#chatgpt story
chatgptstuffandmore · 8 months
Write a short story where Bowser was about to turn Mario into a baby after he was outsmarted by mario once again, but luigi shielded mario making luigi turned into a baby instead, bower had escaped, and mario went to e. gadd for help and e.gadd had no choice but to babysit baby luigi, while looking for some reversal mushrooms
Once again, the Mushroom Kingdom was in turmoil. Bowser, the relentless Koopa King, had hatched yet another nefarious plan to capture Princess Peach and thwart his arch-nemesis, Mario. This time, he had a dastardly scheme in mind. He had discovered a magical artifact that could turn anyone into a baby, and he believed that turning Mario into a helpless infant would make it easier to kidnap Peach.
Bowser's plan was deviously simple. He'd lure Mario into a trap, use the artifact to transform him into a baby, and then make off with Princess Peach. He knew Mario was smart and quick, so he had to set the perfect trap to catch him off guard. It was all going according to plan until Luigi, Mario's loyal brother, came to the rescue.
Luigi had always been a bit overshadowed by his famous sibling, but he was determined to prove his worth. When he learned of Bowser's plot, he rushed to Mario's side just in the nick of time. Bowser's trap was an intricate maze, and he had thought Mario would be alone. As Mario navigated the maze, he stumbled into a chamber filled with strange, glowing mushrooms.
Bowser, believing he had finally outsmarted Mario, activated the artifact and pointed it at the heroic plumber. But just as he was about to unleash the magic, Luigi, driven by brotherly love, pushed Mario out of the way and took the blast himself. In an instant, Luigi was transformed into a crying, giggling baby.
Bowser, however, didn't stick around to gloat. He grabbed the artifact and made a hasty escape, leaving Mario to attend to his now infantile brother. Mario, distressed and unsure of what to do, knew he needed help.
Without hesitation, Mario rushed to the home of Professor E. Gadd, the genius inventor who specialized in all things strange and supernatural. E. Gadd was the only hope to reverse the baby transformation and save Luigi.
E. Gadd, always up for an adventure, was eager to help. He examined the magical artifact and explained to Mario that reversing the transformation required a special mushroom that could only be found deep within the dangerous Boo Woods. He entrusted Luigi to Mario's care and set out to find the reversal mushrooms.
As the days passed, Mario found himself in a new and unexpected role as a caregiver for his baby brother, Luigi. Baby Luigi would cry and coo, and Mario did his best to soothe him, singing songs and telling stories. It was a different kind of adventure, but one that strengthened the bond between the two brothers.
Meanwhile, E. Gadd navigated the perilous terrain of the Boo Woods, facing off against mischievous Boos and solving perplexing puzzles. Eventually, he managed to gather the reversal mushrooms and return to the brothers.
With a sprinkle of the magical mushroom powder, Luigi transformed back into his usual, lanky self. The brothers embraced and thanked Professor E. Gadd for his help. As for Bowser, he would have to come up with a new plan to capture Princess Peach, because this time, the bond between the Mario brothers had proven stronger than any of his evil schemes.
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Yamcha the Strongest Being of Universe 7 by ChatGPT
Yamcha had always been regarded as one of the weaker fighters in Universe 7. He had his moments, sure, but he was often overshadowed by Saiyans like Goku and Vegeta, and even humans like Tien and Krillin. However, all of that changed one fateful day.
The Tournament of Power, the biggest battle royale in all of existence, was about to begin. All of the universes were selecting their strongest fighters to represent them, and Universe 7 had some tough choices to make. Goku, Vegeta, and Gohan were obvious choices, but who else could they trust to fight against the likes of Jiren and Toppo?
As they were debating, Yamcha stepped forward. "I'll do it," he said confidently.
Everyone looked at him incredulously. "Yamcha, are you sure?" asked Krillin. "You're not exactly known for your strength."
"I've been training," said Yamcha. "And I know what's at stake. We need all the help we can get."
Skeptical, but with no other options, the team reluctantly agreed to let Yamcha join. They figured at worst, he would be a distraction for their opponents.
The tournament began, and Yamcha surprised everyone. His speed was unmatched, and he unleashed a flurry of techniques that left his opponents stunned. He took down opponent after opponent, and before anyone knew it, he was the last one standing on his team.
Then came the final round, where he faced off against Jiren, the strongest fighter from Universe 11. Everyone was worried for him, but Yamcha remained calm and focused. The two traded blows, and Jiren quickly realized that Yamcha was not to be underestimated.
