#csi vegas imagine
ashes-writing · 2 years
May I request a nsfw headcanon with Nick Stokes from csi vegas perhaps blowing off steam after a rough case? Ty!
Of course! I warn, I miiight be a little rusty with Nick because I literally haven't written for him in a loooooong time, though. But I'll happily try this for you! I hope you like it!
tag list babes || req rules / fandoms+characters; reqs open || got a req or ? || masterlist
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minors nope. not for you, move along. Hickies, oral (m giving, f recieving) and it happens in a workplace area.
@louderfortheback - these are the only names on my CSI taglist. If you'd like to be on it, please click link above and add yourself.
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-- it starts with three words, no, not I love you but fuck it out. You're leaned against the door of the locker room when you say it. This shift has been one from hell and you're only half joking, but... Deep down, you mean it. You want it. And it seemed like a good idea at the time, you've been flirting back and forth for weeks by now.. It takes him by surprise and at first, he kinda blinks? Like.. did you just say that? But then, oh.. Then you wander up closer to him. Real close. And you're awkwardly melted against him, soft little laugh leaving your lips as you're bold enough to repeat yourself. "Fuck it out on me, Stokes. C'mon."
--- He's been into you for a while. A while. IIRC, he thought at one point he was 'cursed' in the romance department, so to speak. I can't remember why, but alas... Your little proposal opens the floodgates and the way you're dragging your fingers up and down the front of that brown denim jacket of his are starting to make him hard. He only gets harder when his mind fills with images, of him actually doing what you're asking of him. He blushes a little, hell. "You sure you want me to do that, darlin?" his drawl is twice as thick. Honeyed. Has you wet in an instant but that dangerous little look in those eyes, ugh.. He's got you pushed against the door and his hands pinning yours above your head after stopping to lock the door at your back. As his lips lock against your neck when he's brushed hair out of the way, he pins your hands again. "Do you know what you're tellin me t' do? Do ya?"
-- You figure out what you've just done real quick. After he's got your legs around his waist and he's reached down and tugged open your blouse, buttons spraying across hard tile with soft plinks. There's not a place on your neck, chest and throat that he doesn't leave a mark behind on. You're rubbing against him, fucked out and dripping, if the man were to stop, to feel the literal flood coating your thighs, ugh.. Oh god.
--- but then he does. Your back meets a table and he's standing between your legs, pushing them apart with rough and thick hands as he fixes a hungry look on you and the way you're rocking and squirming. He gives you that grin as he leans down, licking his lips and growling, "Fuck." quietly as soon as he sees the wet spot on your panties. Your finger s tug against dark hair as he bites his way up the insides of your thighs, groaning, grunting, growling. Your panties settle on the floor after being pulled down in haste and he stops, gazing up at you. "What if lickin you clean is better at calmin me down, darlin? That okay?"
-- You nod, whimpering when you feel his tongue circle your clit before allowing his lips to latch on. When you try to move your hips to meet his mouth as his tongue buries inside you, though, you quickly realize that Nick is the one in control here. He's got a grip on your thighs as he spreads them open as wide as he can get them and that grip will not budge. It's all you can do to tug at his hair and arch your back, squirm. And if you think he'll let you get off when you want? Nah. He's going to edge and edge until you're frantically trying to shove his head away. Spells out his first name between your thighs with his tongue too. Tells you that you two will finish this completely when the shift is over and you absolutely cannot wait.
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scarletttries · 1 year
To See You Smile (Warrick Brown CSI Request) 
Pairing: Warrick Brown (CSI) x Reader
Word Count: 1k
Request: "Can I have Warrick Brown x reader + ❛  have i ever told you what a beautiful smile you have?  ❜ make it fluffy!
Author's note: Thank you for this adorable request from my lovely mutual, and my first crime show fic in ages! No warnings on this one, pure fluff :)
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To See You Smile (Warrick Brown Request)
Tired didn't even begin to cover it. As you collapsed onto the bench in your little team's locker room you felt as though your eye-lids had a mind of their own, begging to close and stay that way until at least next Thursday. With Nick Stokes visiting his family back in Texas, you and Warrick had been pulling double shifts together for what felt like the longest week of your life, and today was finally the last one. 
It had been the kind of week where the moment you caught a break on a case, some new twist developed, pulling you away from the lab, or your lunch, and back out to a scene halfway across the city. The only silver-lining you had been hoping to come from this week of working your butt off was that you would spend it side by side with smooth-talking sweetheart of the lab, Warrick Brown. Unfortunately fate had other plans, and your ridiculously busy caseloads had meant you'd had to settle for exhausted waves across the lab as you both worked on different investigations. Usually one of the best parts of your job was working hand-in-hand with Warrick, his easy charm and positive attitude feeling like a warm ray of sunshine every time he smiled your way. And you were sure he smiled at you just a little bit more than at anyone else, but given the high pressure world of your jobs, you'd never felt able to ask him how he felt, settling for your close work friendship instead. 
You had just about accepted that this week had been nothing but a big disappointment, pulling on your jacket and taking in your tired reflection in the small mirror that hung on the inside of your locker, when you heard the familiar chirp of the man on your mind. 
"Hey, you're still here! Good, I thought I'd missed you." Warrick said warmly, pulling off a lab coat and stuffing it unceremoniously into his locker without pulling his gaze away from you. You could feel a blushing smile creep across your cheeks from just the sound of his deep voice, giving yourself a final check in the mirror before closing your locker door to focus on him. 
"Hey Warrick, I'm glad you're done for the day too, this week has been long!" You sighed out in relief that you were finally done with it, watching Warrick's curls bounce and he laughed and nodded his head in agreement. 
"You got that right, I feel like Nicky knew something we didn't when he took this week off!" You hummed in agreement, settling onto the bench beside you to keep Warrick company as he pulled his keys and wallet out of his locker, glancing over to you every few seconds, just pleased to be in your company. 
"You know I feel like I've barely seen you this week - I missed my partner in crime scenes." He laughed at his terrible pun, but still smiled proudly as it made you laugh too, before watching your face settle back into a look of sheer exhaustion. 
"You too Warrick, it's not been the same this week." It wasn't hard to pick up on the slight hint of sadness in your voice as you spoke, Warrick closing his locker beside him and working up the nerve to say something he'd wanted to for as long as he could remember. 
"Well then it's settled. Breakfast, you and me, my treat." You looked up, a little taken aback by the suggestion, unsure exactly how much to read into it as he extended out a hand to you. 
"You know you don't have to do that?" You offered curiously, not wanting to take up more of his time after such a long work week, trying to ignore the butterflies in your stomach from the thought of a morning alone with him. 
"I know I don't have to, but I want to! I really did miss you this week, and what kind of partner would I be if I let you leave looking so worn out without the offer of pancakes?" He beamed at the smile that spread across your cheeks at his sweet words, knowing exactly the way to your heart like he had a personalised road map. You looked up at the overwhelming warmth in his expression and nodded, placing your hand in his, enjoying how strong and big it felt wrapping around yours. 
"Have I ever told you you're the best partner ever?" You asked softly, giving his hand a small squeeze as you rose to his side, heart fluttering as he grinned at you and leaned forward, closing the gap between the two of you slowly. 
"Have I ever told you what a beautiful smile you have?" His plump lips met your cheek in a chaste kiss as you took in his words, unable to stop the smile in question as he led you out of the locker room and to a new stage in your friendship. 
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lucidlivi · 1 year
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Warning: mentions of violence, sexual innuendo, mentions of sex, and mentions of std
"well it looks like our priest here wasn't as godly as he appeared." Nick said looking at the body in front of us.
Nick and I were working a case on the strip. A priest was found in his office, his pants pulled down to his ankles and missing a significant part of his lower region. He was stabbed repeatedly and left to bleed out.
"that's a lot of rage, someone wanted this guy to suffer and I think I know why." I said.
I picked up the condom still in its wrapper showing it to Nick. I opened one of the drawers of his desk, the action making empty condom wrappers fall out. A smirk spread to Nick's lips.
"so you're telling me our priest was going to get it on before he was butchered?" Nick asked shaking his head in disbelief.
"a priest who was a sex addict." Nick said finding more hidden boxes of condoms.
"this priest gets more action then you do Nick." I joked.
You'd think with the way Nick looks he'd be a total man whore but that was the farthest thing from the truth. He was reserved and sweet. Which was only one of the reasons I was insanely attracted to him. Nick and I were partners, we got each other like no one else did. It was getting harder day by day not to let my feelings for him slip out. Nick was about to respond when Greg walked in to help us process the scene.
"wow that's a sight." Greg said grimacing at the bloody corpse.
"our priest here had a little problem." Nick said throwing a box of condoms at Greg, causing me to laugh, even though Greg caught them.
"I could use these more than you." Greg said tossing the box on the ground by his feet.
I cackled as Greg made the same joke I had only seconds earlier.
"you know i'm not as holy as i've led you all to believe." Nick said shrugging his shoulders.
I couldn't help the intense blush that spread to my cheeks as the intrusive thoughts entered my brain. I quickly coughed to try to cover up my uneasiness.
"sure whatever you say buddy." Greg laughed grabbing his camera to start photographing the scene.
"here's the difference between me and you Greggo, you'll screw anything within two feet of you, I reserve that for the special ones." Nick said, and for a second I thought he'd glanced my way.
"I can't help woman find me attractive and throw themselves at me." Greg shrugged.
"you attractive? please I could have way more woman if I wanted." Nick argued back. He wasn't wrong but of course I wouldn't tell him that.
I rolled my eyes, they fought like an old married couple.
"will you two shut up now and help me." I said looking at them.
Greg looked at Nick and smirked.
"alright settle it then." Greg said staring at me.
I looked at him confused. He was definitely backing me in a corner here and I didn't like it one bit.
"hypothetically of course, who would you want to sleep with, me or Nick?" Greg asked eyeing me.
"bold of you to assume, i'd sleep with either one of you." I said raising my eyebrows at him.
"that's why it's hypothetical, duh." Greg said.
"Greg leave the poor girl alone." Nick said glaring at Greg. I gave him a silent thanks.
we were all quiet as we finished processing the scene. I'd found a notebook containing the names of all the woman our unholy priest slept with in the last couple of months. I looked at the last log entry. It was from last night. I was finished collecting my evidence and was about to walk out. Suddenly I got a bold rush of confidence.
"Nick." I said glancing at the both of them.
I could see the wide grin Nick now donned.
"what?" Greg asked seeming to forget about his previous question.
"I'd sleep with Nick." I said closing my kit and leaving the scene.
I didn't know if they noticed but I intentionally didn't say hypothetically, because truth was if the opportunity arose I just might.
"hell yeah suck it Greggo!" I heard Nick scream in his thick texan accent.
It was later in the day and Nick and I were visiting the multiple ladies who had the honor to make it on the priest's list, 16 in total. It was all the same story, they came to him for advice and he'd talk his way into their pants. He made them feel special, like they were the only girl in the world and after he got what he was looking for, he'd drop them. No wonder someone wanted him dead. The last woman we'd interviewed was extra spiteful when she spoke about him.
