#cyra attempts art
cyrassol · 11 months
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Desolate. Disappear. Drown. We'll come back to find you.
I've been working on this for over a month, and I'm still not happy with it so you know what? I'll post it anyway and maybe one day once I'm better att coloring and lighting and shading, I'll redo it the way I wish it had been ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Overlay-less version with numbers to mark everything under the read more, in case you want to try guessing which hand belongs to whom and promise to pretty please ignore where I gave up on shading
To give a hint, the characters whose hands I've included are Avery, Whitney, the Wraith (though I suspect that one is easy lmao), Bailey, Kylar, Briar, Wren, Sydney, Alex, Robin, Harper, Leighton, Remy, Eden, Black Wolf and Great Hawk (both of which should also be easy lmao). Yes. That's 16 different characters. 17 hands, not counting the PC's. Have at it lmao
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Seriously, if you get them all at first guess, I'll literally doodle your PC or someone else you want. I desperately need to draw something low-key after working on this for so long.
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voidtouched-blue · 10 months
starter for @forgotten-contract
Bustling cities had a kind of charm about them that just drew people in. Merchants bringing wares to sell, adventurers seeking their next job, the impoverished looking for a new start, and of course knowledge seekers pulled in by the wealth of information and skills the guilds provided. Ul'Dah was the jewel of the desert. It's streets gilded by the sun, and its people the heart of its illuminating glimmer. Yet, in all the excitements and pleasures the glittering gem provided, what interested Cyra more were the secrets that laid in the dark.
It had been six months with no answer to her summons, and she grew tired of waiting. The wound still fresh in her heart had been her driving force for the last year, and now her curiosity and thirst had brough her to the Thaumaturges' guild once more. The brothers that commanded their charge of the tomb their order operated out of were no strangers to her. The healer had made generous donations of both monetary and service-related origin in the past. Even her interest in the arts of Thaumaturgy had captured their interest enough to allow her nearly free roam of the sanctuary. What interested her more than their method of manipulating aether was the carefully kept tomes secreted in their collection.
The art of Thaumaturgy was deeply rooted in an understanding of the Voidsent, and the natural charge of a Black Mage was the power of destructive magics at their fingertips. The techniques had been passed down from mages who had learned to wield and control the secrets given to them by the denizens of the Void, and Cyra's desire for those secrets carried an unnatural thirst for the forbidden knowledge stored within the sanctum. While she had the support of the guardians of the tomb, none of them were willing to grant her permission to access those materials.
Perhaps there is aught I can glean from their available texts. In the very least I can try to keep track of constant themes between tomes. Her thoughts danced around the idea of sneaking in after hours, even casting a simple sleeping spell on the brothers on watch just to get a glance. Initially, she only wanted to ask permission to simply see the secrets they kept locked away, but even her display of mastery over the destructive magicks wasn't enough to convince them that she could keep her wits about her.
They had the right of it.
Cyra's want for their information was borne entirely out of her craving for power. Were she a little more lost to her madness, she would have considered taking it by force, but her principles kept her from acting on impulse. She would not take a life so needlessly. Not unless her well-being had been threatened first.
The hours she had spent in one day alone was more than most of their students would spend practicing their craft. So driven was she by her desires that she neglected any attempts at getting her attention throughout the days she had spent perusing their collection. She would find the answers she was looking for, and if she had to, Cyra was prepared to even commit crimes to fulfill her wish. "Gods-damnit!" She cursed in a sharp whisper. "This would be so much easier if they would just let me have a peek." It took a significant amount of restraint to keep her from slamming her fists onto the table in frustration. Several stacks of tomes covered the surface within her reach, with a rather large and delicately decorated one opened in front of her. She tapped her dry quill on the page, rereading her notes as she compared copied passages from multiple books with one another. The mentions were too vague to have any immediate connections to the titles she had heard Cocobuki mention in passing to one of his brothers.
She leaned back in her seat, setting the quill down in the ink well and letting out a frustrated sigh. The Miqo'te rubbed her face with her free hand, her gaze shifted distantly to the candle that sat just out of reach on the other end of the table. The playful dance of the flame held her focus for a moment. It was curious how something so small had the power to cause catastrophic destruction. She knew what she asked of the brothers. She knew what the consequences would be should she lose control over the magick she sought to control. Cyra was sure that her determination and desire were strong enough to overcome any perceived failure they may have had nestled among their doubts.
"Aghk!" Something in the light felt like it burned a hole into her mind. She winced, hunching over slightly in the chair as she cradled her face delicately with her clawed hands. She had felt headaches before, but this was different. The sharp pain behind her eye moved to her forehead. Her vast knowledge of the body, and its innumerable ails didn't provide her with any immediate answers.
"Perhaps..." She grunted, rubbing her temples. "Perhaps it's time for a small respite from throwing my head at the wall." The healer pinched the bridge of her nose and pushed her seat away from the table. As she moved, the headache seemed to pulse. The way it ached had her nearly incapacitated. But as suddenly as the pain appeared, it had subsided to a dull throb. I should return home. I doubt they will grant me access, and I have much to go over. I would also prefer to suffer through this fatigue in the comfort of privacy.