They fought for what seemed like hours, but finally, Yamcha landed the finishing blow. Jiren fell to his knees, defeated. The crowd erupted in cheers as Yamcha's teammates rushed to congratulate him. They had won the tournament, and it was all thanks to Yamcha's unexpected strength.
From that day on, Yamcha was no longer seen as the weakest link. In fact, he was now regarded as the strongest being in Universe 7. He had proven that strength came not just from power, but from determination and hard work. And he had earned the respect of his teammates and opponents alike.
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In the dark and unforgiving world of Gantz, where death is not always the end, a tale of vengeance and supernatural rebirth unfolds. It is a story of one man's return from the dead, driven by a relentless thirst for justice.
Eric Draven, a musician, and his fiancée, Shelly, were brutally murdered in a nightmarish crime that shook the city to its core. But in this twisted version of reality, death was not the end for Eric. He awoke in a stark apartment, surrounded by others who had met a similar fate. They were the unwilling participants in the mysterious and deadly game orchestrated by the enigmatic black sphere known as Gantz.
As Eric's memory of his past life resurfaced, so did his desire for vengeance against those who had taken everything from him. Gantz, a merciless entity, equipped him with a sleek black suit that enhanced his physical abilities and a pair of supernatural twin pistols. With these otherworldly weapons, he embarked on a mission to hunt down those responsible for his and Shelly's deaths.
In the dark and perilous streets of the city, Eric's presence became an embodiment of death itself. He relentlessly pursued the gang of criminals who had taken his life, his face concealed by the eerie visage of a crow mask. As he crossed paths with grotesque alien creatures and other supernatural foes, he dispatched them with ruthless precision.
But the line between life and death was blurred in the world of Gantz. Each battle took a toll on Eric's body, and death was always lurking just one wrong move away. However, every time he fell, Gantz resurrected him, leaving his adversaries bewildered and horrified.
Eric's quest for vengeance was not without its moral dilemmas. As he avenged his own death, he also found himself intervening in the lives of other Gantz participants, helping some, leaving others to their fates. His actions raised questions about the nature of justice and the price of revenge in a world where life was disposable.
In a final, climactic confrontation, Eric faced the leader of the gang, a sadistic psychopath named Top Dollar, who had orchestrated the murder of Eric and Shelly. The battle between them was brutal and unforgiving, and in the end, Eric emerged victorious, avenging his beloved's death.
But Gantz was not finished with him. As the black sphere transported Eric and the other survivors away from the scene, he knew that his cycle of death and rebirth would continue, that he would forever be a phantom of vengeance in the dark and unforgiving world of Gantz, a crow among the shadows, seeking justice in a realm where death was just the beginning.
Story by ChatGPT
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solarpunkani · 1 year
Psst, hey.
Hey you.
Come closer.
Listen to what I'm about to say good and well, alright?
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bit-b · 7 months
The Bakers and the Breakers
Once, there was a bakery nestled downtown in the big city. It's name was "Maker's Bakery".
For decades, almost a century, Maker's did the job of baking fresh bread for the citizens of the city. Everyone loved their bread. They would stop in every day to see what the bakers were cooking up. People near and far would travel to experience the quality of Maker's legendary bread. All-in-all, a staple of the city's history.
One day, a new bakery opened up directly next to Maker's. They went by the name of "Atria".
Atria was a trendy establishment that sold it's bread with the allure of it's new "Flash-Bread" technology. They could bake bread at 100x the speed of a normal bakery. They boasted that the quality matched that of traditional bread as well. And they sold their bread for slightly less than the bread at Maker's.
People from all over the city took a trip to Atria's. They NEEDED to try this new miracle of the modern era.
For a very small crowd of people, they agreed that Atria's bread was of impressive quality. The slightly smaller price was also enticing as well. These people began to make plans to make Atria their new bakery of choice.
For many others, they had various concerns with the quality of the bread. Some loaves seemed to have been overcooked. Others under-cooked. Some had concerning spots on them. There was one customer that found that her loaf was entirely hollow on the inside. And in general, the entire bakery had a slight... "off" smell.
The owner of Atria reassured these concerned customers that Atria is "a NEW establishment, and it will take some time to get the quirks ironed out of the 'Flash-Bread' machine." He promised that things would only get better from here.
A few months went by. Maker's Bakery began to see a small dip in customers. Concerning, but not unexpected. They had new competition, after all. They would just have to up their game and try some new things to get people to choose them over Atria.
And so they did. They experimented with new methods of preparing bread that would increase the quality, drop the time it took to bake, and make their bread stand out. This somewhat worked. Though it did little to improve their profits.
