notherpuppet · 4 months
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This is why his character is so compelling
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a-hazbin-reader · 4 months
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Alastor's craziness
Description: Alastor having to deal with Child!Reader and what their relationship is like
Alastor is somehow the best with children while simultaneously being the fucking worst
Sure he can entertain them easily, knows all the right things to say and think of fun games to keep them occupied
He can make them good food to eat, supply them with the proper clothes and protection
He'll even play along with all your little antics, act as your partner in crime
Knows how to make you smile after something has upset you, giving small head pats and singing you a song
Lil song and dance number
"You're never fully dressed~ Without a smile~"
Let's you in on his super duper big plans but you can't tell anybody or else it'll ruin the surprise
But he has no idea what a child actually needs in order to thrive
His idea of games are often just tossing you somewhere dangerous or letting you play on a death trap while he lazily watches you
Often times he forgets to feed you and when you inevitably complain of being hungry he tries to feed you the nearest sucker around
Alastor kids do NOT eat ppl
Cannibal children do
Okay well ppl meat doesn't have enough nutrients for a child
Puts you in clothes that will embarrass you to tears with how old and dorky they are
"Well it was in style when I was a kid!"
And he more than likely will traumatize you with his idea of 'protection', as if his demon form wasn't terrifying to normal adults
To top it all off...Alastor can probably only handle you in short bursts then pawns you off on someone else
It's nothing personal
You're just needy and grabby and loud and you're prone to tears and-
Well, children are just that way by design
So it's nothing personal
But he does have a soft spot for you and spoils you a little more than he would the average child
Gives you anything you ask for no matter if it's bad for you or if someone else already told you no
"Alastor! Can I have a cookie?"
"Of course my dear~"
"Uh Al? Vaggie already told them no..."
"Two cookies then!"
Alastor finds qualities in you that could be nurtured and puts effort into helping you grow your gifts
If you get into trouble then he helps you skirt the rules of your punishment
And lands the both of you in a time out
"I can't believe you dragged me into your punishment!"
"Alastor, that was your idea!"
When you start trying to make deals with everyone around the hotel, he is so PROUD
Sniff "they grow up so fast"
Covers your ears whenever anybody curses around you but casually teaches you how to properly cook a finger
If you're dirty then he'll hold you away from him with his staff, sidestepping your grubby hands
"Oh dear~! Someone needs a bath~"
Leaves the hard work to everyone else but happily does all the funs parts of hanging out with a kid
You're probably his favorite kid in all of Hell tho
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theamberfist · 26 days
One Blind Mouse | Uncle Alastor + Reader
Familial! Alastor is Reader's Uncle
Description: One day after an overlord meeting, Alastor stumbles upon a giant demonic mouse that he soon realizes is his relative from life.
(Notes: CW Alastor, death, violence) (gender neutral reader) (Reader is Alastor's niece/nephew/whatever term you prefer) (Reader is blind) (Reader is a mouse sinner) (Pretend Alastor had a sister for the sake of this oneshot)
Words: 2,940
Alastor's ears perked at the familiar sound of screams that always seemed to accompany the streets of hell. He'd just stepped out of a surprisingly entertaining overlord meeting and now his high spirits lead him to take a walk down the road. 
This part of the city, being Carmilla Carmine's territory, was significantly less of a disaster compared to most of hell, and although he didn't enjoy the area nearly as much as some others- such as Rosie's Cannibal Town- it was still a pleasurable enough experience. As he walked, he calmly held his microphone-cane behind his back and took in all the sights.
Most of it was nothing out of the ordinary; sinners running in fear at the mere sight of him, remnants of bloody fights and brawls, as well as a few trashed buildings and alleyways the overlord expected Carmilla to be very unhappy about. 
Alastor sighed. If there was one thing he both loved and hated about hell it was that every day tended to be just the same. Territory disputes, murders that were ultimately never permanent, and newly-killed human souls ending up fearful and disoriented as they randomly appeared throughout hell were all nothing he hadn't seen before. In his time living down here, he'd come to place great value on entertainment and breaks from normality. At the very least, they made afterlife in hell a little more fun.
