#dani gallardo
useless-catalanfacts · 3 months
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2nd February 2024. Photos from Vilaweb.
Demonstration in front of the High Court of Justice of Catalonia (the highest court of the Spanish judiciary system in Catalonia) in Barcelona in support of Dani Gallardo, a young Spanish anarchist who is sentenced to prison because the took part in a peaceful demonstration held in Madrid (Spain's capital city) in favour of Catalan people's right to self-determination and against the Spanish police's violence against Catalan people.
We have explained Dani's case before, you can read it in this post:
Dani has been sentenced guilty to send a message. Until his case, more than 4,200 Catalan people had been sentenced guilty for their involvement in the 2017 Catalan independence referendum or the protests that followed it. The Spanish judiciary system has proven that they won't stop at punishing Catalan people, they also sent the police to beat up the protestors who demonstrated for Catalonia in Madrid (Spain) and they're also jailing a Spanish man for his solidarity.
Dani was sentenced guilty of public disorder and attempt against authority with made-up claims that had been fabricated hours before he even got arrested. The Spanish police already planned to arrest people and blame them for this even before the event happened. Dani spent 13 months in pre-trial jail, then he was released for some time, and now has received the order to go to prison for 2 years and 11 months more.
Cases like this is why there is a demand for an amnesty. After the last elections to the Spanish government, the PSOE party needed the support of other parties to get enough votes to form government. One of the must-have demands of the Catalan political parties was an amnesty law (amnesty laws are not uncommon in Spain) that would cancel the punishments of people who have been found guilty of political crimes related to the independence movement since 2017, because none of these thousands of people committed real harmful crimes. This law is currently being negotiated, but the Spanish parties are trying to write it in a way that will leave as many people out of the amnesty as possible. At the same time, the Spanish judiciary system continues accusing new people of terrorism for attending peaceful political demonstrations.
For example, two democratically-elected pro-independence politicians (Puigdemont and Wagensberg) are being accused of terrorism for supposedly calling for people to protest in the Barcelona airport, a protest that was completely peaceful and which was called by a civil society organization and not by these politicians. But they're influential, so Spain looks for any way to punish them. How are the Spanish judiciaries claiming that Puigdemont and Wagensberg should be sentenced guilty of terrorism for an action where there was no terrorism? The Spanish judges' imagination has no limits when it comes to sentencing Catalans and Basques. They are saying that it's terrorism because some of the protestors had weapons. What weapons? Fire extinguishers, bottles, and the metal carts that people use to carry their luggage:
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Because there were fire extinguishers and luggage carts in the airport and people brought their own water, a completely peaceful protest that happened there is terrorism. The worst part is that it doesn't outrage or surprise us anymore, because we're so used to this nonsense.
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macarraqui · 6 months
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HRNDZ, Madrid, 18 de noviembre de 2023 (sala Rockville).
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HRNDZ es el proyecto del guitarrista Rafael Hernández (La Frontera, Desperados).
Y en este grupo de rock que ha formado se han reunido Juanma del Olmo y Emilio Galiacho (Elegantes), Dani Álvarez (Burning), Javier Teixidor (Mermelada, J. Teixi Band), Luis Martín (Los Ronaldos) y el productor, músico y escritor José Gallardo.
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(Fotografías cedidas por Tina Jara).
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benvolgutsguiris · 1 year
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bayernvsbochum · 2 months
¿Cuál es la plantilla actual del Atlético de Madrid Femenino para la temporada 2021-2022?
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¿Cuál es la plantilla actual del Atlético de Madrid Femenino para la temporada 2021-2022?
Plantilla actual Atlético de Madrid Femenino 2021-2022
El Atlético de Madrid Femenino sigue consolidándose como uno de los equipos referentes en el fútbol femenino. La plantilla actual para la temporada 2021-2022 está llena de talento y promete grandes actuaciones en las competiciones nacionales e internacionales.
Bajo la dirección técnica de Dani González, el equipo ha logrado reunir a jugadoras de gran calidad y experiencia. Entre las integrantes de la plantilla se destacan figuras como Amanda Sampedro, una de las capitanas y referentes del equipo, así como la guardameta Hedvig Lindahl, quien aporta seguridad en la portería.
