fairtimesgoodgeetar · 2 years
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gardenofthefareast · 8 months
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Emerging from an ancient legend, Tara's form originated from Chenrezi's profound compassion for all life. A tear from his right eye gave rise to Green Tara, while a tear from his left manifested as White Tara. Draped in graceful silks and adorned with intricate jewels, Green Tara's distinctive depiction highlights her seated pose: one leg gracefully drawn inwards, the other resting upon a blossoming lotus.
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radical-revolution · 10 months
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The mind is simply that which conceives and remembers countless thoughts. If the current of thoughts is virtuous, you have tamed the mind; if it is negative, you have not.
Taming the mind and making it positive needs perseverance. Never think, “The Buddha is fully enlightened, and Chenrezi is the very embodiment of compassion; but how could an ordinary person like me ever help others?”
Do not be discouraged. As your motivation grows more and more vast, your capacity for positive action will expand too. You may not have the same ability as Chenrezi right now, but the way to develop it is to practice the Dharma.
If you maintain the constant wish to benefit others,
- the power to actually do so will come by itself,
as naturally as water runs downhill.
All difficulties come from not thinking of others.
Whatever you are doing,
- look constantly into the mirror of your mind
- and check whether your motive is for yourself or for others.
~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
From: «The heart treasure of the enlightened ones» by Patrul Rinpoche;
with commentary by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
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newmic · 1 year
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Zoom sur Chenrezi, protecteur du Tibet
Focus on Chenrezi, protector of Tibet
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Our physical forms manifest as the body of the Bodhisattva, All sounds are the melody of the six syllables, All thoughts are the vast expanse of great wisdom. ~ Lama Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche
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samma-sambodhi · 4 years
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— THE DAIMOKU OF THE LOTUS SUTRA — (pt.7) . [The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin] . Question: How great are the blessings contained within the five characters of Myoho-renge-kyo? . Answer: The great ocean contains all the numerous rivers that flow into it, the great earth contains all sentient and insentient beings, the wish-granting jewel is capable of showering down innumerable treasures, and the heavenly king Brahma rules over all the threefold world. The five characters of Myoho-renge-kyo are comparable to these. ALL BEINGS OF THE NINE WORLDS, AS WELL AS THOSE IN THE WORLD OF BUDDHAHOOD, ARE CONTAINED WITHIN THEM. And since all beings of the Ten Worlds are contained within them, so are their environments. . Let us first examine the fact that the five characters, MYOHO-RENGE-KYO, CONTAIN WITHIN THEM ALL TEACHINGS. THE SINGLE CHARACTER KYO, or “sutra,” IS THE KING OF ALL SUTRAS, AND ALL THE OTHER SUTRAS ARE ENCOMPASSED BY IT. The Buddha appeared in the world and over a period of fifty years preached eighty thousand sacred teachings. At that time the life span of human beings is said to have been one hundred years. The Buddha passed away in the middle of the night on the fifteenth day of the second month of the year with the cyclical sign mizunoe-saru (13). Thereafter, during some ninety days of summer, or the period from the eighth day of the fourth month until the fifteenth day of the seventh month of the same year, one thousand arhats gathered at the compilation hall and set down all the sutras. . #Buddha #Buddhism #Buddhist #Dhamma #wisdom #Knowledge #awakening #Spiritual #Consciousness #namaste #enlightenment #nichiren #nammyohorengekyo #kyo #goodvibrations #guanyin #chenrezi #photography #loveandlight #meditator #meditation #lotussutra #lifeforce #artwork #mindfulness #avalokiteshvara #blessings #sunday https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Wnsr6Jjxa/?igshid=5azh28y2rxye
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vajranam · 3 years
Live With Purpose
Seven Things that Bodhisattvas Do
Namo Lokeshvaraya!
Although seeing all dharmas neither come nor go
To help wandering beings sole effort you show.
To the supreme Guru and savior Chenrezi,
With respectful three doors I prostrate constantly.
The perfect Buddhas, source of help and happiness
Are born when sublime dharma has been accomplished.
And since that depends upon knowing what to do
The bodhisattvas' practice, I'll explain to you.
1. When the rare ship of freedom and riches is won,
For us and others to cross samsara's ocean
Without any neglect both the day and night through
To hear, think, and train is what bodhisattvas do.