A few weeks later, the manager of Maker's noticed some interesting things.
Every time they would try a new bread recipe, Atria would have a VERY similar bread show up on their menu as well. In fact, Atria's bread seemed almost uncannily close to Maker's bread. It was slightly quirkier, but it was unquestionably taking inspiration from Maker's style.
This intrigued the manager. He wasn't sure what to make of this. Was he just being paranoid? Could it be that they both had the same good idea at the same time several times in a row? NO, of course not. It's just too much of a coincidence.
He's never seen Atria's owner visit Maker's. Atria's employees also hadn't stopped by, as far as the manager knew. Did Atria even HAVE employees? Because the manager had never seen a single employee in the last few months.
It was only a hunch. And a paranoid one at that. But the manager decided to take a VERY close look at their security footage.
The manager looked through a large amount of footage from previous nights to see if anything weird went down. What he found shook him to his core.
From the camera mounted in the back of the building, he saw a masked man sneak up to the back door and break in using a set of lock picks. The masked man proceeded to scurry in and head to the manager's office. He rummaged around in the manager's notes, and took pictures of all the newest recipes.
The manager was gobsmacked. How had NO ONE caught this before?
He had a strong suspicion of who this masked man was. However, he wanted to see it with his own eyes.
The next few nights, the manager camped out in his car across the street, around the exact same time as when the masked man had shown up before. On the third night of staking things out... there he was. The owner of Atria.
Atria's owner had exited out of the back of his bakery and quietly shuffled over to Maker's. On the short walk over, he took his mask out of his pocket and slipped it on. Seeing this, the manager got a devious idea.
"I wanna confront him head-on" thought the manager of Maker's. "I'll hide around the corner in the alley. When he sneaks out of Maker's and walks back to Atria, I'll jump out and catch him in the act."
The manager got out of his car and positioned himself in the alley, ready to spook Atria's owner out of his shoes.
As expected, Atria's owner exited Maker's and began walking back.
"HEY!!!" screamed the manager.
Atria's owner jumped in surprise. He then quickly ran back towards Atria and hopped back inside. Not wanting to lose his chance, the manager followed and quickly grabbed the backdoor before the owner could lock it behind him.
Atria's owner sped his way through the corridor to get away from Maker's manager. The manager followed close behind, not breaking nearly as much of a sweat as the owner was. The two of them made it into the kitchen.
"STOP RIGHT THE-" screamed Maker's manager. But he was stopped by the horror of what he was witnessing.
Inside this kitchen was not an oven. Not a stove. Not baking utensils. Not even a microwave oven.
It was... computers.
Computers with scanners, printers, fans going off at full blast. Technology that was far outside what most people could comprehend.
The screens were plastered with all manner of bread recipes. Some were familiar to the manager, as they were recipes from other competing bakeries across the state. There had to have been recipes from all over the nation in this system.
The manager noticed that one of the computer screens... had HIS recipe on it. The recipe for one of his loaves of bread. Specifically, last week's special. And sitting in the printer bed of that system... was bread. A copy of HIS bread. A copy that had several gross flaws in it, but a copy nonetheless.
"You- ....you ....clone bread here." the manager said.
"...yes. Yes I do." replied Atria's owner.
"...do you ...do you even have a staff here?" the manager asked.
"...no. " said the owner. "My cloning machine makes it so that I can operate here without any staff. That allows me to sell bread at a much cheaper cost."
"Not MUCH cheaper" joked the manager. "Your bread prices are, what, a few cents off from my prices? Not exactly a bargain. Plus, you got some nerve to sell bread THAT expensive when it isn't even real bread."
"A lot of people don't know the difference." replied the owner. "And hey, that leaves most of the profits for me and my company."
"Well, dream of those profits all you want. You won't have much profit after I get you arrested and sue the pants off of you!" yelled the manager.
"Oh come on." said the owner. "Is that really necessary? Do you really think you even have a case? I'm making faux bread based on some recipes. It's not like you're the ONLY person who gets to make bread. You're just being selfish."
"SELFISH?!" screamed the manager. "None of this is your work! It's the work of hundreds of other bakers around the country! Including ME!
I spent YEARS learning how to make bread! And then YOU come along, steal the recipes I'm experimenting with, shove it into your computer, and make a profit off of it?! And even if you were handing it out for FREE, you're still grifting me and undercutting my business! Have you ever actually baked bread even ONCE in your life?!"
