#damien haas rpf
hedoublehell · 1 month
Damien Haas x f!reader
You wake up from a dream about Damien, only to find out reality may be better than anything your imagination could come up with.
SMUT -- 18+ ONLY!!!
Warnings: p in v, oral (both male + female receiving), degradation kink (slut + whore is used a lot), praise kink, spanking, dom/sub, dom!Damien, sir/master kink
Note: this is my first fic in about 5 years, so it may be a little rusty. but i hope you all enjoy!!
Tags: @agnewbones, @pedropascallme
“You’re this wet for me already?” 
Cold sweat dripped down the middle of your back outlining the edges of your spine. Reality came back as the pitch black darkness engulfed your vision, replacing the blurs of skin, purple hair, and that one smile that seemingly haunts your every moment whether you’re asleep or awake.
Fuck. Another dream about Damien.
You shifted from underneath your duvet, cold air freezing the damp spot between your legs that was not there when you originally settled in for the night. While you loved living with Damien, your body could not handle the consistent proximity of your bodies. Whenever you wanted food, he was already in the kitchen preparing something that he was going to surprise you and your fellow roommates with. If you needed to shower first thing in the morning, you would come out of your room only to hear Damien’s singing over the monotonous rain of the water pressure. Even at work, you could not shake him, often going out for coffee runs together in between shoots. The only aspect of your life that he was void from was the one that your subconscious craved him in the most. 
A sigh escaped your lips as you slid up your silk sheets into a sitting position. A subtle blink of baby blue light emitted from the digital clock that rested just off to the right of your bed. 3:47 am. 
The ache of need still pulsed in your core, even as real-life came creeping back in. It pounded against the inside of your thighs as the slickness of your excitement dribbled down your panties. Whatever Dream Damien did,  your body wanted more, and knowing that Real Damien was only two doors away made it even worse. Thankfully the room just before his was the bathroom. A cold shower was desperately needed, no matter the time.
You stumbled out of bed, your ragged graphic tee hitting just above your waist leaving your baby pink boy shorts exposed. Considering it was 4 am, you didn’t see a reason to bring a change of clothes, or even a pair of pants, to the bathroom. It was literally the next door down the hall, and no one else should be up.
The house was eerily still, something that you weren’t used to while living with half of the Smosh cast. That, along with the fact that you were always the first one asleep, quiet was never something that you were able to fully experience. The only thing that interrupted it was the soft padding of your bare feet against the wooden floor, the coldness of it sent shivers up your shins. This silence continued until you got closer to Damien’s room.
A faint mumble of voices emitted from the other side of the door. You tiptoed closer, trying to decipher which anime he had decided to throw on as background noise. However, as quickly as you heard it, it stopped. The stillness returned.
Damien’s door swung open. His purple hair was illuminated by the fluorescents behind him, which created a lavender halo around his head. All he had on was a ratty grey undershirt and a pair of thin black and white plaid pyjama bottoms. Your eyes immediately darted to his biceps, admiring the way they flexed as he held the frame. The muscle rippled against the taut skin that encased it. Hair trailed down to his armpit, leaving speckles of black on the underside. A moan threatened to spill out of your lips at the sight, but you held it in. 
“What are you doing up?” His 4 am voice was rasper than you anticipated. Genuine concern spread across his face, knotting his eyebrows. 
“I- I couldn’t sleep, so I thought I might have a shower to try to relax.” Which wasn’t a lie, but it sure as hell wasn’t the full truth. Dream Damien’s doing ghosted your memory, the stickiness of your desire still glued between the crook of your thighs.
His eyes wandered down your frame, stopping a second longer at the heam of your shirt before continuing onto your naked thighs. Shit. Heat spread across your bare skin as his eyes fluttered across the nudeness that defined your lower half. A similar warming sensation welcomed itself across your cheeks as he returned to your face. 
“I didn’t think anyone else would be up…” You trail off.
“I’m surprised you’re up,” he whispered, not daring to look away from you. “I was just watching Demon Slayer, I only got up ‘cause I had to pee. Do you want to join me before you go back to bed? Totally cool if not. I get how hard insomnia can be, though.” 
Before you could stop yourself you were nodding. You knew it was a terrible idea, going into his room right after waking up gasping for him, but you didn’t care. Damien slid out from the doorway, allowing you to tiptoe into his space. Behind you he shut the door, followed by the patter of his feet descending down the hall.
Alone in Damien’s room, you were able to notice more than you ever had. The muted light of his lamp in the far corner illuminated the grey walls which were littered with posters from various projects he had worked on over the years. A television was mounted directly across from you; it was still on Netflix, but it had resorted to playing a slideshow of upcoming titles while it waited for the show to be resumed. His sheets were softer than you remember, the fabric of his duvet caressed the back of your legs as you pushed yourself up against his headboard. His Snorlax plush leaned against your torso as it reacted to the new weight on the mattress. Everything smelt like him. Everything was him. 
Moments later a creak echoed throughout the space as Damien returned. Silently, he walked to his bed and let himself flop beside you. As soon as he hit the mattress, a visceral craving for skin contact twisted your gut. Whether it was from lingering lust or exhaustion, you didn’t know. However, you remained composed, your fingers interlacing with themselves in an attempt to prevent yourself from reaching out and running the tips of them along his exposed skin. As if he could hear your inner dilemma, he cleared his throat.
