#courier six x arcade gannon
geckarrr · 21 days
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oh yeah we failing highschool /j
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newvegassix · 1 year
Arcade: "Being a man in love with a man isn't always romantic or soft or tender. Sometimes it's pushing your boyfriend's face away, yelling because you have viral bronchitis and he keeps trying to kiss you anyways because he's a himbo with no sense of self-preservation."
Arcade: "Update: he has bronchitis. You'll never guess how."
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tobiastotoby · 6 months
Kinda smut, really just dirty thoughts
Chapter 2: Shared thoughts
Six had been helping the King to end up with their favor, Arcade was told about all the things Six had done for the king, he had even saved the King’s dog and took the dog with him. Arcade was there though when he called in his favor with the king, walking down the dirty and cold halls of the school they had taken over. Arcade saw the weird love bed the king had and the prostitutes hanging off the king.
Even in this uncomfortable place Arcade's mind traveled, all the filth around, it's all he could focus on. How Six and him would use the room themselves, how he would walk up to Six sitting on the throne that overlooked the room. Arcade dressed like the girls in Gorrmarh, sitting on Six’s lap, grinding his body slowly into six’s feeling the muscles underneath his clothes. Arcade thought about how his hands would roam his body pulling him closer to himself, grabbing onto his body in an attempt to make him move his body faster. Six would pull Arcade's face to his and push his lips to his, Arcade would feel his tongue try and push into his mouth. The two would be locked onto each other, passionate kisses being the only sound in the room. Slowly picking up him showing off just how strong and real his body was, Arcade would hold him close, almost afraid that he would be dropped but knowing in his heart Six would never do that to him.
‘Dirty’ Arcade felt himself snap back into the moment, as if to remember he was standing in a room with a makeshift gang boss and a wastelander he couldn't stop thinking about. How he wished he could go back into his daydream, not even getting into the tacky heart shaped bed. The real bed was disgusting and if he were to lay in it he felt he'd get all kinds of disease and parasites. Being in such a gross place no wonder his mind went to pure filth.
“So you’ll go get that passport down at my friends down at Mick and Ralph” the king’s voice was never really directed at him. Arcade felt a little silly just standing there next to Six while he dealt with these low level mobsters.
“Sweet, I'm happy we were able to help each other, I hope we can do it again sometime” the dark undertone in Six’s voice almost felt cold in Arcade's bones. At least they will be heading out finally.
As they were making their way over to the shop to get the passport arcade had to ask “So what are we going to do when we get into the strip, you can't just walk up and kill benny you know”
Six’s brain was true a mystery as he stop fully to look Arcade in the eyes he said “I’ll force him into corner literally, a corner where no one will come in a step in, we will catch him in his room and kill his stupid ass” his plan was to basic beat him to death behind a wall and walk it off like it was nothing. Arcades face had to say something as six followed up with “It's not like it will be the hardest thing in the world, we will kill him in private no one will ever see us”
“Well i just feel like there's more to this, Why would he come to kill you himself just to steal some chip. I worry if you just charge in there you wont get any kind of surprise, lets just see what the place looks like, scope it out, not just break in” Arcade didn't even know why he said anything, but he felt that if he went through with his plan someone would find it suspicious some guy was just charging into the leaders private room.
“Hey, look you don't have to face him, i can do it myself, I mean it'd be sick to have you by my side but i won't push no ones gonna care they don't know, besides it's embarrassing to him that I’m still alive” the concern in six’s voice mad arcade think he was making a face at him,’he’s really good at reading people’ Arcade almost didn't know what to say, almost feeling put on the spot.
“No, no, I can be there you can't go in by yourself, I have your back” leaving Six’s side sounded like torture. Six’s face changed from looking lost like Arcade would never come back to a handsome grin, a rough man with the charm. Arcade felt a little silly but this man had burst into his life and everything in Arcade screaming for this man’s attention and affections.
Arcade couldn’t tell if Six was actually feeling the same way, neither had really said anything to each other after the little bit of flirting he got back at the Mormon fort. The little looks and how interested Six seemed to be while talking, it just kept feeling the fire to his crush. This man seemed to be invested in him, he was definitely Arcade’s type. Strong, charismatic, just on the surface dumb, As six spoke to him while getting his passport it almost seemed he genuinely knew what he was talking about ‘Six was only really only dumb on the surface’ Arcades thoughts only got more concerned when Six decided he needed a new gun.