2. To our close kith and kin, like water passion sways.
To our distant enemies, like fire hatreds blaze.
Forgetting discernment, dark ignorance ensues.
To cast off homelands is what bodhisattvas do.
3. Afflictions slowly fade when bad places are shunned.
Virtue easily grows where there's no distraction.
With a clear mind trust in the dharma is produced.
To stay secluded is what bodhisattvas do.
4. From each and every dear companion we will part.
We will leave possessions for which we've strived so hard.
The body's guest house the guest, consciousness, will lose.
To renounce this life is what bodhisattvas do.
5. When with certain people, the three poisons increase.
Hearing, thinking, and training decline and grow weak.
Love and compassion become completely removed.
To give up bad friends is what bodhisattvas do.
6. When attending special people, faults are consumed.
Qualities increase like the waxing of the moon.
To cherish sublime teachers with greater value,
Than our own body is what bodhisattvas do.
7. Within samsara's dungeons they themselves are chained.
So, who do worldly gods have the power to save?
Thus, in the three jewels' undeceiving refuge
To go for shelter is what bodhisattvas do.
8. The most hard to bear are lower realms' sufferings.
Shakyamuni taught they are the fruit of bad deeds.
Therefore, even at the cost of our lives, to choose
To never do wrong is what bodhisattvas do.
9. The pleasures of the three realms are like dew on grass.
They fall to peril in a momentary flash.
For the unchanging state of freedom absolute,
To seek and to strive is what bodhisattvas do.
10. Since beginningless time, us they have had love for.
What good is happiness, when our mothers suffer?
To free infinite beings by giving birth to
The enlightened mind is what bodhisattvas do.
11. From desire for pleasure all suffering springs forth.
From thoughts to help others complete Buddhas are born.
To take others' pain as we fully substitute
Our own happiness is what bodhisattvas do.
12. Even if those by force of greedy obsession,
Steal or have stolen all our wealth and possessions,
To offer them our bodies, wealth, and all virtues
Within the three times is what bodhisattvas do.
13. Even without having done the slightest of faults
If people come along and cut our heads right off,
Through compassion's power, to take their non-virtues
All upon ourselves is what bodhisattvas do.
Good morning to empty the ocean of suffering we think we need run far from our own demons will sort the problem and we cover that by practising dharma is the most important in my life.
As the bodhisattva practices quote “ not been able to do our own welfare and wanted to others welfare is laughable”
That mean that if we live a broken life it’s very hard to be example for others, it’s like saying yeah I am able climb the mountain but don’t show nothing.
I’m part of Shambhala international for long year’s and I used myself to had no purpose because life bit me to hell. Yet the warrior teaching of Shambhala remind me well this due to karma cause and effect there for as the 16th karmaps said if you believe that a dream you can change it.
Been lay and practitioner myself as show me that real practice is in daily life Ngakpa vows push us to don’t run away from life in contrary real bodhisattva go to town and face it all.
We think we will be less enlighten doing this when I was in Dundee I had all difficulty of the world to talk with my lama. One day I met my Sikh guru who talk me about Guru Nanak who got normal life yet was fully enlighten.
We Buddhist have tendency to live in delution and the only way to see if our practice work is to taste in daily life because we can hide between our lama robes have all kind of kinda spiritual experience yet got no compassion and not close to nothing enlightened.
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karmapadevotees · 4 years
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Happy birthday dear His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama GANG RI RAWÉ KORWÉ SHYING KHAM SU In the heavenly realm of Tibet, surrounded by a chain of snow mountains, PEN DANG DÉWA MALÜ JUNGWÉ NÉ The source of all happiness and help for beings CHENREZI WANG TENZIN GYATSO YI Is Tenzin Gyatso���–Chenrezig in person–– SHYAP PÉ KAL GYÉ BAR DU TEN GYUR CHIK May his life be secure for hundreds of kalpas!