Además, jugadoras como Deyna Castellanos, Ludmila da Silva y Merel van Dongen son piezas clave en el esquema de juego del Atlético de Madrid Femenino, aportando goles, velocidad y solidez defensiva respectivamente.
La plantilla se completa con jugadoras jóvenes con un gran potencial, como Sara Ezquerro o Leire Peña, que aportan frescura y energía al equipo.
Con una plantilla equilibrada y competitiva, el Atlético de Madrid Femenino aspira a seguir cosechando éxitos y a mantenerse en lo más alto en todas las competiciones en las que participe. Los aficionados pueden esperar grandes emociones y partidos llenos de intensidad por parte de este talentoso equipo.
Jugadoras titulares Atlético de Madrid Femenino
El Atlético de Madrid Femenino es uno de los equipos más destacados en la liga española de fútbol femenino, y las jugadoras titulares de este equipo son clave en su éxito en la cancha. Entre las jugadoras titulares más destacadas se encuentra la portera Lola Gallardo, quien destaca por su seguridad bajo los tres palos y su capacidad para realizar salvadas espectaculares que han salvado al equipo en más de una ocasión.
En la defensa, jugadoras como Kenti Robles aportan solidez y experiencia, mientras que en el mediocampo la presencia de Deyna Castellanos aporta creatividad y capacidad goleadora. En la delantera, Ludmila da Silva destaca por su velocidad y capacidad para desequilibrar las defensas rivales, siendo una de las goleadoras más letales del equipo.
Estas jugadoras titulares del Atlético de Madrid Femenino no solo son fundamentales en el aspecto deportivo, sino que también son un ejemplo de dedicación, esfuerzo y pasión por el fútbol femenino. Su talento y compromiso han contribuido al crecimiento y éxito del equipo, conquistando títulos y ganándose el reconocimiento de la afición y de los amantes del fútbol en general.
En resumen, las jugadoras titulares del Atlético de Madrid Femenino representan lo mejor del fútbol femenino español, demostrando su calidad y talento en cada partido y consolidando al equipo como uno de los referentes en el panorama futbolístico nacional e internacional.
Fichajes Atlético de Madrid Femenino temporada 2021-2022
El Atlético de Madrid Femenino ha realizado importantes fichajes para la temporada 2021-2022 con el objetivo de reforzar su plantilla y competir al más alto nivel. Entre los fichajes más destacados se encuentran jugadoras de renombre que aportarán experiencia y calidad al equipo.
Una de las incorporaciones más importantes ha sido la delantera nigeriana Asisat Oshoala, quien llega al Atlético de Madrid Femenino procedente del Barcelona. Oshoala es una jugadora con gran capacidad goleadora y velocidad, lo que la convierte en un refuerzo crucial para el equipo colchonero en la búsqueda de títulos.
Otro fichaje destacado es el de la defensa suiza Noëlle Maritz, proveniente del Wolfsburgo. Maritz es una jugadora versátil y experimentada que aportará solidez defensiva y jerarquía al conjunto rojiblanco.
Además, el Atlético de Madrid Femenino ha sumado a sus filas a la portera catalana Cata Coll, quien llega al equipo madrileño desde el Sevilla. Coll es una guardameta con gran proyección y calidad, que competirá por un puesto en la portería rojiblanca.
Con estos y otros fichajes, el Atlético de Madrid Femenino se presenta como un rival a tener en cuenta en la Liga Iberdrola y en competiciones internacionales. La ilusión y el trabajo duro son las claves de un equipo que aspira a grandes logros en la temporada 2021-2022.
Lesionadas Atlético de Madrid Femenino 2021-2022
El Atlético de Madrid Femenino ha experimentado algunas lesiones significativas en la temporada 2021-2022 que han tenido un impacto en el equipo. Uno de los casos más destacados es el de Deyna Castellanos, quien sufrió una lesión en el tobillo a principios de la temporada, lo que la mantuvo fuera de varios partidos clave. A pesar de su ausencia, el equipo ha logrado mantener un buen rendimiento en la liga.
Otra jugadora que ha estado lesionada esta temporada es Merel van Dongen, defensora del equipo. La lesión de van Dongen ha sido un contratiempo para el Atlético, ya que es una pieza importante en la defensa del equipo. Su ausencia ha obligado a otras jugadoras a asumir un papel más importante en la línea defensiva.
