#cob band
theantichrost · 10 months
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midnight-stargirl · 13 days
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i love how much their friendship develops throughout the books
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jt1674 · 3 months
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track2hack · 10 months
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First attempt at plaiting for Gem’s dressage debut on Sunday 😅
Praying they stay in until the weekend so I don’t have to redo them but I don’t have much hope for it! 😂
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ulfrsmal · 2 years
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I believe in Armageddon Baptized in alcohol Embodiment of anti-Christ I'm living for my own demise [x]
⫽ Special thanks to @grande-caps for the first three pictures. ⫽
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Spirit of Clive: A Tribute to the Music of Clive Palmer & COB
A sprawling 29-track homage to the late/great Incredible String Band / C.O.B. founder Clive Palmer? Yes, please — especially when the lineup is as stacked as this. Palmer passed away back in 2014, but his twinkling soul is brought back to life throughout Spirit of Clive's nearly two-hour running time.
There's a communal/familial vibe to many of these renditions, which feels appropriate; Palmer's music was always uniquely ego-less and easygoing, encouraging singalongs and togetherness. I love the gentle round-robin version of "Summer's Night" performed by James Elkington, Joan Shelley and Nathan Salsburg and the sweet harmonies of Eve Searls and Jerry David DeCicca's "Spirit of Love." Also great is the way that Hiss Golden Messenger turns "Lion of Judah" into something that could be on Pour Down Like Silver or how Elkhorn expertly locate the weird dreaminess of "Pretty Kerry." Too many favorites to name here!
Even better: "All money raised from this tribute album is going to the restoration of recently discovered rare recordings of Clive from the 1960s onwards, and to the production of a documentary about Clive Palmer."
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verosvault · 6 months
Fantasy High Junior Year Trailer Screenshots of the PCs! 😋 (Spoilers ahead for Fantasy High S1&2)
If any of y'all see any clues in any of these. Drop it in the comments please because I'm curious! 😂
I love how Riz's has like Kalina stuff on it and also 3 sticky notes that say "night yorb?" just...AROUND! 😂🤣💀
Also...since when did Kristen gain THAT much MUSCLE?! 😭😭✋✋
I LOVE the "Keep Going" and the "Are you my dad? Yes No?" on Gorgug's! 😂😆
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Adaine O̶'̶S̶h̶a̶u̶g̶h̶n̶e̶s̶s̶y̶ Abernant
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Adaine's has a doodle of Jawbone on the top left.
Her new Arcane Focus! The sword she took from her father!
There a unique doodle of something on the top right of Adaine's? It looks like a cat of some sort to me....but Idk. 🥴🥲 [EDIT: That little cat doodle on the top right is the same cat doodle that is on Jawbone's shirt!!]
[EDIT!: "ESF" flag on Boggy stands for "Emotional Support Frog"!!!]
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Fabian Aramais Seacaster
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Fabian has a doodle of his dad, Bill Seacaster on his.
His magical sheet!
A "Hoot Growl" Owlbears Poster!
Toxic Masculinity is DEAD! 😂✋
Also, the sword of the Seacaster's as well there it looks like!
Fabian also has a tiny little message on his that reads: "I'm here to be Great"! 😆
There's also some kind of ticket stub on the bottom left corner!
As well as what looks to be a Start line with shoeprints for what I'm assuming is a track for either running...(or dancing 👀)?
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Kristen Applebees
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Kristen's has Cassandra on the top right! 😆
A scratched off "yes?" in regards to the deity she had created before.
Along with a corn on the cob
and her iconic staff of doubt!
She's also BUFF!
So... That's obviously VERY NEW!!! 😂
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Riz Gukgak
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Riz's has Kalina around his.
It has what I think is the picture from Sophomore Year of both Pok and Kalina next to each other. The mystery photo of that season.
It has Coach Daybreak.
"Bardy Boys" iconic reference.
"Night Yorb?" written 3 different times...Idk why it's referenced 3 different times here 💀...
The bottom right of Riz's is what seems to be a drawing of Biz Glitterdew. Underneath the Biz drawing, it reads: "HACKER".
There's a drawing of a Corn Cutie.
