#dark mode crk
abyssalblue · 1 year
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Drew these babis
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sharky-the-idiot · 27 days
Mother son bonding :D
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verisrose · 8 months
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this team worked WONDERS for most of dark mode world 16 btw, 3 starred most of it first try including the final boss even with an underleveled stardust
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enderwasended · 1 year
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Me all day every day
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chocochococoffee · 1 year
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now seriously, has anyone got an idea on how to win 16-10? The big mechanized rat tears my team apart and the cures ain't as good. The only useful boy here has been PV but Milky Way dies way to soon and whatever attacker that is not Affogato dies too after her.
Has someone tried this stage at all?
EDIT: I won it. NEEDS Dream Conductor Whistle or you will be destroyed.
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piano-sideblog · 8 months
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multifandom-onigiri · 10 months
Ok I’m going to rip off the bandage and talk about the age gap discourse surrounding DarkMilk
I’m going to preface this with a few disclaimers
1. The post is mainly going to center around Dark Choco as a character because there is (unsurprisingly) more to be said about Dark Choco Cookie from what I’ve gathered. (Edit: There was a lot more to be said.)
2. This post isn’t here to force you to change your interpretation or have your take away from this post as “I have to see Dark Choco as this age” or “DarkMilk’s age gap is [insert said range]”. Rather, it’s me presenting an interpretation with an analysis of the game. But nothing about their ages is explicitly confirmed or denied so I could be wrong. You could be wrong too. None of us are the writers.
3. Around half of this post relies on analyzing the Korean names of Dark Choco and Milk. As seen in my pinned post, I’m not Korean so I ran this post through with a mutual who is. That being said, that doesn’t mean this post is immediately 100% right so please correct this post if needed. (To the mutual in question, thank you so much for the help I really mean it.)
A while ago, I found a tweet and then a conversation under it between two users about young prince dark choco’s age based on his name is written in Korean: 어린 왕자.
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It’s stated as such on the wiki for Cookie Run Ovenbreak (italicized because we’ll get to this in a bit) but here’s a screenshot in game
There’s two things to note with 어린 왕자
1) 어리다 means young but significantly so (as in the age of the person numerically is small, and thus they can be easily recognized as a child).
2) 어린 왕자 is apparently also the official Korean title for the book The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (Named as such for the young boy dubbed as the little prince and also yeah I’ve never read this book… else I’d have a segment in this post in speculating why this is the case)
Out of curiosity (and also because I hate missing or getting info wrong), I checked the Cookie Run (for Ovenbreak) wiki to confirm that’s how Young Prince was written. And then I rewatched the CRK Dark Mode cutscenes.
Turns out they changed the way they refer to Young Prince Dark Choco: 어린 왕자 다크초코 쿠키-> 젊은 시절의 다크초코 쿠키
Notable changes are:
1) For starters, 젊은 시절의 다크초코 쿠키 directly translates to “Dark Choco Cookie of Youth”. Note that the word prince was added in the English localization and is not included in the original text.
2) 젊다 is a different word that also means young. Specifically, it refers to being young in thought or action. However, it’s not the same type of young (think like how you would treat a baby/toddler vs. how you’d treat an older teen. With a baby, they’ve just started living and thus know very little about how things and people work. It’s cute at times and annoying at other times. On the other hand, teenagers are still children but they’ve lived much longer than babies, so you expect them to be more mature/responsible than a 5 year old). Also unlike 어리다, 젊다 can be used to describe anyone that’s younger than you and doesn’t really suggest a certain age range because it depends on the speaker and the person they’re referring to.
The big question that can be taken away from this is:
1) Why the change from 어리다 -> 젊다 ?
Disclaimer: I’m not Devsisters so I can really only make guesses but here’s the take we ended up with.
The writers for CRK realized that using the word 어리다 ended up making Young Prince Dark Choco seem younger than he should be, and that 젊다 was a more reasonable choice to properly depict Dark Choco’s age.
Something interesting that was brought up in addition to this point while this section was being checked over is that 어린 왕자 다크초코 쿠키 makes Young Prince Dark Choco sound like he’s a naive little boy who doesn’t know anything about the world because he is too young while 젊은 시절의 다크초코 쿠키 makes him sound like he’s a proper aged man who went through lots of things to obtain many achievements.
I’d also like to point out that they also haven’t changed the way they refer to Young Prince Dark Choco in CROB. It’s still 어린 왕자 다크초코 쿠키 (and I took the screenshot yesterday as of writing this to double check). And both CRK and CROB are treated as mainline games (but probably alternate universes) that are no more canon than the other.
If you ask me what this possibly means, I really don’t have an answer LOL
“So if they aged Young Prince Dark Choco up in CRK, how much older is he supposed to be compared to? Is it possible they aged him up to be an adult?”
The answer to these questions can be found on a specific post posted on March 25th, 2022 by @ gingerbrave_dev on instagram (and @ GingerBrave_Dev on twitter). Gingerbrave_dev is one of the official Cookie Run accounts.
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It’s a collage of 4 pictures that depict Dark Choco Cookie growing up. The caption on both Instagram and Twitter is the same which reads as follows:
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The important thing here is that Young Prince Dark Choco is *included* in this collage which is said by an official Cookie Run account to be a depiction of his childhood.
