diadoescomics · 5 months
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Saturday Night Dalriada It's always fun receiving buffs from where you least expect it.
Do you guys have any similar moments that stick out to you? lmk! Ft. @concaviddavid
As always my comics are made with the support of my paytrons and kofi supporters, if you'd like to join them please check the official link tab inside this blog!
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autumnslance · 6 months
Hey there! I saw there were entries on the Ivalice raid locations— are there any more interesting Dalmasca tidbits from them that we haven’t gotten before?
Hihi! And there's not really too much new on Dalmasca; they clarify that Noah van Gabranth ordered the aerial bombardment of Rabanastre in response to the liberation of Doma and Ala Mhigo, to thwart the rebellion factions still loyal to the B'nargin dynasty who were inspired to rise up once again. It was a drastic measure, and the few survivors of the city's destruction fled to oases scattered across the desert.
Nothing new on Lessalia, just summary of "the Lexentales and adventurers found it and fought Lucavi."
Ridorana Lighthouse they go a little more into its construction. The Dalmascans operated the main lighthouse part to warn ships away from the cataract, but 30 years of Garlean occupation has seen the lighthouse abandoned. There's water drawn up the tower and then its downward movement back to the sea powers things...somehow, but no one's quite sure how it works.
It was the WoL's party who figured out how to get to the floating islands and upper reaches, to the ruins of Goug. Wind Crystals were utilized to create the landmasses, and arrays of vanes to harness wind power for the city are all over, as opposed to the water-based power below.
For Orbonne and Mullonde, they go a bit more into the legend of Ajora, a hero who claimed to be the son of gods, who led rebellions against the corrupted officials in the later years of the Holy Ydoran Empire. Mullonde was destroyed when Ajora, in desperation for victory, performed a forbidden summoning and the being called forth unleashed devastation. Jenomis cen Lexentale's The Zodiac Brave Story is mentioned, as a telling of those myths and Ramza Beoulve's victory over Ultima, but he admits it's a fiction not in line with facts.
Of The High Seraph herself, the text for her claims she was simply a force of pure ruination at first; it was the terror people held of her shifting to a reverent fear that eventually affected her enough to quicken self-awareness. How much of that is true given what's learned in Pandaemonium later is debatable. Once again, the lorebook leaves a lot open to interpretation given they are "set" in times where the transcribers don't have all the facts, allowing things to change in later plotlines.
And since they're related...
There's a nice picture of Bozja before the disaster, all local brown stone and geometric decorative patterns; both the nation and its capital shared the name, and they detail a little more the devastation it suffered, the crater of the "Firelight Coffin," the previous site of the Lunar Transmitter tower and the center of the city, the crystallization waves covering the rest of the buildings.
The fortress of Alermuc to the north of the city, and the buildings near it, survived the disaster. Alermuc means "Eagle" in the Bozjan tongue, and it was mostly abandoned by Basch van Gabranth. His son Noah, however, used it, and renamed it Castrum Lacus Litore (lakeside) as it also is at the side of Igalj Kelo, the region's largest salt water lake.
Not really anything new about Delubrum Reginae, the old royal palace of the Queens, mostly summarizing the battle to get through the tempered and transformed Gunnhildr's Blades to try to stop the primal Queen.
Zadnor in the northeast was chosen because of the ancient Allagan armaments thought to be buried there. A little about the construct Saunion, whose fusion of a traditional ceruleum engine with a unique crystal reactor to manipulate aether is said to be an example of the IVth's independent research and innovations. The Diablo Armament is thought to be a vessel for a Diablo-class voidsent gifted to Emperor Xande by the Cloud of Darkness back during their partnership, and would have been used against the ancient Bozjans, until the Fourth Umbral Calamity buried the thing.
So it's mostly a clarification and compilation of little bits we got in game, some new ways of presenting it, some placement of geography and where things are in relation to one another. It's mostly summary of the WoL's adventure in the region, though there are new, small tidbits like those outlined above, which is handy for those who haven't done the content nor unearthed every little secret lore tidbit scattered between the instances and zones and NPC lore dumps.
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scotianostra · 1 year
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13th February 862 Kenneth MacAlpin who united the Picts and Scots in one kingdom, died at Forteviot. 
 His reign is given in the Pictish Chronicle as twenty eight years, considering the violent uncertain times I think it was a lengthy, successful reign.
