#common grid war
crystalelemental · 1 year
Unit Teambuilding - Roark
Common Grid War Act 15 is underway, and this is the last full act, unless they bring back Jesse and James.  Which...we'll see.  I do feel kinda bad, though.  I'm still under the belief that MU Torchic likely won't even get a grid, which means if those two don't come back, the literal only common left without a grid is Lorelei. And man, I like Lorelei, I feel like she's fairly underappreciated despite being Kantonian.  But, we get what we get.  And what we get right now is Roark, one of the longest anticipated grids out there.  Head Smash memes have been a joke since forever, but now the joke finally comes to an end as we see if Roark gets to be good.  Survey says!
General Overview It's good!  It's...actually kinda really good.  Huh.  Guess Rock-types can be good, if you just avoid giving them Rock Tomb.
Let's start with the big question: No, I don't think Head Smash is saved.   Standfast 7 + 5 is what Darach has, and full disclosure, he cannot spam it without dying.  His DPS results in too much recoil to make it work.   I'd argue that even with another Standfast 3 stack, it won't really save Roark from a similar fate.  But.  If you can believe it.   Roark's...better off about it.  Hit and Heal on trainer move means gradual healing, which is percentage-based on your HP. Roark has over 1000 HP at 5*.  That's a great amount of passive healing.  Add in First Aid 4, and frankly Roark is doing some pretty respectable numbers, with a lot of recovery to fall back on.  The tragedy of this build is really that he can't also afford the accuracy tiles in addition to the healing, and is effectively guaranteed to need full offensive support.  Which includes accuracy.  Aaron is back on the menu, boys!
But hey, you know, a 3-bar spam on a guy with sub-300 speed?  That's a lot to ask.  And Aaron can't carry that particular weight.  So that's pretty limiting. Kinda rough, huh?
Except he doesn't need it.  Even without Head Smash, Roark is probably the best F2P Rock-type, because he is not burdened by Original Sin.  No Rock Tomb, remember?  He got Haymaker.  He got Haymaker and Double Down 5. This dude has an attack stat on par with Kahili, and an extra 50% multiplier on sync above what she has.  Roark is a legitimate sync nuke, the kind that makes you wish he had EX to just delete stages.  And if you ignore Head Smash in favor of getting to sync?  Well great news, Trainer Move Follow-Through means guaranteed crit, easing his support demands.  Now you just need the attack. Roark actually eatin gourmet.
Team 1: Roark, Aaron, Masked Royal I'd consider this a fairly optimal Head Smash team.  Aaron provides not just the Attack/Crit bonuses, but at 3/5 has Precision Pals to give Roark the much-needed accuracy for Head Smash.  Masked Royal then provides speed for the team to facilitate gauges, and can debuff defense of foes.   There's very little this team should need.
Team 2: Roark, Hilbert, SS Diantha I am willing to make the estimated bet that this team could clear a CS stage with the -2 sync cooldown parameter.  SS Diantha's more than capable of blasting center apart with sync nuke, and if she can't, Roark's got the Head Smash under Zone.  A 3/5 Diantha is going to wildly outperform him, but I imagine a 1/5 still works well thanks to Roark's high DPS.  You just want to make sure he doesn't die.
Team 3: Roark, Halloween Caitlin, Kukui Remember Follow-Through?  Remember what happens when you need attack but not crit?  That’s right, it’s H!Caitlin stonks!  And guess what!  Even more optimal, because her trainer move buffs accuracy!  She’s practically ideal for the sync nuke build, even offering speed and accuracy for Head Smash.  Kukui can spam Leer for defense drops, and can flinch foes with Accelerock.  Kukui also gets those Rock-type theme skills going.
Team 4: Roark, Shauna, Acerola I'd be willing to bet good money this team could work as anti-Moltres.  Shauna can provide Roark with the needed offensive potential, Acerola provides Sandstorm for the weather and flinch rate to keep the bird from acting.  The critical component of this is that Roark needs to avoid Head Smash.  Too much passive damage going on.  But his sync nuke, being fantastic damage, should be able to handle it.
Final Thoughts I'm pretty happy with this.  Sinnoh remains winning.  There are still some issues, but by and large, I like it a hell of a lot better than SS Brock and Grant, who exist mostly as flinch bots.  Roark feels like he's actually trying to hurt something. And I'd be willing to bet he'd succeed.
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The Interview | Lando Norris⁴
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Pairings: Lando Norris x bsf!reader
Warnings: smut
Requested: yes
A/N: My first time writing bsf!Lando yay!!! This was a pain in the ass to edit and as twice to write. I wanted to burn it at least six times in the process, but I finally won that war and here we are. I don't hate it, but don't necessarily like it either, but I hope that's only because I read it like 945437 times and already know every sentence by heart 💀 and that you will actually enjoy it <3
Interviewing your best friend, how hard could it actually be? As you sat across from Lando Norris in the cozy McLaren hospitality, you realized that interviewing him was proving to be much more challenging than you had anticipated. Especially when he was looking like that.
Sweats and hoodies were his all time go to whenever he was at home, and you have seen him wearing it numerous times. But that morning when he came to pick you up from your hotel room, you didn’t expect that exact outfit to be the one to leave you stunned.
As you tried to ignore how effortlessly good he looked, in white sweatpants and a light grey jumper that showcased his lean physique, and curls of his hair falling in just the right way over his forehead, you cleared your throat and focused on the notes in front of you. But as Lando flashed you a charming smile and leaned back in his chair, all thoughts of the interview questions went out the window.
“So, what do you want to know that you already don’t?” Lando asked, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
"So, Lando," you began, trying to keep your voice steady, "what do you think sets McLaren apart from the other teams on the grid this season?"
"I think what really sets us apart is our team spirit," he replied. "We have an incredible group of people working together towards a common goal, and that camaraderie is something special." Lando flashed you yet another one of his charming smiles.
His words were filled with passion, and it was impossible not to be captivated by the way his voice drew you in. Despite being your best friend, there was something different about seeing him in his element, fully immersed in his love for the sport.
"It's no secret that you have a huge following on social media," you continued, steering the conversation towards a lighter topic. "How do you handle the pressure of always being under the spotlight?"
Lando chuckled softly before replying, "Oh, you know, I just try to be myself and have fun with it. The fans are amazing, and I'm grateful for all their support. Plus, it helps that my memes game is strong," he added with a wink.
"You definitely have some iconic meme moments," you agreed with a laugh, feeling more at ease now that the conversation had shifted to something more familiar. But beneath the banter and playful exchanges, you couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that there was something Lando wasn't telling you.
Throughout the interview, you noticed subtle shifts in Lando's demeanor whenever certain topics came up. His jokes became more frequent, his sarcasm sharper, as if he was intentionally deflecting your inquiries. You made a mental note to revisit those moments later, but for now, you decided to go with the flow and enjoy the time with your best friend.
Leaning forward, you fixed him with a steady gaze and said, "Let's talk some more about you. It’s the beginning of a new season and fans are eager to know what your goals are for the upcoming races. Can you share with us what you hope to achieve this year?"
For a moment, there was a flicker of seriousness in his eyes before he smirked and replied, "I hope to give all the other drivers a head start, just to make things interesting," Lando quipped with a mischievous grin.
You chuckled at his response, recognizing the familiar playful tone he always carried. But beneath the humor, you sensed a hint of determination in his eyes. Pushing further, you pressed on, "Come on, Lando. We all know you're not one to settle for anything less than the best. What are your real aspirations for this season?"
“You already know what my aspirations are, y/n. Can’t you just make something up?”
“Of course I can’t. What if I put together a statement and then you tell a different version of events to another journalist?”
Lando chuckled, shaking his head at your persistence. “And what makes you think I wouldn’t lie to them? Other reporters aren’t my friends so I think it’s actually you who’s in advantage here.”
Rolling your eyes playfully, you shot back, "Oh, so now I'm the lucky one getting the inside scoop, huh? Well alright, if you’re already so tired of answering my questions, how about we take a break and take some pictures for the article? I also heard you got a new helmet you’ll be wearing for testing as a tribute to Gil de Ferán, right? Let's capture that moment."
Lando's eyes lit up with enthusiasm at the mention of his new helmet design. He eagerly agreed, and the two of you made your way to the McLaren garage where his helmet awaited. As he carefully lifted it up, you couldn't help but admire the intricate details and the thoughtful tribute to the racing legend. Lando slipped it on with a sense of pride, and you couldn't resist snapping a few photos of him posing confidently in front of his car.
“Let’s go out to the track and have some shots of you and the helmet there. You could sit on the pit wall and hold it in your lap while admiring it,” you suggested, already envisioning the striking images that would accompany your article. Lando flashed you a grateful smile, appreciating your creativity and dedication to capturing the essence of his racing journey.
Lando perched on the pit wall, his expression a mix of focus and determination as he cradled the helmet in his hands. The vibrant colors of the design shone brightly against the backdrop of the racing circuit, a visual representation of Lando's respect for the sport's history and his aspirations for the future.
You snapped photo after photo, each frame telling a story of passion, ambition, and unwavering dedication.
“You’re choosing some interesting angles,” Lando teased as you were crouching down to get a shot from a lower perspective.
You couldn't help but smile at his lighthearted comment, your cheeks flushing with a warmth that had nothing to do with the scorching sun beating down on the track. Lando's voice had a way of enveloping you, drawing you in like a magnet and as you adjusted your position to capture another shot, your eyes inadvertently lingered on his hands, noticing the way his fingers traced the curves of the helmet with a gentle reverence.
You always thought Lando had beautiful hands, but in that very moment you couldn’t help but think what it would be like if those hands touched you. Really touched you.
The professional journalist in you was focused on capturing the perfect shots and telling Lando's story through the lens of your camera. But the other part of you, the part that had known Lando for years and cherished his friendship above all else, was struggling to keep up with the sudden surge of desires and thoughts that threatened to unravel your composure.
Lando's easy laughter and playful banter did little to ease the tension building within you. With each click of the camera, his presence seemed to grow more magnetic, his features more captivating. You couldn't deny the allure of his smile, the intensity in his gaze, or the way his energy seemed to envelop you in a cocoon of warmth.
While you reviewed the photos on your camera, Lando leaned in closer to get a glimpse as well. The heat of his body so near sent a shiver down your spine, and you hastily cleared your throat, trying to dispel the sudden rush of emotions coursing through you. But Lando was oblivious to your inner turmoil, his attention fully focused on the images displayed on the screen.
"These look amazing, y/n," he exclaimed, his eyes lighting up with genuine excitement.
"Thank you, Lando," you managed to reply, your voice sounding slightly breathless even to your own ears. Clearing your throat once more, you added, "We should head back. You still owe me some answers.”
