#daichi sawamura fic
kaitsawamura · 2 months
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-> somebody come get her (she's dancing like a stripper)
You have bills to pay. That's the only thing on your mind when you go in for your shift at the strip club. The only thing on your mind until you see Daichi.
Daichi doesn't expect to find you, the girl of his dreams, at the strip club. In fact, he's 99% certain he shouldn't be here. But now he can't stop thinking of all the things he'd let you do to him.
Will your mutual attraction pay off for the both of you?
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Pairing: Daichi Sawamura x Stripper!Reader (get that bread!)
Rating: M for Mature, MDNI
Warnings: My take on a corruption kink except Daichi's the one getting corrupted
Tags: Corruption, strangers to lovers, smut I tell you, filthy filthy smut with my husband, strip club au, oral (m receiving), p in v, creampie, a bit of choking (like a tiny bit), hair pulling, nasty nasty f*cking with my husband, sex in public (sorta, it's in a public restroom), a little dominant confident Reader (if I missed anything y'all can let me know in the DM's)
Word Count: 6.3K
Author's Note: I knew the moment I saw Mint's post . : HERE : . that I had to write something about it. They obligingly gave me the go ahead to be inspired so off I went a-writing. Obviously, this might be considered mild corruption by some but to me? This was like I went into a blackout and woke up not knowing what year it was. So, here you go, enjoy some nasty filthy smut with my love!
Main Masterlist
HQ Masterlist
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“Rent’s due on Monday,” your roommate reminds you, concern masked with sympathy clear on her face. She’s not trying to be mean or overbearing but damn it, the stress of the situation makes you want to snark back. But you don’t.
“Do you have your half?” She nods. You nod back decisively. “I’m working tonight. Fridays are good days to work. It’s my first one without shadowing anyone. I’ll have the rest of my half in tips, don’t worry.” Her face brightens as she pours herself a glass of orange juice, sunlight streaming in the kitchen window of the tiny two-bedroom apartment you share with her.
“Thank god. The landlord’s being an ass again. We’ve been late one time. I have half a mind to give him a list of all the things wrong in this shithole instead of the check.” You roll your eyes conspiratorially but in reality, you don’t know if you’ll make your half in tips or not. Maybe your boss will give you an advance. You’ll talk to him tonight. He was surprisingly reasonable so the odds were at least in your favor.
Either way, you’ll get the money. You just hope you’ll be able to put the nervous energy thrumming through your veins to good use.
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Daichi Sawamura should not have come here tonight. The guys in the office had convinced him, said there was a new pretty girl who was exactly his type. But this place was not the sort he was used to coming to. It wasn’t that this establishment was a bad one or that he had any problem with it; people had to make money how they could. Empowerment and autonomy and all that. It was more that he felt a little inadequate if he was being completely honest with himself. He wouldn’t know what to do with someone from here. He was used to good girls, the ones who had a routine and didn’t like anything too kinky. Which was also fine. But there were things he wanted to try, had a suspicion he would like that he just couldn’t ask of anyone he’d been with. He scrubbed a hand over his face, realizing the conversation he was having completely in his head was stressing him out.
“Dai, bro, just relax. She’s pretty. You better tip her good but you don’t have to talk to anyone but me and the bartender if you don’t want to. Just enjoy the show.” Kuroo smirks at his friend; it has been a long week. It’s not like he doesn’t deserve to wind down. Part of him just wishes he was doing it in the comfort of his home, with his favorite ramen from around the corner and a good movie. But who knows, maybe he’s getting complacent.
So he sits in the seat Kuroo has pulled out for him, a front-row spot directly in the middle of the runway. Right in front of the center pole. The seats are comfortable and he’s got a whiskey neat in his hands. He can feel a little of the stress release from the muscles in his traps, can feel his jaw unclench just in the slightest as the first warm sip of whiskey flows down his throat.
This is fine, he reassures himself, pushing work from his brain. Kuroo takes a sip from his own drink, a fruity one that he insists is the most delicious ever but is just a little too sweet for Daichi. The place is in a lull right now, preparing for the next act. But soon there’s a growing murmur from the back. Someone whistles, and a few others catcall. Daichi bristles just a bit, but he can’t even see anything until you hit the steps and it’s then that Kuroo elbows him.
“That’s her,” he says, raising his voice so Daichi can hear over the now thrumming bass. He feels it in his toes, in his chest, in his head. But your steps, the bounce of your tits in a skimpy bright blue bikini top, he feels in his dick. It barely covers anything, just like the matching bottoms. Cute little bows keep them on your hips and your heels are a deep black. As you get closer, your walk slow and sensuous, he can see the peep toe and your fresh French manicure poking through. He tries to adjust his navy suit pants with little success. He’s in so much fucking trouble.
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You strut up the steps, the blinking LED strips embedded into the floor blinking in rhythm with the bass and the rhythm of your hips. You put a little bit of extra attitude into the sway tonight, praying to any higher power that will listen that tonight will be a good one for tips, even though it’s your first show without any supporting performers. Part of you gets it; you’re new. The owner has to make sure you know how to use those doe eyes and amazing tits properly. The other part of you, the one that knows you’re hot and knows exactly what you’re doing, wanted to smirk a little when your boss had said you wouldn’t get a Friday on your own until you’d completed two weeks of bartending and shadowing.
Your hard work has paid off though, and when you take your place at the center of the runway, you know you have your audience hooked even before dancing. There’s one guy in particular, right below you. He got arguably the best seat in the house along with his friend. You’ve seen the friend before, all confidence, slicked-back black hair, and a steamy attractive smile. Your coworkers say he’s pretty regular and always tips well. Thank god. The one next to him though, you don’t know anything about him except for the fact that the five stages of something flow across his face as you make eye contact with him. The low lighting does nothing to hide the blush flushing from the open neck of his crisp white button up to his cheeks and over the bridge of his nose. He’s got a wad of cash already set casually on the bar top in front of him.
You smile, bright and unguarded, knowing. You’ll have the rest of Monday’s rent if he’s an indication of the rest of the customers that will be coming in tonight. He turns away, uncomfortable. Aw, how sweet. So unlike some of the slimy patrons you’re used to. Something you don’t like trips low in your belly. The biggest rule was no sex with any of the customers. It was in place for a reason and a majority of the time was a good one. You remind yourself of it as the song for your first dance starts playing over the speakers.
Buss it, buss it, buss it, buss it
Is you fuckin’? Two shots, fuck it
You take a deep breath, hands on the shiny silver pole, and wrap one leg around it. The metal is cold to the touch but something else has goosebumps crawling up your bare skin. When you spin, turning in the new guy’s direction, your suspicions are confirmed that the feeling is not the rest of the eyes on you but his. And his are suddenly, somehow, the only eyes you want to perform for. So you do.
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Daichi can feel Kuroo snap to attention next to him; he can’t blame him. You’re stunning and you know it. You look like maybe you shouldn’t know how to do this so well, but none of that matters as all coherent thoughts leave Daichi’s head when you spin and drop, rolling your hips so your ass faces him. You turn and look at him as you rise slowly, a deliciously naughty smile still all over that pretty little mouth. He rushes to take a sip of his drink, drums his fingers on the bartop, runs them through his hair, anything to occupy his hands. Because he knows the only place they really should be is all over you. Oh, the things he would let you do to him. He’d do anything for you. He takes another gulp of whiskey, disappointed when he drains the heavy glass.
Oh, shit. Oh, shit. He knew you were making eye contact with him but when you get on all fours and crawl to him like some lethal jungle cat, the end of the song nearing, he knows he’s in for it. And he’s okay with that. Any doubts he had, about being here at least, have vanished completely. He doesn’t know what’s gotten into him but he leans forward to meet you where you are at the edge of the stage. The crowd is roaring around him, the cheers only growing louder at the chemistry shooting like electricity through the air between the two of you. They’re jealous cheers he thinks, although he’s sure as hell not looking away long enough to check anyone’s expressions to confirm.
“Got anything good for me, pretty boy?” Your voice is pitched low as you blink big eyes at him, a smirk playing on your lips. Because, goddammit, he is pretty. Prettier than any other patrons you’d ever catered to. You would not mind if he came to be one of your regulars, regardless of any funds that might be exchanged. You would not mind if he came regularly—in your cunt, on your ass, on your tongue… A girl could take her pick with a man like him. Thick dark hair, glittering brown eyes, full lips. A barrel chest and wide shoulders to boot. No sex with the customers, no sex with the customers, no sex with the customers…
You watch, heat pooling low in your belly, as he unbinds the cash you had noticed earlier. You can’t quite figure him out. Because he’s making eye contact with you as he spreads the folded bills, licks his thumb, and pulls out two crisp Benjamins but there is a nervous tremor in his large hands as he passes the bills to you. Your eyes widen, the act dropping momentarily before you catch yourself and push out your bottom lip in a pout.