Meaning that it’s more likely that if there’s a possible cutoff for Young Prince Dark Choco’s age, the oldest Young Prince Dark Choco could be is 18. (The age range for adolescence, the last stage of child development, is between 13 - 18). But because they include Young Prince Dark Choco in this post, I personally think that Young Prince Dark Choco isn’t meant to be an adult overall.
(Ok quick edit: Adolescence is apparently the transitionary stage between childhood and adulthood but tbh I’m not sure if most people sit down and double check that every exact piece of info aligns with the correct word and definition when designing a character).
And that’s pretty much all I have on official statements and canon that directly (not really) talks about Young Prince Dark Choco’s age.
However, I want to shift the focus from discussing directly about what his age is to why I personally read Young Prince Dark Choco more as a teenager.
When I first saw Young Prince Dark Choco back in 2019, what stuck out to me was the stark contrast between this past version of Dark Choco and his current self. Young Prince Dark Choco is so much more hopeful and driven compared to his current self. He exudes a lot more confidence based on his lines and his main goal in CROB is to save his kingdom by gaining more power. We get the implications from how pessimistic current Dark Choco is that his own actions (obtaining the Strawberry Jam sword) leads to his kingdom’s downfall and he regrets those actions from his past.
For me, that was how I originally concluded he was a teenager. And honestly, I never really reflected about the actual reasoning until we started having this discourse 2 years later because the headcanon just seemed really natural to me.
Fast forward to January/February 2021 with the release of Cookie Run Kingdom, which ended up giving us a lot more lore on Dark Choco. There are two things that are relevant to my proposition of Dark Choco being a teenager.
1) The CRK Artbook
First released during the game’s release, it contains concept art of the world building and the characters (playable characters at the start of the game + ancients + legendaries), who get their own page or two to themselves.
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I’m pulling this image off the internet because the one thing that stands out to me and that is also relevant to what we’re talking about is that the current Dark Choco presents more similarly to when he was a child (they’re both quiet and hold serious expressions on their faces).
Meaning that Young Prince Dark Choco is confirmed to not be Dark Choco’s original personality (for lack of better words. I don’t know how to word this better). And seeing Dark Choco and Dark Cacao standing next to each other, you can see how much they resemble each other. Like father, like son.
So the question is: why is Young Prince Dark Choco’s demeanor completely different from when he was younger?
Personally, I think the answer is much more simple than one might think: Young prince Dark Choco was a teenager. More specifically (and this is how I’ll segueway into the next section), Young Prince Dark Choco was an earnest teenager prince who began to question and challenge the traditions/structure of the Dark Cacao Kingdom and of his father.
2) Dark Choco, Dark Cacao, and the Generational Divide that Drives Them Apart
The release of Dark Mode would bring both a lot more long-awaited lore for Dark Choco, and also Dark Cacao Cookie, who piqued people’s interest especially since he is Dark Choco’s father.
The most significant moments happen through the magic-induced flashbacks Dark Choco is forced to relive through, where Young Prince Dark Choco interacts with multiple people. This includes his Dark Cacao, who is the only person to have two separate flashbacks.
The first flashback is a conversation between Dark Choco and Dark Cacao which will be posted below:
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What Dark Choco says here stands out to me: “Our Kingdom is in need of change…! We can’t keep hiding behind our walls!
The Dark Cacao Kingdom’s walls is a major subject of Chapters 13 and 14, as one of the main conflicts in that chapter is between the people and Dark Cacao. The villagers outside the kingdom’s walls have been struggling with food shortages and attacks from wild animals. They’ve been trying to contact the king for help but Affogato intercepts and closes the door on them before they can. Meanwhile, most of the resources are being used on maintaining the kingdom’s walls, which causes a change in the portion of the food Dark Cacao’s subjects are receiving. Affogato takes advantages of this to try to cause dissent among Dark Cacao’s court, which was his original plan until the Cookies of Darkness show up.
What’s revealed about why Dark Cacao spends so much time and resources on maintaining the kingdom’s walls is that the walls serve as a safeguard against the Licorice monsters in the Licorice Sea from overtaking the land and eventually the entire world. We get to see a great example of this as Licorice Cookie summons a gigantic Licorice Monster that proceeds to break down a significant portion of the walls.
So from what we read in chapters 13 and 14, we can conclude that the walls is very necessary in protecting the Dark Cacao Kingdom and the Licorice Monsters are nothing to be laughed at. They’re formidable enemies.
It’s very likely from the way that the walls are Dark Cacao’s #1 priority rather than directly addressing whatever is happening with the villages outside the walls that Dark Cacao probably has had previous firsthand experience with the Licorice Monsters and consider them that much of a serious threat.
From the way Young Prince Dark Choco talks to Dark Cacao in the flashback, it sounds like he doesn’t share the same perspective as Dark Cacao.
This is why I think Young Prince Dark Choco being a teenager is a major factor into this difference of perspective.
The thing about teenagers is that during that stage of life, they are going through a lot or at least they think they’re going through a lot because that’s when puberty starts to kick in and the hormones start jumping over the place.
