#charlie coyle x reader
ilyasorokinn · 6 months
what's in a name , jeremy swayman
note, i love them, i do. and i'm not even a boston fan. anyways, this fic is part of the "swinging with the swaymans" series. check out this masterlist for more. pair, jeremy swayman x reader summary, y/n surprises jeremy at practice with baby eli, where they then surprise linus (and the team) with eli's full name. warnings, babies word count, 1159 words
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(gif not mine)
“Bye Bye,” Jeremy spoke in a baby voice as he said his goodbyes to Elijah. You watched, waiting to take your son from him when he was done. It was Jeremy’s first day back at practice, which, since Elijah was born, would be the longest they had been apart.
“We’ll be okay, won’t we, Eli?” You shook his little hand softly, “Tell Daddy we’ll be okay.” you smiled up at Jeremy, who looked nervous. Elijah babbled his baby talk, whining when he was moved from his dad’s arms and into yours, but quickly settled down.
"I’ll miss you both.” He frowned, leaning in and pecking your lips.
“I’ll miss you, too. And so will Eli, even if he doesn’t know it.” You smiled, leaning up and pecking him back.
“I love you both,”
“We love you, too, Jer.” You sighed, waving Elijah’s little hand as Jeremy picked up his bags. he slung the duffle bag over his shoulder then pressed one more quick kiss to each of your heads before he stared longingly at you and waved.
“Go.” You laughed, pushing him out the door carefully. Once he was gone, you set your plan in motion. You packed your bags and got Elijah situated in the car. You were thankful that he had distracted himself and wasn't screaming his head off.
You transferred him from the car seat to the baby carrier, making sure he was comfortable and warm, making funny faces at him and smiling when he giggled at them.
You greeted the security guards, who peeked into the baby carrier, making his own funny face, and smiled when Eli giggled at him. You decided to take the long way to show Eli around, even though he wouldn't remember or understand anything you were showing him.
You finally made it to the rink and couldn't but smile when you heard all the guys laughing and skating around. You carefully got Eli out of the carrier and pointed out all the guys to him.
Eli's eyes were wide as he took everything in. From the glass to the ice to the skates to the guys, "There's daddy." You pointed across the ice over to the other side of the rink where Jeremy was in front of the net.
Eli followed your hand but no look of recognition crossed his face, which made sense. Eli's attention was quickly taken when Charlie Coyle stopped in front of you and was waving to him. You could tell he was basking in the attention he was getting from the guys because of how big the smile on his face was.
Practice had seemingly halted as all the guys had skated over to say hi, which confused Jeremy. He couldn't tell what was going on from the other end of the ice, so he skated over.
Once he got closer, he finally saw who had distracted everyone. He took off his mask as he skated closer. Once Eli saw his dad, a look of recognition finally crossed his face and he smiled. A path was formed and Jeremy skated through, a smile on his face too.
"Hi, buddy." He beamed, waving and making funny faces at Eli, which sent him into a fit of giggles and laughs which, in turn, made Jeremy smile even bigger.
Eventually, an assistant coach came over and broke up the scene. You watched Jeremy skate backward, a pout on his face as you laughed and waved Eli's hand at him again. You pointed over to the general area where you would be sitting to watch practice and that seemed to brighten his mood.
You stayed for the rest of warmups, which was only about 20 minutes, but Eli fell asleep halfway through and was out. You sat in the bleachers, even after practice was over, waiting for Jeremy to come out.
While you waited, you talked to the security guard who was always by the glass during warmups. He entertained Eli with some funny faces, joked around with you, and showed you pictures of his grandbaby who had been born just a few months before.
Eventually, after about half an hour, Jeremy came out, which you were expecting. What you didn't expect was almost half the team to come out with him. Practically the entire team had come out of the locker room to see Eli.
"They wanted to meet him." He shrugged, setting his bags down and taking the baby from you. You smiled, accepting the hug from a few of the guys. You watched as all the guys fawned over Eli. Your heart warmed at the smile on Jeremy's face as he held Eli and showed him around the circle of guys.
"So, tell us, what's his name?" You broke through into the circle, stood by Jeremy, and smiled.
"His name is Elijah Linus Swayman," Jeremy stated, a proud smile on his face as he looked over at the other goaltender, who was standing there, frozen, as he took everything in.
The guys patted him on the back and cheered for him. Jeremy handed Eli over to you as Linus pulled him in for a hug. When they pulled away, Linus turned to you and pulled you in for a hug, careful not to disturb Eli too much.
"Do you want to hold him?" You asked. The look on his face melted your heart, and once he was ready, you set Eli in his arms. Linus began cooing over the baby and couldn't stop smiling.
Eli eventually went around the circle and each of the guys got to hold him, cooing and fawning over him. While all the guys were busy fawning over your baby, Linus turned to you and Jeremy with a smile on his face.
"Thank you both for this. I'm truly honored." He put a hand to his heart as he spoke, "This is the sweetest thing."
"Well, would you pass out if we asked you to be his godfather too?" Jeremy asked, laughing at the shocked look on his face once again.
"Really?" He asked, his voice squeaky.
"Really." You both nodded, laughing when he quickly pulled you both in for a hug. Eventually, the guys started saying goodbye and began filing out to leave.
You turned to Jeremy when it was just you and him, "This was a nice surprise." Jeremy smiled, setting Eli down in the carrier and wrapping you in a hug, "I wasn't expecting to see you two until after practice."
"Wanted to surprise you." You hummed, looking up at him, "I'm ready to go home." He smiled, kissing your head.
"Let's go home. We'll take your car and I'll catch a ride tomorrow."
"Yeah?" You raised a brow at him, throwing the diaper bag strap over your shoulder while Jeremy did the same with his own bag.
"Yeah. You can sleep on the ride home." He threw an arm around your shoulders while the other pushed the stroller.
my taglist: @kolsmikaelson @kidlnthedark @bowen-power @lam-ila @puckinrightschicagoo @stars-canucks @iwantahockeyhimbo @2manytabsopen @lady-laura-speaks @calermakar08 @hamilton160 @Pierrelucduboiis @thescooby-gang @huggybearmylove43 @sammysworldddd @mista-svech @samanthasgone @hockeyboysarehot @nicoleloveshockey @thedukes-56-5 @talksoprettyjjx @tdd2323 @kaydenissleepy @Yagetintoit @seventieswhore @michellekirby30 @jamieeboulos @Coffeeandteaandflowers @bibella8swan @boqvistsbabe @sophia-bordeleau @beccaiscold @puckbunnyforsway @its-bitchin-belle-bitches @voidvannie @cixrosie @luvvtrent
add yourself to my taglist!