“Hm, a girl should get a little more than that for such a good performance, don’t you think?” You are completely used to this, the schpeel. You’ve done it thousands of times at the last place you worked and hundreds more at this club. It’s part of the persona within these walls. Mystery man is apparently not used to acting this way. You can see the war within him as you take the bills and he leans back, trying to be casual but every line of him is taught like a rubber band about to break.
“You here all night?” Don’t give anyone your schedule. If they like you enough, they’ll figure it out on their own by being a regular paying customer. You nod, liking this new game. Toeing around something you would normally consider dangerous, if only for all the variables far out of your control. But that makes it all the more fun, especially when he clicks his tongue behind his teeth and replies “Good, then so am I. I have more where that came from. Do you?”
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Kuroo is watching the interaction with a gaping mouth. Daichi doesn’t have a clue where this new side of him is coming from. Except. Except he does. And it feels damn good. Despite being sure it is glaringly obvious that he is leaping so far out of his comfort zone, you seem to be very receptive. He shouldn’t be entertaining the idea of staying all night. He could use some sleep. But he could also use that mouth around his cock. You probably have rules, rules that should be followed, for your safety. Daichi knows he’s safe, but you don’t. He most definitely should not ask for your number or give you his or ask what time you’re off. You shouldn’t answer him.
But you do, nodding earnestly when he asks if you’ll be here all night. He has no choice. There’s something about you that he can’t shake off. The extra cash is of no consequence to him, and maybe, just maybe… No, he won’t let that thought go further. He won’t imagine how you’d look on your knees, or bouncing on his cock. He won’t imagine you writhing beneath him or securing him to his headboard with those cuffs he’d bought but never gotten to use. He won’t imagine you breathily calling him pretty boy again even though, fuck, he wishes you would so, so bad.
“What’s your name,” you ask before you can stop yourself, before you rise to your feet. The rules here are good ones, meant to keep both the patrons and performers safe.  You’d worked at other establishments before that didn’t care so much about safety so much as they cared about money.  Your radar has never been off in the past and maybe that shouldn’t be enough for you but everything about Mystery Man makes you want to break every rule ever set before you.  There’s something about him that makes you want to risk it all.  You want to hear him whimper and you’d place bets that you could get him to do it in record time.  Even now, his breathing is shallow and he seems unable to answer you.  His friend leans over, elbowing him into action.
“His name’s Daichi.  And mine’s Kuroo.  Ya know, in case you wanted to know.”  His smile is genuine, not creepy at all.  You return the grin as you stand before turning back to Daichi.  He straightens a little, snapped back to reality by his friend.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” you say to Kuroo.  He is attractive, just not who you have your eyes set on.  But it’s good information to pass along to your coworkers.  Judging by his tailored suit that fits just as good as Daichi’s, you’d wager his job pays like his friend’s.  The music swells again, the DJ cueing to your next song.  “Kuroo, make sure your friend doesn’t go anywhere.  Tonight’s for him.”  Kuroo scoffs in friendly disbelief at Daichi’s luck.
“I’m hauling you to the club more often,” he says to Daichi, who flashes a quick small smile.  Oh god, that smile could bring anyone you know to their knees.  It could certainly do it to you.  That smile alone could get you to do anything Daichi would ask.  You point at Kuroo as you take your place at the center pole again.
“I’m holding you to that, Kuroo.”  You brace your hands one over the other on the pole, and shake your ass for all it’s worth.
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Body crazy, curvy, wavy, big titties, little waist.
Daichi’s going to have a stroke, he just knows it.  He can feel the veins in his forehead and neck bulging.  The blood has flowed elsewhere too.  His cock is so hard it feels painful.  There are several different ways he could get relief, most of which he should not be considering seeking in a public area.  But it’s unbearable and there’s no way he’s going to let himself come in front of all these other people.  He waits for the end of your current number and then he’s standing so fast his chair screeches out behind him; a couple of people look his way but for the most part, you’ve got everyone’s attention.  Kuroo glances sideways at his friend; he doesn’t say anything, just smirks as Daichi tosses another hundred on the bar top, telling Kuroo to give it to you before rushing to the bathroom.
He makes his way down the hall and notices there are several doors marked RESTROOM in bold capital letters.  Thank god there are single-person stalls.  He stumbles into one, shutting the door and locking it with shaking hands.  The music is still audible, even here; it seems to have dropped to a low steady hum.  Intermission.  Perfect.  Daichi turns to the sink and splashes cold water on his face, one last attempt to snap himself out of this fucking trance.  Because that’s what this has to be.  He’s getting all hot and bothered over someone who he doesn’t even know.  And god, he wants to think that you like him but he knows he’s tipping good and he’s not one of those creeps that can’t recognize it’s your fucking job.
The image in the mirror is one that almost shocks him; his eyes are glazed, and his hair’s a mess.  Just once, he just needs to come once and then he can stay here until the end of the night like he said he would.  He’ll tip you like a good customer would.  Then he’ll leave and he’ll never come back.  Because this?  This is Daichi out of control and he’s not sure that’s a good thing.  Maybe he should go back to making love to nice girls in his king-sized bed.  Yes, that’s what he’ll do.  He’ll leave here and he won’t come back and he’ll never think of you again.
Daichi unbuckles his belt, the metal of the buckle clanking as he yanks his zipper down.  He lets out a pained breath, his cock straining against his underwear.  He slips his hand into the elastic band, taking it into his hand and bringing it out into the air.  He backs up to the wall, the cool air offering little comfort for the engorged head, and closes his fist around himself.  A breath comes fast and heavy out of his mouth as he starts jacking himself off slowly, trying to make the moment last.
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You watch as Daichi stands abruptly, so quickly and sharply that he almost topples his chair over.  You watch as he tosses another bill on the bar top, leaning in to say something to Kuroo.  You watch as he throws one last glance your way before beelining to the bathrooms.  Idiot.  Absolute idiot is what you are because you’re making your way off the runway, ignoring the audience as a low boo goes through the crowd.  Your boss catches your eye from the end of the bar and waves you over.
“What the hell is going on?”  It’s not said unkindly but more with an air of annoyance.  This is your first Friday night on your own and you might be blowing it.  But you don’t care.  You put on a fake wince and point at your head, trying to look as contrite and imploring as possible.
“I’m so sorry, I know it’s my first Friday and I’m so grateful.  But I’ve really gotta pee and I’ve got this horrible headache starting.  Can I take ten?  Just ten minutes, enough time for an ibuprofen to set in while I go to the bathroom, and then I’ll be back out.  Please.”  You put those big eyes back to use, blinking slow and tilting your head slightly like you’re trying to relieve the pain of your fake headache.  Your boss squints his eyes but doesn’t protest as he pulls a bottle of Advil from behind the bar.  He hands you a couple with a glass of water.
“Ten minutes.  Go to the bathroom.  Take a breather.  Then get your ass back out there.  I’ve seen the business you’re encouraging after two sets.  You’ll be back up there as one of my main performers if you keep up the good work.”  You smile as you throw the pills back with the water and hurry in the direction of the restroom, pulling on one of the extra robes from the bar.  Now to find Daichi.
A couple is making out in the hallway; you brush past them and knock quietly on the first door.  A voice answers quickly that the stall is occupied but it’s not Daichi’s voice.  You knock on two more doors before getting to the last one.  You suppose he could have gone into the multi-stall restroom but you’d seen the look on his face when he’d stood and you’d bet all the cash he’d given you so far that he wasn’t coming back here to take a piss.  You rap your knuckles on the last single-person stall.  You’re rewarded with his voice coming from the other side.
“There’s someone-ha-there’s someone in here!”  He can barely get the words out; you know what’s going on in that stall and you want to help.  You rub your thighs together, realizing you’re already getting wet.
“Daichi, it’s me.”  This is stupid.  Maybe he doesn’t even like you that much.  Maybe you’re just some stripper at a strip club.  There’s a heavy silence now, almost solid enough that you could cut it with a knife.  Another pause and you’re getting ready to leave, cursing your confidence for all that it’s getting you, but then you hear the click of the door unlocking.  He opens it but only just so.  Still, it’s an invitation and one you are eager to accept.  You open the door just wide enough to slip through to shield yourself from any potential wandering eyes in the hall.  The scene inside the stall nearly wrecks you.
Daichi has backed up against the wall, as far away from you as humanly possible.  It’s so obvious that he’s been jacking himself off. His hair is messy, his eyes wild like he was already on the brink. He’s desperately trying to cover his cock with his hands and even though they’re large, they can’t cover it completely. You meet his gaze, which he tries to avoid, his eyes fluttering left then right with shame, before finally settling on you. Something trips across your skin.
“Babe, let me help you with that,” you whisper as you direct your line of sight to his cock. It twitches as you move closer, slowly, as if you’re approaching a cornered animal. Daichi groans a little when you reach him, one hand steadying on his shoulder and the other reaching up to touch his face.
