#cities skylines 2
juniperbugz · 7 months
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caassette · 9 months
cities skylines 2 and factorio space age both coming out soon, be sure to check in on your weird transfem friends who have an unhealthy relationship with trains and don't seem to sleep. we will not be getting enough water
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lemmaeof · 8 months
lmao apparently one of the reasons cities skylines 2 runs like shit is because the human models don't use LoD, have individually-modeled teeth, and were made using fucking generative AI what an absolute trashfire
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anarchistfrogposting · 9 months
Autism/ADHD is great because I’m deep in the hole, jobless and can’t afford food or rent but the most pressing and devastating concern on my mind is the fact that I can’t buy Cities Skylines 2
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drianadriana · 1 year
im so excited for cities skylines 2 im gonna build so many walkable cities fr
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sourcreammachine · 6 months
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i am absolutely GOBSMACKED that there was apparently EVER a moment of time where it had more
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eggthew · 7 months
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this is the future liberals want
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winterthebeau · 7 months
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this might be the most politically loaded tooltip ive ever seen in a game (seen in a youtube video, i dont have the game)
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lesser-sage-of-stars · 7 months
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thesulliedone · 8 months
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It's like it's 2015 all over again...and despite the fact that it's definitely got some new quirks and deffo doesn't play out the same as the original...
Can't exactly argue with a 31 hour playtime considering it's only been 2 days since it came out xD
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femboy-expert · 7 months
What are your thoughts on Cities Skylines 2?
Personally, severe optimization issues aside, I love the direction the sequel goes with balancing, making realistic adjustments to services, and the improvements to landscaping and building tools.
I like the addition of pedestrian roads and mixed zoning but it still needs bikes
Gonna wait for the mod community to develop before considering a purchase
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olyrik · 26 days
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Let's Build the world! In Cities Skyline II! Live now on Twitch!
See our godhood begin over on Youtube!
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VERY excited about Cities Skylines 2 but it's completely ridiculous that CYCLING isn't going to be in the base game:
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Like, I know there's discourse around like how much Content We Deserve in a sequel or whatever, but cycling? They put trams and seasons in this and not bikes? I wasn't expecting every single "DLC feature" to return here but it's literally a mode of transportation found in every city on earth! Like sure leave out zoos and the stock exchange and cable cars and whatever, not every city has those, but bikes? BIKES? It's just sort of sad to be reminded that urban cycling is still viewed as some sort of superfluous thing for wealthy communities by a lot of people, and not the cheapest way to get around a city. Also very funny to me that they've gone with "If You Can Dream It, You Can Build It" as a tagline when they don't seem to actually be like, paying attention to real examples of forward thinking city design which would include bike infrastructure? Which is weird because they're clearly paying attention to what the fanbase wants and a lot of the players want features that let them build less car-dependent cities, but CO doesn't seem to be like proactively looking into the things that are making players request that in the first place? They're just getting urbanist ideas filtered through a Gamer lens? I could be wrong the game isn't out yet so maybe they put autoluw zoning in there but that would be a funny situation.
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Well my dreams include separated bike lanes!!!!
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abbiistabbii · 1 year
Cities Skylines 2 is now announced, here is my wishlist:
Mass transit (Metros, Trams, buses and trains), bike infrastructure and pedestrian zones should be bundled as part of the base game and not be DLC.
Mixed use zones: No more separate "Residential" or "Commercial", let's have shops with flats above them.
Coverage indicators: I wanna see which areas will be using a transit stop so I know where to put my stops for max coverage.
Make it easier to make city squares: I don't wanna have to get creating with placable assets, let me make a square, dagnabbit!
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trekwiz · 5 months
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I fully recognize that my cities are boring, but I have fun in this game. I can't seem to figure out traffic, though. It's always something. I put 2 arterials in each direction around each section of the city. I prevent left turns, and then use traffic circles at the major intersections. I don't offer crosswalks or stop lights on the arterials, but make the inner areas very walkable. I have pedestrian paths crossing the center of every zone to ensure there's a direct path to parallel streets. I have (popular) bus routes circling each section. I have a (not as popular) subway line connecting each zone. I have a rail line in. I have bus connections to other cities. Multiple highway connections. Banned heavy traffic. I finally have it confined to specific hot spots. But it's still the bane of my gameplay existence.
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selenethewalker · 11 months
Cities Skylines 2 is dope yo. Mixed zoning and most features from even modded CS1 are good.
Not a day 1 buy because glitches inbound. Also no bikes day 1. That deletes traffic in CS1.
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