There seems to be random numbers? I see "10", "5", "12", "03". There's a "3:" which idk if it's supposed to go along with the other random numbers or if it's supposed to be a text face. I also see letters here too, like I see "S", "H", "A" however the "A" seems to be the lettering for "Aguefort".
There's a drawing of an octopus with a pirate hat, which I'm assuming is a drawing of James Whitclaw maybe?
I don't know if the small drawing of the woman ABOVE Coach Daybreak is supposed to resemble Lady Doreen? The lunch lady.
There's a small writing on a sticky that says "Jorjuu?" The J at the end looks like a "u" to me. Maybe I'm blind. Either way, I assume it's referring to Telemaine's wrong pronunciation of Gorgug "Jorjuj" :p
Right next to Riz's center photo of himself seems to be something that says "(un)licensed" the words under it looks like scribbles, but I can only assume it's "private investigator".
Idk who that girl is on the right in the small black and white photo. I have no clue who that's supposed to be. 🥴🥴🥴 Is it supposed to be a drawing of Penny Luckstone maybe??? [EDIT! The small black and white photo is a picture of Penelope Everpetal!!!]
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Fig Faeth
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Fig's has a concert ticket stub! Maybe that's the event going on at the Thistlespring Tree? Maybe? Maybe Gorgug wanted to perform to his parents 😂 and then...things went wrong? 😂💀 idk! I'm purely guessing!
Fig's has a tiny little message that says "Burn Towns Get Money"! 😂 That one lyric in one of their band songs! 😂✋ Another tiny little message that says "burn it up"!
It has Fig's iconic guitar with a small golden star next to it!
It has a tiny cute photo of Gilear!
It has her Dwarven Skateboard!
It has what I can only imagine to be a little doodle of what I assume to be Gorthalax???
Then it has Fig's little Dwarven skateboard.
It has what seems to be a spiky collar of some sort? Idk what that could be referring to other than Hilda Hilda's dog that she has chained outside of the police house...but that's quite a stretch! So...I honestly just don't really know. 💀✋ [EDIT! The spiky collar might just be referring to Fig's punk aesthetic!!!]
Fig's also has that like..."A" Circle of Anarchism symbol on hers as well! So...yeah! That looks dope and amazing!
[EDIT!: The beginning of the words "HILDA HILDA" on the right side under the drawing of the skateboard!! 😂😂]
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Gorgug Thistlespring
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Gorgug's has small messages of "Keep Going" on his!
It has a small message that says "METAL" in all caps! Probably since he loves Metal music! Just like Zelda does! 😂🤣 :3
It has a letter that says "Are You My Dad? Yes No" 😂😂 Even though he's found his dad already so it's kinda funny I guess? 😂💀 But it's SO HIM too so...ya know! 😂🤷‍♀️
There's what looks to be a small doodle of a rose in the top right. Probably for his one true love! Zelda! 🥺 :3 [EDIT: THE SMALL DOODLE OF THE ROSE IS THE TIN FLOWER FROM EPISODE 1!!!]
Then there seems to be a doodle of like ...I originally thought it looked like a moon? But it might be a doodle of a satellite around earth??? I mean... it's right next to the rose...so... I'm assuming that that's what it is? Idk 🥲😅
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If y'all caught something I missed! Please holler in the comments! 🙏 I NEED THEORIES!!! RKAKFKW 😭✋
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“My Girl with a Pearl”
The Mauritshuis in the Hague is currently showing “My Girl with a Pearl,” a lighthearted and vastly creative digital installation, where the iconic painting usually resides.
Resulting from an open call last year that garnered nearly 3,500 submissions, the temporary piece features 170 renditions of Vermeer’s 1655 portrait presented on a loop. Mediums and styles vary widely, and the installation features everything from an abstract iteration using multi-color rubber bands to elegantly photographed portraiture to the viral corn-cob figure.
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66sharkteeth · 9 days
im gonna do it. im gonna ask the big question........
whos your favorite music artist rn 🎤
...sorry its not cob related but i was j curious :)
lol! my all time fav band is rabbit junk. nia's design is actually one giant homage to them.
also its ok :) it kinda makes me happy to get an occasional ask about me instead of CoB.