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pastrnaks-sainz · 3 years
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Here is where you can find anything and everything you could possible want to navigate my blog!! Enjoy responsibly!! 
Masterlist ~ Where you can find all my fics!!
Prompt List ~ For your requesting inspiration needs!!
Who I Write for and Who I Don’t ~ Avoid awkward requesting exchanges!!
Taglist Sign Up ~ Just follow the example in the top row!
I’m open to a lot of things, but if your request falls under something I am uncomfortable with, I will not hesitate to tell you. I am not obligated to tell you why, just that I am not comfortable with writing what you requested. 
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going-full-shmoo · 4 years
Could you please write a wedding day/proposal for Charlie Coyle?
Hey anon! I hope I did him justice!
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this boy kinda screams forest person so I definitely see him doing something with that for both the proposal and wedding
the two of you were taking an evening hike per his request to this vista that he had discovered a while back that overlooked the mountains
it was just you, him, and his dog Bodie who had essentially become your child over the time you were together
the two of you walked hand in hand, smiling and chatting along as you walked up the trail
he could feel the ring box in his pocket, and even though he was nervous, he knew that the two of you were ready for it
when you got to the top, the sun was just beginning to set, causing the sky to erupt in a spectrum of colors
you were so busy taking photos and awe-ing at the view that you didn’t even notice that right behind you, he had gotten down on one knee, ring in hand
he had made a little sign for Bodie that asked “Marry my dad?” with a paw print heart
you turned around to see him with the ring out, Bodie sitting with the sign, tail wagging happily
“What do you say?” he asked with a smile
you obviously say yes, and the two of you take a million cheesy pictures at the vista of the two of you, practically glowing
so the wedding
the two of you would get married in the offseason
it would be a destination wedding, somewhere in the redwoods among all the beautiful trees
everything would be lined with white flowers and forest greens, with fairy lights and candles
there were white linens and flowers draped over a beautiful wood archway standing in as an alter
in other words, its super forest wild and romantic and everything
he’d be super shy and bashful all day but the happiest man in the world
if someone even mentioned you or married life he’d just flush and then start rambling endlessly about you
probably walks his mom down the isle to usher her to her seat before going up and taking his place bc he’s a sweet boy like that
Bodie would be the ring bearer because that’s cute as hell and y’all know he’s gotta be in the wedding somehow
a good boy, he will sit and wait up at the alter with him until you get down the isle
the ceremony is sweet and romantic and has everyone choking back tears because the two of you are mushy af
the reception would be out in one of the clearings in the forest, under a beautiful tent completely decked out in white flowers and candles and fairy lights too
all the decor would be wooden and rustic, and would just be so beautiful
to kick off the festivities the two of you would release those cool paper lanterns like something straight out of Tangled before having your first dance
the speeches once again got everyone emotional because as much as the boys try chirping Charlie they can see just how happy the two of you are
the rest of the night is spent partying together under the stars, enjoying one another’s company
never once does his hand leave yours, and he’d make sure it stayed that way for the rest of you lives
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pastrnakshohoho · 5 years
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Requests are always open although I only take them for dialogue prompts unless stated otherwise. I don’t limit my fanfiction to just writing a pair as a couple. I’m open to writing them as just friends/best friends, siblings, etc.
More players and pairings will most likely be added as time goes on. I also don’t plan on removing anyone or any pairing so if they’re already listed, they’re here to stay.
Clicking a name or pairing will take you to that player’s individual masterlist. At the moment that only consists of Kasperi Kapanen, Torey Krug, Tuukka Rask, Tyler Seguin, William Nylander.
x Reader
Adam McQuaid
Auston Matthews
Brad Marchand
Brandon Carlo
Charlie Coyle
Charlie McAvoy
David Pastrnak
Jake DeBrusk
Kasperi Kapanen
Mat Barzal
Mitch Marner
Patrice Bergeron
Sean Kuraly
Torey Krug
Trent Frederic
Tuukka Rask
Tyler Seguin
William Nylander
Slash (M/M)
Patrice Bergeron/Brad Marchand
David Pastrnak/Tuukka Rask
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pastrnaks-sainz · 3 years
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Pairing: Charlie Coyle x female!reader 
Type: Fluff 
Warnings: Swearing 
Word Count: 1785
Summary: It’s the middle of the summer, and with most of his teammates off in their respective home states or countries, Charlie is left with only a few options for company. He could call Wags or Gizzy over, but with Wags’ annual summer barbecue coming up, he doesn’t want to seem too needy. Then the perfect idea falls right into his lap. His neighbor. 
A/N: I will not apologize for loving the shit out of Brad Marchand 
Charlie had never been this bored. If he was forced to watch another episode of The Bachelor he thought he might just take the quick way out and fling himself out the window. 
Summer was a slow time. He liked having a break from hockey, even though he was always working out and getting ready for the upcoming season, but he missed his teammates like crazy. Everyone had gone home for the summer months after the season was over. The only players that were left in Massachusetts were the local boys, himself, Chris Wagner, and Matt Grzelcyk. The three of them had taken to hanging out together a lot. But they each had families they wanted to spend time with. 
The past week, for Charlie at least, had been hell. His family had gone up to Maine for a vacation. He’d elected to stay behind because there was nowhere he could go to stay in shape. Sure, a week off from all workouts entirely wouldn’t hurt too much, but there was also the small matter of Wagner’s annual barbecue in the backyard of his home in Walpole tomorrow afternoon. Some of the guys were coming back for the weekend just to hang out and catch up before going back to their families for the summer. Pasta was flying in all the way from Prague, and Tuukka from Finland. Charlie couldn’t miss out.
He was just starting to consider another episode when he heard the door to the apartment next to his open and close. How could he be so stupid. His neighbor was right there and he didn’t even think to ask if she wanted to do something with him. 
Before he could think twice, he was on his feet heading out of his apartment. He knocked on your door, fiddling with his fingers as he waited for you to open it. 
“Charlie,” you smiled, stepping aside so he could come in as you looked up at him. “What’s up?”