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htgcyoga · 2 years
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Thirty-Seven Things that Bodhisattvas Do By Thomge Zangpo (1295-1369) https://youtu.be/sT1jeUK4aeA Namo Lokeshvaraya Although seeing all dharmas neither come nor go To help wandering beings sole effort you show. To the supreme Guru and savior Chenrezi, With respectful three doors I prostrate constantly. The perfect Buddhas, source of help and happiness, Are born when sublime dharma has been accomplished. And since that depends upon knowing what to do The bodhisattvas' practice, I'll explain to you. 1. When the rare ship of freedom and riches is won, For us and others to cross samsara's ocean Without any neglect both the day and night through To hear, think, and train is what bodhisattvas do. 2. To our close kith and kin, like water passion sways. To our distant enemies, like fire hatreds blaze. Forgetting discernment, dark ignorance ensues. To cast off homelands is what bodhisattvas do. 3. Afflictions slowly fade when bad places are shunned. Virtue easily grows where there's no distraction. With a clear mind trust in the dharma is produced. To stay secluded is what bodhisattvas do. 4. From each and every dear companion we will part. We will leave possessions for which we've strived so hard. The body's guest house the guest, consciousness, will lose. To renounce this life is what bodhisattvas do. 5. When with certain people, the three poisons increase. Hearing, thinking, and training decline and grow weak. Love and compassion become completely removed. To give up bad friends is what bodhisattvas do. 6. When attending special people, faults are consumed. Qualities increase like the waxing of the moon. To cherish sublime teachers with greater value, Than our own body is what bodhisattvas do. 7. Within samsara's dungeons they themselves are chained. So, who do worldly gods have the power to save? Thus, in the three jewels' undeceiving refuge To go for shelter is what bodhisattvas do. 8. The most hard to bear are lower realms' sufferings. Shakyamuni taught they are the fruit of bad deeds. Therefore, even at the cost of our lives, to choose To never do wrong is what bodhisattvas do. 9. The pleasures of the three realms are like dew on grass. They fall to peril in a momentary flash. For the unchanging state of freedom absolute, To seek and to strive is what bodhisattvas do. 10. Since beginningless time, us they have had love for. What good is happiness, when our mothers suffer? To free infinite beings by giving birth to The enlightened mind is what bodhisattvas do. 11. From desire for pleasure all suffering springs forth. From thoughts to help others complete Buddhas are born. To take others' pain as we fully substitute Our own happiness is what bodhisattvas do. 12. Even if those by force of greedy obsession, Steal or have stolen all our wealth and possessions, To offer them our bodies, wealth, and all virtues Within the three times is what bodhisattvas do. 13. Even without having done the slightest of faults If people come along and cut our heads right off, Through compassion's power, to take their non-virtues All upon ourselves is what bodhisattvas do. 14. Even if about us people speak vicious words And proclaim them across the entire universe, With a pure heart of love to express through and through All their qualities is what bodhisattvas do. 15. At gatherings of masses, even if people Expose all our hidden faults and call us evil, Recognizing them as our teachers of virtue, To bow with respect is what bodhisattvas do. 16. Even if those for whom we have cared like our child Look upon us as if we are their arch rivals, Like a mother for her children stricken with flu, To love them still more is what bodhisattvas do. 17. Even if equal or inferior beings, Under power of pride degrade us and demean, To show respect for them as we would our Guru Received on our crowns is what bodhisattvas do. 18. Destitute and by people forever despised, Stricken by grave illness and demons in our lives, Still, the sin and pain of all beings to assume With courageous hearts is what bodhisattvas do. 19. Although famous and revered by many beings, With a great fortune like the god of wealth achieved, To see that grandeurs of existence have no truth, And not be haughty is what bodhisattvas do. 20. If our enemy of hatred has not been tamed, Outer foes may be vanquished, yet still escalate. With armies of love and compassion to subdue Our own stream of mind is what bodhisattvas do. 21. Salty water and sense pleasures are much the same. However much enjoyed, thirsts grow and never fade. All things by which longing and desire are produced To cast off at once is what bodhisattvas do. 22. Whatever the appearance, it is our own mind. Mind's nature transcends concepts since primeval time. Attributes of something grasped and one grasping to Not to form in mind is what bodhisattvas do. 23. When meeting with objects so lovely to the mind, Just like rainbows that appear in the summertime Beautiful things appear, yet see they have no truth. To give up desire is what