#communist party of russia
workersolidarity · 6 months
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The Stalin Center was opened in Barnaul by the Communists of Russia, with plans to create a non-profit organization of the same name.
“A piece of Stalin lives in each of us, especially in those who fight for justice, for a better life,” said deputy of the regional assembly Sergei Matasov.
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sapphichymns · 3 months
Are people really ignorant of things like the purges and famines that happened under Stalin, or the deaths that resulted from Mao’s Cultural Revolution, or is it just cherry-picking history?
Pretty much. I did follow a youtuber on twitter and I had to stop because he legit tried to pull a "communism never killed anyone". I understand the US and its imperialism suck but pretending Stalin or Mao didn't have their own form imperialism isn't the way.
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revindicatedbyhistory · 4 months
tbh frente obrero has to be the wildest "marxist" parties ever out there, on par with the communist party of russia. like none of you are leftist, my bros
frente obrero isn´t even the party lol, they are a front, the actual party is called some shit like partido comunista de españa (reconstrucción leninista)
the worst part is them trying to crawl out and be relevant outside spain
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worker-and-soldier · 5 months
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"Leon Trotsky pays tribute to the victims of a bomb attack at the Moscow headquarters of the Communist Party on September 26, 1919. Anarchists and other leftists were blamed for killing 12 people and injuring 55."
“1919: The Year in Photographs (a Look Back at Life 100 Years Ago).” RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty, www.rferl.org/a/life-100-years-ago-1919-in-photographs/30296986.html.
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kneedeepincynade · 6 months
As you all know, the festivities are coming, and as such, we are all experiencing a great deal of extra work,or in my case (sov), a great deal of academic hardship. So, despite my best efforts to publish between pauses and all that, it will still prove difficult to upload everything rapidly. Thank you all for the understanding
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🇨🇳 Oltre alla Visita di Stato del Presidente Xi Jinping in Vietnam, si sono verificati ulteriori eventi di grande importanza in questa settimana:
一 La 中央经济工作会议 - Conferenza Centrale sul Lavoro Economico, tenutasi a Pechino tra l'12月11日 e il 12月12日, per pianificare lo Sviluppo nel 2024 🚩
二 La continuazione del prezioso Lavoro Diplomatico del Compagno Zhang Jun alle Nazioni Unite, per la costruzione di un Consenso sempre più grande riguardante la necessità di un "Cessate il Fuoco" in Palestina, osteggiato da Israele, USA e i suoi vassalli in Europa 🕊
三 Il 中俄能源合作委员会第二十次会议 - 20° Incontro del Comitato per la Cooperazione Energetica tra Cina e Russia, a cui ha partecipato il Compagno Ding Xuexiang - Primo Vice-Premier della Repubblica Popolare Cinese 🇨🇳🤝🇷🇺
四 Il 中国-沙特-伊朗三方联合委员会第一次会议 - Primo Incontro della Commissione Tripartita Cina - Arabia Saudita - Iran, per la Discussione sulla Cooperazione tra le parti 🤝
五 Le continue provocazioni delle Filippine, genuflesse agli USA, in funzione anti-Cinese nel Mar Cinese Meridionale 😡
六 Il Settimo Pattugliamento Strategico Congiunto tra l'Esercito Popolare di Liberazione e le Forze Armate della Federazione Russa, nel Mar del Giappone e nel Mar Cinese Orientale 🌟
😍 Verranno trattati tutti con cura 🔍
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan 😘
🇨🇳 In addition to President Xi Jinping's State Visit to Vietnam, further events of great importance occurred this week:
一 The 中央经济工作会议 - Central Conference on Economic Work, held in Beijing between 12月11日 and 12月12日, to plan Development in 2024 🚩
二 The continuation of the precious Diplomatic Work of Comrade Zhang Jun at the United Nations, for the construction of an ever greater Consensus regarding the need for a "Ceasefire" in Palestine, opposed by Israel, the USA and its vassals in Europe 🕊
三 The 中俄能源合作委员会第二十次会议 - 20th Meeting of the China-Russia Energy Cooperation Committee, attended by Comrade Ding Xuexiang - First Vice-Premier of the People's Republic of China 🇨🇳🤝🇷🇺
四 The 中国-沙特-伊朗三方联合委员会第一次会议 - First Meeting of the China - Saudi Arabia - Iran Tripartite Commission, for the Discussion on Cooperation between the Parties 🤝
五 The continuous provocations of the Philippines, kneeling to the USA, in an anti-Chinese function in the South China Sea 😡
六 The Seventh Joint Strategic Patrol between the People's Liberation Army and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the Sea of ​​Japan and the East China Sea 🌟
😍 They will all be treated with care 🔍
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collectivoshaoshan 😘
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one china
As of June 18, 2023, US Secretary of State Brinken is visiting China (=Chinese Communist Party).
