#coven leader
stellarhoxy · 3 months
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WIP :)
there's gonna be a lot more covens in this piece
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jailorenthusiast · 18 days
You know Coven leader x voodoo master
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stellarcollison · 2 years
Day seven of posting Owl House characters until season 3:
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erzaguin · 2 years
My hyperfixation has finally landed on drawing and I'm so happy since it has me learning how to draw. I've been trying to draw as much as possible and I plan to continue till my hyperfixation passes.
So have the leader of the potions coven Vitimir who has my favorite design out of all the coven leaders. And yes he is my favorite because he looks like a scarecrow.
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ghostroyal · 2 years
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❖︎₵ØVɆ₦ ⱠɆ₳ĐɆⱤ❖︎
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lunarcovehq · 8 months
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Poppy Reed is a Witch that currently resides in Downtown and has been a Lunar Cove resident for about 26 Years, with a little break in between when she said she was going out to “get some potions ingredients” for a couple years.
DATE OF BIRTH: June 6, 1989
OCCUPATION: Bartender & Owner of Starlight Bar
FACECLAIM: Rebecca Rittenhouse
INHERENT ABILITIES: Duplication, Telekinesis, & Fire Manipulation
COVEN ABILITY: Audible Inundation
Trigger Warnings: Memory Loss, Gaslighting, Rejection by Parents
Alyssa Reed was a naive witch who fell in love with Silas Chamberlain, a man more hungry for power and notability than he was for love. When Alyssa married the covens most eligible bachelor and got pregnant with twins shortly after she thought she had secured their relationship, unfortunately all it did was make the flaws in their relationship more gapping. That was until heirs twins were born and Silas seemed to change for the better, he fawned over his children and talked constantly about the legacy that they would one day take over. Alyssa had thought things were better until she found Silas’ cheating with Violet Cartwright; while she knew about the affair Alyssa’s position in society meant more to her so she stayed silent. Instead making sure to soak up as much of Silas’ time as she could, even getting pregnant by him once more which resulted in the birth of their youngest daughter. For a while she hoped that Silas would turn his attention back to his family, he did for a short time, but with his thirst for power and Violet Cartwright right around the corner Silas always had his attention on anyone but Alyssa. Even when word went around about Jasmine Chamberlain, all Alyssa did was brush it off. Claiming that Silas’ true heirs were her children, never once would she acknowledge Jasmine as the children’s half sister. Instead she claimed Violet Cartwright was just a groupie who had wanted the fame. No matter what he did still though she stood by his side and played the role of the faithful wife.
Well that was until Silas went too far, while Alyssa had been on board with being the wife of the supreme she hadn’t signed up for the all the additional eyes on them. What was once a play for power and a good idea had turned into a liability, she wasn’t willing to pay with her life or her children’s lives. As Silas threatened to expose them to the world Alyssa made the decision to call The Council, asking for refuge from her husbands mad ways. Once her passage had been secured she packed up her three small children while Silas was out and took off in the night with them. Vowing to Silas and the children that they would never see one another again, Alyssa went as far as making sure that none of them remembered their father. Alyssa and the supreme both made sure to slip the children memory altering charms to wear while they decided it was best to rewrite history- going as far as changing their last names back to their mothers surname. Instead of growing up with a father for the short few years they had the Reed siblings were told that their father had just been some man who ran out on them after getting their mother pregnant with the youngest; they claimed he wasn’t ready to be a father but had tried for a few years. While The Council had their eyes on Silas, they also kept a watchful eye on The Reed Siblings, waiting to see if they showed any signs of remembering or if they would become problems like their father.
Time moved on though with no one besides The Council any wiser to where Alyssa Reed or her children had came from. Instead Alyssa went out of her way to climb the ranks once more in the coven, used her children the whole way with their sweet smiles and blue eyes to charm her second husband - Miles Hale. By the age of eight Poppy was once again packing up her things to move into her new home with a step father she didn’t want. All Poppy had wanted was her real dad, not an imposter who her mother was passing off as the perfect new father. Instead it just fueled Poppy’s rebellion and by the time she got her powers she was sneaking out and constantly running off - in the hopes that she’d be able to get out of the town and to actually be free. While she’d got close to the border a few times her mother and step father always caught her at the last second, then she was back to trying to put on a show for the coven that she was the perfect daughter just like her younger sister.