When posting about history this far back it is difficult as there was nothing written down about it back then, well  not much of it, in the sense of a written contemporary record of the foundation of the country that we now call Scotland, and there is certainly no Scottish record of any kind dating from the court of the early kings in the ninth century. The chroniclers that I like to quote tio fill up posts with contemporary information did not start till much later. So with posts like this I am sometimes scrambling between many sources, which in truth  really don’t know the facts, so if you disagree with the story I am just going to shrug my shoulders and say- okay then.
If we ask the question who was the first king of Scotland, most folk with a bit of knowledge might say  Kenneth MacAlpin, and in the oft-reproduced regnal list of Scottish kings he is named as Kenneth I. Except that his name was not Kenneth but Cinaed mac Ailpin – which is why I scored out the name, anyway we will call him Kenneth to avoid confusion – and there is no contemporary Scottish written account of his kingship.
That may be due to several reasons, for example written records were not kept because of the oral history tradition of the peoples who occupied what is now Scotland in the eighth, ninth and 10th centuries. Various predators such as the Vikings and the English invaders of later times – notably Edward I, as we know Longshanks ordered the destruction of Scottish records – plus the loss of church documents over the centuries and especially at the Reformation mean that we have precious few writings about the facts of the foundation of the Kingdom of Scotland, and most of those are by English or Irish chroniclers or Scots writing unreliably some centuries after the events of ‘facts’ which in many cases are just legends.
Wikipedia says that Kenneth “was a king of the Picts who, according to national myth, was the first king of Scots.”  Wiki is as ever unreliable, because it mentions a “national myth” when we do know that there was almost certainly a king later identified as Kenneth and that he apparently did unite the kingdoms of Dalriada and Fortriu into a kingdom.
Quhen Alpyne this kyng was dede, He left a sowne wes cal’d Kyned, Dowchty man he wes and stout, All the Peychtis he put out. Gret bataylis than dyd he, To pwt in freedom his cuntre!
The short verse above is taken from Orygynale Cronykil of Scotland by the 15th-century author Andrew of Wyntoun, it is one of the earliest accounts of Kenneth’s noble deeds. Most of what is known today has been pieced together by historians.
Kenneth was born sometime between 800 and 810 AD. His father was King Alpin II of Dalriada (Dál Riata), a Gaelic kingdom founded in 500 AD by Irish invaders led by Fergus Mor. At the time of Kenneth’s birth, the Gaels were dominated by the powerful Pictish Kingdom. Kenneth’s mother was, according to legend, a Pictish Princess of extraordinary beauty. Alpin II was ultimately beheaded by the Gaels for fighting on the behalf of a Pictish King, the second most hated enemy of the Gaels (after the Vikings). Little is known about Kenneth’s parents but there is reason to suspect that Alpin abandoned his comrades for love of the unnamed Pictish Princess, an act that cost him his life.
Around the same time that Alpin was killed in the battles between the Picts and the Gaels, the Viking raids became increasingly frequent and ferocious, perhaps because they knew many of the land’s men were otherwise engaged.  By 839 AD the Pictish kingship was almost entirely wiped out by Viking warriors. It is here that Kenneth enters the story. Many fighters sought to fill the vacuum of power and become the next king. Kenneth sought to claim the Gaelic and the Pictish throne, both of which he had some right to. However, according to legend, he was challenged by the seven royal houses of the Picts, especially the Pict Drust X.
Caught between the Gaels and the Vikings, the Picts knew that they needed a strong leader so a great meeting was called at Scone at which all of the claimants to the Crown were to attend, including Kenneth. The story goes that “the alcohol flowed freely at the meeting. Then, in what has since been referred to as Mac Alpin's treason, Drust and the Pictish nobles were all killed by the Scots: allegedly (and improbably) by having their booby-trapped benches collapsed so Kenneth's rivals plunged into pits in the floor and impaled themselves on spikes set there for the purpose” (Undiscovered Scotland, 2016).
This probably did not happen – the engineering feats alone seem hard to believe – but Kenneth most likely did kill, one way or another, all of his rivals to the throne. “What is fairly clear is that at some point between 839 and 848 AD Kenneth (with blood claims to both thrones) claims the kingdoms of the Picts and the Gaels”
Kenneth became the first king of the House of Alpin, named after his father. His lands included the Pictish Fortrio region and the Gaelic Dál Riata kingdom. Kenneth dubbed his new kingdom Scotia (in Gaelic, Alba). Yet, just because he was now the undisputed king did not mean peace was anywhere near in sight. Young Scotia was surrounded by hostile enemies: to the north were the highlanders, called the Men of Moray; to the west were the Irish, lying in wait to reclaim Fergus Mor’s conquest; to the south was the Anglo-Saxon realm of North Umbria; and at all times in all places, especially on the coasts and the islands, there was the threat of a Viking invasion.
