#cody doesn't even know he's a loser
noco7 · 2 years
Who are your favorite TD characters and why? :]
Thank you for the ask. And I have 3 main favorites.
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So Noah, Cody, and Courtney. NoCoCo. Lol
Let's get into it:
When I say Noah is me, I mean he manages to encompass a lot of phases that I had in my own life.
When I was in middleschool, I was the "smart kid." And I was also bad at sports. So Noah's dodgeball elimination is like... uncomfortably familiar to me. I don't think his actions were "stupid" or "bad writing," nah it’s truth in television. As a kid I was TOLD to stay on the bench whenever possible, and let the real athletes perform. So Noah staying on the sidelines... nah that makes sense. He's internalized the message.
Even his tantrum at the end of the episode is familiar. Although I've never been that bad, there was a moment when I was playing badminton in gym. I lost a match, and I thought to myself "Well, I know more about X then he ever will. So who's the TRUE winner?"
It's so juvenile, lmao. Taking the "everyone has different strengths :)" and making it into “my strength is the Best.” 
Another thing that I like Noah for is for his... "vibes." He's always acting unimpressed, always like 'who cares' turning up his nose at joy. And that's how I acted my first year of college! (I was 17, so only 1 year older than Noah lol). Because I thought it made me cool or something. But it's just overcompensation, really.
And Noah being "smart," but never actually doing anything useful. Yeah... it happens. That was me junior year of college. Everyone is like "oh you were so smart in highschool," "you're the smart one," But you have nothing to show for it.
God, he's relatable. He's a mix of all the things I dislike in myself, including the "laziness" aspect. So by the very act of liking him, by writing stories where he is comforted, understood, told it's okay to be vulnerable - it feels like I'm loving myself.
Oh, and also Noah is funny af? I decided he was my favorite character before I watched Total Drama. I was watching compilation videos of "funniest lines," "most saveage combacks," or "TD being gay for 5 minutes" and Noah was popping off! Noah has some of the best dialogue.  And that appeals to another side of me I dislike - my judgemental side. So like.... 5/5 on the relatability scale.
Also, I think its funny I've not mentioned Noah's role in TD *at all*. Because he doesn't really have one? His job for TDI and WT is for him to comment on other people. That's it. And that’s fine, that’s the side-character life. No complaints.
I know some people say "Noah warned the guys about Alejandro." And like yeah, he did. But I'm pretty sure Owen and Tyler lowkey already knew. And then once Noah is gone, Owen does nothing about Alejandro? He has to be coaxed by Duncan into doing anything. And then Alejandro just flatters and hypnotizes him? And Tyler gets used for the Gwuncan plotline? So his warning does NOTHING for the show? Lmao.
I'm not even mad at this, btw. Because it doesn’t matter to me whether his sacrificed worked or not - I like Noah because I like me, not because he’s important. (Also Noah’s POC background appeals to me because I’m also POC, and I can project my ‘child of immigrants’ upbringing onto him.)
Like a few days ago I explained to someone in dms why I liked Cody despite also hating him and thinking he's whats wrong with men in media. So gonna copy and paste my main points:
1) Although a lot of the things he does is bad (follow Gwen around, not take her NO's seriously) they do indicate some positive qualities: He's persistent, he's optimistic, and he's okay with setbacks. These are all good qualities that I do not have, and would make my life a lot better. And don't we all wish we had the confidence of a mediocre white man?
While Cody needs to learn how to STOP, we could all stand to be a little more shameless, and a little more willing to take risks. 
2)There's also smth really sad about him, and I'm not necessarily talking about his parents. There's a scene in TDI, where he asks Gwen out/about her bra. And she hits him in the dick with an oar. Which... fair, lol.
But Cody's reaction is interesting to me. He apologizes, (deserved.) And then asks *again*.
WTF? That's weird to me. It doesn't just signal entitlement. It signals that he's okay with physical harm - from the person he loves,  all in the mere hope that he'll end up with said person. And that's pretty fucking tragic imo. At least that's how I interpret it. Because I think most guys at that point would be like, "What's WRONG with you i was just COMPLIMENTING you, you should be FLATTERED!"
But Cody just goes with it?
And for futher proof for my interpretation, Cody ends up telling Sierra she's his best friend during WT. Despite everything she did - multiple cases of sexual harassment, drugging, forced marriage, etc...  Cody is still willing to keep her in his life, to keep her close. Because, think about it, she was the only person who consistently tried to help him. The only one who ever gave him any real compliments.
And that's sad. And also interesting.
Why would a guy like Cody, who in canon is presumably canonically cis, white, and straight, be so willing to take abuse in search of love?
Why is he so lonely? Who raised him to chase after affection like this? And what could his tale say about the problems of public society, and the potential dysfunctions of the private family unit?
And that's the beauty of Cody. Noah allows me to talk about myself, but Cody allows me to talk about the world around me. About sexism and entitlement, about classism, about societal expectations around "love," and "family," and how damaging they can be.
A lot of people see Cody as an "average white man," and if so... then the average fucking sucks and I want to talk about it, lol. I understand why others would be tired of it (and also I don’t think it’s women’s job to Make Men Happy btw. A big reason I don’t ship Cody with women.) But as writer, it’s really rewarding to explore his psyche while also providing a possibility for growth, a way out, and a happy ending.
Cody's also rlly adorable, especially in Total Dramarama. Like he's impossible to hate in that show. There's an episode where Cody risks life and limb to be considered cool by his classmates. There's one where he says "Now I have to live in the sewers *again*." I don't say this lightly, but he's the best character there. He's so funny.
Courtney, I got attached to via the actual show. I watched Action before Island... and she's just really cool? Her entrance is cool, and as I said repeatedly, I love evil woman. But beyond "wow girlboss😮," what else do I like about her?
I like her story. Her actual fucking story. Wow. I might be one of the only Courtney stans who likes how Total Drama handled her. Skdjsdk.
So in Island, we see her battle her class-monitor upbringing, and learn to break the rules. This is done through her BF Duncan. And overall, this is pretty standard "good girl meets bad boy and loosens up" faire. It's nothing special. (I watched Island when I was 20. So I had plenty of time to see that same story in YA romances. So... yeah. Like I said, nothing special.)
But in Action? We see her on the warpath. We see her take charge. She had taken charge in Island, but it was kinda innefectual. The joke was that she'd give orders, but things would go wrong. That she would barely be useful herself? But in Action? She takes thing in her OWN hands. She revitalizes Trent's team. She is also bad to Duncan.
And I think this could have worked, if she blamed Duncan for Harold's actions. Because Harold eliminated Courtney BECAUSE of Duncan. So she wouldn't be far-off. And also slide in a moment where her parents hate her new BF, or like. Imagine if Courtney told her parents she lost, because Harold rigged her out, but it wasn't her fault. He hated Duncan. And her parents are like "What did you expect? You date a delinquent and get suprised when trouble appears at your door?"
And so she's mad at Duncan for dragging her into his fight, for drawing her parent's ire.
No wonder she tries to "fix him." She wants to make him fit for approval, and also prove to HERSELF that she's the one with the control. That she can FIX him.
Some people hate how Courtney has no self-awareness and thinks she's a good person all the time. I fucking love it.
Courtney thinks she's HELPING. After all, she wants to be the best. So why shouldn't others? Why would Duncan have problems with a list of instructions? Courtney LOVES instructions. She loves bettering herself.
C.I.T. Counselor-in-Training. She wants to be a COUNSELOR. She wants to help people, she wants to be a Leader. But she's really bad at it! Because of instead of wanting people to accomplish their goals... she kinda wants them to accomplish what she decides their goals should be. She's not a mad scientist, she's a mad therapist.
This is why I think Action is her best season. Because that's when she goes OFF and really shows her worst potential. And I'm into that, because it gives me a lot to discuss - how the drive for success and efficiency can leave people broken. Can kill personal relationships.
I kinda LOVE that every positive relationship Courtney builds she ends up breaking. Duncan. Gwen. Scott. Gwen *again.*
I'd love it too, if she learned her lesson and developed but like. Out of context, it's so fitting. (In my fantasy rewrite of TD, she realizes something is off in WT, gets better in ROTI, and cements her character change in All Stars)
In WT, Courtney doesn't get to do much. She has the love triangle thing, which doesn't do much for her character because she doesn't learn anything from it? But she's still very funny this season. I don't like her thing with Alejandro. I don't mind CourtneyXAlejandro btw. I'd just rather them team up temporarily.
In All Stars, Courtney gets a new BF. Scott. She's mending her relationship with Gwen. It's looking good, maybe Duncan was the real problem all along. And then it collapses.
I read somewhere that TD writers just thought she couldn't be redeemed. Which is funny to me. Maybe All Stars was to show "no matter how kind to her people are, she will always put money first." It would explain alot, and if that's what they're going for, they succeeded. And ... I'm okay with that. I just wish it was more a struggle for her, or that it was better foreshadowed. But I'm not mad at the direction they chose.
So overall, Courtney is character who started out a good girl with a bad boy, turned out WORSE than the bad boy, and kept going. She did everything to *win*, yet never was a finalist. She burned three friendships for cash, yet never got it. That's poetic, honestly. She tries so hard to be a girlboss, but she's a girl-flop at the end of the day. And I like that. I really do.
Tl;dr: Noah's me, Cody's society, and Courtney is the industrial complex. Not really, because Courtney has never been profitable. She's like a failed start-up company.
BONUS: How I view their possible dynamics
I obviously ship Noah and Cody, as a kind of two losers with opposing strengths learn from each other, but also get on each others nerves. If you want to know more about how I view their dynamic, just read my fic.
Courtney and Noah are my "Do it right or don't do it all," duo. I don't care what their relationship is. Like they'd make great twins who hated each other. Science Olympiad rivals or partners. They'd even be a fine couple (if you're not writing them as related, that is EWW).
I like to imagine Courtney writing a long winded plan, handing it to Noah, and he just rips it in two and tells her he's not doing all that. Which is pretty mean tbh. I also like to imagine Courtney stepping on Noah's back while she forces him to do push ups. I imagine Noah and Courtney standing over a desk in class, asking you 'What grade did you get?" with identical smug smiles. I imagine them gossiping over Gwen together, being roommates, dissing each other's man. "You're dating trash you dug out of the gutter." "At least I'm not settling for a fun-sized McDonalds toy."
I imagine them interacting a lot, actually. I want them to be worsties who grow into besties.
Courtney and Cody is like... I'm split. They would make a really good Hallmark movie. Courtney the busy worker, and Cody who loves the Holidays. The story writes itself. But at the same time I love how they dislike each other in canon. Cuz Cody's a gwen stan and Courtney thinks Gwen should DIE. joking. And also because Cody keeps on being annoyingly sexist. Like in the Greece episode, despite having no athletic ability, he's like "let ME do it, *ladies*" and Courtney is NOT having it. So I guess they also have the range.
Maybe they don't get along until someone's like "Let's get the TWO best World Tour singers up on staaage!!!" And both Cody and Courtney stand up.