bodhisattvas do. 24. All agonies are like our child's death in a dream. Holding illusions as real, we grow most weary. When situations of adversity ensue, To see illusion is what bodhisattvas do. 25. We must give even our lives for enlightenment. Do outer objects really need to be mentioned? With no hope for reward or karma to bear fruit To be generous is what bodhisattvas do. 26. If without discipline our own goal is not reached, Quite laughable a wish to help others would seem. Without having any mundane intent pursued To guard discipline is what bodhisattvas do. 27. For bodhisattvas who wish for virtue's pleasure, All doers of harm are like a precious treasure. Towards all without having hostile attitudes To practice patience is what bodhisattvas do. 28. Hearers and self-made Buddhas work just for themselves. Yet, strive like it's a fire on their heads that they quell. To rouse diligence, the source of fine attributes, For all beings' sake is what bodhisattvas do. 29. Understanding through insight while resting calmly Our afflictions are brought to their entire defeat, To practice concentration that transcends in truth The four formless realms is what bodhisattvas do. 30. Our complete enlightenment can not be achieved, Through the first five perfections, with wisdom lacking. To practice wisdom with method and no thought to Three separate spheres is what bodhisattvas do. 31. When our very mistakes we fail to comprehend, Though seeming like dharma, we may do wrong actions. With our mistakes constantly inquired into To abandon them is what bodhisattvas do. 32. If under power of afflictions, we discuss Other bodhisattva's faults we become corrupt. To speak not of the faults of those who've gone into The great vehicle is what bodhisattvas do. 33. Seeking gain and respect will lead to quarreling. Hearing, thinking, and training decline and grow weak. To give up clinging to the households of those who Are kin and patrons is what bodhisattvas do. 34. Harsh words create disturbances in others' minds, And lead the bodhisattva's conduct to decline. To give up the harsh words which are unpleasant to The minds of others is what bodhisattvas do. 35. When afflictions are habits, they're hard to turn back. So with the sword-like cure of mindfulness in grasp, As soon as afflictions like desire are produced, To strike them right down is what bodhisattvas do. 36. In short, in all activities we undertake, We must ask, "How is my mind in this present state?" Fulfilling the goal of others through continued Mindful awareness is what bodhisattvas do. 37. To dispel sufferings of infinite beings, Understanding the three spheres' complete purity, To dedicate such earnestly attained virtue For enlightenment is what bodhisattvas do. Adhering to the teachings of the sublime ones, Meanings of sutras, tantras, and explanations, I wrote for those wishing to follow the path through, These thirty-seven things that bodhisattvas do. Since I have a poor mind and my learning is weak, Scholars will not be pleased by this poetry. Yet since I drew from sutras and sublime teachings, These practices are without mistakes, I believe. Still bodhisattvas' actions are waves of greatness, And it's hard for my poor mind to fathom their depths. For faults, errors, contradictions, and all the rest O' sublime ones have patience, I humbly request! May all beings, by virtue arising from this, Through bodhichitta relative and ultimate, Dwelling not in extremes of existence or peace, Become the same as our protector Chenrezi. For the sake of benefiting himself and others, the scripture and logic expounding monk, Thogme (1295-1369), composed this in the Ngülchu Rinchen Cave. BUDDHA VISIONS PRESS Portland, Oregon www.buddhavisions.com [email protected] Copyright © 2015 by Eric Fry-Miller. All rights reserved. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd810RyJR6l/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sidhiroy · 2 years
7 Day Itinerary for an Leh Ladakh Trip
Leh is the principal town of Ladakh district. It is now a Union Territory of India and is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful spots in India. The roads are blocked up for six months because they are high above the ground. The roads are usually open in May, June, July, August and September. After the film Three Idiots Jab Tak Hai Jaan, June to August has been the most popular season.
As the Leh-Ladakh season is just around the corner, I have created a 7-day Leh Ladakh Itinerary that covers most of the major attractions. This itinerary can be used as a guide for anyone who plans a trip to Leh Ladakh.
Day 1
You can start your journey to Leh-Ladakh package by landing at Leh Airport in the morning hours. You can quickly get to your hotel and make yourself at home.
It is important to acclimatize in order to be able to fully enjoy your trip. It is tempting to explore the city. But, all you need to do is to control your excitement and stay in your room.
Day 2
Enjoy a hearty breakfast before heading out to Sanchi Stupa for a spectacular view of Leh. Tsemo Fort is your next stop. It can be seen from almost anywhere in Leh.
