#daddy hopper
strangerxperv · 1 month
Welcum Home
A Thot about Step Daddy Jim Hopper
Laying on your tummy in just an oversized thread-bare shirt that once belonged to Hopper. It's yours now with how much you wear it for bed or lounging. But now you're laying on your tummy pretending to be interested in the game. Thighs are spread wide and your feet kick in the air. And your big strong step daddy can see your glistening cunt. Your legs are spread so wide even your lips are parted ever so slightly, so inviting.
Who is he to ignore such a pretty invitation?
His tight grip spreads your cheeks to watch as he blows into your tight hole. His pelvis smacks into you with a slick shlucking and he adds to the slippery heat. A fat glob of spit lands onto your tightest hole before sliding down to where you're joined. Hopper's thick thighs frame your own legs just under your ass. He's in you so deep.
You lay flat, pliant, with your arms folded under your head. Tits squished under your body and despite your lack of movement you feel out of breath. You can feel his balls slapping into you and it reminds you. He's not wearing a condom. Will he be able to pull out? Or will you be giving him a gift in nine months?
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busterrrhymes · 1 year
when steve and billy are engaged they really struggle with what to do about the last name situation, one way or another they have to change them.
they’ve been brainstorming for months and months. henderson is tossed out there, max and susan gave the okay to use mayfield, the byers offered their name up but they just couldn’t decide.
billy likes the idea of steve taking hargrove and himself taking harrinton because it would be funny and confuse people. and wheeler too because steve dated nancy and billy tried to fuck karen (billy’s life revolves around bits).
they finally decide literally three days before the wedding when el is over and she said in passing, “you know when i didn’t have a last name hopper gave me his” and then it clicks. hopper. three kids who grew up without a father figure who then found and pretty damn good one. and now they’ll all share his last name.
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littlest-dark-age · 2 years
Kinktober '22
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Please check individual posts for specific warnings.
Day 1 : Fall out in the cold starlight { stalker!eddie sneaks into your house and touches you }
Day 2 : Osculum obscenum { priest!steve purges you of your demons }
Day 3 : Sanguine addiction { You find out about eddie's blood kink }
Day 4 : You let me desecrate you { jonathan carves his initials into you }
Day 5 : Heaven is a place on earth with you {worshiping stepdad james cock}
Day 6 : Caligula would have blushed { you make steve use a fleshlight instead of fucking him }
Day 7 : Crawl behind my eyes { jonathan wants to show you how fun candles can be }
Day 8 : Started talking about sin { hopper decides to smack some sense into you }
Day 9 : Every now and then the stars aline { eddie and steve secretly breed you while nancy and robin help }
Day 10 : I'm your national anthem { eddie worships his deity, you }
Day 11 : He tells me he's gentle when he wants to be { sirius introduces you to cockwarming }
Day 12 : Running in the shadows { hopper decides your punishment should be to watch him jerk off }
Day 13 : The innocent can never last { stepdad remus lets "uncle" james watch }
Day 14 : Will you bite the hand that feeds? { needy steve turns your halloween baking into kitchen sex }
Day 15 : Will nature make a man out of me yet? {Werewolf steve chasing after your little cottontail }
Day 16 : The devils in the next room { your sweet boyfriend eddie reveals himself as the towns deranged killer }
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trashmouth-richie · 7 months
You asked for Hop lovers, here I am. He’s my husband your honor
yay! we love him, how could you not though honestly? i wanna climb him like a tree.
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odetodilfs · 1 year
S3 Hopper is the perfect balance of cute and hot. Change my mind.
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omlwhatamidoinghere · 2 years
Word so we diving in head first 🥴 been thinking about fem!reader turning 21 and her friends take her out to celebrate at one of the podunk Hawkins bars. Hopper is there trying to enjoy his “day off” of course she’s there. Her family moved there for her senior year of highschool because her dad was offered a job at the station and he’s completely infatuated with you. She had been legal since the time he met her, but it felt fucked up because of the significant age difference and you know, the fact that him and her dad were “pals”. But none of those things are ever enough to make his cock not twitch in his pants when he sees her, especially in that skimpy little dress. A couple boys come over to congratulate her and start getting too handsy, but her friends are far past the point of tipsy and don’t mistake her kindness as acceptance to the wandering hands. Hopper’s cock is straining at his pants thinking of how fucking good he could make reader feel, how she’s probably never had anyone take care of her. Her voice pulls him from this thoughts, “Haa, okay- please that’s enough.” But the boys don’t seem to respect the boundary that has been set, until Hopper steps in. He makes a scene of him lifting his shirt to grab the handcuffs he always has on him. “Pretty sure I heard (y/n) asking you two to stop. Gonna respect her or do I need to take ya in?” Oohhhmygodkdkdnfbdm reader is MELTING because Hopper is so fucking hot and protective. With a few smart ass remarks, the two young men walk away shaking their heads. Jim turns towards her and can’t help himself from letting his tongue dart out to wet his lips, how does she make his mouth go dry and salivate at the same fucking time? “Hey- uh, haven’t seen you with your friends for a minute.. I can give ya a ride home?”
And I just fucking KNOW it would end with her being flirty and cute because she’s had a fatass crush on Hopper from the moment she met him but assumed that the older man wouldn’t want anything to do with her. He would absolutely fucking demolish her, but not without making her cum a few times first. She’s be splayed out on the hood of his truck in the middle of fucking no where because max was staying the night at his house, and your parents were obviously home. His tongue spelling his name out over her clit, his left arm slung over her left leg keeping her held down with his massive hand while the delicious callouses on his right fingertips go from rubbing up and down her body to pinching and twirling her nipples. He won’t stop until she’s fucking made a mess of his face.
