#character: yun jiao
movielosophy · 5 months
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Governor’s Secret Love | She's become my weakness.
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guzhuangheaven · 3 months
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: 如懿传 | Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Keliyete Hailan | Consort Yu & Prince Rong of Qing | Yongqi, Ulanara Ruyi | Step-Empress & Prince Rong of Qing | Yongqi, Keliyete Hailan | Consort Yu & Ulanara Ruyi | Step-Empress & Prince Rong of Qing | Yongqi, Keliyete Hailan | Consort Yu & Ulanara Ruyi | Step-Empress, Prince Rong of Qing | Yongqi/Hu Yunjiao Characters: Prince Rong of Qing | Yongqi, Hu Yunjiao, Keliyete Hailan | Consort Yu, Ulanara Ruyi | Step-Empress, Jiang Yubin Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Fix-It, Character Death Fix, Partner Betrayal, Betrayal, Confrontations, Complicated Relationships, Ending Relationship, Mother-Son Relationship, Women Being Awesome, (not Hu Yun Jiao and Wei Yan Wan obviously), Family Dynamics, Character Study Summary:
It was only happenstance that ended up saving Yong Qi's life when he glimpsed Hu Yun Jiao entering Yongshou Palace one day.
(Canon divergence when Wei Yan Wan gives Hu Yun Jiao the poison sooner.)
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yourmaidsp · 2 months
East Park ideas dump #3
(some sot contents)
–some East Park's SOT characters + weapon list:
Kyle = Liu Bei 刘备 (twin swords)
Stan = Guan Yu 关羽 (glaive)
Tolkien = Zhang Fei 张飞 (spear)
Wendy = Zhuge Liang 诸葛亮 (feathered fan + guzheng)
Cartman = Cao Cao 曹操 (sword)
Butters = Xiahou Dun 夏侯惇(long sword)
Kenny = Sun Quan 孙权 (six swords)
Jimmy = Lv Bu 吕布 (halberd)
Timmy = Zhao Yun 赵云 (spear)
Ike = Liu Shan 刘禅
Craig = Zhang Jiao 张角
Tweek = Meng Huo 孟获
Clyde = Sima Yi 司马懿
the Goths = Nanman crowds
(o boy I'll have hell of a ride designing these)
–The whole vibe of East Park would feel like this edit of early Chinese tiktok
- Butters might be super badass in this bc Xiahou Dun is well known for fighting fierce w only one eye.
- Also Wendy would craft delicate n powerful defense mecha (according to history) that almost scared Clyde to death.
Genuine, hilarious, absurd n absolutely beautiful.
ngl I really like this.
-Craig goes to work( to his temple) on a crappy cranked bicycle, his theme would be this:
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nemainofthewater · 3 months
Completed 'Surname' Polls
This is where I take several characters from different Chinese media (mostly cnovels and cdrama) and run a poll on which one is the 'best'. What does best mean? It's up to you! Whether you love them, are intrigued by their characters, love to hate them, or they're your '2 second blorbos whose personality you made up wholesale', these are all reasons for you to vote for your favs!
NB: the surnames are not exactly the same in all the cases, as often they will be a different character. I am, however, grouping them all together otherwise things got more complicated.
This post is for the polls which have finished running and can no longer be voted in (since I have realised that I'm quickly approaching the limit for hyperlinks in the original masterlist).
If you want to see the currently live polls, they can be found here
Finished polls: Cao/Wei/Guo/Chen/Ye/Qiao/Yu/Xue/Tang/Jiang/Su/Gao/Mei/Lin/Wu/Sun/Liu/Di/Zhang/Ying/Mo/Li/Song/Yan/Xiao/Pei/Hua/Xie/Mu/Qi/Shen/Lan/Fang/Luo /Huo/Xu/Wang/Ming/Fan/Yuan/Feng/Bai/Jin/Meng/Yun/Zhao/Wen/Zhou/Yang/Shang/Yue/Sheng/Ouyang/Lu/Ling/Hu/Gu/Ding
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okabehk · 1 year
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Title: #TheJourneyOfChongZi #重紫
Main Cast: #YangChaoYue #JeremyTsui
Episodes: 40 + epilogue
Platform: #viki #Tencent
For me this drama, like the name implies, is all about Chong Zi and her relationship with Yin Fan. I looooooooved Yang Chao Yue! I've seen tons of complaints about her character and I have absolutely no idea why, she is so cute and adorable. Her character especially at the beginning is a Sa Jiao character and I especially love that type of character if done right which I think Yang Chao Yue did an excellent job with. The story reminds me of Love and Redemption a bit where it's light and fun at first and then they just pile on the pain through misunderstanding after misunderstanding which is kind of annoying plus they introduce the amnesia trope in later episodes which I hate. Speaking of similarities to Love and Redemption, Yang Chao Yue did Sa Jiao way better than the FL in Love and Redemption who I thought was super annoying.