It was because of this he considered summoning Husk or even Nifty to liven things up. That was what he normally did when he lacked any other form of entertainment, but before he could even decide which to rip from their normal lives, a new sound reached his ears that suddenly caught his attention.
It was almost akin to a roar; something he would have expected to hear from a lion or even a dinosaur if they were more common forms for sinners to take on. Glancing up, he now realized the sound had come from just a few blocks away, where a giant figure towered over some of the nearby buildings. 
It looked like a huge...rat? That was the best way Alastor could describe the entity; with glowing grey eyes, demonic markings, and surprisingly sharp claws and teeth. The rat was ripping apart the nearby buildings as sinners screamed and tried to run away, which made the Radio Demon's ever-present smile widen. It seemed he'd found some entertainment at last. 
So of course, he made his way towards where the rat was towering over buildings; realizing it was right on the edge of Carmilla's territory; approaching that of the V's. He hadn't even realized he'd been so close to their space but it hardly mattered now. While he'd at first assumed the rat's goal to be complete destruction simply for the sake of discussion, that didn't seem to be the case now that he observed them. 
They were ignoring most of the frightened sinners around them; aside from a few that happened to scream extra loud as they ran. Instead, their focus was more towards the nearest building; a TV store in which every single piece of merchandise had a different channel playing at once that made for quite an obnoxious display of sound. Even Alastor wanted to cover his ears, not stopping the giant rat sinner as they tore the place apart sloppily. 
He continued watching the scene for a few more moments until a car finally showed up nearby and a tech-related sinner stepped out with a frightened look on her face. Alastor recognized her as one of Vox's employees from back when they'd still been friends, though he was surprised the TV producer hadn't fired her yet with his poor track record of employees. 
Once out of the car, she approached the giant rat cautiously; as if unsure of how to handle the situation. 
"E-excuse me?" The sinner called, though the rat ignored her, "I demand you stop! This store is property of Vox Tech and you're going to have to pay for any damages you cause!" Alastor's smile only widened now, curious to see whether this seemingly out-of-control sinner would even acknowledge the tech demon or if they'd just continue to go about their destruction. If his employee couldn't handle things, perhaps Vox would even come all the way down here himself, and wouldn't that be a treat to watch? 
As expected, the rat ignored her as they crushed another giant flat-screen TV between their claws. The Vox Tech employee seemed almost offended as she came closer to them. 
"How dare you?!" She exclaimed louder now; taking on a more demonic form that was indicative of her anger, "Have you no respect for the art of television?!" This seemed to finally get the rat's attention because they paused, dropping the shattered TV and turning to face her as they gazed down.
"Art?" They repeated, their voice coated with that demonic tone one became accustomed to hearing while in hell. Alastor raised an eyebrow at the realization that this was not their regular form, wondering what they could have originally looked like but not saying anything just yet. "You call this art?!"
The rat grabbed another TV and threw it at the tech demon, nearly crushing her under its weight if she hadn't gotten out of the way in time. "This is pathetic!" 
Alastor had to agree there. Television had always been a lesser form of media to him, and it seemed this other sinner understood that too. Perhaps when they calmed down the two of them would get along.
Though, there was another part of him that took note of how familiar this particular was...
The rat grabbed two more TV screens and crushed them in either hand now; snarling. "Don't pretend to know anything about art if you support him!" Alastor knew without needing to ask that they were referring to Vox, which made his smile widen even more. It seemed he really would get along with this rat. Though, the more he listened to them speak, the more it felt like he should recognize that voice.
"Don't make me tell you again! Unhand our property!" The tech demon tried, though she was shaking as the giant rat stared her down. 