“Hey Y/N,” he smiled, squeezing past you into your apartment. He turned his head away from you to hide the blush brushing against you caused. “Sorry to bother you but, is there any chance you’d want to hang out today? Wags is prepping for his barbecue tomorrow and Grizzy is hanging out with his family.” 
“Yeah, I’m available,” you said, walking into your living room. “What do you want to do?” 
“I don’t know,” Charlie shrugged as he sat down on your couch. 
“Alright,” you said, sitting down beside him. Your dog jumped up on the couch between you. You giggled as she placed her head in Charlie’s lap. “Well, there’s no shortage of fun things to do in Boston in the summer. We could take a ride on a duck boat.” 
“I’d get recognized,” Charlie shot down the idea. 
“Okay, what about a Red Sox game? My dad has some tickets for tonight.” 
“Museum? I’ve always loved the Museum of Science.” 
“It’ll be closing soon.” 
You stopped firing off ideas for a moment before thinking of the perfect thing. He clearly didn’t want to be around people, and you just so happened to know the perfect spot where you wouldn’t be disturbed. 
“Come with me,” you grabbed his hand and pulled him up off the couch. 
“Where are we going?” he asked as you dragged him along behind you. 
“You’ll see.” 
The sun was just starting to disappear between the high rise buildings as you drove towards the Prudential Center. Charlie knew Boston like the back of his hand, so of course he knew where you were going. He just had no idea why you were going there. 
“Trust me,” you smiled over at him as you parked in your spot in the parking garage. 
It was silent in the elevator as you rode it up to the top floor. Your office occupied that floor, something you were deeply grateful for when you had to pull all nighters. The receptionist smiled and nodded to you as you led Charlie through the office to the balcony. 
“How did I never know this was here?” he asked, walking out over the glass floor. 
“It’s one of Boston’s best kept secrets,” you smiled as you watched him lean against the railing and look out over the city. His jaw hung open with the view. You came to stand beside him, your gaze moving from his face out to the city. 
Despite the warm summer night, and standing in close proximity to Charlie, who was like a human furnace, the wind still managed to make you shiver. Charlie noticed and wrapped an arm around your shoulders. It was like second nature to him with how quick the idea came to mind and the speed with which he acted upon it. 
You stilled under his arm for a moment before leaning into his side. A wave of comfort watched over you in his embrace. It almost felt natural, like it was a position you were supposed to be in. 
“Thank you for this,” Charlie said after a few moments of quiet. “I needed the distraction.” 
“I’m happy to be your distraction any time you need me,” you replied, looking up at him. He was already looking down at you. 
“We should probably go,” he said, his voice husky. “Krej is having that barbecue tomorrow.” 
“Yeah,” you agreed, stepping out from under his arm, your trance having broken. 
“Do you want to come with me?” he asked as you walked back through the Prudential Center to your car. “To the barbecue, I mean.” 
“I would love to,” you responded, smiling to yourself as you climbed into your car. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Charlie bid you goodbye once you were back outside your apartment. 
“Tomorrow,” you nodded. Charlie leaned down and pressed a kiss to your cheek before disappearing into his apartment, leaving you standing dumbfounded in the hall. 
The next morning arrived all too soon. Before you knew it, Charlie was knocking at your door. 
“Morning,” he smiled brightly when you stepped out into the hallway with him. “You look excited.” 
“It’s not everyday you’re asked to a barbecue that’s hosted by a Bruins player,” you nudged him. 
“You got me there,” he laughed. 
The rest of the ride was filled with playful banter. You and Charlie just talked as he made the drive to Chris Wagner’s home in Walpole. Your nerves spiked when you the driveway and road lined with cars. Charlie took notice and grabbed your hand. 
“They’re gonna love you,” he reassured you with a gentle smile. 
“You say that like I’m your date or something,” you smiled back. He just shrugged and popped open the door. Before you got the chance to react, he was running around the car to open the door for you. You took his hand again as he helped you step out. Across the yard somebody let out a wolf whistle. You looked up to see Anders Bjork smirking over at his teammate. You immediately blushed and looked away. 
“Don’t be shy,” Charlie whispered to you as he changed the grip he had on your hand and walked over to Anders. 
“Who’s this?” Anders asked as you and Charlie walked into the backyard together. 
“Friend of mine,” Charlie said. “Y/N, Anders. Anders, Y/N.” 
“Nice to meet you,” Anders smiled, shaking your free hand. He tossed a look over his shoulder to you as Charlie McAvoy came and pulled him away towards a game of corn hole. He waved to you before disappearing. 
“Come on,” Charlie pulled you towards the deck. You froze when you saw who was standing there. Charlie followed your gaze to Patrice Bergeron, Brad Marchand, and David Pastrnak. He smiled and started leading you over to them. “You wanna meet them?” 
“Yeah,” you nodded, looking up at him. He laughed and pressed a kiss to the top of your head before walking up the steps. 
“Charlie!” Brad exclaimed when he saw his teammate appear between Patrice and Pasta. “Who’s this?” 
“Guys, this is Y/N,” Charlie introduced you. “Y/N, you know who everybody is.” 
“Yeah,” you said sheepishly. “Sorry, I’m kind of star struck.” 
“I like her,” Pasta laughed. You smiled brightly and looked up at him. 
“Pasta!” McAvoy called from the yard. “We need two more for corn hole! You in?” 
“What do you say, Y/N?” Pasta asked, looking down at you. “You any good at corn hole?” 
“I like to think I am,” you responded with a smile. 
“Well come on,” Pasta waved you on. You stood on your toes and pressed a kiss to Charlie’s cheek before following Pasta down the stairs towards the corn hole game in the shade the tree caused. 
Chris Wagner handed his spot at the grill off to Kevan Miller and joined Charlie, Patrice, and Brad. Charlie didn’t notice the arrival of his friend, for he was too busy watching as you got yourself acquainted with the group of guys playing corn hole. 
“Oh you’ve got it bad,” Wags laughed. 
“What?” Charlie looked over at his teammate. Brad, Patrice, and Wags all started laughing. 
“Oh you do have it bad,” Patrice smiled, leaning against the railing as he tried to catch his breath. “Are you sure she isn’t your girlfriend?” 
“I hate every one of you,” Charlie groaned, accepting the beer passed to him by Marchy. 
“Look,” Bergy said, holding a hand out. “She’s into you. If you make a move I guarantee you won’t regret it.” 