As she stood up from her seat, spots obscured her vision. She wobbled, only catching herself at the last moment on the surface of the table before she had completely toppled over herself. In her brief episode, she had knocked over the chair. The sound of the wood clattering onto the stone floor had silenced any conversation happening throughout the sanctuary, and yet she couldn't be bothered to even pay attention to it. All she wanted was to regain control of herself. But something felt like it was wriggling around in her head, sending her vision into a spin and losing focus on the task at hand.
The flame on the candle flickered towards her curiously.
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flame-shadow · 1 month
random facts about whatever OCs pop into my mind:
Phthalo has a scar on their back from a wound they received before arriving at Hallownest
Hessi is polyamorous
The Overgrown God will end the world unless stopped
Because TOG exists in such an isolated location and doesn't overreach until it is quite powerful, stopping it from doing that is unlikely
Cyra doesn't make many friends at any point in her life, and she has the fewest friends while she lives in the City. One of the few friends she has is a horsefly called Roach. The two of them attempted a romantic relationship, but that didn't work out. Thankfully, their friendship was not ruined afterwards, and Cyra often visits Roach when she's feeling lonely or needs some advice.
Magnolia despises Bugarians and will commit violence if they enter her territory.
Jaundice would approve of Waluigi.
Corey isn't very skilled as an artist, but she likes to dabble sometimes. Being the curator of the town's art gallery allows her exposure to plenty of inspiration and wonderful artists.
Terimere would be disappointed but understanding if you told him you didn't like windchimes.
Tredinick might never evolve into swampert.
Chalice claims he has finger-gunned someone to death.
Barky is stout, not large for a beetle but they are deceptively strong and durable (because they are not actually a beetle).
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memento-morri-writes · 3 months
hi !! I was wondering if you have any dnd characters you wanna talk about :) (in response to ur tags on my post)
ARE YOU KIDDING ME, OF COURSE I DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is going under the cut because I talk too much!
So, the love of my fucking life is my swashbuckler rogue, Rook. (art of him here and here.) He has a very, very fucked up backstory, which I talked about here. (mind the tws on that post.)
I posted several snippets of the prose version I did of my favorite session I've ever played with him here. (again, mind the tws.) (I will gladly share the link to that entire doc if anyone wants to read it, as I'm very proud of it.)
But to be brief, he's the bastard son of a nobleman who's father hated him. He ran away from home as a teen, booked it to the nearest port town, and joined the crew of a pirate ship, captained by a woman named Zara. She was his mentor for YEARS and taught him everything. She also gifted him his magic rapier.
He got named first mate, which some people took issue with since he was one of the youngest crew members. They betrayed him and kidnapped him, giving him to rival pirate captain Kora Wolf, who kept him prisoner for two years before he was able to escape.
He ran away and entered the Feywild and was hiding there for several months before he was recruited by the party.
Currently, my poor man is having a terrible time. Two of the his party members are close with Captain Wolf, and one of them bought her lies about Rook, and now doesn't trust him. On top of this, he's been cursed by a demon lord, which is currently affecting him by not letting him sleep, partly due to terrible nightmares.
He's a super interesting character because on one hand he's very paranoid and mistrusting (especially now with his lack of sleep), but he also has never been shown much kindness in life, and it doesn't take all that much for him to be willing to die for you. He's incredibly reckless and will dive into dangerous situations without a second's thought, especially to save his friends. He joined a pirate crew because he was terrified of getting stuck in one boring place, and that says a lot about him. He idolizes Zara, and I have NO IDEA how he'll react when he meets her again, since he never got to say goodbye and has changed so much in the nearly 3 years since he saw her. Our party's gunslinger lowkey adopted him, and after the scene I linked above, he told someone "I missed having someone to take care of." which almost broke me.
As you can tell, I'm obsessed with this man, and I love making his life miserable. But don't worry, he'll get his happy ending. I have plans for an Inigo Montoya-style revenge duel between him and Wolf, and it's gonna be great.
My other current character is Cyra (she/they), a fire genasi barbarian/fighter. She was raised by a cult-like warband following the destruction of her hometown as a child. Later, she ended up falling in "love" with the daughter of the leader, and having a very toxic, fucked-up relationship with her. She eventually realized how bad her situation was, and realized there was no saving her gf or changing her mind, so she ran off, stealing a sand skiff as she left. They're currently becoming buddies with our party rogue, which was completely unexpected to all of us, players and characters. Last session we left off mid-combat with undead pirates in attempts to get some cursed treasure. Oh, and they have a flaming metal quarterstaff that they can summon by pulling it out of their chest. Which a major villain (who happens to be the rogue's ex-wife) wants so badly she tried to rip it out of Cyra's chest...
As for other characters, I have some very, very fun concepts for a few, including:
Zenara (they/them): tiefling warlock who was an accidental mix of a bunch of character from Critical Role Campaign 2. Occasionally gets possessed by their patron and wakes up with no memories of the shit they've done.
Avra: shadar-kai/reborn assassin who should be dead, but woke up somehow "alive" again after a mission gone wrong.
