l-e-g-i-o-n-losh · 2 years
I don't want to start lexposting again but clex shippers are really missing out on clex where clark is the obsessive weirdo. Or rather, they're both obsessive weirdos but Lex really IS just thinking about power and enmity and Clark is the one developing a romantic complex about it. Of course there's not as much canon basis but isn't that what fanon and AUs are for?
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boyfridged · 1 year
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superboy (1994) #60. story by kesel. art: grummett
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sxvethelastdance · 2 years
Married muses! What are your nicknames, if any, for your S/O?
Shang Tsung: Old friend, Pet, Thunder God, the Light That Split The Skies, and a great many more for the deity he has been so thoroughly taken by.
Tanya: Angelface, beloved, my dear, sweetheart, 'Leena
Kang: No nicknames, I'm afraid!! But he and Lao address each other very casually as an intimacy ie. 'a-Lao'
Kuai Liang: 'My Fire' is the one meaningful moniker he has attached to Hanzo, barring his title on the battlefield, naturally.
Clark, if married to Bruce: 'B'/if married to Lois: 'Lo
Pamela, when she inevitably pops the question: Harls, my love
Gat, in me an' @bastardsunlight's funny 'I married my best friend and forgot to divorce 'em because I'm wanted in 3 counties' turned 'so uh. wanna get married for realsies or what' take: Boss, fucker, dickhead, babe
Otacon: Dave, Snake, 'Mr. Emmerich' (weeps)
Vegeta: He really, really isn't one for nicknames, but every so often he and Piccolo will start flirting competitively and bring in any uncomfortably saccharine or sensual pet name they can think of in an effort to get the other to crack and kiss him. It's very effective.
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studying-genz · 4 years
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pleasant-view-blog · 5 years
Wow that was a very long break....sorry about that!
I had a lot of things come up in my personal life, but I am thinking about getting back into playing! I haven’t touched the game or simblr in 7 months so I’m way behind on everything
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killer-moth · 6 years
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lesbiansnoopy · 6 years
I should accept my life as an overalls lesbian
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l-e-g-i-o-n-losh · 2 years
It's really something how batgirl was added to season 3 of batman 1966 to beat the sexism allegations (being The woman character who is not 1 an elderly mother figure i.e. aunt harriet 2 a villain or 3 a helpless spineless girl attached to whichever man character is hottest/giving presents) and yet her actual theme song that plays every time she's on screen literally doesn't mention crime fighting or justice even once it just says she's mysterious and questions her sexual availability ("...or are you real with a tender warm embrace? Whose baby are you?..")
I don't think it was intentional, I think it was done in earnest with intent to show 60s girl power it's just they REALLY did not think it through. I don't think it occurred to them at all.
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boyfridged · 1 year
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[id: clark kent as superman and chris kent in space, with earth beneath him. clark says: “look at it, chris, take a good, long look.” “now i want you to listen to me. lois and i are your family.” “we’ll never send you away. we’ll never leave you if you’re worried about that, you can stop, right now.” “we’re a family. you belong with us, and that’s just how it is. we’ll make mistakes, and stumble, and figure out how to fix it. but there’ll always be one thing you can count on. “we’re your family. there, below us, that’ your world.” “and you belong here.”]
superman (1939) #637. story by busiek. art: merino.
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sxvethelastdance · 3 years
So what about that growly bass gets you wild, Superman?
“Talk to me.” The quiet rumble of the Dark Knight, distant and all too close at once muffles all siren and sound, everything that begs Superman to hear. For a time, all he can focus on is the smooth silk of a tone trained and resonant, carefully calculated in its delivery It makes him feel as if for a moment he is the only one in the world.. One sentence as all it takes to pluck him apart by the thread. He doesn’t fear the Batman, but perhaps it is the exhilaration in its simplicity, flooding him with an urge to stand up straight, meet him halfway…This is was what gives him cause for care, another tack upon the crowded many in the bulletin board of his vigilant manner, ever aware of what is possible if he moves with even a fraction below his usual restraint. It’s maddening.
His inner thoughts, words written into the pages of the book that makes Kal-El and Clark all the same. His wants, his needs realized in the form of something more far more suited to the gossip column. Suddenly reminded of where he is, the Man of Steel affects a posture known to invaders and nuisances alike.
“I don’t know who you think you are… But that isn’t any of your business.” The stern look that crosses his face carries no threat, rather the sheer force of the man of tomorrow’s disappointment. He isn’t a brute, but he will not have his feelings reduced to something so base, broadcasted for anyone, including the specter dancing along his thoughts with measured brutality from one evildoer to another.
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studying-genz · 4 years
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haven't posted in a while. too busy trying to fix my sleep schedule.
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pleasant-view-blog · 6 years
Sorry for inactivity!
My apologies for the lack of posts, I’ve been swamped with school and the holidays coming up so I haven’t been able to play much recently. Finals are coming up but I’m not stressed out about them as I was before Thanksgiving break.
Also, I’ve gotten a new laptop since my current one has been falling apart even though I’ve only had it for nearly 2 years. I’ve been in the process of transferring files so that I can continue my current saves and not have to start over.
So I don’t really know exactly when I’ll be able to play again, I have some screenies I haven’t posted yet so I’ll probably post those when I get started back up again.
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killer-moth · 6 years
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the fact that they simulated the 2000s art style of Cassandra’s batgirl run for the flashback is incredible oh my god
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l-e-g-i-o-n-losh · 2 years
Got a local paper I've never heard of in the mail today. Their headline article is about how "school covid lockdowns" have "damaged" children's test scores while the City of Chicago's incessant REFUSAL to lockdown has been jeopardizing children's lives all year, and there's NOT EVEN A BYLINE. The side articles have bylines, but the HEADLINE was written by "newspaper staff". I need to cool my heels a little before I say what I actually want to and then I'm thinking about sending a strong email.
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l-e-g-i-o-n-losh · 2 years
Dad had to run an errand outside and stopped at a store on the way back so I'm getting ramune ^^
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l-e-g-i-o-n-losh · 2 years
I understand completely why Jack had to rest it feels like there's another calamity every time i turn around up here
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