#crush competition round 1
its-to-the-death · 8 months
Mod’s Crush Competition Round 1
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Horace Somnusson (Miss Peregrine’s Homes for Peculiar Children)
I was actually okay with his portrayal in the movie but still, his book counterpart is way better.
I had a crush on him after I watched the movie unlike some of the other characters like Hugh and Millard who I liked after getting into the books.
A little bit of a scaredy cat but that's reasonable for what's going on.
My favorite scene with him is when he knows about Melina from his prophetic dreams, getting her to trust them.
Also, he knows how to knit and makes the kids bulletproof sweaters.
Percy de Rolo (The Legend of Vox Machina/Critical Role)
I've seen The Legend of Vox Machina and only bits and pieces of the campaign
Happy he's with Vex but also jealous (Girl, I wish that was me but I do love them)
Literally invents the gun out of wanting revenge for those who killed his family
Smart but also just an immense dork (especially after the Whitestone arc)
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mixedkid-matchup · 1 year
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tarotwithavi · 8 months
How do you inspire others?
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How to choose a pile?
Close your eyes and take a deep breath and ask the angels to show you the right pile for you and open your eyes. The first pile that catches your attention is the right pile for you.
Keep in mind that this is a general reading, so this may or may not resonate with you. Take only what resonates and leave the rest.
Paid services
Pile 1
Greetings pile 1!It's clear that you've had quite a journey in life, and your vibe really motivates others to stay patient and committed to their paths. You're like a beacon of inspiration, encouraging people to fight for what they love and keep pushing forward. People see you as a well of knowledge and perhaps even as someone with abundance and wealth. Your carefree spirit is infectious, and your youthful energy is truly invigorating. It's as if you spark a spiritual awakening in those you meet, almost like you're an Earth Angel. You're a catalyst for creativity, motivating people to chase their dreams. There's a deep connection people feel with you, to the point where some might see you as a soulmate. Your influence on women is powerful; you radiate physical beauty, and when others meet you, they're inspired to put more effort into their appearance. It's not about competition, but rather a desire to emulate your style. I sense that some of you have long, flowing hair, and when women meet you, they might even consider growing out their own locks. Your grounded energy creates a magnetic pull, making people want to be around you all the time. Your presence is truly impactful.
Pile 2
Welcome pile 2! The vibes I'm picking up from you are intriguing! There's an undeniable innocence about you that draws people in, and they yearn to experience that same purity. Your influence seems to steer others towards the single life, perhaps because you inspire them to patiently wait for the perfect match. Many people around you may have had their dreams crushed, but your presence encourages kindness and a positive outlook on life. It's like you help them rediscover their souls. You motivate others to see despair as an opportunity, and your existence itself seems to cast a spell, radiating with magic. You're a catalyst for kindness and personal growth, and being around you is genuinely enlightening. You make people believe in the power of love, and you're like a sanctuary for lost souls. But it's not all sunshine and rainbows; you also inspire them to cut off toxic relationships, helping them realize their self-worth. I sense a perfect balance of fire and water energy in you, which gives you a unique ability to encourage others to step out of their comfort zones and be a little more impulsive.
Pile 3
Hey pile 3! It's clear that you lead by example and inspire others to do their best because you consistently give it your all. Your extensive list of hobbies and knowledge is like a magnet, attracting others who want to be just as well-rounded as you. You're a motivator for success, especially in work or academic settings, encouraging those around you to put their best foot forward. People feel a deep connection to you when they meet you, and it's not surprising, given your empathic abilities and your knack for sensing the energy in a room. But it's not all rainbows and sunshine; others can see the weight of responsibility you carry, and there's a sense that you're meant for some kind of generational healing. Your actions inspire people to embrace change in their lives. For instance, when you decide to chop off your long hair, it sparks a trend among the girls around you. Your willingness to try new things motivates others to take risks in their own lives. Moreover, you're a source of inspiration for a healthy lifestyle. Your dedication to eating well and taking care of your body encourages others to follow suit. You're truly a beacon of positive influence in various aspects of life.
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see-arcane · 1 year
Cards with the Count
Thinking about how Jonathan is trying to pass the time during Vampire Hell Staycation with all the books in the library (a guaranteed Dracula Zone), no stationery (bastard), and a finite amount of secret pen ink and secret diary pages left at his disposal (shit). Reading and writing and art are all out. What’s left?
I like to think, in this order:
1)    He remembers that he has a pack of playing cards in the general luggage Dracula didn’t snatch. A gift Lucy had bestowed on him and Mina, a pack apiece, as she insisted that it was the best way to pass an hour in dreary company that wasn’t to do with gossip or politics.
2)    He doesn’t normally play, if only because he doesn’t have the coin to meet any real gambling stranger at a table. Just a ‘for fun’ thing.
3)    Fuck it. Solitaire. Card towers. It’s something to keep his mind off the…everything.
4)    He gets exactly one (1) day/evening of peace with this. Then:
5)    “Whatever are you up to, my friend?” 
(He didn’t even use the door to give Jonathan time to hide the pack. Misted in. No shadow to give him away. Fantastic.) Jonathan staples his smile back in place and rattles off something apologetic, so sorry, was he keeping the Count waiting? Let him just put this away, he wouldn’t be interested—
6)    Smash cut to the library. The cards are now unofficially confiscated/a staple of the Dracula Zone, alongside the fancy crystal chessboard the Count loves to crush him with on a semi-regular basis. Jonathan is walking him through the rules of sundry card games. Unsurprisingly, he latches onto the concept of American poker readily. The game is a soup of similar European predecessors that light up his eyes with recognition—primero, poque, brelan—sewn together with England’s game of brag into a medley of the initial rules, both written and unwritten.
