-making? What about slightly older children like Fuuta? Especially Fuuta, actually, whose ranking abilities could prove dangerous if they were to reveal something she didn’t want to come out, like who she was in the past?
I actually really, really enjoy the fact that Rena isn’t much of a physical fighter and does such a niche job. It makes her much more relatable, in my opinion, without the worry of her being overpowered or anything along those lines. I also love that she has clear passions and interests of her own, things that she enjoys doing that are completely separate from Mafia life because it makes her feel more realistic as a person and more fleshed out and dimensional as a character.
This is the only critique I have and it’s more a question. If she is indeed part of the Vongola, why are her origins only known to Reborn, Dino, and CEDEF. Reborn and CEDEF have no say as to who becomes Vongola, though Reborn recruits for Tsuna’s family specifically and even then, they kind of need to be invited in by Tsuna or at least accepted by Tsuna as part of his family. So, am I confused, and she’s scouted as part of specifically Tsuna’s generation? Because otherwise Timoteo and his Guardians would know about her, and I could honestly see Timoteo being the most sympathetic to her plight and the one most likely to take her in, while I could see Iemitsu and CEDEF and especially Reborn being the more extremely wary of Rena, because they would view her more of a threat, where Timoteo, especially with the help of Vongola’s Hyper-Intuition, would view Rena more as a child in a bad spot who needs a safe place to be and as a human being who means them no harm, something his Hyper-Intuition tells him in his heart and I could actually see him doing everything in his power to bring her into the fold and provide a stable 'father-like' figure to her.
Or am I confused and this takes place when Tsuna is an adult, though that would make no sense as Lambo would be much too old to need childcare at that point, though some of the family members would have children of their own that might need childcare during that time?
How did she meet Dino, where he’s the first person she met upon arriving in Italy? Why did she choose Italy to flee to? Was it a conscious choice or was it more that that was the first flight she could grab?
What are the topics that hit close to home for her? What are the causes and topics she’s passionate about and that get her heated?
If Rena is someone unafraid to speak her mind to anyone and everyone, how is it that she hasn’t gotten herself ‘bitten to death’ by people like Hibari? Or Xanxus, Bel, and Squalo, should she have ever met them? Are there times when she knows how to keep her opinions to herself, because doing otherwise would lead to danger or possible fights, or is she the impulsive type whose mouth sometimes gets the better of her (which I would sympathize with her on if that's the case because sometimes my mouth gets ahead of my head)?
If Rena doesn’t want to perform in public spaces due to a fear of being found out, does that mean the theatre group only performs for the Vongola? Just wondering as I’m just a little confused as to that, because here at least, even the backstage crew gets pulled onto the stage at the end of the show to get their round of applause. Is it different in other countries and I'm just being ignorant? I can't remember if I asked above, but what role does she play in the theatre troop? Does she direct, act, write original plays, anything? I am so, so, so intensely curious and intrigued by this aspect of her and it's one of my favourite things about her, no lie!!
Is her family Russian Mafia? And what do you mean by conservative ways, precisely? Are we talking stereotypical brutal Russian mob, who terrorizes, extorts, blackmails, and murders those inside their own territory? If so, how was the family not taken apart by the townspeople they subjugated during the internal chaos of the coup d’etat where his right hand man took the Boss’ seat? How did his right-hand man take over a family like that while still leaving the former Boss alive, especially as it would be a huge threat to the right-hand man since the former boss could gather anyone even the least bit loyal to him back to his side and could come gunning for the person who took over his role by force. A point blank killing of Ivan would make more sense to me, so I’m just trying to dig into the world here and figure out if there were reasons he was left behind and how all this turmoil in her family happened.
Where did her family resettle, if they were forced out of the country? Did she like that country? Would she return there? Would she ever return to Russia, if the danger of being found out for who she was was taken away? Like, was her childhood there one that she would have loved if born from a different family?
Since she ran way, does she ever contact her parents from a secure line to let them know she is safe? It seems unreasonably cruel, since there’s no hints that her father or mother were abusive to her, for her to leave them there for years upon years wondering if she was safe, if their child had been killed, and all that. Is there more to this family’s story than what’s being told at first glance? Again, this is such an intriguing, interesting backstory that I want to deep dive into it and learn every little bit of information I can about it, like I would want to deep dive into any characters from published anime/manga!
Why did Dmitri not go with her when she ran away, if his purpose and life’s work was really to be her bodyguard? Why did he not follow her after ensuring she got safely out, meeting her at somewhere they would have agreed upon? There’s no way she could have guaranteed safety as a runaway living on the streets, hoping someone would take her in, so I would think he’d be even more insistent on being able to stay with her and protect her. Was it under her orders, to keep him potentially safe, since I know for sure she does genuinely have a good heart and would deeply care about someone who'd been so close to her?
How does she fake having a Storm Flame to seal these official documents? I don’t think Flame types are officially listed on most paperwork, since the only valid way to prove it for it to be recorded would be to light the flame on a Ring? I have nothing against her being a Sky flame, just wondering how she fakes the Storm Flame or if she just has a weak secondary Storm Flame, which would also make complete sense with her personality!