“And how the fuck do you know that?” Charlie asked as he took a sip of his beer. 
“Out of the two of us, who is the one that’s married?” Bergy raised an eyebrow. 
“Trust us,” Marchy chimed in. “You should make your move.” 
“Yeah,” Charlie gazed at you as you threw your hands up and high fived Pasta. “Maybe you guys are right.” 
“Go,” Wags said as he took Charlie’s beer from him. 
Before he got the chance to second guess himself, he was on his way over to you. Without thinking twice, again, he spun you around by your shoulder and planted his lips on yours. 
A chorus of cheers went up from the players around you. 
You melted into Charlie’s touch, letting the feeling of his lips against yours transport you to a different place. His lips worked against yours gently, not trusting himself to go further because he knew he wouldn’t be able to stop. 
“Who do I have to thank for that?” you whispered, completely out of breath when he pulled away. 
“Marchy, Bergy, and Wags,” he answered, equally as out of breath. 
“I’ll thank them later,” you said before kissing him again. 
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pastrnaks-sainz · 3 years
Who I  Write For and Who I Don’t
See this post to avoid any awkward requesting exchanges 
Who I Write For 
Jakob Chychrun (ARI)
David Pastrnak (BOS)  
Charlie Coyle (BOS) 
Jake DeBrusk (BOS) 
Brandon Carlo (BOS) 
Matt Grzlecyk (BOS) 
Charlie McAvoy (BOS) 
Matthew Tkachuk (CAL) 
Tyler Seguin (DAL) 
Connor McDavid (EDM) 
Leon Draisaitl (EDM)
Josh Anderson (MTL)  
Mat Barzal (NYI) 
Anthony Beauvillier (NYI) 
Travis Konecny (PHI)
William Nylander (TOR) 
Mitch Marner (TOR) 
Brock Boeser (VAN)
Nolan Patrick (VGK)
Pierre-Luc Dubois (WPG)
By Request Only 
Brad Marchand
Patrice Bergeron
and others
Who I Don’t Write For
Jamie Benn (DAL)
Patrick Kane (CHI) 
Tom Wilson (WSH) 
Sidney Crosby (PIT) 
Auston Matthews (TOR)
Vince Dunn (STL)
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pastrnaks-sainz · 4 years
Prompt List!!!!
So to make my life a bit easier, I decided to throw together a quick prompt list. You guys can use this when you’re requesting fics, and I’ll pull from it occasionally if I need some inspiration. I’ll sort into fluffy and smutty prompts so you can have your pick of which one you’re in the mood for!
(also the ones in bold are ones that I’ve added)
“Your hair is softer than mine”
“Stop moving!”
“Go to sleep or I swear to God I’ll make you chamomile tea and cuddle you”
“Is that my sweatshirt?”
“I’m so not jealous”
“Use my conditioner”
“Is that a new perfume?”
“You changed shampoos”
“Поцелуй меня” (kiss me)
“Let me rub your back”
“Take my jacket”
“It’s okay, I was awake anyway”
“Wanna go down to the arcade and play Pac-Man until we get in trouble?”
“How is it the moonlight makes you look that much prettier?”
“You were talking in your sleep”
“I learned a new language for you”
“You think I’m pretty?”
“He told me if I didn’t come talk to you he would take away my PlayStation”
“Read to me”
“I didn’t want to wake you up. You’re adorable when you’re asleep”
“Let's adopt a puppy”
“Have you been hanging out with my mom?”
“Sorry, your bed was just really warm”
“Use my phone”
“When I look at you I get this fuzzy feeling in my chest and I don’t know why”
“You got popcorn just so you could feel like a teenager again, didn’t you?”
“Say that again, but in English this time”
“Please don’t leave me”
“Who gave you permission to go out in public looking like that?”
“Kiss me again”
“You looked miserable, I thought I’d come save you”
“I’m not one for all this fancy ballroom stuff, let’s go hang out in our pajamas and get wine drunk”
“Thunder is just the angels getting excited whenever they score a goal”
“I saw you in the stands last night”
“You got a new haircut”
“That’s my seat” 
“Quit being such a baby and let me put a new Band-Aid on your face” 
“Because I love you and I don’t when it happened” 
“You gotta tell her, man. She’ll driver herself crazy if she doesn’t know there’s a puppy in your locker” 
“So... are we supposed to like, kiss now?” 
“I’ve seen the way you look at him” 
“You fell. Hard” 
“Will you two just kiss already?” 
“You’re my everything” 
“Shut the fuck up and hold my hand, loser” 
“I need a hug. Just a hug from a big, tall, strong hockey player who smells really good after he gets out of the shower”
“You keep a photo of me in your wallet?”
“I can’t think of a life  where you’re not by my side” 
“You look good in white”
“I’ve never, and will never, be happier than I am with you”
“Your laugh is my ringtone” 
“Isn't this how most romcoms start? Two hot people stuck in an elevator?”
“What would you do if I kissed you right now?”
“Big bad *team name* player and you’re afraid of spiders” 
“Did you get any sleep last night?”
“Come on, we’re going ring shopping” 
“I do” 
“I was going to try to be smooth and all but you’re super pretty and now I’m nervous”
“You look at her like she hung the moon” “To me she hung the galaxy” 
“Are you gonna kiss me or not?”
“We are so not getting matching Halloween costumes” 
“My mother always said athletes make the worst boyfriends. I can’t wait to tell her how wrong she is” 
“Can you- do you want to- please stay with me, I don’t want to be alone” 
“That was dramatic” “You loved it” 
“Will you to fake-prom with me?” 
“Sure puppies are cute and all but have you looked in a mirror?” 
“I can’t believe you're the guy I decided to spend the rest of my life with” 
“I have got to be the luckiest guy in the world” 
“They told me you’d kick my ass, I wanted to see if they were right” 
“If you laugh at something I said then write a fake number on my arm I win twenty bucks from each of them. Help a guy out?” 
“How many episodes of The Office have you watched today?” 
“Be the Pam to my Jim?” 
“You’re lucky you’re cute” 
“Sorry, I’m replacing you with this kitten” 
“You have a poster of me on your wall? Do you kiss it before you go to bed every night?” 