Walking farther into the cramped shop, all the clutter of shit they couldn't even sell. Six walked up to the other man.
“So you got anything new in stock, gonna finally get into the strip.” Six’s voice was almost deeper talking to strangers. “Depends on how much you like the NCR” Another anti NCR voice, Arcade agreed the NCR was constantly taking the land from the people and forcing them to pay. The Anti NCR people were really pushed to the side ‘How could they be that bad’ they are trying to expand past their level. The enclaves' destruction really put a dislike of large government and the control they tried to push.
At Least all his thoughts could distract him from the shop's uncomfortable atmosphere. Sitting next to Six when he was doing his business it would give Arcade a second to stop and think. The two of them had been together traveling for about 4 days now, Six’s tenuous attitude had been leading them straight into monster dens, Holes filled with raiders, How could on man attract so much danger, It's because six himself was the danger, desperately Arcade just wants to spend all his time just to understanding him.
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mnikhowozu · 29 days
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And time goes by so slowly And time can do so much Are you still mine? I need your love
ive been absolutely agonizing over this piece for the longest time and i'm honestly pretty happy with how it turned out :]
(courier is a gay trans man, he/him please)!
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chemiicalbride · 1 month
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some arcade x courier cuz i’m sooo normal
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ruby-static · 5 months
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You know that moment when a random guy (who you're pretty sure is the courier that got shot in the head a few weeks ago) just kinda shows up at your workplace and starts talking at you about robots and technology for the next hour?
Makes things marginally less boring, at least.
Brief dump/explanation under cut:
About right after arriving at Freeside, Riley finds himself occasionally spending a bit of time at the Mormon Fort while figuring out a way to get into Vegas. And while bringing in ED-E to the Followers, he ends up bumping into Arcade. Riley, surprisingly, quickly takes a liking to the dude, and just kinda starts chatting and nerding out at him whenever he visits the Fort. Riley's happy to have another person he can feel comfortable talking to, and Arcade isn't as bored as he usually is with work. Though Arcade isn't sure how to feel about this mysterious and oddly tech-knowledgeable courier just showing up, but... he seems nice enough. (Plus he fixes stuff around his workplace for fun, which makes Julie happy at least.)
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mojavewastes · 15 days
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fnv stuffs
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jurassicteeth · 25 days
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2024 vs 2019 (image below)
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nukaberries · 1 year
New Vegas companions react to a teenage courier?
Another super late post from me (I'm so sorry lmao) but better late than never! I've already said this but I love reading/writing for Teen!Sole/Courier - my courier oc is actually nineteen during the events on New Vegas so stuff like this helps with developing her too! <33
Companions React to Teen!Courier
(Includes: Arcade, Boone, Cass, Lily, Raul and Veronica)
Straight off the bat, he's gonna have a lot more patience for a younger courier than he would an adult. He doesn't exactly have fond memories of being a teenager - but then again, who does anymore? - so he can't even begin to imagine what it must be like after what the courier had gone through. Although Arcade often prefers to avoid violence when he can, he's more than willing to resort to it when it comes to protecting the courier. However, this means he's all the more disappointed if the courier sides with the Legion, he understands they're far more impressionable and that only makes him harbour more anger towards the faction, but he'd still expected better from them.
Instantly goes into dad/big brother mode. Boone doesn't anticipate it happening, but he finds himself being much more protective over the courier than he'd like to be. He'd been so excited to be a father before Carla's death and in a strange way, the courier feels like a second chance. He won't mention it, of course, especially not at first, but he'll show that he cares in little ways like making sure Six has a larger portion of the rations than he does or by protecting them from danger before he even considers himself. Boone doesn't want to overstep, nor does he really feel comfortable talking about it, so he'll never bring up how much he cares, he just hopes the courier knows he'll protect them no matter what happens.
It doesn't make a complete difference to Cass. Of course, she's even more outraged over what Benny did to Six, finding their attempted murder horrific in general, but even more so when it's apparent the courier isn't even eighteen. While Boone takes on a paternal role, Cass quickly becomes an older sister and terrible influence all rolled into one. She'll offer Six whiskey to try, although she knows chances are they've already drank alcohol before - God knows she'd sampled enough as a teenager. She's always willing to give them advice, granted she knows it's not always the best and most moral advice, but she's doing her best regardless.