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anemoelliacia · 7 months
the five times alhaitham knew he loved you
warnings: female reader, basically just tooth rotting fluff :)
▶ I recommend listening to the song I hear a Symphony by Cody Fry while reading this chapter. <3
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The first instance was when he was talking to you about something Akademiya related, and you were listening intently. Truthfully, you didn’t quite understand or grasp what he was talking about. Though, you tried not to let on to the fact that you didn’t understand. You did the best you could to entertain the topic he was talking about. The next evening, when he stopped by your home to see you after work, he found you asleep at your desk clearly researching something. He felt the need to satiate his own curiosity, so he looked at the books and papers on your desk. Turns out, you were studying the very topic he was telling you about yesterday. He is a stoic man, however he couldn't help but softly smile down at your sleeping figure as he quickly deduces the fact you must have started studying it for him, to be able to understand and properly discuss it with him. It tugs at his heart, emotions bursting forth he hasn’t really had the time to feel before. He thinks, “hm, do I love her? I think I do.”
Secondly, the time he saw you jokingly bickering with Kaveh over a card game during dinner. You won and Kaveh was being a sore loser, all Alhaitham could do is sit back and watch the two of you interact, chuckling each time you jokingly shut down Kaveh’s antics and him whining over losing. He watches you and can’t help but want more little moments like this with you around, he thinks, “yeah… I love her.”
Thirdly, whenever you stay at his house, you make it a point to try to wake up earlier than him and have coffee ready for him. It was a habit of yours he can’t even pinpoint when it happened. Did you start doing it the first time you stayed the night? He can’t recall. But never fail, everytime you stay the night, you always wake him up with a gentle kiss on the head and a piping hot cup of coffee just the way he likes it, two sugar cubes and no milk. The longer this habit of yours goes on, he can’t help but think, “I love her,” each time you do it. 
Fourthly, when you always plan dates to be at home, or in out of the way places because you know how much he doesn't like needless social interaction. Alhaitham is a rather observant person, he puts the pieces together quickly why he thinks you opt to do this. One date night, when you cooked him dinner at his own house and served it up elegantly at his dining table, he brought it up to you. He asks you, "why do we always have dates at home when I know you like to go out?" and you say, "for you. I don't mind doing what's best for you." and it's the truth. He already is a very busy person, but not just that, he prefers quiet situations– Alhaitham doesn't like to deal with crowds of people, excessive noise, or pointless conversations with anyone but you. So, if date nights at home are what's best, you're very happy to accommodate that. Your response was quick, yet thoughtful. A smile momentarily graces his face, and he thinks, "I love her…"
The fifth and final instance was just a quiet intimate moment. He was sitting in bed with his back against the headboard reading an abstruse book about philosophy, and you were laying with your back flush against his chest reading along silently. Neither of you felt the need to talk, you just wanted to be in each other's company. Alhaitham mindlessly plays with your hair in between flipping the pages of his book, placing a kiss on your head every now and then. It may seem like an insignificant moment to anyone else, but to him, in this moment he realizes he wants you forever. So, "I love you," he finally says, knowing it to be true as you two sit together and enjoy the quiet company of each other.
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▶ if you liked this, check out the other parts linked in my masterlist :) every genshin man i write for is getting their own part.
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the-milk-monarch · 5 months
☣︎ Maybe I'll add a part two sometime with Vito, Cody and Scott but for now damn that was exhausting
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Summary: The losers play spin the bottle + aftermath ☢︎ | Total Drama | ~4,5k words | gender-neutral reader ♡ | Mike | Mal | Noah ⚠ | swears | making out | cliche much and using Heather as a plot device? | god I can't write, it's so cheesy
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⚠ | setting: Total Drama Island AU
Most of the people who joined Total Drama have already been eliminated, and so were you. You didn't mind though, as you got to enjoy the positive side of losing - Playa Des Losers.
It was a lazy evening, most of the folks were busy doing their thing, but you were getting kinda bored.
You thought you were doomed with the boredom of yours, until you heard Chris McLean's voice through the speaker.
"Hey happy campers! Guess what. Do you want to win some money, even as a loser?" Were the words you caught.
Some contestants turned their heads towards the source of the sound.
"That's right!" He exclaimed. "You know how on TV there's always some fun hanging out time scenes between the contestants? Well you seem to lack at your job so I'm here to fix it!"
You slightly rolled your eyes at his words. You were a bit of a social anxiety filled loner, but he doesn't have to point that out.
"If you wanna earn a few additional bucks when going home, a measly $100, you're gonna have to play spin the bottle!"
You noticed some gasps, laughs and confused looks from the other people.
You thought the idea is a bit childish, but free 100 bucks is 100 bucks, so you didn't plan to turn down that idea. You were already a loser, so why not get the extra money?
All of the willingly participating contestants joined a shared space near the pool in a small gathering.
You sat down somewhere as well, awaiting further instructions.
Chris instructed for someone to take the bottle and spin it.
"Heather!" He shouted, making the girl turn her head towards the speaker. "You're gonna start! Spin the bottle and give a dare to a fellow loser."
She exhaled through her teeth, making a little "psh." noise.
Her hand twisted the bottle and sent it into a whirl.
"Hey, Chris!" Heather shouted before asking a question. "You want some bonding time, huh?"
Finally the bottle chose it's victim - to your surprise - it wasn't you.
"Yeah?" Chris's voice echoed around, a bit curious.
You were unsure what Heather had prepared, but you knew it wouldn't be anything easy.
"Well then, since Y/N arrived not too long ago, and I observed them hanging around a particular someone recently, why not pull them closer together?" She had a smug smirk on her face, which made you quite worried now.
"Kiss Y/N." Her finger pointed at you.
"Wh- Wha-" Mike lost balance and nearly fell from the chair he was sitting on as he processed the dare.
You also reacted with a subtle and baffled gasp bordering on"wha-".
"But- What? Why? I can't do that, what if Y/N doesn't want to?" He quickly bombarded her with questions, a bit embarrassed he had to discuss this in front of you.
"Then they'll have to take away your chance at the money." She assumed, innocently shrugging her shoulders.
Upon hearing the dare, Chris once again joined into the convo through the speakers.
"Oh, I forgot to mention, both participants get the 100 bucks to share if they fulfill their dare. Fifty-fifty each." He elaborated.
"And no forcing fellow contestants if they don't want to do the dare. That's not cool, dudes." He felt the need to add that last part, especially for TV.
Mike looked at you with anxious puppy eyes, uncomfortable with the idea that Heather came up with.
You froze a bit.
How could Heather figure out you had a sweet spot for Mike?
You thought you weren't that obvious, Mike never commented on it.
You blinked twice before returning the gaze at him.
"Eh- I don't know if- If you wanna do that, Y/N?" Mike started to sweat a little.
You felt the rising anxiety inside you, was Mike gonna comment anything on Heather's comment?
"I mean, I'd never want to make you uncomfy-" He trailed off a bit before you cut him off.
"Um, no- I mean- I-" You noticed you started to babble so you finally just said the most appropriate response you could think of at the moment with a nervous grin. "Sure, let's get the money."
You could see a bit of Mike dying inside after he heard your approval.
Mike got up from his seat, slowly coming towards you with his hands close to his chest, fidgeting slightly.
You awaited your "doom", feeling as if the time became slower.
All of the losers' eyes were on you both, expecting something to happen.
He met your gaze once he was close enough to you.
You stared at him, trying to keep a straight face and not disclose what was going through your head at the moment.
"Alright then- I'll, uh, start-" He said meekly, nearing closer to your face.
You started looking at his red cheeks until a kiss took you by a surprise.
You were fully expecting a kiss on the lips, but instead you felt it on your cheek.
Guess you shouldn't be greedy.
Mike immediately backed out after he was done, but not too fast so you'd think he finds you particularly repulsive.
You felt the corners of your lips turn into a bashful smile that you couldn't control.
You felt kind of stupid when your first kiss with him was because of Heather, though. You hoped it didn't scare Mike too much.
Mike had one as well, albeit much more worried than yours.
You noticed him hurry back to his place, with his face still subtly red.
After the whole thing was over and everyone went their separate ways, you tried to find Mike.
You didn't want to leave on an awkward note and you wanted to explain some things. You decided it was time to.
You spotted Mike helping himself near the snackbar, away from other people.
You didn't know whether he wanted to be left alone or not, but you approached anyway.
Mike immediately turned his head as he heard you clearing your throat.
"O-Oh, Y/N, hey!" He greeted you with a slightly nervous, yet still kind grin.
"Oh no, they're here-"
"Hey Mike." You politely reciprocated, trying not to panic inside.
"Okay, calm down. They only came to talk. Maybe- Maybe it's not about that kiss?"
"Um... What's up?" He also tried his best so the situation wouldn't be awkward.
"So... The bottle thing." You gently started, stopping for a moment to regain your thoughts on the topic which were being drowned in your worries.
"They are gonna talk about that kiss. No, no, no, no-"
His face changed for a second into a look of doubt and anxiety which was quickly covered with a smile.
"...Yeah? What about it?" He quietly gulped.
"Well- I- Hope this doesn't- You know." You felt as if your mouth forbid you from forming proper sentences.
"Y-Yeah, me too- It was-" He felt himself being tongue-tied as well.
"It was what, Mike? Nice? You can't say that!"
You and Mike shut up as soon as you realized you're both just as hopeless.
After a moment of silence, you finally heard a pathetic and tense chuckle coming his way.
You were about to panic even more, thinking he's laughing at you, but the thought that he was as nervous as you prevented you from doing that.
"Honesty is the best way to go, right? Just be normal for once."
"Sorry. Guess it got to me more than I thought." He finally admitted without beating around the bush. "I- I don't want you to think I'm a weirdo because of that, though."
"What? No-" You quickly denied that, making him visibly less worried.
"I-" Words yet again got stuck in your throat, which started to piss you off a little. Mike could do nothing but listen intently to what you were about to say.
"I-If you promise to also not think I'm a weird for what I'm about to say, then-" You tried to put on a confident facade as you started fidgeting with your hands a little.
"Of course not!" Mike quickly chimed in, now even more desperate to hear your response. "I promise."
You knew if you screw this up, it'd be game over. The words finally flew out of you.
"I- kinda hoped you'd aim for the lips."
You saw Mike freeze the moment he processed what was being said to him.
"Aim for the lips."
You broke him. The four words were floating in his head, covering every free space in it.
You remained tense and quiet, dreading each second he didn't reply.
Finally he got to his senses and slightly shaked his head.
"I- I'm sorry, it just took me by a surprise-" He couldn't cover the red that was on his face after that info. "Usually people try to get away from me, you know?"
It was your turn to let out the meek chuckle that was forming in the back of your throat.
"Yeah- Well- Not me." You admitted.
"U-unless you want me to-?" Anxiety got a hold of you once again.
"N-no!" He tensed up once more, slightly reaching out his hand towards you as if you were about to run away.