7)    “A game of skill, then?”
“Skill, acting, and luck.”
Dracula grins as he produces a ransom of gold coins to use as chips. Jonathan deals. 
(What are the extra rules here? Does he throw every hand? Does he play in earnest and inevitably lose anyway? Does it even matter? It isn’t chess, after all. Not a proper strategy game. Cards happen. Guesswork happens. A winner and loser every turn. What does it matter?)
8)    Jonathan realizes two dozen hands later that what matters is, apparently, his face. One that, likewise apparently, cannot be read by the Count in this game. Out of those two dozen hands, Jonathan has won eighteen. Of those eighteen, his hand was the clear dud for nine. Through it all, Dracula’s eyes keep jumping from his own hand to Jonathan’s tired gaze. When Jonathan wins the twenty-fifth hand and the mountain of gold on his side of the table risks toppling off the edge, Dracula bites out a word Jonathan is sure is too caustic to have a spot in the lost polyglot dictionary.
9)    “You have a gift for schooling your face, my friend.” Every word is an icicle; each as sharp as the canines jutting out of the rictus grin.
“I don’t,” Jonathan says. 
And it’s true. Now he’s schooling his face—first lesson of anyone destined for the realm of serving others—but in the game, he’s barely thinking of anything else beyond the ticking of the clock. To punctuate this, he slides the heap of gold back to Dracula’s side of the table. 
“This is only a game for the fun of it. In a game with stakes, there would be something worth playing and worrying for. When you get to England,” his face is very, very schooled as he says this, “you’ll find a much more varied competition at gambling tables. The players who really train their expressions can do so with fortunes at stake, while novices reveal every victory or loss plainly on their face.”
10) Dracula considers this. And smiles.
11) “Ah, then there must be stakes before we can play the game properly. Still, you have won the bulk of these rounds, my friend—” his hand seems like it wants to be strangling something when it drums atop the gold heap, “—and done me the charity of not taking your rightful winnings.” He throws down his cards. Ace and deuce of spades. “I shall have to speak with the kitchen about producing a stand-in prize.” 
He leaves. Jonathan doesn’t blink when he hears the door lock behind him. A card pyramid is erected.
12) Paprika hendl for supper. As excellent as he remembers. Huzzah.
13) The next time he’s herded into the library, he sees what looks suspiciously like his travel paraphernalia flimsily hidden behind a bit of drapery. Dracula is shuffling the deck.
14) “A true prize on the table this time, my friend. I know you are one to appreciate the splendor of our beautiful country, just as I know it is, for your own safety, quite impossible to go exploring alone in the wild. Too many wolves about. But if you win the majority tonight, I shall see to it that my driver takes a leave from his own many errands to escort you beyond the castle for a time, if you so wish.”
“…And if I lose the majority?” He can’t help it: “I’m sure there’s little from me you’d be interested in.”
Dracula grins.
“We shall think of something, I’m certain. Here. Deal.”
15) As expected, Jonathan’s face isn’t effortlessly unreadable in its misery anymore. He has something to play for, even if his trust in Dracula’s dangling carrot on the stick is nigh nonexistent. He loses more. He struggles more. He worries more…
16) …But the wins and losses remain surprisingly even. On into the dawn they play, matching victory for victory. Even the Count seems puzzled. Jonathan is just tired. He was never going to win. The ‘driver’ will fall to some mysterious ailment, his possessions will disappear the moment he’s sent out of the room ahead of the Count. To Hell with it.
17) “I forfeit. We remain tied, so neither has to lose.” A sour smile curls. “Besides, I have kept you up too late again.”
“One more.”
“We can say you won—,”
Dracula gives him a Look.
Jonathan sits again. Plays again.
Wins again.
Dracula hisses several words the polyglot dictionary would be scandalized to translate. Jonathan feels the first genuine smile he’s wanted to make in a month and a half try to creep up on his lips, and stifles it.
18) Dracula turns over his cards and thumbs though the deck as if looking for a conspirator. He even scowls at Jonathan’s forearms, both bare through the whole game as he’d rolled up his sleeves. Still grumbling, his thumbnail finally hooks a card that makes a cloud pass over his face.
19) “What. Is this?”
Jonathan looks.
“Oh, that’s just a Joker.”
“Yes, I thought I’d taken him out. He’s not a usable card in this game, but he’s sometimes used as a trump or wild card in others. That is, he’s there to turn the tide for whoever gets to play him.”
Jonathan reaches for the card to tuck it back in the box. Dracula pulls it out of reach, walks to the fireplace, and flicks it into the flames.
“Say what you will, but I recognize a symbol of sabotage when I see it. It should not be in the deck at all!” Still watching the little harlequin turn to cinders, he flaps his other hand at Jonathan. “Go rest, my friend. Take that infernal game with you. It is not a respectable pastime for men of our like.”
20) Jonathan gathers up the deck, gives his travel kit a last mournful look, and leaves for his bedroom, knowing not to ask after the walk in the forest as he goes. In his bed, he empties the deck into his hand again and thinks on four things.
21) He turns the deck’s neglected second Joker over in his fingers, the impish face seeming to hold a secret in its grin.