It was this last threat that was most worrisome for King Kenneth MacAlpin. Legend has it that a huge fleet of 140 Viking ships was headed toward Dál Riata, intend on destroying the Gaels once and for all. With surprising speed and foresight, Kenneth order to Gaels to collect all of their religious relics (including the treasured remains of St. Columba) and move them to the safety of the interior Pict lands, once enemy territory but now unified. Scotia’s ecclesiastical capital was thus transferred from the coastal Iona to the interior Dunkeld. At this time, “Dál Riata vanishes from the chronicles and we only hear of Pictland from this point” 
The Gaels took a risk in trusting the Pictish king and Kenneth made certain to reward them for their faith in him. He distributed among his Gaelic supporters’ lands that had been taken from his defeated rivals. The Pictish commoners may have resented their new Gaelic landlords but Kenneth did not give anyone the chance to rekindle old ethnic rivalries. What was needed now was unity, “something the Picts and Gaels had in common, to define them as a single people, and, as is so often the case throughout history, this came in the form of a common enemy” (BBC, 2014). Fortunately for nascent Scotland, Kenneth had this in spades. He rallied his people to fend off the Viking attacks and even launched raid or two of his own across Hadrian’s Wall into Anglican North Umbria.
Kenneth died in 858 A.D. of natural causes (most likely a tumorous cancer). He was buried on the island of Iona and succeeded by his brother, Donald I. The Kingdom of Alba lasted until 1296 when the English invaded.
The historians say Kenneth was the  34th great-grandfather of the current King “Charles III”
My friend Colin asked about sources I used, I don’t normally post them all, usually one is suffice, but I will post a few this time 
BBC. "Kenneth MacAlpin (Cináed Mac Ailpín)." Scotland's History. BBC, 2014. Web. http://www.bbc.co.uk/scotland/history/articles/kenneth_macalpin/
Patin, James Fred. "Kenneth I Mac Alpine, King of the Picts." Mac Alpine. Geni Family Tree, 18 Nov. 2016. Web. https://www.geni.com/people/Kenneth-I-mac-Alpine-King-of-the-Picts/6000000001041559796
Royal Family History. "King Kenneth MacAlpin." King Kenneth MacAlpin. Royal Family History, 2016. Web. 30 Nov. 2016. http://www.britroyals.com/scots.asp?id=kenneth1
Undiscovered Scotland. "King Kenneth I: Biography on Undiscovered Scotland." Undiscovered Scotland. Undiscovered Scotland, 2016. Web. http://www.undiscoveredscotland.co.uk/usbiography/monarchs/kennethi.html
Then there is a great article  here on Kenneth from The National.
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hungercityhellhound · 7 months
Bands I follow on Spotify with less than 500K listeners per month. I feel like it will be most of them. I will use the tag #<500K if you want to track along. I'll be doing 10 at a time.
Format Band name (# of listeners per month)
ICON (23k)
Dalriada (17k)
Overdrivers (27k)
Urgehal (27K)
Show N Tell aka s-N-t (40)
Bulletrain (806)
George Lynch (41k)
Hell in the Club (7k)
Armored Saint (69K)
MD.45 (3k) <- this is a Dave Mustaine side project band.
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roegadynroost · 10 months
So, my Endwalker goal is to get all battle jobs 90 (80 from BLU) on 4 characters, and I'm almost done, I just have MNK (70) SAM (76) NIN (50) BRD (51) MCH (50) and BLU (70) on the last character, as well as two others that I need to do the last 10 levels of BLU on... But I decided to take a break to go back and finish up some stuff in Bozja that I never did. I'm so surprised at how active it still is! Finally got my Lyon II notes from Dalriada, and I just need to go back to the Southern front to get the Lyon notes and the Sartauvoir notes. Maybe one day I'll go back and to the duels too. I love Bozja.
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yellowmonitor · 2 years
Hussar lineart
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Got inspired by a song from my fav Hungarian band, Dalriada - Huszáros.
So It’s hussar time!
(I probably won’t finish this, so I’ll call it “lineart”).
Excuse the fantasy tack. Not historically accurate.