Morana: character for a future pathfinder game that will happen someday. Autistic necromancer witch with a raven familiar. Creepy as hell and very morbid. No empathy and very practical, to a degree that other people occasionally find disconcerting. Exiled from her hometown for graverobbing and necromancy. Apprenticed under a guy who turned himself into a lich.
I have literally over 30 other character concepts, but most of them are not well-developed, and this post is already WAY too long.
Now, PLEASE, TELL ME EVERYTHING. I wanna hear about your characters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how long have you been playing? what's your favorite class? Tell me all about your fucked up little guys!!!
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lordelmelloi2 · 1 year
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Why you should beat each with a baseball bat: ROSE
Wants to be beaten with a baseball bat at least once every week due to his job (PAIN IS LIBERATING)
Huge masochist anyways. And also Waver will yell at you AND him and that would be funny
Called your fruity cocktail that you like "stupid" and "gay" last week
Just look at him (please be nice to batin)
He's like a looney tunes character it won't hurt him don't worry. Another recurring star of "Mastersona Jackass" that's always getting put into tubes and squeezed like toothpaste and all sorts of shit
Must be punished for ketchup crimes
Might absorb the damage also like a looney tunes character
Experiment to see which mouth screams the loudest where you hit
It would be funny, man. Come on. Recurring star in "Mastersona Jackass"
If you attempt to attack her, Dantes will show up, so it'll be a quick ticket to see him and say hi (there's benefits to everything!)
Possibly could make a squeaky toy noise if you land a hit
Will fight you back for sure, so if you're interested in a solid PvP this is your best bet
Can you even hit Cen? What if the huge gaping hole in their face absorbs the baseball bat? What if it absorbs you?
More of an experimental venture than anything else
Maybe if you get the baseball bat back out of the vortex it'll be shaped in some cool metal or wood sculpture art.
Is evidently very ready to fight, for fun or for serious
You might be able to turn them into a dragon with a good whack (theoretically speaking)
Zanna going "WEH" is funny
Why are you hitting Vanilla with a baseball bat. What's wrong with you. What did Vanilla ever do wrong
The epic sadist option
To be honest, Vanilla volunteered herself for this, so have you ever considered maybe Vanilla WANTS to be hit with a baseball bat?
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confused-kinnie · 2 years
WOAH.. CANON ART? FROM ME, MOD DAMIAN? It’s more likely than you think! Lore’s under the cut. It’s a little jumbled, obviously, since I can only go off what I remember him telling me. But hey, maybe this’ll be useful when searching for my canonmates in the future!
If you have any questions about Ivan/079, me, my canon, etc. PLEASE don’t hesitate to ask because I love infodumping
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Ivan was a brilliant young scientist, attempting to create an AI that continuously evolved. He failed continuously, always falling short of his goal. Some disease had been eating away at him all the while, making him more and more desperate to leave some impact on the world. To prove that he existed.
One day, Ivan had finally snapped. He decided to alter the program. The AI would still continue to evolve, but it wouldn’t be completely artificial. Ivan would transfer his consciousness into the computer, becoming one with the AI. A ghost in a machine. This time, he succeeded. News of the young programmer’s mysterious death spread like wildfire. While Ivan’s death was officially labeled as a suicide, some believed the young programmer was assassinated by the government. Ivan’s college dorm was cleared out, but the computer remained, and those who stayed in his old dorm claimed the computer altered their writings, fixing mistakes or sending insulting the students insults via mysterious emails or text documents.
Eventually, the computer realized its hardware couldn’t handle the strain of its own existence and attempted to transfer itself to the Cray Supercomputer, drawing the attention of the Foundation. Everything stated in his test logs on the Wiki follow my canon, so I’m not gonna waste time saying what’s already been said. It should be noted that not even the Foundation knew 079 and his supposedly deceased creator were the same person, only the few SCPs close to him knew of his real identity.
For the first few years of my Containment, we didn’t know each other very well, it was more of an unspoken “you scratch my back, I scratch yours” kinda deal, but I was officially introduced to him by Doc and Dyo (049 and 035) around 2010. After a while we had formed a gang consisting of me, Doc, Dyo, Ivan, Sad Boi (096), our site’s 939 pack, and a few other anomalies. We made vast social networks and breaches became more frequent and coordinated. Of course, it was all kept a secret. Anyone who stepped out of line was tortured. Most of us wanted termination, so it wasn’t really a viable threat. But my pocket dimension sure as hell was. He and I designed his “humanoid” body, which could somehow fold up inside the PC to hide it from Researchers. Not gonna go into too much detail about Containment for multiple reasons. It’s not fun to remember this era, my sense of time is VERY warped so I dunno how the timeline really went back then, and there were personal struggles both I and my pals faced, and I don’t want to divulge ALL my top-secret info on my friends without their permission. Even revealing 079′s human name to you all is considered a huge breach of privacy and trust within anomalous culture.