“This is—this is not what it looks like, I swear. I promise I’m not some creep, I just—” You put a single finger softly to his lips, making sure he’s got his eyes on you. They widen just a bit. In the brighter light of the bathroom, you can see how rich the color of his irises are, golden brown like sunlight streaming through an autumn wood, or espresso, or something corny like that. Fuck the rules.
“Daichi, can I kiss you?” The question is out of your mouth before you can stop yourself. His mouth drops open but his eyes rove from yours down to your lips, then your covered chest, and back up. Finally, he nods so you guide his face down to yours and kiss him. His lips are soft and warm and pliable. He makes a little sound in the back of his throat, so unlike the image he’d put out walking in this place with his fine, tailored suit and stack of cash. Your hand slips from his shoulder and moves down the ridge of his pectoral, then lower still to the hard planes of his stomach. You trail your fingers over the now wrinkled fabric, close to his undone belt and open pants. His cock jumps against your abdomen past his hands and he gasps. “Is this okay?” You ask the question, certain that Daichi just needs the chance to give in. He nods again so you smooth your hand lower until it wraps around his cock.
Daichi’s head thunks against the wall of the bathroom as another sharp breath explodes from his open mouth. “Oh, fuck,” he growls quietly. You move your hand experimentally, softly, swiping your thumb across the head, gathering the bit of precome at the tip and smearing it about. You can’t decide what you want to look at more: the red bleeding over Daichi’s skin from the neck up, his heaving chest, or how his cock looks in your hands. He’s so… responsive. Each turn of your wrist has him shuddering beneath you. More. You need more. You want to see him beg. And part of you also realizes that he needs this too. You drop to your knees and his eyes snap back open as he watches you. “What’re you doing?”
“Only what you want me to do, Daichi. Unless you don’t want me to?” You don’t even finish your sentence before he’s shaking his head. He wraps his hand around yours, enveloping it, and moves it once, twice, over himself. A thought occurs to you, one you’re denying even as you ask him “Daichi, have you ever come down anyone’s throat?” The answer is obvious but you still feel incredulous as he tells you no. The veins in his hands are bulging and he’s still, like the calm before the storm. You lean in, maintaining eye contact, as you blow a breath over his cock. “Do you want to?”
It’s like you flipped a switch. Daichi, slowly now so you have time to pull away if you want to, curls his fingers in your hair, stroking them along your scalp. “Yes, please.” He whispers it, certain this is a dream. This has to be a fucking dream. He’s had a blow job before but never has he ever asked to come in someone’s mouth. He’s a clean guy but he’s not clueless; he just assumed most people thought it was gross and never had a problem with the fact that no one wanted to do that. At least not anyone he had been with. But, oh, he’d thought about it, lots of times. Most of those times in one night.
His pupils are blown wide as you lick your lips and take just the tip, swirling your tongue over the head. His skin is smooth, molten hot. The way your eyes never leave his is something else entirely and when you hollow out your cheeks and relax your throat to take all of him, he thinks he might die. He’s trying to maintain some semblance of control but it is already dwindling to nothing. There’s a coil building in his abdomen. Not yet he thinks viciously. Not yet. You take a few more pulls before releasing him with a pop. Frantic, he feels frantic. Maybe you decided you didn’t want to do this and he’d have to be okay with that, he couldn’t blame you but god damn—
“Daichi, eyes on me.” The man’s Adam’s apple bobs as he locks in on you again. “Let go, babe. Show me how you want it. Pull my hair. Set the pace. And when you’re gonna come, you come down my throat. Nowhere else, you got it? I’ve got five more minutes. Think we can get you there, pretty boy?” He nearly blacks out when you say those words he needed to hear again. Oh, yes, yes he’s sure you can. His eyes search yours once more before fisting his hand in your hair, tightening experimentally. You smile around his cock, deep-throating him once more, but waiting expectantly. He’s not going to come back from this. You’ve ruined anyone else for him. And he’s accepted his fate.
The moment he lets go, the moment he breaks down whatever wall is holding him in place, you can sense it. You place your hands on his thighs as he pulls you nearly all the way off before shoving you back down. Your eyes water just a bit but you feel the slick gather between your thighs. Yes, the girl inside of you that wants to see him to the end hisses. He sets the pace, a strong and quick one, but somehow still gentle. If you said you needed to stop now, you somehow know he’d do so immediately. He twists a little more, angling your head just how he wants it. You set your teeth down ever so lightly just to see….
Daichi whimpers and gasps, the sound nearly a sob on his lips. You swirl your tongue again and suck. “Ha—shit. Just. Just like that,” he grits out as he grips tighter. It hurts a little, your hair and your knees, but the pain swirls with the pleasure in a delicious slide of skin against skin. Your nails dig into his thighs again before he takes one of your hands and closes it around the base of his cock. You grip, working your wrist along with your mouth. He bucks against you, a jerky movement. “I’m close, fuckfuckfuck I’m close. I’m gonna come.” His voice lies somewhere between a bark and a whine. He can’t decide if he wants you closer, or farther, to stop or keep going. His brain is short-circuiting. He tries to pull back just a little bit, but you won’t let him in the best way possible.
You quirk your wrist and tilt your head in just a certain way… Daichi cries out, long and broken, as he curls in over you, his orgasm washing over him in waves so intense his vision goes black. His entire body shudders with his release, his form towering over you as he spurts ropes of come all the way down your throat. You milk him for all he’s worth. Not a single drop is getting away from you, no way in hell. Next time, you want him to come in your pussy. Next time? God, you want there to be a next time. He’s still leaning over you when his breathing slows and steadies; his hands are bracing themselves on your back rubbing soothing circles there with his thumbs. He helps you to your legs and steadies you for a moment.
The silence stretches on as you look at each other, both a little shocked at what just conspired. Daichi slowly puts himself back into his pants and you help him buckle his belt. You’re both on the verge of saying something either extremely brave or extremely stupid with each moment that passes. You’re about to make the first move again when he reaches up and takes your jaw in his hand, running a thumb along the corner of your mouth to gently push the last of his spend into your mouth. You lean into the touch and welcome his finger, sucking it clean just like his dick. He thinks he might be in love with you.
A breathless giggle comes out of you as you back away just a fraction, trying to give yourself space from the startling sensation fluttering in your stomach like butterflies. Your boss is gonna kick your ass if you don’t get back out on the floor. “I would invite you to my place to continue this after I’m off but it’s a little crowded and the walls are thin,” you say, hoping against hope that he wants more just as much as you do. There’s no room for doubt when he leans in and kisses you, deep and slow, tasting himself in your mouth.
“That’s no problem, princess. If you’re still feeling this when you’re off, I’ve got a penthouse all to myself.” Oh, there it is—the swagger you expected him to have. Your eyes glitter as you smooth out your hair, knowing it still looks good enough to perform. If anything, the smell of sex and the appearance of your swollen lips will get you better money, as long as your boss doesn’t catch on. You don’t think he will. “I’ll find you at the end of the night.” You nod, suddenly the bashful one.
Somehow, everything that just transpired did so all in your ten-minute break. In fact, you have one minute to spare as you strut back to the runway, giving your boss a wink and blowing a kiss to the stupefied audience.
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“Harder, Daichi, harder.” You can barely get the words out as he thrusts inside of your aching cunt. Your face is pushed into the pillows on Daichi’s king-sized bed, your ass in the air. The sound of skin slapping on skin in the quiet of his room is pornographic but you can’t waste any thoughts on being even remotely embarrassed. Tears stream down your face as he continually hits that spot inside of you that you’ve only been able to hit with a dildo and even then it never came close to this. Daichi’s a machine, the way he keeps going. After you sucked him off and he came so quickly earlier in the night, he was determined to make this one last longer. One of his hands is gripping tightly into the plush of where your hip meets your ass cheek, the other is splayed over your back, even now caressing the skin, alighting it with goosebumps. “Oh, fuuuuuck,” you whine as that same hand snakes around to your neck to pull you up.
His fingers and palm ghost over the skin as he thrusts up into you and it’s all you can do to hold to his thighs for dear life, your nails digging in so hard you’ll know they’ll leave a mark. “Are you close, princess?” He whispers it labored into your ear, his breath hot, his mouth even hotter as he leans in to nip at your pulse point from behind. You nod frantically, almost unable to answer. “Can I come inside, baby? Will you let me? Will you let me be a good boy for you?” His hand moves from your throat to your clit, stroking one slow circle over the oversensitive nub. Thank god for birth control.
“Yes, Daichi, yes, come in my pussy. Oh, god, yes be a good boy for me.” You squeal as he thrusts hard, once, twice, swiping his fingers over your clit again in a more concentrated pattern and you feel your first orgasm of the night sweep over you as Daichi finds his own release with a mangled, animalistic groan.  You think he’s done, especially when he pulls out leaving you feeling way too empty.  But you’re wrong, so, so wrong.  He proceeds to flip you over and push back in, a ring of white forming around where he’s begun thrusting inside of you again.  
