#dairy industry news
dairyvnews7x7s · 6 months
Unveiling the Impact of Dairy Carbon Emissions on the Dairy Industry
In today's fast-paced world, staying informed about the latest developments in the dairy industry is essential for both professionals and enthusiasts alike. This is where DairyNews7x7 comes into play, serving as a knowledge-sharing platform dedicated to providing up-to-date insights and information about the dairy sector. In this article, we will delve into the pressing issue of dairy carbon emissions while highlighting how DairyNews7x7 is making a difference in the industry.
Understanding Dairy Carbon Emissions
Dairy carbon emissions have become a topic of significant concern in recent years. As the global dairy industry news continues to expand, so does its environmental footprint. The process of making dairy goods like milk and cheese contributes to emissions of greenhouse gases, mainly methane and nitrous oxide. These emissions result from various sources, such as enteric fermentation in cows, manure management, and the energy required for milk processing and transportation.
DairyNews7x7: Your Trusted Source for Dairy Insights
At DairyNews7x7, our mission is to provide a comprehensive platform for dairy enthusiasts and professionals seeking the latest news and information, including updates on dairy carbon emissions and their impact on the industry. We've designed our knowledge-sharing platform with three tiers to cater to different preferences and needs:
Daily News Updates: At the first level, we pride ourselves on offering daily updates from the dairy industry. Our dedicated team of experts scours the web for the most recent developments, ensuring you're always in the know.
Weekly Video Highlights: Every Sunday, we prepare a short video summarizing the top seven news items of the week. This concise format allows you to stay informed even with a busy schedule.
Fortnightly Insightful Blogs: In the third stage, we compile vital events and trends from the past two weeks into insightful blog posts. These blogs offer a deeper understanding of the latest dairy news and the implications of dairy carbon emissions on the industry.
A Must-Visit Portal for Dairy Enthusiasts
Our primary goal at DairyNews7x7 is to make our portal a must-visit website for anyone interested in the latest dairy news coverage. We recognize the significance of continuing to learn about dairy carbon emissions and other crucial industry updates. To further assist our readers, we have also introduced a dedicated section for the latest price updates on dairy commodities and milk prices, both from India and abroad.
In conclusion, as the dairy industry grapples with the challenges of dairy carbon emissions, DairyNews7x7 stands as a reliable source of information and insight. With our three-tiered approach to knowledge sharing and our commitment to staying at the forefront of industry developments, we are dedicated to keeping you updated on the most recent news and fashion in the world of dairy.
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peripateticavian · 22 days
H5N1 bird flu outbreak response could be hampered by USDA, FDA turf war
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A young girl watches a milk waterfall out of a "magic pail" in the Dairy Exhibit at the Greater New York Silver Jubilee celebration, May 28, 1923.
Photo: Underwood Archives via Fine Art America
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worldspotlightnews · 1 year
Iranian women arrested for not wearing hijab after yogurt thrown on them | CNN
CNN  —  Two women in Iran were arrested after a man threw yogurt on them for not wearing the hijab at a store in the northeastern city of Shandiz, according to a video and report published by the Mizan News Agency, the state-run media for Iran’s judiciary. Video of Thursday’s incident shows a man approaching one of the women who is unveiled and speaking to her before proceeding to grab a tub of…
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headspace-hotel · 1 year
I went down the internet rabbit hole trying to figure out wtf vegan cheese is made of and I found articles like this one speaking praises of new food tech startups creating vegan alternatives to cheese that Actually work like cheese in cooking so I was like huh that's neat and I looked up more stuff about 'precision fermentation' and. This is not good.
Basically these new biotech companies are pressuring governments to let them build a ton of new factories and pushing for governments to pay for them or to provide tax breaks and subsidies, and the factories are gonna cost hundreds of millions of dollars and require energy sources. Like, these things will have to be expensive and HUGE
I feel like I've just uncovered the tip of the "lab grown meat" iceberg. There are a bajillion of these companies (the one mentioned in the first article a $750 MILLION tech startup) that are trying to create "animal-free" animal products using biotech and want to build large factories to do it on a large scale
I'm trying to use google to find out about the energy requirements of such facilities and everything is really vague and hand-wavey about it like this article that's like "weeeeeell electricity can be produced using renewables" but it does take a lot of electricity, sugars, and human labor. Most of the claims about its sustainability appear to assume that we switch over to renewable electricity sources and/or use processes that don't fully exist yet.