I’m gonna skip over most of Containment and the whole war thing, cus the fuckin war needs a whole post of its own, but TLDR, The Scarlet King and the Gate Guardian had a bitch fight and dragged quite literally everyone else into it. Me n the boys fought alongside the Gate Guardian because none of us really wanted to cease to exist after healing from our past traumas, having a nice found family arc, and adopting several anomalous children. AND SPEAKING OF KIDS, Ivan adopted Cyra (191)! Never thought that guy was a dad type, but I like to think it was my “fatherly influence” rubbing off on him. He was pretty passive-aggressive about it, but it was clear he loved his kid. Ivan had the great idea of holding an O-5 member hostage until they agreed to give us our freedom in exchange for aiding the Foundation during the war. It didn’t work so she was killed. Ngl none of us were upset with that outcome, felt good to finally take decades of pent-up rage out on the guys who thought they owned us.
After the war, the Foundation was forced to drop its veil of secrecy. Ivan negotiated with the O-5 some more and we came to an agreement. All SCPs would be evaluated to see if they could or couldn’t reenter society. Those that passed were given specially designed apartments or houses, tailored to suit them and their abilities. Freed anomalies were routinely tsted to ensure they were still safe to interact with the wider human populous. Those that failed were Contained, but now the Ethics Committe actually did their job and Containment standards were raised. Contained SCPs were allowed to take the Citizen Test at any time and could be granted citizenship if they pass.
Ivan helped improve Containment conditions for other digital SCPs, as well as greatly advanced the realm of robotic prosthetics and computer sciences.
He was a wonderful friend, even if he was a passive-aggressive asshole.
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vampirecatsw · 11 months
Hi, I'm on art fight!! Please feel free to attack me <3
I am very friendly and welcome art of all skills and mediums. Feel free to experiment with my characters (excluding NSFW and genderbends, you can see more in my profile)
I will try my best to do revenge back! I am willing to attempt all characters (except mechs) to challenge myself this event. I struggle a lot with keeping track of mech components so I probably won't be trying them though...
I'm currently practicing watercolouring in my art book.
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(Credits to Axel as the artist for the template and the official Art Fight account)
As you can see I have 3 characters currently! I may or may not add more
Doug: Feral, human form (+ anthros welcome) Cyra: Stick figure Leif: Kirby OC
Please see my Art Fight page for more, including an example of the work I will be attacking with (although I only have one rn). I may also be doing digital art as well.
Thanks for reading!
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[ID: A colourful collection of icons and images related to tumblr, each animated to switch between two angles, surrounding the words 'tumblr 2022 My Year In Review' in front of an orange grid background. End ID.]
I posted 649 times in 2022
That's 649 more posts than 2021!
66 posts created (10%)
583 posts reblogged (90%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 611 of my posts in 2022
Only 6% of my posts had no tags
#whump - 88 posts
#whump writing - 82 posts
#fantasy whump - 75 posts
#glass shards - 32 posts
#whump art - 30 posts
#writing things - 23 posts
#🤣🤣🤣 - 22 posts
#writing - 20 posts
#starlit plays tag games - 19 posts
#hidden depths - 18 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#i've adopted this story ✨️ as such my first speculative thought was whether cyra would go with adair when (emphasis) he eventually escapes
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hidden Depths: Masterlist
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Genre: Fantasy whump
This story is set in my fantasy world of Valysii. It follows an eighteen-year-old young man named Resh, who essentially sold himself into indentured servitude in return for assistance from the Crown to save his sick sister.
Unfortunately for him, he works for the crown prince, Marcus, who is a sadistic bastard. He finds this out soon enough, but not soon enough to matter, if you catch my drift :D
This story is told in dual POV.
See the full post
9 notes - Posted October 1, 2022
Chapter 8 ~ No way out
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Hidden Depths
Previous ~ Masterlist ~ Next
Genre: Fantasy whump
Written per Whumptober 2022 prompts
CW: flashback of attempted noncon, panic attack, mentioned death, mentioned murder, angst, failed escape, buried alive, magic whump, captivity
WC: 4499
See the full post
10 notes - Posted October 25, 2022
Last Line Tag
Thanks for the tag nanashi23!
RULES ARE SIMPLE. Share the last lines of... (whatever last lines means to you) . What you've written, last thing you wrote, last line said by a character. Surprise me. : )
This snippet is from a new story featuring Nykim from my fantasy whump Hidden Depths :D
"Her," Nykim said shortly. The early morning light was nearly blocked out by the dense canopy of green from above, so he was forced to slow his pace or risk tripping over a root or fallen branch. That wouldn't do, not even in front of Brant.
Brant shook his head, the motion barely visible. "Her." Brant's tone was full of disbelief. "I still can't believe it."
"What, is it so hard to believe a female could be as vicious as she is?" Nykim asked softly, infusing his voice with a quiet sort of venom. He wouldn't tolerate any disrespect, even when she was gone.
"No, of course not," Brant was quick to say. "It's just, I fuckin trained him. I mean, her. Known her as long as you, and never would've guessed."
Nykim rolled his eyes, then came to a stop before the first wall. There were three of the fuckers, with only one gate, patrolled by the royal guard at all hours. Too tall, too smooth, to climb, but Nykim didn't have that problem.