“I thought about this all fucking night.”  He surges up over you, grabbing your wrists and pulling them above you.  “I thought about that pretty little cunt around my cock.  I thought about how pretty you’d look laying in my bed.”  One thrust, slow and teasing.  You roll your hips up to meet him, even though your thighs are weak and shaking.  “I’ve never–I’ve never fucked anyone like this before, it’s,” he leans in to suck on your pulse again, runs his tongue over the salty skin there, “magical.”  You whimper beneath him when you feel the familiar coil tightening once more in your belly.  
“Do you think I can make you come again, Daichi?  Can you come for me one more time?”  He groans, sealing his lips over yours as he releases your hands so that can pull him closer into you.  You scrape your nails from the nape of his neck into his hair, and grip, breathless, as his rhythm becomes choppy again.  God, you don’t know how he’s still going.  The two of you are so frenzied, the blood in your veins hotter than a blue flame.  “Look at me when you come, baby, look at me,” you whisper, bringing your hands to his cheeks.  His eyes are glazed, his face strained but still beautiful.  “I’m going to touch myself now, okay?”  His mouth pops open again as he nods, before watching as you wrap one arm around his shoulder and bring your other hand to your clit.  You swipe around his cock, collecting some of the mess you’ve both made there.  You know how to pleasure yourself and with Daichi’s expert stroke, it doesn’t take long before it snaps over you, the walls of your pussy squeezing around him forcing spend from him one more time.  It’s not as explosive as the first time but still enough that you can feel the wet leaking out onto his sheets.  “So good for me, Daichi, look how good you are for me,” you chant as you wring the last of the pleasure from each other.
When it’s over, he stills, pulling out of you and collapsing onto the bed beside you.  There’s a sheen of sweat covering you both.  The cool early morning air coming in Daichi’s open window creates the perfect juxtaposition of sensations.  He reaches over to trace patterns into your palm.  “Can I hold you?”  The question is so sweet, it makes you huff out a laugh.  The man just blew your back out and he asks if he can hold you.  But you are more than willing to oblige him so you roll into his open arm and lay your head on his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heart.  You wait a moment before looking up at him, relishing the feeling of his fingers now tracing patterns into your arm and shoulder.
“Didn’t you mention something about handcuffs earlier?”  He looks down at you jerkily, a sheepish grin on his face.  You smile mischievously.  You’re going to ruin him.  He’s going to let you.  And he’s going to love it.
“Let me make you breakfast first, yeah?”  You nod and breathe in the smell of him, all sex and musk and expensive cologne.  Neither one of you knows where this is going to go but right now, it doesn’t matter.  You yawn and snuggle closer.
“Just so you know,” you intone sleepily, “I like French toast.”  He laughs softly, his own body relaxing into a lazy slumber.
“Hm, French toast?  I pinned you as a pancake kinda girl.  Good thing I also like French toast and always keep the supplies in to make it.”  His breathing is slow and shallow, matching the rhythm of yours.  The sun peeks over the cityscape around you as the two of you go under, cradled in each other’s arms.
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This work and its digital elements (photo credit to photographer) are © Kait of @kaitsawamura 2024. Please do not alter or copy this work. Please do not repost this work to other platforms without my express permission.
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kewpie-aisle · 2 months
𝕪𝕠𝕦'𝕝𝕝 𝕒𝕝𝕨𝕒𝕪𝕤 𝕓𝕖 𝕞𝕪 𝕓𝕒𝕓𝕪 A lil drabble/ramble of a warm moment getting ready with your sweetie cutie baby Daichi
pairing: Sawamura Daichi x f!Reader genre: fluff, established relationship, playful banter
wc: 923 words
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“Dai, have you seen my necklace?” The soft sound of footsteps can be heard down the hallway and within seconds your boyfriend is leaning against the doorway of the bathroom. Frame blocking out the doorway, his broad shoulders filling out the space. Mind wandering to the feeling of your hands running along the span of his back. Covering the expanse of muscle, the feel of your nails digging in lightly almost always eliciting a hiss from his sweet mou- “Earth to Y/N…hello?” Daichi’s voice shakes you out of your thoughts. Eyebrow quirked, unaware of the inappropriate thoughts his mere presence sinks you into. He brings a hand up after seeing your nod of acknowledgement. “First of all, which necklace? Secondly, where are you going, dressed like that, ma’am?” “The necklace you got me for our anniversary, also don’t play with me. You know tonight is Tsumu’s birthday dinner, I’m still upset about you being called in for a shift last minute.” Picking back up your eyeshadow brush, diffusing out your smoky eye without a glance behind you. Daichi and you had been re-scheduling your calendars for a month to make sure you could both go to your friend’s dinner. Not just for the sake of friendship and a great party, but because the consequences of not making it were catastrophic. 
Missing a life event or party of Atsumu’s, as a close friend, was like a category ten natural disaster. The Miya twin took promises really seriously, and would make all his friends promise to be there for life events like this. When folks can’t make it or bail without ample warning, he took it so personally. The complaints were the least of everyone’s concerns, if you hurt him enough, Atsumu gets petty to even the score. 
One year, Shoyo overslept after a late flight home from Argentina, which normally was understandable. But this had been an impromptu trip right before Atsumu’s birthday. Shoyo had promised him that everything would be fine and he’d be back on time. But after coming home he ended up sleeping almost an entire day, missing everyone’s calls and Atsumu’s party. Atsumu had reassured Shoyo he wasn’t angry, but vengeance hid behind that sweet smile. One month later, Atsumu tweeted out that the Jackals wing spiker was doing a surprise meet & greet and dropped Shoyo’s location. Right as he was on a date with a certain international pretty boy setter. The memories of the blog and fan shipping warfare afterwards was enough to send a shudder through you. Your boyfriend walked away with a groan, already hearing Atsumu’s complaints in his head. “He’s such a baby…” he grumbles re-entering the bathroom, necklace in hand. “My question still stands, the emphasis was on “dressed like THIS. Looking this good for Atsumu? Babe please.” With a click the necklace is on, laying perfectly with the v neckline of your dress, the light catching the gold pendant every now and then. Daichi rests his hand on your shoulder, hands wrapping around your waist to look at you through the mirror. Instinctually leaning back into his chest as you put your brush down. Hand coming up to ruffle his hair, “who’s being the baby right now” you chuckle seeing the smallest pout on his face. Sawamura Daichi has always been everyone’s rock, whether it was his captain days in high school, group leader during college projects, or even the youngest senior ranking police officer in his prefecture. Daichi is a leading force to be reckoned with. But with you, he’s soft, playful, and sometimes needy; a vulnerability that you cherish being able to experience.
Face tucked into your neck, pressing soft kisses to the soft where your shoulder connects, you feel his hum of appreciation rumble through into your head. “As long as I’m your baby.”
You gently tug at his hair to get him to look at you to make sure he knows it to his core. There shouldn’t be any doubt, not even in a moment of neediness. Not even in a moment of joking around. He looks up at you with a sheepish smile, unwrapping himself and taking your hand to press a small kiss to your fingers.
“You look beautiful as always. That’s much too big a gift for Atsumu, but I hope you have fun.” He thinks for a second before adding “just don’t have too much fun without me” elbowing you gently while stepping back to let you finish up your makeup. He watches as you wrap up the last touches, eyes meeting as you pucker a kiss through the mirror. The smile on his face enough to set off the butterflies in your stomach.  “Try to finish up your shift early if you can, I know it’s never that easy but try.” He follows you out the bathroom as you head to the front door to put on your shoes.
“Awww you going to miss me?” He hands you your handbag and wraps his arm around your waist to pull you close.
You lean up to kiss him and open the door, turn around and cup his face. “Not for me baby, but to escape the wrath of Tsumu. He’s been sending the group chat threats nonstop since this morning. And you still haven’t told him you got called into work”. Daichi’s smile drops in a second, face pale as a ghost. With a wink you close the door behind you, giggling as you hear a thud and loud groan from behind the door.
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Please consider reblogging to support! Dividers by @cafekitsune
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kings-highway · 5 months
happy birthday to sawamura daichi
(happy early birthday to azumane asahi)
okay the question is, is it:
A) Daichi who follows Asahi around saying "back when I was your age" and describing what he did 4 and a half hours ago, or generally making a menace of himself being born "a whole year before you"
or is it B) Asahi that consistently over-formalizes his language towards Daichi because he "respects the elderly," or intentionally makes up slang and tells him he wouldn't "understand the youth,"
or is it C) Suga pretending he isn't annoyed that neither of them care that he's actually the oldest
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honeybunny-sawamura · 5 months
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Title: Under the Christmas Tree Pairing: Daichi Sawamura x Fem! Reader Genre: Fluff (PG) Synopsis: Just a lil birthday fic for Daichi. Gets a lil heated but nothing too sexy. Domesticated fluffs Warnings: time skip, established relationship: married with children, holiday season: leaning more towards Christmas, intimacy, Word Count: 900+ Unbeta'd: hope it's alright OxO A/N: it's been FOREVERRRRRRRR since i wrote. but i can't be skipping my love's birthday. so here's something lovely and short for my favorite captain.