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aria-ashryver · 2 months
Meet my OC - Viktor Ivanov
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Name: Viktor Ivanov Book: Immortal Desires Orientation: Bisexual Pronouns: He/him Birthday: 12th October 1997 Sign: Libra Born: Dunedin, New Zealand Raised: Sydney, Australia, and Inverness, Scotland (with some short stints in both NZ and Croatia) Heritage: Croat
More under the cut! 🖤✨
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Henrik Ivanov (younger brother) Mother (name tbd) Father (name tbd)
Viktor’s closest family member is his younger brother Henrik (Henri, as a diminutive), who is eight. Henri attends boarding school, so they do not see each other much, but Henri idolises his big brother and Viktor would do anything to keep Henri from being hurt. He believes his parents treat Henri as the “do-over” child, and that they think Viktor “lacks ambition” and “refuses to take anything seriously”. There is a lot of pressure on Henri to perform well academically and to follow in his father’s footsteps, career-wise.
Viktor’s father’s career remains something of a mystery to him — he knows it is a somewhat high-ranking governmental position that requires him to travel a lot, so his father is only home for short stints every few months. When he was around 12 or 13, Viktor decided he would ask his dad outright what his job actually was the next time he showed an interest in one of Viktor’s hobbies or interests.
To this day, Viktor has no idea what his father does for a living.
His mother is a stay-at-home housewife. She is the family member Viktor sees the most often, and also the one he has the worst relationship with.
Skills / Hobbies
Sketching, painting, singing — frontman and founder of grunge/rock band Your Bisexual Awakening. Also plays bass
YBA cycles through names often, all of which have a story attached. They choose a new name via the following system: if a band member says something stupid or memorable in conversation, and two or more members simultaneously say "band name", they must change it to whatever was just said. I.e.
Cal: seriously, guys? again? Ava: my bad. Angel's refractory period is more like a Refractory Comma Angel, Viktor, and Luca, simultaneously: band name Ava: aw, fuck.
Random Trivia
Moved a lot as a child — growing up jumping between Scotland, Australia, New Zealand, and Croatia has left Viktor with the weirdest accent. Its mostly Scottish... ish? Kinda?
Enjoys anime — once described watching Tokyo Ghoul as the purest spiritual experience of his life (and then sulked inconsolably for a week when he found out the final season was copaganda)
Scared of dogs (was bitten when he was younger)
Loves having his photo taken, but also can’t look at photos of himself sometimes, because they often bring on depersonalisation episodes
Huge collection of slogan t-shirts he crops and alters himself.
Can do overtone / polyphonic singing (but not well)
When he shared a dorm room with Luca at Avalon, for a while his alarm was this Marc Rebillet song (until Luca threatened to beat him to death with a pair of socks unless he changed it)
Has a crush on Kylo Ren
Is deeply ashamed of his crush on Kylo Ren
Favourite movie is Sucker Punch (will rant AT LENGTH about how people completely miss the feminist read)
His fashion sense is varied and questionable. One day he’ll be in gritty, black techwear, the next he’s full flower-boy poet. Then he’ll be Grandma-chic, and the next day he might be wearing a three-piece suit patterned exclusively with cobs of corn.
He does really love garments that drape and flow, though, and is a bit of a sucker for glitter and fun textures. No matter how loud, he somehow manages to always wear the outfits, and not have them wear him.
Viktor’s goals are informed by an odd mix of wanting a sense of agency and independence, while also just wanting to be taken care of and not have to think
Pathetic Babygirl of All Time
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Personal Life
cw!! for talk around mental illness, suicide, and substance abuse
Viktor’s childhood was extremely difficult in that his mother simply does not believe that mental illnesses and neurologic disorders are legitimate conditions, and denies that Viktor’s many conditions are real. She believes he is making everything up for attention. Viktor has had this rhetoric drilled into him since childhood — there is nothing wrong with him, he’s just weak, lazy, a failure, a troubled child.
As such, he has never been diagnosed with anything on record.
He is quite mistrustful of authority figures as a result of his upbringing.
