aligatorrageinator · 1 year
i think kurloz is cool bc he’s just so... blatently sinister? like... guy is so much more culty about clown church than literally any other purple i’ve seen, he wears a skeleton suite and booty shorts exclusively, He mind controls his girlfriend on the regular degular.  man cut out his own tonge his friends know him as the only guy who was around when mituna fucking exploded his own brain and ask zero questions bc they know they won’t get answers he just stands there staring and hating people most of the time when he’s not getting pegged by catgirl dick mituna seems to like having him around dispite kurloz deffie not being good for him except what if he is?? guy has and gives absolutely zero answers to literaly fucking anything he has a small roll to play in bringing le to fruition but revels in every second, i think he’d let gamzee chop off his horns if he asked, mans is unhinged in the most chill way possible except for when he’s screaming and cutting out his own tonge and sewing his mouth shut.
i love him
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lemonastims · 2 years
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red wine and club bands, viagra pills on the nightstand. how's it feel? how's it feel to be so loved? how's it feel to be so loved -yet so alone?
aradia x damara dancest stimboard for no one in particular, with themes of paint, cake, and vices.
if you use the middle gif please credit us, that took us an hour and a half to figure out how to do a 5 minute task sobs
x x x
x x x
x x x
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celestialboundx · 2 years
Angst shadowcest fic in 3,2,1;
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inconspicuousnpc · 1 year
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sockkind · 1 year
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shut up for a bit 😐 let me just look at you for a while 🥺
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quagsire · 1 year
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ignore my poor whithered hands, but I also made some google phone charms and got a new mituna keychain to accompany meenah :3
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tramp963 · 2 months
Dancest - Survivors 🥈🏆❤️😍 Production | KULDNE KARIKAS GRAND FINALE 2024
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nomx33 · 2 months
Alrighty *cracks knuckles* first trade done here's a Damara for @controversialcoven !!! I don't know much about the dancesters so here's my best attempt
Also I didn't draw her actual outfit for some reason I don't actually know lol lol :3
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Oh yeah this is for the 4/13 art trade, I didn't mention that !!
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lesserknownwaifus · 3 months
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dancestation girl from megas XLR , episode "the fat and the furious"
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phulge · 3 months
back in my day the only incest we had was dancest
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scaredgirlsilly · 9 months
Show us the Homestuck! 👀
ok so i just wrote everything under the cut and its. Alot Of Words HDKAJFKSVJFKD its literally an entire story outline of the entire fan session. i would feel bad but 1. you asked for it 2. you are on anon so no ones even gonna get a notification for this and 3. its my blog and i get to be autistic about my own stories ::P
merp (and anyone else currently reading homestuck really) stop reading here until youve finished homestuck. i dont even know if it spoils anything for you merp but just in case
first things first there are some foundational beliefs and opinions that make my fan session what it is and i feel like i need to say them
the game is an analogy (or allegory or metaphor i never know what is the correct one) for real life. everyone tells you that there is a correct way to go through life but then everything goes to shit and youre off that path before you even had a chance to start. this works with homestuck insanely well and one of the main reasons i connect with it
there is no ideal sburb session. not only have we not seen one and i dont even know if there are any sburb games besides the ones we see and the dancester trolls, but if there actually is an ideal sburb session, it kinda goes in the face of it being an alagory for life and how it never goes how you expect it to go
i will add a bunch of stuff outside of what we see in homestuck and some of it may contradict what is stated in homestuck, especially when it comes to the rules of sburb. i dont think the exact rules of sburb matter as much as what sburb as a concept really is, which is a nigh-omnipotent and omnipresent force that makes kids go through trauma to give them a "character" arc. it is a story generator so that the next universe can have heroes, while weeding out those too weak to even get to the part where they make a new universe. this is fucked up and bad and kinda evil and i really wish homestuck focused more on how fucking crazy evil sburb was but it got caught up in a bunch of other shit so thats why i made this
also this is gonna be so fuckin long even if i try to summarize it as much as possible cause its pretty much the entire story of the fan session, but you are on anon so i dont care that im infodumping right now cause no ones gonna read this far
it starts put in 2015, after a mysterious delay of the sburb launch back in 2009. after so long, it is finally coming out!!