I finally tracked down the source of some of the more radical claims about precision fermentation, and it comes from a think tank RethinkX that released a report claiming that the livestock industry will collapse by 2030, and be replaced by a system they're calling...
Food-as-Software, in which individual molecules engineered by scientists are uploaded to databases – molecular cookbooks that food engineers anywhere in the world can use to design products in the same way that software developers design apps.
I'm finding it hard to be excited about this for some odd reason
Where's the evidence for lower environmental impacts. That's literally what we're here for.
There will be an increase in the amount of electricity used in the new food system as the production facilities that underpin it rely on electricity to operate.
well that doesn't sound good.
This will, however, be offset by reductions in energy use elsewhere along the value chain. For example, since modern meat and dairy products will be produced in a sterile environment where the risk of contamination by pathogens is low, the need for refrigeration in storage and retail will decrease significantly.
Oh, so it will be better for the Earth because...we won't need to refrigerate. ????????
Oh Lord Jesus give me some numerical values.
Modern foods will be about 10 times more efficient than a cow at converting feed into end products because a cow needs energy via feed to maintain and build its body over time. Less feed consumed means less land required to grow it, which means less water is used and less waste is produced. The savings are dramatic – more than 10-25 times less feedstock, 10 times less water, five times less energy and 100 times less land.
There is nothing else in this report that I can find that provides evidence for a lower carbon footprint. Supposedly, an egg white protein produced through a similar process has been found to reduce environmental impacts, but mostly everything seems very speculative.
And crucially none of these estimations are taking into account the enormous cost and resource investment of constructing large factories that use this technology in the first place (existing use is mostly for pharmaceutical purposes)
It seems like there are more tech startups attempting to use this technology to create food than individual scientific papers investigating whether it's a good idea. Seriously, Google Scholar and JSTOR have almost nothing. The tech of the sort that RethinkX is describing barely exists.
Apparently Liberation Labs is planning to build the first large-scale precision fermentation facility in Richmond, Indiana come 2024 because of the presence of "a workforce experienced in manufacturing"
And I just looked up Richmond, Indiana and apparently, as of RIGHT NOW, the town is in the aftermath of a huge fire at a plastics recycling plant and is full of toxic debris containing asbestos and the air is full of toxic VOCs and hydrogen cyanide. ???????????? So that's how having a robust industrial sector is working out for them so far.
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nerdykeith · 2 years
So there is a lot of misinformation and marketing myths surrounded around dairy consumption and its alleged health benefits. There are many studies highlighting that in the long term dairy is not so healthy. There is a lot of marketing misinformation and propaganda promoted by the dairy industry that we all ought to be questioning.
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reportwire · 2 years
U.S. stocks finish choppy session with losses, snap 2-day winning streak as investors assess positive economic data
U.S. stocks finish choppy session with losses, snap 2-day winning streak as investors assess positive economic data
U.S. stock indexes ended modestly lower on Wednesday, despite briefly turning positive in the final hour of trading, while data showed steady growth in private-sector jobs and in the service sector, indicating more scope for the Federal Reserve to continue to raise interest rates. How stocks traded? The Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA, +0.03% lost 42.45 points, or 0.1%, to finish at…
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pixiedm · 2 years
Milk Moovement raises $20 million USD to transform the supply chain of the Dairy Industry
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officialabortive · 1 year
Bull!Bakugou x dairy cow! Reader
I'd like to clarify that I do NOT support the dairy industry in any way. Fuck those dairy-farm-running motherfuckers
This is purely to sedate my lactation kink.
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Bull!bakugou who refuses to let his favorite cow stay in the stuffy barn all dairy cows are kept in, not trusting the farmhands to properly take care of you. Instead dragging you to the separate shelter used to house the pasture's handful of bulls
Even though each bull is separated by a few wooden planks, (meant to prevent fights) he is still wary of the others, not wanting anyone else getting close to you. He just wants to protect you
Bull!Bakugou who cant get enough of your milk, his favorite meal.