22) When he wakes next, he isn’t surprised to find the deck has been stolen. It doesn’t trouble him. Somehow, it even produces a tired grin on his face. It nearly matches the painted thing hidden, wild and powerful, in the pages of his journal.
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Group H, Round 1, Poll 9:
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Propaganda under the cut
Ianthe Tridentarius
She is trying so hard to be the main character by lying and manipulating her sister, her cavalier, her mentor, her ?love interests? (Spoiler???) And also god. Not sure how it's working out for her but she does love to lie and manipulate
Worstie Ianthe is the DEFINITION of gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss. She is one of a set of necromancer twins that are the heirs to their houses rule. Except wait, only she is a necromancer and she has spent their entire lives doing necromancy for the both of them. She is constantly mean to their cavalier, Naberius, who she occasionally nibbles on like a chew toy, before eventually killing and eating him to ascend to sainthood. She goes to gods spaceship with another woman who ascended to sainthood who she has a crush on, this other woman is like…. Both incredibly mentally unwell and also haunted by at least 211 ghosts. Ianthes method of flirting with her? Gaslighting her about the corpse that keeps moving around and hiding under her bed. For no real reason tbh. She is clearly plotting to overthrow god, and at the moment that consists of her manipulating him while he’s too sad about his long term partners betraying him and subsequently exploding to really care. She dresses in terrible outfits and makes soup by burning onions to the bottom of a pot, putting meat in and some vegetables and then it doesn’t taste like anything so she puts in a few teaspoons of salt so it tastes like a few teaspoons of salt. She had her crush amputate her arm and regrow her a new one out of bone and it’s one of the horniest things I’ve read in my life.
"Gaslight = told her lobotomized (she helped), schizophrenic girlobsession that there was no corpse under their bed, even tho there totally was. Gatekeep = girl did NOT share the secret to god-like ascension. She kept that shit to herself until it was time to eat her boytoy, and by then everyone knew already. Girlboss = she has a non-necromancer twin sister, and literally Everyone thinks they r both necromancers because Ianthe is so good at it. She reverse engineered ascending to the aforementioned ascension without even completing any of the supplementary tasks. She held her own in a fight against a 10k year old lyctor. She becomes the figurehead of her entire empire. "
She uses a man as a chewtoy in the first book, literally gaslights the protagonist of the second book about a corpse, and elder-abuses God when he gets depressed in the third book. Nobody is doing it like her.
Dives headfirst with no regrets while basically laughing and covered in blood into murdering her cavalier once she realizes what the gothic locked room mystery/competition leads to while everyone else is questioning it, helps perform lobotomy on harrow so she doesn't remember the person she loves, manipulates everyone to get to the top
idk just everything about her
her relationship with her sister is incredibly Bad, she fosters codependency and views Corona(the sister) as an extension of herself. This does not stop her from keeping up the con that Corona actually has magic (She doesn't, it was always just Ianthe) for 22ish years and every single person who interacts with them falls for it. She killed a man against his will (most dying for this purpose specifically go willingly) and she consumed him and she will be burning his soul for eternity. She's completely repulsive and still somehow incredibly hot.
she takes advantage of the fact that the main character is prone to hallucinations. at one point she gaslights the mc into believing that the corpse under her bed isn't real just because she can. she reverse engineered a set of very complex trials on her own without anyone realizing she had the skills to complete them normally. she's also babysat god through his drunk and pathetic era.
Remy the Rat
Gaslight- 'hmm? Me? Steal papers? I'm just an innocent little ratty rat.' Gatekeep- I would debate he's gatekeeping food and taste from the other rats because they just don't GET it. Ugh! Girlboss- doesn't he own a rat restaurant at the end?
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awniie · 5 months
games ! - featuring your boyfriends megumi, choso, yuji, namani, saturo ♡
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ʚ summary: basically just headcannons of playing games with your favs ִ° ⋆ 
ʚ content: some language, cheating in games, no prn + gender specific reader ִ° ⋆ 
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ʚ megumi
- is pretty neutral when it comes to any types of game, he’s pretty good at them though
- sees them as a distraction, especially whenever he tries to talk to you and your playing hole.io
- if it’s a raining day and the two of you are bored, he’ll absolutely suggest board games though
- if he wins the game he’ll go “i won” with a silly smirk and placing his cards down on the table leaving you frustrated and fuming. Sometimes if he’s really feeling himself, you guys can go multiple rounds (lmao)
- if YOU win, you can see a little twitch in his face but he won’t get too riled up. “Good job, let’s go something else now.” He’s a little bit of a sore loser, but he tries horribly not to show it.
- you suggest something like Minecraft though and he acts like he’s 8
- cracked at building houses, probably has 3 dogs and has a bed placed next to yours <3
ʚ choso
- lovessss games ( cannon!1!1!11! )
- play fighting, races, board games, video games, you name it. Even if he doesn’t know how to play it, trust me, he WILL learn.
-when he’s with you, he’s calm and more sweet with them. He lets you gloat if you manage to beat him in Mario kart, knowing he’ll destroy you next time.
- sometimes you’ll play something more slow-paced like stardew valley and animal crossing
- if he’s with Yuuji it gets hella competitive ( older siblings vibes )
-You’d suggest Uno as a game and show choso how to play
- trust when i say all three of you are probably having shouting matches, slamming down cards on the table, and demanding rematches.
- Apologizes afterwards “sorry…i got a little carried away. BUT-” and then you guys start having a ‘passionate’ conversation on how you absolutely cheated
ʚ namani
- also neutral about games, thinks they’re appropriate for certain times
- probably plays like sudoko, crossword puzzles or some old man type stuff.