As you walked back towards the McLaren hospitality unit, Lando slung an arm around your shoulder, pulling you into a playful headlock. "You know, y/n, for someone who claims to be a professional interviewer, you're not half bad as a photographer either," he teased, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
You chuckled, swatting his arm away with mock indignation. "Hey now, don't let my talents overshadow your own star power. I'm just here to make sure the world sees the real Lando Norris in all his glory, on and off the track," you quipped back with a grin, the easy banter between you a testament to the years of friendship that had only grown stronger through the shared journey in the fast-paced world of Formula 1.
As you reached the hospitality unit, Lando released you from the headlock and held the door open with a flourish. "After you, madam photographer," he said with a mock bow, his eyes dancing with a mischievous gleam.
You both entered the bustling hospitality area, filled with team members preparing for the upcoming race weekend. The familiar sights and sounds enveloped you, a comforting blend of adrenaline and excitement that always accompanied a race day.
The familiar faces of the McLaren team greeted you warmly, their camaraderie palpable in every interaction. Lando's presence only added to the vibrant ambiance, his infectious laughter drawing others to join in.
Taking a seat at one of the tables, you watched as Lando engaged in animated conversations with his teammates, his passion for racing evident in every gesture and expression. It was moments like these that reminded you why you were drawn to motorsport in the first place—the sense of community, the thrill of competition, and the shared pursuit of excellence.
“Sorry for leaving you like that,” Lando said, sliding into the seat across from you, “but duty calls. It’s time to jump in the car. We can finish the interview later tonight, if that’s alright?”
"Of course, go do your thing out there on the track. We'll pick up where we left off," you replied, giving him an encouraging smile.
You stayed for a while, watching him drive and snapping a few more photos of his swift maneuvers on the track, each turn and acceleration a testament to his skill behind the wheel. The sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a golden glow over the circuit as the day drew to a close and you decided to go back to the hotel and edit the material you’ve gathered so far.
Having spent the whole day on track in the glowing sun, you first took a shower and got more comfortable in your pajama shorts and loose top before settling down at the small desk in your hotel room. The soft glow of the lamp bathed the room in a warm light as you organized your notes and sifted through the photos from today's shoot. Lando's vibrant energy leapt off the screen, each image a kaleidoscope of emotions and determination captured in still frames.
Lost in thought, you were startled by a knock on the door. Puzzled, you made your way over and peered through the peephole to see Lando standing outside, a sheepish grin on his face. And he was back in that damn outfit from before.
Despite the late hour, you couldn't suppress a smile at the sight of Lando standing at your door, his eyes alight with a mischievous glint. Opening the door, you raised an eyebrow in mock admonishment.
“Look who decided to show up. I was beginning to think you had forgotten about me,” you quipped, stepping aside to let him in.
“Never,” he replied with a grin, making himself at home in your hotel room. “Besides, I thought we could finish that interview now that I'm all fresh and ready to spill some secrets," you couldn't help but notice the way he moved with an easy familiarity, as if he had been in this space countless times before. “Oh, sorry, were you getting ready for bed?” he asked, as if only now noticing your comfortable attire, his gaze lingering on your bare legs a little longer than necessary, before innocently looking you in the eyes with a small smile.
Ignoring the flutter in your chest at his gaze, you shook your head with a chuckle.
“Not at all, I was actually working. You should see your helmet shots on a big screen. They turned out to be amazing.” you gestured as you took a seat at your laptop to show him.
Lando leaned over your shoulder, his breath warm against your neck as he peered at the screen. You couldn't help but notice the closeness between you, the shared intimacy of the moment sending a chill down your back.
“Wow, these look incredible,” Lando breathed, his voice low with awe. ”You really have an eye for capturing the moment.”
His praise sent a flush of warmth to your cheeks, a mixture of pride and something else you couldn't quite name. As you scrolled through the images together, Lando's hand brushed yours accidentally, sending a jolt of electricity through you both.
Clearing your throat and trying to ignore the nervous flutters, you turned to face him. "So, about those secrets you promised to spill..."
Lando's eyes sparkled mischievously as he settled into the armchair beside you, his gaze intense as he studied your face. For a moment, there was a weighty silence that hung between you, thick with unspoken words and unexplored emotions. You could sense a shift in the air, as if the room itself held its breath in anticipation of what he might reveal.
Finally, breaking the tension with a casual shrug, Lando chuckled softly. "Alright, alright. What do you want to know?" he asked playfully, though there was a glint of vulnerability in his eyes that you couldn't ignore.
Seeing him sit there casually in that armchair and in those sweatpants with legs spread lightly made your breath a little quicker. Taking a deep breath and clearing your throat, you busied yourself with your notebook to keep you from looking at him. “So,” you started, flipping through pages. “We have a few unanswered questions left...”
You couldn’t help but feel a rush of nerves at his intense stare, and you mechanically placed a hand on the back of your neck, stretching it out slightly. Lando's gaze followed the movement, his expression softening as he reached out to gently touch your hand, his fingers tracing delicate patterns on your skin. The simple gesture sent a shockwave of warmth through you, the soft brush of his touch awakening a hunger you tried to suppress the whole day.
“Nervous?” he asked, his tone low.
You chuckled, trying to lighten the atmosphere. “Why would I be nervous? It’s not my first time conducting an interview.”
Lando's gaze lingered on you, his eyes searching yours with a depth that made your heart race. "Maybe it's not the interview that's making you nervous," he said softly, his voice barely above a whisper. The air between you crackled with tension, the unspoken words hanging heavy in the room as he leaned closer, his breath warm against your skin.
Your mind raced with a million thoughts, emotions swirling within you as you met his gaze, feeling as though you were on the precipice of something unknown yet undeniably thrilling. In that moment, all the barriers you had carefully constructed around your heart began to crumble, revealing a vulnerability you had long kept hidden.
“I noticed the way you were looking at me out on the track today,” Lando murmured, his voice husky with unspoken desire. “It wasn't just the photographer's gaze anymore, was it?” His hand lingered on yours, a silent question hanging in the air. “Especially when you crouched down to get those low angle shots of the helmet. I could feel your eyes on me longer than necessary. You didn’t do it because you wanted to capture the shot perfectly, did you?” he continued, his gaze searching yours for any sign of confirmation. “No, you did it because you wanted to be on your knees for me, to be close to me, to feel the heat of my body as you snapped away at your camera. Admit it,” Lando's voice was a whisper, causing a flurry of emotions to swirl inside you.
His words were like a sharp blade, slicing through the air and laying bare a hidden longing that had been bubbling beneath the surface, waiting to be acknowledged. You swallowed hard, feeling the weight of what he had just said settling in the space between you.
“Even this, you inviting me into your dimly lit room—”
“I don’t like big lights,” you interjected, as you tried to regain some semblance of control over the situation.
But he continued as if you hadn't said anything. “—in your silky pajama shorts and that flimsy tank top that leaves little to the imagination,” Lando said, his voice dropping even lower as he leaned closer, his gaze smoldering.
“I was getting myself comfortable—”
“Of course, you’re smart and already have a reason for everything I point out,” Lando's gaze softened at your words, a flicker of understanding passing between you as he reached out to gently tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear. The tenderness of his touch sent a wave of sensation to travel down your spine, reigniting the fiery connection between you. “But I am your best friend, and I know you. You can try as much as you want, but you can’t hide the truth from me,” Lando murmured, his thumb brushing lightly against your cheek as he leaned in, his lips hovering tantalizingly close to yours. “I know you inside out.”
His words hung in the air, the tension between you palpable as you both teetered on the edge of something unspoken yet undeniably present. And maybe. Maybe he was right. Intentionally or not, you did know he was coming.
In that charged moment, with your heart pounding in your chest, you made a choice. You took him by the collar of his shirt and smashed your lips together. You pulled him with such force that he stumbled forward, but he quickly found balance by taking a handful of your hair and pulling you closer, deepening the kiss with a hunger that matched your own. The kiss was electric, a surge of raw desire and pent-up emotions finally breaking free. The world around you faded away as you lost yourself in the intoxicating taste of him, the warmth of his lips searing through you like a wildfire.
Every touch, every caress, ignited a blazing need within you, a longing that had been buried for far too long. As you melted into each other, the boundaries that had kept you apart crumbled, leaving only the raw, primal connection that bound your souls together.
As the kiss broke, you both gasped for air, your foreheads resting against each other as you tried to catch your breath. Lando's eyes bore into yours, a mixture of surprise, craving, and something deeper that stirred within his gaze.
“Is this what you wanted?” you whispered, your voice barely audible in the tense stillness that enveloped you both.
“I wanted to kiss you first, but god, you’d beat me to it,” a low chuckle escaped his lips as he spoke. There was a hint of amusement in his eyes, but beneath it lay a raw vulnerability that mirrored your own. In that moment, as you gazed into each other's eyes, you knew that nothing would ever be the same between you.
You reached out to touch his face, your fingers tracing the contours of his jawline as if committing every detail to memory. The room felt as though it had shrunk, leaving just the two of you in your own intimate world where words were no longer needed.
“Then kiss me,” you breathed.
Lando's lips met yours in a frenzy of passion, each kiss deepening the connection that had ignited between you. His hands dug into your shirt, pulling you closer as if trying to erase any remaining distance between you. You responded with equal fervor, your hands tangling in his hair as you deepened the kiss, a surge of emotions overwhelming your senses.
He picked you up in his arms and carried you to the bed, laying you down gently, your laughter mingling with his in the heated moment. As he joined you on the mattress, his lips trailed down to your neck, your skin tingling at his touch, and you moaned softly as his teeth grazed your sensitive skin. A shiver ran through your entire body, and you arched into him, inviting him further.
He took the invitation, his hands exploring every inch of your body, his touch feather light at times, then rougher, aching to leave his mark upon you. Your breath caught in your throat as his fingers traveled over your chest, igniting a wave of heat inside you. Each touch left a trail of fire, intensifying the sensation.
His mouth found its way to your lips again, his tongue darting out to taste you, and you met him eagerly, your tongues twining together in a frenzied dance. The room was filled with the sound of your breaths mixing, your hearts pounding in sync, as you lost yourself in each other's embrace.
Lando's body pressed against yours, his heat searing through your clothes, making your skin feel like it was sizzling. You could feel his hardness brushing against your core, making you moan softly, yearning for more.
Your hands found their way to his back, pulling him closer, needing the intimacy that only skin-to-skin contact could provide. His mouth gently moved down the curves of your neck, leaving a tantalizing trail of kisses that sent sparks of exhilaration coursing through your body. You arched your back yet again, wanting more of his touch, more of his attention.
Slowly, he lifted your shirt, revealing your stomach, and you felt a sudden rush of heat between your legs. His eyes locked onto your bare skin, a hunger gleaming in them. You knew he was seeing all of you, every flaw and imperfection that made you, you. But he didn’t care; he wanted you just the way you were.
“You’re perfect,” he whispered, his voice barely above a whisper. You could feel the sincerity in his words, and a wave of vulnerability washed over you. This wasn’t just about the physical attraction; it was about the emotional connection you had built over time.
He kissed your stomach, his warm breath sending a shiver down your spine. You wanted him closer; you wanted to feel his skin against yours. You reached behind you and tugged off his shirt, revealing his muscular physique that you had always admired.