The story wasn't too bad but after the soul binding string in the last few episodes it got a little weird but with the epilogue, which is basically the ending, it ended up being quite nice. There were three characters I hated, Min Yun Zhong was terrible, he was sneaky and wanted to kill Chong Zi the entire drama. The other two were MiaoYuan who was so jealous and privileged she was evil, and Ting Xue who was a terrible person, both hated Chong Zi for no reason except jealousy and did terrible things to her. Fortunately those two got what they deserved but Yun Zhong definitely needed a greater punishment.
The love story was strong and Jeremy acts with his face which you rarely see, you could see all of his emotions through his facial expressions alone. When the two do finally sort of figure it out it's pretty cute but unfortunately everything is against them so they also feel a lot of pain. I loved the ending epilogue which really is just the ending because it starts exactly where episode 40 leaves off so don't think 40 is the end. Episode 41 is on Viki.
I would definitely recommend especially if you like well done Sa Jiao characters, but remember there is a lot of pain and sadness in this one as well, the ice prison scenes are pretty much unbearable.
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priest-novels · 2 years
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I posted 1,605 times in 2022
That's 1,605 more posts than 2021!
4 posts created (0%)
1,601 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,604 of my posts in 2022
#art - 1,422 posts
#tyk - 344 posts
#spl - 300 posts
#qi ye - 278 posts
#guardian - 233 posts
#zhou zishu - 223 posts
#gu yun - 222 posts
#jing beiyuan - 214 posts
#liu yao - 212 posts
#shen wei - 211 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#also just a reminder - i do make mistakes so don't treat this blog as an infallible judge of what should be considered novel-compliant xd
My Top Posts in 2022:
First yay I am thrilled to see ya posting here again! Second not to complain just to point out but QJJ isn't by Priest? It's by Tang Jiuqing.
sdfgsvdfhjbk wrong blong, thanks for pointing it out <3 and thank you for nice words, I'm also happy to be back <3 even if i'm all over the place 😆
2 notes - Posted August 20, 2022
TYK week 2022
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From Twitter here:
"The prompts for Tian Ya Ke Week are here, with themes, tropes, and kinks for each day! Use one or more prompts to inspire you to create a fanwork for Priest's novel, and post your work during TYK Week, April 1-7. Tag your post with #tykweek if you’d like us to feature your work!"
Tag #tykweek here as well so I can see :)
Prompts from the image below the cut
16 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
Blog for Priest novel content only (plus some manhua/donghua because they tend to be close to the original material)
Main resources
Priest’s carrd
great tls masterpost by verycharismaticdragon, with relationships between novels and translation status, listed chronologically
Novels by tags
tyk (Tian Ya Ke - Faraway Wanderers)
qi ye (Lord Seventh)
spl (Sha Po Lang - Northwest Flower)
liu yao (Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect)
modu (Silent Reading)
can ci pin (The Defective)
shbl (Shan He Biao Li - Of Mountains And Rivers)
youyi (Itinerant Doctor)
zhong ji lan yin (The Ultimate Blue Seal) 
guardian (Zhen Hun)
lhjc (Lie Huo Jiao Chou - Drowning Sorrows in Raging Fire)
bestial blade (Shou Cong Zhi Dao)
guomen (Through The Strait Gates)
huai dao (The Way of the Evil)
tai sui
jin se
See the full post
88 notes - Posted February 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
For those who struggle searching for specifically novel content buried under tons of drama posts - here’s a space for Priest’s novels only <3
158 notes - Posted February 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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shijiegongzi · 3 years
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On 8/17/2021, Zhang Qiling has now returned to Wu Xie and Pang Zi for 6 years.
Because I can’t visit Chang Bai Shan or Hang Zhou or Xi Zang or anywhere tbh 😭 for my first ever 817, I’m visiting Tumblr instead to post my rare thoughts. I wanted to dedicate my 817 post to these pictures from Episode 16 of Ultimate Note.