Tsemo (Victory) Fort was built in the 16th century. It is a short climb to Chenrezi Lakhang's ruins. The structure can be seen from all parts of Leh. This fort looks like a crown at the top of the Palace Ridge.
A number of worship flags can be found in this small, but crumbling palace. It is located directly beneath it. Tsemo Gompa is a Tsemo monastery that consists of two temple buildings, one of which is Maitreya Buddha's eight-meter-high gold-faced statue.
You can enjoy a delicious Ladakhi meal at one of the many restaurants on the market before you head out to Leh Palace which is a recreation of Lhasa’s Potala Palace. The Leh Palace is a nine-story structure made of dun color against the backdrop of the high Himalayas. It looks more like a painter’s muse. It is simple in its simplicity, made mostly from mud, wood, and rocks.
It also contains a wealth of traditional costumes and crowns, thangka painting, and impressive traditional ornaments. Leh Palace's best feature is the terrace, where you can gaze out over Leh, Stok Kangri and the Zanskar range.
Spend the afternoon at the Hall of Fame. This museum was built and maintained by India Army to honor the memory of soldiers who died in the Indo-Pak wars. The section dedicated to a soldier's death in Siachen Glacier is one of the most fascinating.
If time allows, do some shopping in the city if you feel like it. This includes your Leh sightseeing for Day 2 of the Leh Ladakh tour package Itinerary.
Day 3
Crossing the Khardung La Pass is a highlight of any trip to Leh – Ladakh. It was built by brave men from the 201 Engineer Regiment of the Indian Army. On 27 August 1973, the road was made accessible to vehicles. Khardung La Pass, at an elevation of 18,380 feet is the gateway to Shyok Valley and Nubra Valleys.
Khardung La can be reached by road from Leh in 39 km. The first 24 kilometers, up to the South Pullu checkpoint are paved. The road is mostly made up of loose rock, dirt and occasionally rivulets from snowmelt, about 15km beyond the pass.
The road runs from North Pullu to the Nubra valley. There are a few spots where there is rock or washouts.
Enjoy a cup or two of hot tea at Khardung La's Highest Cafeteria. The maximum time you should stop at the top is 30 minutes. Once you're done clicking photos and eating, go to the souvenir shop.
Also, the Indian Army maintains a shop that sells souvenirs such as coffee mugs and beer mugs. They also have decorative plates, caps, and tee-shirts. All of them are with me.
Cross Khardung La Pass to make your way towards Nubra valley, Diskit Monastery and Panamik. Panamik is known for its hot springs and it is also where civilians can travel towards Siachen. Everybody has seen a camel once in their lives, but it is rare to see a double-humped one.
You can see the endangered Double Humped Camels at Hunder Sand dunes. This will be a highlight of your Leh Ladakh 7-day trip.
You can stay the night in Hunder/Nubra valley
Day 4
After a hearty breakfast, start your return trip to Leh-Ladakh. Cross Khardung La top and enter Leh. This monastery's USP is its 15-m tall statue of Tara Devi or Maitreya. This statue is almost two stories high and the largest in Ladakh bike trip.
A few minutes from Thiksey Monastery lies a charming little spot called Indus Viewpoint, or Sindhu Darshan. You can enjoy the tranquil atmosphere and the fresh breeze on your face by going there. You will need to spend some time there, feeling the breeze and hearing the water rushing by.
After a long, tiring day, take some time to rest and then wake up the next morning ready for a new adventure.
Day 5
Start your day with a good breakfast. Once you reach the third highest pass, take some photos and enjoy a cup of tea or Maggi. Trust me, you won't find Maggi and tea that taste as good as this one.
Cross Chang La Pass to head towards Pangong Tso Lake, which is 140 km from Leh. Pangong Tso, which is located at 4350 m high and nearly 130 km long, is the largest lake in India. The remaining lakes are in Tibet. Tourists will never forget the first sight of the serene, blue waters and the rocky shore.
You can see up to five different shades along the lake's length if you are driving on its side during a sunny day.
You can stay the night at either one of the camps, or at one of the homestays in nearby villages Spangmik and TangTse.
Day 6
Take your return trip to Leh-Ladakh early in the morning. Stop by the Hemis Monastery on your way back. Hemis Monastery, also known as Hemis Gompa, is one of the most important monasteries because it was hard to reach and its remote location made it difficult for foreign invaders to stop from destroying it.