“Stop talking and kiss me” 
“You are so hot when you’re mad”
“Damn, I didn’t realize you were so flexible”
“Yoga does wonders for the body, you know” 
“I can’t wait to mark you up” 
“As good as you look in that dress you’d look better without it” 
“Don’t stop” 
“Wait for me” 
“A beautiful sight, you wearing nothing but my jersey waiting for me” 
“Take it off” 
“Right there” 
“I wish I could see you right now but phone sex is gonna have to do it” 
“And you didn’t touch yourself?” 
“Can I tie you up?” 
“No touching” 
“Pull my hair” 
“After that picture you sent me I could barely focus on the game” 
“You look so hot with that scratch on your cheek” 
“So sexy with all your tattoos” 
“This apartment doesn’t have thin walls” 
“Come on, I want the team to know whose you are” 
“I barely even touched you and look at the mess you made” 
“Be gentle” 
“Look at me” 
“You dressed up for me” 
“You tease me during my game, I tease you now. It’s only fair” 
“You might wanna use my foundation and cover that bruise up” 
“I don’t wanna hurt you” 
“Bed. Now” 
“Honey I got all the time in the world” 
“It’s not like your parents are home” 
“I can do it in under five minutes” 
“Shut the door behind you” 
“If you don’t stop staring at my ass I will take you right here on this workbench” 
“Tell me what you want”
“Shower sex is complicated, but lucky for you I’m an excellent teacher” 
“That accent is the sexiest thing about you” 
“Don’t act all innocent, you had me pinned against that wall ten minutes ago” 
“Where’d you learn to do that?” 
“What were you dreaming about?” 
“Tonight is all about you, now put your hands above your head for me, baby” 
“The last time you did that I couldn’t walk for three days” 
“Your hands all over my body was the only thing I could think about at work today” 
“Take your shirt off” 
“You’ve always been my favorite meal”
“I was in the middle of an interview when you sent me that picture”
“Get a room, you two!”
“Don’t cover your mouth, you sound too good to do that”
“You’re the only thing that’s gone right today”
“You’ll be my first”
“I want to watch you touch yourself”   
“I promise you I’m not going to break” 
“Did I stutter?” 
“You have a tattoo?” 
“You and I are the only ones in here, baby” 
“I’ve never known you to be the shy type” 
“I didn’t mean to see you in nothing but panties and a bra, but you left your door open” 
“I never knew you could do that” 
“And in what frat house did you pick up that little trick?” 
“Somehow you’re sexier tonight than you were last night” 
“Has anybody ever touched you before me?” 
“I’ll take good care of you, baby” 
“You are officially on the naughty list” 
“I haven’t been home for more than five minutes and you’re already on your knees for me” 
“I knew you'd want dessert” 
“There are only two reasons you’d call me at one in the morning and judging from the way you’re dressed nobody’s dead” 
“Am I your first?”
Seasonal Prompts
“It’s officially spooky season *insert character*, you know what that means” “Pumpkin everything?” “Pumpkin everything”
“Who ate all the candy?!”
“You're not going trick or treating, you’re too old for that”
***“I plan on getting more than one kind of freaky tonight”
“What the hell are you supposed to be?”
“Nope, I’m not scared. Why would think I’m scared? I’m totally not scared”
“I’m pretty sure I have claw marks from your nails”
“Please tell me that’s syrup”
“This haunted house was fifty bucks, I better die for that kind of money”
“Supernatural marathon at my place later, you’re bringing the candy”
“Are we about to make out in a graveyard?”
“Did you seriously injure yourself carving a pumpkin?” “Hey, the knives are sharp”
“Pumpkin spice is the love of my life” “I thought I was the love of your life”
“Don’t you watch horror movies? Splitting up always ends up with someone dead”
“We should do a couples costume” “Yeah, no”
“Nothing in this world is more satisfying than that crunch when you step on a leaf”
“It’s staring at me, *character* why is the scarecrow staring at me?”
“If someone asks, that skeleton of the Werewolf in my front yard is decorative”
“You can jump in the leaf pile if you help me rake”
“How can you love Halloween but hate horror movies?”
“Yeah, bring out the Ouija Board, what could possibly go wrong”
“We are not dogging up Harry Houdini’s grave”
“I think that zombie just grabbed my ass”
“First question; is that fake blood? Second question; if it isn’t is it your blood?”
***“The movie isn’t the only reason you’ll be screaming tonight”
“What are you gonna do? Burn me at the stake?”
“If you find an eyeball, don’t worry it’s not human”
“Ten pumpkins seems a little excessive” “It’s not excessive, it’s festive”
“Did that scarecrow just move or have I had too much punch?”
“My fangs just fell out”
“Yeah, let's go for a walk in the woods. I’m sorry, did you see Blair Witch Project?”
“It’s official, the house is haunted”
Christmas/New Years
“That has got to be the ugliest sweater I’ve ever seen”
“I told you I couldn’t bake, you didn’t listen”
“Look up, there’s mistletoe”
“This was my dream as a little kid, decorating a Christmas tree with a hot guy who just so happened to be my boyfriend”
“You should wear red more often”
“This is exactly how I envisioned you meeting my parents” “You envisioned me meeting your parents while running away from a flaming Christmas tree?”
“Tell me again, slowly this time, how the table cloth caught fire”
“You had the window seat on the way to Thanksgiving dinner, it’s my turn”
“This feels like the start of a rom com, two people stuck on a chair lift with a blizzard coming in”
“So you’re the one with the obnoxious light display”
“If I have to fake a smile for any longer I might actually commit murder so get me out of here as fast as you possibly can”
“My grandmother will not hesitate to force feed you Christmas cookies”
“I’ve always dreamed of having my first kiss on New Years Eve at midnight”
“Looks like we’re gonna have a white Christmas”
“Did you even use any wrapping paper, because this looks like it’s ninety percent tape”
“All I want for Christmas is you” “Cheesy”
“I never said I could skate”
“I thought a sleigh ride would be romantic”
“How the hell did you manage to hurt yourself putting up Christmas lights?”
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pastrnaks-sainz · 4 years
45 from the smut list with Charlie Coyle 🤤🤪
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Pairing: Charlie Coyle x female!reader
Type: Smut
Warnings: Smut, swearing, unprotected sex, 18+
Word Count: 1599
Summary: After Charlie’s biggest game of the season, you decide he deserves a sneak peak of the night to come. The only problem, that sneak peak arrived in the middle of a post-game interview.