They start questioning their identity. Who they are, what they want to be, what their role is in society. They’re trying to figure out how to be their own person.
They can start questioning the rules. Why am I doing [insert here] ? Why doesn’t Mom and Dad let me do this and that? Why do I have to do this? And because of this, they can become defiant and challenge authority and even what they previously just accepted as fact.
Because of this, teenagers take risks and can make bad or stupid decisions all the time. They end up clashing more with their parents because their parents recognize that their kid will regret what they’re doing later due to the consequences their kid will have to face (and possibly even due to firsthand experience when they themselves were teenagers).
I think all of this applies to this particular flashback.
a) Questioning
Young Prince Dark Choco argues that the kingdom, and by extension, the way Dark Cacao runs it needs to change. He describes kingdom’s walls not as defense, but as a means to hide, which frames the amount of time that the people of the Dark Cacao Kingdom have been living behind as a sign of fear/cowardice. This is also in response to Dark Cacao telling him that he’s still young and has a lot to learn. The flashback seems to throw us, the reader, right into the middle of the conversation without any previous context but with Dark Choco’s response, I think the conversation they were having is overall related to Young Prince Dark Choco’s response.
b) Identity
Something to keep in mind that every person is unique and how they grow up is largely influenced by their environment (the family and friends around them, their socioeconomic status, etc).
Young Prince Dark Choco is not your average human being Cookie. He is the son of Dark Cacao, who is the one of the most powerful cookies in the entire cast outside of the legendaries and the dragons, a warrior known for his abnormal strength (the sword he uses takes 3 regular cookies to carry it) and heroic deeds (like splitting the White and Black Dragon which is treated like a legendary tale), and due to all of the previous, an esteemed king beloved by all of his subjects.
By being the son of Dark Cacao and therefore, the prince of the Dark Cacao Kingdom, Young Prince Dark Choco had a whole legacy to live up to. And although we know Young Prince Dark Choco ends up not being able to live to that legacy due to the Strawberry Jam Sword, we do know from other characters that Dark Choco at that time was doing really well.
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Note that if Caramel Arrow, the First Watcher, says that Dark Choco Cookie taught her how to use the bow, then that means that he is most likely also exemplary not with just swordsmanship but also archery as well.
Also don’t forget about how Dark Choco saves the Milk Village from a pack of cream wolves, which leaves a great impression on the Milk Cookie we know.
For the most part, I think Young Prince Dark Choco cares about the people and the kingdom he lives in. He seems very earnest in wanting to help his kingdom from what can be seen in his costume lines in CROB.
But I also think there’s one more underlying possibility behind Young Prince Dark Choco’s character: Young Prince Dark Choco wants to be a hero like his own father because he wants his father’s approval.
In Chapter 14. Dark Choco and Dark Cacao have a very heated conversation right before they try to kill each other. In this conversation, Dark Choco talks about the grievances he’s held against his father over the many years since he was banished. One of the grievances that he mentions is about how he wishes his father cared about him more.
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(Note: There’s been issues with the ENG dub for Ch 13 and 14 where the localization makes Dark Choco come off as harsher and more insensitive (so to speak) even if it’s not accurate to the original text.
For the first screenshot, a more accurate translation would be “Ever since I was little, you didn’t give me anything sweet and treated me harshly. We were not even close as father and son like other people.”
Second screenshot is fine.)
This is later acknowledged by Dark Cacao himself as who says after they finish their heated conversation, fight, and finish their sword fight with Dark Cacao defeating Dark Choco: “It is clear as day now… My life’s greatest regret is that I never gave you enough… love”. (And this acknowledgment and really the confrontations leading up to the acknowledgment is the key to Dark Choco finally being able to break away from the sword, but that’s an analysis for another day).
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There’s also these illustrations from the art book that stand out to me in this regard (and also makes me depressed). The first illustration showcases young Dark Choco walking behind his father and in his shadow. It actually gets redrawn in a different perspective in the collage of Dark Choco’s childhood I showed earlier, where it adds the detail of young Dark Choco tugging at Dark Cacao’s cloak. In the second illustration, Dark Choco is holding onto the Strawberry Jam sword and staring down at Dark Cacao, who is seated and bent over.
The thing that stays consistent is that Dark Cacao’s back is turned towards him, and I think this represents both this distance in their relationship and Dark Choco’s inability to ever connect with Dark Cacao very well.
I think the combination of his accomplishments during this part of his life and his desire to be closer to his father and gain his approval causes Dark Choco to start both overestimating his abilities and coming to the wrong conclusions. And I don’t necessarily mean this as “Dark Choco became arrogant” because even Dark Cacao says it himself: “What a bright and responsible child he was… Kind, humble…”
But I do believe the reason Young Prince Dark Choco’s costume lines in CROB and the monologue Dark Choco gives after he decides to quit working for Dark Enchantress talks about power and how he was looking for it is because Young Prince Dark Choco wrongly assumed that the kingdom’s problems were a result of not having enough power and then concluded that he could solve those issues if he found a way to become more powerful.