Until he realized his reaction was a bit too much.
"I mean-" He instead quickly scratched the back of his head with the hand that he extended prematurely. "Y-You can stay."
"I- I hope they're being honest."
He waited a second before speaking once more, leaving you with anticipation.
"...You can even- come closer, if you'd like."
You noticed the familiar, sweet toothy grin that was coated with an unhealthy dose of worry and hesitation.
You took a step forward, making Mike subtly cower.
"...Yea?" Shy but reassuring smile appeared on your face.
You didn't fully realize how tall he was before you stepped closer. Usually it wasn't a problem to look him in the eyes, but because of the close proximity you had to move your head up to face him.
If his focus wasn't entirely on you now, Mike's second worry would be his profuse sweating.
"Well- Um- Y-You won't get money for it, but if you're still interested, I could..." If it wasn't for your very close distance, you'd almost miss Mike's murmur.
Fortunately, you managed to catch it all.
With this reassurance, you reached out your hands so they could hold Mike's face.
You felt his cheeks getting even hotter with your touch.
You heard a surprised half whimper and gasp come out of him as soon as your lips touched.
He looked at you like a deer in the headlights as you pulled away from the kiss, knowing he already lost the battle with his face showing all the emotions coursing thru him.
"You know, that 'pay-off' is enough for me."
Mal was sitting in the corner, the only indication that he participated in the game was his place near the pool.
Not too long ago he was sulking about his recent "unfair" elimination from the show he planned to win and so he was extra grumpy from the moment he arrived.
He almost stopped paying attention to whatever unimportant was happening until he noticed the bottle pick him.
"Kiss Y/N." He heard Heather's dare.
"What am I, fucking 14?" He bluntly spat out his annoyance at the childish topic.
"This is a family friendly show, Mal. Language!" Chris had to beep out Mal's profanity for sure.
You just sat there, frozen with the implications of the dare and what Mal might possibly think about what Heather said now.
Mal obnoxiously rolled his eyes, as to show his irritation further.
Suddenly you felt his piercing gaze sizing you up.
It made you tense.
"Y/N sure seems to act out their crush like a teenager. Make a move already, sweetie." Heather mocked you with the audacity of sounding like she doesn't even care about it.
She couldn't actually have a clue about you actually being interested in Mal, though.
She disliked Mal as much as Alejandro, knowing he's a proper rival to her, and with your "fascination" with him, you were more inclined to hang around him.
You were just in a "wrong place at a wrong time" and she wanted to make a jab at him.
"Well, Y/N, are you 'above 14' and up for it?" Chris dared to joke as he waited for your response.
"Uh- Yeah- Okay." You nodded while saying, albeit a bit quietly from the shock that was still in your mind.
Mal sighed dramatically as he so gracefully got up his butt to slither your way.
His walk was careless but still arrogant, matching his opinion about the topic.
He looked at you from above as you were still sitting on your place.
His face got closer as he bent to whisper in your ear.
"You really up for it?" He asked with a mix of "i don't care" as well as some not so subtle mocking and teasing grin. "With me?"
You avoided looking at his eyes to not betray too much, although you were sure that if Mal weren't conveniently casting a shadow on your face with his, he'd be able to see your blush.
"Yes." You managed to spit out, hoping that your attempts at being casual worked. "...For the cash righ-"
You tried to explain yourself further so he wouldn't take you for a pining weirdo, but you were promptly stopped by his lips touching yours.
You yelped quietly as he pulled you into a deeper kiss that you were not prepared for at all, grabbing your chin.
Mal wanted to make a show and so he did, much to everyone's surprise.
Heather's eyebrows even raised in shock, but they were nothing compared to yours.
After a not so steamy make-out, he finally backed off, leaving you with a need to process what happened.
"Oh, what a terrible fate. Truly embarrassing. Get a grip." He made a disgusted face at Heather, leading the point further with how stupid the idea was.
Mal was above the silly dare and so he didn't make a fuss about it.
He just wanted to shock people for his own amusement, per usual.
And maybe even subtly express his anger at people trying to make kissing him out of all people a "terrible fate".
He moved back to the place he was sitting on before, leaving you with a memory of the situation burned into your brain.
He was always good at reading people - skill he had to develop due to his upbringing.
So he didn't really worry about being in the wrong in the situation.
The smug brat knew you were into him, seeing your behavior around him.
After the game was over and everyone had fulfilled their dares, he approached you when you were least expecting it.
"Hey, lovebird." You heard the voice you knew too well, from someone you wanted to avoid for the moment.
Mal noticed your visible flinch as he went up to you from behind and chuckled under his breath.
"Not so happy to see me now?" He gazed at you while crossing his arms with cocky amusement. "I thought you enjoyed yourself not too long ago."
You had to wait a moment before the words could properly formulate in your mouth. You were baffled that he had the audacity to taunt you with it so casually.
Mal waited out your silence with an eye roll.
"Come on, I don't have all day." He impatiently hurried you, making you regain your voice.
"I-" You had trouble looking him in the eye after what happened.
"I am- not displeased by seeing you." You nailed it.
(No you didn't.)
"That's a step in the right direction." He concluded and dared to show you a mocking smirk, stepping closer. "But how about you admit that you're very happy to see me?"
His shameless cockiness and nonchalance thrown you off a little. You weren't sure if he was playing a cruel joke on you .
You decided to turn the question on him, somewhat smoothly.
"Well- It seems you are. Why else would you come to see me?" You replied with fake confidence, hoping it'd fool him.
Mal only chuckled at your attempt at being cool.
"Well, I can't deny I've been thinking about you." He once again managed to shut you up with a shit eating grin.
You remained silent for a longer second, obviously not knowing what to respond.
"You seem very speechless today, dear." He raised his brow amused, he was clearly thriving on making you uncomfortable.
"Don't get me wrong, it's adorable. But a conversation is a two way street, you know?" He was becoming bolder the more he saw you squirm.
"You don't really give me easy things to respond to, you know." A bit of truth escaped from you. He got you.
"Oh, I'm very well aware." He grinned and tilted his head confidently. The way he was staring at you made you feel very small. "What's wrong? Too afraid to say something?"
"Did you really come here only to make me feel stupid, or-" You tried to remain casual, but a bit of anxiety managed to fall into your response.
"Oh, the fun part of seeing you all shy and stumbling over your words is just a plus." He exhaled with amusement. "Besides, you don't need me to think you're stupid, you're doing a good enough job all on your own."
You furrowed your brows a little. So you were right. He was just making fun of you?
Mal rolled his eyes. You obviously weren't reacting how he wanted you to, but he wasn't about to give up.
"Why don't you just be honest for once? You seem awfully tense for such a simple conversation." He pushed your limits a bit, testing what made your nerves tick.
You sighed with both frustration and hopelessness.
Your mind was too preoccupied with thinking what a fool you were potentially making of yourself, you didn't even realize how many signs Mal was giving you. In his own way.
"... Okay." You started to gain some courage to finally speak up.
"There we go." The corner of his mouth curved into a sly smirk for a moment. He seemed pleased with his success, but made no move to make his intentions clearer.
In fact, his expression changed from smug to an impatiently raised brow, daring you to make the next move.
"Yes, I am into you." You finally decided to stop stalling and say the obvious. You tried your best to hide your embarrassment and fear of rejection on your face, which made Mal's eyes flash with curiosity and something else.
Mal looked pleasantly shocked for a moment, but quickly regained his composure and the smug expression came back.
"Finally, someone's not afraid of saying it." He paused for maximum dramatic effect, as if he'd been waiting for this moment. After the pause he leaned in close, bringing his face close to yours.
When the tension was highest between you two, he abruptly backed away and smirked at him again.
"You'll have to do better than admitting you're into me, though." He once again tested you.
"Huh- What else do you expect me to say?" You turned your head slightly, a bit dumbfounded by the demand.
"Oh, you don't have to say anything." He then took you by the waist, making you squirm a little by the sudden contact.
"You could always express yourself with actions…" He smiled devilishly, his brown eyes never leaving yours. He kept his hands resting on you, enjoying how awkward and nervous he made you.
Your face was undeniably at least a bit red by how quick it all went down.
Nonetheless, you wouldn't forgive yourself if you screwed this up when the fate gave you a chance to kiss your object of affection twice.
"...What?" He stared at Heather with his skeptically raised eyebrow, which was conveying more so confusion and bafflement at this point.
You couldn't help but look at Heather the same, except with even more surprise.
"No hard feelings Noah, I don't care." She "lightheartedly" said. "But Y/N here..."
You knew Heather would start picking at you sooner or later.
You didn't really have a good relationship with her, and few days ago she seriously started to piss you off.
You had a little altercation before all of this but you didn't really think it was something to dwell on.
Apparently Heather thought the opposite.
Noah's face stayed the same until his expression softened into something else, but was promptly changed back.
"Wow. Really mature." He discarded her attempt at clowning on both of you.
"Well, dare's a dare, ain't it?" She repeated the rules of the game, shrugging carelessly.
He took a long and hesitant sigh as he lazily made way towards you.
You followed his moves with your eyes, finally meeting his as your gaze landed on his face.
"...Eh-" He stopped for a moment, cringing internally. "So- You okay with proceeding?"
"Yeah-" You nodded, sensing the awkward atmosphere.
Noah didn't make much effort to blow the kiss out of proportion.
He just smooched your lips in a quick manner and then, without a word, moved to his seat.
You tried to copy his demeanor towards the situation, not making a big deal out of what happened.
Your eyes wandered around the place after, but you managed to catch a glimpse of Owen playfully nudging Noah and letting out a silly giggle.
You couldn't bear the thought of the tense note you left off with Noah.
You felt immense second-hand cringe for Noah, who visibly didn't want to end up in the situation.
Even though it was a dare both of you accepted, you didn't want him to associate you with a gross memory.
So you gathered all of your confidence to go talk to him.
You noticed him reading a book somewhere in a secluded place.
You thought it's normal, since most people prefer peace and quiet while reading, but you also knew Noah was able to read just fine around other people to, if he wanted to.
You weren't about to question him about that, though.
He was deeply focused on his book, so when he heard you clearing his throat, you noticed some alarms going off in his brain as he saw you.
"Hey-" You awkwardly started.
He subtly stopped himself for a moment, grabbing his book and putting it down so that he'd show his attention is on you.
"Hey." He reciprocated your greeting, responding flatly but not maliciously.
You were a bit lost with how to start, so you just talked on the spot.
"So like, I know we don't really talk, but I just wanted to make sure that it's not, uh, weird between us because of Heather's immaturity." You explained as best as you could.
It was true, you and him weren't really close, but you also never shown any maliciousness between each other, and you wanted it to stay that way.
He digested your words for a moment as he searched for a proper response.
"I'm not affected by Heather's stupidity. It's not contagious." He summed it up in calm but witty manner. "Why would I be weirded out by an immature dare?"
"Right- That's cool then-" You tensed up slightly, but his response was also a bit relieving.
"... Unless it's you who has a problem?" He asked, raising his brow.