"No." The rat replied before tossing another TV at her. This time, it managed to hit her and she was knocked back into the nearby wall. It seemed the impact was enough to kill her, too, because her body finally went limp. Alastor knew she wouldn't be dead for long before regenerating but it had done the job for now, anyway. 
It seemed the only one that didn't realize that was the rat because they reached for another blaring TV and tossed it in the direction of the now-dead sinner again. Then they grabbed another and did the same before repeating the act again and again until every last screen had been destroyed. 
It was only then that the Radio Demon realized what was going on as he watched the giant rat feel around the destroyed store for any more Vox Tech Products; they were blind. 
They couldn't actually see the tech demon when she'd shown up; they'd only known where to throw the TV based on where they'd heard her voice. They'd been sloppily feeling around and grabbing TV's earlier because they could hear the obnoxious sounds coming from them, and they'd only killed the extra loud sinners because they could hear where they were.
How interesting, Alastor thought as he watched the rat's shoulders rise and fall as they caught their breath. They were far from the first blind person he'd met but they were the first one he'd run into in hell thus far. Based on the display he'd just witnessed though, they were doing just fine down here despite not having sight. He was about to step forward and introduce himself when a peculiar sight stopped him.
The rat, which had been giant just a moment ago, was now shrinking in size before his very eyes. They went from being taller than the nearby building to becoming so small he couldn't even see them from where he stood anymore. 
Curious, he stepped forward, realizing they'd shrunk to the size of a mouse. And, in fact, it seemed that that was exactly what they were; not a rat, like he'd presumed earlier. Like most sinners in hell, they still possessed human qualities, but the big mouse ears on their head and the tail made it apparent which animal they were meant to resemble. 
Amusement shined in the Radio Demon's eyes now as he continued observing the little creature. This tiny mouse had done all that damage just moments ago; leaving one of Vox's stores in complete ruin. He never would have expected them to possess that kind of strength based on how they looked, but it made him all the more curious of their motive as he now approached them.
"Well, hell there!" He called. Immediately, the mouse jumped in surprise and reached for their ears as if they were in pain. "My, that was quite a display!" He went on, ignoring their clear shock, "May I ask what might have prompted it?"
There was a long pause as the tiny sinner regarded him, now bent at the waist so that his face was a little closer to their eye level. For a second he wondered if they really were capable of speaking or if he'd simply imagined it earlier, but then they shouted.
"Uncle Al?!" Their voice, which had lost its demonic edge and returned to normal now, suddenly sounded so familiar that it felt as if the Radio Demon had been hit by a truck. How had he not recognized you before? What other little demon could have casually caused so much destruction to a TV store than his own niece/nephew/etc? 
"Why, is that you, my little mouse?" He asked with a grin so wide it nearly hurt. You nodded eagerly, immediately running up to hug him. You were so small, though, that you could really only latch onto his ankle. 
"It is, Uncle!" You replied, only now realizing how ironic his old nickname for you had turned out to be. You'd known the second you'd heard his voice that it was your favorite family member and finding him again like this couldn't have made you happier. Alastor chuckled, kneeling and placing a hand beside your little body on the ground. Once you felt it beside you, you immediately climbed on and then he carefully held you up so that you were closer to his eye-level. 
"And here I'd thought you ended up in heaven!" He told you, though his tone only held amusement. Your presence had always been enjoyable to him; ever since you were a baby. When he'd died, he'd been surprised to find he actually missed the nights when he used to have to come over and babysit you for his dear little sister's sake. 
"Nope," you told him, "But I'm pretty sure mama is there! I've been alone down here for years." The Radio Demon nodded at that. Like their mother, he'd had no doubt his sister had gone to heaven. Your presence in hell was a surprise, but with how mischievous you'd been as a child, it made some sense, even if he hadn't gotten to see how you turned out when you grew up. 
"It must have been quite lonely being by yourself." He replied as he brought you to his coat pocket now. You felt around the area before seemingly deciding it was acceptable and getting comfortable within the fabric. 