And with what I talked about earlier about how Dark Cacao most likely considers the Licorice Monsters a serious threat that can’t instead just be simply dealt and done with, there’s a chance that Dark Choco not only overestimates his own abilities but also underestimates how powerful and dangerous the Licorice Monsters are because he’s likely never had any firsthand experience with them in his lifetime unlike Dark Cacao.
And my guess is that Dark Cacao noticed this and tried to advise Dark Choco against this conclusion, and that’s what at the root of the first flashback between Young Prince Dark Choco and Dark Cacao.
3) Defiance
Unfortunately, the last two sections I’ve just talked about ends up leading to what we know ends up happening to Dark Choco. He does not listen to Dark Cacao. He finds the Strawberry Jam Sword, believing that it’ll give him the power he needs to solve his problems. Instead he falls prey to what the sword whispers to him, and this results in slashing his father in the chest. This results in Dark Cacao banishing Dark Choco from entering the Dark Cacao Kingdom.
TDLR for this section: The difference in the years of experience between Dark Choco and Dark Cacao causes a major clash between them on how to tackle the Dark Cacao Kingdom’s current issues. Out of both an earnest desire to help the Kingdom he grew up in and the people he grew up with and cares about and a desire to gain his father’s approval by striving to be the type of hero his father is, Dark Choco looks for the Strawberry Sword and falls victim to its powers, which heavily damages the relationship between father and son all the way until Chapter 14 of CRK.
You’ve probably reached this part still absorbing a bunch of information and speculation I’ve thrown at you. Unfortunately, I still have to talk about Milk so yes the post somehow still isn’t over. Luckily or unluckily (depending on how you interpret it), there’s a lot less stuff I can really say about his age, and there won’t be a very extensive character analysis like there is with Dark Choco because Milk Cookie does not have nearly the amount of lore or dedicated writing as Dark Choco does.
Milk in the Dark Mode flashbacks in CRK is referred to as 우유 일족의 어린 쿠키 which translates to Young Cookie of the Milk Tribe. As you can see, the word 어리다 is used to refer to Milk, indicating that Milk Cookie was definitely a child. He’s nowhere close to being an adult.
Unlike with Dark Choco, there really aren’t any other details in his backstory that really suggest a certain age range. The most prominent characteristics about Milk Cookie is that he is strongly attached to his beliefs, and within those beliefs is the belief that Dark Choco is an infallible hero that stems from what happened in the past. The root of that belief is admiration, and admiration… isn’t an age-specific trait. You can look up to many types of people and have role models at any point of your life.
I think really the one thing that does get indicated is that Milk is undeniably younger than Dark Choco.
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The first image is the concept art for Milk Cookie that was released around Milk Cookie’s release (I assume. I didn’t see this until 2-3 years later). The second image is from the background of Milk’s doctor costume’s gacha art in CROB.
I think that stands out to me the most is that after staring at it, both of these share a pretty similar height gap between them. However, the second photo makes both of them seem taller especially Milk because of Dark Choco’s legs, which are almost half of his body, gets cut off by the photo. The first image also makes Dark Choco seem a lot bigger because of how it’s sketched out (the shoulder pads and cloak end up making Dark Choco look a lot bigger than he actually is in general LOL).
If you asked me to try to gauge the age gap between these two photos, the only thing I’d tell you really is that there’s no way it’s a 10-15 year age gap; height gap is way too short for that. But I can’t tell you a definitive guess because I’m going to be honest: Cookie Run does not do a great job telling you the ages of characters and just leaves it up to the reader to interpret themselves. There’s not really a standard for what a teenager looks like in Cookie Run, and I feel like that’s the reason why people in this fandom really sort characters into either children or adults. It’s because of this that I also think that nobody in the fandom really knows how to determine that themselves, or else I wouldn’t have written a whole analysis on why I think it’s actually reasonable to see Dark Choco as a teenager in this post. (And there’s also a few other characters that have also gone through age discourse but I don’t want to even touch that right now at all LOL).
(Edit at 12:22 pm because I feel like I need to add this: It’s not the fandom’s fault for not being able to determine ages. It’s solely on Devsisters alone because if the writers aren’t clear, then it’s much harder for the fandom to agree upon anything.)
I also think that realistically you can’t really… come up with an infallible standard for how tall a person is supposed to be at a certain age because people grow up differently depending on multiple factors. People of the same age group aren’t all the same height or weight in real life.
And it’s even more difficult to tell literally anything if the writers refuse to actually confirm anything clearly and instead use vague descriptive terms.
That being said, I can’t actually point at you and say you’re wrong because of what age gap you give to Milk and Dark Choco because as I said in the beginning of this post, I don’t know anything. I also think it does go both ways though, and less people should stop acting like their interpretation has been completely canonized.
But at the end of the day, we’ll keep reading the same stories from the same franchise and interpret how we want to. I HC DarkMilk with a two year age gap. You don’t have to agree (and I bet a lot of people don’t LOL). And that’s okay.
If you ask me whether I’ll make another post talking about this topic, the answer is an absolute resounding no because I think this is the most in-depth I could possibly be about this topic to the point this is definitely my longest post ever. I don’t think there is anything else I can say.