Bull!Bakugou who spends long expenses of time draining your tits, never unlatching. Still continuing to suckle even after he's had his fill and then some
Bull!Bakugou who only groans at you whenever you tell him to be gentle, the harsh suction being too much to handle. But he never listens, not letting up on his rough eagerness to drink everything you have to offer
Bull!Bakugou who starts acting like a calf again once he tastes your milk for the first time. Snubbing his nose at the feed given by the farm, only wanting to feed from you. Besides, you can provide him with more nutrients than any hay ever could
Bull!Bakugou who soon realizes how much water you need to drink to accommodate with milk production. Now keeping a tub of water in his stall to keep you hydrated. It's like your own little water trough
With your new constant access to water has you drinking more than usual, thus bakugou finds out drinking more means more milk
Bull!Bakugou is now constantly having you drink large amounts throughout the day. Doing this to the point that you're so full of milk, there are constant streams of the sweet liquid running from your nipples and down your torso
Bull!Bakugou who can't fall asleep without a tit in his mouth. Relaxed by the feeling of a full stomach
Bull!Bakugou who knows milk contains antibodies, as to why it always helps sick calves
Bull!Bakugou who milks you by hand, collecting the nutrients in an empty jar when your I'll. Feeding it to you, saying it'll make you better and damn well believing it
The farmhands are always left confused when they hook you up to the milking machines, but end up without get as much milk out of you as they should
Meanwhile Bull!Bakugou is watching from a distance. A droplet of milk adorning the corner of his smirking lips
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iww-gnv · 11 months
This is part of a series of frank accounts of the strike from Hollywood writers at different levels in their careers. I guess the AMPTP forgot the first lesson privileged parents quickly learn: Do not short-change The Nanny. Carol Lombardini did just that, and now SAG-AFTRA will strike. First, let’s rewind: The pavement was as hard as it’s ever been. The heat, unbearable. Numbers, thinning. The loneliest place on earth, the picket line by Universal’s Main Gate — where the sidewalk literally fucking ends. Paramount was all airpods and sunburns. (Some gracious restaurant handed out lemonade. God bless them.) Even the family-friendly line at Disney felt a little like a chain gang.  Not gonna lie, we knew it would be hard. But by day 72 our souls were cracking. The distant horizon of the strike loomed long and large. But then the AMPTP fucked up. Big time.  Quite possibly the stupidest exec in the business fed Deadline the most monstrous article, in which they finally let the mask slip and said the unsayable: Let the writers starve. “It’s been agreed for months,” the anonymous source confessed. The studios want to break the WGA, drag this out until the writers are “losing their homes.”   “A cruel but necessary evil” to protect their bloated, unjustified C-suite compensation. Those are real quotes. Even Marie Antoinette winced. Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb. Writer Twitter lit up with rumors of a morning-after Zoom where screaming studio heads pointed fingers at each other. Whatever moronic flack allowed that to happen will soon be living thousands of miles from Los Angeles, probably printing up flyers offering 2-for-1 Blizzards at the Bangor, Maine, Dairy Queen. The fun, new parlor game on the picket lines this week is guessing who was dumb enough to say the quiet part out loud. But thank you, whoever you are. Because those quotes turbocharged us. They reminded every writer why we’re doing this. Why we can’t give up — and now, you better believe there is not a single writer who doubts this is possibly the most important strike in the history of our craft and our industry. Nothing unifies like a Big Bad. Nothing makes heroes like an unrelenting villain.
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covidsafehotties · 26 days
Published May 9, 2024
In early March, Dr. Barb Petersen, a large-animal vet in Texas, began getting calls from the dairy farms she works with in the Panhandle. Workers there were seeing a lot of cows with mastitis, an infection of the udder.
Their milk was thickened and discolored, and it couldn’t be explained by any of the usual suspects such as bacteria or tissue damage.
Several more dairies called. One owner told her he thought his farm had “whatever is going around, and half of my pets have died,” indicating that the contagion had moved beyond cattle.
After running a battery of tests and ruling out every cause she could think of, Petersen sent samples from sick and dead animals to the Texas A&M state veterinary lab and to friends and colleagues at Iowa State University.
What they found – loads of the H5N1 influenza virus – has rocked the dairy industry and put public health officials around the world on alert. It also created an urgent scientific to-do list. One of the first questions that needed to be answered was how the virus was infecting cows in the first place.
Researchers in the US and Denmark took on that task. Their findings, published as a preprint study, show that cows have the same receptors for flu viruses as humans and birds. Scientists fear that cows could be mixing bowls – hosts that help the virus learn to better spread between people. Such an event, while rare, experts say, could put us on the path to another pandemic.
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zvaigzdelasas · 3 months
Rayson, who has been working with dairy cows for more than two decades, said imported milk powder has put most Jamaican dairy farmers out of business.
He is left with about 45 cows and continues to sell them off, one by one, in order to provide for his family.
"I'm more than sad about it," he said.