White Water Rafting on Zanskar or Indus is a great way to get an adrenaline rush while you're returning from Hemis
Day 7
Go to Pathar Sahib Gurudwara to attend the langar given by the Indian Army's Sikh soldiers. Help them as much as you can, and then go to the spot where you can see the confluence between Indus and Zanskar.
You can clearly tell the difference between the two rivers because one is muddy, and the other has a bit of bluish-green. If you're in the area, be sure to take a look at Magnetic Hill, where your car can go uphill by itself when it is put into neutral gear.
Day 8
You have many wonderful memories and beautiful landscapes. It's time for you to leave Leh.
Tourists from all over the world visit Leh, so be sure to sample different cuisines such as Russian, Israeli, Tibetan and Tibetan.
Things to Buy in Leh
Crockery inspired by Tibet
Souvenirs from Khardung La or Pangong Tso Lake
Home decorative items (Tankha, paintings, giant fan)
Miniature prayer wheels
Tibetan prayer flags.
Leh - Ladakh Souvenir T-Shirts.
Sea Buckthorn Juice is a type of berry that is grown in Leh-Ladakh
If you want to prolong your trip and enjoy the beauty of Leh Lavanda for a few days, there are many trekking options available in Zanskar valley. These short and long treks are available from a variety of tour operators that offer competitive pricing.
Bike enthusiasts have the option to rent a bike and ride all the way from Khardung La. You will find many garages that rent Royal Enfields due to high demand.
To learn more about the activities that can be included in the 7-day itinerary, you can visit our blog 5 Things to Do in Ladakh group tour.
Day 1: Arrive in Leh, and then rest for the day.
Day 2: Explore Leh City, Sanchi Stupa and Tsemo Fort. Leh Palace and Hall of Fame.
Day 3: Cross Khardung La Pass, head out to Nubra valley, visit Diskit Monastery, and see Double Humped Camels at Hunder. Panamik hot springs
Day 4: Return to Leh and then head out to Thicksey Monastery or Sindhu Darshan.
Day 5 - Chang La Pass. Be captivated by the sight of Pangong Tso Lake.
Day 6 - Leh via Hemis Monastery. Optional River Rafting near Karu
Day 7 - Magnetic Hill and Pathar Sahib Gurudwara.
Day 8 - You will leave Leh with many happy memories and take your flight.
The Perfect Trip to Leh Ladakh.
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phuoclinhtemple · 2 years
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O que quer que façamos, então, a mente é o mais importante.
É por isso que os ensinamentos budistas focam em aperfeiçoar a mente.
A mente é o rei; fala e corpo são os servos que seguem seus comandos.
É a mente que concebe a fé e a dúvida; é a mente que concebe o amor e o ódio.
Então olhe para dentro e verifique sua motivação, pois isso é o que determina se o que você faz é positivo ou negativo.
A mente é como um cristal transparente que toma a cor do tecido onde repousa.
Assim, sua atitude dá cor à mente, e isso determina o verdadeiro caráter de suas ações, independentemente da aparência delas.
A natureza dessa mente não é algo remoto e impossível de conhecer; está sempre imediatamente presente.
No entanto, se olhar como ela é, não vai encontrar algo vermelho, amarelo, azul, branco ou verde; não é quadrado nem redondo; nem tem a forma de um pássaro, macaco ou qualquer outra coisa.
A mente simplesmente é aquilo que concebe e lembra pensamentos incontáveis.
Se o fluxo de pensamentos for virtuoso, você domou a mente; se for negativo, não domou.
Domar a mente e torná-la positiva requer perseverança.
Jamais pense: “O Buda é totalmente iluminado, e Chenrezi é a própria corporificação da compaixão, mas como uma pessoa ordinária como eu pode sequer ajudar os outros?”.
Não perca a coragem. Assim que sua motivação for se tornando mais vasta, seu poder de ações positivas também vai expandir.
Você pode não ter agora a mesma habilidade de Chenrezi, mas o modo de desenvolvê-la é praticar o Dharma.
Se manter constantemente o desejo de beneficiar os outros, o poder de fazer isso de verdade virá por si só, tão naturalmente quanto a água desce a colina.