If you liked this analysis, you don’t need to do anything. If you’re extremely tired from reading this, this is the most understandable reaction to this post, and I hope you have a good day.
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The Lost Golden City: Part 2 - Patch Notes
Text is copy/pasted from the posts in the official CRK Discord Server’s patch notes channel. Pictures posted here are from that same channel and server. GIFs are replaced with still screenshots. My personal annotations will use Tumblr’s indented format.
October 19 Update Notice
Greetings from the Kingdom team!
Let’s take a look at the list of new features that have arrived with the October 19 update.
​Some portions of this update’s content may change before its release. The finalized changes will be available in the patch notes once the update is complete.
The update schedule may change depending on various factors. We’ll let you know the exact schedule in a separate notice.
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- New Episode 18, Goddess of Eternal Gold, is available in World Exploration (Story/Dark).
- Venture into the magical paradise of riches and abundance, the Golden City, with GingerBrave and his companions.
- Explore the new episode on the Bear Jelly Balloon after you clear all its Story Mode stages.
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- This curious little mummy was out of place in the perfect golden paradise. Now, we welcome Fettuccine Cookie in the Cookie Kingdom!
- Fettuccine Cookie is a Defense Cookie who uses the skill “Unstable Fettuccine.”
- Skill description: Fettuccine Cookie taunts enemies and smacks them down with her giant fettuccine arms, dealing DMG, making the enemies prone to Earth-type DMG and reducing their ATK. Next, she restores her HP and gains a Fettuccine Wraps buff. This slightly confused Cookie's Unstable Aura reduces enemies' ATK within its range and restores the team's HP after a given number of enemies within said range are defeated. The more Fettuccine Cookie's Max HP is reduced, the more her DMG Resist increases. Once per battle, after being defeated, Fettuccine Cookie becomes Immortal and decreases enemies' ATK SPD with her Unstable Aura at the expense of her own ATK SPD for the duration of her Immortal state. While Fettuccine Cookie is using her skill, she will become resistant to interrupting effects.
To clear any pronoun confusion in case none have appeared for Fettuccine Cookie in Episode 17 or prior to this launch, “her” was just used in this skill description.
As for her skill, she damages an area and makes them weak to Earth damage, then she heals herself and gives herself the Fettuccine Wraps buff. Unknown whether Unstable Aura is part of this or if it’s passive, but it weakens nearby enemies’ ATK and allows Fettuccine to heal everyone after defeating enough enemies in this aura. Known general resistance to interrupts during use.
DMG Resist scaling with lowered Max HP is most definitely passive and probably doubles as a way to counter injuries in later World Exploration stages. Could also be used to defend against Injury in Arena.
Her immortal state is most likely inspired by Capsaicin’s similar immortal effect, but she slows attackers’ (and her own) ATK SPD down immensely for a while.
- Fettuccine Cookie will also be able to equip Radiant Cheese Toppings and added to the Hall of Encounter.
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- You can now create a Magic Candy for Black Raisin Cookie.
- Magic Candy effect: Upon using her skill, Black Raisin Cookie will deal more area damage hits. Additionally, while the skill is active, Black Raisin Cookie's CRIT DMG will increase, and she will deal greater area damage after scoring a critical hit.
Considering the state of the game as of now, her Magic Candy would fit Black Raisin Cookie into a raw/CRIT-dependent attacker without having any status effects that she casts herself. Effective at dodging attacks and attacking bunched groups, not so much if they need to be weakened with debuffs first. Whether this influences players to consider Radiant Cheese Apple Jelly Radiant Toppings for her is another question to be answered.
- A new Season 2 of Error Busters will begin with the new update.
- Pesky errors! Time to gather in the Golden Cheese Mines and bust them out!
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- Get ready to meet a whole new roster of Cookies participating in the new season.
- Tactics intensifies! Enjoy the adjustments to the Bug Fix Effects:
· Shield Capacity +10% > +20%
· Healing +10% > +20%
· Periodic DMG (Poison/Burning/Vampiric Bite/Zap) +15% > +40%
· DMG Resist +6% > +12%
· And more!
- Join the Anti-error Crew, explore the mysterious Golden Cheese Kingdom, and rid it of the error-bringing monsters!
- Help multiply the Golden Cheese Kingdom’s riches by trading goods and earn Golden Cheese Cookie’s radiant blessings!
· Trade goods to earn Trade Points that can be exchanged to Golden Cheese Cookie’s Soulstones, Light of Abundance, or Coffer Points to earn special titles or Golden Cheese Cookie herself.
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- Trade goods to earn Trade Points to go up in the Ranking and claim Golden Cheese Cookie’s Soulstones and Light of Abundance as a reward.
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- Manage your Kingdom to earn Coffer Points and open the Bottomless Coffer filled with precious gifts.
- There is a certain chance to open an Abundant Bottomless Coffer to meet Golden Cheese Cookie and other valuables.
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- Enjoy the increased chances of pulling Clotted Cream Cookie, Burnt Cheese Cookie, Fettuccine Cookie, Black Raisin Cookie, and the two extra Cookies of your choice.
These two “extra” slots are for Epic Cookies only, but you can choose between any of them if they’re not already here.