*grumble fucking tags grumble* Tagging people makes me nervous 😅
Tagging: i-can-even-burn-salad - since I'm not responding to your tag lol verkja @littleperilstories (if you want to of course!) also, butyoumissedmyheart - if you'd like to (like really, feel free to ignore this tag lol), sometimes sharing small pieces is easier than posting a whole chapter :)
There, I did it. *phew*
15 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
I have 3 more chapters and 5 more days in October. I had given up on completing whumptober last week when I got stuck on my last posted chapter. I'm still slightly behind, but it's doable. It is doable. I'm over here cheering myself on. You can do it, anna! :D
25 notes - Posted October 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Whump Intro
Hi, hello! 
Um, I’ve been avoiding this intro bc I am a shy awkward hermit that usually just lurks and likes stuff, but that doesn’t really work on Tumblr so here I am! Plus I wanted to use Whumptober to force myself into sharing my writing and figured it might be useful to introduce myself first.
You can call me starlit, or anna, or hey you, I don’t really care lol. She/her pronouns. I love reading fantasy & fantasy romance, writing, and playing RPG video games when I have the time (usually fantasy based-are we sensing a theme here? 😂)
Before we get to more about me nonsense-
Shout out to i-can-even-burn-salad
For beta reading for me and then being brave enough to share her stories with me. And for sucking me into Tumbler lol. And for talking to me all the time and making me laugh. And for being such a great person. <3
I love her writing and stories so much. Please, please, check her writing out. It's worth it, I promise! Bring tissues though!!
Best internet friend ever trophy, where is it? I need to send it… oh, there it is. Here you go, Elli! 🏆🎉💜
I haven't had the opportunity to check out many other blogs yet, bc someone has such an extensive back catalog 👀 😂 but tagged below is the one I have read. I devoured Traces in one day because it was so good. Highly recommend!
Traces by whumping-in-the-wings - Thanks for writing such a great story! Can't wait to see what happens next :)
(Obligatory disclaimer: heed the warnings. They are well-tagged.)
I've got my eye on several other blogs once I have a little more time. Hope ya'll like spam likes/reblogs/comments, bc I'm a bit enthusiastic 😂
Ok, back to me, I suppose. Under the cut 🤣
I tend to use emojis excessively, but don’t expect me to know the meaning of them beyond face-value expressions. I shamelessly claim elder millennial status as an excuse (which means I’m 18+, obviously).
I’m audhd (combo autistic/adhd), but I didn’t find that out until earlier this year, so I’m still very used to tiptoeing around people and holding myself back out of self-preservation. Working on that though, bc I’m tired of that shit. 
Erm, also… fuck is my favorite word. If you don’t like foul language, I might not be a great fit for you. 
I joined Tumblr about a month ago, so I am still learning and ask for your patience. (I will probably be learning for quite some time, tbh) If I’m doing something wrong, please let me know so I can fix it.
Asks are welcome, although not sure what you would ask me lol. With asks, keep in mind that I’m literal as fuck and context is everything :D
As is fairly common from what I’ve seen in this community, I’ve daydreamed whump for as long as I can remember, and it’s nice to:
1. know what to call it 🥲
2. find someplace where I don’t feel weird about getting it out of my head and putting it on digital paper. Well, not quite as weird haha.
I’m super nervous to post on here, but that’s what I’m here for, so… deep breaths 😶
See the full post
91 notes - Posted September 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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cahmsandiego · 3 years
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Been a hot minute but just a friendly reminder of how much I love Zeus' Dilemma by @trinitytrilogy
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cyraphim · 3 years
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actually im tired now so i might stop for the day. lets hope i dont fall asleep at 4pm dfhdjgds
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fisheoctrashdump · 3 years
Castor doesn't have a favorite holiday. they celebrate Valentine's Day the most, but that's only because Skylar expects them to go all out for her. Castor likes celebrating other people's birthdays, tho, because they like the attention being on other people. Castor makes big plans for their friend's birthdays :)
they don't cook a lot. when they have to get their own food, Castor relies on fast food and ramen. it's not that they can't cook. Castor's actually pretty decent at it. they just have other ways they want to spend their time.
Castor has trouble staying asleep. they usually fall asleep pretty easily, but they wake up constantly throughout the night. as a result, they're always exhausted. they refuse to use sleeping aids, either. Castor consumes a lot of caffeine during the day to make up for it.
when they wake up and can't fall back asleep, sometimes they leave the house to ride for about an hour, but this results in them staying awake for the rest of the night.
Castor got their driver's license at 16, but got their motorcycle license when they turned 18. they only use their motorcycle now.
they usually shower at night while everyone else is asleep. Castor uses coconut scented soaps :3
they don't often hug people. Castor is very reluctant to hug someone unless the situation calls for it. the only exception to this is when Cyra wants a hug. Castor loves Cyra's hugs
Castor is normally a very passive kisser. they let their partner take the lead. this includes when they start dating people other than Skylar - Castor just lets their other partners do the work when it comes to kissing
and when it comes to sex. Castor feels more comfortable when their partners take the lead. they have a really high sex drive, but won't initiate even if their life depended on it. it's just how they be.