His expression stayed analytical and with a healthy dose of skepticism, but there was also a part of soft insecurity thrown in.
"No, no!" You quickly chased away his allegation.
Both of you once again found yourself in an uncomfortable silence.
You haven't made a peep, but you swear you could hear some quiet and unsurely irritated sigh from Noah as you planned to end this interaction.
Suddenly he opened up his mouth. "Well then, as we established-"
He tried to keep his words as casual as they come, with fear of coming more awkward than he intended te situation to be. "I think we should just, move on, and stop acting like it's a big deal."
"Yeah. You're right." You agreed with a nod, yet still felt a bit blursed about the fact that now you had your crush's attention on you.
"I mean, it's not like it was a first kiss on a school trip." You tried to joke to make the moment lighter.
"...Yeah." Noah's response came off a bit flat, with his movements becoming stiffer, but his expression remained a mystery.
"... It wasn't your first kiss, was it?" You blurted out without thinking over what you're gonna say.
You noticed the surprised and a bit called out face of his.
"Yeah- no way. You're like my fifth one this week." He quickly saved his face as he responded in a sarcastic manner.
You chuckled, although you weren't sure if he's joking or not.
"Wow, okay, sorry, that came off a bit weird of me, huh-" You backed away with your question apologetically.
"Yeah." He responded with the typical dry tone, but you could hear some light amusement from the reply. "Well, if you won't go bragging about it to others, then..."
You felt your face get a bit hotter, were you really his first kiss?
Now you felt a bit bad.
Did he have any regrets??
You had to know.
"Oh- Sorry for- taking that, I guess-" You tried to not dig at the "issue" further but also show that you're sorry, in case he expected that.
He softly smirked in slight amusement at your unsureness.
"It's just a kiss." He reminded you both.
You only chuckled nervously in return.
The moment was broken by a familiar blond-haired boy coming your way in a hurry.
"Noah, I saw Y/N heading your way!" You both heard Owen's voice nearing closer. "Maybe you can finally talk about that kiss-"
You saw Owen's face faltering into surprise and then embarrassment when he saw Noah's face trying to say "quit it" without making a sound around you.
"-Hershey's kiss, that you ate this monday, because, there were some, in the kitchen." He "smoothly" saved the situation and began to slowly retreat.
"Man, I'm hungry- I wonder if there are any left- I'll go check." And so he ran off.
Once again, the tense atmosphere creeped into to your surroundings again.
Noah couldn't help himself but let out a disappointed, given up sigh as he facepalmed.
"...What was that about?" You looked at him questioningly, but not trying to overwhelm him.
"That was my last chance at keeping this conversation not awkward." He cynically replied.
You stopped for a moment, unsure how to proceed.
"Okay, I'll just stop being immature and say it. I like you." Noah mumbled out your way, although he tried to make sure you hear it, his hesitance was obvious.
You were stunned to hear such words leave specifically his mouth, but you were in no mood to complain.
"I like you too." You didn't think much, you just said what's been on your mind in the current state.
You were about to take back your words, afraid of how easily you let on your feelings, but hey, he said it first, right?
"Oh. Wow." Was his only response after a moment.
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eldesperadont · 9 months
@ AEW GIRLIES (gn) who are interested in NJPW lore
with All In coming up, I need fans that only know Kota as Kennys insane boyfriend and Jay as the silly Bullet Club bastard to know about their history with each other (and Kenny/Hangman) which spans 5 years at this point, even more if you count in Jays time as a trainee in njpw (2015/16), so he like.. watched and learned from them all – anyways lets go with the rambling recap
Starting with Jays first title win and how it came to that: early 2018, Kenny was in the midst of a power struggle in Bullet Club, his relationship with Cody was getting more strenuous by the day and the non Elite BC members were getting tired of their BS.
Kenny, trying to legitimise his position as a leader, thought recruiting new promising talent to his side would help, so he offered a young Switchblade Jay White “the opportunity of a lifetime”.
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Jay accepted, only to attack him right after, and with that nothing could stop the threads holding Kennys BC together from rapidly unravelling.
Kenny would lose his US Heavyweight Championship to White soon after, and in the aftermath of the match even more. Hangman, finally taking a step out of his friend's shadow, got all up in Jays space, snatched the belt and obviously implied a challenge, but Kenny wouldnt have any of that. He pushed Adam aside and gave Jay his price back. (to the surprise of the crowd who expected Kenny to be more bitter apparently lol)
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Enter Cody. Opportunistic and sinister as he was at the time he immediately stoked the flames, snapping at Kenny why he wouldnt let Hangman have that moment.
They seem to talk it out but whoops, Cody attacks Kenny after all, Adam helping him.
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They are about to lay him out as Ibushi runs to Kennys aid, finally giving us the reunion people have been waiting for years.
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In the following months a lot happens, Adam gets his match with Jay (and is read to filth by him - it’s essential to watch that promo, here) but doesnt succeed, the Golden Lovers and Young Bucks have an emotional feud, Cody continues being a menace with Hangman at his side, Kenny finally wins the IWGP Heavyweight belt, the Golden Elite was formed, Cody is a sad lil bitch now, they were all kinda friends again, oh and Bullet Club split fr*.
[*On one side you had Kenny and his friends, on the other BC originals Bad Luck Fale, Tama Tonga plus his younger brothers and technically their dad? Things were kinda messy but thats technically the BC that stayed in Japan and made Jay White their leader. The last real appearance of the Elite as BC was at the inaugural All In, their indie PPV.]
Alright end of 2018/beginning of 2019 - Kenny loses his IWGP belt at Wrestle Kingdom (njpws wrestlemania) and quietly leaves NJPW with the Bucks, Cody and Hangman, starting AEW (things behind the scenes didnt work out as expected and nooj didn’t wanna cooperate with them at first)
So yeah. Ibushi. He was all alone again, but in the summer of 2019 finally manages what he was so close to in the previous year: winning the G1 tournament.
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He faced Jay White in the finals, who at that point firmly held Kennys position as Bullet Club leader and is the top gaijin of the company.
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Both him and Ibushi were together with Kazuchika Okada and Tetsuya Naito the top of NJPW. And all four would be involved in the main events of the following Wrestle Kingdom. Jay and Okada as titleholders, Naito and Ibushi as challengers.
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Well neither Jay or Kota came out victorious on the first WK night, but the following day, in a match for third place, Jay defeated Ibushi, making the latter the biggest loser of the event,,
Covid caused quite a mess in the following months - their next singles meeting wouldn't be till late 2020, during that years G1, where Jay gets another win over the Golden Star
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but is unable to reach the finals, in contrast to Ibushi, who wins the whole tournament for a second time.
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Jay doesn't wait and immediately brings up Kotas loss to him, demanding a match for the WK contract he's just won.
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Alright bada bing bada boom Ibushi-
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Yeah to the shock of everyone Jay actually managed to put himself in the main event for the following WK, thinking he'll face double champ Naito to dethrone him .. but Naito still wanted to face the G1 winner so Kota got his title shot regardless lol
so yeah we got Ibushi vs Naito on night one, and whoever wins that on day two against Jay
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In complete contrast to the previous WK Ibushi would not only be victorious on the first night, but also finally beat Jay for good, becoming the undisputed double champ, and God. (their words not mine)
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Which absolutely broke White, giving us a glimpse at whats really going on in the "Switchblade". He's so obsessed with success, finally wanting HIS moment, his era, and despite everything he's sacrificed it doesn't seem to happen..
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(pls watch the whole promo, its an insane performance)
He'd show up for one last "contractually obligated" match, battered and bruised, taking the pin in a multiman tag match between Bullet Club and Chaos, before leaving everyone in the dark for month about whats next for him.
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He'd stick with NJPW for two more years, returning even more unhinged than he already was.
Kota would go on with his reign as double champ, till NJPW unified the titles to create the IWGP World Championship (a highly unpopular move with the fans), which he's the inaugural champion for.
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Jay would try his best in the New Japan Cup in hopes of getting another shot at Ibushi, but fall short in the quarterfinals - new focus new goal, he goes for the NEVER Openweight title, and becomes the first ever NJPW "Quadruple Crown" champ, having already held the IWGP US, Heavyweight and Intercontinental Championship at that point.
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Ibushi, now with the IWGP World Championship, has his first proper defense with the new singles belt .. and loses to 2021 NJ Cup winner Will Ospreay, cutting his reign shorter than anyone expected.
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His bad luck doesnt end there tho, despite making it to the G1 finals for the fourth time in a row, he breaks his arm in said match and is unable to continue. He'll not appear in a NJPW ring again. Mistreatment by staff which caused serious trouble in his private life has him decide against re-signing with the company.
Jay in the meantime would shake things up overseas, defending his NEVER title, debut in IMPACT, be on weird terms with the Elite, lose the NEVER title, debut in AEW, oh and not return to Japan. For a full year, missing out on key events, which had even his BC mates start asking questions.
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After some rearranging within the club (kicking out old and recruiting new members) he’d finally return to Japan in the summer of 2022, swiftly dethroning IWGP World champ Okada, Jays last title reign in NJPW (youve might seen his first defence, at Forbidden door against Hangman, Cole and Okada).
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He’d hold the title till early 2023 and in good old switchblade fashion be this 👌 close to realising his errors, only to blame everyone else and lose his mind over it, getting involved in a “loser leaves Japan” match against Hikuleo (who had turned his back on Jay) and afterwards, cause that somehow wasnt enough, a “loser leaves NJPW” match against Eddie Kingston. And thats how we got Jay White in AEW, mf is in exile and acts like nothing ever happened lmao
Ibushi, whos last match had been in October 2021, would finally return to the ring in March 2023, at Josh Barnetts 9th Bloodsport event, and make his AEW debut at Blood and Guts, reuniting with Kenny, the Bucks and Hangman as the Golden Elite :)
So yeah both Kota and Jay had quite different paths (that crossed a lot) towards AEW, and as someone who's been watching them for so long now I'm absolutely giddy to see them face one another again - if youd have told me a year ago that I'd get to see Kota and Jay in the same ring again, cause of KENNY of all things, I'd have imploded on the spot (positive)
📷 picture credit: NJPW World, one pic from Jays Instagram, one impact thumbnail and one aew thumbnail
‼️ feel free to ask about anything / correct me on info or spelling mistakes, english is not my mother tongue and im disabled so sometimes i mess things up
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elthadriel · 3 months
(predictable request) codyfox? ❤️
There are cams all over Kamino, but not everywhere. Learning where the blind spots are is as valuable as any skill Seventeen teaches them.
Cody gets to latemeal before Tens. He sits with Bly, who doesn't apologise for his role in Tens sabotage during the training sim, but also doesn’t comment when Cody mostly ignores him, watching Tens arrive, collect his tray and sit on the edge of another group of command cadets. Cody will find a way to even the score with Bly later. Tens is the more pressing concern.