"you think she could be our killer?" Nick asked as he hovered over me looking at the file on our suspect.
"would you blame her? he was totally sexualizing her!" I said quickly turning around in my chair.
I couldn't help the nerves that shot down my body as the heat from his radiated not far from mine. Our faces were just mere centimeters apart. I'd never been nervous about Nick being close to me before but now I had to swallow the lump that was forming in my throat. Maybe it was because I'd never thought of him in such an unholy way before. Nick furrowed his brows as if he was deep in thought. He didn't seem to notice the proximity of our bodies, but it was all I could think about. Nick finally snapped out of whatever daze he was in and looked down at my red face. He cleared his throat looking down at my small but plump pink lips. He was about to say something when Greg's annoying voice made us jump.
"that's right ladies and gentlemen aids." Greg said throwing another file in front of me.
"our priest had HIV?" I questioned opening the autopsy file from Doc Robbins.
"yeah, and get this, those condoms we found, well he wasn't the one wearing them, 16 woman visited a local clinic over the last couple of months, each one testing positive for human immunodeficiency virus, and I think if you compare my list to the one you found in his office you'll find that they're the same list." Greg said.
I was looking over the report from the clinic and sure enough every single woman we'd talked to today had been on that list. Not one of them mentioned having HIV or Aids.
"take a look at this, our priest suffered from 16 total stab wounds, a coincidence, I don't think so." Nick said pointing out the COD.
"16 angry woman, 16 stab wounds, 16 killers." I said picking up my phone to call Brass.
Captain Brass and his team started bringing in our woman. He'd brought 15 in telling us he was unable to locate the last woman we'd spoken to, she'd somehow evaded them. They were out currently looking for her. None of the women were talking.
"okay clearly our last suspect is the mastermind behind all of this." I said slamming the door of the interrogation room after another failed attempt at a confession.
"we'll find her." Nick said squeezing my shoulder.
"I think I already did, her credit card was just used to check in to the La Playa, a little run down motel just off the strip" Hodges said handing us a map.
"let's take a trip then." Nick said throwing me my vest.
Nick and I arrived at La Playa quickly, the air was eerie. Nick marched in to the front office with me hot on his trail. The person behind the check in desk was an older man, clearly intoxicated.
"well hello there, looking for a couples room for a little off duty lovemaking." the man said winking at the two of us.
I could feel the heat rush to my cheeks as it wasn't the first time in the last few hours that I'd had that exact impure thought about my partner.
"not exactly, a Allison Wyatt just checked in here, we need to know what room you rented to her." Nick spoke with authority.
I couldn't help but notice the creepy lustful stare the man was giving me. Nick must've noticed it too, he grabbed my wrist pulling me slightly behind him, my body now out of view of the drunken man.
"Allison Wyatt where is she?" Nick asked again slamming his fist on the desk.
His one hand still held me behind his back, and normally I would've protested the protection as I prided myself on being an independent woman but somehow when Nick did it, it felt right.
"room 116." He said giving us a map of the motel layout. It was a small square block of rooms with a pool directly in the center.
Ironic, 116. Nick quickly pushed me closer to the door, making me go first, and staying directly behind me so the creep couldn't get the good look he was anticipating. I blushed as Nick's hand brushed the small of my back. We reached room 216, and could hear rustling inside. Nick placed his hand on his firearm.
"stay behind me." He ordered looking down at my small stature.
I swallowed the lump in my throat nodding my head slowly. It was completely inappropriate but I couldn't help the heat that rushed through my body at his demanding tone.
"Allison Wyatt this is the LVPD we're coming in." Nick said kicking the door in effortlessly.
As soon as we were inside we saw her sitting in the chair in the corner of the room.
"Nick." I gasped quietly directing him to look down.
there were at least four gas cans discarded in the bathroom and we were standing right in the gas soaked carpet.
"Allison you don't want to do this." Nick said lowering his gun as we noticed the matches in her hand. If she lit one, this place would go up in flames in seconds.
"why don't I, there's nothing left for me." She said opening and closing the box almost as if she were taunting us.
"because he got what he deserved." I said disobeying Nick and going to stand in front of him.
Nick went to move his arm to pull me back but Allison gave him a warning look not too.
"you bet your ass he got what he deserved, that bastard ruined me, he ruined all of us. do you really think a man is going to want to touch me now? I went to him because I'd finally got the courage to leave my abusive ex husband, ha out of the arms of one abuser into the arms of another. He used me. After he finished he went to the bathroom to clean up, I rifled through his drawers and found that I was just another notch in his bedpost. I also found a note from his doctor. It had a positive test result for HIV, that bastard didn't even use a condom. I decided that I would be the last woman he'd ever hurt. I let his secret slip to the 15 others, and boy were they angry. I seduced him, and then I cut it off so he couldn't use it to hurt anyone anymore." She said as a few tears fell from her eyes.
"that's when you took turns stabbing him." Nick said trying to take a step forward but once again receiving a warning look.
"he ended us, so we ended him." She said tossing a knife on the ground at my feet. It was covered in blood.
"I understand why you did it. He was a sick man. He abused his power and hurt a lot of people. But he can't hurt anymore and we can help you so you don't have to hurt anymore either." I said taking a step towards her.
She scoffed giving me a look.
"there's no help for me, I'm already burning."
In a quick second she struck a match. Before I could process what was going on, I was being tackled out of the room. Flames engulfed her body, the heat causing blisters on my skin. Nick rolled off of me, his shirt catching flames. Nick quickly discarded his shirt, jumping in the pool. I did the same, the cool water calming my burning skin. I was having a hard time treading water because my skin was sore.
"come here." Nick said grabbing my hand and dragging me to his body.
He held me as I wrapped my legs around his waist. I blushed as I ran my hand down his bare torso.
"thanks for saving me." I said smiling at him.
"hypothetically if I kissed you right now what would you do?" Nick asked brining his forehead to rest against mine.
I bit my lip darting my eyes from his down to his lips. I quickly closed the space between us, latching my lips on to his. I was now feeling a heat throughout my body for a very different reason. Nick moved a hand, gripping my head to bring me closer if that was even possible. Our lips moved in sync, a passion and hunger I'd never felt before. I wanted more of him, all of him. Nick pulled away slowly, his lips swollen, probably matching mine. He looked at me with lustful eyes.
"I think we're going to need that room now." I purred in his ear.
let's just say the crime wasn't the only unholy thing that happened that night.
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fandomgirlz01 · 11 months
This Can’t Be The End Pt. 2
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Nick Stokes X Reader
Imagine on my fandom instagram?: No
Prompt?: No
Request?: No
Requested prompt?: No
Edited: Yes
Word count: 5,890
Warnings here
You can listen to the story be read out loud here. {Coming Soon}
Post Date: July 23rd 2023
Post Time: 12:31 AM
Summary: Based off of: Season 5 episodes 24 and 25 When Nick gets kidnapped, the reader is forced to fear the worst for her husband as she and the team work the case with hopes of bringing him home safe. 
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Reader’s Pov:
When I finally decide to get up from the couch, I wrap the blanket around my shoulders before walking out of the break room. I walk down a few halls in search of someone I can talk to and I soon find Warrick talking with Hodges. 
I walk up behind him with my blanket still wrapped around me and Warrick looks down before putting an arm around me. I lean into him and Hodges smiles at me softly before continuing to talk to Warrick. 
“I’m using your track and wheelbase measurements, plus or minus five percent to account for rain-shadowing and/or drying effects,” Hodges explains as the program does its work. 
“All right, print it out,” Warrick tells him and he nods before typing on the computer. 
“Hey. How are you doin’?” Warrick asks me and I shrug. 
“I mean, I slept. It was only half an hour, but I slept. I just want Nicky back…” I tell him with a frown and he nods in understanding. 
“I know, mamas, I know. We’ll get him back. I promise you that,” Warrick tells me as he rubs my shoulder. 
“Here’s the list,” Hodges speaks up as he holds it up and Warrick takes one arm off of me to reach for it. 
“Thanks, man,” Warrick replies as he takes the stack of the printed list. 
“Yeah. Sure. Whatever will help find Nick. What’s your next step from here?” Hodges asks as he crosses his arms. 
“Imma head over and see Rachel. She said she’d show me the traffic cameras in the area,” Warrick tells him and he nods. 
“Well, good luck. Don’t worry, y/n, we’ll bring Nick home to you,” Hodges promises me and I smile weakly at him. 
“You comin’ with me?” Warrick asks as he pulls back to look at me. 
“Yeah. I suppose so,” I agree with him and he nods. 
“Alright, then. Let’s go. Bye, man,” Warrick replies as he stands up and Hodges gives him a nod before going back to his work. 
He turns me around and together we start walking towards Rachel’s office. Soon we walk in to see Rachel typing something up on her computer. She turns when she sees movement and gives us a small smile. 
“Hi, guys. I have the footage loading up right now,” she tells us as she stands and rolls another chair over. 
“Here you are, y/n,” she says as she points down to the chair. 
“Warrick, you can take that chair over there,” she tells him as she points to one at another desk and sits back in her seat. 
“Thanks,” he says sarcastically before walking over to grab the chair. 
He walks back over, pulling it along with him before settling down to my left. He starts to look at her screens and analyze them as it seems the program is up. 
“I need you to bring up the traffic cameras in a three block radius between Flamingo and Koval in the last 24 hours,” he explains to Rachel as he stands up and leans over the table. 
“We only buffer the video for the past few hours,” she quickly informs and he looks at her. 
“I can take you back as far as 10:37pm,” she continues and he rocks back before taking his seat again bringing his hand up to his chin. 
“That’s good enough. Our guy was taken around 11:00,” he tells her as all the cameras pop up simultaneously. 
Together we all look for a few minutes and nothing really seems to jump out at us. My leg starts to bounce as I start to feel more anxious and Warrick gently puts his arm around me. Rachel then pulls up two specific cameras and we watch them. 
“Scan forward. We’re looking for a big truck,” he tells Rachel as he lets go of me to point at the screen. She types something on her keyboard, doing just as he says. 
“How about that one? Looks like a Suburban.” She brings the video on the left to a pause. 
Warrick takes a moment to look at what she points out before looking down at his list that Hodges had given to him. He flips through the pages for a few minutes before looking back up at the screen. 
“It’s on the list,” he confirms as she pushes play again. 
“Whoa, he’s really movin’,” he comments as we continue to watch. 
“Wait a moment… that one, the big Ford,” his voice escalates just a tad, making me jump lightly, but hope flows through me. 
“Follow it,” he decides and Rachel nods. 
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“The expedition truck left the area around 11:15,” Warrick starts to explain as he looks over his paperwork. 
I look up around the table of people who have become my family. Sara takes a drink of her coffee and I resist the urge to cry when I think about how Nick would lean over to me to make some sarcastic comment about what she was drinking. 
“Definitely in a hurry. Took a right off Koval onto Tropicana, crossed Las Vegas boulevard onto the 15 south and then it drove off the grid,” Warrick continues to explain as I snap out of my thoughts. 
He puts his paper down and leans back before scooping my hand into his and giving it a squeeze. If Nick wasn’t the best at knowing my emotions, I’d say Warrick is a good close second. Both can almost always sense when I’m upset and need a good cuddle. 
