#champions of kamigawa
mtg-cards-hourly · 3 days
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During the war, the rites of purification were still effective, but the kami, not the kitsune, chose what to cleanse.
Artist: Daren Bader TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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incorrect-mtg · 4 months
Flavor Text Highlights - Champions of Kamigawa
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Kamigawa block is my favorite block when it comes to flavor, so as a personal treat I'm giving this set double the amount of cards!
Cool - Mana Seism | Reach Through Mists
“It is the nature of humanity not to worry about tomorrow, especially when there’s a good chance they won’t live to see the end of today.”
—Kiku, Night’s Flower
“Know one part of the name, obsession begins. Know two parts, paranoia sets in. Know three parts, madness descends. Know all, and only the kami know what will become of you.”
—Lady Azami
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Funny - Akki Underminer | Hold the Line
“Deep inside the Sokenzan Mountains, a band of akki discovered a cache of ancient items of power. Their ensuing spree of destruction became known as ‘The Three Days of Fun.’”
—Observations of the Kami War
“Forgive me, Master Kami, but in the interest of my people I must halt your advance.”
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Worldbuilding - Unnatural Speed | Eiganjo Castle
“How can we hope to match the speed of lightning? The fury of storms? The power of mountains? The answer is simple. We cannot. I advise against this war.”
—Sensei Hisoka, letter to Lord Konda
Since the war began, the castle’s walls mark the only place on Kamigawa where no kami has ever set foot.
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Emotional - Guardian of Solitude | Wandering Ones
“It seemed an easy thing, to step into the nothingness, to fall, to die. But then, for an instant, I saw it, eyes filled with endless sorrow, and I turned back to face my pain.”
—Snow-Fur, kitsune poet
“I saw them once, when I was a child. They led me to my parents’ arms when I was lost. Why have they abandoned me now? Why won’t they take me home again?”
—Unnamed beggar
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art-of-mtg · 12 days
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Seizan, Perverter of Truth (Champions of Kamigawa) - Kev Walker
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Mothrider Samurai by Mark Zug
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jaebird88 · 7 months
Listening to TTC’s Scryfall Roulette, and when they had The Unspeakable up, I enjoyed the nostalgia trip when Wheeler brought up the other cards that worked with it.
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I remember having the whole set at one point, but I think I only have one of the arcane spells currently. Looking at them together, Behold the Unspeakable // Vision of the Unspeakable seems like a loss in mechanical flavor.
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The only constants being drawing cards and flying and trample. I’m guessing for balance purposes, the saga had to adhere to whatever else the set was doing in the meta. But I feel the saga side should at least mimic the three arcane spells to a degree if nothing else. Much like performing the ritual, reading from a forbidden scroll has the same effect of drawing out The Unspeakable.
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prosperity-post · 8 months
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markrosewater · 3 months
Mistform Ultimus deffinitely isn't from Champions of Kamigawa
Yeah, it's from Legions. I'm not sure why I keep messing that up.
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bergdg · 1 year
Great Goblin Bash: Final Round
"With great power comes great risk of getting yourself killed." - Goblin Arsonist
Well this is it folks! After weeks of eye-pokes, snarls, and gut punches, we are down to the final 4 contenders for the greatest legendary goblin printed (through March of the Machines: Aftermath)!! Our champions eagerly rose to the challenge, and each represents a different plane from across the multiverse. So let's hear it for Breeches of Ixalan, Kiki-Jiki of Kamigawa, Daretti of Fiora and Krenko of Ravnica!!
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Below the cut, each of our champions have prepared a short statement on why they should be named champion. But before that, we will ask one final time:
Breeches: "We fight Dusk, mess them good. VIOLENCE! We meet up. ALE AND CARDS! We are pirates. VOTE FOR ME!"
Kik-Jiki: "Wanna know what's better than one champion? Multiple copies of the champion! Wanna know what else is great? Riding a dragon up to a sky city to steal some delicious grub. So if you're awesome like me, you know just what our combo can do."
Daretti: "Where a lesser mind sees junk, I see infinite potential... in eradicating the junk that is my competitors. I've already taken down those who once opposed me at the academy. These novices don't even stand a chance."
Krenko: "Knives are such pretty things. They catch the sunlight oh so nicely, especially when they've been shanked into something fleshy, if you get me. And those rumors about a 'mysterious' Mr. Taz? Forget 'em, doesn't matter. We all know who the real boss is around here."
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@askkrenko @vorthosjay @dimestoretajic @mtgbracket
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mtglore · 6 months
The Champions of Kamigawa theme deck inserts have been added to MTGLore.com!
While most players are familiar with the current iteration of deck inserts from Commander precons, featuring exclusive lore for the face commanders, it's much rarer for old product text to still have some unrecorded secrets. Which makes these a treat...
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The full text of each of the four theme deck inserts are available on the site, along with links to Archive.org scans. It's not feasible to scan and/or transcribe the entire back catalog of deck inserts—I picked these four up in a lot of sixty back in March 2019—but worth it in this instance for Kumano, Takeno, and the cardless orochi Suzue to have their backstories officially recorded 19 years later.
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thecornwall · 7 months
Cornwall's Random Card of the Day #698: Honden of Seeing Winds
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Honden of Seeing Winds is an uncommon from Champions of Kamigawa, seen here in its Historic Anthology 3 version, thus the terrible quality.
Kamigawa played around with signifier subtypes for enchantments. In this case, shrines. Individually they could be a bit weak, and they were legendary, so you HAD to have different types to make things work, and they were in all 5 colours, but if you put them together they started snowballing towards a win. Shame there was no 5 colour archetype support in Kamigawa. This was the block which chose flavour first, functionality second, and it shows.