we follow 6 kids, all around the age of 19 (they would have been 13 if sburb came out when it was originally supposed to back in 2009)
Anna (she/her), a no nonsense, kinda autistic tabletop wargamer. Think the vibes of kanaya but the convictions of vriska. if she believes she knows whats best, only god can stop her from doing it. very egalitarian, very "ends justify the means" but she isnt like. also kinda intense but she knows that so she knows to tone it down when the moment calls for it
Noah (he/they), an excitable and cripplingly bisexual graffiti artist, his friends mean the world to him and he would do anything for them. a bit of anarchist leanings, but he hasnt really delved into theory much cause hes got other stuff to worry about. extremely outgoing and could probably talk to anyone. Anna and Noah have been kinda flirty/close for a while now and it kinda makes the others sick
Drew (he/him), an adorable farm hand who looks up to those western lone wolf hero types in movies and tries to emulate that, but is too much of a pure soul to ever be mean, so he just kinda acts weird sometimes. Wears a lil cowboy hat and vest and talks and types in a weird southern accent. no one knows if its fake or not
Kate (she/they), a bubbly gymnist who loves talking a bit too much. shes really only doing all this cause her friends are begging her to (and something about the end of the world?? she doesnt really know milo can say some wild stuff sometimes :P )
speaking of, Milo (they/them), an audiophile who has stopped talking as much, kinda ever since the original beta got delayed. everyone else worries about them but they insist they are fine whenever pressed. has been begging everyone to get the game since it was announced, which has been the most hes talked in the group in a long while
and finally, Skye (she/her), a quiet girl who likes nature. usually lurks, but will join the group calls just to be quiet during them. also not as enthused about the game as the others but hey, its better than anything shes got goin on.
gonna try to speed up with the rest of this but you need to know about them cause its like mainly character driven
first act is them getting all the stuff ready, connecting to each other, normal act 1 highjinks. the main thing is when it gets to milo (who actually is last in the order to get revealed idk why i didnt right it like that. the order is anna, noah, kate, drew, skye, milo) where it shows milo in his house, before it fades away and reveals they are in a dream bubble wearing an heir of doom godhood. they are also 13, where everyone else is 19.
the first act culminates in a flash (no clue if i could actually do it but in my head its a dope ass flash set to Planet Telex by Radiohead) where everyone enteres the game at the same time. Milo, being in a dreambubble, asks kate to set up a second computer for them so they can actually play. She does, and milo jumps on the meteor heading for Kates house before it hits the portal, and when it ends up above kates house, they fly down, watch kate enter the game, and really quickly set up their connections, finish the loop, and enter the game just in time. the flash ends with shots of their lands which i have not figured out jdkskfhahf
act 2 is just sburb hijinks. they hang out, grow closer, talk alot cause yk its homestuck jfkshdk. the main developments are noah and anna growing even closer with a cute lil sparring match before ending by planning a date, skye and kate growing closer and skye getting a bit of a crush, and drew and milo grow closer (but not romantically cause milos 13) because milo is a fuckin ghost and has been isolating themself from the group and drew has taken note and pretty much been like "whatever your goin through, ill be there for you"
there are other scenes i just havent written them/thought them out yet
this all takes place over like a few weeks btw
then its one of the kids' birthdays!! they are all together for the first time in a little bit, and one of them (probably anna) asks what the deal with milo is. after some hesitation he tells them this
milo is from an alternate timeline where they all entered the game in 2009 and everyone died. turns out it was a doomed session. before milo dies, being the last kid alive, they go to talk to their denizen. the denizen tells them that they were not supposed to play the game. the main heroes of earth (i forgot what they were called i know they were called something like the alpha kids were the nobles but i forgot what the beta kids were called anyways its the beta kids) were supposed to be the only ones to play, and because so many people are playing the game, its messing with skaia and causing a ton of glitches to happen in the beta kids' game. but, like everyone else, milo has a choice. let this timeline fade, allowing skaia to focus solely on just the beta kids, but they will not be able to live in the dream bubbles. Or, create an offshoot timeline, leave the beta kids to die in their horribly glitched session, and have another chance as the main heroes of that timelines earth, knowing that success is still not a certainty. Milo, being a 13 y/o who misses their friends and doesnt give a fuck about a bunch of "heroes" chooses the second option. this causes the offshoot timeline where sburb is delayed, and milo has to sit in the dream bubbles until the game eventually releases. oh uh that also killed milo like to get them in a dream bubble their denizen just fuckin killed them like falling fuckin rock just instant death.
the others are horrified to hear that they all died and milo is the only one who survived (but didnt actually survive, they just can do alot more as a ghost cause they are an heir of doom) and it starts to set in the actual stakes of the game
anna pulls milo aside after the party (which has supremely fucked vibes after milos revelation) to ask them more about the game. after hearing milos story, it only invigorated her more to figure out exactly how to get them through the game. noah tags along cause hes bored and anna and noah havent left each others side in weeks.