“At least we have a general direction,” Grissom comments from where he sits. 
“Great, so Nick could be anywhere from Green Valley to Seven Hills to Arizona,” Sara comments in a very sarcastic, dead-end tone and I let out a small puff of air. 
“Sara, not really the time for sarcasm, yeah?” Catherine lightly scolds her as Warrick gives my hand another squeeze. 
“No. It’s ok. She’s right. He could be literally anywhere at this point…” I speak up and everyone nods along understandingly. 
“That is assuming he was even in that truck,” Greg adds on as he leans back in his chair. 
“Well, according to Hodges, the white fibers on Nick’s vest were cotton with traces of ether…” Catherine explains after taking in a breath. 
When she says that, I instantly close my eyes and images of Nick putting up a fight with the person plays though my mind. I feel another squeeze to my hand and it pulls me back to the real world as I open my eyes. 
I look at Warrick and he gives me a tight smile, silently clearly asking me if I’m ok. I hesitate but nod, telling him I’m fine and he turns back to the table. 
“Ether? That’s old school…” Sara comments after a moment of silence. 
“Yeah, stuff is volatile. Flammable. Outside of meth cooks, no one uses it anymore,” Warrick adds on his two scents and the room slowly gets warmer. 
“People use what they know,” Grissom adds as he starts to fidget a bit in his chair. 
“All right, so, where are we on possible suspects?” Catherine asks as she takes her glasses off and looks at Greg. 
“So far, none of Nick’s active or recent cases stand out. And his old stalker’s still behind bars,” Greg explains his findings and I start to shake my leg. 
“Are you 100% sure Nigel is still behind bars, Greg?” I ask, sitting up as I slowly seem to grow more agitated. 
“100%, y/n, I saw him on live video footage myself,” Greg replies and I sigh as I slump back into my chair. 
“Maybe it’s a random act,” Sara comments and I immediately sit back up. 
“Well, that’s possible because whoever staged the crime scene couldn’t have known that Nick was going to respond,” Catherine agrees and I shake my head in disbelief, even though I know what they’re saying is perfectly logical. 
“Yeah, it’s just bad luck he did,” Warrick agrees from next to me, making my leg bounce more. 
“Sara, what about the coffee cup?” Grissom asks as he sets his paperwork back on the table. 
“No DNA or prints on the cup or in the bag,” Sara replies in a matter-of-fact tone. Just then, we hear some sort of commotion going on out in the lobby.
“Don’t touch the edge of it!!” We all hear Hodges scream. 
“You got to sign…” another unknown voice yells out. 
“Security! Security!” Hodges yells out again and Grissom’s the first to get up to his feet. 
We all quickly follow behind him and he runs out to the lobby. Once in the lobby, we can see Hodges and a security guard fighting an individual who holds a package of some sort. 
“Get your freakin’ hands off me, man!” The individual yells out as he fights the security guard. 
Hodges clearly gets a hold of the package and moves over to the desk to inspect it. Grissom stops in the doorway, watching in confusion. 
“Hey! I told you, you gotta sign for that!” The guy that’s still fighting security yells out. 
“What are you doing, Hodges?” Grissom expertly asks what we’re all wondering as we watch from behind him. 
“Guy comes in here with a package with no return address,” Hodges tries to explain as he tries to catch his breath. 
“You’re violating my rights! I want a lawyer!” The delivery guy yells out as he continues to fight with security. 
“Shut up!” Catherine admonishes him as she points at him and he does just that, looking shocked. 
“Way the guy was pawing that envelope, I figured I better get it away from him before he wipes off all of the trace,” Hodges starts to explain himself again and Grissom looks at him, confused. 
“What trace?” Grissom asks, confusion clear in his tone. 
“Oh! It’s about Nick…” Hodges calms down right away as he breaks the news. 
We all step forward when Grissom does only to see what it says on the envelope; 
Crime lab 
3057 Westfall AVE. 
Las Vegas, NV 89109
Silence falls as I let out a small gasp when I see my own last name on the envelope. Warrick grabs me and pulls me into his side as Grissom puts gloves on. He then picks the package up very carefully and takes a second to look over the details before turning to Catherine. She opens her mouth like she wants to say something, but nothing comes out and she shakes her head. 
“Let me do this,” Grissom says before pushing past us and walking off.
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Nick’s Pov: 
When I come to, I try to sit up but only end up hitting my head against a hard surface. I groan as I lift my hand to my head and it takes me a moment to realize where I am. When I do, I quickly jump and there’s a thud as my hand hits the top. 
I look around me, trying to figure out what’s going on and find a glow stick. I grab it so I can get a better look around and soon start to breathe heavily before I feel around me some more, only to find my service weapon. 
I grab it and bring it up to where I can see it. I pull the clip out and see it’s still full, making me sigh. I put the clip back in and cock the gun before setting it back down. I then pick the glow stick back up and look around some more before knocking at the glass. 
I reach down to my side again and feel something else. Once again I pull it up so I can see what it is and it’s a tape recorder. I click the play button and at first it’s just static, but soon a voice is leaving me a message. 
“Hi, CSI guy. You wondering why you’re here? Because you followed the evidence. Because that’s what CSIs do. So breathe quick, breathe slow, put your gun in your mouth and pull the trigger. Any way you like, you’re going to die here. Okay,” the voice explains and then the tape shuts off. I slowly start to try and break my way out, but when I can’t I scream only to start sobbing.
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Y/n’s Pov:
We all watch through the window to the lab as he walks in and starts to feel around it. When he’s sure it’s not dangerous, he fully sets it down and grabs an x-acto knife. He carefully slices into the top before putting the knife down and picking up a flashlight. 
He turns the flashlight on before holding the package open from the sides and peering into it. Confusion crosses his face before he empties the package onto the table and something falls out from it. We then watch as he looks for any sign of prints with the blue light. 
Soon he’s waving us all in, but I freeze, not knowing if I want to go or not. Catherine stops when she realizes I’ve frozen before looking at me. 
“You ok, y/n/n?” Catherine asks me, but I only shake my head. 
“I don’t know…” I tell her as I stay frozen. 
“Hey. Go ahead. I’ll get her to come, just… uhh, give us a sec,” Warrick tells Catherine and from the corner of my eye, I can see her nod before she walks off. 
“Hey. I’m sure he’s fine. I promise you he’ll come home,” he tells me as he stands in front of me and holds both my shoulders. 
“You can’t make a promise like that, Rick. You don’t know what’ll happen,” I argue back and he sighs before pulling me into another hug. 
“I know I can’t. I’m sorry, but I will promise to do everything in my power to bring him home to you,” he informs me and I sigh before nodding against him. 
“Come on. Let’s go get our boy back,” he says as he pulls back from the hug before pulling me along with him into the room where everyone stands. 
They all watch as I walk in and I give a small smile to them before they all circle around me. Grissom holds up the tape he pulled out earlier and slides it carefully into a tape player. He presses play and we all listen to a few minutes of white noise before 60’s rock music starts to play. 
♪ You can try to please me 
But it won’t be easy 
Stone walls surround me
I’m surprised that you even found me
And you don’t stand an outside chance 
Don’t stand an outside chance 
You don’t stand an outside chance 
But you can try ♪
Outside chance by The Turtles is the song that plays and we all just listen for a good few minutes. We all intently wait for anything else that could help us find my husband, but the song continues to play on. I sigh in anger and Warrick puts his hand down to rub my back soothingly. 
“Son of a bitch… he’s screwing with us,” Catherine curses out loud in anger, shaking her head. 
♪ Whatever you do girl 
You know you can’t get through girl 
Can’t bring me down ♪
The music continues to play and I can’t help, but feel like it’s mainly me the song is taunting. I let out a sigh and Warrick again rubs my lower back to try and comfort me. Grissom then picks up the flash drive that was with the tape and turns to walk over to the desk behind him. 
We all walk over with him and we watch him plug it in as the music continues to play in the background. After he plugs it into the computer, he opens the drive and words start to slide in from the left. 
‘ONE MILLION DOLLARS IN 12 HOURS,’ is the first line, making me gasp quietly and again Warrick quickly pulls me into him, but I turn my head to watch the rest of the lines slide by. 
‘OR THE CSI DIES.’ I gasp again and tears start to fill my eyes as it continues on. 
‘DROP-OFF INSTRUCTIONS TO FOLLOW.’ It continues to have words in all caps slide across the screen. 
‘AND NOW FOR YOUR VIEWING PLEASURE…’ it reads and Warrick tries to get me to turn my head away, but I can’t bring myself to. 
“YOU CAN ONLY WATCH,” it ends off with the watch seemingly looking like a link. 
Grissom moves the mouse and clicks on the link, making us all watch with bated breath as it brings up the video. I let out a gasp when we see Nick pop up on the screen, he’s buried in a clear coffin box and clearly freaking out. The timer at the bottom of the screen clearly counts down, making me have to force myself to try and swallow, but the lump that seems to grow bigger and bigger stops me:
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I push Warrick off me lightly and walk right up next to Grissom. I touch the computer screen with my thumb as tears make their way down my face. I feel Warrick put a hand on my shoulder and I close my eyes, not wanting to see his face contorting in fear any longer. I just stand there with my eyes closed for a moment as everyone else watches on in sadness. I take a deep breath hoping it’ll ground me, but it doesn’t work. 
“Warrick, get her out of here. She doesn’t need to see anymore right now,” Catherine’s voice speaks up and I feel Warrick grab me lightly by the arm. 
He drags me out into the hall and steadily holds me by the shoulders. He says something, but I don’t catch it in my panic mode and he gives me a small shake to break me out of it. 
“Why don’t you go back to the break room. I’ll come check on you in a bit,” he tells me and I shake my head as I immediately sober up. 
“No. I’ll be fine. Let me back in there,” I demand as I cross my arms across my chest. 
“Sweets, are you-” he starts as he stands big and tall in my way, but I stop him as I hold up a hand, shaking my head. 
“Let me back in there, Warrick… now…” I tell him as I cross my arms and put a scowl on my face. 
“I don’t think-” Warrick starts, but I cut him off. 
“Ok. So I had a moment of weakness, Rick. So what, that’s my husband on that live feed. It may be the last time I can fully see him. Please… I’m good now, I swear. If I get overwhelmed again, I promise I’ll go shower or something. Just… let me go back,” I beg him before casting my eyes down to the floor as they start to fill with tears again, but I will them away.
“Please… B…” I whisper out, still refusing to look up at him and he sighs, making me look up at him. 
“Ok, but if it gets the slightest bit bad, you’re out of the room, got it?” he asks me and I nod with a small smile. 
“Thank you, B…” I tell him as I walk over to him and reach up to give his cheek a kiss. 
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever. I know Nick would literally be sitting over there day or night if roles were reversed. Just don’t make me regret it,” he lightly jokes as he steps to the side to let me though and I shake my head. 
“Wouldn’t think of it. Nick would have my butt for making you regret it anyway, ” I tell him as I pat his chest as I pass him and he chuckles lightly. 