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“Oh? I didn’t realize there's one more present that needed to be unwrapped.”
Daichi’s chocolate brown eyes move away from the kaleidoscope of lights, tinsels, and pine needles to see you grinning down at him with eyebrows wiggling in a playful tease. His lips turn up to match yours in his own toothy grin and lifts a hand to beckon you with his forefinger.
“You’ll get to unwrap me a little later. For now, come join me under here,”
You don’t hesitate to lay under the tree with your husband; shimmying closer to him so you’re both shoulder to shoulder as you two admire the Christmas tree in a different perspective. Originally, it had been your idea: finding comfort in the prismatic view of the decorated pine after sprucing up the house for the holiday seasons. The sight was mesmerizing and it had Daichi finding you and your two sons cuddling under said tree. Soon, it just became a thing in the the Sawamura household: spending time laying around the tree, talking, giggling, wishing, and basking in the holiday magic.
“The boys are gonna be sad when we gotta get rid of it,” you say. You hear Daichi sigh next to you and you tilt your head so you can gently bump it with his.
“I know, but it’s already starting to lose it’s green color and without the presents, you can find so many needles that’s fallen,”
“Mmm, I’m pretty sure one’s poking my ear right now,”
You two stay silent for a while; just looking up into the tree and listening to the soft music that’s playing on the TV. It's comforting, matching the soft quietness of a snowy night. Daichi slips his hands into yours, intertwining fingers, and then brings it up to brush his lips to the back of your hand.
“Thank you, for the scarf you knit for me. It’s hard to tell that you’ve never done it before. I’m over the moon that you chose your first knitting project for my birthday,” He turns his head to look at you, lights making his eyes glitter and shine, and a smile that has your heart fluttering like when you had your very first date with him. You shake your head in modesty but you smile along with him.
“It’s got some loose sections and the volleyball looks wonky but that green has always been your color,”
“Honey, it’s perfect. I’m wearing it everyday until summer comes. And I thought you said dark blue was my color,”
“Dark blue and green. And Daichi please, you’ll get hot under it in the springtime… You’ll wear it to work too?”
“Of course! I want you to wrap it around me before I get out the door,” Daichi huffs earnestly that it makes you giggle. You turn on your side so you can face him and your husband mirrors you.
“I already put on your tie in the morning. Soon, you’re gonna be asking me to dress you!” you poke at him teasingly, no real heat to your words. You love being in charge of picking his tie and getting it on him. The intimacy it gives you just before he leaves you for the day was something you wouldn’t trade the world for. His loving stare, the rise and fall of his chest, his hands that are sometimes on your waist or tucking a strand of hair away from your face; it was a moment just for you and him.
Daichi’s chuckle breaks you from that sliver of daydreaming, warmth rising to your face when you see the way his eyes darken a little and he shuffles closer to you.
“You have no problem UNdressing me though, so what’s wrong with dressing me in the morning” he taunts then laughs when you squeak out his name. Daichi chortles out apologies as you mock-scold him about saying lewd things aloud with children in the house even though said kids were tucked away in bed for the night.
“Weren’t you the one saying you needed to unwrap me, hmm?” Daichi counters as he untangles his hand from yours so he can set it on your hip then have it follow the curve of your thigh. Sparks ignite in your core as you watch the way his pupils bloom to have his eyes go darker and you swear you can feel the heat your husband gives out get hotter. You place a hand on his chest to try and confirm this but you get distracted by the eager thumps of his heart. This time, his name comes out of you like a temptation. Daichi licks his lips and your eyes follow your tongue before you confess,
“I have another birthday present for you, honey. Though it’s best we have you unwrap it in the bedroom,”
You both get eager grins on your face and Daichi quickly steals a kiss from you that earns him an elated squeal from you. Just as he’s quick to kiss you, he’s quick to get up from under the Christmas tree and tug you up too. You feel giddy at his eager mood with butterflies dancing in your chest and tummy. Like naughty teenagers, you and Daichi hush giggles behind free hands while scurrying over to your shared bedroom. All lights are turned off except for those on the Christmas tree; winking and twinkling for a special birthday and the new year to come.
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Tagging some moots who I think would like this too: @tsumtsumland @vs-redemption @ceo-of-daichi @belladonnafleur @undersero @kingdaddydaichi @toonpai @vexx97
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melhive · 1 month
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The newly crowned king and his loyal knight!
Art made for the reverse bang @HQRoyaltyRBang ! Check the ADORABLE story @altokiwi wrote for this image with @FillyBoy19's help!
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levi-supreme · 8 months
Let's have a baby
Characters: Daichi x fem!reader
Genre: Haikyuu!! modern universe (fic is set in 2018)
Warnings: Smut, minors and ageless blogs DNI. Established relationship (Daichi and reader are married). Breeding kink. Very slight daddy kink (if you squint). Brief use of restraints. Haikyuu!! post-timeskip spoilers. Reader insert (y/n). Reader is East Asian (Japanese) coded but no physical descriptions are being used. Japanese terms (-chan, -san, -kun etc.) being used. Use of 'mama' and 'papa'. Daichi and reader are implied to be the same age (one mention).
Word count: 2.5k
A/N: My first post of Kinktober 2023 is here!! Starting the event with some breeding kink from my chonky captain Sawamura Daichi <3 this is my first official contribution to the haikyuu fandom, and here's to more hq fics in the future!!
[10/10/2023] Cross posted to AO3!! Read on AO3 here.
Haikyuu!! master list | Main master list | Rei's tag list
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If you could compare your husband to anything in the world, it would be a tree. Sawamura Daichi has been the same person ever since you met him eight years ago. From being the first year student who was always enthusiastic about volleyball to the dependable and reliable captain of the Karasuno High School boys' volleyball team. From being your classmate to dating each other and getting married straight after graduation, Sawamura Daichi has always been the same: Steadfast, sincere, and a fantastic person inside out. And just like a strong tree that can withstand the different seasons and the passing of time, he stood strong and steady, unwavering no matter the situation. 
Daichi was never one for anything impromptu or unplanned, which was why it utterly surprised you when he said, "let's have a baby" softly in your ear while you two were cuddling in bed one night with your head lying on his chest. The deepness of his voice caught you by surprise.
"W-what did you say, Daichi-kun?" what a stupid question. You clearly heard what your husband said. How could you not? 
"You heard me, y/n-chan. Let's have a baby." Daichi chuckled, eyes turning into little crescents. Flipping you on your back, Daichi's eyes never left you, studying your face as he tucked some of your hair behind your ear. 
"I-I don't know, D-Daichi-kun, I mean—" you gulped nervously, avoiding your husband's eye, "we're only 24." 
"We've been married for a while. I think we're both ready. It's time we have kids of our own, don't you think?" planting a soft kiss on your forehead, Daichi said something that made you widen your eyes.
"Let's have kids before Tanaka and Shimizu do." 
"Daichi-kun!!!" You couldn't control your laughter anymore and smacked your husband playfully on the chest. Trust him to say something like this! "Having kids isn't a game of betting, Daichi-kun! Also, don't call Kiyoko-chan Shimizu anymore. It's Tanaka now." 
Daichi laughed before kissing you again, this time with a little more pressure on your lips. "I'm serious, y/n-chan. I'm ready to start a family with you. A mini you, or a mini me. Maybe both, maybe more. I want you to have my kids, my dear. Our kids. I want to have a family with you. Our family. " 
You stared at your husband, trying to look for a flaw in his plan, any small hint that he was just pulling your leg. No, you thought to yourself, it can't be. Daichi-kun never lied. Daichi-kun would never joke about something like this.
"You're lucky I love you, Sawamura Daichi," you smiled as you cupped his cheeks, pulling him in for a kiss, "I can't believe you actually had a bet with Tanaka-kun over something like this." 
"What if I told you it was Suga's idea?" your husband chuckled once more as he slowly removed your top, "we've always talked about forming a Karasuno junior volleyball club with our kids in the future." 
"We're not having six kids, Daichi-kun." you warned him as you snaked your hands up his chest, lacing them around his neck, "two is enough." Hearing you, Daichi let out another smile again, swiftly kissing you on the lips. 
"So you're agreeing to having kids?"
"Yes, my dear husband, before I change my mind." and with that said, you gave him a full kiss, feeling him roam his hands across your clothed chest. Arching your back, Daichi removed your bralette and started massaging your soft breasts, knowing damn well how much you love it when he played with them. His hands were calloused, yet they were so soft and gentle against your skin. His thumbs drew circles around your nipples, his tongue now seeking permission to enter your warm cavern. You let out a hum of happiness as Daichi lightly bit your lower lip, gasping as he started pinching your sensitive peaks. 