Let me explain why *hem hem*. The first two pictures are when Zhang Qiling exited the yun yu in Xi Wang Mu's cave palace and lost his memory. Clearly, he's in a disastrous physical state or else someone as fit and martially skilled as him would never lay in such a vulnerable position or have to be carried.
In the third picture in the desert though, he's walking by himself. We know Wu Xie and Pang Zi would have carried him without any hesitation (I mean even Hei Yanjing and Xiao Hua carried (dragged) Tuoba out of the desert), so Xiao Ge must have been determined to walk by himself.
And we also know from the last two pictures that he wasn't walking because he was fully recovered. The moment they exit the desert and reach safety, Xiao Ge is in a feverish coma state again and stays that way until after spending many days in the hospital. So he really was walking by himself in the desert not because he felt that much physically better but because he didn't want to "burden" Wu Xie or Pang Zi and have them spend their energy on carrying him.
These scenes may just be a few minutes in a 36 episode long tv series or 10+ year fandom or thousands years long story, but they embody why Dao Mu Bi Ji and Tie San Jiao enchant me so much. I’ll never encounter zombies or raid a tomb or fight a powerful secret organization, but it’s so believable to me that the characters of dmbj exist somewhere. Somewhere there’s a Wu Xie stringing together the coin bracelet of a woman who wanted to kill him or setting out to rescue an uncle who has lied to him in every imaginable way. Somewhere there’s a Pang Zi holding the lifeless body of his beloved in his lap or making a nametag so his good bro can find his way home. Somewhere there’s a Zhang Qiling who’s willingly harsh to himself if it means his friends’ lives are a little easier.
Through the eyes of the live comment generator that is Wu Xie, I’ve been immersed into the spectacular world Nanpai Sanshu has created. Reading for pure fun is not something I do often, but the dmbj series made me want to read every single word with all my heart - if not for the plot, then just to make sure Wu Xie still has a tian zhen (innocent and naive) side, that Pang Zi is still lively at times, that Zhang Qiling returns from the too cold Chang Bai Shan, and to follow everyone else to the end of their written stories.
Ending with this line that perfectly describes the magical connection between a book and its readers: 两方世界山河共,一纸内外烟火同.
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princess-sengoku · 3 years
Dynasty Warriors 7 Characters only unlocked in conquest mode
Conquest mode kinda replaced free mode yet kinda didn't. It had you go through all sorts of little battles throughout the land to fill in all the hexogons to gold. You had a bunch of towns you can go into and increase bonds with other playable officers. Now you should at least get all of story mode out of the way so you can unlock most of the characters you can choose from at the beginning. If you start out conquest mode like when you start the game first, you might have a very small roster to choose from. The starting roster from when you boot up the game for the first time is the following:
Xiahou Dun
Cao Cao
Sun Shang Xiang
Sun Jian
Liu Bei
Bao Sanniang
Sima Yi
Sima Zhao
It's not very big so go through story mode to collect some officers to play as.
Clearing the story of Wei unlocks: Xiahou Yuan, Dian Wei, Xu Zhu, Cao Pi, Zhang He, Zhang Liao and Jia Xu
Clearing the story of Wu unlocks: Zhou Yu, Lu Xun, Gan Ning, Lu Meng, Huang Gai, Ling Tong, Sun Ce, and Sun Quan
Clearing the story of Shu unlocks: Zhao Yun, Zhang Fei, Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong, Huang Zhong, Guan Suo, and Jiang Wei
Clearing the story of Jin unlocks: Sima Shi, Zhuge Dan, Wang Yuanji, Zhong Hui, Deng Ai, and Guo Huai
Any of the other faction characters, apart from Zhurong of course, will have to be unlocked in Conquest mode.
So now that we have taken care of unlocks from story, now we have the conquest unlocked only characters. Everyone can play in conquest mode but not story mode (the xtreme legends expansion added the feature you can play any story mode stage with any character). So who do you have left to get? Here's the following:
Cai Wenji
Cao Ren
Xu Huang
Zhou Tai
Taishi Ci
Deng Feng
Guan Ping
Ma Chao
Ma Dai
Wei Yan
Xiahou Ba
Lu Bu
Yuan Shao
Dong Zhuo
Zhang Jiao
Meng Huo
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the-archlich · 4 years
DW Potential Additions Tier List
So I made some spreadsheets but decided I was putting in too much work so here’s a quick summary.