“Are you okay? Did you have a bad day, or a rough dream?”
Dream? Your cheeks flushed with warmth as the word came out of his mouth just above a whisper. Did he know? Your heart pounded at the thought of him hearing you moan his name in your sleep moments earlier. Flashes of Dream Damien created a mosaic of colour inside your mind as your pulse began to creep its way down to your core. Your eyes remain glued to the ceiling, afraid that if you looked at Damien it would undo you right then and there. He couldn’t know. 
“Yeah, you could say that.” You manage to choke out. 
Weight shifted on the mattress, Damien’s dip coming closer to yours. His hand ghosted the inside of your arm, goosebumps erecting in its wake. His fingertips stilled in the crook of your elbow, lingering for a second before Damien retracted them back and shoved them underneath his head, interlocking them with the other set. As the coldness returned to the skin, a subconscious exhale escaped your lips. 
You glanced over at the purple-haired man beside you. The dull light softened his features, blurring them with the wall behind him. A 5 o’clock shadow speckled across his jawline and his chin, which emphasized the natural pout in his lips. Both the top and the bottom were baby pink and seemed extra kissable with the rest of the world asleep. A piece of dead skin hung from the top, slightly sticking beyond the rest of the pink surface. Your hands found their way to your knees and gripped them tightly, knuckles turning white. No one would have to know, right? 
“Hey Damien?” You whispered.
“Why are you awake?”
Silence spread across the room once again. You could hear his breathing- somehow deep, yet ragged. Hesitation lingered in the air as Damien shifted in his spot, readjusting the position of his arms behind his head.
“It’s stupid, but I can’t stop thinking about how many takes it took me to do the intro to the new video properly. I tried so hard to be funny, but it felt like it kept on falling flat. I don’t know, maybe I had an off-day.” Damien sighs, keeping his eyes on the roof. You could feel his body tense up in fear of what your next words might be. 
“If it’s any consolation, I think you’re the funniest person on Smosh. In fact, you’re probably the funniest person I know. It’s so fucking hard to not ruin takes when you’re around, but I wouldn’t want it any other way. I promise you your humour lands. It at least does with me.” You shift down his headboard to lie down, turning onto your right to fully face Damien. A wave of his cologne hits your nose while you do so, leaving traces of pine, cherry blossom, and something spicy that you can’t quite place. The whiff of the scent subconsciously causes you to lean closer into him, in search of more. Notes of aftershave joined the mix while wetness began to dampen your panties once again, but you fought to ignore it.
His face brightened at the creation of eye contact. A smile erupted on his lips as he let himself take you in for a second. You could feel the movement of his eyes across your bare face while he attempted to memorize every detail of you, from the way sleepiness smoothed your features to the pimple patch that covered an outbreak on your cheek. Very rarely did he get to see you like this, in your most authentic form, and the sparkle that flickered in his eye let you know that he wanted to absorb every moment.
“Thank you, it means a lot to hear you say that.” He chuckled, a blush settling onto his cheeks. You reached out your hand subconsciously, letting it rest on his bare forearm. The heat of his skin seeped into yours.
“Sounds like we’re just two overthinkers tonight. I was so worried that you would’ve somehow known that I woke up because I had a dream about you.” 
Panic sets in as soon as it slipped out of your lips, the hand that was resting on Damien’s arm immediately flying to cover your mouth. Fuck. Damien automatically pulled himself closer to you, his eyes darkening with an unfamiliar cloud. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. 
“What kind of dream?” He growled into your ear. 
Need shot to your cunt as Damien moved himself on top of you, one arm on each side of your frame. His knee inched between your legs, the fabric of his pyjama pants rubbing against the thin layer of cotton that covered your core. A groan fell out of your mouth. 
“I think you already know the answer to that, Damien.” You purred needily. Your pulse erupted at the thought of what was about to happen— whatever it was. 
“Are you okay with this?” He murmured. 
For the second time within 20 minutes, you were nodding before you could give it a second thought. Desire dizzied around your thoughts and coated the space between your thighs. All you knew was that Real Damien was here and that he wanted you. That’s all you could ever need.
However, he didn’t move. You were pinned between his two arms, his biceps brushing against yours, sending electricity down your spine. His eyes seemed to consume you as he took you in, letting himself fully linger on the tightness of the grey shirt around your breasts before lowering his gaze to your baby pink boy shorts. 
“Tell me about your dream. Please.” He whined, want dripping in each syllable of his ask. 
“Y-you and I were fucking, Damien,” you groaned, “you had me on a table, legs open and I was dripping. So wet. So wet for you. I needed- no- need, you. Please.”
Your legs wrapped around the knee that rested between them, attempting to gain any form of friction, any form of relief. Damien sat up, shooting his hands around your thighs to prevent you from getting any satisfaction. He shook his head, eyes darkening even further. 
“Not yet, needy girl. I need to know more. I want to know exactly how you imagined it. Don’t you want your dreams to come true?” He cooed, his mouth curled into a smirk. Your eyes widened as you became delirious with excitement at the fact that Damien was in front of you- that he wanted you just as bad as you’ve been craving him.