- you try teaching him a racing style game, only to find out he’s cracked.
- “Oh hm, i won again.” He’d say nonchalantly, mouth turning into a smile as he saw your open mouth and irritated brows
- he secretly plays like candy crush and that one panda game on his work tablet like a little iPad kid.
- he probably wears those blue light glasses whenever he uses a screen to play a game :sob:
ʚ saturo
- also lovesss games
- probably plays games like street fighter, streets of rage etc.
- will show you how to do special moves, but then also gate-keeps some whenever you play 1v1
- says something like “a good sorcerer never reveals all his tricks” or something nerdy like that
- he’s actually a cheater
-whenever you guys are racing, he’d probably start running before you finish counting down.
-if you guys are playing a board game, probably has some cards up his ass
ʚ yuuji
- plays every single video game ever and IS GOOD AT THEM
- probably plays Fortnite, wouldn’t be surprised if he had a twitch channel too
- has a whole gaming setup and sh and definitely gets into “a zone” whenever he’s playing.
- probably also hacks and cheats in games just to mess with you and choso
- you guys have probably had a competition to see who can fit the most grapes in your mouth
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transboysokka · 4 months
Avatarverse Hottest Man Tournament!
Grand Final!
alright lets get this over with...
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Propaganda Below
Hakoda is seeded first in the tournament, having earned nearly 75% of all votes in his round 1 pool, defeating Fire Lord Ozai, Adult Aang, and Lieutenant Jee, and eliminating Master Yu, Admiral Zhao, Shady Shin, and Chit Sang from the competition.
In round 2, he defeated Amon���s Lieutenant with more than 88% of the votes.
In round 3 he crushed Uncle Iroh with more than 75% of the votes.
In the quarterfinals, he kept his momentum going to crush fellow DILF Tonraq with STILL more than 65% of the votes.
In the semifinals he STILL beat Firebending Heartthrob Mako with nearly 60% of the votes.
We have... ONE propaganda for Hakoda!
But tbh he doesn't need much more. We know what he looks like and what he’s working with. We know he’s an amazing warrior and a sweet dad. We’ve seen his leadership skills and have already crowned him one of the fandom’s top DILFs so… his competitors may have a lot to live up to…
#hakoda sweep
#daddy sweep
#hakoda squad is winning w this one
#hakoda sweep as god intended
#wanna lick his face#and that's just the beginning
#no fucking contest#none at all
#hakoda doesn't NEED my vote but he always has it regardless#sokka's dad has got me down bad
#when i saw him in br pt 2 my mind went 😍
#chief dilf#the dilfiest dilf to ever dilf
#hakoda all the way
#hakoda 1000%
#go hakoda
#Hakoda to me
#okay now it’s tits out for hakoda
#DILF don't fail us now
#hakoda. easy. hes a dilf
#no. i will not let some weird eyebrow boy kick the lasy dilf on this tournament#hakodasweep
#old man sweep.........#jk hes not really thay old
Zuko came in second place in his round one pool, up against some very stiff competition, earning the 10th overall seed in the tournament. He beat out Uncle Iroh, both Bataars, Zaheer, The Boulder, and the Pirate Captain.
He defeated Monk Gyatso in the second round, earning over 83% of the votes!
In the third round he beat Bumi II with over 85% of the votes.
In the quarterfinals he managed to beat DILF King Piandao himself!
Finally, in the semifinals, for some GODDAMN reason he beat Iroh II by a sizeable margin.
There are only three pieces of official art of Adult Zuko, unless you want to count Old Man LoK Zuko which you are more than welcome to.
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#my sweet boi zuko!
#zuko every day of the week
#look at his hair#and the way he carries himself 😍
#zuko and im not sorry
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neuroticbookworm · 4 months
Cooking Crush is undoubtedly one of the best shows airing at the moment.
Today's episode gave me so much life that I don't even know where to begin, but I'm gonna try my best to pull two (2) coherent thoughts out of my melting brain.
1. The Three Must-Eat-eers Conflict and Resolution:
Last episode had set up such a perfect conflict that's rarely handled well in any media: the bruised feelings of the single friend when the rest of the gang gets into committed romantic relationships. Most of the time this scenario shows up in media, one party will be framed as selfish and/or jealous. None of that nonsense here; Cooking Crush has always taken the friendship of its characters very seriously, especially Prem, Dynamite and Samsee. Samsee’s feelings were hurt not just because of his own fears of being abandoned by his friends, he was also (rightfully) mad that he ended up as the only friend who was kept out of the loop of knowing that his best friends had boyfriends now. But Prem and Dynamite did not intend to do this, and they were also right to set their own pace in making their relationship public, but it’s just that the string of accidental reveals happened in an order that made Samsee feel like a third-wheeler in his own home, twice over.
Cooking Crush treats its characters with a lot of kindness and empathy and it shows. Prem and Dy wanting to keep their relationships under wraps for the time being is valid. Samsee feeling hurt and lost, and opting out of the competition is valid. This episode begins with the drama of the cooking competition and works its comedy (thank you for the chuckles, wildly gesticulating White Man) and romance (my poor heart swooned all over my rib cage when Ten helped Prem into his chef clothes). And when the time came for the big reconciliation, the show does not sweep away Samee’s very hurt feelings just because Prem and Dy struggled without Samsee for most of the first round of cooking. He apologizes for ditching them and Dy was having none of it.