- Use Lucky Cookie Tickets: Golden City to perform Chance Up Cookie Gacha pulls.
- Meet a guaranteed Clotted Cream Cookie per each x250 pulls.
Just as Stardust Cookie and Hollyberry Cookie were previously featured in similar banners for past updates as premium high-rarity Cookies to meet through luck or a pity drop, Clotted Cream Cookie follows suit. Other rules and event-linked methods to get tickets for this gacha generally remain the same.
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- You will be able to see the amounts of items in the thousands and use the vertical scroll bar.
- Instantly complete the entire production queue and browse item information by long-touching the icons.
- Added new options for the Produce All function and adjusted its logic.
- Added Golden Cheese Cookie’s personal decor and two new kinds of tiles to the Land of Gold & Abundance theme: Pavilion of the Sun Goddess, Road to Eternity (Horizontal), and Road to Eternity (Vertical).
No actual costumes for Cookies. They might rebound elsewhere though because Halloween is coming in 2 weeks, but this is pure speculation.
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- New albums: Legend of Tearcrown and Crashing Ice Waves.
- Added 15 new slots to the Sky Garden.
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dinosizedmintz · 8 months
your feeling is right - CRK is essentially an incremental game (a la cookie clicker) with gacha mechanics. The PvE balance in CRK has been full of difficulty spikes (7-25 nightmare librarian, 11-23 wizard/strawberry, 11-27 raspberry, 14-10 yeti boss, dark mode ch. 14 being impossible to complete at launch)
omg, wasn't playing when dark mode ch. 14 was impossible, but do remember hearing about it
looking back, the only time i really had fun playing the game was during the BTS event when I was mad about ovenbreak's 6 anni (that's a whole separate topic holy shit). I actually really liked it and, even tho scores were tied to how many BTS members you had, it certainly felt more like a game than base kingdom haha
It also didn't help that the game does not feel that competitive. Like,, there is a PvP mode, but you have no control over anything- you just need more meta/stronger cookies. I think it's obvious in both games your score is tied to your cookies for the most part, but when you get to the higher level play in ovenbreak, you also start to factor in skill- which as a long time player I really enjoy. Kingdom, sadly, doesn't have that from my experience and I feel like that makes the more predatory gacha practices stand out
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abyssalblue · 1 year
THEM<33 team baddie all the way
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First time posting them in this style<3
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sharky-the-idiot · 20 days
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He's having a great time being my most powerful cookie... >:D
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atomi-cat · 1 year
I saw 2 of your CRK asks and I wanna ask this,
When did u start playing CRK and what's your team when playing story mode and kingdom arena? And who's your most powerful cookie right now?
I started playing CRK right around when the event for Twizzy Gummy and Mala Sauce cookie was about to begin-around late Sept to Early Oct I think? (side note I really hope there's another Halloween event next year I feel robbed :'V)
My current team for Story Mode is Wildberry, Dark Cacao, Caramel Arrow, Eclair, and Pure Vanilla, though I'll swap a cookie out every now and then depending on what mode for story mode I'm playing through (still haven't found a team that can survive Master mode XD;) As for my most powerful cookie.... Squib
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(powerlevel-wise anyways. Meanwhile Wildberry continues to be a beast in the arena XD)
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tvccreator · 5 months
Cookie Run Kingdom - My Top 10 Favorite Cookies (Based on Personal Preference, Not Necessarily How Good They Are)
Did I ever mention I play Cookie Run: Kingdom? No?
Too bad, I'm gonna talk about it now.
(You know the deal: it's gonna be a long thread, so continued under the cut. If you wanna be my friend on CRK, you'll have to be in the Hollyberry server and look for the name BlueElysiumFalls. My icon is Linzer Cookie, the title is "Agatha Crispie" - I had to - and I'm in a guild titled "DiscordPals". Let me know if you friend me!)
In Cookie Run Kingdom, I'm currently... eh, decently through the game? I'm on 14-7 for the Story Mode, 9-21 on Dark Mode, and apparently I have 64 of the Tropic Soda Islands unlocked. Not too shabby, if I do say so myself. :)
For this post, I'm just going to gush about my favorite cookies and the ones I typically use in my battles. The ones towards the top are the cookies I've used in battle before and enjoy using, while the ones near the bottom are just cookies I really enjoy and might not even use.
As a note, I don't buy anything from Free to Play games, so all of this is with gacha luck and assorted in-game currency. Sounds good?
Okay, my top 10 favorite cookies!
Number 10: White Lily Cookie (NPC - Ancient; Unknown Type)
I'm sort of cheating with this one since she's not even playable yet, but by God, I really love White Lily. She's very quiet, her background with Pure Vanilla Cookie is adorably sad, and I just really enjoy her as a character. She goes through some shit - no spoilers, just in case - but I love her as a character and hope one day I'll be able to have her as a part of my team. I'm guessing that she's either going to be a Support hero to compliment Pure Vanilla's Healing type, or she's going to be a Magic hero because she relies heavily on magic to attack. I don't know for sure, though.