"And loud." You nodded. Alastor didn't doubt that; you'd had great hearing even when you were alive, so he imagined those big mouse ears made it even more amplified now. "I hate television."
"I agree with you there!" Alastor replied as he began walking back down the street with you safely tucked into his pocket now. "Especially since the whole point of it is to see the pictures, isn't it?" You nodded, crossing your arms in disdain. "At least radio is tasteful." In life, you'd always loved tuning into your uncle's nightly broadcasts. No matter what you and your mother had been doing at the time, you'd always made her take you home to hear them. Alastor nodded in amusement now. 
"Uncle Al, where are we going anyway?" You asked suddenly.
"Well, I do still have a broadcast to run!" The Radio Demon replied, "I'm sure the citizens of hell will want to hear about that giant mouse causing so much destruction earlier." You giggled and got a little more comfortable in the demon's pocket. "Now, while we talk, do tell me more about those demonic powers of yours?" The fact that you possessed the ability to grow and shrink between more and less terrifying forms just like he did was certainly not lost on him, and nor was the possibility of capitalizing on those powers with the potential of you two taking over hell as family. 
♡ After that you're almost always found in Alastor's pocket whenever he goes anywhere
♡ Sometimes you like to hide in his pocket and then pop up at random times, which he used to scare some of the hotel guests after the first found you
♡ You go into your demon form whenever you get angry, which usually happens when you're surrounded by way too many loud noises at once and get overwhelmed
♡ Alastor thought it was entertaining at first but after the third time you broke his coat pocket by transforming while he was literally carrying you around, he invested in some cute little earmuffs to prevent it
♡ Everybody at the hotel thought you were adorable once they got past the initial shock of A) Alastor having a niece/nephew/etc and B) the fact that you'd popped out of his pocket and startled them
♡ Vaggie lets you ride on her hair bow sometimes and Charlie absolutely loves to pet your mouse ears (she's very gentle but sometimes gets too excited and Alastor has to pull you away from her)
♡ You were terrified of Husk at first because he's a cat and Alastor, always looking for entertainment, did nothing to help with that fear
♡ So for a while every time you would be near Husk he would have to be super careful not to scare you and make you go into demon form
♡ That was until you realized who you really had to be afraid of; Nifty
♡ She associates mice with uncleanliness so she tried to stab you many times at first. Alastor never let her actually succeed but he did enjoy watching her chase you around the hotel for the first week
♡ That was how you got over your fear of Husk because he would sometimes let you hide behind the bar in between the bottles of wine. He even fed you a piece of cheese once and you were sold on him after that
♡ Eventually though, a solution was reached with Nifty when Charlie suggested they dress you in nice clothes (A red striped suit like Alastor's or a dress version of his outfit, fitted for your tiny self) in order to give the cyclops a visibly difference between you and the actual vermin she was supposed to kill 
♡ That worked well but you're still too scared to go near Nifty most of the time
♡ Sir Pentious dubbed you an honorary egg because you were close to them in size and he thought you were just so cute. He got you a little hat like the ones they wear and would even let you ride atop his hat (kind of like Alice with the Mad Hatter in the live action Alice in Wonderland)
 ♡ Angel Dust also loves you and one of the first things he did was introduce you to Fat Nuggets, whom you adored
♡ Sometimes you ride Nuggets around the hotel like a horse since you're the perfect size for it and Angel has many photos on his phone of the two of you being absolutely adorable
♡ Despite how he may seem, Alastor can be a very protective uncle. Since you've come to the hotel, he makes sure everyone keeps their volume down most of the time so as not to bother your sensitive ears. If anyone so much as raises their voice in your presence they're met with his sadistic expression and radio dial eyes as a warning
♡ No one is allowed to watch TV when you're around either; he doesn't care that English Descriptive Audio exists he just doesn't want you to feel sad that you can't have a normal experience like everyone else because that used to get to really you when you were a kid 
♡ Since you're always in his pocket, you've met most of the other overlords at meetings and things
♡ Rosie adores you and every time she meets with Alastor she brings along a new mouse-sized outfit she sewed for you as a gift. You have a whole wardrobe of tasteful clothes made by her now
♡ Zestial and Carmilla think you're cute but won't ever admit it. They just smile whenever you pop out of Alastor's pocket during a meeting; wanting to see what they're all talking about
♡ You did meet Vox once because Alastor ran into him on the street
♡ That went about as well as expected and you turned into your demon form due to his loudness and the fact that he insulted your uncle
♡ You and Alastor took turns beating Vox up that day 
Headcannons related to this concept: Cursed-Cat and Mouse
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sorry. the new episode unleashed my autism. probably gonna make a hazbin sideblog soon. heres a comic, first time ive drawn these two - pretty proud.