"Close your eyes for me, please?" he suddenly whispered against your ear, causing goosebumps to appear. Bewildered, you closed your eyes and wondered what Daichi was up to. You heard him opening a drawer and ransacking through something, and suddenly, you heard the rustling of metal and then something cold was bound to your wrists.
"DAICHI-KUN!!"—your eyes shot open—"please don't tell me you took them from work?" your husband merely chuckled as he kneeled before you, trapping your body between his knees. 
"You know I can't bring any equipment home from the police station, y/n-chan. I bought these. Somewhere." You tilted your head and saw the handcuffs around your wrists. They did look flimsier and thinner than the ones police officers normally use.
Daichi smirked as he slipped his fingers into your underwear, pulling them down to your ankles. Holding your hands up above your head with one strong arm, he dove down on your breast and started sucking your nipple while his free hand massaged the other. You let out another groan when his tongue and finger started to draw circles around your areola, the ticklish sensation making you wiggle your toes. 
"Oh yes, yes, dear, just l-like that—'' you whined as you squirmed around, rubbing your hip against his groin. You could feel Daichi's boner strained against his shorts, but being the ever-so-attentive husband he always was, you knew he wouldn't let you do anything for him until he made you cum at least once. Switching to taste your other nipple, Daichi's hand snaked down your body, fingers pressing lightly on your clit before tracing circles. You let out another hum, unknowingly trying to loosen your hands from his iron-tight grip. 
"Uh-huh, Sawamura-san, don't try to wiggle yourself out." your husband teased once more, rubbing your clit a little harder. His grip on your cuffed wrists tightened, feeling your entrance moisten after a while. Picking up some of your slick, Daichi continued his touch on your clit as he sat upright, admiring your sweaty form below him. Your eyes were shut and your jaw was hanging loose with gasps of hot breath escaping your pretty lips. His wife looked so beautiful, he couldn't help himself but to smile as he stared. 
"D-Daichi-kun… mhm, y-yeah, my clit—fast-faster—mmm—" you groaned again, feeling your incoming orgasm. Your body was tingling with excitement and your hip ground against his fingers, silently seeking more friction. "Oh god, Daichi-kun, mmm, my nipple, s-suck on my n-ni—" your sentence was stuck when you felt Daichi's lips enclose around your nipple, once more teasing your bud with small, slow circles using his tongue. Damn it, you cursed in your head. He always knew the right spots to touch to get your body fired up. He always knew the right pace to set to fuel your need. He always knew when was the right time to go slow, and when to go fast.
"You cumming for me, dear?" Daichi hummed, tiling his chin slightly to look at your face. He knew you were close; he could tell from the way you were panting and the way your hip was moving. You tried to say 'yes' but all that came out were just whines again. Increasing his speed on your nipple and your cunt, Daichi gave your body a final push until you convulsed, the coil in your belly finally snapping as you felt your essence flow out. Letting you catch your breath, Daichi sat upright once more and slowly removed his shirt, leaving him in his cotton shorts.
Regaining your composure, you looked at your husband, registering the scene before you. Years of playing volleyball in the past really did his body good. Years of training and working as a police officer made his body look even better. His rock hard chest, his strong arms, his well defined abs, his muscular thighs—
"If you continue to stare at me like that, I'll have to clean up your drool."
"Don't worry, dear, I can wipe my drool myself," you scoffed, moving your hands back down, "if you let these handcuffs go." 
"Please, Daichi-kun, let me touch you, hmm? Pl—"
"No," he replied a little more firmly this time, yet he still had a smile on his face, "these are going to be on you the entire night. You just need to lie down here and let me do everything, 'kay?" Daichi leaned down and cupped your hot cheeks, staring deep into your eyes.
"The only thing I need you to do tonight is to take as much of me as you can, hmm? Can you do that for me, Sawamura y/n?"
God damn it, you cussed again. His unwavering stare caused you to take a nervous gulp. He really knows how to rile me up, huh. Without a word, you hooked your arms around his neck again, pulling him towards your lips.
"Fill me up, Daichi." 
An urgent kiss followed after your words, giving Daichi no time to respond. Focusing on the kiss and how your tongue was impatiently prodding his mouth to gain more access, Daichi fumbled to remove his shorts and boxers, his hard-on finally springing free from its restraints. 
Wiggling out of your locked arms, Daichi looked at you while he stroked himself a few times, pulling his foreskin down to expose his tip. Your hair was in a mess and sprawled all over the pillow, your chest was heaving and your body was glistening with remnants of sweat. "D-do me a favour, y/n-chan." 
Your answer came out a little breathy, "... yeah?"
"Squeeze your boobs together," Daichi groaned while he rubbed his tip at your entrance, please to find it still moist from your orgasm earlier, "w-with your arms."
"Hmm… like that?" acting modest, you squeezed your breasts together with your arms, shooting your husband a coy look, knowing exactly what he wanted. The moment he saw your soft mounds pushed together, Daichi lost all sense of control and let out a loud grunt, leaning forward to suck your nipple again while he entered you fully in one swift move. A satisfied moan left your lips when you felt his entire length in you, snugly filling you up with his warmth. 
"D-daichi, ahhh… s-so—y-you're so deep—" incessant moans were all that you could manage to produce once Daichi started to move his hip, thrusting in and out of your cunt in a slow and steady pace, making sure you felt each and every move. You were getting wetter the more he thrust. "Mmm, y-yes, oh my god, Daichi—hah… D-daichi—"
"Mm. Yeah, go on, my dear, say it. Say my name. Out loud." Daichi's muffled voice came from beneath you, thoroughly enjoying his feast on your hard nipple while his hands started to massage your chest. Leaving your nipple with a pop of his lip, Daichi switched over to taste your other nipple—god forbid it was your more sensitive nipple—as he continued to thrust inside you deep. "I want to hear you, y/n."
"Mmm, Daichi, y-yeah, ahhh—mmm, r-right there! Daichi…" your heart was pumping so fast and your belly was tightening again, "just l-like that, Daichi, mmm… Y-yes, Papa—"
"You're going to look glowing when you're carrying our child..." Daichi released himself from your chest and cupped your cheeks, kissing you fiercely without messing up the rhythm of his thrusts. Before you could say anything, Daichi's face scrunched up in concentration as he let out a long groan; a tell-tale sign that he was near his release. Before you even knew it, Daichi gasped out loud into your mouth and you felt him pulsating inside your cunt. 
"So fast?" you chuckled, hugging your husband close.
Daichi looked at you after a long while, feeling a little embarrassed, "I-I couldn't hold it in anymore, I'm s—"
"Shhh"—you kissed Daichi to shut him up—"why are you apologising? You told me to take as much of you as I can, remember?" Daichi's lips slowly turned into a grin, pushing himself upwards to admire you from below again. 
"Oh, of course I remember that, dear." pulling himself out of your cunt slightly, Daichi turned you around on your stomach and pushed himself inside you. You moaned out loud, feeling him deep inside you again. "I'm going to fill you with so much of my cum that it's impossible for you to not get pregnant." 
Feeling himself in you again—so much deeper this time—awoken a feral need in Daichi, making him thrust inside you even quicker than before. "I didn't manage to make you cum just now, yeah? Gonna make it up this time—" Daichi growled next to your ear, causing goosebumps to rise on your skin again. Your fingers clawed at the bedsheets, your whole body was trembling with want and need. 
"Oh, yes, yes! Daichi, yes, right there, mhmm, ye—" your toes were tingling again and you felt yourself getting closer to your second orgasm of the night, your mind could only register how good Daichi's cock felt inside you. "Mmm, Daichi, please—uhh, I'm close, dear, I'm so—" 
"Can't wait to hear our child call you Mama," Daichi whispered, holding himself back with all his willpower, refraining from shooting his seed in you until he made you feel good. "You're going to be such a great mother, y/n…" with Daichi's tip rubbing against your sweet spot, you gasped out loud as your entire body shook with pleasure, feeling lightheaded all of a sudden. Your husband continued to prolong your euphoria with a few more thrusts before he let out another grunt, collapsing on top of you as his dick pulsated in you again, filling you up with his load. The both of you continued to pant breathlessly, letting the post-orgasm bliss consume you. Daichi laid on top of you for a long while, refusing to pull out even when he was already flaccid. 
"Do you think that was enough?" 
You turned your head to the side and gave your husband the side eye, "yes, Daichi-kun, I believe it was enough. Your cum is about to drip on the bedsheet soon." hearing you, Daichi jumped out of bed and carried you, rushing to the bathroom before his cum dripped on the bedsheets and floor. 
"I love you, y/n," Daichi muttered as he let your feet down on the bathroom floor, "I love you so much." 
"I love you too, my dear," you chuckled, giving him a wry smile, "but I would love you more if you removed these—" you shook your wrists, and Daichi's mouth hung loose.
"Oh." He sheepishly smiled before running back to the bedroom butt-naked, trying to look for the handcuff keys. Moments later, he appeared with a shiny key between his fingers. Slotting the key into one of the slots, Daichi uncuffed one of your wrists. However, instead of uncuffing the other wrist, he brought both your hands to the back and cuffed them together again. 