I was grading on a scale of 1-5. 1 was characters I really don’t htink would add anything good, but who I thought some might suggest (like Cao Zhi, Jia Nanfeng, Pan Zhang, Zhao Guang, Zhang Ren, etc.) 2 is people who could maybe work under very specific circumstances, like a big narrative shift or a lot of related characters being added, or who might be fine but aren’t nearly as good as some other options (like Cheng Yu, Cao Xi, Wu Jing, Mi Zhu, or Gao Gan). These don’t really make the cut for discussion, so if you don’t see a name you’re expecting, I probably put them in one of those tiers for some reason.
Tier 3 are characters who would be fine. Just fine. They either did enough to make themselves noteworthy, or have enough of a connecting to existing narrative and cast that they’d probably add something worthwhile. Not the ones I’d be most excited about, but the ones I couldn’t make too many complaints over.
Tier 4 are great adds. Characters I really want to see, who could really expand the cast in worthwhile ways.
Tier 5 are characters I forget aren’t in these games already because why are they not here?
I’m not going to explain every decision here because I’m sure there will be followup questions. Yes, I’m aware that Jin is overrepresented, because it’s the smallest of the main factions.
Lady Bian (Wei)
Zhang Xiu (Wei; previously Dong Zhuo, Liu Biao)
Zang Ba (Wei, previously Tao Qian, Lü Bu)
Cao Zhen (Wei)
Zhong Yao (Wei)
Xiahou Xuan (Jin)
Xun Yi (Jin)
Chen Tai (Jin)
Guanqiu Jian (Jin)
Wen Qin (Jin)
Yang Huiyu (Jin)
Hu Lie (Jin)
Hu Fen (Jin)
Lady Wu (Wu)
Zhang Zhao (Wu)
Zhuge Jin (Wu)
Lü Ju (Wu)
Zhu Yi (Wu)
Zhuge Ke (Wu)
Zhuge Zhan (Shu)
Jian Yong (Shu)
Zhang Ni (Shu)
Fei Yi (Shu)
Liu Biao (Other: Liu Biao)
Wen Pin (Wei; previously Liu Biao)
Xiahou Shang (Wei)
Cao Hong (Wei)
Jiang Ji (Wei)
Zhu Ling (Wei; previously Yuan Shao)
Dowager Guo (Jin)
Cao Shuang (Jin)
He Yan (Jin)
Pei Xiu (Jin)
Sima Fu (Jin)
Fu Jia/Gu (Jin)
Wang Ji (Jin)
Wang Ling (Jin)
Du Yu (Jin)
Sima (Gaoling) (Jin)
Sima Wang (Jin)
Shi Bao (Jin)
Sun Luban (Wu)
Sun Ben (Wu)
Sun/Yu He (Wu)
Jiang Qin (Wu)
Lü Fan (Wu)
Zhu Huan (Wu)
He Qi (Wu)
Quan Zong/Cong (Wu)
Zhuge Jing (Wu)
Tao Huang (Wu)
Wu Yan (Wu)
Lady Gan (Shu)
Liu Feng (Shu)
Ma Zhong (Shu)
Wang Ping (Shu)
Yuan Tan (Other: Yuan Shao)
Qu Yi (Other: Yuan Shao)
Tadun (Other: Yuan Shao, Wuhuan)
Shen Pei (Other: Yuan Shao)
Xu Rong (Other: Dong Zhuo)
Gao Shun (Other: Dong Zhuo, Lü Bu)
Gongsun Zan (Other: Gongsun Zan)
Cao Rui (Wei)
Guo (Nuwang) (Wei)
Chen Deng (Wei; previously Tao Qian, Lü Bu)
Zhang Changpu (Wei)
Wang Lang (Wei; previously Tao Qian, Liu Yao)
Sima Lang (Wei)
Jia Kui (Wei)
Du Xi (Wei)
Li Tong (Wei)
Cao Zhang (Wei)
Zhao Yan (Wei)
Cao Jie (Wei) 
Li Feng (Jin)
Zhong Yu (Jin)
Qin Lang (Jin)
Wang Chang (Jin)
Sima Liang (Jin)
Sima Zhou (Jin)
Sima Jun (Jin)
Yang Hu (Jin)
Sima Yan (Jin)
Wei Guan (Jin)
Zhang Hua (Jin)
Tang Bin (Jin)
Jiang Ban (Jin)
Hu Zun (Jin)
Pan Shu (Wu)
Sun Luyu (Wu)
Sun Jing  (Wu)
Sun Yu  (Wu)
Sun Jiao  (Wu)
Sun Shao (Bohai)  (Wu)
Widow Xu  (Wu)
Gu Yong  (Wu)
Gu Tan  (Wu)
Bu Zhi  (Wu)
Chen Wu  (Wu)
Dong Xi  (Wu)
Zhu Zhi  (Wu)
Zhu/Shi Ji  (Wu)
Yu Fan  (Wu; previously Liu Yao)
Lu Kang  (Wu)
Lü Dai  (Wu)
Pan Jun (Wu; previously Liu Biao, Shu)
Lu Kai  (Wu)
Teng Yin  (Wu)
Sun Jun  (Wu)
Zhang Ti  (Wu)
Wu Yi  (Shu; previously Liu Zhang)
Wu Ban (Shu; previously Liu Zhang)
Zhang Shao (Shu)
Lady Ma (Shu; previously Liang Warlords)
Mi Fang (Shu; previously Tao Qian)
Lady Mi (Shu; previously Tao Qian)
Dong Yun (Shu)
Ma Liang (Shu)
Ma Su (Shu)