I walk back into the room just as they click on the watch link again and my smile instantly falls. I walk over next to Catherine and Warrick stops behind me, putting a comforting hand on my shoulder. Grissom now sits at a desk behind us all, writing something down. 
“I don’t think he knows we can see him,” Catherine comments as we all continue to watch. 
“How can we be sure it’s a live feed?” Sara asks as we all don’t take our eyes off the computer. 
“We’ve got to assume that it is,” Warrick replies grimly and I feel him rub my shoulder ever so slightly. 
“The space in that box looks like two by two by six, which would be 24 cubic feet. That would hold approximately 600 liters of air,” Grissom speaks up, getting all of our attention and making us turn to him to see him doing the math. 
“If you figure half a liter per breath… slow breathing…” Grissom continues, but pauses to look at his watch. 
“Maybe twelve breaths per minute. Panic breathing would be, what, twice that much,” Grissom analyzes more as he looks up at us, then back down to his paper. 
“Well, if the math is right, he’s got about an hour and 15 minutes of air left in that box,” Grissom finishes off and we all turn back to the screen. 
“But if they’re going to keep him alive for twelve hours, it must mean that he’s got an additional air supply,” Catherine adds on and we watch for a few more minutes until the video clicks back to the beginning page. 
“We lost the feed,” Johnson, our tech guy who stands next to Sara, tells us and we all look confused for a moment. 
Warrick pushes me slightly out of the way and grabs onto the mouse. He uses it to click on the WATCH again and the video pops up. 
“Looks like a live feed to me,” Warrick comments. “I say we keep the light on,” he continues as we all watch on. 
One by one, the others leave to try and learn more. Now it’s just me and Warrick sitting here, constantly clicking the link to watch it. Every once in a while, I find myself playing with my ring as well as the necklace that sits on my neck:
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I switch off playing with my ring, spinning it around my finger over and over before letting it sit idle for a few minutes. Then I play with my necklace, moving it back and forth on my neck. I sigh and look down at my ring and I feel a hand land on my hand. 
“Stop that. I know you’re worried, that’s what you do when stressed, worried or trying to hide something. Seeing as the situation is a little difficult, I’d say it’s definitely the first two, but the more you do it, the more you freak out,” Warrick tells me and I shake my head, letting a puff of air out. 
“You’re right, I need to calm down…”I agree wearily and he nods. 
“There ya go. He’ll be home and cuddled up in your bed with you before you know it,” Warrick practically wills it in his tone and I sigh. 
“Maybe I should go-” I start, but pause when my phone goes off. 
I pull it out of my pocket and the face lights up, showing me there’s a text. Opening it, I find a text from Catherine: His parents are here. Still wanna come in with me and Griss? 
I frown lightly, but text back: Yeah, it’ll be helpful for his mom if I’m there. Which room are we doing it in? I’ll be there in a minute.
It’s only a minute later when she replies: We will be in the smaller meeting room. 
When done reading the last text over, I let out a sigh and look at Warrick. He raises an eyebrow at me and I shake my head. 
“It’s Catherine. She’s informing me that his mom and dad are here,” I explained and he nods before rubbing at his cheek. 
“Go. Come find me if you need me after, ok? I’ll drop everything if you need me too,” he promises and I give him a small, sad smile. He gets up as I do and pulls me into a hug. I sigh and sink into his warmth for a moment before pulling away. 
“Here I go. I’ll possibly see you after,” I tell him and he gives me a thumbs up. 
“You got this, sunshine,” he encourages me and I give him a half smile as well as a small nod. 
He turns back to the screen and I catch him grimacing before I turn around. I take one last sigh before starting to walk towards the small meeting room. When I get there, I can see Catherine and his parents just sitting down. 
“Y/n. Hi, dear. How are you doing? You don’t look well,” his mother comments in a concerned tone as she gets up from her seat and comes over to hug me.
“Umm, honestly Jillian, I’m far from feeling fine. But maybe you should sit back down before me and Catherine tell you what’s happened,” I tell her as she pulls back from the hug and frowns at me. 
“Of course, dear. If you think that’s best,” she agrees with me and together we walk over to the table. 
She walks around and sits next to her husband and I sit across from her. I look at his dad and give him a soft smile. 
“Y/n,” he greets with a firm head nod. 
“Judge,” I greet back the same way. 
“Where’s Griss?” I ask Catherine as I look around, not finding him. 
“He had something to look into. He’ll be here in a few minutes,” Catherine explains and I nod, taking a gulp. 
“Do you wanna break it to them or me?” she asks me and I nod. 
“I guess I can,” I sigh before turning to look at his mom and dad. 
“Mom…” I prompt as I pull my hand out and shakily hold it out to her. 
“Judge,” I prompt after she grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze while I look at her husband, who nods firmly to me again. 
“Nick’s been… kidnapped. They want one million dollars in twelve hours…” I explain and his mom immediately gets tears in her eyes. 
“Ok. We can make that money. We have starter money right here,” his dad informs us as he holds up a yellow envelope. 
“Do we at least know he’s safe? Y/n. Is my baby ok?” she asks me as she again squeezes on my hand. 
“From what we’ve seen. I think he’ll be ok. If we can get to him,” I tell her and the room goes quiet for a moment. 
“Bill…” his mom whispers as she lets go of my hand to hold onto his arm. 
It stays quiet for a moment more before we see Grissom walking up to the door. He seems to just get off his phone before coming in as Catherine clears her throat. 
“Judge Stokes, Mrs. Stokes. Gill Grissom,” Catherine introduces them as she motions to Nick’s mom and dad, then to Gill. 
“Your honor. Mrs. Stokes. I’m… uh… sorry that we’re meeting under these circumstances,” Gill gives his condolences and I pull in a rough patch of air. 
“Y/n. Honey. Come here,” his mother tells me as she holds her arms open. 
I move my chair over to her and she pulls me into her arms. I hold back my sobs as much as I possibly can as she strokes my hair. 
“Have you been able to make contact with the animals who took my son?” his dad asks Gill in a very straightforward tone. 
“No, we haven’t yet, but… they should be contacting us in roughly four hours,” Catherine explains as Gill takes a seat next to her now. 
“We were able to rustle up $20,000 cash. Our bank's prepared to wire another $100,000. Now we can sell the cars. We can hock the ranch... We can make the number, but it’s gonna take at least another day. We’ll do whatever we can to bring our boy home to his wife,” his dad explains his plan in a very detailed manner as a judge would.
“Judge Stokes-” Gill starts to try explaining. 
“Can we give them the money we have now, try to buy more time?” His mom asks as she pushes the envelope towards Gill. 
“Mom. Please listen to what Gill has to say,” I beg her and she nods as she stops pushing the money towards him. 
“I don’t think that will help,” Gill tells her honestly and she sits back in her seat. 
I take her hand that’s still around my shoulder and pull it to my front so I can hold it. She looks at me, confused for a moment, but I bite my lip as I nod my head back at Gill. 
“There’s got to be something we can do,” his dad replies in disbelief that there’s nothing that he can do to help. He’s always been the one to rush in and save Nick from anything, whether it be his own mistake or not, making me roll my eyes. 
“You’ve already done it by coming here, by showing your support for both Nick and y/n…” Catherine tries to explain and his mom squeezes my hand. 
“We’re not here to show support. We’re here to get Nick home to us and his wife. Where he belongs,” his mom cuts in with an angry tone and I squeeze her hand softly as her voice falters at the end. 
“We’re not sure who has your son… or why…” Griss tells them and his dad gives him a confused look. 
“Well… what the hell do you know?” Judge asks in a borderline angry tone and I close my eyes for a moment. 
“Judge, please…” I almost whimper out and he sighs before looking at Grissom. 
“Very little…” Grissom answers his question and his mom squeezes my hand again. 
“Let’s just cut to the gist. What proof do you have that my boy’s still alive?” he asks and I let out a sharp gasp along with his mom. 
Catherine and Gill give each other serious looks as Nick's mom still holds onto me. I shake my head when I look at Gill, but it’s almost like he ignores it. 
“Gill, don’t. They can’t see it. Jillian, tell them no. You don’t wanna see it,” I burst out, shaking my head as I frantically get up out of my seat. 
“Y/n. You're ok. Calm down, it’s going to be ok,” Jillian is quick to stand up, coming over to me and pulling me into a hug. 
“Y/n, honey, I think even if we don’t want to see it, we have to,” she tells me as she strokes my hair and I sniffle. 
“Ok… I’m sorry. It’s just very hard to see…” I reply to her and she hums, nodding. 
“No. Don’t be sorry, dear. You’re just trying to keep us from hurting more. We understand, but we have to see it,” she tells me and I sigh before pulling away from the hug. 
“Ok. Griss, let’s show them,” I whisper out with a reserved nod. Grissom nods softly before standing along with Catherine as I walk back over. 
“Judge. Mrs. Stokes, if you’ll follow me,” Grissom says as he looks at his dad and the Judge nods as I wrap my arms around myself. 
We all walk back to the room that Warrick and I had sat in earlier. Grissom leads us over to the computer and he looks at Catherine for a moment. 
“This might be a little hard to watch, like y/n said before, but it’s the only proof of life we have for you,” he explains to them and Jillian nods as she gets a little closer to her husband. 
“We’re ready…” Bill tells him and Grissom nods solemnly before pressing the watch button. It goes completely quiet in the room. 
Nick's face pops up on the screen again and I let out a shuddering breath. We watch for a few minutes as Nick keeps his arm over his eyes and away from the bright light. The countdown that beeps at the bottom of the screen stares at me, taunting me and it takes everything I have not to break down right away. 
His mom freezes for a moment, tears filling her eyes before letting out a devastating grunt. She walks off just outside of the lab, but I can’t tear my eyes away quite yet. His dad watches on with me for a moment more. 
“Oh, Pancho… what the hell you got yourself into?” Judge asks and that’s when I break. 
I walk over with him to Jillian and he pulls her off the wall she’s leaning on and hugs her from behind. I stand there and can’t help, but wish Nick was here to do the same thing with me. She turns and looks at me for a moment before holding her arms open for me. 
My lip wobbles slightly before I rush into the hug and she just holds me as her husband holds her. We stay that way for a while before I pull back and wipe at my cheeks. 
“I’ll, ahh… see you guys later. I’ve gotta go find Warrick. You guys go home and we’ll update you as soon as we can,” I tell them and Jillian reaches back out for me. 
“We’re not going home. Bill has a hotel for us to stay in. Y/n, you should come back with us,” she tells me and I shake my head. 
“No. I’m ok. Really. I’ll text you when there’s something that comes up. Please just go try and sleep,” I tell her and she sighs. 
“Ok, but please promise you’ll take care of yourself, dear,” she tells me and I nod as I purse my lips. 
“I’ll do my best. I’ll text you, ok?” I promise one last time and when she nods in confirmation, I start to walk away. 
I walk down a few halls and stop to lean against a wall when I feel like I’m going to puke. Once the feeling passes, I stand back up and continue on to find Warrick in the break room. I sigh and quickly rush over to him. 
When he hears me enter, he puts his chips down and looks up at me before getting up to come over to me, pulling me into a much needed hug. 