You pulled him closer, and he kissed you again, his hands wandering to your breasts, tracing the outline of your nipples through your pajama top. You moaned softly, arching your back, wanting more of his touch.
He took off your top, revealing your bare chest, and you shivered at the feeling of his rough hands on your skin. He kissed your torso, his tongue darting out to taste you, and you moaned softly, inviting him to explore more.
He trailed his lips down your stomach, leaving a path of wet kisses that made you tremble with longing. You could feel his breath on your thigh, and you knew what was coming. He traced the edges of your panties, his fingers teasing you, sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body.
Lando looked up at you, his eyes filled with craving. He wanted you more than anything, and you knew it. You were his, and he was yours.
You reached down and pulled off his pants–the damn pants that started all this in the first place–revealing his erection that strained against the fabric. Your fingers grazed it, and he moaned softly, his eyes locking with yours. You could see the need in him, and it made your heart race.
You pulled off his pants, revealing his naked body, and you couldn't help but admire him. He was perfect, every inch of him, and you knew that this was what you had been waiting for. This was the moment you had been dreaming of, the moment you had been yearning for.
He laid you down gently and continued to explore every inch of your body. His fingers traced the curves of your hips, your waist, your thighs, each touch setting off a firestorm of desire within you. You moaned softly, your body arching towards his, craving his touch.
He slid his fingers between your legs, teasing your most sensitive spot, sending waves of delight coursing through you. You gasped, your breaths becoming shallow as you struggled to control the growing want inside of you.
Lando's eyes locked with yours, a mixture of lust and tenderness shining in them. He leaned down and whispered in your ear, his breath warm and sensual, “You are never to interview any other driver, you hear? You are mine. My best friend, my reporter.”
You laughed softly, the sound mingling with his as he skillfully used his hands to bring you to satisfaction. "I don't know, Lando. What if my boss wants me to do another story? What will I say then?"
“Then you do it somewhere I can see you. And you wrap it up, no inviting other drivers into your hotel room cause look what happens,” he quipped, his fingers moving faster, sending shivers throughout your body.
You gasped for air, your body trembling as you felt the waves of pleasure building up within you. You knew that you were close, that you couldn't hold back any longer. “Lando, please,” you begged, your body aching for release.
Lando's eyes met yours, a fierce intensity in his gaze. He knew what you needed, and he was more than willing to give it to you. With a sudden, forceful thrust, he entered you, filling you completely, sending a shockwave of pleasure through your entire body.
You cried out, your breath hitching as each thrust sent you higher and higher. Lando's pace quickened, his body slamming against yours, each movement a testament of his want for you. The room was filled with the sounds of your intertwined bodies, your hearts beating in sync, lost in the moment.
“You feel so good,” Lando panted, his voice low and rough. He reached up, his hands tugging at your hair, pulling your lips to his in a searing kiss. His tongue plunged into your mouth, tasting you, possessing you.
You wrapped your legs around him, your nails digging into his back, pulling him closer, needing him deeper. Your body ached for more, craving the release that only he could give you.
Lando's thrusts became more insistent, his hips pistoning against yours, each movement driving you closer to the edge. Your breath came in short gasps, your heart pounding in your chest as the ecstasy built up inside you. You could feel the heat coursing through your veins, the desire consuming you.
“Lando, oh god, I'm so close,” you whispered, your voice trembling with need. Lando responded by increasing his pace, his body slamming into yours, each thrust sending overwhelming bliss throughout your entire body.
You felt the familiar sensation building up within you, the pressure rising, the heat spreading. You knew what was coming, and you welcomed it with open arms. With a loud cry, you arched your back, your body trembling as the wave of pleasure crashed over you, engulfing you completely. Lando's body followed suit, his thrusts becoming erratic, his voice hoarse as he emptied himself within you, crying out your name.
Your bodies collapsed onto each other, panting heavily, your skin glistening with sweat. You didn't know how long you lay there, lost in each other's embrace, but the moment felt timeless. 
You glanced at him, only to see him sound asleep with a contented smile on his face. You couldn't help but run your fingers lightly through his hair, feeling the warmth of his body and the weight of his head on your chest. But you still had the article to finish and the call from your editor to make.
You gently extracted yourself from his embrace, feeling the cool air on your skin as your body adjusted back to reality. With a tender kiss on his forehead, you whispered, “I'll be right back,” feeling a sense of contentment and a touch of guilt at leaving him there.
You put on a robe and sat down at your desk, using the warm glow of the computer screen to illuminate your face as you typed away, every word bringing you closer to finishing the article. Although he owed some questions to the world, as his best friend you already knew the answers to almost every one. Remembering his words from earlier, you took it to your advantage to finish the article.
As you worked, the memories of the night still fresh in your mind, you couldn't help but recall the way Lando's hands felt on your body, the way his breath grazed your skin, the way his voice whispered husky promises in your ear. It made it hard to concentrate, but you knew you had to be professional.
With the piece finally done, you sent it to your editor, knowing that you had captured the essence of Lando's journey and the excitement surrounding his career. You knew that this was just the beginning of many great things for him, and you couldn't be more proud to have witnessed it firsthand, as his best friend, reporter and maybe something more in the future.
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vivwritesfics · 4 months
Spider-Man Kiss
One particularly bad crash lands her in hospital, out for the count. Max, Lando and Charles visit her every single day. While she's out the reader lives several different lives. The one thing they all have in common? Her boys
Max Verstappen x Reader, Lando Norris x reader, Charles Leclerc x reader
Any suggestions for the fandoms used in the next part would be much appreciated!! I'm thinking maybe pjo, maybe harry potter, maybe star wars but im not sure
The Second Part The Third Part
Huge thanks to @cheriladycl01 for their help with this one
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The Ferrari hadn’t felt right all afternoon. But her engineers insisted that there was nothing wrong with the car, that she should keep driving. So, she did just that. Qualifying had been good, not the best, but good, and she’d started in fourth.
But then she was overtaken by a Mercedes. She wasn’t sure what Mercedes; she just knew it was a Mercedes. The car fell apart after that. It wasn’t long before she lost control of the car. Her back tyre clipped the corner and sent her flying into the barriers.
The session was red flagged when she didn’t climb out of her car or respond on the radio. “What happened?” Asked Max Verstappen as he led the rest of grid into the pit lane. His engineer didn’t tell him right away. He let Max stop his car before he told him.
Charles and Lando had been behind her. Charles himself had almost been involved in the accident, having followed close behind. “Fuck, Y/N!” He shouted as it happened. With no other choice but to keep driving, Charles looked in his mirrors, trying to watch for her leaving the car. At the red flag he was panicking. This couldn’t have been good news.
“Holy shit,” Lando found himself saying as he drove past the Ferrari in the barriers. “Is she okay?” But nobody had an answer for him.
She was pulled out of the car and placed onto a stretcher. She was out cold as they placed her in the ambulance and drove away. As soon as her car was removed from the barrier the race resumed. But neither of the three drivers could concentrate. All she had been told was that she was alive, but they couldn’t stop worrying about her.
For maybe the first time in all of their careers, they couldn’t wait for the race to end. It was a foreign sensation, and none of them liked it. The podium wasn’t for celebrating, and none of them were filled with enthusiasm as they covered one another in champagne.
As soon as they could they raced to the hospital to be by her side. It wasn’t an easy sight, seeing her lying on the hospital bed, connected to a drip. “Oh my God,” whispered Lando as he slipped in the seat beside her and took her hand. Max sat on a small space on her bed and Charles leaned against the wall beside the bed.
Videos of the crash had been all over social media. The boys couldn’t go into Instagram without seeing it. Sure, the captions and comments were all wishing her well, but it was still hard to see. “I wonder what she’s dreaming about,” Charles said quietly, almost sadly as he petted her hair.
“I hope it’s something nice,” Max said, kissing the side of her head.
The party was in full swing. The drinks were flowing, and Y/N had already had plenty. Charles stood behind the bar, serving with a sultry smile, and Lewis entertained his guests. She sat beside Daniel, leaning against him as she sipped her drink. He was speaking to Max, a man who still refused to acknowledge everyone.
Lewis and Max didn’t get along. It was understandable, Max had been an unstoppable killing machine, and he’d killed Lewis’s parents. But they’d saved the world together, and he was giving him a chance.
The Iron Man, in his strapping suit, walked past and offered Y/N his hand. “Dance with me,” Lewis said and she happily obliged, handing Daniel her drink to look after.
Daniel may have been Australian, but he was still Captain America. He certainly loved this country enough to be their Captain America. He protected Y/N’s drink as he continued talking to Max. Misunderstood Max, who had been his best friend all those years ago. Max, who had been ripped away from him in the war. Max, who wasn’t the same man he used to be now that he was returned to him.
“Where’s Lando?” She asked as she danced with him.
Lewis shrugged his shoulders. “Oh, you know kids. He’s probably swinging about somewhere.”
She gave him a look, one that said she was unimpressed. “You didn’t invite him, did you?” She asked, and Lewis looked at the floor, still slightly smiling. “Lewis! He really looks up to you,” she said and stepped away from him.
“Hey!” Lewis called after her. “Where are you going?”
“To get him!” She called back as she grabbed her coat. Lewis, Max and Daniel watched as she walked out of the tower they called home.
Lando wasn’t an easy guy to find. He didn’t answer his phone when he was in his suit, swinging from building to building. The easiest way to find him was to look up (and follow the news articles).
Currently, Lando was sat on top of the building opposite Lewis’s, watching as the party went on without him. He’d just so happened to land on the building opposite during his nightly patrol, and it was just a little heart breaking. He didn’t see as Y/N left the party to go find him, just continued to watch as Pierre sat on the bar as Charles poured drinks.
Using news sites, Y/N found herself on the next roof over. Lando didn’t spot her. But she certainly spotted him. As quickly as she could, she left the roof and ran over to the next building.
Lando knew she was there before she opened the door. Well, he knew that somebody was there. He stood up in an almost protective stance, waiting for her to push open the door to the roof.
"Lan?" She called softly as she walked towards him. "What're you doing up here?"
He pulled his mask off as he strode towards her. "Having fun at the party?" He asked somewhat bitterly.
She gave him a look. "C'mon," she said, reaching for him. "Lewis meant to invite you but he never got around to it. I came to get you."
But Lando didn't believe her. Of course he didn't. She stepped up to him and ran her fingers through his hair. They'd always been close, and, as much as he wanted to kiss her, he couldn't. Not yet.
Lando bit the inside of his cheek. He wrapped his arms around her and looked down at her, waiting for her next move. "I left the party to come get you," she said as she gently swayed from side to side. "How about you swing us across and we can crash the party," she said.
He pulled his mask back over his face and wrapped on arms around her. "Hold on tight," he said and she squeezed her arms around him.
Lando swung them across. He shot a web at Lewis's tower and swung them both across, landing them on the helicopter pad. Even once they had landed Lando still had his arms around her. She giggled and pulled his mask off as she grabbed a hold of him and pulled him through the tower.