SP#45: “I was in the middle of an interview when you sent me that picture”
Normally, Charlie would have ignored his phone buzzing in his pocket, but he recognized that distinct pattern of vibrations against his thigh. Besides, the reporters were talking to Pasta at the moment anyway. He was also getting extraordinarily bored.
Charlie discretely slipped his hand into his pocket and pulled out his phone. He smiled at your name displayed on the screen and felt his heart skip a beat at the message.
Attachment: 1 image
His jaw clenched as he opened the message. His eyes widened as he looked at the picture. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, suddenly finding himself losing his grip on his composure.
“-that goal and how did you make it happen?”
“What?” Charlie looked up as David elbowed him. “Oh, I’m sorry. What was the question?”
Charlie’s mind was no longer on hockey as he wrapped up the press conference. It was busy coming up with ways he could tease you, get payback for the picture. He didn’t even acknowledge Pasta as he walked out of the press room. He shrugged on his jacket and walked straight out the door.
His knuckles were white as he gripped the steering wheel, thankful for the minimal amount of traffic as he drove back home. He was able to skip the back roads and take the most direct route home for once.
He didn't even bother to pull his bag from the backseat as he jumped out of the car and slammed the door behind him. The sound echoed through the apartment building’s expansive parking garage. He stepped into the elevator and squared his shoulders, puffed out his chest, and adjusted his cuff links as he settled on what he was going to do to you.
You started shivering in anticipation as you heard the door open and close. Charlie’s heavy footsteps grew closer and closer, making your excitement grow. He appeared in the doorway, his large frame blocking the light coming in from the hallway.
“I was in the middle of an interview when you sent me that picture.”
His voice, deep, gruff, and thick with lust, sent goosebumps racing down your skin.
“Did you like it?” you asked, trying to keep up the front you were quickly losing your grip on.
“Oh no,” Charlie shook his head as he stepped inside your room, pulling his jacket off. “We’re not playing that game tonight.”
“What game?” you feigned innocence. Though, innocence wasn’t really the word that came to mind when you were sprawled out on your bed in nothing but a bra and a pair of panties.
“You know exactly what I’m talking about,” Charlie said slowly as he undressed. He was being meticulous about how he took off his shoes and folded his socks and rolled his belt back up and set his tie neatly on the dresser. You knew that when he acted like that you were in for it big time.
“I don’t,” you shrugged, trying to keep it going for as long as you possibly could.
Charlie smirked to himself as he set his hands on the dresser. He hoped you were going to say that.
“Oh but I think you do,” his voice was gruff as he turned around and stood at the end of the bed. You shrunk in his shadow as he set his hands on his hips. “That's what I thought.”
Charlie reached across the mattress and grabbed your ankles. You squeaked as he pulled you to the edge of the mattress.
“Here’s how this is gonna go,” he said as he crawled up your body. He ducked down and trailed his lips up your neck. You shuddered at the feather light contact. “You’re gonna stay right here and I’m gonna eat your pretty little pussy out until you come so many times you can think straight. Then I’m gonna fuck you so hard you’re not going to be able to walk tomorrow. Sound good?”
“Do I have a choice in the matter?” you asked, letting go of your last bit of defiance.
“Nope,” Charlie smirked and captured your lips with his, kissing you fervently. He had a bruising grip on your hip, one that was sure to leave marks. You arched your back into him, desperate for any form of contact he had to offer.
“Why?” you whimpered as he sat up on his knees, all points of contact gone but lingering.
“I know you probably had a plan,” he said, his voice thick with lust. “Maybe get on your knees, suck me off then ride me like a horse. Well sweetheart, we’re only doing one of those things and it doesn’t involve the floor.”
You shuddered in anticipation as Charlie shed his shirt, the popping of stitched audible. He tossed it to a corner to be forgotten until morning. His dress pants soon followed. You gulped at the sight of the tent in his boxers. You knew from experience Charlie was a lot to take, but the idea of it never had you shivering like it did now.
He leaned down and kissed you again, this time he used his impressive strength to flip you on top of him. Your knees held your weight on opposite sides of his hips and your hands rested on his chest. His skilled fingers snapped the clip of your bra and dragged the straps down your arms. You came up for air only to yank your bra off and throw it to the ground.
Using your new found leverage against him, you started to trail kisses down his chest as your hand snaked down to the elastic waistband of his boxers. You snapped it against his skin, making him grab a fistful of your hair.
Despite the big game Charlie had talked when he got home, he was handing the reins fully over to you. On top of trusting you, he knew you would do exactly what he wanted you to do.
You slowly pulled his boxers down his legs. His cock sprung free, making him hiss at the cool air against his angry tip. Your mouth watered as you wanted to get him in your mouth, but you knew you wouldn’t be able to do the other things you wanted if you didn’t follow his instruction.
“Come on, Y/N,” Charlie moaned. “You’re killing me.”
“Delayed gratification, sweetheart,” you purred as you nipped at his ear, slowly dragging your fingernails up his arms. He let out a strangled moan, and you felt him squirm beneath you. You smirked against his skin as you started to suck a love bit into his neck. His hand spayed across your back, his fingers digging into your skin.
“Y/N,” he said again, his voice firm. It made you sit up, your pussy aching with want. “You know what to do, baby.”
You leaned down and kissed him as you shimmied out of panties. The cool air hitting your dripped hole made your body tighten. Charlie smirked as he felt your legs instinctually try to close around his thighs.
You grabbed his hand and guided it between your legs. He ran his fingers across your wet folds.
“That’s what you do to me, Charlie,” you hummed in his ear as you rubbed the tip of his cock against your wet opening. “All of that is for you.”
“You’re so hot baby,” he praised as his hands settled on your hips.
You set your hands on his shoulders, balancing yourself as you slowly sunk down onto his cock. You and Charlie moaned together as you bottomed out.
“You okay, baby?” he asked, his voice strangled. You nodded and started to roll your hips. Pleasure ripped through your body as you fucked yourself on his cock. You screwed your eyes shut as moans fell from your parted lips. Charlie soaked all of it up, his. chest rising and falling rapidly as he felt your walls flutter around him.
He never felt closer to you than he did in moments like these. He wasn’t taking pleasure from you, he wasn’t giving you pleasure, he was sharing your pleasure with you. He thought about good you felt squeezed around him as his hands guided your hips. He thought about how good it felt that you trusted him this much to be this intimate. Above all he was over the moon that he was the only one who could see you like this.