Chen Zhi (Shu; previously Liu Zhang)
Huo Jun (Shu; previously Liu Biao)
Huo Yi (Shu)
Luo Xian (Shu)
Yang Yi (Shu)
Li Hui (Shu; previously Liu Zhang)
Jiang Wan (Shu)
Deng Zhi (Shu)
Zhang Yi (Bogong) (Shu)
Liao Hua (Shu)
Lady Liu (Other: Yuan Shao)
Yuan Shang (Other: Yuan Shao)
Tian Feng (Other: Yuan Shao)
Ju Shou (Other: Yuan Shao)
Li Jue (Other: Dong Zhuo)
Cai Yong (Other: Dong Zhuo)
Liu Qi (Other: Liu Biao)
Cai Mao (Other: Liu Biao)
Lady Cai (Other: Liu Biao)
Kuai Yue (Other: Liu Biao)
Huang Zu (Other: Liu Biao)
Gongsun Yuan (Other: Yan)
Yong Kai (Other: Nanman)
Gaoding (Other: Nanman)
Liuzhou (Other: Nanman)
Liu Yao (Other: Liu Yao)
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shenglingyuan · 4 years
I just found your older post of Priest's danmei's! I just finished SPL and was looking into what else to read from her. Could you point out which of Priest's works besides SPL have a gong MC? Apparently the cheat is that whoever falls in love first is the gong (lol) but I'm not sure which novels of those r included. Thanks!
Most priest novels are actuall tagged as 主受(POV of the shou/shou MC)...so actually in SPL, it’s Gu Yun who’s technically the MC. But at this point, many priest readers have given up on identifying who’s MC and ML since more often than not, both characters get to have equal amounts of POV anyway haha! But for works that /seem to be/ in the POV of the gong...I’d recommend Can Ci Pin and Lie Huo Jiao Chou!
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lubusleftthumb · 6 years
Dynasty Warriors 9 – Who’s the Best Weapon Users?
I’ve watched all the characters movesets and I decided to share my opinion which moveset is the best among each cloned weapons. I only watched the movesets, not the characters (I don’t care they’re my favorites or not) or no matter who’s the original weapon users. If you don’t agree or feel disapointed with my results, then make your own post like this based on your opinion but you need to follow the directions : 1. watch all the characters movesets, 2. make your decision who got the best moveset (not based on your favorite characters or original weapon users). Here’s my results, enjoy!
DUAL JIAN = Cao Pi, Liu Bei, Lu Xun
Best moveset : Lu Xun
 RAPIER = Liu Shan, Sima Shi
Best moveset : sima Shi
 DUAL JI = Zhang Liao, Ma Dai
Best moveset : Zhang Liao
 JIAN = Cao Cao, Sun Quan, Xu Shu
Best moveset : Sun Quan
 TWIN RODS = Xiahou Yuan, Yue Jin, Taishi Ci
Best moveset : Taishi Ci
 THROWING DAGGERS = Wang Yuanji, Zhang He, Xun Yu
Best moveset : Zhang He
 CHAIN AND SICKLE = Jia Xu, Gan Ning, Chen Gong
Best moveset : Jia Xu
 CHANG GUN = Guo Jia, Zhou Yu, Zhu Ran
Best moveset : Zhu Ran
 GUANDAO = Guan Yu, Li Dian
Best moveset : Guan Yu
 NUNCHAKU = Ling Tong, Guan Suo
Best moveset : Guan Suo
 LONGTOU DAZHADAO = Zhou Cang, Sun Ce, Wen Yang
Best moveset : Zhou Cang
 QIANG = Zhao Yun, Ma Chao
Best moveset : Ma Chao
 FEATHER FAN = Zhuge Liang, Sima Yi, Zhuge Dan
Best moveset : Sima Yi
 DAO = Huang Zhong, Sima Zhao
Best moveset : Sima Zhao
 ZHANMADAO = Guan Ping, Xiahou Ba
Best moveset : Xiahou Ba
Best moveset : Xu Sheng
 FAN SWORD = Cao Xiu, Guan Xing, Zhong Hui
Best moveset : Cao Xiu
 SHOOTING BLADESPEARS = Man Chong, Guo Huai, Jia Chong
Best moveset : Jia Chong
 URUMI = Xun You, Zhang Chunhua, Fa Zheng
Best moveset : Xun You
 STAFF = Zhang Jiao, Zuo Ci
Best moveset : Zhang Jiao
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hiddenwashington · 4 years
can i come off hiatus pls, reserve azula, and have some fc suggestions?