“Rick… he’s just so terrified… I’m terrified I won’t see him again…” I whimper out and he sighs. 
“You’ll see him again, mamas. You will. Just gotta have hope. I don’t want you watching that video again unless I’m there, ok?” he asks and I sleepily nod against him. 
He leads me over to the break room couch and together we sit down. He pulls me into a hug and just holds me as my whole resolve breaks. The last thing I remember before falling asleep from exhaustion and crying was him laying me down with a blanket over me. 
To Be Continued…
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lovemurphythe100 · 2 years
Imagine being in a love triangle with Spencer Reid and Greg Sanders
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years
Coming Up This Weekend! WC: 19/11/22
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Saturday 19th: Dreams - Joe Velasco x Reader: Joe suffers night terrors after one of his cases.
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Sunday 20th: Last Wishes - Will Halstead x Reader: Will has to make a choice.
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Monday 21st: Trust Issues - Joshua Folsom x Reader: Josh admits he has trust issues.
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literaryfandomangel · 4 months
Started January 2024
Updated April 2024 CSI -Las Vegas
The Lost Boys 1987
Blurbs Imagines Miscellaneous Series Poly! Lost Boys X Emerson Sister The Promise Warning: This story will deal with abuse, mentioning of an ED, and touching on being taken advantage of by a boyfriend. I don't go like to go into too much detail, but it's going to be a recovery story with the guys. How they would treat their mate - how their mate is "special" above all other humans. Also a different take on how mated relationships work. I've read a lot about relationships with the guys, but I haven't seen one like this. Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chapter Ten Chapter Eleven Chapter Twelve Chapter Thirteen Chapter Fourteen Chapter Fifteen Chapter Sixteen Chapter Seventeen Chapter Eighteen Chapter Nineteen Chapter Twenty
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hollygl125 · 17 days
On the end of CSI: Vegas:
*Please be warned: This is not in fact a post for fans of (the non-GSR portions of) CSI: Vegas. This is (shocking, I know!) a post for fans of Sara Sidle + Gil Grissom.*
I’d like to pour one out for CSI: Vegas. 🥂
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I didn’t watch the series finale of CSI: Vegas, which aired this past Sunday, even though I’d told myself I might, just for the heck of it. I didn’t watch any of last season’s episodes with Greg Sanders, even though I’d told myself I would, though maybe someday I will if I get around to it.
I only watched the first ten episodes of CSI: Vegas—the GSR: The Epilogue episodes—but for those ten episodes I am awfully, terribly, tremendously grateful.
I mean, let’s be real, getting to see the two characters from a long-running TV will-they/won’t they couple come back and be so beautiful together is a one-in-a “I can’t remember seeing it before in my several decades of TV-watching” opportunity.
I’m going to start by quoting what I said on Twitter (for as long as I can stop my iPhone from updating the app it’s still a blue bird and I can use it) a few days after the CSI: Vegas cancellation was announced:
I’m so grateful to CSI: Vegas. By letting us see Sara + Grissom be as beautiful + perfect + magical as I’d have imagined them to be when finally allowed just to be (happy) together, it made the #GSR love story of the original CSI even more satisfying (to me, at least). 💕💕💕
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I’m incredibly leery of revivals, which have the ability to wreak so much havoc. On this topic, I’d recommend checking out the story of the 2019 revival of Veronica Mars + the resulting death (murder) of that show’s fandom, if you’re not familiar with it.
Maybe it’s because I read an angstier (for GSR) earlier script for the CSIV pilot. But victories are all too rare, and I can’t call getting to see my two favourite science nerds be happy + gorgeous together anything but a win. Thanks always to JF + WP for being so magical. 💕💕💕
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Then roughly five years later an eight-episode revival was announced. Veronica Mars + Logan Echolls (“LoVe”) are one of my all-time favourite fictional couples. So was I excited? No, I was terrified. We’d left them happily together and in love. Why f*** with that? I tried to convince myself everything would be okay.
It wasn’t. The show’s creator sh*t on the fans in the worst way possible, and his justifications for it were positively insulting, just, you know, to women as a whole. (Luckily the season dropped earlier than scheduled on Hulu, and I was spoiled and spared the agony of actually watching it.)
So, as I noted on Twitter, I am incredibly leery of revivals. Sometimes we need the chance to give a proper ending to a beloved story (as in the case of the Veronica Mars and CSI (“Immortality”) movies). But sometimes a story needs an actual ending—it needs actually to end—so it has meaning and finality. And that is impossible when things keep getting revived.
My threshold then, for a revival, the bar by which I measure it, is simply that I need it not to f*** up what came before it. The Veronica Mars revival failed horribly (to put it mildly) in that respect. Whereas CSI: Vegas . . . well, to my mind, it made the GSR storyline of the original CSI even better and more satisfying, by letting us see how perfect and beautiful and happy and luminescent (and I could go on . . .) Sara and Grissom would be together if finally allowed to be just that.
I usually like to respond to what I would consider to be negative “bad takes” simply by making my own more positive point(s). But I am going to break that rule here for just a minute. On Twitter (yes, I know, my own fault!) sometimes I still see GSR fans complaining about CSI: Vegas: the “cut kiss” or GSR not getting enough screen time or GSR not seeming married enough (I think because they never got naked—I don’t know—I don’t really get that take myself—they were so divinely married!) or . . . again I don’t know. And it makes me kind of sad, and it drives me kind of ’round the bend. I really think that, if a GSR fan cannot appreciate the beauty WP and JF gave us in CSI: Vegas, they are snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. (I think they tend to be young, and I want to tell them: “Life is hard enough!!! Don’t set up roadblocks for yourself!”)
Aside from the GSR of it all, CSI: Vegas admittedly wasn’t really my cup of TV tea. Tonally it felt like it existed in a somewhat different universe; it reminded me more of Bones than of the OG CSI. Now, I watched all of Bones, more than once, so this isn’t meant to be an insult to Bones; it’s just not what I would be looking for from CSI.
But, the truth is, I wasn’t looking for more CSI. All I needed was for CSI: Vegas not to f*** things up for Sara and Grissom, and on that score it didn’t just meet but exceeded expectations.
I also love that CSI: Vegas put together such a diverse cast; they deserve an A+ for that. Although I didn’t watch either of them, I’m really unimpressed that CSI canned two women-led procedurals. (An obvious response here is that I should have been watching them, but I watch very, very little new TV these days and don’t live in the U.S., anyway, and honestly I just can’t with NCIS anymore.) Progress is achieved in fits and starts, I guess.
(I also will mention that literally hundreds of people work on these shows—Zuiker says 400 in his “Immortality” commentary. So, while it’s the nature of the industry, it’s always rough for those hundreds of people who had presumably-coveted network drama jobs suddenly to be in search of work, so I find it pretty insensitive to be revelling in the cancellation of a show, no matter how much you personally may not have liked it. That’s aside from the fact that, even if you didn’t like it, presumably some other people did.)
I guess that’s all I needed to say, for now.
Whoops, no, one more kind of important point for me: I watched CSI as it originally aired, and Sara + Grissom together were my favourite part of it, but I was not in any sense down the rabbit hole for them. I watched “Immortality,” I was incredibly grateful they were reunited, I wished they had kissed, and . . . I thought of them no more. For some reason OG CSI repeats have never been available where I live? So I thought of them no more—until CSI: Vegas started. We were in the midst of a pandemic, and I shelled out $100 to iTunes so I could rewatch CSI as love story. My CSI rewatch and CSI: Vegas reignited the spark, the disastrous path my mental health was on provided the lighter fuel, and I wound up down this rabbit hole with all of you. . . .
If you’re interested in that angstier earlier script for the CSI: Vegas pilot . . . well, I’ll save that for another day!
But, for now, won’t you join me in pouring one out for CSI: Vegas? 🥂
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geekymoviemom · 5 months
I was tagged by @thelettersfromnoone thank you so much! 💖 💖
Shuffle your ON REPEAT playlist and list the first ten songs.
From my geeky’s favourites playlist 😉:
1. On Top of the World - Imagine Dragons
2. Duel of the Fates - Samuel Kim arrangement
3. This is the Time - Billy Joel
4. Fireflies - Owl City
5. Battle Belongs - Phil Wickham
6. my tears ricochet - Taylor Swift
7. Under Pressure - Queen and David Bowie
8. Hall of Fame - The Script
9. Big Gun - AC/DC
10. What’s Left of Me - Nick Lachey
List your top 15 tv shows because it reflects your personality.
1. Star Trek: The Next Generation
2. Fringe
3. House MD
4. CSI (Las Vegas and NY 😉)
5. Dark
6. Babylon 5
7. Stargate (SG1 and Atlantis)
8. The Big Bang Theory
9. Star Wars: The Clone Wars
10. Star Wars: Rebels
11. Agents of SHIELD
12. 24
13. The Expanse
14. Star Wars: Andor
15. Daredevil
There seems to be a pattern here 😜🤣
Tagging: @distractionsfromthefood @sherlollyandspoilers @justajjfan @mega-aulover @herogers @capsicle13 @90spopstargirl @gaiagalit @aintinacage and anyone else who would like to play 🧡
Thank you so much for the tag, this was fun!
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Hi aj! Ive been rewatching gsr moments from csi Vegas and it just got me thinking about grissom and sara’s current relationships with the old members of the team. Brass is obviously there (love sara basically scolding him for not telling them about his condition in the beginning of the season) and they mention catherine often enough. There’s the fact that grissom and sara apparently are in california most of the time now, so it makes me wonder if they see nick now and then. And then there’s greg who I’ve always thought of as sara’s closest friend besides grissom. What do you think of their status now given that the show hasn’t really given us much?
hi, anon!
since the show doesn't really give us much information to go on besides the few implications that you mention, this issue is a matter of headcanon.
and i'll be honest with you: i don't really have a headcanon on this one.
the main reason why i don't is because the whole "grissom and sara ride off on a boat" ending is one that only comes about as a result the s13 divorce storyline, and the s13 divorce storyline is one i completely ignore in my own imaginings of the show, so i just haven't spent a lot of time thinking about the everyday ins-and-outs of the nautical lifestyle for grissom and sara.
i prefer to devote my brainpower to thinking up an au where the divorce never happened.
however, the other reason why i don't have a headcanon on this issue is because i don't really think the scenario lends itself to a happy outcome where "continued team contact" is concerned.
the reboot didn't actually specify that grissom and sara spend a lot of time in california—that's just where they happened to be at the time when they got called in on the hodges case.
while they may occasionally dock there, the impression i got was that they more often tend to move around, following the animals they're researching (like the jellyfish sara sends grissom to collect off the coast of panama in csi: vegas episode 01x01 "legacy").
and if it is the case that grissom and sara are truly "science nomads of the sea," then chances are they don't actually have a ton of contact with their friends.
the maximum distance for ship-to-shore calls is about 15-25 miles from shore, and cell service and wifi out at sea is often of poor quality/unreliable/prohibitively expensive, which means that unless they are close to the coast and/or in port, grissom and sara's options for making contact with their friends/family are likely fairly limited.