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alastors discovery of charlies daddy issues.
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multbasa · 4 months
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The Mother Gothel energy is so strong with Alastor in the show. Evil Fairy Godfather Alastor just enjoying Charlie's suffering right now.
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scarlet-bernard · 2 years
Hi, could you please write something platonic for Alastor, it can be fanfic or headcanons, the reader sees him as a parental figure and trusts him, not some obsessive thing, just really admires him and wants to be like him. Thank you so much!!
Totally!! This is super cute!!
Platonic Alastor And GN Reader
You were fairly young, when you died
I'd say early 20's? Maybe
-Kind of up to you, this is just my estimate-
You weren't dumb by any means, just new to Hell
So when you got to Hell, you knew nothing about the overlords
Safe to say, when you ran into Al, you had *no* clue who he was
Like no clue
So when you started chatting with him you recieved stares
Al wasn't too angry about the run in
Of course, he *could* have killed you
But you must've been new, you didn't seem very afraid of him
A small mistake, really
He could fix that without killing you!
Besides, you were entertaining
Murdering you would be to easy
You were... refreshing
So, he decided to spend the rest of the day with you!
"Well dear, you must be new! Let me show you around Hell!" And he has his arm wrapped around your shoulders and he's dragging you around Hell
Glances are thrown at both of you. They almost feel bad enough to warn you
"How'd you know I was new?"
"Well, darling, people are generally afraid of me. You don't seem to know who I am!!"
You... weren't sure you wanted to know, honestly.
You weren't going to ask
But, you made a new friend! So it was a good day. You were feeling pretty alone until you met him
He honestly reminded you of a dad, with all the dumb jokes he told
They're very stupid
Since they two of you are from different generations....
"The past, present, and future walk into a bar. It was tense!"
You groan
They were very bad jokes
I thought it was funny
Of course, you eventually found out who he was
It was... unsettling, to say the least. But hey, he was your friend
You were already in too deep
And you were in Hell
You could've run into someone worse, is my point
Kind of
It could've been Val
Besides, he threatened a manager and a real estate agent helped you get a job and a house!
And he was seriously influential
He knew where you lived. You really couldn't hide from him if you wanted to
He got you the house anyway
He always stopped by randomly
He'd bring food, tell jokes, tell you stories from when he was alive, stories of his murder sprees
Gonna be real, this man adores you
And he supports whichever gender or sexuality you are! (Or anything else! You're just darling to him)
He was never one to follow social norms
Of course, if you were nervous to tell him, he'd do his best to make you feel better
"Uhm... So, Al, I know this might be kind of weird, but I'm ........."
"Dear, why do you seem so nervous? Hahaha! I don't mind at all! You know, I was never one to follow tradition, either. Goodness, this reminds me of that one time-"
And suddenly, he's gone onto an hour long tale of weird shit he did
And illegal shit
It's safe to say, you feel incredibly better
And have a migraine
He told a lot of bad jokes
He accepted you! He didn't disown you!
I mean?? Not disown. He totally... Isn't your Hellish parental figure
Yes he is
Because of this, he totally would do anything for you
Someone picking on you? They go missing
There's something you really want? Wait, when did it get into your house?