milo is answering annas questions about the game to the best of their ability, but the topic of the alpha timeline pops up. noah asks further and milo obliges (same stuff we know, but they word it slightly wrong cause they dont know the full picture). milo days that the alpha timeline is, to their limited knowledge, the correct timeline that leads to a successful end of the game, and every other timeline is a dead timeline that skaia prunes to keep focused on the correct timeline. noah asks what they mean by "prunes" the other timelines, and milo says that everyone is killed in them. noah then asks why everyone died in milos session and if they are from one of those dead timelines, and if so, what happened to the correct timeline. milo says that the way anna explained it before she died in milos session (who was a time player in milos session but aspect is based on personality so she might not be anymore), was that some sessions dont have a correct timeline, so every timeline eventually gets pruned, and there isnt any way to fix it. noah gets frustrated, before getting up to leave, anna asking if they are ok, and noah saying hes fine he just needs some air. anna is worried, but continues to ask milo about the game
noah then sulks off and talks to himself about how fucked up that is, and kinda has a panic attack about what if they are in a doomed timeline now without even knowing. he then sets off to find out if they can escape a doomed timeline, and if not, if they can escape the game entirely.
also uhhhh i forgot to say this before but the prospit dreamers are noah, drew, and kate. and the derse dreamers are anna, milo, and skye
we then get a batch of a few standalone relationship moments, just some moments of them hanging out like before the party but this time their is a notable air of urgency to what they are doing. i havent really written them yet but noah and anna have a bit of an argument, because anna, while still agreeing that sburb is super fucked up, sees the fucked up stuff sburb does as motivation to get through the game as fast as possible, while noah sees it as reason to try and escape before they get killed for no reason with no way to stop it. this rift starts to spread to the others before it culminates in one last conversation between noah and anna
noah says that he is gonna leave. hes figured out a way that might work. turns out the universe is just a huge bubble that you can leave. anna laughs at that, asking if he really thinks that is gonna work. noah gets exasperated, saying he doesnt really know but he has to try. its better than sitting around and waiting to die. anna snaps back saying that that isnt what they are doing. they dont have any evidence to believe they are in a doomed timeline, and in fact noah leaving might be the action that dooms everyone. noah says that he has to leave, he says sorry, walks closer for one last embrace from anna, but she denies it and and says "if you are really going to do this, then im going to stop you. i hope you see the error of your ways before it comes to that" and she walks off
as this is happening, milo and drew find drews quest bed. drew says that noah has already talked to him about leaving and is telling milo. drew says he may leave, because all this pressure to do what sburb wants is kinda getting to him. milo goes quiet, before saying "i get it, but. please dont. i dont want what i did to be in vain". drew says that milo can join them!! but milo shakes his head, saying they have sacrificed too much already, before saying "well... heres your quest bed" and turning around before drew could see the tears in their eyes.
"h- how am i s'posed ro use this dang thing?" says drew
milo turns to drew with tears in his eyes, but a small playful smile creeps onto his face, before saying "you kill yourself on it. duh" and flying off
from another spot on the planet, various bugs are flying around, and in the distance a huge yellow beam erupts into the sky, showing a winged symbol in the air
The Knight of Hope has ascended
(they didnt have yellow text thats the best i got)
Noah to kate and skye, who are having a little picnic, but arent talking much as they were distracted by the beam in the sky (drew god tiering)
Noah breaks it down for them and asks them to go, and kate says that she will, but skye says she wont. she says that that is a huge decision to make without much proof, and she cant with good conscience leave anna behind. shes the space player, and she is needed to make the genesis frog. if she leaves, it really will be a dead timeline no matter what. noah says he understands, gives her a big hug, and starts to leave. Kate is crying as skye turns to her and apologizes. kate grabs her and kisses her, tears welling in both of their eyes, before saying that she wishs she could stay, and shes sorry for leaving, and if they find each other again, she will never leave her side. noah calls after kate, but she asks for just one more moment, and noah says of course before leaving to talk with drew and get his answer and milos answer
the people who are ready to leave are noah, drew, and kate
the people staying behind are anna, milo, and skye
i am not entirely happy with kate and drews motovations i feel its a little weak but also i havent even started writing it so fuck you
noah, now dead set on leaving, goes to meet with anna one final time. he tells her whos going with him, and that she can come with him too, because if she decides to leave, the others will probably join her. she says that that is exactly why she has to stay. someone has to do the work, and after half of the group leaves, shes the only one that can get any results. noah remarks on how distant shes acting, and she says that he can fix that by not leaving. he says he cant do that, and anna says "i knew you would say that" before pulling out her rapier and attacking
(sorry i forgot to do their weapons uhhhh the ones i know so far are drew who has a revolver, anna who has a rapier, and noah who has a firemans axe)
act 2 concludes with another flash, this time set to Mood Swings by Human People. They have a hard fight, mirroring their sparring match from early act 2, but this time anna isnt holding back. she slices noah up and gets him to a pretty bad spot before it cuts to drew. drew sees himself and a beat to shit noah pop out of nowhere with the tume turn tables, drew from the future gives current drew a copy of the turntables (specifically not to make a loop with them) and tells him to go save noah. drew shows up just in time to see anna about to make the killing blow on noah, and drew, tears welling in his eyes, says sorry and pulls out his revolver and shoots anna in the head. he then grabs noah, uses the turn tables to go back, and the flash fades as we see anna bleeding out on the floor, as milo and skye get to her right at the end of the flash
act 3 starts with drew taking noah to his quest bed, and lying him on there. noah then ascends
The Prince of Blood has ascended.