 Tens looks up once, catches Cody watching, sneers , and deliberately doesn’t look back at him. It’s an increasingly familiar sort of anger that Tens ignoring him pulls out of Cody. It’s hot and squirming and overwhelms all the steady consideration that makes him one of the best.
The best.
Or he would be if Tens would stop screwing him over.
He clenches his jaw, his face hot, his fist clenched.
He knows where the blind spots are between here and their pods, he’ll take care of this.
Tens eats slowly, acting like he’s listening to the conversation going on around him, pushing food around his tray, and rarely actually putting anything in his mouth. As though Cody can’t be patient.
Oh-Six and Blitz join Cody and Bly, eat, and leave. Bly finishes his own food and puts down his fork, but waits silently until Tens finally stands. Bly looks over his shoulder and follows suit, picking up both his and Cody’s trays.
“I’ll cover for you both,” he says. “Don’t leave marks where Seventeen will see.”
Cody clicks his tongue. He doesn’t need the advice—none of them are unfamiliar with unsanctioned fighting. Cody is on his feet the moment Tens is out of the room. He moves quickly to catch up, but he already knows it won’t be necessary. Tens is a slippery maggot, but he’s not a coward.
Cody catches up with him just a corridor out from the mess hall. Tens does turn then, glancing once over his shoulder and ducks into a fresher.
“Out,” he snaps to the room. Cody doesn’t recognise the cadet that dashes out past him, still tucking himself away. He’s got some survival instincts at least.
There’s cams in the fresher, but they don’t cover the back corner. It’s a small space to fight in—they’ll need to be careful—but that just plays to Cody’s advantage.
“Always such a sore loser, Twenty-Four,” Tens says, backing up into that blind corner. Cody wasn’t expecting regret, but Tens’ self-satisfaction makes Cody’s face heat and his heart pound furiously behind his ribs.
“I’m not the one who had to cry to Bly for help,” Cody snaps. One more step and he’s out of sight of the cams and firmly within arms reach of Tens.
Tens’ nostrils flare. “What makes you think I went to him? I’m not the only one sick of your shit.”
Best to avoid the face—Seventeen will notice a split lip.
Cody steps forward. Tens lashes out before Cody is totally out of line of sight. Cody blocks, and it degrades from there. There’s no space to back up, now they’re grappling they’re trapped until one of them gives up.
Cody catches Tens in the side, Tens twists him into a hold that makes Cody’s shoulder burn to slip out of. Cody shoves Tens back against the wall. Tens’ hands bury themselves in Cody’s shirt to shove him back, his mouth twists in a snarl.
Tens mouth is as much teeth as lips under Cody’s  mouth. The hands in his shirt pull him closer. Cody has the advantage, he has Tens pinned. Tens’ back is to the wall, Cody trapping him there with his own body. He could really hurt Tens.
Tens’ mouth is wetter than Cody would have expected, and their lips make loud smacking sounds. Cody’s heard hammers and Fox’s pulse flutters under Cody’s hand.
Cody brings his knee up between Tens’ legs.
Ten makes a very satisfying wheeze and Cody pulls away.
“You got off easy,” Cody tells him. “Pull that again and I’ll—”
“You’ll what?” Tens demands, sneering through his grimace, hands cupped between his legs. “Kiss me harder?”
Cody scoffs—Tens had kissed him.
Cody turns, wiping at his mouth. He got the little shit good at least, and Seventeen won’t be interested in checking down there.
He runs his tongue over his lips and swears he can still taste Tens.
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Round 1; Group 8A
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About Sanji HUGE LOSER. BIGGEST LOSER OF THE MAIN CAST. HE CAN COOK HE CAN CLEAN HE CAN PUT IT OUT BUT NO ONE WANTS IT. Dude gets engaged and even his own fiancee tries to kill him. hes such an embarrassing character to love even people who don't watch one piece know he's an embarrassment. He has ~~~trauma~~~ but doesn't let that get in the way of being supreme cringefail. Plus he has nice legs and a nice ass can't go wrong with that
About Cody He’s a 27 year old mall goth without a mall, except when he got attacked by a ghost and briefly became a 47 year old mall goth. He worked at a Hot Topic but then it closed and he was so mad his four adult roommates got worried. He keeps fucking up ridiculously powerful swords by smashing them together to just make them into bigger but worse swords.
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silver-wield · 5 months
Ehh? Cody made this statement and I'm not so sure what he means by this.
[I appreciate u fr. here’s the issue.. “shippers” crumble under the idea that a character is allowed to have significant relationships with MULTIPLE characters. This provides overarching depth. The need to overtly sexualize every relationship can ruin great story development]
The only thing I can gather upon is that one shouldn't sexualize all the character's dynamics. Significant relationship doesn't mean romantic either. Could be platonic or not.
I'm still dissapointed at the lack of media literacy I'm seeing and quite frankly missing the point of his statement. Such as polycule some shit.
I will never understand this idea that aerith is a fleeting love of some sort and tifa is a life long love. And the only thing stopping aerith from having a chance is death. This just flat out tells me, they don't know cloud at all, was part 3 really so difficult to understand? And fleeting love? Cody already said not to sexualize relationships. Cloud and aerith are platonic. Even if I don't give a fck about their trauma bonding about zack, I know she is a friend to him. But to put it in this way only benefits aerith and never tifa.
Why does tifa have to live , be the first love, be the first choice , but be ridiculed to such degree. That she is replaceable basically. Having cloud and aerith's dynamic close to "romantic or Infatuation" has no importance on his journey and the story of the game. In fact it muddies the water of how you should see them as. That she is equal to zack in cloud's mind, a friend. Thus ruining a great story.
I'm seeing people hate shippers but it breaks my heart to pieces that cloti has to be placed in the same way. We are canon and cloud never wavered, if he did, it was only the player. We speak up because there's so many misinformation in this game. Why is it that they don't understand? Why can't part 3 come out soon enough.. i mean, they're already downplaying cloud shouting tifa, because they think he'll do that when aerith dies anyway.
Tifa doesn't have to share what is hers. She's been through so much and I cannot allow for her to be lessened to just "the girl who didn't die".
That's a reply under a tweet Cody made using art where Cloud is yelling for Tifa and some salty loser had a go at him, so his response is that shippers shouldn't get mad because Cloud's relationship with their favoured character isn't what they want it to be.
Cody knows the script. He knows Cloud loves Tifa and today he has no chill and isn't playing around by letting people know Cloud loves Tifa.
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ghostpi22 · 17 days
I meant your hcs and opinions, Alpha Ghostpiss :(
Sure we can do that too,
So unpopular opinion but Isaac is my least favorite main character, which doesn't mean I don't like him, he's very well written but he gets on my nerves a lot. He is arguably the easiest to draw tho. He's left handed in my brain, also sharksaac. Isaac is very shark and bird coded to me, idk just sharks Man.
I loovveee early fic Edward I love how chaotic he was, he mellowed out a bit in season 2 which I find sad but I still love my boy. Genderbent Edward hot (I can legally say that). I am very confused on the James beef tho I admit I have no idea what's happening there.
Drew likes gardening, that's the headcanon. He feels like an outdoorsy person, he collects rocks. Trans drew for the win, if there are no trans drew enjoyers left I AM DEAD. Trans masc and transfem both work, he is trans in every single one of my aus. It's why he's a tortoiseshell in my warrior cats au SO FUN FACT. He's also jade in my Homestuck au which is also basically the same concept. Drew is so Deer coded to me. The branches growing out of his head when he heals look like antlers!!!!! He has big pretty doe eyes, he has freckles in my brain but only during the summer. His genderbend name is dove. He sees a wider spectrum of colors than most humans because of his powers, I think I'd be fun if he saw light other people cant pick up on like ultra violet.
Nevin is the vriska of ibvs. I'm not Taking that back. I'm waiting for him to do something truly horrible and twisted. The way his powers work is that he apparently just knows what someone is feeling, but i think it would be much much more fun if he could actually feel other people's emotions. He would feel or can read the emotions of people that are closer to him or that he has a bond with easier or stronger. So feeling Drew's emotions would basically be second nature to him while reading or feeling the emotions of someone like Edward would take more effort and would be more cloudy. Also like, the shipping possibilities with that guys GUYS. I think it would also be fun if he could influence other people's emotions in a similar way, not majorly think more like, red makes you angry, yellow makes you happy kind of deal. I wholeheartedly support the nevin has a demon in him theory, that boy is not normal. I also think that maybe he tampered with drew memory, considering Drew's dream was a flashback and there is no reason for current nevin to be there ESPECIALLY when flashback nevin is also already there. I find that very suspicious. He gives fan favorite edgy side character in shounen vibes, think Sasuke. I think he is secretly very pathetic, like even more than Chris that is my headcanon.
Chris is my dearly beloved favorite boy. He's literally me guys we even have the same scar. Anyway he is dyslexic that boy can't read for SHIT, he probably has terrible posture from hunching over the entire time, he is a dog person, big fluffy dog. He is also dog coded, the type that chases his own tail. His voice gets really high pitched when he is embarrassed or surprised, he listens to white girl music while driving, he seems like the type of loser to listen to shit like JTmusic like 💀. I also precisely headcanon him to have no ass at all, built like a brick, his bones hurt from sitting, because it's funny.
I'm gonna be honest I don't think about Barry at all. Anyway Barry x Cody.
Rachel seems like the type of girl that'll sit in the back and ship the homophobic boys in her class together (same girl), canonical fanfiction fan!!! She is one of us!!! She sends her friends the most out of context gen z ass tiktoks that no one understands, in the middle of the night. She laughs at children falling over. She'd be a chronic genshin Player (☹️)
Niki prank calls the elderly. She is the second character that qualifies for vriska status.
Ethan wears his hoodies like a cape on his head. And then goes outside looking like that, boi 💀
Evil Justin writes in unintelligible cursive
Felix would wear the big red boots.
There are more but it's almost 1am and I got finals tomorrow 💀
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heatherra · 9 months
drives into your inbox full speed in my little barbie jeep. river can you perhaps give me some headcanons about maybe sierra's childhood OR your vision for sierra healing in the future :3c
HI REN!!!!! ^_^
Sierra's childhood was. Not the best. I hc her mom as a single mom, and we know that she had some sort of thing with Chris. So, growing up, Sierra was lead to believe that this was how you love! She saw her mom do it with Chris, and I feel like Sierra was driven to the internet bc she didn't have many irl friends. You know. Me moment.
And so, maybe watching Total Drama was an escape for her. Yeah, maybe she started it bc her mom put it on bc it stared Chris. And there, the whole Cody thing started. She thought he was cute. But, she thought she was in love. Which then started her own Cody problem.
Sierra never knew her dad, and her mom kept telling her that Chris was her father. Did Sierra believe it? She couldn't give you a real answer. Maybe, just maybe, she believed her mom's stories. But also, she was aware of the fact that her mom has a problem, and she has the problem as well. So the answer always changed whenever someone asks her. It doesn't help that Chris jokes about it too, behind the cameras.