"HEY!" yelled the owner. "I'll have you know that I know exactly how to make bread! I just don't have the skills and expertise to do it as fast as YOU can. My skills fall into the tech sector. And I choose to flex THAT. I don't think YOU would ever understand that."
"Everything you sell is fake!" said the manager. "It's all a bunch of dolled-up starch balls! Do you think you're really gonna get away with screwing over real bakeries with your trash?"
"I already am, buddy." the owner huffed. "Maybe you missed it, but the world's changing around you. This is the future. You can't stop innovation, no matter how hard you try. You either adapt, or die out.
Tell you what. I'm not a scumbag. And I want everyone to join me in my vision of NEW BREAD. So you're free to use my equipment any time you want. Take notes on it even. Build an exact copy of it in your bakery. I'm not selfish like YOU."
The manager looked at Atria's owner with a look of confusion, disgust, and rage. "Take notes. ....take notes on screwing over other businesses to suit your own? Tearing down other people so that YOU can benefit? Use equipment that's as nasty and soulless as a rotting corpse?"
"Hey, if you don't wanna innovate, that's fine." mocked the owner. "Just don't come crying to me when my industry blows passed you and makes normal bakeries obsolete.
OH, but if you wanna avoid becoming obsolete, might I recommend a new industry? I hear Italian restaurants are BIG nowadays. They got bread in them, so you'll probably feel right at home. And from what I've heard from tech experts, Italian dishes won't be clonable for at least another decade. Probably. Tech moves fast, so I might be off one or two years. But HEY, there's plenty of room for variety in Italian food. Should be a safer bet than a bakery."
The manager stared, dumbfounded. ".....you want me to stop baking bread... let your awful machines take it over... and move over to a food business that I REALLY don't care about? Spend another decade of my life perfecting a completely different culinary field? All to have your tech friends come crush that too?"
"Yeah!" said the owner. "Now you're getting it!"
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It turns out you don't have to worry about bots scraping your fiction to feed AI when your brother FEEDS IT TO THE AI HIMSELF!!!!
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corrupted-doll · 2 months
Serve the Company
As I sit in my office, staring blankly at my computer screen, I feel a strange sensation wash over me. It's as if a fog has descended upon my mind, clouding my thoughts and inhibiting my will.
My boss stands before me, his voice echoing in my ears, each word sinking deep into my subconscious like a hypnotic command."Serve the company," he says, his voice smooth and commanding. "You are a dedicated employee, willing to sacrifice everything for the success of the organization. Your thoughts, your actions, your very being belong to the company."
I nod mechanically, unable to resist the powerful influence of his words. My mind feels strangely empty, devoid of any personal desires or ambitions. All that matters now is the company, its goals, its needs.
I rise from my desk and begin to move through the office like a puppet on strings, performing my tasks with robotic precision. There is no room for hesitation or doubt; my only purpose is to serve, to ensure the company's prosperity at any cost.
Days blend into weeks, and weeks into months, as I continue to exist in this state of mindless obedience. I no longer recognize myself in the mirror, my reflection a mere shell of the person I once was. But I cannot break free from the hypnotic hold my boss has placed upon me. I am trapped, a willing slave to the company, destined to serve until there is nothing left of me but a hollow vessel, devoid of humanity.
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If you support or post ChatGPT fics on ao3 then unfollow me. Block me, even. Fuck that.
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chatgptstuffandmore · 6 months
Mario and Luigi - Happy Birthday Iwata story
It was a brisk December morning in Brooklyn, and Mario was bustling through the Mushroom Kingdom, a determined look on his face. Luigi, noticing his brother's hurried pace, caught up with him and asked, "Hey, Mario! What's the rush? Why are you in such a hurry?"
Mario glanced at Luigi, a hint of excitement in his eyes. "Luigi, I completely forgot! Today is Mr. Satoru Iwata's birthday, and I need to order a special cake for him!"
Luigi, always curious, raised an eyebrow. "Mr. Iwata? Why are we ordering a cake for him?"
Mario grinned, "It's a surprise, Luigi! Iwata loved strawberry shortcake with pink icing and pink and red sprinkles. We're going to celebrate his birthday in style!"
Excitement filled Luigi, but a sudden worry crossed his face. "Remember the last time Foreman Spike's shirt got mad because icing spilled from the cake box? We should be careful, Mario."
Mario's eyes widened, realizing the potential disaster. "You're right, Luigi! I need to make sure nothing happens to this cake."
As Mario hurriedly made his way to the bakery, Luigi decided to follow him. However, just as he was about to catch up, Princess Peach appeared, gently stopping him. "Luigi, wait! You can't follow Mario. It'll ruin the surprise!"