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(Dy, my perfect child, oh how I love you with my entire heart)
Perfect resolution. and a well-earned, most adorable group hug to bookend it. I truly could not be more in love with this show. Or can I?
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2. Miscommunication? Nah.
Well, this episode also featured the Annoying Asshole Chef dude who’s determined to pursue Prem even though it is very clear that Prem is not interested and would reject his advances, if only he stuck around long enough to actually get rejected and not run away from him like a goddamn coward. I was furious when he positioned himself as an actual option for Prem to Ten in this episode, and thoroughly enjoyed every moment Ten chose to call him out on his bullshit.
But y’all. The very inappropriate hug. The well-deserved punch to his stupid face. The storm-off. All of it had me very concerned that this is all barrelling towards a classic miscommunication moment.
My problem with the miscommunication trope is that it ultimately positions the couple we are supposed to be rooting for as a weak team. Honest communication and vulnerability in a new-ish relationship is not easy, and it takes a lot of courage to take that step to be the one to spell out the facts, and trust that the other person likes them well enough to keep an open ear, and believe them when they say a meddling cowardly asshole is trying to get in the way of their relationship. Ten’s bravery was perfectly contrasted with the sliminess of the Annoying Cowardly Chef (I refuse to learn his name, he is not worth my braincells).
Oh but Ten wasn’t done yet!
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I absolutely adore how he moves the conversation away from that pesky little pest of a human towards something that matters more: his desire to make things official with Prem. The Annoying Asshole Chef was not the focus of the conversation, Ten and Prem are. And it all culminates in an incredible kiss and a camera swoop that already has a permanent little shrine in my silly little head.
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 1, Wave 4, Poll 6
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave and prior here.
Snorpy Fizzlebean-Bugsnax
He's canonically gay and mentally ill (severe anxiety, paranoid delusions)
Snorpy has psychosis and also a boyfriend. He's incredibly paranoid, to the point of struggling to go outside. He fears a secret organisation is trying to harm him via bugsnax, but his logic wavers as he keeps eating bugsnax, despite claiming them to be a part of the problem. His theories don't add up! It's explicitly stated in the DLC that, while some awful past experiences somewhat explain his fears, his paranoia has spiraled out of control and he desperately needs therapy and support to help him heal. He tries to keep his fears a secret because he's scared his loved ones won't believe him!! Also once again he's canonically gay and in love with a man. FIZZLEBEAN SWEEP!!!
Luz Noceda-The Owl House
Canonically bisexual and shown in the show, never stated in the show but is also ADHD
She is bisexual and has ADHD.
Bisexual (canon) and neurodivergent (heavily coded)
bisexual adhd queen
Very cool character that shows children that it's okay to be disabled and in the LGBTQ community
Has been through many of the troubles that I as an ADHD person have also been through, mainly regarding school. (Shown mainly in season 3)
She’s got a girlfriend, which is groundbreaking representation for a Disney cartoon (especially considering how she’s the main character). She’s also really determined and kind, having amassed a massive found family by the end of the show. Her ADHD causes her a number of problems throughout her journey, but it also makes her who she is.
I adore her and she had done nothing wrong in her life ever
People want to screw her for some reason so uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah
Anything Else?:
Canon girlfriend she has a canon girlfriend. And has crushed on both she/hers and he/hims (Submitter 1)
Enchanted Grom Fight was absolute bangers (Submitter 5)
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Round 2
Propaganda why Marinette Dupain-Cheng is insufferable:
She easily gets away with bad, stalkerish behavior, it always feels like she can ‘do no wrong’ unless the show wants us to pity her, and the show writers want us to think she is a quirky and socially awkward girl when throughout the series we see her be friends with basically everyone in Paris with many connections to high up places.
I get she has social anxiety but the way she goes about stalking Adrien is kind of the worst like she even has creep shots of him hanging in her room? That’s weird. I think Adrien’s going through enough without having to deal with the main character being his stalker lol. I know they’re (spoilers) at this point but in the beginning it was so sus
In the newest season, Marinette hides the fact that Hawkmoth was Adrien’s dad. This leads to the bastard getting a statue and honored as a hero after his death. Adrien now never gets to know the fact that his abusive and neglectful father was the one trying to kill him and is instead proud of him.
Her crush on Adrien is like a black hole for her character. Things she’s done because of it:
1) stolen property
2) ruined dates
3) humiliated other characters
4) has a chart of Adrien’s daily schedule for the next year in her room (this is stalking)
5) broke into his room and sniffed his pillow (also a crime)
6) sniffed, took the hair from, and tried to kiss what she thought was a wax statue of Adrien
7) convinced her parents to let her go to China. Why? Not because she wants to connect with her mother’s heritage, not even because she’s a budding fashion designer and Shanghai is considered a fashion hotspot. It’s because Adrien was there.
I started the show, watched one episode, and never tried again. I simply do not vibe with her.
shes annoyinng anf shes a stalker
I love fanon miraculous but by god she has got to stop obsessively stalking her crush and generally making a ton of other terrible decisions. I’d submit Adrien too but he’s more of a deuteragonist
More propaganda
Anti propaganda
Propaganda why Aelin Ashryver Galathynius is insufferable:
Your basic Mary Sue. Styled as the incredibly cool best-assassin in the land at only 18, she nevertheless is constantly snuck up upon, distracted by pretty boys, and possesses not an ounce of wit. In a competition between murderers and thieves to win a place as the King's Champion, she sees a bag of chocolates on her bed that she didn't put there and immediately starts eating it and gushing about how much she adores chocolate - nevermind that they just had a trial involving poison, which several of her competitors are adept at. She's always right, and other characters exist just to tell her how awesome and beautiful and wonderful she is. And then she turns out to be a super special magical fey princess!