"Sawamura Daichi."
"What? I did tell you to take as much of me as you can, didn't I?" He gave you a knowing look, making you lean forward before aligning his hip to your rear. Pumping his shaft a few more times, Daichi picked up the cum dripping between your thighs to rub between your slit, making you bite your lip to muffle your moans. "I'm not done with you yet, Sawamura y/n."
Oh boy, you thought, I'm in for a long night.
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Tagging: @ladycheesington
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writer-kermit · 2 years
"I'm hungry too..."
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ʚ No. 13,16,17 ɞ
❧ ~ SUMMARY: You and Daichi are new parents, after breastfeeding your baby to soothe them, Daichi got hungry too. If you know you know. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
ᰔ KERMIT'S NOTE: This is not my OG idea! I was inspired! Click the link above if you would like to request 3 in one smut prompts! If you want commissions, DM me or visit my Ko-Fi. Thanks for the support! ᰔ
ෆ WARNING: NSFW, Sensual biting, Teasing, Oral (You receiving), Nipple Play, Lactation Kink, Breeding Kink, Breastfeeding, Mommy Kink, MINORS!! PLEASE GO AWAY.
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You heard the faint noises of your newborn child crying. Your husband– Daichi Sawamura let out a small grumble as the bed creaked from him standing up.
“It’s okay.” You sighed. Tugging at his arm. “I’ll see what’s wrong. [....] must be hungry.” :”Are you sure?” Daichi asked you, “I mean, it is my turn to take care of them.” “It’s fine dear, I’ll go.” You got out of bed and covered yourself with your robe. You quietly opened the door and left your husband in the master bedroom.
You went inside the nursery room, and saw your fussy baby unswaddled themself. You gently picked them up by your arms and hushed them to calm down. You sat down on the rocking chair right next to the crib. You then opened part of your robe, revealing your breast. You guided the baby to your nipple and watched as the baby fed on you.
You heard the door click open, and you saw Daichi in front of the entrance. Your lips curved into a sweet smile. “I hope I didn’t worry you Daichi. The baby is okay now.” The baby removed themself from you and a quiet belch erupted. You looked up at Daichi again.
“Wanna tuck [....] in?” You asked him. He smiled and cradled his new baby. He parted the little hair that they had and kissed them gently on their forehead. He placed the sleeping infant back on the crib and watched him quietly as they snored.
“They’re gonna do amazing things one day.” You said, holding Daichi’s arm. He smiled at you and kissed your cheek. You felt his arms snake around your waist, which gives you an unusual feeling for a time this late. “What are you doing?” You whispered, your hand now at his chest. “Sorry…” Daichi purred, his chin nuzzling at your neck. “I’m just getting a bit hungry.” You were at a loss for words, but then you let out a lighthearted chuckle. “Let’s go to bed shall we?”
Ironically you both didn’t go to bed. Well you did, but not for sleeping,
Daichi pinned you down on the bed and kissed you roughly. You felt his tongue slide inside of your mouth as his grabby hands began to touch you all over. His lips traveled down to your jaw, nibbling at your skin. “Mnn.. You’re such a needy boy aren't ya?’ You giggled. “I’m sorry mama..” Daichi replied. “Your baby boy just got a little needy.” He licked the bite mark just beneath your neck, causing you to hitch sharply at your breath.
You felt his hands underneath your robe, groping at your breast. His tongue lapped around your nipples, occasionally sucking on them when he felt ‘hungry’. He gently bit at your poor nubs, making you arch your back. Daichi gripped at your bare waist as his lips came closer to your soaked cunt. His head leveled between your underwear. His eyes fluttered up at you with innocence.
“May I honey?” Daichi asked you. “Yes.. P-please.” you whimpered. Without hesitation, he removed your underwear. He licked your entrance teasingly before placing his mouth inside of you. He sucked and kitten licked your clit, making you squirm and moan loudly. Your moans filled Daichi with serotonin and motivated him to continue. “Fuck..”
He groaned, grasping at your thighs firmly. “Mama.. I-I want you… Please baby..” You gave Daichi one of your warm smiles again. “Daichi.. I want you too..” He lowered his face to yours. He kissed you passionately as you rested your arms on his shoulders. Daichi pulled out his tented pants, revealing his weeping cock.
Slowly, his cock made his way inside of you, and you almost screamed in pleasure. Daichi slowly started to thrust inside of you, his voice resonated with small whimpers and moans. It was impossible to be quiet now. You are enjoying yourself too much. “Oh my god… Daichi.. Daichi you feel so good…” You moaned, hugging your lover tightly. “Y-yeah.. Fuck, your pussy feels so good on my cock…” Daichi hissed.
Without any warning, Daichi came inside of you. He kissed your lips, and you pouted at him. “Heh.. Looks like we’re gonna have another baby to take care of..” He teased you. “Daichi..” You whined, placing your hand on your forehead. The both of you then heard wails inside the nursery room– yet again.
You glared at Daichi, your eyes telling him to go do his turn. “Right..” He groaned, “We have to take care of our first child.” In defeat, he tidied himself up and left the room. It seems like no one could resist you. Not even Daichi.
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kats-fic-recs · 8 months
Point Break
If someone had asked Daichi yesterday how he planned to spend his Monday lunch period, he probably would have answered "eating my lunch" or "thinking about volleyball" or "eating my lunch while thinking about volleyball." He would not have answered "sneaking into the staff room to hack into my physics teacher's email so I can delete the embarrassing video my best friend accidentally submitted in place of our projectile motion assignment"—and yet somehow, to his profound horror, here he is, slandering the father of modern physics to his teacher's face as he stalls desperately for time.
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matsuokarin03 · 2 months
Making him mine - Sawamura Daichi
I never felt sorry for her. Though, it's also true that if it wasn't for her, I would've never noticed him.
It wasn't difficult to find out that our captain had a crush on him. Michimiya senpai would deliberately go to the vending machine far away from our girl's gym just so she could catch a glimpse of him practising. I wondered what was so great about this guy that he had all her attention. What was so great about the captain of the boys volleyball team - Sawamura Daichi. So I went to one of their matches. I tagged along with our own girls when the Karasuno boys team had their finals against that powerhouse, Shiratorizawa. I remember being impressed that they made it. But of course, that wasn't the only reason I got interested.
What caught my attention about him was his very aura and confidence, equipped with the skill to back it up. Throughout the match, I was entranced by the clear faith he had on his team and his own abilities. He stood behind the team, supporting them, not just literally with his saves, but also mentally. I could tell it was because he was there on the court, that order was established and everyone could do their best.
It was after I saw this side of him that I wondered to myself, what would it be like if I had someone like that in my life? That was when I knew, that Sawamura Daichi was someone I wanted. I wanted him to be mine. I didn't care that our captain liked him. She never did anything about her feelings. It wasn't like I was stealing him from her when he never belonged to her.
After that day of the match, I made my decision to win his heart.
Everyday I'd go to the boys' gym and "volunteer" to help out with small chores. Our own volleyball practise never lasted as long as the boys' anyway. Their managers didn't mind, in fact, we got along well and they quickly found out why I was there, since I wasn't exactly trying to hide it, I was very obvious with my advances. When they had time to cool down, I'd go Daichi and offer him a towel and water bottle, even though I didn't need to. I always made sure our fingers touched whenever I gave them. I'd ask him for tips about how to remain calm at court. I'd talk about anything that would gain an interest from him. Everyone knew he was the only one getting my attention like this, everyone but him.
For some reason, he didn't seem to notice my feelings until much later. My actions may have started small at first, but they gradually increased with time. I started surprising him by coming towards him and wiping down his face myself. I'd ask him to help me with my returns and deliberately suck at it until he accepts my suggestion to teach me by holding me from behind. I'd touch his arms and go "wow~ they're so hard!". Ofcourse, my efforts persisted outside the gym. I was in the year below him, so it was hard to see him at school but I tried increasing our interactions. During break, PE, or changing classrooms, whenever I saw him, I'd go to greet him and chat a little bit. If we didn't have enough time to talk, then I'd leave with a wave. Whenever they had practise matches outside school, I'd come along with them and always sit next to him. His best friends already knew how I felt about him so they were more than happy to save me the seat next to him. I'd rest my head on his shoulder, even if my eyes were open and he knew I wasn't sleeping. Eventually, I started purposely staying back late until their practise ended, and this naturally led him to offer walking me home, like I knew he would. The first few times, I didn't try anything. I closed the gap between our bodies with every passing day.
One evening, I held his hand in mine. He didn't resist. We stopped walking before we reached the gates to my house, and I stood in front of him, holding his hand, and asked "Senpai...how do you feel about me?". His face was red, even in the dark, and I knew it was time to make my final move. I stepped closer to him and softly asked "can I kiss you?"
After a few very long seconds, he answered my question by leaning down and closing the gap between us. That night, he finally became mine.