China often tries to justify the armed annexation of Taiwan by saying "one China", but if it is "one", China should have no complaints even if Taiwan annexes mainland China by force.
There are examples where a small country beats a large country (with a large area). Like Greece defeating Persia, Japan defeating Russia, and so on.
It all depends on the country concerned and what concentration the gentleman is in.
Rei Morishita
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a-room-of-my-own · 1 year
‘Haha mine too ! Never forget the cardinal rule of the real ghostbuster tag : I could be fully deluded 🤯.’
There is no spirituality and there is no religion. I thought radfems were evidence based?
Folks look! An American!
For the 174729758th time, whether it's about politics, religion, spirituality, or I don't know, anything, you have to understand - literally begin you at this point - that within the same group opinions can vary.
I understand that culturally you're led to think that the only way to be a member of something is to be 100% ideologically pure or else the other villagers have the right to banish you to the nearest forest, but it doesn't work that way in the rest of the world.
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devangpandey04 · 2 years
124 years ago, on June 8, 1898 Comrade Toivo Antikainen was born in Helsinki. He was a Finnish-Soviet communist, one of the organisers and leaders of the communist Party of Finland, an officer of the Soviet Red Army, he participated in the civil war in Russia.
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harminfo · 2 years
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piduai · 2 years
What's the worst book you've ever read?
a ton and a few extra wagons lol i hated 7 out of 10 books i've read. THE worst one i've ever read was la marchande d'enfants by gabrielle wittkop easily, it was just vile. i don't know what the author was trying to say with it and what was her goal, but it repulsed me alright. i read it many years ago, pretty sure i stumbled across it when i was going through marquis de sade's bibliography. see the thing about de sade's stuff is that it's awful but in like, a funny and ridiculous way. when you read about justine being ripped in two by some guy's monster-sized cock or about marie killing her kids like they're flies on a horse you know that this is written by a weird pervert and it's so ridiculous you can't take it seriously. and marchande was trying to be cheeky in a way i guess, but it grossed me out in just how meaningless all of That was.
other than that i've hated count of monte cristo by alexandre dumas so much i was frothing at the mouth the whole time i was reading it for no particular reason. hated everyone in it, hated the story, hated the writing. not saying it's a bad book btw just that i hated it. picture of dorian grey by oscar wilde had me frothing at the mouth by the same amount, but i have beef with wilde in general and would beat him with a rock if given half a chance. from those i read recently... i've finished forbidden colors by mishima yukio a few weeks ago actually and it really is up there in the list of insufferable dogshit horrible books i hated, like really up there it was genuinely torturous. 100 years of solitude by gabriel garcia marquez was repulsive. i think i read other stuff that only just mildly pissed me off so they get a pass
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paris-in-flames · 2 years
"Wah wah wah, globalization is destroying our traditions 😢" My guy. My dude. My man. You thick-skulled motherfucker, there was a mass exodus of people from the countryside to the city under Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej like fucking 70 years ago! It impacted the make-up of our society so severely an entire portion of the country that used to be considered uninhabitable became the home of tens of thousands of people! A whole fucking chanel was dug from the Danube through that area using the labour of political prisoners who weren't so lucky as to die of pneumonia in the Jilava penitenciary! All art promoting anything but how great and valliant it is to live your life as proverbial cattle in the slaughter factory was pretty much banned! The Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej government actively fought for the erasure of the most prevalent ethnic minorities in our country— the roma and jewish people— under Stalin's directive! After the revolution there was a mass exhodus of people going abroad because Nicolae Ceaușescu left our country 12 feet deep in debt and people were terrified of the Soviet Union being reinstated long after it dissolved— hell, my grandma still keeps her and my grandpa's work records from back then in a drawer "just in case"— and the borders opened for domestic travel for the first time in 40 years!