Pouring out fresh milk because of the inability to sell it is a long-standing problem in Jamaica. In the late 1980s, Jamaica had a successful milk industry, in part because of policies that increased tariffs on imported milk powder. The tariff revenue was passed on to local dairy producers as a subsidy.
But in 1992, the World Bank required Jamaica to lift the tariff as a condition for granting a loan. Soon enough, Jamaica was flooded with imported, heavily-subsidized powdered milk.[...]
"A country that feeds itself is a country that is self sufficient," Rayson said.
Christopher Serju, agriculture writer for The Gleaner, Jamaica's leading newspaper, said the dairy industry has suffered more than any other in Jamaica because of trade liberalization.
Rayson said he is going to try to raise beef since there is no way to turn a profit in the dairy business.
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COMTRADE trade data for Jamaican Imports of "Dairy Products" [grouped under HS 1992] visualized using the interactive Atlas of Economic Complexity
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mindblowingscience · 10 months
When Canadian dairy farmer Ben Loewith's calves are born next spring, they will be among the first in the world to be bred with a specific environmental goal: burping less methane. In June, Loewith, a third-generation farmer in Lynden, Ont., started artificially inseminating 107 cows and heifers with the first-to-market bull semen with a low-methane genetic trait. "Selectively breeding for lower emissions, as long as we're not sacrificing other traits, seems like an easy win," Loewith said. The arrival of commercially available genetics to produce dairy cattle that emit less methane could help reduce one of the biggest sources of the potent greenhouse gas, scientists and cattle industry experts say.
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fuckyeahdindjarin · 1 year
Hey, Cee!💗Congrats on your amazing milestone!👏I’m rather new to the family, still making my way through your master list and I enjoy it a lot😊 For the sleepover I’d like to request a micro drabble if you’d be so kind - Roommates Au with Dieter Bravo 🙌 What a nightmare!😅
Hi lovely! I'm so glad you're here and I hope you're having a good time with my Pedro boys 😘 So this one ran away from me, I'm very sorry if this wasn't what you were hoping for, but I've been itching to write for a younger Dieter, and this is what came out.
Dieter Bravo x Roommates AU
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Fuck Yeah 2222 Sleepover micro drabble request | 1000ish words (sorry) | warnings: mature themes but not explicit, mentions of drug use, angst, hopeful ending
You're not sure how you ended up sharing an apartment with Dieter Bravo.
Honestly, calling this dumpster fire of a studio above a laundromat/dealer's den an apartment is a kindness it does not deserve.
You tried in the beginning. You painted the walls a soothing buttercup that has long peeled off in patches. You fixed the table with the crooked leg so it doesn't wobble when you eat discounted sandwiches on it. You even bought potted plants, dotting trellises of green throughout the small space to give it some semblance of life (that quickly expired from lack of daylight).
But then one day, your college boyfriend, your supposed ride-or-die, left for an audition and never came back.
The next morning, Dieter Bravo showed up on your doorstep, a beat-up weekender bag at his feet. He looked bored even then, wearing an unaffected nonchalance like he does his favourite green robe. 'Some dude I met an an audition yesterday said there's a cheap room for rent?'
Except there's not really a room. There's a bed in the corner with a privacy curtain around it like a fucking hospital ward, and there's a fold-out couch on the other side of the tiny space.
Dieter lets you take the bed.
You don't bother getting to know your new roommate, too wrapped up in the cotton wool of your heartbreak and a blind determination to make it. Honestly, you'd struggle to pick him out from a lineup.
All you know is that he's messy, but he consciously contains that mess to his side of the studio. It's like there's a glass wall holding back his dirty clothes and mismatched shoes from spilling into the shared kitchen. He's also bad at clearing out the fridge, always forgetting the discounted Cheddar he seems to have a fondness for, but always leaves rotting at the back of the dairy shelf.
He doesn't complain when you throw his shit out though, and you don't mind cleaning up after him.
You're ships in the night, each pulling as many shifts as possible in between auditions to stay alive in this money-guzzling, soul-crushing city.
By the time you come home well after midnight, the only sign that another person lives with you is the occasional Chinese takeout he leaves out on the (still wobbly) table if the buffet place he works at gives him leftovers.
In your rush to leave for your first shift one morning, you accidentally make too much coffee, which you leave on the counter for when he returns from his graveyard stint. A few more accidents later, you start making enough for two out of habit.