In Neon Dynasty, they bring the shrines back as enchantment creatures, which goes a long way to making them a lot better. Overall you can see putting them into decks which only have a couple, since having just one isn't such a disaster.
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mtg-cards-hourly · 25 days
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Guardian of Solitude
"It seemed an easy thing, to step into the nothingness, to fall, to die. But then, for an instant, I saw it, eyes filled with endless sorrow, and I turned back to face my pain." —Snow-Fur, kitsune poet
Artist: Stephen Tappin TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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incorrect-mtg · 9 months
Flavor Text Highlights
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So, one thing that I did two years ago (and have kept updated since) on twitter was my flavor text thread, where I went through each set in Magic history and picked the top 4 (or, for some exceptional cases, 8) best pieces of flavor text in my opinion.
Since then, I have regreted some choices and very much dislike the fact I can't edit the original tweets to reflect changes on the rules I followed for card selection... So I might as well use Tumblr as the place to correct all that.
Every day from now on, I will re-post a set from the list until I catch up to it, then eventually update it as new magic sets come out. The rules for selection can be seen after the linebreak below (as well as a full list of sets I've already gone through, with links). The first one can be found here.
1- Categorization
I will always try to select a diverse list of cards so as to fill the following 4 categories of flavor text types:
Cool - Boasts and descriptions that serve to make the subject matter of the card seem powerful and/or interesting.
Funny - Dialogue, descriptions or epigrams meant to get a laugh out of you
Worldbuilding - Flavor text whose biggest strength comes not from what it says on its own, but how it helps build upon either the world the set takes place in or the story of the set in question
Emotional - This one could conceivably be separated in two whole categories, but it encompasses cards that would fill the same niche as the "Cool" category but with a specific focus on either sadness or horror.
However, there will be situations where there might be a number of good flavor texts within a certain category while another is found lacking of any truly great options. In such scenarios, I will simply remove one (and in rare cases more) of the categories and repeat one of the remaining options. For an extreme example, the first Un-sets barely had any non-Funny options, so when picking cards from those sets most/all of the picks will be from the Funny category.
2- Card Selection
Cards will be reviewed only if they have new flavor text (using scryfall's "new:flavor" filter) and only if it's original flavor text (aka no real world references or quotes from literature) while sets will either be reviewed alone or grouped up depending on the amount of eligible cards in the set. Although I don't have a hard cut-off point for how many new flavor texts a set needs to be reviewed alone, the general range is around 150.
For sets that don't reach that number, they will either be bundled with an associated set (i.e. reviewing Commander precons with their associated Standard set) or bundled with a lot of other smaller products until a suitable number is reached (i.e. bundling all early Masters sets and Duel Decks together, since the amount of new flavor texts in those products is very low).
2.1 - Cycles
For some sets, a collection of cards (usually a cycle) will have flavor texts that work together, expand on each other or combine into a single theme. If said interaction is particularly good or if there isn't already a good flavor text that can stand up on its own, a cycle might be picked for a specific entry. Below, I will try to set up a list of every post for this, in order:
1. Alpha/Beta/Unlimited
2. Antiquities
3. Legends
4. The Dark
5. Fallen Empires
6. Ice Age
7. Homelands
8. Alliances
9. Mirage
10. Visions
11. Portal
11. Weatherlight
12. Tempest
13. Stronghold
14. Exodus
15. Portal Second Age
16. Unhinged + Unglued
17. Urza's Saga
18. Urza's Legacy
19. Urza's Destiny
20. Mercadian Masques
21. Nemesis
22. Prophecy
23. Invasion
24. Planeshift
25. Apocalypse
26. Odyssey
27. Torment
28. Judgment
29. Onslaught
30. Legions
31. Scourge
32. Mirrodin
33. Darksteel
34. Fifth Dawn
35. Champions of Kamigawa
36. Betrayers of Kamigawa
37. Saviors of Kamigawa
38. Core Sets (4th Edition - 10th Edition)
39. Ravnica: City of Guilds
40. Guildpact
41. Dissension
42. Coldsnap
43. Time Spiral
44. Planar Chaos
45. Future Sight
46. Lorwyn
47. Morningtide
48. Shadowmoor
49. Eventide
50. Duel Decks
51. Shards of Alara
52. Conflux
53. Alara Reborn
54. Magic 2010
55. Zendikar
56. Worldwake
57. Rise of the Eldrazi
58. Magic 2011
59. Scars of Mirrodin
60. Mirrodin Besieged
61. New Phyrexia
62. Commander Precons (Commander 2011 - Commander 2019)
63. Magic 2012
64. Innistrad
65. Dark Ascension
66. Avacyn Restored
67. Magic 2013
68. Return to Ravnica
69. Gatecrash
70. Dragon's Maze
71. Masters Sets
72. Magic 2014
73. Theros
74. Born of the Gods
75. Journey into Nyx
76. Conspiracy + Conspiracy: Take the Crown
77. Magic 2015
78. Khans of Tarkir
79. Fate Reforged
80. Dragons of Tarkir
81. Magic Origins
82. Battle for Zendikar
83. Oath of the Gatewatch
84. Shadows Over Innistrad
85. Eldritch Moon
86. Kaladesh
87. Aether Revolt
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art-of-mtg · 1 month
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Wandering Ones (Champions of Kamigawa) - Heather Hudson
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Iname, Life Aspect by Justin Sweet
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gemthegerm · 9 months
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bace-jeleren · 1 year
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My "favorite" part of my entire liveblog of Outlaw: Champions of Kamigawa is that you got to watch me get attached to the most doomed duo of all time. Fucking Kobo.....
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