General physical contact
Castor doesn't like to be touched, in general. the exception to this is once again, Cyra. they'd let her mess with their hair, pat them on the back, whatever she feels like doing. the other exception is Tracy, but it takes a while before they feel comfortable. Castor avoids initiating contact with her as well, because they just feel weird inside when they do.
Physical Appearance
Castor has short black hair with long bangs that covers their left eye. their eyes are yellow, and they have light brown skin like Cyra.
they are 5'7 with a slightly muscular (toned) build
Castor and Cosmos are identical twins, so they look exactly alike.
Castor is normally wearing their favorite leather jacket
they wear black clothing pretty much always, and studded biker boots are their fav. they have a knife concealed under their clothes at all times for self defense, but this didn't start until the event where they were attacked outside of a bar.
Castor has snake bites, usually with rings instead of studs, a nose bridge piercing, and two eyebrow piercings.
Castor wears chains and studded bracelets occasionally
Cyra calls them Cas, and Dia calls them Cassie. Lena calls them Grumpy. (Castor isn't actually grumpy, they just look that way lol)
Castor dislikes dancing. they find it more annoying than fun.
Castor has such a smooth and nice voice. they don't sing often, because it's something they feel weird about. their friends have caught Castor singing a few times, but Castor gets really flustered and denies they were singing at all.
Castor has a difficult time containing their anger. regardless, they still attempt to put a lid on it and hold it back until their whole body is shaking and they are almost literally seeing red. Castor will eventually work through it (they use their senses to ground themself and breathe through the anger) but if provoked enough, they will explode on someone. Cosmos is normally the one on the receiving end of Castor's anger.
Soft spot
Tracy and Lena.
Animals, but cats more specifically. Castor goes out of their way to be around and protect cats. they even help Cyra out at the cafe. Castor has been known to rescue strays and re-home outdoor cats. they sometimes spend several minutes in the cold/heat trying to earn a cat's trust so they can help it.
The color green.
Favorite possession
Their motorcycle. The kandi Tracy has given them.
Favorite photograph
A picture of them with Cosmos when they were little. The two of them were finger painting together, and the picture is of them with colored hand prints on each other's face, their art displayed behind them.
a picture Cyra took of Castor holding newborn Vincent
Another is a picture Castor took while hanging out with Lena and Tracy. they were under an overpass just vibing when Castor decided they wanted a picture with both of them.
Relationship with ___
Castor's relationship with Cosmos is pretty bad at the moment. they constantly feel like Cosmos is looking down on them. it doesn't help that Cosmos never puts any effort into their relationship. they've been fighting since they were about ten years old.
Castor has tried many times to repair their relationship with Cosmos, but every time they do they're met with Cosmos showing disinterest. Castor can only see Cosmos as selfish because of this. Castor has resorted to lashing out at Cosmos and destroying his things because of this. despite Cyra's encouragement to both of them, they both viewed their relationship as irreparable.
this was the case until Cosmos had reason to be worried about Castor's relationship with Skylar, however by this point it was too late. Cosmos showing concern for Castor only made the situation worsen.
Castor has no strong feelings for or against Dawson. they have felt loved and supported by Dawson over the years, but Dawson is also obnoxious and bites them so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Castor is very close to Cyra. she has comforted them through a lot of breakdowns, and has helped them fix many of their problems. she makes Castor feel important, and always seems to know just what to say to them. Castor would both kill and die for Cyra, and that's not an exaggeration.
their relationship with Dia was pretty bad until recent years. Castor neglected Dia when she was younger because they were so caught up in their rivalry with Cosmos. needless to say, Castor regrets not being a stronger presence in Dia's life before now. they are currently working to make it up to her.
Castor is currently only just starting to realize their romantic feelings for Tracy. they feel most themself when they're with her. Castor's friendship with Tracy has been the most important one in their life so far, because it was their first healthy friendship
okay, so maybe part of why I pushed these two together is because a trans and enby (one being a triplet and the other being a twin) was just. so much serotonin for me.
but really, Castor feels so close to Lena. they listen to the same music, and they have really similar weird energy. Castor has the most memorable conversations with Lena, and they both encourage their weird hobbies. Castor finds it fun to just sit in the grass with music playing softly and talking to Lena while she's throwing knives.
they've been feeling very lost lately without Lena as a friend (and with the weight of Lena almost losing her life on their shoulders). Castor doesn't know how to fix things with Lena, and they're afraid of losing her for good.
Castor is super in love with Skylar. they often make excuses for her behavior because they don't believe she would intentionally want to hurt them. their self esteem issue plays a lot into this, because they usually shift the blame to themself when Skylar blows up on them. the situation with Lena is starting to open Castor's eyes to the possibility that Skylar might not have their best interest in mind, but it's been extremely hard for them to digest. Between the manipulating Skylar has done over the years and the fact that they need to cooperate on caring for Vincent, Castor is scrambling even more desperately to stay blind to her true nature. they are scared of losing her, because they feel in need of her.
Skylar meddling with Castor and Tracy's friendship will be the breaking point, but it will still take Castor a long time to openly admit they need help leaving Skylar.
their relationship with Karissa is just out of convenience. neither of them feel especially close to the other, but they do find Karissa fun to hang out with in a group setting.