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dragonkingancalagon · 4 months
War Songs – Dalriada – About the triumph of Hunyadi and Capistrano at Nándorfehérvár
Christian John of Capistrano Franciscan friar Set out to sad Hungary, hearing her many plight Hearing of ugly infighting and quarrels, lack of peace Hearing how her beset people are in a great peril Once a stronghold, now it has been reduced to a stony rubble Encircled, defending it was excruciating, they’ve protected it unto death The famous governor of the country dons armor and grabs a…
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warfantasy · 4 months
War Songs – Dalriada – About the triumph of Hunyadi and Capistrano at Nándorfehérvár
Christian John of Capistrano Franciscan friar Set out to sad Hungary, hearing her many plight Hearing of ugly infighting and quarrels, lack of peace Hearing how her beset people are in a great peril Once a stronghold, now it has been reduced to a stony rubble Encircled, defending it was excruciating, they’ve protected it unto death The famous governor of the country dons armor and grabs a…
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zouberi · 2 years
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Dalriada @ Tanzt! Festival, Munich, Germany, 2022. #dalriada #folkmetal #medieval #tanztfestival #festival #mittelalterfestival #mittelalter #münchen #munich #music #musicphotographer #festival #musicfestival #germany #instamusic #instagood #instadaily #concertphotography #concert #tanzt2022 #backstagemünchen #concertphotographer #igersbavaria #igersgermany #htbarp (hier: Backstage München) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClWWzrYoC3c/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ulstersnapper · 2 years
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G L E N A R M 🧡 Four different views to enjoy in and around Glenarm on the Antrim coast. Which is your fav? 😋 #glenarm #glenarmcastle #puffin #antrimcoast #countyantrim #antrim #discoverni #glenarmriver #antrimcoastroad #causewaycoastalroute #northernireland #meaboroughcouncil #autumnal #autumnwalks #visitnorthernireland #discovernorthernireland #history #dalriada #glenarmforest #autumnwalk #optoutside #optoutdoors #autumnvibes🍁 #castle #castlesofinstagram #willowtree #weepingwillow #history #architecture (at Glenarm) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck_UeZbDhKw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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clickireland · 2 years
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The Paps of Jura as seen from the hills above Ballygally this week. #photography #countyantrim #jura #papsofjura #scotland #dalriada (at County Antrim) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChrHKGAjAjo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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diadoescomics · 1 year
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Anyone else got Dalriada trauma from the new treasure maps?
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arcann · 8 months
cidnero is NOT old man yaoi those guys are 34 its just divorce
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swiftcast-selene · 2 months
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abimee · 9 months
being in eureka: okay you need to follow this tracker but nobody really has any guide for what it means. theres fate trains but they wont wait for you if you say otw and then shrug when you ask to reset aggro and claim that ''it is how it is''. people will ruin your exp chain by just blowing up your lower level grind leaving you exp-less and your bonus broken. krile wont tell you shit and theres no story. people dont even go in here anymore and everyone who does are all higher level than you and wont help. nobody wants to come help in eureka. ejika is annoying but grows on you to become your brother in arm when krile gets on your nerves. the music isnt even that good
being in bozja: cracking a beer with balsaljen before running directly into enemy territory about to rip a floating wizard elf with city-wide AOEs into two because you took the equivalent of bozja methanphetamines that makes you run like shit but youre doing crazy numbers with that WAR overpower potion coctail. meanwhile a group of X-men cosplayers are passing you by in their car with this blaring over the sound of 30 nimrods chasing them and the healers are hitting return and losing mettle simply because theyre so mad nobody raised them during the fight that theyre not about to give those fuckers a free point towards their Guardian Angel title any time soon
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roehenstart · 1 year
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Legendary kings of Scotland by James de Witt.
69: Kennethus II (Kenneth MacAlpin)
Kenneth MacAlpin (810-858) or Kenneth I was King of Dál Riada (841–850), King of the Picts (843–858), and the first King of Alba (843–858) of likely Gaelic origin. He inherited the throne of Dál Riada from his father Alpín mac Echdach, founder of the Alpínid dynasty. Kenneth I conquered the kingdom of the Picts in 843–850 and began a campaign to seize all of Scotland and assimilate the Picts, for which he was posthumously nicknamed An Ferbasach ("The Conqueror"). Kenneth I is traditionally considered the founder of Scotland, which was then known as Alba, although like his immediate successors, he bore the title of King of the Picts. One chronicle calls Kenneth the first Scottish lawgiver but there is no information about the laws he passed.
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