simultaneously, skye and milo brought anna to her quest bed, where she ascends as well.
The Thief of Mind has ascended.
Noah and drew go to meet up with kate at her quest bed, as she goes to god tier. she is the last of the people who are going to leave, and they need every advantage they can get
(something) of Breath has ascended.
(idk what class shed be hfkshdjd sorry)
They then get to the edge of the session, giving it one last look, before leaving.
ok so uhhhh the rest i have no clue jfkshdjs except for literally the last flash. like everything between now and the end (pretty much the entirety of act 3) i have no clue. but on annas side, she gets alot more controlling and aggressive, eventually stooping to using her thief of mind powers to mind control them (taking their mind) into doing what she wants. shit gets mad fucked up in there
i literally hsve no clue what noah and the gang do. there is a bit of a romance between drew and noah just cause i really want them to fuck nasty, but nothing serious comes of it and they are both chill with it. its kinda like a summer fling but they are traveling through the very edges of paradox space. probably like hiding from the horror terrors?? idk i have a theory that the horror terrors are all like players that have gonethrough the ultimate self shit, so maybe they go to talk to the horrorterrors and its like a physical manifestation of like a forum board?? idk that could be neat
noahs team and annas team still keep in contact somewhat, but not much. noah keeps trying to contact anna, but after she doesnt respond for a bit and noah keeps trying, she blocks him.
eventually noah and the gang figure out a way to be safe outside of the control of skaia and sburb, and he says that if the others want, noah and them can pretty much head back to get them. milo and skye agree because...
eventually, anna finds out that the session was doomed from the start and she is obviously devastated by the knews, cause that means that all of the bad shit she did, all of the friends shes lost, were all for nothing. act 3 ends on that and act 4 is just one last flash
the flash is set to Souk Eye by Gorillaz, and it starts with skye and milo grabbing a destraught anna who is just lying on the ground crying. they drag her to where noah said to meet up with them, and anna locks eyes with noah. at first she averts her gaze, but all she sees is the session, now in ruin as the war on skaia is raging on with the prospitans losing badly, and several of the planets overrun with various monsters. the session is in ruin. she looks back to meet noahs gaze, assuming she will see nothing but malice, but he just smiles and floats towards her.
drew flies into milo, giving them a huge bear hug and saying that he really missed them. kate tackles skye with kisses, joking about how he had to hear drew and noah fuck way more than she would have wanted for one life, and noah puts hid hand on annas cheek, before she kisses him like super hard like one of those kisses where they grab the others face and kiss them like its the last thing they will ever do, and they just sit like that. finally reunited, the session in ruins behind them, but they have each other, so its ok. anna breaks free of the kiss, and they all leave the session, and set off for a life beyond sburb.
the end.
uhhhh yeah idk if thats what you expected like a whole fuckin story HDKAKFLHA but. yeah thats what i had written for my fan session. im not gonna get into the themes and stuff cause ive already written so fucking much 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 but yeah. thats ir ^u^
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davekat-sucks · 8 months
Isn't like any of the cultural takes on the dancesters a mute point because canonically they are all just cultural appropriating a culture they saw as cool and aestheticy?
Like Meenah isn't black coded because she's meant to be black coded, she's black coded because thing is if anything she was one of those rich white girls who wanted to "go ghetto" because it was trending.