The party was dwindling down. Daniel and Max were still there, as was Charles and Pierre. Esteban was pulling on his coat, heading out, and Lewis was surveying everything from the landing above.
"Sorry we're late," said Y/N as she pulled Lando over to the bar. Charles got the both of them a drink and Y/N pulled him over to Max and Daniel.
Daniel liked Lando. He was a good kid and Daniel knew he had a lot to give. It took some time for Max to warm up for Lando, but he felt somewhat protective over him, like Lando was some lost puppy.
"We were wondering when you were gonna turn up," Daniel said as he leaned back in his chair.
Lando pulled at his suit somewhat uncomfortably. "Anybody got anything I can change into?" He asked as he sipped at his drink.
Nodding his head, Max stood up and led Lando out of the room to get changed into something a lot more comfortable.
"I'm not surprised you went to get him," said Daniel as Y/N sat herself opposite. She rolled her eyes and leaned back, looking towards the doorway. "You've liked him since our Formula One days."
"What?" She asked quickly. "What did you say?"
Daniel cleared his throat. "I said you've liked him since he first joined the team."
That was definitely not what he said, but she didn't call into into question. "Have not," she mumbled, quickly finishing her drink.
Daniel rolled his eyes. On the next mission, he was putting them together. They could work it out then."
"Here," Lando said as he bought Max something to eat. Just days before Max and Charles had gone into Y/N's apartment and pulled books from her shelf. They took it in turns to read to her as she laid in her hospital bed.
A few of the grid had come by to see her, to wish her well. But, to them, it wasn't looking good. Daniel tried to talk to her, tried to jog her awake that way, but it wasn't working. Nothing seemed to be working.
Eventually their teams came to pull them away. They still had a job to do, and she would want them to do it. But it was damn near impossible to leave her. It broke their goddamn hearts.
"Keep dreaming, chérie," said Charles as he kissed the top of her head. Max squeezed her hand, but he got no squeeze in return. Lando couldn't bear to leave her.
The first half of the mission was a success. They stopped H.Y.D.R.A from making more super soldiers or something (nobody was really concentrating on the first half of the mission. It was piece of cake anyway) and were ready to head home.
Except one of their cohort was missing. Spider-Man was nowhere to be seen. "Lan?" Y/N said into her comm. "Where are you? Are you okay?"
There was a moment of a struggle, not like Lando was in trouble, but like he was pushing on something. "Yeah," he said. "I'm... somewhere. I've been locked in a room."
Daniel let out a sigh. "Let's go find him," he said and led the way. Daniel led Y/N back through the H.Y.D.R.A base, almost like he knew exactly where to go.
In a room deep inside of the base, Y/N ran over to the closet. There was chains holding the doors shut with a padlock keeping them secure. The doors shook; clearly Lando was in there.
"Danny? Use those strong arms of your and pull these open," she said as she stood beside the closet door.
Daniel did just that. He pulled open the closet door, but he didn't let Lando out. Instead he pushed Y/N inside and shut the door again, holding them shut. "Daniel, what the hell?!" She shouted as she pounded against the door. "Let us out, you dick!"
"Not until you kiss or something!" He shouted back.
She could barely see in the dark closet as Lando pulled off his mask, his hair messy. "What is he going on about?" He asked as he leaned against the wall.
Y/N let out a sigh. It was now or never. "Our gracious Captain America thinks I have a crush on you," she said as she continued to push on the door. But Daniel was annoyingly strong and the door wouldn't budge.
Lando looked at her. "Do you?" He asked somewhat hesitantly.
She tried the best to look at him in the darkness. "Would it matter if I do?"
He thought about it for a moment. Yeah, it really would matter. Instead of answering, Lando climbed his way up the wall. He went to the middle of the ceiling and let himself hang down. "Have you ever heard of a Spider-Man kiss?"
Her hands held his cheek. She leaned forward and kissed him. Their eyes were shut as Y/N tried to pull him closer. But it was impossible, he was as close as he could possibly be.
It was so intoxicating. She was so intoxicating that Lando nearly slipped off the wall. He still had a hold of it as Daniel opened the door to let them out. He probably wouldn't have believed them unless he saw it with his own eyes, saw the way Lando kissed her.
Her eyes opened when she saw the light flooding into the closet. "Wow," she whispered, but it was only for Lando's ears. But she still pulled away and lunged at Daniel, knocking him to the floor. Her punches weren't hurting him. As she punched him she said a quiet, "thank you."
Daniel couldn't stop himself from grinning.
Lando brushed his fingers through her hair. As soon as the race was over he headed back to the hospital to once again be at her side. "I miss you," he whispered, his hands stilling. "We all do. But I think me and Max and Charles miss you the most."
He didn't expect a response. And he didn't get one.
"You missed Monza. I know how much you love Monza." She excelled at Monza. Everybody expected this to be her first Ferrari win. The TIFOSI loved her and couldn't wait to see her win in Italy.
But she didn't get to this year. Lando would have loved to watch her win, to stand on the podium with her.
"Fuck." Tears sprung to his ears. "I miss you so fucking much."
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batboyblog · 4 months
Things Biden and the Democrats did, this week #3
Jan 26-Feb 2 2024
The House overwhelmingly passed a tax deal that will revive the expanded Child Tax Credit, this will effect 16 million American children and lift 400,000 out of poverty in the first year. The deal also supports the building of 200,000 housing units over the next two years, and provides tax relief for communities hit by disasters.
The Biden Administration has begun negotiations on drug prices for Medicare. Earlier this year the administration announced it would negotiate for the first time directly with drug manufacturers on the prices of 10 common medications. This week they sent their opening offers to the companies. The program is expected to save Medicare and enrollees billions over dollars over the long term and help push down drug prices for everyone.
The Department of Transportation has green lit $240 Million to modernize air ports across the country. Air Ports in 37 states will be able to get much needed updates and refurbishment.
The Biden Administration announced 10 sites across America as sites for innovation investment. They will receive up to 2 billion dollars each over the next 10 years. The goal is to stimulate economic growth and innovation in semiconductor manufacturing, clean energy, sustainable textiles, climate-resilient agriculture, regenerative medicine, and more.
The State Department reviews options for recognizing Palestinian Statehood. While as of yet there's been no policy change this review of options is a major shift in US diplomatic thinking which has long opposed Palestinian Statehood and shows a seriousness of reported Biden plans to push for Statehood as part of a post-war Israel-Saudi normalization deal.
President Biden imposes sanctions on Israeli settlers who have engaged in violence against Palestinians and peace activists. This marks the first time the US has leveled sanctions against Israelis and sets up a standard that could see the whole settlement movement cut off from the US financial system
the Department of Energy has tentatively agreed to a $1.5 Billion dollar loan to help reopen a Michigan nuclear power plant. This would mark the first time a closed nuclear plant has been brought back online. Closed in 2022 it's hoped that it could reopen in time to be generating power in late 2025. This is part of Biden's plan to decarbonize the electricity grid by 2035.
the Internal Revenue Service launched a program to allow tax fillers file for free directly with the government. In 2024 its a pilot program limited to 12 states, but plans for it to be nation wide by tax day 2025
The Department of Health and Human Services announced $28 million in grants to help with the treatment of substance use disorder, including a program aimed at pregnant and postpartum women, and expanded drug court aimed at directing people into treatment and out of the criminal justice system.
The Department of Energy announced $72 million for 46 hydroelectric projects across 19 states. This marks the single largest investment in Hydropower in US history.
The Senate confirmed President Biden's 175th federal judge. Biden has now appointed more federal judges in his first term in office than President Obama did in his, however still lags behind Trump's 186 judges. For the first time in history a majority of a President's nominees are not white men, 65% of them are women and 65% are people of color, President Biden has appointed more black women to judgeships than any administration in history.
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starrvsn · 3 months
PAIRING ⠆singer-celeb!(oc)reader x oscar piastri, exes-to-lovers!au.
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ynsannasource tweeted!
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﹫daydrmer WAIT WHAT???
⤷ ﹫ynnation i thought this was common knowledge 😭
⤷ ﹫daydrmer common knowledge for who !? y/n has always been so private about her relationships
﹫ynluvbot only the real ones know 🤞🏽
﹫81piastri RUE WHEN WAS THIS ???
⤷ ﹫dwnuderpiastri before his F1 debut apparently
﹫lan4norris PLS i need to know what happened between them
﹫oskrttt81 omg why do i feel like he would listen to her music before races 😭
⤷ ﹫vrmvroomf1 me when im delusional
⤷ ﹫mcclarenboys4lyfe imagine his tech just playing her music over the radio during a race 😭
⤷ ﹫koalaop81 bro would have war flashbacks 😭😭
﹫magnolia.sanna yeah she def wrote songs about him
ynsannasource tweeted!
a little update on y/n and oscar! after ALOT of digging i found an archived post from oscars instagram.
view image below:
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oscarpiastri my baby is so talented 🤍
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﹫f1goss the nosiest person award goes to 🏆
⤷ ﹫ynsannasource girl please you're a gossip page
⤷ ﹫f1goss got me with that...
﹫magnolia.sanna FUCK she had to have written at least half the album about him
⤷ ﹫livefastpiastri what love will do to you is definitely about him omg
﹫papaya.mclrn does anyone know why they broke up? or like how long they were together for?
⤷ ﹫prettiestyn apparently, this is what i heard at the time but they both had mutually agreed to part ways because y/n was gaining so much traction on her music career and oscar was beginning his f1 career that following year. especially since they were long distance for majority of their relationship a lot of people thought it was really straining them from doing what they wanted, not sure how long they were together for tho
⤷ ﹫dreamingofyn i think they were together almost 4 years
﹫pasteypiastri new oscar lore just dropped
﹫ferralforyn i love the oscar and yn crumbs
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liked by lilyhme, oscarpiastri, beabadobee, alex_albon and more
ynsanna hi everyone! my single ‘dear soulmate’ is out now <3 listen in on where ever you stream your music, i love you all so much thank you for always supporting me mwah 🩷
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bewitchedluv babe wake up!!! new y/n single just dropped!!!
piastri81bakery OSCAR IN THE LIKES ??!
⤷ fan12 wonder how he feels being someone’s muse 😩
alex_albon loved the song!!
⤷ lilyhme﹫23lexbon i put him on hahah
⤷ lilyhme﹫alex_albon ....WAIT YOU LISTENED WITHOUT ME ????
landonorris guys-guys what happening to me *turns into a warewolf*
⤷ lan4norris oh! okay…
⤷ bestiepierre10 trying to steal pierre’s brand i see
⤷ pierregasly can't outdo the doer i fear
georgerussel63 the feelings i felt listening to this
⤷ logansargeant alex blasting this on full volume in the garage got everyone in their feels
⤷ lilyhme i know there had to be a mechanic that cried
feelsforf1 they way half the grid is here 😭
⤷ alex_albon i put them on what can i say ??