You're crushing on someone? He does his best to not scare them off
Even though he really wants to
Also, if anyone dares to break your heart, they also go missing
You try to keep people from mysteriously vanishing
He keeps one of his shadows watching you if you want protection, too
It isn't creepy
He's just a little protective (if you allow him)
You can ask the shadow to leave you alone, too
It'll stay in the vicinity, though
This man will also take you shopping
And on father daughter dinner dates
Let it just be said, you really really admire him
And if you're ever a parent, you want to be just as good as he is
Aside from the murder
All in all it's just a lot of fun to be around him
And then he starts working at the hotel
And you meet a whole bunch of cool people!
He totally brags about you to the other overlords too
"Anyway, they're doing great!"
"Ah yes, Vox. You may have a small business," ow, "but Y/n is doing ........ now, and they're really popular. Though, I'm sure you already know that!"
It's just his way of showing... what is this feeling??? Paternal love??
All in all, you're glad you met this bastard. And vice versa!
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fanby-fckry · 4 months
Ok, I’m joking around about Dadastor and stuff, but for real, no hate to Chalastor shippers.
Canon isn’t everything. You can still ship them. Go wild, guys.
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web6y · 3 months
its okay,my deer ꡴
Genre : Fluff
Alastor x Reader 
"You" is the only pronouns that is used for the reader.
The reader is a sinner who wants to e redeemed.
Summary : Alastor finds you crying at your hotel room and tries to comfort you.
Warnings : 
it's my (was) first time and I cringed while reading it again,does 'you might smell the cringe coming from the post' counts as a warning?
Shitty grammar
im not exactly sure ??
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During one of the group singing therapy sessions,the group was sitting at the lobby with Charlie,everyone were introducing themselves while keeping the rhythm going.
When it was your turn,you felt like your throat was dry as a desert.
Charlie smiled softly and gave you thumbs up to support you,but you were still stressed since the all eyes were on you.
You clapped your hands together twice "I am [name]",you accidentally clapped your hands three times,"I-I.." you paused and looked at Charlie,you didn't know what to say.
Charlie stood up and slowly walked towards you and whispered.
"You can go rest if you want to."
She helped you to get up,but you went to your room alone.
You felt weak while walking up the stairs,you slowly walked towards the door of your room and entered.
You were feeling mad ,so you slammed the door with a loud noise.
But you were not mad,you were sad.
You felt tears dropping down your cheeks,you didn't even know what was wrong.
You sat down on your bed,wrapped yourself to your blanket tightly,sobbing under the sheets quietly.
Soon,you heard the door is knocking.
"Go away." you said with a cracking voice .
But the door opened anyway.
The footsteps came closer and you felt a weight sitting next to you in the bed.
Slowly lifting the blanket over your face,you were eye-to-eye with The Radio Demon.
He was actually nice to you most of the time,but he is the Radio Demon,you were afraid of him like the most.
You winced slightly,"What you want?"
"Nothing my dear!Just passing by.." he tilts head slightly and his eyes narrow by seeing the tears in your eyes "Care to share what happened?"
You looked away,Alastor stood up and lifted your chin up with his mic.
His grin was actually a genuine one this time.
"No,no,dear.Tell me what's wrong."
You stuttered while speaking and he hushed you playfully,chuckled but not in sarcasm,it was an understanding chuckle.
You felt a wave of warmth.
"Take your time,dear."
You sighed softly and looked at him.
You stared telling him what happened,and how afraid you felt
You couldn't help but let a few more tears fall down from your eyes,Alastor sits next to you,suprisingly,he placed a gentle hand on your shoulder
He whispered,"Now dear,you don't have to hold back."
Right after he whispered those words,you started crying as he not tries to make you stop,but comfort you.
"its okay,my deer.."
"...i am aware you're trying.."
"..you don't have to do anything you don't want..."