Sua Santidade Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche (Tibet, 1910 – Butão, 1991)
Tashi delek བཀྲ་ ཤིས་ བདེ་ ལེགས Que absolutamente todos os Seres Sencientes possam se beneficiar destes ensinamentos sagrados!
( Ammonius Saccas )
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planetdharma · 3 years
Sādhana: Practices for Power (Weekend Retreat | Feb 4-6 2022)
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This weekend online course focuses on how to properly practice vajrayana methodologies of mantra and visualisation. Learn how to participate in Empowerments and how to use a sadhana. This weekend course and retreat includes a Guru Rinpoche and Yeshe Tsogyal empowerment. It is offered in-person at Clear Sky Meditation Centre, as well as online from your home.
Understanding Arising Yoga Practice
In Vajrayana Buddhism, “Arising Yoga” is the practice of bringing together mantra and visualization to engage with various archetypes. These archetypes are represented by deities such as Vajrasattva (emotional purification), Chenrezi (compassion), Green Tara (mother nature principles), or Medicine Buddha (healing).
Initiations, empowerments, or wongkur (Tib. དབང་, wang) are considered the spring from which all blessings flow. More literally, these are ritual celebrations in which a specific teaching is transmitted from Teacher to student that enables the student to practice a new form of “Arising Yoga.” Part of this weekend online course focuses on how to properly participate in wongkur.
The other part of this course focuses on how to use a sādhana, which is a unique set of mantra and visualization instructions for each deity. Putting the wongkur and sādhana work together, this class will then focus on how to approach the foundation work of Vajrayana Buddhism, which can appear daunting to new students.
In addition to the teachings above, a very special wongkur empowerment will be given:
· Guru Rinpoche /Yeshe Tsogyal combined wongkur (Saturday Feb 5th 8am MST).
 This weekend course is available online as well as in-person. Video recordings will also be available for one week after each class.
 For Course Details Visit Now: - https://www.planetdharma.com/event/sadhana-2022/
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�El Cor de la Compassió - Ensenyaments amb Lama Drubgyu Tenpa. �Del divendres 26 al diumenge 28 de febrer de 2021. �Online. Avui en dia cada vegada més es coneix o reconeix el Buda de la Compassió o Chenrezi i el seu mantra Om Mani Peme Hung. Això no vol dir necessàriament que hàgim arribat a comprendre-ho i assimilar-de veritat. Arribar a rebre profunds ensenyaments sobre el mateix, per primera vegada o de forma regular, permet que el seu poder espiritual connecti, es renovi i creixi de forma estable en nosaltres. Més informació a la web budisme.cat. Organitza: @sercholing --- ☀El Corazón de la Compasión - Enseñanzas con Lama Drubgyu Tenpa. 🗓Del viernes 26 al domingo 28 de febrero de 2021. 🌍Online. Hoy en día cada vez más, se conoce o reconoce al Buda de la Compasión o Chenrezi, y su mantra Om Mani Peme Hung. Eso no quiere decir necesariamente, que hayamos llegado a comprenderlo y asimilarlo de verdad. Llegar a recibir profundas enseñanzas sobre el mismo, por primera vez o de forma regular, permite que su poder espiritual conecte, se renueve y crezca de forma estable en nosotros. Más información ➡ budismo.cat #budismo #budismotibetano #budismocatalunya #budismocataluña #budisme #budismetibetà #budismetibeta #sercholing #barcelona #budistes #budista #lama #ensenyament #enseñanzas #enseñanzasbudistas #online #chenrezig https://instagr.am/p/CLUuRN5iW0U/
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curiosidadeshop · 3 years
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Este Colgante Butti, es un  amuleto muy conocido  en el Budismo. Se suele utilizar como colgante, para colocar en la puerta de la casa, en el coche, también cartera o bolso o en tu rincón espiritual. Este amuleto consiste en un papel con mantras doblado en muchos pliegues y posteriormente recubierto con un intrincado tejido de hilos de nailon  de cinco colores. En uno de sus lados lleva una pequeña imagen diferentes budas y dioses. Está recubierto y sellado con una capsula plástica transparente. Se consideran como amuletos de protección🕉 Precio: 1,50 € Medidas:  3 x 3 cm Lleva una arandela de metal Incluye un cordón multicolor de 15 cm Disponible en: Buda Shakyamuni Buda de la Medicina Chenrezi Tara Verde Manjushri Zambala. . . . . . . . . . #artesaniabudista #artesaniatibetana #amuletobudista #amuleto #tiendabudista #tiendabudistaonline #BudaShakyamuni #budadelamedicina #mansjushi #zambala https://www.instagram.com/p/CIqLlrkhyru/?igshid=ru2jhee9nqdu