”I don’t remember a lot, but- but you were fingering me. God, they were so filling. I was naked, marks everywhere on my chest from your lips. I woke up needing you more than I have ever needed anything, please. Please, Damien.” You whined, jutting your lower lip out. Damien’s eyes remained locked with yours as he leaned in closer, his hands dragging up your thighs.
“Don’t you want to see a man up close?” He whispered, his breath dancing along the nape of your neck. 
All you managed to get out was a “please ki-,” before Damien’s lips were against yours, devouring every inch of your mouth. Hints of toothpaste and mouthwash lingered on your tastebuds with every swipe of his tongue. His hands moved from your thighs to your shoulders, gently pushing you to lay down while he remained on top of you. He shifted around, moving his knees on either side of your legs. The hardness of his growing cock grazed against your inner thigh, causing wetness to begin to re-dampen the spot that Dream Damien left. 
The new position allowed him to let his lips explore, a trail of kisses left along your neck in his wake. Once he hit your collarbone, he began to suck ever so slightly. His teeth nipped at your skin, leaving a light purple mark in the middle of the skin stretched around the bone. A breathy moan escaped your lips as he sucked a new spot at the crook of your neck. Your fingers laced into his purple locks, gently tugging at them. In response, he looked up, concern painted across his face.
“Are you okay, am I being too rough?” He said, frozen in place. You shook your head.
“I promise I’m fine,” you breathed, “I just- please. Please use me, Damien. I need you to fuck me, use me like a toy. Let me make you feel good.” 
Darkness returned to his eyes immediately at the sound of your begging. His hands shot to the hem of your shirt while you arched your back, helping him take it off of you. 
“Oh my poor little thing,” he cooed while bending down to lick a stripe between your tits. “You need my cock more than you want to admit, don’t you?” 
Want surged through your core at the sound of his raspy voice mentioning the thing you’ve been wanting. You nodded, shivering at the thought. Gently he raised your ass, letting you shimmy out of your underwear. Wetness coated the inside of your thighs, droplets hitting the mattress underneath you as the cold air hit your cunt. Damien’s fingers tiptoed down your stomach, landing right above the dip towards your pussy. His other hand grabbed hold of your chin, jerking it toward him. 
“Say please,” Damien barked. 
“Please. Pl—”
His middle and ring finger plunged into your cunt. You let out a yelp at the sudden fullness. Slowly, he rocked them back and forth, letting the tips of his fingers brush against the spongy spot at your core. Moans spilled out of you as your fingers dug into his shoulders. As fast as it had started, he pulled his digits out of you, leaving you stretched and wanting more. A frown knotted your eyebrows in frustration while Damien was on the other side of the emotional spectrum, excitement lighting his features as he inspected his two fingers. 
“You’re this wet for me already?” He groaned, bringing his ring finger into his mouth and twirling his tongue around it, attempting to get every speck of your sweetness onto his taste buds. 
You squirmed in response, your eyes stuck to his digits in his mouth. Hearing Real Damien say the only words you remember from your dream overwhelmed your senses– this was a dream coming true.
He hollowed his cheeks against them, moaning as the tanginess of your desire flooded his tongue. After thoroughly sucking on them, he slipped them out of his mouth, creating a V shape with them. Bringing them back to his lips, his tongue darted out, tasting the last bits of you between his fingers. A hum of satisfaction escaped his lips as he looked up mid-swipe, catching you stare, mouth agape. 
“You like what you see, baby? You like watching me suck your juices off of my fingers?” He smiled, a mischievous glint sparkling in his eyes. 
“Yes sir,” you whispered, unable to look away from the man in front of you. 
Nothing else seemed to matter but the way his every motion affected your heart rate. All you wanted was him, any and all of him that he gave to you. Damien leaned down again, pressing kisses to your mound. 
“You’re not the only one who dreamed of this,” he muttered between nibbles, “I’ve been dreaming about having you since you moved in. Finding you not only outside of my room at 4am, but half-naked outside of my room at 4am almost made me to cum on the spot, baby.” He pushed your thighs apart before he dropped to kiss the inside of each, gently sucking up the stickiness that lined them. “I’ll worship this pussy as long as you let me. God knows how badly I’ve been needing it.”
His words shot straight to your cunt right as he dove in, parting your lips to connect his tongue with your clit. He slowly began swirling it around the spot, sending shockwaves down your spine. Curses spilled from your lips as he picked up the pace, your hands resuming their grip on his purple hair. Two fingers nudged at your entrance, still damp from the combination of your want and Damien’s saliva. He easily slid them in before starting to pump them in and out, matching the pace of his mouth. His digits hit the spot that you desperately craved, destroying the last bit of self-preservation that you had within you. Your walls tightened around them, desperately trying to get every inch of satisfaction possible from his mouth and hands. Nonsensical strings of words tumbled out of the slight part of your lips as the familiar swirl of pleasure circled around your core. Tiny sparks began to electrocute your clit with each flick of Damien’s tongue, pushing you closer and closer to the edge. However, as soon as your orgasm was about to spill, his fingers and lips were gone.
“You don’t think I’m really going to let you cum this fast, do you baby?” He smirked. “I’m not even undressed yet, and here you are, whimpering for my touch like the whore you are.” 