A pesar de las lesiones, el Atlético de Madrid Femenino ha demostrado ser un equipo fuerte y competitivo en la liga. Las jugadoras han sabido sobreponerse a las adversidades y han mostrado una gran determinación en cada partido. El cuerpo técnico y el resto del equipo han trabajado arduamente para superar las lesiones y mantenerse en la lucha por los puestos de arriba en la clasificación.
Con la esperanza de una pronta recuperación para las jugadoras lesionadas, el Atlético de Madrid Femenino sigue demostrando su calidad y su compromiso en cada partido de la temporada 2021-2022. La fortaleza y la unidad del equipo son clave para superar los obstáculos y alcanzar los objetivos deportivos establecidos.
Rendimiento jugadoras Atlético de Madrid Femenino
El Atlético de Madrid Femenino es uno de los equipos más destacados en el fútbol femenino español, y su rendimiento en las últimas temporadas ha sido notable. Las jugadoras del Atlético de Madrid Femenino han demostrado un alto nivel de habilidad y compromiso en el terreno de juego, lo que les ha permitido alcanzar importantes logros tanto a nivel nacional como internacional.
En la Liga Femenina Iberdrola, el equipo ha mostrado una gran consistencia, compitiendo en la parte alta de la tabla y luchando por el título de liga temporada tras temporada. Las jugadoras del Atlético de Madrid Femenino destacan por su talento individual y su capacidad para trabajar en equipo, lo que les ha permitido superar a sus rivales y alcanzar el éxito en el campo.
Además del éxito en la liga doméstica, el Atlético de Madrid Femenino también ha tenido un desempeño destacado en competiciones europeas, como la Liga de Campeones Femenina de la UEFA. Las jugadoras han demostrado su calidad enfrentándose a algunos de los mejores equipos de Europa y compitiendo en las rondas eliminatorias de la competición.
El rendimiento de las jugadoras del Atlético de Madrid Femenino es el resultado del arduo trabajo y la dedicación tanto en los entrenamientos como en los partidos. El equipo cuenta con jugadoras talentosas en todas las posiciones, desde la defensa hasta el ataque, lo que les permite jugar un fútbol dinámico y atractivo para los aficionados.
En resumen, el rendimiento de las jugadoras del Atlético de Madrid Femenino ha sido impresionante en los últimos años, y continúan siendo un equipo a tener en cuenta tanto en el ámbito nacional como en el internacional. Su habilidad, determinación y espíritu de equipo los convierten en un rival formidable para cualquier equipo que enfrenten.
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Represión “progresista”: Dani Gallardo será el primer condenado por las protestas del Procés que entrará en prisión •
Dani Gallardo fue detenido en una protesta contra la sentencia del Procés el 16 de octubre de 2019. Fue condenado a una pena de 4 años de cárcel por desorden público y atentado contra la autoridad. Tras ya haber pasado 13 meses en prisión preventiva entre 2019 y 2020, la Audiencia de Madrid le acaba de notificar que tiene tres días para ingresar de forma voluntaria en prisión. Si no lo hace, será…
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brooklyn-nylkoorb · 7 months
Reseña de la exposición General Rincón Gallardo 14
Por Nancy Soriano Arce, estudiante de la Especialización en Historia del Arte 
Una obra gris es un espacio que promete una transformación que sugiere un futuro con bases sólidas a pesar de los pisos irregulares, las paredes sin acabados y el polvo por todos lados. Un edificio inacabado no parece ser el espacio ideal para una exposición de arte, sin embargo sucede a pesar de las bajas probabilidades de serlo. 
General Rincón Gallardo 14 es una exhibición colectiva de arte contemporáneo presentada por Andarín, un proyecto de investigación, reflexión y estudio del hábitat. La inauguración tuvo lugar la noche del pasado viernes 22 de septiembre en un espacio en construcción ubicado en la calle homónima, en la colonia Ampliación Daniel Garza en la Ciudad de México. La exposición está compuesta por pinturas, fotografías, audiovisuales y esculturas de 21 artistas: Antonia Alarcón, Andrea Bores, Patricia Carrington, Miguel Casco, Alonso Cedillo, Dani Escamilla, Alfredo Esparza Cárdenas, Ángela Ferrari, Anahí H. Galaviz, Manuel G. Romo, Eugenia Jico, Darinka Lamas, Andrea Martínez, Cecilia Miranda Gómez, Rubén Ojeda Guzmán, Alejandro Palomino, Emmanuel Rodríguez-Mazón, Fernanda Suárez, Edgar Solórzano, Omar Torres y la La Pinche Adultez. 