Moans fell from your lips as you rocked yourself closer to the edge. The coil in your lower stomach grew tighter every time you rolled your hips. You knew from the way Charlie was gripping your hips and how he had his head tossed back he was close too.
It only took you leaning down and whispering that you were close in his ear to make him let go. The feeling of his seed shooting deep inside spurred you on, snapping the coil in your lower stomach and sending you crashing down to his chest.
You laid there with him, your chests rising and falling with deep breaths, for what felt like an hour. Charlie eventually found the strength to push you off of him and onto your side. You bounced against the mattress with a breathy giggle.
“Thank you, Y/N,” Charlie said as he reached for the washcloth you had previously set on his nightstand.
“For what, baby?” you asked, closing your eyes as you felt him wipe the sticky liquid from between your thighs.
“Everything,” he hummed, tossing the cloth to the pile of clothes and pulling you into his chest. “Just everything.”
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pastrnaks-sainz · 4 years
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Pairing: Charlie Coyle x female!reader 
Type: Fluff 
Warnings: None 
Word Count: 877
Summary: Boston sees a lot of blizzards. For four months out of the years the city is covered in that thick, white blanket of Hell. No matter how bad the storm gets, the Boston Bruins almost always have a game. When a game gets postponed due to weather, though, that's when Boston knows it’s gonna be a bad one. 
You rolled over, expecting to find an empty, cold space in bed next to you. Instead, your hand flopped onto a warm chest. You opened one eye to see Charlie still laying next to you. 
“Morning,” he said, his voice husky. You glanced at the alarm clock on the nightstand. The red numbers blinked 9:27. 
“Why aren't you at practice?” you mumbled, still bleary from the night’s sleep. 
“Game got canceled,” Charlie answered, wrapping his arms around you and holding you close to his chest. “Remember that blizzard they were talking about on the news last night?”
“Yeah,” you hummed and closed your eyes, letting yourself relax into Charlie’s embrace. 
“It hit early, there’s like a foot and a half out there already,” he said, running a hand up and down your back. “So the league postponed the game for another night near the All Star Break.” 
“I’m sorry,” you said, your voice muffled by your boyfriend’s t-shirt. “I know you were looking forward to playing Florida.” 
“Yeah, well, I’d much rather spend the day with you,” he replied, shifted so he was eye to eyes with you. “We don’t get to spend enough time together anyway.” 
“That’s for sure,” you agreed and pulled the sheets up to your chin. “What do you want to do today?” 
“Absolutely nothing,” he answered as he kissed your forehead. 
“Sounds good to me,” you grinned and shuffled closer to him. He let his arm rest on your waist as he rubbed his hand up and down your back. You sighed and closed your eyes again, letting yourself relax completely. 
You treasured these moments with Charlie. He was rarely home, always either at practice or on a road trip to Canada or the west coast. You were perfectly fine with it, but there were days you wanted your boyfriend all to yourself. And now that you had him, you couldn’t be more happy. 
“You smell good,” you said out of the blue as you took a deep breath, your eyes still closed and your face still buried in his chest. 
“That’s because I was kind enough to take a shower after practice last night,” Charlie’s laugh rumbled deep in his chest. 
“Shower,” you hummed. “That’s a good idea. I’m gonna take one of those then we’re watching a movie.” 
“Deal,” he said, moving his arm so you could stand up. 
“Take your time,” you said sarcastically as you slipped into the bathroom, leaving the door ajar. 
“’Bout time,” Charlie smirked when you walked into the kitchen, his Bruins sweatshirt hanging off your shoulder and fuzzy socks on your feet. 
“Shut up,” you said good naturedly, coming to stand behind him and wrap your arms around his waist. “Whatcha doing?” 
“I thought we could do some baking,” Charlie answered, reaching for the flour. “I’ve been craving chocolate chip cookies.” 
“I could go for some chocolate chip cookies,” you replied and walked over to the cabinet above the fridge. You stood on your toes and stretched to reach the bag of chocolate chips. 
Baking with Charlie went smoothly until he leaned over and left a floury handprint on your ass. 
“This means war,” you threatened, dipping your hand in the bag of flour and reaching up. You fluffed his hair, leaving the white power covering the strands. Charlie’s laugh filled the kitchen as he lobbed a ball of sticky cookie dough at you. It stuck to your sleeve as you turned at the last minute. 
“As fun as this is,” Charlie said, pressing a hand to his stomach as he tried desperately to stop laughing. “I would rather eat these cookies than clean up the dough from the floor.” 
“Agreed,” you said, taking deep breaths, trying to return your breathing to normal. 
“What do you want to watch?” Charlie asked as you flopped down next to him on the couch after sliding the cookies in the oven. 
“Hmmm,” you hummed, taking the remote from him and scrolling through your Netflix list, landing on Kid Gorgeous. “Always a safe bet.” 
“How’d I know that’s what you were gonna pick?” Charlie smiled as you rested your head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around you. 
The timer on the oven dinged, making you stand up and retrieve the cookies. As you set the tray on the counter, the lights when out, plunging the apartment into darkness. 
“Well, it was only a matter of time,” Charlie sighed as he stood up. He hooked his arms around your back and under your knees. You squeaked as he lifted you off your feet and carried you back to your room. 
“What are you doing?” you asked as he dropped you on the mattress and went to the closet. 
“Gotta keep warm and we have like a hundred fuzzy blankets we never use,” he said as he emerged with an armload of blankets. 
“You’re adorable,” you told him, shaking your head with a smile as you crawled beneath the comforter. Charlie slid in next to you piled blanket after blanket on top of you. 
“Warm enough?” he asked. 
“You’re ridiculous,” you said, your voice muffled by the layers of blankets he had pulled up to your chin. 
“I thought I was adorable?” 
“That too, I guess.” 
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pastrnaks-sainz · 4 years
For the next two weeks, starting on August 23, my requests are going to be OPEN!!!!! I am going to be writing the first round of one shots over these two weeks and then queuing them for release. SO drop your requests in my inbox, I will write them, and they’ll come out before the rest of my one shots do. 
- give me an outline or a rough idea of what you want me to write - and also give me the player you want. It can be a player from my list (I’ve added more) or one not on the list - I WILL ONLY WRITE UNMARRIED PLAYERS AND PLAYERS WHO HAVE PROVED THEMSELVES TO BE UNPROBLEMATIC  
I look forward to hearing from y’all!!