Being on the internet for Sierra was interesting. Early internet days, she would post about Cody, Total Drama, all these things. She though acting like that was normal. From seeing her mom do it to being around people who act like that as well, Sierra thought it was normal!
Her time on World Tour proved to be that it wasn't. The way Cody acted around her, the way she treated the cast as celebrities and not as humans. She loved them, yes, but she didn't know that. Until the longer she stayed on the show, the more human moments she got see from them, she realized that yes, her behavior is not normal, and she needs help.
Sierra's healing would involve her stepping away from Total Drama. We all know that. And maybe that also involves stepping away from the total drama people in her life (blinks at my url). Sierra gets off the internet, enjoying the real moments in her life. Not trying to sound like a fucking loser but Sierra just needs a break from having an online presence.
And so, Sierra cuts contact from her mother, because her mother is contently asking her about Chris, how he was behind the cameras, how the cast was, if she kept anything from Chris, Chris this, Chris that, and nothing about her time on the show and just how bad it was to be in that plane explosion. I feel like Sierra's mom would be mad at Sierra for blowing up the plane.
Sierra cut's contact for the Total Drama related people in her life for a little bit. She started going to therapy, and her therapist told her to do it, so she does. She misses them, of course she does, these people shaped her teenage years, and the bonds she had with some of them is something she will most likely never get with anyone else. But It takes months, or even years before she even reaches out to someone from total drama again. Who that someone is? I do want to say Heather, and maybe it is Heather. Or maybe its Alejandro. Or maybe even Zoey.
And she never speaks to Cody again. For Cody and Sierra to get better, that never have to speak to each other. I can't see how that would be good for either of them. Im not a fan of coderra, and even platonic coderra pushes my limits. How can Cody still be around her after she treated him life that?
So. It takes years of work. To heal. To get better. And that's okay, because Sierra is making improvements. For herself, and for those she loves. Because the way she loved before wasn't healthy for her and those around her. But she works on herself, and she wants to share her love in a healthy way.
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mandareeboo · 1 year
Total Drama Island Review, "Not So Happy Campers- Part 1"
Total Drama! It's such an odd show. I'd say about, hmm, 60% of the jokes have aged poorly? But it's such a facet of most of our childhoods. It matters a lot to us even with all of that- and I just think that's neat.
As previously discussed, each elimination round will be held by us as well! Every time someone is voted off the Island, I will hold a poll at the bottom asking who you think should have left that week! Just as a bit of extra fun.
This particular series won't have any Character Introductions, simply because there's so many characters and they're introduced by the show itself, but it will have the usual Synopsis, Fun Tidbits, Character Mistakes, and final Votes!
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We open on Chris McLean, a washed-up Hollywood star hoping to revitalize his career. He tells us all about the reality show he's producing- he claims it's somewhere in Muskoka, that twenty-two teenagers have signed up to live here for eight weeks, and at end the winner will be gifted a small fortune and tabloid fame.
The point of this show is the same as ever other reality show- drama. Every three days the campers compete in challenges. The losing team must then decide who to vote off with the iconic marshmallow. The camper voted off is then jetted off on the boat of losers- home, he claims, but everyone whose watched this show knows he's lying.
"Who will crumble under the pressure? Find out here, right now, on Total. Drama. Island!"
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"We told them they'd all be staying at this five star resort, so if they seem a little TO'ed that's probably why."
One by one, we meet the campers. We get a little segment on all of them, showcasing exactly the kind of shenanigans we should expect. It's a long list so buckle up:
Beth, sweet but blunt, hugs Chris proclaiming he's a bit short. DJ is a kindhearted guy with a love for animals, high-fiving Chris before grumbling about the application form bullshitting him. Gwen is sullen but not unrightly so, ripping up her contract. Chris laughs that he has more. Geoff parties right off the boat, just a genuinely chill guy. Lindsay is a nice girl but doesn't have a lot going on upstairs other than amazing hair. Heather, clearly less than pleased, recoils from Beth and looks ready to have a hernia. Duncan's fresh from juvie and somehow managed to smuggle a radio into his bag. Tyler- athletic but uh. Not great at sticking the landing. Harold, quiet but intense, is excited to get started. Trent's a guy with a guitar whose probably attractive if you're a teenager and into men, neither of which I was when I saw first watched this show rip. Either way he and Gwen hit it off. Bridgette is a surfer girl who is all about saving animals, even going vegetarian. She accidentally whacks Chris with her board passing through.
Halfway there!
Noah is book-smart and got a sharp tongue. He has life-threatening allergies which Chris casually brushes off. Leshawna is charismatic and loud, something Harold mentions and gets told off for. Katie and Sadie are friends who took the "twinsies!" trend waaaaaaay too seriously. Ezekial is home-schooled and not allowed out much. Cody's got a lot of pep but rolled low on charisma stats. Eva is strong but short-tempered. Owen's a big guy with a big heart and a LOT of love to share. Courtney is proper and a bit full of herself. Justin gets a personality later but for now he's just eye candy. Owen instantly gets a crush and we stan a bisexual king. And Izzy is either a woman with mental issues or a secret genius, depending on the theories you buy into, and crashes chin-first into the deck.
Chris calls the campers to the end of the dock for a promo photo and it collapses beneath them.
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"Everyone say Wawanakwa!"
Given ten minutes to dry off, the campers are gathered at the campfire. Chris promises one hundred thousand dollars to the winner- an amount that really isn't worth the hassle, looking back on it- and announces the cabins are co-ed, with women on one side and men on the other. Gwen complains but is shut down by Tyler, who reminds her he's sleeping next to Duncan- currently noogieing a deer.
The campers are then split into two teams: The Screaming Gophers and The Killer Bass. Gwen, Trent, Heather, Cody, Lindsay, Beth, Katie, Owen, Leshawna, Justin, and Noah make the Screaming Gophers, while the Killer Bass are made up of Goeff, Bridgette, DJ, Tyler, Sadie, Izzy, Courtney, Ezekial, Duncan, Eva, and Harold.
Chris explains that everyone will be on tape constantly- even in the toilets, which are designed for private video diaries to let the people back home hear their personal thoughts.
The campers move in (Gophers to the East, Bass to the West) with some mild friction. Heather and Gwen get off on the wrong foot, Cody tries to flirt with Gwen, Lindsay gets a dose of reality upon realizing everyone showers together, and everyone gets a little homophobic about Owen liking to have sleepovers with guys. Still stanning a bisexual king.
Chris further explains that there's no chaperones, leaving twenty-two teenagers to be, well, teenagers. A few on both sides of the cabins get together to murk a cockroach that invades the Gopher's female cabin.
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"Listen up! I serve it three times a day, and you will eat it three times a day. Grab your tray, getcha food, and sit your butts down, NOW!"
We meet the other host, Chef Hatchet, serving fiddles at the cafeteria. Chef is a retired military man implied to have been in at least one war. He serves as the camp chef and also as Chris' partner in crime.
Some of the kids fuss over major food groups, but Chef shuts them down. He feeds the scrawny campers extras. Leshawna tries to befriend Eva but is rebuffed. Everyone tucks into food that's still a bit wiggly and Chris returns to introduce the viewers to the main lodge.
Goeff asks for a pizza, and Chef yeets a literal hatchet into the wall. Judging by Chris' lack of reaction, this is not the first time. Terrified, the kids stop asking. Chris explains the first challenge is in an hour and dips back to eat some gold-plated caviar or something.
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"What do you think they'll have us do?" "It's our first challenge. How hard can it be?"
Regrouping in their swimsuits, the campers find themselves at the highest peak of Wawanakwa overlooking shark-infested waters. Recognizing the trope, DJ cuts the first half off with a well-placed "Oh, shit."
It doesn't feel right to rate one half of a two-parter, so for now this stays un-rated! I will say it's not shaping up to be my favorite by far, if only for Chris. He feels much less.... himself in the first episode. I guess I'm used to his later, more eager sadism.
It was a great way to introduce the concept and characters, though!
No one's walked the dock of shame as of yet, so I figured why not have a silly, fun poll this time around! Just to get the juices flowing.
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boosmidnighthour · 6 months
Total Drama 2023 [Season 1] Rewrite: Notes
I've been thinking about this for a while; it's the reason I made this account. For the most part, I'm just adding time to give the characters more time to bond. The season goes by too quickly, in my opinion.
If you're interested in what I want to change with this rewrite, continue below.
(Major and minor spoilers for TDI 2023, seasons 1 and 2.)
I want to try and make this season feel a little closer to Total Drama Island. The last few seasons have been thirteen episodes, and just feel so short a lot of the time, and it doesn't feel like the bond between some characters is strong enough for what the writer's go for sometimes.
To Add
Extra episodes; I tried rounding up to twenty (20) episodes total from thirteen (13).
☆ An extra episode at the beginning to give the characters time to meet and allude to the future relationships. The challenge will be the next episode. ☆ An extra episode for the finale. I know that it might seem pointless, but I want the characters to reunite in the first part of the finale, the finalists to talk more about what they plan to do with the million, the losers to choose who to back up during the challenge, etc. Then the last episode will mostly focus on the challenge, and then more on how the characters react to who loses. ☆ An episode to split up Wayne and Raj's eliminations. Otherwise, it'll be used as a non-elimination episode. ☆ At least three (3) non-elimination episodes. Adds drama, and it gives the characters more time to learn about one another. (The main reason for the rewrite is just the fucking lack of bonding, and random cuts that bother me.)
I want to see more hints to RipAxel. I need it. Even if it's just an added moment or two.
Because of the added episodes, I'll have to make some new challenges up. I'm the worst at that, so I'll probably ask for help with that.
To Change
Give Raj more time to come out to Wayne. Why did he wait to tell him in the first place? Why did he wait until they were in a life or death situation? These questions should be more explored.
Chef's attitude kinda flip flops at the last second this season. He's got his Total Dramarama personality for most of the season, and then during the finale he goes back to torturing the contestants. I kinda want to return him to his original state, where he was a massive dickhead to the contestants all of the time.
Even though I hate Chase, I think he should've been more involved with most of the challenges. Emma, too. They both were on a YouTube channel that did ridiculously dangerous stunts all of the time. Plus, Chase is very clearly just his YouTube personality all of the time. He should be more obnoxious about it.
I want to try and do confessionals the way they did it in the first season of Total Drama, where they did the confessionals when they actually had the time instead of while they were talking. For example; the episode where Cody was mauled by the bear and he was in a full body cast and wheel chair during all of his confessionals. You didn't know why that was the case until closer to the end of the episode.
☆ If this proves to be annoying, I just won't do it.
The theme for the challenges is just... all over the place, so a lot of the challenges don't feel like they fit. I'm gonna try and make challenges closer to around the same theme, that way they don't feel out of place. This means some challenges will be changed or replaced, and a couple of challenges will be placed later on in the timeline just because I think they should be used more for later contestants to give them a greater challenge.
☆ Also, I don't believe for a second that Chris would leave the writing to "angry monkeys"; he enjoys torturing the contestants way too much on his own. Why would he give his favorite thing away to rabid animals?