En una suerte de literalidad, al llegar a la calle General Rincón Gallardo y buscar el número 14, imaginé, basándome en mi experiencia con galerías de arte contemporáneo típicas, que sería otro cubo blanco pero intencionalmente incompleto o con muros sin aplanar pero se trataba de un espacio crudo, realmente en obra gris. 
Una tabla con una cubeta como peso para mantenerla abierta que hacía las veces de puerta, dejaba ver un resplandor rojizo que invitaba a curiosear. En la entrada había un anuncio de neón con las letras ‘General Rincón Gallardo 14’ y una pieza colgante con una luz amarilla debajo que disiparon por completo la duda sobre si era el lugar correcto. La experiencia había comenzado. 
A lo largo de los tres niveles del espacio de exposición, la muestra exhibía piezas como la fotografía de gran formato de Omar Torres, las pinturas naturalistas de Antonia Alarcón y Ángela Ferrari, la instalación de paneles móviles de Eugenia Jico, las pinturas de desnudos pixelados de Miguel Casco, las fotografías de Andrea Martínez o los textiles de La Pinche Adultez, entre otras, mostrando un diálogo de similitud y adaptación a los espacios, dejando a los espectadores la posibilidad de relacionarlas por su formato y tema. 
En los niveles superiores el espacio permitió la presentación de la pintura e instalación de Alonso Cedillo en dos instancias: en un espacio reducido y de difícil acceso se encontraba una pintura de un teléfono móvil sobre un inflable en una piscina. Luego, al continuar el recorrido, se descubría una pequeña sala donde se proyectaba un audiovisual sobre el mismo tema de la pintura. Daba la sensación de ser un mismo momento pero visto y experimentado por dos personas distintas. 
En una las últimas salas al aire libre, se activó una obra con pirotecnia que reveló la frase ‘Aquí no pinto nada’ del artista Rubén Ojeda Guzmán, al tiempo que ofrecía un cierre a la inauguración completando la obra gris para transformarla en un lugar perfecto para la experimentación, centrándose en la experiencia del visitante. Sin ofrecer un contexto extenso, se buscó crear un diálogo entre las obras desafiando lo habitual al seleccionar cuidadosamente solo algunos aspectos del arte contemporáneo, aquellos que logran capturar la atención.  
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cregan-starks · 1 year
Alright, so. Narcos Mexico:
The character everyone loves but you don't
The character you'd totally smooch
The character you'd want to be like
And the character you'd slap 😇
Thank you so much for asking, my love! 💞
The first character I fell in love with: Félix Gallardo, I think. Love to hate him, hate to love him. One of the best characters in the show and one of Diego Luna's best roles. He left no crumbs.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Walt. I think I even like him more and find him more compelling than the DEA agents in the OG Narcos. Still a cop, though. Gross.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: I don't know if everyone loves her, but Dani. Dull character, useless storyline, added nothing to the show, imo. In s3, they should have had Walt trying to connect with his nephew and to be part of his life (he's also called Danny. What the fuck is that about?), as he claimed he wants to in season 2.
The character I love that everyone else hates: Andréa Nuñez. Maybe Calderoni?
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Mimi. I just find her a little annoying, Idk.
The character I would totally smooch: Mayo, Mayo, Mayo.
The character I’d want to be like: Isabella. Gorgeous, intelligent, perseverant, impeccable fashion sense.
The character I’d slap: Rafa; he's so impulsive and unhinged. Plus Walt, sometimes.
A pairing that I love: Mika and Kiki, Benjamín and Ruth, Amado and Marta, Chapo and Alma, Victor and Tenci, the Palmas, Mayo and shrimp. Special shout-out to María and Félix, because the actors have insane chemistry, and so many of their scenes together left me speechless. I also see potential for Pacho and Amado, and for Amado and Félix.
A pairing that I despise: Walt and Dani. I thought that Mimi and Acosta looked really weird together, but "despise" might be too strong a word.