then, even when they are close to the coast and/or in port, logistics such as time zone differences, roaming charges, and the unpredictability of their travel schedule could further interfere with their communication with their old teammates.
it might be difficult for them to fit in more than a few facetime calls a year or an email or two every few months.
while nick lives in a coastal city (san diego) and might therefore be able to more easily meet up with grissom and sara when they sail his way, brass and presumably catherine are landlocked while living in vegas, as is greg living in chicago, so they might only very rarely get to catch up with grissom and sara in person.
personally, i don't much like the idea that the found family the team built during their 9+ years of working together completely dissolves once they all no longer are employed at the lab; however, any scenario where grissom and sara spend the majority of their time living on the open ocean seems to point toward that outcome.
hence, i just don't spend much time thinking in that direction.
i stay in my little au world, where team graveyard stays close for life, even after they start to move in different professional directions.
all of the above said, if i have to bend my brain around the scenario canon presents us with, then i'm going to be stubborn about it.
and unrealistic.
i think sara—who already lost her bio family and isn't about to lose her found one, too—absolutely refuses to fall out of contact with catherine, nick, greg, and brass, seagoing lifestyle be damned.
she puts in the work and makes sure grissom does, too.
every time she and grissom dock somewhere, she's sending postcards and letters from both her and grissom by snail mail, firing off emails, making arrangements for phone calls—which she will stay up until ungodly hours to facilitate (depending on time zones).
she also arranges things so that she and grissom are in san diego no fewer than four times a year to see nick, and if she ever gets word that catherine or greg is attending a conference anywhere within 100 miles of a coastline, then she makes that place the ishmael's next port of call.
at least once a year—usually while the boat is being maintenanced—she and grissom make a trek inland. go on a "grand tour" for a couple of weeks at a time, visiting brass and catherine in vegas and greg in chicago, putting in quality "family time" while also running their "land errands" (like getting their driver's licenses and passports renewed, having their annual physicals and dental appointments, in her case completing continuing csi education certification courses, etc.).
she also will go out of her way to attend big events in her friends' lives—like when nick wins some big award from the city of san diego, she and grissom are there, front row, at the ceremony, cheering him on; and when greg graduates from his phd program, they show up to see him walk.
while grissom would perhaps be more naturally inclined to just let socialization fall by the wayside, she encourages him to make time to zoom with catherine and even—if you can believe it—keep up his correspondence with heather, and he (ultimately) is grateful that she does, because even though he tends toward reclusiveness, he does still love his people and realizes that staying in contact with them makes his life richer.
it's not very realistic, given the actual logistics of their life, and neither is it very well thought-out, as, like i said, i don't spend a lot of time mentally inhabiting the post-s8 canon story world, but that's what i've got.
thanks for the question! please feel welcome to send another any time.
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ashes-writing · 2 years
𝚌𝚜𝚒 𝚕𝚊𝚜 𝚟𝚎𝚐𝚊𝚜 𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝
…. 18+ only, there is adult themed content on this blog. Please read all warnings before reading a work… Your media consumption is your own to control, not mine. All readers are gn or female.
My taglist is here. My rules/about is here. If you have a question, want to request something or just want to chat/scream/vent, the askbox is open ; anon is toggled on/off daily depending on my mood.
☁  - denotes angst and/or hurt-comfort | ♡ - denotes fluff | ☠ - denotes adult content that is not sexual in nature, ie drugs, death or violence | ♥ - denotes adult content that is sexual in nature | ☼ denotes comedy and humor | ☂ - denotes any relationship other than a romantic one ie familial or platonic or friendship | ☻ - denotes a self insert and/or heavily characterized reader since apparently people want to be warned when this is the case lol | ♕ - denotes writers personal favorite work | ✍ - work in progress | ✌ - work completed and/or abandoned.
All the works I have posted so far for can be found below the cut. Happy reading!
– Ashes, your friendly local bimbo and queen of chaos and fuckery.
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↪𝚐𝚛𝚎𝚐 𝚜𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜❝you know a real man wouldn't mind.❞
nothing here | coming soon
nothing here | coming soon
nothing here | coming soon
nothing here | coming soon - doing this for myself.
kinktober 22 | stockings ; a one shot ft. fem!reader. here ya go.♥♡♕
showers | a one shot ft. fem!reader. here ya go.♥♡♕
nothing here | coming soon
nothing here | coming soon
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↪𝚗𝚒𝚌𝚔 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚜❝don't sneak up on a person like that..❞
nick stokes ask 001 | here ya go.♥♕
nothing here | coming soon
nothing here | coming soon
nothing here | coming soon
nothing here | coming soon
nothing here | coming soon
nothing here | coming soon
nothing here | coming soon
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lilcathsmith · 13 days
For the character ask post, 2 & 4 for Greg sanders if you don't mind:) 💕
Aw of course I don't mind! Thank you for the ask 💕
2 - Favourite canon thing about this character? His love for Vegas history :') I love that the writers kept up with it after the episode in S6, so much so that he wrote MULTIPLE books about it. He's so passionate and I love how excited he gets when talking about it.
4 - If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in? Probably Criminal Minds, I'd love to see how he'd get along with everyone. I think he'd get along well with JJ and Emily, and definitely, lab-tech Greg would get on with Garcia (I could imagine them battling it out to crack the case first, although Garcia would win). Not to mention, I would have loved to have a whole CSI/CM cross-over 😄
Ask me about a character!
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fandomgirlz01 · 2 years
This Can’t Be The End Pt. 1
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Nick Stokes X Reader
Imagine on my fandom instagram?: No
Prompt?: No
Request?: No
Requested prompt?: No
Edited: Yes
Word count: 5,502
Warnings here
You can listen to the story be read out loud here.
Post Date: November 22nd 2022
Post Time: 11:09 pm
Summary: When Nick gets kidnapped, the reader is forced to fear the worst for her husband as she and the team work the case with hopes of bringing him home safe. 
Please refrain from stealing our work, thank you and please enjoy it!!!
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Nick’s Pov:
I close my locker after grabbing my gun along with my extra clips. I sit down and start the process of reloading the clips as Warrick walks in. He smiles at me before walking to his locker and taking his shirt off. 
“So I took my girl to that ultimate fight championship on Saturday night,” Warrick tells me as he clips his gun on his hip, then reaches into his locker to get a shirt. 
“Oh, yeah, yeah, down over at the, uh, spur? I was tellin’ y/n about that the other night. We were thinkin’ about going, but she ended up working,” I reply as I reload my gun clip while Warrick puts his shirt on.  
“Yeah. Almost ended up getting into a smack down of my own,” he tells me and I look up at him from the bench. 
“No way. You almost got into a beef?” I ask and he looks at me before nodding as he rolls his sleeves up. 
“You know, Tina doesn’t like me carrying a gun. I play down the fact that I’m a cop when I’m with her anyway,” he tells me and I go back to loading my gun clip as he turns back to his locker. 
“Yeah, yeah, you play the scientist card. I don’t have to do that,” I joke and he scoffs as he grabs his gun. 
“That’s ‘cause your wife works with you,” he says with a smirk and smile. 
“And I love it. I can see her whenever I’d like. You’re a ‘copologist,’” I joke and he nods his head, laughing and I laugh too. 
“Man, you’re whipped, man,” he tells me and I chuckle with a smile. 
“Hey. If it’s y/n, I don’t mind being whipped,” I reply with a shrug. 
“So, umm, we’re standing out in front of the hotel, making out and this guy walks up to me, gets in my face, and asks me how she is,” Warrick explains to me as he loads his clip into his gun then cocks it. 
“No, he didn’t,” I say in disbelief and he nods as he puts his gun back in his holster. 
“So?” I prompt him to continue. 
“I tell him to get lost,” he says with a wave of his hand. “He says, ‘make me.’ So I took a step forward and out of nowhere, his big, fat bodyguard, looking like wimpy from Popeye, walks up and starts to close in on me.”
“This fat boy is looking like he’s obviously carrying some sort of weapon and I'm standing there naked as a porn star with my girl,” he finishes his story and I look up at him. 
“Did you tell them you’re a ‘cop’?” I ask him as he now starts to roll his other sleeve up. 
“They didn’t seem to care,” he tells me as he shakes his head. 
“One of the guys sounded Russian, like he was wanna-be mafia,” he tells me like it’s a matter of fact as he finishes rolling his sleeve up. 
“Fat boy was obviously his bodyguard,” he says and I hum in agreement before looking back up at him. 
“So, uh, you know, I wasn’t physically afraid of the guys, but something was kind of sinister about them,” he tells me as he leans his hand on the shelf part of his locker and puts his other hand on his hip. 
“They were provoking me, but they weren’t making a move. It was almost like they were waiting for me to make a move. Say if I smacked big-mouth, fat boy would’ve come over and stabbed me or something,” he explains and I let out a puff of exhortation as I turn and pick up my gun. 
“Even fat boy was vibing me not to take the bait,” he says as I put my clip into my gun. 
“So what happened?” I ask as I turn to look at him again. 
“Well, valet finally brought Tina’s car up,” he tells me. “So, I maneuver her around these guys and I put her in her car, and I turn my back to them and let ‘em talk this smack,” he explains to me as he turns towards his locker, demonstrating what he did. 
“I’m calming Tina down. Tell her everything’s fine, she drives off and I walk away,” he continues as he turns back around now and I mess with my vest pocket. 
“I called Tina later on,” he explains as he grabs his jacket from his locker then closes it. 
“And I tell her, uh, you know, if she got any problem with me being a cop, she needs to get over it, ‘cause now I’m packing,” he finishes and I look up at him as I readjust my holster on my hip. 
“Yeah. Yeah,” I agree with him as I continue to readjust. 
“What’d you do on Sunday?” I ask him as I lean back and look at him again. 
“Scoured the hotel looking for these punks,” he tells me with a chortle before he turns and starts to put his jacket on as I get up to walk with him, letting out a laugh as I do. 
“Well, hey, I don’t blame you. I probably would’ve done the same if it was me and y/n,” I tell him as we walk out of the locker room. 
“No. You probably wouldn’t have waited to beat on them,” he says while rolling his eyes and I chuckle. 
“Nah, that’s where you're wrong, buddy. Y/n would’a beat me to it,” I say as I clap him on the shoulder while we walk through the halls of the lab and he chuckles. 
“You're probably right on that one. Y/n got a really good uppercut,” he agrees with me and I laugh. 
“Oh, my two favorite guys,” Cathrine says as she comes out of her office as we just walk into the hall. 
“So, I’ve got an assault at stripperama and a trash run at Flamingo and Koval. I’m too busy to play favorites so duke it out. I gotta go meet y/n at our scene,” she tells us as she hands Warrick the slips for each scene before starting to walk off. 
“Tell y/n I told her to call me!” I shout out to her and she smiles while nodding at me before fully walking off. 
“Duke it out! Boy better flip a coin. I’ll hurt you,” I say as I turn back to Warrick as he looks over both slips. I put my hand in my pocket to grab a coin. 
“Yeah, you better flip that coin,” Warrick jokes with a smile as I pull the coin out. 
“Call it in the air,” I tell him as I flip it. 