Your hands moved from his hair, letting him stretch straight up from between your legs. Your fingers reached for the hem of his tanktop at once, trying to get the fabric off of his torso. Damien took the hint and tugged each strap of the shirt before yanking it over his head and throwing it behind him onto the wooden floor. Without thinking, a gasp exited you. You’d seen Damien shirtless many times, whether in the dressing room or while grabbing your morning coffee from the kitchen, but this was different. Specks of black hair sprinkled his chest, concentrating in the middle of his two pecs. Lust surged through your veins as you devoured the sight in front of you, taking in every inch of Damien. Never had you seen a man be so easily beautiful, and it nauseated you how badly your body ached for him. 
Without breaking eye contact, Damien shuffled to the end of the bed. His thumbs dipped underneath the waistband of his pyjama pants and pushed them down to the floor, taking his boxers with them. 
“Holy shit.” You mumbled, your eyes surging down to the new part of him exposed.
His cock stuck out from between his legs, the tip of it glistening with excitement. All you could think about was how to get it between your legs as fast as possible, and how its girth would fill you so perfectly. 
“Damien, I need it. Pl-please sir.” You whined, glancing back up at his face. 
He stumbled back onto the bed, reclaiming his spot between your thighs. However, this time he remained sitting. His shaft rested on your lower stomach, causing your mind to short circuit with how close it was to where you had dreamed of it being for months. Heart pounding, you reached out, letting the tip of your index finger brush against the head. He visibly shivered in response, goosebumps spreading down his arms as a tinge of pleasure shot down his shaft. 
“I know you can touch my cock better than that, baby girl. Don’t be afraid.” Damien grunted, his eyes slightly closed in anticipation. Without a second thought, you sat up and spit in your hands. Greedily you grabbed his cock, fisting it. Your hands glided over the smooth, taut skin in a steady motion, occasionally flicking the tip with your thumb. A melody of grunts dripped from Damien’s lips as his hips matched your rhythm. 
Slowly you leaned forward, lining up your mouth with his shaft. You darted your tongue out between your lips, gingerly flattening it against the tip. 
“Is this okay?” You whispered, pulling back.
“God, yes.” Damien interlaced his fingers in your hair, encouraging you to continue what you had started.
Eagerly you wrapped your mouth around his shaft, hollowing your cheeks around it after it hit the back of your throat. You pushed it back out with a pop, a strand of drool attaching his head to your bottom lip. A smile crept onto your lips momentarily. This was not a dream, this was real. Damien’s cock was twitching with desire for you, nobody else. He was muttering your name under his breath as you licked a line from the base of his shaft to the very tip. Paying extra attention to the sensitive strip of skin at the connection point between the base and the head, you traced every inch of his cock with your tongue before returning it to the inside of your mouth. 
“You’re doing so good, baby. What a good little whore you are.” He sighed, grinding his hips into your face. 
Lightheaded with happiness, you gulped up the salty pre-cum that was dripping out of Damien’s cock. Momentarily forgetting about your own pleasure, all you could fathom was the feeling of his erection in your mouth and how pornographic the slurps were as you took as much of him as you could with each of his thrusts. Your cunt leaked with heat while you glanced up at Damien to see him slack-jawed, his eyes stuck on how your tits bounced in sync with his pushes. If you could frame moments, this would be your first choice.
Damien pulled his cock out of your reach, rotating his hips away from your mouth. 
“I think your pussy deserves to be used properly now, do you?” He asked, putting his hands under your armpits and shoving you back onto the bed behind you. 
“Yes, sir! I promise I-I’ve been so good,” You begged, subconsciously spreading your legs as you settled into the far side of the bed. 
Damien reached out with his right hand, letting it caress your cheek. Tears welled up in your eyes while excitement, desire, and anticipation danced through your mind. Damien leaned over to your left, fidgeting through his nightstand to find a tinfoil packet. He held the corner with his teeth and used his index and thumb to rip it open. Returning to the bed, Damien kneeled directly in front of you, lining up the condom with his cock. Slowly, he began to roll it on, letting the latex surround his stiffened shaft.
“L-lemme help, sir. I can help.” Your hand reached out, brushing his knuckles with the tip of your middle finger. With his free hand, he swatted your attempt at help away. 
“I don’t think so, baby. Master can handle it himself,” he chuckled, finishing the job. 
Leisurely, he thrust the tip of his cock into your cunt. With every centimetre of him, your brain flooded with fog, nothing else seemed to matter but the way his cock fit so perfectly inside, as if you were made to please him. Each muscle in your abdomen adjusted to the welcomed fullness that came with Damien, the pressure of satisfaction immediately building as he situated himself in you. 
A deep groan erupted from Damien as he flicked his hips back, fully taking his shaft out. As soon as the tip exited, he slammed his cock back in, letting himself bottom out in your pussy. 
“Fuck- Damien!” You cried. A pleasurable pain rippled through your cervix, sending shockwaves to your clit. Damien’s right-hand shot to your mouth, cupping it over your lips.
“You have to be quiet, whore. We can’t wake up the whole house with the noises you make while I fuck you.” 