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samma-sambodhi · 4 years
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— THE DAIMOKU OF THE LOTUS SUTRA — (pt.6) . [The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin] . Question: What passages of proof can be cited to show that one should chant only the daimoku? . Answer: The eighth volume of the Lotus Sutra of the Wonderful Law states that one who accepts and upholds the mere name of the Lotus Sutra will enjoy immeasurable good fortune. The Lotus Sutra of the Correct Law says that, if one hears this sutra and proclaims and embraces its title, one will enjoy merit beyond measure. And the Supplemented Lotus Sutra of the Wonderful Law says that ONE WHO ACCEPTS AND UPHOLDS THE NAME OF THE LOTUS SUTRA WILL ENJOY IMMEASURABLE GOOD FORTUNE. These statements indicate that the good fortune one receives from simply chanting the daimoku is beyond measure. . To accept, uphold, read, recite, take delight in, and protect all the eight volumes and twenty-eight chapters of the Lotus Sutra is called the comprehensive practice. To accept, uphold, and protect the “Expedient Means” chapter and the “Life Span” chapter is called the abbreviated practice. And SIMPLY TO CHANT ONE FOUR-PHRASE VERSE OR THE DAIMOKU, AND TO PROTECT THOSE WHO DO SO, IS CALLED THE ESSENTIAL PRACTICE. Hence, among these three kinds of practice, comprehensive, abbreviated, and essential, THE DAIMOKU IS DEFINED AS THE ESSENTIAL PRACTICE. . #Buddha #Buddhism #Buddhist #Dhamma #wisdom #Knowledge #awakening #Consciousness #Spiritual #truth #om #vipassana #namaste #yogalife #Enlightenment #positvevibes #goodvibrations #compassion #loveandlight #chenrezi #guanyin #avalokiteshvara #golden #photography #blogger #lotussutra #lifeforce #chanting #life #spiritualvibes https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Uf_uXJpPk/?igshid=17w54a7kpg411
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yanaexpeditions · 5 years
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#Repost @kingjigmekhesar ・・・ 22 April 2019: On behalf of the people of Bhutan, His Majesty The King and Her Majesty The Gyaltsuen offered prayers at the Kuenrey of the Tashichhodzong, and offered a thousand butterlamps, in memory of those who lost their lives in a series of bomb attacks in Sri Lanka on Sunday. The Prime Minister and government officials also joined in the prayer ceremony. More than 290 people lost their lives, and over 500 were injured following 8 explosions in Colombo, Negombo and Batticaloa, which mainly targeted churches and hotels as people were worshipping and celebrating Easter Sunday. His Majesty sent a message of condolence to the President of Sri Lanka, His Excellency Maithripala Sirisena, expressing the solidarity of the people of Bhutan with the people of Sri Lanka. As well as the prayer ceremony held at Tashichhodzong, special prayers are also being held in other important temples, upon the Command of His Majesty The King. His Holiness the Je Khenpo presided over prayers at Namdroling Goenzin Dratshang in Lhuentse. Chenrezi Moenlam was performed in Changangkha Lhakhang, and a thousand butterlamps were offered in Kyichu Lhakhang, Paro, where Zangchoe Moenlam was performed. In Semtokha Dzong, a three-day Mithub Tongchae prayer ceremony is being performed. Bhutan and Sri Lanka have close relations due to a shared spiritual heritage, and as co-members of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC). Bhutan continues to send a number of students to study medicine in Sri Lanka each year, and a large number of Bhutanese doctors have a special connection to Sri Lanka, having lived and studied there. #HisMajesty #KingJigmeKhesar #KingofBhutan #HerMajesty #QueenJetsunPema #QueenofBhutan #prayersforsrilanka #SriLanka #Bhutan #YANATravel #YANAExpeditions https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwk9yCGADkL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3vf09i2v2zpw
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