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pastrnaks-sainz · 4 years
You have 3 DAYS before my requests close!! If you want a request get it in to me now!! Make sure to take a look at my Prompt List for inspiration!!
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pastrnaks-sainz · 4 years
MY REQUESTS ARE STILL OPEN!!!!!!!!! Keep them coming, y’all! I love writing them for you, they make me so friggin happy!!!!
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pastrnaks-sainz · 4 years
Family Skate
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Pairing: Anders Bjork x female!reader
Type: Fluff
Warnings: Swearing 
Word Count: 1095
Summary: The annual Boston Bruins family skate is never boring. Anders used to go just for the fun of it. Sometimes he would bring a family member. He never had a girl to bring. Well, that is until he met you. 
“Come on, Y/N, it’ll be fun,” Anders told you as he rummaged through your closet. “It’s not like you can’t skate.” 
“No but your team doesn’t exactly know you’re dating someone,” you retorted from your spot lounging against the pillows on your bed. “Someone who played hockey in college for that matter.” 
“They’re gonna love you,” he reassured you as he tossed his favorite sweater of yours to the edge of the bed. “Come on, please? I’ve never had someone to go to family skates with. Please? For me?” 
“You know I can never say no to that look,” you huffed and stood up, snatching the sweater off the mattress and yanking your top over your head. 
“Why do you think I use it?” Anders laughed and picked up a pair of boots. “You look great.” 
“You literally picked out my outfit,” you said, taking the boots from him and pulling them on. “Of course you think I look great.” 
“Fair enough.” 
“You know you now have to take me to dinner, right?” you said, following him to the door. 
“Deal,” he smiled at you. You shook your head and took his hand. 
Warrior Ice Arena cast a shadow over the parking lot as you and Anders walked up to the entrance. His hand found yours, giving it a reassuring squeeze. You were nervous, meeting his teammates for the first time. You’d been dating for just over a year, and successfully kept it quiet. Anders had been wanting to scream from the rooftops he was dating you for months, this was his chance. 
“Hey bud,” Charlie Coyle said as Anders walked into the locker room with you, still hand in hand. “Didn’t think you were gonna make it.” 
“It took a little bit of convincing to get Y/N up and moving,” Anders replied with a smile as he looked at you. Charlie shook his head as his eyes blew wide. 
“Hang on,” he said. “Are you finally bringing a girl to a family skate?” 
“Well I finally found the right girl to bring.” 
“Aw babe,” you smiled and kissed his cheek. Charlie’s jaw dropped.
“I never thought I would see the day,” he shook his head and smiled at Anders. 
“Here,” Anders pulled a second pair of skates from his locker. “I found these in an antique shop a few months ago. I thought you might like them.” 
“You’re adorable,” you grinned, taking the skates from him and sitting down on the bench. Your fingers nimbly tied the laces as another one of your boyfriend’s teammates walked over. 
“Who is it this time?” Sean Kuraly asked as he nudged Anders. “Sister? Cousin?” 
“Girlfriend,” Anders answered as you looked across him with a grin. 
“Really?” Sean’s eyebrows shot up his forehead. “About time.” 
“You're the second person to say that to me today,” Anders said as he pulled the knot on his skate laces tight. “You ready to go?” 
“Yup,” you responded, taking his hand and walking out of the locker room. Patrice Bergeron nodded to you politely as you headed to the rink at the same time His eyes widened when he saw you and Anders holding hands, but kept quiet. Unlike Brad Marchand. 
“What’s this?” he asked as he skated up to the bench, his daughter perched on his hip. “Anders finally brings a girl to the family skate?” 
“Figured it was time you guys meet her,” Anders shrugged cooly as he looked over at you. Looked isn't the right word. He was gazing at you with nothing but love and adoration in his eyes. 
“My God man, you’re whipped,” Marchy laughed. “Good luck with him. If he hurts you and we’ll kick his ass.” 
“I’ll kick it myself,” you grinned as you leaned over and kissed Anders’ cheek. 
“I like her,” Brad nodded to you with a large smile. “She’s a keeper bud.” 
“See?” Anders nudged you as he stepped out onto the ice, holding a hand out to you. “You had nothing to be nervous about.” 
“Well I’m sorry if meeting some of the best names in hockey is a little daunting,” you replied sarcastically, stepping out next to him. You looked out over the ice. Players and their families skated around. Some were bent over, holding little kids’ hands, others were skating side by side and just talking and laughing. In the far corner Charlie McAvoy was holding a girl’s hands and skating backwards as he talked her through skating. 
“You’ll do fine. Besides, you know the game as well as they do,” he said as he started to skate around the rink. “Now let’s go, I want to show you off.” 
“Anders Bjork you are insufferable,” you laughed and started skating next to him. 
“Your girl skates better than you do!” Davis Pastrnak laughed as he skated up beside you. The little girl clinging to his leg said something in Czech to him. He picked her up and balanced her on his hip with one arm wrapped around her as he responded. 
“Who’s this little cutie?” you asked as you smiled at her. She buried her head in Pasta’s shoulder. 
“My niece,” he replied. “She’s visiting and wanted to see where her uncle worked.” 
“That is so cute,” you said. She looked up at you and waved shyly. 
“You’re so in love,” David mouthed to Anders. Anders shrugged and kept looking at you. He couldn’t help but imagine what a family with you one day would look like. 
“Kids are so cute,” you said as you stood up straight and started skating again once Pasta had skated off. Little kids’ laughter echoed through the rink, bringing thoughts of a family to your mind. 
“You would be an amazing mother,” Anders said. You blushed and looked at the ice in front of you. You felt a hand on your chin, tilting your face so would look your boyfriend in the eye. “I’m serious. The thought of a family with you makes me more happy than I would be if we won the Stanley Cup.” 
“You are so sweet,” you sighed, gazing into his blue eyes. He smiled and leaned in, his lips pressing to yours gently. You leaned into him and squeezed his hand. 
You pulled away from him sharply as you felt a cold spray of ice. You looked up to see Sean Kuraly and Charlie Coyle laughing hysterically. 
“Real mature!” Anders yelled at them as he brushed the snow from his shoulders. You laughed and put your hand on his cheek, pulling back down for another kiss. 
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