Hun this made me Y E A R N
Especially considering I just turned 21 literally at the end of May, this is what I NEED
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its-just-me-chey · 2 years
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To be in this mans arms I can only imagine how incredibly safe and loved they felt 💜
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twjournals · 2 years
is dark Jim Hopper a thing? 👉🏻👈🏻 ...because I'm about to make it a thing?
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I mean, look at him.
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Hopper in seasons 1-3: Dad
Hopper in season 4:
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sentientjukebox · 2 years
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Mornings are for coffee and contemplation or some stupid shit like that
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empath-bunny · 2 years
So I started season 3 of stranger things a little over a month ago after dumping the series and I had the hots (as always) for Billy (as you can tell by my reblogs) but daaaaamn, season 4 steve could do things to me.
Also, fuck Nancy.
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eddiesbug · 2 years
your….your pfp… omg 🛐🛐🛐
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bethsvrse · 3 months
pov: I find a good smut fic but it includes a daddy kink
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realangelahernandez · 4 months
I love older men and I love fictional men you put them together……
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strangerxperv · 1 month
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65. “you’re being particularly insufferable today”
Exasperated Dom/ Daddy Jim Hopper x loser perv sub/ little reader
Warnings: NSFW/ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, Age difference, degradation, you're a loser/ unkept/ chapped lips/ almost constant dehydration, curvy fem bodied, Jim is a Dom turned annoyed daddy, you're disgusting and full of lust, Jim secretly loves its, spitting, and breeding.
Daddy's Little Pervy Loser
You're not Jim's usual type and you've found peace in this knowledge. He likes you and hasn't broken up with your degenerate ass yet. Most people in this situation would try to bend over backwards. You?
You like to annoy Jim so he'll be mean to you. You love how it feels for him to make you feel small. The way Jim's big burly arms cage you in close.
Jim's cock stuffed down your throat forcing drool and precum to waterfall. Slip past your chapped split lips and drip off his full balls. His hands engulfing the sides of your face with his calloused thick fingers entangled in your hair.
But you loved it even more when Jim fucked you full of cum over and over, promising to knock you up. All the while his deep voice whispers words of twisted praise. The degrading look and tone fills you with satisfaction knowing you have brought him to sin.
Chief Jim Hopper a true and just man laying with a disgusting young perverted loser. You tempt him and he used to hate it. Jim thought he hated you and was even cruel. But that didn't deter you and instead it encouraged you to push harder, like it was a game.
So yes, your relationship is odd and most don't understand how it works. Jim isn't embarrassed by you or ashamed of the relationship. He does hate that you like to make people uncomfortable by jokingly calling him daddy.
He hates it even more feeling his dick twitch to life at the title you've given him, "Daddy!" Your goading bratty tone pulls all the right strings. Jim wants to make you scream it until your horse voice begs Daddy to forgive you. He wonders if you're aware of the effect that name has for the large man.
You must know to some extent based on your current behavior, "Mmm...I can't reach my cup! Can you pleeease help me, daddy?" It's obvious that you can reach the cup on the shelf completely in grasping distance.
Or when you bent over to grab the remote from under the couch. Your ass poking out from your skirt before you widened your stance. Ass up and back arched he sees your glistening petals, "Oooooh! My fingers can't reach it, daddy! I need your help!"
But worse yet you sitting on his lap bugging him during the game, "Don't you wanna play with me instead daddy?" And this time you feel him twitch, "I can catch you balls until it rains!"
Jim begins to shake from under you before his boisterous laugh echos around you, "You want me to fuck you? Till you squirt?!" It's humiliating that him laughing at your flirtatious offer makes you more desperate, "How you're dehydrated-" Jim's laughing so hard he can't breath and his face is getting red, "The only drinks you ever open your mouth for is daddy's spit or cum!"
You feel hot all over from embarrassment and excitement, "That's cause daddy tastes so much better than yucky water!" With that you open your mouth as wide as you can physically handle. Your tongue lolling out in a lewdly debauched display of submission.
"you’re being particularly insufferable today," He's not laughing anymore, "Only good girls get daddy's spit. You want it?" His hand grips your jaw forcing your face away, "Earn it and drink that big glass of water." To prove his point Jim spits onto your puffy cheek.
Fuck. Fuck. FUCK. You can't help but hump your ass onto his throbbing cock. It's so fucking mean you want more. Stumbling off his lap, Jim rights you, almost tripping over your own feet before gripping the large cup.
Gulp after gulp you're soon drenched and your shirt is soaked, clinging to your fat tits. Nipples are poking out at Jim and he barely takes notice of you gasping for breath. A few gulps more and the cup is empty so you toss it aside.
"Wow," it's sarcastic, "You're that much of a desperate fucking loser whose only thought is to get stuffed with cock-" a shake of his head, "You're willing to drench your shirt just to obey your daddy?"
A moan squeaks from your dripping lips while you wiggle in place. Your hands pull your skirt up to show your puffy cunt. The fabric bunched in your small hands, "Please, Please look at me!" Jim can't look away from your pussy squished between thick thighs, "I wan' you to fill my fuck hole full of your sticky cum. Wan' you to fuck me, daddy, I wan' feel your full balls slapping me!" One hand slips down as you spread your stance and then your lips, "My clit is so hard it hurts!" Your whine makes Jim clench his jaw.
"You're a degenerate pervert." Jim growls out as his glare watches slick drool from your hole. It only makes you more wet and serves to piss Jim off further, "I swear to God. You dumb fucking whore, do you know what You've done to me? How you seduced me and twisted me from a good man to one that craves you constantly?" He rises from his chair to tower over you, "I need to ruin you like you've ruined me."
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cuepickle · 7 months
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Stranger Things x Breakfast Club AU (part ?)
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