I generally don't believe that a Mary Sue is a bad thing, but the only thing I remember about this book was how she had been in prison for years but was super young but was also still the most super-specialest assassin. And she kept reading when she should have been training or sleeping. Like, girl, this is not final exams where you can stay up all night and then roll into class in your pajamas and still squeak out a C. It's supposed to be life and death. Her character traits didn't make her relatable, they made her a moron
Heir to a kingdom plus turquoise eyes plus best assassin in the world plus protagonist centered morality
Anti propaganda
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tonixe · 11 months
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Playing basketball with the spider characters
n.o.t.e.s - I don't even know at this point 💀
w.a.r.n - crackfic, idefk, this before miles got hunted down by grown adults and children. Not proofread because it's 3 am, and I just listen to pinktape 💣.
p.a.i.r.i.n.g - various!spider-verse characters x reader
w.c. - 1.4k
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It all started with a simple game of basketball on the court of the Spiderman HQ, practicing some passes with miles, as he looked a Gwen, accidentally getting slammed in the face with the basketball.
"Oh shit, sorry miles!" you piqued, as you put your hand on the side of your head, bending over to help him up from the ground.
"Shouldn't have been staring at Gwen for too long" you snickered, while you grabbed the basketball from the ground.
"Yeah, yeah" Miles groaned, rubbing the place he got hit, "Now, let's play some basketball, gotta get your head cleared" You threw him the ball with some force, placing your foot on the court before he bounce the ball on the court.
"Come on, miles. Your knew the guy, people said you were good and tough" you teased, "I wonder if you got weaker," you said.
"Yeah, yeah get into the game," Miles said back before he dribbled the ball before you chased by the court, swiping the ball from him and shooting a 3-pointer, as Miles fails to smack the ball away from you.
"You said you gotta better Miles, what happened" you laughed, before dribbling the game, swerving your body away from Miles intercepting the ball from you, just to score on him again.
"That was just round 1," Miles said, before stretching his arms, before he looked at Gwen.
Gwen just looked at Miles, shaking her head with a laugh
"Better not lose, your girlfriend here" you said.
"SHE NOT MY GIRLFRIEND, yet" yelled out, mumbled the last part.
"Yea sure" you spat.
Before you knew it you manage to make the score 18 to 7.
"Come on, miles, why are you so tired" you teased, as you looked at his tired hunch back form, "Just give me a minute" he wheezese.
"Been 2" you said, before bouncing the ball around him. As you looked at his form running to sidelines as Gwen gave him water to drink.
"Come miles, where was all the talk" You gave him a smug grin, as he chugged down the water.
Before you turn around to see Hobie and Pavitr walked into to see the noise, as you bounced the ball onto the ground mocking Miles.
He glared back at you, "Oh, Hey Hobie, hey pavitr! Wanna join the game" you exclaimed. Pavitr immediately said no, knowing he gets crushed by you. It was infamous that you know to get a little competitive when you play any type of sport or do a challenge with anyone.
"No thanks Y/N, just trying to see what was happening" Hobie took his hand out of his pockets, walking towards you.
"What happened to Miles" he questioned you, knowing what probably happen.
"He challenge me to baseball, so I did" You gave me a cheeky smile.
"Oh, I see. Well, Miles, it was good to know you" Hobie came up to him a pat his back, putting his hand into his pocket as he sat next to Pavitr.
"Come on miles, time is ticking," you said before Miles walked into the court. Not some long, you scored on him more and more. And the loud noise of the buzzer got more of the attention of the Spiderman variants, walking into the court, as miles scored against you, soon more and more people came crowding near the court.
"Oh man, this is rare" Peter walked into the court with Mayday, as Mayday got out of her sling. Crawling to Hobie, as hobie place her into his lap.
As he sat down, "Miles you better win this" he shouted out.
Earning looks from miles.
"Come on Y/N, where was all the smoke," he said, with a smug smile.
"Don't get too cocky, morales" You seethe, catching the game he three at you, before dribbling and scoring it in.
The whole court seemed to get crowded as people started betting on who was going to win. Hobie started to sell tickets to get inside to see the game. The whole crowd was getting loud.
Miguel walked down the hallways of the HQ, "Where is everyone" Miguel hissed out, as Lyla's hologram figure spawned.
"It seems like they're at the basketball court" Lyla responded by checking the loading of some screen panels, "Seems like it's almost to max capacity".
"What are they even doing there," Miguel said looking at Lyla, "Their game is being held there" she utter out.
"Between who?" he turned around to Lyla's hologram form, "Miles and Y/N," she said with excitement, "Oh that's gonna be fun".
"Well, can you call everyone back to get to work, there whole multiverse worth dealing with" Miguel said before looking at lyla's missing form, she was long gone.
"Oh for god sake" Miguel cursed, walking towards the court.
"Hobie, what are you even doing" Miguel crossed his arms, "Selling tickets boss," Hobie said while leaning on his chair, doing a salute at him.
"Besides wouldn't you not want to watch game, Y/N is absolutely crashing miles, it game you can't skip mate" he beckoned, Miguel raised his eyebrows at him, cocking them.