The first real, healthy parental influence in his life was Terri O’Rinn. She was the one to refer Viktor to a specialist doctor — she called in a favour from a friend/colleague, who was able to confirm Viktor’s diagnosis of mild to moderate Tourette Syndrome. This diagnosis remains strictly off-record. He primarily has motor tics, but he does have some verbal ones too — many of his tics are indistinguishable from the way he carries himself and his usual, somewhat eccentric mannerisms of speaking and moving.
Viktor also suffers from depression and generalised anxiety disorder. Luca has “diagnosed” him with “ADHD by peer review.” Viktor also deals with frequent bouts of passive suicidal ideation. Luca has had to talk him down on two separate occasions when he has threatened attempts. He has attempted once, on his own, and has never told anyone about it. Viktor loves Luca like a brother, as they do him, and their bond is fundamentally unshakeable.
Viktor fell into performing initially as a means to cope with his Tourettes — music helps to help him feel in control of his symptoms, so he can often be found singing, humming, or whistling to himself as he goes about his business. Alcohol and weed incidentally dial back his premonitory urges as well, allowing him to more easily suppress his tics, so there have been patterns of substance abuse throughout Viktor’s life when he’s been in a bad place mentally.
In classes at school, he was something of the class clown — Viktor quickly realised he liked dictating the kind of attention that was on him (and that he actually really loves attention when its the kind he has sought out himself). So rather than people staring at him because of his tics, he’d rather enrapture them on purpose with beautiful and hypnotic performances. Leaning into his role as the band’s vocalist and frontman did wonders for his self-confidence and overall quality of life.
Also — he’s just really, really, good at singing 🖤🖤🖤
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You can find out more about Viktor via my masterlist, or read about him in my longfic, snow in crimson, starlight in gold on AO3! 🖤(direct link, fic is rated Explicit)
tagging: @choicesficwriterscreations
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filmofhybe · 6 months
corn on a cob
🌽 pairing : park jeongseong x oc 💌 GENRE : fluff 700 wc
warning : food , kissing , sharing food
; AUTHORS NOTE : day 13 of “24 days of Christmas with filmfohybe” is almost Christmas🥹 I got a corn on a cob at my town’s Christmas market and thought about jay. And I’m going to london tmr!! I’m so excited. Now let’s get to it.
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The air was crisp, filled with the enchanting aroma of roasted chestnuts and the lively sounds of a Christmas market. Jay and I strolled hand in hand, surrounded by twinkling lights and the joyful hum of festive music. The atmosphere was magical, and I couldn't help but feel a warm excitement bubbling within me.
As we wandered through the market, Jay's eyes lit up when he spotted a stall selling corn on the cob. He nudged me playfully, "You know, I've been craving one of those sweet and smoky corns. What do you say baby? Can I get it?” , “of course let’s go get them!” I grinned in agreement, and we joined the line, anticipation building as we inched closer to the delicious buttery aroma. Finally, we got our hands on one steaming cobs, adorned with a generous slathering of butter and a sprinkle of seasoning. The first bite was a burst of flavors—sweetness, smokiness, and the rich taste of butter that made my taste buds dance.
Jay and I took turns nibbling on the corn, sharing laughter and playful banter. “Right stop taking big ass bites this is literally my favorite!” “EXCUSE ME? I want it as well..” As I bit into the corn, a small smudge of butter found its way to the corner of my mouth. Jay's eyes twinkled mischievously as he reached over, his thumb gently wiping away the errant butter. I couldn't help but blush at the intimate gesture under the soft glow of Christmas lights. “Jay don’t do that..” my face is now probably redder than Rudolph the red nose reindeer.
A subtle, sweet taste lingered on my lips, a combination of the strawberry lip balm I had applied earlier and the buttery goodness of the corn. Jay leaned in, his lips meeting mine in a tender kiss. It was a moment suspended in time, surrounded by the festive ambiance of the Christmas market. Smiling into the lovely kiss.
"Mmm, maybe strawberry lip balm and butter should be a lip balm scent or even flavor," Jay suggested with a playful smirk, his eyes still locked onto mine. I chuckled, enjoying the light-hearted exchange as we continued to share the corn on the cob. “Uh I don’t think anyone would like that…” “I will though. Taste exactly like the two things I love..”