Number 9: Linzer Cookie (Epic; Support Type)
I absolutely love Linzer Cookie (despite her only having just been released not even a month ago) and it's mostly due to the Mystery on the Orient Express-esque event that went on over the holiday. My family has quite a few Agatha Christie fans, and having a cookie that was basically Agatha Christie combined with Hercule Poirot was an amazing choice on the developers' part. I also really like her interactions with Crème Brûlée Cookie. They're very cute together.
Number 8: Caramel Arrow Cookie (Epic; Ranged Type)
As mentioned above, I'm only a few levels into Chapter 14 of the main story, but Caramel Arrow quickly became one of my favorite cookies. Her story is rather sad, but she clearly only wants what's best for her kingdom and is truly loyal to Dark Cacao. I really enjoy that about her character, and I hope she gets a happy ending when Chapter 14 ends.
Number 7: Red Velvet Cookie (Epic; Charge Type)
I mostly love Red Velvet for his role in the Tower of Sweet Chaos storyline. I love how devoted he is to the Cake Hounds, and he is honestly a very caring individual despite his alliances. I just recently bought the decor "Forgotten Piece of Cake," and when Red Velvet interacts with it, you get to see him feeding his Cake Hounds and having some pretty adorable interactions with them. I really enjoy watching his softer side come out with the Cake Hounds.
Number 6: Frost Queen Cookie (Legendary; Magic Type)
Now we're getting into the cookies I use a lot on my teams, starting with the ice queen herself! Frost Queen is extremely tanky, especially with her Crystal Jam active, and it's honestly nice to have her fight on my team if the game allows it (*cough cough* Tower of Sweet Chaos *cough*). With Frosted Toppings, she gets some pretty nice boosts to anything (I recommend either the chocolate toppings or the raspberries - I have a combo of both and they make her quick to attack and a heavy hitter) and she can wipe out individual waves pretty easily in the earlier levels. Also, Cristina Vee just nails the voice acting for her. She's also my second-strongest fighter, so I have a bit of bias.
Number 5: Golden Cheese Cookie (Ancient; Ranged Type)
I don't know how I have gotten four copies of this cookie just with cookie cutters and crystals, but here I am. Golden Cheese is extremely tanky, as well, and hits like a truck if you can keep her alive long enough. She's at 2 stars right now (I actually got my fourth copy of her right as I was typing this list) and has her Ever-Radiant Goddess skin equipped (which I also somehow managed to snag pretty early on from the costume gacha), so she looks like a queen and acts it, too.
Number 4: Pitaya Dragon Cookie (Dragon; Charge Type)
My heaviest hitter, and for good reason! When I was going through the winter gacha trying to get Sherbet Cookie, I ended up getting this guy, and he's been on my team ever since! With five maxed-out Draconic Raspberries, he's really good at taking damage while also returning the favor. I just got him to 1-star and leveled him up to level 60 today (January 13), and I'm glad I did because boy howdy, Chapter 14 is a tough chapter if you're not prepared (which I am very much not). I love his voice, as well - Andrew Morgado did a wonderful job with the voice acting for Pitaya Dragon!
Number 3: Fettuccini Cookie (Epic; Defense Type)
I had taken a long break from Cookie Run: Kingdom, but when I came back, it was right in the middle of the Lost Golden City event, and Fettuccini almost immediately joined my team. She's a very adorable little mummy cookie but hits really hard and takes damage like a champ. I'm not using her on my team at the moment - she was swapped out for Dark Cacao - but if I can get her up to a high-enough level, I'm definitely bringing her back.
Number 2: Cotton Cookie (Epic; Support Type)
My first-ever 5-star cookie! When I first played Cookie Run Kingdom, I worked extremely hard to get Cotton Cookie up to 5 stars, and now she's back for my most recent playthrough! While she's not as strong as Pitaya Dragon or Frost Queen, I really enjoy her healing ability and her little sheep minions. Her backstory is really sad, especially when combined with the winter event that introduced Icicle Yeti Cookie, but I love her all the same.
And my number 1 favorite cookie is... Licorice Cookie (Epic; Magic Type)!!!
Yeah, that's probably not a surprise for people who know me, but I just really enjoy Licorice Cookie. I love everything about Licorice Cookie - his patchwork robes, his scythe, his little licorice minions, his voice (Cameron Bowen is amazing), his personality - he's just a great character overall to me! His friendships with Poison Mushroom, Choco Werehound Brute, and BatCat are also really adorable, too, and his disdain for Pomegranate Cookie is all too relatable for me (massive props to the voice actress Victoria Grace for making me despise Pomegranate Cookie and for giving her really "good" chemistry with Dark Choco, Licorice, Poison 'Shroom, Red Velvet, and Dark Enchantress Cookie.)
Hope you guys enjoyed my little countdown!
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chocochococoffee · 1 year
wow they finally died
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in automatic at least. then i managed the team, survived, then kept going in auto for at least six levels more until i got out of stamina
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beepborpdoodledorp · 2 years
guild update first impressions
It’s bad.
It really, really pains me to say this considering I had shit on the Lvl 70 raise, Ascension, and the Disney update, and I seriously don’t want to keep continuously shitting on new updates, but I’d honestly say this one actually has the biggest problems out of all of them. 