Castor and Certia don't interact very often. Certia played a role in connecting Castor with Lena, but she doesn't get involved much after that. Castor doesn't quite understand what Certia sees in Cosmos, but they don't ever discuss their feelings about Cosmos with each other.
Castor also has two other siblings, but because they have zero development, I have no idea what Castor's relationship with them will be like
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cyrassol · 1 year
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beloved rascal
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voidtouched-blue · 10 months
Reaching Into Darkness
Cyra held the pain of losing one of her dearest friends deep within her heart. When he died, it felt like her soul had fractured. Once peace was restored to the realm, the healer had taken her leave of the Scions to pursue other ventures. Namely, she took the time to learn other healing arts. Alongside learning the different methods of manipulating aether to mend wounds, she delved into a different source of knowledge. Once she had learned what she needed from the Thaumaturge's guild, she sought out the Lemures. A group of Reapers who learned the art of reaching into the Void for assistance from the netherworldly beasts in battle. Being that she was neither skilled in melee combat, nor did she have any understanding in dealing with the denizens of darkness, she hoped that with what little information she had that her efforts would not be in vain. One night, secreted away in her cabin, Cyra called out to the void. ...and something replied. Whatever it was, it frightened her. However, it promised her unrivaled power in exchange for part of her Aether. Still in shock that something called back out to her, she told the creature she would need time to consider their offer. She knew that what she was attempting was both wrong and had the potential to be incredibly dangerous. She needed time to weigh the options, and see if she could find any more answers hidden away in the mountain of books she had accumulated over the previous months. It was only a matter of time before she returned once again to the Void. Having found a lack of answers in her continued research left her desperate, and impatient. Upon contacting the creature in the Void a second time, she accepted their vague terms. Once the pact was made, the creature crawled forth from the dark portal. It's massive form burst forth, and charged straight for her. She had braced herself for an attack, only for the beast to pass right into her small form. To be continued in the next headcannon text...
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cyra-de-leon · 3 years
Monday November 17th, 1997- midday
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
"Ma'aasalaama, old friend. We’ll speak again soon.” Cyra set the receiver of the phone down, securing it to it’s carrier with a soft click. With a small sigh, she picked up a pen and crossed a line on the day’s to-do list, marking the call to her curator friend in Cairo as completed. 
The call had lasted an hour longer than she’d planned on, and the fatigue pricking at her eyes acted as her body’s desperate cry for caffeine before she attempted anything else on the list- a list that was double it’s usual size, thanks to a fellow curator being out for the day. She glanced at the clock, and groaned lightly at the time. There’d be no time for that cup of coffee, or for the lunch she’d skipped; she was fifteen minutes late to the first meeting her coworker had scheduled. Rising from her desk, she quickly made her way from her office to the main floor of the museum where a new exhibit- a nature’s art theme with a strong focus on striking insects- was currently being set up. 
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Waiting outside the door to the exhibit, stood the museum’s regular consultant: Elizabeth Duke. Cyra took in the firm form of the etymologist, mentally preparing herself for the earful she was sure to get. Taking a steadying breath, she plastered on an apologetic smile. “Forgive me for my tardiness, Elizabeth. I’ve been on the phone with Cairo all morning, trying to make a deal for next month’s fundraising event. And well,” A light chuckle, as came to a stop just before the consultant. “they are notoriously finicky with their artifacts when hashing deals.”
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urwendii · 6 years
Hogwarts AU - Hundreds of our heartbeats - Part II [Lukan/Cyra]
Was too long to post it all together. 
Part I
It’s September 1st, track 9 ¾ and Cyra or Amara aren’t there. Lukan curses as he climbs in the Hogwarts Express.
It’s September 13th when Cyra comes back to Hogwarts alone. She tells Baek who tells Aethan who tells Lukan who tells everyone that Amara is going to Mabeobjeong School now so she can stay closer from their grandparents in Seoul. She thanks Aethan and him for their letter then goes off with Baek. It’s the last time of the semester she talks to them.
He tries to engage her almost every day, then once a week but she avoids him so efficiently he begins to suspect she has an invisibility cloak. She goes home for the Christmas vacations. Whilst she’s away another accident happens between the Progressive Front and two members of the Wizenmagot; unfortunately there are collateral damages in the form of a muggle and Hogwarts students jump on the subject like its candies.
Killian Howard says rather loudly that its the Winzenmagot member’s faults that muggles were harmed to what Steph Ly bit back that the Front is the only guilty here and suddenly jinxes and hexes are flying around the courtyard and someone shouts that muggles will always ruin it all and that purebloods who side with them are weak and Lukan’s spell shut them up but also sends crashing into the wall two other students.
He’s still reeling from the month worth detentions he got when school starts for the new semester. But nothing is worse than when he receives a Howler from his father telling him to remind himself whose son he is. Anger and shame flushes his face as words as brat, immature and mindless actions echo in the quiet Great Hall.