His words shot right to your core, your whimpers muffled by the palm of his hand. Saltiness flowed down your cheeks as Damien continued to push and pull himself fully in and out of your heat. His presence was simply overstimulating, and all you wanted was more. The way his chest heaved as he plowed you was memorizing, its rhythm matched his thrusts inside you. Your fingers found their way to his ass, squeezing it tightly as he plummeted into your pussy. His shaft pushed deeper in response to your movements, causing both of you to hiss in satisfaction. 
“Oh fuck, you feel so good, baby. Fit me so perfectly.” Damien growled, throwing his head back, eyes glazing over. 
The vibrations of his voice darted to your clit, increasing the speed of your demise. The stubble of his pubes rubbed against your sweet spot, hitting it at a perfect angle. Damien’s hands wandered to your tits, giving your nipples gentle squeezes with his middle and thumb before rolling them. Mumbles of his title repeatedly spilled from your lips as you arched your back, letting his cock reach the soft spot inside. Sparks flashed in your vision while you came crashing down. Your cunt pulsed around Damien’s cock, extracting every ounce of pleasure from his force. Simultaneously, nothingness spread throughout your mind as you rode out your orgasm– the only thing that grounded you were the whines of pleasure escaping the man fucking you into oblivion. 
As you came back to reality, the only thing that you managed to get out was “more.” 
Without letting his cock leave your dripping pussy Damien immediately grabbed your waist, flipping you onto your stomach. With one hand he shoved your face into his mattress, the other looping around your hips to arch your back. 
“Good girl, knowing we’ve only just started.” His breath tickled your cheek, causing you to tremble. “I’m just getting warmed up.”
Without warning, his cock nestled deeper into your aching heat before fucking you with fervour. The mattress underneath squeaked with each rapid thrust, harmonizing with the slapping of skin against skin. Loudness no longer seemed to be an issue as Damien slapped your ass, the noise echoing throughout his bedroom. He continued to rub the reddened spot, circling the rough skin with the pad of his thumb. Your brain shortcircuited with each jolt of his cock, the way it was still managing to stretch you was all you could focus on. 
“S-so good, sir. Know how to fuck me so good. Love your cock.” 
With another smack on your behind he bowed down, his head now behind yours. 
“I know, ” he kissed your hair before tangling his fingers in it, pulling your head to become parallel with his. “Needed it so bad you couldn’t go a night without dreaming about how well I’d feel, huh? You’re that much of a greedy slut?” 
A whine fell from your lips as you brought your eyes to his. Through your lashes, you could see a wild smile painted across his lips, happiness radiating from his dilated pupils. Never had you seen a man look so beautiful while doing something so inherently filthy, and your cunt throbbed at the realization of it all. 
“I can’t be-believe this is real. I’ve been wanting this so bad, Damien.” More tears dampened your cheeks, the familiar tightness in your core forming once again.
In response, Damien leaned down, sloppily pressing his lips to yours. A mixture of saliva, spit, and tears smeared across your chin as he deepened the kiss, his tongue rushing out to collect traces of the salty combination. Damien’s free hand wandered down to the front of you, pressing his index finger to your sweet spot. 
Sobs fell out of you between each breath while a woozy wave of lust swept over you. The rewarding drop of the pit in your stomach broke through the dizziness. Deepening the arch in your back, the swirling sensation in your clit hit its breaking point. Your hands gripped the sheets in front of you in a frenzy as gratification washed over you. The walls of your pussy clenched around Damien’s shaft, the pulse of his cock hitting your g-spot as your body convulsed. 
“You’re such a good slut for your master, baby. G-gonna make me cum.” 
As your orgasm fizzled out, Damien continued to haphazardly rock himself in and out of your aching heat. Overstimulation stung your core, but you pushed it aside. The only thing that would stop you from riding this out would be if the world ended. All that existed at this moment was Damien, who was behind you, smacking his hips into yours as he chased his high. His grunts filled the empty air between you. With one last nudge, a rush of warmth spread through your cunt as Damien cried out in relief. His head hit the middle of your back as he crumpled, letting his orgasm take over. 
“Jesus, that was amazing.” He whispered, pulling out of you. Your pussy ached with both fulfillment and emptiness as you adjusted to the lack of him. 
You rotated onto your back, craving the view of Damien’s post-O face. He looked hazy, a dopey grin plastered to his face as he gently pulled the condom off before tying it and placing it on his nightstand. Immediately he reached down to you, enveloping you in his arms as he lay beside you. His scent had slightly altered from when you first entered his room, the smell of sex and sweat now intertwining with the notes of his cologne. If you could bottle that, you would without hesitation. 
“Thank you so much, really,” you smiled. “It wasn’t my intention to have this happen when I walked by your room, but I’m glad it did.” 
Damien placed a soft kiss on your lips. Unlike the previous ones you had shared, this one had a pureness to it. Your heart jumped a beat at the romantic undertones as the moment overtook you completely. Your head buzzed with contentment as the past 45 minutes settled in your brain.
“Me too, baby,” he mumbled against your lips. “I hope I made your dreams come true.” 
“You did, I promise,” you giggled, “but now I definitely need to shower.”