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clubmusicweb · 1 year
Cristina Boscá (Los 40): «Me han dicho que, al ser mujer, no me veían liderando un programa»
Cristina Boscá (Los 40): «Me han dicho que, al ser mujer, no me veían liderando un programa»
Paula Gallardo le ha entrevistado para elespanol.com: Es DJ y presentadora junto con Dani Moreno del ‘morning show’ de éxito Anda Ya en Los 40.Descubre el perfil femenino más rompedor de la radio de entretenimiento en España. Cristina Boscá se enamoró del mundo de la radio durante los trayectos al colegio que hacía con su madre cada mañana. Ese sonido que salía disparado de los altavoces de su…
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diyeipetea · 3 years
JazzX5#216. Chema Peñalver Big Band: "Café Swing" [Mode On (2021)] [Minipodcast] Por Pachi Tapiz
JazzX5#216. Chema Peñalver Big Band: “Café Swing” [Mode On (2021)] [Minipodcast] Por Pachi Tapiz
Por Pachi Tapiz. “Café Swing” Chema Peñalver Big Band: Mode On (Sedajazz Records; 2021) Trompetas: Manolo Díaz, Toni Porcel, Juan Moscardó, Adolfo Cebreiro Trombones: Javier Llopis, Carlos Valls, José Javier Oliver, Óscar Torres Saxos: Fran Conde, Celso Sorribes, Rafa Palomar, Iván Pitarch, Inma Martínez Contrabajos: Natxo Navarro, Dani Fernández Piano: Cayetano Balfagón Percusión Latina: Manel…
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junkyard-gifs · 3 years
Shout-out to This Amateur Production...
All I know of it is this collection of rehearsal photos from the facebook of the Mungojerrie. The photos date from March 2015—although I think the run was 2014–15, and the photos were posted after the run was over. It was somewhere in Spain—probably in Valencia—and produced by EDAE (whoever they are!). Sandra Rausell (Jemima in the 2003 Madrid production) was involved in some way—director, resident choreographer, or similar.
It's a small cast, and only four of them are male (Munkustrap and Mistoffelees are played by women). Here they are—in the second photo, Sandra is the one not in costume.
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More photos (and analysis) under the cut. There are thirty photos and two video clips so, to keep them all together, I'll do two reblogs.
Firstly, let's name all the actors! (With the character name if it's unambiguous.)
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Back row, left to right: Adrian Lopez Mingueza (Tugger), Jesus González Calatayud, Natalia Contell Castillo (Victoria), Mireia Chambó, (unnamed), (unnamed), Lena Brox (Grizabella).
Middle row: Laura Arribas (Bombalurina/Demeter), Elia Lopez Gallardo (Mistoffelees), Zoe Kluss (Demeter/Bombalurina), Niko Sanchez Tejero (?Macavity)
Front row: Yessica Iranzo López, Carla Almeria Selma (Munkustrap), Dani Flor Sánchez (Mungojerrie), Arantxa Albiach, Marta Gálvez
While the costumes aren't much help for identifying characters, the makeup in most cases sticks fairly closely to that of replica productions. For example, I think Arantxa and Marta (far right, front row) are probably Cassandra and Jennyanydots. Deuteronomy, interestingly, looks very like Tugger. I'm guessing Niko (middle row, far right) is Macavity (and either Plato or Alonzo) simply because he's the only man left, and the makeup is fairly neutral. The three less obvious girls—Yessica, front row far left, and the two unnamed girls at the back—don't really have many distinguishing features at this stage, so let's just call them kittens for now.
And Mireia, next to Victoria in the back row... well, I'm calling her Jemimateazer for now. We'll see why when we get to the photos of her with Mungojerrie!
Here's some more group photos...
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Bomba crouching over Jenny and Jemimateazer draped over Jerrie are adorable, thanks.
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There's our Cassandra at the left in the front row, and a better view of Jemimateazer's wild hair and orange stripes. Sadly in this photo she is not wearing her Tugger-style gloves but please admire them in the other photos.
And now we dance!
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Macavity, Mungojerrie, Jemimateazer, nameless black kitten
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With Mistoffelees and Munkustrap in front.
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Glimpse of Grizabella, for some reason, and Mungojerrie vibing.
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Deme and Bomba (or possibly Bomba and Deme) in front.