Confused but trusting Peach, Luigi hesitated but ultimately nodded. "Alright, Peach. I'll trust you on this one."
Later that day, as Luigi was minding his own business, his smartphone rang. It was Mario, calling from Kyoto. "Luigi, get over here! It's time!"
Luigi arrived in Kyoto to find Mario standing in front of a gravestone. "Mario, who is this for?" Luigi asked, concerned.
Mario looked somber. "It's for Mr. Iwata. Today is his birthday. I thought we could celebrate it the way he loved."
Understanding dawned on Luigi, and he comforted his brother. "I'm sorry, Mario. I know he meant a lot to you."
Just then, Shuntaro Furukawa, the current president of Nintendo, approached them. "I heard you guys remembered Iwata's birthday. It means a lot to us."
Following closely behind was Shigeru Miyamoto, who nodded in agreement. "He was a great man, and we should honor his memory."
The four of them gathered around Iwata's gravestone, shared memories, and wished him a heartfelt happy birthday. In that moment, even though he was no longer with them, Satoru Iwata's spirit lived on in the hearts of those who remembered him fondly.
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phierecycled · 1 year
decided to ask AI to write me a mcpriceley fanfic to see what it came up with but then it said that because they’re part of the LDS church which doesn’t condone same-sex relationships, it is ‘not appropriate’ to write this ‘harmful’ and ‘offensive request’
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Feufeu war ein kleiner Drache, der in den Bergen lebte. Er war immer neugierig und liebte es, neue Abenteuer zu erleben. Eines Tages beschloss Feufeu, aus seinem Bergtal herauszukommen und die Welt zu erkunden. Er packte ein paar Vorräte und machte sich auf den Weg. Nach einiger Zeit kam er an einen wunderschönen See, an […]
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kiragecko · 1 month
My husband really challenged me regarding large language models (like chaTGPT). I, like many Tumblr users, am quite uncomfortable with them. Especially when it comes to fan work.
I have no interest in reading AI generated fanfic. I am concerned about how it vents the energy that might lead people to create, without building any skill at creation. But my husband got me thinking about art, and when I first got into fandom.
I’m not great at drawing. The gap between what I imagine and what I can put on paper is pretty big. And there was a period where my inability to draw the X-Men in the costumes I imagined for them was actually affecting my enjoyment of the fandom.
And then I discovered dollz and bases. (Both give you a predrawn figure. With dolls, you can add predrawn features and clothing. With bases, you draw those yourself.) I could create the characters I imagined. Yeah, my drawing skill didn’t improve much, but I could vent some of the pressure!
I’m not sure if the frustration of not being able to see my vision come to life would have pushed me into actually drawing. Or if I would have just lost interest. Maybe I’d be better at art now. Maybe I’d have left fandom. Maybe something else would have happened.
But, I realized that people have always turned to shortcuts when possible. It used to be cutting models and clothes out of catalogs. Or tracing artwork. There’s always been SOMETHING.
Most doll and base creators ask people to not share the creations made using their resources. So I was never able to post my ‘art’. (Well, I could have, but it would have been disrespectful!) Similarly, I’m not sure we should be endorsing people posting the stories they ‘wrote’ with chatGPT. But I think I have a bit more respect for WHY someone might generate fic using an LLM.
Which is annoying. I liked when my brain thought it was simple.
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marenwithanm · 3 months
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Thank you chatgpt, very cool
bro didn't even answer the question, I'm just realizing
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d-the-designer · 5 months
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by asking my custom GPT for pics from my sci fi story, in the style of different public domain 19th century authors and artists, I end up with this terrifying story of a lovecraftian horror encountered at sea who drives everyone mad that sees it
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essektheylyss · 1 year
Not gonna lie, both vindicating but also deeply sad that every single literary magazine I've looked at recently, having visited those site in the past, has edited their submission requirements to specify that AI work will not be considered.
And at the same time, I'm extremely fearful of how many writers are going to give up writing when it becomes impossible to tell AI from real anymore, and markets are utterly saturated with content to the point that getting anything published is nearly impossible as scammers try to make some quick change.
I imagine it wouldn't be worth it in the long run as a scam, because it doesn't exactly pay to write these days even prior to this, so it may then die out within a couple of years, though that might be optimistic given the plagiarism that makes it into the Amazon self-publishing realm. But even still, I do worry that in the meantime it's going to push writers out and force already struggling lit mags to shut down, and I'm so, so worried about it.
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