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endless au edits: smosh theatre's seasonal lineup (1/4)
SMOSH'S SEASONAL LINEUP: A COMPLETE GUIDE by mac kahey smosh theatre, a musical theater company known for its diverse and inclusive productions, has just announced its show lineup for the year, and it is safe to say that fans are far from disappointed. starting off strong, the company kicked off its announcement with its winter showcase: a production of hadestown, led by stars damien haas and jacklyn uweh, and directed by none other than returning smosh co-founder, anthony padilla. padilla made his comeback to smosh a little over six months ago to collaborate with his fellow co-owner on their spring and summer musicals. this will be padilla's first solo show at the playhouse in nearly six years - and what a show to start off on. coupling this tragic tale of love lost with padilla's edgy direction style is a bold move, and fans are, rightfully, excited. the casting choices are also impeccable. the star-studded lineup includes previously-mentioned damien haas, an openly neurodivergent and queer actor making waves for representation everywhere. he'll be taking on the role of orpheus, a hopeless romantic, poet, and musician, and as someone who had the pleasure of sitting down with him for an interview last spring, all of these qualities describe haas to a t. this will be his first time leading a show with smosh in his near-six-year run at the company, and his first time working with padilla as a director. the actor shared the show to his instagram and expressed his excitement for the production, saying, "anthony is such a great director. it's been an honor to work with him and my amazing castmates." speaking of his castmates - his leading lady is none other than superstar jacklyn uweh. returning from her recent stint touring with the cast of spring awakening, she has rejoined the smosh cast for another performance that's sure to be amazing. the actress is known for advocating for women of color in theater spaces and never being afraid to speak her mind. she also, notably, has one of the most incredible singing voices of our generation. taking on the mysterious yet powerful role of eurydice will be no easy feat, but somehow, i think she has the power to manage it. just with this one casting, smosh has shown that when the perfect cast falls into their lap, they aren't foolish enough not to utilize it. the stacked cast doesn't stop there, though. playing hermes, the play's narrator and father figure to young orpheus, is ify nwadiwe, a booming comedic actor who has been known to feature in smosh productions. his fun-loving demeanor and natural swagger are sure to bring a natural carefree energy to this rendition of hadestown. he, too, spoke of the production fondly on social media, posting on x: "this is one of the greatest things i've ever been a part of. come see us next december to february at the smosh playhouse for one of the most incredible, f***ed up things we've ever done." long-time smosh player keith leak jr is taking on the role of hades, the rich, powerful, and egotistical king of the underworld, and his friend and partner in all things theater, olivia sui, will be beside him once more as persephone, hades's free-spirited yet suffering wife. watching these two together is always a delight, and i cannot wait for their dynamic to shine through the characters that they play. as far as the winter production is concerned, the community's shared high hopes for padilla's return may very well turn out to be grounded in reality. with an all-star cast and an incredible crew, such as returning stage head erin dougal, it is easy to see that padilla knows what he's doing. though only time will tell, i am confident that this production will be a huge success, and very well may be my favorite show of the year - although, i must mention the other productions first - because they all have incredible potential.
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lilac-hecox · 5 months
In all seriousness, if it is the Smosh Pit Fan Fiction episode and for some reason they do read something of mine here is my plan ✨️
1. I will be at work, so any action on my part won't be taken until 4 pm.
2. If I get anon hate as a consequence on here I will block and or delete them and not post them to give them the attention they want/will be seeking potentially.
3. If I get hate comments on ao3 on the fic they read from, the comments will simply be deleted.
4. I will not read the comments on the video itself.
5. If Ian or Anthony makes fun of me, it's over for me, and I will have to turn in my ianthony girlie card.
(BONUS: I am not going to do this but you can if you're nervous or anxious: lock your ao3 fics so you have to have an account to read them or comment on them and/or set comments to be moderated on your end.)
Ultimately, there is no stress or fear. I feel that, in general, they will be kind. It's more so the other fans that see fic as creepy I worry about but I have not seen one person overstep a line into being unhinged or dangerous or threatening irl and we are all just having fun. 🤷
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soupy-girl · 1 month
in honor of spommy week ending here are some facts about the teacher au i made for it
- in case it was unclear, Tommy is an english teacher (yes i am spreading the stereotype that english teachers are gay but i am gay and about to be an english major so it is allowed)
- spencer is a physics teacher bc the “students pranking a ‘hot’ teacher by asking them to prom” actually used to be a thing at my school and it was a physics teacher!
Now speedround of what everyone else teaches!
kimmy- gym (and she coaches girls soccer)
angela- theatre (whenever the kids are being annoying she threatens to make oliver the musical next year and they hate it)
courtney- art (her husband shayne is an english teacher at their rival school (both their students are very nosey about it))
chanse- choir
damien- german
also amanda is the school secretary !!
- alex tran is spencer’s ta and he is just as annoying as trevor and arasha
-speaking of trevor and arasha, they went to prom together. interpret that however you want.
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wadebox · 2 months
Me putting down all my damangela ideas instead of sleeping
Me getting a notification of damien's stream: oh okay sure, I'll take a break
Damien mentions Angela
Me opening again my notes app and writing furiously
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the shayne sloppy toppy joke grew a plot around it, sorry
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feral-teeth · 3 months
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A sound is still a sound around no one
(I’ve been waiting for you to love me)
by Arrow Valentine feral_tooth on archiveofourown.org
Explicit - minors DNI!