This might actually be the Macavity dance, because Mungojerrie apparently participated in that too:
The clip isn't from an actual performance of the show, but from a gala highlights show at the end of the theatre's season. And that clip, together with this snippet of Tugger's song and Grizabella the Glamour Cat, will show you why I'm not quite certain who's who out of Demeter and Bombalurina—especially since that's Jemimateazer singing Demeter's lines in the second!
Also please note Tugger's spiky hair—and that Deuteronomy is onstage, being protective of Tugger (who is the one to scratch Grizabella). So it's possible that, given the lack of male voices, Deut arrives earlier in this production and takes over some of Munkustrap's role—or it could just have been done differently for this gala!
More to come–check reblogs!
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cannabis-islandgirl · 4 years
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All our support to Dani Gallardo, Spanish young man sentenced to prison for his solidarity with Catalonia
Dani Gallardo was 22 years old when took part in a demonstration held in Madrid (Spain's capital city) in solidarity with Catalonia, right after the Spanish Supreme Court sentenced a group of Catalan civil society leaders to prison for their involvement in the Catalan independence movement. The demonstration also stood against the brutality of Spanish police against Catalan people and in solidarity with Catalonia's right to self-determination. It was the first time that a demonstration like this was held in Spain (outside of the occupied nations like the Catalan Countries, the Basque Country and Galicia), and the protestors were met with police violence as well. (At the same time, on the other side of the square, there was a counter-protest organised by a fascist group who opposed the solidarity protest and rallied in favour of the indivisibility of Spain. That one was not attacked by the police.)
Dani Gallardo tried to help his friend Elsa, a young woman who was being violently reduced by 5 anti-riot policemen at once. Then, the policemen beat him up and arrested him and Elsa. In total, 4 protestors were arrested that evening. That protest happened on October 2019, and since then Dani's life has changed completely.
All the detainees were insulted and threatened with violence by the police, and Elsa (being a woman) was constantly sexually harassed and insulted with misogynistic insults and very vulgar sexually explicit comments that I will not replicate here. Dani kept shouting to defend her, so they beat him with a stick with nails on the head. He says that Elsa was the one who got beaten up to a worst condition, but in the end Dani was the only one who wasn't freed.
Dani spent more than a year in pre-trial jail, while waiting to be judged by the Madrid Provincial Court. Then, he was freed on probation but, later, he was sentenced to 4 and a half years of prison for "basic public disturbance" and "attack against authority", because a policeman says Dani hit him. He appealed this decision but now (June 1st 2023) the court has confirmed the sentence, and Dani will have to go to prison.
The trial was a joke. The policemen declared things that contradict what happened, or pretended they hadn't seen anything. The doctor's report that was used to claim that Dani had attacked a policeman was signed at 9:30pm in Plaza del Sol hq, when he was arrested at 10:45pm at Tirso de Molina. This shows that the police had decided that they would accuse someone of this crime even before they arrested anyone, and then went out to look for some protestors who they could blame for it.
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More than 4,200 Catalan people have been repressed by the Spanish courts since September 2017 for their involvement in the independence movement. This number includes people who have gone to court with many different outcomes, from prison sentences to more commonly fines, and also people who have been arrested and retained by the police, some of whom have denounced being tortured. Dani's case is unique because he isn't Catalan himself, he is Spanish. But this didn't save him, because the Spanish State has wanted to make an example out of him: this is what will happen to any Spaniard who dares to stand in solidarity with the peoples oppressed by Spain.
Dani has talked about why he supports Catalonia's right to self-determination. Dani is an anarchist, he doesn't believe in states, so he believes that everyone should have the right to self-determination and understands the want to get away from Spain and its fascist institutions.
He has also talked about the support he has received since he was arrested. He has received lots of support from Catalan people at all levels, from all kinds of social organizations and local assemblies to many individual people who sent him letters, and politicians who have him their support. On the contrary, he denounces he hasn't received any support from Spain (only a small support from the Madrid anti-repression movement at first, but they never followed up), and has not even heard a word from the Spanish "progressive" political parties. In fact, during the time he was out on probation, he moved to Catalonia because it was the only place where he knew he'd find help and solidarity.
We are very thankful to Dani, Elsa and everyone else who has showed their support.