⤷ lilyhme NO i put them on, give me my flowers >:^(
⤷ ashmartini148 damn near everyone but oscar 😭
yndoll yeah this song is def about oscar
charles_leclarc collab ???
⤷ fan06 this and oscar and yn getting back together will be enough for me
danielricciardo cried during my workout, thanks y/n !
⤷ lance_stroll no pain no gain 🦾
fan07 everything is slowly falling in place…
fan10 hope oscar listens to this and comes crawling back because i would
fan09 the feral need for them to get back together is crazy
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﹫ethunreal they way everyone is psychoanalyzing the song
⤷ ﹫starletyn what is there to analyze tho…. it is about him
﹫048122 yeah she’s so not over him like girl let him go
⤷ ﹫prettiestyn they split to focus on their careers like good for them but fuck i wouldn’t be over him too if i saw them everywhere
﹫mistyskies no because y/n was the reason i got into racing when she was with him during formula 2 and now he’s in f1 like it doesn’t feel right without her
﹫stellarf1 okay but the whole paddock under her comment section???
⤷ ﹫fan11 speaks volumes imo 👀
⤷ ﹫fan they def know about them being together
﹫yukipookie does he even have feelings for her still like… it’s giving one sided
⤷ ﹫sonnamyheart naw her music plays everywhere he def thinks about her
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liked by lilyhme, landonorris, oscarpiastri, carlossainz55 and more
ynsanna new location unlocked: monza! thank you for ferrari for inviting ❤️
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fan14 guess the collab will be happening
fan15 can literally smell a collab from the fourth slide
alex_albon it was so nice meeting you!
⤷ lilyhme criminal that you met her before i did
⤷ alex_albon i facetimed you and you didn’t answer… sounds like your fault
⤷ lilyhme blocked and deleted
estibestie we all know what this means right???
⤷ leclarc16wishes charles is on his way to steal oscars girl??
fan17 they had to have crossed paths PLS
landonorris no fair >:(( come to mclaren garage next time!
⤷ ynsanna invite?
⤷ fan13 we all know what youre doing
georgerussell you’re lucky you make phenomenal music, it was lovely seeing you!
carlossainz55 y/n is so much prettier in person, muy bonita!
⤷ fan18 oscar is punching air i know it
⤷ fan19 yeaaa shoot ur shot carloss
francisca.cgomes please come to more races!!! i had an amazing time speaking with you
⤷ ynsanna we’ll have to see… but it was so lovely meeting you 🤍
fan20 oscar needs to do something asap before one of the others take her
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﹫livesoilove post replies
﹫fan22 omg my manifesting did work
﹫fan23 so deserved omg
﹫fan24 i love this for them :’)
﹫fan25 their stories too, they def were togetherrr
oscar piastri's story replies
landonorris tfti :(
danielricciardo glad my pep talk actually worked :D #aussiebrothers4lyfe
loganseargent bro licked the plate clean
y/n's story replies
georgerussell having dinner with the man you wrote your song about i see
yourbff ya'll didn't talk at all or look at each other during the grand prix but you'll have dinner with him??? respect.
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liked by yukitsunoda0511, maudeapataw, oscarpiastri and others
ynsanna enchantment in the air
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aussiepiastri81 i wonder who that is on the second slide
ynfan bruh is that george russell i thought we were rooting for oscar ???
⤷ starletyn girl...
magnolia.sanna OUR RED STRING LOVERS
pierregasly the seals look just like yuki!
⤷ yukitsunoda0511 cute?
⤷ pierregasly no, small and lazy.
⤷ ynsanna pls take your beef else where ❤️
⤷ pierregasly y/n who do you think is cuter me or yuki
⤷ ynsanna please don't make this into a competition
⤷ yukitsunoda0511 we won't because if we did i'd win :)
pasteypiastri pov: everyone knows who you're with but you soft launch reguardless
⤷ sonnamyhear and i'd eat it up, bones and all
landonorris tfti :(
⤷ oscarpisatri your fomo is honestly concerning
⤷ landonorris surprised you know what fomo means.
⤷ oscarpisatri i'm not like checo relax
⤷ schecoperez ouch :(
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sanpiastriluver y/n and oscars stories just one day apart :)
fan27 using y/n's song is soooo obvious, i love it.
fan28 just because you don't put the artist doesn't mean we don't know who's singing
fan29 bro fr said out of sight out of mind
fan30 they're just making it to easy atp
⤷ username a little to easy
fan31 the song choice is so cute :')
fan32 why do i feel like the soft launching was probably oscars idea
⤷ username it probably was LOL
⤷ username a peak introvert moment
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liked by ynsanna, danielricciardo, landonorris, alex_albon and others
oscarpiastri always find your way back home 🫂
tagged: ynsanna
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dreamypiastri the hannah montana reference ????
⤷ sannamyheart knowing y/n she probably forced him to watch it
⤷ ynsanna and he loved every second of it
yndreamland is this a dream ????
pookieyuki oscar hard launching before y/n??
⤷ alex_albon lando owes me $50 now
⤷ landonorris thought i knew my teammate better than this 😣
ynsanna just a girl and her baguette 🤭
⤷ oscarpiastri me or the baguette?
⤷ ynsanna ...next question
danielricciardo remember me when yall get married, knowing i helped get you two back together again
⤷ rickycado03 in daniel we trust !!!!
landonorris no thanks lando for the picture of us???
⤷ ynsanna you crashed our date :(
⤷ landonorris … i wouldn’t say crashed i like to think i made it better oscar is boring anyways
⤷ ynsanna we were having much fun before you came thank you very much >:^(
⤷ alex_albon yeah y/n defend your man !!!!!!
⤷ landonorris who's side are you on ?????
⤷ alex_albon not yours duh.
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liked by lilyhme, oscarpiastri, mclaren, troyesivan, yourbff and others
ynsanna home sweet home 🤍
tagged: oscarpiastri
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oscarpiastri and i wouldn't have it any other way ❤️
⤷ ynsanna never again 🤍
ynnation its like nothing ever happened :''')
fan33 so cute 🥹
mclaren you're welcome whenever you like y/n!
⤷ pookieyuki our certified wag
⤷ starletyn yn supremacy !!
fan35 epitome of red string lovers
fan34 you guys are so cute i think i might be sick
lilyhme you guys are the cutest couple ever !!
⤷ alex_albon cuter than us?
⤷ lilyhme hush you
logansargeant in my mind you guys were always together, glad to see you back 🫡
⤷ ynsanna logan :''(
⤷ landonorris words to make a grown man cry fr
danielricciardo i will be the best man at yall's wedding right :)
⤷ landonorris get in line buddy
⤷ alex_albon the mc more like....
georgerussel63 still cannot believe you all thought i was the one dating yn
⤷ ynfan not my proudest moment...
⤷ oscarpiastri we don't even look alike too
⤷ georgerussel63 yeah, im much taller and better looking
maxverstappen1 does this mean we all get to watch y/n when she goes on tour??
ownership of starrvsn. please do not repost, modify or translate.
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ranger-ribbons · 9 months
General Ranger Headcanons
Ranger Teams are protective of their youngest members and their Reds. Sometimes, this does coincide, but for the most part, the youngest and the Red are separate people
Red Rangers generally have zero self-preservation instincts, either because of trauma or daredevil personalities
Blue Rangers can be the 'tech wiz', but generally, they're just extremely intelligent
Rangers all have a pretty solid relationship with gender and pronouns. Mostly because they see and fight aliens literally every day and have decided they have Bigger Things to worry about
Reds, Yellows, and Blues are usually always there on the Ranger teams, so it's common for them to be close
Rangers have a list that they pass down to the younger teams. This list details little things like how to help give each other strength to what pain medications can help the aches and pains go away fastest, because yes the suits take most of the blows, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt later
Some Rangers have PTSD, some have anxiety, some have depression. There are, in fact, numbers of former-Ranger therapists that the Rangers all know by heart
Teams don't really drift apart, they stick together because who else is gonna understand what it's like to witness the people you hang around daily almost die every other week?
Rangers drift toward other Rangers. It's due to the Morphin' Grid power they've been imbued with and the Morphin' Grid's pull to itself
There's a point in every Ranger's fight that shift-sleeping becomes the norm amongst teams. It's to stop nightmares, but also because of the paranoia that strikes when you're in fight or flight mode too long
Rangers from space or space-adjacent stick together
Rangers in general stick together, always. Where one Ranger is, another is typically not far behind. Some teams go so far as to get houses together, others just in the same neighborhood or town. Never far from each other, and never away for too long
The Power will never, can never abandon its chosen people. Once it makes its choices, it will not deviate. It doesn't stop looking out for its chosen ones either. Once you've bonded to the Morphin' Grid, you're stuck for life, regardless of being active or not
In Universe, people write fanfiction about the Rangers. Yes, they read it, sometimes they even like it. (Megaforce and down in particular find it hilarious)
The scone the Rangers find out about their Super Sentai counterpart shows, it's on. Some find them hilarious, some find them uncomfortable, but it's all in good fun for all of them
A list of common triggers is passed around to the Ranger teams, including but not limited to: loud noises, bugs, fog, robotic voices/static
Some of the Rangers (especially those who've been fighting for years) get therapy animals
Rangers have problems connecting to people who aren't Rangers or don't know about Rangers. Similar to military or police or doctors, Rangers are never truly off unless they're inactive and even then, it's a roll of the dice as to if they'll be pulled back in. Most of them have been doing this since they were teens, so they never truly got a chance. Preston Tien, Ninja Steel Blue, once described the experience as "playing with a half-deck whilst the other decks are rigged against you" and most of the other Rangers agreed
Every Ranger knows the pain of Nightmares, which is a big part of the reason shift-sleeping became so common amongst teams. Sleeping disorders are also common, which is not easy for the Rangers to deal with. When you're trained from a young age to be fighters and saviors of the planet, you don't walk away without trauma
Rangers who've gone Evil (or started Evil) and come back to the side of Good have each other's direct lines, Tommy Oliver, Karone, Trent Fernandez-Mercer, etc, all of them share a similar fear of suddenly turning evil again
Rangers do not like Zordon for his express need to put teenagers into a war that isn't even their's
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One buffoonish oligarch has caused so much damage to this country and the millions of people who live here. So much suffering, worrying, and persecution because of a clown in orange make-up with a bad hairstyle. We’re on the brink of a potential civil war because of him.
If civil war does come the experts have bad news. It won’t be a war with front-lines based on geographical regions but more like the endless war in Northern Ireland. There will be politically motivated assassinations and revenge bombings. A hatred that will never be satiated will spread throughout the land. Murders, bearings, and bombings. The persecution of minorities and the disruption of the supply chain. There will be fear everywhere and justice nowhere with no end in sight.