Like it's literally canonical the dancestors are culturally appropriating the cultural motifs in their design and it's all artificial.
With that logic, wouldn't it be worse that they are people are insisting they are x culture or race because gods forbid they be canonically problematic?
Like Damara isn't canonically "troll Asian" she's canonically a weeb girl who uses troll Google translate all for an aesthetic, and given she also extremely lewd she clearly took a singular look at a hentai and decided this is my new personality.
Technically its worse and if anything more racist fans actively stereotype them this way because they're clearly ashamed of their younger selves having probably done shit like that.
Like profile the druggie character who's aggressive as shit when he's sober as black? You sure that's a good look guys??? In my personal experience I know more white drug addicted guys than black ones- in fact everyone who I've known who's done drugs was white.
And if people bring up Meenah has braids that is only exclusive to black girls, they forget other girls of different nationalities and skin can have them too. It's the fandom that implemented the stereotype. But yeah, it is the fandom that makes them unintentionally racist by assuming they are a certain stereotype.
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dennisrockingfuntime · 3 months
omg do you write poetry?
~ 𝓰𝓪𝓫𝓫𝔂 *✧・゚
Gabby, mine heart has swiftly found its home in your comfort...... oh gentile soul..... I do on the seldom write "poetry," although I feel that it lands outside of the term's confines. Here is one of my favorites.....
Ode to Misa Misa: A Theatrical Reverie
Oh, luminous beacon of the celluloid screen, Thou art Misa Misa, the diva supreme, In the tapestry of thy existence, a tragic theme, Thou dancest betwixt shadows and moonbeam. A tapestry woven with threads of desire, A heart aflame with fervent fire, In the masquerade of fame's attire, Thy soul yearns for a love to inspire. Unravel the strands of thy silvered hair, Each strand a tale of despair, In the labyrinth of thy own affair, Thou art both captor and prisoner there. A symphony of whispers, a sonnet sung, Thy essence lingers on every tongue, In the echo of thy name, the bell is rung, Thy legacy, an enigma, forever young. In the theatre of fate, thou art the lead, A performance crafted with meticulous heed, In the script of destiny, thy role decreed, Thy story, a masterpiece, to exceed. So let the curtains rise, let the drama unfold, In the realm of shadows, thy tale is told, In the annals of time, thy legend bold, Misa Misa, immortalized in gold.
-Dennis Dan, 2024
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autisticfordprefect · 2 years
Dancesters height headcanons because branrot.
Damara: taller then rufioh.
Rufioh: average height but still shorter then tavros because it'd be funny. Kinda stocky too.
Mituna: Tall. As. FUCK. The lankyest bitch you ever did see. A shambling pile of yardsticks and mountain dew.
Kankri: 5'5 because I feel like that's the bitchiest height to be.
Meulin: her height is whatever makes the joke land. If it's funny to have her be 4 ft 4 then that's her height. If the joke benefits from having her be a 6 ft 6 mountain of a lady? That is what her height is. She's always a tad chubby regardless of height.
Porrim: 6'2. She's tall. The only person other than mituna who doesn't have to crane her neck to make eye contact with kurloz.
Latula: kinda short, kinda stocky, kinda capable of throwing you across the room. Not super short just the lower end of average.
Aranea: 5 ft even. I don't have much else to say on her.
Horuss: 5'11 and STRONG. Slouches a lot and it makes him look shorter.
Kurloz: Tallest of everyone (obviously) at 6'7. Lanky. This doesn't make him less intimidating.
Cronus: EXACTLY 5'10. Hates that he's not taller. Stocky.
Meenah: 5'9, short for a seadweller. Also stocky but is stronger than Cronus.
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dafukdidiwatch · 1 year
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We NEED to give these people a dancester type word than saying THAT incest shit.
Sibling Child - Chibling (omg that’s actualy perfect I just solved all of our problems in the cutest way)
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[ id: a digital drawing with two homestuck style sprites facing each other both are purple bloods one is labelled xirian and has long spiky hair with a purple streak in it and is wearing a tank top and trousers with patches on them the other is labelled xixius and has medium length spiky hair and is wearing a off the shoulder jumper and basketball shorts above them is the text holy fuck two ozmiirs /end id]
I’ve been dancesting so here is xirian (the superior irian) with xixxix their descendant both of them are nonverbal
Xirian is part of a open to all castes clown church on beforus which eirian(Llewys’ dancestor) keeps harassing them for
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