The constant repeating of what's going on annoys me. “Oh, no- they’re dropping too early!” “Oh, no- we’re dropping too early!” We got it the first time. Have one or the other say it, not both.
The selfie episode will stay, but I'm changing the animals to those that would actually be seen in that area of Canada. I don't think Chris would use his precious budget to rent out a zoo of animals, especially when knowing he's get sued for losing those animals.
Some episodes will have their names changed. They just don't really have anything to do with the episode itself besides the pun.
To Remove
I'll be removing the cassowaries and the raptors. I understand that they were used for pivotal things in the plot, but you could easily replace those with the animals already confirmed to be on the island. Like a bear, or the Sasquatchanakwa.
The fart episode will be removed. Ripper can keep his lifetime wish, but I don't think they should've had a whole episode for farting. It's just so uncomfortable to watch, and the writer's practically force you to watch it just because they put so many crucial moments in that episode, such as Julia's change in personality, another tiny Rajbow moment (that I will be expanding), and Damien gaining his confidence.
Poll Decisions
Chef will be like his old self, just softer. Kinda like how he was with DJ in Action.
There will be a mix of creative censorship and actual cursing.
There will be occasional cameos from the first generation of Total Drama.
If you have any comments, questions, concerns, or suggestions, please don't be afraid to voice them.
This post will most likely change the longer I focus on this and remember something I had forgotten.
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I Don’t Need Glasses To See Your Pain
Tags: @moomin279, @millythegoat, @alissonbecksfan234, @rubybecker-rb2, @rist-mlts, @lfc-fanfiction
The weather was perfect, breakfast was delicious and the office had been freshly vacuumed thanks to Klopp’s new RoombaBot. So Klopp was at a loss of ideas as to why Lijnders was so gloomy.
The Dutchman had seemed out of sorts ever since Sunday’s bus ride home from Brighton. They had lost that day, though, so Klopp had dismissed it as disappointment from the match.
But Lijnders’ bad mood had persisted into all of Monday and Tuesday, as well. He’d hardly responded to any of Klopp’s chattering and discussion of plans and other things. So when Wednesday morning arrived and Lijnders still seemed sad, Klopp decided enough was enough.
He’d prepared them two cups of Dutch coffee and set a table near the veranda. Work could wait; Klopp couldn’t stand seeing the man he considered his younger brother like this without knowing why.
Eventually Lijnders came around the corner. His hands were stuffed in his pockets and he barely seemed to notice what was around him.
“Pep! Just who I wanted to see.” Klopp gestured towards the table, pulling out a chair. “Please take a seat, I made us some coffee.”
Lijnders appeared rather surprised upon seeing Klopp on the deck instead of in the office. “What about work?”
Klopp took his seat, carefully surveying Lijnders until the younger man was seated as well. “Work can wait. At least until you tell me what’s been bothering you lately.”
Lijnders nearly dropped his coffee cup—which was already empty. “But—how did you know?!”
“I don’t need glasses to see you’re in pain,” Klopp pointed out. He’d already forgotten his coffee as he reached across the table, taking Lijnders’ hand. “You’ve looked like a kicked puppy for the past two days.”
Lijnders hesitated at first, and Klopp took the cue that the issue might be sensitive. “It’s fine if you don’t want to tell me,” he reassured him. “Just, tell somebody. Say something. Tell Virg, or Cody, or one of the other staff. You don’t deserve to hurt like this.”
“Fine.” Lijnders took a deep breath, staring down at his feet. “I…I tried a dating app.” 
Klopp, who had just taken a sip of his coffee, spat it right back out again. “You did what?!”
“I tried a dating app. I found this person and they seemed really interesting. But as soon as I contacted them…”
“What happened?” Klopp had apprehended hearing the answer as soon as he’d heard the word dating app. But it had to be heard.
Lijnders sighed, resting his head in his hand. His gaze was still fixated to the ground, avoiding Klopp’s interrogatory glances at him. “They rejected me without even getting to know me. They said…they don’t want to date a…loser.”
"I know, it sounds silly," Lijnders admitted. He wasn't even blushing out of embarrassment, and that's how Klopp knew upsetting this was to Lijnders. "But...I was lonely. I mean, I turned 40 last week and I'm still single. It's embarrassing, like: doesn't anybody want me? Will I ever find true love? I'm not sure I'm ready for romance yet, but I'm getting older and then nobody would want to even try because I'd be too old and unattractive. Everybody said I'm a little too old to try dating for the first time."
"And how many people did you ask, Pep?" Klopp tried to sound as calm as he could, for Lijnders' sake. But internally, he wanted nothing better than to slam his fist into the faces of each and every one of the people who'd made his  best friend feel like this.
"Four. And the last was the straw in the camel's back. I don't know...should I keep trying or--"
"Look at me, Pep."
Lijnders reluctantly obliged, meeting Klopp's gaze. The German couldn't ignore the misery that glazed Lijnders' normally lively eyes. "Do you actually want to start dating?"
"No," Lijnders admitted in a near-whisper. "I just tried the app because...soon I'll be too old for love. Those guys just confirmed it."
"Pepijn Lijnders. Whoever told you that you're too old for love needs a serious punch in the gut. I think it's pretty safe to say that all of us at Kirkby love you. Not romantically, but you get what we're talking about."
"I guess so...but I'm already forty."
"So what? You're just as lovable as when we first met. Do you remember?"
For the first time that day, a slight smile stretched across Lijnders' features. "Oh, yeah. You weren't even fifty yet. You and Zelijko were in the grocery store, and...yeah, some old song was playing."
A song. Maybe that'll help him feel better! Klopp typed some things in his phone, turning the volume all the way up. He remembered that song, as well—he'd been nine when the musician had released the particular album.
Music is a world within itself
With a language we all understand
With an equal opportunity
For all to sing, dance and clap their hands
But just because a record has a groove
Don't make it in the groove
But you can tell right away at letter A
When the people start to move
Lijnders' eyes popped open so wide, they were nearly the size of dinner plates. "You remember that song?"
"Of course! 'Sir Duke' by Stevie Wonder." Klopp instinctively began vibing to the music--he just couldn't help it. "Zelijko sang this all the time when we moved here. And by excessive and constant repetition, he taught it to me."
Lijnders couldn't help but admit how surprised he was that Klopp knew Stevie Wonder. He got an even bigger surprise when Klopp started singing.
They can feel it all over
They can feel it all over people
They can feel it all over
They can feel it all over people, go
"Oh, sorry." Klopp froze in place when he realized he'd been singing and vibing at the same time. "I just thought this would help. But I got carried away and..."
"No, it did help." Lijnders waved away Klopp's apology, taking a sip of his now-cold coffee. "You made me realize that I shouldn't be wasting my time on those dating app losers. There are more important things in life."
"Like the people who'd do anything for you?"
Lijnders drained his cup, setting it onto the table. "That, and good coffee. Keep the music on, too—we both need it.”
Klopp was only too happy to oblige.
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cha0tician · 1 year
i know y'all didn't expand those tags. but i am FEELING so ill even elaborate
i want sami to be kicked out or leave voluntarily, unable to live with the idea that he's just being used by roman to beat up his only friend. and the usos to miss him so much they leave right after him.
i want sami to be kicked out and i want jey to attack roman. maybe not that night. not the next time it matters.
i want the boys to stay with roman no matter what
i want roman to lose and the usos to retain and to still keep their loser cousin around
i want the usos to retain and throw roman to the wolves of the locker room that are ready to tear him apart for his reign of terror as soon as he doesn't have the numbers game
i want cody to win undisputed with the help of the locker room that the bloodlines victimized
i want the usos to refuse to step in and help roman at mania following samis exile from the island of relevancy
i want solo to be the only one left on romans side be roman can make him better than his brothers and i want judgement day to try to do to him what they did to dominik
i want solo to be the first one to leave roman to die because sami was the first one to really respect him as a main roster star and not just as another useful set of fists in their corner
i want solo and sami to have a tag team and win a belt from the usos and for them to feud for the other one for months
i want sami and ko to be partners again after one last stunner to sami for stressing ko out like that for months on end
i want roman to lose his belts and lose his shit i want him to go off the deep end and isolate himself and be vulnerable to anyone who tries to manipulate him bc he just needs SOMEONE
i want roman to lose and be infuriated that samis still trying to be his friend because he can't understand what else sami could want from him besides a spot on the island of relevancy
i want roman to follow the usos around looking pitiful and staring off into space and for them to keep hyping him up but he's just checked out for a while
i want roman to come crawling back to sami and sami to be the only one to offer him a hand back up without question because sure it was a mess and dysfunctional but he did give sami a family, and he was under a lot of pressure, and it's okay, i acknowledge you. i SEE you. and i always have.
i want jey to finally kick roman right in the nuts bc he doesnt give a DAMN what the tribal chief says and he never has and he never will no matter what the stipulations make him say
i want jey to challenge roman for his freedom
i want jimmy to try and stay with roman be "i like sami but i love this family" without realizing it would cost him his brothers trust
i want jey to kick them both in the face and leave with sami and while solo lets it happen i want him to stay quietly at romans side
i want jey to be happy. oh my god do i want jey to be happy.
i want roman to lose the weight of his titles and get to dick around with the usos
i want roman to feel relieved when cody pins him and he didnt give up he would NEVER give up but my god is he ever free
i want him and sami to do stupid little dances together and them to be on twice a week every week not to fight or intimidate or plot but to find where they belong now
i want it to be like the fog cleared all at once and he can breathe and be himself and the usos still love him anyway even if he wouldn't give a shit any them if the positions were reversed and they all know it
i want all three of them to tackle roman into a hug when he sits up crying and laughing and sobbing bc where do you go from the top of the mountain
i want sami to hold him in the middle of the ring the way he holds sami and tell him that while roman was using him, he wasn't using roman, and the belts never mattered to him
i want all crimes to be forgiven
and i want the belts to go to anyone but owens be i haven't forgiven him for ezekiel but specifically to cody because he already knows he's the best there ever was
0 notes
the-firebird69 · 2 years
When's the money comes back in the same Cody but should only take a day or two for them to figure out they really have to cuz the shattered home warranty rapidly over and over until done they'll notice that Trump and Cork and others are the ones making it happen and they're going to get him cash to take him off social security and they'll find that they won't be able to so they're going to fire Janet yellen and another idiot will be in and then I'll keep doing it and they're going to notice that the problem it's about time he was there in real nuisance and it's Mac Daddy's playing he's been doing it for a long time cuz people have been doing it for a long time and the idiots have been doing social security for a long time it's going to be a big fight and idiots will lose of course and we'll be motivated by the code as we were in the past and Corky will do his dumb number it will all surround those things museums in the old parish
Just a note about the money it's very aggravating and these losers have such a stupid mentality and ridiculous notion it doesn't even fly with anybody of theirs he is 100 times smarter than the smartest person would ever be it's the most ludicrous thing you've ever seen in your life how much of Nene is about it too.