It will be just what our geopolitical rivals want. Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and others will run amok. Neighborhoods will turn against each other and roadside bombs will be common. Because a large percentage of the nation is already heavily armed and has stockpiles of ammunition it will escalate quickly and violently. Militias and warlords will take over towns and marginalized people will be driven out of the South and rural areas everywhere. Big cities will become unlivable as their power grids and supply chains are under constant attack by rural terrorists.
Thanks to the Bush/Cheney forever wars in Iraq and Afghanistan their are hundreds of thousands of disillusioned and disaffected ex-military roaming the streets who will join the fight because it’s all they know and they will share their knowledge of insurgencies with opposing factions. Indeed many have already been recruited by the alt-right and have been training far-right militias for years in how to fight against a central government and a conventional military.
All because of one untouchable clown with a massive ego.
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catdotjpeg · 4 months
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Around 100 Jewish American and allied activists were arrested in New York City Wednesday after they blocked President Joe Biden's motorcade route to protest U.S. complicity in Israel's genocidal war against the Palestinian people and to demand an immediate Gaza cease-fire. The group Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) led the Upper East Side demonstration, during which activists sat down in the intersection of Fifth Avenue and 82nd Street, where the president was attending a nearby fundraiser. "As Jewish New Yorkers we want to make crystal clear that President Biden is not welcome in our city while he continues to fund and arm the Israeli government's genocide of Palestinians in Gaza," said JVP's Jay Saper.
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JVP activist Maya Edery noted that this is Biden's first visit to New York since the October 7 Hamas-led attacks on Israel. "Instead of answering to the majority of his base that is calling for a cease-fire, he is meeting with corporate donors behind closed doors," Edery said. Biden's staunch support for Israel—which includes asking for an additional $14.3 billion in U.S. military aid atop the nearly $4 billion the country already receives from Washington and repeatedly bypassing Congress to expedite armed assistance to the key ally—has prompted many activists to call him "Genocide Joe." The president has also come under fire for casting doubt on the number of Palestinians killed and wounded by Israeli forces.
As JVP noted:
The Israeli military has killed over 27,000 Palestinians in Gaza, over 11,000 of whom were children, in four months of bombing and military assault. Gaza has been made uninhabitable by design, with Israeli airstrikes destroying 70% of infrastructure, including hospitals, universities, and the electricity and water grids. Nearly 2 million people have been forced to flee their homes; 1.9 million are sheltering in the southern city of Rafah, where the Israeli military has lately launched airstrikes.
"Biden says that he is funding and arming Israel for Jewish safety. We're here to call his bluff," said JVP's Eve Feldberg. "The president is advancing the U.S.' own military interests."
-- From "100 Jewish Cease-Fire Supporters Arrested Blocking Biden's NYC Motorcade Route" by Brett Wilkins for Common Dreams, 7 Feb 2024
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safelynte · 8 months
Musings on TTRPG Focus-Fire & Fighting Flanking
It's common for players to focus-fire in games, and that's fine. With 5 identical targets dealing damage, it's just efficient to dump all your single-target damage on the same target to reduce the incoming damage. But focus-fire isn't always ideal. As game designers, we always want to shake up the default strategy. There are several "counters" to focus fire. It's this game design riddle with so many solutions. Very fun to think about. But that is a whole whole whole other long talk. What I want to talk about today is flanking.
I can look at Chess, Go, Into the Breach, or some other turn-based, grid-dependent tactics game, and notice that they… don't have flanking? Well, they don't have mechanically codified benefits to flanking. But flanking still has tactical benefits. They're simply not spelled out in the rules. Flanking could give access to unexpected points of attack, enable surrounding & cornering, or access to more valuable targets. (That said, the center is usually the most advantageous spot in these games.)
Coming to tabletop, where Pathfinder 1e, DnD 5e, and Pathfinder 2e all have a numerical bonus to flanking. And I didn't notice it immediately, but the flanking bonuses reinforced focus fire! "Why would I even look at another target when I have a +2 bonus against the one my friend just ran up to?" Hitting together is hitting better! When you're surrounded in one of these games, you're pretty fucked already, and the flanking bonuses hammer this point home.
Following those thoughts, I pondered how, as a game designer, I could reduce flanking and focus-fire behaviour in these games. And this train of thought is funny.
All-around vision is possibly the most boring option as it simply excludes the behaviour. Sometimes, excluding a behaviour is acceptable. It can put grappling and tripping higher up on the priority list.
Run. Necessarily, it costs more to set up a flank than it does to avoid it (2 attackers have to move in to create one, while one creature has to move away to avoid one). Unfortunately, running away is finicky in practice. Attacks of opportunity are ubiquitous in these systems. Many a time, breaking a flank may be more expensive than setting one up in these games. Coagulation.
Fly, swim, hide, blind, slow, be far away, be up a ladder, or be across a pit of lava. Hard to access is hard to flank.
Buddy up! Interestingly, four vanilla defenders in a square are impossible to flank for vanilla (5-foot reach) melee attackers. Joining a trio or pair adjacent to each other also reduces flanking opportunities. The fortunate (unfortunate) reality is that such groups are gonna get blasted by AoE's. So there's this poetic tug of war between avoiding focus fire by staying together and avoiding AoE (and possibly accessing flanking yourself) by spreading apart.
Walls. A cornered creature is an unflankable creature! Quite counterintuitive. The average game would teach you that you don't want your back against the wall. But barriers are as good as fellow creatures for avoiding flanking. A pair of creatures against a wall is impossible to flank for vanilla attackers. And in a game where running away isn't much of an option, pressing yourself against a wall becomes much more of one. Pits and other hazards may work similarly, but beware the shove.
Get bigger! Wait, that means more spaces for creatures to flank you? In practice, though, attackers usually come from one direction. And the bigger you are, the more it costs to move around you! If you count diagonals differently, attackers may have to decide between the risk of tumbling through your space or the cost of moving around it. If you're thick enough to cover the hallway, it can be incredibly hard to flank you. In systems with increasing reach and attacks of opportunity, your size advantage makes it even trickier to navigate a flank.
Punish them! Getting back into the domain of special abilities now. Abilities such as Whirlwind Attack, Quick Reversal, Detonate, and on-death effects can punish flankers. Almost every boss should have an aura or reaction. Big note on using punishment: players will only avoid the behaviour you want to punish if they're aware of the punishment. On-death effects disincentivize focus fire on its own.
Change the priorities. Enter Crane Stance, raise your shield, cast Mirror Image, or exit rage. Have an ally appear in the enemy backline, poison the wizard, have an ally enter rage, or have an ally steal the McGuffin. Anything change that makes one a less attractive target, or makes another a higher priority problem can incentivize attackers moving to break or change focus.
Overall, there are a lot of implicit strategies against flanking. The recipes for chaos… Anyway, that's all I have for tonight. Thanks for reading this brain vomit 👍👍👍
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edutainer2022 · 9 months
Waves at @janetm74 with the text. I have no idea if it's going anywhere, but the idea haunted me to be put out there. Mentions of murder and torture, because Bereznik. Colonel Casey gets some disturbing news.
Colonel Casey leaned deeper into her office chair, a heavy weight settling in her chest, as a holographic grid of data points, crimescene photos, some more gruesome than others, and interconnected arrows was rotating in the middle of the room. Her branch wasn't even the law enforcement arm of GDF per se, so the fact this has been brought to her attention was alarming in and of itself. More alarming still was the number of murders in the span of several months - 19 in total.
There was frustratingly little in the victims' profiles to suggest a pattern - different ages, genders, nationalities, appearances, different countries of residence, different social backgrounds. Different professions too - some former or serving GDF, some civilians - engineers, medics, computer scientists, independent contractors. The GDF officers could be maybe loosely placed as stationed in Europe at some point, but that covered only half of the sample. Yet the pattern was there. Somebody of the GDF best and brightest in counter terrorism division or special ops, figured it out. That's why Colonel Casey was contacted. The assumption was still slim to the naked eye, but the implications made her blood run cold. She forced her breathing to even out, thinking fondly of her ginger spacebound godson - John wouldn't have taken this long to figure out and calculate the pattern. The boy was a patented genius. She also wished none of Jeff's kids, she loved so dearly, would ever have to know about it - the kind of evil that still walked the earth and lurked in the shadows.
The murders were vicious - the victims were held captive and brutalized before they were allowed to die. The MO clearly spoke of a maniac, unhinged and cruel, and hungry for control. It was deduced with some effort that while none of the victims shared more than a handful of common traits, or crossed paths to generate veryfiable connections, at some point all of them dropped off of social media for different periods of time. When they next reoccured - most looked notably changed, gaunt, as if having undergone an exhausting illness. The interviews with families yielded little - absolutely noone mentioned that gap in social media presence or feigned ignorance when pressed.
The victims among different GDF officers were easier to counter reference against more classified databases. That's where Colonel Casey was brought in. The results had her grip the armrests of her chair till her knuckles popped. There were no traceable records, because the GDF and World Council chose not to keep any mention above counter of a POW gulag smack in the middle of the flourishing European continent for a very diplomatic reason of there officially having never been a war. All those years later, someone was methodically tracking, capturing and brutally murdering the survivors of a liberated prisoner camp in Bereznik.
Val Casey felt her head spin from strain and allowed her eyes to rest for a briefest moment. On the backdrop of memory was her oldest friend Jeff's face, contorted with fury and pain, towering and yelling at a stammering World President for cowardly evasion and hypocrisy. Jeff's face again, a picture of pure agony, as he was clutching a scrawny lifeless figure in tattered bloody fatigues to his chest and weeping. She didn't keep track if all the guards and officers of the compound were ever rounded up. Their mission was as black ops as it got - get in, extract, get out. Fast. Were they caught behind Bereznik border, the World Council would feign ignorance and give them up to be tried by the local authorities for an act of war. She forced herself to look back at the holoscreen again and shuddered - among the pictures of victims who made it out of hell and survived unspeakable atrocities, only to succumb to a cruel and vindictive hand, was clearly slotted a place for one more. The crown jewel of whatever vendetta the vile mind of a psychopath was acting out. Humanity's brightest beacon of Hope. Scott Tracy.
Colonel Casey knew her first order of business should have probably been shutting IR operations down immediately and ordering the boys to stay confined on the island, under Kayo's protection. She wasn't naive enough to hope the maniac, whoever he was, would not resort to the surest way to lure his designated victim out - a captured brother or two. But she also knew her eldest godson enough to know it would be a loosing battle to try and have him stay put for his own safety. It hasn't worked so far on any other occasions. She was also weary to even bring the subject of the imposed grounding up and stir the memories of hell. The profiling team dismissed, she reached for a secure comm unit in a locked drawer and dialed the only viable number there:
- Lord Hugh? I need to meet with you and Kyrano asap. The usual place. Off record.
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crystalelemental · 1 year
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Common Grid War: Act Final.  “But Jesse and James-” It’s been years, bro!  They’re not coming back!
I’m super sleepy and have been writing Unit Teambuilding things all day so let’s keep this one short.  Without a Gauntlet run, I have nothing to update with these rankings.  I’m just going to quickly talk the two new commons, MU Torchic and Lorelei.