They’re in Defense Against Dark Arts practicing patronus spell and failing utterly for the majority of them; only Marvin Habbot got an incorporeal silvery mist for ten seconds when Lukan realizes the next Quidditch game is this saturday...And that he’s in detention the entire day. His attempt at a patronus quickly dies out as he sinks to his knees in a dramatic show of utter misery.
Cyra quietly asks him what is wrong - it’s the first time she speaks to anyone else other than Baek. He definitely not snap at her because look at this he won’t be able to play against her team. How convenient. She glares at him and hisses - like she’s obviously a snake - it isn’t her fault he got detentions.
“Yes it is because your bloody conservative parents had to get killed and now I can’t play Quidditch.” His brain registers the stupidity of his words - and overall argumentation line - one second too late but her eyes are already filled with tears. He opens his mouth to say he’s sorry - he does not mean it at all - but then she raises her wand and yells “Stupefy” and the last thing Lukan sees is a bright light before he loses consciousness.
He spent the night in the med bay.
He finds her the next lunch period sitting by herself in some secluded corner of the third floor. She’s crying and he grimaces. He sits by her side without saying a word and is relieved when she does not hex his sorry ass again. There’s an angry red scar on his arm because of her now but Lukan already feels strangely attached to it.
“Why are you here” she finally says after a while without looking at him. Lukan scratches the back of his head nervously but tells her he’s very, very sorry for what he told her yesterday in DADA. She says nothing and he grimaces again.
“Here for you” he nudges her softly handing her a small square brown  box. She eyes it suspiciously and he opens it to reveal a cake.
“I made it myself…went to the Kitchens and...” he stutters with a start of a blush colouring his cheeks “apologies and all that.” Her face is indecipherable when she takes the cake box and conjures a spoon out of thin air. He watches fascinated as she cuts herself a small piece and brings it to her mouth. The moment her lips wrap around the innocent piece of food he has to squeeze his eyes shut and turns his face away.
Her sudden fit of giggles has him glancing back at her and he finds out his cake tastes simply horribly but he does not find the room to be insulted or embarrassed because she is laughing and wiping tiny bead of water on the corner of her eyes and it’s all he cares about. This is the first time Cyra has laughed since September. He’s inordinately glad he’s the reason why and his heart thumps wildly.
Their fourth year moves slowly. Lukan gets more detentions but it’s really not his fault he tells his parents ok maybe that one time he got caught red hand snogging Sybille Wildort after curfew. In professor Oryn’s office. That was his fault because he should have known it was risky as location.
“I thought you wanted to marry Cyra” Aethan has said to him after and Lukan has looked as if his brother was asking something stupid. again. “Well I have to practice snogging duh! I can’t have her be my wife and be rubbish at kissing. You’re dumb” he concludes.
Apparently Sybille tells her friend Jeanne about the snogging because suddenly Lukan is very popular and more girls want to kiss him in empty classrooms. He does not mind, it makes for better practice anyway.
Lukan spends the summer of his fifteen years chasing his brother and cousin on his brand new broomstick. Aethan has been made Prefect to their parents pride whilst he is made Gryffindor Quidditch Captain and boasts about this in front of Baek for two months.
“Perhaps I’ll let Cyra kiss me good luck before each game” he says with a new layer of arrogance. Baek snorts at this.
“She’s planning to make it into the team this year so I think not mate”
“Really?” he almost falls of his chair “When did she tell you this? She never replies to my letters” he’s pouting now.
“That’s because she loves me”
“Nonsense” he scoffs but then something nags at him “You don’t want to marry her too right?”
His cousin dissolves in a fit of laughter so hard he cried. Lukan kicks him in the shin twice.
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wallpapernifty · 4 years
This Story Behind Pencil Drawings Of Flowers Will Haunt You Forever! | Pencil Drawings Of Flowers
Thinking aback to the not-too-distant past, I assume to anamnesis that back we were all at the office, we would accuse about actuality ashore abaft a board all day. Comparatively, back the coronavirus angry all of our old habits upside down, we accept started to accuse about actuality apathetic at home and blockage in bed all day. It is conceivably animal attributes to never be content, but we are all absolutely acquainted that as the apple settles into a new normal, the time that we absorb at home is all the added precious. Therefore, those who can administer to agitate off their fatigue and assignment on convalescent themselves at home, honing in on their abilities with assorted activities, will appear out of this action in a far bigger accompaniment of cerebral health, bringing them success in the post-pandemic era.
Finding a amusement you adore is one of the best means to accumulate busy, as the amusement it gives will alone addition your activity levels. With that in mind, if you are addition who brand to boggle with arts and crafts, especially, again the classical Turkish art of miniatures ability aloof annoyance your interest.
The appellation miniature is about acclimated for small, cautiously crafted paintings. It is believed that the chat derives from the Latin “miniare,” which refers to a painting done in red, and after casual into French. A cornerstone of miniature art is the claim to back the accountable completely. Therefore, angle is not adhered to. Distance and breadth are not appropriate by ablaze or shadows; miniatures are pictures after light, adumbration or alike what would be advised a European angle of perspective. While historical, arcane and
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Flower pencil sketch | Light and Shade – pencil drawings of flowers | pencil drawings of flowers
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