It surprised no one when Poppy opted to forgo college, but instead insisted on leaving not only the coven, but Lunar Cove. With her grades there wasn’t a shot in hell that she was any getting in to any decent or respectful college, so instead they cut a deal. She could take a gap year, but after the year was up she had to return to Lunar Cove and take classes at the local community college. While she didn’t plan to uphold the deal she agreed, deciding that she had to take her only ticket out of town while she could. So she packed what she could fit into her red Volkswagen Beetle and headed out of the safe heaven. Once she got past the border the weight that had been on her chest for years finally lifted and she felt like she could breathe. She drove all night just taking in the different scenery and not bothering to look at the map once, wherever she ended up she was meant to be. She lived that way for the full year, only stopping in each place until she had enough money to move to the next, not putting roots anywhere.
When the year was up her mother and step father stood at the border waiting for Poppy to return, for a second she had concerned it but the little red car never crossed back over the lines of the safe haven. It was in that moment that Poppy made her decision clear to everyone in the family, she wasn’t coming back, at least not right now. To Poppy it felt like there was world out there that she was dying to see, she didn’t care about the threat of hunters that her mother warned about constantly. Instead it just pushed her even more from home until she hopped a plane to Europe, she spent time aboard working and backpacking. For a whole the only people Poppy even allowed herself to talk to was her siblings, with the promise that they wouldn’t tell her parents where she was in fear that they would once more try to drag her back kicking and screaming.
It wasn’t until her twenty-eighth birthday that Poppy even returned back to the States full time, she found herself on the West Coast with as many miles between her and her mother as she could. Along the way she’d caught the attention of her father Silas and he sent other supernaturals out to watch his offspring in the hopes that maybe the could bring her to the coven or find a way for him to use her. Unfortunately before anything could play out Poppy was attacked by hunters, while she’d always heard about the hunters never had she actually seen one in person. As she stood there frozen one of her fathers goons protected her and helped hold them at bay. As chaos erupted around her all Poppy could do was set everything ablaze while her nerves took over, rather than stick around she took off running with them. They didn’t stop until she practically passed out from exhaustion, as she sat in the middle of nowhere with them, realization set in, she knew there was only one choice now. The hunters knew what she looked like and potentially who she was, her right to safety would be forever compromised.
Poppy left everything to her name behind, headed back to Lunar Cove, the one place that could protect her from any situation. As she crossed over the border she wasn’t met with warm welcomes or open arms, instead she was shunned by her mother and step father for her disobedience. While she’d tried to explain the situation to them all her mother had to say was she got what she deserved for leaving Lunar Cove, instead of trying to reason with her mother anymore she left. Instead of begging as her mother wanted she chose to take her exile from the family she’d grown up with, figuring if they didn’t want to be in her life then she wouldn’t force them. Taking a job as a bartender at Neon Nights, she stayed in the apartment above the bar for the first year while she got on her feet and rejoined the coven with some rather cold glances from its members. While she passed her mother and step father constantly at meetings and in town, they were nothing more than strangers to her.
That was until the past year, when the previous supreme and her step father were murdered and the trials started. Poppy had sat in the stands watching her mother showed off her younger sister and swore to everyone that she’d followed up in her step fathers foot steps and could do even better than him, she’d be the supreme. But as she watched her siblings, mother, and witch after witch fail the test, Poppy’s time came. As she flew through each trial she found herself doubting that it would actually happen and that eventually she had to wash out, right? That was until she found herself in front of the ancestors and reality set in. By the time they offered the position to her, she had fainted. Rather than decide when she came to she asked for a few days to think before meeting with the ancestors once again. It was in those days that the news had leaked, she’d became the talk of the coven. While she still wavered on the decision, she wanted more than anything for one of her siblings to take the position, but it was Alyssa who ended up pushing her towards the position. Alyssa had stormed in demanding that Poppy give up supreme, that she wasn’t worthy, that if she took this she’d turn out just like her father had. After all she’d taken after him, more than her.