Link to fic on ao3
Spotify playlist for this fic
Pinterest board for this fic
Rating: Explicit No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Other Fandom: Smosh Relationship: Damien Haas x Reader
Summary: You're in bed, trying to enjoy yourself. A man appears in front of you. Not just in front of you, but between your legs, fingers pumping in and out of you, just as you were imagining him to do to you only moments before. Not just any man, but the man of your dreams appears when you’re masturbating. but you know exactly what you want to do, because you’ve dreamed of this before so many times with the man whose fingers were now inside of you. So you move your hips, your head falling back. And you let it happen.
Tags: Smut, Dirty Thoughts, Masturbation, Masturbation Interruptus, Choking, Light Bondage, Oral Sex, RPF, Penis In Vagina Sex, Creampie, Come Eating, Come Swallowing, Come Marking, Come Shot, Come Sharing, Come play, Come as Lube, Explicit Sexual Content, Succubi & Incubi, Alternate Universe - Succubi & Incubi, Breathing Play
read under the cut <3
Imagining him between your legs, licking, fingering passionately and moving fast, rubbing and slickly moving across your clit, rubbing his cheek against it and sighing in bliss.
It’s like he revealed himself as a mirage whenever you played with yourself, dyed silver hair attached to a scruff black beard in a crisp, white button-up shirt and striking black tie, appearing between your legs or behind you when you were bent over a counter, fingers reaching down to touch your slick folds as he quickly moved from different positions in your mind, from bent over licking your clit to fingering you, hips bucking against the air then your hips, then his hips slamming against your ass, his cock filling your pussy with so much cum it dripped onto the floor.
You couldn’t get him out of your head, especially when you were in bed. 
You couldn’t get the image of him out of your head.
Until it became real.
but for now, he was just an image in your bed, inside you, flipping positions whenever you got bored of the current one and he switched as fast as a camera shutter to the next position in your mind.
It was normal until the fingers you felt were real.
Like some sort of mirage, the man that was only ever in your dreams was right in front of you, fingers pumping in and out of you just like you were imagining him to do moments before.
You should have been scared, should’ve been shocked and pulled away and told him to stop.
But you didn’t. 
You pushed down and closed yourself over his fingers, your pussy twitching and tightening around them. Hands flying back to grab on the pillows behind you, already close with the work you were doing to yourself just moments before.
You didn’t want him to stop because if this was real, your biggest dream was happening right in front of you and you were so close, oh fuck you were close so you let the stranger finger and lick your cunt until you came on his tongue.
You grab his hair, softer than you could have ever imagined.
Pushing the hair aside to look at his dark roots that were growing out as you rode out your orgasm, a thin line between the lightness of the bleached hair and the virgin brown hair that peeked out underneath. Holding onto these small little details, something to look back on to go back to the memory, this moment. This passion and bliss.
Tightening your grip, you are so so close again and as your hips bucked and moved against his tongue.
It was like he was born to fuck you.
And to do this.
Just. For. You.
“Fuck! Damien, yes right there!” You scream, closer and closer to the edge.
His voice was gravely when you were finally done, breathing hard and gasping for breath.
and when he finally spoke it was one curt sentence.
His voice deeper than you expected.
“I’m not done yet.”
Damien unbuckled his pants, opening his shirt to show off the hair on his chest.
You touch it and he lets you.
He lined himself up with your entrance and looked at you, slowly rubbing your clit in circles with the tip of his dick. You watch him through hooded eyes, waiting.
He enters you slowly, watching you the whole time.
He tentatively pumps into you, grabbing your waist and pulling your ass to be closer to you.
He then reached up to hold your legs by your feet up in the air.
You grab the tie around his neck, pulling it tight. He moans, enjoying the new tightness around his neck.
Grunting and breathless, he fucks you, his thumb rubbing circles around your clit, just the way you liked it, as his other hand rubbed up and down the bottom of your legs, scratching your thighs with his fingernails, leaving red marks as he grips and grabs at whatever he could hold.
His head leans back, revealing the red and purple veins on his neck, the colour popping out against his pale skin and the bulge of his Adam’s Apple, that you reach up and stroke and prod at with the hand not holding the tie, pulling his skin taught with you fingers. You observe the pinkness of his neck, the tie making it grow a deeper red that lined his neck, rubbing your fingers over the lines.
He was too in it to care, growling and snapping at your touch.
You put your hands around his neck lightly and watch him in awe as he was getting closer to his climax.
You are too distracted by the beautiful man in front of you, and he was too busy in the throes of bliss and was so, so close to climax to say anything to you.
Your hand moves to the side of his cheek, feeling the bristles of his beard.
You wipe your thumb over his mouth, feeling the wet that was just between your legs, feeling the cum that was from you. It was on him, something that marked him as yours, even if it was just for today. Even when he would go to wipe it off, the memory of your wetness on his lips and tongue will always be embedded in his memory, on his tongue, on his lips, on his face, wetting that memory with love.
He came inside you , filling you up with everything that he had.
After a moment of groaning, his face scrunched up in his bliss, He pulled out, pumping his cock with his hand and you stuck your tongue out, tasting his cum on your tongue.
You will never forget the taste.