welcome back from hiatus, babe! please make sure you post on all characters within 24 hours to avoid being unfollowed! and azula is yours for 24 hours! some fcs, to match our current zuko would be : cao lu, du juan, elkie chong, fei fei sun, gemma chan, gong li, guan ziaotong, jing tian, ju jingyi, ju xiao wen, kaman kong, koni lui, lin yun, liu shishi, ming xi, song qian, tiffany tang, wang fei fei, wu qian, xu jiao, xueying zhang, yang zi, yao chen, zhang xin yuan, zhao jiamin!!
** azula is reserved for kaits for 24 hours!
** beetlejuice is now reopened for applications, do not unfollow!
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princess-sengoku · 5 years
Dynasty Warriors 5 roster
New Characters will be in bold. This will be for all of the Dynasty Warriors 5 and spin offs of the same name.
Xiahou Dun
Dian Wei
Xu Zhu
Cao Cao
Zhang Liao
Xiahou Yuan
Sima Yi
Xu Huang
Zhang He
Cao Ren
Cao Pi
Pang De
Zhou Yu
Lu Xun
Sun Shangxiang
Gan Ning
Sun Jian
Taishi Ci
Lu Meng
Sun Quan
Sun Ce
Huang Gai
Zhou Tai
Ling Tong
Zhao Yun
Guan Yu
Zhang Fei
Zhuge Liang
Liu Bei
Huang Zhong
Ma Chao
Jiang Wei
Wei Yan
Pang Tong
Guan Ping
Lu Bu
Dong Zhuo
Zhang Jiao
Yuan Shao
Meng Huo
Zuo Ci
*Insert 1-10 edited characters here*(xtreme legends and empires edition only)
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the-archlich · 7 years
Was Han De any good as a commander. I have seen him be the foil for Zhao Yun in a few movies.
Han De did not exist.
He and his four sons (Ying, Yao, Qiong, and Qi) are fictional characters created to make Zhao Yun look good.
Same with:
Pei Yuanshao
Zhang Wu
Xiahou En
Chunyu Dao
Yan Ming
Zhong Jin
Zhong Shen
Xing Daorong
Chen Ying
Zhou Shan
Ma Han
Liu Jun
Jiao Bing
Murong Lie
Jinhuan Sanjie
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First Character Dialogue
Rules: Post the first line of dialogue that your character speaks.
The Lost Guardian (Book I)
O: “Guess not.”
Enlai: “Damn it.”
Li: “Hush…it is alright…”
Prince Ito: “Oh, surely there is no need for this, Ai-tan?”
Baojia: “Li-sun!”
Jiao-long: “Not his friends…”
Xun: “W-we’ll go back…if you want…”
Xiao-ping: “Ah, so he does know his manners after all.”
Kailí: “Who are you?”
Zihao: “Kailí, what is going on?”
The Lord: “Ancestors’ greetings.”
Aiguo: “Li-sun.”
Huo: “Dao-yun is being even more irritable than usual today, isn’t he?”
Dao: “Seriously, Osamu?”
Yujin: “Dao. Osamu.”
Lei: “Come on, Weilei-tan!”
Weilei: “Mother, aren’t you coming with us?”
Yonha: “What is the meaning of this?”
Ke’ai: “Do not allow them to buy too much.”
Akane: “Well don’t touch anything.”
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do it!