Lorelei sucks ass, and she’s lucky she’s not in D-tier.  I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt solely on the potential of freeze chances, and that she might, MIGHT be able to serve as an off-tank in Gauntlet with double passive recovery.  I do not actually think she will accomplish anything but I love her too much to put her in F.  But it’s actually that bad.  Towering Force seems great until you realize she has to take serious damage for it to boost her defenses.  She needs to use it three times to cap special attack, wasting uses of Gradual Healing.  Sharp Entry isn’t getting her the crit she needs.  Realistically, you need defense, special attack, and crit support to help her along, but she’s also heavily reliant on Hail.  All this...for a sync nuke that won’t even matter because its primary condition is “foe is frozen,” which is borderline impossible to set up in the first place.  She didn’t even get Lodge Silver levels of freeze chance, getting the usual 30%.  Her move multipliers suck ass, being reliant on freeze, or a pitiful 10% for having Hail.  Her supportive tools are Endurance and Healing Hail, so even while tanking she’s entirely reliant on Hail.  Lorelei is capital-B Bad.  Unless we get some surprise that fits with her perfectly, Lorelei does not recover from this.  Girl needs an alt, and she needs it bad.
MU Torchic, by comparison, is sitting uncomfortably in S.  The buffing is tremendous, don’t get me wrong.  But there’s a reason only Roxanne sits in S as a support.  And it’s because Endurance is life-changing.  Torchic will not survive the onslaught of CS, while Roxanne can handle herself well even in the modern meta.  I’m going to play Torchic in S under the assumption that it can pull stuff off, as the only Special Attack/Crit buffer in the F2P pool.  But it’s on thin ice and I am willing to demote if it doesn’t pull its weight.  Still, Gradual Healing on trainer move is a very good sign for its Gauntlet performance, as is an approximate 70% burn chance.  We’ll see how it performs.
Surge is remaining where he’s at, on the grounds that I have no context for his EX performance.
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random-xpressions · 5 months
What you do for a living and what you are living for must never be the same. Somehow we got stuck up in a generation that has seen centuries of failed ideologies - be that of imperialism which was built on exploitation, or be that of capitalism which was built on one-sided interests, or be that of socialism which was a reactionary extremism to rebel the ill effects of wealth concentration. Amidst all these 'isms' is a generation that is finding it hard to even find out the meaning and the purpose of their very existence. And with the modern day challenges of more organised crimes through sweet labels of legitimate governments or blatant rejection of any voice that stands against their wrongs - the common man is by default programmed to behave almost on an auto pilot mode - wake up, go to work, wait for the paycheck by month end, pay off the bills, have nothing left, repeat the process - living almost like a robotic moron. No thought process, no agitation, no anger, no frustration, pacified to accept things as they are, no matter how fucked up the systems are, no matter how corrupt our societies are, no matter how unsafe it is even for adults let alone for our kids. In spite of all of that and needless to say of mass false propagandas, fake wars, enforced exodus - nothing of these shit shows is making us feel a thing in our minds, then definitely we have been fucked up for real. The idea is not even to be about brining a revolution on mass scale globally but at least in your own individual sphere, break off the matrix. Go off grid. Stop doing things because everyone else is doing it. If school and college is not your thing, say fuck it and drop out. If a 9-5 routine work is not your cup of tea, quit and go find your calling. If remaining in a relationship feels you're stuck and that your wings are being clipped, then break free. Yes, what I call is for rebellion but not universal, we'll get there, but first let's fix up our own home. Whatever it is that is stopping you from living your life to its fullest, whatever it is that brings a spark in your soul, whatever it is that you could devote yourself passionately, pursue it and shun everything else. When you create revolution at this individual sphere, then slowly you'll see its ripple effects on those around you. That's how the world is changed. Start with yourself!
Random Xpressions
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octo-artist · 2 months
Calm Before the Inkstorm
Pre-war yan! Octavio x reader x platonic pre-war yan! Craig
Chapter 2: bright afternoons
Tw: toxic relationship, controlling behaviors, general yandere tendencies, slight abuse warning, abuse of power, no beta we die like men.
I do not condone the actions in this fic, if you are in a toxic relationship please seek out help.
Certain parts are heavily inspired by Dissonant melodies by DriftingNova
Y/N = Your name
T/C = Tentacle color
E/C = Eye color
Mastserlist Previous chapter Next chapter
The next day rolled around, Craig and Octavio once again speaking, this time looking over some sheet music Craig had provided.
“What kind of slimy hipster writes sheet music with 10 notes in an octave?!” Octavio exclaimed in confusion as he read the sheet music.
“Well I’m self-taught, and ten was a number that made sense to me. What do you use?”, Craig responded to which Octavio yelled, “Eight! That’s why it’s called an OCTave”
Y/N chuckled at the duo from where they were watching and working.
“Man who knew being in a real band would be so difficult…”, Craig sighed as he fell back with his arms behind his head.
“Real band? Psh.” Octavio brushed off as he continued reading the papers, “this is the first time we’ve met up to practice. We’ve never even played in front of an audience.”
Shooting up waving his hands up and down Craig exclaims, “AN AUDIENCE! THAT'S WHAT WE NEED. The neighboring village is hosting a festival tomorrow night! We should go perform ~A fresh festival of song and spectacle~” when he finishes Octavio looks up at Craig confused while Y/N smiles and chuckles at Craig’s excitement.
“I think that would be a splendid idea don’t you Tavi?” Y/N says over their shoulder to the duo, “a festival sounds like fun!”
“As appealing an idea it is, there’s no way I’d be allowed to jam with commoners like that”, Octavio states returning to the sheets of paper he was holding.
Craig, confused and disappointed, asks, “Why not?”
“Well I mean, im… I’m the future octarian king. I have to watch my image.” Octavio states plainly as he looks at Craig.
“Wait…” Craig processing the information soon exclaims, “YOU'RE ROYALTY?!”
Y/N bursts out laughing hysterically at Craig’s denseness as Octavio shouts back “Of course I am! I told you I was a PRINCE!”
“WHA- I thought that was just a STAGE NAME!” Craig cries out in shock.
“YOU'RE SITTING IN PALACE!!” Octavio shouts back the argument, making Y/N’s laughter worse as they set down their gardening tools to kneel down and catch their breath.
Octavio taking notice sighs saying, “Great we broke Y/N”
Craig holds his face looking at the ground talking to himself, “w-wow… Real royalty.”
Pinching his nose Octavio grumbles, “I had to lie and tell the guards you wet the son of some inkling governor to let you in. No way I can just walk out.”
Snapping out of his stupor Craig looks to Octavio and suggests, “Well, what if you snuck out?I mean no offense but I snuck IN twice!” He points at the wall continuing, “you could put on a disguise and jump the fence ~with all the flash and flair of a rebel prince~”
“Huh, a ‘rebel prince’” thinking it over, Octavio grins and states, “You know what cap’n, I like your style! Tomorrow night I’m goin off the grid!”
Time flew as the days passed, the next evening closing in as Y/N sat in Octavio’s room, the prince making final adjustments to his disguise. “Well don’t you look dashing in that.” Y/N teased causing a deep maroon blush to cross Octavio’s face as he tries to hide it with a smirk and responding, “you’re so lucky I need to be ready for when Craig arrives because otherwise I’d get you back for that little comment my dear.”
“Speaking of being ready, I should return to my room to change into my own street clothes so I can come see the two of yo-“, Y/N began.
Interrupting them Octavio says “I don’t know Y/N I worry you’d get lost in the crowd or hurt if you go, folks are unpredictable, maybe hang back and wait for me to return?”
“Tavi, that's not fair, I want to see the two of you perform… I can handle myself fine and I won’t stray far from the stage”, Y/N argued back.
Octavio halted his preparations to approach Y/N kneeling down to where they were seated. “Y/N you know I love you and I just want what’s best for you, and what’s best is for you to stay here where it’s safe. Maybe next time you can come with us but if we get caught you could get in serious trouble with the council.”
His tone was firm, as if to try to leave no room for arguments, leaning in he gave Y/N a kiss before standing up again and grabbing his instrument. “I’ll be back soon, keep the bed warm yea?” He smirks saying that last part before dipping out into the darkened garden to sneak out.
“‘Keep the bed warm yea?’” Y/N says in a mocking tone before scoffing, “As if, I’m going and he can’t stop me! I’m a grown inkling and I can handle myself just fine!” And with that statement they stand up and march off to their quarters to change out of their work clothes and into something more comfortable. Biding the guards at the entrance goodnight as they leave.
“Let’s see, money; check, pocket watch; check, bag; checkeroo. Looks like I’m good to go. Music festival here I come! Sorry tavi but I’m not missing out on a night of fun!” At this Y/N happily jogs down to the nearby village lit up with colorful lanterns and abuzz with excitement and life. The sound of children laughing and cephalopods from all over laughing and singing filling Y/N with a sense of peace and joy. The air carried the savory scent of crabby cakes and the sweetness of sugary desserts. Vendors lined the pathway displaying a variety of goods and games.
“Hmmm I know Mia was disappointed she couldn’t make it to the festival since she was on rotation tonight so maybe I should get her something to make her feel better. She’s got a sweet tooth so maybe I can get her some dango and candies.” Y/N thought as they browsed the stalls. Finding one filled with various desserts all nicely packaged they found what they were looking for, paying the vendor and carefully placing the packaged sweets in their bag with a smile.
As Y/N approaches the center of town they hear the stage announcement for Octavio and Craig’s group Out of the Blue, picking up their pace they find a spot in the crowd to watch the performance excited for their friend and lover. Soon the duo stepped out and prepared to start, only for it to come out quite disjointed causing the inkling to cringe a bit in response to the sound. The two quietly argue on the stage before starting again, still a bit out of time but significantly better than before. As the two wrapped up, Y/N noticed Octavio’s gaze landing on them and could feel his anger at the fact they didn’t stay put like he’d told them to.
“Looks like I’m getting scolded when we get back…”, Y/N thought as they began to realize the flaw in their plans. “Oh well, at least it was fun while it lasted”
As Y/N turned to walk off and continue perusing the area they were soon stopped when a rather miffed Octavio called out to them, “Oh no you don’t, Y/N get your ass over here right now!”
Y/N weighing their choices carefully speeds off not wanting to be scolded in the middle of a crowd, Octavio chasing after them leaving a very confused and concerned Craig to wait for the results when the upset prince told him to wait there.
“Y/N get back here right now!”, Octavio yelled after them, garnering a few folks' attention.
“Nope, not till you’ve cooled off!”, Y/N responded weaving between people, ducking into a less crowded street to try and move a bit easier, only to quickly be snatched up by the angry prince who had caught up with the lack of cephalopods in the area. “You were saying?”, He states holding Y/N up off the ground.