"You can get in for free, since your a big boss," Hobie said, "besides Y/N playing," Hobie said, looking straight into Miguel's blank stare, "What is that supposed do with me?"
"Just get in there" Hobie pointed at the doors, as Miguel shrugged getting into the packets room, seeing you stealing the ball from Miles.
Before he started pushing some variant out of his way before making his way into the court, interrupting the game before you and Miles stopped. "What the heck, Miguel" you exclaimed, pointing a him.
The whole court was silent, as Miguel turned around.
"Are you guys serious, you guys are all here while there a whole multiverse in danger?!" Miguel yelled out, earning some mutters from the crowd.
You placed your hand on your hips as you held the basketball in your other hand.
"Miguel do you ever shut up" you snapped at him, Miles immediately side-eyed you, as Miguel looked at you with a glare, "Excuse me"
"Your excused" You smiled at him, cocking your head to the side.
As Miguel hissed at you, "What if I make you a deal" you proposed, Miguel cocked his eyebrow at you listening, "Play a round of basketball with me, if I win nobody here has to listen to you for a week if you win, then everyone has to obey your command and ill even listen to you" you listed the bet.
"Sure" Miguel agreed.
"Miles, off the court," you proclaimed, "Hey!" he exclaimed.
"Off the court" you repeated to him again, taking a glance at him, as you bounce the ball onto the ground. The sound of the whistle echoed throughout the room, "Well, this going to be interesting" Hobie walked into the crowd where gwen and pavitr was sitting.
"Definitely is," Gwen said, before snacking on some popcorn, as she gave some to mildly upset Miles who sat down right next to her.
"Major" Pavitr said, as he leaned out of his seat.
Soon the game started, and then the score started to begin to tie up, turning into a close game. "Oh jeez, it's a close game," Miles said out, leaning back in his seat.
The time of the final game closed up to seconds, as it was from inception to inception, you were getting tired, as you heaved out. "Y/N, don't tire on me now" Miguel gave you a smug smile while dribbling the ball.
Getting out back into the court, as you took the ball from his ball incepting the throw, as you dribble the ball from him. Swerving your body away from the steal, you dribbled the ball to the hoop.
As a huge, tall Miguel block your view from the hoop, before you curve yourself jump onto him, and dunk the basketball into the hoop forcefully, breaking the backboard. Glass shattering onto the floor, glass going everywhere.
"Oh my days" Hobie stared in disbelief, Pavitr clasping his hand to in mouth in what just happen.
Gwen and miles looked at each other in disbelief, Lyla recording everything that just went down.
Peter just finishing his Spiderverse whopper. Mayday just clapped in excitement, babbling incoherent things.
It was silent before loud cheering was heard.
"RAHHH" you yelled in front of Miguel face shocked face, "Miguel losing was a canon event" pavitr yelled.
"I guess no more listening to you," you said, giving him a big smile, as you stick your tongue at him.
"-For a week" he muttered.
"I can't believe that just happen, Miguel losing" Lyla started laughing.
"You should have seen your face, Miguel, priceless" she cried out.
Miguel just stare at her with a blank expression.
As you danced around Miguel, gloating with excitement.
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its-to-the-death · 8 months
Mod’s Crush Competition Round 1
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Kyoya Ootori (Ouran High School Host Club)
Kyoya feels like a crush staple. Like, he's on so many people's lists and for good reason.
He's so effortlessly pretty
Has money. Everyone at Ouran is rich but it's a bigger part of his personality.
Rebelling against his dad, yessssss
Viktor (Arcane)
(Mad) scientist archetype. Messing with things you shouldn't be.
I feel bad for Skye but I'm right there with her.
I mostly just want to give him a hug.
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delinquentbrawl · 3 months
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(TAKEMICHI FANART BY @krynutsreal!!!!!)
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gabessquishytum · 7 months
We have a bunch of stories in fandom re Hob's (and Dream's) use of bladed weapons, so FENCING AU!! 🤺🤺
Rivals at the Olympics -- they go to the same Ivy League school so they trained together and are on the same college team. They alternate being numbers 1 & 2 in the ranking and maybe have mutual (competence kink) crushes on each other. But for the Olympics, they are on their home country teams -- England/Greece // US/England and luckily the various brackets don't have them facing each other (should they make it) until the gold/silver medal match.
Hob and Dream have been winding each other up -- laughing at each other's countries opening ceremony outfits (https://tinyurl.com/5dsz4b6t) and thinking up bets as they rise towards the medal round, promising each should they face each other in the gold medal round they're going to fence to win.
Maybe when whichever one wins, they grab the other for a deep kiss. OR if they were dating before the games, someone proposes 💍
Yes yes yes!!! I literally wrote a paralympian fencer Hob au so of course I am very very up for this. Love a good sports rivalry. I will leave it up to my dear readers which kind of fencing the boys are doing.
I love the idea of them having this fond rivalry where they love each other, everyone KNOWS that they love each other, but when it comes to fencing they're total professionals. It never gets in the way of their relationship outside of the sport, but they are fiercely competitive and want to win!!
They're both so pumped to face each in the gold medal match. They help each other get ready in their coats, masks and gloves, even though they're not even representing the same country. Maybe they even hold hands in the minutes before the match. But once they get going, it's a crazy match. They're obviously both at the top of their form, and the points are so tight between them!! The fans can barely watch and they honestly wonder what will happen when someone inevitably wins? Will they break up?!