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allcheatscodes · 5 years
dynasty warriors 8 ps3
dynasty warriors 8 ps3
Dynasty Warriors 8 cheats & more for PlayStation 3 (PS3)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Dynasty Warriors 8 cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, trophies, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PlayStation 3 (PS3). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the PlayStation 3 cheats we have available for Dynasty Warriors 8.
Check Xbox 360 cheats for this game
Genre: Strategy, Action Strategy Developer: Omega Force Publisher: Tecmo ESRB Rating: Teen Release Date: July 16, 2013
Currently we have no tips for Dynasty Warriors 8 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no cheats or codes for Dynasty Warriors 8 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Wu Unlocks
Daqiao : Complete Stage 3(x) – Battle against Yu Ji Ding Feng : Complete Stage 10 – Battle of Yiling Gan Ning : Complete Stage 6 – Battle of Jingzhou Huang Gai : Complete Stage 1 – Assault of Liu Biao Lianshi : Complete Stage 8 – Battle of Ru Xu Kou Ling Tong : Complete Stage 6 – Battle of Jingzhou Lu Meng : Complete Stage 7 – Battle of He Fei Lu Su : Complete Stage 3 – Battle of Xu Chang Lu Xun : Complete Stage 8 – Battle of Ru Xu Kou Sun Jian : Complete Stage 1(x) – Battle of Liang Province Taishi Ci : Complete Stage 7 – Battle of He Fei Xiaoqiao : Complete Stage 9(IF)(x) – Battle of Xinye Zhou Tai : Complete Stage 2 – Conquest of Wu Zhou Yu : Complete Stage 1 – Assault of Liu Biao
Wei Unlocks
Cai Wenji : Complete Stage 11(IF) – Invasion of Jianye Cao Pi : Complete Stage 6 – Battle of Wan Castle Cao Ren : Complete Stage 4 – Battle of Xu Province Dian Wei : Complete Stage 6 – Battle of Wan Castle Guo Jia : Complete Stage 6 – Battle of Wan Castle Jia Xu : Complete Stage 6 – Battle of Wan Castle Li Dian : Complete Stage 1 – Dong Zhuo’s Assassination Pang De : Complete Stage 13(IF) – Chase at Nanjun Wang Yi : Complete Stage 11 – Battle of Tong Gate Xu Huang : Complete Stage 4 – Battle of Xu Province Xu Zhu : Complete Stage 3 – Battle of Yan Province Yue Jin : Complete Stage 1 – Dong Zhuo’s Assassination Zhang He : Complete Stage 12 – Battle of He Fei Zhang Liao : Complete Stage 6A – Battle of Xia Pi Zhenji : Complete Stage 12(IF) – Defense of Xu Chang
Character Unlocks
Diaochan : Complete Stage 1 and 2 for Wei, then complete her story mode Dong Zhuo : Complete Stage 1 and 2 for Wei, then complete his story mode Lu Bu : Complete Stage 6(x) for Wei, then complete his story mode Meng Huo : Complete all kingdoms What If stories, then complete his storymode Yuan Shao : Complete Stage 7 for Wei and Stage 3(x) for Shu, then complete hisstory mode Zhang Jiao : Complete Stage 1 for Shu, then complete his story mode Zhu Rong : Complete Stage 11(IF)(x) for Shu, then complete her story mode Zuo Ci : Complete Wu’s What If path, then complete his story mode
Shu Unlocks
Bao Sanniang : Complete Stage 11(IF)(x) – Supression of Nanzhong Guan Ping : Complete Stage 11(IF)(x) – Supression of Nanzhong Guan Suo : Complete Stage 8 – Battle of Mt Dingjun Guan Xing : Complete Stage 8 – Battle of Mt Dingjun Guan Yinping : Complete Stage 8 – Battle of Mt Dingjun Huang Zhong : Complete Stage 7 – Battle of Chengdu Jiang Wei : Complete Stage 11 – Battle of Tianshui Liu Shan : Complete Stage 10 – Battle of Yinling Ma Chao : Complete Stage 7 – Battle of Chengdu Ma Dai : Complete Stage 7 – Battle of Chengdu Pang Tong : Complete Stage 7 – Battle of Chengdu Wei Yan : Complete Stage 6 – Battle of Chibi Xingcai : Complete Stage 10 – Battle of Yinling Xu Shu : Stage 6 – Battle of Chibi – Ensure the fire attack succeeds, thenfind him Yueying : Complete Stage 11 – Battle of Tianshui Zhang Bao : Complete Stage 9 – Battle of Fan Castle Zhao Yun : Complete Stage 1 – Yellow Turban Rebellion Zhuge Liang : Complete Stage 4 – Battle of Xinye
Jin Unlocks