Honestly, not much about Lily's relationship with Six would change, even if they were a teenager. She takes her role as their grandma as seriously as ever, refusing to see any harm come to the courier. With Six being even closer in age to her Jimmy and Becky, it sometimes makes it even harder than it usually would for her to remember she's not actually talking to her grandchildren. She's just grateful that the courier is patient with her, even if she isn't the perfect grandma sometimes.
It's hard for Raul to not be reminded of Rafaela and Claudia when he first meets the courier - regardless of their gender. Almost similarly to Boone, he sees them as a chance to do better and actually protect someone for once (third times the charm, right?) He manages to play it off with sarcasm and quick wit, but he truly does care for Six and he wants what's best for them. Perhaps he won't always agree with their choices and he makes a point to voice that when it's the case, but there's never a day he won't stand by them. He refuses to lose someone a third time.
She's actually really excited to meet the teenaged courier. When with the Brotherhood of Steel, Veronica would love spending time with the squires, constantly being reprimanded for distracting them from their work - sure, Six is a little bit older, but she doesn't mind. But now? She doesn't have to worry about her commanding officers telling her to buzz off, she can spend all the time with them that she wants, if they're willing to put up with her. She's definitely a better influence than Cass, or at least she tries to be, but she knows showing Six how to cheat at poker probably wasn't the best idea. Veronica will also insist that she'll deal with Benny herself, but she knows better than to get in the way of the courier and their revenge.
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mechadeath · 10 months
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fun in the fucking sun!!!!!!
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loonarjester · 1 year
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-"Oh my foolish foolish man is in shock, how cute"
-"Didn't he shoot you in the head? I was also under the believe you fancy women??"
-"Sometimes I find men that fascinate me with how pathetic they are next to my presence"
[The background is partially screenshots from the game and partially painted]
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geckarrr · 24 days
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cropped weirdly and a little rushed but its okay
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everydayyoulovemeless · 5 months
The people have spoken you should write about arcade getting tied up and fucked within an inch of his life 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 jk jk I don’t actually know if you write stuff like that
I jest I jest!
Obedient ↠ Arcade x Reader
➼ Word Count » 0.5k ➼ Warnings » Bondage, Anal, Overstimulation, Bottom!Arcade ➼ Genre » Romantic, NSFW ➼ A/N » no no no, the people have spoken and I'll do my best to deliver 😤 I have to warn you all tho, I haven't written smut in like 5 years, so spare me if it's rusty 😭
The sheets below Arcade were coated in sweat and cum. The ropes that linked his hands behind his back were tight on his wrists, keeping him from moving too much as you had your way with him.
"Mmm... you're doing great for me..." You groaned, keeping him planted firmly into the mattress below. "Just a little longer, ok? Then I'll.. mmm.. let you go."
He didn't reply, only pressing his face further into the covers of the bed, embarrassed at how easily you got him to comply and at how easily he was coming undone.
You combed your hand sweetly through his blond locks, before tugging his head back roughly, forcing him to meet your gaze as you pressed yourself harder onto his back.
"What's wrong? Too much?" You teased, pushing your cock slowly inside of him, before pulling it out in your same painfully unhurried pace.
He only nodded in response, letting out a shaky breath at the sound of your tone.
You hummed in mock concern. You knew he didn't mean it. He wanted this just as much as you did - needed it, even, with the attitude he'd been throwing your way recently.
You released your hold on his hair, running your hand down the side of his face, adoring the way he involuntarily shivered.
He'd be obedient for you. You knew he would. You'd make sure of it. And, by the end of the night, you expected that he'd follow you around like a lost puppy. Searching - begging, for you to do what you were doing to him again. He was easy like that. Easy to remind and easy to control. It's what you liked most about him.
Your hands trailed their way slowly onto his pale and clammy shoulders. You gripped your fingers around him lightly, before pushing him down deeper into the bed. It was a bit harsher than you intended, but it got him in the position you needed him to be in. Face down and his back arched more on the soft bed of the Lucky 38. Clean and sanitary, just as he requested.
You rocked your hips against him, slowly at first, but you quickly began to gain traction.
You admired the way his features scrunched together, both in pain and pleasure by how many times you've made him come undone in the time you've spent together.
"Mmm... I'm close, baby." You cooed, grazing your nails softly down his spine, wanting to feel him shiver once more for you before you let him out of his bonds.