"...your effort is fascinating.."
his words were filled with actual emotion,after a while,you looked up at him with red eyes,you smiles softly.
"..thanks...al.." you said quietly.
his genuine grin turned into a gentle smirk,he looked at you,almost fatherly "Im glad I helped."
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luxury-nightmare · 4 months
we support dadastor on this blog
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hisslord · 11 days
Kid!Vaggie gets her toy stolen/ripped by bullies.
Her reaction?
".....DADDY!!!!" 😭😭😭😭
Oh, dadastor is fucking PISSED!!!
"You little brats ripped my fawnling's toy and made her cry?!" Alastor hissed
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radiodustblog · 3 months
I have seen that you’re a father figure to a lot of us!(including me!) :3 Can we call you Dadastor, or just dad, or father Alastor, or the one you prefer most! ^_^
-the emoticon anon! :3
Alastor: Father would be fine Dear
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knightfire · 2 years
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A quick Alastor, because why not?
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theamberfist · 7 days
I'm a Grandpa! | Dad Alastor Headcannons
Familial! Alastor is Reader's Adopted Dad from life
Description: When you, Alastor's adopted child, end up in hell, he's surprised to find that you took in a kid of your own sometime after his death, making him a (not so enthusiastic) grandpa.
(Notes: CW Alastor, mentions of murder, death, violence) (gender neutral reader) (Reader is Alastor's adopted child) (Reader is an adult) (Reader has an adopted son in this)
Words: 1,249
♡ Alastor died before you did. You had been a young adult at the time, but you were still left pretty much on your own in the world after that
♡ Being the adopted kid of a now-known serial killer tended to be very isolating, so you moved to a new place and took on a new name and identity in order to avoid the negative effects of what your dad had done
♡ Being his child, Alastor had always loved you very much and you really looked up to him. While you'd never been a killer or committed any serious crimes, you liked to believe he'd had good reason for what he'd done, and so you'd continued looking up to him despite it all after his murders came to light
♡ Which is why, when one of the kids you were in charge of looking after at the daycare you worked at turned out to be in a bad home situation, you stepped up
♡ Alastor had adopted you at a very young age from a similar situation and you cared deeply about this child so you ended up taking them in yourself and becoming a parent that day
♡ Your kid was an absolute terror. Alastor had always said you reminded him so much of his mom with your sweet and calm nature, so you supposed it was only natural for your own son to remind you so much of his grandpa with his dramatic antics and slightly violent tendencies
♡ Luckily, you were very good at having the kid's behavior under control and he always listened to you. It was everyone else that needed to worry when he was around
♡ You always hoped that, wherever your dad had ended up after his death, he would have been proud of you for following in his footsteps like this and that he would have loved his grandson if he could have met him
♡ So when you and your son both died in a horrific accident and ended up in hell, one of the first things you did was go looking for your dad so the whole family could be together
♡ Alastor found you long before you would have found him and he happily reunited with you, his child, after so long
♡ Appeared out of nowhere, hugged you, began talking about how much he'd missed you and how good it was to see you again, only to then notice the little boy standing behind you and growling like a feral cat
♡ Assuming the kid had been planning to attack you, Alastor started using his powers to get rid of your son, who immediately fought back like the little animal he was, but you put a stop to it all before anyone could get hurt, shouting for both of them to cut it out
♡ They both froze and you took a deep breath before picking up your son and turning back to your dad, explaining that you'd adopted a child while alive and introducing them as grandfather and grandson
♡ Neither of them were happy about that reveal but since you seemed so excited about the family reunion, they both hid their disdain behind fake smiles
♡ "I see..." Alastor said as he wiped his hand on his suit after shaking your son's hand, "then I suppose it is a pleasure to meet you...Child."