I'm leaning towards Dream as the winner, perhaps he just has a tiny bit more experience. Either way it goes, they both rip off their masks and kiss desperately, and Hob lifts Dream up on his shoulders to receive a rapturous round of applause. Obviously neither of them really care who won, since both the medals are going to be displayed proudly in their shared apartment. I love the idea of a proposal at the medal ceremony. Maybe the ring is dangling on the point of Dream’s fencing foil for Hob to receive. Since Dream won, he's the one who gets to propose! The ring is definitely the only gold or silver that either of them really care about <3
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yuusishi · 1 year
Could I request headcanons of Octavinelle trio with an athlete s/o? Basketball, baseball, water polo, swimming, you name it! They can do it all!
pairings : Azul Ashengrotto , Jade Leech , Floyd Leech x gn!reader
genre : fluff , kinda crack?
cws/tws : Reader is referred to as “Shrimpy” but isn’t Yuu
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Azul Ashengrotto !!
What the hell.
Not in a bad way, of course, more in amazement. He can't fathom how a human can even manage so many sports at the same time.
He can barely survive in PE class while you're out here participating in multiple sports related activities.
He can’t say that he doesn’t admire you for it, whether you do it as a hobby or because you want to be a professional athlete, he finds your drive part of your many amazing qualities.
Sometimes you even motivate him to become better at PE! Especially if you’re in the same class, he can’t be caught failing in front of his crush, can he?
If you participate in any competitions, tournaments, etc. expect him to show up to support you, occasionally he might be with one of the tweels to help cheer you on.
You could be in a basketball competition with a trio of tall (and scary) mermen sitting with the audience. Normally people would be intimidated by them since they’re the infamous Octavinelle trio, but seeing them happily cheer you on would be a sight for sore eyes.
He’d be the first to greet your after your game, congratulating and praising you whether you won or lost. He’d just be so supportive of you :)
If you lost, he’d comfort you with some Monstro Lounge food on the house, same thing to celebrate if you win.
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Jade Leech !!
He’d be very impressed with you, but you can’t really tell since he has his customer service smile 24/7.
Merfolk are generally stronger than regular humans since their muscles are trained for swimming, so seeing you accomplish things that merfolk can do as a human makes him curious about you.
I think he’d see you for the first time when he was attending one of Floyd’s basketball game, another game was playing before his and you were on the team.
He watched you play in order to pass time until Floyd’s game. Jade isn’t that interest in sports, preferring more peaceful activities like his mountain climbing, but something about watching you play piqued his interest.
He got lucky and you decided to stop by Monstro Lounge to relax, that’s when he got a chance to have a conversation with you, and the rest is history.
If you decide to establish your own sports club like how he established the mountain climbing club, he’d say that you two are matching now.
He’d prepare you snacks or a meal after practice sessions to help you recharge, or if you’re not in the mood to eat he’d hang out with you at either your dorm room or his.
He doesn't like flight lessons (though he's not as bad as Azul), but just like Octavinelle's housewarden, he tries harder in flight lessons if you're there. He isn't the type to try to impress people, but for you he might try just a little bit.
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Floyd Leech !!
His little Shrimpy is so cool and amazing!!
Your number 1 hypeman fr, he'd show up to EVERY game you play in and give you a BIG squeeze after.
If you lost a game or feeling bad about your progress in improving one of the sports you play, he'd try to cheer you up in his own strange ways.
"Eh~? Shrimpy feels sad 'cause they aren't gettin' better at their sport? That's a little dumb, ya know~? Not like ya can just be an MVP out of the blue"
He definitely accidentally says wise things...
Floyd would also help you practice sometimes since he's also a sports player, depends on his mood though.
If you're on par with Floyd's skill level in basketball he gets REALLY hyped up during your practice rounds and has that scary look in his eyes, but you know that he means no real hostility.
Would ask if you wanted to join the NRC team, he'd be overjoyed if you said yes and sad if you rejected his offer.
Would also invite you to after school 2v2 games with Jamil and Ace! Playing with his Shrimpy against his teammates is his favorite activity.
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 5 months
Autistic Anime Boys Side A Round 1 Match 19
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Illumi -
"I submitted Alluka to the girl’s competition and since I think all the Zoldyck kiddos are autistic I thought I’d submit Illumi this time cuz I like him The Most. He’s another case of ‘anime character that comes across as aloof and emotionless,’ due to the way he was socialized (or lack-thereof) as a child. He comes from a family of wealthy assassins who raised their children using brutal methods of torture endurance as training for the profession, and thus were very strict in their rules regarding how one should interact with the outside world and those within it. Illumi especially shows a great rigidity in his thinking and compliance with these social rules, and sees it as his eldest sibling duty to make sure his siblings also abide by them. He demonstrates great talent and competency with nen as a manipulator-type. He’s also got big ol ‘tism creature eyes and comes across as strange and off-putting to others (though he does not particularly care)."
Hitoshi -
"He is so sugoi… His catchphrase "Nya~ Rawr~" Could be some sort of vocal stim for him, or maybe he decided to create a catchphrase for himself influenced by what he saw on TV. Hitoshi often daydreams about Bokutachi-San in very unrelated situations, which reminded me of how we autistic people often randomly think what we want to think, no matter the current situation. Like, he was just talking to Koneko-Chan and his brain went "hehe bokutachi sex" And maybe that's just how neurotypical crushes work. But then again, I am not neurotypical so I dont know.
Hitoshi-San is so sugoi! He needs to win!"
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