We explored the market further, weaving through stalls adorned with handmade ornaments, festive decorations, and the sweet scent of hot chocolate wafting through the air. The vibrant colors of the holiday season surrounded us, creating a picturesque backdrop for our shared moments. The market's carousel beckoned us, and we decided to take a whirl on its ornate horses. The melodies of classic Christmas tunes filled the air as we circled under a canopy of twinkling lights. Jay held me close beside me. Holding my waist as he watches me with a darling smile and the world seemed to slow down as we enjoyed the simple joy of the moment.
As the night deepened, the market came alive with an even more magical glow. The towering Christmas tree at the center of the square sparkled with countless lights, and couples danced to the tunes of a live band. Jay and I found a cozy spot on a bench, wrapped in each other's warmth, watching the festivities unfold. Him secretly taking candid pictures of me as I ate my cotton candy.
The air was filled with love and laughter, and I couldn't have asked for a more perfect Christmas experience. With a contented sigh, I leaned against Jay, grateful for the simple pleasures shared on this festive night—the sweet and smoky corn on the cob, the stolen kisses under Christmas lights, and the warmth of love that made the holiday season truly magical.
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Hello dear Terra 🤎
🐑 for the Fake Fic Game (+ a song because it's a songfic: "Campfire" by Korean boys band SEVENTEEN)
Tags: #levi ackerman/hange zoë #levi ackerman #hange zoë # erwin smith #levi squad (original) #hange squad #canon universe #songfic #friendships #friends to lovers #field trip #camping #campfires #fluff #romantic feelings #romantic gestures #secret relationship #relationship reveal #accidental public love confession
The last tag doesn't exist I think, but who cares!
So excited to see what you will come up with 🤎
Rating: Mature Fandom: Attack on Titan Relationship: Levi Ackerman / Hange Zoe Additional tags: #levi squad (original) #canon universe #songfic #friendships #friends to lovers #field trip #camping #campfires #fluff #romantic feelings #romantic gestures #romantic… dreams? #sleep talking #no #smutty sleep talking ;) #secret relationship #but not for long #oops #relationship reveal #accidental public love confession #Levi Ackerman is a mess #severe second hand embarrassment
Summary: An evening of campfire stories, folk songs and roasted corn takes an unexpected turn for Levi and his companions. At first Petra is secretly thrilled to have her captain fall asleep on her shoulder… but his oh so honest admission soon has her losing her appetite.
“Ah, Hange… take em off, baby… I don’t care if they’re small… wanna bury my face in them…..”
Petra’s corn on the cob rolled along the leaf-strewn ground. All eyes were trained on Hange. The titan scientist feigned a perplexed expression as their eyes roved the tree tops.
“Did you guys hear something? Was that a lark? A great tit maybe…?”
“Sounds like Levi would know,” Eld cracked dryly.
👉 Fake Fic Game!  🐝
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popculturelib · 10 months
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Fanzine Friday #10: Skills (2009) by Sabrina Simon
Skills is a DIY zine about common household tasks and fun projects. Following last week's canning theme, here is the section about food preservation, with an additional recipe for a baking soda volcano.
The Browne Popular Culture Library (BPCL), founded in 1969, is the most comprehensive archive of its kind in the United States.  Our focus and mission is to acquire and preserve research materials on American Popular Culture (post 1876) for curricular and research use. Visit our website at https://www.bgsu.edu/library/pcl.html.
Image transcripts below the cut:
Food Preservation
I've been interested in food preservation for a while now and have figured out a few different ways to save fresh produce for use at a later date.
Many vegetables can be preserved simply by freezing. All you need is a plastic bag with no holes and a top that seals completely. Cook the vegetables (fully or partially), stick `em in a bag, stick the bag in the freezer, and there you go!
To prevent things from freezing in a clump, place them in a single layer on a baking sheet, place the sheet in the freezer, then transfer to storage bag when they are frozen through.
To freeze corn, cook it as you normally would, then cut the kernels off of the cob. Sometimes when cooked corn-on-the-cob sits around it gets pale and wrinkly, but after cutting it off the cob and freezing it, it will have a plump, yellow appearance. Nice.
Berries and grapes can be frozen raw.
Bananas can be placed in the freezer for later use. The skins turn brown but does not have an effect on flavor.