“Heads,” he says and I catch it before flipping it onto the back of my hand. 
“Have fun at the trash run,” he tells me as he rolls his tongue in his cheek and I grab my slip. 
“You know, I’d do two out of three, but you got a gambling problem,” I joke with him as I walk backwards away from him. 
“No, hey, you know what?” I say as I turn away from him. 
“You keep this,” I joke as I turn back around to face him with the coin held up. 
“It’s bad luck,” I finish off before tossing him the coin and he reaches up to catch it. 
I chuckle as I turn back around and head to my GMC SUV to head out. I hop in the car and my phone starts to ring. I pull it out of my pocket and smile when I see my wife’s number. 
“Well, hello, sweetheart,” I croon with a grin as I answer the phone and I hear her chuckle. 
“Hello to you too, my love. Cath told me you wanted me to call you?” she parrots my greeting and I can hear the smile in her voice. 
“Yeah. I just wanted to hear your voice. Haven’t seen you since you went into work this morning,” I explain and she giggles. 
“Aw, Nicky. It’s nice to hear your voice too. Are you on a case?” she asks and I hum as I put my key into the ignition. 
“Yeah. Just got into my SUV to drive to it,” I muse and I hear her hum. 
“Are you on your own for this one or are you with Warrick?” she asks and I sit back in my seat for a moment. 
“I’m on my own, babe,” I admit to her and I hear her sigh. I imagine her shaking her head. 
“Be careful, then. Ok, honey?” she asks me and I chuckle, nodding even though I know she can’t see me. 
“I promise I will be. You be safe out there too, ok?” I tell her and I know she nods even if I can’t see her. 
“I will. I’ll see you back at the lab, yeah?” she asks and I grin, imagining her leaning against a wall. 
“Of course you will,” I promise her and she giggles again. 
“Ok. Well, I have to go, hon. Cath needs me back in there. I love you,” she tells me and I smile again, nodding even though she can’t see me. 
“I should go too. Gotta get to that scene. I love you too,” I respond and picture her smiling.
“Ok. Bye, baby,” she says and I parrot her before we both hang up. 
Once I’m off the phone with her I buckle my seatbelt before setting my phone in the cup holder. Turning the key makes my SUV come to life and the music from earlier comes on. With a smile on my face I pull out of the parking space and start to drive to the scene. 
♪ It was Christmas in Las Vegas, 
when the locals take the town ♪
♪ Theresa hit a streak And laid her waitress apron down She’d been playing penny poker over at the old gold spike she’s won at Texas hold ‘em So she switched to let it ride ♪
♪ Then over on Fremont street, Six pits won her a car 
She rode it up the strip to where the flashy hotels are 
At first, she hit a royal, Not a dirty one this time 
And then she drew four deuces… ♪
I sing along with Bob Neuwirth as I drive, drumming my fingers on my steering wheel. About half way into the song I arrive on the scene and turn my car off. I put my camera around my neck as I get out, grabbing my CSI case from the back seat before starting to walk over to the officer on scene. 
“Nick,” the officer addresses me as I walk up to him. 
“D.A.,” I greet him back as we continue to walk. 
“What’s going on out here?” I ask and look at him. 
“Well, anonymous, 911 caller reported body parts in this area. I rolled and find this,” he explains until we come to a stop and he lifts his flashlight on the supposed body parts. 
“Hmm. Tasty,” I sarcastically joke before setting my case down and lifting my camera for a picture of what seems to be a pile of intestines. 
He keeps the light on it as I take a couple photos before bending down to my case. I start to throw out the cones I use and get ready to work. 
“Have any idea how long it’s going to take you to get this stuff out of here?” he asks me as I look up at him for a moment. 
“Well… I can’t move the, uh… the ‘body’ until the coroner releases the scene,” I tell him as I pause to look over it again. 
“It’s a busy night. It’s probably gonna take a while, man,” I explain as I lift my camera up to start taking more photos of the intestines and blood. 
“Great,” he replies in an annoyed tone as I continue to take photos. 
“Hey, you mind if I step away for a second?” he asks and I stop what I’m doing to look at him. 
“I need to get some fresh air…” he expands and I look back at the scene. 
“Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, sure, take your time,” I tell him and he walks off as I continue to take pictures. 
I let out a puff of air at the smell and just as I do, the officer lets out a retching sound and I turn around as he pukes. I watch for a second, making sure he’s okay before pulling some gum out of my pocket. 
“Hey, you uh… want some gum?” I ask him as I hold the gum out. 
“No, thank you!” he tells me as he waves me off. 
I smirk as I turn back to the scene, taking the piece of gum out and sticking it in my own mouth. I then bend down and grab one of my small orange cones before lifting my flashlight up. He continues to cough as I start to walk around the scene, looking for any clues. 
I walk a small ways away before finding a smashed cigarette bud. I stop and put a cone down before taking another picture. I stand back up again and start to walk around some more before finding tire treads. I put the cone down again along with my flashlight before taking pictures of the treads and I look up to where they lead. 
When I look up, I see what seems to be a bag with a cup in it and I turn my gum over in my mouth. I pick my flashlight back up and shine the light over at the bag in confusion. I look at the bag, trying to figure it out for a moment before setting my flashlight back down. I pull some gloves out of my pocket and put them on before walking over.
The officer coughs again, making me stop and look at him for a moment. I turn back the other way as I shake my head in amusement and continue walking.
I walk over to it and bend down, setting my camera aside to look over how oddly placed it is. The officer coughs again and I turn back for a moment to look at him again before turning back to the item. I pick it up and look closer at it. 
“Well, that’s peculiar,” I think out loud before suddenly everything goes dark. 
Reader’s Pov:
“No. I’m telling you he really wants to go away for the weekend,” I tell Sara as we walk into the lab, both looking for Greg. 
“I don’t believe that for a second. Nick barely takes time off,” she disagrees with me, shaking her head as we walk through. 
“No. I’m telling you. He told me himself this morning that we're going to finally get our honeymoon that we didn’t get,” I explain and she shrugs as we walk into Greg’s office. 
“I’ll believe it when I see it,” Sara replies coyly and I shake my head. 
“Believe what when you see it?” Greg asks as he looks up at me and Sara. 
“Y/n here says that ol’ Nicky promised her to take time off so they could go on the honeymoon they never got,” Sara explains as she jabs her thumb over at me. 
“I fully believe him! Nick just wants me to take time off is all,” I argue back with a shrug, even though I know that isn’t really one hundred percent true. 
“Sorry to tell ya y/n, but Sara’s right. Nick really doesn’t take time off. Heck, you should know that. You’ve been married since high school. You’ve been with him since you both started working here,” Greg sassily chimes in and I let out a huff as I cross my arms. 
“I’m telling you guys, Nick means it this time,” I promise them and they both just hum at me. 
“Anyway, Greg, were you able to find anything off the clothes?” Sara asks, changing the subject as she walks over to look at her victims' clothes. 
“And have you done the test on that paint found at our scene?” I ask him and he nods as he rolls over to get the paper and hand it to me. 
“Well, I went over them like you asked me to. The paint at first wasn’t matching too much, but I figured it out for you,” he tells me before walking over to Sarah as I look over the paper. 
“The blood on the shirt was a little weird looking, but I figured it out. I also found-” Greg explains to Sara but gets cut off when Catherine walks in. 
“Y/n, can we talk?” she asks as she looks at me. 
“Umm… sure. Can it wait like two minutes?” I ask her as I look at Sara, who shrugs and gives me a look begging me not to leave. 
“No. It can’t wait,” Catherine replies as she puts her hand on the table. 
“Really, Catherine, I need-” Sara starts, but stops when Catherine holds a hand up. 
“It’s about Nick…”Catherine speaks up and I freeze. 
“What about him?” I ask and she pauses as if trying to think of how to say it. 
“He’s disappeared from his crime scene… Grissom and I are about to go out and look it over,” Catherine breaks it to me easily and my heart drops. 
“I’m coming with you guys,” I immediately reply and she shakes her head. 
“Gris says you're off the case. You're too close to this one,” Catherine tells me with a shake of her head. 
“Where is he?” I ask her and she shakes her head. 
“He’s in his office getting his case,” she tells me and I bolt out of the room in a fast walk. 
I walk quickly through many corridors and labs before coming to his office. I storm in and he looks up at me from his desk. 
“I’m coming to the scene with you,” I demand and he shakes his head. 
“I can’t let you do that. You know how that would look,” he tells me, shaking his head and I sigh dejectedly as he looks at me from over the top of his glasses. 
“Gris, this is my husband. Let me at least come out to the scene, then I’ll stop,” I plead with him and he sighs before pausing to think it over. 
“Ok. Just to the scene. Then you’re done for tonight,” he pointedly tells me as he raises an eyebrow at me over his glasses. 
“Ok. I can do that, but I’m not going home. I wouldn’t be able to bear being there alone without him,” I admit and he nods in understanding. 
“Of course. Stay here or go home with one of us for the night. Warrick should be back in when we get back, maybe you can stick with him,” he tells me and I nod as I start to back out of his office. 
“I’ll go get my case. Are we all going together?” I ask and he nods. 
“Yeah. That might be best,” he agrees and I nod before walking completely out. 
I walk to my GMC SUV that exactly matches Nick’s and click the unlock button before opening the back door. Next I pull my case out and close the back door just as the door to the garage opens. Warrick walks through the door and looks over in my direction. 
He makes eye contact with me and then stands up from leaning on the door. He immediately rushes over to me before pulling me into a much needed hug. 
“I just heard. Just got back. How are you doing, sweets?” he asks me as he pulls back to look at me and tears make way to my eyes. 
“I'm scared, B. Really scared,” I tell him, using the nickname I know is reserved solely for me. 
Ever since I’ve known him, I had tried to find a nickname that would fit him well, but I couldn’t so together we decided that I’d call him B. It’s the first initial of his last name and when I had started using it, it just stuck. 
“I know. I know. Nick’s going to be fine. I’m sure he’s off somewhere and his phone just died again,” he sympathizes with me and I shake my head. 
“No. This is different… he would have found another way of communicating. You know that…” I reply and he sighs, nodding as he sticks his hands in his pockets. 
“I do know that. I’m sorry. I just thought it’d reassure your mind to think positively,” he explains and I smile softly at him. 
“And I thank you for that B, but unfortunately my mind can only think something bad has happened…” I trail off and he looks down at my hand. 
“Gris is letting you go on the scene?” he asks as he points down at my case. 
“He’s letting me come out to the scene, but that’s it. He told me I’m strictly off after. Told me to go home and obviously I told him I’d just stick around here. I’m not leaving and going home to a Nickless house,” I point out and he nods. 
“You can always hang around me. I’ll probably be here for most of the time,” he notes with a shrug and I nod. 
“I know, B. Thank you,” I tell him just as the door opens again. 
“Anytime,” he promises as Gil and Catherine walk through the door and over to us. 
“Ready to go?” Catherine asks and I nod, standing up as straight as I can. 
“Yeah. Let’s go…” I breathe out and they all give me sympathetic looks. 
“I’ll see you when you get back. Come find me if and when you need me, ok?” Warrick asks me and I nod as I purse my lips. 