I can't wait for it he's been waiting for it for a long time it is the hardest thing to do in your life is to live here with nothing with these people the gross and nasty you need to eat all sorts of foods and stuff all the time or else you drop off at these Pepto it's disgusting
Thor Freya
Hurrayyy again. Mental note that once these shattered on fall and Utah and California shattered on before our son will be able to go to Utah for the reading of the will and his mom who is VP is going to go berserk on the max cuz she's going to see it's them doing it and he's going to be getting a ton of money doesn't even know what to do with it he says later they probably won't even let him in cuz they're so stupid
Are they going to be sitting there these idiots trying to wear the money down and it's just going to keep coming this is probably going to be no end to it you're so stupid they're going to get rid of themselves bothering him a bunch of pilot nothing and we were right about it but this is this is great there's two things in Olympus is happy I'm happy it's going to be terrific the shattered on empties it's going to be a relief it's one of our major goals
Thor Freya again
0 notes
starryluminary · 3 years
Noah and Cody most definitely had a fling we didn’t get to see: an over analyzing of two fictional characters
Before I start: I’m not forcing you to agree with me, I’m not claiming this is canon and you’re allowed to disagree with everything I say on this post. I’m literally just in my feelings and can’t keep my mouth shut that’s all this is. If you’re not interested, goodbye!! Keep scrolling the total drama tags!!!
For those of you who are interested though………
Part 1: Awake-a-thon
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Lets get straight to it. The reason any of us ship it in the first place. The ear kiss (which is the first kiss of the series, might I add!!!!!!!)
Rewatching that episode, I noticed it took them 3 and a half days since the beginning of the Awake-a-thon for them to virtually decide to sleep next to each other. Why they didn't just go back to the cabins to get proper sleep is beyond me. Maybe Chris didn't allow it, I don’t know.
Either way though, something happened in that timeframe that led to that ear kiss right. This is where it begins. The bonding. In those four days they got close enough, whether it be through conversation, lack of other companionship or pure chance, that they most likely fell asleep in each other's company. Now we have established that they've at LEAST bonded with each other before the ear kiss, and now have some form of an established relationship.
Speaking of the ear kiss itself, that was very clearly an accident. I love it all the same, and you can claim “Cody was smiling half awake, that means he was enjoying it!”, but they barely know each other at this point. I’m sure whatever happened then was probably not meant to happen. I'd kill to know what Noah was dreaming about, though.
Now you'd think that two 16 year old boys would never want to interact again after one kissed the other's ear on national tv, especially someone like Cody (which I hope I don't have to explain.) AND YET.
Part 2: Dodgebrawl
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Why the fuck is Mr. Wannabe Casanova willingly sitting next to the guy that kissed him on national TV. For what reason.
Maybe their initial interactions were superficial, and maybe the kiss strained the small connection they had but… the fact that they sit next to each other frequently and Cody actually smiled at him at one point leads me to believe they actually managed to enjoy each other’s company enough to want to put effort into repairing what might have broke because of that kiss, and did it successfully. If you think I'm being farfetched, might I direct your attention to Noah’s elimination?
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Hmmmm. Cody's.... sad? Upset?? To see Noah eliminated??? Notice how he's so far away and behind the rest of the team when this happened. Like he's the only one that feels that way. Because he is. Makes you wonder why he cares so much doesn't it.
We understand that their relationship is strong enough that Cody’s visibly upset and distant as a response to him leaving the competition, yeah? Ok good.
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Also only five marshmallows are thrown at him. I'm confident in saying Cody didn't throw a marshmallow at him. We don't even see his reaction to the marshmallow pelting so I'll leave it here.
Isn't it so fucking funny how shit starts lining up so nicely? Almost as if all of it was intentional and there were plans for a friendship in the margins of the writing team's notes that ultimately didn't make it to the final product. I'm not saying that's a fact, I'm just saying that's what it feels like.
Now this isn’t about them interacting directly but I feel It’s important to mention…
Part 3: Playa des Losers (He kissed a guy! No I didn't!)
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It’s just that one part. You know the one. It became a popular audio for animatics and TikToks you know what I'm talking about. The fact they are drilling it in your head is saying something. They won't let you forget. If this was the only offense I probably wouldn't care enough to add it here, but it’s NOT. THEY WON'T LET YOU FORGET. WON’T LET THEM FORGET. CHRIST.
This brings us to our next point-
Part 4: TDA's Aftermath
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The mere fact Noah and Cody sit next to each other the entirety of the aftermath episodes tells me everything I need to know, but let’s talk about it for the sake of clarity.
Them sitting next to each other despite, and I can’t stress this enough, “embarrassing” themselves on national television (which we are reminded of when they introduce Noah!) is just. Baffling. Cody doesn't even sit next to anyone else in the beginning, he’s on the top corner of the booth. This demonstrates Noah and Cody are considerably comfortable with each other, despite everything. Cody even looks at Noah for approval, which he reciprocates with a smile. I can compile the knowing looks they share during the aftermaths, but I won’t for brevity's sake. They’re friends, your honor.
[I’d also like to add they could have shown any of the dodgebrawl clips for Noah’s introduction, but they chose the ear kiss and proceeded to show them sitting together. If the point was to humiliate him, getting pelted by marshmallows would have done the job just as well!! Being hurt by marshmallows is so pathetic they didn't HAVE TO REMIND US OF THE KISS BUT THEY DID. ARE THEY TRYING TO MAKE A POINT??????]
Love how Cody said one sentence and Noah spoke two words the entirety of action but you can still see the bond they have in the sidelines. Art, truly.
Now. The part that has me CONVINCED the relationship teetered away from being platonic.
Part 5: Celebrity Manhunt
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Holy fucking shit. They let it happen again. It happened AGAIN. They remember what happened last time, they’re not stupid or blind. They knew this could happen again and did it again ANYWAY. It couldn’t POSSIBLY be by accident this time. How does someone as smart as Noah and someone as simp-y as Cody make this mistake again. The answer is it wasn’t an accident this time. Noah deliberately slept on Cody’s lap and Cody let him…. What, just BECAUSE??
You can’t tell me two 16 (maybe 17 at this point?) year old boys made the conscious decision to sleep together in such an intimate way and convince me they don’t feel anything for each other. Do you see what I'm implying.
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At least the first time it happened they ran away screaming, but they sat next to each other in the tent this time!!!!! The same day!!!! No shame!!!! No embarrassment!!!! Are you kidding me!!!!!!!!
Not to MENTION they were asleep next to the cliff before this! They woke up, decided to move to the side of the bus, and slept on top of each other. Are you serious? Homosexuals.
This isn’t even their first interaction in the special. I am flabbergasted.
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The looks Cody shoots Noah this special. Who is he trying to impress, I wonder.
And impress he did, cause he slept on his damn lap!!! I rest my case.
I feel the relationship wasn’t as strong in World Tour (and I don’t want to sit down and rewatch it, at least not now), so I’ll leave it here.
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Given what I’ve shown so far, you can see their relationship gradually evolve from being strangers, to friends, to whatever the hell they labeled their relationship after that. I can’t pinpoint when the less than platonic relationship started, but I’ve come to the conclusion that they most definitely had that spark between them, however brief it may have been.
You don’t kiss someone's ear in your sleep and then decide to sleep on their lap because he’s a homie. That’s all I have to say.
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godhoodandgirlhood · 2 years
I will now spew my shitty opinions on the internet yet again, but this time TOTAL DRAMA (Gen 1 edition :])
these are opinions. don't get mad.
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Ezekiel: during his elimination episode, I was pissed at him, but by the time total drama drama drama drama drama island hit I wasn't that upset tbh. He didn't deserve to go feral, and his issue was fixable (unlike some other bitch up for elimination that episode >:^( ) stop the Zeke abuse y'all
EVA! 😍😍😍😍😍: I love her and my whole world revolves around her. I would be nothing without Eva. If you don't stan Eva get off my page (/hj). Live, laugh, love, Eva. Friendly reminder we wouldn't exist without Queen Eva. She is so girlboss she literally ate a goalie net, broke records, and did stunt work on the side. Everyone bow for our queen.
Noah: don't hate me, but he gets too much hype. I still love him and think he has some of the best oneliners but he is so dry other than that. A fucking chicken without seasoning. This sounds hypocritical based off my Eva opinion, but Noah was in three seasons and Eva was in only one. Noah's only plot relevance was being cynical and sarcastic, being sus of Alejandro, and simping for Emma, yet he has a million and one stans.
Justin: I preferred it when he didn't speak.
Katie & Sadie: I also would prefer it if you didn't speak.
Tyler: wasted potential in season 3 and was also eliminated too early in season 1. I wish we could have seen the lyler breakup on screen, probably because of Alejandro or something. Anyways, sign my petition for a Tyler queer storyline.
Izzy: I hope they make the execution legal again for her and only her. Firing squad, stoning, anything just to get rid of this godforsaken MENACE. Worst member of team e-scope and it's literally named after her.
Cody: call the police girl you are in severe danger!! File a restraining order, beat her up, ANYTHING BRO YOU ARE A VICTIM. But also you're a worthless simp who is literally the most accurate depiction of a teenage boy on total drama other than like Noah. Also, this boy is literally abused. Neglected. Someone give this boy a hug (Not you Sierra get tf away).
Beth: don't care, didn't ask.
Courtney: SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP. I have an intense hatred for Courtney. For the majority of her time on the show I wanted to wring her neck and replace her blood with acetone. Btw boyfriend kisser isn't even that much of bop and is one of my least favorite songs.
Harold: fetishists stan Harold. He fetishes Leshawna and doesn't fucking leave her alone. Don't play pirates with him.
Trent: worst rep of ocd I've ever seen in my whole entire being. Also boring as he'll and I hope he gets stepped on.
Bridgette: she lost me after season 1 but before her venture to superhell she was nice I guess.
Lindsay: please give this girl a single brain cell omg. It feels so wrong to applaud her for doing something remotely smart because SHES SO FUCKING STUPID. She probably doesn't even know simple addition dude. Get rid of the dumb blonde stereotype before I bite your skull.
DJ: the second the animal curse started, I took DJ's six feet height and buried myself in it. I passed away. My soul still lingers to haunt the ho who did this to best boy.
Geoff: god, shut up
Leshawna: black stereotype PERIOD. She's good but oh my god she's a racist stereotype
Duncan: eat dirt and die bitch.
Heather: literally is racist and stuff but okay. I'll take a stiletto heel and stab this absolute loser in the throat damn.
Gwen: I hope the cyan hair dye seeps into her skull and she fucking dies.
Owen: if the man doesn't stop burping and farting I will find his home and burn it, cake it in asbestos, and make him inhale the toxic gases. When he's dying on the hospital bed, I'll stuff a baby down his throat and punch him in the face.
Sierra: jail. Now. Criminal. It is illegal for someone this fucked up to exist. Exterminate this pest at your earliest convenience.
Alejandro: you're a fucking donkey. Now eat some shit and die Al.
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