As Poppy’s time ran out and she found herself in front of the ancestors once more her mothers words replayed and rang in her head like a broken record. Instead of listening to her though Poppy took the position, promising that she’d show not only her mother, but the coven that she was worthy of this position. After all this was her story, not her mothers or her fathers, she was in control of how it ended.
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Potion Master mixing a bowl of fire and adding gasoline:
Hex Master screaming curses to the town:
Poisoner shoving god knows what down the mayor’s throat:
Medusa claiming Medium:
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froznwater · 8 months
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Ritualist - Perform a blood ritual on a player at night. If you guess the correct role you will deal an Unstoppable Attack to the player.
Coven Leader - Kill all who would oppose the Coven.
Dreamweaver - You may invade the dreams of your target and attempt to drive them Insane.
Get out of town >:)
lil timelapse or whateva >:)
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wintrala · 1 day
the WAY louis just went back to reading his stupid fucking book while armand was berating claudia and infantilizing her just made me SO fucking angry. the way she looks to him for some kind of comfort in that moment only to have him not even show any kind of understanding OR even care that armand was treating her like this makes me so. i will fucking kill you louis.
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dizzycloudzzz · 7 days
waitwaitwait did you guys
did you guys just say.............
........... toddler Hunter...............? 👹
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oh and give him back his plushie please he needs his best friend rn
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slaygentford · 16 days
my “love” “ran” a “theater company” for “150” years
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stellarhoxy · 2 months
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whats cooking?
(wip) (yes the same piece as the cl i posted a bit ago)
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0xochitlsketches0 · 2 years
No matter what they ask you, no matter how hard they push, deny, deny, deny.
Ngl I actually think giving Hunter a phone was probably Darius’s 5th worst decision in life. 
He’s already stressed out and I’ve never seen anyone leave Twitter happy. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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numericalbridge · 2 months
I find it interesting actually that Mason is the only Coven Head present at the convention episode in season 1 (I assume he is already a Coven Head because he is on the banner in a later episode).
He seems quite stoic and unbothered by being tossed around too. So this might point towards some characterization - maybe he actually cares enough to show up unlike the others, and he isn't a type to throw a fit over a member of the public bothering him and thus might be less drunk on the power.
[my personal headcanon is that he cares about the members of his coven and has teaching tendencies, but isn't very sharp when it comes to the politics, and he had never expected to get raised that high, so he doesn't question the decisions around him and finds his new role disorienting]
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pushing500 · 7 months
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A raid from Hot Minute's niece and a social fight between Kaz and Wendy occurred at the same time, which was stressful but ultimately solved with Albina's overpowered 'summon pack' psycast. I love that psycast.
Wendy broke Kaz's nose and won the social fight, if you were curious.
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Pig, the guy from The Menra Covenant who tried to marry Hazrov a while back, is trying to get with Candlelight now (we said no).
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I was amused reading through Zonovo's social interactions and seeing that he's apparently in a gambling mood today. Cards, dice, roulette... He's happy chatting about them all.
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Kawoo is the only colonist I've ever seen using the pool I spent so many resources to build, so I wanted to draw her enjoying herself.
I imagine it takes a lot of shaking to get all that fur dry, but she's probably super fuzzy and soft afterwards!
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Finally, Hot Minute's nephew and some of his friends crash-landed right into Baz and Zonovo's bedroom, which was very rude of them. They busted down a wall and got ambushed by a turret and two of our nightlings, who distracted them until some of my colonists could run over and take them down.
Then we ripscanned Hot Minute's nephew, haha. Serves him right.
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windy-babe · 2 years
Ok but a had seen a lot about Darius making fun of Hunter for his crush on Willow, but think about this: Darius it's the same way about Alador, specially now that he is single, so in one minute you have Darius laughing of Hunter's red face because Willow just told him that he looked cute today or something, an twelve seconds later Alador past them walking, just says "hi" and Darius suddenly is a mess and Hunter is just very confused about it
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