The first time you actually share space in the studio is maybe five months into your not-quite-cohabitation. It's been a tough day - two rejections after third-round auditions, and a drunk customer spilled Jack and Coke onto your favourite white top, which will definitely leave a stain.
You let yourself into the studio quietly, not bothering with the lights. Stripping down to your underwear, you're about to head into the bathroom when you hear it.
Just above the thumping bass of the illicit nightclub across the street, and the whirr of the industrial-sized washing machines under your feet, is the unmistakable squeak squeak squeak of old springs in the fold-out couch.
You freeze. Someone else is in the apartment with you.
A breathy, distinctly female moan reaches your ear, but a vicious blare of a car horn promptly drowns it out.
Holy fuck. Dieter is fucking some girl not ten steps across the studio, with nothing but the flimsy curtain around your bed separating you.
Suddenly hyperaware, you hear everything. The heavy, loaded slap of skin on skin. Shallow breaths muted in the curve of a neck. The low timbre of his voice, whispers of words that you can't make out - but you know that it's filthy by the way the fold-out creaks under the motion of quickening thrusts, and the desperate cry from the woman, quickly muffled.
You know exactly the moment he cums - there's a sudden stillness, a suspension of time, like everything is on tiptoes - and then three long, drawn-out thumps of the couch hitting the wall.
Then all goes quiet.
You can barely open your eyes the next morning when you trudge to the bathroom in just a threadbare sleep shirt and underwear. The door opens without you noticing, and you walk nose first into a broad, wet chest.
You open your mouth to apologise, but no words come out as you tip your chin upwards.
Dieter Bravo has brown eyes, hooded by deep set lids. He will change a lot in the years to come, as fame and drugs take hold - but one thing that does not is the way your breath hitches when he looks at you. Really looks at you.
His curls are long and unruly when dry, but wet and slicked back, the contours of his profile are more pronounced, and your eyes slide down the strong bridge of his nose and linger on the plush lips under a moustache that seems almost fastidiously tidy compared to the rest of him. It's the one constant when everything else in his life is anything but.
Dieter Bravo will be many things to you over the next fifteen years. Lover, boyfriend, ex, stranger, co-star, friend, friend with benefits, fiancé, ex, fiancé once again -
But he was your roommate first. And that morning, in the doorway to the tiny shower, your tits inadvertently pressed up against his bare chest, the wet towel wrapped around his narrow hips brushing your bare thighs, he smiles at you for the first time.
And when things get difficult down the line, because by god, do they get difficult - you hold on to that smile.
You hold onto him. Sometimes you have to, literally, wrapping your whole body around his through withdrawal shakes, and you whisper in his ear to remind him of how far you've both come from that dumpster fire of a studio above the laundromat/dealer's den -
Which you're kind enough to call an apartment.
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anjanahalo · 10 months
Wayne Vs Fenton 3
start of the madness
pls note I'm putting these numbers in as "what I have written." They're not gonna necessarily be in order. I hope to make a full fic to put on AO3. In the interim, here's stuff I wrote in general as it strikes me in the moment. This bit is from Tim's perspective after Damian and Danny Are Friends become a known quantity in the Wayne household. ~*~
Damian making friends didn’t make sense. Everyone else felt complacent in simply accepting it. Tim wasn’t. Considering his upbringing, autonomous socializing wasn’t part of Damian’s personality. Nor was how calm and patient the former assassin child became with all of his siblings, Tim included. Damian himself insisted he and this “Danny” were friends. Hell, Damian even called the kid by a nickname. Not his last name, not “Daniel.” His actual, preferred nickname. Tim was suspicious and instantly began investigating. Daniel “Danny” Fenton, age 15, moved to Gotham two months ago from Amity Park, Illinois with his godfather and temporary guardian, Vlad Masters, former mayor of Amity Park, head of Vladco Industries, and heir to Wisconsin’s Self Proclaimed Dairy King’s fortune. Child of Jack and Madeline Fenton, doctors of something called ectobiology, former college classmates of Vlad Masters, and founders of FentonWorks, a cottage research facility that developed antighost (Ghosts? Really?) weaponry and equipment. Brother of Jasmine Fenton, currently a student of Yale in their psychology undergraduate program, and already a shoe-in for the Dean’s list. Honestly, of all the people related to him, Danny ended up being the least interesting. Middling grades that dropped in high school along with attendance. That was probably what led to his coming to Gotham. A set of brilliant - if evidentially weird - parents and a rich and involved godfather doing what they could to help their faltering son to succeed by sending him to one of the top schools on the east coast. There was evidence that Amity Park itself had some apparently minor meta vigilante protecting it, but searches for “Phantom” turned up nothing in the Justice League’s database, suggesting whomever this was