“Oh come on you can’t honestly think i’d miss out on a festival did you? You know how much I love them!”, Y/N pleads their case in hopes of getting octavio to let go of the situation and just return to the festival and have fun. Octavio, leaning in closely pinning Y/N to a nearby wall out of sight, responds, “If you think I’m going to let you off easy when you deliberately disobeyed me both as your partner and prince you are sorely mistaken. But that will have to wait till we’ve gotten back to the palace. Here is hardly the place for you to receive your… punishment.”
At this he pulls away releasing Y/N from the wall but holding onto their hand tightly so they don’t slip away, leading them back to the festival where Craig is waiting with participation ribbons, Octavio grumbling at not even getting a proper placement in the competition.
Craig sensing the tension asks, “hey is everything alright? Y'all kinda just ran off suddenly and it seems like something happened…”
“Everything is fine, just a typical lovers spat.”, Octavio snaps before taking a breath, “let’s just get going, the festival is almost over so we might as well leave now.” This suggestion prompting a look of annoyance from Y/N who had wished to spend more time at the festival.
“Oh well, ok then, how about we go hang out at the treehouse for a bit before y’all get cooped up in the palace again.” Craig suggests
“I-“, Octavio begins before Y/N cuts him off saying, “That sounds nice! Don’t you agree tav? I know once we get back we’d just be heading to bed so why not stay up a little longer?”
Octavio looks at Y/N shocked only to grumble out an agreement.
“Great! Just follow me! It’s not much but it’s home away from home.”, Craig begins to ramble as they walk, Octavio slowing down to whisper in Y/N’s ear, “don’t think I’ll forget about your punishment for disobeying me. You’re just delaying the inevitable.” This statement making Y/N sweatdrop knowing that they’re going to have a hard time walking the coming morning once they’ve returned to the palace.
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lullabyes22-blog · 8 months
Snippet - Forward but Never Forget/XOXO - Night Watch
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In conclusion, your honor, they both are terrible.
tw: discussions on police, policing, militia and the aftermath of war.
Forward, but Never Forget/XOXO
"Your entire institution is predicated on prejudice. On a system of checks and balances that is, frankly, broken. And if I may so say, utterly..." He lets the word roll off his tongue like a profanity. "Piltovan."
Her eyelids flicker. "I beg your pardon."
"I am not speaking ill, Councilor. Merely stating facts. You can't wave a wand and restructure a system built on grinding one-quarter of its population into the dirt."
"We are attempting to rectify—"
"You are merely patching a leaky roof. The rest of the house remains dilapidated." He gestures toward the Skylight Commercia: a dome of glass, the emerald sky a luminous curvature overhead. "Worse, it's built on burial grounds. A tomb of Zaunite bones."
Medarda considers him from beneath veiled lashes. "You paint a bleak picture."
"Zaun was forged on fatalism." Silco's tone is wry. "We know how to make do."
"With blackguards?"
"That's a false equivalency."
"Is it? I've heard they can be quite... ruthless."
Silco smiles, a cold sliver of teeth that says, Ah ah ah.
"Blackguards and Enforcers have nothing in common. Yours are centralized, and the officers have scant contact with the public. They hide behind masks. Their salaries are too high; their privileges too many. They don't answer to those they protect. They answer only to the Council. Small wonder they've piss-poor local knowledge." Crooking a finger, he traces the Enforcers' rigid formation: two ranks, four soldiers per line. "Look at yours. They have no idea how to interact with Zaun's populace. They see a child, and they move her by force. They see a lone woman, and they harass her. They see a pair of punks, and they think, Here’s a meat-shield." 
He gestures at his blackguards, an idle fan of fingers that runs parallel to the splayed smoothness of their trajectory. "Mine know how to keep a low profile. How to read a situation. How to deal with a problem without creating ten more. That's because they belong to the very neighborhoods they patrol. They know the city's rhythms intimately, and the informality fosters trust among Zaunites. They're also disseminated by zone, and answerable to the underbosses, who in turn report to the head of War and Treasury. It means no single authority has a stranglehold on their loyalty. Their stake is the city." 
"How... democratic."
"Democracy is a pipe dream. Hierarchies will always exist, no matter the system. It's Topside’s leftovers that I would have replaced."
"With a wartime militia?"
"Don't feign naïve. The post-conflict period is always the most volatile. A highly mobile security force that isn't stymied by long chains of command is necessary to deal with the chaos. Else foreign infiltration will take hold, and freedom fall to the wayside." His tone downshifts from censure to caveat. "I trust you don't need reminding." 
Medarda's features flicker with a muted challenge: I hear the hypocrisy and will raise you double. 
"I do not," she says. "But independent militia can easily become tools of extensive repression."
"If you fear the rise of a fascist regime," Silco says, "that is because you lack a basic understanding of how the Fissures work. Zaun isn't a grid of building blocks. It is a patchwork quilt. One piece is not interchangeable with the next. The districts each have different social, spatial and economic profiles. The locals have strong ties with their neighbors. And a fierce antagonism to top-down authority. Here, everyone is connected. An information network that spans every inch of the city. You can't subdue it with violence. We'd rise up again. If a monolith arose in our midst, we'd tear it down. We're fond of monsters. But we’ve no use for kings." Rueful, he shakes his head. "I'd be a fool to crown myself one."
Medarda stares at him. It's as if, out of a morass of misconstrual and treachery, she's glimpsing the first silhouette of truth. Her eyes, green and gold, show glimpses of a woman—a girl?—who is struggling to surface.
"So what is the end-game?" she asks.
"Mine—or Zaun's?"
"Both." She backtracks, clarifying. "What is your plan for the blackguards? They are wartime militia. Zaun is at peace. Surely you intend to disperse them."
Silco's scarred lip pulls upward. "Put a lid on the pot and it'll boil over, hm?"
"Will you let the fires burn?"
"I'll let the fires die first, Councilor. Once the situation is stable, we'll reassess." He stops, contemplative. "You know, in my younger days, we had a Night Watch. It was a volunteer initiative. Groups of men and women who patrolled the streets, keeping vigilant for troublemakers."
"They were disbanded for brutality. Councilor Hoskel told me—" 
"Oh, I can well imagine what he told you." He mimics the gruff-voiced, toadying bluster. "’Bunch of cutthroats themselves. Who'd they be looking to catch? Each other?’"
The curve of Medarda's lips compresses with laughter. In all ways, the caricature is devilishly on-point. 
"Something to that effect," she says. "I was inclined to dismiss it."
"You'd be wise to. The Night Watch weren't disbanded for brutality. They split for their own safety. The moment the Wardens caught wind, they branded them as a gang.  Enforcers were deployed in droves. It became too dangerous to stay in operation."
"What happened to them?"
"Some were arrested and sent to Stillwater. Others died fighting back." He shrugs. "All were labeled criminals."
"Why do you bring it up?"
"Because I believe we can revive it. The Night Watch was an experiment. But a promising one. They knew the neighborhoods and understood the terrain. Best of all, they understood the people. They had the same history; the same heritage. They knew the difference between a threat and a rowdy drunk. Under their aegis, it was safe for children to play in the streets. Safe for young women to walk alone. They weren't an occupying force. They were locals helping locals." 
"How is that different from the Firelights?"
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writingsfromspace · 7 months
I had a dream. CW for war themes and character death.
A disillusioned young ex-general, a semi-reformed war profiteer, and a desperate widow with her child walk into an abandoned ossuary
Steampunk! Magic! Dinosaurs!
Gonna start with the dinosaurs because why wouldn't I
Velociraptors are somewhat common pets with a bad reputation because a lot of people don't train them right
War profiteer owns an impeccably trained Velociraptor called Fisk, who saves his ass when he first meets general (before one is ex and one is semi-reformed), who punches him in the face at a ball. They then become friends
Ankylosaurus sometimes wander into the city streets and make themselves A Problem. They're large. They're practically indestructible. They have poor eyesight and, when in doubt, assume a threat. Idiots with poorly trained Velociraptors sometimes set their pets on them, which sometimes results in the latter being shot through windows
Large sauropod herds migrate south along the front every spring, stopping most fighting. General's most famous achievement is studying their behaviour well enough to launch a successful surprise attack practically between their legs. Made him a "hero"
He's low-key a genius, short-fused and also definitely not neurotypical and/or well in the head. Haven't decided the details
Lost his most beloved in battle, ditched the army and disappeared off the grid. Only friends (1 friend. guess) and librarians know he's still in the city. He was searched for briefly but some people were pretty glad he was gone because he, too, likes to make himself A Problem
His disappearance wasn't spun into propaganda à la "The enemy took one of our best" specifically because people who knew how he was like weren't sure he wouldn't do something Unwise if provoked. This is completely correct. He still has that stash of home-made bombs
The story(?) starts when the widow, out of options, goes to seek shelter in the ossuary, which is in the basement of the House of the Dead where her husband worked before he was drafted
Little does she know this is where general now lives most of the time
She has secrets
Something something corrupt government something something sabotaging the war machine
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askvectorprime · 1 year
Dear, Vector Prime.
Are there any Cybertronians who see the Transformers transformation as an art form?
Dear Aspiring Aesthete,
Indeed! Most Cybertronians are as aware of changing trends in "conversion art" as they are of popular sports. There have been countless movements over time, existing simultaneously and in conversation with one another, but common consensus is that the history of conversion art can be charted across five main eras:
Pre-data: The only surviving records of some of the earliest conversion art come in the form of circuit diagrams, which illustrate how the transformation cog interlocks with the rest of the body. From these, one must interpret the individual sequential steps of the transformation.
Gridism: During the "First Five Cities of Darkness" period, the classical forms of Conversion Art emerged. First, you must begin with a pose. Each bot has a unique pose, according to ancient artists, and you may wear faceplates or masks that differ from your everyday appearance. The next two forms are poses showing you in mid-transformation. Classically, you should be in 25%-alt, 75%-bot in the second pose, and 75%-alt, 25%-bot in the third pose. Finally, you wind up in alt-mode. If possible, you should project a backdrop of a grid of neon lines, preferably with a red or purple gradient.
Defunctionism: As Cybertron's many wars erupted, gridism became associated with the out-of-touch ruling class, and both Autobot and Decepticon alike wanted to break out of such staid restrictions. You begin to see transformations that behave more like vague "shimmering", "quivering" or even "crackling dots" representing transformations as T-cogs continued to evolve. It was now likely that you could not tell how a bot mode connected to an alt mode at all; indeed, this was a deliberate aim of the movement.
Neogridism: As the wars dragged on for millennia, both factions began to yearn for a simpler time "when everything made sense", and found defunctionist transformations to be excessively indulgent. Grids returned, though at bizarre angles. Poses returned, but sometimes with dozens of intermediate steps.
Postgridism: In modern times, neogridism exists alongside postgridism, a highly-deconstructed form of transformation. In some contests, there is only an alt mode or a bot mode, with no transformation at all. The artist will say it is the viewer who transforms while regarding the performance piece (usually just a car or jet on a pedestal). The most devoted postgrid artists call themselves "Actionless Masters", and will sit motionless for millions of years, until their T-cogs cease to function altogether!
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