If Dmitri knows where she is and watches her from afar, why has he just not approached her? If it’s because he could be caught doing so, he’d be caught doing observation and surveillance on her, wouldn’t he? Is he nervous she'd be upset or is he worried he might not fit into her new life??
Now just some random questions because I genuinely do think Rena is adorable, I like the bit of shipping headcanons you’ve shared with her and Gokudera, and I’m interested in learning more about just who she is as a person!!
What are some of Rena’s other hobbies other than theatre? Is there any particular genres she’s really pulled towards for all the media and stage shows she prefers?
What’s one stage production that she has always wanted to be a part of but hasn’t gotten to be a part of yet?
Is she right or left handed? Is she at all superstitious and does she believe in things like astrology, crystals, and psychics?
Would she go ghost-hunting/Bigfoot-spotting, etc. with Gokudera? Does she genuinely believe in all that stuff or is she doing it to humour him and because she knows how much he loves that kind of stuff?
What’s her style? How does she dress? How much care does she take with her appearance? Is she a no makeup kind of person or someone who likes to play around with their makeup?
Who’s her favourite kid out of the main kid trio of Lambo, I-Pin, and Fuuta? What about the Arcobaleno, where they look like babies? Who would she think is the cutest baby?
Does she attend Yamamoto’s baseball games and if so, is she one of the super-loud spectators, cheering him on so everyone can hear or is she more quietly supportive?
Does she have a parent she preferred growing up? (Was she a Daddy’s girl or a Mommy’s girl?) If she didn’t really ever get along with her parents, was there another relative that she really loved and that was her safe space, like an aunt or cousin?
What does Rena look like! I don’t remember it in the description or anything, so I’d love to hear about that aspect of her too!
Does she ever have any relationships prior to getting together with Gokudera or is he her first and only relationship throughout her life? How do they end up getting together? Does someone officially confess or does it just kind of happen naturally?
What is her daily life with Gokudera like? Do they move in together and if so, how soon? What’s her favourite thing about him and what drew her to him and vice versa?
When’s their anniversary? How do they typically celebrate?
How do her and Gokudera resolve fights and arguments they have?
Honestly, just tell me anything and everything about her because I’m really interested in getting to know her!
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what-the-fuck-khr · 14 days
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all photos were taken from listings on Mercari Japan, but here are the Vongola adjacent selfie cards!
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justkhrstuff · 2 years
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cedefaci · 2 years
Other reasons for Basil’s anachronistic speech
Assuming that Basil is indeed trained as a spy and not without powers of observation, he should have realized by now that the way he speaks Japanese is not normal. (Honestly, he should have realized that even if he had never been to Japan, CEDEF is not cut off from the outside world.)
Therefore, I propose that he continues to make a fool of himself on purpose, potentially for the following reasons:
Spite. He’s actually conducting a social experiment to see just how far he can go with the act before his master fesses up. So far, the conclusion is infinitely far, and that Iemitsu will confess never.
Guilting Iemitsu. Iemitsu might not ever confess to making a fool of his apprentice, but he does sort of feel guilty about it, so Basil has realized that his boss is a whole lost more amiable to his requests if he buckles down on his Ye Olde Japanese.
Playing stupid. Being underestimated is quite useful in his line of work, and people seem to dismiss him as a gullible fool the moment a “thou” passes his lips, at which point they forget that he successfully survived two chases across Eurasia alone. Given how little effort they put into lying to the teenager who believes that Japanese people speak this way, it’s hardly a surprise when they get caught due to the information they let slip to the person they thought was an idiot.
Spite again. Iemitsu is a Japanese man in the rather xenophobic mafia. Emphasising that aspect of his master’s identity reads as rather viciously spiteful. Jury’s out on whether Basil’s trying to make Iemitsu uncomfortable or his detractors.
Leading on this point and my decoy son headcanon, playing up Japanese stereotypes makes it more likely that people actually believe in a degree of family relation between the two, and when you need people to believe that the Young Lion’s hiding his son in plain sight so they don’t need to look further, every little bit helps.
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insanescriptist · 1 month
Hi Izzy! I'm not sure if this has been asked before, but why does Ganauche III have a Sun Guardian flame bond with Vongola Nono? And why is it uneven/unhealthy? I've reread Umei's fics and KHR and I can't see where the bond was stated.
Long story short, Ganauche the 3rd really wanted to belong -in fic he was originally meant to go to one of Nono's sons as a Guardian- and Vongola Nono seemingly accepted him once he needed a new Lightning post-Cradle.
So Ganauche went all in and Nono went very superficial. Hence the uneveness of it.
As for why it's uneven/unhealthy well... okay. So they accepted the power imbalance ie Nono is Ganauche's boss.