But, sure, it's the faggots who have fought for years to have their identity decriminalized, the age of consent be equalized, the mere possibility of going through the long-winded process of transitioning be granted, the condemnation of their assault and murder, and the right to just fucking exist that are at fault! It's the immigrants who are tens of thousands of miles from home because those "american badasses" decided their homes are mere assets to be exploited and traded, making their lives hell that are at fault! It's the hungarian people who have done jackshit to us since december 1st 1918, and whose families live in Transylvania that are at fault! This new-fangled feminist thing that says you can't abuse your wife and that you have to treat a lowly creature such as a woman as your equal is at fault! That's simply not what God intended!
I genuinely hope every conservative fucking lives with the weight of their choices if they manage to create any kind of significant change in this piece of shit country
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rivage-seulm · 17 days
U.S. Divide & Rule Strategy vs. China’s Unifying Belt & Road Initiative
Readings for Pentecost Sunday: Genesis 11: 1-9; Psalm 104: 1-2, 24, 35, 27-30; Romans 8: 22-27; Acts 2: 1-11. Last week Russia’s Vladimir Putin got the red-carpet treatment when he and virtually his entire government leadership met with Xi Jingping and his governing counterparts for a two-day summit in Beijing. The collective west was apoplectic in response. What were these two villains up to?…
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minnesotafollower · 4 months
Cuba’s Worsening Economic and Political Crisis 
Emilio Morales, a Cuban who has had wide-ranging marketing experience on the island, is now the President and CEO of Havana Consulting Group, a Miami-based consulting firm specializing in market intelligence and strategy for U.S. and and non-U.S. persons doing business in Cuba.[1] Morales has provided a detailed analysis of Cuba’s worsening economic and political crisis.[2] The following is part…
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kneedeepincynade · 1 year
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🤡 L'ipocrisia di Stati Uniti ed Unione Europea sta tutta qui. Non serve dire altro! 🤔
🌐 Il Mondo, quello vero, non la «bolla di sapone» costituita solamente da USA e UE, sa bene chi lavora per la Pace, e chi - invece - continua a gettare benzina sul fuoco del Conflitto e ad incassare - con la vendita di armi - enormi profitti 💰
🇨🇳 丢掉幻想,准备斗争 🇨🇳
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
🤡 The hypocrisy of the United States and the European Union is all here. Needless to say more! 🤔
🌐 The world, the real one, not the "soap bubble" made up only of the USA and the EU, knows well who works for Peace, and who - on the other hand - continues to throw fuel on the fire of the Conflict and to cash in - with the sale of weapons - huge profits 💰
🇨🇳 丢掉幻想,准备斗争 🇨🇳
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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1930s: List of Stalin-Purged Russian Asia Scholars from Wikipedia
Machine translation programs and exploring Wikipedia, an in particular Wikipedia biographies in various languages, open up large possibilities for contextualizing an era. Individual stories compared with many others give a better feeling for lives and times. I just came across a Russian-language Wikipedia page listing sixty-four Russian scholars of China and other Asian countries who were…
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Desirable future of communist countries (poetry)
⁂Russia: Coalition of many mini-states of minorities themselves, spewing out all their legacy since the Russian Empire. The gigantic state will disappear.
⁂ China: If it is "One China", destroy the Communist Party and People's Liberation Army on the mainland and Taiwan will regain the mainland.
⁂North Korea: natural extinction.
⁂Vietnam, Cuba: Leave as is.
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