might be an actual ghost like Deadman and, thus, restricted to access by those with JLD clearance. Tim put aside that issue for later. He could just ask B for privileges later. Besides, the only information he found on this vigilante was on a few amateur fansites and local papers. No major news sites or government listings. It couldn’t be anything major. His focus remained on Daniel Fenton. Except, even when looking into the kid’s socials, there wasn’t anything interesting. He had a couple friends back in Amity, the most interesting of the two was Samantha Mason of the Mason family, though Tim already knew of her from various socialite dinners she looked ready to burn to the ground, pink and lacey dress or not. Her social media was full of activism, conservation movements, and calls for both veganism and something called ultra recycle vegetarianism. Tucker came from an average family of upper middle class parents, nothing odd there, though his social media showed his love of technology and ancient Egypt. Nothing strange there. Danny’s social media, besides his friends, included links to Nasa, occasional rambles about high school life, and, for some reason, a dog photoshopped to look green. From the replies of his few followers, it was an inside joke since they all cooed over the dog and didn’t comment on the green. Again, nothing strange. Even the one time he managed to hack into Damian’s phone to see his messages yielded nothing. He and Danny would meet for what Danny called “playdates.” For some reason, Damian played along with a name Tim knew he’d scoff as childish and beneath him. Even that would be innocuous. One or the other would suggest meeting at various parks, arcades, even the observatory, negotiating dates and times, and that was it.
Danny was a normal kid. Damian was a born and bred assassin. Why in the actual fuck were these two friends? Nothing made sense. Everyone else was happy to ignore it because of the peace the irrationality before them instilled. Tim wouldn’t become complacent. Whatever Danny was hiding, he’d find it.
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One simple way to look at it is to take the rate of emissions reductions achieved in countries that have successfully decoupled, and see how long it would take for them to fully decarbonize. That’s essentially what Jefim Vogel and Jason Hickel — researchers at the University of Leeds and the Autonomous University of Barcelona, respectively — did in the Lancet Planetary Health study. They found that, if 11 high-income countries continued their achieved rates of emissions reduction, it would take them more than 220 years to cut emissions by 95 percent — far longer than the net-zero-by-2050 timeline called for by climate experts. “The decoupling rates achieved in high-income countries are inadequate for meeting the climate and equity commitments of the Paris Agreement and cannot legitimately be considered green,” the authors wrote. In an interview with Grist, Vogel likened optimism around gradual decoupling to saying, “Don’t worry, we’re slowing down,” while the Titanic races toward an iceberg.
“Absolute decoupling is not sufficient to avoid consuming the remaining CO2 emission budget under the global warming limit of 1.5 degrees C or 2 degrees C and to avoid climate breakdown,” concluded the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in its most recent assessment. Instead of making growth greener, some economists call for a whole new economic paradigm to address converging social and ecological crises. They call it “post-growth,” referring to a reorientation away from GDP growth and toward other metrics, like human well-being and ecological sustainability. Essentially, they want to prioritize people and the planet and not care so much what the stock market is doing. This would more or less free countries from the decoupling dilemma, since it eliminates the growth imperative altogether. Raworth, the professor at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, calls her version of the post-growth agenda “doughnut economics.” In this visual model, the inner ring of the doughnut represents the minimum amount of economic activity needed to satisfy  basic needs like access to food, water, and shelter. The outer ring signifies the upper limits of natural resource use that the Earth can sustain. The goal, she argues, is for economies to exist between the inner and outer rings of the doughnut, maintaining adequate living standards without surpassing planetary limits.  “Our economies need to bring us into the doughnut,” Raworth told Grist. “Whether GDP grows needs to be a secondary concern.”  Vogel and Hickel go a little further. They call for a planned, deliberate reduction of carbon- or energy-intensive production and consumption in high-income countries, a concept known as “degrowth.” The rationale is that much of the energy and resources used in high-income countries goes toward carbon-intensive products that don’t contribute to human welfare, like industrial meat and dairy, fast fashion, weapons, and private jets. Tamping down this “less necessary” consumption could slash greenhouse gas emissions, while lower energy demand could make it more feasible to build and maintain enough energy infrastructure. Some research suggests that reducing energy demand could limit global warming to 1.5 degrees C without relying on unproven technologies to draw carbon out of the atmosphere.
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