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ya9amicide · 2 months
♡ anime masterlist ♡
pov: your camera roll if you were dating daichi sawamura.
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blueparadis · 1 year
Hi! How are you? I hope you're having a wonderful day so far. For the Valentine's thing I'd like to ask for 🧡 with Daichi from Haikyuu.
Thanks in advance, this idea is amazing 😊
Hello there. yep, i'm good, having fun writing on my blorbos and blorbettes. you're the only one to choose hq. so thank you to you too. hope you like this. CWs :: f!reader, first time, marking, m-masturbation.
Daichi and first time from v-day event.
Daichi is well informed and has even educated himself so that he could give you the best sex of your life. He is aware of the fact that it is not your first time so he has to do his job well, surpass all the limits of your x-factors while keeping in mind your hard limits. For months he has been going out and when he gets intimate with you he seems to be more alert than he should be.
How much would you moan if he were to touch you there while kissing? Would you like it if he grabbed you by your neck lightly before kissing you? Would you be willing to get down on your knees as much as he willing to do it for you? Would you. . .
“Daichi...please.” and that is when he realizes that he has been staring too hard and too long while hovering over your naked body. you look so warm, feel so warm and he wants to pause this moment and stare at you a little longer before. . . before he marks each and every part of your body that he thought of while jerking off at the thought of you.
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renzireads · 6 months
Ice skating, one of the most popular dates around this time of year, and it seemed like he would be third wheeling it with some friends.
Daichi and Sugawara had invited him on their date after Kuroo complained about how he didn't have time to mingle and do fun things after work because he's usually oh so tired and no one interesting had come into his life recently.
He didn't complain often, but whenever he was calling with Daichi or Suga, he felt safe enough to do so. They'd understand, they always did.
So they invited him out on their date with the lame excuses of "maybe you'll meet someone" and "you're allowed to have fun!"
Kuroo was allowed to have fun, actually. That's something he often forgot now that he was working more often than not. His life turned serious way too quick.
Another thing Daichi and Sugawara seemed to understand all too well.
"Kuroo!" Suga yelled as he saw him, running up to him and enveloping him in a warm and crushing hug. "We missed you."
Kuroo gently put his hand on Suga's head, his silver hair poking out from underneath his beanie. "I missed you too."
Another pair of arms wrapped around him, Daichi hugging them both from behind. "It's been too long."
"Too long indeed." Kuroo smiled, a smile that quickly wavered. "Doesn't mean I don't feel guilty about interrupting your date."
"Don't!" Both Daichi and Sugawara exclaimed as they let go. A soft blush made its way onto Sugawara's face.
Kuroo blamed it on the cold.
"C'mon, before the ice melts." Daichi teased as they walked towards the ice skating rink.
As they approached, the atmosphere buzzed with the joyful sounds of laughter and the rhythmic scraping of blades against the ice.
Daichi, Sugawara, and Kuroo rented a trio of skates, each taking a moment to adjust them before gliding onto the glistening surface.
Almost immediately, Sugawara fell flat on his ass, getting a laugh out of both Daichi and Kuroo he had been aching to hear, or so his smile seemed to say.
But the occasional slip and slide only added to the amusement, especially when they tried to help the other up but they pulled them down.
The cold air bit at their cheeks, giving them all a red nose.
"Cute." Daichi remarked with a wink as Kuroo tried to rub his nose warm again.
"What?" Kuroo asked, trying to figure out if he misheard his friend.
"You heard me." Daichi smiled before skating away.
As they circled the rink, Daichi and Sugawara exchanged knowing glances, silently communicating their unspoken plan.
Sugawara skillfully maneuvered beside Kuroo, his gloved hand reaching out to entwine with Kuroo's.
Kuroo glanced at Sugawara, surprise and realization dawning in his eyes. He didn't pull away; instead, he tightened his grip on Sugawara's hand, squeezing it softly.
Yeah, okay, maybe he has had a crush on both Daichi and Suga for years. And yeah, okay, maybe he was jealous, but he made sure to never let it show.
Did they finally figure it out? They didn't seem to be mad, not in the slightest even.
Daichi, skating a step ahead, turned with a warm smile. "Kuroo, you're not interrupting anything. In fact, you're exactly where you're supposed to be."
Kuroo smiled at that, extending his hand towards Daichi, who grabbed it in a fluid motion as he started skating next to him.
They skated in silence for a while, just enjoying the company of each other.
After some time, they paused at the edge of the rink, breath visible in the crisp air.
Sugawara, breaking the silence, spoke with a gentle smile, "Kuroo, we've been thinking... how about making this a regular thing? You, us, dates, everything."
"We, well, we like you, romantically, both of us. And well, we have a feeling it's mutual. Is it mutual?" Daichi almost rambled. Kuroo couldn't help but wonder if he always got this nervous when asking questions like this.
"It is." Kuroo silently confessed, turning around to look at all the other people skating around. "Has been for years."
Sugawara and Daichi exchanged glances, a mixture of relief and excitement evident in their eyes. The cold air seemed to freeze time for a moment as they absorbed Kuroo's confession.
"Well then," Sugawara said with a mischievous glint, "how about we continue this date somewhere warmer? Maybe with hot chocolate and a bit more privacy."
Kuroo smirked, feeling a newfound lightness in his chest. "I'd like that very much."
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sinkat-arts · 1 year
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Inspired by the dance scene in @UhohShouto's "Fate is Kinda a Bitch." It's a -delightful- #daisuga comedy of errors and coincidences that you should definitely read if you want to smile today. https://archiveofourown.org/works/37669705/chapters/94037575
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dl4draws · 1 year
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i saw this post and they instantly came to mind <3
please go read open tab by @mooifyourecows
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kewpie-aisle · 2 months
Daichi is the eldest in his family with four younger siblings (canon), with four younger siblings. Which really all adds up to why he's so...the definition of responsible. But that got me thinking to a different direction he could go... Eldest!Daichi who was taking care of his baby siblings while he was a baby too. Learning how to change diapers and help his mom rock the babies back to sleep carefully.
Eldest!Daichi who learned how to cook early so he could help make breakfasts and lunches for the kids so his parents wouldn't worry.
Eldest!Daichi who went to all his siblings sports matches or sat down to help with their homework since he went through the grades first.
Eldest!Daichi who taught all his younger siblings how to ride on bikes after taking the training wheels off. Promising them he wouldn't let go and he never did. Until they were fully balanced and off on their own. Eldest!Daichi who felt like he could never be weak or unsure in front of anyone. Especially because he was also the strong one in his friend group and needed to be there to take care of them. Eldest!Daichi who hated being called the "dad" of the friend group but didn't want to say anything to anyone. Because he didn't want them to be hurt, even though he hated the joke. I mean he's just a regular high school kid like them.
Eldest!Daichi getting into his first relationship in college and it getting serious really quickly. But things ending badly because his partner wanted kids and Daichi put his foot completely down. Eldest!Daichi holding strong opinions against having kids because he knew what a large sacrifice having them actually was. And he didn't feel ready just because he was getting older. This ended up being a pretty big thorn in most of his relationships. Eldest!Daichi not knowing what being taken care of meant until you came into his life. Someone who finally fought him to say love is about being there for each other not just handling everything.
Eldest!Daichi feeling a love he's never felt before watching you immediately get along with his siblings and seamlessly fitting into everyone's life. Being shocked when you see he has his hands full with the youngest ones so you get up to go pick up the others from a sleepover.
Eldest!Daichi watching you bond really well with his younger sisters, giving them really good advice as they navigate being pre-teens and teens. He would take pictures when all three of you decided to match, making that his phone wall paper.
Eldest!Daichi listening in shock when you share stories about how his mom was apparently always worried about him when he was young because he got sick often. How she would make his favorite dishes and that she was nervous to have more kids in case it took away attention from him but that he was such a perfect kid. He had completely forgotten those memories. Eldest!Daichi coming straight to you for cuddles after having a particularly bad fight with his younger brother over something ridiculous. But he had accidentally said something really harsh. Hearing you out when you said to make amends because that's family. Eldest!Daichi being more honest and leaning on his family more whenever he needed help. Because every time he needed someone you were always there to catch him. Reminding him that he's human and needs his people. Eldest!Daichi re-thinking all his life decisions watching you wrestle with his nieces and nephews during a family party. The sight of you blowing raspberries on his niece's belly and hearing you both giggle sets off every nerve in his brain.
bonus nsfw
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Eldest!Daichi making a mental note that he likes some nicknames, when he hears you moan out Daddy real sweet into his ears. He's got your legs hooked over his shoulders, pushed deep in you. Hand over your stomach pushing down where he feels his tip hitting. Gasps of asking for more spilling out of your sweet mouth. He's still got time before becoming a dad for real but no harm in practicing until then.
mdni banner by @cafekitsune
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wewindondowntheroad · 10 months
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💕 Together by @sinkat-arts
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