♡ Your son barred his teeth at your dad and that became the start of a deep dislike between them
♡ After that, the three of you all moved into a home together within hell. Alastor had insisted on you living with him again, especially now that you 'had a charge of your own to support' and claimed he simply wanted the chance to spend more time with his child and new grandchild
♡ Yeah, right
♡ Alastor and your son are both very good at acting like they get along while in your presence, but the second your back is turned, they're at one another's throats
♡ He would never actually harm your kid because he knows you would kill him if he did. However, that doesn't mean he won't 'defend himself' if your son attacks him so he takes it upon himself to provoke the child as much as possible and is quite good at it
♡ Several times, you've left Alastor in charge of watching your son while you went out, only to come home to the house nearly on fire. When you find them, they act like they just got carried away baking some treats but it's not hard to tell that that's a lie
♡ You routinely remind them both of how much you want them to get along and they both always claim that they do but it's a complete lie
♡ For how much Alastor loves and adores you, his own kid, he finds that he probably hates your son just as much
♡ You mentioned it to Rosie once when the three of you came to visit her in Cannibal Town and she said it's probably because the two of them are just too similar. Your son, in many ways, is like a younger version of Alastor and that's probably what gets on his nerves so much. That, and the fact that he feels his grandchild takes up way too much of your time and attention
♡ It's not until the two of them gain a common enemy that they finally find a way to be civil
♡ You had never dated much in life, either because of your slightly overbearing father or, later, your slightly overbearing son. Maybe you were never interested in it anyway
♡ But now that you're in hell, you end up finding someone you like enough to make your partner (whether romantic, queerplatonic, or anything else) and then that person starts taking your time away from both of them
♡ Common Enemy: Unlocked
♡ Now Alastor and your son find that they both hate your partner and want them gone so they reluctantly begin working together to subtly get rid of/scare them off
♡ Whenever your partner is over, they'll split up so that one of them makes an excuse to spend time with you while the other goes to your partner. One makes sure to keep you distracted while the other promptly terrorizes your partner in ways no one will believe them if they tell
♡ This goes on for a while, and eventually, between their shared chaotic natures, it works and your partner breaks things off with you
♡ And guess who's there to support you as you mourn the loss of the relationship? Your two favorite men who definitely didn’t plan this at all
♡ Cue them both in a group hug with you but behind your back they exchange glances with one another and Alastor nods approvingly
♡ Even though he still doesn’t really like your kid and feels like he has to compete with him for your time, the kid’s earned his approval today
♡ And who knows? Maybe if your son cares almost as much (he could never beat your dad as far as how much he loves you) as him, maybe there will be more times in the future in which the two of them work together to ‘protect’ you
♡ Either way, your son is safe from the anger of his grandpa, at least for now, and vice versa
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hazbin hotel ep 7 sneakpeak spoilers
"i dont know how you can enjoy all this suffering so much.."
"just because you see a smile, dont assume you know whats going on underneath."
EXCUSE ME? tell me rn thats not him saying he doesnt actually enjoy them suffering.
hes being a teasy little bitch in this scene, sure. but also hes making charlie get up and trying to motivate her again. its weirdly sweet tbh. even if hes saying teasing things and acting sadistic, all of his actions are.. caring.
honestly, for someone who preaches so often abt being here only for personal gain.. a lot of his actions are painfully good.
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hezuart · 4 years
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Found Family tropes always suck me in. 
I'd think at least Lilith would go to her own daughter's wedding, especially as the featured piano player, but the pilot just showed her parents to be so busy, and with her Hotel advertising dragging some dirt on the family name, tensions probably ran high. 
Husk is holding a drink menu with a little napkin inside that Charlie wrote on with a crayon. The one who catches the bouquet is Sir Pentious. And you're dang right Fat Nuggets gets front seat. ...Charlie was supposed to have white flowers in her hair but I forgot them... whoops... 
I finished this up before I leave for two weeks! (So no art from me until then, Happy New Year / Happy Holidays!
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ryuu-scribbles · 4 years
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Listen... let me have my Aromantic Asexual Dadastor sometimes... let me dream...
I’ll write a fic series about it one day. In the meantime, take this shitty warmup comic
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