Deng Ai : Complete Stage 5 – Battle of Dongxing Guo Huai : Complete Stage 4(x) – Battle of Han Zhong or Stage 5(x) – Battle ofHe Fei Castle Jia Chong : Complete Stage 5 – Battle of Dongxing Wang Yuanji : Complete Stage 1 – Battle of Wu Zhang Plains Wen Yang : Complete Stage 11 – Battle of Jinge Xiahou Ba : Complete Stage 4(x) – Battle of Han Zhong or Stage 5 – Battle ofDongxing Zhong Hui : Complete Stage 5 – Battle of Dongxing Zhuge Dan : Complete Stage 4 – Battle of Coup de’Defeat
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Dynasty Warriors 8 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Dynasty Warriors 8 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no guides or FAQs for Dynasty Warriors 8 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Trophy List
A Collector of Rarities – Obtained all of the Camp Symbols. – Silver
A Majestic Manner – Reached the maximum Fame level in Ambition Mode. – Silver
A Shout of Triumph – Finished all of the stages within Story Mode and Free Mode with the exception of the tutorial. – Silver
An Intricate Tale – Completed all of the stages in Story Mode. – Silver
Animal Collector – Obtained all of the animals within the game. – Bronze
Battle-hardened Veteran – Won 100 battles with the same officer. – Silver
Comeback Kid – Defeated 3 enemy officers with a Switch Counter in a single battle. – Bronze
Death from Above – Defeated an enemy after juggling them in the air for at least 10 seconds. – Bronze
Event Collector – Unlocked all of the event scenes within the game. – Bronze
Facility Construction – Had a new facility built in Ambition Mode. – Bronze
Facility Expansion – Had a facility expanded in Ambition Mode. – Bronze
Friends to the End – Formed a bond at the maximum level with another officer. – Silver
Graduation Day – Completed the tutorials for all of the kingdoms. – Bronze
Heaven and Earth – Built a Tongquetai and welcomed the Emperor to your town. – Silver
In an Instant – Defeated 3 enemy officers with a Storm Rush in a single battle. – Bronze
King of the Combos – Achieved a 1,000 hit combo. – Bronze
Legend of Jin (secret) – Viewed the ending (Historical & Hypothetical) for the Jin story. – Silver
Legend of Shu (secret) – Viewed the ending (Historical & Hypothetical) for the Shu story. – Silver
Legend of Wei (secret) – Viewed the ending (Historical & Hypothetical) for the Wei story. – Silver
Legend of Wu (secret) – Viewed the ending (Historical & Hypothetical) for the Wu story. – Silver
Like a Shadow – Finished any stage of the game, except for the tutorial, without taking any damage. – Bronze
Master of Chaos – Completed all of the stages on the “Chaos” difficulty level. – Gold
Mounted Terror – Defeated 1,000 enemies while mounted on a riding-type animal. – Bronze
Movie Collector – Unlocked all of the movies within the game. – Bronze
One Warrior vs. a Thousand – Defeated 1,000 enemies in a single battle. – Bronze
Revelation – Upgraded all skills to Level 10 or higher. – Silver
The Beastmaster Awakens – Defeated 100 enemies with a companion-type animal. – Bronze
The Birth of a Leader – Fought 5 straight battles in Ambition Mode. – Bronze
The Destroyer – Destroyed a total of 1,000 siege weapons. – Silver
The Height of Prosperity – Obtained all of the facilities in Ambition Mode. – Silver
The Land of Plenty – Obtained more than 1,000 materials for weapons and facilities in Ambition Mode. – Silver
The Path of Ambition – Fought 20 straight battles in Ambition Mode. – Silver
The Ties that Bind Us – Became allies with all of the officers in Ambition Mode. – Silver
True Rage – Used a True Rage Attack. – Bronze
True Warrior of the 3 Kingdoms – Obtained all trophies. – Platinum
Unstoppable Might (secret) – Defeated a total of more than 100,000 enemies. – Silver
Untold Legends (secret) – Completed all of the stages for the Other story. – Silver
Unwavering Ambition – Fought 50 straight battles in Ambition Mode. – Gold
Vocal Enthusiast – Listened to all of the voice lines within the Gallery. – Bronze
Wallpaper Collector – Unlocked all of the wallpapers within the game. – Bronze
Weapon Collector – Obtained all of the weapons in the game. – Silver
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