He then pulls me into a hug and I melt into the brotherly embrace that I know so well. He holds me for a moment, rubbing my back lightly like he knows Nick does, but it only makes me choke up a little more. I hold back my tears as he pulls back and gives my arm one last squeeze before he walks back into the lab. 
Catherine walks over to me and wraps her arm around my shoulder. Together we walk over to Gil’s SUV and she clicks the unlock button. She opens the trunk door and slides her case in first. 
I then slide mine in after hers and she goes around the front to the passenger side. I follow along, but stop at the passenger side back door. She gets into the passenger seat and I get in behind her just as Gil walks out the garage door. 
He looks around for a moment before he makes eye contact with us and then he starts to come over to the SUV. He gets into the driver's seat and it’s quiet as he puts the key into the ignition, effectively starting the car up. After driving for a little while we arrive at the same scene Nick was supposed to be at. 
Together we get out of the car before going to the back to get our cases. Once we have our cases, we all walk up to Jim Brass, who’s already on scene. 
“Think. Did you see anybody else in the area?” Jim grills an officer before looking away from him. 
“I didn’t see anything, sir,” the officer tells him and Jim sighs, rubbing at his face before turning back to the officer. 
“I mean I only took my eyes off him for a couple seconds…” the officer explains and anger courses through me. 
“You’re not supposed to take your eyes off him ever,” Jim tells him in a very strict tone and I go to talk to the guy, but Catherine puts a hand on my arm to stop me. 
“Just be calm…” she softly tells me and I sigh. 
“How can I be calm, Cath? He took his eyes off him. He’s the reason my husband is missing and possibly even worse…” I choke out and she nods. 
“I know honey. I do, but you have to remain calm,” she reminds as she rubs her thumbs over my forearm in a soothing manner and I nod at her while wiping just under my eye. 
“He’s been gone maybe 25 minutes,” Jim tells us as he walks past us with anger clear on his face. 
Catherine keeps her hand on my arm as Grissom reaches up and puts his hand on her upper back as he nods at Jim. Grissom leads Catherine and Catherine leads me as all three of us walk over to the “crime scene.���  We stop at the intestines and Grissom takes his flashlight out to shine it on them. 
He then moves the light up as we all notice a cone by some tread marks. Catherine and I look at each other and nod. Together we get our flashlights out as well and we all slowly start to follow the tread marks. 
We follow them some more and find more cones laying out, telling us that Nick indeed was here. We keep walking until we come up to his vest laying on the floor and I let out a small gasp. Catherine bends down and sets her case down as she shines the light on his name tag, the one that exactly matches mine. 
I let out a puff of air and Grissom looks at me. He grabs my arm and rubs it for a moment as Catherine takes some gloves out. 
“You gonna be ok? Or do I need to get Jim over here to take care of you?” Grissom asks me as he rubs my upper arm lightly. 
“I’ll be ok…” I promise him and he nods before letting go. 
Catherine starts looking at his vest as Grissom continues to walk farther away from us. Catherine seems to find something so she pulls her tweezers out and grabs it. 
“I got some white fibers on Nick’s vest,” Catherine tells us as she pulls it off and looks closer at the fiber. 
She smells it before pulling it away from her face and looking at it some more. She looks up at me before turning back to her case. 
“Smells like alcohol,” she comments before she pulls out a bag and bags it up. 
Grissom walks a little further before coming to a stop and looking at something. I anxiously watch as he walks over to something else before bending down to it. Catherine looks up and over to Grissom as well. 
She then looks at me with confusion and I shrug. She stands up and together we both walk over to Grissom. As we get closer, we can see him holding a crime scene evidence bag up with a cup in it. 
“Why’d you bag that?” Catherine asks as we get a little closer to him. 
“I didn’t,” Grissom tells her and she looks at me again. 
“It’s the wrong color tape,” Catherine points out as we both bend down next to Grissom. 
“No initials on the seal… that’s not Nick's evidence,” Catherine continues to point out issues with it all as Grissom keeps it held up. 
“Maybe it’s a message…” Grissom observes as he looks over the evidence bag. 
“I’ll go try the garbage can,” Catherine chimes and Grissom nods. 
She walks over to the dumpster and I let out a sigh. Grissom looks up at me before turning around for a moment. He looks like he’s contemplating something before turning back around. He bends back down and I look with him, trying to see what he’s seeing, but all I can think about is Nick and tears well up in my eyes for a moment. 
I take a small step away and try to get my emotions under check. Once they are, I turn back to Grissom who still looks over the intestines very thoroughly. He keeps his light on them as he tries to figure something out. 
“Dumpster’s clean. No apparent blood or body parts,” Catherine announces as she stands fully upright inside of the dumpster before getting out and coming over to us. 
“Take a look at this…” Grissom tells her and she bends down next to me. 
“This seems contrived to me. The blood pool is too perfect. There’s no splatter. Like somebody placed these entrails,” Grissom points out as he shows us what he means with his flashlight and I gasp quietly. 
“You think…” I trail off, unable to ask what I know he’s saying. 
“A lure. To grab Nick…” Catherine confirms and I choke on air. 
“You’re saying you think they wanted Nick?” I ask and all goes fuzzy for a moment. 
“David, get this stuff to the doc,” Catherine declares as she turns to David, who’s behind us. 
“Look, I’m… I’m really sorry I didn’t get here sooner. Maybe if I had…” David apologizes, looks at me and I put a hand over my face. 
“Is she doing ok?” he asks when he sees me sway a little bit. 
“She’ll be fine. Don’t worry about her. We’ve got her and we’re gonna get him back,” Catherine promises as she wraps her arm around my waist to help steady me. 
“Gil, Catherine, what is she doing here? She’s too close to this, Gil,” comes the voice of Conrad Ecklie, making us all look at him as he walks up to us. 
“She’s only here for this. Then she’s done,” Gil explains and Ecklie sighs. 
“Ok. Only out here though. No farther…” he demands as he points at me and I nod. 
“Anyway, I want you all to know as far as I’m concerned, labs only got one case tonight. Same for the rest of the department,” Ecklie tells us and some relief makes way to me. 
“Thanks, Conrad,” Gil replies and I just nod at him. 
Another GMC drives up and Warrick gets out. He slams his door shut and quickly walks over to us. 
“Hey. You texted! What do you need me to do?” he asks as he stops in front of me and Catherine. 
“We need you to follow the dogs. Y/n needs to leave, she isn’t doing too well. Me and Griss are going to drive her back and let her sleep for a bit in the break room,” Catherine explains to him and Warrick nods before coming over to me. 
“Hey. Go sleep. I know you won’t probably be able to, but just try, ok? I promise we’ll find him,” he reassures me and I nod at him. 
He sighs before pulling me to him and giving my forehead a light kiss. He holds me in a tight hug for a few minutes before the K9 officers walk over with the dogs. He pulls away and looks at me for a moment and I nod lightly at him to tell him I’ll be ok. 
 He finally pulls away and walks over to the K9 officers. Catherine slowly starts to lead me away and back to the GMC. She helps me get in, seeing as I’m in a daze and then she and Grissom are putting the kits in the back. Once the kits are in the back, both her and Grissom get in. 
Grissom drives us back and when we get to the lab, Catherine leaves our kits in the GMC. She helps me in and walks me to the break room. 
“Here, try to get some sleep while we go over some of tonight’s evidence. Do you want to be there when I tell his parents?” she asks me and I sigh, nodding my head. 
“His… his mom… she’ll feel more comfortable with me in the room. His dad… he’s like my dad too. So yes, I want to be there please,” I tell her and she nods as she rubs up and down my back. 
“Well, I have to go see Dr. Robbins, then I’ll come get you when they get here, ok? Feel free to walk around if you can’t sleep,” she tells me and I nod numbly at her. 
She gets up and walks away, leaving me with a light blanket and small pillow. I sigh as I grab the pillow and lay the blanket over me. I curl up into a small ball and that’s when the tears start. 
I cry until slowly I can feel myself slip into a light sleep. It’s only a little while later that I wake up and blink my eyes. My eyes are sore and most likely red, but I don’t care as I stay laying on the couch for a bit. 
To Be Continued…
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As of right now there is no tag list for this series, but if any of you would like us to make one we totally can. For now we have decided just to see if any of you like this one.
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lovemurphythe100 · 2 years
Imagine have a threesome with Spencer Reid and Greg Sanders
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years
New Characters Added to ASK List
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CSI Vegas: Joshua Folsom
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Narcos:  Horacio Carrillo
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space-cowboy-101 · 3 months
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✈️ Our resident alcoholic pilot dad trying to survive the nuclear apocalypse ✨
-for the new people seeing this, this is a part of my fallout au that’s currently written and i’ve posted seonghwa and hongjoong’s pictures already-
so. yunho. 🥸 shit kinda went down for him ngl. he got shot, thought he was dying, only to get picked up and nursed back to health and finds out there’s a good chance he’ll never see his family again. clearly hongjoong got the better end of the stick 😭
i don’t want to spoil too much about his side of the story (mainly because i’m still fleshing it out and working on it) but it’s quite obvious that he DOES end up joining the brotherhood of steel. but to be honest with y’all, i have no idea what the fuck they’re on about over yonder in their parts 💀 i’ve got hours in the fallout games but hell if i know about the bos aside from them being a little kooky.
the brotherhood was started by a soldier and with yunho’s background as an air force pilot, it only makes sense, right? (i just want to write him flying again, but most importantly, flying a vertibird)
which means i’ll probably veer a little off script and write the brotherhood as best as i can based off what i know of them. idk, it’ll go how it goes i guess 😅
but once again, i’m here to preach about the little fucking vault boy pictures 😭 LOOK AT HIM HUGGING THE BOTTLES! the best part of making them is finding those damn things i swear.
while thinking of yunho’s story and his time with the brotherhood, i can just imagine him meeting a tech/engineer guy!mingi who’s trying to tell yunho that the bos is actually shit and them becoming friends—yunho teaching mingi to fly? bruh. love it.
like in my head, hongjoong’s out in the wastelands scavenging for the vault and he hears a plane or something and sees a vertibird in the air and goes back to tell them about this craft he seen. then he finds out about the brotherhood and shit and when he runs into it again, it’s closer and he actually sees yunho in that cockpit and is like 😶 my man? the father of my son? loml?
ugh the drama in this is gonna be MESSY, especially when yunho comes into play later, but it’ll solve itself 😏 for the kids, of course.
honestly i recently got new vegas and i lowkey kind of want to write a story in vegas? like all the cliches; casinos, gambling, mafia, gangs, you know? i actually started a csi ateez story but it got changed from las vegas to miami because of an episode that i liked and now i‘m kicking myself for that 😭 oh well, i can always write a fallout new vegas au i guess.
anyways, if you haven’t already, feel free to check out my ateez dragon age au if you think this is interesting 🥹 it’s mainly seongjoong but yungi will be in it (and a spin-off of them will later be posted because that’s what spawned this damn beast of a story 😩) and eventually other relationships will come into play.
thanks for taking the time to read this if you made it this far and happy scrolling if you found this in a tag or something ❤️
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