To freeze ranges and lemons: zest and juice the fruit then freeze the zest and the juice separately, in a plastic bag or ice cube tray; or just stick them in there whole; or cut into sections and store in bags.
Canning food may seem like an antiquated, labor-intensive idea, but it is actually simple once you know the process.
The Basic Boiling Water Canning Process
Obtain canning jars and lids— that is jars that have a flat lid and a bans band. You must use a new flat lid every time you can, but screw bands can be re-used. Wash the jars, bands, and lids in hot soapy water. Using a dishwasher is fine. Let dry thoroughly. Please follow a recipe for the food you want to can, because you need to make sure there is enough acid in the product so it won't spoil.
Prepare a canner. A canner is a large pot with a lid and a rack in the bottom. The rack is important because water must be able to circulate sides of the canning jar. Assemble your own canner by obtaining a pot deep enough to fit your jar and something that will keep the jars from touching the bottom and allow circulation. Try a toaster oven rack or a metal colander.
Fill the jars with the fruits or vegetables to be canned. It is important to leave "headspace" at the top of the can, as per recipe instructions. For boiling water canning, maker sure to leave 1/2 inch of space between the food and the top of the jar.
Use a clean, wet cloth to wipe around the jar tops. They should be totally clean.
Place a flat lid on the jar, and screw on the bands tightly.
Place the rack in the pot, fill pot halfway with water, place the cans in the pot, and top up with boiling water - enough so that cans are covered with one inch of water above them. Place lid on canner and start timing as per recipe instructions. If need be, top up the pot with more boiling water so that there is always one inch above the jars. Remember not to let jars touch the sides or bottom of the pan or each other. Also, always keep the lid on.
Remove jars from the canner and place on a rack to cool. When they are cool, check to make sure that all of the jars sealed. A sealed jar will have a dip in the lid that does not give. An unsealed jar will "pop" up and down if you press on the lid. If any jars are unsealed, you can try resealing them immediately (by the same process), or else just refrigerate and use within a few days.
Label jars with the date of canning. Store in a cool, dark, and dry place and use within one year. Now wasn't that fun?
I made and canned applesauce and you can to!
This recipe makes about six pints of applesauce. I live in a house with five other people so having a ton of applesauce is fine by us, but feel free to cut the recipe in half.
Start by peeling, coring, and cutting eight pounds of cooking apples.* I've got one of those hand-crank apple peelers which is perfect for this. Otherwise—recruit your friends to help you, because this is a LOT of apples!
*I suggest using a combo of Granny Smith & Golden Delicious apples.
Place apples, 2 cups of water, and a couple cinnamon sticks (if you want) in a huge pot. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer until apples are very tender. Stir often. Depending on what type of apple you use and how small they are chopped, this could take anywhere from 15 to 40 minutes.
Remove cinnamon sticks. Mush apples to a consistency you like. I like a chunky kind of applesauce so I just smash it a bit with a potato masher.. If you want it smoother, run it through a food mill or ricer and put it back in the pot. If you want, add sugar to taste (brown sugar is nice) and more water, if it seems a little thick.
Bring sauce up to boiling. Pour the sauce into the clean jars— they should still be warm. Wipe the rims of the jars and apply lids and bands. Process for 15 minutes using instructions above.
***An obvious way to preserve fruit is by canning your own jam/jelly/preserves. I can't stomach that sort of thing, so I've never made it. If you have a jam-type recipe you're willing to share, please send it in! ***
Baking Soda & Vinegar
Another cheap + easy way to entertain the kids is to make a baking soda volcano! Simply put some baking soda in a glass, dribble in a bit of vinegar, and watch it foam & expand & hiss. It's pretty fun. Add some food dye for special effects. Bonus points if you do it in the sink: the foaming action can help unclog a drain, the soda is a good abrasive for cleaning, and it will also neutralize odors. Sweet! (Note: don't overdo it - a little bit of each product goes a very long way!)
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cheekedupwhiteboy · 1 year
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i've now seen acclaimed synthpop band hot chip in concert twice (once in chicago, once in milwaukee) and both times alexis taylor has worn these ENORMOUS shorts with corn cobs on them.
is it a special thing he does for the midwestern usa? does he just wear them all the time on tour?
where did he acquire the giant corn shorts?
where can i acquire my own giant corn shorts?