Other sources used for this post: interview with Dani on Vilaweb (23/07/2022), 3/24.
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daramountnetwork · 4 years
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xclearskiesx · 2 years
I wrote a little something with my OC Daniela Gallardo! CW: mention of implied abortion.
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(Picrew I made of her). One shot below!
Accepting Help
16 year old Daniela was nothing short of boisterous, and today was no exception, despite the fact she was in severe pain. Her whole body in a sweat outbreak, shivering to the core, and blood running down her legs, she still managed to stand on her two feet and yell at her friend.
“Dammit, I don’t need her, Ramón!”
Daniela’s friend, Ramón, was not so sure about that. He rubbed the back of his neck, feeling a bit uncomfortable. “Look, I don’t know much about female things, but I don’t think you should be bleeding this much!”
“It will stop eventually on its own! I shoved a coat hanger up there for god’s sake!” Daniela winced, doubling over in her pain.
“Yeah, and I’m not sure that was such a good idea. . .”
“I wasn’t going to have this baby,” Daniela said firmly, through gritted teeth.
“Well, lay down, at the least! You’re scaring me, Dani. . .”
Ramón felt a little uncomfortable and out of place in this situation, but truth was, Daniela didn’t really have any girl friends.
The girl had no choice but to lay back, as her legs were giving out, unable to hold her up any longer, at the moment. She was doing all she could to stop the bleeding herself, putting pressure on the area with towels and sheets, but in her fever, she was starting to feel a little delirious. There was no mistaking what she heard said next, however.
Daniela’s sister, Ernestina, appeared at the doorway, running her fingers through her long brown hair nervously.. “Julieta is on her way.”
“Dammit, Tina!” the girl hissed. She told them multiple times she did not want help from that girl. The last thing she wanted was help from a Madrigal.
“You need her help, Dani!” the thirteen year old girl insisted in a whine. “You’ve got yourself all infected! I’m scared you’re gonna die or something. I can’t lose you, too.”
Daniela huffed. She had nothing to retaliate with upon hearing that. They had lost their parents a few years prior, and she knew she needed to be there for her little sister.
Once Julieta stepped inside their house, Ernestina and Ramón stepped aside, letting her approach the patient. Ernestina clung tightly to the older boy as she watched, terrified for her sister, wanting so badly for Julieta to be able to heal her. The young Madrigal came bearing everything she might need for this visit – your usual first aid equipment, as well as a stock of her magical food. Sitting down beside her patient, she said, “I wish you had called for me sooner.”
“Yeah, well, I didn’t want you to come at all.” Daniela rolled her eyes before crying out in pain, choking back hot tears, embarrassed to be crying in front of anyone, much less a Madrigal.
“Well, your sister was very concerned for you, and with good reason.” Julieta spoke so calmly, compared to the malice in Daniela’s voice. She applied a cold rag to the angry girl’s forehead and handed her an arepa. “Eat. We can only hope it’s not too late. Your wounds are internal, so I can’t really know if they will have healed, but all we can do is hope for a miracle.”
A miracle. That’s all this town ever talked about. The girl bitterly grabbed the arepa from Julieta’s hand and took a big bite out of it, squinting angrily at her, feeling defeated. She knew she had to accept her help; it was her only hope. She was stubborn, but with what she thought was good reason. Her family had never just loved the Madrigals. They had always detested how much the town depended on them and their gifts. They did their best to stay clear of the magical family and keep to themselves, living their lives with as little interference from them as they could.
And then Dani and Tina’s parents died, and well. . .
Julieta knew how much the girl hated her and her family, and she tried to handle this situation with as much grace as possible. She spoke carefully. “I know you blame my family for what happened to your parents. . .”
“Yeah,” Dani snapped. “Because it’s their fault. My father got struck by lightning – your sister’s handy work, and my mother knew it was coming because of a vision she got from your brother. She drowned herself in the river because she couldn’t bare to live without him.” She blinked back more tears, glancing over to her sister, who was watching intently, tears flowing down her own cheeks. “That’s the only reason I am letting you near me right now. I have to survive for my sister’s sake. I’m all she’s got.” She breathed in sharply, still feeling pains. “Aren’t these supposed to heal me?” She looked to the Madrigal accusingly and grabbing another arepa and stuffing it in her mouth.