I’m in a really inactive Guild, it’s the same one I’ve been in ever since I started playing. I’m essentially the only person who consistently tributes to it, with one other person sometimes popping up to help me clear off a chunk of the Guild Boss’s HP. I don’t think the Guild Officer has logged in for like 90-something days - the Leader’s better with log-ins, but I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen them contribute to the Guild Battle or the Museum. Point is, I’m basically carrying my entire Guild on my back, which was very doable not even 72 hours ago when the only Guild Boss was the dragon.
Problem #1: The drastic level curve. The new Red Velvet Dragon’s Lvl 1 variant is equivalent to its old late-20′s Lvls. That’s insane. Its late-20′s Lvls are usually the point where my Guild stops, and I’m still typically able to solo them, but this just means we need to put in more effort for less rewards. And it doesn’t help that we can basically only do 1/3 of the new bosses. Speaking of:
Problem #2: Who at Devsisters thought it was a good idea to add two extra Guild Bosses? When I saw the trailer, I thought it was a neat concept, but in actual gameplay it drags the entire mode down immensely. I can’t even solo the Lvl 1 variant of the Living Abyss, which is really bad when you’re basically one of the only people who actually decently contributes to Guild Battles in your Guild. And the goddamn Avatar of Destiny? Do I even need to start of that? It one-shot my entire party within ten seconds and I only managed to knock off five percent of its HP in one attempt. That’s just ludicrous.
Problem #3: This update was obviously geared towards Guilds that are high on the leaderboard. The problem is that only like 10% of the millions upon millions of people who play this game are in those top percentage Guilds. For the vast majority of the playerbase who are in relatively laid-back Guilds, this update is a nightmare. And, for some of my own context, just as an individual player - I’m not exactly F2P. I always buy the Season Passes, I’ll occasionally get some packages if they offer a good deal - though I’m not a whale, either, I use the shop very sparingly. I’ve been playing this game for about ten-ish months now, have about 15 or so Cookies maxed out (sans Ascension), have 100% completed Story Mode and well on the way to do so for Dark Mode. I’m very well off in this game, and these bosses are still a frustrating downgrade at best and near impossible at worst. And, unfortunately, ever since Chapter 2 of Cookie Odyssey came out, that’s been a theme - the battles in Cookie Odyssey gave us really stupid restrictions literally just after the Lvl 70 update, which resulted in me still having not beaten the Chapter yet. Then we have Master Mode, which for some reason decided to use the extremely poorly received restrictions from Odyssey, and that gave us people needing to look up guides on how to beat bloody 1-1. And now, there’s the Guild Update.
With all that being said, I still think CRK is a good game. In fact, it’s a great game. I’ve said it a million times, I adore CRK - I adore the characters, the mechanics, the story, how Devsisters managed to steer clear from a lot of pitfalls the gacha genre has that gives it such a (pretty rightfully deserved) miserable reputation. 
But it is pretty obvious Devsisters is hitting a slump right now. 
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I realized something while revisiting the darkmilk portrait conversation in Ch 14 and realizing something in context with this latest CRK update. I guess it’s also an addition to the first analysis post I made about the conversation which I’m linking here:
New analysis will be under the read more, since it’s going to be long probably due to screenshots:
When I originally found out the Ch 14 conversation existed, I went in with expectations (prepared for the worst) and came out… honestly surprised. I think me and lots of people were very convinced that Dark Choco would have a negative reaction to how Milk sees DC. I think the root of that was the flashback sequence in dark mode, when pomegranate forcibly brought up Dark Choco’s past where a lot of their trauma stems from. They reacts to what Milk says out of guilt, regret and shame of his actions and current self.
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All of these feelings are buried inside of him. They’re finally addressed along with additional conflicted feelings of how he grew up and his relationship to his father when the Cookies of Darkness try to take over the Dark Cacao Kingdom. Dark Choco is able to finally confront how he feels. His grievances, the bitterness of things that could never be, and most importantly, how he still does love Dark Cacao. He cares about his father, no matter how much they hurt each other, and the kingdom.
It’s all of this that leads to Dark Choco breaking away from the Cookies of Darkness. However, he chooses not to join our protag group but instead to venture off on his own. This is because atm, he has finally been given some closure, and now he can finally begin to heal. To begin to move forward and heal, you have to accept your own mistakes and forgive yourself. Dark Choco *especially* because it really felt like he convinced himself that he was doomed to be a villain and unhappy because of his own actions. Cut to the latest update.
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They’re away from the influence of the sword. They’re able to reflect on everything’s that happened up until this point more clearly. They can do this at his own pace. They say he hasn’t known the last time he’s felt peace. They are beginning to heal.
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When we get to this Easter egg conversation, I think it starts to click for me why he doesn’t have the same reaction to Milk compared to the dark mode flashback. It’s much farther into the future where perhaps Dark Choco has been able to make peace with his past.
And this is where the post ends because I actually put this on twitter first where I did NOT post the original analysis there LOL so I put a link at the end of the thread
But yeah if you haven’t read the original analysis of this conversation (linked above), you should read that after you finish reading this.
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