He lay forward, breathing heavily into your pussy and licked a stripe from the bottom of it to the top, tasting himself on you. 
He places a finger inside you, making you flinch with the touch and gathers up his cum, brings it to your mouth, sticking his two fingers into your mouth, slowly pumping it in and out and in and out, making you taste him, the mix of both of your juices.
He grins at you, satisfied. He was finally satisfied with your thoughts that nagged him. He finally got to do what he always wanted to do, what you had always dreamed of.
And as fast as he had come, just like that he was gone.
His orgasming face, his black tie contrasting against his white shirt, against his pale pink and red marked skin. his sexy hair and face and the way he would grunt and moan still echoing in your mind, locked somewhere in the back of your memory. Locked away for safe keeping for when you would touch yourself again. Only thinking about him and his cum and him filling you to the brim that you almost couldn’t stand it, and that night. Oh *god* that night.
You finger yourself, rubbing the cum into your folds, trying to hold onto that moment more. You bring the cum up to your lips, sucking on your fingers and rubbing them into your mouth, thinking of him.
Rubbing it against your lips to maybe, just maybe taste him again.
And you would never feel him in you again, you would never get to taste him on your lips again. Just the memory of that night and the man of your dreams that entered your reality and then left just as quickly.
It was real, not your imagination, or a dream. Because it was just too real, and the cum that he left inside you mixed with yours that was now on a vial on your bedside table as a reminder of the best sex you ever had and will ever have.
And you would still feel him between your legs every night, but you knew nothing would top what you felt that night.
And you would have sex with others, trying to fill the hole that him not being there beside you in bed , between your legs, left in you.
But none of them ever did.
The cum that filled you that night was the only cum that could fill you so deeply, that changed you for good.
A flash of silver would appear between your legs every night and you would think of how well he filled you, so perfectly lining up to the inside of your pussy.
But it would never be the same like that one night, with no one else.
It was only him.
It would always be him.
He was the only one that would ever satisfy you to your fullest.
And you knew that. 
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sage-lights · 3 months
building off what @baflegacy, @spourtneys, and @zillaphoneswag have all said about today's smosh mouth episode and yesterday's wavelength video...because i'm now also full of thoughts about this...
yk how amanda always seems to have the urge to "kiss" angela and all her characters flirt with angela's characters? what if it's her jealousy and hurt manifesting, but she only lets herself show it in a way that detracts from the seriousness of it. so, she uses the humor of bits and characters to downplay how possessive she actually feels about angela. same with the almost crying, jacket swap, and fomo talk—it's all got an element of humor that undercuts how amanda actually feels.
and what if amanda's feeling the amangela drought too? like they obviously see each other at work every day, but with different shooting schedules and other projects, they just haven't spent as as much time together. so it was already off-putting that angela said in the wavelength video that she "hasn't been on a winning team at all recently so this feels great!" to which amanda responds with "but it feels we've been on team a lot." and piling that on with the jacket switch, it def feels like angela's slipping away (and on amanda's birthday too), hence the almost kiss (again) in angela's tiktok. because the fomo is starting to feel a little too real.
(this is a smosh rpf au and not at all a reflection of who they are irl. it's the same as how shayne zabo and damien johanssen aren't shayne topp and damien haas!)
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hedoublehell · 1 month
damien + may 6, 2024 livestream: haiti, too!
— his thoughts on rpf
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spencerfagnew · 4 months
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smoshblr how do we feel about the wwdits inspired vampire smosh au
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smoshpvnk · 3 months
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shaymien + posts i headcanon for them 5
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pedropascallme · 1 year
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Basically any Pedro Pascal character & Pedro Pascal himself
Most Cillian Murphy characters
A variety of Star Wars characters (Han, Anakin, Leia, Cassian, etc.)
Nathan Explosion, Toki Wartooth, Skwisgaar Skwigelf (Metalocalypse)
Damien Haas and Shayne Topp (Smosh)
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☆There are certain things that I will not, under any circumstances, write. This includes:
Incest (including stepcest)
☆Please send requests through my inbox
☆If you harass me or my followers, via cruel replies or asks, etc, I won't hesitate to block you
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☆ Please keep in mind that I am a full-time student with a full time job and often get busy, so while I try to respond to asks and messages ASAP, it may take me a while to get back to you!! ☆
☆ Under no circumstances do I want any of my RPF work sent to the people that it’s based on. Please respect my boundaries and the boundaries of those in the public eye and don’t send them the porn i write. ☆
☆ THIS BLOG IS STRICTLY 18+!! Although I recognize that individuals are responsible for the media they consume, I DO NOT WANT MINORS ON THIS BLOG!! ☆
☆ I have every right to not respond to an ask if it makes me uncomfortable or if I simply do not want to answer it. ☆
☆ Tips are not required but are always appreciated!! Again, full time college student, so anything you want to give is happily accepted ☆
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hedoublehell · 1 month
anyways. just remember that fan fiction is for FANS ONLY, not the people it’s about. damien’s point of it not being for him was really important.
for the sake of both the fandom authors and the person who is being written about, please keep them separate. i know personally if damien found out i wrote fan fic about him i would be mortified because it’s not something i write for his consumption.
listen to fan author/celebrity boundaries!!! it’s the only way we will be able to coexist
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