He whimpered and grunted softly, nodding his head in acknowledgment.
Grabbing the knot that connected his two wrists together, you pushed yourself all the way in.
You pressed your head to the center of his shoulder blades as you released yourself inside of him. Smiling when you felt it start to spill out into the puddle that had already started to form beneath the both of you.
You stayed in the position for a moment, before gently pulling yourself out and untying Arcade. You chuckled softly, brushing the hair out his face as you scooped his lanky figure into your arms and carried him toward the bathroom of the presidential suite to clean both him and you off before you fell asleep in one of the... other beds the place offered.
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tobiastotoby · 7 months
Chapter 1: Unlikely Allies
The Mojave Wasteland was unforgiving, its scorching sun and treacherous terrain testing even the most resilient souls. The Courier, known as Six, had navigated the dangerous landscape, forging alliances and facing formidable foes. Among those who had joined forces with Six was Arcade Gannon, a former member of the Followers of the Apocalypse.
Their paths crossed at the Old Mormon Fort in Freeside, Arcades first meeting of the courier was unreal to him. Arcade watched as the beat up 6 stumbled into the fort looking for a doctor to help him. 
“ Please come sit here sir I can help you!” arcade felt himself shouting out, this handsome rugged beat up man. He didn't understand the call that he felt to him, this wasteland was no different from most just a little more handsome. That couldn't have been it, it couldn't have only been how hot he thought this stranger was. His thoughts ran wild as the man sat down.
“Thank fuck finally someone helps me! I thought everyone was just gonna let me bleed all over the place!” Gannon nearly exploded with this gruff voice spoke, like he was walking whiskey. Gannon just couldn't contain himself; he had to say something smooth to this man in seconds of meeting him; he couldn't help but develop a crush on him. 
He hadn't been with anyone in a while.‘What if this goes somewhere?’ He really couldn't stop his mind running with fantasies of this man, what his hands feel like, to be held at night by this man. As he prepped everything to fix him up he asked the normal doctor questions
“What happened to you, and what do you need done? What's your name? And can you please sit still?” Gannon almost felt his voice shake trying to keep himself together.
“OH, so what happened was when i got into freeside is that i was helping the kings with some bounty hunter and they tried to jump us with a tourist trap, also my name is 6, OH, I also got shot in the head a while ago and survived have you seen a checkered suit walking around? He's the guy who got me cause I don't remember anything before that." The rambling was damn near incomprehensible for 6 but Arcade was clearly hooked on everyword.
“Jesus christ, uhm……. I’ll start by patching up your current wounds and give you a round of painkillers. Im Dr Arcade gannon btw well i'm really just a researcher but i can still help you, we’re going to need you to stay overnight yo watch these stitches” gannon couldn't stop imaging them laying together as he said this.
“Stay overnight? Ok fine i can do that but am i sharing a tent with someone. I don't normally share. What if I stay in the hotel, can you come with me? I know they have separate rooms, i’ll pay.” 6’s request almost couldn't be real, the romance novels gannon had scavenged over the years and this only happens in these books. 
“Uhm… i can't let you do that, it's a lot of money” Arcade was kicking himself, hard. 
“well …….. How about you come with me, travel around and help me out, I could use a smart, tall doctor around, you can travel and help people with me, plus looking at you isn't so bad” 6 was trying to be a smooth as possible, he understood how gannon could help him and even if he was more of a researcher it would hurt to have someone smart on his side. Charming as he was he was never really the sharpest tool in the shed so to speak, this could help balance his team out. 
“uhm…..Well if i leave….. And……..” Gannon was looking him back in the eyes, the intensity coming from him he almost felt like he could melt right there, taking a deep breath he thought about it, what really was he doing here as a researcher, all the data he got was often not really what he needed but well mercenaries where his only choice but if he were to go out he might really do something “I'll join you, it could help me do my work, and you’re pretty handsome yourself” Gannon’s voice had almost been sucked out of him. 
“SWEET, this is gonna be sick, the rest of the gang is going to love you, Boone, rex, grandma lily, she's so sweet. We are gonna be unstoppable.” 6 was talking about how excited to show him off to his friends, he could feel that this had to become something.
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nukacourier · 14 days
yeah this meme isn't going around anymore but it suits them very much
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Don't repost my art!! Reblogs are fine :]
(Without text + reference)
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kinkshame-the-courier · 5 months
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