“If you had come to me sooner, these would be working quicker. Give them time. I will leave the rest of these with you.” She gestured towards the basket of arepas. “But,” she added. “My siblings did not kill your parents. It was a freak accident, and all my brother did was predict it. Besides, you have been mean to us since we were children, long before that happened. I never understood why you hated us so much. You always picked on Pepa. . .”
Dani snorted a laugh through her pain. “Yeah, ‘cause she’s a gap toothed bitch.”
Julieta closed her eyes and held her tongue, telling herself to remain professional and not retaliate. She stood up to leave. “Alright, you have a stock of arepas by your bedside. Just don’t take too many at once. If you start to get worse, please don’t hesitate to send for me.”
Daniela watched Julieta leave, grimacing through her pain that she did notice had let up just a little. She sighed a little, giving in and telling the Madrigal girl the words she stubbornly tried so hard to fight back. “Thank you.”
Julieta turned back for a moment and smiled with a nod before leaving.
As much as Daniela hated to say it, maybe the Madrigals weren’t so bad – at least Julieta. She could’ve easily let her lay there and bleed out, but she did all she could to help her heal.
“Are you feeling any better, Dani?” her little sister hurried to her side once the Madrigal triplet was out of the house.
“I think so. I don’t quite feel like I’m dying like I did a few moments ago.”
“Oh, Dani!” Ramón cried out, rushing over and hugging her neck. “I was so worried!” It was a little comical to see such a big, sturdy guy crying like this; he was normally so tough, but Daniela supposed she did give them quite a scare.
“I told you I’d be fine,” the girl smirked, clearly feeling a bit better than she did moments before.
“Don’t you ever deny help from Julieta Madrigal ever again!” Ramón scolded, causing Daniela to roll her eyes a little, but promising him she wouldn’t.
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cineastua · 3 years
Gentleman Jack - Milestones (Director's Cut) from Ian Pons Jewell on Vimeo.
Director: Ian Pons Jewell DOP: Giuseppe Favale Production Designer: Maruxa Alvar Wardrobe Stylist: Buki Ebiesuwa Hair & Makeup Artist: Eva Quílez Production company - Reset Content Managing Director - Dave Morrison Executive Producer - Deannie O'Neil Producer: Jon Adams Editor - Tobias Suhm 1st AD - Ferran Rial Service Producer: Lole Ramírez Production Manager: Nacho Piñar Production Coordinator: Laia Rollan Art Director: Berta Gómez Gaffer: Carlos Melville Key Grip: Álex Moregó Product Specialist: Pau Arregui Script Supervisor: Antoni Agulló Location Manager: Alma Debenath 1st AC Cam: Dani Gallardo 1st AC - 2nd Unit: Jaume Avizanda 2nd AC Cam: Anna Albiac Video Assist: Carles Alonso Video Assist - 2nd Unit: Vicky Cagigas DIT: Victor Casasola Phantom Technician: Angelo Freda
Sound design: Tim Harrison @ Aumeta
Online/ VFX - Flare /BBDO Chicago Exec Producer Jenny McDonald Finishing artist - Jason Kerman
Cast:  Miguel Ramiro Noel Sheehan Salif Warma Shiori Watanabe Michael Amadi Paúl Ponce Vásquez Iulia Richea Edward Joe Bentley Mathieu Porcher Stangly Celis Odkhuu Erdenebayar Jesús Carrera Arnanz Mark Medvegy Alan Delira Irene Aguilar Martínez José Luis Matienzo Frasquet Carla Lucia Rincon Malena Cherchyk Guillem Batchellí Eun Young Kwon Maja Gerun María José Retamozo Julio César Rodríguez Haeun Lee Manu Muñoz Ivana Miño Vincenzo Ferraro Virgini López Bertrans Cristina Lollo Cabrera Gonzalo Gelo
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danielgarciaperis · 3 years
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136a concentració @ANCGelida amb lectura del #manifest en suport del Dani Gallardo i tots els represaliats, amb la presència d'@icuapla denunciant la persecució per les accions de #TsunamiDemocràtic #LlibertatPresosPolítics #Gelida #Penedès (at Gelida, Alt Penedès, Catalunya) https://www.instagram.com/p/CI8-qBEBR6s/?igshid=daqopbg78mcj
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