However it's also well known that Flame Bonding isn't just Boss and Subordinate; the other Flames are Valued for their abilities and insights and connections. Political Appointments especially are valued for their insights and connections and abilities. Ganauche was meant to be a Political Appointment. His famiglia invested in his Flame Training.
That Nono and Ganauche actually Bonded? Ganauche's famiglia was thrilled. (Gotta remember that in-fic, depending on fic, Lambo got all but sold to Tsuna through the CEDEF contract to accomplish getting one of their famiglia members into Tsuna's immediate circle.)
Nono however, only truly values two of his Guardians, Coyote and Nougat. You know, the only two who are his age. The others, eh.
They're there. They've sworn loyalty and obey. They're trusted with tasks and to see them done, or enable Nono to be able to do them himself, by whatever means may be necessary.
Ganauche... well.
Even in the little we see him in the manga, he gets stuck with the more menial stuff. Like you could tie that into in-fic Lightning training being shit and not expecting much out of someone who was trained in the Vongola Lightning training program on Nono's part.
So Nono's not really valuing anything of what Ganauche brings to the Vongola and to him, as Nono Vongola or even as Timoteo personally.
Which is shitty employer behavior and more shitty when you're basically a version of soul bound to another. Especially as it appears that Nono doesn't respect Ganauche as an individual in fic, as Ganauche has been dumped by girlfriends by missing dates for being at Nono's beck and call. For again, menial stuff.
When you have a relationship and one party fails to respect the other's needs and wants, that is a boundary violation. Is this inherently unhealthy or abusive? No. Sometimes it's called being an asshole. Is it still emotional neglect to a person who should be brought into your confidences because you're now spiritually bound together? Yes. Is it disrespect to Ganauche's person? Yes. His position? Yes. His famiglia? Yes.
Ganauche's relationship with Nono isn't actively and purposefully abusive. It's neglectful and mostly accidentally demeaning. It is harmful to Ganauche's mental state and his social life over time.
Tl; dr: Ganauche wants a real Guardian and Sky relationship and Nono just wants a placeholder to do stuff for him sometimes.
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cloud0818 · 1 year
About honorific titles and the suffixes add to name in Japanese. With KHR!
In Japan, honorific titles or suffixes add to names when conversing with a person whom you have just met. It isn't used depending on the person's age or personality, but it may give the impression of rudeness or aggression. It's rarely lack, between adults and never lack in a business situation.
I must speak stereotypically because the era in which KHR was serialized is different from today, but the actual trend today are not much different either.
This is a very useful and most common honorific title. It can be used for all genders and ages, or for formal situation and everyday life without any problems. Basically, it's an expression of distance including positive means. This can be used any person like juniors, classmates, or business partners.
For example, Tsuna feels Dino is friendly, but calls him as "Dino-san". This is use of "San" to older people than him. Adding "San" to older people than me is a common practice that has almost become a formality.
Or when he met Chrome a second time, he confused "Chrome-san? Dokuro-San...? What should I call you?". This is "San" for someone you have never met before or for someone has distance. In most cases, "San" is add to last name, but "Chrome Dokuro" is not a Japanese name, it made Tsuna more confused.
This is a more polite honorific title than "San". It is used for formal business partners and customers, not for friends nor for bosses or people you have never met before. The original word has the meaning of respect and is sometimes used for call their name people who are refer to "master" or "lord" in English. It's rarely used in a personal relationship in reality.
Chikusa and Chrome calls "Mukuro-sama", Levi had called "Xanxus-sama" , and Kikyo calls "Byakuran-sama". These are typical uses of "Sama", They really respect their boss.
The following two have no meaning of respect. It is a suffix added after the name. They may be used formality nuances or as nicknames. Both are used for children mostly, but sometimes to adults up to about age 30. Children calls a each other uses these suffx they have just met as it also formally. It is possible that it will become a nickname and continue to call with these. Or it may also be used by parents against their children.
Traditionally, it uses for boy mostly. It's used more often from women to men than from men to men. And this has also a little quiet nuances, so it is not often used for KHR characters, most of whom never quiet. It may also be used by a superior to call a subordinate.
However as you know, Tsuna calls Gokudera "Gokudera-kun" as a friend, not as a subordinate. In his case, he uses it as a friend, like when Tsuna calls CEDEF member Basil "Basil-kun".
Traditionally, it uses for girl mostly. This use a common expression between women. It is rarely used formally with men, but is sometimes used as a nickname all gender.
So, it's not strange for Byakuran calls to his adult best friend as "Syo-chan". This is a common way to call a man add "Chan" as a nickname.
Or Kyoko and Haru call each other "Kyoko-chan" "Haru-chan". They are very close, but have been calling each other this ever since they met. This is another good example of "chan" being established as a nickname. The suffix may be lost by getting to close, but it depends on their personalities.
KHR Japanese characters often uses honorific titles or suffix, but Italian characters doesn't use it. It's not surprising considering the culture, but interesting. Yes, Dino called Iemitsu "Iemistu-san" once. Why does he still have no plans to build a house in Japan?
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