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maxphilippa · 1 year
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My takes on them! + hcs explaining them! Long post ahead!
MePhone4 and MePad!
Most Meeple produced devices have visors that help them on tasks, and MePhone4 and MePad aren't the exception!
MePhone4 is somewhat glowy on his fingers and other parts of his body. He can take off his visor, even if it's connected to his body.
Same goes with MePad. Both visors have very different functions.
Meanwhile MePhone's visor notifies him of stuff and pretty much helps him on visualizing what he wants, MePad's visor works with giving coordenates to teleport and pretty much every logistics that could ever exist.
However, these visors are strictly made for their models and can't really be used by eachother. Or at least that's what Cobs said. They didn't really try it out.
MePad still follows my rule of "no arms= floating hands" but in a more robot like way. His hands are pieces of metal that work with electricity and holograms to look more like the bands of the objects. But touching them doesn't do any harm. It's like. Fuzzy, even.
MePhone 3gs:
Being one of the earliest models that Cobs has ever done, he doesn't really have the same abilities or apps as MePad, MePhone4 and any of the other ones of Meeple. He's pretty much a hardworking model because of it, not relying on apps that can generate what he thinks, but he knows how to do and say a lot of stuff. His visor helps him on reminders and recording videos and audio easily, as well to calculate possible outcomes and materials needed.
He was almost the perfect prototype until he failed on a task. I've seen interpretations of what happened to him, so this is mine:
He was present when the egg events were happening, and wanted to go against Cobs, or wasn't strong enough to comply with it. Cobs didn't like this. It didn't really end up well for him due to the events that were happening. Tried to help but got incredibly damaged. Cobs tried to save him but it was "a lost cause". No one really remembers him anymore.
A lot of his true personality lies on the words of "Cobs, don't".
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metalcultbrigade · 3 months
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Annihilator - Alice in Hell 17/04/1989
ALICE IN HELL (1989) Facts - read til the end for surprise!):
- ANNIHILATOR: ALICE IN HELL was the 1st Gold Record for Roadrunner Records & the band.
- All songs written between 1984-1987 in Ottawa, Canada.
- All songs from "ALICE" (as well as most songs/riffs from 1990's "NEVER, NEVERLAND") were demoed via 3 cassette demos:
1) 1985 WELCOME TO YOUR DEATH (crystal ann, wtyd, lust of death-turned-human insecticide, buzzsaw blade, i am in command, back to the crypt)
Freed From The Pit (Road To Ruin)
2) 1986 PHANTASMAGORIA (alison hell, gallery-turned neverland and stonewall, phantasmagoria, ligeia)
Mayhem (Reduced to Ash) and I Love The Dead (Kraf Dinner) were demoed in the same session but didn't get on the officially-released version)
3) 1987 "SHOPPING DEMO" (wicked mystic, imperilled eyes, word salad). For record labels only.
- The WTYD demo 85 was reviewed around the world, while the Phantasmagoria demo 86 landed in the Top 4 circulated cassette demos in Metal music. Tape trading/dubbing was big then!
- While Jeff Waters wrote all the drums, Paul Malek played on most of the song demos; Jeff Waters played drums on 3 songs.
- Jeff Waters moved to Vancouver, Aug 1987 and started recording the record, off and on, from late 87-88.
- Studio engineer Paul Blake not only worked on ANNIHILATOR's records 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6, he also taught Jeff basic recording techniques and helped equip the 1st Watersound Studios on Maple Ridge, BC in 1994.
- AIH is cited as an influence by members of bands like Opeth, COB, In Flames, Slipknot, Trivium, Lamb Of God to Nickelback and Three Doors Down (Crystal Ann/Here Without You); and many more.
- David Ellefson (and Nick Menza) stated that: "The Rust In Peace lineup would crank up the ALICE IN HELL cassette everyday, to and from our writing and recording sessions for (their classic) the Rust In Peace record."
- Waters guitar playing on this record is said to be a major influence on the Scandinavian metal scene
- The next record, NEVER, NEVERLAND, surpassed ALICE in sales.
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